CindyChapter 15 free porn video

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By ten AM we were on the road. I figured a hundred miles or so ought to get us away from prying eyes. I really liked our previous hotel stay, but I didn't want to show up there too often, so we did a whole different city in the next state over.

The motel was a national chain, and on the upper end of the scale as temporary lodging goes. We brought our bags into a clean, bright room with two queen beds. I was paranoid enough today to think that we just didn't look like we should be sleeping in the same bed, and so I chose our room accordingly.

"TWO beds?" questioned Cindy?


"And WHO is supposed to sleep in the OTHER one?"

"One to sleep in, one to play in," I laughed.

She responded by pushing me over backward and then straddling my chest, her jean-clad crotch in front of my face. I ran my hands up her thighs, over her ribs and then cupped her perky breasts through the shirt. No bra.

"You didn't even notice," she said, faking a pout. "I've been like this since we went to breakfast. An' YOU didn't notice!"

"Oh, I noticed, alright. I've been wanting to touch you for four hours now..."

"Mmmmm," she said. "One of these days..."

"One of these days WHAT?"

"One of these days we're going to be able to hold each other in public. I mean besides a little hand-holding. Like in, arm around you. Or sit on the same side of the booth. Or a kiss by a fountain in the middle of a public park."

"I know, sweetness. Believe me, I want to shout your name from a mountaintop."

"I believe you," she said, then she grinned. "But what I want is, if we get caught makin' love behind the bushes, all they could do is get us for indecent exposure, an' not put you in jail for molesting young girls."

"But I LIKE molesting young girls."

She dug fingers into my ribs. "You better mean just ONE young girl!" Giggles. The young girl was straddling my chest as this conversation continued. "Babe, start your laptop up and let's see what there is to do in this town..."

"Besides YOU?"

"Oh, you'll do me before the night's over, lover."

Okay, yeah, as a matter of fact I do carry a laptop on weekends, even with a pretty, eager, redheaded companion. The laptop provided us with the venue of a local university chamber orchestra's performance. I was certain that the little redhead would provide everything else.

We made love all afternoon. Sweet, uninhibited love. Nearing dinnertime, we showered, dressed, went to dinner, then joined a small crowd for seats in an auditorium and listened to a chamber orchestra bring us Bach.

We left the hall with the crowd. I punched rapidly at the GPS. Cindy noted that. "What're you looking for, baby?"

"A park with a fountain. At ten at night, I think I can kiss you there..."

"Awwwww!" I heard the click as she fastened her seat belt beside me. "You listened to what I said."

"I always do, princess." Several blocks. Found a parking space in an empty lot. There were a few other couples out in the dim lighting. I slid out the driver's side of the truck and caught Cindy as she slid out behind me. With the truck locked behind us, I took her hand in mine as we walked around savoring the relatively cool October air. The fountain was easy to find, the burbling rush of water leading us up the path. I led her by the hand, having her stand on a step. She turned around to face me, the step she was standing on added the height she needed to stare directly into my eyes. She glanced around and saw nobody paying attention to us, and then her arms wrapped me up and we kissed.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"No, thank you, dearest," I answered.

Her face was close to my ear. "Dan," she said, "Take me back to the hotel. I want you. In bed. Okay?"

"Just like that?"

"Yes, love of my life. Like THAT!" She smiled, her green eyes twinkling in the dim light. I promise I broke the speed limits only slightly.

She was undressed and in bed before I was, laying there completely nude in the lamplight, her body glowing, exuding sexuality from her small feet, up her slim legs to the soft red patch of hair on her pubic mound to the flatness of her belly, those two breasts, mounding softly, punctuated by perfectly pink, quarter-sized areoles and nipples like pencil erasers, hard ... and that face. I don't know how you're supposed to mix a young girl's innocence with lust and love, but she was doing it. As I crawled into bed she broke into a smile.

Her hand reached up to pull my face toward hers and we kissed, ending with her giggle. "You know, babe, you're more than I ever dreamed of, too."

My hand cupped a perfect breast and my fingertips toyed with her nipple. I felt a quiver run through her body. Her hand sliding down my side and wrapping around my dick provided her with an answering shiver from me. Our lips locked. Her adventurous tongue met mine as I moved my hand from her sweet breast down to find the cleft of her pussy. I brushed it with the tips of my fingers, then dipped one fingertip just between those lips and traced the length of her lips. On the return my finger dipped deeper, sliding easily in the wetness.

She was squeezing and milking me, pre-cum smearing over the head of my dick as my fingertip teased the head of her clitty. I tasted as well as felt her moan in my mouth as we remained in our kiss. She pushed me onto my back and one of those long legs swung across me as she took charge of our lovemaking. Kneeling astride me, both hands on my chest, she let her hot, wet pussy search for the head of my dick. Her eyes twinkled and she was biting her bottom lip, her "I'm concentrating" face. Her face changed with a sigh breaking into a giggle as the head of my dick met the opening of her wet passage and she slid down on me, impaling herself and bringing indescribable pleasure to us both.

She sat back. "There!" she announced. "I want EVERY bit of you. I want to LOVE you every way we can!"

"We do, don't we, babe?" I answered. "You're my best friend, the love of my life, and my wife."

"Yes, I AM your wife, Dan. Forever!" She fell forward, wrapping her arms around us. "Now kill me. Do me until I pass out!" And we did. Orgasms. I think she had two or three before mine, only one, happened. But my one came with her LAST one and she did indeed pass out, laying in my arms for almost a minute before light kisses caused her eyelids to flutter. I was rewarded with a sublime smile from the one person I loved most in the world.

We fell asleep after she slowly rolled us over on our sides, her breath a measured, soft cadence I felt on my chest. The last conscious thought I had before I slid into slumber myself was the clean smell of her hair against a background odor of the musk of our sexual exertions.

Without an alarm to start our day, it was usually a random selection as to which of us woke up first, or maybe I should say who made the first movements. Sunday morning was my turn. I lay there for some time, inventorying the feelings of my own body awakening, then noting the soft rounded warmth of her perfect ass against my hip. I turned gently so as not to startle her awake. I spooned up behind her and couldn't resist tiny kisses to the nape of her neck where it was uncovered by the fall of her auburn hair. She stirred. I carefully wrapped my left arm over her. Gently holding her. Her hand touched mine and pulled it to cover her breast.

"Mmmmm, morning, love," she whispered.

"Mornin' sweetie," I said.

"Can I ask you something? And you'll be honest with me?"

"You can ask me anything. And when have I ever NOT been honest with you?"

"This is different." And she wanted to have the "titty talk".

You see, Cindy was fourteen and a month or so old now. And she was an "A" cup, maybe getting into "B" territory. I thought these were the most perfect breasts I'd ever seen, and I'd seen a few.

"Do you like my breasts? I mean, really?"

"God, yes, baby. You have the most perfect breasts imaginable. Perfect."

She rolled over to face me. The anatomy in question was pressing gently into my chest. "They're not big."

"So what!"

"That lady in the shiny green dress last night, I mean, she had, well, I thought she had nice looking ones, and they were bigger."

I remembered the lady in question. She was good-looking, mid to late thirties, carefully coifed, heels, in all a carefully and well turned out product.

"Baby," I said, "that was a production. Makeup, hair, bra, dress, heels, all carefully put together. You, little darling, you get up in the morning looking better than she does after two hours' work."

"But I don't have big titties. Most guys LIKE big titties."

"Am I "most guys"?"

"No." the answer was a little meek.

"Haven't I told you that all my life I was looking for YOU and settling for little bits and pieces?"

"Yes. But..."

"No but. You're perfect. Personality. Brains. Body. Sometimes I think about how perfect you are and it scares me. I can't imagine ever living without you."

"But, I mean, like, when I'm on top of you and I bend over, my titties don't dangle."

"And that's a BAD thing? Baby, you don't know how many women wish they were as firm as you."

"How big was your wife?"

"That's another world, baby, long gone."

"But how big?"

"Okay." I sat up. "Let's talk."

She looked at me, her green eyes questioning.

"Here's the deal. She was a C-cup. Last girlfriend, the one that dumped me, she was maybe a C, maybe a D. I don't know. I didn't pay attention. So I've got some experience with bigger titties. Baby, what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter. Your smile, your laughter, your conversation, you could weigh 300 hundred pounds and have titties the size of milk jugs, and it wouldn't matter. Or you could be completely flat-chested. It doesn't matter. There's this YOU that I'm in love with, and you're perfect."


"Stop with the 'but's', baby. You have no idea how many men see you and start drooling and lusting. I'm one of them. But I'm the lucky one. You're mine. And I love you. Okay?"

"Okay. Just tell me."

I slid my other arm underneath her and rolled, bringing her on top of me. "Tell you what? That I think you're the cutest, sexiest thing I've ever imagined? That I love you until the sun is a dark spot in the sky? That you make me wish I could write symphonies to your beauty? What do you want me to tell you?"

Then the giggles started. "Tell me where we're having breakfast..."

"Grrrr," I growled, and then clamped my lips over her left breast. My tongue worked over the nipple in swirls, then I bit it lightly. "I think I'll just have these for breakfast."

She pulled away with a squeal. "I guess that means that I'm having sausage!" And she spun around and her mouth sucked my hardening dick in, treating it to a tongue lashing.

"Yeah," I gasped, "You have sausage, an' I get this nice, moist muffin." We moved into a wonderful sixty-nine, her mouth clamped over the head of my dick, my mouth covering her pussy to receive the juices stirred up by my tongue. I cupped her butt cheeks with my hands, savoring the juices filling my mouth, relishing the actions of her combined hands and tongue and lips on my dick. Eight hours' rest was plenty enough for a recharge for me, and my Cindy was always up for coming, and my tongue was herding her there fast.

I heard "Eennnnnnnghhh" simultaneously with her hips thrusting, pushing her pussy into my face, her clit against my flicking tongue. "Gahhhhh! Ohgodohgodohgod! Dan! I'm. THERE!" She came, holding my hard dick against her cheek, afraid to put it in her mouth while she came.

I kept licking, softer now, letting her ride her orgasm to its conclusion. With a sigh, she sucked me back into her mouth, her tongue and teeth working me back to full hardness, then teasing me to orgasm that was almost brutal, and sucking me dry. My softening dick was her signal to turn around and kiss me full on the mouth. I could taste a little of myself in her warm mouth.

"I guess we just love each other, babe," she said.

"I guess we do." I kissed her again. We lay in each other's arms. "Cindy, baby, don't ever think that I want to change anything about you. You're fourteen. You're going to grow. And change. So am I. And I will love you through it all."

"I thought about that, too, Dan," she said. "I mean, how it would be as we changed, and you know, I talked to Mizz Helen about her an' her husband, and she told me that love finds its own beauty."

"Yes it does, cutie. Yes it does."

She rolled out of the bed and went to the bathroom. Returning, she said, "Come on, baby, let's go get breakfast."

"Pack first?"

"Yeah. Then we can leave here and go straight home."

"Let's do a quick shower. Somebody's liable to notice that we smell like a small orgy."

"Uh-huh ... yeah, mister. I feel positively molested this morning already." She looked suggestively over her shoulder as she headed back to the bathroom. I followed. Our shower was sensual, her body seductive, wet, her hands active over my body. We rinsed the soap away, almost finished, and she knelt in front of me, the shower water slicking her hair against her head. She looked up at me, mouth open, smiling, then her hand pointed the head of my dick toward her waiting lips. Her mouth closed around it with an "Mmmmmm" that reverberated throughout my being. And then she pulled her head back, my dick leaving her lips with an audible pop. She stood up. "You know, I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"I'm not telling you. A girl's got to have some mystery, huh?"


We got dressed, packed our bags, and checked out, walking out, me and this indescribable little red-headed beauty. We found a breakfast place, fitting in with the Sunday morning crowd, laughing, talking about the music, the people, and the clear fall day.

We'd just gotten back in the truck when my cellphone rang. I saw the caller ID. It was Jim Hardesty. I told Cindy, then punched the button on the phone. "This is Dan," I answered.

"Dan, this is Jim Hardesty. From school."

"Yeah, Jim. That's what my caller ID said. What's up?"

"Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"No, I'm good."

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over this evening for supper. I'm doin' ribs on the barbecue."

"That'd be great. But there's one thing..."

"What's that?"

"I have Cindy with me today. Promised her that I'd bring her to the mall. We'll be finished in plenty of time, but can she come along?"

"Hey, sure! That's great! See ya'll about four-thirty?"

"Yep. We'll be there!"

Cindy was watching my one-sided conversation. "What'd you just get us into?" she asked.

"Barbecue at your guidance counselor's house for supper."

"Really? He's nice. Likes us kids. I've seen him really work with some of them."

"Yeah. I know. You're one of them. Are you gonna be okay? I mean, we can't be husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend. Just gotta be me and my shadow."

She grinned. "I can do that. On good days, I can actually be quite charming, you know."

"And on better days, you can be delicious," I laughed.

We drove back to the RV park, did the small amount of housework we needed to do to keep the trailer in good order, then we changed into swimsuits, grabbed a couple of towels and headed to the pool for our daily swim. Three weekender families were there, one of them I recognized from previously, the paper mill manager with wife and kids, a couple of other nuclear families, each with a teenaged daughter, one teenaged boy, a couple of pre-teen kids, all splashing in the pool. I greeted the adults politely, shook hands with the guy I recognized first, then the others.

I did a few laps in the pool, as did Cindy, her lithe body easily cutting the water beside me. I was thinking that I'd hate to race her. I finished my laps and climbed out to towel off and occupy an empty lounge. The afternoon was filled with the sounds of (mostly) happy children, and we adults talked about the kids, the work, the news, hunting, fishing, etc. I couldn't help but notice that the appearance of Cindy, even in her one-piece bathing suit, was more than enough to eclipse the older two teen girls. The boy, brother to one of the girls, had apparently been devoting a lot of attention to the other, but when Cindy showed up, well, Cindy was the top of that little heap. I noted him putting his best moves on her, and I also noted her easily fending him off, choosing instead to talk to the girls.

I heard one little comment, though. "Go play somewhere else! I told you I already HAVE a boyfriend!" A little later she got out of the pool, came to me and took her towel and then stretched out on the lounge beside me. And I do mean "stretched", as in arms over her head, back arched, stretched. And when she finished, she looked me and smiled. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," I said. She listened to us "adults" chit-chat for a while then I bid my leave. "We have to go get ready for you to go home," I said.

"Yessir," she said, playing her role. We walked back to the trailer, carefully NOT side by side.

Inside the trailer, I laughed, "What are you trying to do, give those guys heart attacks?"

"What did I do?" she asked innocently.

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Roseanne barr meets rosie of Donnel

It was a wild Hollywood party,,1989 everyone that was anyone was thier. A luxurious penthouse in the sky. The party thrown by roseanne was to be the most decedant,,orgy of sex and v******e ! Every sexy kink was to be explored, Roseanne sits atop a magnificent throne! Dressed like a 50s sex kitten,,her big boobs in a glorious red bra,,matching panties cover her ample hips and ass,,,black garters and nylons,,,full heavy make up,,and a 50s bouffant hair do.reigning over her subjects,,,,large...

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ManoJob Clara Trinity Coach It Doesn8217t Fit

You’ve coached Clara Trinity for a while now, and ever since she turned 18, well…she’s been a handful. In fact, she’s got a new nickname — “Clara The Troublemaker”: goofing off at cheer practice; sneaking out of the cabin at cheer camp; Clara’s tardy almost every practice! It’s just gotten to be too much. That’s why Clara’s at your place. It’s time to cut her from the squad. Sure, Clara’s your best flyer, and...

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The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next DoorMany of you will have read my stories over the past few years, posted on various websites, including my own (below); will know that I love to see females wearing scarves. This fetish also extends to short skirts, woollen jerseys and thick Lycra or wool and always opaque tights or pantyhose as you guys call them in the States.This story is my latest, written in late 2008 and inspired from reading tons of scarf related bondage stories.I hope you all enjoy this latest tale and...

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No more Doctor Nice Guy Part 12

No more Doctor nice Guy Part 12 I did not go home with Zac Smith. Part way through our pash session I was able to regain some self control and contain my crazy. A predictable sentiment rattling around my brain was catalystic enough to induce cessation. 'What the hell are you doing Alex?' I self scolded. It seemed to be my standard introspection. At least currently. I was broken-hearted, afraid and a hormonal mess. It was pretty clear these were the impetus for my actions....

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My 1st 3 Some

I had met "Ted" back when the aol  chatrooms were still good, when I was alone I'd post in one of the local m4m rooms looking for cock. He answered my ad one day had me meet him at some beach so I could suck him in his truck. Ted was a big bear type but was very hot  , when I got into his truck we made small talk for a while,then he pulled his cock out told me suck it.It wasn't a very big cock , maybe 5-51/2 but was pretty thick , I loved he held my head pushed his cock into my mouth , he...

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MAU Slayers Our Very First Patrol

[Thanks for the feedback on the first story. I'm working to improve some of the issues that were brought up. I'm giving myself a little more time to work on each part and hopefully catch any mistakes.] Previously on MAU - Slayers... Two friends, Laura and Jordan used a MAU to become Buffy and Faith, the Vampire Slayers as seen on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Their friends Mike and Chris used the device to become the vampires Angel and Spike, finding their new...

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The Rendevous

The Rendezvous   He called Saturday night just after ten. His wife was being admitted and they may induce her labor. He told me how much he missed me and how needy he was for my warm, wet mouth. I told him to be patient. His responsibility was to take good care of business. He told me that his wife was fine and that he hoped to see me on Sunday. We hung up.   I hadn't meant for it to happen, but it did. I'd been drunk and tired and that night at the party when the hot stud...

1 year ago
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Aunt Anna

When she opens the door, I am surprised to see how much Aunt Anna has changed. ”Come in” she cries,” and hang your coats up over here”My girlfriend enters the apartment first and the two women exchange a cordial hug and greetings. They have never met before and I am amused to see how they surreptitiously study each other. Aunt Anna turns to me and compliments me upon the beauty of my companion, chiding me for never having introduced her before. I protest that this would have been difficult as...

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SophomoreChapter 17 Shirley breaks the news

We slept late on Tuesday morning and went downstairs to discover a note from Suzanne saying she had ridden to work with John because they were going to pick up their new cars after work. We were to drive her car. Ned must have heard the garage door open. He came downstairs and filled us in on what was really happening with the cars. My car was being traded in. "John decided to let them have the limo too. We seldom use it any more; besides, it's seen better days." While I was sorry to...

3 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 24

Jeannette didn't show up for lunch on Tuesday. Sammi didn't think anything of it until later that afternoon when she saw the girl. Jeannette was standing by a window, one arm under her breasts, the other with her hand on her neck. She was watching the trees rustle and stir in the rain, and the flip and flutter of the small birds that were darting around the school. "Where've you been?" Sammi asked, stopping beside her friend. Sammi glanced at her, a vague smile on her face. "We did it...

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A Highschool Trip Abroad Part 1

THE BOYS LEARNED A LOT, ESPECIALLY ABOUT EACH OTHER. Big-T sat with his mates on the upper deck of a double-decker touring car bus. Their luggage stowed away in the hold. There was already a lot of excited chatter going around the upper deck. The twinks were talking about all the naughty things they would do that up-coming week. There was talk of the regular stuff over-excited teens and twinks speak about. Things like what they would want to go and see, all the way to the wild orgies they were...

2 years ago
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Explorations with my Brother

When I was 17, my brother and I shared a room. He was 20 and dating like crazy. We were both 6’4” and were in reasonable shape, particularly Bob who was into playing basketball and was also part of the rowing team, while I was always walking or riding my bike. One after noon, we were alone in house and Bob took a shower. He came out of the bathroom naked, rubbing his head with a towel. I saw his pubic hair framed cock, half hard, foreskin glistening. I had always seen his cock soft, so it was a...

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Everybody Loves Raymond Amy8217s Initiation

Marie sat at the table across from Deborah drinking coffee and eyeing her beautiful daughter-in-law who she fucked once in an unforgettable union between her oldest son and Deborah. Now she had another union in mind. “Deborah, I have another great idea for us if your interested?” replied Marie smiling over her cup of coffee. Deborah knew something was up when Marie came through the door. Her imagination worked well in the sexual department these days. She seemed to have a sixth...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend Visits

The story below is not fictional. It actually did happen over 25 years ago and every time I think of it I have to jack off. My wife and I had been married for only two years when my best friend from high school, Mario, called to ask if he could spend three weeks with us. He was studying in central Florida and wanted to come home to visit some of his relatives. Unfortunately no one had the room for him and my wife and I had a spare room in our apartment. We both agreed to let Mario stay with...

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Turning my best friend gay

I am 34 years old now, the first experience I had with my friend Mike happened nearly 15 years ago. I am happily married now, and would never do anything like this again because of the love I have for my wife. But I won’t say that I don’t fanaticize about the experiences I shared with Mike so long ago. I still think about the fun we had now and then, and find the time to masturbate thinking about him, replaying the scenes in my mind of some of my favorite times with him. Enough about...

4 years ago
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Ditchers Have Some Fun

(this is my first story, any critisicm is welcomed)Ditchers Have Some FunIt was a warm sunny day and I was currently heading to school holding the hand of my very cute girlfriend, Cindy. It was our senior year, we had many things in common, one of those being that we shared a birthday, we had both just turned 18 last weekend, and we wanted to do something special but never got around to it. "Hey Cindy, remember on our birthay we were supposed to do something special?""Yeah? Why do you ask?" She...

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EvilAngel Aria Alexander Smiling Aria8217s Pussy And Mouth Drilled

Longhaired, exotic brunette Aria Alexander has a trim body, natural tits and a bubbly personality. The Texas girl teases stud Mike Adriano with her shaved pussy, visible clit and hot white ass; he eats her spread, bald beaver and tongues bunghole as she rubs her butt on his face. Aria’s cocksucking leaves lipstick on Mike’s jumbo boner, and her monster webs of gag spit cascade like a waterfall. He crams his cock in her wet cunt; she masturbates and howls as she’s porked. Her...

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The sexual awakenings of teenage private schoolgirls part 3

The summer school trip was coming up. It wouldn't be like your usual school trip, however. The Long Stockings Private School for Gifted Girls and Young Ladies never really seemed to have party style school trips. They would go to Sea World to study the marine life – no rides while there, no swimming, no fun! The students even had to have their swimmers made to school regulation, with a bare minimum of flesh to be seen and not skimpy in any way. That was a no no. Head mistress Miss Noefun always...

2 years ago
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Surprise 1

Inessa was waiting late one night for me to show up at her apartment so I could sign some documents. While waiting she got on the computer and started looking at different porn sites and going to different chats. She is getting really horny by the time I arrived. She opened the door and I entered the apartment, I reached over to shake her hand and tell her, I was John Malone. When she reached out to shake my hand, her robe came all the way open, affording me a glance of her almost naked body....

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Reetu Bhabhi Aur Mera Chuddaked Parivar 8211 Part 2

Mai aryan kumar meri friend reetika ki khani ka aage ka bag bta rha hu jo muje reetika ne kud bataya hai ki aage kiya hua tha aap story padke comment kare or mail kare per. Mai reetika ek bar fir se hazir hu apni khani batane ke liye or aap sabi ka thanks meri khani padne or commnet karne ke liye or mail karne ke liye or mere dost aryan ka meri aap biti ko khani me badlne ke liye thanks. Uske bad sanjay ne uski gaand ke niche ek or pilo lga diya or gaand ab puri uper uta gai or uski gaand ka...

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PetiteHDPorn Jorden The Morning Orgasm

There’s only one thing that petite hottie Jorden wants this morning and that’s Kasteil’s dick inside her. Sneaking into the bedroom, she tries to wake Kasteil up but finds herself swatted away. Jorden doesn’t give up. She rubs Kasteil’s back until he rolls over, giving her the opportunity to start sucking his morning wood. Her blowjob is the perfect appetizer for the main event of the climax she’s planning on having. Kasteil helps Jorden out of her cute...

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Pervert SciFi

People will always have dreams, and when technology progresses the methods of attaining those fantasies will become more available… But what worth does a fantasy have if it could easily be fulfilled? Walking through the rainy streets of San Francisco, Jeanna Nolan made her way towards an appointment she had reserved a month in advance. She walked at a slow, determined pace – knowing what she wanted and yet willingly taking just a sweet while longer before reaching it. The rain...

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How to Handle a Bitch in the Workplace

This is a true story, as are all of my stories. And it was a great time!I was in my early 40s, working as a Regional Safety Manager for a large trucking company. We leased on owner operators, and it was my job to qualify, or disqualify, the Recruits that our lovely, but shady, ladies in our recruiting department would bring in. Which, caused a lot of conflict between the Safety Department and the Recruiting Department.These sweet talking women would practically have phone sex with some of the...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 13 The Waiting is the Hardest Part

January-February, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I mailed the letter from the Lisle Post Office on Tuesday during my lunch break. I had no idea what Karin’s response would be, or how that would affect her visit. All I could do now was wait. I was also waiting for Friday, and dreading talking to Anala about the situation with Joyce. I was waiting, nervously, for my lunch date with Becky. And I was waiting for a call from Connie. All of those things weighed heavily on my mind at work and in class...

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Franklin Street

Weak sepia sunlight warmed the wooden draining board, tiny feet kicked excitedly at the prospect of auntie Katie’s arrival. Seated on his precipitous perch, the little boy could barely contain himself, his baby eyes seen only the chink of light as Katy appeared at the door with his mother ‘ma wee soul, come tae Katy ma wee lamb, it’s yir birthday darlin’ come an’ see whit ah’ve goat fur ye ‘ Katy pulled his little body into her fur coat and swirled him dizzy in her bosom. She grinned her...

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The High School English Teacher

Mark met with his next client, a man named Randy Edwards. "So tell me Randy what brings you to the Fantasy Room?" Randy was blunt and to the point, "I want to fuck my high school English teacher." Mark answered just as bluntly, "As you know we can create any fantasy for you to meet whatever desire you might have. All it takes is $25,000 to do the programming. I have a detailed questionnaire for you to fill out, and we will do a brain scan to get the information that we need. Does that...

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Queens Blade Rise of a King

You are a man in a woman's world, but that hasn't stopped you from becoming the man you are, you posses skills and power that can compete with the beautiful fighters yet you still live in thier shadow perhaps you can change that if you truly wish it. Let us step into the lives of these men and see what awaits before them, what decision they will make and how it will affect the world as they know it.

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Building My Harem Pt 1

All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age. Let me start this off by saying, I have always dreamed of having a harem. I mean, what guy wouldn't? I was 23 years old, living in my parents house with my 18 year old sister, and I had yet even come close to realizing my dream. But as I much as I dreamed of having a harem, nothing could've prepared me for the events to come. I had just gotten off work and was pulling into the driveway of my house around 9pm. As I made my...

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Monthly madness

I headed to a bar I knew would be crowded with after work revellers as well as lots of young men. It also had booths along a dark wall – perfect for my plans. I went straight up to the bar and ordered a drink. I then turned to survey the crowd and found my first target. He was about 25, a big guy, not all that goodlooking and not too drunk. I am quite pretty, with long blonde hair and big brown eyes so getting a guy’s attention is never hard. I walked up to him and asked him if I...

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Aunty Bettys Satin Blouses Part 2b

I continued with the dresses as Mrs. Mott emptied her shelves and drawers, occasionally I espied her mammoth breasts as she took hand fulls of sexy lingerie and stockings and was finding it increasingly difficult to stand upright, my cock had now fully expanded and beginning to be obvious, so I quickly adjusted while she was removing all that glossy soft slippery lingerie, but to no avail, she'd noticed my predicament..." I think you're enjoying this, handling all my clothes aren't you?" I...

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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 10 Iron Fist

The stars rolled by the office window lazily as the Pinwheel’s torus spun. Chief of Security Moralez looked up at the readout that was scrolling past on his monitor, yawning as he nursed a styrofoam cup full of dark coffee. It was gritty, and it tasted like shit, but it was all that was left in the pot. His shift was almost over, and he was eager to get back home to his girlfriend. He gave the readout another glance, then set down his coffee on his console with one of his prosthetic hands,...

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Felicity Ch 31

Chapter 32. Elena I had gotten a job at a small company that provided expedited shipments to our entire state. Our niche was to do the job of FedEx or UPS did just as reliably but cheaper. It did not take me long to realize that our company could do neither. I wondered how we remained in business and learned that the company belonged to my boss’ mother and she was keeping it afloat. Her son, my boss, was running from crisis to crisis with little idea how to get us out of panic mode. I hated...

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Tormented Soul Ch 03

Emma had recovered from her shock and started to go after Charley but Paul grabbed her. ‘Where are you going’ he asked. She pulled away tears starting to form. ‘I need to go to him, we hurt him and I need to make it right’ ‘And say what to him? That we were only kidding, we didn’t mean it? It was only the alcohol talking?’ Paul pulled into a hug ‘We screwed up big time and we need to think this through. Let’s get some coffee and see if we can fix this.’ Keeping one arm around her he grabbed...

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Wife Sucked My Father

Hi guys ! I am a regular reader of ISS and I really like these stories. Today I have been prompted to write the incest of my father and my wife.. I am Kabir got married in the year 2003 to a very lucsious and sexy girl from MP named Kashish, I was 29 year old and she was 28, i must tell you about my wife, she is 5.5 tall & 32-28-38 figure, aboslute sexy lower bottom part lovely butts & thighs, fair complexion, blunt hairs very cute looking face, that can make any man to feel like fucking her. I...

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Desi Intimacy In Videsh

So, I read stories on indian sex stories dot net a couple of times coz I love Indian romance and some of them have motivated me to make some sexual decisions myself. One of them finally succeeded just today, with my very own neighbor. Let’s call my neighbor Angel. Angel is definitely a MILF, she’s somewhere in her late 30s. She is from South America so she has light brown skin, but she is very British, and has no accent. If I had to compare her to someone, she is pretty similar to the pornstar...

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