Welche Wahl Trifft Er Oder Hat Er überhaupt Die Wahl indian porn

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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

3 years ago
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Intimit auml t oder die Freuden des WG Lebens

Liebe Leser,heute möchte ich Euch eine Erfahrung mitteilen, die wir als Paar vor einigen Wochen machen durften. Um uns kurz vorzustellen: Wir sind Alex, 24, und Anna, 22, aus dem sonnigen Süden Deutschlands. Wir studieren beide noch und wohnen seit zwei Wochen zusammen. Die folgenden Ereignisse haben sich allerdings einige Wochen vor dem Umzug abgespielt. Damals wohnten wir noch in getrennten WGs, ich mit zwei Mädels und einem Mann und Alex mit einem guten Freund von ihm. Die beiden hatten eine...

3 years ago
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Freundschaft oder mehr

Teil 1Dies ist meine erste Geschichte. Ich hoffe die Geschichte gefällt und ich freue mich über positive und negative Kommentare und Verbesserungsvorschläge. Das weiterverbreiten ohne meine Zustimmung ist nicht erlaubt,Alle Personen sind frei erfunden und habe nichts mit der Realität zu tun. Larissa und ich kennen uns eigentlich schon seit Jahren. Wir sind früher zusammen in den Kindergarten gegangen, besuchten beide die selbe Grundschule und wohnten beide im selben Bezirk. Kurz gesagt wir...

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Bimbo oder Billionair

Ich stand grade hinter der Bühne als der Moderator Devon van Devon auf die Bühne von Bimbo oder Billionair trat und die Versammlung von unzähligen Männern mit großen enthusiasmus begrüßte und unter lauten Applaus ankündigte: "Hallo und Herzlich wilkommen zu einer Folge unserer neuen Glücksspiel serie Bimbo oder Billionair!", er wartete bis der tosende Applaus abebbte und fuhr klar sprechend mit den Regeln der neuen Show fort. "Nun jedoch werden sich viele Fragen was ist jetzt aber Bimbo oder...

Mind Control
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ADAM oder der Mann mit dem Hengstschwanz

ADAM Adam war ein ganz normaler Mann. Er sah nicht wie ein Männermodell aus, war aber ein attraktiver Kerl. Er war körperlich mit sich im Reinen. Keine Bodybuilderfigur aber, er konnte sich durchaus sehen lassen. Adam hatte blonde, kurze Haare und war 1.85 m groß. Er hatte schöne, breite Schultern. Schultern, an denen sich Frauen sehr gerne anlehnen würden, doch da gab es doch noch ein großes Problem. Wahrscheinlkich werden einige Männer neidisch sein oder manch einer auch Lachen, doch Adam...

3 years ago
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Ein Beinbruch ist uuml berhaupt nicht schlimm

Ein Beinbruch ist überhaupt nicht schlimm!!Vor einigen Wochen bin ich mit dem Auto ziemlich heftig verunglückt. War nicht mehr viel übrig, dass man noch als Auto identifizieren konnte! Aber ich hatte Glück im Unglück! Außer ein paar Prellungen und einem gebrochenen Bein ist mir nix passiert! Aber ein mehrwöchiger Krankenhausaufenthalt kam dann doch dabei heraus. Heute ist alles wieder schön verheilt und ich kann wieder auf eigenen Beinen stehen und auch wieder laufen. Aber ganz ehrlich, so drei...

3 years ago
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Treffen mit einem User oder mein neuer Herr

Eine kleine Vorgeschichte, ich bin eine devote verheiratete Frau (deren Mann von nichts weiß) habe mich hier eigentlich angemeldet da ich dominante Frauen oder Paare suchte. Wie Frauen mir hier sicher bestätigen können gibt es leider (für mich zum Glück) Herren die Profile nicht bzw zwar lesen aber es trotzdem versuchen.So kam es das mich ein User hier ziemlich heftig und derb anschrieb. Es fielen Sätze wie ,,Dir fetten Sau muss man einen Knochen um den Hals binden damit wenigsten Hunde mit dir...

3 years ago
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Neuro Transmitter Er hat die Kontrolle

Samuel Andrews war schon nun den zweiten Tag in der Wohnung seines verstorbenen Onkels um den Nachlass zu Regeln. Bisher hatte er aber noch keinen Hinweis gefunden, wo sein Onkel sein Vermögen verwahrte, denn Bankunterlagen hatte er bisher noch nicht finden können. Sein Onkel war schon immer ein komischer Kauz und Eigenbrötler gewesen gleichzeitig allerdings ein angesehner Neurologe und er hatte ihn nur selten gesehen. In den letzten Jahren sogar noch seltener, da er selber studiert hatte. Da...

Mind Control
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Apokalypse Das ist das Ende oder etwa nicht

Ich erwache aus einem traumlosen Schlaf, als ich meine Augen öffne blicke ich mich in dem mir fremd erscheinenden Zimmer um. Einen Moment bin ich verwirrt. "Wo bin ich, was mache ich hier?" fragt sich mein schlaftrunkendes Gehirn. Nach weiteren Sekunden des Sammelns finde ich langsam zur Realität zurück. Dieses fremdwirkende Zimmer, ist mein neues Zuhause. Spärlich und altertümlich eingerichtet mit einem alten Holzschreibtisch und einem noch älteren Bett, wirkt hier nichts jünger als 30 Jahre....

4 years ago
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Wahrheit oder Pflicht

Da stand ich nun vor dem Spiegel, nackt, und betrachtete mich. Nun zugegeben, das war mir egal. Ich hatte grad mein Abitur bestanden und in zwei Monaten würde ich nach Eichstätt ziehen und Theologie studieren. Ich wollte katholische Pfarrerin werden. Wieder glitt mein Blick an mir herab. Ich hatte schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die nicht wären könnte man mein Gesicht auch für das eines femininen Jungen halten. Schmal, scharfkantig, naja, nicht allzu attraktiv. Und dann mein Körper. Meine...

4 years ago
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Seelen werfen weisse Schatten durch die Zeit

Diese Geschichte darf kopiert und kostenlos weitergegeben werden. ?nderungen, kostenpflichtiges Anbieten oder sonstige kommerzielle Nutzung sind untersagt. Michael Binary (c)2002 Seelen werfen weisse Schatten durch die Zeit (Deja Vu) By Michael Binary "Bitte verlassen sie jetzt den gef?hrdeten Bereich" Die Warnung konnte ich gut hoeren, schepperte sie doch gerade aus allen Lautsprechern des Labors. Leichter gesagt als getan. Ich wuerde es ja gerne tun. James! Wenn ich dich in d...

2 years ago
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Samira Die Diebin

(Hallo. Das hier ist meine erste Geschichte und ich hoffe sehr, dass sie euch gefällt. Sagt mir bitte in den Kommentaren oder Nachrichten bescheid wenn ihr Kritik oder Ideen habt) Die Morgensonne tauchte die Stadt Jeraira in ein rötliches Licht. Auf dem Marktplatz hatten die Händler bereits ihre Stände aufgebaut und es roch nach allerlei Gewürzen. Die Menschen unterhielten sich angeregt mit den ersten Kunden, während sie Preise verhandelten und ihre neuesten Waren anboten. Die friedliche...

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Bridie sat quietly in Dr Reilly’s surgery trying to take in what he was saying. “Are you saying that I have the Aids?” she asked. “No, to be sure you have the HIV but that don’t mean you going to get the Aids,” he explained. “So what shall I have to do Doctor?” she asked awkwardly. “Well to be sure you shouldn’t be screwing any decent Irish lads bareback,” he said,. “But me Da won’t work and me Ma has eight kids at home to feed, I’m the only earner!” she protested, “I need every cent I...

3 years ago
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Laura hat ein Problem

Er f?hlt mit der Hand ?ber ihre kurzgeschnittenen Schamhaare und grinst Laura breit an. Erst mit einem, dann mit zwei Fingern dringt er in sie ein. W?hrend er seine Finger in ihrer Scheide herumwandern l?sst, schaut er ihr ins Gesicht. Sie versucht seinem Blick auszuweichen, indem sie die Augen schlie?t. "Das ist ja ekelhaft. Der glaubt doch nicht im Ernst, dass mir das Spa? macht, wie er da so rumstochert." Ihre Arme sind ganz taub, ihre Brustwarzen schmerzen, ihr Hals ist vollkommen trocken und in i...

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The Black Hat

I stop at the same restaurant for breakfast four or five days a week and for lunch maybe twice. There are a lot of regulars that frequent the place and I don't know half of them even though I've seen most of them off and on for the last fifteen years. It was a case of 'you know who they are but you don't know them.' You see them often enough to nod at them and say "Good morning" but it rarely goes any farther than that. You see them often enough to observe their character traits and...

3 years ago
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A Gamblers Tale or The Purple Hat Incident

A Gamblers Tale, or The Purple Hat Incident Riordan's Gulch. If you're in Riordan's Gulch, you're either a loser, looking to make money out of the tiniest gold seam in the world, or you're trying to make money out of the losers. The smart ones, well let's just say they aren't out panning. To be honest, the Gulch wasn't my usual sort of town, but well, I needed to get off the beaten track. Literally off the beaten track. Too many people looking for me close to the railroad, so I...

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"Are you ready for me to make love to you, Aubery?" she asked, getting on top of me."Yes, Erin," I muttered, failing to make eye contact."I love you," she stated, sticking the dildo into my twat."I love you too," I groaned, placing my hands on her lower back. 'Just fuck me, and get it over with, woman.'I didn't look at her, but I was sure she glared right at me as she let the dildo thrust in and out of my slit. She stayed close enough, so our boobs stayed in contact, but it didn't...

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Dienstm dchen

Seit ?ber 24 Stunden war ich nun schon in diesem bl?den Flughafen Terminal und mir fiel die Decke auf den Kopf. Es gab einfach nichts zu tun. Praktisch jeder Zeitvertreib kostete Geld, und das war mit meinem Taschengeld nicht drin. Ich hatte schon ein wenig in meine Reisekasse gegriffen, aber ich konnte nicht alles ausgeben, bevor die Reise richtig begann. Es sollte zu einem Sprachurlaub gehen, nach England. Eigentlich w?re mir Amerika viel lieber gewesen, aber das war viel zu teuer. V...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 9 The Black Hat of Rushes

(Lightning crashes. Inside a mansion, a well-dressed man cowers before a man shrouded in a cloak, wearing a wide black hat. He carries a bloody sword and bodies litter the floor between them.) Rich Man: P... please. If it's money I can get you as much as you want. Just spare my life. Black Hat: The honored patriots of the new age bathe in money like water. Has it made you weak? (He laughs, quietly. The man screams. Black Hat fixes his eyes upon him.) Rich Man (thinking): I... I can't...

4 years ago
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The No Strings ChallengePart 16 The Hat Trick

At the Hampton Inn near San Francisco Airport, I'm on the bed watching a porn movie. I don't have to worry about extra charges to my room bill, because this one's playing from a laptop connected to the room's flat screen tv. It's certainly not the first porn movie I've seen and not the first time I've watched porn in a hotel room. It is just the second time, I've had the lead actress from a scene lying in bed next to me while I watch. Actually, Stefani just ran her tongue around my...

2 years ago
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Darlia die Diebin

Darlia bewegte sich geschmeidig durch den Trubel des Basars. Ein enger zerschlissener Rock reichte ihr knapp bis zu den Knien und ein schmutziges Stück Stoff war eng um ihren Oberkörper geschlungen. Als sie an einem Obst Stand vorbei kam beugte sie sich weit nach vorne, so das der Händler seinen Blick nicht von ihren wohlgeformten kleinen Brüsten wenden konnte die ihr Ausschnitt preis gab. Als er abgelenkt war griff sie schnell zu und nahm sich zwei wunderschöne rote Äpfel die ungefähr die...

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Bhabhi Ke Baad Bhatiji Ki Chut Ki Chatni 8211 Part III

Hi! dosto mera naam Ajay hai, aasha hai ki aapne meri kahani “Bhabhi Ke Chut Ki Chatni and Bhabhi ke baad bhatiji ki chut ki chatni part-I & II apne padhi hogi aur aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi hogi,tabhi to Mujhe bohot sare doston ne emails bhi bheje the. Jaise ke maine meri last kahani mein bataya tha ke kaise maine mere Bhabhi ke baad bahtiji ke taraf incest hua,aur kaise bahtiji pinki ke saath aage ab aage ki kahani is prakar hai. Jab meri Pinki rani,lagbhag aadhe ghante ke baad Pinki ne...

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Bhabhi Ke Baad Bhatiji Ki Chut Ki Chatni 8211 Part II

Hi! dosto mera naam Ajay hai, aasha hai ki aapne meri kahani Bhabhi Ke Chut Ki Chatni and Bhabhi ke baad bhatiji ki chut ki chatni part-I apne padhi hogi aur aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi hogi,tabhi to Mujhe bohot sare doston ne emails bhi bheje the. Jaise ke maine meri last kahani mein bataya tha ke kaise maine mere Bhabhi ke baad bahtiji ke taraf incent hua,ab aage ki kahani is prakar hai. Achanak mera baburao tav me aakar akad gaya aur maine socha ghar me hi itna achha maal hai aur mai...

4 years ago
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Donna and Nellie s Indiscretion the Hat and Donna turns heterosexual

Donna and Nellie’s Indiscretion I arrived late one evening at the pub which we always refer to as the Jill and Whistle. I was rather taken aback when I saw Nellie standing beside Donna. This would not normally arouse my indignation but on this occasion I was surprised because Nellie was holding the front of her skirt raised above her waist and Donna was staring intently at the revealed parts. I could not share the view because Nellie had her back to me. Nellie’s skirts are so short that lifting...

2 years ago
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Meine Frau hat einen schwarzen Liebhaber

Mein Name ist Jim und meine Frau Honey und ich sind seit acht Jahren verheiratet. Wir haben Zwillinge im Alter von vier Jahren. Ich arbeite für eine Versicherungsgesellschaft und Honey arbeitet für eine große Werbefirma. Honey muss mit großen Kundenumgehen und arbeitet auf Kommissionsbasis. Honey hat schulterlange blonde Haare und ist 5'6 "groß mit Figur wie eine Sanduhr. Sie hat lange schlanke Beine und sieht sie ihre 5" Spike Heels tragen. Sie zeigen alle ihre Kurven an den richtigen Stellen....

4 years ago
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Das Milieu hat viele Gesichter

Diese Geschichte ist ein genehmigter Spinoff der Geschichte https://chyoa.com/story/Eine-Karriere-im-Rotlichtbezirk.34775 von https://chyoa.com/user/Jarl66 Die Erzählung setzt nach dem Kapitel https://chyoa.com/chapter/Monikas-Tag-wird-immer-besser.905673 fort. Was bisher geschah: Die Hauptperson der bisherigen Geschichte ist Simone. Die junge hübsche Frau hat sich bei dem missglückten Versuch, ein Cateringunternehmen zu gründen, schwer verschuldet und hatte gerade zum Ersten Mal Sex mit einem...

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Office Virgin 8211 Lite Aa Blood Vanthathu Pola Irrunthathu

I am back after small gap with one real story. Real story padika yeppavum konjam porumai vendum friends. Na eppo work pannitu irrukura company la nadantha oru unmai sambavam ethu. En office ku puthusa oru 10 peru join pannaga athula boys 7 peru girls 3nu peru.Athu la 2 ponnu north india oru ponnu hydrabad. 2 peru nu oru team la potanga athula yen team ku oru paiyanum oru ponnum potanga (hydrabad). Antha ponnu name preethi. Antha ponna paaka appavi maari irrukum, avaluku padipu mattum tha...

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Hattie Vic

Chapter 1 For three days Hattie Monk had been waiting for Saturday night to arrive to go on her dream date with Royce Collins. Aged 24 with fair and longish curly hair Hattie was a vivacious and, being in a wealthy family, a little precocious. She was between jobs, a casualty of downsizing in her section of the computer industry, although her mother Kitty insisted Hattie was ‘on vacation’. Her Saturday night date, Lieutenant Royce Collins, had arrived recently from overseas duty. Five...

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The dishonorable misadventures of Roderick the Crow Ch 1

It was a good thing for Roderick to smell again the smell of battle. The sweat of men tinged by the touch of steel armour, the strong smell of horse and of leather. Sounds of men cussing and praying, swords being sharpened one last time, all under a dawn which to a warrior is, possibly, his last. And that would make it beautiful. Upon a large wooden field-table was a map, more worthy to be called a sketch, of the surroundings. “Walter and Frederick will hold the middle with Infantry. I...

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

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PornWorld Cherry Kiss Candie Luciani Fitness Babes Cherry Kiss And Candie Luciani Get Covered In Spunk After Gym DP Gangbang

Fitness chicks Cherry Kiss and Candie Luciani are in the gym locker room getting ready for a boxing lesson. They strip off to change and start kissing before Cherry pulls Candie’s shorts off to lick her pussy. These hot lesbian babes not only enjoy some oral action but share a glass dildo too! They fix themselves up and walk into their lesson with Erik, giggling. These playful babes start to warm up under Erik’s instruction and as they take a break, Cherry splashes Candie and Erik...

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Bhabhi Ke Baad Bhatiji Ki Chut Ki Chatni 8211 Part I

Hi! Dosto mera naam ajay hai, mai mumbai me rehta hu, meri umar 27 hai aur main job karta hu.I am regular reader of iss and iske pahle bhi maine ek kahani likhi thi “bhabhi ke chut ki chatni “, jo aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi. Mujhe bohot sare doston ne emails bhi bheje the. Jaise ke maine meri last kahani mein bataya tha ke kaise maine mere seem bhabhi ko choda,agar aapne is kahani ko nahi padha hai to ek baar jaroor padh le taki aapko meri ee kahani detail me samajh me aaye.Ye kahani meri...

4 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 2

Chapter 5 Mom? Bastogne winter unknown date I moved through the snow my black hair flying loose in the wind behind me while covering the girl in my arms with my body. It was freezing outside and the snowstorm reduced the sight to a mere few meters. I decided we would need some cover and I knew that the best way to find some was to walk to the towards the enemy lines. Howitzer were always build in some kind of trenches. Moving towards the rumpling sound of the ongoing bombardment I...

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Freddie s Find Pt 04

CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...

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X19 oder X69 Das experimentelle Aphrodisiakum

"Was hab ich getan?" Fassungslos blickte der Assistentsmitarbeiter auf seinen Monitor. Monate hatte es gedauert, aber nun war im großen Stil die Verteilung des neuen Impfstoffes gegen den Erreger der gefürchteten Chinagrippe angelaufen. Dank der öffentlichen Nachfrage waren die Zulassungsbeschränkungen gelockert worden. Man hatte es geschafft aus einem anderen Medikament mit geringen Anpassungen schnell ein marktreifes und einfach zu handhabendes Produkt in Tablettenform zu entwickeln,...

Mind Control
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Tr ume oder Alptr umen

Der Tag war anstrengend gewesen, aber der Abend dafür auch sehr schön. Im Büro hatte es wieder jede Menge Schreibkram gegeben, Ärger mit Kollegen und defekten Kopiergeräten, dazu eine kaputte Klimaanlage und jede Menge rauchende Besucher. Schon am Mittag hatte Helena der Kopf gedröhnt. Ein äusserst hübscher Kopf in dem auch eine Menge drin steckte. Schulterlange glatte blonde Haare rahmten ein hübsches Gesicht mit strahlend blauen Augen ein. Der Mund war voll und sehr anziehend geformt und...

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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 3 Where Did You Get That Hat

"It's no use, Russell. I don't believe you!" Ethel had put down her cup with a clatter and carried the tray into the kitchen. It had been almost a week, and the time had dragged as Russ had been almost aching for another glimpse of her. The opportunity came when he arranged a shopping expedition for Claire and her mother. He had made an excuse and left Claire and her mother at the entrance to the market square. "I know an old second-hand bookshop down this way," he had told them,...

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Becoming Gym Bunny Candie Rounds 1 3

Hi there! Name's Gym Bunny Candie. Of course, you can just call me Candie, but that's up to you. I'm quite the enthusiast when it comes to fitness (the name sort of gives it away:)). Most any day you can find me in the gym, working out, stretching, training clients, teaching classes, or just hanging out. I love most things "fitness" (you should check out my new tumblr page. It's kind of like me--a sassy work in progress). I just adore waking up in the morning, sliding into a sports...

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PornWorld Candie Luciani Sex Crazed Schoolgirl Candie Luciani Gets DP 8217 d By Fellow Student And Horny Teacher

Brunette schoolgirl Candie Luciani is playing teacher in our latest Pornworld scene and is teasing her classmate, Alex with her sex education skills. She takes out a glass dildo and shows how she sucks and strokes it, then toys with her tight ass right there in the classroom! Afterwards, this sex-hungry schoolgirl gets down on her knees and sucks off Alex, and gets her pussy pounded. They are in the middle of fucking when their teacher, Mr Shaft walks in on them and questions what they are...

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Chaturbate Teen

Do I really have to explain Chaturbate to you? Something tells me that every dude on this planet has been to this site at least once. But why the fuck would you not? When you have access to live camgirls playing with their pussies, and you can watch them for free, why in the ever-living fuck would you want to stay away from that?!Chaturbate has a massive amount of camgirls that perform shows for you to jerk off to. That much is fucking true. So there is enough room for you to get picky. And if...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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Hat Trick

Not everyone comes from Canada, or follows that country's national sport, so I'll quickly explain a "Hat Trick". During the game of hockey, it is a relative rarity for one player to score as many as three goals in one game, and when it occurs, there's a spontaneous celebration from the fans that has them showering the ice rink with hats. According to lore, the three goal reward began with the game of cricket, and a hat reward was made for three successive wickets. In the 1940s,...

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Chaturbate Indian

If you are horny as fuck to see Indian camgirls and you don’t know where to turn, where the fuck have you been the last few years, you crazy mother fucker? For the few of you that have not heard by now, live cam shows have become all the rage. As COVID-19 buttfucks the planet and everyone has had to stay indoors to avoid its infectious jizz, more people than ever before are turning to camming to earn a living. Because most dudes don’t have anything to fucking do late at night; naturally, they...

Live Indian Sex Cams
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Ann and Hattie

Copyright© 2003 (Read My Neighbour Hazel) One morning as I was returning from Joan and Mary's home, Hazel met me and we went back into my home where she had emerged. "I thought you were back you usually are by this time and I called to see you. I had a telephone call from a woman not connected with the LBG (Ladies Bridge Group), but who is a dear friend of one of our members. The member told me that I would be contacted by her, her name is Hattie. Her daughter is twenty-one years old and...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Goldie Goes Country

I woke up and looked over at Goldie, she was sleeping soundly. She had a soft smile on her lips. I wanted to kiss her but instead I got up and went to relieve myself. When I returned she was sitting on the side of the bed. I sat beside her and pushed her back and kissed her sweet lips, she tried to pull away but my hand slipped under her gown and between her legs. She stopped struggling and her arms went around my neck. She pulled her face back, ‘Please let me go to the bathroom. I’ll be...

1 year ago
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Who doesn't know Chaturbate, misspelled as "chaterbate" by a lot of you horny fucks! You don’t have to be old to remember when live sex shows could only be seen in the seediest joints in the worst parts of town. If you wanted to watch some girl spread her twat for you, you’d have to risk getting knifed by a crackhead on the way out. The Internet changed all that by bringing webcams to every exhibitionist slut in the world. Chaturbate.com is like a global directory of those cams.It takes some...

Live Sex Cam Sites
3 years ago
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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 3

Chapter 9 A new wardrobe and a Day at work After Sara and I managed to comfort Dr. Otto that I wasn't a threat, I finally was allowed to go back home. My clothes however didn't fit any longer and Sara seemed to understand what bugged me. "You know we should do something about your clothes Melanie." "Ain't no way around that?" I winced. "Don't you worry I happen to know the best tailor in Dunwich. Do you already have your school uniform ready?" I had not and I was pretty...

3 years ago
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The sun hat

It had been cool and overcast, and Greg could see from his ocean view condo that the beach had been deserted all day. It wasn’t until around 3 in the afternoon that the sun finally made an appearance, allowing him get outside to stretch his legs and take in some fresh air. It was a little breezy but warmer as he set off towards the west end of the beach. At the far end was a lone fisherman with a bucket of water and a few small fish in it, but nothing he shouldn’t have thrown back in. Greg...

4 years ago
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The Girl In The Red Floppy Hat

She stood out from the crowd of a hundred or more passengers waiting to catch the night train from Paris to Barcelona. It wasn’t so much that she was beautiful, even though she was, but more that she was wearing a big red floppy hat. She kept looking around nervously, fiddling with her suitcase and bags, apparently trying to find something. She looked desperately inside her tiny handbag. She seemed a bit lost, and I wanted to rescue her. I was nineteen at the time. My parents were sending me...

2 years ago
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The sun hat

It had been cool and overcast, and Greg could see from his ocean view condo that the beach had been deserted all day. It wasn’t until around 3 in the afternoon that the sun finally made an appearance, allowing him get outside to stretch his legs and take in some fresh air. It was a little breezy but warmer as he set off towards the west end of the beach. At the far end was a lone fisherman with a bucket of water and a few small fish in it, but nothing he shouldn’t have thrown back in. Greg...

Wife Lovers
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

3 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

3 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5 Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

2 years ago
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Haters Gonna Hate

Have you ever met anyone that you truly despise? I’m not one of those girls that pretends they don’t hate. I’m a hater for sure and I’m proud to admit it. I hate people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I hate people that were handed everything on a plate. I hate people who think they’re better than everyone else, and I especially hate celebrities and influencers. What is the thing with influencers? I just don’t get it. Why do these people think they deserve to be paid just to...

2 years ago
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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 3 She s A Big Girl Now

Andie pulled up in front of the Honolulu Inter-island Terminal and saw her dad wave at her. She pulled over and quickly found the trunk button and pushed it. Ben tossed his two bags in, closed the lid and got in the car next to his daughter. She leaned over the console and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Where did you find this car?" "I borrowed it from my roommate. She's away for a couple of days so we can use it to look around," Andie said. "I'm anxious to see your...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Mature

Chaturbate’s big-ass selection of Mature cams shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anybody who ever spends their evenings, weekends or lunch breaks shaking their dicks at the site’s seemingly endless number of live camwhores. They’re one of the very biggest cam sites in the world, consistently drawing around 340 million visits a month. You’ll run into more than a MILF or two even if you’re just browsing the front-page hoes and never fucking with the filters.Today, I am fucking with those...

Live Mature Sex Cams
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Maddie s Gift

New Abbey, Scotland, 1914 CHAPTER ONE One. Two. Three. Four. Four steps would bring Madeline Welby to her brother’s bedroom door. Maddie’s heart pounded painfully in her chest and her body trembled, teeth chattering as she stared ahead of her in the dark hallway. With each step, she could feel the brush of the carpet under her bare feet. A late winter rainstorm was approaching outside, and the rumble of the thunder matched the rumble inside her being. Maddie took the first step. I’m barmy!...

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Sex Trafficking Part 4 Jeff Edie Sherry Weed and Peyote

From the beginning of Jeff and Morris’s dealings, Morris kept Jeff from becoming more than someone with whom he did business by always keeping Jeff at arm’s length. He treated Jeff cordially but he thought that any show of warmth or affection was a sign of weakness. Being incapable of feeling or at least expressing any level of warmth or affection for another person, it didn’t take a lot for Morris to keep his feelings for Jeff hidden. Indeed, Morris had been brusque with Jeff when asked...

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Sadie s Education

Sadie's Education Sadie licked the last of Miss Maple's envelopes. "Are you done, dear." MissMaple, a six foot two Jamaican woman and Sadie's typing teacher asked her. "Yes,Miss Maple. I really appreciate you giving me the work." Sadie said gratefully.Money was tight, and she didn't want to work part-time and screw up her businesscollege scholarship. Miss Maple had never seemed the sympathetic sort, andwas a tough critic of her students, once embarrassing Sadie in front of theclass by...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

2 years ago
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Goldie Lox and the Three Behrs A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...

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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 4 A new set of eyes

"It's slow, Teri ... I'm going to leave early. You and Beth should be able to hand it now." "Sure, Andie. Was that your new boyfriend with the cute little girl?" "She's a doll, isn't she?" Andie took her apron off and put it in with the laundry. "Bet she has Daddy wrapped around her finger. Bet her Daddy is going to be in trouble with two cuties chasing after him." Andie got her things and waved goodbye as she headed out the door of the little shop. She made a stop at Macy's...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 7 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Asian Cams

Ever had an Asian girlfriend? I’m not talking about some waifu you chose out of a video game or an anime schoolgirl from a hentai dating simulator. I’m talking about a genuine Japanese chick or Chinese babe, a sweet Korean college girl, or a total slut from Thailand. Ever fantasized it? Ever even spoken to a girl? Probably not, but you can change your luck for the better in the Asian section over at Chaturbate.Chaturbate.com is one of the most popular webcam sex sites on the...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 2 Summer s end

"I should be jealous. How come I'm not?" "Jealous of what, Fred?" "We're laying here on the beach. A beach that we aren't even supposed to be on. We are nude, Sean has just fucked you, you're still holding his dick, and I've only gotten one little kiss all day." "I keep telling you, Fred, you're just going to have to grow a cock," Sean answered for Andie. "Shut up, Sean." "Both of you! Stop it now." Andie closed her eyes again and Fred and Sean both turned over on their...

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Freddie s Find Pt 02

CHAPTER THREE On Monday, Freddie decided that she really wanted to face King on her own terms and get it over with. She dressed in jeans and went in search of the man. She started by knocking on his door. When she didn’t get an answer there, she looked in the kitchen, where she had found him the week before. When she didn’t find him there, she searched for him in the motel. But no one had seen him and no one had any idea where he was. Disappointed, Freddie returned to her rooms. As she...

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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 5 Love is seeing with the heart

He laid back on the pillow while Andie was changing in the bathroom. Joel was nude and his penis was already filling just thinking about spending another night in the same bed with her. If this were to be the last night, then he would ever be thankful for the time that they had. In his heart though, he knew that it had to be just the beginning. He believed in his God with all of his heart and he knew that this God would not take away this gift to him and his daughter. When Andie stepped...

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What To Do About Edie

I've been married to Edie for just a little over six years and I am constantly finding out things about her - things that I would never have expected or even believed for that matter. For instance - I just found out she is a slut. Edie wasn't a virgin when I married her. It wasn't something that I knew first hand, but in the spirit of being up front with me Edie laid out her entire sexual history for me even to the point of naming names. I knew two of her previous lovers and she wanted to...

2 years ago
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Jim and Edie

The Mating Habits of the Mature Jim's Story Suddenly, I'm single. I'll probably never stop grieving the loss of Diane, but I've committed to myself, my son and daughter, and my best friend Bruce to get my head out of my ass, as the latter called it, and to start to enjoy the world again. I'm very left brain – analytical, logical. I was a systems engineer for NASA, and segued into middle and then upper management, but always with large, multi-million dollar technical aerospace projects....

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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Ebony

Jungle fever is one of the most serious afflictions of the 21st century. The Internet is both a major contributor and cause of the situation, as well as one of the primary solutions. You’ve probably spanked it to some of the free and premium Black porn sites I’ve got listed on ThePornDude, but have you tried the Ebony cams at Chaturbate? They let you interact with beautiful, naked Nubians instead of just watching their flicks.Chaturbate’s the biggest webcam porn site out there, with thousands...

Live Black Sex Cams
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Chaturbate Performer

Who’s your favorite CB Performer? I know that’s kind of a tricky question when it comes to any adult site, and Chaturbate is the giant of webcam sex sites. Hell, I have a hard enough time choosing my favorite camwhore performing on the platform at any given moment, let alone trying to name an all-time favorite. But, of course, it’s OK to have many, many favorites, as I do. The only time that might become a problem is if they’re all putting on live pussy-diddling and butthole-fingering shows at...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Chaturbate BDSM

Chaturbate’s BDSM shows don’t always take center stage on the website. After all, most masturbators are looking for something that’s arguably a little more vanilla, like pretty girls flashing their tits, twerking, or diddling themselves for the webcam. Some perverts appreciate something a little bit kinkier, though, so I thought today might be a good day to dive into the cam giant’s live offerings in the world of bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, even sadism and masochism. Where...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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When Addie became a Woman

"Someday..." he thought to himself, referring to someday being in charge of everything...so he could stop working so much like a damned slave. Martin tugged at his tie, letting it hang loosely from his neck as he ran his fingers through his hair, yawning off the days work, headed to the coffee machine to get himself a mug of the good stuff before Adrianne got home from school. His eyes caught the picture stuck to the fridge...him and his little girl had been at it on their own for the last 5...

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E Stimming in Edie s Undies

The next day, my wife & Edie went out shopping, and I decided it was time to play some more! I quickly stripped off my cloths as soon as I heard them drive away and got ready. First, I wrapped a rubber band around my balls, then I took a 2-section cock ring and snugged it above my balls to keep them nice and tight, then slipped off the rubber band. Then I slipped my growing cock through the second loop, and after ensuring it was down low and tight, snugged that up as well to keep my cock...

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What To Do About Edie a Sequel

Actually, it turned out that figuring out what to do about Edie was the easy part. I loved her—I loved her more than I'd ever loved anyone, in fact—but I wasn't going to stick around and be her happy cuckold of a husband. Thinking about what I'd seen her do made me want to throw up. In fact I had to pull the truck over to the side of the road at one point, because I was afraid I really WOULD throw up. I thought about how turned-on I'd gotten watching her fuck the shit out of those two...

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Education of Slave Jim Brodie

Chapter 1: Introduction Friday I agreed to be a sex slave. I thought I would make a good one since I have a big cock that is hard most of the time. But after only an hour my mistress became very exasperated with me because I was unable to please her as a good slave should. "You don't even know how to lap a cunt properly," she complained. "You're probably even more useless at advanced tasks." I was devastated. "But Mistress, I'll do anything you want, just teach me." She dismissed...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...

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Edie Dave and Don sdick

Her neighbor, Dave, was a fairly nice looking guy and had a really great smile. It was easy to be attracted to him, although both of them were already married. His two kids’ ages put them a year ahead of her two girls, who were in first and third grades. Edie was barely 18 when she and Jack married and got pregnant immediately. They moved to the small town when the first child was ready to start school, thinking that a smaller school system would provide a better education. Dave and...

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Chaturbate Cosplay

We all know about Chaturbate.com in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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AllGirlMassage Marie Mccray Goldie Glock Tricking My New Step Mom

Goldie Glock is about to meet her new step-mom, Marie McCray, for the first time, although she’s not happy about it. Since her new mom is around her own age, Goldie is convinced that she’s up to no good… But just when she arrives at the household, her dad calls and tells her that he’s going to be late for dinner, which means she needs to meet Marie on her own. When she knocks, Marie meets her at the door but mistakes her as the masseuse she’s hired! Although...

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Fuck me Jodie Fuck me

My name was Gary and I’m fifty-two years old from Seattle. I’m 6′-0″ with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I’m married to fifty-year-old Robyn who was 5’8″, short chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice pair of D-Cup tits that are still perky for her age and a bit of a chubby ass. She keeps her pussy hairy and loves to have her clit licked. Her cunt is so juicy and tasty! Robyn worked with forty-six year...

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Hat Tricks and Firecracker

“Yo, Dex. Ain’t no time to be drowning in misery, man. So you couldn’t pull it out. You’re what, eighteen? Barely outta high school and on the biggest sporting stage in the world. Shit. It took me longer than that to finally make it here.” I look over at Jamal, proudly displaying three bronze medals. He’s giving me a confused look, as if I should be happy just making it to Rio. I’m not. It’s not in my DNA to settle. “Two goals in the game. Five overall. I don’t know soccer, but that shit...

2 years ago
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Interview With a Tin Foil Hat

Interview with a Tin-Foil Hat By Cassandra Morgan "If you google the word 'sissy,' do you know what happens, Doc? You get 33,600,000 hits. Try it. "If you call up Fictionmania, and I have, you get 5,259 hits. When you look up the keyword "femdom.' You get 2,660 with 'maids.' You get 714 with 'sissy' and "354' with mistress. They're everywhere. Yeah, I sound a little obsessive. I know. But I think the lifestyle is chasing me. Is that nuts? "I'm sorry. I knew you shrinks don't use...

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Threesome with Robyn and Jodie

Note: This story is non-fiction and a fantasy I’ve had for a while. It’s one of those typical fantasies where married men would love to see their wife with another woman for a threesome. So I’ll change the names of the parties involved to protect this horny married man from the northwestern part of the states. So here’s how I want my fantasy to play out…My name was Gary and I’m fifty-two years old. I’m 6’-0”” with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I’m...

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Jodie n Kazz

Jodie looked across the room at Mark with distaste and contempt as she propped herself up on her elbows and knees ready for their landlord to take her from behind. She heard the landlord unfasten his pants and then drop them to the floor and felt his cold calloused hands grip her ass cheeks roughly and pull them wide apart. He plunged into her without hesitation causing her to wince and bite her lower lip. He was not a handsome man in fact he was at best an untidy slob but she was hopeful of at...

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BoundGangBangs Goldie Glock A Christmas Whore

Christmas is Goldie’s favorite time of the year and tonight is Christmas Eve. Goldie tries to wait up for Santa but falls asleep waiting. Suddenly she is awakened by the entrance of men wearing Santa hats. Goldie’s no fool, she knows these men aren’t Santa but when they tell her they are Santa’s helpers and come bearing gifts, Goldie decides to be on her best behavior. She gets on her knees as directed and tells all Santa’s helpers to come and touch her. Their...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 14 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 17 Whateley Fan Fiction

My apologies for the long delay! Here is the next chapter. With luck I'll be able to get another chapter posted this next week. I have some real world problems that may prevent that, but hopefully won't! This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction,...

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