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My heartfelt gratitude goes to my editor, Keith S.

I picked up my wet chin and smiled at her, watching her shiver a little as an aftershock ran through her frame. Licking the last few drops of her sweet taste, I smoothed her pubic hair with my hand and rested my chin on the back of my knuckles as I looked into her eyes. My other hand was under her, holding a cheek of her beautiful butt. This was our first time together and I was determined that she enjoy it. We'd met in a supermarket, of all places...

She liked veggies, at least that was what her cart told me. I'd gone to shop for groceries after work and spotted her in the aisle, my eyes drawn to her like a magnet. She wore hip-hugger shorts and a skimpy top, with sandals on her feet. The picture was too nice to not want a second glimpse; hair to the middle of her back and that bare tummy, mmmmm! I followed from a distance, thinking she looked like Natalie Wood, but fragile and sad. I counted the vertebrae in her spine and thought of caressing her ribcage beneath her shirt. As she walked toward me I saw she had smallish breasts (my favorite!) and no bra. The dark brown points of her nipples were making little tents in her shirt. I smiled as I walked by and got a small smile in return. Nothing more than politeness to a stranger, but progress nevertheless. My height, about 5-10, and lighter than my 145 pounds, she was a vision in white. As I checked out, I resolved to come back often and try to strike up a conversation with her.

Two days later I shopped again and didn't see her. I wondered if I was being foolish about my fascination with her. I began going to the store every day about the same time, picking up a few things and wandering the aisles in search of her. Some days I managed to catch a glimpse of her at the end of an aisle, other times I'd walk right by and smile, checking out her costume of the day. She wore mostly shorts and tops, and once a short skirt that revealed her upper thigh as she bent to take something from a lower shelf. I kept telling myself that being consumed by this obsession was no good for me, but I couldn't not go and seek her out.

My chance came two weeks after my first sighting. I left the store and saw her in the parking lot near a car with the hood up, peering into the engine compartment with disgust.

I walked up and said, "Hi, need some help?"

"Goddamn thing won't start," she said, frowning.

I knew a little about cars and asked, "You want me to try?"

"Go ahead," she said, as she put her groceries onto the front seat.

I looked and the problem was fairly obvious: a loose battery cable. Grabbing a pair of pliers from my Jeep, I twisted it off and cleaned it while she watched.

Re-installing it and locking the nut, I said, "Try it now."

The engine caught and purred immediately, causing her to smile. With white even teeth, a cute face and soft-looking lips, she was even prettier than I'd imagined.

"Thank you!" she gushed, "What do I owe you?"

"A cup of coffee sometime," I replied, tucking the pliers in my back pocket.

"That's no problem!" she said. "I've got to go now, but how about tomorrow at noon?"

"Sure," I replied, touching her arm. "See you then."

The next day I appeared early, not wanting to chance missing her. I dressed for the occasion, choosing sandals and denim shorts, with my shirt-tails knotted under my breasts. A little perfume in my modest cleavage added some scent to the air as I waited under the awning, smoking a cigarette. She pulled into the lot slowly, looking around. I waved and her face lit up as she spotted me and drove to the curb.

"Hi," she said. "Where do you want to go?"

I knew she meant for coffee, but I couldn't help but think 'anywhere you are, darling girl.' I hoped she was younger than me, I hoped she would like me.

I hoped a myriad things in the few seconds it took to get in her car and say, "There's a nice place in the next block."

She nodded and drove away, concentrating on the traffic. I pointed out the sign and she slowed, pulling to the curb and parking right in front. We sat at a table outside under an umbrella and ordered two coffees from the prompt waitress.

As we waited for our cups to arrive I asked, "You new to the neighborhood?"

"Yeah, kinda, been here a couple months... I may not stay though," she frowned.

I could tell she was preoccupied and didn't press, but it was time she knew my name. I wanted to see what it sounded like coming from her mouth.

"I'm Bree," I said.

"Hello, Bree. I'm Ashlee Alexander. Two e's, from Ames, Iowa," she said.

"You look like a healthy girl. Were you raised on a farm?" I asked.

"Nope, in town, but close enough to smell the corn!" she giggled.

"Where do you work?" I asked.

"I don't right now; that's one of the reasons I may have to go back soon," she said.

In answer to my unspoken question she said, "It's a long story."

I took a sip of coffee and said, "We've got as long as you want."

Hesitant, shy and often embarrassed, she told of the circumstances that had brought her to the suburbs of Chicago. Her boyfriend of three years had gotten her pregnant a month from graduation, then disappeared as soon as he was told. Her father threw her out of the house and she miscarried at four months while living with friends. Her mother was the one who was sympathetic and had given her the money to go away and make a fresh start.

She wiped her eyes as she finished the tale and said, "I guess I made a mess of things."

I knew from past experience that her self-esteem was at an all-time low, her wallet was almost empty, and she was desperate. Facing her parents again was the last thing on earth she wanted.

She roused my maternal instincts and I said, "If you had a job you'd be ok for a while?"

She nodded yes and I sat silently thinking. They always needed people where I worked; maybe I could ask a favor of a few people and get her on. That wouldn't guarantee my relationship with her, but it would be a start. I told her that I'd check a few things and let her know. She smiled gratefully and we spent the next hour or so talking about girl stuff, while I stole glances at her legs or breasts whenever I could. She left me sitting there, happy and grateful I'd had the chance to talk with her. I thought she might be the one I'd been searching for, a soul mate for me. I was tired of spending time alone, and maybe she felt the same way.

I spoke with Personnel and they said to have her come in right away. I called her and told her to come down to the plant, giving her directions. I didn't see her, but when I got home there was a message on my machine that was happy and excited.

"They hired me! I'm supposed to be a packer. Do you know what that is? Call me right away, please?"

I showered, savoring the moment, and relaxed on the couch as I picked up the phone to call. I told her what a packer was and how to dress for it, explaining what I knew. I suggested dinner to celebrate and she hesitated long enough to tell me she didn't have enough money.

"I'll buy," I said, and she agreed to meet me. I knew of a small Italian place that was perfect and said, "I'll pick you up about 7 o'clock."

We met in the parking lot of the market and she climbed into the Jeep, smiling and saying "Thank you!" over and over.

She was wearing a tan dress with heels and had her hair piled up, the loose curls dangling here and there around her face. My sundress looked mousy by comparison. We ate, getting giggly with the wine, and I learned she was 19. That was perfect for my 23, and I was further encouraged by her openness and obvious delight at being with me. Her scent was intoxicating, much more so than the wine, and she wasn't wearing a bra. When she would lean over the table to whisper, the edges of her small mounds captured my eyes and wouldn't let go. I knew that if I pushed her I might be able to get her into my bed and suck her dry, but that would eliminate any chance for a long term relationship. I decided to bide my time and court her the old-fashioned way, and let the end result be her decision. I was sick and tired of one-night stands and morning recriminations.

I took her to her car, got her address and gave her mine, then promised to look in on her the next day at work. A light kiss on my cheek and thanks for the dinner were enough. Later that night in my bed I pinched my nipples and rubbed my clit, fantasizing the hands were hers.

Over the next few days we ate lunch together and talked, and, to my surprise, I confided some things to her that I thought were for ever buried, including some of my experiences with men and other private things.

One Friday I asked her, "What are you doing for the weekend?"

"Nothing much," she replied.

"Do you want to go to the quarries with me? We can sunbathe and get wet if we want."

"Is it private?" she asked.

"Mostly; there might be a few others there though," I replied.

"Do I have to bring a suit?" she asked.

"Not if you don't want to," I replied, surprised she would ask.

She'd always impressed me as a private person. I had no qualms about nudity, but I had believed that girls from the Bible Belt were taught extreme modesty from about age 2 on. Live and learn, I thought.

I picked her up Saturday morning at her apartment, a 4th floor walkup in Tinley Park, and headed for Round Lake, some 50 miles north. We chatted as I drove, with me glancing from time to time at her smooth legs. Dressed as she was in shorts and a halter top with her hair loose and blowing in the wind, I thought we looked like Thelma and Louise.

I found the turnoff and shifted into 4-wheel drive to negotiate the ruts, bouncing and tilting as we drove the narrow path to the parking area. Three other cars were parked there, but I couldn't hear any voices. I knew there were hundreds of places around where we could go and not be seen. Gathering our things we walked through the trees toward the water. A few minutes later, we came out and looked at the expanse of the main pool.

"Oh God, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed.

She started to strip and I said, "Not here, silly. Anyone who comes can see us!"

I led her toward my favorite spot, halfway down the left side where the rocks tilted almost flat. We climbed down to the water and dipped a toe, finding it cool but not cold. I liked this spot: it afforded some privacy because the rocks on the sides sheltered us from any view except directly in front.

"Now it's ok," I said, laughing and taking off my clothes.

I had a suit on under my shorts, but if she was going to fulfill her desire to be nude, I was going to join her. She spread a blanket and stood on it, kicking her sandals off and pulling her shorts down. Her bare butt and some of her pubic hair was visible as she bent over and my insides twitched, releasing some wetness between my legs. Her shirt followed quickly and her breasts were revealed as the marvels they were, small and far apart on her chest. The nipples crinkled in the soft breeze, giving me the indication they were sensitive to touch. She folded her clothes neatly and piled them on her shoes, sitting on the blanket and digging in her bag. I opened the cooler and got us a beer, then put mine down to finish taking off my clothes.

"You wore a suit!" she exclaimed, oiling her arms.

"Yeah, you never know how many people are going to be here," I said.

I thought her gaze lingered overlong at my body. I'm blond all over and the hair doesn't hide much. Whatever I'd leaked had gone into the crotch of the suit so I was safe for now, but who knew what the next few hours would bring?

We spread some oil on each other, and I was secretly thrilled that I was touching her. I got comfortable on my back and lit a cigarette, turning on the portable with the volume low. I was where I wanted to be, with the person I wanted to be with, doing what I wanted to do at last, the old feelings of being disconnected gone.

She stood and went to the water's edge, splashing her face and arms to cool herself, giving me the view of a lifetime. The gap between her legs was wide and filled with fur. I couldn't see her sex but the rest of her was in plain sight and I leaked again.

"If you see anyone coming, just duck back up here and they can't see you," I said.

"Shit, who'd want to look anyway?" she said, looking down at her body.

"You don't know, do you?" I asked.

"What?" she replied.

"You turn heads wherever you go, even the supermarket," I laughed.

She really was unconscious of her beauty, or dismissive of it as not worthy. I was entranced as she stood there, the only remnants of her pregnancy two small stretch marks on either side of her belly. Her breasts stood out firmly, the nipples protruding, making my mouth water. Taking a sip of my beer I calmed myself, repeating 'patience' to myself several times. I hated the man who had done this to her, taken advantage of her innocence and then left her to fend for herself. She was coping with it, but how much better would her life have been if it had never happened? I had high hopes of making her future better.

The high point of the afternoon was when she and I lay close and she whispered, "Thanks for inviting me. I'm having fun."

Her small hands rubbed oil into my back and butt, surprisingly strong. She didn't seem to have any inhibitions about touching me in such a private spot, and I had to admit it felt very good. When I rolled over she continued, rubbing my breasts and giggling when the nipples reacted.

"Ooops, sorry," she blushed.

"Doesn't matter, go ahead," I whispered.

Being touched that way was making me very wet and I hoped she wouldn't notice. I tried to relax as her hands smoothed the oil on my skin, enjoying the tingles everywhere. She finished my legs and feet, not once touching my puss but arousing me to a fever pitch. I lay there as long as I could, then got up and dove into the water, swimming out toward the middle. I had to cool off or do something I might regret later. As I sat on a submerged stone, it didn't take long to get myself off and relieve some of the sexual tension. She joined me after a few minutes, somehow knowing I needed the space from her.

"This is great!" she smiled, pulling back her hair.

I reached to dunk her off the rock and she ducked, diving away and swimming underwater a few yards away. I could see her body as she swam, lithe and strong, perfectly shaped and supple.

She surfaced and laughed at me, "You gotta be quicker than that!"

I returned to our spot and opened another beer, watching her dry off.

"Can we come here every weekend?" she asked quietly.

"Sure, if you want," I said.

"I like being with you in private. I mean just you and me," she said, blushing lightly.

"Mmm, me too," I smiled.

My radar went on full alert! Was that a hint, a suggestion, an advance, what? Or was she being pleasant and polite, and my touching her was out of the question?

I soaked in some heat, listened half-heartedly to the radio and closed my eyes. I was content with her presence and the sound of her breathing nearby. We heard noises and sat up, watching as a dozen or so high school kids arrived at the water's edge. Grasping her hand I pulled her back out of sight, waiting for them to decide where they were going to party. Walking down the other side jumping rocks, they were headed for what passed as the beach, a long level spot further down. I relaxed and lay back down, happy we weren't going to be bothered. I felt her hand in mine as she gave me a little squeeze, settling in on her tummy to catch the sun.

An hour or so later she returned from a dip and asked, "Would you oil me?"

I accepted the bottle and she sprawled on her belly, legs apart, wriggling to get comfortable.

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Vanakam, enathu peyar Vikram, vayathu 22 naan kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Salem maavatathil vaazhnthu varugirom engalin veetil amma appa matrum anni irupaargal. Anniyin kanavan iranthu vittan athanaal aval engalin veetil thaan 2 varudangalaaga irukiraal. Enathu thanthai veli uuril vellai seithu varugiraar. Athanaal eppozhuthu veetirku varuvaaro appozhuthu ellam amma engaludan paduthu thungaamal avarin padukai araiyil thunguvaargal. Naanum anniyiin hallil paduthu uranguvom, anni enmeethu...

2 years ago
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Measurement of Jeans of Sexy Cousin

Sexy Cousin In Jeans….. Hi to all….I am Vineet ..the writer of Sexy cousin in frock 1 & 2,,Bhabi with smooth ass..Cousin and her mammi,In between the thighs….I must give my thanks to those who have mailed me back at and special thanks to ………… Well to start off with another incident in my life ,let me tell u that I am a handsome male with fair complexion with right amount of Black hairs on my chest,arms and thighs and with a special 9 inch tool with a big pink mushroom cock forehead.To tell in...

3 years ago
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Good Girl in Vegas

A Good Girl in Vegas By My-bi I am happily married to my high school sweetheart for 20 plus years. She was a virgin when we met, and has never been with anyone else. We have always enjoyed a busy, but conventional sex life. Unknown to my wife, I was bisexual, with a few experiences in which I sucked cock and was fucked by another man, while wearing panties. My professional life requires me to be tough, and competitive, and I wanted my sex life to include me in the role as the woman,...

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SixMile High Club chapter 5

"Come on Daddy, let's get some breakfast. We can go to my house and play all afternoon if you want. My mom won't be home until late this afternoon." She was OK. Michael didn't break her after all; Thank God. They went outside and he took his motorcycle out of the garage. She loved to ride behind him. She had told him several times that the vibration of the motorcycle made her pussy tingle. What a girl he thought. She looked so cute in her miniskirt and a motorcycle helmet, that he...

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Dyked Stoney Lynn Lexi Luna Fulfilling Her Femdom Fantasy

Stoney Lynn was in a bind for cash and was willing to do anything to get it. Her boyfriend recommended an unsavory option, but Stoney was incredibly desperate. She was sent to a big mansion where she met Lexi Luna. Within minutes of meeting her, Stoney was presented with a fat stack of cash and commanded to worship Lexi’s feet. Stoney followed instructions promptly, and before she knew it her tits were out and Stoney was getting DYKED hardcore style. Lexi then began to power finger her pussy...

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MommysGirl Aaliyah Love Tiffany Watson The Will Part Two

Aaliyah Love is back for vengeance, after learning that her dowager step-mom, Tiffany Watson is scheming her out of her Dad’s fortune, and making her a sex toy. As Tiffany holds the power and money of her late father, Aaliyah has no choice but to do as she says or everything in the Will goes to Tiffany. As Aaliyah licks her Mommy’s pussy, Tiffany easily confides the truth to Aaliyah about her short lived marriage to her father. Revealing that she ‘fucked him to death’...

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Between The HeartbeatsChapter 5B

Friday, 4 July 03 1530 EDT Chegwidden Residence McLean, VA "Who was on the phone, Papa?" Francesca asked as she donned her shoes, they weren't leaving for the party for at least another half hour, but she wanted to be ready on time rather than late. She looked at her handsome Papa, dressed in pressed tan khakis and a chocolate brown shirt that showed off his whisky colored eyes. "That was Harm." AJ walked back into the living room and replaced the receiver onto the base. "Harm? Do...

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Brotherly Love

Ryan Walsh was a thirty two year old man and his younger sister, Sylvia, was twenty nine. They'd always got a long but wound each other up so much sometimes like all brothers and sisters do.They both lived with their parents and were very close. They'd talk about their recent relationships and help each other out. They'd always help one another when they were in trouble.One evening Sylvia took a long hot bath and hummed to herself rubbing soap all over her body. Unknown to her that there was a...

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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 6

I came back into the bedroom to join my still naked lover.  I was trying to forget what my wife might be doing with her lover. “Are the others up?” Kat asked me. “Just Maggie, Simon’s still in bed.” “That sounds about right, he’s never in a hurry to get up if he doesn’t have to!” “Maggie’s just going back to him now.” “Are you okay with that?” “I’ve got you to come back to, if that’s alright with you.” Kat opened her arms wide and let the sheet fall to expose her breasts.  She looked at me and...

Wife Lovers
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Cuckold Fantasies

I'm hard again thinking about my dream last night!.......You told me you were going out with the girls for dinner and I was staying in again!!You came downstairs from getting ready, looking amazing as always, perfect dress with your black heels, hair and make up to perfection, I feel suspicious but I love the rush of blood that I always feel when I think your doing something you dont want me to know about! We say goodbye and that you wont be late, but I can tell by the smile you cant supress...

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SheLovesBlack Kimmy Kimm Writing a Sex Script with Tiny Asian

Petite Asian babe, Kimmy Kimm, barges into her friend’s house to hang out with her. Unfortunately, her friend is not at home to play with her. Kimmy is quite a curious girl. She sees you doing some work on your MacBook and wants to know what you are doing. The beautiful hottie with small tits has no problem helping you out in writing an erotic story. The naughty slut can’t help but feel wet and horny as she visualizes the scenes you have written so far. Not able to control her lust...

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Will You Marry Me Or Jerk Me Off Thats Fine Too

Sweat dribbled down from my neck onto the collar of my light blue dress shirt. I was nervous to meet my future fiance’s parents for the first time. Her Dad had connections and he managed to get us floor seats to the L.A. Barracudas that night. It was a big game for the Barracudas, but an even bigger game for me. Tonight was the night I would ask Elle to marry me My girlfriend Elle and I met her parents at the front gate very late in the game. The game had already begun so we scooted through the...

Quickie Sex
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Adventures of Mary Webb

My name is Mary Webb, and I have been around, let me tell you. I love men and women both. I guess you can say I am a 'free spirit'. Let me describe myself to you. I am 38 yrs. old with shoulder length dark brown hair and dark almond shaped eyes. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 118 lbs. My figure is 38-24-36. I just love to wear short miniskirts with black seamed thigh-high stockings, with no panties, just a garter belt. I also like to wear 5" heels with my outfit. I always...

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Grandpa Tucks Me In

Grandpa Tucks Me InChapter OneOne year, I went to spend my summer vacation with my grandparents. I hadn't seen much of them for years after they retired and moved away. So I wanted to be with them while I could, before I went away to college, or got a job or something. My clearest memory of that summer was discovering my awakening hormones. I remember one night touching myself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, Grandpa crept...

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Doctor Guitterrez

Doctor Guitterrez TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. ====================================================================== "Doctor's office," said the female phone attendant "Yes, Hello. Doctor Overberg suggested I set up an appointment with Doctor Baxter at his first...

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 1 Asraa

As the black Mercedes left the airport, situated on the outskirt of the city and took the road to reach other side of the city. The main road leaving the city towards north soon could fool anyone that it was leading into wilderness once countryside was finished. If one travelled another fifty-five 'slow drive' kilometres one would find a sign of a private farm 'Asraa' alongside another sign that indicated a food processing industrial base another five kilometres further. In between if one...

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Carolyn Chase moved easily through the crowd, stopping occasionally stopping to speak with one of the guests attending black tie gala in a downtown Washington, DC hotel! With her mane of long blonde hair, large voluptuous chest, huge fat bottom, and a pretty if not beautiful face, she caused more than one male head to turn that evening, and as usually the case at events like this one, several notes with phone numbers were surreptitiously slipped into her hand accompanied by a wink and a nod!...

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Babysitting Lucy

It was Bradley's very first job - babysitting Mrs. Braun's seven-year-old daughter, Lucy. Mrs. Braun had told Bradley's mom that she would need a babysitter on Saturday's for the rest of the summer as she took a teaching certificate class. I was going to be pretty easy money for the thirteen-year-old Bradley, taking care of a seven-year-old during the day and on a weekend too. He figured they could play most of the time. What a great way to make money, and Mrs. Braun was going to pay him...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 39 On Track

April 3, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Al, could I talk to you privately?” I asked when he offered me a drink. “Sure. Let me pour your bourbon and we’ll go into my study.” He poured a glass of bourbon for me and a glass of soda water with lemon for himself. We walked into his study and he shut the door behind us. He motioned toward a leather chair and I sat down. He sat in a matching chair and tipped his glass towards me to tell me to talk. “I’m worried about Jessica’s stress level,” I...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter VII

Chapter VII – Their Armchair (based on Love Diary No. 41 cover, Orbit-Wanted, circa 1949)I guess everyone has fantasies and fetishes, but how do you say about someone who wants to have sex in the armchair you just bought for your best friends because you felt envy of their ‘adventures’Me and Charlotte just found this beautiful and stylish armchair as a gift for Keith and Donna, which were to move to a new house. The armchair was so awesome and fittable that we resisted till the last urge to buy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 19 Sorting Things Out

January 9, 1989, Milwaukee, Wisconsin I’d run with Jacquelyn as usual, then after a shower and breakfast, I’d left home to drive north. I arrived in Milwaukee just before 9:00am, and also as usual, had tea with Mr. Bykov before going to see Chris to get my marching orders for the day, making sure I properly waddled into her office and gave the right greeting. “You seem like you’re in a better mood,” she said once we’d discussed the modifications and enhancements that she needed. “I am....

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The Third Wheel

It was our freshman year at (name removed) University. What? Oh, sorry ... I can't have anyone tracking this back to me because of what I did. I've changed our names, too. My new name will be ... umm ... Danielle. Yeah! Dani for short. I like being a Dani! My cousin ... umm ... damnit, coming up with names is hard ... Haley? Yes, my cousin HALEY and I were roommates, and newly arrived at the school. Our parents dropped us off, and after some quick goodbyes in the dorm lobby we pulled our...

2 years ago
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Wifes Fantasy

Would you like to have a couple to play with. She maybe masturbate in front of you with little touching teasing sex toy play while her big strong black african partner kneels behind you massaging your buttocks forcing your panties into your bum crack and the wetness of your soaking pussy. He would then slide them down just enough to run his tongue from your inner thighs to the base off your spine without touching your sex. She is kneeling on a bench in front of you, legs together pushing a...

Wife Lovers
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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 8

She came over to me and hugged me hard. Then she gave me a kiss that curled my toes. “I’ve missed you so much,” she moaned into my lips. “What about Danny?” I asked. He was a guy she’d mentioned in a phone call to Mom, who I’d heard Mom brief Dad on. “Danny?” She looked surprised. “He’s old news. I’m going with a guy named Paul, now.” “What about Paul?” I asked. “I like him, but he’s not you,” she said. “Get in bed. I can’t wait.” It wasn’t true she couldn’t wait. She waited long enough...

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SweetSinner Lisey Sweet Mother Exchange

Lisey offered to let her son’s best friend, Codey, move into her son’s old room. She needs some male presence to fill her house, and her loneliness. Of course her intentions aren’t entirely pure. Getting him in her house is one step closer to getting him into her pussy. His youthful energy fuels her libido. She wants to go on a sexual rampage starting with Codey. She doesn’t take things slow. She has gone without for too long. She pulls off her panties and sits on his face to get her pussy nice...

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Amia Miley

hello everybody like it says in my intro i'm from Seattle but lived the majority of my life in AZ. I was lucky enough to be friends withe the real Amia Miley back in high school. This is the story of when i was Amia's first back door experience......Amia was a sophmore and i was a senior; the big man on campus in more ways than one. At the time i was dating some slutty little cheerleader. a real SPINNER 5'4 80lbs i use to just rip that up. Well through the g**** vines the story of my member...

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This began simple enough but turned into a total fucked up mess with me in the middle and center of attention. Having been married a long time it's easy to become very definitive in your lifestyle. For years my wife would always bug me about tasting my own cum or dining on a cream pie. Weather she blew me and fed it to me or eat her out after I came in her pussy didn't make any difference to her, she just wanted to see me eat my cum. With a very emphatic "SORRY I don't go there" statement I...

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