PerfectChapter 2 free porn video

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How could she do this to him? She had him completely; he may not realize it but he loves her. Surely she could see that. Damn her! Damn her for ever laying eyes on him! If only I had realized that all he needed was for someone to pull him in, if only I had attacked him like she did. One look at his eyes and she was after him; the damn hussy! She couldn't be happy with just him though; she couldn't understand that he needed to take care of his education first. Damn her!

And now what do I tell him. Do I say, "Give her another chance, you obviously love her," or do I tell him to let her go to hell. If he takes her back she'll just do it again, how could he trust her. But letting her go is obviously tearing him apart.

If only I could... well why not? I've been waiting for him to ask me out since a week after I first met him. And I'm my own woman! The hell with what the family thinks. Besides, he's a nice Muslim boy, they couldn't object to a serious relationship on anything but impropriety and they need not know everything.

And you know what; that bitch doesn't deserve him anyway; all she'll do is hurt him again. God help me but...

She had been rocking him for almost half an hour when she made her decision. Shamshaire, by then had stopped sobbing, and was simply clinging to her. He felt wonderful in her arms, safe and warm, he knew he could always turn to her. She shifted her body slightly, but Shamshaire didn't move, he just kept his eyes shut and basked in her warmth. He barely realized it when her left arm, which had been around him, left his back.

Leila, with her left hand under his chin, tilted Shamshaire's face upwards and lowered her lips to his mouth. She pressed them against his lips and softly forced her tongue into his mouth. He reacted automatically, without thinking, and they reveled in the feelings each gave the other. Their hands began to roam their bodies and passion was ignited. Then suddenly Shamshaire stiffened and pulled away, holding a startled Leila by the shoulders.

"No. This isn't right," Shamshaire said, looking Leila in the eyes, "What about your family! I of all people understand that the honor of a family is in the keeping of its daughters! You have to understand this just can't be right now. I have too much on my mind! Too much!"

He turned to leave and Leila followed him out to the front of the house.

"Just don't go back to her damn it! She doesn't deserve you!" Leila shouted after him but he was not listening. Not even realizing that he was still without a shirt, he got in his car and for the second time that day drove off without any clue as to where he was going. She turned back inside, shutting the door, and as she walked back to her room she thought, 'I, I've scared him, I just hope not back to her... '

He just drove, from one street to another; he passed the lab and almost turned onto Cyclotron Road but decided against it. How would he explain his lack of a shirt to his boss? Finally without really knowing how, he made it up to Grizzly point, way up The Hill. He stopped at a vista point and parked. The spot offered a gorgeous view of the bay and across it San Francisco. It was evening by now, and in some place the lights had come on. Below him, he could see Campanile was already lit up. He remembered how on the last Halloween someone had stuck a giant pumpkin on the top of it. The University had to get a crane and several men to clean it off. To the north he could make out Albany and beyond. To the south were Oakland, Richmond, and Emeryville with its new high rise offices that had lights on the perimeter. The sun was low but being May, the sunset was still a couple hours off. Shamshaire looked over the bay into The City. The Transamerica building was silhouetted against the evening sky, and Coit tower could just barely be made out in front of the Golden Gate and beyond that the open sea. Ah, the sea, Shamshaire had been sailing several times and every time he saw open water it called to him. It did so now especially.

'To just sail off, chasing the forever setting sun; that would be fine. To hell with people. People betray, people lie, people cheat, but the sea doesn't lie. Oh, it'll play games with you, and if you aren't paying attention it will cast you down cruelly. Yet you can't fault it, that is its nature, and it never claimed to be docile, despite its name. Oh, to just sail off, ' he thought, 'And to leave everything behind.'

Shamshaire often came up here to think, but tonight that was the last thing he wanted to do. So shaking himself out of his day dream, he got his cell phone out and dialed his wildest friend, Dan "Wildebeest" McCarrey.

"Hey Beastie!"

"Eeyyy Leo, what's up."

"Hey bud I wanted to know who's having a party tonight. I feel like lettin' the lead out!"

"Whoa, Shamshaire wants to party? The devil must be putting on ice skates! What kind of party do you want dude? There is a film festival at the APFA, TAU House is having a bash, and Theta Epsilon Lambda is having there spring Luau."

"First of all Dan hell is-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know hell is cold! I read the damn thing too, okay. And it wasn't that good! Now tell me where you'll be."

"Well, you tell me where you think there will be the most girls."

"What about Kay?"

"Don't ask. I need to get my mind off of her, and others..."

"I am not sure I know what you are talking about but I am gonna be at Chez. They are having a thing to celebrate the end of the year. A lot of freshman and new admits are gonna be there."

"Sounds good when do they start?"

"Well, let's see. It's about six right now so they start in an hour. But you know how it goes; the real action doesn't start till about nine at the earliest."

"Aahh shit that's two hours what do I do till then?"

"How 'bout you come by and we smoke a bowl, you know some mellow stuff, it'll just give us a soft buzz and wear off by the time we get to Chez."

"C'mon dude you know I don't do that shit."

"Yeah, sure. I also know that you don't cheat on your girls. Don't ask about Kay you say? I may be partier but I'm not stupid; I did get into this school on academics you know. Now whatever the fuck happened between you two is none of my business unless you decide to tell me, but I know that a good smoke will make you feel much better."

"Well, we'll see. I'm gonna come over anyway. I need a shirt to wear."

"Now you're really confusing me."

"Don't ask."

"Whatever, sure you can borrow a shirt, buuuut... you have to take at least one hit."

"Yeah, okay. I'll be there soon."

Shamshaire hung up and then dialed another number.

"Hi mom?"

"When are you coming home Shairu, its going to be dark soon."

"Hm, well, that's what I wanted to talk about. I was studying with Dan, you know the AstroPhys major with the crazy hair."

"Oh, the one who looks like a hippie." Shamshaire laughed at that comment because of how true it was.

"Yeah, that's him. He invited me to a party he is going to. I might be out pretty late and if I don't feel like driving I'll crash at his place."

"Okay, that's fine, but be careful, you know I worry about you at these parties. Young people do the stupidest things."

"Don't worry so much. I won't pull any stunts."

"Fine then, but make sure to call us in the morning as soon as you get up, okay."

"Sure thing, love you."

"You to babe, bye"

'Well, here I go. I'll drown my sorrows in some strange girl's arms. Oh well, better than going home and crying myself to bed, ' he thought to himself.

So Shamshaire headed down to Dan's apartment. He, like Leila, lived on the south side of campus. His parents had money though, so he had a one bedroom apartementall to himself, which was good because few people could have lived with his smoking and drinking. When Shamshaire got there Dan had his bong ready to go and a clean shirt both waiting for his friend.

Shamshaire had experimented a bit in high school, so he was a stranger to pot, but he hadn't had any in almost two years. After his first hit, Dan convinced him to have another, and pretty soon both were relaxed into mellow highs and Shamshaire was telling Dan everything.

"Whoa man. This is some heavy shit; finding out Kaylin is cheating and Leila coming on to you in the same day."

"Yeah, you can't say anything though. Especially about Leila, her reputation has to stay clean."

"Yo man, I know how to keep my trap shut." And Shamshaire knew he did; Dan had access to nearly every type of contraband in the East Bay because he could be trusted.

"So what you doin' about Kay? I say you dump her and give Leila a shot. You know she's had a crush on you for over a year."

"I knew she was interested, but not this much. And anyway, she's the kind you marry not have fun with. I couldn't pressure her; it'd fuck up everything. I could never look her in the eyes again."

"But she came onto you."

"Maybe she was just trying to make me forget about Kay for awhile."

"That ain't like her."

"Yeah, hey after the party can I crash here?"

"No prob. Hey let's check out TAU before goin over to Chez. I want to say hi to a couple people."

"You mean you have to drop some shit off, eh. Sure what time is it?"

"'Bout quarter past eight and yeah that's what I mean. Man I hang out with you too much, you know my mind."

"Okay, lets walk up there. It's not far, and I don't want to deal with parking or driving while I still have a buzz."


They left and walked out and up to Piedmont where they took a left to go North and finally arrived at TAU house. TAU house was one of Berkeley's many student co-op housing facilities. It was one of the nicer ones though, being clean, and relatively mild in the way of co-op parties. This was their final party before graduation parties started and there were not too many people there but still a good hundred-fifty guests at least. When they walked in they were greeted by someone Dan knew and shown where the drinks and dancing was, then they were left to themselves. Dan went off to see his clients after he and Shamshaire agreed to meet back at the drinks in twenty minutes.

Shamshaire wandered around, stopping to chat with a few people he knew, and was waiting for Dan when he saw Derrick getting a drink. Whether it was the pot, the atmosphere or simply his rage, Shamshaire did something he had never done before in his life - he started a fight.

Walking up to Derrick Shamshaire tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned he deck him. A full roundhouse to his jaw struck Derrick and he fell backwards, barely missing the drink table, but spilling his own, and hit the ground.

"I'll teach you to make moves on my girl you dirty mother fucker!" Screamed Shamshaire as he went down and grabbed Derrick by his shirt. Then he reared back and hit him again. By now the other partiers had realized they had a fight on their hands and a couple, one of them a house member, moved in to separate the two.

Dan got there just as Shamshaire was being pulled off a dazed and in pain Derrick, and thinking they were trying something with Shamshaire he yelled, "Hey let go of him damn it! That's my boy!"

"I'm gonna kill that mother fucker!" Screamed Shamshaire as he struggled

"Fuck you Dan," yelled the house member (Shamshaire swore Dan knew everybody), "This asshole started shit with the dude on the floor. Get him the fuck outta here before some idiot calls the cops." By now several house members had arrived and were helping to restrain a maddened Shamshaire.

"Man fuck you!" Retorted Dan, "Let him go and we'll jet! Leo! Fuck man, quit fightin' em!"

"Lemme go! I won't go after the fuck," shouted Shamshaire. The TAU house members released him, but stayed between him and Derrick. He went to Dan who was standing near the door but just before leaving he shouted "If I see your face again mother fucker you'll never wake up!" pointing accusingly at the still dazed and bloodied Derrick. Dan grabbed his arm and dragged him out the door though, before he could aggravate himself too much again.

Once they were outside, they walked quickly back to Dan's apartment. There Dan picked up his favorite pipe and another bag of weed. Shamshaire had not said a word since leaving the TAU house party and Dan didn't press him; he knew that Shamshaire was not completely in his right mind and didn't want to drag him down any further.

They got in Shamshaire's car, a full-cab, short bed, black truck, and headed out to Chez. The trip was short but on the way Shamshaire let Dan know the reason he had attacked Derrick and who Derrick was. Dan simply accepted it as something that needed to be done. Regardless of what happened with Kaylin, Shamshaire had at least maintained his honor by paying Derrick his due.

Chez was a large building near the southwest part of Campus. It had more than twice the number of residents as TAU and the parties were also proportionately large. Tonight was their annual drink theme party. What that meant was that one whole wing of the co-op was had each of its rooms dedicated to a specific drink or family of drinks. The rest of the house was a combination of dancing, drinking, drugs, and there were of course several rooms dedicated to the carnal pleasures that are so much more fun with a bit of a buzz.

The two friends entered and were given a quick tour of the party and then like before, were left to themselves. They found a hotbox (a room without any ventilation so that the pot smoke could completely surround the occupants) and lit up a bowl. By the time they had a good buzz going it was nine-thirty and both Shamshaire and Dan decided they were thirsty. Walking around, they found "The Beer Room," one of the larger rooms in which there four kegs and many bottles of micro brew to be sampled. Somebody by the door gave them each a beer. Dan giving Shamshaire a perplexed look said, "Hey man I thought you didn't drink?"

Shamshaire looked at the open bottle for a moment as if contemplating it and then gulped the whole thing down in one draught.

"I do tonight," he said throwing the bottle against the wall, "Now where the fuck is the hard stuff; I don't want to wake up till Monday!"

"Woohooo!" whooped Dan, "We gonna GO! tonight!"

So the two friends left and found a room more to Shamshaire's taste. "The Royal Room" contained a selection of Scotch, Whiskey, Bourbon, and Cognac, and each had to pay ten dollars as a cover charge, but once inside drinks were unlimited. Shamshaire grabbed a bottle of Johnny Walker and threw himself into a beanbag chair as Dan sat against a wall with some Jack Daniel's.

Taking a draught of his bottle Shamshaire asked Dan, "So where are the freshmen, bud? I wanna bag one of them and a new admit, tonight."

"Whoa there, by the time you finish that bottle you'll barely be able to stand up let alone get it up," replied Dan with a chuckle.

"Man fuck you! If you won't help me I'll just go find'em on my own."

"Hold up now. I didn't say I wouldn't help, after all, I want a piece of ass tonight too."

"Alright then lets go," said Shamshaire as he got up. And Dan agreed. As the two were leaving the room the barkeep, who was actually just a house member in charge of the liquor in that room, yelled at the two, "Hey you can't take those bottles outta here."

"You gonna stop me mutha fucka!" Shamshaire yelled back as he turned around. His eyes were coal once again, the fury he had felt hours earlier at the sight of Derrick not completely forgotten. The barkeep was not stupid, he saw a well built, half drunk, and obviously angry man glaring at him, so he backed off shaking his head and let the two friends leave.

Dan and Shamshaire went back to the hotbox room, and asked a couple of good looking girls to join them. The girls, one a blonde with sky blue eyes and a decent figure, the other a busty redhead with a slightly pronounced ass, accepted the invitation since Dan was supplying the pot. They all chatted each other up and the boys learned that the Redhead was named Toby and the blonde was called Terry. As the boys had hoped the girls were just finishing their freshmen year at Cal and this was their first party at Chez.

Dan being his devious self pulled out a different bag of weed. This new stash was his favorite. It was strong and mellow; it never led to hallucinations or paranoia but completely relaxed and opened up the user. He put this into one of the pipes lying on the floor and handed it to the girls while he and Shamshaire lit up weaker stuff. As all four had already had plenty to drink, and the boys shared their liquor with the girls, the group was buzzed within half an hour and the boys had started their attempts to whisk the girls off to a "more private" part of the party. Succeeding after another bowl and a couple of beers, the foursome moved off to find one of the reserved rooms.

At Chez there were no do not disturb signs, so when couples or more wanted some privacy they simply hung the girl's bra out on the door knob. After skipping several occupied rooms the group found one that was empty and entered.

There was little pretense among them. They all knew why they were there and what they wanted. It was not a time for slow seduction or sweet words, so they all stripped to their socks quickly and were on each other. Dan nearly threw Terry onto the bed as Toby lay down on the carpet and pulled Shamshaire to her. Dan diving between Terry's legs started eating her. Being drunk and high he was not exactly coordinated but Terry's intoxication magnified her sensations and she was soon near climax anyway. Shamshaire did not have the same luck with Toby. He had almost fallen on her and in his state barely managed to get a tit in his mouth. Hearing Terry's moans and Toby's frustrated sighs decided him to get between his sex partner's legs. Even though he was farther gone than Dan, Shamshaire's innate ability to please women, having been cultivated by his girlfriends, namely Kaylin of late, allowed him to warm up Toby very quickly. Soon the two girls were moaning loudly and eventually came nearly simultaneously. Terry was a relatively had a relatively calm orgasm. She seemed to just slide into her climax and then slide out again with only a low grown. Toby however, was wild. Shamshaire, having gotten his act together, had two fingers in her and his mouth locked on her clit. When she burst fluid gushed past Shamshaire's fingers and onto the carpet and her hips nearly threw him backwards because she bucked so violently against his mouth.

Having taken care of his girl at least once Dan was ready to go. So removing his head from Terry pussy, he yelled at Shamshaire, "Yo Leo, you got any rubbers?"

"FUCK!" Terry and Shamshaire screamed in unision.

"Damn it Dan," Shamshaire yelled at his friend, "What the fuck're you thinking forgetting the rubbers. Get yer damn pants on and go get a couple!"

"You only need enough for yourself Danny-boy," said Toby, "I'm on the pill."

"Then what am I waiting for?" Quipped Shamshaire.

As Dan got his pants on and left grumbling, Shamshaire entered Toby. He was slow at first, adjusting to the feel of a new pussy, after having been with Kaylin for so long. But his pent up rage and lust soon took over and he was slamming hard into Toby who just lay there grunting with Shamshaire's every thrust.

Dan got back quickly; apparently someone had had the foresight to leave condoms in the bathrooms. He dropped his pants again, and after hastily putting on one of the condoms, climbed onto the bed between Terry's legs. He, like Shamshaire got in quickly was soon on a steady pace.

Toby got louder as she got closer to release. She was on her back and Shamshaire was pounding into her but was supporting himself on his arms and not her body. Toby wanted him deeper and harder so she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close. She had been digging into his chest with her hands but now she dropped one to a breast and the other to her clit. Flicking, rubbing, and pinching the sensitive nub, she suddenly tensed under Shamshaire, let out a scream and then went limp.

Shamshaire, had not cum, and was still pounding away when Toby came back.

"Sham, shaire. Stop, stop," she pleaded, "I can't take any more, I gotta sleep." "Fuck! I haven't gone!"

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After breaking up with my boyfriend of two years I was both bored and in the need of sexual stimulation but I was not finding it anywhere. I was 18 and nearing 19 and I felt like I was starting to reach my peak sexually, but with no interesting partners showing up. I didn’t plan on meeting potential sex partners via internet chat, but that is what happened. Being bored and looking for action I just by coincidence met an interesting guy and potential sex partner that lived near me. We talked...

3 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 10 Lisa

When Jack got back to the house, he had to ring the bell because he still hadn’t remembered to get another key made. Lisa, still dressed in her tee-shirt and jeans from work, opened the door. When he entered, “Welcome home, Lord,” Lisa said her dark eyes focusing on him. She began to move down into a curtsey, which Jack didn’t remember her ever having done before. With one hand, he pulled her up and to him. She gave him a brief kiss saying, “Lord, I got extra keys made for you and me.” Jack...

2 years ago
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Becoming submissive

I met Brent right after I moved. A brand new city, brand new job and brand new friends. We talked online before I had moved and were merely friends. He was 23 and I was 26, polar opposites in almost everyway. He stood 54 about 245 pounds and strawberry blonde hair. He was very cocky and conceited and a total red neck. I, however, stand 511 about 220 pounds with 40DD breasts, a nice firm ass, long burgundy colored hair and a total city girl. I was never thought of him sexually or had been...

3 years ago
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A Cool And Very Horny Night With Madhu

Hello ISS readers. This is surya raj again with a more ecstatic really happened story. My email id is Any aunties or divorcees in Coimbatore who really wanna have a safe and confidential and satisfactory sex can contact me in the above given email id, I will be available all the time. Please contact me. Again im saying about myself. Im an average coloured tall guy with a strong fat 6″ dick. My sex partner in this story is madhu who is whitey, with big soft spongy and attractive boobs. Her body...

4 years ago
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Whatevers Clever

“What’s up, Shanna,” the building inspector perked up.“Not much. I was just checking to see if you can still come to my presentation tomorrow night.”“Yep! I already baby momma and she’s cool.”“Great,” delighted the sandy-haired grad student with deep, yellowish-brown skin. “I really appreciate the support. I’m sorta nervous.”“Don’t be. You’re gonna rock it!”“Thanks, Zavier. I’ll text you the address later. How’s Braxton.”“Li’l man is good,” he referred to his son. “Real good.”“Glad to...

2 years ago
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Sex With Student8217s Mother Part 8211 2

Hello to everyone ,if any unstatisfied bhabhi or aunty who need love can contact me , I am from faridabad . But dont ask for the pics of bhabhi to whome I have sex with . Mail me if someone need love at   This is joe john again with the second part of the sex with the student mother !!!.   Those who dont know me , can read my first part of the story sex with the student mother . So the start from here. Bhabhi told me to come next day when there will be no one in the house .   Later that I...

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Sex education for a perv

Everywhere you look nowadays, people are showing their genitals, usually in graphic detail. Not something I like to see I’m afraid (but then I’m not ‘normal’, am I?)Who remembers the 60s? Those were my teenage years – no mobile phones, no Internet, and even in dirty magazines full nudity was not permitted. The mags I bought most of were Spick & Span and Beautiful Britons, which were mostly fully-dressed, raised-skirt and knicker-show, some cleavage and bikinis, rarely topless, and no more....

1 year ago
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Smashed Molly Little Guess What He Said About My Pussy

Oliver Flynn finds his stepsister Molly Little crying in bed. He comes in to comfort her and asks what’s going on. Molly instantly unloads on Oliver, telling him that she broke up with her boyfriend because he said she had an ugly pussy. She goes on to say that her ex was always mean to her and would hit on her friends. Oliver offers to fuck Molly’s ex up right now and takes off to do just that. Later, Oliver comes back just as Molly receives a full apology from her ex. She’s...

3 years ago
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Dead stick 4

Walking to the old factory building I saw Celina awaiting me, "Damn! Sorry Celina in all the activity yesterday I forgot to code the building to allow you access when you got here in the morning." "It's alright sir, I figured it was something like that, no need to explain," she sweetly replied. Wow! This was a definite improvement in her character from what she'd been before, now caring and meticulous compared to before when she was wild and dangerous. Opening the building he pulled...

4 years ago
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Work Romance

The thought of dating someone at work never crossed my mind until you started to work with me.   You are a very handsome man with the deepest eyes I have ever seen.   You can tell that you’ve been through a lot just by looking into your eyes.   You could also tell that you got whatever you wanted…whenever you wanted matter what it was.   This is where the attraction began.   I’m the same way…I always get what I want...and I want you.     You...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Dr Kelly Breast Milk Expert An Adult Story

I was just pulling my car into the trailer park. The dust from the gravel came up over the top of my hood. I looked around. There were quite a few trailers as I pulled around to the last one on the left. It had pink siding going down the double wide. I can't believe I spent 6 years going to college, just to make house calls or should I say trailer park calls. I had no degree. The money ran out before I got kicked out. I had a few jobs ever since. I just happen to stumble upon this one. You...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 126

"I'm still not too sure about this," Mark said as he and Josh rode down the highway outside of Camden, a hundred miles south of Spearfish Lake, the following Saturday morning. Mike, Tiffany, and the wives were in Mike's car, behind them. It was a nice day to be out, clear, with a gentle breeze. It was still cold, but showed promise of warming up. "At the worst, we're bound to learn something," Josh said. "Face it, everything we know from Jim is from thirty years ago, or longer than...

2 years ago
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From Nothing EverythingChapter 6

By eight o’clock, I was exhausted when the pool party was finally over. The back garden was a mess. Addison started collecting. “Leave it for tomorrow,” I suggested. “I’m going to shower.” “Okay. Me, too.” She looked as tired as I was. In the shower, while I washed, I decided I was pleased with the pool party. Everyone had fun, no one left out. I liked the distraction of chaos and noise and energy. “Thanks for the party,” Addison said from outside the shower. I turned the water off and...

1 year ago
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Male cum slut

My name is John I am now thirty two quite slim, live alone and have a thing for women’s panties, I just love to wear them under my clothes and have a large selection of thongs and other types of panties and I want to tell you how this has changed my life completely. When I was a teenager me and my best mate Tommy used to have what we called play time. This involved us both sitting around in just our boxer’s watching porn films and masturbating together, it was nothing gay but I did love to see...

4 years ago
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Time Once More for MarilynChapter 6

Marilyn had offered to cook me a breakfast which I declined. My travelling had opened my mind and now I would usually breakfast on rolls with butter and a preserve and coffee or tea. The traditional English breakfast of bacon and eggs no longer appealed. She agreed. "Yuck! All that grease. I used to get sick in the hotel with the smell of bacon and eggs at breakfast time." We sat down to fruit juice, granary rolls with butter and apricot jam. We ate with one hand only, my other hand was...

3 years ago
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True Makeover

True Makeover Hello Stella and Sandy! I hope you're ready for this. It turned out kind of long. Sandy, would you please print this and give a copy to Stella? I'm sure she would like to keep it for posterity. I knew, when my wife "volunteered" me for this, it would be interesting. After all, I was in the military where I was "volunteered" for stuff on a continual basis. So I knew it wouldn't be so bad. What am I talking about? In case you don't remember, our church ladies...

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banging Bernie

This is a true story about a girl I use to see every so often when she would come up to visit her friend Tammy. Bernadette was her full name but we just call her Bernie. Her father was the principal of our school and she really had a crush on me at the time. She would corner me every chance she could stealing a few kisses before I could get away. Bernie wasn't bad looking but being the principal's daughter was why I didn't try to go farther with her.She was about 5'6 long curly black hair,a...

2 years ago
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Football Fantasy 4

--- I can't believe it. I just can't fucking believe it. That was going through everybody's mind as we walked back to our bus. It was pouring down rain, and the sky was as dark as we felt. We just lost in the third round of the playoff's. To a city school. Not only that, but a city school who uses Freshmen as their starters. We were up 14 points at the half, and we lost by 22 points. Isaac was crying on the coaches shoulder, Adam was throwing up in the corner, Tanner...

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Night Crawling

She struggled, her arms and legs thrashing as she fought to break free of the sheets and the unknown assailant. Strong arms on her mouth and chest pressed her down to the bed. Then: the sound of metal sliding out of the case. “Be still, I’ll cut your fucking throat.” The blade was pressed against her throat. It went in deep. The skin held but barely. Donna forced herself to be still. Not easy. Her whole body trembled. The sound of her own heartbeat in her ears was deafening. Her pulse...

1 year ago
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Ralph and Varni Part 2

This is the continuation of a young beautiful Indian woman who came to stay with me because her boyfriend threw her out of his apartment. Her name is Varni. In the previous story I have seduced her and now she is hooked on my big black dick. Now continuing the story : As I awoke on Saturday morning I found that Varni was under the covers sucking on my dick. She must have been sucking my dick for a while because about a minute later I exploded my full load of cum in that hot mouth of...

4 years ago
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Was I paying way too much for a law school no one had ever heard of? Sure, but it had it’s benefits too. Probably the reason it cost so much was the location - a brand new building in downtown San Diego. It was walking, even stumbling, distance to any number of fantastic bars. Tonight though, I wasn’t looking for fancy or upscale. It was the end of finals and I could think of nothing I wanted to do more than end weeks of pouring over books by drinking until all the knowledge fell right back...

Straight Sex
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Dalton, for that was the kids name, thought he had finally found the right book, the cover was bound in what appeared leather (not sure if it was animal or human). The entire book was filled with faded letterings, what appeared to be Latin. A few of the incantations were too faded to physically reproduce but some of the spells were perfectly legible. Being the 19 year old boy he was, all that Dalton could think of was, sex, sex. If his cock wasn’t hard then he...he...well he was in...

4 years ago
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Two Sisters Want Their Daddys Cock Right Now

“Daddy, come upstairs!” Amy called out. They heard his footsteps on the stairway coming up to their room. The girls had been wearing only thin t-shirts, so they put their panties on, covering their still-damp pussies. They sat up in bed, side-by-side as daddy appeared in the doorway. “Hello, girls,” he said with a weary smile. “How was your day, daddy?” asked Bella. “Oh, exhausting,” said their daddy, whose name was Dan. “Too much work, too little time.” He entered their room and sat...

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Kellys Story A Whateley tale part 2

While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. Here now is the second part of that story. Chapter 9 Kelly found himself standing in front of a desk, behind the desk an older man stood, his graying hair cut military short. Both Kelly and this man were dressed in the black...

3 years ago
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Kids Growing UpChapter 7 Mom

I got to thinking the other day and came to the decision that I need to cut back on my sex life. Stringing along with four girls gets to be burdensome at times. (Yeah, right.) Let's see, I have Sarah, Jill, Patty and Amy. Well then, I kind of like Chris, Sandy and Paula. Maybe cutting back isn't such a good idea after all. And let us not forget the cheerleader squad, and the soccer team. Oh well I'll just have to buckle down and handle it. Maybe I can ask mom what I should do. Oh wait, she...

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Charlenes Not So NonNude Angels Ch 03

‘Wow. You two look fantastic.’ Jardin Découpage and Debbie Romani turned to the speaker, both of them smiling when they saw their agent’s daughter and fellow model, Charlene Nicholson stood in the doorway, her hands behind her back. Though she wore a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she still managed to exude a raw sexuality that the two models couldn’t help being attracted to. Though neither of them – – nor their friend and co-model Wanda Soldado – – had admitted it to anyone, each of them...

1 year ago
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Playing together

Tim is your typical 17 year old high school boy. He plays football, basketball, and runs track. He stands 6'1" with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, weighing about 180 lbs. He lives with his dad as well as his stepmom and stepsister. His dad had married his stepmom, Kelly, about 6 years ago, after Tim's mom had left them when Tim was 7. He gets along with them alright, fighting with his stepsister, Jenna, every once in a while, like any normal siblings.Jenna is 14, standing about 5'4", with long...

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Copyright 2008 by madengineer3 The ward was quiet at the moment and Dr. M. was glad for the quiet. It gave him time to think, without the distractions of the patients obsessions. He was amazed that so much of mankind had been taken in by the ‘grand illusion’, as he called it. Most people with the delusion were relatively safe to live their lives without any overt supervision. However, this ward was full of those who had briefly seen beyond their delusion and couldn’t face the true reality!...

4 years ago
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Sister in Law Part Four

I slowly awoke, turning over I saw Hope getting ready for work. "Morning," she smiled as I looked over at her."Leaving already?" I asked."Already?" Hope said as she turned to look at me. "I am already over an hour late."Hope was wearing one of her typical outfits, A tight skirt that barely covered her ass, with a white button shirt she was putting her matching top on. Today's color was bright canary yellow."You should get going too," Hope said as she smiled at me. "You have a house...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Desire

I sat on the edge of the bed and I nervously glanced at the clock beside the bed. Five minutes until he was supposed to arrive. I could already feel my face begin to flush, and the temperature of the room seemingly began to increase. My breathing grew rapid and my hands began to twist together, an obvious display of my nervousness. As I sat there, I tried to calm myself down, but try as I might I could not. Suddenly three raps echoed into the room from a steady knock and I jumped in response. I...

1 year ago
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Elephant Tube

ElephantTube? Damn, these dudes with their "elephant porn" are creative...NOT! Anyways, are you ready to be a porn pro? No, I don’t mean in the way that you’ll actually be in porn. I just mean someone with a professional level of knowledge about porn. Cool your jets, man. You, in porn? That’s a dream that, at this stage in the game, you can probably just go ahead and let die with all the rest of them. It is extremely hard, at least as a guy, to break into the porn industry. You pretty much have...

Porn Aggregators
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Veoment Voyeur

At first, this didn't seem to bother my ex-husband much, but as I was wondering on the options of adoption, his penis was wandering into the holes of other women. After the divorce, I got a huge house cradled way too close to my neighbor, and he got a young blonde with a fertile womb. We've been split for about a year now and I just can't seem to bring myself to go dating again. Lately, though I have found an outlet for my boredom. My house is tucked so close to the others on my street,...

4 years ago
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A New Personal Assistant A New Dimension

My name is Natalie, I am an executive in a large organisation.Sally, my PA (Personal Assistant) and I were the best of friends and had a great working arrangement. She had been with me for over two years and knew all my little secrets.Sally had married just before she became my PA and a few months ago told me that she was pregnant. Pam, the HR manager came to my office and told me Sally had tendered her application for maternity leave, which I was aware of.Pam then asked me if there was anybody...

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Kidnapped during holiday

Finally, after a long flight they arrived at their holiday destination. Lisa had booked an all-in trip to this island at the beginning of the year. She is happy that their children, Paul and Astrid, still like to go with them. They are waiting in the beautiful entrance hall of the hotel to check in. The resort is indeed as beautiful as it is described in the travel guide: 2 giant swimming pools, 3 restaurants and bars and a private beach by the sea. Inside the hall it's nice and cool...

2 years ago
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I need you

You have me so hot. I am writhing on the bed, feeling your fingers tugging on my nipples, send jolts of electricity to my pussy, feeling it get wetter and wetter. I moan aloud, wanting more. I roll over and run my hands down your stomach and over your hardening cock. I crave the feel of your velvet steel shaft in my hand, pulsing and throbbing with desire. I stroke slowly, relishing the feel of the entire shaft over and over, I can't get enough of you, your smell, your taste, your feel. I...

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How it all started Part 1

HOW IT ALL STARTED I - The Sewing Machine Sometimes the greatest changes have the smallest causes; sometimes, the big decisions in life seem to take themselves. Rarely, when we take what seems to be a small step, do we understand the huge consequences it can lead to. It is over a decade before I met you. I am sitting on the floor at home, occupied with a birthday gift. I can't now remember what it was, or who it was from, but it is taking up my time in a pleasant, congenial way...

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RetreadsCast of Characters

Matthias Sussmann: Chosen by the Gods to lead mission to prevent Ragnorok William Sussmann: Father of Matt Suzanne Sussmann: Mother of Matt Al Sussmann: Brother of Matt Beth Sussmann: First adopted sister of Matt and future mate. Computer design and CEO Tina Finch(Sussmann): Second adopted sister of Matt and future mate. Inventor. Head of independent lab Perfects Hydrogen power, alternate fuel, and Cold Fusion Paula O'Shea: - Oncologist - Mate of Bryan Sharon Granger(Sussmann:...

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Night on the WardsChapter 10

It was hot stood out on the heliport pad waiting for the chopper to arrive to take me over to the mainland. This was my monthly chance to escape from the monotony and routine of the island where sunbathing and swimming rapidly lost their appeal after several months of incarceration. Not that the small town that we traded with held much in the way of sophistication but at least it had a beauty salon with attached hairdresser, a few clothes shops and a semi-decent restaurant. I was dressed in a...

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