RetreadsChapter 37 free porn video

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It's hard to get away when you're President. Especially when you have a detail that's pissed because you already did it once. It had to be done though. A message had been sent by Joan two months after the vacation stating she had to see me and that it was urgent.

The campaign stops made it possible, if barely. We detoured for a "rest stop" in Kentucky and she met us in Hazard. At her insistance, we met alone. As soon as the door closed she wasted no time before launching into a tirade.

"I thought you were shootin' blanks on the cay! Why did you lie to me?" was the first thing she yelled.

I was confused, I replied that I hadn't been using live ammo. I was more confused when she continued with "then why, in the name of the Gods, am I fuckin' pregnant!

I tried to calm her down by holding her but that just caused her to start crying. Over the sobs, I heard "dammit! I wanted this, but not yet! I can't travel and perform the way we do without putting too much stress on the baby. How did this happen?"

I had an idea, and voiced it. "The Gods, Joan. Someone wants us to have children. It must be pretty important to at least one of them. Remember the first time we made love on the Cay? It was as if we couldn't stop until you conceived.

That caught her attention while diverting some of her frustration and anger in another direction. She snarled "Loki! Get your hunky, Godlike ass down here right now!"

Evidently he liked the "hunky" comment because he was himself and smiling when he appeared. He actually hugged Joan as he explained. "I am sorry that having Matthias's children displeases you so. It would be a great help if you would though. They are important to us. Bragi (God of music, muse, and Poetry) has assured us of this.

Joan leaned back and looked up (waaay up) at him. "I'm not mad that I'm pregnant with Matt's child. I'm angry because we didn't get to choose when they would be born. Why does it have to be now?"

Loki explained "Earth needs Bards as much as it needs anything the rest of you can accomplish. It is hoped they will spread your message and help to bring peace and tranquility."

Joan interrupted with "you used the plural there. Is someone else pregnant?

Loki smiled and said "there only the ones you will bear for now, but Bryan and Alannah may provide more, we hope" before fading away.

Joan wasn't angry anymore. In fact, she was just the opposite. "Twin Bards! Wow! Do you have any idea how long it's been since the world had a true Bard? Hel, I don't know if there ever has been one! This is so cool!

Her enthusiasm was dampened when I reminded her that Loki hadn't said there would be only two. That lasted only a moment before another emotion surfaced. Being pregnant with musicians who would be even better than her seemed to turn Joan on. Since she was quite enough to do the same to me at any time she wished, that wasn't a problem.

We were in my office and there was no bed. There was, however, a desk and a sofa. She ripped the clothes off both of us and before I knew what hit me she was bent over the desk begging to be fucked. I always tried to give my mates what they wanted. I had never found it tedious and cerainly didn't now.

Once wasn't enough though. Joan's mouth could do other things almost as well as it could emit music. She had me hard again moments after the first time ended explosively. The second time was on the sofa with her on top. The view was lovely from either side. I preferred this one though. Kissing without straining was much easier.

The rest of our mates were ecstatic at the news. They were beginning to wonder if Joan and I were going to ever be "productive". Hel, they were already suggesting names! It took over an hour to get them back on the subject of the campaign.

No major problems were anticipated in the 2004 election, but we campaigned hard anyway. I liked the "Town Hall" meeting format and held them wherever we stopped on the day after a rally. I always had our party's candidate at my side. One unpleasant side effect of our success was that the Republican party had been hurt the worst. It was true that many (if not most) moderate democrats had been convinced by now but conservatives flocked to us in droves.

Troubles in the Middle East were still there, as always. For some reason, the world still expected America to come to the rescue. Those days were over, as far as we were concerned. I attempted once more to get the point across when asked at a Town Hall meeting in Brooklyn "what are your plans for bringing peace to the Middle East?"

I tried not to let my anger show, and answered "I have no plans. There isn't a scheme that could possibly bring peace to that area. They've been killing each other since the weapon of choice was a rock. If you took their guns and bombs away from them they'd revert to that. There is only one way there will ever be peace between the Arab world and the rest of us, or even among themselves."

I continued when they settled down. "The solution was voiced by Golda Meir at the National Press Club in 1957 and still holds true today. She said "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." She was correct. As long as there are people who hate more than they love, there will be no solution. We will continue to support our Israeli allies but I will not waste our resources or my energy in a lost cause. There is no logical reason for the unrest there. Food is plentiful, the desert is changing to farmland, livestock is thriving, and business is booming. You can not cure fanaticism, folks. It simply can not be done. Perhaps they'll come to their senses eventually. I doubt it, but won't rule it out. After all 'Nothing is impossible, just improbable."

Our short honeymoon with the environmentalists was over now. The infrastructure bill we had pushed through included massive redesign and improvements in many areas. One of these was New Orleans. All of us knew what would happen to the city if this didn't get accomplished and weren't about to back down.

We met with them in Baton Rouge the day after a rally there to address the issue. We had our own experts in environmental impact as well as in climate and Engineering. After they went over the implications of not doing something to rectify the problem I addressed the detractors and reinforced the facts. After they left I was scratching my head and wondering what the heck happened.

Everyone else was just as surprised. They had caved much too easily. Environmental nuts are not well known for their common sense and these had signed on to everything we proposed. It may have been weird but we weren't going to waste time complaining.

The design was already complete and the project funded, so the corps of engineers was given the OK and told to proceed as swiftly as possible. In less than a year, the levees in New Orleans would stand up to a category five hurricane without any problem at all.

Unbelievably, we had accomplished a significant amount of our goals in the first term. The next election was less than six months away now and with little competition for the presidency on the horizon we continued to concentrate on getting a larger majority in both houses.

A side trip was made in the middle of the tour. It was an honor and privelage to introduce Rhonda Kaye as the first female member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The speech was easy to write, and might have embarassed her as much as my dad's had me.

"I have known Rhonda Kaye for most of my life. She was instrumental in introducing me to reality, so it is only fitting that I introduce her to you. I was a cocky little fool who thought nobody could hit the fancy new slider I had learned. She was kind enough to show me the error in my thought process. I was not the first recipient of this demonstration, and most certainly not the last. Her induction to the hall is both long overdue and very well deserved. I refuse to go all "long winded" up here today, for this day belongs to her. May I present to you not only one of the best lead-off hitters baseball has ever known, but, without a doubt, the most beautiful! Rhonda Kaye!"

Hopefully her whispered "you are so going to pay for that!" was not interpreted correctly by the listeners. I hadn't been kidding about the long overdue part. Rhonda played four more years than I had and made the 30-30 club (30 homeruns, 30 stolen bases) five times. She ended up with 310 homers, 588 stolen bases, and her hitting streak of 67 games was second only to mine. She was wearing two World Series rings and had been the MVP of both.

After that stop, a tour was made to every state where we thought we could gain seats. All of us were getting a little worried in a short amount of time. Angel finally voiced what we were thinking at the hotel in Cleveland. We had just returned to the room and she blurted "what the Hel is going on? Every time you say a word it's like the whole place is falling all over each other to be the first to agree with you! I think they'd walk off a cliff if you said it was a good idea."

Tina quickly agreed. "Every since those environmental people it's like the world thinks your shit doesn't stink! It wouldn't surprise me if the women stated throwing their panties at you!" I had a sneaking suspicion and voiced it. "How about the rest of you, since the last time we were visited have you noticed people who weren't with us then have been more agreeable?" After a moment comprehension took hold and there was a chorus of "Loki and Freyja!"

We heard a laugh and turned to see the culprits sitting on the sofa. Freyja must have thought it was hilarious from the way she acted but Loki was only smiling. I suppose he was used to pulling stunts like this. Eventually, the lady composed herself enough to say she was sorry they hadn't mentioned what they had done.

She blamed it on Loki and we believed her. She went on to explain that it was the next logical step in our evolution but wouldn't explain what that meant. They had given us the gift of charisma to make our job easier. "You are well on your way to accomplishing all of the tasks set for you" Loki explained "but what remains may be the most difficult yet. A significant portion of this world is still filled with hate and envy. They will not be easily persuaded even with this gift and without it we fear it would be impossible. It is but another weapon in your arsenal. Use it well." With that said, they were gone in an instant.

We discussed the problem through the night and by morning it was decided that we'd have to mend some fences. We would do it on our terms, however. The UN would have to become what it was intended to be for this to work.

Three months before the election Rhonda called the Secretary General and set up a date for me to give an address. They had been even more ineffective since most of their teeth had been pulled and he was very receptive. He tried in vain to pry any information out of her but Rhonda was a lot smarter than he was.

A few more calls were made and it was arranged for Alex, Chen, Wilhelm, Hogo (now the Prime Minister of Japan) and Nigel (the same in Great Britain) to be there. All of them except Chen were given the whole story and agreed with our plan.

What we planned was one last attempt to get those nations with dictators who still clung tenaciously to power at the expense of the general population. There were quite a few holdouts of this type who needed to be dealt with both in Africa and the Middle East.

During the address, we offered to help any country who met our criteria become self-sufficient.

These conditions were as follows:

Each citizen was to have equal rights. No country that discriminated in any way against women or minorities would be assisted.

A country must have a legitimate government in order to qualify. No dictators or usurpers would receive aid.

Any corruption or graft would cause assistance to cease immediately.

War without a just cause would disqualify any participating member.

Any nation sponsoring terrorism would be excluded automatically.

I thought the place would never settle down but finally, it did. I explained that this aid was not free. The conditions we had listed were payment and the UN would oversee implementation.

We had phrased the second condition carefully in order to include hereditary rulers but exclude those who had seized power from the rightful leaders. Officials were invited from nations who were interested to see the results first-hand.

If many of them hadn't been so corrupt, it would have went much smoother. That was not the case. Most of the countries controlled by tyrants refused to come because of our conditions. We couldn't allow aid to them since it would only permit them to become wealthier. The people would still starve.

We were at a loss as to what to do about it. After struggling with every idea under the sun for a month the solutions to the dilemma presented themselves at our door.

The opposition to several of the dictators of the nations in Africa had heard about our offer and sent representatives of their own. They had managed to infiltrate governments to obtain information but had been unable to attempt a takeover because the dictators controlled all weapons and the military.

Funds weren't available to buy what they needed on the black market so they were at a standstill. Frustrated while people died as the corrupt rulers increased their wealth on the aid that never made it to the population who needed it, they practically begged for whatever help we could provide.

As far as we could tell, it wasn't enough. If they managed to topple the dictator in power another general who controlled the military would simply step in and it would be more of the same.

Angel had the only practical idea and it was a long shot. We would help them stockpile weapons (both offensive and defensive) in the desert along with provisions and the capability to produce fresh water. What forces they had would trickle in to the area and construct defensive positions. They would then wait for the dictator to attack them.

By forcing the confrontation they could get the forces into the open and spring a trap. The weapons we had developed could accomplish this much. They were also warned that if it worked and things didn't change, we would make them cease to function.

The same thing would happen if they attacked their neighbors. If it did work we promised to provide agriculture and technology assistance that could make the continent self-sustaining within ten years.

No problem such as that was anticipated, however. Twelve of the leaders were "Retreads". They had been damn good at hiding. They had to be because if they weren't they would have died. All were leaders in the resistance movement.

We started smuggling untraceable weapons and creating the caches as stealthily as possible in hopes of delaying any confrontation until after the election. It worked in every case except Myanmar.

I guess Chen was a bit overzealous. He first smuggled Suu Kyi and her closest friends out of the country before issuing an ultimatum to the military government to abdicate or face invasion. They didn't choose the easy way but it was a mistake.

The population wasn't on their side and at first sight of Chinese troops almost every member of the Myanmar armed forces laid down their arms and surrendered. The war lasted less than a week and solved one nagging problem.

The election went pretty much as we had hoped and we even picked up some seats that we hadn't thought we could. A week later all Hel broke loose on the African continent. Most of the warlords there did not need, nor did they have, a well equipped army.

In most cases it consisted of a ragtag bunch of undisciplined slobs carrying AK 47's and RPG's. The rare helicopter or tank was taken care of at a distance by us. There were a few heated battles but in most cases the army was stunned when they were surrounded and facing superior weaponry.

Most of them surrendered on the spot. I wouldn't have wanted to be in the warlords shoes. Years of abuse and forced starvation had built up a lot of anger. Justice wasn't pretty but the results of the effort were. In less than a year, the whole of Africa was comprised of newly elected democratic governments who were very grateful to America. The one glaring exception was Sudan.

A large percentage of the male population had already been eliminated in the Darfur region either by government or militia troops and the remaining men were either too scared or stubborn to move. Luckily, we were prepared for this occurrence.

The day after we took office after the 2000 election our promise to the military had been put into action. Units were recalled from Europe and Japan and joined existing forces at bases built in the southwest for re-equipment and training.

The new structure called for companies of thirty people (women could now volunteer for combat assignment) divided into squads of five members. Each was equipped with the new lightweight ceramic body armor. This protection was like something out of a sci-fi movie though. It completely enclosed the wearer and was climate controlled. They looked more like the old "transformer" toys come to life than they did soldiers.

Weapons had changed as well. The standard issue armament was now lasers, both rifle and sidearm. Each needed a new power source after 1500 hours of use. The power pack was roughly the size of a "C" battery and weighed even less. Tanks, APC's and the "MUTT'S" all had the new armor and were fusion powered as well. All could go 5,000 miles or more without changing the power cell.

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Raven's AdventureThey were clearing the city in a Custom Sprinter Van with 6 Captain's Seats, entertainment center, seat table's, floor space and their camping gear. If needed they could sleep inside. Damon drove with Wade at his side, Raven and the boys sat in the rear facing each other chatting. She wore comfortable travel ware, an off white, cotton, T Shirt dress over a white bra and sheer Smoke Gray Thong panties, her cock and balls showed through their transparency. Raven sat giving...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirl BondageChapter 4

"And this is our athletic department," the principal announced to the group of parents. "Coach Jack Robinson here's been training our football team for the past three years and, I'm proud to say, doing a fine job of it." Betty Davis, Annette's mother, looked shyly at the six-foot, handsome, blond coach. He looked, she thought, like something straight from a Hitler's Youth Group. Only when she realized he was returning her stare did Betty drop her eyes. "And that, ladies and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Abby Lee Brazil DP Threesome

Abby Lee Brazil, a slender, tattooed Latina with brown eyes and natural tits, sways and teases poolside in skimpy lingerie. Inside, she finds pro studs Ramon Nomar and Mick Blue ready to ravish her in a threesome. Abby kneels amid their boners for a double blowjob, and a metal butt plug stretches her tight sphincter. As she sucks one cock, the other fucks her pussy. Abby smacks her face with Ramon’s meat as Mick buttfucks her. The guys trade places, and she gives Mick ass-to-mouth head....

3 years ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 8

I sat on my bed curled up on my bed holding my blanket tightly against me. I flinched when Suki sat on my bed next to me and reached a hand out to me. She pulled away from me, ran her hand over the juices I sprayed onto her body and said, “Out of all the things that have surprised me about you today, I think you squirting like that is at the top. Which is crazy considering you just admitted to fucking around with our dear old Grandfather all summer.” Then Suki licked her hand clean of my...

1 year ago
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BBC what does it mean

For a couple of weeks it became a nightly ritual. Both girls would engage in mutual masturbation. One night, in the height of ecstasy, the door opened. “What are you girls doing?” demanded Sister Maria. She had caught them in bed together, naked and enjoying each other. “Chelsea, get out of bed and pack your stuff. I am moving you” demanded Sister Maria. Chelsea quickly packed all her clothes and followed Sister Maria down the hall. “You will go into that room and take a shower” she was told....

4 years ago
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Anal Plug at My Command

As customary, she was ordered to shower and clean herself thoroughly. She was also to shave herself smooth and position ass up for me after the shower was over. There, I would inspect her pussy and finish shaving her ass hole. I'll admit I wasn't able to do a perfect job, but cleaned it up as much as I could. I've already asked her about a special treat for me in the future of a full waxing. Once approved for the evening, I had an outfit picked out that she dressed in along with fixing...

2 years ago
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Porn movie

It was a small bedroom lit with a dim bulb. The crew stood around the bed and placed the lights at their needed positions. The hero of the movie was a young boy of 23 and he was sitting in a corner. The director was anxious to shoot the film as soon as possible. He is having some commitment with his clients in distributing the movie as soon as possible, to make some good money. Apart from the light boy, cameraman, assistant director and director no one else was allowed inside the room. The...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Kenzie Reaves Snitching Bitch Broken

Young blonde teen slut Kenzie Reaves is relaxing at home when she receives a call from a Creeper threatening to get back at her. She doesn’t take it seriously and jokes that he shoould come and fuck her. Only when he calls her by name and tells her to check the kitchen does she realize the trouble she’s in. In the kitchen, he quickly overpowers her. He ties her hands behind her back and throws her on to a bed. Soon she is choking on his big white dick. He savagely teases her wet...

1 year ago
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Caught and the Consequences Part 2

Part 2   While sitting there I went through the usual stages, despair that I had been caught, fright as to what would happen next, would she still want me as her husband or was this going to be a third divorce, and that made me feel very sad as it suddenly dawned on me how much I loved her and I quietly resolved to do anything I could to save my marriage.   It also made me realise that our relationship was already a sub/Domme one, in subtle ways I had not even thought about before, I...

3 years ago
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Third Times the CharmChapter 3

“Mike didn’t think you’d want the family to know you were coming,” she explained. “If he took the day off to be here, your father would have known. He didn’t think you’d want to risk the welcoming committee.” “I would have thought my Christmas presents told them where they stood,” I said. I’d sent a package of particularly nasty Christmas presents home. There was an ice-pack for my father with a note that said it should help with the swelling in his balls and a dildo for my mother,...

3 years ago
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Facing down during the whole night Second Part

I felt the guy between my thighs and the sound of a zipper indicated he was stripping off his trousers. He leaned onto my body and I could sense his hardened cock rubbing my exposed buttocks.I struggled to move my body; but the bastard pushed my hips down with a hand and held me in position. He licked my ear, whispering;“Hi, babe… hope you remember me. I was the one who fucked your wet tight married cunt when you were passed out…”I shuddered when he laughed and added: “Now I am going to take...

3 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 8

Over the next couple of weeks their routines of family life settled into a pattern. They scheduled for their sleep training to make continuous use of the pod’s unit as well as visits to the ship’s trainers. They ate in the canteen usually once or twice a day to meet with other families. They played interactive games suitable for the age groups in the pod, joined group activities outside and visited the gymnasium for exercise. Their nanites kept them trim but the activity helped prevent...

3 years ago
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BSC03 Naked Surprises at BSCChapter 6 Angelas Urge

The pizza and beer soon exacted its toll. The afternoon’s antics had sapped a lot of energy and before long there were seven nude bodies all face up on the floor and snoring their heads off. A little set of French Doors opened out from the Bungalow onto a beautiful, warm Californian evening. The sun had gone and a silvery moon now looked down on two cocks, five vaginas and ten tits all in a neat little row. Angela was lying on her back between Becky and Danny. As she drifted off to sleep she...

3 years ago
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A surprise at the party Part 2

In part one of this story I've told the tale of how I met Tanya. A party at my friend's house, in which we were introduced with no pretext. A few drinks and a slow dance later, We were running up to find a bedroom, like a high school couple in a college party. An hour more went by and we were standing together in the shower after an unusual, yet very pleasurable sexual encounter. She was tall, beautiful, and had soft East-European facial features I just couldn't resist.As we were standing in...

3 years ago
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Albert and me part 2

The chill of the bedroom was a stark contrast of the warmth of the sitting room and I felt my naked breasts tighten and my nipples swell. I placed myself on the side of the bed, Albert standing in front of me and reached up to run my hands over his upper body. Like mine his nipples were erect and he shuddered gently as my fingers lightly circled them, leaving goosebump trails on his torso. His hand cupped my chin softly as he raised it to look at him, smiling eyes taking in all my...

3 years ago
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Teaching Svetlana

I grew up with the start of the baby boom. I graduated from high school in 1964. I went to war in Vietnam. When I was done I went back to college to get my degree in Electronics and Computer Science. This made me a little older than my classmates, but also gave me an edge. I knew what I wanted and knew what had to be done to get it. My class was made from all types of people. Most of them were the first of their family to go to college and were overwhelmed by it.One of the members was a 20 year...

First Time
3 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 7

With her head restrained, Lisa could not see what was going on, but she could hear. And what she heard was not good. Moments before, she would have thought nothing could make this any worse but then she heard Josh say her daughter’s name. “What’s happening? Chloe! Is that you? CHLOE?!” Struggling against her restraints, Lisa felt someone tug at one of the straps around her head. Her head was being released. Lisa’s new freedom would come at a cost though, as what she saw sickened her. Her...

3 years ago
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Rocky And Me

ROCKY AND ME BY JANICE My name is Mathew, I am fifteen and a cross dresser, I have an older sister, Joyce, by 2 years, which should tell you why I cross dress, Joyce knows but neither of my parents know I cross dress, at least I don't think they do. It was supposed to be one of those weekends when I had the entire house to myself as Karol, my name when dressing up. My sister, Joyce, had gotten a new dress a few weeks ago that I was dying to wear but we had a pact, I could wear...

2 years ago
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I think about meeting a dark, wild woman at a bar or a club. There is an immediate visceral attraction between us. We don't immediately succumb to it, however. We're both smart willful people and the control we have to exert makes the anticipation of what we both know is inevitable that much sweeter. We engage in that kind of masked erotic fencing people do in that kind of situation; looking at each other over the rims of our glasses, both getting somewhat buzzed, slowly losing the few...

4 years ago
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Gloryholes and hot cum

I was young when I first started to think about what it would feel like to have another mans hot cock in my mouth. I used to fuck around with this guy all the time at his parents house. They would be sleeping upstairs meanwhile we were 69ing on the queen cot down stairs. I would sleep on the floor and I laid in wait for a quick tug of my shirt, just to raise up and stuff this thick monster in my throat......soon it turned into me fucking him up his ass. Which felt amazing sinking my hot...

4 years ago
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Durango Bootie

My girlfriend Laura and I have been together now for almost three years. Laura is a tall, very voluptuous blonde. She has a great body with the nicest tits I have ever had the pleasure of sucking on. Besides her body she also has a beautiful face that immediately attracted me to her. Last night Laura and I went to our favorite bar in Durango and caught ourselves a nice buzz. Laura had dressed herself up in a very sexy, figure-hugging outfit, a short, tight, black skirt and a beautiful,...

1 year ago
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The Big Bang Theory

Toby Reichard Six foot seven; he stands above everyone around him. Two hundred fifteen pounds of pure muscle he could lift all of them people too. Blonde, short curly hair and blue eyes compliment his masculine figure. Arrogant and ignorant and always looking for trouble, he often finds himself living on the edge of life and death, but miraculously, always seems to walk out of his mischief unscathed. * Ramsey Armstrong He is five foot eight, perfect height for his king size bed and one...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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When Me And My Cousin Deepti Got Close 8211 Part 3

Hello all, this is Danish again with another story about a hot fuck with my cousin. I must first thank all of you for the overwhelming response to my earlier story. Many readers have been mailing me for the next part of the story. But I could not complete the story earlier due to lack of time. For those who do not have the background of the story, please read the earlier parts to enjoy this one. When I woke the next morning, Deepti was not in the room. She had already gone out to take care of...

4 years ago
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The Neighbor

I just moved in to my new apartment downtown. A few months ago I finally divorced my bitch of a wife and I was a free man and it felt good. I decided to move out here in the city and put the past way behind me. The movers were done moving in the rest of my things and it was up to me to open the boxes and put everything in their proper place. By the evening I was halfway through except for my bed which I didn’t have time to put back together. Then the doorbell buzzed. The first ring all day...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Amilian Kush 01022017

Amilian Kush and her hubby-to-be have just moved into their new home, and for the past week have been renovating the entire place. New floors. New paint. And repairs galore! It’s a “fixer-upper”, and that’s what they’ve been doing. While her finace is at work, Amilian’s been supervising the 2-man work crew. They’re great, and Amilian’s developed a crush on the two. She’s also concerned, just like anyone who’s about to marry would be:...

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The village

This village was controlled by the men. The women were used to bare c***dren and service the men. The more c***dren a man produced the higher he ranked in the village. As soon as the daughters were of age to breed they were readied and matched with a man. The women were fucked every night and some times during the day to make them pregnant. They wore only a thin dress that tied in the front and nothing else so the men could get to them fast if they wanted to fuck them. It was common for the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Vanessa Veracruz Cassidy Klein Alix Lynx Kendra James Yoga Camp

Cassidy Klein has a big problem: she can’t stop thinking about Kendra James, her super hot yoga instructor. Her friends, Vanessa Veracruz and Alix Lynx have a naughty idea: Acro yoga! Looking super sexy in their tight outfits, they explain to Cassidy that Acro yoga allows you to touch and be close to each other. This way she’ll have no problem seducing her sexy teacher. Cassidy suggests they book a group class so they can all go together. She makes the call and with the class...

4 years ago
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The nightclub encounter

I wasn't trying to find a girlfriend, merely a conquest, a girl to have my way with and leave. Boy did I find one. I wouldn't say I was a jack the lad, I wasn't on the football team or the rugby team, hell I wasn't even sporty, I just had good genetics. I was tall and broad, with a full beard and short brown hair, and money, it always helped to buy a girl a drink no matter what you looked like. So there I was, standing at the bar surveying the scene, beer in hand, bobbing my head...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 9 Amanda GriggsChapter 8

In one sense, things didn’t go all that well that night. Bobby got there to find Amanda frazzled and upset. It had been long enough since she had cooked a full meal that she was a little rusty in the kitchen department, and things weren’t going like she had envisioned them. She met Bobby at the door but, because what was on the stove needed constant watching, her introduction of Bobby to her father was hurried. “I’ll just leave you two to get acquainted,” she said, her mind obviously...

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