Mistis Adventures Part 144
- 3 years ago
- 40
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For those in the Western Hemisphere reading this on the night it was posted, Happy 4 Days past the Winter Solstice. For those in the Eastern Hemisphere, Happy Boxing Day. Regardless of your hemisphere of residency, temporary or otherwise, I wish you – in the immortal words of José Feliciano – prospero año y felicidad.
February 10, 2018
Dear Ms. Diary,
We had an alarm set for 7:45, but I woke before it. As Lana had requested, we randomized bed places, but no one wanted to have much of a gap to her neighbors, so we parked Brett in the middle of the south side, then arranged the rest of us in two wings. To Brett’s left were Cera, Gracey, Brit, Rhee, Celeste, and Liya, while I was next to Meka, with the others being Char, Lana, and Kim.
Still groggy and with closed eyes, I realized that I woke due to some weird motion. It was then I realized that I was curled into Meka and that my left hand was holding her right boob. I did not understand the motion, nor could I figure out which of her arms was crossed with mine, so I slowly lifted my head.
Meka’s eyes opened and looked at me, and she immediately gave a quiet, “Shhhh.”
That was when I saw that the arm crossing mine was white, so that was Brett’s right arm ... and he was holding her left breast. That’s when I figured out what that odd motion was ... and why she had shushed me. I decided to do what I could to help her out, so began softly squeezing the breast I was holding, as well as pinching her large, erect nipple through her top. I also began watching Brett’s head. Although what I really wanted to do was lean in and kiss her, that would force me to move, possibly too much. That move also might cause my left arm to move and my left breast to impact Brett’s hand. So, I watched Brett for the first signs of wakefulness.
Meka had been at her task for another minute or so and had begun panting quietly, but trying to keep her mouth closed, when I saw the moment.
Not too quietly, I said, “Brett, don’t move that hand.” He picked his head up a little and looked confused, so I told him, “Keep your hand where it is. Don’t move it.”
With Brett awake, it did not matter any longer, so I leaned into Meka, making sure to push my left breast firmly into the back of Brett’s hand and kissed Meka long and hard. I could feel someone behind me sit up and move, either Kim or Lana, but I was concentrating on Meka’s orgasm. When she leapt onto the Stairway, I moved my left hand to the bare skin below her neck, then slid that part of her PJ top to her right and got my hand on her bare breast.
Meka’s orgasms are generally quiet. While it was nothing like most of Heather’s, this one was loud enough relative to the quiet in the room to be quite noticeable, particularly for anyone drifting or close to waking. I had my mouth still plastered to Meka’s and wasn’t turning away from her now, since my mouth was swallowing some of her decibels. When she began coming down, I moved my face and watched hers. I also moved my hand off her breast, covered that breast, pushed my hand between Brett’s and my breast, then gently squeezed his hand and her left breast together.
From behind me came a soft voice, “Goddess, that was awesome. I’m happy it was Meka.”
From the other direction, Cera asked, “You’re happy what was Meka?”
“She got the first orgasm in which Brett had a hand ... literally.”
I could not stop it, but I did change the loud laugh that wanted out into a snort, although it was a loud snort.
“Brett, don’t move your hand and get your face over here and kiss me.”
Tentatively, at first, Brett began moving, lifting his torso off the bed and leaning it over Meka. I was watching his eyes when he looked at where his hand was sandwiched between Meka’s breast and mine. He moaned deep in his chest, pushed his body more fully into contact with Meka’s right side, and lowered his face onto hers, and kissed her. She moved her right hand to pull his face more firmly to his and kissed him back ... hard.
More girls woke and tried to figure out what was going on as they sat up and stretched. To anyone who asked, I said that we’d tell the story at breakfast. Then, noticing the time, I asked Gracey to kill the alarm. The lovers separated, although Brett pulled his head back a little.
“Awesome,” he whispered. “I’ve never been involved from the other end of that. Goddess, that was awesome.”
He had not moved his hand, and I had not moved my breast. In fact, when I thought about it, I noticed that I was subtly moving that breast on the back of his hand. It was something of a wrench, but I ceased that motion.
While I was still looking down at my breast on Brett’s hand, I saw Meka move her hand between me and that hand. She rubbed back and forth along Brett’s hand a few times, an action that also rubbed on my extended nipple, then stopped her hand and squeezed Brett’s hand around her breast as I had done.
“Thanks, Brett. That was a bit outside the rules, but that was a good one. I’m very much looking forward to making love with you.”
“I’m looking forward to that, too. That ... umm ... that made me feel wonderful, important, extremely happy.” He exhaled, then asked, “Should I move my hand?”
“I’d rather you didn’t, but it might be difficult to play soccer at all, much less well, with you running next to me caressing my breast. I might be willing to try it, though.”
There was much snickering and laughing.
“I woke with Beth curled into my left side and her hand holding my right breast, and Brett curled into me from my right and holding my left breast. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt such a powerful surge of sexual excitement. I could do nothing but chase after the orgasm calling my name.”
We arrived at the pitch at about 8:45, some of the boys already there, and immediately began stretching. I was pleasantly surprised when some of them joined us in stretching, noting that Jamaal and Seamus were two of them. Hope arrived with Rachel and her Seamus right before Katie joined us. Shortly before 9, I was a little surprised to see Maren walk up and say “hi” to Civia.
“Hang on. Lemme finish stretching.”
Maren nodded and asked, “May I talk?”
“Oh, sure. We often chat about stuff during stretching.”
“Okay. I didn’t know. I ... I’ve never been around team sports.”
I said, “Why don’t you follow what Civia does? Stretching muscles and stuff is useful for everyone, not just athletes.”
Maren looked at me, then looked at Civia, who said, “Come on. It’s easy. Well, it might not be easy at first, but it gets easy.”
Civia pulled out of the one-legged forward bend she was in, stood, and began teaching Maren the first parts of her stretching set. Although Maren seemed a bit reluctant, she began doing what Civia showed her.
Victor arrived, joined us, and began stretching.
After his initial standing sets, he sat on the ground next to me, initiated the continuation of his stretching routine, and said, “I’ve heard you guys do workouts after school here.” When I nodded, he asked, “Would you mind if a few of us join you? Chad pulled a hammy pretty badly in our game last weekend. A few of us have been talking and we think a more-structured and regular workout would help us reduce the chances of injuries like that. I really don’t need more after-school things to do, but I also don’t want that to happen to me.”
Meka beat me to answering, saying, “You’re more than welcome to join us, so long as it’s not guys that just want to ogle us.”
“Shameka, it’s difficult not to ogle you when you’re doing things like that, but there are only a few of us.”
“I’m just raggin’ on you. We’d be happy to have guys like you, Seamus, and Jamaal join us. While most of the guys haven’t made any blatant comments, some have. You three have always been supportive and respectful, and you probably can’t know how much we appreciate that. Most guys just can’t seem to keep stuff in their heads that should stay in their heads and not be spoken. We don’t mind being appreciated for who and what we are, but we hate being leered at.”
“If you’ll allow us to join you, we’ll tell only a few of the guys. Thanks.”
“If I don’t tell him today, please tell Jamaal that I’ll send him our schedule. Be aware that we occasionally change it with little notice, usually due to family stuff.”
We began getting organized around 9:15 and got sides picked, again by our two goalies, in a few minutes, then took to the field. Because we had a few non-players, we put spare balls in the hands of Brett, Brit, Cera, and Maren, so that we could keep the game flowing more quickly when the ball was put well outside the lines. Liya served as our ref, something at which she’d become quite good. Of course, she gets good at nearly everything to which she sets her mind, and she now had the wind to keep up with the play, for the most part.
There weren’t many highlights from the game, which, surprisingly, was a relative defensive struggle. I was glad that one of those was Civia’s and that Maren saw it ... and its aftermath.
Rhee and Civia were the other team’s central strikers. Before halftime, they had immediately begun streaking – perhaps 10 yards apart, when Seamus cut off a crossing pass that was intended for me. He didn’t hesitate, but looked upfield, and sent a left-footer up the middle of the pitch. Civia expertly corralled it and ran a long give-and-go with Rhee to beat our center half [the give] and right half [the go]. The two of them approached Meka who backpedaled slowly, staying somewhat intermediate between their longitudinal positions. As they crossed into the box, Meka faked attacking, so Civia tried to flick with her outside left to Rhee, but Meka was already heading that way anticipating just such a pass. While Meka got her foot on it, the ball caromed back to Civia. She took advantage of the ball bouncing up in front of her by encouraging the ball over her own head and to her field right with her right foot, watched the ball all the way as she wheeled on it and, with her right leg parallel to the ground, smashed it into the right quarter of the goal very much like she had in our first game with the boys [Beth, ch. 51].
Meka didn’t even give out the loud “Damn!” that she usually does in situations like that when pleased with how friends or teammates had gotten the best of her. Instead, she was the first person to hug Civia, picking her off her feet and crushing Civia to her.
“That was incredibly sweet, and no fullback in the world could have stopped that!”
She said that loudly enough that even I, just past midfield and racing toward them, heard it. I didn’t hear the rest of what they said, but I did hear Liya blow her whistle long and hard to call for halftime. I continued toward Civia, despite many of the players heading for the south touchline where the players not currently on the pitch and various of those observing the game were. Rhee was hugging Civia as I got there, and Seamus was approaching them. I put on a little more speed to reach them and heard all of what Seamus said to Civia after Rhee had released her.
“I’ve gotta say that it’s a pleasure being able to boot a ball up to the front line to two players who know what to do with opportunities like that. I’d have you ... Rather, I’d be happy to be on any team that included you and Rhee.”
Civia smiled at him, then asked, “May I hug you?”
I had arrived, so saw his reaction, which was surprise, after which he responded, “Sure.”
Civia gave him a brief, just-friendly hug, released him, then said, “That was a great pass upfield. It couldn’t have been better.”
“Thanks, but I knew I had to get that right, ‘cause I knew you two could beat those guys. I didn’t know if you could beat Shameka, but you handled that perfectly.” He looked at her, then said more quietly, “You look like you’ve gotten a lot stronger. That will certainly help you, and I want you to do well so that ten years from now, I can kick back with friends watching one of your games on TV and say, ‘Yeah, she’s good, but you should have seen the goal she scored back when she was 12 when I sent her a perfect pass on a counterattack.”
Civia looked at Seamus and I could see her working not to lose it.
Her voice was a bit liquid when she responded, “Thanks, Seamus.” She looked around and, seeing that none of the other guys were nearby, said, “We girls think you’re a good guy. Thanks for supporting us playing with the boys. We’ve really enjoyed these games with you.”
He walked off the pitch with us to where everyone was resting, hanging out, when Civia exclaimed, “Holy smokes,” and ran over to her parents standing with Emma and Maren. She slammed into Jeff and hugged him hard. When Meka, Rhee, Seamus, and I got there, she was disengaging from Kalina, who held onto her shoulders.
“That was amazing, Civia. I need to try to come to your games this spring.”
“I’d really like that, Mom.” She heard us approaching, turned to see us, then turned back to her parents and said, “I’d like you to meet someone. Jeff and Kalina Palecek, this is Seamus ... I’m sorry. I never learned your last name.”
“Jeff and Kalina Palecek, please meet Seamus Thompson. Seamus, these are my mom and dad.”
Seamus shook both their hands, with Jeff saying, “That was a nice pass you sent upfield. I don’t know if the pros could have done that better.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Please. Although we’re somewhat stuffy Europeans ... at least by heritage, you seem to be a friend of and accepted by our daughter and her many ... good friends. We’re Jeff and Kalina.”
Kalina, with an odd little smile on her face, added, “Unless you’re planning on asking our daughter out, then you’d better stick with titles.”
Seamus was a bit at a loss for words at first, but recovered quickly and said, “I’m not sure I’m worthy of her, but...”
You could have knocked all of us over with a feather when Civia interrupted him saying, “If I were at all interested in dating, I would not tell you ‘No’ if you asked me for a date. Seamus, you’re a good guy. We all think so. Just because I’m ahead of my age group in soccer skills does not make me more or less worthy than a good guy who plays the game pretty well and doesn’t think girls playing sports is stupid.” She softened her tone, and added, “You’re certainly worthy of being a friend to all of us girls. I’d like to consider you a friend, anyway.” More quietly, she finished with, “I haven’t had many friends, but I’d like you to be a friend.”
Seamus looked at her for many seconds, then answered, “I think I’d like that.” He looked around, then added, “I like you and all these girls more than ... some of those guys that play with us.”
I butted in and said, “Okay, Seamus. We don’t have lots of free time, but you’re welcome to join us here after school for soccer workouts. You’re also welcome to join us at lunch.”
“Uh, I am?” When I nodded, he continued with, “Victor was going to ask you about after-school workouts.”
Meka responded, “He did, and we agreed, on the condition that the guys that came were you, Victor, Jamaal, and other guys that are like you three in respecting us. We’re not willing to put up with guys that come only to watch our butts and stare at our tits.”
Seamus nodded at her, and life carried on. Liya called the game at 10:45 with the score 2-2.
The guys drifted off, but we girls were chatting with the Paleceks and Randles, when Kalina asked, “What’s up with Seamus and the other boys you mentioned?”
Since she was looking straight at me, I replied, “Seamus, Victor, and Jamaal. They’re all juniors and are the core of a group of guys that play regular pick-up games here. We, the Go6, encountered them by chance one day, and we’ve sort of kept in touch and meet them occasionally to play a game, like today. There are a couple of other guys that are nice, but those three have been the most vocally supportive of us playing in games with them. Victor referees games and has reffed some of the premier team’s games. Jamaal’s on the debate team at school with Meka. We know less about Seamus, but he’s been wholly supportive and seems to think we’re people, not sex objects.”
“I understand that, completely. In fact, I started looking at Jeff because he seemed to think girls were worth more than just a good time in the hay or elsewhere.”
“Thanks, Dear, but most of what I can remember from before you asked me out was staring in disbelief at this goddess walking among us pitiful mortals.”
She slugged him in the shoulder, but not hard, and with a smile on her face, then said, “I seem to recall you looking at the ground a lot. You seemed fascinated by it.”
There was much chuckling.
Emma interjected, “Yes, I should have looked at the shyer guys. After four aggressively forward guys, I may have learned that lesson.”
Maren looked at her and asked, “Four?”
“I did date other guys before I married your father. I dated more than just two more, but those two were the only ones that lasted more than two dates. If and when you want to begin dating, you should consider asking guys out rather than waiting for guys to ask you out, and pay attention to those shy, cute guys. Sandy told me that Charlie was like that, too.”
I responded, “Yes, Mom asked Dad out first, and she said she never had to be forward like that again.”
“Now that we’ve solved our daughters’ future dating woes,” Jeff said, “we’ve got to get going if we’re going to be ready to leave in time to get to Kalina’s mother’s for dinner. Our precocious striker needs a shower, and we’ve still got to finish up cooking some stuff we’re taking.”
After the Paleceks left and Maren got involved in a conversation with some of the other girls, Emma stepped to me and said, “Thanks for the invitation. Maren seemed to enjoy herself and was amazed at how well Civia fit in with much older girls and boys in that game. She’s really good for her age. Isn’t she?”
I nodded and said, “We think that if she keeps improving, she could play pro. We’ve been helping her a lot with that in mind.”
“You girls really are quite amazing. Is there no jealousy among you?”
“Nothing serious. We’re all jealous of Meka’s height and, as we call it, Amazon body. We’re jealous of Heather taking college calculus classes for credit. We’re jealous of things like that, but they’re minor jealousies that mean little to nothing among us, because each of us excels in some fashion or in some aspect of life more than the rest. I think we’re well balanced, but we spend a lot of mental effort on keeping us focused on the prize, which is a lifelong deep friendship that includes all of us.”
“I sure wish you’d have been in school with me, but I’m not sure that would’ve helped, as I was pretty gaga about boys, and didn’t think much beyond my next date. And why do I keep telling you things like that? You’re not even 15, and I keep confiding in you as if you were an age peer of mine.” She held up her hand to stop me from replying to that, and continued with, “That was a rhetorical question because I very well know why. I’m jealous of and amazed by you.”
“I don’t know that you should be. Look at Maren. She seems pretty level-headed, despite having lived through ... your two marriages. However, this does remind me of something. Has Sandy or Carol called you about Thursday? Or, rather, about Thursdays ... plural?” When she shook her head, I added, “We want to invite you and Maren and the Paleceks to join our regular Thursday evening dinner and socializing. That’s something we’ve had going on for months, now. We started them to give Meka and Celeste a night off from their various studies and problems, and Celeste urged us to continue them after she’s effectively joined the family as another sister-slash-daughter.”
“You better be sure about that, because I’ll agree to that without having to think about it. Those two dinners Maren and I have already shared were simply wonderful, and I’d really like more such enjoyable evenings.”
“Okay. Thursday evenings as soon after 5 as you can make it. Also, if Maren joins us for workouts, you wouldn’t need to worry about picking her up, as we could bring her home with us. With a little planning – perhaps stashing some of her clothes at our house, she could put on clean clothes after her post-workout shower.”
She stared at me for at least five seconds, then shook her head and said, “It’s no wonder your parents have given you girls a house of your own. Your mind is much more like that of an experienced adult rather than that of a sophomore in high school. I reiterate. I would probably never be concerned about Maren spending time around you girls. If she’s ever over there and wants to stay with her friend or friends, I’m telling you that she has my permission to do so, so long as you – whether that’s you, Beth, or others of the residents there – agree with her staying. Obviously, Maren keeping clothes over there would make things like that work better. While I don’t want you to feel anything like obligated to help me raise her, I think the example you girls provide would be good for her. Hell, they’d be good for me!”
I smiled at her, briefly considered her, then joked, “Do you want to keep clothes at the compound?”
She rolled her eyes and smiled at me.
“Hey, Mom, I think I’d like to do the ... the soccer thing after school, if that’s all right.”
“Of course, it is. Beth had an idea. She said you could keep some clothes at their house, so you could shower there after the practice or whatever they call it. That way, you wouldn’t have to cart clean clothes with you to school most days. We’ve been invited to join them in regular Thursday dinners if you’d want to do that.
“Really? Dinners there have been so much fun. I’d like that,” after which she threw her arms around Emma.
She looked at me, then got nervous and began stepping away from Emma, so I said, “I still hug my mom ... and my friends’ moms. It’s not embarrassing.”
In our basement bedroom, we girls were gathering clothes to take into the shower while Brett was doing much the same.
Liya told him, “At some point in the future, you’ll share the shower with us, rather than being relegated to showering by yourself. We’d like that point to come about much, much sooner rather than later, but this is how it must be, but just for now.”
He looked stunned, but gathered himself and responded, “I can’t even imagine how wonderful that might be. Liya, I’ve loved virtually every second of being here with you girls. I love where you want us to go. I love that I was able and allowed ... rather commanded to help Meka reach or-orgasm this morning. I’m here, Liya, for as long as you want me here, no matter what happens on Wednesdays, no matter your pasts, no matter your futures. So long as you keep wanting me to be with you, I’m here.”
Liya, while looking into Brett’s eyes, asked the room, “May I kiss him?”
When she got nothing but positive replies, she gently stepped into him and softly kissed him for a half-minute, then stepped back.
“New rule: Since he’s seen us like that before, we may undress to bra and panties in front of him, but, no, Heather, if you’re not wearing a bra, you may not take off your top in front of him.”
There was much laughing.
When Liya began stripping herself of her outer clothing items, the rest of us did the same.
After Brit had doffed her long-sleeved T, she said, “I really like the ... buzz this gives me. Brett, you’re going to stay in control. Yes?”
“Yes. I don’t want this ... this excitement and fun to end.”
“What would you think if we modified this rule in the future that you were the one to take our outer clothes off us?”
“Oh, goddess. You’re asking if I could still keep control. Aren’t you?”
“I am. I almost want to test you on my pants, but I think we should keep things how they are now for a while.”
“That’s fine with me.”
In the bathroom, Liya ran the randomization routine for shower partners: “We’ll have almost a full shower today with the dozen of us. Kim and Heather, Beth and Meka, Rhee and Celeste.”
She was interrupted by Celeste shouting, “Woo-hoo! I get to wash the melons. Neener, neener, neener.”
Meka responded, “Celeste is regressing, but we’ve let her go too far back in age!”
There was much chuckling.
Liya continued with, “Liya and Brit.”
Again, she was interrupted, Brit asking, “I like your boobs, but may I trade and wash your ass?”
“Yes, but you have to do it from in front.”
Meka commented, “Oh, lord. Are you going to kiss while you’re doing that?”
Brit replied, “Great idea. Liya you up for that?”
“Sure. I’ll wash your ass while we’re kissing.”
“Oh, goddess,” Lana commented. “Where’s that going to lead?”
Liya stuck her tongue out at Lana and continued with, “Cera and Gracey.”
We got showers done, climbed into clean undies, then returned to the bedroom, where Brett was just finished dressing in his short-leg yoga short.
Brit asked him, “How do those feel on you? Do you like them?”
He thought for a second, then replied, “I do. They’re comfortable. I also like the, I don’t know what you call ‘em, but the near thongs or semi-thongs or whatever.”
“We should get you more of those. That is if you like them enough to be what you normally wear here. We really like how you look in them.”
His face went a bit pink, but he came back with, “And I like how you look in what you’re wearing. You still look so very yummy.”
“Thanks, Brett. So do you. Very yummy, indeed.”
Lana suggested, “I think we should go to Armoire in our team shirts.”
“That was the plan,” responded Rhee.
“Yes, my point is that I don’t see a reason to put Ts and shorts on when we’re just going to eat lunch, then come back down here and change again. And I don’t want to drip onto my team shirt while eating lunch.”
“Ok,” Kim said. “Lunchtime in bras and panties.”
The baker’s dozen of us prepared sandwiches and drinks, then sat in the dining room to eat it, where Brett asked, “Would it look okay if I wore a team shirt?”
Five seconds of silence met his question, then there was a serious commotion until Liya stepped on all other responses and said, “There are a few options. Katherine will know if she has anything like that for guys. If so, we check it out. If not, we see if one of the team shirts would fit him well. I remind you, we don’t want it to fit him only well enough, it should fit him very well. The third option is I make him one. For that, we’d want to find the best shirt for that, and I’ll bet Katherine could help us with that.”
“The important bit in all that, Brett, is how nice your torso looks after a few months of weights,” Lana said. “We definitely have the nicest-looking boyfriend in that regard, among the many other regards in which he’s our grade’s dreamboat.”
Kim said, “If he were a senior, he’d be our grade’s dreamboat. Brett, I didn’t know you before last fall, but Beth and others have said that, while you’ve always been handsome, you were a beanpole. You’re certainly not that now and, as Lana said, the weight work has ... Brett, I’m very much looking forward to being able to run my hands all over you, run my breasts all over you. Hell, run my tongue all over you. You’ve become one fucking great-looking guy, and if we get you a team shirt, we’re going to have to carry big sticks to beat off all those girls that will want a piece of our dreamboat.”
She looked around the table, then asked, “Have you girls looked around the living room on Wednesdays? Can you imagine three hotter guys hanging with us?”
“Nope,” Heather replied. “Brett, I don’t want you to feel bad about this, but I’m quickly getting to the point where I want all three of them. Maybe in succession.”
“Why would I feel bad? I can recognize handsome men, and Charlie and Jim are that. Just the fact that you feel I’m in the same league with them makes your words a compliment for me, Heather. Thanks.”
“But if I really want all three? You know I’ve made love with Charlie, and like my sisters and others here, I want you. But, while I’m not there, yet, I can certainly imagine myself wanting Jim. I’ll certainly be flashing him next time.”
“Remember, Heather, what I said. No matter your past, no matter your future, no matter what you do at the time. I’m here to be yours for as long as you want me around.”
She looked at him for at least ten seconds, then said, “I’m so looking forward to teaching you about me, how I like to be touched, how I like to be licked, how I like to be loved.”
Very quietly, he responded, “Me, too, Heather. Me, too.”
I sent a text while we were getting dressed for our jaunt, and had hardly turned away from my phone when a return text came in.
~~Natasha~~ “Is it d-dead?” she asked. Eric nodded as he dragged the spirit’s body back into the alley. Still in the big wolf body, he wouldn’t be able to talk, but body language was fine. She didn’t expect him to take a bite out of the tall, gangly thing. But he did. Natasha gulped as Eric ripped and tore at the humanoid in the plague mask, and gulped down a chunk of its flesh. She gulped again when Arturo did the same. She outright squeaked when Matthew, back into his huge wolf form,...
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Breakfast over and Joyce tucked into bed, Jeff put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. As he started for the basement to work out on the machines, he realized he had an escort, more like an entourage: Arlene, Ann, Jennie and Melissa. "Mind if we work out with you?" Arlene asked, bumping her hip against his as they walked down the hallway. "No, of course not, but don't you have to be in school?" "Daddy, it's us. Jennie and Melissa have finished all their high school courses. Ann and...
Alison had social obligations to claim her attention the following night, though she woke Laura with a phone call after midnight to demand that Laura drive over to the Ritz immediately and spend the rest of the night in her bed. And Laura, though sodden with sleep, actually packed a small bag and went. They had three incendiary hours of exuberant sex. Alison was a glutton, and her marvelous body had plenty of stamina. "You must wear your boy friends out," Laura told her. "I do," she...
Short and sweet from dorsetmike Two monkeys were arrested at Edinburgh Zoo today, after throwing ignited feces at zoo visitors. Several people remain in hospital, suffering from turd debris burns. Compliments of a Friend of J & G. A woman whose husband often came home drunk decided to cure him of the habit. One Halloween night, she put on a devil suit and hid behind a tree to intercept him on the way home. When her husband came by, she jumped out and stood before him with her red...
The mood was maudlin when we finally retreated into the house. Our parents had done their best to remain invisible but they reappeared when Veronica put out something light for everyone to snack on. Ben’s son, Spenser, climbed up on his father’s lap and gave him a hug. “I thought it went well,” Melissa said. “That will depend on how much the public accepts,” I reminded everybody. “Nobody likes to be reminded that they’ve been played for fools. They’re just as likely to reject the message...
It was 2300 before we boarded the flight back to Andrews, midnight when we landed at Andrews, 0100 when I crawled into the big fluffy bed with Marcy and Jenny. The day started early at 0500. I was awakened by the telephone - it was the CIA desk on the second floor in the basement. Iran had moved a step further. They were placing mines in the Strait of Hormuz right on the edge of the deep water channel. It was the next step in the play book. If they could not sell any oil, neither was anyone...
“Tornadoes are so unpredictable that you never know what’s going to happen. From the distance they are an amazing piece of nature. Up close they are deadly.” —Jessica Madden, Chasing the Storm EM CALLED ABOUT EIGHT Sunday night to let us all know she’d arrived safely. I spent a few minutes reminding her again how much I loved her and looked forward to her being home for good in just fourteen weeks. And yes, that I’d bring Pey and maybe Beca out with me the week before she finished to...
Kenzie got her ride on Derrick's pole. She was happy that it lived up to the expectations she had built up in her mind. Of course, she also got her little box licked by all three of her friends and there was rarely a moment when someone wasn't kissing her or sucking on her nipples. The scene ended with a three-way cum swap with Kenzie starting and finishing with the pop in her mouth. She waited until she had a chance to brush her teeth before cornering Derrick downstairs to thank...
Author’s Note: This is from the Sophomore Year at the beginning of the Fall semester. Uncle John I look back and it’s hard to imagine that it’s been over a year since my nephew, David, came to spend the summer with me. When he arrived, he was a confused and angry young man. You might ask what teenager isn’t. I don’t know, but my sister-in-law may have been even more pissed than he was. My brother is a lucky man because he found Carol and they had two wonderful children. In many ways, I’m...
We live and learn, and even I, with my misconception about boys getting erections and producing sperm, was surprised to wake up with my bare thigh covered, my nephew had got off, humping my leg and marked me as I slept.That's the synopsis, here is the story.During the night I was alone in my bed, and as my husband was away on work duty, my sisters boy, had a stay-over with me and my son, his cousin, and they in turn slept in his bedroom.They had gone to bed and I relaxed before going to my own...
"Let's go for a walk." It was the end of our senior year, and we were at my best friend's secluded lake house. All of our friends were heading down to the water to dive off the dock or go canoeing. But you suggested we hang back at the house for a bit. It was morning, and we had all just finished breakfast. As soon as the last of our friends shut the door, you grabbed me by the back of the head and kissed me, your tongue exploring every corner of the inside of my mouth. My shorts tightened,...
OutdoorThat particular night she met "Deathmaster," a man in the role playing room who talked about killing the women he fucked while they were in the middle of orgasmic pleasure. The idea turned Sally on so much that she had three powerful orgasms from masturbation while they chatted. Deathmaster and Sally agreed to meet again the following night, and he succeeded once more to inflame her with his stories about deadly sex. By the third night they had exchanged e-mail addresses, and not long after...
Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto, aasha karta hu aap sab khush honge,mein bhi maze mein hu. Mein aaj kal mumbai mein job karta hu aur yaha pe geeta aunty ki dost sandhya ki kaise meine gaand maar ke apni saalo purani ichha poori kari ye batane ja raha hu. Mein bina time waste kare kahani pe aata hu. Mein 29 saal ka hu mota, kaala, lamba lund. Average shareer, 5.8 height, mein gora hu aur cute looks hai.May be ladkio ko meri chocolate muh mein lena pasand aata hai islie ladkia mujhe...
The Birthday Present By Eve Smith Over the last few months I had noticed them watching me regularly. Their heads turning should there be a risk of our eyes meeting. The man was over 6 feet tall, with a strong athletic build. He was about mid thirties and had the air of success about him. The woman was beautiful, her figure always clad in clothes that showed off her body without being vulgar. She to was in her mid thirties, and about 5 ft 9 inches tall. The girl, I took that...
[Hi there, monsieur or madame editor! This one is a little more difficult. I would like to have the sections that are not part of the letters italicized, in addition to the first and last three paragraphs. Each letter begins with ‘My ____ Abigail,’ and ends with the name ‘Tristan’. Also, if the chapter/letter titles (Final Letter, First Letter, etc.) could be in bold that would be awesome. This is part of my 69 Love Stories series. Hopefully they can go in so that they display in numerical...
I work out at least 5 times a week and look better than I did when I was a teen, and I looked pretty good back then. I didn't want to get too muscular, just nicely toned. I'm still not afraid to show off my body, after all, if you got it... The hardest part of being a mother of 4 is all of the sporting events. Almost every weekend and a bunch of weeknights are filled with being on fields and in gyms, but I love every moment win or lose, and we have made some good friends. I wrote a lot of...
Valentine’s Day is a time of seduction, and Sharon White is ready to go for it. She dons some sheer red lingerie and grabs a red rose, the perfect tools to really show off her curves while giving her a way to get her own party started. Waiting for Raul Costa to join her in the bedroom is a treat for Sharon as she runs those butter soft rose petals over her tender skin, from her inner thighs to the V created by her lingerie. When Raul finally joins Sharon, he doesn’t devour her as...
xmoviesforyouI am wrong or are mistakes as such. I also like opinions and tell me what I should add and do in my story. It is also quite short too but it is just an introduction and need ideas. Eliza and Me. It started off being a normal friday day at school. I was 15 and at that age everyone knew what they had on their minds which was ofcourse sex. I was a muscular young teenager standing at 6"3, I played in our team for football I would go to the gym at least 3 times a week and I would jack off...
It was the twenty-eighth of June, 1992, a great time to be alive and a great day to be in love. We disembarked the plane the same way we'd left, hand in hand. Only now, Kelley's physical hold on me was not as tight. It was more relaxed, confident, like she knew she didn't need to cling to me. As we made our way through the crowded airport, I reflected. Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning had been more than marathon love making. We'd talked endlessly, holding nothing back,...
We received our first letter from Samson. Sam, the Colonel is trying to get us out of this hellhole. Fighting was bad enough, but it seems as if everyone is getting sick. The fighting is over, but we are still dying. So far Buddy and I haven't been sick, Son of Grey Goose comes by every morning to make sure we take a pinch of that powder Mary Eustis gave us. We are getting low and might have only fifteen pinches apiece left. God has to deliver us. The sickness doesn't seem to bother the...
At the end of my first fall semester at UGA, I arrived home for Christmas break to find my mom making a big batch of fried apple pies that smelled great! As I took one, mom told me that the family was going to a big Christmas party in Atlanta at her, very rich, friend’s house. I thought, ‘oh gee how can I get out of this?’ She said she wanted me to meet up with her friend’s daughter again. I was thinking this was sounding even worse than I could imagine. If a guy’s mom mentions a girl she...
Hi for all the iss readers. I am 2nd year Pu student my friend gave me this site. It is my first experience in life of sex.iam 5.6’feet tall, natural body, brownish in color, then I am good at my studies. This story took place before last week. Her name is asha, she is married having a child named tanushree[tanu]she is a fair white in color her body structure is 30-28-32. She has well developed boobs &nice rounded ass&her legs are so soft like cotton. My dad &mom are interacts marriage so I am...
I’d met Matt several times before, even had the distinct feeling he was flirting with me. I couldn’t have been more wrong. He was dead serious. Dead serious about getting me alone and naked. I hadn’t paid it much attention at first. He didn’t seem like the kind of man who went for a woman like me. A lush woman. A woman who had the kind of curves that scared most men off. Their loss. And if it wasn’t for a few too many tequila Jell-O shots, and a dare to teach the gals a bellydance move,...
Scott Norris had been a single-parent responsible for raising his now sixteen year old daughter for over ten years. His beloved wife, Jessica, had died in a terrible car accident when Molly was only six. Even though it had been a decade, a decade of ups and downs, Scott loved his wife too much to move on and had spent the last ten years focusing on his career and giving Molly a wonderful life even with the absence of her mother.Scott had gotten a great job at a small computer shop right before...
IncestThis chapter is essentially, all about Harry and Susan as their relationship develops to a new level and a new understanding. Lois and Carol return, briefly, and give Diane the chance to add two and two together. ‘So who else went to Byron,’ asked Aunt Diane, ‘was it just you and Al with Garry and Emma?’ ‘No, there were two others, Lynn, who is Al’s new girlfriend, plus Freddy, Al’s sister.’ ‘Odd name for a young woman,’ ‘Short for Alfreda, she reminded me of you.’ ‘Why do you say that?’ ...
JUST GOOD FRIENDS? As we drive to your work friends house you can't help pushing your fingers into your damp black panties as you anticipate what might happen later. I pull your skirt up to just about level with the darker tops of your stockings i look down to see the light from the streelamps making a white shiny line all the way up to your soft thighs.You undo another button of your blouse so that i can see your deep cleavage rising and falling as you caress yourself. Your right hand...
Honeymoon Horror Honeymoon HorrorAuthor: Jon MadduxProof reader: FantazMasterCHAPTER 1: THE BIG DAY???? What a lucky break for me, I spend most of my free time aboard cruises, looking for women that are just my type, and what is my type?? I like my women, untouchable, married, not the kind you pick up in the bar that anyone can have for a drink and some small talk.? Cruise ships are the perfect platform; the cruise lines don?t report it because it?s bad for business and the...
Saturday. I wake up late. I check my phone, almost on autopilot, just checking Facebook, Instagram, pretty much whatever just to catch up on what I may have missed the night before. I see a post by Renee. It read ‘that moment when you meet someone better than your last’ with a bunch of heart emojis after it. I immediately perk up. ‘Is she talking about me?’ I think to myself. I mean, she has to be talking about me, I was with her yesterday. As I’m pondering this, that party pops up in my...
Chapter 1: The RealizationMargaret’s eyes fluttered open to dim, gray light. She yawned and stretched, feeling intensely cold and stiff. As her senses returned to her she soon found out why. She’d been sleeping on concrete, and if that wasn’t strange enough, she had been doing so stark naked! She sat up slowly, her head aching. How did I get here? She wondered. Margaret furrowed her brow and tried to recall something—anything that might give her some sort of a clue. She took a...
I have two close friends, and ever since we were about eighteen we have masturbated together. About a year ago,we got drunk and I offered to suck Tom's cock. He said no at first but then John dared him to accept and I got down on my knees and took him in my mouth. I loved it. Since then we have regularly met up and I've taken them both in my mouth. In the last couple of weeks They have cum in my mouth and on my face pretty much every day. Tonight, I decided I wanted them to fuck me. I was...
GayThe Private Life of a Taxi Driver is, sometimes more private than you think. Taxi driving doesn't just start by taking a Passenger from point A to B, It's not so true, because in the daytime you may have a more controlled fare on the hour but at night it is normally weird people. Sometimes you have to do more than you thought you would bargain for. You will ask why? Well let me explain! People are sometimes paying you to take them from one point to another, but also want you to be their escort...
EroticAmerican shortie Ember Stone wants to practice her dance moves and her sex moves. Her partner Brick Danger is happy to help her out. After letting her get down on her knees and blow his stiffie with a satisfying cock sucking, Brick repays Ember’s kindness with a landing strip pussy feast. He flips up her miniskirt and goes to town licking her greedy twat, wetting her down for the main event. Turning around so that she can use the barre for balance, Ember lifts one leg up to open the way...
xmoviesforyouChapter OneAbductionThe man had been keeping himself in the darkened part of the footpath, flattening himself against the bushes as he followed me. I’m not too certain if he was aware that I knew he was there but he was certainly being very cautious as he approached me. I knew I couldn’t outrun him, not with these slightly higher than I would normally wear heels on so I didn’t try. There was a park bench set under a street lamp about a hundred metres away, I decided to aim for that then...
Perpetual Disguise 2 By Po How long had it been? Oh yes, it was 2 months. It was March now. Yes?it was 2 months since I decided to go with that foolish plan. How could I have been so stupid? It was 2 months ago when my sister persuaded me into going along with her dumb plan-her plan to get back at her ex. You see?my sister, Julie, used to go out with the football captain Clark. But he was a little 2-timer as he cheated on her with some other girl. I was so mad, my sister...
"Good morning, madam! It's a nice day, isn't it? "Yes it is." "My I ask you a quick question?" "You're not a Jehovah's Witness, are you?" "No I'm not. "Then what's your question?" "Would you consider having my baby?" "What did you say?" "I said--" "I heard what you said. Are you crazy?" "Not that I know of." "You can take my word for it. You belong in a loony bin." "I assure you I'm quite harmless." "I'm not so sure about that. I'm warning you....
Jill sat at the kitchen Sunday morning, her son Evan was still asleep but she couldn’t stop thinking about the events of Friday and Saturday. Evans two friends had given her the best sex she ever had, and she had no intentions of giving them up. The phone rang it was her husband Al, she answered with a cheery hello due to the fact she was still leaking cum form both openings. The conversation went on until he told her he would probably be home by the weekend. She was surprised as she...
It is a cliche that a significant proportion of male airline cabin crew are gay, but it is less well-known that this is true of the female stewardesses as well. This was all the more the case back in the 1960s and 1970s, when repression elsewhere combined with the racy ‘jet set’ lifestyle of the aircrews to make it an especially attractive career for homosexuals. The result was an international melting-pot of lesbian activity, ignored by the authorities and police. I already knew that...
Monday, May 16, 1814 All this Jacob contemplated as he wandered out his front door onto the porch that fateful evening. It was a warm summer night, though the air was heavy with the impending storm. With any luck, he’d be able to sit out on his chair and enjoy a sip or two of Culverin Mist, the very expensive and very aged whiskey that was his finest spirit. Instead, the ladies of Culverin House had different plans for him. He filled his shot glass with his whiskey, but then put the cork...
I finally talked him into it. I'm 33 years old. I've been with the same guy since I was 14. My taboo fantasy was to fuck a black guy. I have a great sex life, my husband wasn't the typical white guy. 9 inchs long and about 3+ thick it was great. That's not what my fantasy came from. It was my family, my whole life I was told it was wrong; that I'd be disowned blah blah blah. So for me it was rebellious taboo that I so wanted. Well my hubby is a pretty open guy, heck I've been with...
The memory of my weekend in Leicestershire continued to arouse me whenever I looked back at just how Jill had been. We started an online chat and I learnt a lot more about her as a result. As I had expected, she was bisexual but didn’t have a preference and just took what she fancied when she had the opportunity. She had played at bondage, but her nature wasn’t as a full time submissive, she wanted to get her own satisfaction, and that wasn’t by just being “done to”! Over the weeks, we talked...
IncestI spent most of the day looking forward to the evening’s party. The night before I’d gotten reasonably wasted at a party and had done something that I’d thought was unthinkable. Chuck and I were great flirts but we’d never done anything more than heighten our own sense of arousal in teasing others in public places, but last night we’d had a little test to see if I could get someone to make a pass a me using only body language. Of course, the body language had been amplified by a silk halter...
** Feel free to request scenarios for our protagonist! Or better yet, submit chapters for approval! :) *** Roy Dawson sat in his office, staring out the pane of glass at one of his associates. Kylie Preston was bending over and helping a new girl. She wasn’t a perfect ten knock out, but at 22 and fresh out of college with her petite frame that held her round and almost oversized breasts and her perky and cute butt. She always got Roys attention. Her auburn hair was tied up in a messy bun. The...
They were seated in a fairly private booth a few minutes later. Their formal dresses helped them fit right in, and the only raised eyebrows they caused were directed at their beauty, and the way that they held hands and whispered to each other while they were waiting. All of the men, and most of the women, followed their progress through the restaurant to their seats. A gorgeous young girl appeared a minute later and introduced herself as their waitress. Her dress was almost a copy of...
ANTONIA By Brian Houlihan Copyright@1999 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved A knock on the door. "It's open." Heart attack time. I couldn't believe it. Did she just say, 'It's open.'? I was laying naked on my back on a massage table in Antonia's living room. An enema tube was shoved up my ass and I had about a quart and a half of soapy water in me already. My stomach was distended and I looked pregnant. On top of that, I had a cast iron hard-on that Antonia had been...
Your wife Anna was looking forward to her trip away with her friends. She was fully packed and after managing get all her clothes into the one suitcase Anna needed to grab a shower before the taxi arrived. You catch her as she is shaving her legs telling her that she looks amazing, you always enjoy her freshly shaved pushy. Anna glides the razor across her glistening pussy saying there might just be time before the taxi arrives. You are getting wet as you enter the shower and kneel between you...
The Great Shift: Toronto Problems By Harles It was another Friday afternoon school had just ended and I was ready for another weekend. I was talking to my friend Elad about the events of the night. "So what is happening tonight," I asked. "I don't know, I think Steve is having people over for Julia's Birthday Party at like 7:30 at Steve's mom's house," replied Elad. "I see, you going to go?" I asked. "Yeah I think so," replied Elad, "so when you going to ask out...
A few years bacock my wife Jen was talking to her sister Beth about k**s and discovered her sisters husband had a vasectomy reversal that was unsuccessful and the count was too low. This meant she would not be able to have any k**s with him and would have to get a donor. Nothing more was really said about it and I didnt really care. Her sister was a year older then her and was like my wife, drop dead gorgeous. Beth stood five foot one inch and weighed 95 lbs with shoulder length brown...
I had left the ticket counter with ticket in hand and had just got in line for the security check at the Atlanta Airport, when I noticed you. You were about four people ahead of me and had just flipped your long black hair off of your shoulders. I’m 6’2, so I figured you were 5’10, maybe 5’11 and you were wearing a pale blue sweater. I maneuvered myself around the older woman and man in front of me, to get a better look. You were wearing a tan knee length skirt, nude...
Maintenance Check by Throne I had been playing dress-up since my late teens. It started when I moved into a small, private living space, just off the campus of my college. At age 23 I found myself in a high-paying, computer consultant position, living in a fancy apartment in a high-class high rise. My secret second life, when I changed from Barton Joyner to Beta Joy, was restricted to my bathroom, where I applied make-up, bedroom, where I dressed, living room, for flouncing about...
I glanced at the hatch as sergeant major Patricia Golden walked in, “something?” She smiled, “looking for an excuse to flee the paperwork?” I grinned and sat back, “Now that you mention it, yes.” She laughed as she crossed to the desk and set a sealed packet on the desk, “a warning notice.” I picked it up and broke the seal before opening it. I read it and looked at Patricia, “looks like the eighth is going to Antilla.” She nodded, “Just us?” I shook my head, “The sixth and third will...
I was working in a local factory that employed about 1100 people. The assembly line I was on had about 110 people both men and women. This was the second factory I had worked in and it was totally different than the first. The first had only two women and the second had almost as many women as men which was good and bad. Anyway, I was just doing my job, minding my own business when a female union steward came up and started talking to the guy working next to me. They were just bullshitting,...
Daffodils were Pansy's favorite. To this day she is still a silly little flower gurl wanting, waiting, craving for another man to bring a fresh bouquet. But today was not an ordinary day. With the vacuum grinding and sucking and growling the knock on the door was just slightly audible. The little sissy . . . excuse me, pansy (she just loved being called a pansy) flamboyantly sashayed her way with little itty bitty tiny steps. She swung the door open and presented a lush bright smile. "Yessss?"...
ComDotGame/adult is a browser game site where you can play all kinds of degenerate games for free. ComDotGames aka CDG Sex Games features some of the more tasteless games on the internet, like torture and fuck simulators. This review will focus on Comdotgame’s adult section, although they have all kinds of other games to play.Comdotgame.com features thousands of random browser games that you can play through Flash. These games include blowjob and sex simulators, adventure games, and more. If...
Free Sex GamesVulgar vixen Adira Allure teases and plays with her pussy, eager for Michael Stefano’s stiff dick. The trim starlet starts out in slinky lingerie, stripping and masturbating until her sweet cunt spews girl squirt. When Michael steps in, he worships her wet slit, tonguing Adira’s twat until she spouts more ejaculatory fountains. Next, the veteran stud buries his big cock in Adira’s bunghole! The ensuing melee of extreme anal fun includes a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob,...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! I’m a 41-year-old mother to one son. I’m happily married and have been for 18 years. Russell my son has just turned 18 and is quite tall and all right looking. He's going through that stage where he's constantly horny and is always trying to see women naked including me once in a while, even though I know it's wrong, and it shocks me, it still turns me on to think that my own son looks through my bathroom window while im in the shower and wanks over...