MemoriesPart 2 free porn video

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Chapter 1

Sarah was nearly ten minutes late pulling up to the curb outside her daughter's school; she waved and smiled at Cathy.

"Sorry I'm late baby, something came up"

"That's OK mom"

"So how did the exam go?"

"OK I guess, certainly better than I expected"

"Good, do you feel like shopping?"

"Yeah, always"

It was a twenty minute drive to the large shopping centre; they didn't get much chance to talk as Sarah had her side window open, allowing cool air to blow through the car. Arriving at the shopping centre Sarah pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine.

"Let's shop," said Cathy as she climbed out of the car.

"I'll be with you in a second baby," said Sarah

She looked to make sure that Cathy couldn't see her and then lifting her hips she reached under her dress and slid her panties down and off' hiding them under her seat. She wasn't sure what had possessed her to remove her panties, but as she climbed from the car the warm breeze sent a shiver through her as it caressed her pussy, a pussy that was coated in the drying cum of her son.

The heat of the day hit her fully as she stood beside the car; Cathy was standing near the front of the car.

"All set mom?"

"Just a second honey, it's so hot I think I'll take my bra off"

Cathy watched surprised as her mom quickly and expertly removed her bra as she stood beside the car, pulling it from the sleeve of her dress and throwing it into the car. Cathy thought to herself 'why not, it sure is hot'.

"Hold on mom," said Cathy as she copied her mom's actions "catch"

Sarah just managed to snatch her daughter's bra before it fell to the floor, for some strange reason the feel of Cathy's warm bra sent shivers down her spin, throwing into the car she locked the door and walked over to her daughter.

"Shall we grab a bite first?"

"Sounds good to me"

Over the next two hours mother and daughter wondered around the shopping centre, drifting in and out of shops.

Sarah was standing outside the changing room in a clothes shop while Cathy tried on a short black dress.

"What do you think mom," asked Cathy as she stepped out of the changing room.

"You look great in that, do you like it?"

"I love it mom"

"Good, but I think if you're going to get it you need some sexy underwear. Try the other dress on and I'll go and pick some underwear out for you to try"


Sarah wondered through the rails of underwear, choosing things that she thought Cathy would like things that she new would turn a man on. As she wondered around she also chose some things for herself, thinking about what Paul and even David would say. The thought of her son and husband seeing her in the tiny garments was turning her on.

Heading back to the changing room she picked up a couple of summer dresses that had caught her eye.

"How's the dress," asked Sarah as she reached the cubical

"Mmm, it's nice mom, but I've got a bit of a problem"

"What kind of problem?"

"The zips stuck"

"Would you like a hand?"


"Shall I come in or are you coming out"

"Mom, get in here"

Sarah slipped into the cubical with her daughter, it was more spacious than she had realised from outside. A large mirror covered one wall, while a chair stood in one corner, it was covered with Cathy's skirt and t-shirt, while on the wall hung the dresses Cathy had already tried on.

Sarah paused to hang up the dresses she had brought and drop the underwear onto the chair. Turning to her daughter she saw the material of the dress had caught in the zip. Carefully she eased it out and slid the zip down, kneeling she helped Cathy remove the dress. As she knelt beside her nearly naked daughter Sarah was amazed to realise that she was becoming aroused. She gazed at her teenage daughter, naked except for a small pair of purple panties that seemed to mould themselves to her pussy mound. Shaking herself, trying to clear the sudden sexual feelings that were filling her mind, she stood up noticing that Cathy was looking at her with a deep penetrating eyes.

"I brought some underwear for you to try"

"Thanks mom, are you going to try those dresses," asked Cathy pointing at the garments that Sarah had hung up.

"I thought I would"

"I'll give you a hand"

"That's OK Cathy let's get you sorted out first"

"Don't be daft mom, come on, here let me help with the zipper"

Sarah shivered as Cathy unzipped her dress, her daughter's fingers brushing down her naked spine.

As the dress fell to the floor Cathy gazed at her mom's naked back and buttocks, she felt nervous, but was unsure why. Feeling as though she was dreaming Cathy stepped closer to her mom's naked back and slid her arms around the older woman's waist.

"I love you mom," she said as she kissed Sarah's naked shoulder.

"I love you too honey"

Sarah turned in her daughter's arms, stifling a moan as her breasts brushed against her daughter's, she froze in shock and surprise as one of Cathy's hands pulled her head forward and their mouths met. She stood frozen in place as she felt Cathy's tongue brush across her closed lips. Then one of Cathy's legs pressed between her own and a thigh pushed against her aroused pussy, she moaned, her lips parting and Cathy's tongue dove in to explore her mouth.

Sarah was amazed at how turned on she felt, she'd never thought about kissing another woman before, but now as her daughter's tongue explored her mouth and their bodies moulded together she felt nothing but feelings of elation and joy.

Cathy pulled herself from her mom's embrace and gently pushed her backwards until she dropped onto the seat. Dropping to her knees she gazed at her mom's naked, shaved pussy, as she lowered her face to it she saw the sticky jism that still coated her mom's labia. With a skill learnt with her best friend Jade, she lapped at the sperm and fresh pussy cream that leaked from her mom's aroused pussy.

Sarah jumped at the touch of her daughter's tongue on her pussy and clitoris; she pressed her arm into her mouth to stifle her moans of pleasure as Cathy showed surprising experience at eating her pussy. It seemed only moments before she felt her orgasm building and covering her mouth she stifled her cries of pleasure as Cathy's tongue and probing fingers pushed her into orgasmic pleasure.

As she recovered from her passionate release she pulled Cathy up and kissed her deeply. For the first time she tasted herself on another woman's mouth, as their tongues entwined in a passion filled kiss.

Sarah slid off the chair and pushed Cathy towards it, as Cathy took her place she pulled her daughter's knickers down and off, throwing them onto the floor. For the first time in her life she found herself looking at another woman's pussy up close. The neatly trimmed covering of hair seemed to point the way to her daughter's womanhood. Tentatively Sarah slid her tongue over her daughter's aroused pussy, tasting for the first time another woman's juices.

Sarah couldn't believe what she was doing, here she knelt in the changing cubical of a large clothes store, licking and sucking her daughter's pussy, where at any minute a shop assistant could appear to ask if everything was OK.

The risk of being caught seemed to increase the thrill of the sexual experience as Sarah dove in to feast on her daughter's pussy. Although this was the first time she'd ever made love to another woman she knew what turned her on and soon her actions were driving Cathy towards orgasmic pleasure.

Cathy held her mom's head, her fingers entwined in her mom's long hair, guiding the mouth that worked on her cunt and clitoris, trying to hold in her moans and whimpers of pleasure as her orgasm quickly built. She threw back her head, eyes tightly closed and teeth clenched to stop the cry of pleasure as she orgasmed, flooding her mom's mouth with her juices.

As her orgasm passed Cathy stood up on shaking legs, pulling her mom close so they could kiss.

"God that was amazing"

"For me too baby," said Sarah hugging her daughter.

"Come on mom, you'd better try these dresses on"

With Cathy's help Sarah tried the dresses she had chosen on, then helping each other they tried the underwear. Some of the garments were wet with pussy juice, the feel of the damp garments and the touch of each other's hands soon had them aroused once more. Quickly they both dressed, gathering up the clothes they wanted they headed to the checkout and from there back to the car.

As Sarah drove out of the parking lot she was very aware of Cathy's eyes on her,

"What's the matter honey, do you regret what we did?"

"What? No mom of course not, in fact I hope we can do it again, if you want to that is?"

"O god Cathy, I know we shouldn't, but yes I want it to happen again and again and again. If that makes me sick then I'm sick"

"Then we are both sick, but I do have one question"

"What is it honey, ask me anything and I promise I answer truthfully"

"OK, who was he?"

"Who was who honey"

"Who was the man that you made love to this morning, after all I know from this morning that you hadn't fucked dad, so who are you cheating on him with"

"I'm not cheating on your father, he knows everything I do, well apart from what just happened, I love your father and wouldn't hurt him"

"Does that mean you'll tell him about us?"

"Yes, does that bother you?"

"I don't know, what will he say?"

"I have no idea, but I can't and won't keep secrets from him"

"So who filled you with jism"

"Before I tell you there is something you need to understand"


"Just a second and I'll explain"

As she spoke Sarah pulled the car off the main road onto a quiet country lane, she followed lane for about a mile before turning right into a car park on the edge of a wood. She stopped the car and turning off the ignition looked at her daughter.

"Let's go for a walk"

Climbing from the car Sarah took Cathy's hand and together they walked into the woods, after about three quarters of a mile Sarah led Cathy from the main path onto a barely discernable one that wound between the trees. Following this path they walked into a little clearing beside a gently burbling brook.

Sarah sat beside the stream looking at her daughter who still stood beside her, she realised that by leaning back she could see Cathy's naked pussy. The sight brought an instant tingle to her own pussy.

Cathy sat beside her mom, allowing her skirt to ride up exposing her pussy to her mom's lust filled gaze. Reaching out she pulled her mom's dress up exposing her shaved pussy, before running her fingers over her mom's wet labia.

Sarah moaned in pleasure,

"I thought you wanted me to explain about the jism in my pussy"

"Later," was all Cathy said as she leant forward to kiss her mom deeply on the mouth.

Mother and daughter lay back, sharing a passion filled kiss as they pulled at each other's clothing. In seconds they were both naked, naked breast pressed against naked breast, tongues and limbs entwining as they shared a deep kiss. Pulling apart slightly they entwined their legs, pressing their dripping pussies together, mashing swollen clits and swollen labia. They ground themselves together, their bodies glistening in the sweat of their shared passion as they both rose towards orgasmic release. The clearing filled to the sounds of lovemaking as they both cried out their pleasure as they orgasmed together.

Pulling apart they lay on their sides, the grass feeling cool on their passion heated bodies, without speaking they both dove between each other's thighs, feasting on the girl-cum that coated each other's cunts. The clearing filled once more to the sounds of pleasure, muffled moans and the lapping and sucking of mouth and tongue on hot, wet pussy. Until with muffled screams and cries mother and daughter drove each other to orgasmic release.

As they recovered from their pleasure Sarah held her daughter close, stroking her hair and cradling her head on her breasts.

"I told you that I have no secrets from your dad and that is true, and what's more I love him with all my heart. We've always had a very loving and sexual relationship, we've experimented and acted out our fantasies together and always found pleasure in each other. The trouble is your dad has a problem at the moment, well for about eight months, he's impotent. I don't think, no I know it isn't a physical thing, or rather it is but it's due to stress at work and the worry about David. I guess now it's more the stress and hard work, he's tired, I won't deny I'm worried about him, he's working too hard and needs to take a break. The trouble is he can't take a break at the moment, in fact he's going away tomorrow for eight weeks"

Sarah felt tears come to her eyes as she spoke of her worry and fears.

"Anyway, last night Paul, I mean your father suggested I teach Davy about sex"

"Teach him?"

"Yes teach him, make love to him, commit incest"

"I can't comment on the incest thing mom, after all I enjoyed it"

Sarah couldn't help smiling at her daughter.

"Anyway your father saw it as a way to kill two birds with one stone, Davy would learn about sex from someone who loved him and I'd have someone to satisfy me sexually"

"And so this morning..."

"So this morning I seduced your brother after you and your dad had left"

"Where do we go from here?"

"I don't know Cathy, I love all my family and don't want to hurt any of you"

"Would it bother you if I slept with Davy or daddy"

"No, why, do you want to?"

"Yes, I do. I won't deny that seeing David walking around with an erection these past weeks has made me hot, and dads a bit of a hunk, and who knows maybe together we can help him over his problem"

"Maybe we can"

"We could try tonight, maybe watching his wife and daughter make love will give him a lift"

Sarah smiled and kissed her daughter,

"Maybe it will, it's getting late we should get going"

Quickly they dressed and headed back to the car, and then home.

Chapter 2

As Sarah pulled the car into the driveway David was just coming out of the home gym/garage, his body glistened with sweat, the T-shirt he was wearing sticking to his chest. Closing the garage door he stood and watched as they climbed from the car, collecting their shopping from the boot.

"Hi mom, Cathy. How'd the exam go?"

"OK I think thanks bro"

Smiling at her brother Cathy found herself looking at him in a new light, not as her brother but as a man.

David found himself feeling self-conscious as his sister stared at him.

"I'm gonna go and grab a shower, do you need a hand with anything"

"I'll let you know," said Cathy with a knowing smile.

Looking perplexed David followed his mom and sister into the house, heading upstairs as they made their way into the living room.

"From that look I'm guessing that you're going for a shower too"

"I thought I would, maybe if I'm quick Davy will wash my back. You don't mind do you?"

"Of course not, I guess I'm slightly jealous. Although whether about you getting to make love to David or because David will get to make love to you, I don't know. So go on enjoy yourself, it's OK I'll bring the shopping up, go quickly before he finishes"

Running up the stairs Cathy kicked her shoes off, tossing them into her bedroom, before heading to the bathroom, undressing as she went. Easing open the door she stepped into the steam filled bathroom, catching a glimpse of David's naked body through the frosted glass. Dropping her clothes into the laundry basket she stepped up to the shower door and slid it open.

The first David new of his sister's presence was when the shower door slid open and she stepped in beside him, sliding the door closed.

"C C Cathy what are you doing?"

"Taking a shower"

Cathy couldn't resist glancing down at her brother's cock, she smiled as she saw it jerk and begin to harden.

"But I'm in the shower"

"So I see," said Cathy as she reached out and wrapped her fingers around David's now erect cock, "If you want me to leave I will"

As she spoke Cathy stepped closer to her brother and not waiting for a reply she kissed him, releasing his erection she wrapped her arms around David's neck, pressing her naked body against his.

David was surprised and shocked at his sister's forwardness, he couldn't believe that just that morning, to all intense purposes he'd been a virgin, no memory of ever making love with a woman before. Then that morning he'd made love to his mom and now he was about to make love to his sister. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him as their tongues entwined in a kiss filled with love, passion and desire. Pulling apart David lowered his mouth to Cathy's breasts, her nipples were already swollen and erect with her arousal as his mouth closed over them, one after the other, sucking and gently nibbling at the swollen buttons.

Cathy moaned in pleasure, cradling David's head in her arms as he suckled at her firm breasts. She slid her fingers through his wet hair as the water cascaded over them both and he slipped to his knees, his tongue sliding down her stomach and teasing her navel before moving down across her neatly trimmed pubes. She jumped and moaned in pleasure as David's tongue brushed over her clitoris before lapping across her swollen labia. She cried in pleasure as his tongue pushed into her cuntal opening, entering her like a small hard cock. Cathy ground her hips rubbing her pussy mound over David's exploring tongue and lips, feeling his nose rub against her clitoris, sending waves of pleasure through her aroused body.

Cathy reached for her brother pulling him up, she wanted, no needed his cock, needed to feel it inside her, filling her. The cock that had filled her dreams over the past weeks, that she craved to feel inside her, pumping her virginal womb with its seed. She wasn't worried about pain; she'd lost her maidenhead years ago, to her best friend Jade and a hairbrush handle. Since those early teenage days of fumbling with each other, she and Jade had found satisfaction with various implements, both organic and non-organic. Now for the first time she would feel a man enter and pleasure her.

At Cathy's urging David stood up, they kissed once more, before with Cathy's mumbled words of guidance he lifted his sister, feeling her legs wrap around his waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. Leaning her against the wall he reached down to guide his cock to her cuntal opening, pressing forward he felt the head of his cock push into the hot embrace of Cathy's pussy. Pressing forward he eased his cock into Cathy's cunt, feeling it slowly stretch to accommodate his hard swollen manhood, wrapping him in its warm embrace.

Cathy moaned in pleasure, surprised and pleased at how great it felt to feel a real cock enter her body, feeling David fill her with his throbbing manhood as their bodies pressed together. Finally she felt their bodies meet as he buried his entire length in her womb, they remained still, as they savoured the feel of their joined bodies.

"O fuck Sis, you feel amazing"

They kissed, tongues entwining, bodies joined at mouth and crotch.

"Fuck me Davy, please fuck me. I need you, need to make love to you, to feel your beautiful cock inside me. So fuck me brother mine, fuck me hard and fill me with your hot cum"

David did need asking twice, holding his sister tightly he withdrew his cock until only the head remained buried within Cathy's body, before plunging forward ramming his cock balls deep into his sister's womb.

As the water cascaded down over them brother and sister made love, driving each other towards orgasmic release. The bathroom filled to their moans and cries of pleasure as their movements became more frenzied.

"Fuck me Davy, fuck me. Ream my cunt with your gorgeous cock, harder harder, o fuck yes Davy yes"

"O god Cathy, you feel so good, fuck yes baby yes"

Their cries became more frenzied as their orgasms approached,

"O fuck Cathy I'm cumming fuck yes Cathy yes yes YYEEEESSSSSSS"

"O Davy that's it cum in me fill me with your seed fuck me yes yes YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS"

Their screams of pleasure and release filled the bathroom as they orgasmed together, David's cock shooting forth its offering onto the alter of Cathy's womb.

As their orgasms passed they pulled apart, Cathy lowered her legs to stand beside her brother, they kissed deeply in post orgasmic bliss. Standing on shaking legs they washed each other, murmuring words of love and contentment as they touched each other's naked bodies.

Stepping from the shower, their bodies glowing from the hot water and their rekindled arousal, they dried off. When they had finished drying each other Cathy took David by the hand and led him to her bedroom. They lay down together on her bed, kissing and touching each other's aroused bodies, murmuring words of love and passion as they explored each other's bodies.

Lying on her back Cathy raised her legs draping them over David's shoulders as he moved between her thighs. Reaching down she grabbed his cock, marvelling at the feel and size of it as she guided it to the opening of her womanhood. She moaned in pleasure as she felt David enter her, pushing deeper into her than he had before. With each thrust she felt him sink deeper and deeper into her body until she felt his cockhead push against her cervix.

As they moved together their mouths met in a kiss filled with passion and lust, tongues wrestling.

David moaned in pleasure, his breath filling Cathy's lungs as they made love, the feel of his cockhead pressing through Cathy's cervix caused him to shiver in pleasure. He could feel Cathy's erect nipples pressing against his chest, her feet banging against his back as he ploughed his manhood deep into her body.

There bodies glistened with the sweat of their passion as they both climbed towards the peak of their pleasure. Cathy cried aloud as David's pounding cock pushed her over into gut shaking orgasm after gut shaking orgasm, each one more powerful and mind blowing than the previous. Cathy felt as though her body had exploded in over powering pleasure as she felt David's cock push through her cervix and flood her body with his jism, pushing her into yet another orgasm and causing the world to fade.

Cathy slowly opened her eyes to see David sitting beside her, a cold damp cloth in his hand as he gently wiped her sweat covered face and body.

"Are you OK?" asked David looking concerned.

"Mmm wonderful"

"I was worried there for a second, I wasn't sure what had happened"

"Sensory overload, I've never felt anything as intense as that before, it was amazing. I love you Davy, I think maybe more than a sister should"

"O god Cathy, I love you too, I just didn't know how to tell you. I guess it wasn't until mom showed me how to make love this morning that I found a way. Or until then that I realised how much you really mean to me. I don't know what sort of person I was before the accident, but I now that this me loves you"

Cathy and David kissed, snuggling up together as they drifted into a post coital sleep.

Chapter 3

While Cathy was being lifted into her brother's arms, standing under the shower, Sarah was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She tried not to think about her son and daughter showering together and making love. Part of her wanted to rush upstairs and join them, but the motherly part of her mind new that her children had to discover and define their own relationship, whether it was sexual or not. She new she should be disgusted at the thought of incest, but after the days events she found herself hoping that Cathy and David would find the same joy and intimacy that she had shared with them and still hoped to share with her husband.

Sarah turned as she heard the front door open; she smiled as Paul stepped in and walked back to the kitchen.

"Hi honey," she said as she kissed Paul

"Hi baby"

"Good day?"

"Same old, same old. How about you? Did you help David?"

Sarah for some reason felt herself blush.

"Yes, but the day didn't go quite as expected"

"In what way?"

Sitting at they table with her husband Sarah told him about the days events, starting with entering David's bedroom and ending with the shared pleasure in the woods with Cathy.

"Well I wasn't expecting that"

"Neither was I," said Sarah with a smile.

"Where's Cathy now?"

As he spoke they both heard the cries of pleasure from Cathy's bedroom.

"Getting to know David," said Sarah with a lust filled smile.

Sarah reached across and rubbed her hand over her husband's crotch as another cry of pleasure drifted to them from upstairs. She was surprised but pleased when she felt Paul's cock twitch in his pants. Standing up she removed her dress before pulling Paul to his feet and undressing him. When she pulled his underwear off she found herself kneeling before her husband's semi erect cock. She took it into her mouth bathing it with her tongue and gently squeezing his balls.

Releasing his semi hard cock Sarah stood and taking Paul's hand she led him from the kitchen and up the stairs. Standing outside Cathy's bedroom they looked at their son and daughter lying naked on the bed. As Paul looked at his freshly fucked daughter he saw the cum leaking from between her parted thighs. The sight aroused him and he felt his cock twitch again and rapidly swell into an erect state. He felt slightly guilty realising that it was the sight of his naked children that had aroused him. The guilt quickly passed however when he saw his wife smiling at his erection, a look of love and pleasure lighting her face. Stepping up to her they kissed, standing at the foot of their daughter's bed.

"Who do you want to fuck first, me or Cathy?"

Paul looked at his wife unsure how to answer, he knew he should say her, but the sight of Cathy's body, still glistening with the sweat of spent passion and the jism leaking from her well fucked pussy made him want his daughter.

Sarah smiled to herself at the look in her husband's eyes, she new he wanted Cathy and was surprised to find she didn't mind.

"Why don't we go and introduce Cathy to this gorgeous member," said Sarah as she stroked her husband's erection, "and I'll go and see what David's got left"

As they approached the bed Paul knelt beside his sleeping daughter, gently he eased her onto her back and parted her legs. He gazed at her teenage pussy, a mixture of Cathy and David's cum leaking from it to run down between her arse cheeks. Leaning forward he lapped at the leaking juices, tasting his son and daughter's cum as he licked Cathy's swollen labia.

Cathy moaned in her sleep, her hands slipping down her body as Paul sucked the jism from her cunt. She awoke to the feel of a tongue pressing into her cunt, she ground her hips against the mouth and reaching down she ran her fingers across the head buried between her thighs. She'd expected to feel David's thick hair, but was surprised to find her fingers encountering thinner hair. Opening her eyes she looked down and was surprised and shocked to realise it was her father who was eating her pussy.


Paul raised his cum smeared face and smiled at his daughter.

"Hi honey, you don't mind do you, you just looked so desirable lying there"

Cathy looked at her father, seeing his naked body kneeling between her parted thighs, turning her head she regarded her naked mother standing beside David's sleeping body.


"It's OK honey, it's up to you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to"

Cathy looked back to her dad who still knelt with his face between her parted legs. Reaching down she held her hand out,


Paul took his daughter's hand and climbed onto the bed. Cathy gazed at his erect cock, noting the size and thickness of the throbbing shaft. Reaching down she touched it running her fingers across the head, smearing the precum that leaked from the piss hole. Cathy looked into her dad's eyes, seeing the lust and desire that filled them; she felt part of her respond to his look, another part of her felt shocked that a father could have such feelings about a daughter. Her need and lust won the battle, the same lust that had led her to her mother's arms and then to her brother's.

David awoke to the feel of lips and a warm mouth bathing his cock, opening his eyes he turned his head in time to see his dad's cock push into Cathy's cunt. He was surprised that he felt a twinge of jealousy at the sight of his father making love to his sister. The feelings of jealousy quickly passed as the eroticism of the moment hit him and he felt his cock harden in his mom's mouth. He moaned in pleasure as Sarah released his cock and climbing onto the bed straddled his hips, taking his erection in her hand she lowered herself onto his manhood.

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Thursday morning I woke up and it took me a minute to realize my dick ached, stiff and swollen just like it should have been. I'd kinda worried about it actually, since cumming five times the afternoon and night before had been a whole lotta cum! I'd gone to sleep figuring I wouldn't get a boner for a week probably, but there it was! Everything was okay and even though I sorta wanted to use the bathroom just then, I gave my dick a little squeeze and spent five minutes thinking about...

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The Omega PathChapter 20 Fighters and Healers

It was only the pain that kept her from screaming. Annie dug her fingernails tightly into her own palms as she squeezed the controls, cutting into her own flesh. She gripped the steering wheel and accelerator handle so tightly, her knuckles went white. She pushed her tongue hard into her teeth, intentionally poking directly into the sharp points, nearly piercing herself. The pain in her hands and mouth focused her, which was the thing that kept her from screaming in fury. "Bastard!" she...

2 years ago
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Maa Ne Bete Ki Help Ki

Hi, I am Vijay. I’m 20 years old and stay in Mumbai. My mom is about 45 and has a decent figure. Ye story tab ki hai jab mein B.Tech kar raha tha. Kyunki mera college Mumbai mein hi tha. Main roz ghar se commute karta tha. Kafi din se padhai ka kafi stress chal raha tha. Main masturbate karke relax karta tha. Main apna maa aur papa ke saath rehta hun. Par main raat ko sab ke so jaane ke baad porn dekh kar masturbate karta. Ek raat, main masturbate kar raha tha aur tabhi maa ne mere kamre ka...

1 year ago
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Old Friends and Fuck Buddies Part 1

It had been a long flight. At least I had tomorrow to get over my jet lag before I needed to start the project. I checked into my hotel room, after picking up two bottles of wine and a twelve pack for the fridge. The room had a great scenic view looking over the river front. I put my clothes in the drawers and hung the suits in preparation for the next five days of work. Tomorrow would be a pretty easy day, with just a visit to the office in the afternoon. I decided to make it an easy night as...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 7 Teresa

"Howdy!!! We over slept! We need to be at my lawyer's office in an hour. Get up!" "What?" I said rubbing sleep from my eyes. Gypsy and I sprang from the bed and raced into the shower together. It was just a quick suds up wash off, but it would have to do. Nothing cologne and perfume can't hide Gypsy said with a giggle. We quickly dressed, and made a mad dash for the appointment. "We are signing papers today to make our business official." she said out loud, talking to herself. "Thislawyer...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 23 Is This Love

Gracie was in a much better mood when she woke up and found my handsome warm naked body next to her. The handcuffs gave her enough slack so she started kissing on my face, shoulders and chest. “What are you doing?” I asked when I woke. “You know you don’t have to audition for your life any more, right? I will free your butt, Zar insists I rid myself of you.” “Yes, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Or the bottom of my bottom, take your pick. This...” she gave me another...

2 years ago
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Wife and footy mates

Just the other weekend I had organized 3 of my mates to come around for a night of footy. So my wife Bon likes to show off when these nights come around. So the night starts off great, having a few drinks and chips and Bon was just being her usual self friendly and touchy feely as she kept the supplies up. I saw her at one time bend over in front of 2 mates and gave them a full view of her holes as she took her panties off. As the night went on she kept teasing and for sure was getting wet as...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Chanell Heart Stepbro Takes Creepy Selfies

The luscious ebony beauty Chanell Heart was just chilling in the bathroom taking some sexy selfies for her social media. She thought she was all alone, but she had no idea her step brother was behind her jerking off and snapping pics of her for his own personal spank bank. Chanell was creeped out beyond belief, but after looking at the pics she thought they came out pretty hot, which brought some levity to this sticky situation. Chanell liked the pics so much, she let stepbro take even more of...

1 year ago
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Mai aur meri bahen

Hi Friend mera naam amit hai aur mai aaj aapko meri aur mere bahen ke beech huyi sex ki gatha sunane ja raha hu.mai 25 saal ka hu aur meri bahen 20 ki.Ab jada kuch na bolte huye kahani suniye,aur agar aap logoko ko pasand aaye to mujhe par mail karke jarur batayiye. Mujhe apni behen ki gand lete lete 3 months ho gaye the… Me her roz nahi to 1 week me apni behan ki gand 3 ya 4 bar mar raha tha aur kabhi kabhi to 1 din me hi 3 se 4 baar us ki gand mar deta tha aur ab to mera lund meri behen ki...

4 years ago
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Skirt Shortener Part 1

Skirt shortener. Part 1 Brett always thought of himself as a ladies' man, others thought that he thought he was God's gift to women. The latter case was probably more accurate as Brett did have this way of thinking the mere sight of him made any woman fall head over heels. For women who were nymphomaniacs this may have been true, but then, nymphomaniacs will pretty much fall for any guy. Any other girl was actually repulsed by his antics; and...

2 years ago
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My African Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, I am back with the next part of my African girlfriend story. I hope you guys enjoyed the first part. Guys who have read the first part of my story probably know me. For those who don’t know me, here is a short one. I am basically from Mumbai working overseas on a ship. I am 25, stand 5’9″ tall with a lean beach body. So, let’s get started with the story. My African girlfriend licked my saliva and spat on my lips and gave a naughty smile. I held her back strongly in the same position...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 24 Breakfast at Brennens

Thursday, June 10, 1971 "Michael?" Mikeya said softly. I awoke with a start. I was still in the booth and my neck ached from the way I had been sitting, leaning my head against the window. "I don't know what's wrong with Ileana, she wouldn't tell me. But she's lying there in her bed, crying. Did you guys have a fight?" she asked me. I quickly scanned and saw Nicky, Adriana, and Vickie were still in my stateroom talking. I looked at my watch, it was ten after three. "No, not a...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist Camp

Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist Camp Few years ago my girlfriend Mitra and I were on vacation in Greece. We booked a tent at a nice camp by the sea on the Island of Ios. Pictures of the camp were fabulous and we couldn’t wait to get there. However, when we arrived there was a big surprise waiting for us. By the entrance, there was a sign with two words that changed my perception of vacation’s forever. The sign read: “Nudist Camp”. When I saw it, my heart jumped. I felt both shocked and a lure of...

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Robs Wedding

The music started and all the guests stood and looked toward the back of the church as the bride on the arm of her father started down the aisle toward my son who stood there watching her walk toward him. Forty-eight hours ago I'd have given odds of ten thousand to one that the wedding would never happen. I still didn't understand why it was taking place, but who in the hell can understand kids these days. Oh well, it was Rob's life to live, not mine, but I would have thought that the night...

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Skate ParkMud Ridin

The Skate Park---Mud RidinSlipin n slidin, and slingin mud--who don't like a dirty boi, covered in crud ??We arrived at the dirt tracks about 11:00 AM. It was still lightly raining, so I had put the bikini top on the jeep. Dustin helped me get unloaded, and all the gear out. Put on my ridin boots, and chest ptotector. I just left the shirt off---gonna get dirty anyway “) It was about 90 out, warm and muggy. Those pits are gonna really be stinkin after a couple of hours ridin.Kelso and Petroni...

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Chapter 5 Pennys day out

Chapter five: Penny's day out Friday August 25, Dear diary, I know I am being a pestering nuisance being too picky with all these painstakingly minor accounts but I need to completely capture every tiny detail to have long lasting memoirs. Let me thank you in advance for retaining so precisely the greatest day that a girl could dream of. Dear diary, Let me tell you how I woke up At 5:30 am, I was so excited to wake up that I forgot if I was dreaming. I wake up and quickly...

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Fun in the Jacuzzi

This is my first story guys so go easy on me...My name is Adam. I'm 6 feet tall with black hair and piercing blue eyes. I have always been fit and as a result I have a toned, muscled physique. I have always been intrigued by the thought of being with two girls at the same time. Little did I know, my fantasy would soon come true.It was our graduation party and almost everybody from my senior year of high school was there. I was popular so I knew most of the guys and girls there. But there were...

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Sex Studio Secrets 14 Simone1

Simone is my muse whom I have known all the time already as a baby to a blonde sexy shy tasty teenI remember she enjoyed to sit at my lap, hug me for being funny and giving her hidden complimentsMemories, making me long for her to be back at my lap and let me teach her some sexy love lessonsOnly till the time her titties started to grow she showed no borders for fine grinding her bottomNext she got suddenly sexually shy so I let go - followed from far her career at secondary schoolEvery now and...

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Where To Begin My Story pt 1

Going through some DVDs I found some of my early film adventures. This one is from a time of great fun and growth in my appetite for being nasty. I got to enjoy a time with most responsibilities done and the assets available to be free to chase fantasy and fetish. So I begin where genie had already moved on in this journey. Renting a room above a sleazy bar with a well-deserved reputation as a gay/drag pickup bar was step one. Getting the room was a combination of kinky college and...

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Threesome With Bhabhi And Her Friend

Hello guys, this is Sid again from Hyderabad with my second story. Those who doesn’t know me, this is Sid 6 feet tall fair and with an average body because I am not really interested in the gym with a dick size of 6 inches which can satisfy any girl or a lady.So interested ladies or girls can mail me at Your privacy is guaranteed and please do send your feedbacks. So coming back to the story the heroine’s of the story are my bhabhi (Preeti) with whom I have sex regularly and her friend...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 395 Dicing With Fate

Monday, September 17 to Sunday, October 21, 2007 Getting a bug was easy. I sneaked out again in the wee small hours of the morning, flew to Portland, where I stole a few each of several different varieties of bugs from the FBI, including parabolic mics, suction cup bugs that could be attached to the outside of windows, and different types that transmitted or just recorded what they heard. I even took some video bugs although I didn't think I'd use them with my current set of baddies. I...

2 years ago
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The Adult Baby Diaper School Part 4 Baby Jennifer Continued

The Adult Baby Diaper School Part 4 Continued As the vehicle pulls into the parking lot of the 'Potrozaebie Mall', Tristan luckily finds a spot close to the entrance, Frangelica is quickly out the passenger door, and opens the side door. "Okay, girls let me and Tristan help you out" "I've got it, thank you" Donna snidely remarks to her rival. 1st out of the van is baby Rikki, she is wearing a super quite yellow gingham sleeveless dress with lots of white lace petticoats, ...

4 years ago
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Akhir rupa jam hi gai

Mere pados me rupa rahati thi jo mujase karib aath saal chhoti thi. Hamare aur roopa ke family ke bahot achhe sambandh hai. Rupa sunder aur jawan hoti ja rahi thi aur usake saath hi mere usame interest badhane laga. Wo jab chalati thi to meri ankhe usake kulho par hi atak jati thi. Usaki laharati hui chaal dhekh kar mai to jaise pagal ho jaata tha. Wo muje chacha kahati thi. Rupa ab tenth class me padhane lagi thi usake ubhar badhane lage the sath hi sath usaki madakata bhi badhane lagi thi....

2 years ago
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How Long Has This Been Going OnChapter 1

Allen and I reunited when he responded to a disturbance at a local restaurant some 8 1/2 years ago. I was on a greet and meet lunch date with a man when he made a few crude remarks to me after I shot his aggressive advances down. The gentleman in the next booth took offense to my date’s remarks and “handled” his bad behavior. When the officers arrived, they found that my former date was on the floor bleeding with me kneeling at his side holding a napkin on his superficial injury. As I looked...

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Getting Even With Stepsons Girlfriend T

Since meeting and marrying my lovely wife I have been faithful to her.. till a recent event.My wife is a very special person and life with her has been really good, she has just one fault.. she loves her only son from a previous marriage a little too much, but worse than that her son is one of the most lazy, self centered and immature people I have ever met.She does too much for him and he takes full advantage of this , at first it was very important for me to get along with him but as time has...

4 years ago
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Why do fools fall in love Jacie 2 Chapter 4

“JACIE! Jack has phoned three times already, are you ever getting out of bed?!? Oh, and your friend Laura is here.” Her mum’s voice echoed in Jacie’s ears as she tried to get some clarity through her cloudy thoughts. ‘Who the hell is Laura? What happened last night? How did I get home?!?” Just some of the thoughts mingling with the confusion in Jacie’s mind, as her bedroom door opened and in bounced Laura smiling her beautiful smile, her sky-blue eyes shining. Jacie instantly recognised her...

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Loyal Follower

Loyal Follower By: Lyrissa "Beware, Commander, one of your trusted followers is a traitor!" The whispered warning made Adric quirk an eyebrow and consider the words carefully. He had no reason to suspect any of his followers of any sort of treasonous activity, but still he always trusted Illyria's advice. Adric stood up from his planning table, eyeing the room as if he was prepared to see a Horde assassin or Iron Horde spy lunge at him from the shadows, but nothing happened. All...

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taking down the boss

Karen sat on the front pew at the church; she was not listening to her husband drone on, giving his usual fire and brimstone Sunday sermon to the small congregation. A tear trickled down her cheek as she wondered how a thirty-nine year old woman: a vicar's wife could be so sexually dominated by her own offspring and how she had come to be so sexually deviant in just two short weeks. Just how had it come to this? She glanced at her twins, her son and daughter, and knew it had been her daughter...

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Halloween and the City Part 1

Halloween and the City Part 1 By: Nicole Satin I felt amazing entering the party; there I was with three other women dressed as the stars of Sex in the City. The only difference between me and the three other gorgeous fashionistas was that I was the only man in our crew. I was wearing a midnight black Oscar de la Renta, cocktail dress with a silver paillette-embroidered bodice and an ostrich feather skirt. I had strutted in on a pair of black Christian...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 8

We pulled out of the Hacienda bright and early on Thursday, the 11th of October, 1855, right on schedule. By we, I mean Tom, Yolanda, Anna and me along with Raphael, who was driving the wagon we were taking with us, and a team of vaqueros who were going along for security. The wagon Raphael was driving was one of the original wagons, with the steel box bolted behind the driver’s seat. Tom and I had loaded the box with 2000 gold bars late the night before. The Estancia was getting low on...

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In the pleasant glow induced by a very fulfilling all-night lovemaking session, having lost her inhibitions, she told me her wildest sexual fantasy: acting like a filthy whore, begging to suck and fuck a 9-inch dick and to become a man’s dirty slut, preferably a black man. It would add to her pleasure if I watched; and her wish would be complete if I participated! I replied I would certainly enjoy a threesome with her and another woman, but I was not sure about introducing a strange man in our...

2 years ago
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My babygirl

Introduction: First part is fact, the violent parts are fiction. Characters: Me-Daniel, 17 years old(at the time) Denise-My one year old daughter. When I was 15, me and my current girlfriend at the time were stupid. We decided to have sex with out a condom. (Those stories are coming soon.) Well out of the stupidity she had gotten pregnant. And 9 months later, our beautiful daughter was born. We named her Denise. When Denise was about 2 months old, I was changing her diaper, and for some...

1 year ago
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massage to mature lady

Introduction: Radha, a lifelong friend and neighbour has hidden feelings toward her massage ther****t Radha is a long time friend and neighbour. I’ve known her and her husband and her daughter Sharmila for more than twenty years. They moved into my neighborhood when I was around seven years old. Sharmila had just been born. My mother used to send me over with cookies and fresh baked pastries. It was her way of welcoming our new neighbors. Through the years, our families became almost as one....

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The Slave Girl Chapter 8

Chapter 7"I catch you if you fall." The corporal promised expansively. Then extended himself to humour. "I also catch you if you run."They did not run.In the cell their arms and wrists were freed. In their barred confinement their irons became more practical. They had little need to walk. From one side of their prison was only three or four dragging steps, the rest of them was free. If they stood still they could enjoy a false sensation of liberty. But this reflection was grim. It meant that,...

4 years ago
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Two Go Wild in Benidorm

Doreen and Barbara, two English divorcees, are sharing a beach side apartment in the Spanish resort of Benidorm. Barbara is the owner and uses it as her base for discreet prostitution work, servicing the needs of frustrated middle-aged British ex-pats. Her close friend Doreen is visiting after the breakdown of her marriage, which had been virtually sexless for years.The two women couldn't be more different in looks and demeanour. With her hourglass figure, peroxide blonde hair and painted...

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Not Exactly LoveChapter 2

Well, it went on like that, for more than a month. Bill's tips up at the cafe got even more outrageous, and he continued to pay me $60 every Tuesday night for coming out, and cleaning up his house. As he promised, there was at least some need, after that first week, for the housework. But it still was a pretty easy evening's work. One Tuesday night, Bill asked me if I could come out twice a week, instead of the once -- maybe on a Thursday evening. "You don't need a housekeeper more than...

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My Second Lesbian Encounter

Sorry for making you wait for such a long time!! I hope you guys remember about my first lesbian encounter with Sanjana . For those who don’t, I’m Natasha and it will be great if u read my earlier post My first encounter was really very special; everything was so new to me. The feeling that u get is too amazing. Girls who have not tasted another girl are surely missing a lot .The touch, the feel, everything is super amazing!!!...

2 years ago
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The Cuntlympic Slave Games

(Coverage of female slaves in competition. Contains body mod, piercings, humiliation, degradation, lactation ponygirls, bondage, slavery, orgasm control and more. Enjoy!) “Welcome back to our network coverage of the thirtieth Summer Cuntlympic Slave Games,” a clean shaven blonde man with boyish good looks said to the television camera in front of him. “I’m Bob Cuntas and joining me here in the studio today are Bambi Bimbofuck and Howard Cocksell. It’s great to have you here...

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My Brothers Wife1

My Brother's Wife --------------------------------------------------------------------- It's funny that anyone should think me a hero, especially my brother and his wife just because I fucked her a week after the two of them started dating. Mona is not a moaner. She's more of a screamer, and never the least bit hesitant to let the whole block know it when she's having a climax. The next door neighbors know exactly how many orgasms she's had the night before. Some of...

2 years ago
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What Would Be the ChancesChapter 4

It was the day after their joint appointment with Dr Lucy Anderson, when Mark received a phone call. Dr Anderson asked, "How many bedrooms do you and Amanda have?" Mark replied "Three, why?" "Do you use one as a playroom or just two guest rooms?" the doctor continued. "Well we have a guest room and a junk room I suppose, but it could be used as a play room, why do you ask?" mark enquired. "Tell me, Mark are you any good at D I Y?" asked Lucy. "Yes I like to think I can handle...

3 years ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 12

An hour later, I crawled into bed. I was so tired that I even put off cleaning my weapon. Hell, the roosters were already mocking me that it was time to wake up to face another day before I got home. Late that afternoon, the FBI agent in charge of the raid called. “The U.S. Attorney General gave me two different figures for the land,” he said. “He says that, if you agree to work full-time for any federal law enforcement agency, the land is yours for ten million dollars. He doesn’t even need...

1 year ago
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I had this dream where I got hit by a car and suddenly developed the ability to draw whatever I could imagine. Naturally, I spent my time drawing beautiful naked women touching themselves, eating puss, and getting boned. When I woke up, I understood why people love hentai, so I spent a few hours browsing the selection over at aka site calls itself “a free hentai manga and doujinshi reader.” I had to look up doujinshi, but it’s the same thing as manga, only...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Neighbor Sexy Bhabhi Kavya

Hi to all ISS readers I have been reading stories from ISS since last 4-5 years, this is the first experience which I’m sharing. My name is Rahul(fake name), 30 yrs I work Offshore in Middle East, I be in Mumbai for 4 weeks and work for 4 weeks, average build, with 5.7″ size pennis, I have a lust for bhabhi s, I love bhabhis specially with sarees, coming to the story this is about a bhabhi from my neighborhood her name is Kavya(fake name), she’s mother of 2, 1 girl in Jr college & 1 boy...

4 years ago
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Veronica ColemanChapter 10

Veronica was seated in an armchair, with a fire burning in the fireplace to her side, it was warm and comfortable. "Welcome to the sharp end of the stick!" Sir Timothy's voice sounded in the room, "I'm sorry that you had to take over, it seems I'm not as strong willed as I thought." He said and then appeared standing beside another chair that had materialised with him. Veronica looked at him; he appeared to be dressed casually and relaxed, "How do you cope with it?" She asked...

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Boyfriends Past

Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine's Day since high school that she didn't have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects.She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn't how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she'd never done that before. She'd always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right....

4 years ago
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Why do I think my daughter is so attractive part

So now i have opened pandora's box..the point of no return! I crossed the line that can not be uncrossed. I layed in bed that night waiting for my wife to come home. Seconds felt like hours , hours like nights. Thoughts of how willing Nia was , how she seemed to enjoy fooling around with her daddy. Was I wrong? I couldnt help it i thought. Her body slim and tender , creamy skin that would melt in my mouth. Her innocent curiousity and eagerness to please me. Her mouth so small but still able to...

1 year ago
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The Ritual

I can’t believe what I have been thinking. After all she is my best friend’s sister. I have been staying with him during the first part of our summer after graduation. I lie here every night and watch her do the most amazing things, sort of a ritual, before she goes to bed. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself. As I said, I am staying for part of the summer with the family of my best friend from college. His name is Dave, mine is Sebastian, Sebastian Robin, call me Bash. Having just...

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The Karma of Serenity

The Karma of Serenity By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and school had just ended for the week. This should have put me in a good mood, but my mood was anything but good at the moment. I'd gotten a B- in history class, which wasn't quite the grade I'd been aiming for. Unfortunately it was too late to do anything about that now as they'd already e-mailed my grades home. I snarled as I walked down the halls, glaring at several students who got in my way and smirking as they...

3 years ago
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Epilogue to Merry Go Round

Epilogue to Merry Go Round By Dale Ribbons, great editing of the whole story by Steve Zink It was barely a week after Natalie's death that state troopers came to town to arrest Tori on extortion and corruption charges. Tori being Tori, she didn't go down without a fight, and even broke two troopers' arms. The local news crews were there to film every glorious moment as she had to be beaten, pepper-sprayed, and shot with a taser to get her down. Absolutely no one was sorry to see her...

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