Bimbo Ch. 01 free porn video

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He’s not coming back. Either he has drowned inside the toilet, or he has hooked up with someone prettier and more interesting, and gone home with her instead.

Ellenor is disappointed. This one had seemed really nice. He had intelligent eyes, and a really cute smile. Tall and handsome. A nice boy, yet with that mischievous side to him… Ah! Who is she trying to fool? She doesn’t know anything about him except for his name – if it really WAS Tom, he might have made that up. He was good-looking, yes, but she mustn’t read in any character traits that she WISHES that he had had. The guy was a sleazeball, out looking for pussy, that was all. He didn’t find her interesting enough, so he gave her the old I-have-to-go-to-the-bathroom-
I’ll-be-right-back-wait-for-me-here-all-right? – routine. By now, he’s probably on his way home with some drunk slut in a short skirt.

Ellenor finishes her water and puts the glass on the counter. That’s the good thing about not drinking alcohol, you can save a fortune by drinking nothing but water all night. Plus you don’t get a hangover. She hopes from the bottom of her evil heart that Mr Sleazeball and his slut wake up with really bad headaches tomorrow!

She straightens her handbag and leaves the bar, moving in zig-zag between the dancing people on the dancefloor, trying to reach the exit. Someone blows smoke right in her face, and she coughs. She shouldn’t even be here, with her allergy for tobacco smoke and all. But where else to find a man? At least this will be the last clubbing she’ll do for a long time! Even without paying for drinks, the entrance fee is $7, and she always ends up going home alone.

It’s not that she’s not attractive, she ponders, as she walks downtown to take the night bus home, and steals a glance at her reflection in a shop window. Without bragging, she considers herself to be rather pretty. She’s tall and slender, has long, dark blonde hair, and big blue eyes. She’s not the busty type, but she has nice legs, and she’s been blessed with a metabolism that evaporates calories as fast as she can eat them.

The problem is her personality, she concludes, as she gets on the bus and pays for her ticket. She’s just not interesting enough. She’s a secretary at a law firm, who likes to read and surf on the internet in her spare time. She has a little cat, Mrs Case, and they live in a small but charming 2-room apartment with a view overlooking the park. She’s nice and caring and generous, and she hasn’t had a boyfriend for two years. Last time she had a one-night-stand was four months ago. She’s about as exciting as a water-color landscape painting. And she gets about as much action and attention as one, too.

Ellenor gets off the bus and crosses the street. It’s a good thing that the bus stops so close to her apartment building, it’s pretty dark outside, and she’s a little afraid of the dark. Not just because of the risk of getting mugged or raped, but also out of a primitive fear of danger hiding in the dark.

She enters the building and takes the elevator up to the 5th floor. She’s just about to unlock the door to her apartment when a door opens across the hallway, and Sam, her neighbor, comes out with a garbage bag in his hand.

‘Helloooooo, Ellenor!’ he says, and deposits the bag in the garbage chute.

‘Hello, Sam,’ she says, smiling. ‘You’re up late.’

‘I’ve got a deadline for an article,’ he explains. ‘I just finished it. Want to step in for a cup of tea and celebrate with me?’

‘Gladly,’ says Ellenor, and follows him inside.

Sam’s an old friend. He works as a freelance writer for the local newspaper, and spends his free time in the gym. He’s a regular health freak, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink coffee, is a vegetarian, and he’s drop-dead gorgeous with big, brown eyes, dark, perfect skin like polished walnut, and a tall, slim, toned body. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s gay, Ellenor would have jumped him years ago. Instead, he’s her best friend and confidant. Some girls have girlfriends Ellenor has Sam.

‘Persian or Russian?’ he asks, holding up two tin boxes of tea.

‘Persian,’ says Ellenor.

Sam makes the tea, and Ellenor carefully moves the stacks of papers that are covering the entire table, in order to make room for them. The table is the only thing that is messy in Sam’s place. He’s extremely organized and tidy, and everything in his home hints of quality and an expensive price tag.

‘No luck tonight?’ says Sam, and pours the steaming tea in her cup. ‘Or dry-out?’

Dry-out is their mutual term for when you go out and there are no cute, interesting guys anywhere.

‘There was one, but he ran away,’ Ellenor sighs. ‘Bet he’s pumping some bimbo right now. Ooooh! Oh, Tom! Ooooh!’

Sam laughs at her imitation of a high-pitched moan.

‘He left with some panty-less Baywatch-wannabe?’ he says.

‘I don’t know,’ she says. ‘He left me at the bar to go to the bathroom, and he never came back. Maybe we’ll read about it in the newspaper tomorrow: MAN SLIPPED IN PUBLIC RESTROOM, FELL INTO TOILET AND DROWNED.’

They drink their tea.

‘Men are so shallow!’ Ellenor complains.

‘Tell me about it!’ Sam rolls his eyes. ‘Did I tell you about the guy who refused to go on a second date with anyone who snored?’

Ellenor smiles.

‘So what’s your article about?’ she says.

‘It’s about a woman who was so desperate to get married, that she took a bank loan and had plastic surgery to make herself look about 10 years younger,’ says Sam. ‘She filled her tits with silicone, did a tummy-tuck – the works!’


‘Yes! She traded in her whole self, and re-made herself to what she thought men would like, spent a fortune on it – and now she’s broke, and didn’t manage to land herself a husband anyway!’

‘Why would anyone do something like that?’ Ellenor shakes her head.

‘Society norms, sweety,’ says Sam. ‘If you don’t get married and have 2,2 children, a nice house, a nice car, and a well-paid job, you’re a loser.’

‘Damn,’ Ellenor frowns. ‘I have to buy a car.’

Sam grins at her.

‘Or a lobotomy,’ he says. ‘Guys are scared of intelligent women.’

‘Surely they can’t all be that bad?’ Ellenor hates herself for the begging tone of her voice.

Sam leans over the table, the serious expression of his face and the grave tone in his voice is contradicted by the glittering humour in his eyes.

‘They SAY… that there are men out there, men with intelligence and sensitivity and honesty,’ he says.

‘Where?’ Ellenor plays his game, pretending to be all serious and questioning.

‘The legend says, that they are walking among us, disguised as regular Joes,’ says Sam. ‘And if you manage to find one – he’ll be yours forever!’

Ellenor gasps in mock astonishment.

‘Forever?’ she says. ‘Not just for a night? Not just for a month? For EVER?’

‘And ever!’ says Sam. ‘They’ll cuddle with you after sex, they’ll hold you while you sleep, they will listen to you and respect your opinion – and they will even put the lid back on the toothpaste-tube after brushing their teeth!’

‘OK,’ Ellenor says, in her usual tone. ‘You had me falling for it up to the toothpaste part.’

Sam laughs. He pours himself another cup of tea.

‘I know that I’m no model, ‘ says Ellenor. ‘But I’m no dog either.’

‘You look fine,’ Sam assures her.

‘And I dress OK,’ she goes on. ‘I mean, I don’t go out looking like a $2-hooker, but I dress sexy when I go out.’

Sam eyes her knee-length black dress and makes a gesture with his hand to indicate that he only agrees with her so-so.

‘Hey, I’ve seen girls in baggy sweatpants and army boots pick up guys!’ she says. ‘It’s not my looks that’s the problem, it’s my personality. Guys come up to me and start talking to me – and then they run away after five minutes. Am I really that fu
cking boring?’

‘What do you talk to them about?’

‘Well, you know… they ask me what I do, and I tell them about my job. They say that it sounds interesting, so I tell them a little more about what I do, and stuff…’

‘OK, that’s your problem, right there,’ Sam holds up his hands to stop her. ‘When a guy asks you what you do, he doesn’t really care, he’s just making conversation. If the conversation isn’t interesting, he’ll leave.’

‘So what do you suggest that I do? Lie?’

‘Yes,’ says Sam. ‘Tell him you’re a stewardess. That’s a classic. Or a masseuse. Or a teacher.’

‘A teacher?’

‘Every boy has been in love with his teacher at least once.’

‘Even you?’

‘I had a crush on ALL my teachers,’ Sam grins wickedly. ‘But Mr Stevens was my favourite…’

‘There’s just one little problem. I don’t know squat about teaching or stewardessing – and what if he asks me to give him a back rub?’

‘Anyone can give someone a backrub! As for the other stuff, that’s where you turn the question over to him. What does he do? That sounds interesting. Does he like his job? Guys love to talk about themselves.’

‘You’re saying that I should lie to make myself more interesting to the guys?’ says Ellenor. ‘Just like the woman in your article?’

‘Heavens, no!’ Sam looks shocked. ‘She went too far. She changed herself. You’re just going to change what guys think about you.’

‘You mean by hiding my intelligence and true personality?’ says Ellenor. ‘By pretending to be one of those bimbos that we despise?’

‘Do you wanna get laid or not?’

Ellenor looks at him, then helps herself to another cup of tea.

‘Gimme details,’ she says. ‘What more do guys like?’

* * * * * * * * * * * *

She spends most of her lunchbreak shopping. She may have a whole closet full of great dresses and skirts, but when she and Sam went through it on Sunday afternoon, he told her that all of her clothes were great for more formal office parties. If she wants to pick up guys, she needs something that will ‘grab them by the balls and shake ’em up’. She made him write her a list of what type of clothes men find sexy, and where to find these types of clothes. Armed with this list, she’s now working her way through the shops Sam has listed, ticking the items off as she buys them. It’s a good thing that most of these places are cheap, she would never be able to afford buying so many clothes in her regular shops, where a simple turtleneck sweater costs $80.

Black lace basque… check. Moving on to underwear. She argued that she already had underwear, and besides, guys wouldn’t see her underwear until they got into the bedroom, and by then she had already gotten them where she wanted, and they weren’t likely to back out then. But Sam pointed out that in order for her to get into character, she would have to dress the part to the skin. She had to give him right. She would probably not be able to act like a silly sex kitten with a pair of white cotton panties on. Sam has recommended a place called Timewarp, on Beech Street. She asked him how come he knows so much on where to find women’s underwear, but he didn’t answer her, just blinked and grinned.

As she finds Beech Street and Timewarp, she understands why Sam looked so amused. The shop isn’t your regular lingerie store. All the items in the shop window are made out of leather and lace, and the shop lies right between Harold’s Basement and The Booty Theatre. Ellenor hesitates a little, but draws a deep breath and enters the shop. If Sam can go there, so can she.

Much to her surprise, the shop isn’t as tacky as she had expected it to be. The walls are covered with oil paintings and photos with erotic motives, there’s a section in the back with books and video films, and the rest of the place looks like an ordinary clothes shop, with rotating hangers and a cabinet full of boxes containing pantyhose and stockings. That was on her list, she remembers, she moves over there and starts browsing.

‘May I help you, darling?’

Ellenor turns around, and faces a very large transvestite. He’s dressed in a baby pink corset, black stockings held up by a lacy garter belt, and high heeled shoes with little pink fluffy puffs on top of them. The make-up doesn’t help very much, he’s got one of those masculine faces with a broad chin and square jaws. The arched eyebrows and the tiny red mouth gives him a rather astonished expression.

‘Eh, well, I… My friend recommended this place… I’m looking for underwear…’

‘Spicing up your love-life, dear?’ he smiles.

‘Sort of…’

What kind of question is that?

‘I want something sexy.’

‘That’s what we got, sweety! What did you have in mind?’

She looks at Sam’s note.

‘Stockings, garter belt, cro…’

She coughs. Damned you, Sam! she thinks. I can’t ask for THIS!

‘Crotchless panties, dear? That should light his fire!’

The large he-woman starts picking out several sorts of garter belts and holds them up to Ellenor.

‘We’ve got lace, satin, leather, red, black, white, baby blue, baby pink… Do you want to look innocent or sinful, honey?”

‘Sinful,’ says Ellenor. ‘I want something that grabs them by the balls and shake ’em up!’

His eyebrows almost touch his bleach blond wig when he stares at her.

‘Wow, you’ve got ATTITUDE, girl!’ he says. ‘One would never guess… you look so sweet and proper on the outside!’

‘I’m doing a little experiment,’ Ellenor explains. ‘Guys aren’t interested in fucking strong, intelligent women. I want to make guys think that I’m a sex kitten.’

He laughs like a man. A deep, roaring laugh, that comes from the bottom of his belly. For a moment, she’s actually worried that the corset’s gonna burst.

‘You are CRAZY!’ he bellows. ‘I like that’

She’s not sure if she’s just been given an insult or a compliment.

‘You don’t wanna look at those, then, dear,’ he says, getting back into his girlish routine, and takes the packages of pantyhose out of her hand. ‘They’re boring. You want something like THIS!’

He pulls down a few boxes from the shelves, and Ellenor finds herself staring at pictures of women in fishnet stockings, black lace stockings, sheer black nylon stockings, and even a pair of crotchless pantyhose.

‘No fishnet,’ she protests. ‘My friend says that they’ll make any woman look like a ham!’

He laughs again, and puts the fishnets back. Instead, he puts a fat arm around her shoulders, and leads her over to the Panty-section.

‘We’ve got thongs, crotchless panties, G-strings, boxer shorts,’ he tells her, and holds up one garment after the other. ‘Velvet, latex, lace, satin, silk, cotton… And I simply WON’T let you leave without this!’

He trots behind the counter in his high heels, and picks up a box. Out of layers of wrapping paper, he lifts what looks like a black leather girdle. Ellenor walks closer.

‘This might be a little pricey, but it’s NAUGH-TEE,’ the transvestite explains to her. ‘I have a friend who imports these from Germany. They’re hand-made.’

‘What is it?’ says Ellenor, examining the weird garment.

It looks like a girdle with a tail at the back, and a little lock in the front.

‘It’s a chastity belt!’ the shopkeeper beams.

When she walks out of the shop, she has spent more than $250, but she’s really excited about the coming weekend.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

‘Nice,’ says Sam, when she shows him her purchases later that night. ‘I like this one.’

He holds up a long, tight, red tube top.

‘I made a real fool of myself when I bought that one,’ says Ellenor. ‘I asked the girl in the shop if it was a skirt or a top, and she told me that it’s a dress!’

‘You’re kidding!’ says Sam. ‘A dress this short? You’re gonna have to get a Brazilian waxing before you put this on!’

‘How do you kn
ow what a Brazilian waxing is, anyway?’ she says, blushing wildly.

‘Oh, please!’ he says, and starts rummaging through her other bags. ‘I watch Sex And The City religiously!’

He picks up the box from Timewarp, and opens it.

‘I don’t believe it!’ he says. ‘Alicia got you to buy the chastity belt?’


‘Old friend of mine. He’s always trying to sell these to people. I think he’s getting a commission fee.’

‘How come you know about places like Timewarp and people like Alicia? Is he, like, an ex?’

‘Ellenor, PLEASE!’ Sam looks shocked. ‘He is SO not my type!’

‘But you know him,’ she says. ‘Do you ever shop there yourself?’

‘It has happened,’ Sam says shortly. ‘Now, come on, let me see you in one of these little things!’


‘Humour an old man, will you?

Ellenor picks out an ensemble of black underwear, a short black skirt, and a stretchy tube top – also black.

‘Nice, but you need something extra, says Sam. ‘Go on, get dressed! I’ll be right back!’

Ellenor has just gotten decent when he returns with one of his own shirts, white, elegant, and freshly ironed.

‘Combine those two, and you got a killer look!’ says Sam.

‘A man’s shirt?’ says Ellenor. ‘Doesn’t that send out the wrong signals?’

‘Au contraire,’ says Sam, and gives it to her. ‘The combination of a sexy, short skirt and a basic white man’s shirt makes you look hot yet accessible. Put it on!’

Looking in the mirror, she has to give him right. She looks flirty, sassy – and she feels naughty.

‘A little make-up, and I’m ready for battle!’ she says.

‘I’d let the hair out if I were you, though,’ says Sam.

‘I can’t dance with my hair down,’ she protests. It keeps getting stuck in my lipstick!’

‘That’s why you should go to the bathroom at least once per hour, to freshen up!’ he says.

She takes out the needles that are holding her hair up in a bun, and Sam combs it with his fingers.

‘I considered becoming a hair stylist when I was younger,’ he tells her. ‘But it turned out I got rashes from all the chemicals. How are you at dancing?’

‘Pretty good,’ she says.

Sam flips through his huge collection of CD’s, puts one in his expensive CD player, that looks mostly like a space ship. LL Cool J’s Something Like A Phenomenon blurs through the speakers, and Sam starts grinding his hips to the beat. He’s a great dancer. She’d like to just stand and watch him, but he gestures to her to join him, so she starts dancing, a little stiff and timid. Sam moves up to her, grabs her by the waist and pulls her into his own rhythm. Her body is insecure at first with the strange movements, but Sam’s a good teacher, and pretty soon she’s bumping and grinding and swaying her hips and doing the hootchie-cootchie. Sam turns her around and presses himself against her, and she slides down his slim body like an exotic dancer at a vertical steel bar.

When the music stops, she collapses in the white sofa, giggling madly. Sam turns off the stereo.

‘I’d say you’re ready for your first try,’ he says. ‘Can you dance like that in high heels, too?’

‘Not without tripping,’ says Ellenor, trying to calm down, but the image appearing inside her head of herself staggering around in high heels and tripping over, makes her burst into a fit of giggles again.

‘Good,’ says Sam. ‘That’s exactly how you should act. As if everything you see and hear is funny. And don’t worry about tripping – looking like that, someone’s BOUND to save you from falling!’

He follows her to the door, helps her to carry all her stuff over to her own place.

‘By the way,’ he says, as he’s going back across the hall to his own home, ‘you’re gonna need another name.’

‘What’s wrong with Ellenor?’ she says.

‘Too serious. You need something that even a drunk guy can pronounce. Ellie… Elly… something like that. Unless you want to get yourself a complete alias and go with Trixie, Candy, Sherry…

‘How about Alicia?’ she teases him, and closes the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Friday night, the Chamber. Ellenor checks her coat in and walks over to the bar. She can feel their eyes following her, and she makes sure to adjust the shirt so that it doesn’t cover too much. The bartender takes her order, and within one minute, she’s sipping on a Diet Coke, eyeing the crowd. She’s chosen this club on purpose, because she normally never goes here. She wants a totally fresh audience for tonight, so it won’t matter if she makes a fool of herself.

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Courtney looked at Kayla Bradford and Sam Prescott after their sexual excursion that afternoon. Courtney gave them a slight smirk as they were walking to their next class. “What?" Kayla said to Courtney.“Oh, nothing. You just look so cute together,” Courtney said.“Shut up!" Kayla said, playfully hitting her.“No, no. Let Courtney talk.”She giggled.“Hey, I won’t tell. If, Mr. Prescott, you do one thing for me...”Sam and Kayla looked at each other simultaneously.“Not that! Well, kinda. I want to...

2 years ago
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The Redating Game

Well OK, since you ask, I'll tell you a small part of my story. This all happened several years ago. Since my divorce four years earlier, I had become a recluse but recently decided to push myself to date. Friends set me up with friends and blind dates, I even tried online and dating services before I stooped down to trolling bars. Nothing worked. Besides not trusting people anymore, I also feared STDs and cons, so I was reluctant to pick up a stranger, even if just for casual fun - and I...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 15

I woke to the smell of steak, eggs, coffee and home fries. And to someone blowing me. It was an awesome way to wake up. If this harem thing sticks, it was going to become a daily ritual. I lifted my head enough to confirm that it was Ivan providing my morning delight. "Sweetcakes. Come here." He looked up and smiled. "Morning, Boss." "Morning yourself." He moved up and kissed me. I stopped him before he could move back down. "Hey, when do I get to play?" "Anytime you say,...

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The Awakening Part One The Woman In The Mirror

The Awakening By Michele Nylons Part One - The Woman In The Mirror Dark; then light; my eyelids flutter. "Can he hear us?" a woman's voice. Dark; then light. "He's still comatose; but he's improving," an authoritative male voice. Light; now dark, the dream returns. I'm inside the mirror but I can't be seen. I try to reach through the glass but I can't. I try to speak but I am mute. I am a floating entity who exists behind the looking glass. The woman is...

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SexySindycheating again

Sexy_sindy --Cheating againAfter my cheating adventure, even though I told hubby I never told John that I did tell him. Hubby and he stayed friends and are still now. John comes by all of the time and I look at hubby knowing I have had John’s dick inside me, and wonder what he thinks! I think it still makes him mad, but I feel so bad that he has to see him knowing that!John hauls cows and has a big truck with a sleeper, me and hubby has been on trips with him before. Since I fucked John he has...

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Becoming Zoe

Becoming Zoe By Julie O Chapter 1 "I'm home," announced Zach Jones as he entered his apartment. "How'd it go?" asked his roommate Brandon Miller, as he turned around from watching the TV. Zack took off his hoodie and then flopped down on their beat-up leather couch. "No luck," Zach replied in a tone of defeat. "Another fucking wasted day." Brandon didn't reply and just let his roommate vent. "Man, I went to at least a dozen places today and no one is hiring. A few...

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Sex with my mother8217s cousin sister 2

The next day I woke up at 9 as I heard some cry sound I went to my aunt’s room she was sitting in one corner and was crying I went to console her but she shouted at me to get out of her home. I understood she was in bad mood and went to my room. the next day morning I called her she was crying and shouting at me. I went to her home in the evening and looked very strained due to crying I went near her and asked aunty what happened she shouted “u idiot u did every thing and asking me what...

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Jasper and His Daughters in LawChapter 2

Two days later we saw a beat up pickup truck coming up the road. It was Zeke, the father of the girls. I said, "howdy Zeke." "Howdy Jasper." "What's on your mind Zeke?" "The girls tell me that you fucked all three of them before they even had a chance to marry up with your boys. Why did you do that?" "Well Zeke, they were so beautiful and after they tole me you broke 'em in I figured if they was good nuff for your family then they was good nuff for mine. So I gave them my...

2 years ago
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What Are Friends For Part 1

Why not, I had nothing else planned; “sure” I said. “Cool,” was his response, “see you then”. We talked a little while longer about different things; mostly chit-chat about nothing in particular. I was getting tired, so I said the customary lines of text and signed out. I can’t remember what I did after that exactly; I probably got a drink or something then watched some film or TV show from my DVD collection. It’s really not that important actually. Before I got too tired I went and brushed...

2 years ago
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My second submitted story – this is a complete work of fiction, definitely a fantasy.  I guesss it’s up to you to decide whether it’s a fantasy for the man or the woman . . .       Larry had moved into the neighborhood three months ago.   The house was rented because he wanted to get comfortable with the area before buying.   But there was an option to buy with this lease and so far, he thought it was going to be a distinct possibility.   The house was modest, only 6 rooms and a garage.  ...

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If I Could

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.What would I do if I could be with you?In my black lace underwear, I'd kneel before you, undoing your belt and zip. I'd pull down your trousers and pants to your knees, and breathe hotly over your exposed cock and balls. I'd put my hands around you, and squeeze your bum cheeks as I fluttered my eyelashes up your soft shaft, until I felt you beginning to swell. Then I'd suck little kisses down your...

Straight Sex
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BarbaraChapter 19

Roberta Kramer was back on her feet. "Your Honor," she declared, "this trial has been a complete farce!" You've got that one thing right, Callaway thought, even if you're totally wrong in your sense of direction. "I suppose we have established that at least a few of these children are a bit brighter than average..." There was a ripple of laughter through the courtroom as Callaway could no longer control himself and rolled his eyes to the amusement of the spectators. " ... but can...

3 years ago
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me becoming Sabine agin andhaving sex with BIG BBC

This is about me becoming a TV=CD agin,,for many years when I was growing up my mom had me Dress as a girl as I got older that stopped and I was a nomal boy..Years later I joined the Army ( US ) I remember coming to Germany I got my Promotion to SGT..One day I was checking some papers and noticed that a few of them where missing I looked every where for them then I remembered I had taken them home a few days before..I called one of my men ( A big Black guy ) and asked him if he would go to my...

1 year ago
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Celeste Gang Bang Slut

Well it was right after a football game, and everyone was leaving. I was waiting around for my ride. All night long I had been drinking from my little bottle of vodka. I was getting real fucked up. And when I’m drunk, I’m fucking horny. All I can think about is dick. Big, long, hard dicks! My panties get so wet and sticky. My pussy just craves a nice . When I’m drunk, all I can think about is getting all my holes stuffed with hard dick. I guess you could say I’m a bit of a . So the fuck what?...

Group Sex
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a birthday wank whilst wife and I tell a fantasy

Sunday was my birthday, but unfortunately it was my wife’s time of the month so I wasn’t expecting any action. However when we went to bed my wife told me to get in naked and she joined me topless. She told me that she had been thinking about our shared fantasies at Christmas time and she was certain that most she would not be comfortable doing, especially involving others in our sex life. She had though been thinking about one of my fantasies of watching another couple fuck and us watching...

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My 14 year old daughter

My brother and two friends were sitting watching a football game, one early fall Sunday. I asked my 14 year old daughter to bring me and her uncle another beer. She handed them to us and sat on the couch between us. She reached over to my crouch and asked if she could play with my penis. It was clear and loud enough that there was no mistake what was said. I said, not right now. Would you mind going to your room for a few minutes until I call you back. Uhm guys, before you pound me, let me...

2 years ago
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Becoming a RangerChapter 6 Attack and fade away

I had just reached the undamaged forest when a shuttle shrieked down to crash through the brush behind me. I turned to watch as Cariss in battle suits burst out and spun to start running. They fired into the forest but the trees and brush stopped anything from reaching me. I slowed and started walking as I changed direction slightly. It was a little later that I heard them still following. They must be using a sniffer to follow my scent. I glanced around and moved through the brush into an...

3 years ago
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Beckys Marine part 8

It had been a long day, first the explosion at work and rescuing Mike, then telling Carl and Becky about how I got two of my medals. Carl was shocked to learn of the horrors I'd seen while Becky was heartbroken over everything. She had been a good sport though and not pushed for having sex. It took several hours but I had drifted to sleep and was awakened at 9:30 by Carl working in the kitchen. Becky rolled over to face me and gave me a kiss. "Good morning. How are you...

3 years ago
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Katies Surprise

Chapter 1 I slept in the unfinished portion of our basement. It comprised of about one fifth of the floor space in our two story family home. There was no ceiling; just floor joists and painted concrete block walls. The studded sheet rock walls that bordered our finished portion of the basement were even unfinished on my bedroom side. Just pipes and electrical wiring through the studs were evident. There was also a steel "I beam" down the center of the room with a steel column supporting it....

2 years ago
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Made For Sin

There she was again. Why did she keep looking at me that way? I saw her earlier at the airport, she was gorgeous. She had blonde hair which was pulled back in a stylish chignon, blue eyes that shined, long toned legs that made my head spin and mouth water, and a mouth made for sin. She was everything that I wanted and nothing that I needed on this trip. ‘You’re tired Renee, leave it alone,’ I thought as I pranced my way toward the concierge of the posh resort.  ‘You have a reservation for...

4 years ago
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Aw Fuck MeChapter 3 The Compound

With the last of those companies on Grandfather’s list inspected, all that remained was the last item on the list. It was in the form of a real-estate holding and was simply named ‘The Compound,’ the details of which were vague. I was to fly out to it as soon as possible. I thought to myself, “Aw, Grandfather? What am I getting into?” It looked like I was going to have to play the game, after all, what with my grandfather having been murdered, and selecting me as his successor. How was that...

3 years ago
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Public piss fetish non fiction

I know this might sound weird but I have a pee fetish. I havent found anyone that I can really do it with so I create my own fun. Remember, this IS a true story.I'm a collage girl but only have three classes right now. I go to the school library often to study and mess around. One vist, i wore a short skirt with no panties, I hardly ever wear panties anyway. Sitting at one of the tables studying I notice a girl at the table in front of me looking at my legs. She was really cute with short hair...

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The Winston Family Adventures Pt 02

He would have only one full week to spend with his family and to set his personal affairs in order before shipping out to Afghanistan. Ben spent part of his reminding time getting an elaborate security system installed in his home. He wanted his family to be safe while he was half way around the world. He bought the top of the line security system that monitored all the doors and windows. It also included a video surveillance system with motion detecting cameras all around the outside of the...

4 years ago
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Growing up on a plantation

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Toby and I grew up on a large cotton plantation in the south of Alabama in the 1840's. We owned over 100 nigger slaves. They were all given American names after Father bought them. More than three quarters of them were bucks. In our family there was my father (we always called him Father), my mother and my sister, Beth who was almost two years older than me, and...

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Sallys Third Conquest

After my surprise for Paul out of town I realized that both of had enjoyed the novelty of another couple. But I was sort of put off by the youth of out paid partners. I felt and Paul did after I spoke with him afterwords. We both enjoyed the experience while it happened, but I don't think we want to repeat it. The pot and the X was fun, but nether of us wanted to make that a feature of our sex lives. Honestly, Paul is the only man I make love to and I am the only woman he makes love to. Anyone...

4 years ago
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M/FSame beautiful wife, jet black hair and 6 months pregnant.She is pale skinned, my wife, with chocolate eyes.She is a tight figure, small and dainty. Ever so my type.It was a particularly hot July Saturday, noonish.We were sitting on the couch, enjoying a movie and whatever cool breeze came our way.I wasn't interested in the movie. My wife was wearing a bright orange bikini top and jean cut offs. She was bare foot, her toes painted black. I loved that.I kiss her neck, only a peck and back...

1 year ago
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Getting Even 2 Grants Birthday

Zane walked up and down the wine aisles of his favorite liquor store. Tonight was Grant’s birthday party and he wanted to give him a nice bottle of wine. The problem was, he didn’t know much about wine as it wasn’t his drink of choice. He had only bought one bottle of wine and it wasn’t that good. That mistake was made about four months ago when he got news that changed his life forever. Six months ago, Zane had met Grant’s lovely wife, Bella, at a local bar. Their meeting was prearranged by a...

2 years ago
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SRU Sound Mind Sound Body

WARNING: This story has absolutely no transgender elements in it. Permission was kindly granted from the FictionMania task force to archive it within the "Miscellaneous Stories" category. Spells 'R Us: Sound Mind, Sound Body By Radioactive Loner I was walking in the mall, growing more depressed by the minute. It was summer, and I had reverted to my usual T- shirt and knee-length shorts. Women around the mall were wearing halter-tops and shorts, and looking extremely fine --...

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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 1

Tommy Andrews was eighteen years old and about to graduate high school in his Texas town of Sweetwater. Tommy had grown up in Sweetwater after his parents moved there when he was only five years old, and he was well-known in his neighborhood. A star of his Sweetwater High School football team, Tommy had grown into a handsome, wide-shouldered, stout built young man, six foot tall and two hundred fifteen pounds.It was early May and Tommy was set to graduate in less than a month. He had already...

1 year ago
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Not This TimeChapter 7 Shopping Around

I got my first commission check just in time. Freshman orientation was the next day and I had books to buy. My carefully rationed out money was nearly gone. I’d managed to live three months on $2,200. My commission check was for nearly $2,500. I’d made the first hurdle. I also got word from Jim that my new apartment would be ready to move into on Labor Day, the second. I was going to have a home with more than a mattress on the floor and a few kitchen items. I picked up four boxes from the...

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Futa Naked In School 04 Teachers Taboo Futa Pet Chapter 1 Johanas Shocking Futa Lesson

Chapter One: Johana's Shocking Futa Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Monday The entire student body of Rogers College thundered with applause as the MVP from last Saturday's championship football game led off her rewards. Tanisha Read, a Black futa, gripped the leashes that lead to a futa named Charisma and her little sister, a cutie named Krysten. It was the Monday morning assembly. Normally, it was the Program assembly, but there was a special...

2 years ago
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Zion Hacked

She knows it’s a strange habit. Zion, the A.I. running the mansion, isn’t up there, or down on the floor, or anywhere, really. He isn’t at all. But the cameras he controls are on the high corners, she can see them follow her around the place. It used to freak her out at first, though a lot less than his arms did. Now, she’s used to it all. “Thank you,” the wiring noise of the mechanical limb lets her know that her coffee is ready before she can see the mug being carried towards her. It’s...

1 year ago
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My sweet step brother will always love me

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did she just suggest something Jake to have sex with her? “Come here Jake,” Britney said to Jake. Jake got up and came over to her. “I want your dick inside me,” Britney said. Jake looked at me, he was conflicted, so I came over to him and gave him a big kiss. “Do it Jake, it can just be a one time thing and my mom is unbelievably sexy,” I said. “Are you sure?” Jake asked. “Yes, we'll always love each other,” I replied. He was still a little worried,...

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Hoodoo Dreams Part 2

Samantha thrashed from side to side in her bed as she dreamed. She ran her hands over her body, up to her breasts to twist and pull her long hard nipples, down to press her hands between her spread thighs to finger and rub at her dripping wet sex. She moaned and thrashed her head from side to side, gasping and planting a pink lipstick kiss against her white pillow.  The demon drudges were upon her. She closed her eyes and all she could feel was their grimy sweating muscles against her flesh,...

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Making of a Submissive Husband

As the gothic-style music of Enigma drifted in to us from the candle-lit area of the master bedroom, I stared down at my lovely wife and watched as she performed the act of fellatio on me. We were in the semi-darkness of the walk-in closet, and Gerry was on her knees in front of me, sucking my penis, causing it to quickly grow in length and to expand in thickness. This was something I hadn’t expected. Ever since my wife had made me sign the ?slave? contract over three months ago in which I...

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Eddie Hazel is your typical teen ager growing up in the southwest. He is considered medium complexion, in Texas anyway. He gets that from his dad, that worthless piece of shit that abandoned him and his mother. An alcoholic whose highest achievement is as an employed barber. He sees for himself the difference in character from his step dad; although it isn't uncommon, he is Caucasian and a career air force man. Aside from raising 2 k**s of their own with his mother, he has provided for and kept...

1 year ago
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My Blindfold Scheme

Introduction: How I changed my wife and our sex life forever. ONE As I write this my wife is taking a shower. Soon she will get herself ready for her night out with her girlfriends. Once or twice a month they will hit the Kiez, the legendary party and red-light district of our native Hamburg. Theyll have some wine, girl talk, exchange the latest rumors, and have a good time. Most of them are in their thirties, like us, and they are all nice middle class women whose idea of doing something...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 33 Cowpens

That day, the 16th of January it was, I looked up the date, we found Tarleton's bunch only about five or six miles away and coming on pretty fast. Captain Foster said the army would be leaving Thicketty Creek and that Dan Morgan was looking for a place to stop running. He planned to stand and fight. I hurried back with my information while Reedy stayed to shadow the British and Tories. He never came back so I guessed he must have made a mistake somewhere. Morgan had camped near a low hill...

2 years ago
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Femme Films A 3D Experience

Femme Films - A 3D Experience! One of Luke and Stephan's favorite things to do was to skip school and cruise around downtown in the middle of the afternoon. Living in a small town meant that there wasn't a lot of people around, especially in the middle of the day, and they were usually the only ones in their favorite places like the small arcade and ice cream parlor. But one of their favorite things to do was to go catch the matinee screening at the tiny theater downtown. The movie...

1 year ago
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Remember Me

“Okay, folks! I think we can wrap it up and get back to work,” said the brand new manager of the Atakapa Regional Water Treatment Facility. “Angela,” the six-foot-two-inch dark-skinned man said, “what time do I have to meet the realtor?”“You’re scheduled to meet her at the first house in twenty minutes, sir,” answered his new short and plump secretary.“Alright then. I better get going.”“Roger that, sir. I emailed you the location and a link on Google maps. Should take you right there.”“Thanks....

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