Bimbo Ch. 04 free porn video

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‘At least he made you come,’ says Sam.

‘Yes. Several times, too.’

‘So what’s the problem, then?’

Sam takes the pasta of the stove and pours the water out into the sink. He has invited Ellenor over for dinner, and he has made his specialty, ‘tagliatelle con funghi e spinacchi’.

‘I guess there IS no problem,’ says Ellenor. ‘I got what I wanted. So why am I disappointed?’

Sam ponders the question while he fills two plates with sauce and pasta.

‘What where you looking for when you went out?’ he asks.

‘To meet a nice, good-looking guy and fuck with him.’

‘Which is what you got. Well, sort of. You got orgasms, but no fucking. But is that REALLY what you wanted? Remember you told me that you wanted a nice, normal guy with a big dick, who wanted to have sex in a bed, preferably one who was good with his tongue? You forgot to say that you wanted him to actually be able to fuck you, too!’

Ellenor laughs.

‘And if I had remembered to specify that, I might have met someone like that, except he wouldn’t have wanted to fuck me, because I forgot to add that he must also WANT to fuck me,’ she says. ‘I get it. You never get exactly what you want, only what you ask for.’

‘Exactly,’ says Sam. ‘Be careful what you wish for – you just might get it!’

They leave the subject of men while they’re eating, and instead they discuss Sam’s excellent cooking, his last trip top Italy, and the food in Toscana. Not until Sam serves them both tea, does he bring up the topic of men again.

‘Perhaps you’re going to the wrong places,’ he says. ‘I mean, Chamber, The Golden Ring, Fastlane… they’re for teenagers – and for men in their 40s – perhaps you should try some place more sophisticated?’

‘I’m not very sophisticated, myself,’ she protests.

‘Oh, yes, you are! You may not be Jackie O, but you’re classy and stylish, and you know how to use a knife and fork – trust me, honey, that’s all there is to it, really!’

‘And you think I wouldn’t risk finding a man with a small dick or a man who comes too soon in a sophisticated place?’

‘Of course you might. But honestly, dear – is that REALLY what’s bothering you?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, if you’re just looking for sex, why do you get so disappointed when the guy turns out to have a flaw?’

‘Are you playing Freud on me?’

‘You’re not looking for a lover, you’re looking for a boyfriend.’

She pours herself another cup of tea, and tries to give her feelings an honest evaluation.

‘I wouldn’t say that I’m LOOKING FOR a boyfriend,’ she says. ‘But I wouldn’t mind having one. You know… if the chemistry was right.’

‘I knew it,’ says Sam, and curls up in a corner of the sofa, folding his long legs to the side. ‘You’re just not the type of woman who flutters through life, going from one man to the other. You’re the type who gets married!’

She threatens to throw a pillow on him.

‘So, if you’re gonna find anyone who’ll last a little longer than merely one night, I suggest you abandon the kiddy clubs, and try something a bit more… adult.’

That makes Ellenor think of ‘Timewarp’ and the clubs around that neighborhood. She doubts that she would find any suitable man around there. Interesting men in abundance, absolutely, but not interesting as in potential lovers for herself!

‘What do you suggest?’ she says.

Deciding to upscale her choice of men, she decides to go to a club in the more expensive parts of town. With a little help from Sam, she has also updated her wardrobe to include a simple black linen dress that costs almost half her paycheck, even though it looks so simple.

‘It’s featured in Vogue,’ says Sam. ‘Trust me, darling, the rich kids will know what it is. This little thing is your ticket into the Big Boys’ Party!’

And, as usual, Sam is right, He’s a guru of style, and Vogue is his bible. The doorman throws one glance at her, and lets her pass the crowd of wannabes outside the club. This club is obviously decorated by an interior architect, but she doubts that Mark has had anything to do with this. The whole place is a tribute to money. Not in the flashing of money, but in the things that money can – and can’t buy. The furniture and the walls are functional and basic, almost primitively so, but they breathe craftsmanship and quality, of tranquility and serenity. A longing for some peace and quiet in a busy world, perhaps? She orders an overpriced glass of mineral water, and starts to mingle. The music’s different as well. No rap or hip-hop, no hit list songs. There are two dance floors, one with a live jazzband on stage, one with a DJ playing classic rock n’ roll from the 80’ies, which makes the crowd of people ages 25-35 go ‘awwww – THIS one!’ every 3 minutes. Ellenor sticks to the latter. Jazz really isn’t her thing. She dances alone in a corner, enjoying the beat of yesteryears, trying not to think of how long it has really been since these songs were brand new. She’s only 27, it’s way too soon to think of the rushing of time. She’s out to have fun, damned it! And fun she has. She has serious trouble ever getting off the dance floor, as the DJ keep playing all her favorite tunes. She just has to dwell on the memory of her first kiss, by Robbie Hayes, in the 7th grade, who let her listen to ‘Heaven Is A Place On Earth’ on his walkman. She has to sink down in bittersweet memory about her first real boyfriend, Garrett, who danced with her at every school dance in Senior High, humming ‘Time, Love & Tenderness’ by Michael Bolton. The music changes into ‘Eternal Flame,’ and people pair up to slow-dance. Finally, a chance to get something to drink! She’s about to leave the floor when someone puts a hand on her arm and asks her to dance. She gladly accepts. He’s really handsome, tall and strong, wide shoulders, and a well-groomed goatee. He doesn’t talk while they’re dancing, he doesn’t sing along or hum or try to cup a feel, he just holds her in his strong arms and they float over the floor. He’s a good dancer, and she’s rather disappointed when the nice tune is replaced by the theme from ‘Ghostbusters’.

‘Care for a drink?’ says her dance partner.

‘A glass of water would be nice,’ she says.

He escorts her to the bar, and orders a martini for himself and another glass of mineral water for her.

‘You don’t drink?’ he asks. ‘Not at all?’

‘Nothing stronger than this,’ she smiles.

‘Mind if I smoke?’ he asks, and pulls out a cigar and a lighter.

‘Yes,’ she says. ‘I DO mind. I’m allergic to smoke.’

His hands stop just as he’s about to light his cigar. He raises his eyebrows at her, but puts the lighter and the cigar away like a good boy.

‘You don’t drink, you don’t smoke… don’t you have any vices at all?’ he says.

She gives him a dirty smile.

‘Only two,’ she says. ‘The second is chocolate.’

He licks his lips, looks at her, grinning back at her.

‘And the first…?’

‘You figure it out.’

He moves a little closer, bites off his martini.

‘Hmmm…’ he says, pretending to think hard. ‘You’re a shopaholic?’

‘No more than other women,’ she laughs.

He places his hand on her knee.

‘You’re a shoe fetishist?’


His hand moves up to her thigh.

‘You’re a cyber-freak?’

‘Would I be here if I was addicted to computers?’

His hand is under her skirt, it passes her stay-up stocking and caresses warm skin. His nails scrape against the sensitive skin on her inner thigh, making her twitch. The muscles in her thigh tighten.

‘I’m out of guesses,’ he says. ‘I think you better tell me.’

She covers his hand with her own.

‘I’m a sucker for long, hot sex with anonymous men,’ she whispers.

He grips her thigh.

‘Just like that?’ he says. ‘You’re not even gonna tell me your name? Miss X, I belie
ve you’re trying to seduce me!’

She smiles, picks a green grape out of a fruit bowl, and crushes it between her front teeth.

‘Do you have honest intentions?’ he teases her. ‘Or are you gonna take advantage of my body and leave me with a broken heart?’

The way I do it, nothing gets broken,’ Ellenor assures him. ‘It just gets a little sore…’

He gulps down the last of his martini, and offers her his arm.

‘Shall we?’

As gracious as she knows how to be, she places her hand on his arm, and he walks her to the wardrobe, where they get their coats. She’s glad that they’re taking a cab, her coat os well tailored but thin, and it’s a little chilly outside. He puts an arm around her while he waves to a passing taxi. It pulls over, and he opens the door for her. He’s caressing her leg all the way back to her place. She’s beginning to worry that her stockings are gonna be around her ankles by the time she gets home. He pays for the cab while she hurriedly checks that her legs look decent, then they walk into the house and into the elevator. The doors haven’t closed behind them before he’s kissing her, impatiently unbuttoning her coat. What is it with men and elevators? She wonders. Why do they always get so horny inside elevators? Is it perhaps the naughtiness of being in semi-public? Like kids hiding in a secret hideout, peeking out at the world? He fondles her butt while she unlocks the door, he follows her into the dark hallway, closes the door behind him, turn her around, and kisses her again. They leave a trail of clothes through the hallway, into the bedroom. They fall down on the bed together, naked. He takes his time to caress her body slowly, and he lets each touch of his strong hands be followed by another caress of his tongue. He’s not just handsome and sensual, he’s also well endowed, circumcised, and clean-shaven. She plays with his balls with one hand, and sucks his beautiful cock into her mouth. He’s so long that she can’t get all of it in her mouth without gagging.

‘Easy there, baby!’ he mumbles. ‘This isn’t a porn-flick – just suck the head… yeah… just like that… and stroke me while you’re sucking!’

She does her best to imitate the real thing, moving her hand and mouth in sync, with slow, flowing movements.

‘Do you have any protection?’ he asks, making a face as he tries to stay calm.

She gets a condom out of her desk drawer, and tears it up with her teeth, growling playfully. He laughs. She rolls it down over his cock, and climbs up on him, sinks down over his cock, and he grabs on to the headboard and arches his back to meet her movements.

‘Yes, baby!’ he pants. ‘Ride me, baby! Ride your pony, cowgirl!’

Cowgirl? She giggles, she can’t help it. Cowgirl???

‘I love your laugh!’ he says. ‘Come on, girl! Work on it! Ride me, baby!’

The only way to shut him up is to kiss him, and the only way to stop him from making her lose her excitement is to stop him from talking. She bends down and covers his mouth with her own, sucks on his tongue and holds it captive in her mouth. He takes hold of her, rolls over and lifts her legs up in the air, burying himself inside her. His face is free, and he starts talking again.

‘Do you like this, baby?’ he asks.

‘Yes!’ she says.

‘You like my big cock?’


‘Is it all big and hard?’


‘Is it filling up your cunt?’


‘Say it!’

‘I like this, baby, I like your cock, it’s all big and hard, it fills up my cunt!’

‘God, baby! You’re so nasty! Nasty and goooooooood!

She starts giggling again.

‘You’re so fun and so glad,’ he pants. ‘It feels so good fucking you!’

OK, she’s now forced to bring out her secret weapon. She blocks his babbling out, and starts imagining. His features change, and all of a sudden she’s staring at the face of Russell Crowe, a tender, loving, horny Russell Crowe.

‘Oh, yes, baby!’ she cries out. ‘Yes! YES!’

‘Are you coming?’

‘Yes! Fuck me, baby! Ram it into me! Yes!’

Russell Crowe is fucking her, nibbling her neck, making her come, just like he has done so many times before, on lonely nights when all she had to do, the only one she had to do, was her faithful toy, Mr. Rabbit. After he has come, he curls up next to her, kissing her. She’s tired but happy. He’s too tired to talk. She snuggles up in his arms, and they fall asleep.

The next morning, he’s up early. When she wakes up, he’s already dressing, talking into his cellular phone.

‘Uh-huh? I see. And what about Biocomp? 2 up? Wide Calc? Shit!’

So he’s a stockbroker? She gets out of bed, yawning. He throws her a glance, smiles, and goes back to his important phone call.

‘What about Okapi? Yes, I know it’s not out yet, but you have to have an idea of where it’s heading? Uh-huh…? Yes. Yes. Of course not!’

She pulls a hand through her hair, messing it up.

‘Coffee?’ she mimes to him, and he nods, smiling gratefully.

‘What? Are you sure? That much? Put me up for 150! No, I won’t!’

He doesn’t even bother to lower his voice. He obviously doesn’t think that she understands what he’s talking about. She’s just a sleepy, airheaded sex kitten, right? She listens shamelessly to the rest of his conversation while she makes coffee. She takes out two cups and fills them up, then carries them out to him. He’s putting on his shoes, still talking.

‘No. No! Drop Romata, they’re going down. Niles Luxy… Yes. That’s right. What? Natoura? How do you spell it? N-A-T-O-R-A? Japanese? That much? OK, 200, then. Yes.’

She hands him his cup, and brings her own back to bed with her. She drinks a little, stretches her body, and pretends to do her morning exercise. He finishes his call.

‘Thanks for the coffee, baby!’ he says, swallowing the last of the coffee. ‘I gotta go to work!’

‘On a Saturday?’ she says, opening her eyes wide. ‘You poor thing!’

‘I cry all the way to the bank!’ he jokes, just like Mark. ‘Besides, this was an… invigorating experience!’

She walks him to the door, and kisses him goodbye.

‘Nice meeting you, Miss X!’ he says, and pinches her ass before he leaves.

She locks the door and jumps into the shower. It’s early, but her head feels wide-awake. She’s full of ideas. She has to talk to Sam. Her bimbo-experiment has just opened up a whole new field of possibilities!

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XI

Dear readers , the present episode is Part XI , me being encouraged by the increasing numbers of readers going through my true sex story. The marriage of Rohini was about one week away, though her nuptial night was over about three months back not with the present groom but with her brother-in-law, Jaya’s husband , who had ravaged her cunt and other of her assets  where any male , can lay his hands, mouth and his cock on , described in detail in one of the previous episodes. We were given...

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Afternoon at Steviersquos

So my wife, Dianne and I are laying in bed on a Sunday morning. The watery early morning sun is coming in through the window. We are snuggling close and she’s gently massaging my semi erect cock. Then she says,“I’ve been chatting to a guy on a swinger site and he’s invited us to his house next Sunday. Can we go?”Well this was a new wrinkle in our sex life. We’d been swinging for a while and we’d met couples at their homes and often played with single men in clubs, but Dianne had never asked to...

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The AdventureChapter 3

“Uncle Andre, how good to see you again!” said Gwen, smiling warmly. “Gwen, it has been much too long. I wish we had had time to talk at the funeral but unfortunately pressing business drew me away much too quickly.” He was tall, trim and looked ten years younger than a man in his late fifties. His Van Dyke beard gave him a somewhat mysterious aura, his hair still full but graying, eyes almost black. “But here we are now,” she replied motioning him into the living room. He had called that...

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AshlynnDaddyrsquos Little Girl Part 14

Daddy’s Little Girl Part 14(A Playday with Ashlynn goes Wrong)I was in LowsDepot, and not just to grab some toys. Its fall and I need to take care of some things around the house.I had passed by the display with pesticides, bug traps, and Mousetraps, twice, before something caught my eye. It looked like your everyday mousetrap, but it was much bigger. I pick one up and looked at it, there was a little locking device holding the Hammer, I pried it lose to test the strength of its spring. Wow,...

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After The War

In a period of three weeks I had turned 22, come home from Iraq and gotten out of the Marine Corps. I was pretty lucky to have a job waiting on me after the Corps, but it wasn’t going to be available for a couple of weeks. Having nothing really to do, my Mom suggested I come down to Tallahassee and stay with her for a week. Seemed like a great Idea. Could see her, see some friends from High School, and enjoy some nice Florida weather. It was always strange getting together with my mom. Though...

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Gloryhole Beginning

My parents took my sister and I to a store in the mall to by school clothes. My dad really hated to shopso my sister and I went with mom to look for clothes while dad went to a bookstore in the mall.After purchasing my clothes, my sister wanted to look for clothes so we went into the miss's section. I was really bored and suddenly had to pee. So I asked my mom if I could go to the restroom. She wasn't crazy about it but knew I was bored and that they'd have to cross the store to find the...

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The Ultimate Slut for Black Cock

Heather wanted more. She wanted to taste his cum and she didn't care how Brandon treated her. She was looking him in his eyes and asking him if he liked it. Brandon was out of his mind, it was sensory overload. She focused on sucking the engorged vein on the underside of his dick and it allowed him to calm down enough to regain normal control of his breathing. The room was spinning and it felt like it was 100 degrees in there. She started humming on his dick, sending vibrations up...

2 years ago
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San Diego Part 3 Losing my Anal Cherry

Part 3.Well after two days without sex, I was quite horny. I showed up to Scott’s room a little after 7pm and we decided to go down to the bar for a drink or two. After about 2 hours and nursing a few drinks we went back up to his room. I could tell he was already getting excited and we got naked, got on his bed and tuned in some porn. We immediately began caressing all over each other’s naked hairy body’s. He asked me if I wanted to be fucked tonight and I said no, I am not into that. ...

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Pehle Fasaya Aur Fir Chudwayi Chut

Hi dosto, aaj main pehli baar apni gulabi choot khol kar sab ka sawagat karti hoon. Main Neelam aaj aapke liye ek bahot hi jyada mast chudai ka kissa le kar aayi hoon. Ye chudai maine haal me hi apne office ke ladke Tanuj se karwayi hai. Main ek jawan aurat hoon, ye mere purane dosto ko pata hi hai. Mere pati Foj me job karte hai. Wo saal me ek baar hi ghar aate hai, main kafi padhi likhi hoon. Isliye main unse puch kar ek office me job kar li. Main jahan job karti hoon, whan mere sath bahot...

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Dj Vu

I ran and owned a small little convenience store/gas station at the mouth of Mystery canyon. In addition to that, I also ran a tow truck service, which had proved to be even more lucrative than the store. I don't know how many times I pulled four-wheel drive vehicles out of places their owners had no business even being in. Once again, expensive for them, lucrative for me. One of the nice perks of living and working where I did was in having a small, but nice looking cabin about two and a...

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Emily Awakes Ch 15

Chapter 15 “Evan?” “Yes, my darling?” Evan looked up from the papers he was reviewing prior to the resumption of classes on Monday. “You know that I love you, don’t you?” Evan was curious, but still confident as he responded. “Of course I do, Emily.” She nodded. “I was remembering how we met and began our relationship. The love I feel for you just fills my heart so much that I feel like it will explode.” He smiled gently at her. “I’ve never doubted that you love me fully and completely.” Emily...

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Mind Control Family

My name is Mat Menson I am 15 years old living with my family which includes my mom, my dad, my little sister sera who is 13, my sister older sister Liz who is 16, and of course there’s my little brother Ben who is 12. Although my older sister Is often times bossy and over controlling we all generally get along with each other, and meet the criteria of an average middle class family. Or at least we used to. Today was a normal day like any other, almost everyone in my house was gone...

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HandsOnHardcore Natali Ruby Anal Fuck For Hot Brunette

Hands on Hardcore presents super hot couple Natali Ruby and Oliver Trunk in this naughty tale of two horny strangers. Big titty babe Natali is an art loving seductress who picks up a hunky beefcake in the park, getting him back to hers and naked for some life drawing. However, his huge dick proves to be too much of a distraction for her. She can’t wait to get her mouth around it, sucking him off before he tongues her clit and fingers her pussy. Join these nubile young lovers as they...

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My first experience with neighbor aunt

Hi friends Rahul here am from Varanasi. I am daily reader of ISS. Here am telling u my first exp in our mother tongue. So friend’s main aap logo ko zyada paka karapni story shuru karta hun. Ye kahani us samay ki hai jab main sex ka matlab bhi nahin samjhta tha mere pados me ek aunty rehti thi unka smrity tha wo gazab ki khuvsurat aur sexy thi unko dekhkar hi mera lund khada ho jata.unka ghar mere ghar ke samne hi tha jisse hamari achchi jan pehchan ho gayi thi. Wo ek divorced lady thi ek din...

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Laura my friendly neighbor part 2

As an 11 year old girl, I met an older neighbor in the swimming pool of our apartment building. I went back to her apartment with her and she fingered me to my first orgasm. Continuing... After that first session with Laura I couldn't get enough. I would make any and every excuse to see Laura, usually at the pool in the apartment building, but sometimes I would just go straight over to her apartment and knock on the door after she got home from work. Over those next few weeks we...

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Christinas Kitchen Exploit Episode III Jills Involvement

I stood in the shower thinking about what I could do. Was there really anyway I could trick Jill to let me fuck her? After 2 weeks I still hadnt come up with an answer. Of course my sister being naked all the time distracted me a lot. One day I told her to buy a dildo, and she did. So whenever I was to busy to have sex with her, I simply told her to masturbate in front of me with the dildo. But anyways, after a month I was at school I heard the most interesting thing. It made me think that...

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Rina Strelnicov a Toby Wakefield storyChapter 7

High school for me had always been easy but people always told me, “Wait ‘til you get into college.” Having been there only at Johns Hopkins a couple of weeks I found, while there was more work and the reading assignments more intense because my father suggested I take a speed-reading class when I was in the ninth grade, I became quite proficient at it. So far, I found the educational concepts in college a natural progression from high school, so I didn’t have to labor over my homework like...

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Calvin Meets Mature Woman In Hyderabad For Sex

Hey folks, let me introduce myself. I am Calvin (name changed). I am a tall guy, in pretty good shape, quite fair in color and I am from Hyderabad. Now, let’s hop on to the story. It was a day that I will always remember and cherish as I experienced and lived the pleasure of my life. That day, I was just scrolling on online chats and sites to find someone that I can talk with and have some pleasure. Omegle helped me. I came across a fine lady from Hyderabad, 32 years of age with marvelous stats...

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Friendship Turned To Heaven On Earth 8211 Part 2

We were completely tired after that intense sex we had. Specially anu, she was completely panting high breaths and a smile of content ,seeing that feel in her eyes i held her face and planted a liplock and kept sucking her lips ,explored her mouth for around 2 minutes. She then held my hairs tightly and said “THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE”. hearing this ,it became an emotional moment. i liplocked her and sucked her lips intensely, meanwhile my left hand grabbed her neck and hairs and my right...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy Nights Part I

I am married and very much in love with my wife of 28 years. We are both in our mid¬forties and are just normal folks. We married young and learned about sex together. Over the years, we have had an active and exciting sex life. It has waned at times, just like all married couples, but overall is very exciting.We have all we need with each other. We do not need other people in our sex life to excite us, although we do occasionally use vibrators, dildoes, etc. for variety. This is the story of a...

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Introduction To World Of Adulthood Part3

Hello Indian Sex Story readers, I am Roshni back again with a new part to my previous story. I think many had enjoyed reading my story. By the way thank you for overwhelming response to my stories. Some found it interesting and horny and some found it boring. But most of the guys are keenly waiting for the next part.. Some Guys crossed limits while sending feedback. Don’t do it again. (You can read my previous stories) I am Roshni from Delhi. You can read my other parts of my story. Without...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 1 The Sexual Revolution

I have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...

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After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...

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Monkey on Her BackChapter 2

"Don't try to speak darling" I looked dumbly at my mother and in spite of her words, I tried to open my mouth. Nothing would work though, my mouth just refused to obey my brain, mum obviously saw the distress in my eyes and reached over to take my hand, "Stay still Johnny" she said, her voice threatening to break, "You've got a broken jaw, it's been wired up" Even turning slightly to look at her hurt me, my neck muscles protested, even my shoulders hurt, I made a writing gesture...

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Facebook Complications Ch 02

Melanie’s eyes made their way back over to the clock… 15 more minutes to go. Would he be early? Late? Hey! Maybe Robin wouldn’t even show up. For all she knew, he might have forgotten entirely all about the arrangement made a week ago and she’d been agonizing for days for absolutely nothing. This whole stupid, STUPID thing had started with that damned cookbook his wife wanted. Apparently Jennifer had tried some banana bread at a party and became enraptured by the recipe. Their hostess...

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Mona fucked in the farm

It happened on a Wednesday morning. I had to drop my parents who were going outstation, to the Government Bus Stand. After their departure at about 6.30 am I decided to go on a jolly round in the city. I had applied leave in our office, as I had to attend a function in the absence of my parents. Since it was early, the signals were not on but the blinking signals were on. I slowed down at one signal to allow another vehicle from the opposite direction to pass. Suddenly my vehicle lurched...

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