Bimbo Oder Billionair free porn video

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Ich stand grade hinter der Bühne als der Moderator Devon van Devon auf die Bühne von Bimbo oder Billionair trat und die Versammlung von unzähligen Männern mit großen enthusiasmus begrüßte und unter lauten Applaus ankündigte: "Hallo und Herzlich wilkommen zu einer Folge unserer neuen Glücksspiel serie Bimbo oder Billionair!", er wartete bis der tosende Applaus abebbte und fuhr klar sprechend mit den Regeln der neuen Show fort. "Nun jedoch werden sich viele Fragen was ist jetzt aber Bimbo oder Billionaire? Die Antwort ist einfach es handelt sich um eine Glücksspielshow mit einem hohen Einsat, dem Körper der Spielerinnen. Dies funktioniert aufgrund neuester errungenschaften auf dem Bereich der Technik welche den Körper mittels Dunkler Materie eine neue Form verleiht jedoch können die Kandidatinnen nicht wählen wie ihr Körper verändert wird SIE, und ja damit meine ich SIE, alle die heute hier vor Ort sind können entscheiden was mit ihrem Körper passiert wenn sie einen der 12 Bimbo Kästen öffnet jedoch wird für jeden Geld Kästen Geld ihrem Konto hinzugefügt. Aber lass uns nicht um den heissen Brei herum reden wir machen diese Show learning by doing da unsere Kandidation selbstverständlich bereits über die Regeln informiert worden ist stellt das selbstverständlich kein Problem da undjetzt bitte einen tosenden Aplaus für Laura!"
Ohne zu zögern schritt ich schnell in meinem relativ losen Bikini auf die Bühne wärend von der Versammlung ein tosender Applaus ertönte unter welchen sich auch einige Pfiffe und nicht Jugendfreie rufe mischten. Mit einem scharmanten Grinsen kam Devon van Devon auf mich zu und schüttelte mir respektvoll die Hand und lud mich ein mich zu ihm auf das Sofa zu setzen.
ALs ich mich grade gesetzt fing er eine kurze Konversation mit mir an: "So Laura dann erzähl uns doch mal warum hast du dich Entschieden die erste Person überhaupt zu werden die bei Bimbo oder Billionaire auftritt zu werden?" Nach einem kurzen moment der Stille antworte ich mit ausdrucksstarker Stimme: "Ich komme aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen und gelte als Hochbegabt und habe ein Konzept entwickelt welches das Gewinnen von Solar energie um ein vielfahes Profitabler machen würde jedoch ist mein Problem das ich keinerlei möglichkeit habe dieses Unternehmen in die Tat umzusetzen ohne das den Investoren die gesamte Firma gehört und ich sowie meine Familie weiterhin in einer Wohnung für Har IV Empfänger wohnen müssen. Daher erhoffe ich in der ersten Runde mindestens 100.000€ zu Gewinnen was ausreichend Geld wäre um meinen Entwurf an fahrt aufnehemn zulassen." Devon van Devon nickte nur bedächtig mit dem Kopf und antwortete: "Ehrgeizige Ziele meine Liebe und auch noch sehr realistisch jedoch lasst uns nun beginnen!"
Unter tosendem Applaus des Publikums bat van Devon mich einen Vorhang mit einer kleinen Handkurbel zurückzufahren um die 24 Kästen mit den jeweils 12 Bimbo Symbolen, welche aus einer blonden Frau mit großen Brüsten bestanden, sowie den 12 Geld Symbolen welche fälschlicherweise mit Dollar zeichen dargestellt wurden.
Van Devon straffte seinen Rücken und verkündete mit lauter und klarer Stimme nun denn, ich denke wir haben euch lange genug auf die Folter gespannt nun lasst uns schnell Beginnen das einzige was wir noch brauchen ist eine Zahl von 1 bis 24 von Laura welches einen Kasten darstellt.

//Edit: Einige der Chapter die ich poste werden einander sehr ähnlich sein da die Modificationen einer festen reihenfolge folgen werden Beispiel: Kasten Nr 5 hat ein Bimbo-symbol genauso wie Kasten Nr 7, egal welcher der Kästen gewählt wird es ist immer die gleiche Modification kommen.\\

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Wahrheit oder Pflicht

Da stand ich nun vor dem Spiegel, nackt, und betrachtete mich. Nun zugegeben, das war mir egal. Ich hatte grad mein Abitur bestanden und in zwei Monaten würde ich nach Eichstätt ziehen und Theologie studieren. Ich wollte katholische Pfarrerin werden. Wieder glitt mein Blick an mir herab. Ich hatte schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die nicht wären könnte man mein Gesicht auch für das eines femininen Jungen halten. Schmal, scharfkantig, naja, nicht allzu attraktiv. Und dann mein Körper. Meine...

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Bimbo Lessons

My name is Patricia Reich and I live in Edwardsville Illinois. To get to the point, my secret desire since I was fifteen was to be an oversexed slut with an attractive man to take advantage of me. I was never like that, I was the brainy one with a college degree. I wanted to be the blond headed cheerleader fucking all the cute guys on the football team, or some little jail bait slut seducing older men and screwing college guys when I was sixteen. I'm tall and blond, five ten, and I'm...

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Bimbo Pop Princess

Prologue – Candy Records The auditorium was filled to the brim. In the modest country town, high-profile entertainment was a rare occurrence. Knowing this, when the local high school got to host a sponsored singing competition, the locals didn’t stop to ponder whether they really were interested in watching teenagers make fools of themselves. Indeed, most of the townsfolk had never heard of this ‘Candy Records’ label, and generally expected nothing more from the event than an utterly tacky...

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So, I killed him by fucking him to death! Damn, Monica thought as they finished the traditional Jewish funeral for her father, Bernard Lewinsky. I’m really gonna miss Daddy and I didn’t mean to kill him with sex, but at least he died with a smile on his face. Thankfully, no one spilled the beans on how he died, but that was because Monica had let the lucky folks gang-bang her to cover it up. She couldn’t let it out that her father died in bed with his own daughter. Even the bimbo version of...

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Bimbos and Sketches

When Janie married Steve, she knew about his powers. Steve had the power to turn anybody he wanted into anything he wished, just with the clap of his hands. When Janie had met him, Steve had a harem of blonde bimbos fifty strong and his abuse of power was spiralling out of control. However, from the moment Steve first met Janie, his soul melted. He had never believed in love at first sight, only bimbo at first clap. Yet this girl triggered something inside of him that he never knew was there....

4 years ago
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Bimbo Mom And Aunt they Continue

This story starts where Bimbo Mon and Aunt left off, you may want to read the first part to see how this started, enjoy. It was Sunday morning she had given Bill a great blow job then headed for the kitchen to make breakfast. Bill came in wearing briefs, she had on the pink thong and a white bra. They sat and discussed aunt Kay being in the mix. “Mom we need to be careful with who knows and who is getting fucked”. She looked him straight in the face, “why do we care”? “Well first thing is...

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Bimbo Ch 01

He’s not coming back. Either he has drowned inside the toilet, or he has hooked up with someone prettier and more interesting, and gone home with her instead. Ellenor is disappointed. This one had seemed really nice. He had intelligent eyes, and a really cute smile. Tall and handsome. A nice boy, yet with that mischievous side to him… Ah! Who is she trying to fool? She doesn’t know anything about him except for his name – if it really WAS Tom, he might have made that up. He was good-looking,...

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Bimbo Mom and Aunt

Sherry was the classic bimbo, she was not stupid just naive, she had been a party girl at college, she spent more time fucking and sucking then anything else. After her first year she quit got a job, in less the two years was married and had a son. Before the boy was a year old her husband was killed in a truck accident. She was financially set but lonely and always horny. She had a few friends but since they had husbands she never had much social interaction with them. Sherry was a MILF as...

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Bimbo Ch 04

‘At least he made you come,’ says Sam. ‘Yes. Several times, too.’ ‘So what’s the problem, then?’ Sam takes the pasta of the stove and pours the water out into the sink. He has invited Ellenor over for dinner, and he has made his specialty, ‘tagliatelle con funghi e spinacchi’. ‘I guess there IS no problem,’ says Ellenor. ‘I got what I wanted. So why am I disappointed?’ Sam ponders the question while he fills two plates with sauce and pasta. ‘What where you looking for when you went out?’...

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Bimbo school

Your name is Kat a 21 year old top student never has time to meet a boy or girl only your friends every few months to catch up but you never cared much with them talking mostly about fashon a boys they have fucked or like to. You are in your room doing work when you big boobed dumm ass mum walks in you never understood how you were related you were overweight with black hair with brow eyes a green vest and blue jeans with C cup boobs you thought where good but your friends a mum said that they...

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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part II

Chapter 78 Bobbie was still trying to figure out the plans for the school cake; it was just such a daunting project. There's got to be something like 20 sheet cakes here. The amount of limes that would give their lives to form the tasty grass of Slacker's cove would number in the dozens. She took stock of the inventory and saw the small amount of inventory that remained. Worry about Tim sent her deep into the freezer to get one of the root beer ice cream sandwiches. Bobbie bit into...

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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part V

Chapter 83 The ball flew through the air cleanly from way out there in three point land. "Holy shit," Faye said. "Damn. Big Daddy Kane in the house or what?" A nameless skin player gave Faye a hi five. "That's like what. Twelve points... somethin' ridiculous? What is it, Brickhaus?" Brickhaus, a large barrel-chested dude with shiny hair and an Ed Hardy shirt looked at the game as a whole. "Yeah. He's at twelve. Score's 68-61 skins. That's game. Dude, where the fuck did you...

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Bimbo Tech Blue Dress SpecialChapter 2

7:44 am the next day, Bimbo Tech LLC “Hello, may I help you?” Rosa asked the fortysomething, voluptuous woman approaching the front reception desk now. “Yes, I’m Monica ... Lewinsky,” Monica lowered her voice now, “I’m here for my appointment.” “Of course, of course, here is the price quote for our ... services. I must admit, it’s unusual for a woman to set up her own appointment with us, but that’s one of the things that I like about you,” Rosa winked at Monica now, openly flirting with...

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Bimbo Tech Blue Dress SpecialChapter 5

“Good morning, Daddy!” Bernard Lewinsky awoke to Monica’s breasts waving gloriously in his face while his daughter rode his cock shamelessly on the sofa. “Honey? What ... wait ... what are ... you ... doing?” Bernard reacted with real shock now. Since when were they that ... intimate, Monica and he? That was when the memories of the previous night came rushing back into his mind. Holy smokes ... he had ... committed incest, cheated on his girlfriend ... damn ... but it was so good ... so...

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Bimbos and Debts

Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to create future stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...

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Bimbo Slut University

"Hello Piper I have brought you and your students to Bim Corp.'s new school for bimbos. You are the first teacher on staff and will teach the bimbos how to be even better bimbos than they come to you as and you and your four personal students will turn non-bimbos that come onto the campus into bimbos." said head master Adam Cock as Piper listened and Gwen and Miko were licking his cock with all the gusto they had. Piper loved the idea and had already been taken around the campus the day before....

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The dishonorable misadventures of Roderick the Crow Ch 1

It was a good thing for Roderick to smell again the smell of battle. The sweat of men tinged by the touch of steel armour, the strong smell of horse and of leather. Sounds of men cussing and praying, swords being sharpened one last time, all under a dawn which to a warrior is, possibly, his last. And that would make it beautiful. Upon a large wooden field-table was a map, more worthy to be called a sketch, of the surroundings. “Walter and Frederick will hold the middle with Infantry. I...

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