Midsummer free porn video

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My love’s hands are deformed. They were deformed at birth. If you see her on the street, or walk up to her at our library’s reference desk, you will see that three fingers on her right hand are shortened and webbed, and her thumb is curiously shaped. Her left hand is more affected—all the digits are stubs, so that it looks something like a paw. On its own your face will swing to her hands. You won’t notice, or will forget, her tired-looking eyes, always tired looking though green and bright, and though she never acts tired. It will be at later meetings that you will realize her eyes are the centers of galaxies of freckles, or that her lips are full and her mouth is friendly. You won’t be able to help yourself. You’ll try to look only sideways, in glances, but you’ll miss the auburn hair that brushes her shoulders. You might notice her breasts. I did. Her breasts are round, and they stand apart as though competing for your attention. Using only the library’s poor reference collection, she solved a research problem for me before I officially started teaching at her school, and I noticed her breasts when I first saw her. But there were her hands too.

I don’t think she has any real limitations, but that isn’t the point. Of course other children were cruel to her, and adults showed too much concern. With the best of intentions they focused attention on her hands, so she was always an outsider, always the different one. Oh, she developed an engaging way about her and was studious and competent. She even had boyfriends and was once a little wild, I think a little desperate. Everyone liked her, but she didn’t believe that any man could ever really love her, because she was a freak. Well, she was wrong.

* * * * *

The library is a quiet place where she can meet people on her own terms, where her competence shows through, and where she can help people. Any library is holy to me, even a small one in a liberal arts college up in the hills. It was an auspicious place for us to meet, on my third day on campus, my office just set up. I was jumping into research as part of the plan to start anew. The need for a reference librarian would give me a chance to learn something more about my new home and to talk with someone. The department was pretty vacant, it being summer, and there was no one in my empty apartment.

She was efficient, but also warm and friendly, and I saw immediately the things she did to take attention off her hands — wearing long, loose sleeves, holding her left arm a little behind her, keeping her right hand partly closed. I had written a book on stigma and the practices of people with stigmas, and I thought: Don’t mention the damned book! And don’t stare, either at her hands or away from them. We would get to them if we became friends.

I thought: Look at her breasts. They’re safe.

We chatted for a bit, and I knew she knew that I was trying to keep her hands from being a focus, and she was resigned to it. I can’t just ignore these things when I first encounter them any more than anyone else can. You have to get past that first meeting. But her face and her breasts helped.

She had been reading a copy of ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ when I came in, and she had put it down the wrong way, spine up. I asked what she liked most about the book. ‘Oh, the description of the landscape. I love the details of it, how beautiful and important it is, but I can’t get past the irony of how it is finally just a setting for human conflict.’

I told her I had read it mainly for the sex, and she laughed, her tired eyes crinkling and her lips opening. She answered, ‘Then you must have been disappointed, since it was mostly unhappy or unconsummated.’

‘What? There’s some other kind?’

She laughed again, and looked around quickly to see if any rare summer patrons were offended by the noise. She talked about the issue of love between Japanese and whites in that period, and I said something enormously romantic like, ‘Today Asian American women have the highest out-marriage rate of any group in the U.S.’

We sociologists do have the golden tongue. But there was a spark, by God! I could feel it and, tired as they were, her eyes showed it. I leaned in toward her over the counter to talk. I was already wondering what excuse I could use to come back, but the time wore on, with me looking for any sign that she needed to get back to work, or wanted to, and she showing no sign of either, instead coming up with new topics when we finished old ones. Finally I simply had to leave, and I must have forgotten to be concerned about her hands, because I just stuck out mine to shake hers. Oh shit! She had to shake it, of course, but I could see she was reluctant. Her hand was soft.

* * * * *

It was a dark wood house on a hillside. Deep twilight. The other hills stood out as blue-black shapes against the midsummer sky, and the shapes of trees were easy to make out. Close by, individual leaves were lit eerily green with moonlight. There were a few scattered houses in the distance, lighting the hills like large stars, and more were clustered down in the hollow. Above were the real stars, and one or two feathery clouds framed the moon.

I was glad she was at the party because I didn’t know many people yet, and because she was alone. We were both singletons. I’m sure that was planned by our hostess, to have equal numbers of men and women. It was too soon for people to have started trying to set me up with single women, the game I hate. I’d almost rather be alone. She was well-known enough for people to have stopped trying to set her up, so there were no pressures, and I could enjoy being with her.

I circled the veranda, chit-chatting, learning the folklore of the school. She drifted aimlessly over to ask about my research, and pretended to be interested in it. We got drinks and went over to the railing, where we could watch evening mist sift out from the woods and set a backdrop for the fireflies.

There was a time when I would have gone on about my research until I had bored her completely. Times change. The moon lit her face while she told me about a grand sexual scandal that had led to the departure of a president a decade past. It was a great story, but I could see individual eyelashes. Even individual freckles showed, but not on her throat. That was pure cream. I had an idle thought about what she would do if I bent to kiss it on the line between shadow and light. I thought, Sweet cream lady, I could eat you with a spoon. What would you do if I said that out loud? Instead I asked, ‘You think Puck is down in those woods?’

‘Robin Goodfellow? Oh heavens no! I’m sure he’s off on some errand involving a changeling. Oberon and Titania summer down there, though. It’s a little known fact. And nights like this are reserved for passion, surrounded by all their court of fairies.’

‘In a group no less! You know, I always lusted for Titania. And in these woods!’

‘Hand in hand, with fairy grace, will we sing and bless this place.’

My, she knew her Shakespeare, or at least that play. A lucky choice on my part. Or was it? By coincidence or not someone started a CD of Mendelsohn’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ those otherworldly, opening strings, and we both suddenly had chill bumps. We had to laugh. Had someone been listening to us? It would be too eerie otherwise, but the night had now gone mystical. When we laughed we leaned into each other, and I kept the contact as long as I could without being crude.

She asked, ‘You don’t think that’s an omen, do you?’ Her pupils were large now.

‘Maybe a summons. Maybe we should go down there to seek enchantment.’

* * * * *

But instead we were called in to play ‘Trivial Pursuit.’ We resisted leaving the night, but it was okay, because we were teamed together, squeezed against each other on the floor around a tiled coffee table. We were a very good team, too.

We were especially good because of our unique
strengths—she knew the answers and I cheated. In the middle of the game I told her to watch me, then I picked up a piece of pie and put it in our token right in front of everyone, and nobody noticed. We almost couldn’t continue because she was laughing so much. I did it again. Folks were wondering what was so funny with us. We were wiping tears and we leaned our heads together conspiratorially, and then we kissed.

It was just a quick kiss, not much more than a peck, but we looked at each other for a second, maybe two, before going back to the game. I ‘fessed up to everyone about my conniving and put back the pie pieces.

Sometimes coincidence deepens into magic. Things happen for some easily explained reason or no particular reason, and the world transmogrifies, changing itself into an enchanted garden where everything has special meaning and nothing merely exists. It happened. For her next question my freckled librarian was asked the role Mickey Rooney played in the 1930s version of A Midsummer’s Night Dream. We had to stop to stare at each other. No one would believe it. We hardly believed it either, but it happened just like that, and I felt my hair stand on my neck for the first time in years.

She shivered and gasped and I put an arm around her and said, ‘Maybe we’re already under a spell.’

* * * * *

We walked under the moon. It wasn’t too late yet—the party wouldn’t wind down for awhile. We talked about nothing in particular, just wanting to be in the magic. We put arms carelessly around each other’s waists and walked touching hip to hip, chatting. I didn’t feel nervous with her. A gravel path led down through a meadow and into some trees. Toward the bottom we passed some other people who were out there, said hello, and went through the trees. On the other side a wooden bridge crossed a little stream, from which the mist rose especially high. We walked to the center of the bridge, to where we were in the mist, infused with the sweet night smell of it, and we paused. She leaned back against the bridge rail and then I stepped in and kissed her again.

This kiss didn’t just happen. Everything was progressing so quickly, because of the night or the fairies or just the time, and it simply seemed right to kiss, so before I stepped to her I knew I was going to do it, and she was already waiting. We kissed long and sweetly. I caressed her cheek with my hand while we moved our mouths softly over each other’s, so softly we barely touched. We pulled back to look, eyes into eyes, then went back to kissing. Her breasts were soft bumpers against my chest.

I put my hand back to her face and used my thumb to feel how soft her mouth was, and she bit it gently, held it in her mouth with her teeth while she licked it, and then she sucked it completely inside. I used that hand to lift her head, and I kissed her neck like I had wanted to do earlier. I went further, down to the indentation where her neck meets her chest. Her chest rose and fell like the swells of the sea—deeply. I could feel her heart beating. By then my hand was out of her mouth and she bent to lick my ear slowly, circling to its center. When we rose we returned to kissing again. We moved our tongues together, back and forth, sucking each other in turn, breathing into each other’s mouth.

I was completely aroused, caught in the night magic, in her magic. Her breasts moved against me and I wanted to kiss them and caress them and then move down to her hidden magic, between her legs. Oberon whispered to me to do it. I almost did. I should have. Instead I thought: this is going too fast, don’t push things, don’t scare her. So I played safe. I took her hands instead.

As fast as lightening flashes the enchantment was gone. It was the same scene, but everything was different. She stiffened when I took her hands, jerked them away, held them just behind her back for a moment before bringing them out to her sides. She looked both sheepish and frightened.

‘I’m sorry. You’re sensitive. I wasn’t thinking.’ What could I say? You can’t apologize your way back into the magic. We both tried. She said, ‘Oh no. I was just so silly.’

She put her arms around my waist and we hugged, but something was wrong. We kissed, a little kiss. We weren’t comfortable together. The moon was just the moon and the night mist was just water. After a few moments she said that she really had to get home, and I walked her back up the hill to the party. I did kiss her good-night.

* * * * *

It is a family curse that I often don’t sleep, so in that one way the night was like all other nights. Those events. They were a puzzle, something just beyond my grasp. How had I been so suddenly taken with a woman, and so powerfully? I had been infatuated several times, and in love. I knew them well. This was familiar, it was like infatuation, but not. What was it? I recalled dropping acid in college, and how the experience was something like smoking very good marijuana, though no one would ever confuse the two. This was like that. I wouldn’t confuse it with infatuation. Perhaps I really was charmed? That would be okay. The heart has its reasons that Reason knows nothing of. I didn’t need to know the reason.

I kept remembering the whole evening, one part in detail, then another. It always ended with the crashing end, where we had both suddenly awakened to ourselves. Ah damn. Damn.

Outdoors, then, to walk around the campus. Two a.m. A lovely campus, a lovely night, but no magic. Ending at the library. Don’t do this, idiot! So, across the Commons, past the Union, along residential streets.

A still night. I had seen one car and no people. A few windows had lights behind them. I came to a lake and walked all the way around it on a bike path, listening to my footsteps, some crickets, and one or two night birds. There were only the night creatures and me. I thought, here you are, alone again, your natural place in the world. The lake was covered by a low, flat mist. In places I could run my hand through it. It came away just a little damp.

Finally back to my apartment. I found my old Shakespeare, turned to the plays. There was the line she had quoted, by the fairies. I read the whole play, then went to the sonnets, the ones that explore regret.

The sky was starting to brighten, just a little. I thought I might get on the Web and go to a porn site, to get some pleasure at least. It might help, but I just didn’t have the heart for it. Oh to sleep, perchance to dream. What was that? Hamlet? I slept.

* * * * *

Everyone tells me it is common for people to have that experience, to have been open and free with a special one, then the next time to be shy. We were like that, remembering the kissing and the caressing and the moonlight, but caught in the fluorescent lights and Formica-topped library tables. Surrounded by the knowledge of nations, neither could think of much to say. Saying and thinking were different things, though. I kept wondering what she looked like naked. I knew this game my mind played with me, knew it made talking harder and that I should concentrate. But no. Thoughts slipped in, asking myself what sounds she made when she fucked, wondering if she would like the things I liked, while we hemmed and hawed about office hours and some professor I’d have to meet. We said nothing about the kissing. Finally, in desperation, she invited me to dinner.

It was the same there at first, even in her ancient little house so rich with history that it had a plaque on the front porch. Even with a yard that had been converted mostly to shade gardens, which made it a much better candidate for fairies than the house last night had been. The house gave her something to talk about, and the cooking gave her something to do. Me? She let me open the wine.

She had decorated the house to fit its age, and it had that aura, like the old and spooky house of my grandmother, that I had loved as a child. I sipped Cabernet and leaned on the kitchen counter while
she prepared the salad and checked the pasta and told me about all the families who had owned it before it became hers. I appreciated the house, and I liked her histories. It was nice to watch her be domestic, wearing an apron and puttering in the kitchen.

Could she go on like that if I were to play with her body? I had quick flash images of fucking her on the dinner table, of smearing the butter all over her body and licking every bit of it off. My mind was playing games with me again. When she showed me through the house, and we got to the bedroom, I saw us doing spoons naked under the comforter, the window open on a chill autumn morning, watching leaves fall like snow.

She had candles everywhere. We ate in a room lit by candles in antique lamps while something other-worldly played, something by Arvo Pärt. Finally, with the second bottle of wine, the evening began to shine for us and conversation became natural. The candlelight flickered on her skin. When she moved quickly I almost saw ghost images following her.

At some point I made up a little haiku about her house and its atmosphere. I did it off the top of my head. Haikus are so easy. All you have to do is count the syllables, and it impresses people. It impressed her, but she snapped back with a naughty limerick.

‘Whoa! Poetic one-upwomanship.’

I almost went with something from Andrew Marvel’s ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ but I couldn’t remember enough of it, and before I could stop myself I had done the limerick about the man from Nantucket. As punishment she made me wash the dishes.

Later we sat on her quaint porch swing and held hands, her right and my left, while we talked and joked. The time came to get up, and I hesitated, not sure. Should I be aggressive? But she took over matters.

‘Men! Do we womenfolk have to do everything for you?’ She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss.

* * * * *

Lying naked in her bed, eating her softly, filled with the taste of a woman again after a long time gone, watching her undulate by candlelight.

She had made this so easy. After we’d kissed we had simply walked to her bedroom together, not talking, just looking at each other, back to our route, then again to each other. When she’d let me strip her, I had been careful of her hands. It was an odd thing, but I didn’t care. I would have recited the catechism to her if it would have paved the way. When she had stripped me, she had used her right hand and her teeth on my buttons, my fly, and my belt. Oh, it was good. She had shifted herself so her right side was more to me. It hadn’t mattered but I’d noticed it.

Her head was back and her eyes were closed. I played with her breasts while I ate her. The word ‘luscious’ came to my mind, but whether I meant her breasts or her pudendum I don’t know today. Both were a little plump, a little over-ripe, perfect. She was a quiet lover, showing her passion mainly in sighs, only occasionally with little growls. Her right hand lay on my head, her left was beside her head, under the pillow.

I watched her move as I sexed her, watching her body respond to her pleasure, knowing what she must be feeling to move like that. She came right to the crest, and I slowed down, just breathing on her sex, to let her slide back into a trough so I could prolong this and make her high again. I love watching a woman inflamed.

She pulled at my head and made a sound of impatience. I took her sex in my mouth entirely, sucking her and licking her clitoris. In only a moment her sighs turning to those growls that began softly and became louder. Her body went rigid and she started to buck against me, and then her right arm started flicking up and down almost spastically. I was buried in her, my face pushed into tightly curled hair, but I watched and I saw everything: her face, her twitching arm, her closed eyes.

Afterwards she lay spent for a bit. I moved up to her head and stroked her hair and gave her butterfly kisses. My prick was like a dog waiting to pounce, sitting pretty but wanting the treat. The dog won’t wait forever. Her breathing finally slowed and became normal. She opened her eyes to look at me and got a puzzled look that turned to a smile. She pulled a couple of pubic hairs off my face.

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Thank goodness for Boy Scouts. It was there that I learned the Half-Hitch knot (amongst several others) that served me well right now. With a tug in the right spot I released her raised leg, then the same for my toy’s hands. At last this toy had her relief, but she was far from finished, and I supported her as I turned her and lay her tummy down on the bed, her feet still flat on the floor, laying over a pillow. I cooed as I told my property how well she did, and how proud of her I was....

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Kijiji seller

At first i tought he was jokinghe welcomed me in his place around 23h saying he was working late and coudnt meet beforebut i doubt it was only because it would be dark and easy for him to set it upi needed a new iphone, sent him a message talk over the phone and was on his porch at 23h30he was in swimsuit going for a dip in the pool and spa It was a hot dayi had the cash in hand but he brought me a blueue swimsuita small pale bleue speedotold me i could have the phone half price if i stayed a...

1 year ago
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Just Passing ThroughChapter 5

Back in his room, Errol was mentally kicking his own butt. He'd overreacted. Sure, there might be some small chance a cop or somebody else from that Ohio city might recognize him from a newspaper photo, but it was highly unlikely. He could hardly imagine a copy of the Register traveling that far. He knew now that his reaction to the photo op would create some concern in Jennie's mind, making her wonder why he was so averse to having his picture taken. But what's done is done. If she...

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Summer vacation

When I was 15, My parents, brother and I went on vacation to a lake in Kentucky. A coworker of my father had a cottage on the lake and he let us use it from time to time. We arrived in the evening on Friday and unpacked and spent the rest of the night gearing up for my brother's surprise birthday paryt on Saturday. Saturday morning, I woke to a bright, warm morning. I changed into my bathing suit and started for the boathouse and dock. When I started down the path, I noticed 2 boys walking...

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RedemptionChapter 21

The opposing player took the pass deep in the corner. Dex was in good defensive position and cheated toward the baseline as his man dribbled outward toward the circle - Dex would make him give up the ball with no probelm. Suddenly, he heard the muted opening notes of Pachelbel from the sideline. Momentarily distracted, he missed the pick setting up on his low side, and his man reversed direction and moved behind him to bank in a 10 footer. His teammate Randy was already moving from his place...

2 years ago
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Castaway ExplorerChapter 5

Understanding humanity and the elements of personal growth is a struggle, given my earlier experiences, which had hidden hands constraining my view. To grow, I must both experience and evaluate relationships of sentient beings around me. I have recognized the danger of assessing solely in academic terms on the one hand, and in using human oversimplifications on the other. I must chart a sensible course between these two extremes. Fortunately, I have access to the logs of the only sentient...

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MyPervyFamily Reagan Foxx Upset Stepmom Swallows

Step-Mom was a bit frisky when I came into her room. She was telling me all about how upset she was at my step-dad. Then before I knew it, she was getting fully undressed in front of me! “Should we be doing this?” I ask her, but it was too late before she laid me down on the bed and already had me deep inside her milf cunt! Watch my busty blue eyed step-mother ride me and take my big cock until she begs to taste my cum! I fill her mouth with my seed and she makes me promise to keep...

4 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 35

When I thought I'd done enough faking I left Cowta in his clinic chamber and headed out, for coffee in fact. Shanay, Biltee, and most of my women were in the kitchen when I got there and apparently there had been a waiting vigil in progress. They were surprised when I walked in but not surprised enough to keep them from asking questions and keeping at it without giving me time to even start answering. "Wait a second! Hold it! QUIET! There is nothing to tell; except Cowta is doing fine and...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 7

Sandy and Sammy finally found Van's house, pulling up to the curb opposite the front door. Their search had been hampered at first by the darkness of the stormy night, and then by the storm knocking out the neighborhood's streetlights. But the porch light of Van's house illuminated the address, as well as the front door that was splintered and standing open. "Damn," breathed Sammy, "he's already here." When Sandy's car pulled to the curb, Pete cut the lights of his police...

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A Romp In The Janitor ClosetPart1

My name is Eliza Gilbert, eighteen years old, and in my last year of high school. For the past few years of high school, I had been a dork, a nobody. I was invisible to the public eye. Until one summer at band camp, I lost my virginity to the hottest guy in school. His name was Matty Sykes with a body like a Greek God. Tanned and toned. He had these blue eyes that were hypnotising. He actually noticed me and I felt special, so I lost my virginity to him on the ground in the woods.  This is how...

Quickie Sex
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Like a Glove

You wake up with a strange ability. You can connect your mind to anyone nearby. Once linked to them, they mirror your emotions and desires like they are a mere extension of yourself. The effects can be subtle, leaving them unaware and simply nudging them in any direction you want, or intense, changing them into your meat puppets. But be careful, if you do not keep your emotions at bay you might be surprised to see them expressed by your victims in unexpected ways! Note: Victims remain aware and...

Mind Control
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So glad to have him back home again, Mary took her husband to Central City for something special. Putanna told her about something called “gloryholes” in the adult bookstores. He’s going to love this. I know he loves to see me get off on other guys…and girls. Traffic slowed them. Eventually they entered the adult bookstore – X ‘R Us -- in the busy central district. Rows of shelves displayed XXX films in VCR and DVC versions. Magazines on one long wall. Glass cases of sex toys. ...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Romi Rain Obsession

When two beautiful soles cum together, on the same screen, it is pure magic. That is exactly what we got when we paired up Romi Rain and Derrick Pierce, for a love making extravaganza. Watch these two industry veterans go at it, like never before. Romi knows how to service a man. She drops to her knees, and takes his cock into her mouth. Derrick is then overcome by temptation, so he makes her his. Using her dripping wet pussy, as his pleasure piece. After they please each other, he has to...

4 years ago
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Because Shes Worth It

The substitute English teacher seemed harmless enough when he first entered the classroom just a few mornings ago. “Good morning everyone, I'm Mr Brodie and I'll be covering Miss Johnson’s classes for the rest of the term.“Tara rolled her eyes as Deirdre Donnelly jiggled her boobs in front of him as she asked some inane question in a desperate attempt to get him to notice her. DD by name, DD by nature Tara thought as she stared at Deirdre’s impressive set of tits.She wondered what it must be...

2 years ago
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Spanking session

Demetra was a nice lady. She spanked me on every week at Saturday. I took the spanking without any noise. On every Saturday, she asked me after dinner to get ready for the spanking. She make a list of my naughtiness and then decide how hard spanking I need. After spanking, I slept with her nakedly and she had no problem. I cradled my face against her warm breast. We were living together for the past eight months and for the last 6 months, I am getting spanking from her. In the gap of every...

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An Admirers Tale Part 2

I know that the fun was just started.Soon I stood up, I look into Michelle eyes, and our lips touched, and our tongues started to play, my mouth with the taste of her cum, the tip of tongue playing around my lipsMy cock so hard and stiff, almost painful full of lust and desire , ready to be mounted.My hands on her hips, just make her turn around and her lovey and perfect ass, facing my rod, she starting to tease me rubbing her ass cheeks against it.I so full of desire I was being kept way with...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 3

Chapter 3 - The Wizard The next morning, Maddie bounced down the steps of Dave's apartment building and headed towards the parking lot, seeing Cindy waiting in her car for her. It felt so strange to Maddie that today was Sunday, yet she had not gone to church. Still, she recognized that these were unique circumstances, with a great number of pressing errands she had to run today, so she instead spent a longer time on her morning prayers than usual. As Cindy spotted her and waved, Maddie...

2 years ago
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More than a LodgerPart 5

It was the end of a lazy Sunday morning, and Laura was just about to leave and visit Jenny for some real fucking. Laura usually saw Jenny about once a month and it was generally on a Sunday. It just happened to have been so soon after the wonderful orgy that had happened last night.Jerry was out playing golf and Amanda had to catch the train back to London where she lived and worked. Laura offered to take Amanda to the train station on her way to Jenny’s. As they left, Laura looked back at Tom...

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Teresa the Housemother

Perhaps it was Katlin's seeming frailty that initially attracted the eye of Teresa Robinson, the housemother at Willow House, where the new co-ed had just moved in for the semester. Teresa had been in that position for several years, and the large black woman truly enjoyed her work taking care of the house and preparing meals for the girls who lived there. Secretly, she had something of an eye for the young women, but had never gotten up the nerve to act on her feelings. It was late on a...

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Gia Derza Getting A Reaction

Cherie DeVille is in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of iced tea when her stepdaughter Gia Derza walks in. Hi, honey, Cherie says. ‘Hi honey,’ Gia repeats. Cherie patiently ignores her. ‘How was your day?’ Cherie asks. ‘How was your day?’ Gia repeats with a smirk. Cherie sighs. Look, she’s only been married to Gia’s father for a few months now, but she knows Gia well enough by now to see that she loves bugging people and getting under their...

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Blessing in the teepee

I was so worked up after going out to the hunter’s cabins by the coast earlier that day, on the first snow of the Fall that my g/f had to stop the truck and give me a good licking. When she was done she knew that I had enjoyed her efforts immensely, but she also knew that if I could get a cock in me right now my body would shake and writhe excessively in one huge orgasm. Just the mention of the possibility that some native hunters were staying at the teepee was all the incentive I needed to beg...

3 years ago
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Training Samantha Part 1

Sammy was in a state of shock. Somehow she had let Mike talk her into joining some kind of sex club as a way of curing her depression. She knew it was crazy, there was no way she could go through with it. She decided the only way was to tell Mike she couldn’t do it. The only problem her friend Anya had made the arrangements for them to meet and she didn’t have his phone number. So Sammy sill found herself at Mike’s office at five o’clock to explain she had changed her mind. Mke was very...

4 years ago
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Commanders Pet Part IV

Introduction: Petra finally meets Tahlana and is tested I lie on my back on the firm, cool surface. The table begins to feel softer, and my arms and legs start to move. With a metallic ring, the silver protrusions along the edges snap across my arms and legs, pinning me. The arm and legs sections of the table continue to separate until Im spread eagle. Then the leg parts bend until Im positioned like in gyno stirrups. Im not used to having a bald pussy and the exposure heightens my lingering...

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One of the savvy veterans, Max, noted how the handsome, young rookie’s eyes seemed to wander in the locker room. It was obvious to those in the know that this k**, Josh, was checking out the cocks, asses, and bodies of the guys on the team. This was not unusual. Some rookies were meeting their idols for the first time, and the chance to see some of their heroes in the flesh - their entire flesh - was part of the thrill. Seeing how you measured up in all departments to your idols was something...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 198

Leaving Brandi in her hotel room, even though they had spent the afternoon and evening in exuberant fucking that left Laura exhausted, made her feel very bittersweet as she arrived home. Their relationship was thrilling, but infrequently consummated, and sexually dangerous since they were both gluttons. When would she see Brandi again? And her feelings were complicated by remembering that she was already in a pickle, caused by her videotaped orgy with Stephanie, which had made Rhonda...

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With a Twist of Starlight

With a Twist of Starlight By Morpheus Spiral was a moderate to large sized town that was located in Northern California where the residents enjoyed decent weather that tended to be neither too hot nor too cold. On the surface, it appeared to be a normal town like many others, though the truth was that Spiral was unique. Once Spiral had been a smaller town with a different name, but then the local area had been hit hard with the Antarctic Flu. Many of the locals died from this...

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Jackie Sexy Teacher and MILFChapter 6

Ed and Jackie had just finished their first fuck, and he was standing there beside his large king-size bed with his cock buried deep inside Jackie's hot pussy. Ed could believe that he had just fucked his young daughter's school teacher; what he could not bring himself to believe was how beautiful and sexy Jackie was, especially now that she was lying there with her top pulled up to her neck, her skirt to her waist, and his cock was deep inside her horny young cunt. Ed found himself...

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Cum is thicker than Water

First they adopted a three month old girl named Candice. They loved her but it wasn't enough. Two years later, the adopted a six month old boy named Cory. Now, it felt as if their family was complete. They loved the children as if they were thier own. As the kids grew, and their personalities started to develop, it became a disfuntional family. Candice and Cory did not get along at all. Being the older of the two, Candice would take up for Cory. But at times, you would think the two hated...

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Dear Diary 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me; I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

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I would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now - you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I'm almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I'm absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don't want to let go. "You're...

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My latest sex dream i told my cuck wanna be wife w

One day I came home early from work. My wife was on her month long holiday,she would spend the day shopping with her girl friends and surfing the web. Well one day I took the afternoon off early. I drove home and opened the door only to find my wife jump from the couch, and there stood a stranger with his huge dick straight up. I was mad at the sight that I saw but at the same time turned on. She apologized to me. I thought about how turned on I felt and told her that she may as well finish the...

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making them pregnant pt 12

Just then a knock at the door and in walked Nurse June. She set down a tray with my next juice glass, some pills in a cup and then she handed me her chart. She smiled at both of us and said, “I’ll let you know when your next appointment is ready.” Then she left.I opened her chart. And scanned it quickly stopped by the naked picture. “Not a stretch mark on her. She has been with the practice for 9 weeks. She is not married,” responded Nurse Anna. I flipped to the ovulation chart and noticed that...

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Welcome Home4

She trudged to baggage pickup, every joint in her body ached; her back screamed complaint at her as she lifted her heavy bag off the conveyor belt. The line for customs was shorter than expected, and she made it to the doors earlier than she had said. The cold air slammed her like a physical assault. And yet, she almost welcomed the brittle cold; the airport was stuffy and hot, and she'd been wearing her coat over a sweater for the last half hour. She looked around, and saw her car, the...

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Wife meets Stranger At Local Bar

I received a call from my wife while she was sitting at a bar in Sarasota. She told me that this older guy was hitting on her. She is 38 and he was 50-60. She said he wouldn't leave her alone. He told her he needed to get off and all it would take is for her to suck him with her great full lips. He kept whispering to her to go to the parking lot and suck his cock. My wife is very submissive and loves to be told what to do. She called me again and said this guy wouldn't leave her alone. I asked...

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The Strip Ch 07

This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 7: Rosie’s in Trouble The infrared binoculars told Holly that the licence plate on the black gas-guzzler was the one she was searching...

3 years ago
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Aunt LilithChapter 5

“Bon jour, monsieur! Did you know that we’ve literally been having sex in some form all night long? I don’t think that you fell asleep at all. Then again, you’re an angel now. You don’t require sleep anymore, trust me. I think that you should know that you can now stretch your wings whenever you wish, but I wouldn’t that in public, of course. People wouldn’t understand, to put it mildly,” Lilith teased Maurice as she noted the sunrise. “Believe me, I feel like I’ve been having sex all night...

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