Midsummer free porn video

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My love's hands are deformed. They were deformed at birth. If you see her on the street, or walk up to her at our library's reference desk, you will see that three fingers on her right hand are shortened and webbed, and her thumb is curiously shaped. Her left hand is more affected—all the digits are stubs, so that it looks something like a paw. On its own your face will swing to her hands. You won't notice, or will forget, her tired-looking eyes, always tired looking though green and bright, and though she never acts tired. It will be at later meetings that you will realize her eyes are the centers of galaxies of freckles, or that her lips are full and her mouth is friendly. You won't be able to help yourself. You'll try to look only sideways, in glances, but you'll miss the auburn hair that brushes her shoulders. You might notice her breasts. I did. Her breasts are round, and they stand apart as though competing for your attention. Using only the library's poor reference collection, she solved a research problem for me before I officially started teaching at her school, and I noticed her breasts when I first saw her. But there were her hands too.

I don't think she has any real limitations, but that isn't the point. Of course other children were cruel to her, and adults showed too much concern. With the best of intentions they focused attention on her hands, so she was always an outsider, always the different one. Oh, she developed an engaging way about her and was studious and competent. She even had boyfriends and was once a little wild, I think a little desperate. Everyone liked her, but she didn't believe that any man could ever really love her, because she was a freak. Well, she was wrong.

The library is a quiet place where she can meet people on her own terms, where her competence shows through, and where she can help people. Any library is holy to me, even a small one in a liberal arts college up in the hills. It was an auspicious place for us to meet, on my third day on campus, my office just set up. I was jumping into research as part of the plan to start anew. The need for a reference librarian would give me a chance to learn something more about my new home and to talk with someone. The department was pretty vacant, it being summer, and there was no one in my empty apartment.

She was efficient, but also warm and friendly, and I saw immediately the things she did to take attention off her hands—long, loose sleeves, holding her left arm a little behind her, keeping her right hand partly closed. I had written a book on stigma and the practices of people with stigmas, and I thought: Don't mention the damned book! And don't stare, either at her hands or away from them. We would get to them if we became friends.

I thought: Look at her breasts. They're safe.

We chatted for a bit, and I knew she knew that I was trying to keep her hands from being a focus, and she was resigned to it. I can't just ignore these things when I first encounter them any more than anyone else can. You have to get past that first meeting. But her face and her breasts helped.

She had been reading a copy of Snow Falling on Cedars when I came in, and she had put it down the wrong way, spine up. I asked what she liked most about the book. "Oh, the description of the landscape. I love the details of it, how beautiful and important it is, but I can't get past the irony of how it is finally just a setting for human conflict."

I told her I had read it mainly for the sex, and she laughed, her tired eyes crinkling and her lips opening. She answered, "Then you must have been disappointed, since it was mostly unhappy or unconsummated."

"What? There's some other kind?"

After she laughed again, and looked around quickly to see if any rare summer patrons were offended by the noise. She talked about the issue of love between Japanese and whites in that period, and I said something enormously romantic like, "Today Asian American women have the highest out-marriage rate of any group in the U.S."

We sociologists do have the golden tongue. But there was a spark, by God! I could feel it and, tired as they were, her eyes showed it. I leaned in toward her over the counter to talk. I was already wondering what excuse I could use to come back, but the time wore on, with me looking for any sign that she needed to get back to work, or wanted to, and she showing no sign of either, instead coming up with new topics when we finished old ones. Finally I simply had to leave, and I must have forgotten to be concerned about her hands, because I just stuck out mine to shake hers. Oh shit! She had to shake it, of course, but I could see she was reluctant. Her hand was soft.

It was a dark wood house on a hillside. Deep twilight. The other hills stood out as blue-black shapes against the midsummer sky, and the shapes of trees were easy to make out. Close by, individual leaves were lit eerily green with moonlight. There were a few scattered houses in the distance, lighting the hills like large stars, and more were clustered down in the hollow. Above were the real stars, and one or two feathery clouds framed the moon.

I was glad she was at the party because I didn't know many people yet, and because she was alone. We were both singletons. I'm sure that was planned by our hostess, to have equal numbers of men and women. It was too soon for people to have started trying to set me up with single women, the game I hate. I'd almost rather be alone. She was well-known enough for people to have stopped trying to set her up, so there were no pressures, and I could enjoy being with her.

I circled the veranda, chit-chatting, learning the folklore of the school. She drifted aimlessly over to ask about my research, and pretended to be interested in it. We got drinks and went over to the railing, where we could watch evening mist sift out from the woods and set a backdrop for the fireflies.

There was a time when I would have gone on about my research until I had bored her completely. Times change. The moon lit her face while she told me about a grand sexual scandal that had led to the departure of a president a decade past. It was a great story, but I could see individual eyelashes. Even individual freckles showed, but not on her throat. That was pure cream. I had an idle thought about what she would do if I bent to kiss it on the line between shadow and light. I thought: Sweet cream lady, I could eat you with a spoon. What would you do if I said that out loud? Instead I asked, "You think Puck is down in those woods?"

"Robin Goodfellow? Oh heavens no! I'm sure he's off on some errand involving a changeling. Oberon and Titania summer down there, though. It's a little known fact. And nights like this are reserved for passion, surrounded by all their court of fairies."

"In a group no less! You know, I always lusted for Titania. And in these woods!"

"Hand in hand, with fairy grace, will we sing and bless this place."

My, she knew her Shakespeare, or at least that play. A lucky choice on my part. Or was it? By coincidence or not someone started a CD of Mendelsohn's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," those otherworldly, opening strings, sounding like Tinkerbell wings in the night air, and we both suddenly had chill bumps. We had to laugh. Had someone been listening to us? It would be too eerie otherwise, but the night had now gone mystical. When we laughed we leaned into each other, and I kept the contact as long as I could without being crude.

She asked, "You don't think that's an omen, do you?" Her pupils were large now.

"Maybe a summons. Maybe we should go down there to seek enchantment."

But instead we were called in to play "Trivial Pursuit." We resisted leaving the night, but it was okay, because we were teamed together, squeezed against each other on the floor around a tiled coffee table. We were a very good team, too.

We were especially good because of our unique strengths—she knew the answers and I cheated. In the middle of the game I told her to watch me, then I picked up a piece of pie and put it in our token right in front of everyone, and nobody noticed. We almost couldn't continue because she was laughing so much. I did it again. Folks were wondering what was so funny with us. We were wiping tears and we leaned our heads together conspiratorially, and then we kissed.

It was just a quick kiss, not much more than a peck, but we looked at each other for a second, maybe two, before going back to the game. I 'fessed up to everyone about my conniving and put back the pie pieces.

Sometimes coincidence deepens into magic. Things happen for some easily explained reason or no particular reason, and the world transmogrifies, changing itself into an enchanted garden where everything has special meaning and nothing merely exists. It happened. For her next question my freckled librarian was asked the role Mickey Rooney played in the 1930s version of "Midsummer's Night Dream." We had to stop to stare at each other. No one would believe it. We hardly believed it either, but it happened just like that, and I felt my hair stand on my neck for the first time in years.

She shivered and gasped and I put an arm around her and said, "Maybe we're already under a spell."

We walked under the moon. It wasn't too late yet—the party wouldn't wind down for awhile. We talked about nothing in particular, just wanting to be in the magic. We put arms carelessly around each other's waists and walked touching hip to hip, chatting. I didn't feel nervous with her. A gravel path led down through a meadow and into some trees. Toward the bottom we passed some other people who were out there, said hello, and went through the trees. On the other side a wooden bridge crossed a little stream, from which the mist rose especially high. We walked to the center of the bridge, to where we were in the mist, infused with the sweet night smell of it, and we paused. She leaned back against the bridge rail and then I stepped in and kissed her again.

This kiss didn't just happen. Everything was progressing so quickly, because of the night or the fairies or just the time, and it simply seemed right to kiss, so before I stepped to her I knew I was going to do it, and she was already waiting. We kissed long and sweetly. I caressed her cheek with my hand while we moved our mouths softly over each other's, so softly we barely touched. We pulled back to look, eyes into eyes, then went back to kissing. Her breasts were soft bumpers against my chest.

I put my hand back to her face and used my thumb to feel how soft her mouth was, and she bit it gently, held it in her mouth with her teeth while she licked it, and then she sucked it completely inside. I used that hand to lift her head, and I kissed her neck like I had wanted to do earlier. I went further, down to the indentation where her neck meets her chest. Her chest rose and fell like the swells of the sea—deeply. I could feel her heart beating. By then my hand was out of her mouth and she bent to lick my ear slowly, circling to its center. When we rose we returned to kissing again. We moved our tongues together, back and forth, sucking each other in turn, breathing into each other's mouth.

I was completely aroused, caught in the night magic, in her magic. Her breasts moved against me and I wanted to kiss them and caress them and then move down to her hidden magic, between her legs. Oberon whispered to me to do it. I almost did. I should have. Instead I thought: this is going too fast, don't push things, don't scare her. So I played safe. I took her hands instead.

As fast as lightening flashes the enchantment was gone. It was the same scene, but everything was different. She stiffened when I took her hands, jerked them away, held them just behind her back for a moment before bringing them out to her sides. She looked both sheepish and frightened.

"I'm sorry. You're sensitive. I wasn't thinking." What could I say? You can't apologize your way back into the magic. We both tried. She said, "Oh no. I was just so silly."

She put her arms around my waist and we hugged, but something was wrong. We kissed, a little kiss. We weren't comfortable together. The moon was just the moon and the night mist was just water. After a few moments she said that she really had to get home, and I walked her back up the hill to the party. I did kiss her good-night.

It is a family curse that I often don't sleep, so in that one way the night was like all other nights. Those events. They were a puzzle, something just beyond my grasp. How had I been so suddenly taken with a woman, and so powerfully? I had been infatuated several times, and in love. I knew them well. This was familiar, it was like infatuation, but not. What was it? I recalled dropping acid in college, and how the experience was something like smoking very good marijuana, though no one would ever confuse the two. This was like that. I wouldn't confuse it with infatuation. Perhaps I really was charmed? That would be okay. The heart has its reasons that Reason knows nothing of. I didn't need to know the reason.

I kept remembering the whole evening, one part in detail, then another. It always ended with the crashing end, where we had both suddenly awakened to ourselves. Ah damn. Damn.

Outdoors, then, to walk around the campus. Two a.m. A lovely campus, a lovely night, but no magic. Ending at the library. Don't do this, idiot! So, across the Commons, past the Union, along residential streets.

A still night. I had seen one car and no people. A few windows had lights behind them. I came to a lake and walked all the way around it on a bike path, listening to my footsteps, some crickets, and one or two night birds. There were only the night creatures and me. I thought, here you are, alone again, your natural place in the world. The lake was covered by a low, flat mist. In places I could run my hand through it. It came away just a little damp.

Finally back to my apartment. I found my old Shakespeare, turned to the plays. There was the line she had quoted, by the fairies. I read the whole play, then went to the sonnets, the ones that explore regret.

The sky was starting to brighten, just a little. I thought I might get on the Web and go to a porn site, to get some pleasure at least. It might help, but I just didn't have the heart for it. Oh to sleep, perchance to dream. What was that? Hamlet? I slept.

Everyone tells me it is common for people to have that experience, to have been open and free with a special one, then the next time to be shy. We were like that, remembering the kissing and the caressing and the moonlight, but caught in the fluorescent lights and Formica-topped library tables. Surrounded by the knowledge of nations, neither could think of much to say. Saying and thinking were different things, though. I kept wondering what she looked like naked. I knew this game my mind played with me, knew it made talking harder and that I should concentrate. But no. Thoughts slipped in, asking myself what sounds she made when she fucked, wondering if she would like the things I liked, while we hemmed and hawed about office hours and some professor I'd have to meet. We said nothing about the kissing. Finally, in desperation, she invited me to dinner.

It was the same there at first, even in her ancient little house so rich with history that it had a plaque on the front porch. Even with a yard that had been converted mostly to shade gardens, which made it a much better candidate for fairies than the house last night had been. The house gave her something to talk about, and the cooking gave her something to do. Me? She let me open the wine.

She had decorated the house to fit its age, and it had that aura, like the old and spooky house of my grandmother, that I had loved as a child. I sipped Cabernet and leaned on the kitchen counter while she prepared the salad and checked the pasta and told me about all the families who had owned it before it became hers. I appreciated the house, and I liked her histories. It was nice to watch her be domestic, wearing an apron and puttering in the kitchen.

Could she go on like that if I were to play with her body? I had quick flash images of fucking her on the dinner table, of smearing the butter all over her body and licking every bit of it off. My mind was playing games with me again. When she showed me through the house, and we got to the bedroom, I saw us doing spoons naked under the comforter, the window open on a chill autumn morning, watching leaves fall like snow.

She had candles everywhere. We ate in a room lit by candles in antique lamps while something other-worldly played, something by Arvo Pärt. Finally, with the second bottle of wine, the evening began to shine for us and conversation became natural. The candlelight flickered on her skin. When she moved quickly I almost saw ghost images following her.

At some point I made up a little haiku about her house and its atmosphere. I did it off the top of my head. Haikus are so easy. All you have to do is count the syllables, and it impresses people. It impressed her, but she snapped back with a naughty limerick.

"Whoa! Poetic one-upwomanship."

I almost went with something from Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress," but I couldn't remember enough of it, and before I could stop myself I had done the limerick about the man from Nantucket. As punishment she made me wash the dishes.

Later we sat on her quaint porch swing and held hands, her right and my left, while we talked and joked. The time came to get up, and I hesitated, not sure. Should I be aggressive? But she took over matters.

"Men! Do we womenfolk have to do everything for you?" She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss.

Lying naked in her bed, eating her softly, filled with the taste of a woman again after a long time gone, watching her undulate by candlelight.

She had made this so easy. After we'd kissed we had simply walked to her bedroom together, not talking, just looking at each other, back to our route, then again to each other. When she'd let me strip her, I had been careful of her hands. It was an odd thing but I didn't care. I would have recited the catechism to her if it would have paved the way. When she had stripped me, she had used her right hand and her teeth on my buttons, my fly, and my belt. Oh, it was good. She had shifted herself so her right side was more to me. It hadn't mattered but I'd noticed it.

Her head was back and her eyes were closed. I played with her breasts while I ate her. The word "luscious" came to my mind, but whether I meant her breasts or her pudendum I don't know today. Both were a little plump, a little over-ripe, perfect. She was a quiet lover, showing her passion mainly in sighs, only occasionally with little growls. Her right hand lay on my head, her left was beside her head, under the pillow.

I watched her move as I sexed her, watching her body respond to her pleasure, knowing what she must be feeling to move like that. She came right to the crest, and I slowed down, just breathing on her sex, to let her slide back into a trough so I could prolong this and make her high again. I love watching a woman inflamed.

She pulled at my head and made a sound of impatience. I took her sex in my mouth entirely, sucking her and licking her clitoris. In only a moment her sighs turning to those growls that began softly and became louder. Her body went rigid and she started to buck against me, and then her right arm started flicking up and down almost spastically. I was buried in her, my face pushed into tightly curled hair, but I watched and I saw everything: her face, her twitching arm, her closed eyes.

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മതിയോ ശ്യാം … തന്റെ വായിലെ കുണ്ണ ഊരി എടുത്തു രോഹിണി ദയാപൂര്‍വ്വം നോക്കി കുറെ നേരം ആയി ഈ കുണ്ണ വായിലെടുത്തു ചപ്പുവാന്‍ തുടങ്ങിയിട്ട് .. കുണ്ണ ചപ്പി ചപ്പി പത പോലെ തുപ്പന്‍ ഇറങ്ങി വരാന്‍ തുടങ്ങി വായുടെ അരികില്‍ കൂടി … അവള്‍ അവന്റെ മുഖത്തേക്ക് മതി എന്നൊരു വാക്കിനു വേണ്ടി … അവള്‍ കാതോര്‍ത്തിരുന്നു … കുണ്ണ ചപ്പുവാന്‍ ഒരുപാട് ഇഷ്ടം ഉണ്ടെങ്കിലും ഇതെത്ര നേരം ആയി … അവളുടെ മതിയും കൊതിയും കെടുത്തുന്ന കുണ്ണ ചപ്പല്‍ ആയി പോയെന്നു അവളുടെ മനസ്സ് പറഞ്ഞു … ശ്യാമേ പറയെടാ .. മതിയോ .. ദെ എനിക്ക് പോവണം .....

4 years ago
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The Caretaker Part 21

Following on from the events earlier in the week. My teacher girlfriend, Julie and I had fucked each other while secretly watching a schoolgirl initiation with a group of 18 year olds involving forced lesbianism. Julie took her teacher duties seriously! and had sent the ring leader for a punishment which turned out to be her at my house where she sucked my cock and I fucked her tight teenage pussy. All was quite for a few days but I had been promised another surprise snd was eagerly awaiting...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Amara Romani 12252016

Amara Romani is dating a degenerate gambler. You’ve probably known one in your life. All they seem to truly care about are things like the “over/under”, the “money line”…the favorites and the “dogs”. And how to profit off it all. Amara’s man just had a terrible weekend, and he owes The Man “five dimes”. Amara doesn’t know what that means, but she knows what five thousand dollars means, and she knows her man doesn’t...

4 years ago
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Meri Maa Ek Rand

Is kahani me sabhi logon ke name aur place badle ha. Bas meri mummy aur maami ka name same hai. So here we start. Main Mohit, abhi 20 saal ka hun. Aur maine aur meri maa ne milke bahut karname kiye hai, jo aapke same hai. Meri maa ka naam Manju hai, age 40. Figure 34-28-34, jisse dekh ke bachan se hi pagal hun. Sawla rang Priyanka Chopra ki tarah, ek dam sexy. Meri gali ke kitne mard meri maa ke piche hai me bata nahi sakta. Main jab 18 saal ka tha tab maine ek baar mom ko chudte hue dekha....

3 years ago
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Moriahs First Date

I was in bed anxiously awaiting their arrival, slowly stroking my cock thinking of what kind of trouble my sweet innocent girlfriend could be getting herself into. Tonight was our test run, we wanted to breathe life into my biggest fantasy. I had sent her out dressed like a slut, low-cut club shirt with her best push up bra, a short jean skirt with no panties on underneath. There is no way any man could have resisted her tonight. Then I heard it, the door knob jingling a key working the lock....

Straight Sex
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Story is an elaboration of illicit relation between my elder sister NANCY & GARRY . Hello ! I have a nice oral sex session with my elder sister NANCY.she is an air hostess & knows how to make her look attractive.I am moving with my both sisters and mom in a park.my mom as well as younger sister have left us . we both are moving in a park that is in the outskirt of delhi.Buddha national park is infamous for hot couples.park is too large and have dense greenery also.we both moved inside the green...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Present Ch 01

This is the beginning of a story I have been working on about two friends. There is more to come and any and all comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact me with question, comments, advice, etc. * Raphael and I had been friends since junior high. I had always had a bit of a crush on him, ok it was more than a bit of a crush, but we’d never attempted to have a relationship. He was my best friend. We talked about everything and I never had to worry about him...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Choda 8211 Part 1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston My name is Ravi and I am 37 yrs old. Yeh story mere dost ki biwi ko chodne ki hai. Mere dost ka naam abhishek hai aur uski wife ka naam ruchi hai. Ruchi 35 yrs ki sexy ladki hai. Usmein bohut zyada sex bhara hua hai. Uske boobs bohut bade hain and uska figure bhi 36 28 36 hai. Ruchi ki shaadi se pehle hum dono ek saath kaam karte the. Uss waqt hum bas dost the aur hum dono ek saath baith ke office mein hi blue film dekhte the air usko bada mazza aata tha....

2 years ago
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Hayley Strikes Back

He looked her, her arms outstretched, her naked body with those tanned breasts, her legs apart and ready for him. “At last,” he thought as he lowered himself and guided his erection towards her pussy. Danny woke and was angry with himself. This dream had haunted him for almost two years, always ending just before he could consumate his fantasy, at least in a dream. He looked at the three photos of her on his bedside table. His hand moved to the only reality of his dream, his...

2 years ago
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Threes a crowd

I was attending a party, at a pub in a town near where I live.Yes, I was dressed up; a black and white frilly skirt that hung to just above mid-thigh, denim knee high boots and a tiny tube top.I was here because someone at work mentioned this place, not recommended you understand, no; he was complaining about it. He spent about twenty minutes telling us on our lunch hour that every thursday night it was tranny night. His precious pub turned "gay" every thursday.Okay, so he's an arsehole, we all...

4 years ago
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Charlotte part 7

SIX WEEKS LATER I blink my eyes awake and roll over in bed, only to be stopped by an unexpected face full of blonde hair that isn't my own. Turning my head to the other side, another long mop of blonde hair- again, not my own- blocks my view. Once I've blinked the early morning tiredness- and a moderate hangover- out of my eyes, the previous night's events return to my memory. "Kris," I whisper, gently nudging the sleeping woman on my left-hand side. "Han, wake up!" I whisper to...

2 years ago
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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 3

Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So let’s start the story! September 26 As I and Kusuma mami received an invitation for breakfast from Anusha bhabhi (owner). We were waiting for the final call. I was thrilled. I had asked bhabhi to ask about me and Kusuma mami’s affair to know how she reacts. Finally, Anusha bhabhi called by coming near her house entrance. I rushed towards her house and...

4 years ago
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The Uniform Part 2

“Huh?” Luke replied, a little dumbfounded.Naomi giggled slightly, not quite fully embracing her role yet. “Like what you see, Dear?”“Uh, yeah!” Luke replied enthusiastically.“You look a bit shell-shocked.”“Well, yeah, I am…but…wow, you’re hot.”“Do I have everything on right?”“Looks pretty much awesome to me!” Luke replied.“Thank you. Now...” she paused, her expression turning more serious but with her eyes still twinkling, “get hard.”“Wha- what?”“Luke. I am telling you what to do, and we’re...

2 years ago
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A Rapist gets Raped

Introduction: Couple Pays a rapist back for Raping their friend Introduction: A Rapist gets Raped I will be telling this through the first person Character Janet. __________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Janet and 11 years ago I was raped by a guy named Mark. Me and my ex husband at the time lived with him and his wife Gina in their Mobile Home just outside of Atlanta, Ga because we have no where to go. One night while everyone else was...

4 years ago
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OHGIRL Street Hooker

I had called up maintenance to have one or more of the guys come up to my condo, under the pretenses of doing some work, so that I could get fucked. I was stoned and horny and I hadn't seen my neighbor or boyfriend in weeks. Shawn was gone as usual, since we had been fighting, along with my car, so I was relegated to being by myself. The guy who answered was new and he explained that the staff had recently been let go. He didn't go into detail, but he kind of let me know that other tenants had...

1 year ago
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First time sex explored by another woman

I felt her hand rub between my legs and over my mound to my clit and feeling the touch of anther person for the first time, my hips rose to meet it instinctively. She then began to smear the warm wax all over my pubic hair smoothing it out and touching my clit again and again as she smiled at me. Liz was my best friend when we were kids - we were totally inseparable. We had shared everything over the years. That was until Liz moved away with her family when she was 16. Troy was the third member...

First Time
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MyFirstSexTeacher Aubrey Black 23449

Is that thing for real???Professor Aubrey Black had better believe it when it comes to the manhood of one of her students. She’s received complaints that Justin’s been texting dick pics to some of his female classmates, and the busty teacher keeps him afterward to sort the problem out. She threatens to go to the dean if Justin doesn’t produce the purported pics on his phone, and when he does, his professor’s jaw drops in disbelief over the long dong. But is it really his? There’s only one way...

3 years ago
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An Evening With Ashley

I went downstairs to see Ashley. She was my 'sitter' for the weekend. The notion that I needed a babysitter was ridiculous, since I had just turned 18 two months ago. I didn't think my parents hired Ashley to babysit for me. They probably did it to make sure that I stayed out of trouble while they were gone for the weekend. Whatever the reason, I sure as hell didn't resent them for it. Ashley was a knockout. She was 22 years old, had a beautiful tanned body, shoulder length brown hair, and...

4 years ago
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Quick Flash My Boyfriend Hasnt Stopped Smiling

Sheri, Sorry I didn’t call you back last night. My mouth was…busy. Last night was intense! My head is still spinning a bit, but let me see if I can remember everything that happened. Do you remember Amber Johnson from High School? She was going to be in town this weekend for a job interview, and since we haven’t seen each other since high school, we thought it would be a great idea to get together and have dinner. It would be a good opportunity to catch up and introduce our boyfriends. We...

Group Sex
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Love Busters

I had a folder full of pictures but I knew it wouldn’t make the client happy, it never does. I know it’s just part of the job but it’s the worst duty for you see my job is to find cheating spouses. It has to be one of the few careers where the better job you do the less it is appreciated. When they hire you, the client is always sure, they just want your verification but when you do, they’re devastated. I was sure that Mr. Clark would be no different from all the others and as much as I hate...

2 years ago
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The Young Barista Part 1

A lazy, warm mid-July morning... “Good morning, Josh!” Sam beamed at me. The glint in her green eyes, matched the sweetness of her smile and it made my day just that much brighter. “So, the usual? Chai Latte?” “Yes!” I smiled back and continued the little flirtation we'd shared since the beginning of the summer. “You know me so well” I joked. “Well, you are just sooo predictable that way, ”she playfully retorted. The morning rush had filtered out and the coffee shop was now mellower. A few...

4 years ago
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I just fucked my boyfriend for the first time in f

Okay, so the story goes like this:I've been dating this guy for a while, right? His name's Jared. In the beginning of our relationship, I wanted to fuck him, but I didn't want to come off as a slut. One night we go out to dinner at this Asian Place, and while we're there, we get onto the topic of sex, and eventually virginity. Being cautious, I lied and told him I was a virgin. He then revealed, rather nervously, that he was a virgin too. I had to fight the urge to smile. Later we finish...

2 years ago
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Might As Well Go There In Style

At the middle of the back row of the triangle of cheerleaders, Ellie turned a perfect cartwheel and dropped into an elegant, controlled split. Rob sighed. She was one of the better ones on the cheerleading team but she didn’t get on well with the other girls. Laura, the team captain, always gave Ellie the spot at the back where no one could see her. He’d thought about intervening on her behalf, but he didn’t want to make things more difficult for her. “Coach? You okay?” One of the lads...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Lyra Law A Helping Hand Part 2

April O’Neil is helping Lyra Law rehabilitate her eyes. After some time Lyra’s eyes are getting back to normal. She can’t help but thank April for all the time she’s put in, without her she wouldn’t have mended so quickly. April brushes off the compliment. She tells Lyra that her perseverance paid off and that as a matter of fact, she healed herself. April’s phone doesn’t stop ringing during their conversation. When Lyra asks why she’s not...

2 years ago
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Reluctant CoupleChapter 6

The evening breeze was cool and crisp, blowing through the car's open window to refresh Diane. She sat close to Roger, looking lovingly at him, and he smiled warmly back at her. She turned to peer into the night's darkness ahead, taking a hand to brush the silken strands of her blonde hair from her eyes. She felt nervous, but yet tantalizingly exited, for tonight was an important one to her. Yes, and to Roger as well. Last night, with Marc and then her husband later, had been the...

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A Dungeon Holiday Part 2

Hours slowly tick pass, my arms begin to ache like hell as I'm suspended above the floor from the ceiling on the meathook.I look around at the others hanging with me, they all too look sore and tired. Some of them are lucky enough to be asleep. I had no idea of what time it was or how many days have passed since I was d**gged and bought here.No one seemed able to talk, god knows I couldn't, felt like I had a large weight wrapped around my vocal cords. I kept passing in and out of consciousness,...

2 years ago
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A Game of Truth or Dare with My Wife Her bro

I will describe my wife Kacie who is 5'8" tall, 117 lbs, size 3/4 waist, with shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, with 34B tits. We were home alone watching my wife’s parents house and her siblings while her parents where out of town at a business seminar. My wife’s little sister Joanne was sleeping over her girlfriend’s house, so we were home alone watching some TV and started fooling around on the couch and didn’t bother to go to our room. Right as things started getting pretty hot...

2 years ago
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Conspriracy At The Office

CONSPIRACY AT THE OFFICE by Alexis Santiago My wife and I own a Travel Agency in South Florida. Business has been good -- so good in fact that my wife, Linda, stopped working at the office about one year ago. I have six gorgeous women in my employ and used to spend the better part of my day fantasizing about them. My fantasies were not about having a sexual affair, but centered on being projected into their image as women. I didn't just want to wear their clothes, I...

2 years ago
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HealerChapter 3

Our village was centred around the Community Hall. The rest of the village proper consisted of housing, including the dormitories, the school, the trading post, the inn and all the establishments that enabled the village to function such as weavers and tanners and the smithy. The village proper was protected by stout fortifications, with gates that were closed and guarded at night. Surrounding the village proper was where we maintained our livestock and food crops and livestock; pigs,...

3 years ago
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First time being a Dom for Frank

This story begins on Friday night when my boyfriend returns from work. He has been asking me for years to be his dom. Over the corse of what happen the month before between us i made a discussion to try the dom role to bring us closer. I planned the weekend out over the past week to make sure it was exciting , passionate and unforgettable. As soon as he got home I told him to go shower. Giving me time to hide all clothing for weekend. After showering i told him to lay down legs spread eagle. I...

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our first time opening our LDS marriage

This is a 100% true story of our first time playing with a single male.Our first adventure was around 10 years ago. We talked about it for years leading up to it, my hubby Charles was all for it but I, Lynlee, took a lot of convincing. Looking back at it now i feel really silly for all the hesitation I had back then. Hubby was my first kiss, my first and only sexual partner.We are from Utah and so of course we were both raised in the Mormon faith. We are temple married, I dont wear the garments...

3 years ago
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Cock Versus Pussy

Hi and Hello to all ISS readers. I am Rakesh Kumar Verma 21 years old from Bombay I’m doing my degree in the same city and let me tell you about me. I’m fair complexion with normal body built and my main attraction is my 7 inches whitish rock solid cock with a massive 2 diameter. First of all I need to thank God for giving me this monster size cock. I’m a very shy person, normally shy to talk to girls but deep inside I’m a sex monster I want to fuck all the women out there and I do masturbate...

2 years ago
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Thoughts Revisited

Many have asked for Carol’s side of the story. You will understand this story much better if you first read ‘Thoughts’. Thank you to Estragon who always makes my stories a much better read. **** My name is Carol Beal. I read the story that my deceased husband wrote and would like to straighten out a few facts, or at least give a different opinion. First of all, I still consider him my husband and always will. I truly loved him, no matter what anyone else thinks. I’ve read many reader...

4 years ago
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Weekend At Goa

By : Lovicious Hi this is Antra again with a new story… This story relates to the incident when I went to Goa for a weekend holiday with my bro & his friends. As my bro was going with me, my family didn’t bothered who else are going & allowed me to go with them. Friday afternoon we reached our resort. We all took individual rooms & went in to get fresh’n’up quickly, so that we could go to the beach as soon as possible. As we reached the beach I started applying cream on my body so that it...

2 years ago
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OyeLoca Carolina Ruiz Tight Latina Love Glove

Some babes just exude class, and Carolina Ruiz is one of those lovely ladies. The super hot Latina shows up in a sexy red dress that immediately sparks the imagination. Her bodacious ass and thicc legs make the mind race. Everyone wants to see what she looks like when she throws on her birthday suit. Luckily, we get to find out as our stud pulls up her dress and thrusts his hand up her leg to play with her dripping pussy. He touches her clit tenderly, and she gets down on her knees and shoves...

2 years ago
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I love to fantasise when i make love ,my partner always goes on about threesomes and i was never sure if he really wanted too or if there was another reason for it , he used to be a very jealous type , did'nt like me talkin to other guys let alone shag them ,since his turnaround i had thoughts that he did'nt love me anymore ,silly things creep into my head , but i do know for certain he does love me as much now as he always has, he just says it's excitement for both of us he wants , that we are...

4 years ago
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A Boat Trip

Pulling away from the dock a smile lights up our faces as we realize that we are in for one hell of a weekend. Out in basically the middle of nowhere in the Pacific on our new 25 foot yacht, scuba gear, and the beautiful blue/green waters of the Hawaiian Coast. It can’t really get any better than that. As we pull into deep waters and anchor the boat you walk down to the sun deck and rub yourself down with sun tan oil. The way your skin glistens makes me stare blankly at your chest. You call up...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sarah from the Gym

I use to work across from a gym in Chicago; I won’t mention the name but its open 24hrs a day. Now I tried to be professional when I worked out there, but it was extremely difficult with the hotties working the front desk running around in their tight tee shirts, sports bra and yoga pants. Now Sarah is this sexy red headed little gal who was always friendly but professional. She was my shake girl, she always wanted to make my protein shakes after my work outs. We always chatted about stuff,...

2 years ago
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Die Sekte

Melanie war niedergeschlagen, ihr Freund hatte mit ihr schluss gemacht und sie wusste nicht wieso. Sie hatte alles getan um ihn glücklich zu machen aber es war anscheinend nicht genug. Dabei war sie ein hübsches Mädchen lange blondee Haare eine schlanke Figur und hübsche C Körbchen. Sie hatte schon mehrere Tage geweint und war völlig fertig mit der Welt. Beim sinnlosen herumklicken auf Youtube waren ihr die Videos eines Life Coaches aufgefallen der positive Energie versprühte, es war das...

Mind Control

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