- 4 years ago
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It's hard to get away when you're President. Especially when you have a detail that's pissed because you already did it once. It had to be done though. A message had been sent by Joan two months after the vacation stating she had to see me and that it was urgent.
The campaign stops made it possible, if barely. We detoured for a "rest stop" in Kentucky and she met us in Hazard. At her insistance, we met alone. As soon as the door closed she wasted no time before launching into a tirade.
"I thought you were shootin' blanks on the cay! Why did you lie to me?" was the first thing she yelled.
I was confused, I replied that I hadn't been using live ammo. I was more confused when she continued with "then why, in the name of the Gods, am I fuckin' pregnant!
I tried to calm her down by holding her but that just caused her to start crying. Over the sobs, I heard "dammit! I wanted this, but not yet! I can't travel and perform the way we do without putting too much stress on the baby. How did this happen?"
I had an idea, and voiced it. "The Gods, Joan. Someone wants us to have children. It must be pretty important to at least one of them. Remember the first time we made love on the Cay? It was as if we couldn't stop until you conceived.
That caught her attention while diverting some of her frustration and anger in another direction. She snarled "Loki! Get your hunky, Godlike ass down here right now!"
Evidently he liked the "hunky" comment because he was himself and smiling when he appeared. He actually hugged Joan as he explained. "I am sorry that having Matthias's children displeases you so. It would be a great help if you would though. They are important to us. Bragi (God of music, muse, and Poetry) has assured us of this.
Joan leaned back and looked up (waaay up) at him. "I'm not mad that I'm pregnant with Matt's child. I'm angry because we didn't get to choose when they would be born. Why does it have to be now?"
Loki explained "Earth needs Bards as much as it needs anything the rest of you can accomplish. It is hoped they will spread your message and help to bring peace and tranquility."
Joan interrupted with "you used the plural there. Is someone else pregnant?
Loki smiled and said "there only the ones you will bear for now, but Bryan and Alannah may provide more, we hope" before fading away.
Joan wasn't angry anymore. In fact, she was just the opposite. "Twin Bards! Wow! Do you have any idea how long it's been since the world had a true Bard? Hel, I don't know if there ever has been one! This is so cool!
Her enthusiasm was dampened when I reminded her that Loki hadn't said there would be only two. That lasted only a moment before another emotion surfaced. Being pregnant with musicians who would be even better than her seemed to turn Joan on. Since she was quite enough to do the same to me at any time she wished, that wasn't a problem.
We were in my office and there was no bed. There was, however, a desk and a sofa. She ripped the clothes off both of us and before I knew what hit me she was bent over the desk begging to be fucked. I always tried to give my mates what they wanted. I had never found it tedious and cerainly didn't now.
Once wasn't enough though. Joan's mouth could do other things almost as well as it could emit music. She had me hard again moments after the first time ended explosively. The second time was on the sofa with her on top. The view was lovely from either side. I preferred this one though. Kissing without straining was much easier.
The rest of our mates were ecstatic at the news. They were beginning to wonder if Joan and I were going to ever be "productive". Hel, they were already suggesting names! It took over an hour to get them back on the subject of the campaign.
No major problems were anticipated in the 2004 election, but we campaigned hard anyway. I liked the "Town Hall" meeting format and held them wherever we stopped on the day after a rally. I always had our party's candidate at my side. One unpleasant side effect of our success was that the Republican party had been hurt the worst. It was true that many (if not most) moderate democrats had been convinced by now but conservatives flocked to us in droves.
Troubles in the Middle East were still there, as always. For some reason, the world still expected America to come to the rescue. Those days were over, as far as we were concerned. I attempted once more to get the point across when asked at a Town Hall meeting in Brooklyn "what are your plans for bringing peace to the Middle East?"
I tried not to let my anger show, and answered "I have no plans. There isn't a scheme that could possibly bring peace to that area. They've been killing each other since the weapon of choice was a rock. If you took their guns and bombs away from them they'd revert to that. There is only one way there will ever be peace between the Arab world and the rest of us, or even among themselves."
I continued when they settled down. "The solution was voiced by Golda Meir at the National Press Club in 1957 and still holds true today. She said "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." She was correct. As long as there are people who hate more than they love, there will be no solution. We will continue to support our Israeli allies but I will not waste our resources or my energy in a lost cause. There is no logical reason for the unrest there. Food is plentiful, the desert is changing to farmland, livestock is thriving, and business is booming. You can not cure fanaticism, folks. It simply can not be done. Perhaps they'll come to their senses eventually. I doubt it, but won't rule it out. After all 'Nothing is impossible, just improbable."
Our short honeymoon with the environmentalists was over now. The infrastructure bill we had pushed through included massive redesign and improvements in many areas. One of these was New Orleans. All of us knew what would happen to the city if this didn't get accomplished and weren't about to back down.
We met with them in Baton Rouge the day after a rally there to address the issue. We had our own experts in environmental impact as well as in climate and Engineering. After they went over the implications of not doing something to rectify the problem I addressed the detractors and reinforced the facts. After they left I was scratching my head and wondering what the heck happened.
Everyone else was just as surprised. They had caved much too easily. Environmental nuts are not well known for their common sense and these had signed on to everything we proposed. It may have been weird but we weren't going to waste time complaining.
The design was already complete and the project funded, so the corps of engineers was given the OK and told to proceed as swiftly as possible. In less than a year, the levees in New Orleans would stand up to a category five hurricane without any problem at all.
Unbelievably, we had accomplished a significant amount of our goals in the first term. The next election was less than six months away now and with little competition for the presidency on the horizon we continued to concentrate on getting a larger majority in both houses.
A side trip was made in the middle of the tour. It was an honor and privelage to introduce Rhonda Kaye as the first female member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The speech was easy to write, and might have embarassed her as much as my dad's had me.
"I have known Rhonda Kaye for most of my life. She was instrumental in introducing me to reality, so it is only fitting that I introduce her to you. I was a cocky little fool who thought nobody could hit the fancy new slider I had learned. She was kind enough to show me the error in my thought process. I was not the first recipient of this demonstration, and most certainly not the last. Her induction to the hall is both long overdue and very well deserved. I refuse to go all "long winded" up here today, for this day belongs to her. May I present to you not only one of the best lead-off hitters baseball has ever known, but, without a doubt, the most beautiful! Rhonda Kaye!"
Hopefully her whispered "you are so going to pay for that!" was not interpreted correctly by the listeners. I hadn't been kidding about the long overdue part. Rhonda played four more years than I had and made the 30-30 club (30 homeruns, 30 stolen bases) five times. She ended up with 310 homers, 588 stolen bases, and her hitting streak of 67 games was second only to mine. She was wearing two World Series rings and had been the MVP of both.
After that stop, a tour was made to every state where we thought we could gain seats. All of us were getting a little worried in a short amount of time. Angel finally voiced what we were thinking at the hotel in Cleveland. We had just returned to the room and she blurted "what the Hel is going on? Every time you say a word it's like the whole place is falling all over each other to be the first to agree with you! I think they'd walk off a cliff if you said it was a good idea."
Tina quickly agreed. "Every since those environmental people it's like the world thinks your shit doesn't stink! It wouldn't surprise me if the women stated throwing their panties at you!" I had a sneaking suspicion and voiced it. "How about the rest of you, since the last time we were visited have you noticed people who weren't with us then have been more agreeable?" After a moment comprehension took hold and there was a chorus of "Loki and Freyja!"
We heard a laugh and turned to see the culprits sitting on the sofa. Freyja must have thought it was hilarious from the way she acted but Loki was only smiling. I suppose he was used to pulling stunts like this. Eventually, the lady composed herself enough to say she was sorry they hadn't mentioned what they had done.
She blamed it on Loki and we believed her. She went on to explain that it was the next logical step in our evolution but wouldn't explain what that meant. They had given us the gift of charisma to make our job easier. "You are well on your way to accomplishing all of the tasks set for you" Loki explained "but what remains may be the most difficult yet. A significant portion of this world is still filled with hate and envy. They will not be easily persuaded even with this gift and without it we fear it would be impossible. It is but another weapon in your arsenal. Use it well." With that said, they were gone in an instant.
We discussed the problem through the night and by morning it was decided that we'd have to mend some fences. We would do it on our terms, however. The UN would have to become what it was intended to be for this to work.
Three months before the election Rhonda called the Secretary General and set up a date for me to give an address. They had been even more ineffective since most of their teeth had been pulled and he was very receptive. He tried in vain to pry any information out of her but Rhonda was a lot smarter than he was.
A few more calls were made and it was arranged for Alex, Chen, Wilhelm, Hogo (now the Prime Minister of Japan) and Nigel (the same in Great Britain) to be there. All of them except Chen were given the whole story and agreed with our plan.
What we planned was one last attempt to get those nations with dictators who still clung tenaciously to power at the expense of the general population. There were quite a few holdouts of this type who needed to be dealt with both in Africa and the Middle East.
During the address, we offered to help any country who met our criteria become self-sufficient.
These conditions were as follows:
Each citizen was to have equal rights. No country that discriminated in any way against women or minorities would be assisted.
A country must have a legitimate government in order to qualify. No dictators or usurpers would receive aid.
Any corruption or graft would cause assistance to cease immediately.
War without a just cause would disqualify any participating member.
Any nation sponsoring terrorism would be excluded automatically.
I thought the place would never settle down but finally, it did. I explained that this aid was not free. The conditions we had listed were payment and the UN would oversee implementation.
We had phrased the second condition carefully in order to include hereditary rulers but exclude those who had seized power from the rightful leaders. Officials were invited from nations who were interested to see the results first-hand.
If many of them hadn't been so corrupt, it would have went much smoother. That was not the case. Most of the countries controlled by tyrants refused to come because of our conditions. We couldn't allow aid to them since it would only permit them to become wealthier. The people would still starve.
We were at a loss as to what to do about it. After struggling with every idea under the sun for a month the solutions to the dilemma presented themselves at our door.
The opposition to several of the dictators of the nations in Africa had heard about our offer and sent representatives of their own. They had managed to infiltrate governments to obtain information but had been unable to attempt a takeover because the dictators controlled all weapons and the military.
Funds weren't available to buy what they needed on the black market so they were at a standstill. Frustrated while people died as the corrupt rulers increased their wealth on the aid that never made it to the population who needed it, they practically begged for whatever help we could provide.
As far as we could tell, it wasn't enough. If they managed to topple the dictator in power another general who controlled the military would simply step in and it would be more of the same.
Angel had the only practical idea and it was a long shot. We would help them stockpile weapons (both offensive and defensive) in the desert along with provisions and the capability to produce fresh water. What forces they had would trickle in to the area and construct defensive positions. They would then wait for the dictator to attack them.
By forcing the confrontation they could get the forces into the open and spring a trap. The weapons we had developed could accomplish this much. They were also warned that if it worked and things didn't change, we would make them cease to function.
The same thing would happen if they attacked their neighbors. If it did work we promised to provide agriculture and technology assistance that could make the continent self-sustaining within ten years.
No problem such as that was anticipated, however. Twelve of the leaders were "Retreads". They had been damn good at hiding. They had to be because if they weren't they would have died. All were leaders in the resistance movement.
We started smuggling untraceable weapons and creating the caches as stealthily as possible in hopes of delaying any confrontation until after the election. It worked in every case except Myanmar.
I guess Chen was a bit overzealous. He first smuggled Suu Kyi and her closest friends out of the country before issuing an ultimatum to the military government to abdicate or face invasion. They didn't choose the easy way but it was a mistake.
The population wasn't on their side and at first sight of Chinese troops almost every member of the Myanmar armed forces laid down their arms and surrendered. The war lasted less than a week and solved one nagging problem.
The election went pretty much as we had hoped and we even picked up some seats that we hadn't thought we could. A week later all Hel broke loose on the African continent. Most of the warlords there did not need, nor did they have, a well equipped army.
In most cases it consisted of a ragtag bunch of undisciplined slobs carrying AK 47's and RPG's. The rare helicopter or tank was taken care of at a distance by us. There were a few heated battles but in most cases the army was stunned when they were surrounded and facing superior weaponry.
Most of them surrendered on the spot. I wouldn't have wanted to be in the warlords shoes. Years of abuse and forced starvation had built up a lot of anger. Justice wasn't pretty but the results of the effort were. In less than a year, the whole of Africa was comprised of newly elected democratic governments who were very grateful to America. The one glaring exception was Sudan.
A large percentage of the male population had already been eliminated in the Darfur region either by government or militia troops and the remaining men were either too scared or stubborn to move. Luckily, we were prepared for this occurrence.
The day after we took office after the 2000 election our promise to the military had been put into action. Units were recalled from Europe and Japan and joined existing forces at bases built in the southwest for re-equipment and training.
The new structure called for companies of thirty people (women could now volunteer for combat assignment) divided into squads of five members. Each was equipped with the new lightweight ceramic body armor. This protection was like something out of a sci-fi movie though. It completely enclosed the wearer and was climate controlled. They looked more like the old "transformer" toys come to life than they did soldiers.
Weapons had changed as well. The standard issue armament was now lasers, both rifle and sidearm. Each needed a new power source after 1500 hours of use. The power pack was roughly the size of a "C" battery and weighed even less. Tanks, APC's and the "MUTT'S" all had the new armor and were fusion powered as well. All could go 5,000 miles or more without changing the power cell.
Hello ISS readers. I am Deepti from New Delhi. This is my third story on this site. Thanks a lot for liking my second story “My Doctor ruined my pussy”. Big thanks for the great response and your love. This is also a true incident which happened with me. Hope you all like it. Sorry for mistakes if I did any. Your suggestions are always welcome. I am Deepti, 29 year old married lady, live in Pitampura, New Delhi. It’s been 4 years since I got married. I have one child. My husband’s name is...
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IncestNote from Jake Rivers, This is my eighth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The current effort consists of stories based on songs by Frank Sinatra, Ol’ Blues Eyes. Please read the stories and give feedback to the participating authors. Unless I’m convinced otherwise, I’ll probably stop after the tenth invitational. Regards, Jake To the readers: I chose ‘My Way’ as my invitational song. The character in the story has lived his life his way. Being a vigilante with a no excuses attitude. He tells...
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Mera naam mann dhiman hai or yeh story its all fantasy please enjoy it. If anyone has any suggestions email me on Ye kahani sirf manoranjan ke liye hai….Aur kisi ko bhi tehss pahuchane ki koi mansha nhi hai… —————————— Gokuldham society Gokhuldham society ki pehli subh….Society ke bujurg shri champaklal gada har subh ki tarah balkani mein kulla karne atte hain aur har baar ki tarah niche se bhide yani ki atmaram tukaram bhide niche se gujar rhe hote hain… Jaise he babuji kula karte hain...
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In this case I thought I would let Summary Avrdmv not portico.The nodose ass mom to happen slowly went forward still Stuck to my mom. I had a strange feeling that you want to know more, I saw a really Azdstm Fsharv Summary of State. I feared that my mom wakes up. I went to the bathroom to see the Kyrmv.Summary of the bathroom when I felt a sharp pain was slowly Vyvash Kyrm it takes the pain and I ended Taqtm slowly I started crying when my mom woke up and said what? I am there, I told myself...
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Author's note: A short story for Halloween, I do hope that you enjoy it, and all feedback and all votes would be very much appreciated. The vampire towered over the old witch and looked down on her haggard old face with distaste. "I wouldn't want to drink your blood old woman so don't fuss," he declared coldly. "I never said that you would want to, I just said keep your long fangs away from me." She scowled up at him irritably as she tugged her grey shawl tighter against her. Her...
By this time my 7 inch cock is at full attention and its 2 inch wide swell seems even wider then usual. my wife surprises me and starts rubbing her 36 c breasts and says holly do you think your pussy changed much from giving birth? cuz mine feels so loose to me now. (holly) hun a little but thats no reason to feel embarrassed i bet from the looks of things your man can feel it up just fine holly then grabs my shorts yanks my cock out. see its bigger than jeffs and his feels great. kenzie must...
Hi this is Rave from Mumbai! No introduction and shit! Email me to know that Diaclaimer: The story is bit brief and if you wanna get sexcited to the fullest only then you should start. Story goes as – My parents went out for a wedding in the month of November for like 2 days. I told them that I have office and I can’t make it so y’all can go I’ll stay back. But in fact my plan was to watch 50 Shades of Gray with Tamanna. Tamanna is a very fair girl with figure to die for! And she is naughty...
There was sweetness in his sister's cunt, and Travis licked it slowly, savoring the honey there. He was replete, but not sated, and thought he would never be; there were far too many erotic things yet to do, so many awesome combinations to try, and he meant to go through them all, one by one, if his body held out. Glad that he was young and horny, he continued to tease Jenny's still pussy with his tongue, until her body began to stir. She'd...
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Megan Rain drinks an ice cold glass of water, and then another, while she looks for a hot yoga class she can attend. She calls a studio that agrees to raise the temperature. Megan likes it hot because she loves to sweat a lot. She gets off the phone after making an appointment for the following day. When Megan shows up for her yoga class, and it’s just her and instructor Adriana Checkik. Something jogs Megan’s memory, making her think that she knows her. She flashes back to a yoga...
xmoviesforyouAngie stood in front of her full-length bedroom mirror and studied the attractive young woman in the red dress who stood before her. She didn't look any different from the way she had this morning, but be- tween then and now Angie had graduated from high school! Never again would it be mindless homework and which teacher was currently being an asshole and why. But regardless of her status in life, Angie still en- joyed looking at herself in the mirror. Especially with her new red dress on, the...
It was a Monday afternoon. I had flown into the town where my mom lived for a two week visit. It had been about 18 years since seeing each other, and this was the first time I was able to come and visit. We had chatted via E mail, and talked on the phone from time to time. But, alas, we were finally together for a much needed vacation together to catch up on our lives. My mom and dad had split up when I was a k*d about 2 years old, but my dad had sent me to stay with her once when I was 7. She...
Jessica y la reina blanca.La detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven treintañera pasea por la calle en dirección a un club de ajedrez donde debe hablar con su presidente. Jessica va vestida con unos pantalones vaqueros cortos que resaltan su figura y su precioso y voluptuoso trasero, lleva una camisa a cuadros que sujetan sus preciosos pechos que se agitan sin sujetador, Jessica lleva su habitual gorra de beisbol que tapa su angelical cara de rasgos redondeados en la que resaltan...
My heartfelt gratitude goes to my editor, Keith S. I picked up my wet chin and smiled at her, watching her shiver a little as an aftershock ran through her frame. Licking the last few drops of her sweet taste, I smoothed her pubic hair with my hand and rested my chin on the back of my knuckles as I looked into her eyes. My other hand was under her, holding a cheek of her beautiful butt. This was our first time together and I was determined that she enjoy it. We'd met in a supermarket, of all...
Exhausted, amazed, fulfilled, and tired, I pulled the bedspread and sheets back and climbed into bed. I lay back against the pillows with my hand on the back of my head. Stacy—beautiful, glowing and covered in a light sheen of sweat like some beautiful Roman priestess covered in glistening oils—skimmed back the sheets as well and slid in next to me. She lay her head back against the pillows under my raised arm, and I moved to hold her shoulder, welcoming her closer to me. We were both still...
He awoke with a start. Through bleary eyes, he read the clock. 11:50PM. He woke up suddenly on most nights due to his night terrors, but usually it happened sometime around 3AM. This was ridiculous. He had barely just gotten into bed. Still, it was unlikely that he’d fall back to sleep without an aid, so he turned on the TV. This was his only recourse until his wife started sleeping in his bed again. Usually, a little midnight blowjob would sedate his troubled mind and he’d fall fast asleep...
I've gotta tell you - I don't get mind control, I really don't. I mean, all these stories are all pretty silly wish- fufillment, reflecting most people's desperate pathtic fantasies to dominate others in the only safe non threatening enviorment, that they have, namely - their imaginations! (laughter) Now I'm not picking on you poor clods (male and female) who read this garbage and actually are sad anough to get aroused by it, really I'm not. Unless the above paragraph describes you to a...
Blackwoman drove down the rich suburban neighborhood till she heard what she waited for. There was a dispute going on at the house down the road where a black maid was getting chewed out by a white woman for not cleaning the dishes clean. It was her cue to that the situation needed correction. She turned down the road and parked in the driveway and got out. She loved every moment of this. It was her destiny in life. Arriving at the door, she knocked, and the door opened. The maid was standing...
Mandy and Mindy Gibson are identical twin sluts. The first twin was born one minute and twenty-three seconds before the second. Their parents, Carl and Judy Gibson, had pre-determined that the first-born twin would be named Amanda and the second would be called Melinda.Unbeknown to all, a mix up in the maternity ward of Galion Community Hospital, resulted in the firstborn being called Melinda. Growing up, Amanda gloried in being the firstborn. Little did she know, that Melinda was actually the...
HardcoreWhat Love means to a 4 to 8 year old... Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes... A group of professionals posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined See what you think: 'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore ... So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even...
She opened the door to his office without knocking, certain that he would not be there. She just had some paperwork to drop off, and she was running late for lunch. Kate froze at the tableau silhouetted against the window. He was standing, phone to his ear, back to the door. A woman was on her knees at his feet, zipping up his pants. Kate coughed quietly but neither of them took note. The woman closed his pants, but remained kneeling. He patted her softly on the shoulder and made a motion of...
MF, MMF, FF, Masturbation, Voyeur)Last Wednesday...This little adventure began six months after I'd arrived in Los Angeles.I'd finished up my undergrad work at Tulane the spring before anddecided I needed a major change in my life. I was twenty-one and feelingmore or less directionless. On a whim I packed up everything I owned atthe time and headed off to parts unknown. I think maybe I had always beenheading for Los Angeles in the back of my mind. New Orleans, the citywhere I was born and...
They found their entrance into the hotel servant’s corridor without meeting anyone. Her driver quickly ushered her into a small hallway off the main servant’s stairs and headed for the area, which contained an old iron door. She remembered this door from earlier times when the two of them used to run amok inside the hotel’s vast network of passages. “In here, quickly.” Her driver spoke harshly. “Someone’s coming up the corridor from around the corner.” The two of them quickly darted into what...
EroticStunning brunette hottie Maddy May is enjoying a massage from horny hunk Tommy Pistol. Flipping the tattooed teen onto her back, he can’t keep his hands off those perfect round titties in this premium Penthouse scene. Soon the luscious lovely orders him to lick her pussy, moaning with delight as he rims her asshole. The voluptuous vixen is soon bending over for a hardcore doggy style fuck while fingering her clit, climaxing hard in cowgirl and then begging her stud to cum over her big...
xmoviesforyouSlavery for Wisha (rev. 2) M/f, Slavery, NC, Abuse, BDSM, humil, leather, whip, tort, By: Kray [email protected] Intro Wisha is sold by her parents to her Master and she must comply with him.Story She’s so nice, Wisha. An exotic creature, slim, beautiful, perhaps her tits are not so big, they stay inside a hand, they stay inside my hands. Her left tit is very often in my left hand, and her right one in my right one. Typically I grab them from behind her back and I enjoy them for hours....
“Hey. Are you dead?”That’s what she yelled just before walking through the gate to my back yard.I was sitting quietly on my patio watching the sunset across my pool, no expression on my face and sipping on a Crown on the rocks. A nice heavy bottom glass with large chunks of ice, filled to a fingers width below the rim so you can swirl it as you go.There’s nothing better than the quiet and Crown Whiskey.She trotted over to the chair next to mine. “Have a seat. Would you like a drink?”“That’d be...
Seduction"She can't leave ... I'm in love with her ... I'm in love with Miranda!" Peter looked away uncomfortably after Marcus's heated declaration. Suspecting his boss and his sister was one thing, but having Marcus laying his heart out on his sleeve like that, was just ... well Peter was used to his boss being the cool calm and collected one, this side of Marcus was unsettling and discomforting for him – he was not even sure what he was supposed to say in response. The ringing of his mobile...
Amber had booked them into an ocean-facing room on the 6th floor, with two queen beds, a balcony, and a big closet. The bellhop drone wheeled out of their room once it was done loading up the closet with all of Amber's worldly possessions and all of Tyler's new feminine wardrobe. After it left, Amber and Tyler spread out on their beds, exhausted from the hypersleep. They soon drifted off, still wearing their traveling clothes, until early the next day. Before he knew it, the...
We stood next to the bed, I moved my face to his and kissed him again. His arms wrapped around me once more and he drew me close. Our lips parted and our tongues sought each other. Gently at first, but as our passion mounted our tongues moved faster almost as though they were going into battle rather than loving. Our breathing became ragged and I was moaning into Nathan’s mouth. Eventually, we separated and my hands came up between our bodies to start undoing the buttons of his shirt. I could...
The inner airlock refused to close. Mark had removed it from its track and dismantled it three times now and it was seriously pissing him off. He had used the door from Varna's cabin to repair the blast damaged airlock. He had ripped the closing mechanism from the cabin wall to escape and it was not worth repairing, especially as the ship needed an airlock to go into space. Cabin doors were a low priority. Mark swung a booted foot at the door and hit it hard in frustration. It groaned and...
Thank you so much Susan for all the help fixing my story. Samantha couldn't believe how fast she'd been swept off her feet and fallen head over heels in love. She'd dreamed about love at first sight but never actually believed in it, until now. Now, Samantha believed because the first time she had seen Her she'd felt an instant attraction. An attraction so powerful it could not be denied. Now Samantha couldn't bear to be apart from Her and longed for work to end so she could go to her...
When Pat moves from Grade School to Junior High School he’s a bit surprised by the change in the student culture. However, soon after he starts the 10th Grade in Senior High School the differences in the student culture to his previous schools is a shock to him! In the first few weeks he learns how important the student social standing is to the majority of the students now, and how it can make school easier or a lot harder than it needs to be. The real shock for him is how so many minor...
Hello friends I am back again with another little story. I did not know under which topic I should have put this story couple incest or group since I like incest I will put it in that. Also I would like to thank ISS for providing such a beautiful platform that makes people share their sexual fantasies. I would request all my dear readers to please rate his story 5 or 1 and if you don’t like it so that next time I can narrate my sexual experiences better. I will try to keep the language simple...
He held my gaze, slowly pulling his fingers from my cunt and bringing them up to his mouth. He sucked my sticky cum from them, licking them clean. My teacher was licking my pussy juices from his fingers, in the privacy of his own home. He bought his fingers up to my mouth and silently commanded me to suck them, so I did. I held his green eyes with mine as I wrapped my tongue around his thick fingers, tasting my own juices. He pushed them back into my throat and started to finger fuck my...
It was the season of Diwali and the festival of lights is well celebrated everywhere. One of the expected things during the time is the “Kharchi” (bonus) that people who work for you ask. As expected your cook, house cleaner, watchman, mailman, etc will show up and ask or expect it. Well, this story relates to how a girl gets a fun idea and gives the mailman a different sort of bonus. It was the day before Diwali and like always everyone turned up at my door expecting Kharchi (Diwali bonus)...
I’m not a stranger No I am yours With crippled anger And tears that still drip sore A fragile frame aged With misery And when our eyes meet I know you see I do not want to be afraid I do not want to die inside just to breathe in I’m tired of feeling so numb Relief exists I find it when I am cut -Plumb ‘Cut’ ‘Which door is yours?’ Miranda asked. Grey pointed down the hallway, ‘Last on the left.’ Miranda peered down the corridor, it was made up of blue and white speckled tile, clean but...
Qasim’s True Story 3 By: A. W. Chohan The story of a sexual episode after getting separated from David in Story 2 *********************************************** Sultan, The Pakistani Doctor Hey Qasim, have you ever been fucked by a cock of this size? Dr. Sultan asked me while I had my mouth in his groin, licking and sucking his manly armament and soaking the deep aroma of his masculinity. His cock had barely started to grow and I could not tell how BIG it was going to be in size. Limp, it...
Gay Male