MY CONSERVATIVE WIFE free porn video

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I've been in the Navy for several years now, almost 10 to be exact. I met my wife, Beth, about 3 years ago when I was on recruiting duty in Idaho. She was a small town girl for sure…for those of you who know small town girls, they don't always have a lot of experience but do hold their own in the bedroom. I think she was a little shocked by the diversity she saw when we transferred to Norfolk, VA for sea duty. We had a pretty good marriage (so I thought) and were getting pretty close to transferring again when the ship had to deploy at the last minute. I had to go and await my relief with plans to transfer as soon as I got back. As usual, the ship left a small stay behind detachment to help out with things at home.

About halfway through the deployment, a relief arrived for me rather unexpectedly and I was able to head home early. I thought it would make a good surprise for Beth so I didn't bother to call.

When I got home after nearly 2 days in airports I was surprised to find that Beth was not there. After snooping around a bit I managed to find an answering machine message from a friend of mine's wife (also from the ship) asking her to meet at a club later that evening. Checking the clock, she should have already been there. Getting ready to go meet her I made a 'head' call before leaving. I don't know what it was exactly but I noticed something wrapped in the garbage by the toilet. It was a condom! It was almost like getting punched in the balls and I felt really a bit hurt. But as I thought about it I found myself more than a little interested, but a little aroused. I decided I would still go and see her at the club, but that I might watch and see what was going on. Before I left I made sure to remove any evidence of me being home yet…I didn't want to spoil the surprise.

When I got to the club, "The Jungle", I noticed it was very busy and pretty loud. It was very busy inside which I thought would be a blessing for observation. After prowling around I managed to find my wife with Trudy, her friend. They were near the dance floor and within a few moments I saw them approached and asked to dance by a couple of guys. I was a little surprised though, both guys were black and I know Beth was a little wary normally about being near black guys. I watched for a while as they continued to dance, mostly with the same to guys. Several drinks were had and the dancing had gone from casual to something more; they were grinding the way you shouldn't see a married woman grind.

I managed to get near the two guys when they went to the bathroom and listened to what they were saying. One guy new Trudy and said she was a lot of fun and a sure thing, a shock to me. The other guy was saying he thought Beth was hot and wanted to get her out of there to take his shot. The guy with Trudy said he should, that he was pretty sure she would go for it. They agreed to try to get the girls to leave.

I managed to get past the table in time to see them getting ready to go. The girls were gathering their stuff and had obviously agreed to go. Out in the parking lot, there was some discussion and then some kissing as they all started to get into Beth's car. They said they would go to Beth's (our) house for a few drinks. I could see Trudy and her boy in the back seat starting to make out pretty heavily as Beth and her boy got in. I quickly pulled out of the lot so that I could hopefully beat them back home.

At the house I managed to get in and close the garage door just in time to hear them pulling in and the garage door opening. I hoped she didn't notice my car was warm. After they pulled in I could hear their giggling from the laundry room before they came in. Peeking through the door I noticed that Beth's shirt was open when they came in and Trudy was also obviously flushed.

They told the guys to go into the living room while they stayed in the kitchen to get some drinks. While they mixed margaritas, they were talking and giggling. I heard Beth tell Trudy that she should not do anything. Trudy asked why as she knows Beth had messed around with that one guy last weekend. Beth said "I know, but I didn't really mean for that to happen and I wasn't so close to my fertile time. Besides, that guy was white. I've never even kissed a black guy before tonight." Trudy reassured her. "Don't worry; you will have a great time. You know you think he's hot. And besides, you know you have condoms. It'll be fine." Beth finally agreed. "He is so hot and I could tell when we were dancing he is kind of big, I hope the condoms fit." Before giggling and leaving with the drinks.

There was a little talk in the living room as I snuck into the kitchen and watched through a crack in the door. After just a few moments it got quiet and I cracked the door a little more to see that they were all kissing and touching each other. I felt like I should be stopping things but then I didn't. The petting was getting pretty heavy with Trudy having her shirt and bra already off, her guy sucking her tits and his hand somewhere up her skirt. I moved to the dining room where I had a better view of Beth. Her shirt and bra were both open and her skirt was slowly getting pushed up as the guy was rubbing her legs. His dark skin really stood out against hers, being so pale. I had a good view as he arrived at her crotch and without breaking their kiss managed to slip inside the elastic of her panties. She stiffened as his finger arched then disappeared into her. She quickly relaxed as he continued to finger her and really surprised me when she reached down and actually pulled her panties aside. I noticed immediately that not only was his finger in her but that she had shaved all of her red pussy hair. Her hands meanwhile had managed to free his cock which to her earlier suspicions was pretty good size. It looked to me to be nearly the size of a paper towel tube but much darker, and in her rubbing hands looked much harder. Still shocking me further she got up and knelt in front of him starting lo lick and suck his cock. She did this for me sometimes but only when I asked and never with this much enthusiasm. Needless to say, she could not take very much of it in her mouth no matter how much she tried, I did see her gag a couple of times. Finally he stopped her, telling her "I've got to have you". She stood up and told him she was going to get a condom. He told her he didn't really like them to which she said "I've got to have them right now, I'm not on anything. She took his hand that had been fingering her, licked the intruding finger and continued "and, I am a bit fertile it seems." He smiled, stood, picked her up and asked where the condoms are. "In the bedroom nightstand" she replied.

Trudy and her boy had meanwhile gotten up and moved into the guest room and I could hear them going at it in the background.

After Beth and Ty had left the living room I snuck through and followed them up the steps. I was able to get into the bathroom where I could see into our bedroom. He had set her upon the bed and she had resumed pumping his cock as he kissed her and fingered her. He got up on the bed between her knees while she kept pumping his cock. She reminded him "You need a condom from the drawer." To which he said "Baby, you know I told you I don't like them. I'll pull it out before I cum okay?" She was still pumping his cock, paused and rubbed a finger around the head. I saw her lean in and lick the head where her finger had just been while looking at his face. When her tongue came away there seemed a small stringer, I'm not sure if it was saliva or pre-cum, which she quickly lapped up before recovering his head in her mouth. Then she lay back down and asked "You'll pull out? You promise?" He told her "Sure baby." Then she seemed to pull the head of his cock to her with him cracking a smile at that gesture.

She stiffened again as his cock obviously started to enter her and she was moaning telling him it was too big. After a while he seemed to have worked it all into her. "I've never been so full" she told him. He asked her if her husband was smaller to which she told him "much". He made her confess she'd never been with a black man before. He seemed to like her answers as he started to work his cock in and out of her again, slowly giving her larger strokes each time. She came the first time after just a few moments of his ministrations. He kept driving her for a long time making her tell him "she loved his big black cock in her pussy," which made her cum yet again. After she came yet a third time I noticed him tensing some. Beth was watching his face too…she asked if he was close. He told her he was, that he was going to cum. "Baby," he said "I am going to cum soon." She tried to tell him he had to pull out but every time before she could insist he would drive all the way in, knocking some of her air out I think, and roll his hips making her gasp in pleasure. Again he slowed and told her "Baby, I am going to cum all up inside you." This time she responded…but not with words. She began thrusting her hips back at him, rolling them to take him all into her. He pushed back hard and groaned as he started to shoot into my wife. She must have felt it as she began cumming with him like I'd never seen her cum. After they were finished cumming they were still cuddling with him inside her, he stayed there until they fell asleep.

I snuck back downstairs for a bit to listen in on Trudy and her guy. They had obviously finished and were chatting. I am not sure how it come up but Trudy told him that she knew Beth would go for it even though she had been nervous. He asked her why and she told him about the conversation in the kitchen. How Beth had never been with a black guy, and how she wasn't on anything and condoms would be their only birth control. How Beth had thought she might be close to her fertile time. He laughed and said he wondered how it went then as He knew Ty never had a woman with a bag. He told Trudy that he usually told women that were concerned he would pull out, but almost never did. Trudy said Wow and confessed she thought that was a little hot. "Hold on," Trudy told him "I'm going to peak in on her." I barely made it to the kitchen as she went through the living room and upstairs to the bedroom. When she came back down I managed to eaves drop again. "O my god" she said. "You are right he got her bare and I think he didn't pull out. They are still sleeping with him inside her." They were starting to become a little more active, and kissing and more. Last thing I heard him ask her was if she liked risky things. To which she said she did. He told her he would stay the weekend if she would skip her pill in the morning…she giggled, agreed and went back to making love with him.

I went back upstairs and managed to hide in my closet, actually in the bedroom, before they awoke again. They started to talk and kiss more. She told him "you should have pulled out, I'm fertile right now." To which he told her it was obvious that she loved it. She did confess she loved feeling it and that it really got her hot. They started to make out even more with her finally going down on him as he lay back on the bed. She stopped and got up over his cock, holding it straight up. Looking down at him she asked if that's what he wanted. He said "He did". She told him if she took him all the way in he would promise to fuck her good and cum all the way up inside her again. He grabbed her hip without answer and pulled her fully down on him. She came almost immediately. They slowly fucked while whispering…she told him he should stay all weekend. After awhile, she had come 3 times more he pumped her full again. As they slept this time I managed to sneak out, getting a room at a nearby hotel for a few days. I watched the house closely all weekend and managed to see them together a couple more times as well as Trudy.

On Sunday as I listened to Trudy and Beth talking in the kitchen they were gossiping about the weekend. Trudy told Beth she knew she was fucking Ty bare and asked about that. Beth said "I thought he was going to pull out the first time you know. He didn't want to use a condom and I really wanted to feel it so I agreed when he promised to pull out. At the last minute, he told me he was going to cum in me and I was so hot I really wanted to feel it so I let him. I don't know what it was but it really got me off, I never came like that before. After that I found the risk of him in me bare and coming a little arousing, it made me cum really hard." Trudy said "You are such a slut. How many times did you let him cum in you this weekend?" Beth said she wasn't sure but it was at least 5. "Are you really fertile now?" Beth said she probably was and showed her the little calendar in the kitchen. "The red days are days I have to be really careful. Friday and Saturday were definitely yellow days and today is a red day." Trudy asked Beth if she was going to let Ty make her pregnant. To which Beth responded he probably already had. I knew you were taking that risk after that first night so Joseph made me throw away my BC pills and I did."

I went back to my hotel room after listening to them and made a phone call to tell Beth I would be home early, on Monday morning. I went back to the house later in the evening and again found they were out. Taking the opportunity to hide upstairs I decided to wait until she got home again. I wasn't to be disappointed. After about an hour, I heard a car pull up. Beth came into the bedroom with Trudy who started to help her undress. Trudy put something into the bathroom on the counter then told Beth, I put your pill on the counter; remember you have to take it tomorrow morning to prevent from getting pregnant. Beth, now naked helped Trudy get undressed. The naked girls touched and caressed each other a bit before moving to the bed. Trudy went to the door and announced "We are ready." Moments later four black guys (including Ty and Joseph) came into the room, already undressed. They moved to the girls, one on each side and started to touch and kiss them. The girls were reciprocating the best they could, rubbing a cock in each hand and sucking between the two. Ty finally lay Beth back and let her suck his cock while another guy got between her legs, he was not as big as Ty but still bigger than me. "Baby," he said, "this is Jenks, my brother. He hasn't had any pussy all week and his balls are full. Do you want him to fuck you?" She managed to tell him yes with her mouth full. He worked his cock into her very wet and still tight pussy and proceeded to fuck her for about 10 minutes before asking her where she wanted it. Beth stopped sucking Ty, looking Jenks in the eyes and said "Cum inside me, I want it in me". He followed directions and did as he was told. I was a little surprised, Trudy still had not fucked anyone but directed the guy she was blowing to take Jenks' place. Trudy then kissed Beth and told her "this is James, he's ready for you." James slid his long black cock into Beth and began fucking her deep. He went only about 5 min before cumming deep in her. Joseph who was eating Trudy got up to replace him. "Beth," he said, "you ready for my cum". Please she said fuck it into me. Fuck all that cum into me. Trudy was now sucking Ty as her boy Joseph proceeded to fuck my wife, pumping her full as well. Lastly, Ty took his place in the line and fucked Beth, coming inside her as well and keeping his cock in her as the other guys began to leave. After he got up Beth was cuddling with Trudy as Ty got ready to leave. I noticed he asked Trudy where 'it' was and she motioned to the bathroom. He smiled, reached into the counter and took the pill that Trudy had put there. After they had gone to sleep I managed to sneak out to my hotel.

I returned the next morning as I planned and found both Trudy and Beth in the house. Beth told me that Trudy had come over to visit and was helping her clean up.


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It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

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Chapter 1 Lance Oxley left the prison as he had started, alone, clothed in his plaid shirt, white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had lost a little weight, but they still fit even all this time. Why the prison still held onto his clothes was beyond him. In his pockets he had $172 and loose change, a plastic toothpick, and a key chain with two keys, a rabbit’s foot and a silver bottle opener. After 24 years locked away he was not prepared for what the world had to offer. He was regarded as a bad...

3 years ago
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Sultry SlutWife

I never imagined myself being married to a career-focused man. Since I was sixteen, I needed to be fucked almost on an hourly basis. Then, I met Daniel, my surprising knight in shining armor. In the heyday of our passion, we’d fuck maybe three times a month. Not much has changed, but I found a way to sate my needs.A year after we married, I started stripping at a high-profile club two towns over. Six times a week, I dance and strip up and down a dick-like pole. On more than one occasion, I’ve...

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A WifesFantasy

When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by my ponytail and yanked me around to face him. “So my little slut are you ready to be mine?” He said more forcefully than I have ever heard him speak. My breath caught in my throat when with his free hand he reached over and squeezed my breast hard. Instantly I felt the nipples of my DD cup breast stand at attention. He realized this and with his...

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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

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The Cock Hungry Houswife

This particular story is about an older lady named Teresa Roberts. Teresa was having problems with her internet cutting in and out so she placed a trouble call for a tech to come out to her house and this is where I come in. As soon as I saw her, there was something about her that struck me the right way. She wasn’t incredibly hot and she didn’t have the tightest body in the world but there was something about her that made me want to fuck her. Teresa is only about 5’2” tall with...

1 year ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

4 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...

3 years ago
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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the left one) are always hard. We have been playing around with others for the last 14 or 15 years. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she...

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Neha the Indian Slutwife

My wife Neha and I, are happily married and like each other. We have a regular sex life and hence nothing unusual may be expected. We went once to Alibag, which is a beach resort near mumbai. The hotel Tropicana has large houses and we rented out one room for two nights. When we were having dinner we had another couple come a join us. Neha is hot and bossy. She runs her own IT consultancy and knows how to do it. She likes to dress in tight clothes and had one of those tight fitting dresses in...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...

4 years ago
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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Introduction: Anne Marie treated like a Slut in front of hubby I havent written about my hot wife in a while, so I figure its time to fill you in on her latest sexploit. Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. Shes tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I dont mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

2 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

Introduction: Another in the ongoing saga of my cum loving slutwife Anne Marie. This took place about five years ago. Enjoy! A little background: My wife Anne Marie is 57, 135lbs. We have been together for over 12 years, and she is 35 years old, but she could easily pass for 10 years younger. She has great legs and her ass is smokin. Her breasts are a size 34B, perfectly shaped. She never wears a bra, so when her nipples get hard they can easily be seen through most tops that she wears. We had...

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Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...

3 years ago
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A WifesFantasy

Introduction: A fantasy of a wife comes true As I came from work I was tired but highly aroused by the text I had received from my husband in the early afternoon. All it said was Get ready for a hard night. Remember you are not to say a word I was almost swimming in my panties for the rest of the day thinking about what may happen when I got home. When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by...

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How Carolyn Became a Slutwife

My husband Mark has been sharing me with other men and women for over thirty years, and in that time I've engaged in virtually every sexual activity there is that doesn't involve pain or humiliation. That includes public flashing, couple swapping, threesomes, foursomes, oral only gangbangs, full gangbangs, bukkake, public sex, anal, double penetration, all kinds of sexual games and toys, and more. But it all started very innocently, and this is the story of that fateful night.Tim had been...

Wife Lovers
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My fantasy encounter with Slutwifelaura

So after months of chats and planning the date arrived. I was packed with all the required items and dresses as I was told. Knowing I am not a crosscrosser but have a fetish for women's panties, Laura had told me to wear my red satin and lace panties and my plastic rock cage. A picture was texted to get clearly showing the numbered lock tab, they had better match she said,so she would know if I strayed. I reminded myself to thank her for allowing me to wear the plastic one not the metal. There...

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The Submissive Slutwife

My wife Becky and I are a fun couple who both enjoy all forms of sex play. We have an open marriage which means that, although we are married, we do occasionally play with others. It's strictly sex and fun with no emotional commitments, and we both have to discuss and agree before either of us goes with someone else. But it has worked out well for us. We have been playing around with others for the last four or five years. I love to watch her with other men and women, and she loves to be...

Wife Lovers
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Eating Cum from ExWife

My (now ex) wife Kate and I had been married for 16 years when we separated. We had two c***dren, aged 13 and 15 when it happened, and who stayed with their mum while I moved out to a nearby rental property.Me and Kate had always had quite an active and often quite kinky sex life; we had dabbled with the usual bedroom fetishes, as well as cuckolding, swinging and chastity (for me). None of this was the reason for our split I might add.To be honest, I was the unwilling party in the split and...

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Published by Wife4sperm

To my husband: I love being a naughty slut for othersI'm at the skate park surrounded by the group of guys. We were down in the pit of the park and couldn't been seen by passersby. There are six or seven I'm not sure. They are all naked and leering at me. I look down and find myself with just garters, stockings, and high heels. Jason is the clear leader and is standing there. His thick cock is right in front of me. He helps me down to my knees and I lean in to kiss his cock. My hands cup his...

4 years ago
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Shoshana Becomes a Slutwife

She wakes up to another morning with a wet pussy, throbbing clit and no one to fuck. She and her husband have been apart, due to his work, for most of the last six weeks. She’s a very sexual, sensual woman who enjoys great sex and is missing it a lot. She loves sucking cock, having her pussy eaten, and she loves to be fucked in any direction. Oh how she’d love to be able to fuck her man this morning! It’s been a long six weeks! She finds herself watching a lot more porn than usual and...

2 years ago
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Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...

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For several years I had fantasized about my wife Trixie being part of a threesome. I finally set it up on New Years Eve and Day (2015/2016). I posted a personal ad on a swinger's web site asking for a single male to be part of the experience. A military man named Jim replied to the ad and we set up to meet him at New Years Party at the Hotel . We weren't sure if we were ready to go through with this and told him so, but we wanted to be ready if Trixie got turned on. Trixie is 50 years old but...

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ChristycuckI had been trolling the porn sites for a while. Xgerbal was one of my favorites. I'd search for people nearby and usually find some guy showing of pics of his wife. One occasion turned out to be quite eventful. I came across a fellow who had some hot pics posted up that I believed to be his wife. She seemed older, in her 50s, but still had a tight body and some nice fake titties. I struck up a conversation one evening when he was online and he told me some of his fantasies. Most of...

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