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The friend, well, aquaintence, who set this whole thing up is allowing me to pace a little, so that blood keeps flowing and i don't have problems with my knees locking up. She will not let me sit down, however, Your instructions were that i be unmarked or You would not buy.

What i will be sold for i do not know, You refused to do any negotiation till You'd seen the merchandise. i am naked, of course. Long black hair half to my waist, 5'9", 150lbs, broad shoulders, generous hips, all muscle and bone. Other than my generous tits i have almost no fat on me. i have spent the last three months working out hard to make sure that was the case.

i pace slowly, nervous yet feeling relieved. The day is finally here, and i will be bought or not. C has checked You out, assured me You are what i need, a man who will own me utterly.

A knock at the door and i hurry to the middle of the room. i stand on a hard wood floor, facing the wall, feet shoulder width apart, hands hanging at my sides. Eight feet to the left of the spot my gaze is fixed upon is the door to C's apartment. To the left of that is a carpeted living room with a couch and TV.

C is a shapely girl in her own right. She is a little smaller than me, a touch shorter too, and not as athletic in build. I know She would rather own me than sell me, but She and i both know i need a man's abuse. She wears a skin-tight, single piece miniskirt and strapless top combination, buttoned up the back. i know how tight it is, She made me help her into it...in order to help me get down into subspace. (or so she said)

C saunters to the door, opens it, and i see you for the first time. You are everything i could hope for physically. Height, build, obviously enough muscle to manhandle me any time You wish. C wraps her arms around You and pulls your head down, kisses you thoroughly.

You come in and C looks at me, my eyes meet hers, and her lips go thin with anger. i try not to blush as i jerk my eyes back to their appointed place on the wall. i can still see, however, out of the corner of my eye, that You have not noticed my early lapse.

You finally look at me, but only briefly, and turn to speak to C, "So, that is it? What you want me to purchase? That hopeless thing?" There is a touch of scorn in Your voice, but not much.

C's smile shines clear in her voice, "Oh, come now, dearie, it may not be flawless, but should be worth *something* to you. Now, enough of that for the moment. I..."

With that she steers You to the couch, and pours both of you a glass of the scotch she had prepared. The two of you sit and chat about little things, laugh, tell jokes, all as if i were not standing less than fifteen feet from you. i want to cry to have You inspect me, even reject me, but not ignore me.

After an eternity, and at least one refill, i finally hear your glass hit the table, "Well, as much fun as this is, there is company coming to my place this evening, and I would like to get a good inspection of your merchandise. No, don't start that, darlin'. We'll start dickering over price after the inspection."

i could hear You take the few steps across the hardwood floor, could hear C settle onto the arm rest of the couch to watch. My imagination put the glass of scotch still in her hand. i had been surprised that She had not fucked me 2 days ago, when i knelt before her and submitted. She wanted it, i know she did, has wanted it since W/we met. She explained, however, that i wasn't really her property, since She had no option to keep me, and She did not like to fuck something that belonged to someone else without permission from its owner. i could tell she'd been sorely tempted, though.

You start with the traditional slow walk around me, eyes raking up and down my body, a look of quiet contemplation on Your face. my eyes stay focused on the wall in front of me, i have not been given permission to see my prospective Owner. You come out from behind me and i can see, out of the corner of your eye, a compentaplative look on Your lovely face as you speak, "You want me to actually give you something for this? Really? I should be asking you to pay me to take it."

C laughs briefly, "I know, honey, I know. But, you wanted something on a rather tight timetable, and this is the best I could come up with. As sad as that hunk of meat is, I doubt you'll be able to find better soon.

You shake Your head, and bring Your hand up to my face. No kindness in the gesture, it is obviously a test of the softness of my skin. Your touch blossoms through me, and i lose myself in it for a moment, my eyes dart to Yours. i manage to save myself from meeting Your eyes, and move them to Your chin.

Your hand moves swiftly, and You backhand me across the face: not hard, just enough to feel the impact, your voice is soft, the tone more casual than correction as you order

"eyes front".

i blush deeply, down at least to my now painfully firm nipples. The casualness of the slap and the reproof far more embarrassing than anything else could have been. C giggles slightly and my minds eye imagines a sadistic little grin and her leg bouncing slightly on the edge of the couch. i can feel moisture collect at my sex.

Her giggle deepens the blush, and it goes down to my navel. You speak again, "well, at least it has an amusing blush response." my left nipple is then between your fingers, and twisted more than all the way around. i gasp briefly, but manage to keep eyes front and body still. "Hmm. that's acceptable I guess. Responds to the pain, but has the discipline to keep itself still."

You pinch tighter, Your hands...those wonderful hands...are like a vice. The pain becomes overwhelming, my whole being focused on that one point of my body. i concentrate on staying still for You. i breath in gasps, a tear rolls down my cheek. You suddenly release my nipple and i gasp again, but stay still. "It can take correction, at least, even if it is too stupid not to eyeball a prospective buyer without permission."

C answers You, "This one came without any assurance of training, luv. It is willing, but you will have to teach it. I know you'd rather have something fully trained, but, like I said, such things are hard to find."

You nod, then shake Your head. "At least it can follow instructions enough to shave legs but not pussy. I'm assuming you prepared it properly?"

C answers: "Of course. Finished the enema ten minutes before arrival, and it has been on liquids-only since it got here 2 days ago."

Your hand grabs a fist full of my hair, and suddenly your lips are on mine, your tounge forcing into my mouth. i put all the passion I can into the kiss. You allow this for a moment, then stop moving. i take my cue, and stop as well. Your tounge probes my mouth for a few moments, then You back away.

You harumph softly, then Your hand is on my chin, lifting my head up and to one side, then the other. You lift my head to where I am facing straight up then release. i stand there, staring at the celing for a moment, then your hand strokes, starting at my chin and going down my neck. The touch is soft, but probing. i shiver, and my cunt grows even more moist.

You grab my chin again and bring my head down. i am careful to focus my eyes back on the wall. Your thumb pulls the lip up on one side of my mouth, then down, then repeated for the other side. "Her teeth are good, at least there is that."

C answers: "There is a bridge on the top, one of the canines, but it should be fine."

You harumph, push one nostril closed for a moment, then the other. Then comes that same casual tone, "wrists". I stand in confusion for a moment, and you move like a viper. One hand delivers another almost-stinging casual backhand across my face, the other locks my arm in a vice-like grip, with fingernails digging into my flesh as you pull my that arm up to examine my hand and wrist. "she has bones, at least. I hate having to worry about breaking one of these things, takes some of the amusement out."

You drop that hand and i let it fall, then you speak again, "other wrist" with the same casual tone. I bring the hand up quickly, and you repeat the inspection. Then another word, "elbow". i bring the other elbow up quickly and turn it to you.

"Elbows look a touch dry. not a deal breaker, but I'll expect a little off the price." my blush deepens, i can feel my skin turning flamming colors. It has truly happened and i am no more than a piece of meat to be haggled over. my pussy begins to drip.

You release that hand and say again, "elbow". i bring that one up rapidly. You sniff it this time, run Your finger on it, then drop it. You then grab one of my breasts and lift it slightly, as if testing its weight. They are slightly more than a handful for You, and You have big hands. The kind of hands i love to feel squeezing those breasts until i fear they will pop. You bounce one breast a few times, let it fall, then do the other. i can see you nod quietly.

You move forward, close enough i can hear Your breathing. You reach around me, move my hair out of the way, lean in and take a long smell of the nape of my neck. You move back as you speak. "Well, it smells nice enough at least. Glad you didn't try to scent it or something."

C moves some on the couch before answering. "Of course I didn't dear. I wanted to give you the best I could."

You nod again, and look down at my feet. Your tone goes back to that casual voice, "Knees". I bring one knee up for your inspection as quickly as I can, and for the first time you hit me with force. An audible slapping sound as your hand drives my knee back down. This time there is some irritation in your voice, "I didn't say 'Knee' you stupid cunt, I said 'Knee*S*'" With that you grab a handfull of my pubic hair and pull me sharply downward. The pain spikes up through me, and i am sure you can smell my pussy by now.

You undo your pants, and pull out your penis. i am careful to keep my eyes fixed forward, but can guess that i will enjoy being used on it. i open my mouth for you, but C's voice stops you, "Wow, that is a mighty nice tool you have there! I mean, really. it's huge. I'm not sure I could even get my hand all the way around it. Ohhh...what I'd give for a ride on that thing...."

You chuckle softly, "Well, thank you sweetheart, nice of you to say"

You then grab my hair, but C's voice stops you again, " Now hold on a minute, there. You are getting awfully thorough in that inspection.

No, no, I don't object in principle, of course you need to check the merchandise, but I think I want a bit of a down payment before you do more.

Now don't look at me like that, luv. If you go there and then decide not to buy, I will have to wait even longer to have it viewed again. That, and I want a taste of that juicy tool before that little cunt's slobber is all over it."

my humiliation deepens. my use bought with sexual favors... You chuckle again, "Well, I suppose that is reasonable. You're welcome to take a taste as a down payment." You stand still, and i hear C getting off the couch. Not quickly, but not slowly either. You do not move. She comes into my view, Your rod and her face right in front of mine. She opens her mouth, brings out her tongue, and licks up and down your shaft several times, looking me square in the eyes when she gets the chance and grinning. She then takes you, completly, into her mouth before backing off and standing up.

She licks her lips theatrically then speaks, "Well, tastes as good as it looks, I'd say. Go ahead and test it out as you need."

The words are barely out of her mouth when your rod is abruptly shoved into mine. It feels as big as it looks...and is every bit as tasty as C claimed. my jaw is forced wide by the size of You as i fight my gag reflex. Then Your hand takes a fist full of my hair and You thrust with your hips while pulling on my head. i do my best to massage with my tongue as You hold me all the way down upon you and the back of my throat spasms against the intrusion. You hold me there, the delicious force of Your hand and the pain of pulled hair and the spasming of my throat and the burning of my lungs creating a symphony of sensation that threatens to overwhelm me.

Then You are gone and i can breath again. Your hand remains in my hair, holding me up as i struggle to get air into protesting lungs. i only get a moments respite, though, for you then haul me to my feet. i cry out briefly as i am lifted off the ground by my hair, then quickly get my feet under me. Your hand stays in my hair just long enough to make sure i won't fall, then you let go.

Your eyes are down again when you speak, "Left knee". i bring the requested knee up rapidly, somehow keeping my balance. You inspect the knee, then repeat for the right. Satisfied, you nudge at the inside of one foot, and i move my feet farther apart. You then go down to one knee, and your finger probes for the first time at my pussy.

The touch sends a shiver up my spine, for it came without any warning, then another shiver for it feels different than any time i have ever been touched there. The touch is neither hard nor gentle...it is probing and methodical. You trace my labia, grab and pull slightly on them, then pull hard. The pain makes me gasp and flinch. The slap comes to my breast this time, again the back of your hand, again more perfunctory than anything. "Hold still, cunt." i nod.

i can see you motioning to C out of the corner of my eye as i stare at the wall. She comes over to you and you speak, still poking and prodding my neathers. "Could you get behind her and help her keep balance, please"

C must have nodded, because he moved to one side of me and you to the other. You grab my ankle on your side and lift it sideways., C puts her hands out to keep me steady. Your hands goes to my just above my knee, allowing it to bend so You can push the leg higher. i can feel Your eyes probing my sex. Your fingers, one, then two go in and explore. You move aside the hood of my clit and examine, rub, then push in with a finger nail. The pain makes me shiver and gasp, but i am to well held to move much.

Pain blossoms through me as you bring a finger down, hard, upon my clit, and the world darkens slightly. i nearly cum. You chuckle, "The little bitch is reasonably responsive, I'll give you that". C just giggles.

When You are finished probing my sex you stand and let my leg down and stand in front of me. You make some sort of motion i can't see to C, and she moves behind me, puts her hands under my shoulders, pulls me back slightly while pushing her knee into my ass, which pushes my sex forward obscenely.

You take a small step, put your hands own there again, then you are suddenly all the way inside me. i gasp and my eyes roll back in my head. i get no warning, no build up, just you in there. You are as huge as i had thought when You were in my mouth. You are sunk deep within me, but not moving. i open my eyes and You are staring impassivly at me. "Contract those cunt muscles, bitch. Show me what you can do. Give me a reason to buy."

i do my best, glad for the exercises i had been doing. i squeeze and do everything i can to milk your cock. i begin to try, from my awkward position, to ride you, but that earns another light slap. No words this time, but i know. i had only been told to use cunt muscles.

After a few moments You grunt, then are out of me as suddenly as you were in. Your hand is then behind my neck, pushing me forward and down. i bend over double, and you move behind me to inspect my ass. You run Your finger across my rosebud, probe it slightly as i stare at your feet. Your fingers land hard upon my rosebud, and that bored voice comes again, "eyes front".

i jerk my eyes forward. You continue to probe, then speak, "Well, one of you knows how to clean an ass up, at least. Then a bottle opened, of some sort, and lubbed finger were on my hole. i gasped slightly, You hadn't bothered to warm the lube, not that You would have to for no more than me.

i feel Your thumbs slide just a little way in, then begin to pull apart. i close my eyes, and concentrate everything on relaxing my sphincter. You open me up slowly, it takes a little while but you are finally satisified. It hurts, burns, but i close my eyes and endure. You speak, "Well, you cleaned it out well enough, I'll give you that. Good."

Your hands shift on my ass, i hadn't even realized you'd knelt down. i could feel the pressure as You stood, though...and then moved forward...and then pushed Yourself into my opened hole. i cry out, totally not expecting this invasion. Reflex catches me for the briefest moment, and i try to move away, but stop, You still in me.

For the first time i speak, "This slave apoligizes for reflexivly moving, Sir. Please allow it to correct" You do not answer, just stand there. i slowly back myself up, until i can feel your pants on my ass cheeks, and your wonderful cock deeply invading my ass. i do not like it there, and i know You know that, but You are the -potential- master.

You grab my hair and pull me upright, your cock still in my ass. It is terribly uncomfortable. i gasp, and can't hold still. Your hand is on my throat, not constricting, just holding. Strong hands. Hands capable of holding me down and doing anything they want with me. Intoxicating.

You whisper in my ear, "Now, use those ass muscles, cunt."

i comply, doing everything i can. Again, after a few moments, you seem satisified, and are suddenly out of me. Your hands leave me, and i feel empty, swaying slightly. You come around in front of me again, grab my hair, and move me to where i face your cock. There is a condom on it. "take it off"

my hands tremble slightly, and i am suddenly very glad for that enema. i remove the condom, keep my head bowed.  "Go throw that in the trash, then come back here to kneel while I talk price with the broker."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir!" i move quickly to do as told.

You begin speaking as soon as i start to move, "I hope you don't expect any money for that piece of meet, luv. I mean, I know I gave you short notice, but I am not putting up good money for that."

"So, you are saying you won't take it, or expect it for free? I put a good deal of work into acquiring that, even as little as I found. Maybe we can work out some sort of deal."

By this time i have returned to kneel at Your feet, you speak to me, "close up my pants."

As i move to comply C has a hungry smile on her face, "Wait a second, there. As I said, I have an idea on how we can deal. That is a mighty nice tool you have there. I have been wanting a ride on it ever since you pulled it out.

Tell you what. You give me a good, lengthy ride on that thing, and you can have the slave. I want  to cum at least four times, though."

"Two, I don't know how long you take. You don't get to quit till I've had mine, too, though."

"Three, and you get yours, but I want to drink yours. That pre-cum tasted good, I want to know what the load is like."

You think a moment before responding. "Deal. So is the slave mine now, or after payment is completed?"

C smiles with mischief in her eyes, "I'll allow it on faith. The slave is yours provisionally until you finish payment. Now, are you going to undress me or do I have to do it?"

i swear i can HEAR you smile, "Neither. Slave, undress the nice woman. Slowly. Make sure she enjoys it. I expect your spit on her pussy before you are done."

i don't like women. You both know this, but i don't hesitate. These are the first orders from You as my true Master, and i am not about to err.

i undress C slowly, sensously, kissing and licking all the way down. i get to her sex, it is musky, but clean. My tongue licks it, tangy flavor filling my mouth. You grab my head and shove me forward into her. She moans, and i work my tongue furiously. You let go, and i continue.

She is finally undressed, and i find You are already naked. You lie on your back, and she straddles you. Your eyes meet mine. "Eyes Front".  i snap my eyes forward and stare at the clock.

The two of you go at it hard. i watch minutes pass, one after another. i am so horny i could scream, but i sit still. C definatly gets more than the three that were agreed to. Half an hour passes, i am crying in frustration now. i finally hear you cry out, and glance to see your cock burried in C's face.

She milks you, then sits up. i jerk my eyes back to the clock before being caught. C speaks, "Well, I'd say that is sufficient, hun. You bought yourself a slave."

You chuckle slightly. "Always a pleasure doing business with you. i think i am coming out a bit ahead in the deal, though. A bit too far ahead, really. I'm going to pay a little of what i just got back to you." You snap your fingers, i recognize the command and crawl over as quickly as i can. "Clean the nice lady's pussy and legs up. Don't stop until she cums. "

i get down on hands and knees, crawl over to her. She props herself up on her elbows, opens her legs wide, and grins with a wicked cast to her eye. Sweat beads on her legs.

i balk, but You will have none of it. You grab a fist full of hair and drag my face down to her pussy. The smell of her, mingled with You, overwhelms me. i hate it. i love it. i writhe to get away, yet revel in it as you hold me down.

You speak with that soft command, "tongue out, cunt, lick the nice Lady's pussy clean. That's it." i begin to lick, to clean her, and this time your tone has a touch of approval in it, "Very good, little slave. I believe you should be rewarded." Your hand comes down hard on my ass. Very hard. i jump, startled at the unexpected pain, but your hand in my hair holds me in place.

"Not good, bitch, for you to try to come off your task because you are being rewarded. Now show me you are worth the fucking i just paid for you!"

i go to work on the pussy with renewed vigor, lapping up every piece of juice i can. C has begun to throw her head back and moan. "You have her going now, slave. Keep it up, lets try rewarding you again."

Your hand comes down on my ass again. i jump, but control my body to keep my lips firmly attached to C's. The pain is wonderful, and goes straight to my nipples. They become painfully hard. "Very good, little slave. Now remember, cunts who do well get rewarded." You slap my ass again. And again, and then several more times. The heat makes me so wet. Your hand tightens in my hair, then your other hand comes down directly on my pussy.

i yelp, but stay still. The impact travels up my spine like eroctic electricity and explodes behind my eyes. i go to licking with more vigor, and open my legs for more.

You rub my clit a little, which has become so hard it feels like it could pass for a mini dick, then you hit my pussy again. i moan in pleasure and speak between licks, "More .... Please .... Sir"

You chuckle, "very well" You swat me again. and again, and again, and again. Each time my urgency builds, each time my body wants to explode. "May i cum Sir, please may i cum?"

"You may not, you piece of shit! Don't you dare cum! Not until the nice lady does. You will make her cum so hard she sprays, and you will drink every drop, or you will not come. Now get to it!"

i push into C's pussy, no longer caring about what i am doing. i need to come, need You to tell me to cum, nothing else matters as i flick her clit with my tongue. She begins to moan louder, then to scream. i can feel the first waves of orgasm hit her, and clamp my lips to hers and she gushes forth with female cum. i drink it all, take it all into my mouth.

As soon as she finishes Your mouth is suddenly at my ear, "You did that well, slut, I'm proud of you. You may cum."

Your words unleash a torrent which explodes outward from my pussy and consumes my whole body. i scream, "THANK YOU SIR" as the waves over take me, and i go into multiple orgasams. over and over again, i cum. laying there on the ground letting it wash over me.

The orgasms finally subside. You and C have already dressed, You are wiping off my mouth. "Well done, slave. You played C's pussy like a well-trained whore. You may prove to be worth the ride I gave to pay for you after all. I'm taking you home now."

You pull me to a kneeling position, then lock a collar on me. It is the kind with a small key lock, but the collar is leather. Thick leather, with several D-rings. I hear a rustling sounds then your hand is in my hair again and i am drug a short distance then pushed to the floor. The surface is rough, and you begin to manhandle me.....into a duffle bag.

i realize what it is as You zip it up, closing out the light. i listen to you thank C for her efforts, then You pick the bag up and go. i am tossed into the seat of the car, as casually as one might toss a ball.

You get in the car and start to drive with me, your slave in the back seat. i lay, humiliated, not even worth money to you, paid for by nothing but sex. my pussy....YOUR pussy, drips at the thought.

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Hii frands kese ho?? I hope aap sab tik hi hoge…………………Ye meri pehli story hai is side pe or koi mistke ho jay to maf karna….. Mera nam cooldip hai … Mera email id muje feedback send karna… Me ahmedabad ka rahne vala hoooo. Meri height 5″10 hai aur mera dick size 6″ hai aur2.5″ wide hai agar gujrat me kisi girl bhabhi aunty ko mera massge aur sex karne ki isa ho to muje par email kijie aapki sari bate secret rahegi… Dont worry…. Ab story pe ata hooo Ye bat tab ki hai jab me baroda me...

4 years ago
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The Meeting

Fantasy FullfilledHow did things turn out? You decide ..............choose your endingHer flight had been delayed for hours, causing her to have precious little time to shower, dress and prepare herself for the evening ahead. They had been meeting in a rather unusual way for quite a while now. But every encounter together only increased her desire for him. She had gotten to know him a little more each time they met, and now felt simply at ease with him. He was so easy to be with. He was funny,...

3 years ago
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RegretsChapter 3

First of all, neither Ed nor I ever figured out what pringle wearing Met cunt got the bright idea of sending Anne and Holly right back straight to their own home, the moment after I delivered Holly into the happy arms of the tact-team. The damned DCI, Superintendent or Commissioner responsible needs their bollocks or coonts kicked, repeatedly. If this wasn't quite obvious enough to the bad guys where Anne was, they'd even stationed a constable right outside her front door! Bloody...

3 years ago
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Ein Freund bleibt ber Nacht

Der Abend begann wie andere Nacht, seit mein Mann von seiner Stationierung in Kalifornien zurückgekehrt war. Er war in der Marine und hatte zwei Monate Urlaub, während sich sein Schiff im Trockendock befand. Er war 6 Monate weg gewesen, als ich zu Hause in South Carolina zurückblieb, um mich um die Familie zu kümmern. Ursprünglich hatte ich geplant, mit ihm nach Kalifornien zu ziehen, aber seine Mutter erkrankte an einer unheilbaren Krankheit und jemand musste zurückbleiben und ihr helfen. Ihr...

3 years ago
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Changing Channels Summer Vacation

Changing Channels- Summer Vacation We'd all made plans for a week at a lake house months earlier. It was the summer vacation between junior and senior year in college, and five of us fraternity brothers had a place lined up for the end of June.? We knew the lake was chick and party heaven from other guys that had been there in previous years, so we were good to go.? I'd divvied up the responsibilities; Keith was in charge of food, Bill was in charge of beer, Gus was in charge of the...

3 years ago
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Adventures in a Womans Body Chapter 3 Used by Strangers

I put his softening cock back into his pants as he parked the car. He got out and I crawled up after him. Having been on my knees for so long, my knees were aching and my legs were sore, but at least my feet got a rest from walking in my seven inch black stilettos. “What’s your name, by the way?” I asked him, since I don’t know what to call him by. “Just call me your Daddy, sugarslut.” He chuckled, putting his arm around my ass again and leading me to walk. I was feeling so anxious, scared,...

4 years ago
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My husbands whore

Introduction: I work for my husband I was sitting in my office at work, looking at porn on my computer, when my phone rang, and my husband spoke to me. Miss Smith, would you please bring the champagne in now. Weve just signed the contract. Smith is my maiden name. Immediately I stood up, slipped my short skirt and my little top off, which left me naked except for my high heels. My husband forbids me to wear panties or bras to work. I took a bottle of champagne from a small fridge and placed...

4 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 32

The three of use left that little room. Jenkins was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went back to the front desk. I didn’t know and was simply thankful I didn’t have to worry about him for the moment. The Sergeant led our short procession to the back of the station, followed by Mr. Van Dusen, and then myself. As we walked, I focused on the Sergeant. Anna put a geas on him once. I didn’t want her to do it again. By the time we reached the Sergeant’s office, I had the spell in mind. It wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Project QT

Fresh off the presses with another video game title, Nutaku is proving that they are unbeatable when it comes to interactive sex games. The latest, greatest Nutaku porn game is called Project QT. Recently going cross-platform, this Nutaku title is sure to get your dick wet if you’re a fan of their unique blend of clicking, RPG tactics and growing a harem. You are in for a hell of a treat.Starting Off StrongRight from the game’s official page on Nutaku, you can learn some backstory about this...

Best Porn Games
3 years ago
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The Weekend with the Babysitter Part 2

As she sat there, cooling off from her actions, her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and fell on Scott’s head. Like her, he too had elected to sleep on top of the blankets due to the warmth in the room. As she stared at his cute face, turned to one side away from her, she started to smell something really odd. She though she knew what it could be and slowly lowered a hand down past the waistline of her shorts. Sure enough she could feel the remaining slickness and stickiness of her...

2 years ago
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The Scent of Roast

For Tina de Dance, who provided the inspiration for this story, and kindly fixed its errors in language — any remaining errors are due to my own subsequent editing! It was sheer luck that I received the news at all. But so late! Why did I have to hear of it so late? Catherine was going to burn on Sunday morning. She would burn in Earstham, and to Earstham it was a distance of 40 miles, the last 10 miles across the mountain. And now it was Saturday evening. So late! Too late! Or was...

1 year ago
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Wife first 3 some

So back when I was in 10th grade I was talking to this guy ( Billy) nothing special but we were messing around with. I was babysitting and he brought a friend (Keith) over nice guy good looking really skinny type. Blah blah blah the guy I was talking to started kissing me and i noticed that his friend was rubbing my leg I was just going with it didnt know what to do lol. They both was rubbing my boobs then went down to my pants and started fingering me at the same time both had some in. ...

4 years ago
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Jacksons Journal Entry One

Today was unexpected, I can't believe that what happened actually happened. I had just gotten home from school, my older Brother by one year James had to stay after to make a test up. He's the dumber of the two of us, He's nineteen and failed his senior year. I was quiet when I came home which is why I believe my mom didn't hear me come in. I put my bag and books down on the table and went to grab a drink from the fridge. I heard a noise coming from upstairs. I knew my mom was home so I didn't...

3 years ago
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Unsatisfied Chachi ko Choda Gav Me

Mai ek chote shehar me rehnewala ladka hu directly sotory pe aata hu. Bat un dino ki hai jab mai summer me apne gav jaya kerta tha. To chacha ke yaha bhi jata tha.so kuch dino ke liye mai chacha ke yaha thehra tha. Mere chacha ne do shadiya ki thi aur vo apne dusre biwi ke sath dusre gav me rehthe the. Badi chachi dusre gav me rehti thi. Badi chachi dikhane me ek sudol aurat thi bade boobs. Gadraya badan aur mudmust kerne wali gand. Pehle to mai itna akershit nahi tha. Chacha ke do ladke hai...

2 years ago
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Another Morning Ch 05

It was storming the next morning. I woke to a hard clash of thunder, the vibrations seemed to shake the house and rumble through my body. A hand inched under my shirt, rubbing absently at my bare abdomen. Contentment flowed through me and I closed my eyes again. Last night Kaden did not leave my house. The storm started shortly after our small argument. We were so intent on each other that neither of us noticed until Kaden, in all propriety, reluctantly stated that he should go before it was...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 94

Once the plane was off the ground and headed north, the group relaxed in their seats. Everyone was quiet as they thought about the past three weeks and the changes that had taken place. Joanne hugged her husband's arm, pulling it against her breast. She glanced into his eyes, smiled and then chuckled. "Sam, I love you. Thank you for letting me become the woman I've become. I feel so free right now." "Thank you for letting yourself grow, Jo. I think things are going to be much...

2 years ago
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My humiliation by six strangers

Saturday night and another night of being fucked by complete strangers. This was the fourth straight weekend that Mistress had arranged for her slut to be used.Tonight, it was a party of six business guys up for a good time. As usual Mistress took me to the pub for a late lunch around two. When we returned home, I was told to strip and shower, ready for the evenings show. I reported to my Mistress clad only in leather slave collar and wrist and ankle cuffs. She told me to kneel at her feet,...

1 year ago
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Lindas Short Story

We had been together for nearly 2 years. She was still working at the hotel, but only 3 nights a week, or when I had duty. She enjoyed the "work," and gave her a little extra spending money. She had ALWAYS enjoyed the variety. She loved the chance to have a dick that she had never seen before stuck inside of her. It was one (of many) of the thrills she got from her "job."I had been transferred to a different unit in the battalion, and been assigned the job of Dispatcher. I was on 6 days a week,...

3 years ago
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E061 The ThirtyFourth Pearl

After Emma earns her pearl, Donald asks her if she is hungry, and wants to have dinner? She does hear her stomach rumble a little, she hasn’t eaten since yesterday, and tells him it sounds like a great idea.At the kitchen table, Donald prepares her ass for the plug.  Yes, they do need to keep working at this, but now, he has her press one up in him too.  Together they feel that wonderful rush as they eat.He brings the food to the table, and while they are both plugged, naked, and with Emma’s...

Love Stories
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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Husband Scorned

A husband comes to grips with infidelity and seeks revenge.Bill Trebelov stood frozen and helpless, watching his beloved wife snuggle warmly into the arms of their next door neighbor, Roger. Emily smiled so brightly, she seemed to illuminate from within. She wore a flimsy yellow sundress that left little to the imagination. Her shapely body fit perfectly in Roger's embrace, as if they were two pieces of a puzzle.They were laughing, surrounded by friends and neighbors with familiar, yet...

3 years ago
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Early for the Lesson Pt 1

Alex heard a sharp rap at the door. He had rescheduled with Zoe at the last minute, and she must’ve come early. Not that he minded. Their weekly visits had turned into increasingly filthy fuck sessions, so the extra time would be well spent. Alex got up to let Zoe in, ready to grab her, turn her around and take her right there in the entry way. He opened the door, devilish grin plastered across his face. It wasn’t Zoe. “Hi, I’m Courtney,” a girl standing before him said in a no-nonsense...

Straight Sex
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Bhabhi Ko Fasaya

Ye baat aajse kareeb 10 saal purani he jab me kuwara tha. Hum tin bhai he me sab se chhota hu. Mere bade dono bhai ki shaadi ho chuki he aur mere sab se bade bhai mumbai me rehte he aur me apne dusre no. Ke bhai-bhabhi ke saath rehta ho. Mere bhai (jo ki mere saath rehte he) business me kuchh jyada hi ghul-mile rehte he isi liye vo bahut der se ghar par aaya karte he, tab tak me aur meri chhoti bhabhi jiska name bhavna he ghar par akele hi hote he jab tak mere bhabhi nahi aa jaate. Aur hum dono...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 49

Andy got out of his car and was surprised that no one came out of the house to greet him. The few times he'd arrived at the Riley household someone had greeted him in the driveway – alerted by the fact someone entered the security code, Andy suspected. This time, he walked to the door and rang the bell. It opened almost immediately and a thin, middle-aged Hispanic woman stood in front of him. "Mr. Andy," she said in heavily accented English. "Please come in. Mister and Missus are out...

1 year ago
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Mere bete aur uske doston ne choda2

Tum sabki randi mom fir se tum sab ke liye ek story le kar aayi hai, jinhone meri purani story nhi padi vo pad lo MERE BETE AUR USKE DOSTON NE CHODA. Aaj ye randi tum sab ke liye ek new story le kar aayi hai apni. Is liye sab ladke apna lund hath me le lo aur ladkiya apni chut me ugli daal lo. Ye kahani 26 jan ki hai us din raat ko mere beta apni 4 doston ke sath ghar aaya. sab mujhe dekh kar bahut khush huye raat ka koi 9pm ka time tha or mene gown pehna hua, jo ki sirf meri thighs tak ki...

4 years ago
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Bathroom Hog

Well, one morning, I had to piss really badly. The bathroom door was closed, and the shower was running. I tapped on the door, and opened it a crack. "Andi, I gotta pee," I said through the door. "Well, I'm in the shower," she said. "Then hurry up, I gotta pee!" "Go downstairs to Mom's bathroom," she said. "Yeah, thanks," I said and started to walk away. Andrea finally took pity on me and said, "Well, come on in then and pee, I promise I won't look, if you...

1 year ago
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          Terry           Chapter 1            by roccodadom44           [email protected]     " Jesus I really despise him," Terry thought as she watched her husband ineptly trying to fix her car. She knew he was totally lost and was just pretending that he had any man skills. Terry felt pity for him and this in turned fueled her hate for him, she really felt like going outside, where Dan was trying to get her tire changed, kicking his stupid ass. While she continued to think bad...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 16

“Good morning, sleepy head,” I heard as I opened my eyes and found Sienna and Jeanette standing over my bed. Their smiles worked wonders on my state of mind and I am sure my smile was just as wide. “What ... What happened?” The best thing to do, in my current opinion, was to gather some facts before I make any decisions about what I think happened to me. “Ross, what’s the last thing you remember?” Sienna was looking at me with such devotion. I wanted one of her hugs so badly. “We were in...

1 year ago
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You Never Know

Chapter 1 My wife Karen and I were going through a phase of swinging, when an incredible chance occurred which led to some great sexy fun. This is how it came about; my thirty six year old wife had booked an invite ticket to a swinger's soiree and only told me about it the evening before the event. When I got home she was sat in her usual satin Basque and stockings flashing her 38B tits as she seemed to constantly shiver, her black hair contrasting deeply with the bright red Basque and her...

2 years ago
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Learning Out of School

NOT MY WORK A found tale which have edited and hopefully improved. One of my best friends was a girl named Kim. She’s of unusual parentage being half Iraqi, her dad and half Vietnamese, her mother. She and I had been in the same year since she moved into the area. We had often been seated in class together because of the alphabetizing of our names, and therefore were often project partners. One year we had a particularly complicated science project to accomplish and we decided it would be...

3 years ago
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Paisa Vasool

Hi This is discrete male. I have just returned to India from a trip to middle east. I wish to narrate this real life incident to you all as I am mostly aroused by just the very thoughts of this I keep on travelling and happen to get in touch with women of all nationalities. Middle east is haunted by Phillippinos , Indonesians and yes our own desi mallus. Last week i travelled out of India into Saudi Arabia. I had a stop over into Bahrain and a connecting flight into dammam. Everyone says this...

1 year ago
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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 3 22

My fourth day in DC, Thursday. Wednesday had been devoted to tearing down a lot of what I’d worked a lifetime to build up. Including some considerable amount of self-esteem. I felt an odd detachment looking into the mirror. A strange sensation for me. Matt understood that I was displeased. And he was certainly sensitive enough not to tease me about my temporary appearance. I tried for bright, “So what’s today’s agenda?” “Contact lenses. Ever wear them?” “No. Well, a couple of times....

3 years ago
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Premium Access

While the entire school waited for the bell to ring for the final time in the semester, I looked forward to beginning my summer break by getting home and checking out my favorite porn website. I now had full access to it thanks to my best friend, Porter, sharing his premium account with me. I still wasn’t sure how he had managed to fool his parents into accepting the monthly payment, but I sure was happy that we now had unlimited access to the hottest videos of amateur moms on the internet.The...

3 years ago
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Healing HandsChapter 10

With the psycho doctor gone, and the young man’s condition stable, I knew I had to get out of there before I passed out. I headed down to the ground floor and out of the hospital, to the car where Frank and Maggie were waiting. I managed to get in the back seat and close the door before the fatigue finally took me from consciousness. When I awoke, I was in bed back at the refuge. Anita was laying there next to me, her hand draped across my bare chest. They had taken the recording device off...

1 year ago
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Ice Porn Casting! I can’t get enough casting couch porn. Heck, I even started my own site, porndudecasting.com, where I interview and fuck sluts just to get more of it. That should be proof enough that I love sitting babes down, hearing about their crazy lives, and then watching them get plowed right then and there. But don’t you wish that you could flip through and fap to all of your favorite casting couch scenes in one place? Well, me fucking too. That’s why I went out searching for a hot...

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3 years ago
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Newly Marid Varsha Ko Usike Ghar Me Akele Me Choda

Hi..! Mera naam Akshat (18 male) hai mai Nasik Maharashtra ka rehne wala hu agar aapko meri story pasand ayi toh aap ye email par contact kar sakte ho Abhi mai story par ata hu. Hamara busness hai toh client ke ghar aana jana rehta hai aisa hi hamare ek client unke paas muze dad ne payment laneke lia bheja tha. Par muze unka address pata nahi tha toh mai unke area me gaya aur unko call kia toh unhone kaha ki wo gharpar nahi hai teri bhabhi hai gharpar wo tuze lene signal par aajayegi hamara...

3 years ago
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Was I pimped out by wife

My wife and I after 33 yrs of marriage still enjoy a healthy sex life. Sue is 56,130 pds, what I call a MILF. Im Jim,59,220 pds work out 3 to 4 times a week. One saturday we got abit busy in bed, oral we both enjoy. I love haveing her ride my face till she cums. Sue loves sucking cock, but can never deep throat. Im 9″ hard and fat, she just cant get it all. Sue loves my cock pounding her pussy hard. I have to cover her mouth when she cums,damm she gets loud at times. Today she was on her knees...

3 years ago
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MoneyChapter 28

Some magical internal clock woke me up just before four. I saw that it was three fifty-eight and reached up to shut the alarm off. The other alarm was set for seven, so I knew the girls would get up to go to school. Didn’t they have Spring Break? I slid from bed and went to the toilet and then into the shower. The water had just begun to warm up when Janet snuggled into me under the water. We kissed as she told me, “You’re the one. You make me feel so special every day and make me feel like...

1 year ago
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My brother and the Taos Cousins Reunion

While I was growing up my brother Big Tom was 2 years older than me. When he got into Jr. High he started going through puberty. He started growing pubic hair his cock started getting bigger and he had hardons almost all of the time. We shared a room so I had a front seat view. When Big Tom was a freshman that summer my dad's brother, wife and three sons came to town for a visit. Big Tom was 15, Allen was 15 also, Jake and Gage were twins and were almost 17. I was the youngest at 13. We...

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Pleasing Her Boss

It was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat down on the...

1 year ago
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HI I`M WENDY, SEND ME A SMALL PIZZA AND A LARGE BOY.Now we all remember Wendy don’t we, she featured in story numbers 113 and again in 117 she just loves young men, in fact boys from 15 are not safe with our Wendy, she`s a rich American wife who`s hubby spends loads of time away working and Wendy in turn spends his money, she lives in a trendy area in what in the UK would be a mansion.lol Anyway a while back she found if she sent for a pizza, bingo a youth usually on a bike of some sort or an...

2 years ago
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Online hookup a gift from the hubby

Just a normal week night at home, that’s how it started. I had been upstairs and came down to get a drink. My husband was on his lap top typing away. I leaned over and noticed he was chatting. Kissing him on the forehead I asked who he was talking to. “Some guy” he replied. I went back up stairs and got back to what I was doing. Awhile later I returned down stairs and hubby was still typing away. Being nosey I looked over his shoulder to find a picture of my ass and on the screen. I asked my...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Michelle Anderson Secrete Suspended Sex Part 1

I get home to find my hot teen stepsister Michelle digging through a pile of mail for her suspension letter. Problem for his is, I already have it and am threatening to rat her out unless she does some favors for me. I get her to do some chores while I perv on her for a bit, but let it go. The next day, she walks in on me jerking off so I start ordering her around – take off your top, take off your shorts. She’s a little resistant, but she listens – I check her pussy and she...

3 years ago
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Bengali Sex

Amar takhon, boyosh matro 20. Jei ghotona akhon ami tomader bolte jacchhi, eta amar jiboner akta birat ghotona. Amar ak dur samparker pisi 30 ki 32 bochorer juboti. Shilpi.Sharadin amader baritei thake. Akdin Bashay ami, ar pisi. Ami boshe TV dekhchilam. Pisi ranna shesh korar por kichukkhon amar shathe TV dekhlo. Tarpor she kapor-chopor niye gelo chan korte. Ami kichukkhon por hotath dekhlam ?Bathroom er dorjay akta chotto futo. Amar tokhon uthti boyosh, moner moddhe jouboner haowa dola dilo....

2 years ago
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Young man is fucked by two virgins

When we came home from school, we looked forward to the afternoon. They are twin girls, called Betty and Juliane and today her 18th Birthday. They were still virgins, in other words, they have never had sex with another boy. Today was for Betty and Juliane is a special day, because your parents went away in the afternoon for a weekend with your family to Texas in a beautiful small town that bears the name of Lewisville. The twin sisters had thus a flat unassailable. Juliane and Betty wanted to...

1 year ago
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ExpansionChapter 9

This warehouse was heavily loaded with explosives. Billy said that it was enough to level most of Palm Garden if it were used correctly. It sure as hell was going to look like the worst fireworks explosion in the history of the world. There were AK-47s, RPGs, ammunition, and fuses stored here, but the majority was explosives. Billy was sure that this was to be used in more than one place if the bad guys had a chance to do it. He was looking forward to spoiling their plans. We wondered what...

2 years ago
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3rd Chromosome Sauna

Hello! We’re on our second to last 3C story for now. This one was requested by…another anonymous individual. So, what do we have? The usual: celebs, futanari, and sex. Everyone is over 18 and celebs don’t act like this. Comments and feedback are welcome. For those that asked: I don’t have a timeline just yet for DT, but I’ll try to make it worth the wait. Enjoy! *** No Sex in the Pool. That’s what the sign said. Why it said that Charlotte didn’t know. The busty blonde lazily paddled her laps...

4 years ago
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Incomplete ArchiveChapter 5 What a life

They say that confession is good for the soul so here I am about to confess to the black marks on my soul. At 15... I lost my virginity, not long after my 15th birthday, to my cousin Kelly. My parents, Kelly's parents and another aunt and uncle were at our house for a BBQ lunch. Kelly was 17 at the time and really filling out in the right places. I even noticed my dad and uncles checking her out as her bikini-clad body dove into our pool. Kelly's father, my uncle Ben, had been going on...

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