Subway free porn video

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The subway is a daunting place at any time of the day. The cold harsh lighting provided by overhead lamps, half of which have been vandalised and no longer work, forming pools of dark shadows in? several areas.The once white walls now a dirty cream, much of that covered with graffiti and aerosol paint.


The trains themselves, once new and immaculate, now the playground of vandals and subway gangs, the seats badly cut, and more graffiti bear evidence to the inability of the City to cope.


But if it was a daunting place during the day, it was horrendous at night.The crowds long gone, and the footsteps of the lone passengers the only thing stopping the subway feeling like a ghost town. The eerie silence punctuated only by the occasional passing train, stopping and departing as if they did not want to spend much time in the station either.


Around the station, groups of youths with nowhere better to go hang around 'marking' their turf with even more graffiti, the excess paint running down the forsaken walls.


Helen was new to all this, having only been in America for three weeks. True, the underground in her native London was no picture painting, but in comparison to this, it was a dream. She still had no car of her own, so Helen had to rely on the subway system to get to and from work, hence here presence there at this time of night.


The gangs, laughing and shouting in the distance, made her more uncomfortable, and she wished her train would hurry up and arrive.


The voices drew closer, and the gang appeared at the far end of the platform. Helen drew herself into one of the pools of darkness, against a pillar, in an effort to remain invisible until her train arrived.


It was, of course, a futile effort, as she heard one of the gang whistle at her. But they made no effort to come over to where she stood, trying to get deeper into the shadows.


It was another five minutes before Helen's train arrived, with Helen looking furtively up the platform to make sure the gang did not come over to her, ready to make a run for it if they did.


When the train stopped she got on it quickly, relieved to be amongst other passengers, the anxiety and paranoia fading as she began to feel safer. The journey time was twenty minutes, and by the time she reached her stop Helen had let the gang slip from her mind. Her own station was still well lit, and she had no fears here.


From the station to where Helen lived was only fifteen minutes, along a route she was beginning to know well. Her mind was on the dinner invite one of her so-workers had given her for Friday, a guy she had spotted straight away, and sort of fancied. She had not given him an answer, not wanting to appear too eager, but she had already decided that she would say yes. Then suddenly, out of the darkness, the gang appeared in front of her.They had obviously known where she was going, and with their better knowledge of the city, had been able to get in front of her.


Helen stopped, and started to retreat, but another of the gang was behind her, and as Helen saw a flash of bright metal in the moonlight, a knife appeared at her throat. With little more than a whisper, the knifeman told her to move, pushing her forwards, and towards the other gang members. One of them grabbed her purse, and took out Helen's identity.


"Helen Sharp. 1064 Bakers Street. let's go"


The gang started to chant her name, as they ushered her towards her home. She wanted to scream out for help, but the knife was still at her neck, and she had heard so much about the gangs here, that she did not want to cause them to hurt her. If she said nothing, they would probably take her stereo, and a few other things, and leave her alone.


Helen's home, supplied by the company, was well furnished. They had supplied her with a large screen T.V., a great stereo, and velvet three piece. The kitchen was large enough to have been the lounge, and had all state of the art equipment.


But it was the bedroom that Helen had always loved best. The ensuite bathroom led though a sliding glass door to the bedroom itself. White and gold fitments lined the walls, with a huge floor to ceiling mirror filling the whole of one wall. But her pride and joy was the bed.


It was a four poster bed, with a white velvet overhang that kept the morning sun from her eyes, allowing her the time to awaken slowly. She had not had a bad night's sleep in this bed yet, and always looked forwards to sleeping in it, sometimes deliberately putting it off until she could no longer resist it's pulling power, smiling as she lay on it, allowing it to bring sleep to her.


The gang had thrown Helen onto the sofa in the lounge, as they searched her home. A voice called some of the gang to the bedroom, and she could hear them talking in low tones. She had made an effort to get up, but the knife man was ever present, and stopped her.


One of the other youths came out of the bedroom, and whispered to the knifemen. He then pulled Helen to her feet, and pushed. Inside the bedroom the bead had been stripped of it's bedding, leaving just the bare mattress. Someone had tied her stocking to each of the four posts, and Helen immediately realised what was going to happen. She tried to turn and leave, but the man with the knife pressed it harder against her throat, and stopped her from going.


Two of the gang stood in front of her, and began to undo the buttons of Helen's blouse. She put her hands up to stop them, but a sudden pain in her stomach, as one of the men hit her, took her breath away, and she dropped to her knees on the floor.


Ignoring her cries and gasping for breath, the men pulled her back to her feet, and continued to undress her, her blouse first, leaving her breasts covered only by the thin bra she wore.


The hands now moved to her waist, and seconds later her skirt lay at her feet, leaving her standing in her underwear, which hid very little.


The two who had undressed Helen now pulled her to the bed, closely persued by the man with the knife, and sat her on the side of the bed. One of them pulled her left arm towards the corner, as another man tied the stocking around her wrist, pulling hard at it to make sure it would not come undone.


She was then pushed backwards onto the bed, and her other arm was stretched to reach the other head post, and tied, which forced her arms wide on the big bed.


She tried to pull at her wrists, but the position made it impossible, and as the first of her legs was tied, she just hoped that the gang would not do anything else to her. Seconds later her other leg was tied, and again the size of the bed meant that he legs were stretched wide.


Another member of the gang, who had been searching Helen's cupboards came over with a piece of cloth, which Helen recognised as a pair of her panties, and forcing her mouth open, stuffed them in, gagging the girl, and holding it in place with yet another of her own stockings. Helen realised, now, that she cold not do anything to protect herself, and the tears, until now held back, began to flow freely.


For a while it still looked as if the gang were just going to rob the house, as they left Helen tied to the bed, and continued to search. She could hear drawers in the lounge opening and closing, and gang members saying that they would get a good price for this haul. Helen sighed a sigh of relief. All of these things would be covered by the companies insurance.


After a while the doors and drawers stopped opening and closing, and the gang members, now all six of them, returned to where Helen was lying, her arms and legs beginning to ache with the way they had been stretched. The bed was never intended for this treatment, and was actually a king size. But the men had pulled her limbs as far as they could to the corners, and she could feel the pressure on the joints of her limbs.


Two of the men now held knives, and Helen started again to fear for her safety, as they approached the bed. As they leaned over her she shook her head, and screamed for them to leave her alone. But the gag made it impossible for her to scream anything, and all that came out was a faint groan.


The men placed the knives at each side of her rib cage, and flicked. Helen screamed, thinking that they had cut her, but the sudden release of her breasts told her that it was her bra that had been the victim, as they had each cut through one side. A few seconds later, and the knives had done their work on the straps, and one of the men was able to pull the waste material away from her body, leaving the whole of her 38c tits on display.


Helen's knickers came off the same way, and soon she was lying completely naked before the gang, her limbs aching more and more, feeling as if they were being pulled from her body. One of the gang then placed his hand on one of Helen's tits, and began to play with the globe of flesh, circling it with his palm, catching her nipple occasionally. He noticed that her nipple had stared to harden, and moved his fingers to flick at it, watching Helen squirm as he did so.


Moving his hand away, he replaced it with his mouth, sucking at the full tit as best he could, before resuming his attack on her nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth, catching it with his teeth, and nipping at it.


Another member of the gang joined in, placing his mouth on Helen's other nipple, and she could feel both sets of teeth pulling at her rapidly hardening nipples, feeling them grow more tender as the attack continued.


Helen felt pressure on the bed, and saw the 'Leader of the gang climbing up between her legs, kneeling on the mattress. Seconds later his head was between her thighs, and his tongue flicked out at her pussy, striking the lips with a flick, and sending an involuntary spasm through her, She wanted them to stop, but as the three fold assault continued, she felt her self getting aroused, She hoped that they would not notice, but it was a forlorn hope, as the leader lifted his head, and told his members that Helen was a hot whore, and wanting to get it on.


The two men biting her nipples did not let up, as the leader changed position, so that he now knelt directly between her thighs, his hard cock aimed at her rapidly dampening pussy lips. He leaned forwards, and Helen could feel the first touch of his cock, as he guided it to her sex, forcing just the head inside her.


Helen again tried to scream, but it was silenced by the gag, as the leader started to push his cock deeper. Unable to move, Helen could only cry as the cock pressed deeper and deeper into her, the other two men now biting hard on her nipples, making them even more sore and tender. Then the leader gave a deep thrust, sending the whole of his cock into the helpless girl, his balls slapping against her inner thighs.


He could feel Helen trying to struggle from under him, but the bonds held her tight, and escape was impossible, as he began to pump his cock in and out of her, trying to get deeper than ever with every lunge. He could see the tears running from the victims eyes, but made no effort to stop, or even slow down, as he rode the helpless girl, ramming himself harder with every thrust, sure that she would have bruises by morning.


Another of the gang moved over to the bed, and climbed up next to Helen's head. He began to unfasten the gag, and knelt against her ace, his cock touching her cheek. Helen moved her head away, but the man pulled it back, smiling as Helen resisted his attempts to get his cock into her mouth. Just then one of the men biting her nipple bit harder, sinking his teeth deep into her flesh. Helen opened her mouth to scream, but the man kneeling by her head took advantage of this, and provided his own gag, silencing the scream with his cock, as he rammed it to the back of her throat.


The attack was now four pronged, and Helen's body began to react, her pussy growing increasingly wetter, as the leaders cock glided in and out. She tried to push the cock out of her mouth with her tongue, but the owner of it took this as acceptance of what he was doing, and rammed deeper into her throat, making Helen cough and choke on it.


Just then the leader gave a scream, and with one last lunge, rammed his cock as deep as he could get it. Instantly, Helen felt the release of his cum deep inside her, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. As he pulled out? she could feel his cum dripping out of her, and running down the divide between her legs, and down across the lips to her ass. The leader noticed this, and allowed his fingers to play in the river of cum, spreading it around the tight opening of her ass, and forcing a finger inside, feeling the heat.


Helen tried again to scream at this invasion, but the cock in her mouth proved an effective gag, as the finger pressed deeper, moving in circles, stretching the opening as it did so.


"Bob", called the leader to another member of the gang. "Got a present her for you, A nice tight virgin ass."


Helen heard someone whistle in delight, and as the leader moved off the bed, another man took his place between her legs. He already had his trousers off, and from the corner of her eye, Helen caught sight of his cock. Again she tried to scream. The cock was huge, and she knew that if he got that any where near her ass, it would rip her open. But Bob took no notice of the fear in her eyes, as he positioned himself.


Bob made no effort to use the leaders cum to moisten his target, simply choosing the rough approach. He placed the head of his cock against the forbidden doorway, and pressed. The head of his cock entered, and Helen screamed as the red hot pain shot through her body. Even the cock in her mouth could not silence this scream, as Bob started to press himself inside the dry cavern.


As he went deeper, the hole felt drier, and tighter, and Helen felt the pain more and more, screaming time and time again as the invasion continued. Suddenly there was an eruption in her mouth, as the man fucking her throat shot his cum deep down her throat, forcing her to swallow, even as she screamed. She began to choke on the hot fluid, but he kept his cock in until she had swallowed as much as she could, as Bob began to fuck her ass harder and harder.


Suddenly, and without warning, Helen own body exploded in orgasm. She had not expected it, and the eruption shook the whole of her body with it's intensity. Never before had she had an orgasm of this magnitude, and her juices flooded out, and splashed onto the cock driving into her ass, lubricating it.


Bobs response was to drive deeper, now aided by Helen's own juices, until he felt his balls slamming against the cheeks of her ass. The screaming had stopped, and Helen felt her hips rising to meet the onslaught. She tried to stop herself, but her body refused to obey her will, as she met Bob stroke for stroke. Bob gave a loud grunt, and Helen could feel his cock twitching inside her, knowing he was on the verge of cumming. Her response was to lift her hips even higher to met him, as he gave a moan, and she felt the hot white cum flooding into her ass.


Again, Helen felt her own climax rising, and almost at the same time as Bob, her pussy again exploded. She ignored the fact that one of the men who had been biting her nipple was now leaning at the side of her head, and as he moved towards her, Helen willingly opened her mouth to admit it, drawing it deep into her mouth, sucking at it as if she never wanted it to leave.


As Bob moved away, the other nipple biter moved between her legs, and in seconds his cock was deep in Helen's pussy, as he began to ride the poor girl.


In a haze, Helen thought she heard someone talking on the phone, and it took a few moments to realise that it was the leader, calling the rest of the gang, telling them to come around, as they had a hot pussy for them, ready to pull a train.



The subway is a daunting place at any time of the day. The cold harsh lighting provided by overhead lamps, half of which have been vandalised and no longer work, forming pools of dark shadows in? several areas.The once white walls now a dirty cream, much of that covered with graffiti and aerosol paint.


The trains themselves, once new and immaculate, now the playground of vandals and subway gangs, the seats badly cut, and more graffiti bear evidence to the inability of the City to cope.


But if it was a daunting place during the day, it was horrendous at night.The crowds long gone, and the footsteps of the lone passengers the only thing stopping the subway feeling like a ghost town. The eerie silence punctuated only by the occasional passing train, stopping and departing as if they did not want to spend much time in the station either.


Around the station, groups of youths with nowhere better to go hang around 'marking' their turf with even more graffiti, the excess paint running down the forsaken walls.


Helen was new to all this, having only been in America for three weeks. True, the underground in her native London was no picture painting, but in comparison to this, it was a dream. She still had no car of her own, so Helen had to rely on the subway system to get to and from work, hence here presence there at this time of night.


The gangs, laughing and shouting in the distance, made her more uncomfortable, and she wished her train would hurry up and arrive.


The voices drew closer, and the gang appeared at the far end of the platform. Helen drew herself into one of the pools of darkness, against a pillar, in an effort to remain invisible until her train arrived.


It was, of course, a futile effort, as she heard one of the gang whistle at her. But they made no effort to come over to where she stood, trying to get deeper into the shadows.


It was another five minutes before Helen's train arrived, with Helen looking furtively up the platform to make sure the gang did not come over to her, ready to make a run for it if they did.


When the train stopped she got on it quickly, relieved to be amongst other passengers, the anxiety and paranoia fading as she began to feel safer. The journey time was twenty minutes, and by the time she reached her stop Helen had let the gang slip from her mind. Her own station was still well lit, and she had no fears here.


From the station to where Helen lived was only fifteen minutes, along a route she was beginning to know well. Her mind was on the dinner invite one of her so-workers had given her for Friday, a guy she had spotted straight away, and sort of fancied. She had not given him an answer, not wanting to appear too eager, but she had already decided that she would say yes. Then suddenly, out of the darkness, the gang appeared in front of her.They had obviously known where she was going, and with their better knowledge of the city, had been able to get in front of her.


Helen stopped, and started to retreat, but another of the gang was behind her, and as Helen saw a flash of bright metal in the moonlight, a knife appeared at her throat. With little more than a whisper, the knifeman told her to move, pushing her forwards, and towards the other gang members. One of them grabbed her purse, and took out Helen's identity.


"Helen Sharp. 1064 Bakers Street. let's go"


The gang started to chant her name, as they ushered her towards her home. She wanted to scream out for help, but the knife was still at her neck, and she had heard so much about the gangs here, that she did not want to cause them to hurt her. If she said nothing, they would probably take her stereo, and a few other things, and leave her alone.


Helen's home, supplied by the company, was well furnished. They had supplied her with a large screen T.V., a great stereo, and velvet three piece. The kitchen was large enough to have been the lounge, and had all state of the art equipment.


But it was the bedroom that Helen had always loved best. The ensuite bathroom led though a sliding glass door to the bedroom itself. White and gold fitments lined the walls, with a huge floor to ceiling mirror filling the whole of one wall. But her pride and joy was the bed.


It was a four poster bed, with a white velvet overhang that kept the morning sun from her eyes, allowing her the time to awaken slowly. She had not had a bad night's sleep in this bed yet, and always looked forwards to sleeping in it, sometimes deliberately putting it off until she could no longer resist it's pulling power, smiling as she lay on it, allowing it to bring sleep to her.


The gang had thrown Helen onto the sofa in the lounge, as they searched her home. A voice called some of the gang to the bedroom, and she could hear them talking in low tones. She had made an effort to get up, but the knife man was ever present, and stopped her.


One of the other youths came out of the bedroom, and whispered to the knifemen. He then pulled Helen to her feet, and pushed. Inside the bedroom the bead had been stripped of it's bedding, leaving just the bare mattress. Someone had tied her stocking to each of the four posts, and Helen immediately realised what was going to happen. She tried to turn and leave, but the man with the knife pressed it harder against her throat, and stopped her from going.


Two of the gang stood in front of her, and began to undo the buttons of Helen's blouse. She put her hands up to stop them, but a sudden pain in her stomach, as one of the men hit her, took her breath away, and she dropped to her knees on the floor.


Ignoring her cries and gasping for breath, the men pulled her back to her feet, and continued to undress her, her blouse first, leaving her breasts covered only by the thin bra she wore.


The hands now moved to her waist, and seconds later her skirt lay at her feet, leaving her standing in her underwear, which hid very little.


The two who had undressed Helen now pulled her to the bed, closely persued by the man with the knife, and sat her on the side of the bed. One of them pulled her left arm towards the corner, as another man tied the stocking around her wrist, pulling hard at it to make sure it would not come undone.


She was then pushed backwards onto the bed, and her other arm was stretched to reach the other head post, and tied, which forced her arms wide on the big bed.


She tried to pull at her wrists, but the position made it impossible, and as the first of her legs was tied, she just hoped that the gang would not do anything else to her. Seconds later her other leg was tied, and again the size of the bed meant that he legs were stretched wide.


Another member of the gang, who had been searching Helen's cupboards came over with a piece of cloth, which Helen recognised as a pair of her panties, and forcing her mouth open, stuffed them in, gagging the girl, and holding it in place with yet another of her own stockings. Helen realised, now, that she cold not do anything to protect herself, and the tears, until now held back, began to flow freely.


For a while it still looked as if the gang were just going to rob the house, as they left Helen tied to the bed, and continued to search. She could hear drawers in the lounge opening and closing, and gang members saying that they would get a good price for this haul. Helen sighed a sigh of relief. All of these things would be covered by the companies insurance.


After a while the doors and drawers stopped opening and closing, and the gang members, now all six of them, returned to where Helen was lying, her arms and legs beginning to ache with the way they had been stretched. The bed was never intended for this treatment, and was actually a king size. But the men had pulled her limbs as far as they could to the corners, and she could feel the pressure on the joints of her limbs.


Two of the men now held knives, and Helen started again to fear for her safety, as they approached the bed. As they leaned over her she shook her head, and screamed for them to leave her alone. But the gag made it impossible for her to scream anything, and all that came out was a faint groan.


The men placed the knives at each side of her rib cage, and flicked. Helen screamed, thinking that they had cut her, but the sudden release of her breasts told her that it was her bra that had been the victim, as they had each cut through one side. A few seconds later, and the knives had done their work on the straps, and one of the men was able to pull the waste material away from her body, leaving the whole of her 38c tits on display.


Helen's knickers came off the same way, and soon she was lying completely naked before the gang, her limbs aching more and more, feeling as if they were being pulled from her body. One of the gang then placed his hand on one of Helen's tits, and began to play with the globe of flesh, circling it with his palm, catching her nipple occasionally. He noticed that her nipple had stared to harden, and moved his fingers to flick at it, watching Helen squirm as he did so.


Moving his hand away, he replaced it with his mouth, sucking at the full tit as best he could, before resuming his attack on her nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth, catching it with his teeth, and nipping at it.


Another member of the gang joined in, placing his mouth on Helen's other nipple, and she could feel both sets of teeth pulling at her rapidly hardening nipples, feeling them grow more tender as the attack continued.


Helen felt pressure on the bed, and saw the 'Leader of the gang climbing up between her legs, kneeling on the mattress. Seconds later his head was between her thighs, and his tongue flicked out at her pussy, striking the lips with a flick, and sending an involuntary spasm through her, She wanted them to stop, but as the three fold assault continued, she felt her self getting aroused, She hoped that they would not notice, but it was a forlorn hope, as the leader lifted his head, and told his members that Helen was a hot whore, and wanting to get it on.


The two men biting her nipples did not let up, as the leader changed position, so that he now knelt directly between her thighs, his hard cock aimed at her rapidly dampening pussy lips. He leaned forwards, and Helen could feel the first touch of his cock, as he guided it to her sex, forcing just the head inside her.


Helen again tried to scream, but it was silenced by the gag, as the leader started to push his cock deeper. Unable to move, Helen could only cry as the cock pressed deeper and deeper into her, the other two men now biting hard on her nipples, making them even more sore and tender. Then the leader gave a deep thrust, sending the whole of his cock into the helpless girl, his balls slapping against her inner thighs.


He could feel Helen trying to struggle from under him, but the bonds held her tight, and escape was impossible, as he began to pump his cock in and out of her, trying to get deeper than ever with every lunge. He could see the tears running from the victims eyes, but made no effort to stop, or even slow down, as he rode the helpless girl, ramming himself harder with every thrust, sure that she would have bruises by morning.


Another of the gang moved over to the bed, and climbed up next to Helen's head. He began to unfasten the gag, and knelt against her ace, his cock touching her cheek. Helen moved her head away, but the man pulled it back, smiling as Helen resisted his attempts to get his cock into her mouth. Just then one of the men biting her nipple bit harder, sinking his teeth deep into her flesh. Helen opened her mouth to scream, but the man kneeling by her head took advantage of this, and provided his own gag, silencing the scream with his cock, as he rammed it to the back of her throat.


The attack was now four pronged, and Helen's body began to react, her pussy growing increasingly wetter, as the leaders cock glided in and out. She tried to push the cock out of her mouth with her tongue, but the owner of it took this as acceptance of what he was doing, and rammed deeper into her throat, making Helen cough and choke on it.


Just then the leader gave a scream, and with one last lunge, rammed his cock as deep as he could get it. Instantly, Helen felt the release of his cum deep inside her, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. As he pulled out? she could feel his cum dripping out of her, and running down the divide between her legs, and down across the lips to her ass. The leader noticed this, and allowed his fingers to play in the river of cum, spreading it around the tight opening of her ass, and forcing a finger inside, feeling the heat.


Helen tried again to scream at this invasion, but the cock in her mouth proved an effective gag, as the finger pressed deeper, moving in circles, stretching the opening as it did so.


"Bob", called the leader to another member of the gang. "Got a present her for you, A nice tight virgin ass."


Helen heard someone whistle in delight, and as the leader moved off the bed, another man took his place between her legs. He already had his trousers off, and from the corner of her eye, Helen caught sight of his cock. Again she tried to scream. The cock was huge, and she knew that if he got that any where near her ass, it would rip her open. But Bob took no notice of the fear in her eyes, as he positioned himself.


Bob made no effort to use the leaders cum to moisten his target, simply choosing the rough approach. He placed the head of his cock against the forbidden doorway, and pressed. The head of his cock entered, and Helen screamed as the red hot pain shot through her body. Even the cock in her mouth could not silence this scream, as Bob started to press himself inside the dry cavern.


As he went deeper, the hole felt drier, and tighter, and Helen felt the pain more and more, screaming time and time again as the invasion continued. Suddenly there was an eruption in her mouth, as the man fucking her throat shot his cum deep down her throat, forcing her to swallow, even as she screamed. She began to choke on the hot fluid, but he kept his cock in until she had swallowed as much as she could, as Bob began to fuck her ass harder and harder.


Suddenly, and without warning, Helen own body exploded in orgasm. She had not expected it, and the eruption shook the whole of her body with it's intensity. Never before had she had an orgasm of this magnitude, and her juices flooded out, and splashed onto the cock driving into her ass, lubricating it.


Bobs response was to drive deeper, now aided by Helen's own juices, until he felt his balls slamming against the cheeks of her ass. The screaming had stopped, and Helen felt her hips rising to meet the onslaught. She tried to stop herself, but her body refused to obey her will, as she met Bob stroke for stroke. Bob gave a loud grunt, and Helen could feel his cock twitching inside her, knowing he was on the verge of cumming. Her response was to lift her hips even higher to met him, as he gave a moan, and she felt the hot white cum flooding into her ass.


Again, Helen felt her own climax rising, and almost at the same time as Bob, her pussy again exploded. She ignored the fact that one of the men who had been biting her nipple was now leaning at the side of her head, and as he moved towards her, Helen willingly opened her mouth to admit it, drawing it deep into her mouth, sucking at it as if she never wanted it to leave.


As Bob moved away, the other nipple biter moved between her legs, and in seconds his cock was deep in Helen's pussy, as he began to ride the poor girl.


In a haze, Helen thought she heard someone talking on the phone, and it took a few moments to realise that it was the leader, calling the rest of the gang, telling them to come around, as they had a hot pussy for them, ready to pull a train.


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Na Chellelu Sandya Na Barya

Hi to all.Naperu ailu , ma vuru nellore in andra pradesh. Ma intlo amma and nanna, andamaina na chellelu.Naku 22years and na chellelu peru sandya 20years.Chala andanga untundi and intermidiate chesindi. Nenu degree bio technology chesanu. 2008 lo ma family chala andanga undedi, amma nanna mammalni chala baga pencharu.Oka rpju ammma ,nanna chenni relatives daggaraku prayanamayyaru.Auto lo railway station velutunte accident jarigi iddaru pranalu vidicharu.Na chellelu nenu chala badha...

3 years ago
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Little girls do grow up

Little girls do grow upThis is quite a longish story so I hope you don’t get bored, it all started a few years back when our c***dren were younger and we holidayed with friends and their k**s..Two weeks camping in France was the usual; all the c***dren got on well and usually bought along a friend. As the k**s got older then people dropped out of the camping holidays but one family and their 2 daughters and one of their friends remained until the eldest girl was 16. We were always at the beach...

1 year ago
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My Hr A Lifelong Experience Part 1

Hello everyone, this is Arjun from Hyderabad. I am 22, with a height of 5’10 working in an mnc in Hyderabad. Please comment or provide feedback to the story at After reading my previous stories I received a good response and hope the same this time too.This story will be several parts and is long.This part just develops chemistry between us. I completed my engineering and got a job in an mnc with a good package. On the first day of my office, we had an induction section from one member of our...

2 years ago
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Divorce Women

  First experience when i lost my virginity. This happened when i was in my graduation. We had a neighbor named LATA. She was a divorcee and had recently shifted next to us. But her nature was good and she became quite friendly with us.I used to keep on going to her house to play videogames. One day when i had been to her house in the afternoon she opened the door and went back to her bedroom. I asked her what happened and she told me that her legs were paining. I asked whether i...

1 year ago
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A little game of Poker

Kim and Steve are a married couple in the mid 20’s. They have been married for 4 years with a very healthy sex life. The both enjoy watching porn but have never considered playing with others. Kim is about 5’4” with long blond hair; she is fit with nice but not big tits. Steve is 6’1” also fit with short brown hair. They live in a typical suburban neighborhood. Their back yard neighbors are Sheri and Rick. Sheri and Rick are also in their mid 20’s. Sheri and Rick had been married for just over...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A Memorable Cruise

It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...

1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise at Work

I'm going to give you some background first. I'm in my mid-40'S, a white male who had recently ended a disastrous heterosexual relationship. We had a k** whom always lived with me. Once she got involved again and the relationship deteriorated we went our separate ways. My daughter decided to go with her mom. I was just tired of women at this point. Most of the women I met had k**s and were divorced. I just didn't want to get involved with another broken family. I've always been turned on by...

3 years ago
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Upsetting the apple cart part 3

As Jane showered, replaying the events of last night again, she could not believe the risks Steve took when it came to how and where he would have sex with her. Blowjobs in car park and cinema, fingering me while in the cinema and sitting round the dinner table with my family, and as for sneaking in to her parents bedroom and fucking me in front of them as they slept. That made fucking me on the lounge sofa, kitchen stool and my bedroom while my family slept seem normal. Jane remembered how...

4 years ago
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Tape SlavesChapter 3 The Family

"They fuck you up, your Mum and Dad. They may not mean to, but they do. And give you all the faults they had And add some extra, just for you." PHILIP LARKIN "Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your head." MARTIN MULL Gina arrived home and found Kevin and Lisa, her younger brother and sister, playing video games in Kevin's room. Her father, Frank Robinson, was still at work and she learned from Lisa that her mom, Mindy, was grocery shopping. Kevin and...

3 years ago
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Moni and Carol

I Love All Black Gangbangs Story For Moni Moni And Carols Vacation By: Me Written on January 20th, 2013 Nice fantasy from a friend Moni and her friend Carol had decided to go on a girls only vacation to Jamaica with some resistance from the husbands. They said they would be fine at a resort what can happen there. They left for Jamaica in march still be cold in Canada the girls were looking forward to some sun and beach. They arrived in Kingston and were bused away to the resort. looks like a...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth does home made Porn

I really like having my wife Elizabeth wearing stockings, suspenders and high heels being fucked on her hands and knees, doggy style, by other men and also with other women using a strap-on dildo. I love to watch as Elizabeth gets a right good-old-fashioned shagging and a sexual seeing too! I like to watch Elizabeth getting sexual servicing while she is on her knees and being fucked in front of a large mirror, so that she can watch herself and I enjoying sex together.Recently we met a young...

1 year ago
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Meine chodana sikha 8211 2

Hai, Kaise hein aap? Mein hun Neelam, aap ki seva men, meri kahani liye. Chaar saal ki lambi muddat ke baad 12vi ki pariksha de kar mein ghar aayi. Daramiyan mere badan men kafi fark pad gaya tha. Bachchi men se mein ab javan ho gayi thi. Sara badan gol chikana ho gaya tha. Sine par bade santare jaise stan ubhar aaye the aur din prati din badhate ja rahe the. Chhoti chhoti komal nipples sensitive ban gayi thi, bra ka sparsh bhi sahan nahin kar pati thi. Thoda sa sparsh se hi nipples men se...

1 year ago
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18 VR sounds like a virtual reality hangout for those just reaching the age of legal adulthood, and honestly, the Adults-Only warning out front kind of backs that up. The naked girl in the background of the warning screen looks like she’s just old enough to buy cigarettes, and so do the young sluts you’ll see as soon as you click through to the tour page. Maybe I should spell out the rules of the game for those who rode the short bus: you’ve got to be 18 to perform, but even the oldest perverts...

VR Porn Sites
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Imperfect Ch 13

When I got home, Zoë greeted me cheerfully, asking if I had a good time, but requesting that I save the details for later, when we could put the images they would evoke to good use. Later after the baby went down for the night, I relayed my story telling her how excited he had been to hear the details of our girl on girl sex life. Zoë grinned from ear to ear, ‘Ironic, I’m so excited to hear about the two of you.’ She put her hand on my knee and gave me a good squeeze. ‘So was it painful or...

4 years ago
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Scientific Experiments with Annie and Sex mf oral

"You Can Get Pregnant From Doing That!" Thursday: I woke up feeling rather nice. I wasn't mad, not even a bit annoyedat Maureen. I had been, though I'd resisted that feeling. I wasdisappointed by her restriction, but I loved her and it was OK. Iloved her even if we didn't fuck. I'd love her even if we didn't dosex at all. After all, I'd loved her before that, and I certainlyloved Sherry despite the fact that she wouldn't do it with me either.Fucking I mean, not all sex. I'd have been beyond...

4 years ago
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Should A FatherInLaw Be Seduced 8211 Part 2

As I was about to enter, I decided not to. I closed the door and went and slept on the sofa. The next morning my son Aarav came and woke me up. Aarav: Papa, why are you sleeping here and not in your room? I was still sleepy and immediately remembered what had happened last night. The sight of Ria in that sexy nighty came to my mind. I felt an immediate sensation in my penis as I was lost in the thoughts of Ria. Aarav: Papa, what happened? Ria: Yes, papa, what happened last night? I was a bit...

2 years ago
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Holiday Cuckold

I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...

3 years ago
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Please Mr Tally

Amy stood in the doorway and watched her friend’s dad dance around the kitchen. Ken, loved music, and he loved cooking, so it was a treat to watch him combine the two. Amy’s mom was married to her job. It provided for them, but it also took her all over the world. This meant that Amy was constantly bounced from house to house. Most of the time she stayed with her aunt, but she was on vacation. The other back-ups were also busy, and that is how Amy ended up staying at her sort of friend and...

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Frank and Maxine

I sat on a folding chair and watched the twins as they played field hockey and I couldn't help but wonder how the coming upheaval was going to affect them. Knowing them as well as I did I thought that they would probably handle it better than I was. They were pretty resilient and a lot more mature than you would expect a pair of sixteen year olds to be. As I watched Michelle execute a pass to Melanie I thought back to the night that my world crumbled and fell on me. My wife Maxine and I were...

2 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 3 Revelation

Wayne remembered the kiss. But to his credit, he didn’t dwell on it when he saw Judith Friday morning, much as he wanted to simply crush her to him and passionately devour her. She came down at her usual time, though, and the two walked together to the cafeteria. “Are you feeling better?” Wayne asked. “Do you mean am I hung over?” Judith laughed. “Not too bad. Some American coffee should help. I’m not ready for steak and eggs.” “I’m glad to hear that. I suppose we shouldn’t make a habit...

3 years ago
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Quiet Time

I'm just getting out of the shower and have wrapped a towel around me when she comes in after afternoon classes. I can tell from her expression that it's been as long a day for her as it has for me already.She sees me and her face brightens. "Hi sweetie!" she greets me in her usual chipper tone.We kiss hello. I can't begin to explain how I've been waiting for that."Water's still hot if you don't take too long. I'll be waiting for you after." I tell her with a wink.She puts her things away...

2 years ago
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It was a little more than a year since they had last met: in that time since she had remarried there had been sporadic email and phone contact, always initiated by her, until today he had received the phone call asking him to meet her, and giving him the address of her new home. As he waited on the doorstep after ringing the bell, he wondered if she would have altered, be different, but her ready smile of pleasure at seeing him as she opened the door suggested little had changed, and as the...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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A Week In The Mountains Ch 32

Passion in James County XIV: A Week In The Mountains ‘Frankie, are you sure you’re all right?’ Kay asked as they walked toward the house. ‘You have a lot of blood on you.’ ‘That’s Ronny’s blood. I’m fine,’ he said. ‘How about you?’ Kay took a deep breath and felt herself shudder. ‘I guess I’m still a little shaky,’ she said, ‘but I’ll be all right now that I know you’re all right. How did you do that? Get Ronny tied up, I mean. He’s so strong, and…’ ‘Remember, I told you I’ve been in the...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 11

As we sat at the dinner table, mom looked at me over her famous chicken pastry, or what was left of it. "I was proud of the Level of maturity you displayed today and how you handled the incident with Lacey. It could have turned out badly. Finding out that we are having sex could have wrecked your relationship with her and she could have made a lot of trouble if she let it be known to others that I am having sex with you. I have tried to teach you to be honest and today you see first hand...

2 years ago
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Started Carrier With Romance In Mumbai City

Hi Everyone! One of the best sites that I ever experienced reading is IIS stories. Awesome narration stories .Well I am early ready to explain my first Romantic story. This is the story Happened in Mumbai city When I was just cleared IIT JEE exam with good rank and joined IIT Bombay for Electrical branch, basically I am from Kerala, myself Savan kumar (name changed) and my romantic girl by name Swetha (name changed). Coming to the story I was just 19; got good reputed college to start my...

2 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 44

"Aren't they so sweet?" "Look how Brandy's almost laying on him." "Do you think they did it last night?" "Why don't you guys leave for a few minutes? I have a special way to wake him up." "We might have a special way to wake him up too." "I'm scared to death of him, but I just love him to pieces. I'll just have to think of what could have been. My big one-legged white man that got away." I opened my eyes to find Jan and Angie accompanied by Tiani, Frieda, Judy, and...

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A Doctors Visit

A Doctor's VisitStruggling with the restraint around my neck, I turned my head to watch the nurse looking through the numerous cabinets on the wall. I could clearly see her slim waist and full but firm breasts that threatened to break through the fabric of the thin, white coat of hers. Quickly she turned around just as I realized that the smooth round shape of her behind did not show the familiar depressions of panties. But my excitement about the naked body of this beautiful nurse quickly...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 25

"Honestly, there were times I thought this day would never come," Sophie said as she fidgeted nervously in her smart blue pencil dress and matching designer heels. "And I definitely never pictured it being under these circumstances." "Well, regardless of the circumstances, you definitely deserve to feel proud," Amy advised her friend, who smiled in response. "Definitely," Hayley concurred. "Just a pity you can't take any of the credit for it..." Sophie nodded sadly as she gazed out...

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Brittanys Adventures Part 1

You can say everything started at a young age when I started having this new but strange desire to look through my sister's clothes and underwear drawer. A little while after when everyone was out of the house and I made sure nobody was coming back I tried them on. It was at sixteen when I put on my first pair of panties and it changed my world forever. I still remember that magical feeling when the skirt fit me just right and curved my body into this beautiful feminine form.As a growing...

1 year ago
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Petite Isabel Moon Isabel Has To Fuck To Stay Pettie

Petite babe Isabel Moon is being told that by her eating a taco that she is on the way to not being petite! She shows Mark that she still is petite and will work off that taco any way she needs to. Her favorite workout is fucking so that is just what she does. Isabel gets down and sucks that cock hard taking it all deep down her throat! She wants that dick in her pussy though and soon she is on the desk getting that pussy pounded good. Mark knows just how to fuck her into shape until she takes...

2 years ago
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Humoring Me

Had it been a week? Yes a whole freaking damn week. Ugh. Why was he so reserved when he had family or friends over? Why didn’t he want me to be over when he had company? I didn’t know, but at least he was consistent over the last three years we had been dating. Back up, rewind. Yes, three years dating and we still weren’t living together, a choice made by both of us. It seemed to work except in situations like this, when it had been at least a week or seemingly more since I had his nice hard...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 7

Mark duly presented himself at the Collins's flat a few minutes after six the following day and was met at the door by Frances Collins with a hug and a kiss. "How lovely to see you, Mark," she cried. "It's been far too long. Last time you were still at school. Let's look at you. Mmm, not bad at all and you get to look more and more like your father." "I hope that's a compliment, Mrs Collins," replied Mark grinning. "It's lovely to see you again. Either you've all been in...

3 years ago
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my Favorite

Hello people, I want to share a recent experience I had a few months ago when I met my girlfriend Neha. Hope you like it. I am 26 and work in an engineering company. Most part of my life I had little interaction with women. My virginity was a thing I soon wanted to let go and wanted some one to make love. I was too shy/ scared to go to a prostitute. Hence I was looking for a girl that I can be in a relationship with.It was a sunny day in the November of Delhi. Me and my friend were coming back...

2 years ago
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An Adventure the WildernessChapter 1

Willmore Wilderness Park, 400 kilometers straight west of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada could not be named more appropriately. It consists of more than 1800 square miles (almost 5000 sq km) of pristine forest, mountains and streams. There are no roads other than a few service roads here and there, but there are numerous trails for both horses and hikers. There are campsites, and actually a few cabins built years ago by strangers and maintained today by the people that use them. Some folks have...

3 years ago
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Hot Classmate In Pune 8211 Part I

Hello friends.This story is about how i fucked my classmate within a span of one month.I assure u this story is completely true.My name is Rohan(fake name).19 years of age,fy.bcom student in one of the reputed college of Pune with 5’11” height cute looks and near about 7inch tool.If any Pune girls or milfs would like to contact me,feel free to mail me at So lets come to the story.On my first day of college,everyone were new to me.There were many beautiful girls in my class,but this girl...

3 years ago
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Young woman is sodomized by her new neighbor 3

Suddenly Allen stood and spun around then speaking with a soft voice he said, "Let's get dressed, we'll discuss this later ... okay?" he said as he bent over to pick up his gym shorts.Mary sat in the bed and watched Allen slip on his gym shorts as her heart beat up her body. She didn't care about his massive erection anymore or the fact she had just offered herself to a man she had just met less then an hour ago. Mary cared about Allen's feelings and she knew why. She had no clue how to escape...

2 years ago
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Maid in Heaven 8211 Part II

Hello ladies & gentlemen! Thank you for your feedback, I wasn’t sure at first to hear from anyone, but seeing the initial reaction, I made it a point to pen this down of what happened ahead I am back with my continuation of my story which I left halfway, without describing how we eventually started humping like rabbits when we had an empty house to ourselves. From where I left, in my previous story, well I had somehow, broken the barriers about having a friendlier conversation with our house...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 21

The man who owned the salvage yard had been the man who helped me with the trailer and hitch for the Scooter. He asked me what I planned to pull with the tiny metro. “I’m thinking pop up camper. Maybe a four or five foot base. That is if I can find one that I can afford.” It might take a while to find one though. “Or not,” my junk yard/ welder suggested. “I know you got that bad leg. Let me finish your hitch, then we can take ride to my RV parking lot, It was about two hours later when we...

4 years ago
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my cheating wife chapter 4

My wife Mar called me but Mary answered and knowing that Mar cheated on me she told her that we had just had sex. After she told her I was the best she ever had,Mar hung up and wouldn't answer when I called her back . Mary came out of the shower naked and stood drying her hair “she will get over it”she said. Then began to get dressed then told me to do also,we need to get some nourishment so we can play again .’she said. Maybe we can do it again in the morning” then gave me a...

2 years ago
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My brother and me

My first story ever. Hope you guys like it. Any input is welcome. Let me just start by describing myself. My name is Tory. I am 25 years old, dark brown hair, about 5'5 and weigh 140lbs. Im a size 36D with a round firm ass. My family consists of mom, dad, my 28 year old brother, Rob and myself. We are all very close and even though my brother, and myself have moved out, we still stay in contact and get together at least once every other week. As well as holidays. Christmas was coming up, and as...

2 years ago
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Dusting And Deflowering

Connie looked up at me with the widest, most curious pair of eyes I had ever seen. They were like a bear back from a failed salmon hunt: hungry and brown. Her lips burst with youthful fullness. My cock hardened. I ushered her inside my apartment, closing the door as soon as she was through it. Neighbours like to judge. I gave her the classic European greeting. A brush on each of her radiant, rose-tinted cheeks. Formal enough for a first meeting, yet just warm enough to open the door to promise...

First Time
3 years ago
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Rain Man

Rain fell hard; I watched it as it bounced off the pavements, the roof tops and the cars. I love walking in the rain but it was particularly heavy even for me that evening. So there I was peering out of my one bedroom flat at the street below, drinking my second glass of wine. It was Friday evening, eightyish and my husband had gone away for the weekend on a stag do, which left me on my own and lonesome. I went to the loo and had a pee when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone -...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 3

September 5, 1845 thru September 10, 1845 Putting up the gables was the hardest part. For one thing they were higher up. For another, each course had to be shorter than the previous one. We built a couple of ladders so we could work on them more comfortably, but still it was hard work. Timmy and the girls finished digging the footer for the fireplace long before we finished with the gables. When we'd get tired of working with the logs, John and I started building the foundation for the...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Ameena Green Blasians are Cute as Fuck

Ameena Green was showing off her beautiful body. She undressed and stepped into the shower. Her butt was beautiful. She put some oil on it to make it shine. James Angel joined them in the living room. He also was impressed by Ameena’s beauty. He licked her pussy for a bit and then she gave him a nice BJ. Deep throating and gagging on it. Next he fucked her. He fucked her well. He was strong, so he could hold her up while fucking her. He fucked her upside down. Plus all the usual positions....

3 years ago
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Making Mother My slut

It all started when I was 18 and a senior in High School playing football. It was a Saturday practice after a big win on Friday night, and our coach gave us half practice off.I came home a couple hours early. Mom was doing her usual shopping on a Saturday with the girls, which usually took most of the day. Dad was home with my older sister Kip who was off work today.When I came in the house, I heard what sounded like Mom and Dad fucking in the basement, I crept down the stairs as any horny...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Theodora Day OilSoaked Anal A2M

Beautiful brunette Theodora Day flashes brilliant blue eyes and rubs her pulsing asshole sensually. She drizzles oil onto her pert titties and then kneels to offer aggressive stud Zac Wild a sloppy blowjob. She bobs her head on his veiny shaft, drool dripping from her chin. Shaved-bald Zac picks her up and stuffs his big cock inside her tight cunt. He shoots oil on Theodora’s ass cheeks; she spreads her legs and masturbates as he shoves his thick boner inside her tight sphincter. She...

3 years ago
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It started as a drive most of the way across the state. We were due to give a presentation at a small conference and she was nervous. She wasn't a big fan of public speaking. It doesn't bother me much, so I was pretty relaxed. She spent most of the ride (I was driving) to look over her notes a dozen or so times. I spend most of the ride looking her over as subtly as I could. She isn't a supermodel or anything, but everything about her is cute. She has shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes...

4 years ago
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The Winston Family Adventures pt 05

The young man is assigned to the ward for the indigent on the 3rd floor along with three other patients as roommates. His only privacy is a curtain to shield his view from the other three patients in the ward. He is now dressed in a hospital gown and has a couple of IVs started along with a heart monitor and an EKG. There is an elastic bandage on his dislocated right shoulder. Cindy takes his vital signs and is the first nurse on that floor to notice the young man has a larger than average...

1 year ago
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"So tell me, Janelle," asked Dr. Scott, "in your own words, what do you think the problem is!?!" Janelle, with her head down, looked furtively over at her husband, Kurt who was sitting silently in the chair next to hers! "Don't look at Kurt," the doctor admonished her, "he doesn't have the answer, we want to hear your side of the story, so come on now, speak up, that's what we're all here for!!!" "Uh, well," Janelle began slowly, "it's just that he doesn't ever listen to me, or take me...

1 year ago
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Africa Take Two

January 13th 2007 marked a life changing stage in my life, it was the first day of my three month, self induced nightmare. Well, that is what some people would call going to live up a mountain, 40km from a hospital, in an area that has no electricity or running water. I called it my Gap Year Placement. Having already spent two weeks in the area I thought I would be pretty prepared for whatever lay ahead of me, but as BA047 started to taxi out I looked back at Terminal Four and thought ‘What on...

2 years ago
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The Pump part 2

Knock! Knock! Knock!I stood on the doorstep of Kelly's house again with another bag full of baby accessories that my wife wanted me to drop off to her friend. Images raced through my mind of our last encounter and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as I stood there trying to look as calm as possible. The fact that she called my wife and asked if I could drop off a few more things on my lunch break hinted to me that she wanted to play again. But I did my best not to get too...


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