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It felt like I’d been sleeping for a year. I stretched and moaned a little at the comfort of my bed. Then I looked at the clock. Uh oh, seven already, if I didn’t hurry I was going to be late.

I’d only meant to take a short nap. Just a pick me up so I’d be fresh and alert for the evening’s entertainment. But I’d ended up sleeping for two hours. I wondered if Max was home yet? I listened but the house seemed quiet, empty. Still, I thought, he’s probably here, staring at that damn computer. He knew better than to be late tonight. I’d made it very clear how important this was to me.

It wasn’t just that it was my birthday. Yes, I was born on October 31st, Halloween, kind of nice don’t you think? Well I’ve always thought so anyway. When I was a kid I used to think that all the candy the neighbors gave out was in my honor, and I used to feel sorry for all my friends because nobody did the same thing for them. Even later, I loved it because the day was always so much fun for everyone. And who else but a Halloween baby gets to dress up and pretend they’re anything they want to be to celebrate the day they were born?

And speaking of, I though, I’d better get a move on. I went over to the closet and looked in. Funny, I didn’t see this year’s costume. I’d planned it, as usual, for months. I’d finally decided on an ‘I dream of Genie’ kind of number, sheer and sexy. Hey, my body was good enough for it, and I’d worked hard at keeping that way, especially since Caitlin had been born. No way did I want to end up like half the other mothers at the day care with 30 extra pounds and the frumpiness that came with the added weight. I may be a mommy, but I was a darn good looking one. The look in Max’s eyes when he watched me when he thought I wasn’t paying attention was proof of that. So tonight’s costume was as much a present for him as it was an opportunity for me to show off. But where in the heck was it?

I looked down and gasped. God, I was already wearing it! Sheesh, Marty, I told myself, you’re losing it big time if you can’t even remember getting dressed. But even as I thought that, the memory came back, slipping the sheer soft pants over my freshly shaven and creamed legs and the struggle I’d had with the stiff beaded bra. It almost didn’t fit and my breasts threatened to spill over the top. I went over to check myself out in the mirror. Yes, very nice, very sexy. I pirouetted and then winced as the tight top grabbed at my skin. How had I managed to sleep in this thing? I wondered.

But there was no time to think about that. I looked closer in the mirror and was glad to see that the exotic make up I’d decided to use had survived my nap. Even my ponytail, an exact replica of Genie’s, had managed to make it through without any damage. I wondered again if I should have gone the whole way and dyed my hair blonde like Barbara Eden’s had been in the TV show. No, I liked my dark auburn tresses, so did Max. One night of accuracy wasn’t worth the aggravation of growing it back. And besides, my hairdresser had told me it’s a pain to dye naturally red hair, and even more difficult to restore once you started to fool with it.

I went over to the bed and slipped on the little beaded flats that were lying where I’d kicked them off. They fit so well, like they’d been made for me. I’d found them in a little antique shop about three months ago and it had been love at first sight. In fact they were the entire reason for the costume. They’d been expensive little suckers and I’d had to justify their cost somehow. So after thinking about it for a while, and discarding a couple of other ideas like a Chinese wedding outfit, I’d decided on Genie.

I still hadn’t heard anything in the house to tell me I wasn’t alone. It was time to find out if Max was there. If he wasn’t I didn’t know what I was going to do. I bit my lip. I loved my husband, but even an optimist like me couldn’t pretend that things between weren’t all that good right now. It was his job. I wanted him to be a success, make money, earn the respect of his peers, I really did, but it was like he was obsessed lately. Most nights he didn’t make it home for dinner or even in time to say goodnight to Caitlin, and when he was here, he was tired and preoccupied. I knew he still loved me, but I also knew he was drifting away, caught up in real estate and development deals — searching for the big break.

His picture was on my dresser and I went to it and picked it up. Dear, sweet, funny Max, I stroked his handsome face. When had you decided that the only way you could show your love for me and our daughter was by making a fortune before you were thirty? So maybe he’d be able to buy us a palace. What good would that be, if we had to live in it without his company? I didn’t want a palace, I wanted a husband I could curl up next to on the couch, and father who was there for our daughter. Tonight, I promised, myself, I was going to tell him that.

I looked at the clock again, 7:15. God, we had to be there at 8:00! I hurried out of the room and then stopped as I passed Caitlin’s room. I knew she wasn’t there, my sister had picked her up right after lunch, but it was habit to check the room and I did it without thinking.

It looked perfect, almost pristine, like a busy 3 year old didn’t live there at all. I shivered. Someone is walking over my grave, I thought then changed my mind. No, you just miss her already. God, Marty, you are such a sap. I remember as a teenager making fun of all those moms who cooed over their precious darlings and thought I would never be that way. Then I’d met Max in college and we’d fallen in love, married and two years later I was lying in a hospital bed and for the first time I was holding my daughter. Then I knew what all those mothers had been feeling.

Enough of this, I shook my head. Lord, I was in a strange mood tonight. I almost felt like I was still dreaming. Shake it off, I told myself as I bounced down the stairs. But it was easier said then done. Even the house felt different to me, almost foreign, the way it does when you’ve been gone on a two week vacation, like you didn’t fit in it somehow, like you were taking up different space.

The light was on over the front door. It was already dark outside. I peeked through the curtain as a Pikachu, a Spiderman and a princess ran giggling up and dipped into the big plastic pumpkin half full of candy. I watched as each of them carefully took a small handful and dumped it into their baskets. Nice kids, I thought, not greedy. I followed them with my eyes as they ran back to shelter of their protective parents who waited on the sidewalk.

I hope Caitlin is enjoying herself, I thought, then stopped myself before I could get maudlin about missing this time with her. She was fine, I knew that, and she was probably having more fun being dragged around by her bigger boy cousins than she would have had with me. Still…

I tried to put those thoughts out of my mind as I walked into Max’s cubbyhole we laughingly called the den. It was so small the only furniture that fit in it was a love seat and his computer desk and chair and even then you had to kind of slide into the room. I figured if he was anywhere in the house though this was the place. Seemed it was the only space in the house that he spent anytime in, sometimes even sleeping on that little sofa because he knew I’d give him hell for working at home if he crawled into bed at 3AM. So now, I expected to find him once again at his desk and I was fully prepared to have to drag him away from some scheme he was working on.

But he wasn’t at his desk. Like me, he must have decided to take a nap because he was curled up on the little sofa, his 6’2′ frame making a joke of that piece of furniture. How he ever managed to fit all of himself on it was anybody’s guess. I was just about to shake him awake when I got a good look at his face.

God he looked tired! And sad, and discouraged. I bit my lip in an effort to hold back the tears that flo
oded my eyes. The need to hold him, to comfort him was almost overwhelming. Tonight, the word came into my head again and I was suddenly fierce in my determination, tonight I’m going to fix this. I wasn’t sure how exactly, but I knew that the time had arrived, and if I didn’t do something now we’d never have the chance again.

Max opened his eyes, blinked, then opened them again. ‘Am I dreaming?’ He whispered.

I forced myself to laugh, to be the happy girl he’d loved again. ‘Nope,’ I knelt before him. ‘Tonight, I’m your genie, and I’m here to make all your wishes come true.’

He looked at me as if he’d never seen me before. ‘Then you’ve already accomplished your mission.’

I leaned over and kissed him and he looked startled. Had it been that long, I thought sadly. Had so much time passed since we’d really just been nice with each other?

‘Ah, but I’m sure we can still think of something,’ I winked. ‘Something you really want, that you don’t have.’

Tentatively he reached out and stroked my arm. His fingers felt warm and alive and a little thrill ran up my spine at his touch.

‘Is this really you?’ He asked softly.

The remark stung me. I mean I knew we’d been having our problems, but I hadn’t turned into a complete bitch. At least, I didn’t think I had.

He saw the look on my face. ‘I’m sorry. I should just be happy, shouldn’t I? Enjoy the moment.’

I nodded. ‘This moment,’ I leaned down and kissed his lips lightly. ‘And the next.’ Another kiss. ‘And the next, for as long as we can make this last.’

‘I wish that could be forever,’ he said almost sadly.

I was surprised at the resigned tone. ‘Well sweetie we can make it last forever,’ and I smiled as I softly stroked his cheek.

He struggled then to sit up, and when he finished he pulled me onto his lap. His movements though were hesitant, almost as if he were afraid of what my reaction would be. For my part, I just went along and cuddled into his broad, strong chest that even sitting at a desk for 12 hours a day hadn’t ruined.

We stayed like that for about 10 minutes, not even talking, just enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms. I could have spent the night that way, but we had obligations.

‘We should get going,’ I murmured half-heartedly. ‘You need to change into your costume too, Sir Galahad.’


I sat up and looked at him and raised an eyebrow. ‘Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about. Sean and Emily’s party? We’re supposed to be there already. How’s it going to look if the guest of honor is late?’

‘Huh, what are you talking about?’ He had the nerve to look shocked.

I started to feel little flames of anger lick at my insides. Not now, I told myself, you promised yourself tonight was going to be different. Just take it slow.

‘Okay,’ I sighed. ‘I know I’m not supposed to know, but this is my surprise birthday party isn’t it? I mean, I was at the bakery this morning and I saw this cake sitting in the case. It was iced in black and said Happy 27th Birthday To Our Very Own Halloween Witch, even the candles looked like little brooms. I thought it was very cute and then when I was getting in my car I noticed Emily go into the shop. I was curious so I waited. She came out carrying a box and it was just the same size as the cake and…’

I looked at Max who was just staring at me with his mouth open. A dull flush rose in his face and I suddenly felt very foolish.

‘Oh damn! I’m wrong aren’t I?’

Now that I thought of it, of course I was. Max wasn’t the kind to think about surprise parties, and Emily and Sean, though our best friends, would hardly do something like that on their own. It was my turn to blush.

‘Well,’ I said in a much more subdued voice. ‘We still promised we’d go.’

Max finally spoke. ‘But the party was…’ He trailed off and swallowed hard. ‘The party was cancelled.’

‘You’re kidding me?’ I cocked my head in surprise. ‘Sean told you that at work, eh?’

He nodded silently. ‘Um well…’

I interrupted. ‘I wonder why Emily didn’t call to let me know. Is one of the kids sick?’

‘No… I mean I don’t know.’

I sighed. ‘Oh well, no big deal. Except if I’d known I wouldn’t have pawned Caitlin off on Janet that way. I really wanted to take her out for candy this year myself, seeing as it’s probably the first time she’s really going to understand it.’


I stopped him again. ‘I know, Caitlin is fine. And Janet is probably in hog heaven. Sometimes I think she’d steal her from us if she could. You know what she says, after three boys, having a daughter would be heaven.’ I cuddled back into Max, he felt so good. I’d really missed this. ‘It’s just that I don’t want to give away all those memories, I want to be around for everything for Caitlin. All the Halloween’s and Christmas’s. The first time she rides a big girl’s bike and the dates to the prom. I don’t want to miss any of it.’ I looked up at him. ‘And I don’t want you to miss them either.’

‘Oh god!’ The words sounded like they were torn out of Max’s throat and he choked on the second word. As I watched with growing alarm I saw tears fall out of his eyes and onto his cheeks.

I curled myself around him in a flash. ‘Oh baby, baby what is it? What’s wrong?’

His arms wrapped around me and held me so tightly I could barely breathe. ‘I think I must be losing my mind.’

‘No my love,’ I argued gently. ‘You’ve just been working so hard, maybe you lost track of what’s really important to you. You need to rest, think about things, get it all back into perspective.’

Slowly he relaxed his grip and the shaking I felt in his arms and chest started to subside. ‘Maybe your right,’ he finally agreed. ‘I have been throwing myself into it lately, escaping.’

I sat back. ‘You have nothing to escape from.’

He smiled and brushed my hair out of my eyes. ‘You have no idea do you?’

‘I know you’ve been unhappy,’ I disagreed. ‘I know you’ve been trying to ignore it, running away from the problem instead of facing it. I can feel it you know. Feel it in my heart.’ I pointed to my chest. ‘That’s why I’m here for you now. That’s why I’ll always be here for you.’

‘You promise?’ It was good to see his smile again.

‘Cross my heart and hope to die.’

Max shook his head and drew me to him and kissed me like it was the first time. Well no, that’s not accurate. Our first time had been a shy little kiss, a quickie in line at the hot dog stand on Seventh Ave after the big game of the century where our school had gotten their butts kicked. This wasn’t a kiss like that. This was a full-blown, no hold barred kind of kiss, almost desperate in it’s passion. An, I want to have sex right now, kind of kiss, full of tongue and spit and soft lips pressed hard against each other.

‘Wow!’ Was all he could manage when we were done.

I laughed breathlessly. ‘So ‘Master’, are you ready to have your genie, grant you a wish?’

He didn’t say a word, just stood and still holding me made his way to our bedroom. He kissed me again, hard and fast, and deposited me on the bed. He stripped quickly and then did the same to me only slowly, slowly taking time to touch and fondle and worship with his lips. By the time he was done, my skin was on fire and my nipples stood hard and aching. My legs sprawled wantonly open, inviting him into my already glistening pussy. It was all I could do not to thrust up in a lewd display of my need. And then I figured, why the hell not? and did it anyway.

Max was on his knees, towering over me on the bed. His cock was like red hot rock as it jutted out over my belly. As I watched, it twitched and belched, and a fine shinny stream of precum oozed out of his slit and dangled, defying gravity until it fell in a long syrupy line to my skin connecting us. I watched fascinated as it gleamed in the moonlight, and then, possessed with a desire I’d fo
rgotten I could feel, moved my hand to break the strand with my finger. The end fell to a puddle by my navel and I scooped it up and brought it to my mouth where I greedily licked at the sticky proof of my lover’s eagerness to bed me.

Max groaned. ‘If this is a dream, then I never want to wake up,’ he whispered, almost to himself.

I opened my arms. ‘Not a dream. A miracle maybe, the way we love each other, but never a dream.’

He came to me then, all hard angles and planes that somehow matched my softness perfectly. We writhed and gasped and touched each other like we couldn’t get enough, could never get enough. We tried to make it last, string it out, torture ourselves with the ecstasy of need, but it had been too long and when I spread my legs again he was ready and there, his hot manhood already taking what I was more than willing to give. He plunged in, making me arch and throw my head back as he filled me more and more until I didn’t think I could take another millimeter of pleasure.

He stopped to give me time. But time was running out and we both knew it. I squeezed my muscles around him to give him our old signal, and with a moan he started the age-old moves. I moved with him thrusting up to meet him, accepting him, opening to him — to us — to all that had meant, to all that it was right now. There was something, something important and with each push of his hips, each glide of his steely cock in my soft wetness, it grew. I tried to forget it and push it back, keep it at bay so that I’d never have to deal with it. But just as my nipples swelled under the lips and tongue of my lover, the thought that something was different, that I was different grew.

And then I remembered. That last Halloween, when I dressed in a genie costume and waited for my always-working husband to come home to me. The hours going by and still no word, the growing resentment that turned to anger. The final decision to go to the party, my not very surprising birthday party, that friends, and not the man I’d loved, had planned for me. I saw me grabbing keys and a coat and heard again the ringing of the phone in the distance as I slammed out of the driveway. All these things came back to me in a rush as his cock entered and retreated, filling me, making me moan, making me remember.

I hadn’t seen the kids, all dressed in their costumes, until it was too late. I’d swung the wheel hard and by the grace of God I’d managed to miss them, though I thought in that moment I’d remember their shocked and scared faces for the rest of my life… And beyond it now seemed

‘So good,’ he gasped as he pounded harder and harder. ‘Oh God, so good!’

Deep in my belly I felt the fluttering, the tensing of muscles as I sped towards my climax. I twisted my head back and forth, back and forth until Max’s strong hands caught it and held it still so his mouth could come down and anchor me. I sucked eagerly on his tongue, tasting him, pulling him inside my mouth much as my pussy was doing with his cock. I was losing control.

I lost control. My RV, never that stable at the best of times, flipped over and over until it slid on its side, inexorably moving in a straight line towards the intersection where the 18 wheeler was attempting a left hand turn. I never felt the crash, never heard the screams or the sirens or saw the looks on the rescuers as they dragged out my already lifeless body. I don’t remember any of that. No, my next memory came days later at a gravesite where a lone man stands in front of a hole and sobs. I remember walking up to him and trying to take his hand, but my fingers couldn’t grasp it and so I tried to speak, to comfort him. And then I saw it was Max.

He was losing his rhythm now. It wouldn’t be long. I struggled to hold out, to put off my own climax. We had never been able to come together, we weren’t in sync that way. Our timing was off, we couldn’t communicate those feelings with each other. I swore tonight would be different.

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I was spending my third night out of town, supporting a very bad stressing business trip. Worst of all, I was horny as hell, since I had not fucked my sensual Ana in those days.On the other hand, I was pretty sure that my sexy babe would be now in her Black Master’s bed, being fucked in a very wild way.That bastard nigger would also fuck her in that nice tight ass…After having some light meal for dinner, I went back to my hotel. I was really tired and just wanted a relaxing warm shower and some...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Asia Ferrante Gangster Girl Asia Ferrante Takes Facial After Her Ass Gets Destroyed With Thick BBC

Gangster’s moll Asia Ferrante watches as crime boss Jack counts his cash and instantly gets turned on by his power. She takes a break from her piano and gives him a shoulder massage before turning on the charm and strips down to her black lace lingerie. Asia gets his help while toying a glass dildo and sucks on Jack’s BBC at the same time! It doesn’t take long before Jack is pounding Asia’s pussy with his thick black shaft, before slipping it in her tight asshole too!...

3 years ago
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Die geile Cousine

Max saß am Tisch bei seiner Tante Ursula und ihren beiden Töchtern Anna und Tina. Tina war 22 Jahre alt, etwas mollig aber hatte ein niedliches Gesicht und grüne Augen. Anna war dagegen schlank und deutlich kleiner, hatte schwarze Locken und einen echten knack Arsch, sie war nur einen Tag älter als Max und somit 18 Jahre alt. Ursula war 43 und dafür noch echt heiß. Was dazu führte, dass sie oft Komplimente von Männern bekam aber sie kümmerte sich nur um ihre beiden Töchter. Nach dem Essen sagte...

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The First and the Last Drilling 1

Miss. David was in her early 50s but had somehow managed to look just like a sizzling hot 30 years old model with 34d bra size, bug ass and fine pink pussy. She was a widow for past 15 years when her husband left her for his secretary and she haven’t been touched ever since and she lived alone with her dog in a small house situated right next to Andy’s hostel. He had visited her several times and even thought about fucking her right then and there but never had the guts as he was afraid of...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 49

Frederik walked over to Sandra. She was still standing at the front of the classroom with her legs somewhat spread. "You can close them now, you know!" Frederik said while looking down at his girlfriend's pussy. He liked how Sandra's hood piercing glistened in the light. "Do I have to?" Sandra asked teasingly. "You don't have to, but don't you think it will be a bit hard to walk like that?" Frederik quipped. He stood close to her and laid his hand on her hip. He let his fingers...

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Sarahs Neighbor Part One

Zack was a 16-year-old boy who lived in an apartment across the street from Sarah’s new place. His mother had decided a couple of years before to it was time to move out of a large nearby city and into a quieter, somewhat smaller one to keep him out of trouble and open her own business – the small thrift shop beneath their apartment. He had spent a lazy Friday afternoon, lying bed all alone playing video games while his mom ran the store downstairs. No friends around to get in trouble with....

1 year ago
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Family BBQ

fantasy BLAH BLAH. If offended BLAH BLAH... It was late August and we were on our way out to my uncles farm. It was the yearly family picnic which meant lots of good food and plenty of drinks for the adults. Since mom and dad always got plowed we usually stayed the night, and I didnt mind since there was lots to do, play in the woods, go swimming in the pond, ride horses and quads. I was 13 with blonde hair and blue eyes and athletic build.My sister Tina was 11...

1 year ago
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Rubys New Life Ch 16

I removed my sheer dress so I was in my house uniform only and my attendant took it upstairs to my rooms for me. Daddy and Bill were speaking in hushed tones by the table, Miles was glued to his phone screen, and the food was waiting to be brought out. Bill went to the head of the table where Kyle usually sat and cleared his throat, “Have a seat, everyone.” The men sat down and I waited to be included. Dad nudged Bill and gestured toward me, “Oh! Ruby, you may sit.” I moved toward my...

2 years ago
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my endless night of pleasure

it all started when me and my bf at the time was sat in the living room it had been a pretty boring day we were just having a couple of drinks as we did on most occasions and i was getting a little horny so i looked at my bf and said i was going to put a dvd on so i walked ova to my bag and pulled out a porn dvd and wen he realised what i had put on u saw a smile come right across his face he looked pleased so we started to watch it and continue our drinking by the end of it we had started to...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 73

I returned the call to Simpson. "Well good afternoon Chief Deputy," I said into the phone. "I couldn't find the news story on TV. Was I wearing clothes?" "Actually it was just the remains of a building on the Greene Valley Vineyard grounds in the picture. They did mention your name, which isn't all that good for you. Undercover cops are probably better off going anonymous," he said. "Well I didn't give them my name," I replied. "I know some state cop on the scene did. He had...

3 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 25 I Knew It She Whispered

Angique looked down on what seemed like a nest of snakes. They were narrow straps, braided into a harness. The sturdy leather had been waxed and polished. There were gleaming steel eyelets, buckles, studs and rings — big round ones that connected the straps; well-worn D-rings that suggested limitless applications. Before laying the harness out on the rug, Angique had taken it to her face, inhaling the leather's arousing age-old scent. Then she rubbed it with her thumbs, kissing it,...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come Truecontimued

I was placed on a bunk and the two of them continued to manipulate me, lips sucking, teeth nipping, tongues licking. The two of them took me constantly to the pinnacle of ecstasy and just before I blew my load take me back to the field of desire. I was lost in a world that had no beginning and only could come to one end, yet I was denied the pleasure of completion. My penis throbbed with anticipation only to be returned to the flaccid state of a small worm. All the while I continued stroke and...

2 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 7 Fran

The basketball season was now over which meant that after completing his studies, Bob Lacy had more time for socializing. He had the time to go out on weekends and possibly expand his social horizons. Bob's relationship with Stacy had deteriorated after she had told him that she wanted to date other guys. Well, it just wasn't other guys as he later found out. It was one guy that she had her sights set on, Lou. Lou was a junior and had been the other starting guard on the basketball team....

2 years ago
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Angela TransformedChapter 12

As usual, the twins slept late on Saturday. They always do unless they have a ballgame or something else planned. Lisa and I put our robes on and went downstairs for a light breakfast at just about the normal time. Mom smiled when she saw us. She said, "It doesn't look like you two slept well last night. Is something on your mind?" I stuck my tongue out at her and ignored her friendly sarcasm. Mom and dad were both watching Lisa as though waiting for her to say or do something. It took...

1 year ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 19

Early the next morning, I picked up two coffees and a pair of doughnuts for Gloria and me to pig out on up on the roof of the Federal building downtown. She was frowning at the doughnut but I noticed she didn’t hesitate to shove it in her pretty little mouth and wash it down with a big swallow of Java. The tough FBI Special Agent had been making noises lately about her putting on some extra pounds around the hips and I took it all with a grain of salt because I was so used to most of the...

3 years ago
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Stormy Ch 02

Finding Cherie dead on the deck shocked me to my core. I was alone, the real alone, no partner in my life. I raced to call 9-1-1 then found a blanket to cover her. I searched for some kind of note, a message of good-bye, anything that I could cling to, nothing. The next several hours involved police statements, recounting our day, evening, our argument about incest, and my reaction to leave her standing naked as I went to my room. All the time, the coroner investigated and Cherie’s body...

3 years ago
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Exploring with my Fiancee

Fantasy and kinky exploration of our sex life quickly escalated from light anal play to Megan having me suck her strap on before she bent me over and would fuck me. During one of our heated and lustful fuck sessions Megan coaxed me into admitting I wanted to try sucking and fucking a real cock. She was behind me as my body was bent over the bed and her strap on dildo was fully buried inside me. My admission of my curiousness only fueled her lust and desire. I moaned in approval as Megan told me...

1 year ago
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SRU A Typo to Remember

SRU: A Typo to Remember A drabble by Roy Del Frink Ring, ring. Bill picked up the phone. "Hi, John." "Why, what's wrong?" "You WHAT!" "That's terrible! I just wrote a letter to you, but I accidentally typed 'My best friend Joan' on the computer instead of 'John,' in a letter for you, but that can't possibly explain your problem..." "It was a brand new word processing program. I got it from this weird place in the shopping center. 'SRU'. Never heard of it. Run by a...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 91

Misty had two nightmares, only one was bad, but it was a short one. When we did wake up Jenna had already taken Patti work. This time Patti drove. Dad had carried Patti to Easton on Wednesday after work to get her learner's permit. That was the only night the MVA was open late. Of course Dad knew everyone there. If it made any difference, I don't know, but she took the written test and then did a driving test and aced both of them. Because of her age she could go back in thirty days and get...

2 years ago
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The Ghost of Duke DeCavern

??????????? Katie sat there in the eerie silence of the room to recollect everything that had just happened. Ever since she moved into her new house, she had been very aware and cautious of everything around her. Now she didn't know what to be aware of. She heard all of the stories about her place being haunted, but she never really paid attention to them. Mostly because she never really believed in ghosts. Until now. ??????????? Katie? was a fairly pretty girl. She had long dark hair,...

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Lingerie Salesman by loyalsock

Cindy looked in the mirror and after staring at her out sized form for several seconds, broke down in tears as her rolls of fat began shaking gently in time with her sobs!!! While she wasn't really tall, she packed a very hefty two hundred fifty five pounds on her large boned frame, and as she sobbed away, her huge breasts, that hung nearly to her waist jiggled back and forth as the tears rolled down her cheeks all the way down to her nipples!!! It had be so long since she'd had a man that she...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 8 Part 7

Wearing lacy purple lingerie, stacked MILF Kianna Dior coos dirty talk as she oils her spread twat, and her filthy soliloquy continues through the scene. Pretty, super-busty Kianna kneels for a POV-style blowjob, making eye contact with director Jonni Darkko’s camera and two-hand stroking his stiff prick. Kianna sucks his balls and groans as he fucks her throat. She plays with the resulting streams of spit, blowing bubbles and wallowing in slime. Slobber coats her face. When Jonni jerks a...

3 years ago
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My New Slave Male Version

                                         MASTER           I came into the dungeon and gazed gloatingly at my newest acquisition. He was naked, his limbs spread widely apart, his testicles and penis dangling, tempting targets, his butt cheeks clenched in agony while his face was scrunched up in torment. His whole body was covered with burn marks and the marks left by the kiss of the lash! He was absolutely gorgeous! I signaled for the chair in front of him to be moved and the blindfold taken off...

1 year ago
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PornHub Blowjob

Here we go, guys—the big bad wolf of the porn industry. Yes, I’m talking about It’s the website everyone knows and loves, but we’re not here to talk about it in general. Oh no, today I’m going to bring you one of the best categories that you probably hoped to find me talking about, and that means the blowjob category. If you don’t like blowjobs, then something is definitely wrong with you. You should go ahead and get some professional help if you’ve ever said no to a blowjob that a...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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With Loving Bhaiya Ajay

Hi, Huma comes with a hot bro sis incest story. I love you all. I am Malti Malhotra, sexy widow of 30 years, lusting for my brother Ajay who lusts for me in return. He is such a lusty fellow to whom I surrendered the day I turned a widow. We were poor and I married my late father’s friend Ashok, a rich businessman who was old enough to be my father. I worked for him as his secretary and he seduced me to fuck him. He wanted to marry me. My brother objected to my marriage but I told him that I...

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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 34

"Okay, that's the easy part," Jean announced. Teela was reclining on her elbows at the side of the bed, her feet on the floor. Beside her was a towel and a washcloth. Jean was wiping shaving foam from her razor onto the towel, which contained ample evidence that Teela's hair was not naturally black, but rather a rich, dark brown. The pair had messed around a bit, trying to get a diamond pattern shaven into the unusually dense but relatively straight fur on Teela's mons -- the classical...

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WildOnCam Mae Milano Gorgeous Mae Milano Just Wants To To Be Pounded LIVE

Long legged beauty Mae Milano is loving how much you admire her as she spins around in her bra and panty set before allowing Joshua to pull those panties down her long sexy legs. Josh is ready to get his face wet in that pussy as he licks and sucks on her clit. Mae loves that tongue action but wants that dick more. In her mouth, in her pussy… she is ready for it and wants to feel that cock stretching her out! Mae spreads her legs open given Josh all the room he need to fill her up with...

2 years ago
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Teasing at the Dollar General

Well I guess the word is out that the new clerk at the Dollar General is addicted to black cock shows and all the above? After the first week on the job it seemed to be a thing with the neighborhood studs to a least tease the new clerk. Showing off their crouch monsters, making sure that I got an eye full rubbing them trouser snakes or even better looking around carefully before letting them out to the light of day to tease me saying something like you know you want to kiss this don't you!...

2 years ago
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Steamy Stories from Another World

Welcome to the fantasy world of Absoterra! It technically began with my story, "Erotic Dungeon Crawl," but didn't become a full blown world until my largest story, "A New World! Your Party of Hopeless Hotties". The more I wrote the latter, the more I wanted to flesh out the world, but there's only so much you can see when you read the story though the eyes of a single protagonist that's meant to be a version of yourself. Therefore, this story will actually be an anthology of different, smaller...

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A Careless Mistake

It was on a labor day, some years ago, that I returned to my college early. I wanted to get some decent nap time and not be disturbed by anyone. I quickly went to my dorm room and change out of my clothes. Moving swiftly down the hall, pulling my robe together as I went along, I reached the common shower room. No one was in the shower, but you could tell that some one had used the shower not long ago. I left my robe and towel laying on a dressing bench and went into the shower area. I was...

4 years ago
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The Night We Raped Mom

I was about to beat my score on Candy Crush when I heard something. I got up from ratty chair I was perched on and walked to the railing edge, looking down into a decrepit abandoned warehouse. Below the scene was not very changed from my last viewing. Perhaps a dozen men, ranging in every manner of age, color, body type and state of undress were surrounding a filthy mattress with an even filthier woman on it. She was totally naked, her large fake breasts defying gravity by pointing perfectly...

3 years ago
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Astonishing Incidents 8211 Part III 8211 Honeymoon

Hi, Friends this is sangeeta again. Hope you must have enjoyed my previous stories. This is third incident in series. Frankly speaking this is half true and half fantasy. I ll tell in end how much is truth and how much is fantasy at the end, first enjoy. This incident occurred with one of my close friend, Sukriti. She is nice gorgeous girl and my college classmate. We used to discuss boys during our college days and have fun together. She is about 5’6″ and about 25 yrs old. She is having...

1 year ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 57

SUNDAY, June 19, 2016 Rachael went down to the nursery as soon as she got to church to make sure that there were enough staff. There were. Several of the girls had gotten babysitting jobs the prior Friday or Saturday nights, and all were eager to meet more parents, and get to be the favorite of more kids. Rachael headed back up to the church just before service started. As she took a seat with Maria, she noticed Jane and Mike sitting in the back, with the baker holding the former...

1 year ago
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Anna and Tiberius

I quickly bathed instead of waiting for Tiberius. As the water cascaded over my breast I watched my nipples harden. I giggled as I realized it was with anticipation of his lips gently kissing and biting at them. I sighed and said out loud please forgive me Julius as I felt pangs of guilt for the promise I had made to Tiberius. It was the only way I reminded myself to protect myself and my sons from that lecherous bastard Cyrus. I know he would have persisted in having sex with me, even after...

2 years ago
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Sister on sister

You wake up to find your sister (who just turned 18) sitting on your computer looking at lesbian porn. Being 24 years old and bi-curious, you've already experimented with pussy quite a bit. You ask her what shes doing and she quickly closes out and exclaims "Nothing!". She leaves your room for breakfast and you put on a sexy black thong and bra, tight black pants that show your sexy ass off great and a tanktop. You walk into the kitchen and your sister looks up at you in amazement. Your...

1 year ago
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gym sex pt1 2

Since the start of the term, I had watched Joan exercise and work out in the skimpiest of gym uniforms. The blonde 19 year old was the most beautiful cheerleader in the senior class. All the boys in school were constantly trying to get into her pants, and to be honest with you, my own heart would literally do a flip flop imagining what it would be like to fondle her large breasts that were constantly peeking out through the sides of the tight T-shirts the k**s wore despie strict dress codes. ...

4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 52 The Trankarans reveal the cause of their recent troubles

There were several space-faring alien species that had tiny empires dotted along the border between the Trankaran Republic, and the Terran Federation. Port Megara was the biggest outpost along the border with Trankaran Space, and this huge Terran Federation Space Station provided a convenient place for them all to meet and trade. Port Megara was built along the familiar vertical “stack of plates” design used by most distant Terran stations, and like the others they had visited before, the...

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