Summer 9 free porn video

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She’d arrived with a small suitcase, much like before. And, just like before I offered her the spare bedroom. I probably should have talked it over with Jennette first, but thankfully, she seemed okay with it.

‘I think telling you no would be worse for us than telling you yes,’ was what she told me and so it was settled although, despite that, I was understandably nervous with both of them in the house especially since Summer, had she changed at all during the last three years, seemed to fall into her old habits overnight…

I woke up the next morning, leaving Jennette in bed half-awake, pulled on my jeans and a tee and, after a quick trip to the bathroom got the coffee brewing.

“Smells good.”

She looked just like I remembered. Her hair was a little longer, but other than that, she really hadn’t changed much. She was wearing a pink tank top with ‘San Diego’ printed across the front. That was it. No panties. Fuck. Here we go again, I thought. Not that I was complaining although I was wondering how Jennette would react. Again, fuck.

As for Summer, she seemed blissfully aware and went about fixing her coffee.

“Want some help with breakfast?”

“I’ve got it. What do you think about pancakes?” wondering if she remembered our first morning together.

“With blueberries and maple syrup?”


“Sounds yummy.”

I’d like to pretend that Jennette didn’t bat an eye when she joined us wearing pajama tops and shorts and saw us in the kitchen, me flipping pancakes, Summer standing close, a cup of coffee in her hands, naked from the waist down. At least I was dressed.

“Miss anything?” she asked, her voice sounding far too innocent for my taste.

“No,” I replied, aware that I’d replied far too quickly and that there had been a note of panic in my voice.

“I see,” was all she said, pouring herself a cup of coffee and taking a seat at the table. A moment later, Summer started getting the plates out, setting them on the table.

“I missed this,” she said, speaking to Jennette, not me. “It’s nice to be back.”

Jennette offered her a smile and then surprised me. “You sort of belong here, I think. Maybe this time you’ll stay longer?”

“Maybe,” she said, sitting down beside my girlfriend and sipping at her cup, thoughtfully. “We’ll see.”

Ice broken, we ate. I’d put in a Yann Tiersen CD before joining them, sitting across from them, closer to Jennette than Summer, but not by much.  We talked, catching each other up some on what was going on in our lives, making sure to include Jennette in the conversation. It felt strangely comfortable. Like my girlfriend had said, Summer belonged here. At least, I thought so. I hoped she did too.

Afterwards, I tidied up, Jennette helping me in the kitchen while my niece showered.

“You sure you okay with this?” I asked, a little apprehensively.

“She’s nice. And having her here takes away your sadness. Hers too. I think it will be good to have her here.”

I didn’t realize it at the time, but that short little conversation would have a huge effect on all of our lives.

The old habits mixed well with the new. After her shower, Summer strolled into the living room, naked, her hair damp, got the tin out of the cupboard, and wandered out to the back porch to get high while Jennette took her turn in the bathroom.

Not quite knowing what to do, I joined her, sitting across from her, enjoying the sight of her perpetually stiff nipples.

“What about the book tour?”

“I start in a month.”

She shrugged and took a hit, holding it in, a blissful expression on her face, then letting the smoke out slowly, passing the pipe to me.

“It’s expected.”

“I see.” I took a hit, enjoying the fuzzy feeling that began to grow inside my head. A month.

“How long will it last?”

“Six weeks, I think? I’d rather use the time to write. That’s why I came here, you know. That and because I missed it. I hate LA. You’ve ruined me on it.”

I laughed, shaking my head and passing the pipe back. As she took it from me I became aware that her other hand had disappeared, out of sight beneath the table and, by her subtle movements, I could tell she was playing with herself. Soon, it became more obvious, a faraway look growing in her eyes as her lips parted and she started to moan softly. I took another hit and sat quietly, watching her, wanting her, but content to simply observe. Not long after, Jennette joined us, helping herself to the pipe and pulling up a chair beside me after kissing me softly on the mouth. She, too, was silent, not wanting to disturb our guest as she became more and more lost in pleasure.

“I want to be touched. Please,” she murmured, blushing, her cheeks pink. Unsure, I looked over at Jennette who surprised me by getting up and moving behind Summer and stroking her long strawberry hair tenderly, occasionally brushing her finger tips over the ridge of her ears, along her jaw and cheekbones while I watched, my cock uncomfortably hard in my jeans.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned, trembling, her legs spreading, as she slipped her other hand between her thighs.  Moments later she climaxed. It was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in a long time, especially when my girlfriend leaned over and began to kiss the top of her head tenderly, meeting my eyes, a smile on her lips.  A month. I could live with that…

That night, we listened to her, Jennette and I, staying as silent as possible as we heard her soft moans through the wall. She sat on top of me, straddling my hips, my cock deep within her dripping wet pussy, slowly riding me to a crescendo of own. She climaxed moments after Summer’s third orgasm, collapsing on top of me, her mouth hungry for mine, as I rolled her over on her back and fucked her furiously until I spent my load inside of her and she came again…

We spend a lifetime trying to recapture the magic of that one perfect place in time even though it’s impossible. That time with Summer, especially the time we spent under the old oak tree, her sitting on her swing and writing while I tried to capture something impossible to put into words, let alone on canvass. The undefinable essence that made her Summer and yet, somehow I managed and I became a better painter for it. She was, in many ways, my muse. I like to think that time she spent with me gave her the freedom to discover something inside of her as well, something that, living in LA under the scrutiny of her family, she’d never quite been able to tap in to.

Three years ago we were on a journey, together,discovering something special together. That journey, though, was over. The dynamic had changed, maybe only subtly, but it had. Jennette was part of it. I was in love with her in a way I had never been in love with Summer. I won’t deny that the possibility had always been there. I think that, had she stayed instead of going to Italy, I might have found myself falling for her like I had for Jennette and, I think it would have changed our journey… I think that I was a better painter because she’d left, just as she’d become a better writer as well. That said, she was clearly unhappy where she was, not in terms of what she was doing, but where she was living. I could sense that it she longed for the peace and freedom to simply exist as Summer that she’d found here with me…

I took her out to the spring the next day, feeling guilty that I wanted time with her alone, without Jennette there. Fortunately, my girlfriend seemed to understand my needs better than me.

“Go. Take your easel and paints. And your camera. I’ll be here when you come back.” She smiled and kissed me, and that was that. She even made us a picnic lunch. I think, now, looking back at that time, that’s what had kept us together all these years.  She simply trusted that I would always come back to her.

“Have you brought Jennette here?” she asked as I pulled the truck over and parked it.

“No. I haven’t brought anyone.”

“You should.”

“Maybe,” I told her, knowing I was lying. This was more than just a place. It was a moment caught in time, a bubble that held a memory that I wanted desperately to hold onto and preserve, foolish as that might sound. A time when it was just Summer and me enveloped in a comfortable silence.

“A dragonfly trapped in Amber,” she said with a giggle as if she could see my thoughts. Maybe she could.

“Yeah. Something like that.”

She’d put on a sundress earlier. Somethings never changed. Green and scandalously short had we been out in public. She still had nice legs and an amazing ass and nipples that were perpetually hard.

“You still have that painting? The one you did out here? You promised to show it to me.”

“It’s in the attic. I’ve had a lot of offers for it, but yeah, I promised, so there it is.”

She answered with a shy smile that made me want to kiss her. Instead, I set up my easel and began to sketch while she wandered around the field as if trying to reacquaint herself with it. Nothing had really changed. The spring was still there, the wildflowers, the swing still hung from the oak. Nothing had changed. Only, it was different. She was different. So was I and, no matter how much I wanted it to be exactly like as it was, it could never be and I think I was okay with that.

I lost track of her for a while, getting into what I was doing. I realized after a while that I was sketching a memory or, perhaps more accurately, a desire. Summer, not as she was, but as I wanted her to be. That wasn’t up to me, though, so stopped and went over and sat on her swing, swinging slowly, accompanied by the sound of the breeze through the grass and the joyful burble of the spring.

Eventually, she returned, her gaze a little distant. Dreamy. As if, she too, was trying to hold on to a memory. I couldn’t help but smile that she seemed to have misplaced her dress and wore a pair of green lace panties, not because I was a perv, although there was that, but because I was happy that she hadn’t lost that part of her. Without a word I got up and let her have her swing – and yes, it was her swing – and then went back to the truck and got her tablet and my camera…

She spent the entire day writing, breaking occasionally, once for lunch, once to take off her panties and sit quietly on the bank of the spring, feet submerged in the water, and once to simply come sit next to me while I did the same…

“I was a little afraid to come back here.”


She shrugged. “I didn’t know if it would be the same,” she finally replied, mirroring my thoughts. “If I was the same.”

“It’s not. You’re not. Everything is different. And it’ll be different tomorrow. I liked your stories.”


“Yeah. It felt like you were still here when I read them.”

“Maybe I was.”


“Maybe I won’t leave this time.”

“What about your book tour?”

She shrugged, a small frown marring her face, then brightened again. It was as if a dark cloud had drifted over us for a moment.

“It would nice to have a place to come back to when it’s over.”

She stood up and went back to her swing while I watched, thinking her ass looked even better than I remembered it. Eventually we both decided that we were hungry and it was time to head back.

“I like your girlfriend,” she told me. “You two fit together.”

“I like her too. And yeah, we do.”

Dinner was nice. I put on Yann Tiersen, much to her delight and afterwards, I cleaned up while the girls went out back and got high together. When I joined them they were both naked which, when I commented, Jennette simply shrugged and giggled.

“Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Later, we made love. Slow and tender and yet incredibly passionate.

“You had a nice day. I can tell.”

“Yeah. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

That settled, she turned over, wiggling closer, so that I could spoon her. We fell asleep that way, waking up once when she shook me gently and giggled when I realized why. We could her Summer through the wall having the mother of all orgasms, apparently.

“Her third,” she whispered, sounding a little awe struck.


“My turn.”

It didn’t take much to get me hard or long to make her come. Loud and hard this time.

“I wonder if she heard us….”

I chuckled in the dark and squeezed her ass playfully.

“Neighbors probably heard you.”

She laughed at that and, while it was dark, I imagined her blushing.

Summer didn’t say anything the next morning, but she did get the giggles when she came out, grinning at both of us as she sat down, wearing one of my t-shirts that she’d apparently ‘borrowed’ at some point. Maybe I’d left it in the bathroom. I couldn’t remember. Later, she went up to the attic, where she stayed for much longer than I’d expected. When she came down she had a faraway look on her face, one I remembered well. Later she asked what I was going to do with it. The painting, I assumed.

“I always meant to hang it. I don’t think I could sell it.”

“Why haven’t you?”

“I wanted you to see if first. Besides, Jennette might not approve?”

“You never answered me, you know.”

“About what?” I wondered.

“Your painting. Would you sell it to me?”

“No. Consider it a gift.”

She kissed me, then. Not friendly peck in the cheek. On the lips and it lingered longer than it should have, leaving us both a little breathless and it left me a little hard. Summer had always had that effect on me. Somethings never change…

The month went by too quickly. Summer and I spent quite a few days out at the spring. But not every day. She and Jennette had struck up an unlikely friendship and they’d go into town during the week and shop or just have lunch. Sometimes I was invited. Sometimes I wasn’t. It was nice to see. About a few weeks before she left she became busy with calls and emails, planning out the tour. She’d be flying back to LA for it, doing some dates there, some up in the Bay Area, and then hitting most of the major cities in the states and in Canada. She was both excited and nervous about the whole thing. Before she left she gave me a copy of her novel.

“Read I while I’m gone. I didn’t want you to before, in case you hated it, not that you will.”

I laughed. “I could never hate anything you did.”

She gave me one other gift before she left…

It was two days before her flight was due to leave. She was flying out from Paris and had arranged to stay in a nearby hotel the night before so it was her last night with us. She was nervous and a little anxious, which was so unlike her that I was actually concerned.

“I could really use a drink, Noel.”

I got out the wine and three glasses.  We ended up, Summer, Jennette, and I, sitting around the table listening to Rimskey-Korsekov on the stereo while getting tipsy. Inevitably, Summer ended up in just her bra and panties. Not all the surprisingly, so did Jennette. As for me, I was perfectly comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt and didn’t see any reason to take them off, despite the girls teasing me about it.

“Why? You’re both much prettier. Ogle each other and let me enjoy the scenery in peace,” I teased, at which Summer got a mischievous look. Moments later she was leading Jennette and me down the hall by the hands, and into our – not her – bedroom and onto the bed…

I won’t lie. I’d often imagined what a threesome would be like, but I’d kept it to myself. I liked the dynamic we’d developed and had no wish to upset it. Still, now that the possibility was suddenly presenting itself, I was hard as fuck.

It wasn’t at all like I’d pictured it. Having gotten things rolling, Summer became a little shy, as did Jennette. It was rather adorable, honestly. As for me, I decided to be patient and sat on the edge of the bed while they sort of figured it out between them. Trust me, it wasn’t a sacrifice to watch two hot young women being affectionate, their kisses tentative at first until they abandoned any inhibitions they might have initially had, and embraced, letting hunger guide them…

Jennette’s hand began to wander. Summer’s bra came off first. She moaned as my girlfriend’s mouth consumed her nipple. Affection turned to passion. I unzipped myself, needing to free my cock before it grew too uncomfortable. Soon, they were both naked and the room was filled with the sounds of mouths on flesh, softy sighs of pleasure and drawn out moans of lust. Jennette let out a soft cry as Summer took her nipple between her teeth while she had her hand on Summer’s pussy, her finger disappearing into her pink wetness while I started to jerk off slowly. Fuck fuck fuck.

Their mouths were everywhere, tasting, tongues leaving slick trails on trembling flesh, fingers exploring, pausing to kiss, mouth devouring mouth. It was as if the dam had burst and they were being washed away in a flood of lust. Summer let out a long shuddering groan, pausing suddenly, obviously coming as her pussy was being filled and fingered. Jennette soon followed and then, giggling, pushed Summer down on her back, crawled between her spread thighs, and started teasing her with her mouth and tongue.

“Fuck,” I mumbled, watching as my niece began to writhe on the bed, close enough for me to touch her. Unable to stop myself, I groped her tit, teasing her nibble with my thumb… I felt her tremble against my fingers, her back arching, lips parted, her eyes rolling back a little. I could sense that she was about to climax, so I helped her a little, pinching her nipple and then leaning over and taking it in my mouth, sucking as I flickered the tip of my tongue against it until I felt her buck suddenly and cry out, squirming and giggling suddenly as Jennette’s tongue on her sensitive pussy became too much.

She lay spent for a while, letting both of us touch and caress her, our touches tender and intimate as we smiled over her, gazes meeting. I saw love in my girlfriend’s eyes and was confident she saw the same in mine. There was a part of me that wanted to fuck Summer, not knowing if I’d ever get the chance again. I didn’t, though. Truth was, I wanted Jennette more and I couldn’t think of a more perfect place to do it then right here and right now.

I think she sensed my need, my want, stretching out along side my niece on her back, turning slightly towards her so that she could kiss both of us as I lay on top of her, my thigh between Summer’s as I pushed myself slowly into Jennette’s dripping wet pussy…

I took my time, fucking her slowly, building up a nice rhythm, pushing deep into her and then out again until only my cockhead was inside her. She was tight, her muscles clenching and unclenching, her tits rising and falling as her breathes quickened, kissing Summer, then me, then Summer again.

“Kiss her too,” she whispered, so I did, my mouth on my niece’s as I fucked Jennette.

They were both moaning, now. I felt more than saw Summer’s hand slip between her thighs and start teasing her pussy. Again, I thought of how much I wanted her, but resisted. That is until Jennette pulled my head down between them and whispered in my ear.

“Fuck her, Noel. I want to be here, to watch. Fuck her for me, lover.”

She shifted, reaching down between us, pushing me gently away, taking my rock hard cock in her hand. It was so wet, coated with her fragrant juices. Gently she helped me onto Summer, helping me enter her…

“Just like you were doing with me. Slow and deep. Make it last forever.”

I did just as she told me, rolling my hips slowly, letting my weight sink me deep into her tight wet pink beautiful pussy while Jennette kissed her, her fingers brushing through her hair, their moans intertwined, a duet. I was unable to tell them apart.

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 19

Meanwhile, simmering off the coast of northern California and in to Oregon, Washington and a bit of British Colombia, the Juan de Fuca plate had increased its movement from 60 millimeters to 18 centimeters ... that's almost 10 inches ... accompanied by outgassing (bubbles) and a noticeable drop in local sea level. The Cascade Arc of volcanoes were pooting and poofing a little more regularly and the forest was yellowing like mad. Fishing in the neighborhood sucked and boats needed painting...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 6

Since I didn't have a plan, I didn't talk about the plan as we rode alone. She didn't ask. We had done this before, just riding side by side, looking around, inspecting things, enjoying nature. Finally she spoke. "So what did you and Mom talk about when she went over there last night?" "You," I said, for lack of anything else to say. "Was she mad?" "She wasn't happy." "I didn't mean to tell her," she said. "But you made me so angry!" "I'm sorry about that," I said,...

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This is fiction:- I went to a party one night in Glasgow, with one of my friends, Jennifer. This was just to get out of the dorms at Uni more than anything else. When we got there it was quite lively, a lot of good-looking guy and girls and a few older people that I didn’t know. I asked Jen who they were and what were people that age doing at a party for mostly Uni students. She told me that this wasn’t a normal night but it was a Sub & Doms party, for the older masters and mistresses...

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One Thing Leads to Another You Scared Me

"Hey girl, you coming over yet?" Maria answered. "Yeah, Im on my way. Do you want to do anything?" "I wasn't planning on it, Im just lounging around in my pajamas still." "That's cool, I'm in my sweatpants." "Eww... You sloppy bitch," Maria teased. "You used to be so funny. What happened?" Christine replied. "You want to go to Walmart and show off your sweatpants later?" "Shut up." "It's okay to wear sweatpants in public, you're so very...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh MassagedChapter 7 Sisters Tease the MILF

The Armstrongs would be here in an hour for their second lesson from my brother, Clint. It was two weeks since that wonderful Saturday morning when my brother showed Mr. Armstrong what sort of wife he had. Two weeks since she was spanked and fucked and shown to be a cuckold. Clint was having fun teaching Mr. Armstrong to control his wife. The first lesson was on how to safely tie up his wife and dominate her without hurting her. Mr. Armstrong had to learn to control his wife. It was hot...

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Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 10

The six of us watched Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring, largely so as to unwind and recover a bit, not to mention subconsciously see how we clicked as a group dynamic. We certainly shared an interest in Tolkien, as well as one in George R.R. Martin with his A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) work, though I also dug Harry Turtledove’s books myself. In any case, we speculated a lot about the offscreen stuff that might have happened, realistically, which would have been on...

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Komal My Hot Sexy Maid

Hey indian sex stories dot net Friends, I would like to share my story with my maid. I rented an apartment in Bangalore, near my Bua’s house. Though my Uncle and Bua wanted me to stay with them, I wanted to be alone and free. I got settled and in a few days, I realized I required a servant to take care of my flat. I called my Bua and asked her to help me. She said she would send her maid to my flat in the evening. I was happy to hear that. Same Day, In the Evening, the bell rang. I opened the...

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TheRealWorkout Ella Knox Working Out With Ella Knox

Ella Knox has taken a day away from lavish video shoots to show us how to really get in shape. First she hops on the treadmill and is sure to remove her bra for ultimate calorie burning. Then she will hop on the trampoline for a little to really get those titties jiggling and workout those legs. From there she will remove her panties revealing her perfectly kept twat. She will then start to stretch and prepare to get fucked. Ella always makes sure to use every bit of equipment in the gym to...

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The Bite Chapter 5

I followed my sister in law, Kristin, into her bedroom from the bathroom where she had recently showered, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. Before ordering her into the bedroom, she had whispered to me, “Fuck me... please? I want you to slowly stretch out my tiny virgin pussy until I can take all of that huge cock.”. I planned to, but maybe not in the way she expected. This was her first time, and although I had been in control all night, I thought that it might be best if she handled...

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Seduction of AmyChapter 6

Amy seemed non-committal when John mentioned the awards banquet. However, John couldn't know that her heart started beating a little faster. "I'd have to get a new dress and shoes, not to mention my hair," Amy said. "So you don't want to go?" "No... uh yes I guess I could go. It's just kind of sudden." "Well, Thomas didn't plan it like that. His date cancelled." "All right, I guess I could get ready in time." Amy walked out of the room and almost screamed in glee. Thomas...

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The Tentacles of Tarantas

Kendra lay back on her bed naked, legs apart and head back."Vibe number three," she stated, "full power, variation four, five minutes."A servo-arm came out of the cabin ceiling, a vibe attached to the free end, and slid smoothly into Kendra's open pussy, rotating and pumping in and out of her. She grasped the sheet as her arousal grew, her lower body arching up towards the vibe, needing it deeper, harder, faster. Then she was coming, her breath coming in gasps, and her love juices seeping...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Karri

“Karri your turn,” Lee said gently. Karri looked at her brother with apprehension in her eyes. Sean walked over to her and took her hands. “Sis you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. It will be a big change for you.” “That box is an Apprentice Wizard’s Box. You will become Aeron’s apprentice. You probably won’t be able to go home for long, if you accept this responsibility. You will become a protector of the Keltrian people and feel compelled to come back here. We think the...

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Out of State

"Out of State""See, the way I see it, is that who cares if it's uncomfortable? As long as I look hot, it doesn't matter!" Zach nodded, gritting his teeth against the stupid pouring out of Amanda's mouth. The girl must've been dropped, thrown and kicked in the head as an infant; He found himself wondering all the time how exactly she's survived long enough to hit 20; people this stupid just should not be alive. No matter, he thought with an inward chuckle, that'll be remedied soon enough....

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BusherChapter 7 Dave

We had Wilmington in Monday through Wednesday for night games, an off night on Thursday, and then the Friday night game with Lynchburg, followed by day games both weekend days. After that, we'd hit the road again, to Wilmington, Delaware for three in the Blue Rocks' park. I kind of wished I'd had the presence of mind to suggest that Emily come up Thursday, but she had said she'd consulted the team's schedule, so she must have noticed on her own that we had the off day. Probably, it just...

2 years ago
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PervMom Dani Jensen Ginger MILF Dreams

With a smoking hot stepmom like ginger MILF Dani Jensen, it is easy to understand why her stepson fantasizes about fucking her all the time. Today, he accidentally walks in on her pleasuring herself in the bathtub, and both of them are shocked. But when she sees he was jerking off with her panties in his hand, she wants to make his dreams cum true. She lets him eat her pussy and fuck her tight slit doggystyle! Later, Dani wants a ride from her adoring stepson. He catches her masturbating in the...

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Sexy BFFs Chapter 4

Gracie spun Jenny around in the mud and this time Gracie simply ripped off Jenny's mud covered panties and slid her juicy mouth all the way down Jenny's already rock hard she cock and moaned loudly. Jenny took the hint and tore Gracies skimpy panties off completely and sunk her lips balls deep down Gracie's girl cock. Up and down the two sexy girls went on each others cocks mixing spit, drool and mud over each other. Soft moans, slurping sounds and splooshing of mud echoed through the night...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 333 Homing Runaways

I need to have my computer go through and break out what each corporation owns to let me see how many places I now hold. Do I have a lot in town from those taking their children to Steve’s clinic? The guy and gals in white coats didn’t question how I could settle down those they were transporting to rubber rooms for observation. I had a gift, they said, of knowing how to, temporarily, debilitate people without requiring sedatives. “Man, you are a lifesaver,” said one of the white coat guys....

4 years ago
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Hot Cousin Sister Anu

Hi all…I am a big fan of incest stories that this site has…a lot of them seems to be fiction though…today I am here submitting my own story which is 100% real…all the girls out there can email me at Let me tell u about me first..I am a young guy 20 yrs of age, not that tall (5ft 8in) but good looking…my cousin Anu who is the heroin of this story is also 20, around 5ft 5in, very fair, good sexy figure, firm boobs and a big round ass let’s get back to the story now…this happened about a year ago...

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From now and for Emma 2

"I made a massive mistake," Mark said after he woke me up to breakfast in bed. "I saw Annie in the park and asked about going out with her friday night, I totally forgot that I am you." That happened Monday morning just three days after a fateful friday night when Emma took me to her home. We shared a kiss that made us switch bodies against my will, it is just one of the ways the entity inhabiting and posing as the former me, Mark, can transfer minds. As Mark it's got my memories...

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MagicianChapter 115

The following day Morgana and I patrolled nervously around the court as Verenestra granted some of her most loyal subjects extra land, including Talusi and her mother Melusa. You could tell that the nerves of the guards (and William) were stretched thin, though finally the ceremony was coming to a close. It was then when a little of the tension was ebbing that the floor on the dais went out of phase causing Verenestra and William to go tumbling down through it with loud yells of surprise. I...

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HostelXXX Felicity Feline Jade Jantzen Robbed and Roped Part 2 E05

Poor little Jade Jantzen, she just wanted to have a fun vacation with her friend Felicity Feline. Now, after getting robbed at the beach and tricked into coming to Hostilexxx, she finds herself alone in a dark place. She’s been collared, ball-gagged, blindfolded, tied up with rope and seated. She’s alarmed when she hears her new master, Brick the innkeeper, approaching. He walks his frightened little Asian bitch to a wooden stand, chains her to it then feeds her some cock. Her...

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Patties new life

Two black lesbians and a middle aged blonde housewife and mother whose wanted her enslaved PATTIES NEW LIFE THE BEGINNING OF CHANGE Two black lesbians and a middle aged blonde housewife and mother whose husband wanted her enslaved. Wow, was she ever in for more than she ever dreamed of. Patty was forty years old but looked more like thirty. She had three kids, boys 17 & 15 and a girl of 14. They had all been born c-section which helped her keep her figure. Blond hair cut short and...

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The Benefits of Biking

The area where I live has about 200 miles of bike trails around it, many of them circling the area to allow rides that loop back to your starting point. I usually am on these trails 5-6 times a week. The trails are old railroad beds that have been paved over to allow a smooth ride and many people use them for riding, running, walking the dog, etc. One late morning I was on a trail about four miles from home, making my way back. I had been alone for most of the ride since most people are...

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Girlfriend likes forced sex

I used to go out with this girl, she was beautiful, she wasfull figured, not fat, made life fun and it was the best sexof my life. Our sex life got even better after she made me take it from her.For some people sex is a little dull, not for me, I love missionaryusually called vanilla sex I love the intimacy involved.Kissing touching grabbing ass and pounding her pussy.But I have also learned to love trust. The trust that's neededto not go overboard and not to push the limits too far overthe...

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Pornacopia BrownChapter 6

"So Jen and Sharon are in your class now?" Pornacopia asked his half-sister as he leaned back in his chair behind the makeshift desk of his detective agency. He reached over to Sally and traced the bulge of her belly down to the wet spot between her jeans where her pussy had soaked through her jeans as Lynn told them the most recent gossip. "That's right," Lynn said with a relieved sigh as she unhooked the top of her maternity pants and released her pregnant belly. At seven months along...

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The Network

I had no idea where this was going when I started. I was thinking stroke, added some fetish elements that I know very little about and then tried to make it all work in the end. ‘Fred, this neighborhood has got to have the cutest teenage baby sitting corps in the whole state!’ The two friends were chatting on the periphery of the typical neighborhood pool party. ‘It would be hard to argue with that, Mike. On the other hand do I need to remind you of the legal penalties for having sex with...

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The Revenge Of The Big Cocked King Part 8211 1

Hi this is me back with another series story….. This story is fiction and imagination…. Please support me and give your comments and valuable views to me My email id is The story begins It was 2070 …. The world had changed after the 3rd world war…. Monarchy came back… It was the time of the kings again…. Their customs etc…..Even though machines and big buildings were present…. I am prince mahesh varma …. My dad now is the king of southern part of india which consists of some parts of...

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Ill Be Seeing You

June 5, 1944 Plymouth, England The rain made rivers down the window as thunder rumbled across the shore. From his vantage point, he could see the boats bobbing in the violent harbor waters. The muscles in his back were tight as he stared across the English Channel, imagining the Germans in their bunkers facing him as they hunkered down through the storm. As he took a long draw from his cigarette, he wondered if they had done everything right. Most of the Americans sleeping in tents on the...

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My InheritanceChapter 45 Programming Lisa

The three of them were sitting, holding hands. Then, Andy looked at me, realized I was there, and blushed. “He is watching us,” she whispered. All three of them looked at me with sheepish expressions. I grinned at them and rose to go outside to retrieve the liter bottle of chemical and the measuring cup. When I returned, I poured fifty cubic centimeters into the cup and set it down. “Andy and Mary, go outside and wait. I will call you when I am ready.” After they left, I motioned Lisa to...

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The Perfect Threesome

I’ve been steady with Laura for nearly two years now and we have a very close bond. We are as much buddies as anything but we are close and don’t have any secrets. We are both openly bisexual, but prefer girls for lots of reasons. Despite swinging both ways, guys have been few and far between of late. I just haven’t gone out of my way to seek male company. That all changed recently. I guess you would describe my taste in guys as ‘fussy.’ I like them to be young, fit and cute, but manly. I...

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Son Mom and Aunts Chapter 5

This is the 5th Installment of my series of Son, Mom and Aunts. Feel free to comment on my story and give your valuable feedback. All the characters are fictional and a figment of my imagination. Your feedback will help me write and improve my content. Enjoy Chapter 5: A month had passed by now since Anissa’s submission. Anissa had moved in with Alex now. Alex didn’t want Anissa to quit her job and so he did not let her. Anissa was a lawyer by profession and was a Partner at a reputable firm...

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"How do I look, Gareth?" I giggled, entering the living room knowing exactly how I looked. I was wearing my little black party dress, which fell short, just below my waist, and hugged every outline, contour and highlight of my body, from my pert arse to my plump breasts. I never wore anything underneath it and relished the liberal touch of the fabric against my skin; it always made me feel so sexy. Gareth, the bassist in my husband Neil's band, whose birthday was the very reason for our going...

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halloween party

im a freshman in college at its about to be halloween weekend. im off of swim practice this weekend so I decided to see what my buddy Tyrell from back home is doing. Tyrell goes away for college too and he was coming home this weekend too. he is going out to a few parties and invited me to come. he told me to meet him at his uncles cuz he didnt tell his parents he was coming home cuz he wants to party all weekend. so I leave school and head to his uncle D's house. I get there D greets me and...

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We were fully engrossed in erotic game play when Brad went to great lengths to dress me like a prostitute and send me out on my own. It was really neat that he got himself new dork clothes and dressed up like a handsome Greek man. He even shaved his head and wore a fake mustache. His gay friend from the theatre arts classes really fixed him up. When he finally made his play, I was already wet from wearing my slut outfit and dancing with the guys in the club. At first, I did a double take....

1 year ago
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Screw My Wife

“Come on, baby. Give me that cum. I want that fucking cum,” said the six-foot blonde. She was one of the sexiest women that Dave had ever seen in his 50 years of life. Decades ago, he would’ve never been able to get a woman this attractive. It’s amazing what success can do for a man. Dave had made a career of the military. He mostly served in infantry. He joined when he was eighteen years old and lasted thirty years. Now in his second year of retirement, he just wanted to have as much fun as...


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