From Now And For Emma 2 free porn video

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"I made a massive mistake," Mark said after he woke me up to breakfast in bed. "I saw Annie in the park and asked about going out with her friday night, I totally forgot that I am you." That happened Monday morning just three days after a fateful friday night when Emma took me to her home. We shared a kiss that made us switch bodies against my will, it is just one of the ways the entity inhabiting and posing as the former me, Mark, can transfer minds. As Mark it's got my memories and experiences, my mannerisms and for all intents it is Mark now. It left me in a thirty year old single mother called Emma Colton, a woman with a history of drug abuse and being dragged around London by gangs before the entity took her body to escape another living hell as a sex slave. It put me in Emma because it wants out of this girls life, it never asked me, it never cared to, it just used me because it can. For three days I had lived in Emma's house and slept in her bed while Mark, posing as my boyfriend stayed in the guest room. He's been a great host and shown empathy in a way I never expected, he still draws the line at me having any freedom but he has been gentle and considerate thus far. On Monday I was still adjusting to being Emma. I asked Mark if this thing with Annie will be a problem for us. "Not in the least," he replied. "All I need do is go round to her place and erase that memory." I asked if that involved kissing but apparently he described it as like a 'mind meld' (Star Trek reference) a form of hypnosis where he can tamper with minds. Then I sipped the tea, ate the toast and went downstairs to check on Reggie, Emma's nine month old baby boy. He gurgled at seeing me and reached out for me, I picked him up and he began unbuttoning my chest. "Only the bottle Reggie, mummy is sore," I said. I took him into his playpen in the living room and went back upstairs to get my clothes on and spent minutes trying to get the bra on until I went into Mark's to do it. I caught him taking some vitmin pills, something I never took but didn't make an issue out of it. "You'll have to learn to do this yourself," he said as he was strapping the bra on "Emma's mum didn't teach her anything, my mum kept this lady stuff to herself (he referred to the only mother I, as Mark, have ever known and insists I disassociate myself from my family known as the Henshaws), so we should practice this too." I let him finish, he let the Bra snap back on me for a joke then dashed out the room, I grabbed jeans and a jumper, I applied deoderant and then went back downstairs for a pair of boots. Whilst doing this Mark and I discussed breast feeding, I am getting sick of it, he says I can stop now, it's unecessary. "You didn't comb your hair?" Mark pointed out my lack of style before he fumbled through a drawer and grabbed a comb, he took me by the shoulders and placed me in front of a mirror. I saw Emma reflected, a woman with shoulder length black hair and pierced ears. She emoted what I felt about the familiar looking man behind her hastily brushing her hair to get a split. The eyes of the woman were the strangest they were familiar and yet different being brown. This woman was hard to intupret as my own reflection. Mark pulled the hair behind my head and brushed down, he was quite rough, he steadied me and told me not to squeak, he then let go. "Shake," he said and I shook my hair gently until it looked right, at least right for the Emma I knew and liked. I have no experience with hair care whatsoever. I was slightly surprised that I did it right and at the time attributed it to some instinctive behaviour still within this body. Mark then rested his head on the reflected womans shoulder, it was my real face and it being next to the one level to 'me' caused a few seconds of confusion. He kissed me on the neck and probed it intimately with his mouth until he found a area, it was surprisingly pleasent. Later I learned womens necks are sensative, I had absolutely no idea of this pleasure, and the thing is, it didn't last as long as I wanted because he grabbed my boobs squeezed twice and said "Honk honk. PSYCH!" before backing off laughing. "I was enjoying that yo twat!" I yelled and he laughed louder. I glanced in the mirror, the sight of Emma annoyed was eeire. I put on a white scarf and wooly hat and watched as Mark kissed Reggie on the forehead in a fatherly way, it reminded me of when my brother Arnold did it to his baby boy. "You still love him," I observed, Mark looked at me, he was wide and teary eyed and turned away to be macho, he wants to break off but the truth is he's connected to the boy, he did something I never did, as Emma he carried and gave birth to the kid which I intend to be a mother to. "I'll miss him you just can't know how it's eating me up but he needs a mum. I never carried a kid to term before, I actually considered living out my life as Emma but had to move on. I know it sickens you, just know I have feelings for him that I thought I would shake off," he said. "You can be his uncle Mark," I said, "I love him but I don't have a mortherly bone in me, it's just stupid selfish me in here." Mark sighed and held me to his chest giving a supportive cuddle, it felt like something I should have offered him. "Emma, your a sweet girl, you'll make a awesome mum, I can tell, you really don't know yourself or see the potential inside you through this low self esteem. Mark was a failure and a pathetic loser, he was a dateless wonder on a raft going up shit creek, a guy who wouldn't say boo to a goose and surrendered before the decleration of war, that Mark is dead." All of it true, I was a lousy Mark. "Reg needs you, his old mum was a deadbeat skank who threw herself on that Mark and jumped ship, his real mum is inside you waiting to blossom." He held my chin and looked me straight in the eye, I took the opportunity to look into the same pair of blue eyes I saw in a mirror all my life and saw within them a wonderful energy that I have never seen before. Doing so put me in some sort of trance because one second I was there then the next he was at the door holding Reggie telling me to take him for a walk. On that journey I thought about what he had said, it was all true about me but what he said of himself wasn't, at least not in my eyes. On arriving back home Mark went into the living room while I was upstairs checking something that's been bothering me since a bath the previous night. I stripped naked in front of the mirror and looked at Emma's body. The most troubling thing about it is that even now it feels like I have been hollowed out, the belly is alot slimmer with a vertical Cesarean scar inches below the belly button, the vaginal slit is below that, I keep thinking that pieces have been taken off. I had a few accidents with down below too, on Sunday night, I went to the toilet for the very first time since the body swap and tried to point and shoot with a non existant penis. Most of the time it feels like it is still there and erect but it isn't. The mouth with it's teeth and tongue actually did take some getting used to for speaking with, It actually took time to talk normally because they feel different. The reason being that Emma's teeth aren't perfect at all, one of the wisdom teeth is crooked, she doesn't have fillings and she lacks fang teeth guys have at the top, I worry I will bite my tongue. The legs with these wide hips and large butt on this body feel different, I keep having to remind myself not to slouch because it's not there. So far I haven't tried on a skirt or dress, I mostly throw on pants and wear a shirt, jumper and shirt. There are these other shirts in the wardrobe, they are black, shiny and some look like they have come from a factory waste bin, like they have been shredded, it's probably some fashion thing. I am still getting used to the voicebox too, on the walk this morning I talked to Reg about myself, who I am and where I am going, I told him a anecdote I don't care to share with anyone who can repeat it, for a minute I lost myself in the moment through that voice, in that moment I was totally Emma Colton and wonder if this heralds the day I forget myself and be Emma. will I stop signing my name Mark Henshaw and sign it as Emma and that brings me to another thing, my handwriting, my signature is in a different style now but I keep writing Mark. Me and Mark have practised this, he keeps saying "lose yourself," and never clarifies. I think my mind is playing up too, Mark says I don't have all my memories or faculties in place yet and played some mind game which I failed. He claims my brain is adjusting to my mind and vica versa, something about neurons, instructions and so forth, it was all beyond me. Mark walked into the bedroom and caught me in the act, he did it two days earlier when I had experimented pleasuring myself and at the time I thought he did it deliberate to catch me. "Sorry, sorry" he raised his arms and looked away and then just turned around and said "Oh what the hell, it's nothing I haven't been.(been, not seen) If you want to play with yourself there's a vibrator in the dresser, you should jam this door with a chair until I break this habit." He went into the cupboard and grabbed a nappy for Reg, he said he would move them to the cupboard in the landing. I felt a sudden pain in my neck and rubbed it, I told him on a few occasions I have pulled muscles which he says is normal because they are different in the sexes but I am in no danger of damaging myself and eventually will settle into this body. I asked how it went at Annie's and he explained her boyfriend had his best friend over, he took over all three of them and altered their memories, he erased the park encounter in Annie and got them all to think he was just visiting to deliver a christmas gift from us, some cologne which reminded me to bring up another issue: "I'm not ever wearing make up," I began sorting through a few objects in the bathroom, there were bottles and tubs of cosmetic stuff. "Not this colorstay, not this tampax, not this nix (NYX), none of this cream crap, I don't trust them because of the chemicals and never found women tarted up to be cute in the least." Mark laughed at this agreeing "I know whats up with that?", likely channneling me, and then said I would definitely need to hold on to the Tampax but the rest is for socialising to which I told him Emma's clubbing days are over. I never did that stuff as Mark and am not going to do it as Emma. He took me into the bathroom and told me to stand still, I found I couldn't move, he had a power over me he hadn't used since the body swap. "Please don't," I begged thinking he was going to give in to primal urges. He grabbed a tube off the bathroom windowsill, took the top off and wound it until a red tip came out and said: "Just some lipstick for precious." He opened my mouth and applied it to the lips, I closed my eyes while he did it, then he began pulling my face making expressions, I pleaded in that squeeky girly voice of Emma's: "Please... Stop it please!" "There don't you look pretty?" he said as he formed a smooch expression, my lips were smooth and red, I regained control and smacked them, tasting the substance, it was smilar to wax. He gave back full control of my body, I dashed into the bedroom put my knickers on and (finally) managed to get the brazier on unaided, I wrapped myself in the quilt and sat on the bed. "You don't have to be afraid of me, I told you, your my apprentice, my padowan (star wars reference) so to speak, your not my sex slave, I'm just showing you how to fill these shoes, I will never, not in a million years use you for sex. Emma's day as practice girl are long behind you," he droned on how the original threw herself on bad boys in her youth, she had been abusing drugs loads and gotten raped and it's a miracle she never got a disease, the entity possessing her after escaping that had her cleaned many times over. "Why on earth do I even need lipstick?" I asked changing the subject unwilling to listen to horrendous history, he says humans have used it for centuries, girls apply it and wear it for many ocassions besides dating. He went through the dresser and pulled out a black banana shaped object, he asked if I had used it yet but I had no idea what it was, he said it was a vibrator and that he's used it a lot since Dylan left, it's another thing women use wether they are married or single, he pointed where they put it. "That's disgusting," I said, only seeing the device as huge and assumed it was uncomfortable. I couldn't imagine how it could fit in my crotch. He said that he gives me a week until I cave in and use it. Truthfully, I gave it a try the following day and with the help of youtube after we watched the film 'Splash' but he's not to know that. Ever. On Tuesday I was called into Sudso to do a six hour shift to fill in for a sick co worker, I accepted it and Mark had a go at me for saying yes, the truth is I just needed to get out the house and do something posative. I put on the uniform and applied the lipstick and then he stopped me downstairs, he tied my hair back with a scrunchy saying it would be a mess, he wiped the lipstick off and drove me there, he told me to be ready for a woman called Lucy to talk my legs off. When I got to work, the shelf stacking and requisition was easy, I used to volunteer to do it at various places before they became overcrowded. Lucy barely talked to me at all, she did ask who I was with this past weekend and said I could do better then "that layabout loser Mark" as he's no good for me. My supervisor actually patted me on the back for all the hard work I put in and said the opposite of what Lucy said, he says he's noticed a change in my attitude and work performance and that guy I'm with must be good for me. It was funny hearing this, they were clueless to my identity and when Mark picked me up he said he wanted to hear everything, I expected a discussion instead he touched me to absorb it. We sat in the car, I tried to recover while he processed the information, he said "Good job," and drove us home. We got stuck in a traffic jam on the way home and spoke for a bit which lead to a concern about him driving: "What if the police stop us? I don't have a license, I don't know how to drive, if your caught we could be arrested." Mark handed over a driving license with Mark's image and details on it and told me it arrived a week ago just before the body swap. He has a friend who sorts this stuff out and there's alabi's that Mark learned to drive years ago, he's used his ability to cheat the system. On Wednesday mid day I took Reggie for a walk in the park and got a bit of a surprise when I saw the only father I have ever known approaching me. I wanted to call out to him but remembered myself I thought I would try to be Emma and shoot off a quick, "Hi," to 'Mr Henshaw' and push on but it was not to be for he stopped me to talk. "Hi Emma," he waved and then gave a bit of attention to the little fusspot Reggie in his pushchair. It came as a surprise he knew Reggie I guess I was the only one who didn't. He made Reggie laugh inadvertently causing me to giggle, I always thought women did this to be polite I mean there was some tension but hearing Reggie laugh simply brought it out of me. "I haven't seen you at the store lately, is everything okay?" Dad asked "Yeah, I'm changing careers that's all," I told him. "I'm thinking of going to work at the one in Blyth I have been at the local one here for five years and I have this little guy to look after now, it's time to move on and start a life for him." "So whats going on with my son, are you two... I mean I heard, well, more noticed he's been at yours alot and..." Dad just couldn't say we were shacking up together. "He's been hanging out at my place for a while and yes we are together," I told him that we were enjoying each others company and that his son has been a gentleman so far just looking after me. "I think you will be good for him. He's done nothing with himself, he's constantly been between jobs for years and lounged at home since that dog of his died. He's gotten lazy, he never socialises, and he's not qualified for anything. He did get his GCEs but got nothing through these crappy courses he takes with the job shop and it's just been excuses and excuses and excuses. He's just been a miserable and depressing loafer only going out for walks and some shitty little janitor work until he's been with you," It was devastating to hear it. It came as a complete shock, like being hit from behind. "Ur, I'll look after him," I said trying to breath. He asked if I was okay I mustered "yes" and pressed on. I was thankful he never came after me, likely writing my running off as woman stuff. For an hour afterwards I sat on a park bench thinking about it before deciding I just wanted to get home, to my home, perhaps the only place I am welcome. That lie I made about changing employment at Sudso's is actually a truth about my life which I failed to realise until then. In some way I needed this horrible experience to help break the umbilical cord that kept me with that family. I still couldn't manage to get over it even when entering Emma's home I vaguely remember yelling at Mark through the grief but over what I don't know, I spent that afternoon upstairs tucked in my bed with Reg playing on the floor. Mark gave me alot of space and did not come up until about two hours later, he came up with a cup of tea, "I can't stand seeing you like this, please, just tell me what happned, is it me? Is it being Emma?" He was full of questions, his concern was genuine and he sat at my side rubbing my back, he could have absorbed the informtion at any time but didn't as he promised, he simply got up to leave and told me "Tell me in your own time, if you want to talk I'll be downstairs." "It was my dad," I said unable to call him Mr Henshaw as Mark wanted. "I ran into him at the park and he said I was doing great looking after the son he hates." "He doesn't hate you!" Mark said showing some concern. "Well, not me now, but he hated who I was, he didn't say it in so many words but I never saw it coming. How can parents hate their kids?" Mark shook his head "They can't, it's impossible but they can hurt them, they can be disappointed in them, it's horrible but true, I have swapped with a fair few lousy parents in my day and for some kids it's been too late to save them." I passed Reg to Mark and told him to put him in the crib, I pulled my butt out my bed and went downstairs to the living room where some old film was paused on the TV, I went to the regular TV and surfed through the text function to get the news. Mark came down and turned off his blu ray, he asked what I was doing so I told him I was catching up on current events to get something real to talk about instead of these dumb feelings. Mark turned it off and took the remote from my hands, he says it's best to get it all out now as technically I have been violated, he knows I feel like I have been hollowed out and he knows what I think of the entity part of him. Right there and then he sat next to me telling me to spill my guts, I didn't have anything to say I bottled all this angst against him but realised he hasn't done a thing to me. We looked outside the window as snow began to fall, we sat there for ages until Reg began crying. Mark nudged me to get him nd I did so. Upstairs Reg was crawling around the bedroom, he had somehow opened a drawer and threw socks around the room. He crawled to me as I stood looking at the mess and pulled himself up my leg to stand. He wanted me, not Mark, me. I scooped him up in my arms and took him downstairs. Mark had turned on the radio, he inserted a memory stick in it to play some classical music while me and Reg watched the snow fall. "Maybe we'll have snow next year and build Reg's first snowman," I said Mark looked a bit glum it occurred to me that I was thoughtless since Mark's uneasy about leaving us, so I asked "How many kids have you had?" "I don't remember all together, but ten this past century and that includes Reggie,," he went on to say in the mid seventies through to the ninties, he swapped with Denise, a girl who wanted to be a actress but she had ruined herself by giving birth. Denise piled on the pounds and felt resentment toward the baby. The entity as someone else found her and gave her the body of a stage star's who was suicidal, he lived as Denise from her mid twenties to early forties and raised the kid: Aileen who went on to work in the care industry. "Aileen knows about me, I told her everything years ago after I gave her mums (Denise) body to one of Aileens friends. I travelled a bit, round Africa fulfilling my soul purpose and wound up back here as Emma." He suddenly whipped out his Iphone and gave Aileen a ring and exchanged details to verify his identity. Aileen and I got the opportunity to speak, she sounded nice and promises to visit in a few weeks, Mark said she has to anyway to check on Reg's welfare and she would ask me a few questions, it was funny when he said I should relax and be myself when I find it increasingly difficult to do that. I had hyper emotion on Thursday I was going through my/Emma's shoes and put the high heels in a bag intending to toss them out. There were five pairs under the bed alone, it was ridiculous how many were available. "What are you doing? Do you know how much they cost?" Mark came into my bedroom frantic and tried to stop me. I told him I don't care about being shorter now but I do mind the health risks of these shows that I read about on wikipedia, the damage to tendons and stuff. He said I should reread it. I planned to but thus far haven't, instead I am content to have sandals and other more comfortable footwear, I don't really care about fashion. "You miss it don't you? Towering over people, being noticed, that's it isn't it. Is this just your way of eradicating your old identity" Mark was near tears as I snapped one of those stupid shoes in half. "Or maybe it's PMS come to think about it you are due." He put his hand to my forehead, as if feeling for a temperature and then I screamed at him to get out of the room, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about at the time I just wanted him gone and to get rid of those stupid shoes. I was off my head for reasons I couldn't rationalise at the time. Thursday afternoon Mark took Reggie out with him to Martha's and left me, I know now there was some hormonal imalance going on as I just wanted to watch the kids movie 'Beethoven', about a big dog. It triggered memories of my deceased dog bringing out tears. I craved to eat a packet of cheesy crisps and went through two large ones whle watching the movie. When Mark came home I hid upstairs leaving him to clean up and ducked away in the bathroom when he brought Reg in, it was awful. I think he was wise in saying nothing to me at the time or I would have snapped at him. Thursday night I woke up matted with sweat, I turned on the bedlamp seeing blood on my legs and the sheets, I ran straight to Marks room and he held me at arms length, told me not to touch him or Reggie, he stripped my bed and ran a shower, he used the nozzle and a sponge to clean blood off my legs, he then grabbed the tampax box and took out a long white object with a string attached, I lay on the bed and opened my legs per his instructions. He gently handled my vagina, told me not to be distressed that it's normal, then he pushed the object inside. He took the wrap out, tossed it in a bin and washed his hands. "There, nothing to it sweetheart," he said. "It's just cotton." I sat up and saw the string hanging out, he told me not to pull it, he said to put knickers on and to change it myself in twelve hours. I was confused by all this, uncertan if this was a sign of pregnancy, I know women throw up but never heard of anything like this. "Oh your... not joking," he said realising through my own memories within him that I was clueless about tampons and only familiar with this menstrual cycle women go through by it's other name: a period, looking back I was so naive about women, I didn't even know what a period entailed, just assumed it was the being angry. "Lousy teachers and sex ed protests." He referred to my school memories, then ranted about my past life in general "And you sheltering yourself doesn't help this one bit! You need to get on the net and read up on 'menstruation' and 'periods', beyond that, GET A LIFE!" I did the first part of that, it was one fun filled morning of research. I was on the laptop, sometimes checking the dryer and at one point Mark brought me a cup of tea and closed the lid. "You've had a hell of a shock, I should have said something but it all went right over your head didn't it," Mark was rubbing my shoulders in a soothing intimate way I have never known. "You heard about periods in jokes but knew nothing about them. What a day for you eh?" It certainly was and at three in the afternoon he left me to change the tampon and told me to change it again at nine at night to avoid disrupting 'beauty sleep'. I kept myself busy taking Reg for a walk and making enchiladas, I took one bite out of what was one of my favourite meals and found it too spicy, almost sickly, Mark cleared both his and my plates and repeated to me that my tastes would change. "What was with all that mood stuff yesterday? Was it hormonal?" I asked "I can't say exactly, it was emotional for sure but it could have been delayed reaction to the body swap. Rebecca went through a similar phase too and she wasn't in PMS, she kept crying alot of the time." Rebecca is a nurse who was originally the secret lover of Reg's dad, Dylan. When Emma got pregnant she gave them both a body swap as revenge. Dylan as Rebecca has since found 'he' can focus alot better and is learning to become a doctor. Rebecca as Dylan has actually mellowed and turned to Buddhism to help quell that bodies sexual urges. I was told they both married a few months ago and are happy with the body swap, I suspect I'll be seeing them soon enough. At quarter past nine on Friday night I realised it had been exactly one week since the body swap. Mark came up to celebrate the occasion with a bottle of wine and some glasses. "It's been a tough week but were getting there, here's to three more weeks of good company and progress. Here's to you, Emma." He gave me a glass and we took a long sip together. "It is good to see you smile," he said after emptying it. I hadn't really noticed I wasn't doing it and had two more glasses of wine before tucking in and turning on the bedroom television to watch an old film called 'How Green was my valley' on the BBC. "My mum used to watch this," Mark said while settling down next to me, his referral was actually to my parents, wise to his demand I not talk of my past association, I kept silent but still thought about my mum yet knowing all he need to is touch me to find out I still cared about my family. We must have dozed off not ten minutes after the film started as I don't remember watching all the way through I woke up at eight o'clock on Saturday morning with him right next to me fully clothed and snoring, it's funny he said I was a light sleeper now yet that snoring didn't wake me up at all. Reg was standing up in his crib looking at us so I quietly picked him up and took him downstairs for breakfast. I had a throbbng pain down below and cut my breakfast in half to rest on the couch to try and settle it only it felt like it was getting worse, it wasn't a full bladder and certainly not my tum. When Mark came down he just took one look at me saying I was past the worst they can get at thirty years old and should be thankful. He said there would be a few more days of this but it would settle, he then realised I had no clue what he was talking about and explained 'cramps'. I began typing this at mid day and it's now early evening, I really need a walk but it's snowing outside again. It will be Christmas in ten days and a hour ago I remembered I don't have to get any presents for anyone I know. I wanted to join the family on Christmas Eve, to pick from the buffet and join a sing along we have, Mark forbids it, he went around earlier this afternoon and fifteen minutes ago told me to forget it. He brought up my encounter with dad on Wednesday in a attempt to disuade me from wanting to go, reminded me to sever my past, but I don't think I can. He is right that I will have to let them go eventually, he says he is going to keep up appearences he will be here Christmas Eve but will go home on Christmas Day and I am forbidden to be there on both occasions, even as a girlfriend for fear I'll let things slip and complicate things for him.

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Pleasing Emma

"So, Mark, read the brief?" Vickers is looking keenly at me. He's one of the senior managers and I'm sat in his office. I nod. "Sounds interesting," I say. "But hopefully not TOO interesting, eh?" says Vickers, joshing me. I shoot him a grin - I've passed my exams and qualified (a lawyer now!) and this is the first time I'm to be let loose with 'in charge' responsibility away from the office. A fraud investigation and me and a couple of juniors are going in to do some prep before...

3 years ago
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Playing House With Emma

I met Emma the summer before I started school. Actually, it was her brother Jake I went to meet. We - my Mom my Dad and I - lived in what I'm sure would be called a nice neighborhood. I personally didn't think so as I was practically the only child around - the area was what in my mother's home country is called a 'silver wedding neighborhood' - meaning that everyone living there is old (in the eyes of a 5 year old!!) and their kids have long since left home. So when the house next door...

1 year ago
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My name is not Paul, but you can call me that, anyway it’s the name I use when writing about my daughter and lover, Ruth (also not her real name). We both now live in a small village just outside of the Medway towns in Kent, and have settled, since Ruth’s arrival out of the blue on my doorstep, into a careful life of domestic bliss. The reason we’re careful of course is that Ruth is still only just fifteen and my daughter. Most people take a very dim view of the kind of activities we indulge...

2 years ago
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Submit to Emma

She’d considered herself straight but since she’d been seeing the Lunatic Fringe less and less for months prior to the breakup since her work was keeping her in Florida. Since then she’d started questioning her sexuality more and more. In the privacy of her hotel room, she’d slowly begun to use a tiny pink vibrator with greater and greater frequency to the thought of her favorite former US Champion. The thoughts of Ambrose were appearing less and less prevalent as the masturbation sessions...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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The perverted life of Emma

Emma had a glorious body when she completed college and moved to New York to take up her job at a respected media company. Her c-cup perky breasts had always been desired by almost everyone in college and the few who had had the luck of sucking on them were the subject of everyone else's envy. What made the people more envious was that the ones who had sucked, included both men and women. Yes! Emma was a bisexual for as long as she can remember. Infact her first sexual encounter was with a...

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E075 Bad Emma

Their vacation continues wonderfully, Donald and Emma have fun on the beach, by and in the pool at the beach house, and exploring the area.  Two days later, in the early afternoon, after playing in the pool for a while Donald and Emma are just lying soaking in the sun.  Of course, they are both naked here where no one can see them.Emma begins to feel rather warm and gets up and goes into the house to get something cool to drink.  And then this imp in her takes over to change the course of the...

Love Stories
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As usual my sixteen old Sister Emma rushed into my bedroom with her hands coving her hears my Mother had declared war with my Father and his new secretary and bed partner the battle started six months ago is hostile and loud. He even brought her home to introduce the family It was a good job our mother couldn’t get to the knife draw.We told our Mother to get divorced but she held on until one fateful night he brought her home and suggested he and his girlfriend move in Mother finally let go she...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 2 Aldershot September 1987 A MILF called Emma

After bit of shut eye {Cindy had really shagged me out} and a long shower I got spruced up for the evening. I knew you had to be wearing a tie to get into Sierra's and I decided to wear the regimental tie and my light grey suit. I had noticed that the civvies sitting with Emma last night wore suits; she seemed the sort of woman who would demand a well turned out bloke as an escort. I had told Wurzel about my 'date 'and invited him along. I might get stood up and another bloke would be...

3 years ago
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Close Knit Emma

       Mom and I were in Emma's—my aunt and Mom's youngest sister—apartment dining room, sitting across from one another at the square rustic pine dining table. Aunt Emma was in the kitchen, fixing Mom and herself some coffee, and some ginseng tea for me. We were there at my suggestion, after Mom had informed me that of all of her siblings, Aunt Emma had been the most open-minded when it came to my Mom's former career in the adult film industry. In fact, Mom had said, Aunt Emma encouraged it,...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...

3 years ago
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Dinner with Emma

Thursday lunch time, and as is our norm we sit in the coffee shop chatting. The conversation is rarely linear. Subjects are knocked back and forward as if we were playing volleyball, but where some might strive to be competitive we both delight in the imagination and ideas of the other. Laughter is frequent, as are hands touching the other - simply an enhanced, more intimate form of communication.Eventually I lean across the table and my fingers rest on the back of his hand. Softly, I ask if he...

2 years ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massages We had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and Annie After my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral mini dress with the plunging back and neckline...

4 years ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Re-written from the original posted as posh-slut Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massagesWe had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and AnnieAfter my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral...

2 years ago
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Master James Sub Emma

Emma and James stared at each other across the table. James lounged back in his chair, somehow managing to look smug and angry at the same time, and Emma was so shocked by what he'd said that she had actually stopped crying. James smirked at her. "You heard what I said. It's that or nothing." Emma was unable to speak, and he gave her a disappointed look as he got up to leave. "Well, you said you'd do anything; then again, you also said you'd never cheat on me, so I guess I shouldn't really take...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a...

1 year ago
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When Sally made Emma

When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...

1 year ago
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A surprise for Emma

It was over an hour since my wife Karen had gone up to bed, leaving me and our 18 year-old friend Emma down in the living room, chatting over a glass of wine. While no-one would describe Emma as beautiful, she had a certain attractiveness about her, and I for one had grown to see her better qualities. She was slim, and had small tits which I knew from furtive looks through her clothes when she had stayed with us before were size 32A, but as I had a bit of a thing for small tits, this was...

First Time
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Living with Aunt Emma Sequel to Aunt Emma

Living with Aunt Emma It turned out Mrs. Talbot wasn't available in the near term. She had her work at the spa, and a relative recovering from an accident that she had to take care of. Aunt Emma said that was OK, a minor problem, and there was a lot I could do until Mrs. Talbot could help. On the sofa that night we had a long talk. "What can you do, right now?" I asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean what do you think you can do to get to the point you are comfortable going...

2 years ago
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Cabin of Temptation Part 1 Chapter 2 Smoking with Emma

The king sized bed seemed tiny in the huge space. There was a couch and a couple of chairs around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a large TV above it. All the furniture here, as with most of the furniture in the house, was dark wood with a real rustic feel. It was all hand made and I figured the dresser alone cost more than all my bedroom furniture combined back home. The master bedroom was only accessible via the bedroom, and that too was impressive. A huge tub with jets, glass...

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Finished with Aunt Emma Conclusion to Aunt Emma

Finished with Aunt Emma Chiseled Chad, as far as I was concerned, went to the back burner. Aunt Emma, however, kept referring to him from time to time with a sad face, telling me how much she'd like to see me play with him. Things just kept happening quickly. I went up to the spa and the took a 'before' picture then gave me the full treatment, body wax, makeup, manicure, pedicure, highlights in my hair, and all sorts of makeup and tools to maintain my 'look'. In one day they...

4 years ago
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My Summer With Emma

© Copyright My name is John Mills, I'm six foot and three inches tall. I guess I weigh around two hundred pounds. I have dark brown hair that's getting a lot of gray on the sides, I just turned 45 years old. Four months ago, I found out my 'soon to be' ex-wife had been taking birth control pills from the first day we had been married. One of my biggest dreams was, to have kids. Lots of them, her dreams didn't include them. I guess you could say I had one of the most boring lives on...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 3 Aldershot September December 1987 Life with Emma

The cab driver kept giving me funny looks as we drove through a deserted Aldershot. I could see him peering in the rear-view mirror at me but when I glanced at him he quickly looked away. He dropped me off outside the barracks and drove away shaking his head and muttering, "Squaddies today what are they like?" It was only when I got into my room and saw myself in the mirror that I realised what he had been looking at; my mouth was smeared with the vermilion lipstick from Emma's nipples....

1 year ago
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The Tzars Ring 5 6 7 The ring and Emma

This is a cautionary tale, that some things come at quite a price, but then there are the rare occasions that it comes at the ultimate price.——————Peter Jenkins was a very average man, average in every sense of the word. So it came as quite a surprise when he met his future wife. Lucy was anything but average; she was smart, beautiful, successful, passionate, and she had an large appetite for sex. He often wondered what she ever saw in him.It had not been too long into their marriage before...

2 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil’s profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking . They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn’t live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

3 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil's profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking .They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn't live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

2 years ago
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“So…what should we call you?” “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Master pleases” she said. It was a standard answer, probably drilled into her from hours of repetition. I nodded and fixed myself a drink as she looked on, probably unsure of what to do. “What did your previous Master call you?” Her voice was low and cracking…”You are my first owner Master.” I knew that of course, I was testing her quietly and seeing how she would react. She was naked and in light silver colored...

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Seeing the changes in Emma

When Emma dumped me I was heartbroken. But when one of the most beautiful babes on campus took me to a secluded spot to give me a view of Emma and her new over in action, that I'll never forget. When I began to date Emma during our first semester at college, we were both virgins and she made it clear she planned to remain one. She is a pretty brunette with eyes of a spectacular blue hue, and she has a captivating smile. Her body is equally magnificent -- her legs are long and perfectly shaped,...

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The ex files Sharing Emma

It was about a year after our episode with Jane and once again we were back in Spain for a summer break, just Emma and I. Jane had all but disappeared from our lives after she had met and moved in with an older guy who had cut her off from most of her former friends and took her away from the town where we lived and without her influence our sex life had returned to what most people would call normal.The promise that i had made to Emma during our last sexual encounter with Jane had become a...

4 years ago
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My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 18 Bedtime For Emma

In the corridor outside the stateroom where they had been taking coffee and brandy, the Emir did not look back, but strode along to his suite, politely holding the door for Emma to precede him. Inside the Emir's stateroom, he turned to the eunuch and said, ~I do not wish to be disturbed until the morning.~ Taking Emma by the arm he led her into a sumptuous bedroom where there were two other eunuchs, two young women in shift dresses and a nearly naked Arab girl. "Out," he said, and the...

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It has been a long time since I added to this site but I am back, please let me know if you like this story and if you would like me to write a back story to it or continue on from here. As always any criticism is gratefully received. EMMA I pulled into the drive locked my car and virtually ran into my apartment, I was greeted by the most amazing aroma and dumping my briefcase and coat I headed into the kitchen. There she was the love of my life Emma, standing over the stove wearing...

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

2 years ago
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Aunt Emma

Aunt Emma Besides Mom and Dad, Aunt Emma was my only known relative. She was an enigma, a beauty, but she lived alone, without even a pet in the house she and Mom grew up in. We visited her four or five times a year when I was growing up but other than to gawk at her, as I did in my early adolescence especially, we had no special relationship, no unique closeness. The one exception, as I recall, in the summer I was 14, I was staring at her while she was hanging clothes on the line....

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A Night Out With Emma

It's another weekend and you, Emma, are looking for some nasty action. We thought perhaps that going to a club in the city will be a good idea. After you get yourself dressed looking quite slutty, we leave my house and walk a few blocks to wait for a taxi. I notice one parked on a side street, so we head that way. Climbing in the back seat, we note that the driver awaiting for our instructions where to take us. He observes you looking so pretty with your blonde hair flowing down your shoulders....

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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

Straight Sex
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E004 Explaining Things To Emma

Donald came and stood beside her, and again, raised his hand and spanked her for her indiscretion. He did this time seven times on each cheek.  It took a while, as between each spank he would rub and knead her cheeks for a minute or so.  This attention was so nice, but it made each slap sting a little more, which Emma found pleasured her in a way also. Oh, she had yearned for attention for so long, that any she got was a joy. Finished with her discipline, Donald saw that Emma had been dripping...

Love Stories
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The Neighborhood MILF Emma

I’ve shared plenty of stories about the open relationship I have with my husband, and it’s no secret that I enjoy sex with women, and occasionally share my husband with some of my girlfriends. This isn’t all one-sided. DJ has taken advantage of the openness as well. I’ve caught him in bed with our friend Mona, and he admitted to sleeping with my best friend Laurie after our initial threesome last year. They got together several times while I was away on business and didn’t really try to hide...

3 years ago
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A for Emma

"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....

2 years ago
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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...

1 year ago
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A few years ago I was living in a small Spanish village where the expats were a bit thin on the ground and all the non Spanish knew each other quite closely, mainly to help each other out with language problems or dealing with the usual beaurocracy. One particular family consisting of the mother who was around thirtyeight years old and step father who was about forty had 2 daughters of sixt**n and one 3 years younger who were well known for visiting other expats houses to lend money or last...

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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 4 December 1987 The end with Emma

I walked back to barracks, there was no public transport Sunday mornings in Aldershot and there were no taxis cruising. It didn't matter as I needed to sort things out in my mind, and I did that best when stepping out at light infantry pace. I thought I might be in love with Emma. I had told Annalise that I loved her, not long after our first bout of lovemaking, but she had laughed, kissed me and said. 'You are in love with the thought of being in love, sweetheart' Maybe it was the same...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

2 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons...

4 years ago
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Uncle Mike Creampies Niece Emma

“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle Mike, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle Mike was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...

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