- 3 years ago
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My heartfelt gratitude goes to my editor, Keith S.
I picked up my wet chin and smiled at her, watching her shiver a little as an aftershock ran through her frame. Licking the last few drops of her sweet taste, I smoothed her pubic hair with my hand and rested my chin on the back of my knuckles as I looked into her eyes. My other hand was under her, holding a cheek of her beautiful butt. This was our first time together and I was determined that she enjoy it. We'd met in a supermarket, of all places...
She liked veggies, at least that was what her cart told me. I'd gone to shop for groceries after work and spotted her in the aisle, my eyes drawn to her like a magnet. She wore hip-hugger shorts and a skimpy top, with sandals on her feet. The picture was too nice to not want a second glimpse; hair to the middle of her back and that bare tummy, mmmmm! I followed from a distance, thinking she looked like Natalie Wood, but fragile and sad. I counted the vertebrae in her spine and thought of caressing her ribcage beneath her shirt. As she walked toward me I saw she had smallish breasts (my favorite!) and no bra. The dark brown points of her nipples were making little tents in her shirt. I smiled as I walked by and got a small smile in return. Nothing more than politeness to a stranger, but progress nevertheless. My height, about 5-10, and lighter than my 145 pounds, she was a vision in white. As I checked out, I resolved to come back often and try to strike up a conversation with her.
Two days later I shopped again and didn't see her. I wondered if I was being foolish about my fascination with her. I began going to the store every day about the same time, picking up a few things and wandering the aisles in search of her. Some days I managed to catch a glimpse of her at the end of an aisle, other times I'd walk right by and smile, checking out her costume of the day. She wore mostly shorts and tops, and once a short skirt that revealed her upper thigh as she bent to take something from a lower shelf. I kept telling myself that being consumed by this obsession was no good for me, but I couldn't not go and seek her out.
My chance came two weeks after my first sighting. I left the store and saw her in the parking lot near a car with the hood up, peering into the engine compartment with disgust.
I walked up and said, "Hi, need some help?"
"Goddamn thing won't start," she said, frowning.
I knew a little about cars and asked, "You want me to try?"
"Go ahead," she said, as she put her groceries onto the front seat.
I looked and the problem was fairly obvious: a loose battery cable. Grabbing a pair of pliers from my Jeep, I twisted it off and cleaned it while she watched.
Re-installing it and locking the nut, I said, "Try it now."
The engine caught and purred immediately, causing her to smile. With white even teeth, a cute face and soft-looking lips, she was even prettier than I'd imagined.
"Thank you!" she gushed, "What do I owe you?"
"A cup of coffee sometime," I replied, tucking the pliers in my back pocket.
"That's no problem!" she said. "I've got to go now, but how about tomorrow at noon?"
"Sure," I replied, touching her arm. "See you then."
The next day I appeared early, not wanting to chance missing her. I dressed for the occasion, choosing sandals and denim shorts, with my shirt-tails knotted under my breasts. A little perfume in my modest cleavage added some scent to the air as I waited under the awning, smoking a cigarette. She pulled into the lot slowly, looking around. I waved and her face lit up as she spotted me and drove to the curb.
"Hi," she said. "Where do you want to go?"
I knew she meant for coffee, but I couldn't help but think 'anywhere you are, darling girl.' I hoped she was younger than me, I hoped she would like me.
I hoped a myriad things in the few seconds it took to get in her car and say, "There's a nice place in the next block."
She nodded and drove away, concentrating on the traffic. I pointed out the sign and she slowed, pulling to the curb and parking right in front. We sat at a table outside under an umbrella and ordered two coffees from the prompt waitress.
As we waited for our cups to arrive I asked, "You new to the neighborhood?"
"Yeah, kinda, been here a couple months... I may not stay though," she frowned.
I could tell she was preoccupied and didn't press, but it was time she knew my name. I wanted to see what it sounded like coming from her mouth.
"I'm Bree," I said.
"Hello, Bree. I'm Ashlee Alexander. Two e's, from Ames, Iowa," she said.
"You look like a healthy girl. Were you raised on a farm?" I asked.
"Nope, in town, but close enough to smell the corn!" she giggled.
"Where do you work?" I asked.
"I don't right now; that's one of the reasons I may have to go back soon," she said.
In answer to my unspoken question she said, "It's a long story."
I took a sip of coffee and said, "We've got as long as you want."
Hesitant, shy and often embarrassed, she told of the circumstances that had brought her to the suburbs of Chicago. Her boyfriend of three years had gotten her pregnant a month from graduation, then disappeared as soon as he was told. Her father threw her out of the house and she miscarried at four months while living with friends. Her mother was the one who was sympathetic and had given her the money to go away and make a fresh start.
She wiped her eyes as she finished the tale and said, "I guess I made a mess of things."
I knew from past experience that her self-esteem was at an all-time low, her wallet was almost empty, and she was desperate. Facing her parents again was the last thing on earth she wanted.
She roused my maternal instincts and I said, "If you had a job you'd be ok for a while?"
She nodded yes and I sat silently thinking. They always needed people where I worked; maybe I could ask a favor of a few people and get her on. That wouldn't guarantee my relationship with her, but it would be a start. I told her that I'd check a few things and let her know. She smiled gratefully and we spent the next hour or so talking about girl stuff, while I stole glances at her legs or breasts whenever I could. She left me sitting there, happy and grateful I'd had the chance to talk with her. I thought she might be the one I'd been searching for, a soul mate for me. I was tired of spending time alone, and maybe she felt the same way.
I spoke with Personnel and they said to have her come in right away. I called her and told her to come down to the plant, giving her directions. I didn't see her, but when I got home there was a message on my machine that was happy and excited.
"They hired me! I'm supposed to be a packer. Do you know what that is? Call me right away, please?"
I showered, savoring the moment, and relaxed on the couch as I picked up the phone to call. I told her what a packer was and how to dress for it, explaining what I knew. I suggested dinner to celebrate and she hesitated long enough to tell me she didn't have enough money.
"I'll buy," I said, and she agreed to meet me. I knew of a small Italian place that was perfect and said, "I'll pick you up about 7 o'clock."
We met in the parking lot of the market and she climbed into the Jeep, smiling and saying "Thank you!" over and over.
She was wearing a tan dress with heels and had her hair piled up, the loose curls dangling here and there around her face. My sundress looked mousy by comparison. We ate, getting giggly with the wine, and I learned she was 19. That was perfect for my 23, and I was further encouraged by her openness and obvious delight at being with me. Her scent was intoxicating, much more so than the wine, and she wasn't wearing a bra. When she would lean over the table to whisper, the edges of her small mounds captured my eyes and wouldn't let go. I knew that if I pushed her I might be able to get her into my bed and suck her dry, but that would eliminate any chance for a long term relationship. I decided to bide my time and court her the old-fashioned way, and let the end result be her decision. I was sick and tired of one-night stands and morning recriminations.
I took her to her car, got her address and gave her mine, then promised to look in on her the next day at work. A light kiss on my cheek and thanks for the dinner were enough. Later that night in my bed I pinched my nipples and rubbed my clit, fantasizing the hands were hers.
Over the next few days we ate lunch together and talked, and, to my surprise, I confided some things to her that I thought were for ever buried, including some of my experiences with men and other private things.
One Friday I asked her, "What are you doing for the weekend?"
"Nothing much," she replied.
"Do you want to go to the quarries with me? We can sunbathe and get wet if we want."
"Is it private?" she asked.
"Mostly; there might be a few others there though," I replied.
"Do I have to bring a suit?" she asked.
"Not if you don't want to," I replied, surprised she would ask.
She'd always impressed me as a private person. I had no qualms about nudity, but I had believed that girls from the Bible Belt were taught extreme modesty from about age 2 on. Live and learn, I thought.
I picked her up Saturday morning at her apartment, a 4th floor walkup in Tinley Park, and headed for Round Lake, some 50 miles north. We chatted as I drove, with me glancing from time to time at her smooth legs. Dressed as she was in shorts and a halter top with her hair loose and blowing in the wind, I thought we looked like Thelma and Louise.
I found the turnoff and shifted into 4-wheel drive to negotiate the ruts, bouncing and tilting as we drove the narrow path to the parking area. Three other cars were parked there, but I couldn't hear any voices. I knew there were hundreds of places around where we could go and not be seen. Gathering our things we walked through the trees toward the water. A few minutes later, we came out and looked at the expanse of the main pool.
"Oh God, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed.
She started to strip and I said, "Not here, silly. Anyone who comes can see us!"
I led her toward my favorite spot, halfway down the left side where the rocks tilted almost flat. We climbed down to the water and dipped a toe, finding it cool but not cold. I liked this spot: it afforded some privacy because the rocks on the sides sheltered us from any view except directly in front.
"Now it's ok," I said, laughing and taking off my clothes.
I had a suit on under my shorts, but if she was going to fulfill her desire to be nude, I was going to join her. She spread a blanket and stood on it, kicking her sandals off and pulling her shorts down. Her bare butt and some of her pubic hair was visible as she bent over and my insides twitched, releasing some wetness between my legs. Her shirt followed quickly and her breasts were revealed as the marvels they were, small and far apart on her chest. The nipples crinkled in the soft breeze, giving me the indication they were sensitive to touch. She folded her clothes neatly and piled them on her shoes, sitting on the blanket and digging in her bag. I opened the cooler and got us a beer, then put mine down to finish taking off my clothes.
"You wore a suit!" she exclaimed, oiling her arms.
"Yeah, you never know how many people are going to be here," I said.
I thought her gaze lingered overlong at my body. I'm blond all over and the hair doesn't hide much. Whatever I'd leaked had gone into the crotch of the suit so I was safe for now, but who knew what the next few hours would bring?
We spread some oil on each other, and I was secretly thrilled that I was touching her. I got comfortable on my back and lit a cigarette, turning on the portable with the volume low. I was where I wanted to be, with the person I wanted to be with, doing what I wanted to do at last, the old feelings of being disconnected gone.
She stood and went to the water's edge, splashing her face and arms to cool herself, giving me the view of a lifetime. The gap between her legs was wide and filled with fur. I couldn't see her sex but the rest of her was in plain sight and I leaked again.
"If you see anyone coming, just duck back up here and they can't see you," I said.
"Shit, who'd want to look anyway?" she said, looking down at her body.
"You don't know, do you?" I asked.
"What?" she replied.
"You turn heads wherever you go, even the supermarket," I laughed.
She really was unconscious of her beauty, or dismissive of it as not worthy. I was entranced as she stood there, the only remnants of her pregnancy two small stretch marks on either side of her belly. Her breasts stood out firmly, the nipples protruding, making my mouth water. Taking a sip of my beer I calmed myself, repeating 'patience' to myself several times. I hated the man who had done this to her, taken advantage of her innocence and then left her to fend for herself. She was coping with it, but how much better would her life have been if it had never happened? I had high hopes of making her future better.
The high point of the afternoon was when she and I lay close and she whispered, "Thanks for inviting me. I'm having fun."
Her small hands rubbed oil into my back and butt, surprisingly strong. She didn't seem to have any inhibitions about touching me in such a private spot, and I had to admit it felt very good. When I rolled over she continued, rubbing my breasts and giggling when the nipples reacted.
"Ooops, sorry," she blushed.
"Doesn't matter, go ahead," I whispered.
Being touched that way was making me very wet and I hoped she wouldn't notice. I tried to relax as her hands smoothed the oil on my skin, enjoying the tingles everywhere. She finished my legs and feet, not once touching my puss but arousing me to a fever pitch. I lay there as long as I could, then got up and dove into the water, swimming out toward the middle. I had to cool off or do something I might regret later. As I sat on a submerged stone, it didn't take long to get myself off and relieve some of the sexual tension. She joined me after a few minutes, somehow knowing I needed the space from her.
"This is great!" she smiled, pulling back her hair.
I reached to dunk her off the rock and she ducked, diving away and swimming underwater a few yards away. I could see her body as she swam, lithe and strong, perfectly shaped and supple.
She surfaced and laughed at me, "You gotta be quicker than that!"
I returned to our spot and opened another beer, watching her dry off.
"Can we come here every weekend?" she asked quietly.
"Sure, if you want," I said.
"I like being with you in private. I mean just you and me," she said, blushing lightly.
"Mmm, me too," I smiled.
My radar went on full alert! Was that a hint, a suggestion, an advance, what? Or was she being pleasant and polite, and my touching her was out of the question?
I soaked in some heat, listened half-heartedly to the radio and closed my eyes. I was content with her presence and the sound of her breathing nearby. We heard noises and sat up, watching as a dozen or so high school kids arrived at the water's edge. Grasping her hand I pulled her back out of sight, waiting for them to decide where they were going to party. Walking down the other side jumping rocks, they were headed for what passed as the beach, a long level spot further down. I relaxed and lay back down, happy we weren't going to be bothered. I felt her hand in mine as she gave me a little squeeze, settling in on her tummy to catch the sun.
An hour or so later she returned from a dip and asked, "Would you oil me?"
I accepted the bottle and she sprawled on her belly, legs apart, wriggling to get comfortable.
Finally we arrive at school, and Mr. Sage is about to cum again and I say I know what to do and just reach up to him and swallow his cum. All school day passes when I go to the restroom to investigate my pussy’s dilemma. In there were my teacher and sister fucking again!!! I just sit there, until he cums on the toilet seat, I say aww come on. I lick it up and spit it on the cup again, 8 ounces this time, and swallow. Next Im in English whenever they bring me a package, I opened it and it...
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Fashion is Our Name – Part 11 – The Trip Takes a New Direction The next morning, Sunday, there was a text on my mobile from Tom. ‘Do not book tickets, call in the morning.’ I asked the women, ‘What do we make of this?’ Anne gave me an open eyed look and asked, ‘Do you suppose, as they say, ‘the plot thickens?’ ‘ I looked up from my breakfast and said, ‘I fear that an expedition to promote dresses is becoming overtaken by events.’ I helped the twins down and arranged them in the parlor...
It was our 10th wedding anniversary. I told my wife Kim it was her night and we can do whatever she likes to celebrate.We were both 38 at the time. My wife is definitely a BBW. Kim was already a big girl when I met her but after 10 years of marriage she had become enormous, but still just as sexy. She has a pretty face and blonde hair in a short bob, soft, fat thighs, a giant ass, massive 44FF tits and a big hanging belly above her amazing pussy, still fairly tight after all the years and...
This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank TouchTheSky for taking the time to comment on this story. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. I didn’t expect a car to be stopped in my lane on the sharp corner of this narrow winding coastal road far above the ocean. I guess that was the idea. The almost new tires and ABS had done a...
I wish you would be the woman I meet on my next site visit. You open the door wearing low cut clingy top. skirt slightly too short tight around your ass and high heels. I'm slightly stunned by the surprise of such a sexy Beauty answering the door and almost stammer as I introduce myself. You're having your basement finished so you invite me in to show me the way.You lead me down the stairs to the poorly lit basement,2x4 framing and not much else. As you walk around I drink you in. The wiggles...
Bryan snipped the last of the wires across the roll of welded wire. He had enlisted the help of the three boys to help him in the construction of the new bay of rabbit cages. Of the three, only Jake was truly interested in the project. He held the other end of the tape measure for Bryan, who had measured out a twenty-four foot strip of wire mesh. It was the third such piece and the other two boys were struggling to unroll the fourth, roughly guessing the length in relation to the other...
Working the car's gas and break pedals proved to be a tricky proposition in high heels. It took me more than a little effort to get the hang of tipping my right foot back on that spindly 5-inch shaft, and applying pressure with the pointed toes. After a bit, I began to get the hang of maneuvering the little patent nightmares. "You said you live alone Bob, I thought you had a wife and kids?" Randal asked. Distracted by everything that I was experiencing, it took me a moment before I...
IL get u to lie down on the sand n get on top of u, u start to kiss me n put ur hands on my bum as i undo ur tracks, u slow take my long pink top of then u undo my bright yellow bra, u get on top of my n start kissing my body then u undo my trouser n then u put slowly put uur dick in side me n start to push as ur lips touch me lips then u get faster n faster i start to scream x . I wanna put my arm rownd u and slide my hand down your top and into your bra rubbin ur tit before taking it owt ov...
Introduction: This is a complete work of fiction. Laying there with my hard dick between my little sisters ass cheeks thinking about what I had just done kept me hard and slowly getting even harder. Especially considering that Stacey kept wriggling her little bum into it. Starting to feel slightly unconfutable with the way it was being pressed against her ass I reached down and maneuvered it so that it was instead resting between her legs against her little pussy. Mmmmm I thought, thats better....
Trimming the Tree: A story by Allie Elle Although this story has a Christmas title it isn't about Christmas at all it's about the changes that people can go through if they have the chance to live their inner dream. Cast Graham: a teenager who had Trans Gendered tendencies who is given gender reassignment after running away from his bully of a father and brother and being hit by a semi Sylvie: a woman who longs for a family again and a heart desperate to help anyone who...
Since childhood I had a fetish for boobs. I loved to see boobs and didn’t let any opportunity a miss to grab one. At nine I got one of a maid, at about the very next year convinced another to let me grope her breast for merely couple a dollar. I got more than that of her breast in the deal. Then I was kicked off to a Boarding school for reasons not attributable to the statements mentioned above. The sexual experiences at our boarding school was different and I don’t consider them as to...
Barry, sorry Mr Anderson, and I went into the meeting room and met Mr Walter. He was a high flyer who Mr Anderson wanted to have him invest in a company he was representing. Probably late 40s, quite imposing, tall and well dressed. “Hello Mr Walter. Pleased you could make it to this meeting. My assistant, Lisa, is here to observe. I hope that is ok”. Mr Walter nodded and they got down to business. I was meant to just sit and listen. I had gotten some background in Barry’s company so I had an...
The barbecue pit wasn't the real name of the restaurant, it's what the Gunny had called it. The name stuck with me and for some reason my friends as well. Cheryl decided that she would skip it after all. She liked the barbecue, but didn't care for the Cop Out. I could understand her feelings, so I didn't make an issue. Once I got to the restaurant, I sat alone at a small table in the corner with a view of Aster's small main street. "What can I get you, Max?" the middle aged waitress...
After everyone had gone Wendy took Sara and I into her bedroom. She hugged me tightly."Darling I lllllove you soooo much! Did you have fun tonight?""Yes, but with the early orgasm during the DP, I felt kind of left out for most of the evening.""You and Kate were screwing pretty intently there towards the end.""Kate was nice!, a nice girl and a good fuck. I look forward to seeing her again!""How's Tuesday night sound?""What!""You didn't think I was going to leave my best guy high and dry while...
In just four days, April Martinez's outlook on life had completely changed.The lethargy was gone. The depression and the hopelessness were gone. There was constant energy in her body like a drug.At the ripe old age of twenty-two, the former gymnast had discovered sex. When Bud Tanner first walked into the massage room four days earlier, she'd been depressed and a little frightened and feeling hopeless. His bold arrogance and athlete's physique proceeded to first overwhelm and then enflame...
Straight SexA Life Long Journey, Part 6 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. My sixteenth birthday had arrived and I was so ready for it. I had found a part time job in a print...
Mera naam dilip (name changed) mai call centre me kaam karta hu american inbond service aaj 8 saal pura hua mujhe mai 35 years ka hu height 6.1 feet hai aur chati 40 ki hai gym regular jaata hu aur meri shaadi abhi tak hui nahi mer2 behno ki shaadi karni thi ek graduate hai commerce me aur duri abhi 2nd year bsc kar rahi hai,waise mujhe kaafi shoukh hai randi baazi ka kyu ki shaadi nahi hui to apne lund ko shant karne jaata tha per puri saawdhani se condom use karta tha per patni sukh aur baap...
Back in the 1980s by now you know I worked security in London and some times was assigned to major international hotels. At one time I worked the reception area at a hotel located at Hyde Park Corner which I won,t mention the name of, but if you,re familiar with west London you,ll know which one I mean, I was the poor devil in uniform while the hotel also hired plain clothes security. My main job was to check ladies handbags and briefcases for explosives as this was the height of the IRA...
I responded to an ad on Craigslist from some guy asking for help to move some furniture. He was paying pretty well and, after I practically laughed at him for asking if I could lift the furniture, he agreed to have me over to get it done. We moved everything around for what felt like hours, often moving the same piece of furniture to what seemed like the same place it was originally. Finally he decided he liked the new arrangement, which wasn't that drastically different than how it looked when...
Three weeks had passed since Jamie had visited us and left me fucked and full of his cum. Katie had been so turned on by what had occurred that she became obsessive almost about me being taken anally by another man, even saying that she didn't need to be there, just knowing what was happening was enough. I could understand what she meant as I felt the same when Katie was going out to meet and fuck another man; I would sit at home horny as hell until she came back to me, normally with a pussy...
The following story is written by a dear friend of mine. I told him his story is amazing and he has a unique way of writing. I then ask if I can post it here, and he said yes. Thus with Daddyz Dreamz permission, I am posting it I was in my car, driving from Texas to Virginia. My girlfriend, who had been living with me for four-and-one-half years had left me only two months ago and gone back to her family in Norfolk but (HAPPY DAY) she had called me the day before to ask if she...
Late that Summer, from a motley collection of buildings and bunkers that would soon be called, 'Centercity', The Provincial Central Committee announced henceforth the new borders of the soon to be independent Committee Provinces. This hugely ambitious, and optimistic, declaration drew a line down the Floral River to its confluence in the Southern Salt Marshlands. As well as claiming the future suburbs of Cityplex planned for the west bank, it also reserved for itself a tremendous amount of...
"Tribe, the other teams are returning. They've completed their missions, and have the data we needed," said the communications technician. "Are we really going do this?" "By ourselves no, but we aren't alone. And within the next seventy two hours it won't matter," said the leader of the Alpha Alliance. "The teams up top want to know when the support rigs are going to be back out on the road. And those down here want to know why no one is being permitted to leave the Garage's," said...
Vincent peered around the trunk of the tree. This section of forest was more open as it was regrowth. It still had a lot of shrubbery and short trees that were hampering his vision. He saw the man aim at him, and he quickly pulled his head back. A fraction of a second later, the shot chipped a large chunk of bark off the tree near his head. Vincent swore silently. He tried to ignore the sweat on his palms and dribbling down his back, as he heard another shot ring-out over to his left where...
I was always keen on one of sis's friends, in fact her very best friend. They did everything together. The were either shopping or gossiping about the guys they had a crush on. Sis and her friend both stood about 5'6" roughly 110 lbs each and had dark hair, beautiful skin and the nicest bodies. They were the hottest girls in the neighborhood. Anyone would expect each of them to be stuck up, self absorbed girls yet they were both really down to earth. I heard them refered to as old souls, they...
One Friday night after work, a few of us decided to hit one of the bars and have a few drinks and maybe dance some, before heading home for the weekend. Normally I did not make this a practice, but my wife had some kind of appointment, so I figured it would be better than watching TV on a Friday night. There were maybe twenty of us in total, and the crowd seemed to be out for a good time. The numbers were a little unbalanced, as there was maybe twelve guys with eight women. I was more...