- 4 years ago
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Note from Jake Rivers,
This is my eighth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The current effort consists of stories based on songs by Frank Sinatra, Ol’ Blues Eyes. Please read the stories and give feedback to the participating authors. Unless I’m convinced otherwise, I’ll probably stop after the tenth invitational.
Regards, Jake
To the readers:
I chose ‘My Way’ as my invitational song. The character in the story has lived his life his way. Being a vigilante with a no excuses attitude. He tells about his victims and also about his sexual encounters. If this isn’t your type of story, you may want to pass on it. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the read. There are five chapters, I hope to submit one each day. A special ‘Thank You’ to a friend who took of her time to edit this very difficult story.
And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I’ll say it clear
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
I’ve lived a life that’s full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Chapter 1
My name is Joe Ritter and I’ve been a journalist for many years now. I started out in a small newspaper office and eventually landed a job at a much larger paper. There I did numerous articles on major news stories that came off the wire. But a little over two years ago my editor laid me off.
His reason was I refused to write negative articles about an old friend of mine. When he gave me an ultimatum of doing the articles or finding another place to work, I chose to become a freelance journalist. At first my wife was really pissed at me for quitting.
But I was tired of having someone tell me what I could and couldn’t write. And the editor was a real bastard to work for, so I couldn’t let him have his way. I went ahead and explained to Julie why I didn’t want to write about Jeff. I needed her to understand.
Jeff was an old friend of mine from school and I couldn’t see writing about him killing his ex-wife’s lover and then going after her. He was a big guy, tall and husky, even back in high school. So we gave him the nickname Moose.
He was quiet but friendly and easy going. All the girls were crazy about him but he was smitten with Marsha. They were a couple ever since they were sixteen.
Toward the end of our senior year, Marsha discovered she was pregnant. When she told Jeff, he agreed they would get married. Several months later they had twin girls. Jeff seemed very happy till he got his draft notice. He called the draft board and told them he had gotten married and had twin daughters. The board told him they felt sorry for his situation but he would be leaving for a tour of duty the following month and would be serving two years, including a tour of Vietnam.
It really hurt him having to leave his family but he told Marsha it would only be two years and hopefully the time would fly by. His dad tried to pull some strings but no one was able to help. Jeff would have to serve his time.
While he was away his wife sent him a ‘Dear John’ letter and divorced him. I just couldn’t bring it upon myself to just write things about him unless I had talked to him first. But there was no way they would let me see him.
Jeff’s trial took place a little over two years ago. He was found guilty of killing John Baker, who was his ex-wife’s lover. The jury also found him guilty of attempted murder of his ex-wife, Marsha.
The way the story aired was that Moose broke into her house and found them in bed together. According to news articles he pulled John off Marsha, grabbed him around his head, and broke his neck. Then he went after Marsha, but she was somehow able to get into the nightstand where she kept a gun, shooting him three times point blank in the midsection. That’s when she called the police.
John was dead but Moose underwent hours of surgery and lived to stand trial. What was so odd, and one of the reasons I couldn’t write the article, was that Moose and Marsha had been divorced for eighteen years. Also, Moose said nothing in his defense, pleading guilty and letting the jury decide if he would get life in prison or the death penalty.
The trial was over in a few days and Moose received the death penalty. He has been in the death row wing of the prison for two years, refusing all appeals on his behalf.
I was sitting at my desk writing an article when the phone rang. Julie usually answers it so I can keep working. When she came into the room she looked a bit concerned. When I asked her why, she said it was the Attorney General’s office.
To be honest I didn’t believe her. What would the Attorney General of Ohio want with me?
I picked up the phone and said, ‘Hello, Joe Ritter here.’
‘Mr. Ritter, this is Mike Keffer, Attorney General Mel Park’s assistant.’
I knew the Attorney General was Mel Park so the call was either a good hoax or it really was the Attorney General’s office.
‘What can I do for you, Mr. Keffer?’
‘Mr. Park’s would like to meet with you tomorrow in Columbus. It concerns Jeff Daniels.’
‘I don’t understand. I haven’t seen Jeff in years and besides, he’s on death row.’
‘It is of the utmost importance he speaks with you. But it is not something he can discuss over the phone. We will gladly pay you for your time.’
I agreed to meet with the man, listening as Mike Keffer gave me directions, then hung up.
‘What was that all about?’ Julie asked.
‘Honey, I honestly don’t know. I haven’t the slightest clue but it has something to do with Moose. I’m going to Columbus tomorrow and hopefully will know more then.’
When I arrived at the state house I went to the information desk. The gentleman working there told me Mr. Keffer would be down shortly. As soon as he arrived, he took me to the Attorney General’s office.
‘Joe Ritter, I’m Mel Park. Thank you so much for taking the time to see me. Please sit down. Mike, would you mind getting us a cup of coffee?’
I told Mike how I took my coffee and he left the room. I knew from previous meetings with political people that it was all right to use their last name in private conversations. So I started the conversation.
‘Mr. Park, why exactly am I here? I know it has something to do with Jeff Daniels but all I really know is that he’s on death row waiting for his time to come.’
‘Mr. Ritter—‘
‘Please just call me Joe.’
‘Mr. Daniels contacted the prosecutor who in turn contacted me. It seems he might have some information on a goodly number of missing persons and a few murders.’
‘But what does that have to do with me?’ Our coffee arrived and I began drinking it.
‘I’m not quite sure how to say this, but it would be of great importance if we were able to close many of these unsolved cases before the demise of Jeff Daniels.’
I knew what he was saying. I had read where he had eyes on running for governor and if he could solve a number of these crimes, he would be in the driver’s seat.
‘With all due respect, I repeat, what does this have to do with me?’
‘A number of people have talked to Mr. Daniels and he has given many clues that he knows something. He has said you are the only one he is willing to give his story to. We would like for you to meet with him and see if he is just pulling our chain or if he really does have any valuable information.’
‘I don’t get it. Why me? It’s been years since I’ve even seen Jeff.’
‘We don’t know why. We do know all the information he has will die with him if we can’t get him to talk. So we need you to talk with him, and the sooner the better. You will be dealing with Mike. Any information you receive will be passed on to him.’
‘Not to be disrespectful, but I have a family to support.’
‘We’re willing to pay you three hundred dollars a day.
You can only talk with Mr. Daniels for three hours a day and only during the week. If at any time we feel he is no longer helpful, the interviews stop. You will have the sole rights to the information he gives you for a story, book, or whatever. But any information on murders or missing persons can’t be released until we give you the okay.’
I agreed and said my goodbyes. Mike walked me to the door and gave me all the personal information I needed to get into the prison to see Moose. I still for the life of me couldn’t figure out what Moose would know about missing people or why he chose me to write his story.
When I returned home, Julie was excited, she wanted to know what all went on at the Attorney General’s office. I explained everything to her and told her I would be going to the penitentiary the next day to see Moose. She seemed as baffled as I was as to what Moose might have to say.
‘Aren’t you a little scared going to a prison?’ asked Julie.
‘No, but I have to say I’m really puzzled by the whole situation. Hopefully I’ll get some answers right away.’
I headed to the prison the following morning, going through checkpoint after checkpoint just getting in. Guards searched me and all I was able to take into the cell hallway was my tablet, one pen and my recorder.
The death row cell hallway was different than others as there was a block wall on one side of the hallway which had cameras aimed toward the cells on the opposite side. There was only one inmate per cell. At the end of the hall were two meeting rooms which had a Plexiglas wall and some sort of shoot in which to pass papers through.
There was no way anyone could touch a prisoner. There was a tray to set my stuff on and a chair facing the Plexiglas wall. A guard would be at the other end of the hall. I was not to pass anything through the shoot without permission and had to remain seated.
I felt very uncomfortable my first time going in. I sat in the chair and waited for them to escort Moose into the cell through a back entrance. It was a shock when I first saw him. He had shaved his head as well as his beard which he had since returning from the service and even during his trial. I hardly recognized him.
I couldn’t help standing as he walked into the cell but the guard told me to sit back down. The guard then left Moose in the cell with a small table and chair.
I was lost for words as I looked at my old friend in the orange jumpsuit.
‘Hey Joe, good to see you. Hell, good to see anyone,’ said Moose.
‘I’m sorry, Moose. It just caught me by surprise seeing you hairless and dressed that way.’
‘Moose! It’s been a long, long time since anyone called me that. Probably the best times of my life.’
I watched a small smile cross his face and then I turned on the tape recorder. Since I only had a two hour tape in it, I’d had to remember to turn it over when the time came.
‘Moose, why am I here?’
‘Joe, a lot of shit has crossed my path since the old days when we were friends. I noticed during my murder trial you didn’t write about me. And my lawyer informed me you ended up being fired for not tearing me apart.
‘I’m not the shy, friendly guy you knew from our school days. I’ve done a lot of killing in my life, some justified, some not. I’ve decided to tell my story and I figured I would give it to you. Besides, I owe you that much.’
‘You don’t owe me anything Moose. I just couldn’t get myself to write about you without really knowing the truth.’
‘I respect that, but what I’m going to tell you now is the total truth and I want you to write my story when it’s all over. I’ll have my attorney draw up the papers to give you the total rights to my story. Hell Joe, I might even make you a rich man.’ Another smile and a little laugh crossed Moose’s face.
‘I hate to tell you this but according to the Attorney General I might only be here a few days. They say you have information on some missing people and unsolved murders. Without that information, I might be history sooner rather than later.’
‘They’ll get there fucking story the fucking bastards. Believe me, when they hear what I have to say they will be more than willing to let you come here. The prick will be a shoo-in for governor and probably run for president. I’m going to tell you my story. If at any time they stop you from coming in, I’ll stop talking.’
‘Moose, I’m recording everything we say. I think you should know that.’
‘Hell, Joe, the fucking bastards are recording it too. Hell, look above you, they’re watching us the whole time. I don’t give a shit what they think or what they do. I’ll give them the information on my terms. I have nothing to lose.’
This sure wasn’t the Moose of old that I remembered. He really had me interested in what happened to him. The first day time flew by. It was more getting reacquainted than digging for information. Moose told me he spent all his time exercising in his cell because it was the only way he could keep his mind sharp. Other than talking to me, he was allowed an hour a day out in the courtyard. He had no interaction with the other inmates.
I asked if he ever had any outside visitors, but other than his attorney, only his daughters stopped by. I was interested in his relationship with them but didn’t have the time to delve into that part of his life.
Mike wasn’t happy with the results but knew better than to pull the plug on our meeting. But he did say he would need something firm to take back to his boss within a few days.
The following day Moose said he would start from when he first got married. I know my job was to get more recent information into the missing persons but I decided to follow Moose’s lead. It wouldn’t do much good to push the issues and besides, I was interested in his life and why he ended up on death row.
‘I was happy being married. I wasn’t worried about money since I knew dad wouldn’t leave me high and dry. Besides, he gave me a good job as a mechanic on cycles. I had all I could want: Marsha, my two little baby girls, and a good job. Everything seemed fine till I received that damn draft notice.
‘Dad tried his best to get me a reprieve and even wrote to our State Representative at the time, Mark Wells. He wrote back and said how sorry he was about my draft number but there was nothing he could do about it and I would have to serve my time.’
‘Wasn’t Mark Wells killed a few years back in a parking garage?’ I asked. ‘If I’m not mistaken it was considered a murder/robbery and the culprit was never caught. I remember following that story. Do you know anything about his demise, Moose?’
‘Yes, I do. That ought to give your AG something to think about. I know who did it and will be telling you when the time comes.’
Looking at Moose, I had to wonder if he killed the man himself.
‘Anyway, back to my story. I went to Vietnam, and what got me through the first year and a half was thinking about coming home to my wife and kids. It was a hell zone where it was hard to tell who was your ally or your enemy. Because of my mechanical background I worked in the motor pool and didn’t see a lot of action.
‘Then one day I got a letter from Marsha. It was a Dear John letter along with no-fault divorce papers. To say I was in total shock would be an understatement. I think I literally lost my mind at first. I couldn’t put a handle on what Marsha was doing. She was my life and then just like that, she was gone.
‘After all the smoke cleared all I wanted to do was die. I signed the papers and told her she could just have it all. I still had to pay child support and my girls were covered for health insurance but no alimony since she started the divorce proceedings.’
I could see that part of the story really hurt him but I just kept quiet and waited for him to go on.
‘When I had two months left to serve, I reenlisted for ten additional years. The only agre
ement I made was I wanted to have some type of Special Forces training. Secretly I wanted to just put my life on the line until my number came up. I got my wish when I became a trained killer.
‘My small group of brothers and I received secret orders and we went out and killed the enemy. I didn’t have to think twice about shooting someone, cutting a throat, or snapping a neck. But we were on our own if anyone caught us. The government would disavow any knowledge of our actions.
‘We took no prisoners. For example, we would break into an enemy prison camp, kill all the guards, and leave. The prisoners were not even to know who we were.’
‘Moose, if I were to print this, what would the military say?’
He laughed. ‘They would say I just made it up, but I can assure you it’s all true. I was on that team for eight years. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many people I killed. It just became a second nature. Killing a person was as easy as saying hi to them.
‘As I mentioned, we traveled in pairs. We always used our code names for each other so no one knew who we were. My brothers called me Snap because I could break a neck in a couple of seconds. My partner we called Snipe.
‘I swear he was the best damn shot with a rifle I ever saw. He could shoot a fly off a cow’s ass from a hundred yards out without even disturbing the animal. I never saw anyone who was better.’
‘So what stopped you from making it a career in the service? You already had twelve years in and could have retired with twenty,’ I asked.
‘Two things made me give it up. First, our team disbanded when they didn’t need us anymore. I ended up in the motor pool. You have to understand I was a trained killer, my mind thought differently. The second reason was my mom died and I went home for the funeral. I had one year left to serve when I returned after the funeral. I spent it in the States.’
‘I remember your mom’s funeral. I’m so sorry, she was a wonderful lady.’
‘Thanks for coming to the services Joe. Even though we didn’t talk much it meant a lot to me.’
‘Do you want to talk a little about the funeral?’ I asked.
‘When I heard my mom had died I felt bad that I didn’t get a chance to tell her I loved her. At the funeral I wore my uniform. Many people were angry at the military and some even told me so. Ex-servicemen shook my hands, they knew the truth. We followed orders.
‘I was sitting next to my dad and brother when two beautiful young girls came to see my dad. They were my daughters, Christy and Cheryl, eleven at the time. They looked as if they were a bit scared of me, even though I could hardly blame them. I was never there for them and hadn’t seen them since birth, other than pictures my parents sent me. Their mother didn’t say too many good things about me, I didn’t figure.
‘My dad introduced me and they held out their little hands to shake mine. Dad took them up to the casket to see my mom. It was sad seeing my two little girls crying. Marsha came in later but never said a word to me. She walked up to the casket, paid her respects and left. I later found out her sister had brought the girls.
‘There was a small wake or dinner after the service. Marsha didn’t attend but my girls did. They came and sat next to me and talked to me for a while. I admit that felt different. I did my best to answer their questions. Then they wanted to know why I hated them.
‘I told them that I never hated them or even their mother only disliked what their mother did to our family. I was just never able to face the situation and chose to stay out of their lives.
‘Before I left the wake my girls gave me a hug. I told them I would be out of the service in another year and I would like to see them once in a while. They both agreed it would be nice. I didn’t say I wanted to be part of their life because I didn’t feel I would make a good father.’
Look for Chapter 2 and more from Moose.
Comments are welcome and appreciated.
DG Hear
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This is the hub. The story does not start here. This is a little place to explain the rules and the way the story works. A place for everyone to come in and navigate through the different storylines. The main two rules are essentially this... 1 Please do not post directly into any of the storylines that I START. Short & simple. (Comments don't count) 2 The story is led by the readers so to make the main character do something or try to do something, then tell me in the comments of this story....
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As she walked across the smoky night club, I watched her; from the top of her curly red head to the tips of her stiletto pumps. She had an air of sultry confidence. She oozed class. Her hair was piled high and sexy with tendrils framing and revealing a neck begging for moist kisses. Around her neck hung a diamond suspended between her collarbones, matching stones winked at me from her ears, tormenting me. Her off the shoulder dress was lacy, sheer, and black; it fit her perfectly, outlining...
It felt like I’d been sleeping for a year. I stretched and moaned a little at the comfort of my bed. Then I looked at the clock. Uh oh, seven already, if I didn’t hurry I was going to be late. I’d only meant to take a short nap. Just a pick me up so I’d be fresh and alert for the evening’s entertainment. But I’d ended up sleeping for two hours. I wondered if Max was home yet? I listened but the house seemed quiet, empty. Still, I thought, he’s probably here, staring at that damn computer. He...
It felt like I'd been sleeping for a year. I stretched and moaned a little at the comfort of my bed. Then I looked at the clock. Uh oh, seven already, if I didn't hurry I was going to be late. I'd only meant to take a short nap. Just a pick me up so I'd be fresh and alert for the evening's entertainment. But I'd ended up sleeping for two hours. I wondered if Max was home yet? I listened but the house seemed quiet, empty. Still, I thought, he's probably here, staring at that damn...
Things got complicated at home so I escaped to Florida. It wasn’t just the sex between George and me and our partner-swapping neighbors, Mary and James, but when other couples and even the occasional stranger were brought into the mix things just seemed to spin out of control. Don’t get me wrong I loved it, especially at first, but then the overwhelming emotions of jealousies and competition almost became an inhibition to sexual reward. The mantra of, “Don’t think it just feel it,” even kept us...
Love StoriesThings got complicated at home so I escaped to Florida. It wasn’t just the sex between George and me and our partner-swapping neighbors, Mary and James, but when other couples and even the occasional stranger were brought into the mix things just seemed to spin out of control. Don’t get me wrong I loved it, especially at first, but then the overwhelming emotions of jealousies and competition almost became an inhibition to sexual reward. The mantra of, “Don’t think it just feel it,” even kept...
Hi, I'm Logan and this is how i became a cock slave with my future lover. I am 5'10", weighing in at a 180 pounds with a 6 pack of abs and dangling below my waist is a nice 8 1/2 inch cut cock and two fairly sized balls. It was my 23 birthday when my friend, Joey, said he had a surprise for me and to be prepared to have all my wicked fantasies come true. He put a blindfold on me and ordered me not to take it off until I was told to and drove me for what seemed like forever. When we finally...
GayStory contains Femboy, and some serious Ass play. I think Brad and I were both making an effort in acting normal once mom and Jack got home from work. Even so I think our behavior didn’t go unnoticed by either one of them. I kept catching mom giving us both a look that said she was wondering just what the hell had gotten into us. I think this was mostly due to Brad and I actually talking to one another now, instead of ignoring each other like we normally did. Jack noticed as well, but didn’t...
My Wife, Maria and I decided to look for a new place and were out condo hopping. We narrowed down our choices based upon the condos that had the amenities we wanted and we came across the ‘Condos on the Run’. They had everything we needed and wanted and seemed perfect. So we walked in and were greeted by Frankie. Clad with a huge ring on her left ring finger, this tanned, dark haired beauty’s hair ran down past her shoulder. She was in her late 20’s, 5’8′ tall and had a full, chubby figure –...
I met John on an internet sex site. He was a dom male with a huge cock and knew how to treat a sub female like myself. After a month of online chats and skype I agreed to meet him in real life for a night. He suggested this dive Motel that was near his home and I said ok. He told me to ask for room 22 because he'd secure it for us ahead of time. I get there and do as he says and I'm given the key. As I walk to the room I can't help but notice it's the room farthest from the road, it's all the...
Slowly rising from bed, and walking from her dark room to the equally dark bathroom, Mai opens the faucet and washes her face with water. The formal party the night before, as well as a large amount of drinking had left her mind cloudy. All she could remember of last night was the speech by the Captain, some dancing, and many of the attendee's buying her drinks. After drying her face with a towel, Mai reached over and clicked the light to the dark bathroom. The sudden burst stung...
My friends and I had talked about sex many times but none of us had really done anything of the sort to really know how it felt. I was versed enough in the oral exam but still lacking in the practical. One afternoon after school I had some friends over and we chatted about a sweet 19 year old latina in our class named Selena. We discussed who thought they had a shot at even getting her. We talked about how we would be to make love to her and make her moan and groan for us. Our conversation...
Kate woke feeling run down and unsexy. She'd been having a few rough weeks at work where it just seemed like nothing seemed to want to go her way or work out for her. Lately she was suddenly starting to feel the pressure of deadlines regardless of how many hours she put in, and no amount of masturbating had managed to take away the stress. Combine the stress with the harsh cold she had just gotten over and she was starting to feel like anything other than gorgeous and sexy."A hot pampering bath...
AnalHi readers,this is Kumar from Bangalore.age 27.since many days I was thinkin about writin my touchy moments with my best friends mother. Varun and I were best friends since 10th standard. We were friends, but one of the main reasons I hang around with him so much was because of his mother, Kamana. Kamana was 20 years older than Iwas, but I was in love with her from the day I first met her. She was tall – about 5’7 – with long, smooth sexy legs. Her hair were always coloured light brown, long...
IncestPrelude As most of you readers that have read many of my stories know, all are based on true stories of my life as a swinger. This story is no different; in fact it just happened a couple of weeks ago. Chapter 1 One day last week I had business in the big city, Memphis. Tn. As is the norm I try to mix pleasure with business. I have a lot of contacts that I have made over the years and usually a couple of phone calls will get me some action. This day was different. It was raining cats and...
Several years ago…13 actually, my grandmother started me on the road to perversion in a direction I had never thought of before. It all started innocently enough right after my divorce from my first wife and… well here is what happened. ============ Gran called me and said that her friend Pat was going to be calling and needed some help. I remembered Pat. Growing up, Pat had often gone on vacation with Gran while Grandpa Jim was off making his fortune. Pat was more my parents age and I...
"Y'ellow!" a girl giggled breathlessly into my ear. "Hi, uh, Monica?" "Nope! I'm Stacy, who's this?" she wondered. "Ahhh ... Ann Russet," I said. "I called a couple days ago and, um..." "Hold on, Ann Russet," Stacy said and then I heard some dull thunking noises and then silence for about fifteen seconds. "Monica. Who's this? Ann Russet who?" she laughed before I could say anything and I wondered if Monica was drunk or something. "Yeah, it's me," I replied. "I...
Hello ISS readers, my name is Aarvi (name changed), I joined this site few days back and after reading some stories I thought to share my story as well, this is my first sex story here and it’s a little bit lengthy so keep some patience for the enjoyment. Let me describe about myself I live in Delhi, height 5’9, I have an athlete physics because of a regular workout in gym. I started going gym when I wad 18. And heroine of the story is Kiran. This incident took place when I was 18, now onwards...
“Look at her chest, they’re mountains!” “Trust me, I’ve been looking.” If that had been all they’d said I would have ignored them but the earlier commentary had been worse. I encountered them while I was trying to keep my legs stretched before boarding the flight to Georgia. I tossed what was left of the burrito in a trash can. The airport stall claimed to have macaroni and cheese burritos with bacon. I really should know to never eat in an airport. It tasted like the loss of hope from the...
Kissing you is exquisite. I love the way you respond. I slip my tongue in to your mouth, exploring you, stroking your tongue with teasing, sensual strokes. I like the way you push back, exploring me, our soft tongues doing battle as we feel each other’s passion.My hand moves over your breasts, though you are still fully clothed. Through your thin blouse I feel them, heavy and full. I rub them gently, feeling their shape, their warmth. Your nipples are hard and I can feel them vividly...
Hi, ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 27 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate another real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much Indian sex story for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Some of the writers here are spectacular at what they do, they literally make you feel like you are a part of the story and you are doing all those things in your wild...
Hi dear Readers :) I am Peter () back again with a brand new action pack. You might have read my previous story ‘Finally Did It’. This incident happened after my college life. I used to play cards with my neighbour girls during afternoon time as we all will be there at home having nothing to do. We used to play cards at my place only as my Mom and Dad both are busy with their office so almost all the time I used to be alone at my home. Once we were busy playing cards and I got a view of...
I started walking again and went back to the porch and sat down. She reached over to the dipper, dipped some water, and handed it to me. I smiled my thanks and drank. After a moment, I pointed to my chest and said, "My name is Tom. Your name?" I pointed at her. She said, "Elena." I smiled and said, "It's good to meet you, Elena." She looked at me baffled but smiled back. She had a pretty smile. "I am from Atlanta, Georgia, USA." She looked baffled. That worried me as the USA was...
Son You Know We Shouldn’t – Part 2By Michele NylonsMichele hardly spoke to her son for the next three weeks. She was ashamed and confused by what she had done and blamed David for it to a large extent. As far as she was concerned he had cajoled her into masturbating him. “God! What about if he brags about it at school!!!” she said to herself, worried almost sick.But she couldn’t control her desires or her fantasies. She masturbated with her vibrator at least once a day and sometimes more often....
I have been in the Forces for 1 year and decided to visit my Nan in her home state. I called her to confirm that it would be alright and gave her the dates of my arrival. The plane arrived on time and as I left the Customs area I looked around to find Nan standing on the sidelines, waiting for me. I rushed across to her and grabbed her in a big hug and kissed her lovingly. I was so glad to see her. I had turned 21 and joined the Forces and hadn’t seen her since then. The thing is that...
IncestHi I am Kapil again and can be contacted at Now I will take you to my story. Pehle kuch mere baare mein. Maine 33 years old hoon. Mera vajan 68 kg. aur hight 5’.8” hai. Main dikhne main gora aur ek kasrati badan wala admi hoon. Mere tool ki lambai 7.5” hai. Main ek shadi suda admi hoon. Mera sale ke biwi (sahlej) jiska ki nam Kalpana hai mujhe bahoot pasand hi aur main use chodne ka mauka dhundta rahta hoon. Shayad wah bhi yah bat janti hai. Per hamien kabhi mauka nahi mil raha tha akele milne...
From inside the pressurised, air-conditioned solitude and comfort of the black cab, my feet alighted at last on the wet street. Damp was something London did well. My bones shivered in their skin to feel the heavy weight of the city's gloom on them once more; it was not a feeling I relished. I looked up, casting my eyes about the grey and ominous sky with trepidation. There was a large sigh from the depths of my chest and a sag to my shoulders as I stuffed my wrinkled hands into my trouser...
SupernaturalI stared at my phone. I was more than a little upset with my father Obviously there were elements to mom’s illness he neglected to explain. As I pondered what to do, mom walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Come on, Tommy! John said you were going to take care of me.” I sat my phone on the table, pulled mom’s arms loose, and turned to face her. She was still nude. Her blue veined breasts were pendulous. Her nipples, about a third of the way up the bottom curve of her...
I ran through the crowded downtown streets following Jim and Ian. We could hear the cops not far behind us and they were gaining. We had nearly pulled of the heist successfully, but one of the clerks had tripped the silent alarm and we had to split. I was running through the crowd and someone didn’t get out of the way quickly enough, we both went down. I found myself sitting on top of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked terrified, but there was something else in that gaze. Next...
LesbianNamaskar mai akash patel hu ….Vaise to mene bahot jyada nahi par 2 ya 3 ladkiyo ko choda hai …Jisme se ek bhabhi thi. Mai vadodara ka rahene vala hu .But abhi mai pune mai padh raha hu . Mere umar 25 saal ki hai n mere ht 6 ft hai mera lund 5 inch mota aur kuvara he hai abhi itna kasa nahi hai. Kise bhi ladki ya bhabhi ko me free service ke liye muje mail kare Chaleye abbb apko ,me apni kahani sunata hu ye karib ek saal purani hai ,,,, Jab mai job karta tha mere gf thi uska nam noopur tha vo...
HIS SIDE OF THE STORY After our discussion over dinner and our agreement to part after the end of the school year, I began to put my life back together. I kept relations with Bambi as close to ‘decent’ as I could and still remain friends. I still valued Bambi’s friendship. Of course, I moved with a perpetual hard on. Masturbation didn’t help. . . .I did a lot of it! It seemed like the more I tried to get her off my mind, the more things seemed to bring her in focus. . . .erotic things! In the...