Sea FenciblesChapter 14 A Narrow Escape
- 4 years ago
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It was the twenty-eighth of June, 1992, a great time to be alive and a great day to be in love. We disembarked the plane the same way we'd left, hand in hand. Only now, Kelley's physical hold on me was not as tight. It was more relaxed, confident, like she knew she didn't need to cling to me.
As we made our way through the crowded airport, I reflected.
Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning had been more than marathon love making. We'd talked endlessly, holding nothing back, agreeing on every topic we discussed. Kelley admitted that she'd been at fault, vowing to always be honest with me in the future. I responded by saying that I trusted her. In other words, we loosened the leash we had each other on.
So, when we stepped off the plane, walking hand in hand, our connection was stronger than ever before. Kelley knew she had me and I knew that I had her.
There was, however, one unmentionable issue ever-present between us. The free pass that I'd demanded she grant hung over Kelley like a dark cloud. While she claimed it didn't bother her, I knew she was watching the cloud, wondering when the rain would come. To her credit, she didn't ask when I planned to use my free pass.
Many times, I considered returning the free pass. I knew it would make her happy. In my own sadistic way, I was enjoying the feeling of power it gave me to know I could have a one night stand, guilt free.
What if the tables were turned? What if Kelley withheld sex from me until I granted her a free pass? I would never permit it to happen. Knowing this made me realize what an incredible person I had in Kelley. Well, I would probably never use my free pass anyway. Still, it was fun to think about.
"What's occupying your mind?" my traveling partner and bedmate asked.
Her question started me, almost as much as Mrs. Harvey, who was waving to get our attention. "I was counting the reasons I love you," I said, pleased with my quick response.
Kelley smiled from ear to ear and for a second, I thought she was going to shed a tear. "Don't make me cry. My parents will think I'm still angry," she cautioned.
Mr. Harvey shook my hand and reached for Kelley's carryon. Mrs. Harvey inspected her daughter for scars before taking her into her arms, relieved, I suppose, that I hadn't gotten reckless. If she only knew what her daughter had permitted me to do to her.
The trip to the Harvey home was a constant barrage of questions. "Did you visit the museums? What was playing at the summer theater? Which restaurants did you enjoy the most? What in the world did you two do?"
Kelley squeezed my thigh to squelch the answers that she was afraid I'd give. "The view of the city from our hotel room was magnificent. We went to the pool often and took advantage of the Jacuzzi. The restaurants were exquisite. Sammy got his fill of steak. I took him to a company party one night and we almost took in a rodeo. Do you remember why we had to cancel, Honey?"
"I believe that was the day..." I began, before feeling Kelley's fingernails dig into my inner thigh in a warning, 'don't you dare say you were pretending to be a rough-riding cowboy and I was your bronco'! " ... we visited the Denver Zoo."
Kelley gave me a, 'you're the monkey' look, and when neither of her parents asked follow-up questions, she eased the pain she'd been inflecting to my thigh.
When we got to the Harvey home, Kelley took her car out of the garage and drove me home. "Want to come in?" I asked her when we parked in front of the house.
She made a face. "I have a thousand things that I have to do. I need to spend some time with my parents and so do you," she said, almost apologetically.
We kissed goodbye and I agreed to call her later.
I went inside and underwent ninety minutes of debriefing. Mr. Oldham's questions concerned my general impression of the Denver office, what I'd seen, what I'd learned and what changes I recommended. I was making a case for shorter visits to each city when Suzanne grilled me about Kelley.
"Did she monopolize your time?"
"Not really. There was a party at the Harvey Company that I had to attend, but otherwise, I went to work every day and did what I wanted."
"I hear you went to Omaha?" Mr. Oldham asked.
"Yes, I need to speak with you about Neill Fenton, Sir," I said, thinking how fast news travels.
He suggested that we meet the next day and I excused myself, saying that I wanted to unpack. What I really wanted to do was to talk to Marcie.
Suzanne followed me to the stairs. "Is everything all right between you and Kelley?" she asked.
"Things couldn't be better between us, Suz," I assured her as I headed up the stairs.
"I knew you would patch things up," she said.
I unpacked my bag and sorted the dirty clothes to be laundered before calling Marcie. She was so wound up that I let her talk.
"I missed talking to you yesterday. Where have you been? I have so much to tell you. When can you come see me?"
"Can't you tell me over the telephone?"
"NO! I must see you in person."
"You could always come here," I suggested.
"NO! That girl is always hanging on to you. I need to see you face to face, just the two of us."
"Are you celebrating the fourth of July on Monday? I could pay you a visit that day. I'm traveling on Tuesday, the seventh."
"Will you come alone?"
"Yes, sweetie, I'll come alone."
There was a long silence before she spoke. "Listen to me; I'm being catty and I haven't even asked you how things are going between you and what's-her-name."
"I have lots to tell you, too. I think it's best to wait until we're face to face."
"Does it have something to do with her journal?"
"Why can't you say her name? Yes, it has something to do with Kelley's journal."
"Will you come early and stay late?"
"I'll come early, but I'll need to get back. Kelley may want to do something later in the day."
"That's probably a good idea. Adam may want to 'do something' too."
We ended the call, agreeing to talk on Saturday, the Fourth of July, to firm up plans for my visit.
Marcie's refusal to call Kelley by name irritated me. She clearly disapproved of my being with her. Perhaps I'd already told Marcie too much about Kelley's journal. I decided to rethink how much I would say about my 'free pass' before my visit.
Almost automatically, I dialed Kelley's number. She began apologizing as soon as I told her it was me calling.
"I'm sorry I didn't come inside with you. That was rude of me. I hope I didn't offend your parents?"
"No, they weren't offended. Suzanne asked if everything was all right between us and I told her things couldn't be better."
"Is that true, Sammy?"
"I'm sorry about Denver?"
"You needn't be. I had a good time."
"I had a good time too, but it could have been better if I hadn't taken so long to agree to your ... wish."
"We made up for lost time," I said, remembering Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning.
"That's precisely why I didn't go inside with you. I need a break."
"How long a break do you need? I hope you're going to see me this week."
"I want to be with you every night as long as you promise not to bite me anymore."
"I didn't bite you, did I?"
"Sammy, my breasts are covered with hickeys and there's even one on my ass. I won't be able to wear a bikini for a week."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I love looking in the mirror and seeing your ... handiwork."
"I'll be careful in future. Speaking of future, what time tomorrow night?"
"Is the condominium free?"
"I'll find out, but if it isn't we can get a room or come here."
"My basement playroom is always available."
I only considered what she said for a second before responding. "I'm sorry, Kelley, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself in that room."
"Because I told you the couch is where I lost my virginity?"
"No, that doesn't bother me."
"Is it because of what I wrote about me and Phillip?"
She scoffed. "You're being unreasonable, Sammy. How many girls have you had in your room at home? I know of at least three names of girls you've slept with in your room at Pontiac and I don't dwell on them when we're making love. I don't see any difference."
"The difference is that I TOLD you about them," I said, already catching my error. I'd forgotten to name Tammy on my list of sexual partners.
"You TOLD me about two of them," she corrected me.
"Touché." I said, hoping she wouldn't hang up. She did.
Returning the receiver to its cradle, I walked to the balcony and looked down at the pool. Penelope was at the shallow end, supporting Samantha so she could tread water. Penelope waved and told Samantha to wave to me, too I waved back. I wondered if the little girl knew who I was. She wouldn't be two until Labor Day.
I turned and surveyed the room, my eyes drawing me to the desk. Becky's picture was turned face down. I picked it up and looked into the smiling eyes of my girlfriend from years ago. Would I ever see her again? What would we say to each other?
The envelope containing the three pips caught my attention. I emptied the envelope to make sure they were still there. Karen Parker's image popped into my mind. Her strong thighs and tight ass were her best assets. It had been two years since I'd seen her. Would she talk to me if I called her? Would she entertain being my free pass? No, she would want to use all three pips or none at all. Thinking how inconsiderate I was to leave these two keepsakes on my desk for Penelope to dust, I opened the top drawer and deposited them there. Still, the thought of Karen made my cock twinge.
My telephone rang. "Hello."
"I spoke to Phyllis. She wants to meet you. Which night would be best for you, sweetheart?"
Kelley's dismissal of our previous conversation, as if it never took place, astonished me. "You hung up on me," I reminded her, not wanting to let it drop.
"I had to hang up, dear. You were being unreasonable."
"Your mother is unreasonable. If she won't allow us to go upstairs to your room, you'll have to get a place of your own."
"I'll make your wishes known to my mom. Now, I tentatively told Phyllis Wednesday night would be best, but she understands that I need to get your approval. Is Wednesday okay with you, honey?"
"It's not my WISH, Kelley. It's my demand that we be allowed to be alone in your room." I said and waited several seconds for her to respond. "Kelley, Kelley, don't hang up on me..." She did.
I dialed her number. "Hello."
"Kelley, this is an order. Tell your mom that I'm coming for dinner tomorrow night and after dinner we're going up to your room. While you're at it, show your mom what I did to your ass."
She responded with no hesitation. "What time should I say you'll be here?"
"I'll come straight from work. We'll swim before dinner."
"Yes, Sammy. I love you so much. I'll miss sleeping with you tonight. Will you miss sleeping with me?"
"I already miss you, honey."
"I'm going to tell my mom what you said right now, Sammy. I'll show her what you did to my ass, too."
"That's good. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yes, Kelley?"
"Did you ... have you had time to decide ... about Wednesday?"
"Wednesday will be fine with me."
"You'll wear something besides that hideous blue blazer, won't you, sweetheart?"
"Kelley," I said, letting a warning tone occupy my voice.
"I'm sorry, darling. I only want you to look nice."
Her sincerity made me crumble. "I know."
As we hung up, I was filled with glee, having gotten Kelley to agree to bare her hickey-decorated ass to her mother and to express my demand that we be allowed to make love in her room. Also, she'd raised no objection to being seen wearing a bikini.
I was reading my mail, a letter from my mother saying she was happy that I was coming home for a weekend in October, and a short note from Jeannie giving me their telephone number, when Suzanne called to say dinner was being served. It was really a Sunday night supper. The only item that had been heated was the soup, which looked like leftovers thrown in the same pot. The rest of the meal consisted of salads and a variety of cold meats.
"Stella Harvey just called to invite us to their home for dinner tomorrow night," Suzanne said as I took my seat. I got the idea she was watching for a reaction from me.
"What did you tell her?" I asked.
"I said we'd be delighted to go. Is there ... something we should know?"
"I'm going to their house for a swim after work and I invited myself to dinner, but I didn't put her up to inviting you. I can't think of anything else you should know," I said, wondering if Mrs. Harvey had told Suzanne about seeing the little red blotch on her daughter's ass.
Suzanne looked frustrated at my inability to supply meaningful information. She turned to Mr. Oldham. "Should we take wine, John?"
As I listened to them discuss the question to take wine or not to take wine, I wondered who blew this out of proportion. Had Kelley misconstrued my wanting us to go upstairs to her room after dinner? Had Mrs. Harvey read more into a playful hickey on her daughter's ass than I intended it to be? Had mother and daughter consulted Mr. Harvey as to the meaning of my inviting myself to their home for dinner and he assumed an announcement was forthcoming? Had Mrs. Harvey intimated to Suzanne that I was about to propose and she wanted my parents to be there to witness the event?
"It's nothing like that," I said, with more volume in my voice that I intended.
"Nothing like what?" Suzanne asked.
"Nothing like what you are thinking. I objected to going downstairs to their playroom and got carried away asserting my control. It's a simple matter of me going too far and Kelley permitting me to give her orders."
Mr. Oldham and Suzanne looked at me like they understood, but I'm sure they didn't. They let me off without having to explain that Kelley's breasts were covered with hickeys or that she'd granted me a free pass, which I had no intention of using.
"We'll take wine," Suzanne said and the subject was changed to my next trip. I told them that I planned to visit Josh, Jeannie, Eddie and Celia at their apartment while I was in Boston.
Dessert was brownies and coffee. I helped Suzanne clear the table and then joined Mr. Oldham in the sunroom for a conversation about world events. All the time we were talking, I was remembering the time Kelley and I had spent in the Jacuzzi. I was already looking forward to our trip to Seattle.
Suzanne joined us and hearing us talking about the presidential campaigns, said she was going to retire to their room. Mr. Oldham told her he would join her soon. He talked to me for about ten minutes before saying goodnight.
I sat in the dark and let my body and mind float, like a lifeboat at sea, aimlessly. I wondered if Suzanne and Mr. Oldham often retired early to their room. Did they read, watch television or make love? Surely, they didn't go to sleep. No one needed that much rest.
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Escape by sammig82 Edited by DocVS My thanks to you readers for the encouraging and kind words seeing that this is my first attempt at writing a story. English was never my primary language and I needed guidance from you readers to help improve the story. I can't say how grateful I am to DocVS for the reediting. So I think you readers deserved a release of the edited version. I hope you'll like it. Chapter 1 WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and a very...
Sara and Ken were friends. Every summer they were together and explored the mysteries of growing up. They made plans for a fun summer. Little did Ken know what was to happen. Ken came from the city and Sara from the country. Sara was one of five of Ken’s summer friends, all girls. She grew up on a farm in central New Hampshire. She turned 17 over the winter and could not wait for summer. Ken grew up in the second largest city in Massachusetts. This was his last trip to the farm for the summer. ...
I’ve had a few relationships. More than a few, really. A couple ended kind of ugly, but most of them ended when we both simply lost interest in staying together. Thing was, Summer wasn’t my girlfriend. That said, I felt an emotional hit when she left, and, afterwards, life seemed a little empty, at least for a while. It’s not that we drifted apart or had any kind of disagreement. It was simply that she felt a need to continue on her journey...The day had started out as most had since she’d...
IncestSummer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...
Summer Camp: Once a Scout, Always a Scout Prologue The line separating fact from fantasy often blurs as one ages, this is not true for me. The line is very clear. With one exception, all of the characters and most of the incidents are as described. The reader will have to determine which is the exception. There is one indisputable fact that runs throughout, however: almost all older women (any woman over thirty in my view) are horny by nature. Place them with a bunch of horny young men and...
The day was unusually hot, so Summer decided to shut the house up and turn on the air-conditioner to try to cool down. Finally, she thought, I have the place to myself. Kids and hubby were off at football as per the norm for a Saturday. Wearily she sat down in her comfy chair in the lounge room and started to think about all the excitement of the last few weeks. It had started with her decision to quit her job after 15 years with the same company. Summer had realised that career-wise, she was...
Walter has just finished college and is spending one last summer taking care of his weird uncle’s cabin located on Pond Cove, a secluded area surrounded by a government nature preserve. All of the other owners, except one, have been bought out by the government which wants to turn Pond Cove into a frog sanctuary. Walter meets his neighbors for the summer– six sorority sisters who are spending one last summer together.Things get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his...
SpankingAuthor's Note: I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the new story, this is one that's been in my head for years and I'm happy to finally have it down on the page. Additionally, if you've been chomping at the bit for more stories, I've taken part in a few CYOA interactive stories over at and that you can find fairly easily. "What am I going to do?" Taylor asked, after explaining his current situation to Aunt Agnes. She sat with a pensive look on her...
Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....
Finally! Summer! For me, that has two meanings. School is over, I’m back from college. Finally, I get to lounge by the pool and relax for three months. Also, my baby sister is named Summer. At 19, Summer had perfect long, blonde hair hanging down just past her shoulders. Her body had developed during my first year of college, so my summer break that year was quite a shock. When I left, she was a 5’6” gangly 16 year old girl with a pretty face. When I came back, she was still the same height,...
Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....
Summer Secrets By Varian Milagro Chapter 1 It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I'd be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in...
SUMMER ESCAPADES – The Beginning of a Great Summer Chapter 1 By Bob Andersen I loved going to camp. It was the only thing that I looked forward to during the summers, even more than baseball. I had gone to the same over-night camp since I was 8 years old, and now that I was 15, I looked forward to the Counselor-in-Training program. It meant that I would be away from parents and my little brother for a whole 8-weeks. That in itself should have been enough, but I also knew that a lot of the kids...
GayThings get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his submissive side from the hands of some expert teachers. This story stands on its own, but the storyline will continue in the future. Because this is the first chapter, there is a lot of setup and staging before things get interesting. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual...
Summer Experiment Chapter One Frankie felt the agitation building in his body simply talking on the phone to his wife. He missed her terribly. She was hours away and he was feeling so down about being alone. And she was bringing up the same old thing all over again, sex. He didn't like the topic of sex. It made him feel nervous inside just talking about it. It was awkward discussing their sex life or lack of it and it was even worse to do it while his wife was on a speakerphone...
Me and my wife don't really like to label our relationship. To many boxes with some many constraints attached to them. If somebody asks we just reply that we are swinging, as it seems to sum up our views on sex and love. As far as I'm concerned, I've never been into monogamy. The whole concept of just fucking one person for the rest of the relationship seems boring to me. I don't own anybody, and nobody can ever claim to own me, or my body. It's my life after all.My first experience on this...
Doc's Complex 9a - The Last Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9a of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." A reviewer asked a question about Chapter 9 "Escape," and thinking about it led to this extension of that chapter, where a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls was made into a beautiful, intelligent, sexy, buxom woman himself. This chapter can be added to that one...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The saga comes to a close as Walter and Holly return to school... now as teachers. How they get their new teaching positions, who their principals will be, and where they will teach is all discovered in this final chapter of Summer at Pond Cove. This story stands on its own, but makes a little more sense if you have read the previous chapters. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...
Introduction: This is the dark tale of Jana who accompanies her boyfriend to a summer solstice celebration held deep in the woods. The story is very OTT and is meant to be. It is not for the faint of heart and it does not have a happy ending. It is a dirty, dirty story with tons of fucking, cannibalism, death, horror, and destruction. If you do not like this sort of thing then please do not read it, choose something happier. If you read it despite this warning, please keep your comments to...
Son-in-law's Summer of Love and SexbySusanJillParker©This is a Summer Lovin' contest story. Please vote.Wife abandons husband and baby for a wild life on the French Riviera. *Glad for the experience, it had been a long, hot, emotionally charged and sexually frustrating summer spent with my mother-in-law. Surviving the heat, a record number of 90 plus degree consecutive days, no longer feeling sorry for myself, I was looking forward to the cooler temperatures of fall to clear my head for a fresh...
I didn’t quite know what to expect the next morning. After all, we’d crossed a line, one that couldn’t be recrossed again, and I found myself consumed with a million little worries when I woke. Nothing to do about it, at least not until Summer arose too. I decided that we’d sit down and have a long talk and work this out…As usual, though, Summer was… Summer, meaning things just sort of worked themselves out. Or maybe they didn’t. At least not how I expected.I heard her stirring. Or rather, I...
IncestWe drove to the spring again, accompanied by Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. She was giggly. She’d been so all morning. She’d also brought one of her shopping bags with her. I didn’t ask. I’m sure I’d find out later.“Stay here for… Oh, I don’t know. A while.”“Why?” I asked.“Because I asked you too.”So I did. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes going by. And then I picked up my easel and my paint box and joined her at the spring.“Don’t laugh,” she told me shyly, as if I would. She was...
IncestDoc's Complex 09 - Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Doc wants everyone to be a buxom, beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman, so what do you think he did to a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls? This chapter can be read as a stand-alone short story. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on...
It’s hard to believe that my summer at Pond Cove has come to an end. Things didn’t finish the way I had expected. Actually, things didn’t begin the way I expected either and the summer was nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I would have a lot of time to myself over the summer to get ready for my first year of teaching. Instead, most of my summer was taken up finding out I was a painslut, falling in love with another painslut– holly, submitting myself to Mistress Gloria... and then...
BDSMI was catching up with my old high school buddy Jeff. We hadn't seen each other since two summers ago, when we had gone to a movie together - and ended up sucking each other off in the back of the theater.Now seeing each other for the first time in a long time, we'd just started to watch a movie on the couch at his house, but we didn't get far into it. Almost immediately, we took turns blowing each other. Then, as he came back from the kitchen with beers, his dick swaying temptingly as he...