- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
My eyes were gritty from the long flight and my body felt like a paper clip as I made my way along the aisle in the airplane. People were pushing and trying to get off as fast as possible. A baby began to cry behind me and it had been doing so on and off over the nine-hour flight. My dad was right behind me.
“C’mon, get a move on.”
“I’m trying, but there are some old people up front who are taking ages to get out of their seats.”
My dad sighed and I agreed with him. I wanted to get off as soon as possible and be able to walk a bit.
The luggage carousel began to move and all the passengers moved in like piranhas on a prey. My dad stood behind me with a trolley while I looked for the bags. We were lucky and only had to wait a few minutes before they came out.
“I need to use the bathroom,” I said.
“Okay, me too.”
I looked at my face in the mirror before splashing cold water on it. My brown hair was unruly from sleeping in the seat and my eyes were tired. After the water, I added a bit of makeup and that made me look almost normal.
Dad was outside waiting for me. “What’s next?” I asked.
“Sven should be outside waiting for us.”
“What does he look like?”
“Tall, muscular, blonde hair, my age.”
I tilted my head. “That could be any Swedish man.”
“Sorry, that’s how he looks like.”
It turned out that Sven saw us first. Could have been the tell-tale of my dad’s massive beard.
“John, man, it’s good to see you after all this time,” said Sven as he hugged him.
“What’s it been, five years?”
“Yeah, just after you and Monica got divorced. This must be Hanna, it’s a pleasure to meet you again. Do you remember me?”
There was something familiar about Sven. I was about twelve when he came to visit. “I kind of remember you, but it was a long time ago.”
“Cool, let’s go. We have a forty-five-minute drive into Stockholm and then a boat trip.”
Sven grabbed the trolley and we followed out into the June morning.
Sweden in June is very light. The sun comes up around four in the morning and doesn’t set until close to eleven at night. I had read this on the net before we left. I had never been to the country, but my dad had studied engineering at Uppsala University and that’s where he met Sven. They became close friends and after they graduated stayed in touch. When my mother and father separated Sven was on the first flight over to give my dad support. It had been an ugly divorce, lots of fighting and back stabbing. I ended up with my dad since he could prove that my mother had been unfaithful on several occasions and also had begun to move in circles with drugs and alcohol.
I did miss my mom, but I was old enough to know she wasn’t fit to keep me. My dad and I settled into as normal life as possible in the little town where we lived. He had his consulting business and I went to school like any other teenager. He dated a few women, but no one ever stuck around. I wanted good grades, so I kept away from the boys until I turned sixteen. At the prom I gave David Johnson a blowjob in his car which wasn’t too bad, I guess. He did want to fuck me, but we didn’t since we had no condoms. I was kind of glad we didn’t, David wasn’t boyfriend material I thought.
On the first of June I turned seventeen and during my birthday party, my dad told we were going to Sweden to celebrate Midsummers eve with Sven and his family. His wife Sara, and two daughters, Jenny sixteen and Nina nineteen. Nina was studying in England but was home for summer break. Sven had done well and spent most of his summer at the summer villa in the archipelago of Stockholm. I had seen photos and it looked amazing.
The boat was a forty-foot speedboat of some Italian make. The engines roared as we sped over the flat surface passing other boats. A huge red cruise ship came the opposite direction.
“That’s the Viking Line. It connects Stockholm to Helsinki in Finland,” screamed Sven over the engine.
Some people standing on the deck waved down to us and I waved back.
“Do you remember the parties?” my dad asked Sven who laughed. “Oh my god, they were pretty wild and those hangovers, wow. I couldn’t do that again.”
“Dad, did you party while at University?” My dad wasn’t a big drinker, a couple of glasses of wine once in a while or a beer on Sunday.
“Back then your dad was known for his drinking skills,” Sven informed me.
“No, I wasn’t. I was just like any other student.”
We continued in silence since it was very hard to be heard over the noise. The sun was warm and I lay down on the for deck closing my eyes.
Finally, Sven slowed down and I opened my eyes. We were approaching an island with only one house on it. It was red with white corners and the window frames were in the same colour, a typical Swedish design. There was a flag pole with the Swedish flag slowly moving in the light breeze. As we got closer, I realized the villa was much bigger than I had thought.
We moored at the dock where a smaller speed boat and a little sailing boat were tied up.
“That’s Jenny’s sailing boat, she likes to go out and watch the sunset in it and the other we use for water sports, like water skiing,” Sven informed us while we got our bags out and the food he had bought before picking us up.
From my bedroom window, I watch dad and his friend tie up the boat. From where I stood, I could see a girl around my age. She wore heels and a skirt with a black blouse. A bit overdressed for my taste but what did I know about American teens? I had my usual summer uniform on, cut-off jeans and a T-shirt. This one white and it hung off my left shoulder. I was usually barefoot when on the island. I went down to the kitchen where my mom and sister were making lunch.
“They are here,” I said.
“Yes, we heard the boat,” said Nina, her usual bitchy self.
“Just saying.”
“Be nice girls, and no fighting. Remember Dad has been looking forward to this for a long time.”
“Fine, I’ll be nice,” Nina said with a sigh.
Ever since she had gone to university, she had become a bitch. Maybe it was living alone that made her think she was better than me. Before she left, we had gotten along fine. But now, not so much. She had some guy, and I wondered if there were problems in paradise and that’s why she was acting up.
I went out on the porch and when my dad saw me, he waved.
As they came closer, I noted that the girl, Hanna, I know she was called, was quite a looker. Her brown hair was cut short and her oval face with large almond eyes smiled at me when she came closer.
“Hi, I’m, Hanna, nice to meet you.”
“Jenny, likewise. Let me show you to your room.”
“Where are your mom and sister?” Dad asked.
“Making lunch. Watch out, Nina is in a mood.”
Dad laughed. “Isn’t she always. C’mon, John, I’ll take you to where you will be staying.”
As dad took John to the guest house, I went inside with Hanna close behind me. She was staying in the guest room between mine and Nina’s. It had its own bathroom like all the bedrooms did.
“This is you,” I said and stepped aside.
“Wow, this is beautiful look at that view.”
She was right. From here she could almost see the Finish archipelago across the flat water.
“How was the flight?”
“Long and this baby kept on screaming; I could hardly sleep at all.”
“Well, after lunch you can take a nap if you want.”
“No, I prefer to be awake and go to bed earlier.”
“Cool, I’ll be downstairs.”
I closed the door behind me and went to set the table.
After unpacking, I just stood by the window looking at the water. Back home we were landlocked. There was a little lake but nothing like this. Sailing boats and speed boats were coming and going. Below me was a large open space with a pool and a BBQ area. Around that was soft green grass.
I took a quick shower and changed into shorts and a top. Jenny’s shorts had been cut off so high that part of her ass cheeks were visible, mine weren’t. She was cute in a girlish way. Even though I was only one year older by her looks, I could have been five. Her body was still that of a young girl, not fat or chubby, but a pound or two too many. Her boobs were there but not fully formed like my C cups. She had blonde hair, clear blue innocent eyes and a pouty strawberry mouth with round cheeks.
When I went down the stairs, I could hear voices, so I followed the sound of them. My dad, Sven, Jenny, her sister and mother were sitting at a long table in what was obviously a dining room. The views were of the sea and the pool area.
“Hi, I’m Sara, and this is Nina,” said Jenny’s mother.
I walked around to the side where they were sitting and they both stood up. There was a striking resemblance between mother and daughter. Sara was a classic beauty with a square jawline and a little too large nose above full lips. She was around five nine in height, taller than I. Nina was the exact opposite of her sister. She had inherited her mother’s blonde hair but where Jenny was still developing Nina looked like she had stepped out of a porn movie. Lush lips, breasts like mine, and round hips. She wore a short summer dress, and no bra. I could see the veins just under the skin of her boobs as she smiled at me.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I bet my sister has told you I’m a bitch, but I’m not.”
I laughed. “Nice to meet you and I’m sure you are very nice.”
We ate and talked about different things. My dad and Sven laughed about their time at university and it was nice to see my dad have fun with his friends. Back home he was usually serious and seldom laughed.
It was hard not to stare at Nina. She was just perfection, like someone had taken the best of all women and put it together to create her. When she laughed her white teeth showed and she had this little quirk of licking her upper lip before speaking.
After lunch, Jenny invited me to go and swim in the sea which sounded great.
All during lunch Hanna had been unable to take her eyes of Nina. I was sure she had fallen in love with her the moment she saw her. It wasn’t strange, most men did but this was a girl and I had never seen anything saying that Nina was into girls. Not that I cared, it was her life. My friend Lisa and I had joked about switching and becoming lesbians due to all the dick heads in school. Guys could be such ass holes sometimes.
“Isn’t the water cold?” asked Hanna while we walked down to the dock from the house. There was a ladder attached to it which made it easy to get in and out of the water.
“Not once you are in it, but you want to dive or jump in.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
We had changed to bikinis. Mine was red and had a thong bottom. Hers was a more classic cut, but it showed off her body. Not as perfect as Nina’s but a lot hotter than mine. I dropped my towel on the warm dock and then ran and dove into the water. When I came up, Nina was standing looking down at me.
“Jump in!”
She hesitated and then jumped. When she came up her eyes were wide. “It’s fucking freezing!”
I laughed. “No, it’s not. You will get used to it in a minute. Let’s swim out a bit.”
Jenny was a strong swimmer and kept up with me. After a while, I turned back and once we were on the dock, she said, “You were right, it wasn’t too bad after all.”
I laughed. “Tell that to your nipples.”
They stood straight out like two little bullets under her top. “Oh my god, this is so embarrassing,” she moaned.
“Don’t worry about it; mine are the same.”
Of course, my nipples were so small, so you could hardly see them against the bikini top. Hanna put her hands on her boobs and slowly massaged them. It looked very sensual and was a weird thing to do I thought.
“Is it okay, if I sunbathe topless?” she asked.
“Sure, I do it too.”
We lay down on the dock and soon the warm sun had made our nipples soft again. I glanced over at her and could clearly see the mound of her pussy and the slit. I swallowed hard, for some reason I wanted to touch it, see what it would feel like. It was a strange feeling that had come over me.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” she asked.
“No. You?”
No, I dated a guy for a while but dumped him before we flew over.”
Hanna rolled over on her stomach. “I guess I didn’t love him. He was nice enough but not for me.”
“Did you...?”
She laughed. “Mostly we made out; I’m still a virgin.”
There was a silence. I had not seen that coming. I would have thought a girl like Hanna would be experienced by now.
“Really, is it a religious thing?”
“No, not at all. I guess I just haven’t met the right guy yet. What about you?”
This was tricky. I didn’t want to make my new friend think I was a slut. “Well, to be honest, I have been with a few guys.”
She lifted her head and looked me in the eye. “Wow, so young and all.”
I knew I blushed. “C’mon, you are only a year older.”
“Sure, but tell me. How was it?”
I sighed. “Amazing, not the first time, that was pretty shitty, but afterward, wow, being with a guy is just so hot.”
“What’s it like having his you know, thing inside you?”
Thinking back to how it felt made me horny. “Hard to explain, it’s such an overpowering emotion when he slides inside you and your pussy stretches.”
Hanna laughed. “I can see that. Look at your nipples.”
They were hard against the bikini and since I was lying down, I could see the outline of them. “Sorry, I guess I’m a bit excited thinking about it.”
“Fine, I don’t have a problem with it.”
“Hey, girls, what are you up too?” Nina came walking towards us. She wore a see-through white kimono and under a black bikini. She took off the kimono and undid her top.
“Just enjoying the sun and talking,” said Hanna with her eyes glued to Nina’s breast that hardly moved as she walked the last bit to where we lay, they were so firm.
“Cool.” then she dove in and swam under the water for a while.
“You sister has the most amazing body,” said Hanna.
“Mm, I know, and I’m jealous.”
She laughed. “You shouldn’t be. You are very cute and in a few years, I bet you will bloom.”
“I hope so.”
Nina got out of the water and lay down, so we were in a star formation on the deck. Heads facing inwards.
“What about you, do you have a guy?” asked Hanna to Nina.
“No, nothing serious.”
We lay in silence for a while and then Nina got up. “C’mon Jenny, we have that thing we have to do.”
“Right, I almost forgot. We need to help Dad with something, but you can stay for a while,” she said to me.
“Cool, see you later.”
When they were gone, I lay on my back facing the sun. The soft sound of the water against the dock under me made me drowsy and I was just about to asleep when I felt someone walking up to me.
“Hey, how’s it going?” It was Sven’s voice.
I opened my eyes and he stood next to me looking down at me. I was not comfortable with him staring at my boobs.
“Fine, I thought Nina and Jenny were with you.”
“I asked them to do something for me while I took a swim.”
He walked to the edge of the deck and then took off his shorts. Standing naked with his legs slightly apart and his back turned to me I could see his cock hanging between his legs. It was nothing like David’s.
He dove in and I quickly rolled over on my stomach, so my boobs were covered. I watched him swim around for a while and then he got up. He picked up his shorts and walked over to me. He shook his head and the cold water rained down on me.
“Hey, stop it!”
He just laughed and stood so close to me his toes touched my hip. His cock slowly swelled and then it turned into a full erection.
“I don’t think my dad would like this,” I said looking away.
“Don’t worry about your dad; he is having fun with Nina and Jenny right now.
We passed Dad half way back to the house. “Is she there?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I’m not sure she is up too it. She has been checking out Nina,” I said.
“Oh, that’s interesting. John never mentioned she was into girls.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe she is confused. But her dad was right; she’s still a virgin.”
“Yummy! See you guys later.”
Mom and John were by the pool drinking wine and talking when Nina and I got there. “Hi girls. Is everything okay?” Mom asked innocently.
“Sure, we are better than fine,” said Nina giving her sensual hips and extra swing as she walked up to John.
He was sitting in shorts in a chair facing her. When she got close enough, he put his hands on her hips. “Nina, I have been waiting for this for a long time.”
“I know, I read all your emails.”
He looked at me. “Come here; you are just too cute!”
I did and when Nina and I stood on either side of him, he slid his hands between our legs. I shivered as his finger tickled my slit through the bikini.
“Mm soft and warm,” he sighed.
“I’ll leave you to it,” said Mom.
“Cool, see you later,” John answered and then turning back to us. “So, who wants to try some American cock first?”
What are you talking about?” I asked again.
Sven just smiled and stroke his cock slowly. I saw a drop of pre-cum form and as if transfixed I couldn’t stop staring at it as it grew and finally fell onto my right boob.
“Taste it.”
“No,” I said and wiped it away with my towel.
“Mm, John said you might be difficult, being your first time and all.”
I had no idea what he was going on about. What had my dad told him about me and how come I had ended up staring at a grown man’s cock while my father supposedly was with Sven’s daughters?
“You look confused my dear. Let me explain. Your mother and father were swingers before you were born and before your mom lost it. We would go on vacation together as swingers and have a blast. Off course when Sara and your mom got pregnant, we couldn’t do it anymore. But we decided that when Jenny was old enough, we would hook up again, and here you are.”
“I don’t believe it.”
“Trust me, Nina has been swinging since she was old enough to get cock and Jenny has been doing it since she turned sixteen. Just this last winter we went to Austria for a swingers meeting and skiing.”
By now Sven was stroking his cock faster and I could see he had problems standing still. His breathing came faster and his knees buckled a little.
“Oh, here it comes,” he moaned.
To my horror and before I could get out of the way several globs of hot cum landed on my chest and boobs. A few smaller drops landed on my face.
“What the fuck, dude!” I said and got up at the same time as I grabbed my towel and began to clean myself.
He squeezed out a few more drops that fell to the dock and was absorbed by the warm wood. “If you want to see your dad in action, go to the pool. I’m off for another swim.”
He ran and dove in the water. I turned and walked as fast as I could to the pool area.
The sight that met me was straight out of a porn movie. Dad was sitting down and between his legs kneeled Nina and Jenny. They took turns sucking and licking his cock. When he saw me, he waved.
“Hi, honey. Where is Sven?”
I was so pissed off. “Your fucking friend wants to have sex with me, so you and him and everyone else can fuck off.”
I stormed into the house and went to my room where I closed the door with a slam and locked it.
I looked up at John. “She didn’t seem too happy.”
“Nah, she’ll come around. Now get on my dick, you little nymph.”
I giggled and gently straddled him. From behind Nina helped guide his cock to my pussy and when I sank down on it, my lips stretched until I moaned with pleasure.
“Yeah, ride that cock, ride it hard,” mumbled Nina.
I slid up and down while rubbing my boobs against John’s chest. His hands were on my hips and helped my rise and fall, while his cock drove me closer to an orgasm.
When I came, I tensed, arched my back and dug my nails into his chest.
“Yes, yes, here it comes, fuck me you old goat,” I moaned.
John laughed. “I’m not that old.”
Then he emptied his nuts deep inside me with a growl. “God, you have a tight little pussy,” he said when I slid off him.
He was still half erect, but after Nina had placed her lush lips over his cock, it grew hard again.
“And how do you want it, Nina?” he asked?”
She lifted her head, “In my ass, it has been a long time.”
She went down on all four and presented John with her perfect bum. He slid his cock in and out of her pussy to lube it and then gently inched it into her anus.
Nina’s mouth opened as she was stretched out, but she didn’t complain.
“You got to try this,” she moaned to me.
I was sitting on the grass a few feet from them playing with my pussy. My clit hard under my touch. Nina’s body rocked back and forth for every thrust from John. As he began to fuck her harder, I could hear his balls slap into my sister’s pussy.
“Oh, yes, yes,” he said and grabbed her ass cheeks harder.
“God, I can feel your cock pumping your cum inside me,” giggled Nina as John came.
“I wonder where Hanna went? I wouldn’t mind trying her out,” said Nina when John had pulled out of her.
“So would I,” I said and sighed.
Sitting on my bed, my thoughts were all over. The overpowering one was disgust followed by confusion and last on the list was curiosity. How could my dad have thought I’d go along with fucking his buddy? But most of all, what kind of girl did he take me for? I had never had sex in the house; he had never seen me making out with David or any other guy for that matter. Then there was the entire swinging thing he and my mom had been into. I couldn’t remember one single time I heard them have sex. Sure, they would kiss and snuggle on the sofa before my mom went ape shit, but that’s all.
The curiosity part was about Jenny and Nina. How had they agreed to get into the swinging and with their parents?
There was a soft knock on the door. “Leave me alone.!”
“Hanna, it’s Sara. Please let me in.”
“No, you are a part of this bullshit.”
“Sure I am and that’s why you need to listen to me.”
I wasn’t sure I should let her in, but maybe she could share some light on the Jenny and Nina issue.
“Thanks,” she said when I let her in and then locked the door again. She sat down on my bed and patted it next to her. “Sit.”
I reluctantly did and she sighed. “I know this must come as a shock to you honey. We advised your dad against mentioning it before you both arrived.”
“Yeah, if he had I wouldn’t have gone.”
“Exactly, but now you are here. So, either you accept it and enjoy it with Sven, or you sit in your room until you go home. It’s your choice.”
I was still dressed in my bikini and Sara was sitting so close her naked thigh brushed against mine. She wore a short skirt and a top which showed plenty of cleavage.
“What about Jenny and Nina?”
She smiled and patted my thigh. Her hand was warm and as I watched she bent her fingers a little so her nails rasped my skin and she slowly stroke it.
“They were introduced to it slowly. We spoke about our life-style since they were quite young and they grew up with us being naked around the house when the weather was good. Then one day we took Nina to a swingers camp while Jenny stayed behind with her grandparent. It took Nina a few days before she actually was with her first man and she took too it. I guess she spoke to Jenny and when Jenny was old enough, she was the one who wanted to go.”
“It’s kind of messed up, if you think about it,” I pointed out.
Her hand was moving back and forth over my thigh and it felt good. It slid down between my legs and she gently squeezed my inner thigh. I gasped and turned to her. Looking into my eyes, she said, “If you want, you and I could have a nice time.”
My heart was beating like never before. She was so beautiful and when her lips came closer to mine, I closed my eyes. They were warm and her tongue searched for mine. I gave it to her. She gently pushed me back on the bed and then lay next to me. Kissing me
Slowly and deeply her hand moved across my stomach up to my boobs., She fondled them and pinched my nipples a little which made me groan.
“See, it’s not so bad,” she whispered in my ear.
Her hand slid back down and in under my bikini bottom. Involuntary I closed my legs, but when her middle finger touched my clit, they fell apart, moving further apart as she slid a finger inside me. Suddenly she stopped and raised her head from my neck she had been nuzzling.
“You are not a virgin.”
I blushed. “Well, technically I am, I had never been with a man, but I did buy a dildo over the net and used that.”
She laughed. “You naughty girl. How did you like it?”
I smiled. “It’s amazing.”
She kissed her way down my body until her lips reached my by now soaking pussy. Licking and kissing my clit she brought me closer and closer to an orgasm, but when I was about to come, she pulled back.
“You are ready for Sven.”
I was riding John again, this time facing away from him when I saw my dad come up from the dock.
“Hey, princess, having fun I see,” he said.
Between gasps and moans, I managed a “Yes, Daddy.”
He stopped and watched us for a moment and then asked John. “Where is Hanna?”
“I think Sara went to talk to her.”
Nina who had been tanning while I fucked John lifted her head. “Dad, I want her pussy before you fuck her.”
“We’ll see, honey. Let’s let Hanna decide.”
As I came, I saw Mom and Hanna walk out of the house hand in hand. Hanna was naked and her nipples were hard.
“Hi, Hanna is ready,” said Sara with a smile.
“That’s my girl!” John said.
I came and slid off Johns cock. Nina got up and put her hands on Hanna’s shoulders. “Come here, you cute thing.”
They kissed and it made me so horny to watch. Nina’s nails dug into Hanna’s firm ass cheeks and she pulled her close in a deep kiss. The two girls slid down on the grass. Nina placed a leg above Hanna’s hip and began to rub her pussy against hers. Hanna moaned and held on to Nina. I got up and hunkered over Hanna’s face so she could lick me. She got the message and soon she was eating me out like crazy. Her face wet from my juices and her body sweaty from the sun. I could hear her and Nina moan loudly and it clashed with my own noises.
I couldn’t believe I was eating pussy, but it was amazing. Nina’s pussy against mine was driving me crazy. My pussy needed cock and from where I lay, I could see Sven’s legs and between them his hard erection.
“Give it to me,” I said and pointed.
Nina got off me and let my dad slide inside her from behind. I crawled across the grass until Sven’s cock was before me. I grabbed the shaft and sucked on the swollen head. My jaws ached as I took more and more of him inside me.
“Oh my, she is a great little cock sucker, isn’t she,” said Sara from somewhere behind me.
“Oh, yes, she is.” moaned Sven
I let go of him and lay down on my back. My legs pulled up towards my boobs. “Fuck me, Sven, give me your cock!”
I looked over at my dad. “Is this turning you on, seeing your daughter with a grown man’s cock in her?”
“You have no idea, how long I have waited to give you this gift.”
At that moment Sven drove his cock inside me in one long thrust. I yelped and held him close as he began to fuck me. It was nothing like the dildo. First of all, he was longer and thicker. Then he fucked me faster and deeper than I could do with my toy.
My boobs bounced and I had to hold them in place. Sara stood behind me and held my feet so her husband could fuck me deeper and harder.
“Oh, oh, Sven, fuck my tiny pussy, fuck me hard,” I managed to say.
I looked down and could actually see how stretched my lips were and how the cock slid in and out of me. It was such a turn on I came right there and then. My body shook, and my hands let go of my boobs and my fingers dug into the grass.
My dad fucked Hanna so hard she cried when she came. Her face was red, tears ran down her cheeks, but she was laughing hysterically at the same time. I know the feeling, I felt the same thing the first time I had a man’s cock deep inside me and he shot his load.
When Daddy pulled out, I slid in between her legs and gently lapped at her clit and licked her slit. I could taste the cum running out and I drank that too. Then we kissed, our bodies close to each other rolling around on the warm grass.
“Oh, just look at them. They are so cute,” said Nina.
“I know. This will be a great week for all of us,” said Daddy.
I was still making out with Hanna when I heard Nina say, “Here is a crazy thought. What if I eat Jenny out while she does the same to Mom and Mom licks Hanna?”
We all stopped what we were doing and stared at her.
“What? It could be fun.”
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 18, 2012) Chapter 18 - Practice Makes Perfect Our flight home to Los Angeles wasn't scheduled until late in the afternoon. That meant that my family and I spent the morning lounging around watching...
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I met Brad a few years ago, when I was still a good girl. We attended some classes together and talked a few times about school, family and such things. I did not even like him much at that time. He just seemed distant and, despite some similar traits, very different from me. He was also a few years younger than me. I did not know then what to think of his looks – definitely not handsome in the classic sense, but tall, lean and strong. Later I learned that he did a lot of sports. After I...
Group SexIt was a wonderful summer fling, Claire and I had met on a summer camp where we were both working. We had real sexual chemistry and we would take every opportunity we could to get some alone time but that wasn't easy at a busy summer camp. So when the summer came to an end and Claire invited me to help her house sit her parents house I jumped at the chance even if it did mean a 3 hour car ride with Claire's friend Angela.Now don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with Angela as a person...
Hunger made a sizable dent in the cheese and the fruit, but Natty and Joseph had bought enough to share with the guests who arrived individually over the next couple hours. The last to arrive was Adam, and he proved to be the only person Natty felt uncomfortable with. After a half an hour of his careful glances and outright stares at her, she took Joseph aside to a spot in the corner of the sizable room where they could be discrete and let him know of her discomfort. He surprised her by...
You can't believe how badly I want to just walk into the bedroom and rail my wife but I can't I am stuck in the office being railed by the boss! Don't get excited, my boss is a man, an old, pissed off, fat, no talent man. I am working from home, I have a project due in 3 days and I have been “authorized” to work from home, they say authorized like it's a gift! This jerk of a boss moved the deadline up by 2 weeks and I have to make up for his blunder by working extra time from home. What...
Straight SexNow that I have been a member of the Grant team for a few months, I have learned a lot about the other members and clients. It truly does feel like a second home. There is so much to be offered when you’re at getaway, as they like to call it. I found out my third time there, that they have a gym, a spa, a large indoor pool, and a cafeteria. Grayson truly thought of everything. Last weekend Grayson informed me that a group of men were interested in me. That, when they saw me they all just knew...
William stood at the bottom of the stairs in the dark. The only source of light, a thin sliver coming from the hallway above through the bottom of his daughter's bedroom door. He stood listening, hearing her moving about, no doubt preparing for bed. Seconds later the light beneath the door turned off. He had nearly turned heading back to his own room, but now stood, needing to allow his eyes to readjust to the near total darkness. It was then that he heard a whimpering sound, faint ... just...
Alice started on the first of March. Any fear I might have had, about animosity between her and Henny, was blown away from day one. They hit it off splendidly, and Alice openly admired Henny's kind and efficient personality. As far as looks were concerned, they could hardly have been more different. Alice was almost a head taller than Henny, and her slim, almost skinny figure, made her seem even taller. Her face looked quite exotic. Heavy black eyebrows, a long, straight and narrow nose, and...
You had been in the UK for a few days now and the play had been getting more and more intense just as I had planned it, I had been pushing your limits and wanting to see your reaction to each thing we did. Your punishment the other morning had been short and sweet your body still had the slap marks on your ass and your breasts were still tender from their treatment too. As for your cunt that was red and swollen from the four men I got to come around all who I know from the club and all who were...
Ladies should never leave their men unattended, especially when naughty sluts like Destiny Cruz and Kiara Cole are around. Lucas Frost chills in the front yard, minding his own business. Unbeknownst to him, Destiny is playing with herself while watching him. Kiara enters the kitchen, catching Destiny thirsting for their roommate’s boyfriend. The naughty hotties argue for a while before reaching an agreement. Destiny and Kiara go outside to carry out their plan. They start teasing Lucas...
xmoviesforyouHello Everyone! My name is Rahul Kapoor and I had this indian sex was when I was in Hong Kong for a business conference. For the next few minutes, I want you people to sit back and enjoy every bit of this sensual experience that I’m about to share. I’d love to hear what you all have to say about this story. Send in your feedback at . Any ladies willing to sext feel free to drop a mail at the above-mentioned address. I know, it’s damn time consuming to actually go and type the mail, but I say...
Waking up on Wednesday morning it was my 34th birthday, my husband bought me a voucher to a beauty spa for a day and my daughter got me a lovely bottle of Vodka. My hubby and I discussed to have a small get together to celebrate my birthday the Saturday night. Once again we went for supper on the actual day with my husband's parents at a lovely restaurant, where his parents offered to look after their grandaughter the Saturday night so my hubby and I could have a bit of fun and a few drinks...
100% fiction! My brother & i boarded the train bound for grandma's. During the 3 hour journey we had plenty of time to talk about the good old days when we would get into trouble chasing her chickens & how she would bake for us. She was very lonley these days & had asked for us to pay her a visit. After getting off the train we made the short walk to her house. Grandma was delighted to see us & as usual had baked plenty for us. She was very elegantly dressed in blue satin blouse,black skirt &...
IncestEnd of Part 3 I polished off the last of my dinner, then turned to them. “Speaking of which I’m dying to know how you two got together.” Kassie looked at Karen, returning her gaze. “Looks like my big brother wants a story and a reenactment. Feeling up for it?” “I’m up for anything as long as I can get my hands on your body. So how about it Matt? Ready for story time?” Like the incredible smooth person I am, I was only able to nod my head dumbly. We all got up, leaving out dishes on the table,...
IncestFilmmaker Evil Chris presents superstar Riley Reid in a XXX documentary segment combining genuine journalism, behind-the-scenes access and a full, hardcore double penetration scene. The petite, energetic porn beauty is open and candid throughout, letting fans get to know the real person behind the fun loving sexual sensation. At director Chris Streams’ shooting location, Riley shows him her suitcase full of porn wardrobe, and they select a latex dress. She sits for makeup, chatting about...
xmoviesforyouI was tutoring Leslie in math when she came on to me! I couldn’t resist her.I love tutoring students in math, especially the girls. And Leslie is my favorite because she is so adorable, attractive, and sexy. She has long wavy black hair that I’m dying to sink my fingers into, dark eyes, and a smile that makes my heart sing.I’d been tutoring her for about three weeks when I noticed that she was getting more and more friendly. She would show up early and stay late to talk. When she asked me to...
My love of sex is unmatched!!! I can honestly say, I might be the greatest lover of sex on the planet!!! I am not joking either! My love for sex started at a delicate age and has only gotten more intense as I’ve gotten older. I don’t know what it is, but after I experienced my first cock, I have been on a never ending quest to get more. I just love cock and a man who knows how to use it. I have been very lucky to get to have had all different types, some have been better than others, but all of...
I pulled up at our agreed upon rendezvous point, it was at the bus stop a couple of blocks away from Sam’s house, a route that her parent’s seldom took. She was the only one at the bus stop and as she came into view, I could not help but stare. There she stood, looking simply exquisite in a very tight fitting, long sleeve, short black dress. She had matching heels on that were not so high that it made her look slutty. No, not at all, it was only about a two-inch heel, but the effect of it...
CheatingRandy and I have been dating for several months. Nearing the end of our college semester, Randy’s parents took an impromptu trip out of town. With the house, and the weekend, free, we wasted no time getting together. Passion rises, as do other things, but then the lights from a car in the driveway streak through the Venetian blinds. With only a minute to spare, Randy and I gather our clothing and other things and run to his room. Just as his bedroom door shuts, the front door opens. Randy’s...
Well, I would like to thank the people that responded to me privately regarding my story. I would like to acknowledge the very kind words they gave me in my first real attempt here. Several have indicated passionately that they would much like to “know how everything got to that point and that is,” and “where the real story is.” So-to-speak that is, since elements of the story are real and some is fantasy, thus far that is? So, I have decided to share parts of my life which are real and some...
Three Hearts "You can't be serious! This is only March 31! Save that stuff for tomorrow. Really, now Bailey, you don't expect us to believe that, do you?" "You got that candle from an old Gypsy lady in a horse and wagon right here in Lilyville? There hasn't been a horse and wagon in this town in sixty years! C'mon now, Bailey, can't you wait for April Fool's Day?" "I'm telling you, girls, it's true. Do you think I'd lie to you the night before our...
Hello frinds mai saif fir se aap ka samne ma bani duaro ke rakhal ka part 4 le k aaya hu jaisa ke aap log janta hai ke mera maa ko nude(nanghi)rahana aur chudwana kitna pasand hai mera phela story me meri maa k bara me pata chala ke maa ka nature kaisa hai dusra me maa ne chudvaya theatre me fir main maa chudvai politician se uske bad maa mera samne b nanghi hone lagi .. Ab balcony ne nanghi hone k bad ke story batata hu maa ke checkne chut ekdam cham rahi the ekdam clean saved tha fir maa...
My wife and I are very close. We each have our own vehicle but we keep in close contact and know where each other is, most of the time. I have some sports activities that don't interest my wife so some of the time, especially early mornings I'm on a golf course or tennis court. This one particular lady, about my age mentioned that she'd love to get together with me, and we've chatted about sexual things so I knew she would be loads of fun if only we could figure out where and when. To...
Aerick awoke first to the chains. The surroundings confused him at first, but his eyes slowly acclimated to the dim chamber. His wrists were bound above him, and his feet brushed the bone covered floor below. A moan to his left caught his attention, and he saw the similarly dangling form of Toril against the far wall. To his right, Savren lay crumpled in a heap, covered in blood and bound in wire. Of Kieron, there was no sign, giving the ranger pause to whether the young human had evaded...
Madhu – a lovely lady I have always dreamt of! A perfect-shaped women even after giving birth to two children. What a sight to look at her! She is essentially the one most men lust for. Perfect round boobs, well-shaped love angles, not flat and not to fat tummy, perfectly swinging ass! Man, I get an instant hard on every time I see her. But she was a homely type and never exposed or expressed a desire that men should watch her. Hello friends, this is abhir back with another story of life and...
He had thought about Saema a lot since her death. Sometimes, he was wracked with guilt, wondering if there was something he could have done to save her. At other times, he just thought about the good times they had. Saema had been very good to him and was a great girlfriend; in some ways, he didn’t feel like he deserved her. Now, though, she had been taken away from him and it was hard for him not to wonder what could have been. As he approached her casket, he peered inside and saw her laying...
No sex in this story! I want to give a big thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my stories a much better read. Here I was at the Corner Café having my dinner. I’ve been coming here to eat for the last six months. My wife of seven years and I have filed for divorce and it should be final today. For six of the seven years our marriage was great, or at least it was for me. I sat there eating the ham loaf special while thinking about my past and how we met and ended up...
Hi everyone. Thank you very much for your naughty comments. This is krishnaveni again .this is continues part of tasting son’s hotdog. Those who didn’t read the first part follow the link on top. In this part I would like to share how we started making love .This is only for incest lovers. Others don’t read further. Sagar is very innocent and shy type. He don’t have girl friends. So I had to teach him about g spot and how to satisfy girls. In the evenings we use to sit together and watch...
IncestAuthor: XXXAuthor Asst. Professor Joshi took Aarushi to his home. It was not too far away from the college, and Joshi was still heavily pumped up with the prospect of having Aarushi all alone at his home. At first he did not believed when his senior – professor Agnihotri – had told him about Aarushi. But after seeing Aarushi with his own eyes, he was quite thrilled and impatient at the same time. He thought professor Agnihotri was very generous in sharing his booty with him too. He had never...
Under my orders, Tiffany, my sluttiest ex-girlfriend, had been fucking my boss for the past two months. Every morning, after she’d gotten her brains fucked out, she’d call and gave me all the sweaty details. Sometimes, she’d even let me listen while DeAngelo fucked her brains out.With every imaginary orgasm DeAngelo gave me, I unleashed more of my sluttiness. My husband, Oliver, loved my slutty behavior at home, but he did not love my sluttiness when we went out. So, whenever he was away on...
CheatingAngel - The Honeymoon and BeyondThis story follows on from Angel's Story, and tells, in Angel's own words, the story of the honeymoon and the start of her married life with Adam. My grateful thanks go once again to my Italian friend for his input of ideas.The morning of the start of the honeymoon had arrived. About an hour before we were due to leave, Rosemary and Candy called round, on the pretext of making sure we got away on time. What they actually made sure of, was that my husband had his...
The Haunted Blue Jeans By: Jessica Rabbit "I hate extended business trips". This is the second time I have had to use the hotel laundry facilities. "It is bad enough to be gone so long that you use all your travel clothes, but then to have your company not reimburse you for the cost of having a laundry service perform this deed makes it even a more bitter experience", I thought as I rounded the corner to the laundry room. It's a small laundry room with only 3 washers and dryers,...
The salt-laced breeze filled my lungs, as I ran along the muddy grass path. The sun was rising over the calm sea to my left, as my puppy Garcia, ran ahead. I loved the beach at that early time of day. No tourists were around, so it was still peaceful, and serene. The only sounds were the gently rippling waves, slowly easing their way up the bay. The gulls were paddling in the shallow water, as they sang. I was eager to get to the meeting point. So eager in fact, that my jog became a run.
‘I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I’ve been enjoying myself immensely!’ she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other’s absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...
Chapter 03: Something lost and something found …Jack’s new life. The Final Chapter? I’ve been in a state of confusion before, several times in the last few months in fact. But I couldn’t remember when it was as disconcerting as this moment. I was with my wife of over thirty years and we had decided to sleep together for the first time in more than six months and we would probably have sex and … I didn’t have a clue what to do. She had gone to the bedroom and I had followed her like a puppy...
MEANWHILE, ACROSS TOWN "FUCK!!!" the voice of Michael Mitchell rang out across the crowded boardroom. "I'm sorry, sir. We're trying to find him now. I'm sure he'll turn up soon." "Listen, your stupid shit, If you don't find out where your prima donna of a CEO is in five minutes I'm going to execute one of these pretty young interns of yours on live fucking television. "Yes..." "Suit." Turning away from the nervous assistant. "What's the damage?" "I believe that the only...
I woke to the glorious heat that was coming from the bright sunlight as it gleamed through my bedroom window, gently caressing my light skin. As I opened my eyes everything was slightly fuzzy and far too bright for my liking. I shut my eyes again quickly and laid my arm over my face protecting myself from the sunshine. I could feel a gentle breeze coming in through the window, which sent shivers through my body, leaving my skin bumpy from the goose bumps. I could also feel that my nipples had...
MasturbationAmi Sapnar galpo ta sune khuub garom hoye giyechilam aar ta ke abar jigesh korlam, “tumi Bablar bara charao aro anno kono laura nijer guude niyecho?” Takhon Sapna amake bollo, “haan.” Ami ekbar amar ek bibahita bandhobeer, Sumonar, bari giyechilam. Ei Sumona aar tar bor, Sukoy, amader barite prayee asto aar amar samne chutiye prem korto. Koto din Sujoy amar samne Sumona ke joriye chumu kheto aar tar blouser bhetore hath dhukiye Sumonar mayee duto khuub kore tipto. Kakhono Sumona garom hoye...
As is well known, Rome is a major center for art, architecture and engineering. the last time we were there there was no exception to bring something. We visited a place with many sculptures. There was also a young group of Asians (which is a lot of everything in Europe). A girl was standing looking at a sculpture of two ancestors who were, quite enough, naked. She started talking to my boyfriend and she told her name Maiko, was 18 years a week ago and was on tour with uneversitete she went to...
From a comfortable chair near the side of her bed, Melissa watched the antics of her two slaves with amusement, her lips curled into a wicked smile. Susan's naked body shivered, her skin glistening with perspiration. Her breath came as rapid gasps and wet grunts, her face buried in the wet pussy of the girl that lay spread under her. As she licked at the musky, steaming cunt, it made her own arousal spike such that her pussy ached for release as well. Susan's knees were splayed out to...
I agreed and pulled my shorts and pants down to expose my small dick. She then lifted her skirt to reveal a little slit between her legs. After that, she'd always pull her underwear off to show me, rather than just showing her knickers. After a few days we progressed from showing to touching, although she rarely wanted to touch my dick. I didn't mind, I was quite happy just touching her. At the end of the holiday we stopped playing our little game. It started again when I was about...
This Story is one of my fictitious Stories, But really Awesum..!!!EnjoyIt was a rainy day like any other in Florida when we met. Having stopped by his house not knowing he would be the one who was home, we stopped to have my car fixed. Jesse – my current friend who knew the home owner as she had dated his brother and wanted to sleep with him as she did everyone else recommended we stop by to get help.We ran to the door to get out of the rain, we knocked and waited as the front door opened and a...
Promptly at ten o’clock a Rolls limousine rolled up the drive. By that time, Dan Douglas’s car had been garaged, and Kim had pulled hers off to the side to clear the circle. She went to the door to welcome their guests. The chauffeur had jumped out of the car and was holding the rear door as an elderly gentleman alighted followed by a much younger man. The younger appeared to be under 30 while the older appeared to be in his 70s. In spite of his age, the older man stood up very straight. He...
I welcome all comments, both positive and negative aswell as any ideas and thoughts for stories. If you wish to email me direct please do so on [email protected] Back by popular demand, this is a fantasy story of a 16 year old twin brother and sister. Both are sexually inexperienced and keen to learn and who better to learn with that your sibling. Two’s Company – Part 2 “Oh, baby, I need to cum now, ooh, I'm so close!” Ian groaned. Sally sucked harder, and then...
Hi friends, ek bar fir samar yani sunaiz haazir hu mai kaafi smart or ldkio ke liye co operative hu … Chusaai or chudaai me . … Ab tak aapne pdha k soni ki chut chud chuki thi aur ab mere girane ki baari thi mai janta hu ladki jo phli br sb pura hi a6a lagta hai but maine bahar land nikaal liya aur bathroom bhaag k wahi thanda ho gya aur fir . …. Kya soni ka mu dekhne layak tha wo gussa ho gyi par mai bina bole ku6 … Waha se kpde phna aur nikal gya …Soni ne muje kaafi roka … But mai chala gya...
Hi everyone, it’s Raj here, I am going to share a true incident that happened with me a year back. My email is I am 24 years now, working in an MNC in Mumbai, this incident happened during my last year of engineering and yeah about me, I am 5.9 ft tall, have an athletic build and love playing football. This sex story is about how I lost my virginity to a widow who was really in need of love, care and sex. My mother has a very good friend, her name is Radhika, a 45 year old widow, who lost her...
Michelle’s plane was scheduled to leave on a Friday afternoon, shortly after lunch, so I asked her to take Thursday and Friday off from work to get ready for the trip. By the week of Michelle’s date with Mike, she was more than a little nervous and my scheme of withholding sex was definitely working, as we were both getting hornier and hornier. Either Michelle was doing her best to seduce me or I would seduce her into making love, right up to the point of impaling her, where I’d tell her, “No,...
Wife LoversTo get out of her contract, Suzi knew it was best to go straight to the top of the ladder. Thus, she telephoned the porn company's CEO and president, and requested that he be at her house later that afternoon. The man, whose name was Robert, asked for a reason why, but Suzi declined to tell him. She simply said that it was an important matter, and needed to be discussed in person - not over the telephone. Suzi had netted Robert's company millions upon millions of dollars over the past...
It hadn't been entirely by accident that Fred Holden made a spot-check on The Camera's Eye account being handled by his company. He had seen the name in the long list of small business accounts, and since he had visited the place, taking those beautiful color shots of that luscious blonde, he had a natural curiosity about its finances. Twenty dollars for an half-hour session, plus the camera rental and the cost of the film, was a pretty good tab. Hell! The woman who runs the place must be...
Introduction: We decided to go to sleep, and when we started changing, i knew i needed to fuck her pussy. I saw it only once, nice and shaved, and needed to taste it, one way or another. Its been about three months now that I have been secretly fucking my best friend while we had sleepovers. Nobody knows about it but me. Nobody knows Im a lesbian either. Its weird how my best friend has no idea Im attracted to her like fucking hell. Girls change clothes and get naked around each other and think...
Mai aap ko ek kahani batane ja raha hoon jo meri GF ke shath ghati hai.meri GF ka nam seema hai .ye kahani aaj se 5 saal pahle ki hai.us ki umar us time 18 saal thi. Us ke papa ki umar 39years.us ki ma aaj se 18 saal pahle us ke paida hote hi mar gai thi. Magar us ke papa ne doosri shadi nahi ki thi. Ek din jab bhoot garmi par rahi thi,seema 2pm ko college se wapas aai thi. Us ke papa ghar par hi the.garmi ke karan seema srif nighty pahan kr aapne room me let gai or thake hone ke karan us ko...
I come home early and find you sitting in bed with my shirt and tie on. The shirt barely covers your pubic hair and you look so sexy sitting there. Your legs are a warm invite to kiss… I drop my briefcase and walk to the side of the bed you are on. There is plenty of light in the room, the curtains are open and you can see into the back… I turn on some music and your eyes are burning deeply into me. I am so conscious of you watching me, I had to turn my back… I take off my jacket, tie, and...
Lennie came out of the restroom shortly after I had gotten back into the truck and was smiling real big. "You must feel better," I said. Lennie scooted over next to me and laid her head on my shoulder and put her hand back between my legs. "Yeah, everything's taken care of," she said. "Now, take me home. Take me home so I can continue my first date." With Lennie's hand on my cock rubbing and caressing me through my jeans, it was hard to concentrate on driving. Her squeezing and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a cool December in North Texas. We had gone out for a four day hunting trip for Whitetail deer. The trucks were unloaded and the cabin was set up for a weekend of hunting and relaxing. The cool weather made it perfect for hunting and it was nice to sit around a warm camp fire. This trip was family only, My two brothers and me. We had been looking forward to this weekend for sometime. We got up early to go hunting while it was still dark. We...
IncestMillie was a busy girl during the next few days, entertaining both of Danny's brothers and also his father. She concentrated her efforts on seeing that old Gus didn't find out she was still bedding Pete and Cal, while keeping it from the boys that she was taking care of their father and each other. Her ingenuity was taxed to the utmost. But the rewards made it all worthwhile. Millie reveled in an almost constant sexual high--getting screwed on the range, in the haymow, and on the straw...
LENA LOVES TO MAKE LOVE WITH BIG BRO EVERYWHERE - ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE IN NATURELena is Lovely Looking - Everyone Agrees & Would Want to make out with her for a Naughty NightLena is Lovely Looking, I am her only elder sibling, who teaches her every time some New NumberLena Loves to make Love - Everyday and Night Lena's ready to try something New with Prof. PeterLena Loves to make Love - I Take LENA to Texel Island to HAVE HER In the Dunes & On the...