Mistis Adventures Part 115
- 3 years ago
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The following day Morgana and I patrolled nervously around the court as Verenestra granted some of her most loyal subjects extra land, including Talusi and her mother Melusa. You could tell that the nerves of the guards (and William) were stretched thin, though finally the ceremony was coming to a close. It was then when a little of the tension was ebbing that the floor on the dais went out of phase causing Verenestra and William to go tumbling down through it with loud yells of surprise. I was swifter than many off the mark and, as I’d been nearest the dais, I dived through the floor after them, feeling it begin to seal behind me, though fortunately my momentum carried me through. Verenestra and William were also falling through the kitchen floor, something we hadn’t thought to check on, and into an area that wasn’t marked on the plans as we all landed with a crash in an area surrounded by Daoine Sidhe who rushed us only for the leading three to go down by Null bullets as we’d all drawn our guns and swords, nulling up a bullet as we fell. That and the loud noise from the guns gave our attackers pause, long enough for us to get to our feet and take the fight to them.
The three of us had been tested in the fires of combat and, as we stood back to back, our blades cut out an arc of death around us. We were also nulling up bullets as swiftly as we could, sensing the approach of Morgana and the royal guard, who, despite the efforts of the Daoine Sidhe, were blasting through the floor to get to us.
“This isn’t it!” I gasped out as I ran through an overconfident Daoine Sidhe.
“Isn’t what?” William replied as he used his leg to sweep the legs out from under another attacker for Verenestra to skewer.
“This is just a distraction, they’re buying time!” I yelled.
“Still trying to kill us!” Verenestra yelled back.
“That’ll be a bonus; this is to keep us occupied and the eyes of the court elsewhere. These are just cannon fodder!”
“He’s right, my love. They aren’t their best and we know some of their best went with her.”
“Dammit, we can’t get out and they’re blocking all channels!” Verenestra screamed out.
“Arwen! They’re after Arwen!” I yelled, now taking far greater chances with sword and pistol, forcing my attackers back in disarray.
Suddenly, from being on the defensive, the three of us took our attackers by storm cutting them down and shooting them as well as using a variety of magical tricks to keep them off balance. Verenestra, being by far the more proficient with the sword, was taking the lead and driving our now panicking foes before us as they struggled to hold us. Despite their greater numbers there was no way they could now contain us and the final few dropped their swords and went to their knees in surrender just as Morgana and the royal guards broke through.
“Arwen, my Mage. They’re after Arwen!” I yelled at her. Her face paled and she scrambled back up the hole made to the court.
We were not far behind her as the guards swiftly restrained the surrendered Daoine Sidhe, no doubt to be questioned later.
“Where is my daughter?” Verenestra demanded of the fearful looking courtiers.
“Your maids took her to your chambers,” Talusi replied, then gasped as we could feel a powerful magical suppression field in that direction.
“With me now!” William bellowed at the guards and ran towards the royal chambers followed by any Sidhe who held a weapon as well as two of our Seers.
One of the bodies of the maids was in the corridor, slowly crumbling to dust as two armoured Daoine Sidhe blocked our way only to be blasted into their component atoms by the Seers. Morgana used an incredibly powerful burst spell on the suppressed door which bypassed the suppression spell and allowed Willian, Verenestra and I to race into the chamber where we saw Arwen enclosed in a pearlescent shimmering shield holding off an irate Oonagh as we were set upon by Oonagh’s guards.
“I curse thee, my nadorhuan rutting rival!” Oonagh spat out as she held back our barrage of offensive spells aimed at her and her guards. “You may have thwarted me here, but there is more than one way to gain revenge!”
She then opened two portals despite all we could do to stop her, the suppression field preventing any sort of Null. She literally kicked Arwen through a black fulminating gap before diving through a normal(ish) looking one.
Oonagh’s guards then also rushed the portal she’d gone through despite several getting skewered in the back as I, throwing caution to the wind, hurled myself forward, getting several hacks to my body from the defenders, and dived through the rapidly closing portal Arwen had been sent through. I felt it close behind me as I fell into utter darkness.
After what seemed like an age, utterly unlike a normal portal, I landed with a massive crash into a morass of stinking vegetation. It was pitch black, incredibly humid and on the hot side of the equatorial range of tolerance. However a little fiddling with my eyes and the optic nerves soon had a form of vision going for me. It wasn’t much help, the sky was overcast and the land appeared to be a massive swamp ... Worst of all, I couldn’t sense Arwen either, a magical suppression field dulling my senses by quite a bit. My armour had protected me from the worst of the blows against me and I was able to repair it and myself very rapidly as I scanned all around me for any life signs. After an utter failure in that regard I also began reaching out to see where I was in the respect of other Earth’s, though I realised this was a place like no other I’d seen. World after world of clouded swampy vegetation flipped out ahead and behind me confirming at least that I wasn’t in the outer reaches, thank God, before I thought to scan the night sky and realised I was no longer in the solar system any more.
Throwing caution to the wind I sent out a distress message telepathically in the hope that somehow I could penetrate the suppression field as well as someone/thing might hear me and reply. But there was nothing, simply an eerie mental silence that was as oppressive as it was unnerving.
I was also finding that only certain forms of magic were far more difficult than others as I attempted to teleport away from the swap to what appeared to be a nearby small hillock. It was only by using a high-level port that I could move myself at all. Forming a portal was out of the question too. I might have been able to use a frame to make one, but mentally free standing? No chance! Magic used on myself though was not affected so much, hence the ability to adjust my senses in order to see far better than an ordinary mortal could.
The hillock I was on was simply a larger, if a little dryer, mass of the same vegetation, whilst no amount of fiddling with my eyes could stretch my normal vision more than a mile.
Eventually, with a hell of an effort, I managed to access my pocket universes and pulled out a set of very powerful binoculars and scanned the area beyond where my senses could range, looking for anything that might help or even make sense. I finally spotted something glowing faintly several miles away and, as the only anomaly around, decided to head for it, believing, or rather hoping, it might be Arwen.
Teleportation was exhausting, though not as exhausting as trying to wade through mud and rotting vegetation, or even float above it. The mental, rather than the physical, effort caused me to have to stop to restore my energy balance after each jump. Still, I finally got there to see, buried almost fully, the pearlescent shield Arwen had been using to protect herself from Oonagh. Using my powers I managed to raise it from the swamp and settle it upon a more solid piece of ground before wondering how I was going to open it, or rather get Arwen to open it. Finally I did the obvious and knocked on it in the ‘shave and a haircut’ (da dit dit da da) style, knowing Arwen would recognise the simplicity of the rhythm. The shield cleared first then collapsed as Arwen saw who it was and she threw herself into my arms, sobbing.
“You found me!” she finally gasped out.
“Not quite. I followed you is more accurate,” I replied as the sobs ceased and the snuggles began in earnest.
“Where are we, Uncle John?” she asked when she could speak more calmly.
“I don’t know, not in the solar system though. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the home-world of the Sidhe.”
“Why guess that?”
“It’s the only place I can think of that Oonagh might have known about that isn’t where we come from or within reach, like the outer reaches,” I replied thoughtfully.
“But the Fae came to your part of the universe almost two hundred and fifty millions of your years ago. Oonagh’s only been Queen a hundred million years, though mother says Oonagh claims to have come through in the beginning as an infant,” she replied in that weird adult way that freaked her mother out.
“Oonagh is actually about a quarter of a million years old, she’s only been Queen a hundred million according to your Mum,” I confirmed. ‘So I’d guess she may have spoken to those who knew of its existence or whereabouts before the Nephilim wars and the attrition suffered in the reverses against mankind. Knowing Oonagh, she probably had them killed too, to keep it a secret.”
“That’s true. No other Sidhe knows of it now though, it’s certainly not in our group consensus.”
“That might be why she chose it, or I might just be wrong.”
“You might, but the logic is fairly sound.”
“You realise that your mother will get disturbed if you talk like this in front of her?”
“Yes, so I tend to skip a lot, sing and float,” she giggled.
“You aren’t fooling her.”
“No, but it makes her happy.”
“Anything you picked up from the Seers that might help us as I’m struggling with my magic here?” I asked, giving up trying to understand her speech pattern changes as Arwen was simply Arwen.
“There’s a large tower almost a hundred miles that way,” she replied, pointing after a moment’s concentration. “It seems to be generating the suppression field.”
“Guess where we’re going. Though I can only port for short distances. It’s exhausting my reserves,” I nodded.
“Me too. There are also some life forms in the same direction, though I’m not powerful enough to tell who ... or what yet.”
“Can’t scan beyond a mile myself, so I’ll take your word for it. But we’ll have to find you something better to wear than these court robes if we’re going to hike a hundred miles,” I chuckled.
Giggling, Arwen simply pulled the robes off to leave herself in a child’s version of Mage armour, courtesy of her mother and father no doubt.
“Uncle Simon had it made for me,” she said with a beaming smile.
“Lucky girl.”
“Mummy did ask him though,” she added showing the unnerving female trait of being able to read my mind, telepathy or no.
“Well, it will protect you from the weather, though sadly not the state of the ground.”
“Yes, what about food?”
“Got loads in the pocket universes, but I’m going to pull out a lot of MREs as well as water bottles and purification tablets just in case this effect gets stronger and I can’t get to my stuff or create water. Same with a tent and cooking gear. I don’t think we’ll need the arctic survival stuff though,” I finished with a grin.
“Meals Ready to Eat,” I chuckled. “Got a load in stasis from the British Army. Was told only to eat when desperate or real food wasn’t available.”
“I hope never to find out.”
“Let’s go. It’s easier for me at least to affect the gravity around my body so I don’t sink, than teleport.”
“Yes, Uncle John. Me too,” she replied as we headed in the direction of this tower she could scan.
For all Arwen could walk, she was only four and with all the limitations that physically affected a four-year-old to boot. Sidhe kids are generally a bit tougher than human ones at that age, but only just. So, for a lot of time Arwen simply adapted her weight and rode on my shoulders, keeping an eye out for anything hostile. The land itself did not improve much, at least on the first day and darkness came far too quickly for my liking. The tent assembly was remarkably quick and soon had us under cover and eating ice cream from my stores.
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Today, I decided was the beginning of the rest of my life, I also new that I might be able to move on with the right person. But one thing was for sure I needed to get laid!!! I had missed the sensual touch of a caring and needy lover. How I was going to meet someone, I didn’t know how, however, I knew that if I did, I was going to make the most of it. I had a shower cleaned up the mess from my earlier fun with Jane, I could almost here her laughing at me as always did after we did something...
By ten AM we were on the road. I figured a hundred miles or so ought to get us away from prying eyes. I really liked our previous hotel stay, but I didn't want to show up there too often, so we did a whole different city in the next state over. The motel was a national chain, and on the upper end of the scale as temporary lodging goes. We brought our bags into a clean, bright room with two queen beds. I was paranoid enough today to think that we just didn't look like we should be sleeping...
It was almost 2:00 in the afternoon when Steve Golden and another doctor came in and closed the door behind them. "Okay, first I will say that the operation was a huge success. We found where the major trouble was almost immediately. We took a section of a blood vessel from his leg and spliced it between two dangling vessel ends in his brain. What we found was something unusual and none of the doctors had ever seen anything like this before. "We believe, as I said before, that this was a...
In the morning, we woke up and just lay in bed together. Karen gave me a soft kiss. "Brad, I had dreamed of last night. It and you have exceeded my dreams. I am so happy. Love me again." I did. Afterward, we did finally head into the bathroom to shower. We showered together in that big shower. It became intensely erotic and we made love again. We had to clean up again but managed to stick to what we were doing this time. We dried off and made it into the front room of the suite with some...
Zane stormed into his hotel room. The meeting with his biggest client yet wasn’t going well and he was pissed. This was the deal he had to close to finally lock in his promotion he was promised three months earlier, and had been working on for the last year. He had put more energy into earning this promotion since he met Bella and her two children. Though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, they were the reason he was working so hard. Part of the delay for his promotion was due to the bad...
Love StoriesPlease Consult Your Nearest Voodoo Lounge By Mr.20" Biceps I went to see my doctor today. He said there was nothing he could do. That it was some kind of new virus going around and not even an antibiotic shot would help. Funniest named disease I'd ever heard of though: Zapperwithdrawalsyndrome! "WTF is that?" I said in complete shock. "Beats me" he said, "try consulting the nearest new age voodoo lounge. Perhaps they can help. I've nothing to give you. The CDC doesn't even...
It was Friday night and Katie was getting ready for her date with Todd. She was luxuriating in the shower, loving the smell of her body wash and the feel of her luffa as she gently stroked her smooth skin. She felt a tingling sensation as she touched her vagina with the soft sponge and again when she caressed her breasts.How she loved to linger in long, steamy showers. But tonight, she couldn't linger any longer. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.After drying herself, she...
IncestThe car radio cut out and I tore my eyes from the brake lights in front of me to glance at the in-dash screen as the Bluetooth displayed the incoming call. Maryann’s name appeared on the screen. I thumbed the talk button on the steering wheel. ‘Hey, baby,’ I called laconically. ‘Hi, honey,’ she called from the car speakers. ‘I figured you’d be home by now. Are you far?’ ‘No, I stopped at my girlfriends house and got some on the way home.’ It was an old joke between us. ‘She called, begging,...
Hi all, this was a story I'd written in 5 parts on here before, but never continued as intended. I'm coming up with part 6, and other stories now. Enjoy!Daddy at the Truckstop1--This was an encounter that almost happened with a Daddy a while back. We talked about doing this for a first meet to make up for other times that didn't work out, and while talking about it with him was undeniably hot, it ended up not happening for a few reasons, chief among them safety. I think about how hot it would...
I could feel my cum inside Jenn's pussy as the three of us sat chatting over brunch. Me, Jenn and the guy she wanted to fuck. If my memory serves me his name was Kevin. I had Jenn wear her short black dress so I could discreetly finger her while she made the introductions and guided the conversation. Our day started two hours earlier making love. Her makeup hid the lingering flush of exertion that came from putting her through her paces. Jenn is my mistress. She is my lover and my slut. We...
The two weeks that comprised the end of term one holidays in New South Wales, which also included Easter this year, had come and gone so fast. It only seemed like yesterday that I had left the mercurial Clare on what had effectively been the last school day of the term for Clare and I; the government schools still had the Friday to negotiate. My wife worked through the break, as was usual (she referred to bank her leave and use it during our summer holiday period). However, my daughter and I...
MILFThe first sense was that of total freedom, release of all inhibtions. As soon as the red light on the camera beamed. From now it was for all to show and I was gonna enjoy it. Daisy shuffled up to me as I was lying in the middle of this big soft bed, pillows sprawn all over. I looked at her red satin panties, that promising bulge and I was gonna unwrap very slow. As one should unwrap any precious present.I, 25 then, tall, skinny had met Daisy three weeks ago in a gaybar. I went there not...
At age 55 I had met most of my life goals. Had the house, wife, and kids were either off in college or on their own. One recurring desire was my obsession to have sex with my older sister Theresa, who was 2 years older than me but who remained a teaser all her life. Currently it was obvious that her husband was pretty much unable to fullfill her due to his obvious infirmities. My marriage was ok but was missing the spark. As kids, Terri and I were attracted to each other physically, and in our...
IncestStanding in line to get in to the arena, I heard a voice that was vaguely familiar in a whiney, nasally sort of way. I turned and was confronted by a pair of boobs pointed straight at me like cannons on a warship. Not recognizing those, I looked up a bit and saw a red-haired girl with a face that looked like she was permanently sucking lemons. Now I remembered. This was Sarah something or other. Dan had dated her a few times when he was in high school. She’d visited home a couple of times...
Later that night I turned on the computer and googled hotwife. This was my first exposure to the subject of hotwife and cuckold lifestyle. My mind went rampant. The thought of this little white woman Laura was willing to give herself sexually to me and her husband was OK with it. My dick immediately swelled to it's limits. As I stood up and looked In the mirror, the years of working out had done wonders to my body. At 6'4" and 285lbs I was well sculpted. My 10" dick was standing at...
This is the final part of my story Gay Experience with a stranger. I will write in continuation of the cross dresser sex and how he fucked my Asshole. I maintained the eye contact as I again took his monster dick in my mouth and started sucking him harder. He grabbed my head and started matching my motion and fucking my hungry mouth. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out in haste. I figured out he probably was getting too hot and didn’t want to cum so soon. He pulled me up and started...
GaySaturday morning I woke with Mom on my mind again. I wondered if she had decided not to repeat our intimacy because she thought it might be bad for me, or perhaps she thought I might not want to continue. I decided find a way to subtly let her know that I wanted a repeat. But how? It happened sooner than I thought. Yawning, I went downstairs for a cup of Joe. Walking into the kitchen I saw Mom at the sink filling the coffee carafe with water. My eyes admired her. She was wearing her soft...