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It felt like I'd been sleeping for a year. I stretched and moaned a little at the comfort of my bed. Then I looked at the clock. Uh oh, seven already, if I didn't hurry I was going to be late.

I'd only meant to take a short nap. Just a pick me up so I'd be fresh and alert for the evening's entertainment. But I'd ended up sleeping for two hours. I wondered if Max was home yet? I listened but the house seemed quiet, empty. Still, I thought, he's probably here, staring at that damn computer. He knew better than to be late tonight. I'd made it very clear how important this was to me.

It wasn't just that it was my birthday. Yes, I was born on October 31st, Halloween, kind of nice don't you think? Well I've always thought so anyway. When I was a kid I used to think that all the candy the neighbors gave out was in my honor, and I used to feel sorry for all my friends because nobody did the same thing for them. Even later, I loved it because the day was always so much fun for everyone. And who else but a Halloween baby gets to dress up and pretend they're anything they want to be to celebrate the day they were born?

And speaking of, I'd better get a move on. I went over to the closet and looked in. Funny, I didn't see this year's costume. I'd planned it, as usual, for months. I'd finally decided on an "I dream of Jeannie" kind of number, sheer and sexy. Hey, my body was good enough for it, and I'd worked hard at keeping that way, especially since Caitlin had been born. No way did I want to end up like half the other mothers at the day care with 30 extra pounds and the frumpiness that came with the added weight. I may be a mommy, but I was a darn good looking one. The look in Max's eyes when he watched me when he thought I wasn't paying attention was proof of that. So tonight's costume was as much a present for him as it was an opportunity for me to show off. But where in the heck was it?

I looked down and gasped. God, I was already wearing it! Sheesh, Marty, I told myself, you're losing it big time if you can't even remember getting dressed. But even as I thought that, the memory came back, slipping the sheer soft pants over my freshly shaven and creamed legs and the struggle I'd had with the stiff beaded bra. It almost didn't fit and my breasts threatened to spill over the top. I went over to check myself out in the mirror. Yes, very nice, very sexy. I pirouetted and then winced as the tight top grabbed at my skin. How had I managed to sleep in this thing? I wondered.

But there was no time to think about that. I looked closer in the mirror and was glad to see that the exotic make up I'd decided to use had survived my nap. Even my ponytail, an exact replica of Jeannie's, had managed to make it through without any damage. I wondered again if I should have gone the whole way and dyed my hair blonde like Barbara Eden's had been in the TV show. No, I liked my dark auburn tresses, so did Max. One night of accuracy wasn't worth the aggravation of growing it back. And besides, my hairdresser had told me it's a pain to dye naturally red hair, and even more difficult to restore, once you started to fool with it.

I went over to the bed and slipped on the little beaded flats that were lying where I'd kicked them off. They fit so well, like they'd been made for me. I'd found them in a little antique shop about three months ago and it had been love at first sight. In fact they were the entire reason for the costume. They'd been expensive little suckers and I'd had to justify their cost somehow. So after thinking about it for a while, and discarding a couple of other ideas like a Chinese wedding outfit, I'd decided on Jeannie.

I still hadn't heard anything in the house to tell me I wasn't alone. It was time to find out if Max was there. If he wasn't, I didn't know what I was going to do. I bit my lip. I loved my husband, but even an optimist like me couldn't pretend that things between weren't all that good right now. It was his job. I wanted him to be a success, make money, earn the respect of his peers, I really did, but it was like he was obsessed lately. Most nights he didn't make it home for dinner, or even in time to say goodnight to Caitlin, and when he was here, he was tired and preoccupied. I knew he still loved me, but I also knew he was drifting away, caught up in real estate and development deals - searching for the big break.

His picture was on my dresser and I went to it and picked it up. Dear, sweet, funny Max, I stroked his handsome face. When had you decided that the only way you could show your love for me and our daughter was by making a fortune before you were thirty? So maybe he'd be able to buy us a palace. What good would that be, if we had to live in it without his company? I didn't want a palace; I wanted a husband I could curl up next to on the couch, and father who was there for our daughter. Tonight, I promised, myself, I was going to tell him that.

I looked at the clock again, 7:15. God, we had to be there at 8:00! I hurried out of the room and then stopped as I passed Caitlin's room. I knew she wasn't there, my sister had picked her up right after lunch, but it was habit to check the room and I did it without thinking.

It looked perfect, almost pristine, like a busy 3 year old didn't live there at all. I shivered. Someone is walking over my grave, I thought then changed my mind. No, you just miss her. God, Marty, you are such a sap. I remembered as a teenager making fun of all those moms who cooed over their precious darlings and thought I would never be that way. Then I'd met Max in college and we'd fallen in love, married and two years later I was lying in a hospital bed, and for the first time, I was holding my daughter. Then I knew what all those mothers had been feeling.

Enough of this, I shook my head. Lord, I was in a strange mood tonight. I almost felt like I was still dreaming. Shake it off, I told myself as I bounced down the stairs.

It was easier said then done. Even the house felt different to me, almost foreign, the way it does when you've been gone on a two week vacation, like you didn't fit in it somehow, like you were taking up different space.

The light was on over the front door. It was already dark outside. I peeked through the curtain as a Pikachu, a Spiderman and a princess ran giggling up and dipped into the big plastic pumpkin half full of candy. I watched as each of them carefully took a small handful and dumped it into their baskets. Nice kids, I thought, not greedy. I followed them with my eyes as they ran back to shelter of their protective parents who waited on the sidewalk.

I hope Caitlin is enjoying herself, I thought, then stopped myself before I could get maudlin about missing this time with her. She was fine, I knew that, and she was probably having more fun being dragged around by her bigger boy cousins than she would have had with me. Still...

I tried to put those thoughts out of my mind as I walked into Max's cubbyhole we laughingly called the den. It was so small the only furniture that fit in it was a love seat and his computer desk and chair and even then you had to kind of slide into the room. I figured if he was anywhere in the house though this was the place. Seemed it was the only space in the house that he spent anytime in, sometimes even sleeping on that little sofa because he knew I'd give him hell for working at home if he crawled into bed at 3AM. So now, I expected to find him once again at his desk and I was fully prepared to have to drag him away from some scheme he was working on.

But he wasn't at his desk. Like me, he must have decided to take a nap because he was curled up on the love seat, his 6'2" frame making a joke of that piece of furniture. How he ever managed to fit all of himself on it was anybody's guess. I was just about to shake him awake when I got a good look at his face.

God he looked tired! And sad, and discouraged. I bit my lip in an effort to hold back the tears that flooded my eyes. The need to hold him, to comfort him was almost overwhelming. Tonight, the word came into my head again and I was suddenly fierce in my determination, tonight I'm going to fix this. I wasn't sure how exactly, but I knew that the time had arrived, and if I didn't do something now we'd never have the chance again.

Max opened his eyes, blinked, then opened them again. "Am I dreaming?" He whispered.

I forced myself to laugh, to be the happy girl he'd loved again. "Nope," I knelt before him. "Tonight, I'm your Jeannie, and I'm here to make all your wishes come true."

He looked at me as if he'd never seen me before. "Then you've already accomplished your mission."

I leaned over and kissed him and he looked startled. Had it been that long? I thought sadly. Had so much time passed since we'd really just been nice with each other?

"Ah, but I'm sure we can still think of something," I winked. "Something you really want, that you don't have."

Tentatively he reached out and stroked my arm. His fingers felt warm and alive and a little thrill ran up my spine at his touch.

"Is this really you?" He asked softly.

The remark stung me. I mean I knew we'd been having our problems, but I hadn't turned into a complete bitch. At least, I didn't think I had.

He saw the look on my face. "I'm sorry. I should just accept this, shouldn't I? Be Happy and enjoy the moment."

I nodded. "This moment," I leaned down and kissed his lips lightly. "And the next." Another kiss. "And the next, for as long as we can make this last."

"I wish that could be forever," he said almost sadly.

I was surprised at the resigned tone. "Well sweetie, we can make it last forever," and I smiled as I softly stroked his cheek.

He struggled then to sit up, and when he finished he pulled me onto his lap. His movements though were hesitant, almost as if he were afraid of what my reaction would be. For my part, I just went along and cuddled into his broad, strong chest that even sitting at a desk for 12 hours a day hadn't ruined.

We stayed like that for about 10 minutes, not even talking, just enjoying the feel of being in each other's arms. I could have spent the night that way, but we had obligations.

"We should get going," I murmured half-heartedly. "You need to change into your costume too, Sir Galahad."


I sat up and looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about. Sean and Emily's party? We're supposed to be there already. How's it going to look if the guest of honor is late?"

"Huh, what are you talking about?" He had the nerve to look shocked.

I started to feel little flames of anger lick at my insides. Not now, I told myself, you promised yourself tonight was going to be different. Just take it slow.

"Okay," I sighed. "I know I'm not supposed to know, but this is my surprise birthday party isn't it? I mean, I was at the bakery this morning and I saw this cake sitting in the case. It was iced in black and said Happy 27th Birthday To Our Very Own Halloween Witch, even the candles looked like little brooms. I thought it was very cute and then when I was getting in my car I noticed Emily go into the shop. I was curious so I waited. She came out carrying a box and it was just the same size as the cake and..."

I looked at Max who was just staring at me with his mouth open. A dull flush rose in his face and I suddenly felt very foolish.

"Oh damn! I'm wrong aren't I?"

Now that I thought of it, of course I was. Max wasn't the kind to think about surprise parties, and Emily and Sean, though our best friends, would hardly do something like that on their own. It was my turn to blush.

"Well," I said in a much more subdued voice. "We still promised we'd go."

Max finally spoke. "But the party was..." He trailed off and swallowed hard. "The party was cancelled."

"You're kidding me?" I cocked my head in surprise. "Sean told you that at work, eh?"

He nodded silently. "Um well..."

I interrupted. "I wonder why Emily didn't call to let me know. Is one of the kids sick?"

"No... I mean I don't know."

I sighed. "Oh well, no big deal. Except if I'd known I wouldn't have pawned Caitlin off on Janet that way. I really wanted to take her out for candy this year myself, seeing as it's probably the first time she's really going to understand it."


I stopped him again. "I know, Caitlin is fine. And Janet is probably in hog heaven. Sometimes I think she'd steal her from us if she could. You know what she says, after three boys, having a daughter would be heaven." I cuddled back into Max, he felt so good. I'd really missed this. "It's just that I don't want to give away all those memories, I want to be around for everything for Caitlin. All the Halloween's and Christmas's. The first time she rides a big girl's bike and the dates to the prom. I don't want to miss any of it." I looked up at him. "And I don't want you to miss them either."

"Oh god!" The words sounded like they were torn out of Max's throat and he choked on the second word. As I watched with growing alarm I saw tears fall out of his eyes and onto his cheeks.

I curled myself around him in a flash. "Oh baby, baby what is it? What's wrong?"

His arms wrapped around me and held me so tightly I could barely breathe. "I think I must be losing my mind."

"No my love," I argued gently. "You've just been working so hard, maybe you lost track of what's really important to you. You need to rest, think about things, get it all back into perspective."

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New Love

I first met Karen a few years ago. We worked together, but never looked at each other in any sexual way. Karen is nearly 20 years my junior, and good looking. She has brown shoulder length hair, 34B cup breasts, and a very nice body. About 3 months ago, we began to talk about our sex lives, mainly cause we were bored. Like me, Karen is married and has two kids. Like me, she also doesn't have a very fulfilling sex life at home. About 2 weeks ago, I happened to have a day off, and dropped into...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Natalie Porkman Natalie Porkman8217s First Interracial

Natalie Porkman has gone to the Darkside in her First Interracial with Jax Slayher. Natalie’s a cute little thing that’s still pretty new to the industry but definitely is making a name for herself as the go to fuck slave. She’s wearing pink lace lingerie with matching high heels and white stockings as she teases on the bed. Natalie gets on all fours in doggystyle to show off her perfectly tight ass and how good she is at arching her back. Jules examines her body as she spins around to show it...

1 year ago
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Girl Time 5 A Present From My Sister

Girl Time 5: A Present from My Sister. By Maria Ski, It was early on a Saturday morning and I was in the final stages of getting dressed, in fact it was a process that I had started the night before. Eos was right I do look great in this dress. I had come home one night to find the short white and black polka dot sleeveless dress hanging from a hanger on my wardrobe door. I know it was right for me to give her key, but I didn't expect her to do something like this. I also found an...

2 years ago
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A Horrible ChoiceChapter 9

Sheryl looked back and saw that Cricket didn't seem to have hardly even noticed. He just eased his car out onto the street and drove away like nothing happened. He knew Shawn's car, and he had to have seen him peeling out like that, but it didn't seem to bother him in the least. Walking up to her apartment building, she had that awful sinking feeling way down deep in the pit of her stomach, and she kept looking, expecting to see Shawn driving back down the street towards her, but he...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 19 No Goal

October 3, 1996, New York City, New York “I finally have you in a hotel room alone!” Cindi laughed. “For about two minutes until Elyse arrives,” I grinned. “It takes a LOT longer than that!” “Famous last words!” “You told me Stuart was a lot of fun!” “Not him. The limp dick I was married to!” “I think you might be reading later events back into the beginning.” Cindi shrugged, “He was OK. Dave was better. Way better.” “That was the LAST thing I needed to hear!” I chuckled. “I’m trying...

1 year ago
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on my 19th bday i was tookn out to the strip club now my bday is christmas eve but celeabrate it one boxing day bars are closed on boxing day here but got lucky with finding this strip club open they were haven a vip party that night i just said it was my 19th n was lucky to be lett in with my entourage now after a few drinks n tossing money at some sexy strippers n seeing some fine asses n pussies i took a break to walk ard the club checking out the fine females came across a table of 6...

3 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 7 Senior

Five weeks later, it was time for Danny to saddle up and drive up to Triple-P for his last hurrah. With Ashley’s okay, Lynn had given him a torrid good-bye night and he felt wrung out. This time, he could check back in quickly and move to the senior wing. He roomed with Jimmy Crenshaw, a quiet studious kid who had been sent to Triple-P to be out of his mother’s way. Danny planned to finish his applications for several colleges, Penn being his true wish. They had an excellent undergraduate...

2 years ago
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My Slave

You sit on the edge of the bed, face turned down slightly, hair hanging over your eyes, afraid to look but listening, desperate for a sign, a signal, a command. Waiting for me to finish my shower, to come to you, to pay attention to you, to worship you. Your legs vibrate with anticipation, your tight jeans rubbing against your smoothly shaved pussy and ass, no panties to protect your sensitive areas from the rough seams. Your nipples are hard, painfully hard, brushing against the white...

2 years ago
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Leon Gets Stacey Wet

It was a hot and humid night and midnight was getting near. Stacey was wearing a sexy red bikini and a small pair of cotton shorts that barely covered her bottom. She was rolling and ready to hit the annual "beach party" at the frat hard. The frat had outdone themselves on the decorations and they had even gone so far as to hang misters above the dance area to cool everyone off.The frat guys were handing out cups of punch to the girls as they walked in. Stacey was pleasantly surprised by the...

Straight Sex
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A Day In The Life Of A Slave Part 2

(Continuation of first part...) Looking out the window, I wonder what my master is going to do to me. Then suddenly I feel what he is doing as he lubes up my ass hole with warming gel. I shiver at what he was thinking of putting in there. He chuckled, noticing my shiver as he stroked my ass cheeks before parting them as something is slowly pushed into my ass. As much as I hated having things in my ass, I try my best to relax as the object is pushed into my body. While this object is being...

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 7

"Pete, what are we going to do now?" "I'd like to go home and talk. I'm almost married to you and I still don't know all about you. I want to hear all about Maria's life too. You can tell her what you are thinking of taking in school after graduation from high school." "Ginger, tell me what it is. I have no idea what I want to do and maybe I'll go to the same school." "Okay, but remember I'm going to be married woman by that time. I won't be out to bars and parties every...

1 year ago
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What I remember most is how green everything was. The trees were glistening with greenery, the undergrowth was lush and full, even the air itself seemed charged with some sort of green energy. As she and I walked slowly and carefully down the hill, I felt as if every pore was being filled with green life and energy. I felt alive, powerful, almost as if I were vibrating. We followed the small wooden signs to the water. It was not much more than a creek, but the water was clear and clean. We...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 342

Say thanks to Allan B. What units are used to measure the integrity of Iranian clerics? Mullah-grams You can’t trust Iranian clerics. Ayattold you so. The Chinese Coronavirus is also called the Kung Flu. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, She had so many children, didn’t know what to do. So she sold the old shoe and doesn’t give a hoot. She took out a mortgage, now she lives in a boot. Og the caveman sat in his cave chewing on a mammoth bone. Suddenly his mate ran into...

3 years ago
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Another virgin bites the dust

Well firstly this is the first part of a series of autobiographical Tales. I shall right about my further adventures, if it's received well that is. This is merely a first draft, I may well revise it and add much more, if it’s liked. And this is my first story and I’m half drunk so anyone who feels the need to bitch about spelling and grammar really needs to get a life. Although I would appreciate advise on my weak points, and things I should maybe add, just not pointless bitching. Let’s...

2 years ago
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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 5

They finally left Armstrong Space station at 15:00 hours. The whole crew watched the Earth and Moon grow smaller from the bridge. The bridge had five seats at the consoles that surround the raised Captain’s chair and two chairs for guests set near the doors and above the short ramps to the consoles. The rest of the crew had each attached to a chair or sat in laps to witness them leaving Sol. Pat was driving, and Darla and Beanie were at their stations as the navigator and the gunner. The...

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Deadwood Deadmans hand Losing a bet

We pulled into Deadwood about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. While Sturgis wasn’t that much farther, Laurie’s hands gripping my waist was making me edgy and I knew I needed to stop and blow off some much built up steam. After we checked into the hotel, Laurie jumped in the shower and I took the opportunity to run over to the local grocery store. I strolled through the store quickly, grabbing a bottle of white zinfandel and a couple of the disposable enemas. I had plans for Laurie, even though she...

2 years ago
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Back In Delhi To Bang

Hi everyone..This is Aditya. Hope you all remember me. Yes, I have returned to my home, DELHI!!! I had lots of fun with multiple ladies in Bangalore and I thank them for letting me please them. But now its time for the ladies & gals of Delhi to be pleased. Since my family stays in the outskirts of Delhi I had to take a room on rent in South Delhi since my new office is in Saket. I found myself a lovely apartment with some lovely neighbors. I was on the top floor of a 10 storeyed building. Soon...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 560

dorsetmike1 has to take responsibility for this one! ???? Tom had been in business for 25 years and is finally sick of the stress. He quit his job and bought 50 acres of land in the Scottish highlands as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise, it’s total peace and quiet. After six months or so of almost total isolation, someone knocks on his door. He opens it and there is a huge, bearded man standing there. “Hi, my name’s...

3 years ago
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Son Tricked And Fucked Mom

Hello everyone one, my self Gautham.My height is 5.9 and I’m well built as I’m a badminton player. Let me tell you guys abt the queen of the incident, yess right my mom. She is 38 years old now and she is house maker. Her size is 38-26-36. Of course she is very hot and well figure. Now let go to the incident which occurred 7 months back. I was studying my 12th grade and holidays were given to study for exams. I was in a home for abt 3months, my dad used to work in Bangalore, only me and my...

1 year ago
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Fucking the Cheerleader Next Door

I walked out of the Economics building after my last class on Friday afternoon. It was unseasonably warm for the middle of February in suburban Ohio. It felt much more like the middle of May and I knew the students would start drinking anytime soon. I hurried across campus to my dorm room so I could join in on the action.After a short walk across the small campus, I entered my apartment-style dorm and saw Corey, my roommate, sitting in the living room.“What’s up, C?” I said to him as I set my...

College Sex
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Son Of Cupid Chapter 1 Today I Found Out I Am A God

Andy Wiliams:  A 18 year old soccer player with shaggy dirty dark blonde hair He has crystal blue colored eyes. Andy also has a pretty boy face. His body is completely smooth except for very light amounts of hair on his legs and arms . He also has a nicely trimed area of pubes that match his naturally dark blonde hair color. To couple this he has a 2 2/3 inches wide penis with a length of 6 1/2 inches soft. When fully hard his penis is 3 inches wide and 8 in length. He has a NICELY DEFINED...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 198 Parking Lot Fun and Games

Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) Back to real-time, resuming my story just after the attempted castration. Between the cops and the Principal, I didn't go to any classes for the rest of the day. I finished with the Principal just before school let out, so I went to Julia's last class and stood outside her room waiting for the final bell. When the bell rang, the usual end-of-school stampede out of the classroom occurred. It didn't take a genius to know not to stand by the door, so I was...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Subject Part 4

Steven nodded and gave Christine a quick peck on the cheek. Christine gave him a surprised look as did the judge. He shrugged and took Christine’s hand. “Let’s get going.” Trish followed them out the door to the parking lot. “What was that Steven?” Christine asked Steven. He sent her a puzzled look. “What was what?” “The kiss you gave me after we exchanged vows. Are you shy about showing your affections?” “Something like that,” he replied. “Well then. I just...

3 years ago
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Finding Love Again Part II

I blinked my eyes a few times in the morning sun. Last night was still fresh in my mind, every touch, every kiss, it felt like a dream. Joel was much more talented in bed than Ryan had been, but I'm sure he had more practice too, on account of he was the older brother, and Ryan had only been nineteen at the time of the accident. I wasn't comparing them mentally, just enjoyed the more experienced touch.I didn't want to wake Joel from his slumber, so I tried to quietly reach over him to grab my...

Love Stories
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 6 Number 9 and 11

I'm writing this sixth chapter with some reluctance, because it involves myself. Earlier I have told that I lived in number 11, but as you shall see I couldn't very well write the story about number 9 without involving myself, and to tell you the truth, I'm not too proud of my part in that story. In number 9 lived the younger of our two vicars with his wife. He was a tall, skinny and somber man, and from official records I knew him to be 46 years old. His wife was 8 years younger, and to...

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Serious RelationshipsChapter 6

Out at the Country Club, Kaelee's mother, Megan and I, were enjoying our evening out together. She had finally relaxed enough from worrying about her daughter to be a great date. We talked about her husband and how he was killed. About how much sacrifices she had made to make sure that Kaelee would get into the best schools, which explained why she was in that all girls school now. But most importantly, how much she missed the attention of a man. Though I thought that what she was really...

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