- 4 years ago
- 17
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The friend, well, aquaintence, who set this whole thing up is allowing me to pace a little, so that blood keeps flowing and i don't have problems with my knees locking up. She will not let me sit down, however, Your instructions were that i be unmarked or You would not buy.
What i will be sold for i do not know, You refused to do any negotiation till You'd seen the merchandise. i am naked, of course. Long black hair half to my waist, 5'9", 150lbs, broad shoulders, generous hips, all muscle and bone. Other than my generous tits i have almost no fat on me. i have spent the last three months working out hard to make sure that was the case.
i pace slowly, nervous yet feeling relieved. The day is finally here, and i will be bought or not. C has checked You out, assured me You are what i need, a man who will own me utterly.
A knock at the door and i hurry to the middle of the room. i stand on a hard wood floor, facing the wall, feet shoulder width apart, hands hanging at my sides. Eight feet to the left of the spot my gaze is fixed upon is the door to C's apartment. To the left of that is a carpeted living room with a couch and TV.
C is a shapely girl in her own right. She is a little smaller than me, a touch shorter too, and not as athletic in build. I know She would rather own me than sell me, but She and i both know i need a man's abuse. She wears a skin-tight, single piece miniskirt and strapless top combination, buttoned up the back. i know how tight it is, She made me help her into it...in order to help me get down into subspace. (or so she said)
C saunters to the door, opens it, and i see you for the first time. You are everything i could hope for physically. Height, build, obviously enough muscle to manhandle me any time You wish. C wraps her arms around You and pulls your head down, kisses you thoroughly.
You come in and C looks at me, my eyes meet hers, and her lips go thin with anger. i try not to blush as i jerk my eyes back to their appointed place on the wall. i can still see, however, out of the corner of my eye, that You have not noticed my early lapse.
You finally look at me, but only briefly, and turn to speak to C, "So, that is it? What you want me to purchase? That hopeless thing?" There is a touch of scorn in Your voice, but not much.
C's smile shines clear in her voice, "Oh, come now, dearie, it may not be flawless, but should be worth *something* to you. Now, enough of that for the moment. I..."
With that she steers You to the couch, and pours both of you a glass of the scotch she had prepared. The two of you sit and chat about little things, laugh, tell jokes, all as if i were not standing less than fifteen feet from you. i want to cry to have You inspect me, even reject me, but not ignore me.
After an eternity, and at least one refill, i finally hear your glass hit the table, "Well, as much fun as this is, there is company coming to my place this evening, and I would like to get a good inspection of your merchandise. No, don't start that, darlin'. We'll start dickering over price after the inspection."
i could hear You take the few steps across the hardwood floor, could hear C settle onto the arm rest of the couch to watch. My imagination put the glass of scotch still in her hand. i had been surprised that She had not fucked me 2 days ago, when i knelt before her and submitted. She wanted it, i know she did, has wanted it since W/we met. She explained, however, that i wasn't really her property, since She had no option to keep me, and She did not like to fuck something that belonged to someone else without permission from its owner. i could tell she'd been sorely tempted, though.
You start with the traditional slow walk around me, eyes raking up and down my body, a look of quiet contemplation on Your face. my eyes stay focused on the wall in front of me, i have not been given permission to see my prospective Owner. You come out from behind me and i can see, out of the corner of your eye, a compentaplative look on Your lovely face as you speak, "You want me to actually give you something for this? Really? I should be asking you to pay me to take it."
C laughs briefly, "I know, honey, I know. But, you wanted something on a rather tight timetable, and this is the best I could come up with. As sad as that hunk of meat is, I doubt you'll be able to find better soon.
You shake Your head, and bring Your hand up to my face. No kindness in the gesture, it is obviously a test of the softness of my skin. Your touch blossoms through me, and i lose myself in it for a moment, my eyes dart to Yours. i manage to save myself from meeting Your eyes, and move them to Your chin.
Your hand moves swiftly, and You backhand me across the face: not hard, just enough to feel the impact, your voice is soft, the tone more casual than correction as you order
"eyes front".
i blush deeply, down at least to my now painfully firm nipples. The casualness of the slap and the reproof far more embarrassing than anything else could have been. C giggles slightly and my minds eye imagines a sadistic little grin and her leg bouncing slightly on the edge of the couch. i can feel moisture collect at my sex.
Her giggle deepens the blush, and it goes down to my navel. You speak again, "well, at least it has an amusing blush response." my left nipple is then between your fingers, and twisted more than all the way around. i gasp briefly, but manage to keep eyes front and body still. "Hmm. that's acceptable I guess. Responds to the pain, but has the discipline to keep itself still."
You pinch tighter, Your hands...those wonderful hands...are like a vice. The pain becomes overwhelming, my whole being focused on that one point of my body. i concentrate on staying still for You. i breath in gasps, a tear rolls down my cheek. You suddenly release my nipple and i gasp again, but stay still. "It can take correction, at least, even if it is too stupid not to eyeball a prospective buyer without permission."
C answers You, "This one came without any assurance of training, luv. It is willing, but you will have to teach it. I know you'd rather have something fully trained, but, like I said, such things are hard to find."
You nod, then shake Your head. "At least it can follow instructions enough to shave legs but not pussy. I'm assuming you prepared it properly?"
C answers: "Of course. Finished the enema ten minutes before arrival, and it has been on liquids-only since it got here 2 days ago."
Your hand grabs a fist full of my hair, and suddenly your lips are on mine, your tounge forcing into my mouth. i put all the passion I can into the kiss. You allow this for a moment, then stop moving. i take my cue, and stop as well. Your tounge probes my mouth for a few moments, then You back away.
You harumph softly, then Your hand is on my chin, lifting my head up and to one side, then the other. You lift my head to where I am facing straight up then release. i stand there, staring at the celing for a moment, then your hand strokes, starting at my chin and going down my neck. The touch is soft, but probing. i shiver, and my cunt grows even more moist.
You grab my chin again and bring my head down. i am careful to focus my eyes back on the wall. Your thumb pulls the lip up on one side of my mouth, then down, then repeated for the other side. "Her teeth are good, at least there is that."
C answers: "There is a bridge on the top, one of the canines, but it should be fine."
You harumph, push one nostril closed for a moment, then the other. Then comes that same casual tone, "wrists". I stand in confusion for a moment, and you move like a viper. One hand delivers another almost-stinging casual backhand across my face, the other locks my arm in a vice-like grip, with fingernails digging into my flesh as you pull my that arm up to examine my hand and wrist. "she has bones, at least. I hate having to worry about breaking one of these things, takes some of the amusement out."
You drop that hand and i let it fall, then you speak again, "other wrist" with the same casual tone. I bring the hand up quickly, and you repeat the inspection. Then another word, "elbow". i bring the other elbow up quickly and turn it to you.
"Elbows look a touch dry. not a deal breaker, but I'll expect a little off the price." my blush deepens, i can feel my skin turning flamming colors. It has truly happened and i am no more than a piece of meat to be haggled over. my pussy begins to drip.
You release that hand and say again, "elbow". i bring that one up rapidly. You sniff it this time, run Your finger on it, then drop it. You then grab one of my breasts and lift it slightly, as if testing its weight. They are slightly more than a handful for You, and You have big hands. The kind of hands i love to feel squeezing those breasts until i fear they will pop. You bounce one breast a few times, let it fall, then do the other. i can see you nod quietly.
You move forward, close enough i can hear Your breathing. You reach around me, move my hair out of the way, lean in and take a long smell of the nape of my neck. You move back as you speak. "Well, it smells nice enough at least. Glad you didn't try to scent it or something."
C moves some on the couch before answering. "Of course I didn't dear. I wanted to give you the best I could."
You nod again, and look down at my feet. Your tone goes back to that casual voice, "Knees". I bring one knee up for your inspection as quickly as I can, and for the first time you hit me with force. An audible slapping sound as your hand drives my knee back down. This time there is some irritation in your voice, "I didn't say 'Knee' you stupid cunt, I said 'Knee*S*'" With that you grab a handfull of my pubic hair and pull me sharply downward. The pain spikes up through me, and i am sure you can smell my pussy by now.
You undo your pants, and pull out your penis. i am careful to keep my eyes fixed forward, but can guess that i will enjoy being used on it. i open my mouth for you, but C's voice stops you, "Wow, that is a mighty nice tool you have there! I mean, really. it's huge. I'm not sure I could even get my hand all the way around it. Ohhh...what I'd give for a ride on that thing...."
You chuckle softly, "Well, thank you sweetheart, nice of you to say"
You then grab my hair, but C's voice stops you again, " Now hold on a minute, there. You are getting awfully thorough in that inspection.
No, no, I don't object in principle, of course you need to check the merchandise, but I think I want a bit of a down payment before you do more.
Now don't look at me like that, luv. If you go there and then decide not to buy, I will have to wait even longer to have it viewed again. That, and I want a taste of that juicy tool before that little cunt's slobber is all over it."
my humiliation deepens. my use bought with sexual favors... You chuckle again, "Well, I suppose that is reasonable. You're welcome to take a taste as a down payment." You stand still, and i hear C getting off the couch. Not quickly, but not slowly either. You do not move. She comes into my view, Your rod and her face right in front of mine. She opens her mouth, brings out her tongue, and licks up and down your shaft several times, looking me square in the eyes when she gets the chance and grinning. She then takes you, completly, into her mouth before backing off and standing up.
She licks her lips theatrically then speaks, "Well, tastes as good as it looks, I'd say. Go ahead and test it out as you need."
The words are barely out of her mouth when your rod is abruptly shoved into mine. It feels as big as it looks...and is every bit as tasty as C claimed. my jaw is forced wide by the size of You as i fight my gag reflex. Then Your hand takes a fist full of my hair and You thrust with your hips while pulling on my head. i do my best to massage with my tongue as You hold me all the way down upon you and the back of my throat spasms against the intrusion. You hold me there, the delicious force of Your hand and the pain of pulled hair and the spasming of my throat and the burning of my lungs creating a symphony of sensation that threatens to overwhelm me.
Then You are gone and i can breath again. Your hand remains in my hair, holding me up as i struggle to get air into protesting lungs. i only get a moments respite, though, for you then haul me to my feet. i cry out briefly as i am lifted off the ground by my hair, then quickly get my feet under me. Your hand stays in my hair just long enough to make sure i won't fall, then you let go.
Your eyes are down again when you speak, "Left knee". i bring the requested knee up rapidly, somehow keeping my balance. You inspect the knee, then repeat for the right. Satisfied, you nudge at the inside of one foot, and i move my feet farther apart. You then go down to one knee, and your finger probes for the first time at my pussy.
The touch sends a shiver up my spine, for it came without any warning, then another shiver for it feels different than any time i have ever been touched there. The touch is neither hard nor gentle...it is probing and methodical. You trace my labia, grab and pull slightly on them, then pull hard. The pain makes me gasp and flinch. The slap comes to my breast this time, again the back of your hand, again more perfunctory than anything. "Hold still, cunt." i nod.
i can see you motioning to C out of the corner of my eye as i stare at the wall. She comes over to you and you speak, still poking and prodding my neathers. "Could you get behind her and help her keep balance, please"
C must have nodded, because he moved to one side of me and you to the other. You grab my ankle on your side and lift it sideways., C puts her hands out to keep me steady. Your hands goes to my just above my knee, allowing it to bend so You can push the leg higher. i can feel Your eyes probing my sex. Your fingers, one, then two go in and explore. You move aside the hood of my clit and examine, rub, then push in with a finger nail. The pain makes me shiver and gasp, but i am to well held to move much.
Pain blossoms through me as you bring a finger down, hard, upon my clit, and the world darkens slightly. i nearly cum. You chuckle, "The little bitch is reasonably responsive, I'll give you that". C just giggles.
When You are finished probing my sex you stand and let my leg down and stand in front of me. You make some sort of motion i can't see to C, and she moves behind me, puts her hands under my shoulders, pulls me back slightly while pushing her knee into my ass, which pushes my sex forward obscenely.
You take a small step, put your hands own there again, then you are suddenly all the way inside me. i gasp and my eyes roll back in my head. i get no warning, no build up, just you in there. You are as huge as i had thought when You were in my mouth. You are sunk deep within me, but not moving. i open my eyes and You are staring impassivly at me. "Contract those cunt muscles, bitch. Show me what you can do. Give me a reason to buy."
i do my best, glad for the exercises i had been doing. i squeeze and do everything i can to milk your cock. i begin to try, from my awkward position, to ride you, but that earns another light slap. No words this time, but i know. i had only been told to use cunt muscles.
After a few moments You grunt, then are out of me as suddenly as you were in. Your hand is then behind my neck, pushing me forward and down. i bend over double, and you move behind me to inspect my ass. You run Your finger across my rosebud, probe it slightly as i stare at your feet. Your fingers land hard upon my rosebud, and that bored voice comes again, "eyes front".
i jerk my eyes forward. You continue to probe, then speak, "Well, one of you knows how to clean an ass up, at least. Then a bottle opened, of some sort, and lubbed finger were on my hole. i gasped slightly, You hadn't bothered to warm the lube, not that You would have to for no more than me.
i feel Your thumbs slide just a little way in, then begin to pull apart. i close my eyes, and concentrate everything on relaxing my sphincter. You open me up slowly, it takes a little while but you are finally satisified. It hurts, burns, but i close my eyes and endure. You speak, "Well, you cleaned it out well enough, I'll give you that. Good."
Your hands shift on my ass, i hadn't even realized you'd knelt down. i could feel the pressure as You stood, though...and then moved forward...and then pushed Yourself into my opened hole. i cry out, totally not expecting this invasion. Reflex catches me for the briefest moment, and i try to move away, but stop, You still in me.
For the first time i speak, "This slave apoligizes for reflexivly moving, Sir. Please allow it to correct" You do not answer, just stand there. i slowly back myself up, until i can feel your pants on my ass cheeks, and your wonderful cock deeply invading my ass. i do not like it there, and i know You know that, but You are the -potential- master.
You grab my hair and pull me upright, your cock still in my ass. It is terribly uncomfortable. i gasp, and can't hold still. Your hand is on my throat, not constricting, just holding. Strong hands. Hands capable of holding me down and doing anything they want with me. Intoxicating.
You whisper in my ear, "Now, use those ass muscles, cunt."
i comply, doing everything i can. Again, after a few moments, you seem satisified, and are suddenly out of me. Your hands leave me, and i feel empty, swaying slightly. You come around in front of me again, grab my hair, and move me to where i face your cock. There is a condom on it. "take it off"
my hands tremble slightly, and i am suddenly very glad for that enema. i remove the condom, keep my head bowed. "Go throw that in the trash, then come back here to kneel while I talk price with the broker."
"Yes sir. Thank you sir!" i move quickly to do as told.
You begin speaking as soon as i start to move, "I hope you don't expect any money for that piece of meet, luv. I mean, I know I gave you short notice, but I am not putting up good money for that."
"So, you are saying you won't take it, or expect it for free? I put a good deal of work into acquiring that, even as little as I found. Maybe we can work out some sort of deal."
By this time i have returned to kneel at Your feet, you speak to me, "close up my pants."
As i move to comply C has a hungry smile on her face, "Wait a second, there. As I said, I have an idea on how we can deal. That is a mighty nice tool you have there. I have been wanting a ride on it ever since you pulled it out.
Tell you what. You give me a good, lengthy ride on that thing, and you can have the slave. I want to cum at least four times, though."
"Two, I don't know how long you take. You don't get to quit till I've had mine, too, though."
"Three, and you get yours, but I want to drink yours. That pre-cum tasted good, I want to know what the load is like."
You think a moment before responding. "Deal. So is the slave mine now, or after payment is completed?"
C smiles with mischief in her eyes, "I'll allow it on faith. The slave is yours provisionally until you finish payment. Now, are you going to undress me or do I have to do it?"
i swear i can HEAR you smile, "Neither. Slave, undress the nice woman. Slowly. Make sure she enjoys it. I expect your spit on her pussy before you are done."
i don't like women. You both know this, but i don't hesitate. These are the first orders from You as my true Master, and i am not about to err.
i undress C slowly, sensously, kissing and licking all the way down. i get to her sex, it is musky, but clean. My tongue licks it, tangy flavor filling my mouth. You grab my head and shove me forward into her. She moans, and i work my tongue furiously. You let go, and i continue.
She is finally undressed, and i find You are already naked. You lie on your back, and she straddles you. Your eyes meet mine. "Eyes Front". i snap my eyes forward and stare at the clock.
The two of you go at it hard. i watch minutes pass, one after another. i am so horny i could scream, but i sit still. C definatly gets more than the three that were agreed to. Half an hour passes, i am crying in frustration now. i finally hear you cry out, and glance to see your cock burried in C's face.
She milks you, then sits up. i jerk my eyes back to the clock before being caught. C speaks, "Well, I'd say that is sufficient, hun. You bought yourself a slave."
You chuckle slightly. "Always a pleasure doing business with you. i think i am coming out a bit ahead in the deal, though. A bit too far ahead, really. I'm going to pay a little of what i just got back to you." You snap your fingers, i recognize the command and crawl over as quickly as i can. "Clean the nice lady's pussy and legs up. Don't stop until she cums. "
i get down on hands and knees, crawl over to her. She props herself up on her elbows, opens her legs wide, and grins with a wicked cast to her eye. Sweat beads on her legs.
i balk, but You will have none of it. You grab a fist full of hair and drag my face down to her pussy. The smell of her, mingled with You, overwhelms me. i hate it. i love it. i writhe to get away, yet revel in it as you hold me down.
You speak with that soft command, "tongue out, cunt, lick the nice Lady's pussy clean. That's it." i begin to lick, to clean her, and this time your tone has a touch of approval in it, "Very good, little slave. I believe you should be rewarded." Your hand comes down hard on my ass. Very hard. i jump, startled at the unexpected pain, but your hand in my hair holds me in place.
"Not good, bitch, for you to try to come off your task because you are being rewarded. Now show me you are worth the fucking i just paid for you!"
i go to work on the pussy with renewed vigor, lapping up every piece of juice i can. C has begun to throw her head back and moan. "You have her going now, slave. Keep it up, lets try rewarding you again."
Your hand comes down on my ass again. i jump, but control my body to keep my lips firmly attached to C's. The pain is wonderful, and goes straight to my nipples. They become painfully hard. "Very good, little slave. Now remember, cunts who do well get rewarded." You slap my ass again. And again, and then several more times. The heat makes me so wet. Your hand tightens in my hair, then your other hand comes down directly on my pussy.
i yelp, but stay still. The impact travels up my spine like eroctic electricity and explodes behind my eyes. i go to licking with more vigor, and open my legs for more.
You rub my clit a little, which has become so hard it feels like it could pass for a mini dick, then you hit my pussy again. i moan in pleasure and speak between licks, "More .... Please .... Sir"
You chuckle, "very well" You swat me again. and again, and again, and again. Each time my urgency builds, each time my body wants to explode. "May i cum Sir, please may i cum?"
"You may not, you piece of shit! Don't you dare cum! Not until the nice lady does. You will make her cum so hard she sprays, and you will drink every drop, or you will not come. Now get to it!"
i push into C's pussy, no longer caring about what i am doing. i need to come, need You to tell me to cum, nothing else matters as i flick her clit with my tongue. She begins to moan louder, then to scream. i can feel the first waves of orgasm hit her, and clamp my lips to hers and she gushes forth with female cum. i drink it all, take it all into my mouth.
As soon as she finishes Your mouth is suddenly at my ear, "You did that well, slut, I'm proud of you. You may cum."
Your words unleash a torrent which explodes outward from my pussy and consumes my whole body. i scream, "THANK YOU SIR" as the waves over take me, and i go into multiple orgasams. over and over again, i cum. laying there on the ground letting it wash over me.
The orgasms finally subside. You and C have already dressed, You are wiping off my mouth. "Well done, slave. You played C's pussy like a well-trained whore. You may prove to be worth the ride I gave to pay for you after all. I'm taking you home now."
You pull me to a kneeling position, then lock a collar on me. It is the kind with a small key lock, but the collar is leather. Thick leather, with several D-rings. I hear a rustling sounds then your hand is in my hair again and i am drug a short distance then pushed to the floor. The surface is rough, and you begin to manhandle me.....into a duffle bag.
i realize what it is as You zip it up, closing out the light. i listen to you thank C for her efforts, then You pick the bag up and go. i am tossed into the seat of the car, as casually as one might toss a ball.
You get in the car and start to drive with me, your slave in the back seat. i lay, humiliated, not even worth money to you, paid for by nothing but sex. my pussy....YOUR pussy, drips at the thought.
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Sarah finally managed to get some sleep. We both woke up early in the morning, the gee who owned the old drum had a stocked refrigerator, a coffee pot and a stove so Sarah cooked them all a big breakfast. She cooked enough for four people which included Paul, the owner of the speakeasy, Roxy his flame, myself and Sarah. Paul was a good friend of mine so I gave him the low down on everything. He was sympathetic to our problems, but the coppers were putting the screws to everyone and we...
Crain was a thirty-eight-year-old man who loved doing three things; first was racing fast cars, not as a career but just for fun. Second he loved surfing. He had surfed all of the west coast of the US and Mexico, plus Hawaii. Third, or perhaps first, was sucking cock. Amend that. He loved cock, period. He would be hard pressed to decide which he liked more, cock down his throat or up his ass. When Crain was fourteen he felt something was wrong. He didn’t know what, but he knew something was...
Gay MaleKneel By Caitlyn Masked Pride. Pride has brought me here. You see while I've been openly submissive for years and years, I've never found a dominant that could truly master me. You'd think it would be easy. I'm short and slight for a man and no overt threat to any woman. But if I've had one mistress, then I've had a dozen, and none of them could ever really break me out of my mold. They'd use chastity, they'd use cuckolding, they'd have me perform oral on them, but even though...
Luck was against us on the way back to Izmir. The wind was unfavourable at best and the sea had become choppy in its wake and the taskforce didn't make it back until dusk. By then it was too late to move into the inner harbour to tie up and to offload. Instead we spent the night at sea, staring at the distant shore and the few lights coming from the city, wondering how things were going there. It turned into a long night for me. I was keyed up from the day and concerned about how Lord Omar...
You bow your head in shame, standing naked before him, as you realize that you failed to obey your master. He looks at you, hands on his hips, and smiles as he contemplates your punishment. He orders, ‘Give me your wrists,’ before binding them tightly with his belt. He then leads you to the bed where he fastens them securely to the headboard with you face down, arms extended over your head. You enjoy the sensation of the cool sheets on your hard nipples before you remember nervously what is to...
I was at work, the day before Thanksgiving down in the count room. I walk passed the door to the counter and see Emily on the other side of the bars that cover the counter window. Emily is 45-50 ish, and sturdy. She has a wide firm butt and average breasts, her face is like a 5. Her messy curly hair gives her a bit of a trailer trash vibe, but in a good way. She seemed like the girl next door. Very approachable. Like she would willingly put out and then brag about it to her friends.I said, "Are...
It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...
Once again I was in Chiangmai in northern Thailand. I love that place and its beautiful women, food, and scenery. I stayed at a small hotel where I had stayed before. It has an outdoor pool. The second day I was there, another guy and I struck up a conversation at the pool. He was from Italy and named Tony. We wanted some dinner, and he said that his Thai girl friend, who was lazily splashing in the pool, should come too. She was named Malee. He called to her and she left the pool and same and...
Right from the Start - Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door, Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher. Chapter Four For the next few years Simon's life stabilised around his friendship with Dorie Lou and his de-facto adoption by her mother Mrs Benson. Simon's mother was content to let the relationship continue for it got 'the little brat'...
Although for me that whole day was very happening and bit rough too but still I can say since then there was nothing which could make me feel that this is a special day of my life which I will never forget in my entire life. As I spoke to Ruchi to get up to leave, Aunty formally told us to stay for the night because it was too late to leave for such a distant place.I took her words casually and tried to relax her by saying that there is nothing to worry about as now there will be very less...
Sunday was a flurry of activities and meetings. Allison had Amy draw up two contracts which were identical for the Kaheaku siblings. She wanted them to go back to Honolulu knowing that her offer was not just talk. To be truthful, she was sincerely happy to have them as permanent tutors which solved a major part of her strategy for integrating her family back into society. Education would not only teach them the three Rs, but she would make sure that Soroya's two children helped her with...
Natalia Starr is excited for her massage today. It will be her first time getting a Thai massage and she couldn’t be happier. Alexis Fawx greets her, telling her she’ll be the one taking care of her today. She tells Natalia to get undressed so they can get started. Natalia turns around and starts taking off her clothes as Alexis watches her. She can’t help but notice how smoking hot Natalia is. When she lies down on the table, she tells Alexis that’s she’s been...
xmoviesforyouStar Traders: a review by Trismegistus Shandy ----- The short-lived television show _Star Traders_ (1972-73) has long been legendary among fans of science-fictional TV with good stories and bad special effects. Canceled after less than two seasons, it was never widely syndicated partly because of the small number of episodes and mainly because of rights disputes in the wake of the bankruptcy of Silver Silo Studios. These rights disputes prevented any official video release until...
Gi had a message waiting for her when she got out of the shower. She had set herself online just before going in and this early in the day hadn’t really expected to get anything. So it was quite the nice little surprise to find someone waiting for her. Standing at the end of her bed she let her body begin to air dry as she flicked open the request. It was from DaveyCrockett09, one of her regulars, and easily one of the most fun to talk to. She had always enjoyed a bit of roleplay here and...
I was lying on the examination table, by bare legs in stirrups with my wet pussy displayed to the older female doctor.She worked her soft hands around my slit, gliding the wetness around my hard clitoris."Such a naughty girl, Katie, getting so wet at my touch! Are you enjoying being so vulnerable and exposed to an older woman? Do you like how I'm touching you tight pussy?""Oh yes doctor!"I was writhing around, her fingers were driving me wild!She pushed a finger into my slit, while massaging my...
Like alot of women Lou had stuck with her husband due to their kids, Brian was a useless bore and had taken the easy route with everything he ever did. Lou had got he little catering business set-up with a couple of friends and to her surpricse the money had rolled in as they moved into corporate catering. Lou and the girls dragged their men into help and they all enjoyed the fruits of their labours with some nice cars and holidays. Lou would head off early leaving Brian sleeping until one...
EroticFinally the bell rang signaling that they could get up to go to lunch. He did not immediately leave, as he enjoyed staring at her pretty face and nice curves. She got up, and so did he, making sure to get up a little after her to ensure he could stare at her ass on the way out. He lost her almost immediately after getting out of class because of the lunch time crowd. He could always find her again, as she was literally the girl next door. He sat down on a lunch bench in the corner of the...
This is a true story. First you need to know a little about me prior to the story taking place. I was married, straight and had a high sex drive. Unfortunately, my wife didn't share my enthusiasm for sex. We very seldom had sex anymore. Naturally, I was frustrated. My company sent to Chicago to attend a 2 week seminar. While there I responded to an ad placed by a black male looking for a white male to suck his cock to completion. I had never sucked a cock but had fantasized about it. I...
FRANK KNEW THAT he didn't have to be at the airport until 3:45pm, as he had chosen to go on the late flight rather than having to be out there before 6am. But he had arranged to pick Sharon up at 2:30pm, so that they could spend some time in the Qantas First Class Lounge, seeing he was now a platinum frequent flyer. Consequentially, he didn't have to leave the hotel until 1:45pm. He knew that late checkout would be no problem for him, considering how good a customer he was at this...
###################################################################### ISEMENT // PAID ADVERTISEMENT // PAID ADVERTISEMENT // PAID ADVERTISE ###################################################################### TIT-GRO BITCH FOOD: AN INFOMERCIAL \\\\\\\\\\ by The Gimp //////////////// Is your sissy slut flat chested? Are the other Daddies and Masters and Mistresses snickering at you behind your back? It's rough, isn't it? Believe me, I...
I met Amy Parker during college. She was studying to be an engineer while I was enrolled in the school's business program. I knew I wanted her from moment I first laid eyes on her during one of the core requirement courses that we both had to complete for our majors. Not only was she beautiful, but she was brilliant. I had always had a thing for smart women. I was relentless in my pursuit, refusing to be dissuaded by the initially cold reception. Eventually she warmed to me and we started...
Andre is happy to see us again, so are Mark and Austin. We’re soon seated and giving Mark permission to let Patrick surprise us with a variety of beef dishes tonight. I ask Austin to coordinate the wine with what’s suitable for the menu Patrick is preparing, and to surprise us too. Both Mark and Austin grin, because this allows them to show off their training and knowledge to their best advantage. While we wait I speak to Dawn, Denise, and Diane. “Girls, you’ve all told me you want to be my...
Once home after his morning with Megan, Adam logged onto his email account and found an email from an address he did not recognize. It was from Megan. In it she had given him her phone number and the simple statement, “I am interested.” He replied to her as well. Megan, I am glad that you will be joining me this weekend. I have some instructions for you. From now until Saturday you are not allowed to have sex, masturbate, or cum by any method. I want you good and horny when we meet. At...
ReluctanceLight sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...
A Cloak of Lies By Molly Wens Chapter 7 Camille threw an arm across her eyes to block out the beam of the overhead lamp that penetrated her sleep. She moaned, pulling away from the hand that grasped her shoulder. ‘Agapi,’ an achingly familiar voice said. ‘Time to get up.’ Her heart jumped in her chest. Was that Niko’s voice? Her Niko? How could that be? Then a torrent of memories flooded her sleep-fogged brain, reminding her of the events of the last few days. Niko was alive, and he’d...
I am Frank, 52 years young, divorced and unemployed. I always got on with my ex since the divorce so when I got a call asking me to look after Megan, (My ex-stepdaughter) for a few days I was only too pleased to help. I hadn’t seen much of her the last few years so it would be good to catch up plus I may get to sniff her dirty panties again, something I used to love doing before the divorce. The taxi pulled up and this young woman exited, Wow she had grown since I last saw her. She still had...
Hi, guyz. How are you all? Muthh maarna jaari h na haha…This is prince from bhubaneswar..Sabhi hot maal or maal wali bhabhi log ko mere or mere uske taraf se namaskar ap logo k bina to ye dunia adhuri h.Last sex story m acha khasa response v aaya tha. Jise mere bare m nai pta h unhe bta du..Mera ustaad ka size 6.5inch lamba or 3inch mota hai jo ap ki seva karne ka bahana khoj ta h… Ek hot mohtarma v maze de ri h…If anyone intrsted to talk..Jo v baat karna chahe ya relation rakhna chahe..Msg...
Introduction: William and John had just discovered a new dimension to their friendship. When precarious circumstances threaten their school rep, how far is John willing to go for his best bud? Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the...
Not long after Crystal finished in the dojo, we were on our way to her house. Her parents insisted that we have dinner over there tonight before Annie and I were driven back over to my house. Annie was going to be staying the whole weekend with me. At my house it was no secret that girls were going to be in my room and probably naked. It was different going over to Crystal's house and yet her parents didn't even so much as blinking an eye as the three of us went up to her room. For every...
I had just spent the week at parent’s house in Florida, helping them do some renovations and getting a much-needed break from school. It was a sunny, bright, Sunday afternoon and I was cruising down the interstate. I started rummaging through my bag, looking for a piece of gum when I stumbled upon my electric toothbrush I had accidentally left in there. I turned the toothbrush on and listened to it buzz when I found myself getting really horny. The sound reminded me of my favorite vibrator...
The end of the story. I part from these characters with real regret. It’s been an experience for which I am endlessly grateful, most of all to Grandmaster dweaver999, il miglior fabbro, for creating these people and this world, and letting me into it, to Laurel and Manu for giving me the opportunity and the place to tell this story, and to my fellow authors, for inspiration, support and guidance, and for setting the bar high. * November again. Almost a year had gone by since Valerie and Sally...
When my eyes next opened, we had shifted in our half-sleep. Carol and I were now happily yet comfortably entwined. Cathy was spooned onto Gerri. Carol whispered, "Relax for now. I'll start the water when I wake again." "Mrrrp?" "Hmm? Yes, dear?" "Meow?" My eyes flickered open, and I discovered that the only pussies still in bed with me had exceptionally fine hair, and tails very different than those I had last seen on three lovely ladies. Several head butts got me more awake....
When I get up, there is a sexy note from wife Blake Blossom telling me to join her in the shower, I’m excited! When I walk into the bathroom to her getting her ass eaten out by a stranger, I’m less excited. She tells me she knows I’ve been cheating on her since she scoped a dating app on my phone. Now she is insisting I watch as this strange guy Brian OMally squeezes her big tits & eats her pussy from behind. She sucks his big cock & demands I look into her eyes as he...
xmoviesforyouThe second chapter in this crazy little tale. I really loved my little adventure out as a woman. I liked the power I had over men. I was seriously thinking that I would like to live as a woman full time. That would be quite a commitment and one that would change my life forever. As I said before I worked for a really liberal company and one day I got up some courage and went to my boss. I explained to her my desire to live in public as a woman. She smiled and was very understanding and said...
CrossdressingOh yeah! Czech Casting porn! I've seen this casting site before but I never went deeper into the nuts and bolts of it until now. As soon as I entered the site, there they were, 1901 models all standing with their clothes on. As I hovered with my mouse over them, all of a sudden the clothes were gone and they were butt naked, staring at the camera with a smile on their faces, all 1901 of them. If you've never seen this site I strongly suggest that you check it out since when you have access to...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesI was addicted. The first thing id think about when i woke up was talking to him. I was torn. I wanted to stop but i just kept doing it. It became a daily routine. Id get the school run done as quick as i could in the morning, see my husband off to work before swiftly prettying myself and making a bee line for the laptop and hed always be waiting for me when i signed in. The night before he had me lay in the road with my knickers down at 3am and finger myself while he wached on camera. It was...
Flashback – Masha and Louise – Furniture shopping Yes, I should have known better. We arrived at the furniture store, walked inside and the women in the store began to recognize me. I know because they pointed at me and began to whisper to their friends. I am thankful that this time they didn’t come up to me or cheer and clap like the women at the fast food place. Unfortunately Louise noticed and said, “Auntie Masha they recognize you here too.” I frowned and replied, “Yes, unfortunately...
Ever since we met, my Wife and I have used the day after Thanksgiving as a special treat to ourselves, because that’s where we had our first date. A lot of the small wineries are only open this day, and through the weekend for capacity reasons. You can snag some great wines. Of course you can get a little wasted if not careful.That Friday was a partly cloudy day, with the sun peeking out occasionally, and the temperature in the mid 40’s. On our way to the first winery of the day, I told my wife...
(Who's Brother, Who's Sister) After four months of beating the bricks, I finally got a job offer. The start-up I'd been working for had vaporized almost overnight, tossing me back into the job market just before Thanksgiving, the worst time of year to look for a job in Silicon Valley. The whole valley essentially shuts down for the holiday season, and in January, everybody's hassling budgets and don't want to commit to new hires. Things don't return to normal-whatever normal may be in...
It had been a couple of weeks since mum and I had a wild night in a hotel with total strangers. We had spent years flirting and teasing each other and eventually the sexual tension and chemistry between us became real. We hadn’t really touched on what happen but the way we’d pass each other at home and give each other smiles, we were both thinking the same, what a brilliant night it was. So, it was not a surprise when one evening we got talking about it. More to the point, it came across that...
Natalie has a new job and is looking for an apartment. She has stopped at the Sunrise Complex for her 2 pm appointment with the manager, John. She is very timid and this is her first time out on her own and worries about what the place is like and can she afford it and the people there. As she drives up she is very excited as the building look nice and the property is very nicely landscaped. Oh boy there is a pool this is going to be a nice place, oh but can I afford it. She gets out...
After three days of hard travel, Aislin stood high in the treetops, staring into the large swamp called the O?che Foraoise. Sitting in the center of the Wyre forest, legends spoke of its birth at the very moment of the Sorceress Liadan's death, one last evil bit of magic inflicted upon the world. True or not, only the foolish ever ventured very far into it. In its center, she would find the ruins of Dubh Caisle?n. Not that she knew its exact location but in her dreams, they showed an anc...
She walked through the house, switching off lights as she went. She was; she suddenly realised, now quite over the trauma of Rick, where she could walk through a darkened room once more, without feeling as though there was someone lurking in the shadows. Debbie climbed the stairs yawning as she went, it had been a long day as she'd said to Mr. Groves, and all those bad feelings which had boiled inside of her since Rick, had all blown away, leaving her feeling more relaxed and, lethargic...
Prague-born cutie Jenny is a stunningly gorgeous, 5’5″ tall, 105-pound, A-cup chick with a horny mindset. She loves to deep-suck cock and get her tight twat pounded. Jenny’s favorite position is doggie-style, but she also really enjoys cowgirl. Apparently, it’s all about the G-spot. “Doggie is nice because the guy can fuck me hard and with rhythm, so I can make micro-adjustments until the cock hits just the right place. The same thing is true for cowgirl. I can...