Den Of Iniquity Ch. 08 free porn video

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Ring! Ring!

My dream bent to incorporate a ringing telephone. While I was looking around for the phone in my dream it dawned on me that there actually was a ringing phone and I roused myself from sleep.

Ring! Ring!

Sitting up in bed, I pulled the spare pillow between my back and the headboard and yawned widely. I grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table, pressed the green button and brought it to my ear, briefly wondering who might be calling me at this hour. After glancing at the alarm clock I realised it wasn't as early as I thought. "Um... Hello?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Roger? Is that you?"

"Ah, yeah. Who's calling?" It sounded like Annie, but I didn't want to make a mistake.

"It's Annie Wilkinson, Sir. From... um... work."

"Hello, Annie," I said, smiling and getting comfortable. "This is a nice surprise."

"Can you talk, Sir? I'm sorry for calling so early."

"Yes, I can talk. And it's not really that early, Annie. I'm just still half asleep, that's all."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry again, Sir."

"Relax, Annie, it's fine. I'm glad you called. I was going to call you today," I said.

"Oh. May I ask what about, Sir?"

"I wanted to ask you if I had to be careful around the partners, I mean... Do you think they'd be offended by anything that might go on tonight?"

"Oh, no, Sir. I doubt it. Some of the executive parties get pretty wild, I'm told. They're not as uptight as people imagine."

"I see... well that's a relief. Um, how did you get my number?" I asked, remembering how I got hers.

"It's in the book, Sir."

"Oh. Yeah. Of course it is. Duh," I said, feeling pretty stupid.

Giggles came down the phone line. "Are you always like this first thing in the morning, Sir?" Annie asked. I could see her smiling face in my mind.

"Always," I replied, laughing with her. "So, to what do I owe this call, Annie?"

"Ugh... I'm sorry to bother you with this, Sir. But it's Sylvia."

I sighed to myself. "What's happened now?"

"She's gone missing."


"I've tried calling her, but she doesn't answer. No one seems to know or care where she might be." She sniffled.

"Look, I'm sure there must be some logical explan-"

"No, Sir. I know something's wrong. And it's something to do with that picture. I just know it, Sir."

"I don't have it any more."

"But Claudio said-"


"Yes, Sir. Claudio told me he made sure you had the picture. He said it was a simple thing, and you'd know what to do with it."

"A simple thing?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what he meant by that either, Sir."

I should have opened the damned thing in the first place, I thought, sighing.

"What is it, Sir?"

"Oh, nothing. I just feel like things are getting more strange, rather than less. Sorry, please go on."

"Yes, Sir. All I know is, Sylvia said she had a meeting last night and was concerned about it and to call in the morning to check on her but she's not home and-"

"Slow down, Annie. Slow down."

"Gosh... I'm sorry, Sir. I'm just really worried."

"I'm sure Sylvia can take care of herself."

"I don't think so, Sir."


"Sylvia is a lot more fragile than most people think, and she's taken to drinking, Sir. God knows what she might have gotten herself into."

"I really think you are worrying about nothing, Annie."

"You are not helping, Sir."

I furrowed my brow. "I'm trying to keep you from becoming upset, Annie." I should have known she would furrow hers.

"And I'm trying to tell you that I can't just shut off my concern for a friend, Sir." I put the heel of my hand against my forehead, feeling the beginnings of a headache. I'd been up five minutes and I'd already made a huge mistake. Finally she spoke again. "I'm sorry to bother you with this, Sir."

"And I apologise for being a complete asshole, Annie," I said softly.

She giggled again. "You are probably just still half asleep, Sir. And nervous. I'm sure the party will be great. Claudio said everything is arranged."

"I hope you're right," I said honestly. "And that's the second time you've mentioned Claudio."

"He's been a good mentor, Sir."

"I don't think I'm following you."

"A mentor is one who introduces another to the lifestyle. They provide advice, and teach him or her how to avoid making mistakes. In my case I had to learn what it was that made me tick, and how to be pleasing and respectful, Sir. Claudio helped me with those things."

"An important job."

"Similar to Chantelle for you, I imagine, Sir."

"Yes, I suppose it is."

I heard Annie sigh. "I wish I knew what to do."

"I suppose you've called her friends and parents?"

"I've rung around, but no one has seen her."

"And she has your number?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, sometimes all one can do is share their concerns, just like you have."

She sighed again. "Yes. You're right, Sir." A moment of silence enveloped us. "I probably should be going now."

"Wait, Annie..."

"Yes, Sir?"

"What are you doing right now?" I asked.

"I was just going to sit around and hope Sylvia called. Otherwise I have no plans until this afternoon."

I hoped I detected that smile in her voice again. "This afternoon?"

"I have to start getting ready for the party, Sir. There is a certain Dominant I'd like to impress."


"No. Not Claudio, Sir. I don't want Claudio. He's a bit too crazy for me," she giggled. "Um, can I tell you something, Sir?"


"Well two things, actually. I rang Claudio because he's my mentor, Sir. I wasn't sure what to do. You and I, um, have his blessing, Sir. You know, if anything like, develops between us. He likes you and wishes us the best of luck. Actually, it was he who suggested I ring you, Sir."

"I see." Maybe I'm wrong about Claudio, I thought.

"And the other thing is, Claudio was involved with Josephine until recently, Sir. He thinks that's probably why she was so quick to pounce on you, on the rebound or something. All I know is, Claudio was a bit worried about you, but I don't know why. I mean, Josephine's a bit crazy, but she wouldn't harm a flea, and she's um, very experienced."

"Well, I don't know if she's harmless," I said. "I'm not sure if I trust her."

"Oh, Sir. I don't know what to think."

"You're not alone." Another silence descended upon us. "Annie?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You meant me, didn't you? The 'Dominant you wanted to impress'?"

"Yes, Sir" she whispered.

Smiling to myself, I said, "I'm already impressed."

I could hear her breathing down the line. "I'm blushing, Sir."

"And I don't think you should be alone, worrying about Sylvia. Would you meet me for coffee somewhere?"

I heard her swallow. "My mouth just went dry. Yes! I'd love to, Sir. Um... where?"

"On the corner of Stewart and Marketown, there's a coffee shop."

"I know it."

"I'll meet you there in..." I looked at the clock, "three hours?"

"Not until midday, Sir?" She sounded disappointed.

"I have a few errands to run, Annie."

"Oh. Yes, okay, Sir. I'm sorry for sounding less than thankful. I'm just um, excited about seeing you."

"Good." I was starting to feel quite excited myself. But first I wanted to visit an adult shop and see what I could pick up. Then maybe a linen shop for some new sheets. The ones on the bed had seen better days, and the ones in the closet weren't much better. Looking around my apartment, I thought I might visit a hardware store for paint too, but maybe that could wait. "Oh, fuck!" I exclaimed, suddenly realising I'd left my toy box at Josephine's place.


"Oh... I um, I just remembered something else I had to do."

"Yes, Sir. Does that mean you'll be even later?"

I imagined she was pouting. "No, I don't think so. I should still be there by twelve. I'll call if I'm running late."

"Okay, I'll give you my number. Do you have a pen handy, Sir?"

I was wondering how I could get my toy box, and still do everything else I wanted to do. "I already have it," I said, not thinking.

"You do? It's unlisted, Sir."

"Oh. Ah, okay, you caught me. I asked Chantelle for it and she gave it to me last night."

"Oh, Sir. I'm teasing, I already knew that." She was smiling once again. "Um. Sorry, Sir." She giggled again. "I'm bad."

I shook my head. I hoped a shower and some food would give me the energy I needed to think more quickly on my feet. "We better see what we can do about that," I said, hoping it was a good recovery. "I'll see you at midday, Annie."

"Yes, Sir. See you then."

A few minutes later in the shower, I shook my head in wonder. How did I forget the toy box? I vowed never to leave the bloody thing anywhere ever again. I could just imagine trying to reclaim it from lost property if I left it on the subway. Or from the police! Stepping out of the shower and drying my hair, I heard the regular phone ringing. I wrapped my towel around my hips and walked into the kitchen. "Who could that be?" I wondered aloud. I decided to let the machine take it while I made coffee.

"Hello, this is Roger, I can't get to the phone right now, leave a message and I'll call you back..."

"Sir? Please, pick up if you are there." It was Adrian. I smiled, thinking of Chantelle's description of his voice. Putting aside my half-made coffee, I picked up the receiver and looked down, seeing the light on the machine, blinking and indicating an existing message. It must have been left while I was in the shower.

"Hello, Adrian. Roger here."

"Oh Sir, thank God you are there. Oh my God. Oh my God! What have I done?"

"What is it, Adrian? What's the matter?"

"I lied, Sir. I lied to Mistress and to you and... and... Oh dear..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I... oh Sir... I'm in so much trouble..."

"What happened, Adrian? And what does it have to do with me?"

"It's your envelope, Sir. The one with the pho-"



My jaw dropped and for a moment no words escaped. I rattled the disconnect button on the phone like I'd seen in the movies. I should have known it was useless. "Fuck!" I said aloud, slamming down the receiver. Then I remembered I had Adrian's number. I ran to my bedroom and rummaged through my closet. I quickly slipped my diary out of my jacket pocket and looked up the number while I strode back to the phone on the wall.

Then the phone rang again. I picked it up before it had a chance to ring twice. "Adrian?!" I almost shouted.

"Yes, Sir! Oh, thank God I caught you again. She's just gone into a store to get the paper. I was nearly caught... Sorry Sir. Josephine, Sir! Josephine!! You have got to stop her! She's coming back! Check your case!"

Click! Bzzzzzzzzz...

But I didn't have the damned case! I ran to the window and watched a taxi pull away from the kerb. "Dammit." Then I remembered the message on the answering machine. I raced over and pressed the required buttons. Listening impatiently, I tapped my fingers as I told the caller I wasn't home and waited for the message. I held my breath. It was Josephine.

"Roger Sir, Josephine here. I dropped your case outside your apartment door a few minutes ago. I'm just hopping into a taxi outside your building. I'm so excited! I'm going to see my sister today. Isn't that wonderful?" She sounded very animated, but also a bit weird, almost manic. "I'm a little busy or I would have stayed, especially after last night." She tittered and went on. I shuddered and my skin crawled. Something about her had started to bother me. "Sylvia says she wants to really make a splash tonight, and I've volunteered to help her! It's going to be such fun." Had the bridges been repaired? I wondered. "Well Sir, big loving kisses for my Sir, mmmwwaaahhh... And I'll look forward to seeing you toni-" Click.

Hoping my toy box hadn't been stolen by a neighbour, I hurried to my front door and threw it open. There stood the box, with a long blue ribbon tied in a bow around it. I grabbed the handle and brought it inside, pushing the door closed behind me with a thud.

Putting it down on my kitchen table, I undid the latches and pulled up the lid. Nothing. Everything was there, in its proper place. No envelope. The edge of the red foam lifted when I slid my fingers between it and the edge of the box. I did the same on the opposite edge and lifted out the contents. "Yes!" There it was! Then I sputtered in shock as I turned it over in my hands.

"But, this isn't it!" I tore it open and the contents, a picture and a note, fell on the table. I picked up the photo. It was of Josephine in a string bikini. She was looking back over her shoulder and tilting down her sunglasses looking into the camera. It was a good shot. She looked like she was on holidays, surrounded by sand and sunshine. I shook my head in confusion and opened the note, flattening it on the table with the edge of my palm. Pulling out a chair and sliding into it, I started reading.

Dear Roger,

If you have opened this envelope, then I guess my attempts to spare you getting involved have failed. You see, I tried to steam open the original envelope and replace the picture, but it didn't work. (How 'do' they do that in the movies?) And unfortunately I couldn't let you have that photograph. No. That would be no fun at all.

You see, with the photograph, I still control the game. I control everyone and you are all the pawns. I'm the Queen and you are all my subjects. I can do whatever I like.

What is in the photograph, you ask? My, my, Roger. Haven't you guessed? Goodness, Sir, surely a big strong man, with your intellect, can figure it out. Or perhaps it's not a photograph at all! Wouldn't that be fun!

Oh, Roger, don't be mad at me. You'll see. You'll see! I've worked it all out and I can have everything. Even you.

With love and kisses,


I leaned back in the kitchen chair and shook my head. "I think she's certifiable," I said out loud. "Wait til everyone finds out about this!" Then I stood up and hesitated. Putting two and two together, I realised that if Josephine found out that I knew she was behind all this, then not only could Adrian be in trouble, but all hell could break loose at the party. Chantelle will know what to do, and she's going to be livid, I thought. I was glad I wasn't in Josephine's shoes.

I looked at my watch. It was just after 9.30 A.M. Well, at least I don't need to go to Josephine's apartment. I decided to call Chantelle. Then at the last moment, I thought, Stuff it. I'll try Sylvia. I flicked through my diary to 'Harper' and dialled her mobile. What happened next left me shaking my head all over again.


"Hello? Sylvia? It's Roger."

"Er, who?"

"Roger. Roger Moore, from work."

"Oh, Roger. Hello. I'm ah, I'm busy right now."

"Are you all right? You sound different."

"Yes..." Cough. Cough. "Just a little cold. Nothing to worry about." She sounded hung over to me.

"Annie said she couldn't contact you earlier. She was worried about you."

"Oh, that. I um, I slept in. Tell her everything's fine." Cough.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you at the party."

"Oh yes, I'm ah, I'm looking forward to it. Bye."


That was weird. I wondered why she hadn't asked where I got her number. That wasn't like Sylvia at all. More likely she would have torn my head off for invading her privacy. I decided she was either pretty sick, or Josephine was right and Sylvia was all bluster. I smiled to myself. At least Annie will be pleased. I debated calling her and letting her know Sylvia was okay while I finished my coffee. I figured I'd let her stew for a few hours. No harm in that. I shook my head. "Wonders will never cease."

After showering, shaving and changing, I stood before the mirror checking how I looked. Wearing black denim jeans with a crisp, white, open-necked shirt under my black leather jacket, I thought I looked pretty good. Very Jimmy Dean. Slipping on some socks and runners, I grabbed my sunglasses and perched them on my head. After one last check in the mirror, I was out the door.

It was beautiful out. I made a beeline across town to the adult supermarket Chantelle had recommended. I knew it wasn't far. It was a typical Saturday morning in the city, with the change in pace almost discernable. I grabbed a hotdog and a pretzel and chuckled to myself. Breakfast of champions!

Adult World was the name of the place, and I was standing under the awning out front when I decided I wanted to call Annie. I was standing there with my phone in my hand, looking at it and about to dial, when I realised I didn't have her number. I'd left my diary on the kitchen table next to my case. Frowning, I cursed under my breath and slipped my phone back into my pocket. At least Annie wouldn't be waiting for me to call. She might have already spoken to Sylvia herself. I wasn't concerned.

I was thinking about her though. About Annie. She'd be getting ready by now, I thought as I walked around the aisles of the brightly lit clean store, seeing what caught my eye. Not much, actually. There were lots of videos and magazines, like thousands. I flipped over a couple of the BDSM videos but was pretty unimpressed. I continued to wander and a young woman approached me, asking if she could be of assistance. She wore a pink top with the name of the store splashed across it in white, and black spandex leggings with black high heels. I smiled as she approached. When she cocked her head, she looked quite cute with the pink beret on her head.

"Can I help you, Sir?" she asked with a southern accent.

"No, ah, I'm just looking around. I've never been in a store like this before."

She nodded and smiled, flashing her bright white teeth. "We get lots of first timers. If you need me just holler, okay?" She flicked her blonde hair from in front of her eyes and smiled up at me. "I'll be around. Just ask for Stacey," she winked.

"Will do." She turned on her heels, and I watched her ass sway as she walked away. Mmmm... I wouldn't mind spanking that, I mused, chuckling discretely. How things had changed. Tearing my eyes from her ass, I made my way down another aisle. This one was full of butt plugs, dildos, dongs, double dongs and vibrators of every size and colour. My God. The range was ridiculous. I reached the end of the aisle and something caught my eye.

'Remote Control Egg'. Hadn't Chantelle mentioned one of those? I picked up the box and turned it over. Goodness. What a wicked little toy. I tucked it under my arm and continued walking. I reminded myself to get spare batteries. I smiled. Leave nothing to chance, as my father used to say.

In the next aisle I noticed 'Ben-wah Balls'. I picked up the box closest to me before noticing the 'deluxe' range on a shelf against the low wall separating the aisles. "Flexible rubber spikes," I read aloud. How imaginative! I grabbed the small box and tucked it under my arm as well.

It was at least fifteen minutes later and I was almost all browsed out when Stacey approached me again. "Very thorough, aren't you?"

"I like to take my time, yes."

She nodded and smiled knowingly. "You've been everywhere except the back corner."

"I was saving the best till last."

"I'm not busy right now. Would it please you if I showed you around, Sir?"

I smiled, thinking, what a nicely constructed sentence. "Yes. I'd like that," I replied. Stacey nodded and led the way back to the 'BDSM Corner'.

Up on the wall were various implements and leather harness type things with straps going everywhere. There was even one with a huge dildo mounted on it. There were various cuffs and collars and all manner of things in large bins. I remembered what Chantelle said about seeking out quality gear and scanned across the bench top to see what I could find. I picked up a set of sheets with 'Velcro restraining straps' sewed into them. Two birds with one stone, I thought, smiling. Stacey brought over a small plastic basket and I dumped the things I'd chosen into it. I also grabbed a ball-gag. Then I stopped and looked up at the range against the back wall. Stacey pointed out the cats and floggers and crops and a few things I wasn't too familiar with, like swings and spreader bars. We arrived at the end of the display and up on the wall was a selection of paddles.

"And here are our new exclusive range of paddles," Stacey announced. "Lots to choose from, from mild to heavy-handed discipline," she bubbled. I thought she sounded like a brochure. "And um, the maker's card is just over here." She reached over, plucking one and passing it to me. "Local guy, well known in the lifestyle," she continued. "Are you familiar with the lifestyle, Sir?"

"Somewhat," I answered noncommittally.

"Um, yes. I had a feeling you were. Ah, well, anyway, these pieces, here and here," she pointed, "are also his work. They're on special, as an introductory line, Sir. Fifty percent off." I was thinking if Annie was as bad as she'd described herself, then I might need something like this. I chuckled and shook my head. "Sir?" Stacey asked.

I put down the items I had under my arm and nodded at the paddles. "I could use one of those."

"I'm sure you could, Sir." She winked, giggling.

"You're a cheeky one, aren't you? Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Yes. Um... Sorry, Sir. Yes, okay. Well, um... I particularly like this one... um, I mean I would... choose... this one, Sir. It's um... well made, and has more of a sting than a thud," she said, lifting it from its hook and admiring it. "Um, so I'm told..." she giggled again.

"I see. Well, the one you chose looks a little light... so... I'll take this one," I said, reaching up and taking down the heavy, black leather paddle from the wall. It was the most expensive one there. I slapped it against my palm and looked at Stacey. "It has 'thud'."

She put the one in her hands back up on the wall. "It's a serious paddle, Sir."

"So it is, Stacey."

She blushed and stepped close to me, running her palm over its flat surface. "I like the smooth black leather. It's kangaroo, Sir. From special farms or something. Well, at least that's what Moses says in the handout you receive."


"Yes, Sir. Moses provides the buyer with care instructions, and lots of information with every purchase." We were having fun and we weren't alone. Our conversation had caught one bystander's attention. "And look, Sir. On the back it's studded."

She held my hands in hers and coaxed me to turn the paddle over. Examining it, I recalled Chantelle saying leather goods like this needed to be well crafted. I ran my fingers over the edges of it and inspected the stitching. Then with my eyes closed, I felt its surface with my open hand. The leather was very good quality. It was smooth and supple to the touch. Chantelle also mentioned something about 'give'.

"It has good 'give'," I said, sounding more intelligent than I felt.

"Yes, Sir. It's made somewhat like a table tennis paddle, with a number of layers."

I pressed my thumb into it. "So I see."

"You know your paddles, Sir."

"Well, actually..." I said, leaning into her and speaking privately. "I'm just learning. But I'm pretty sure I can handle this."

Stacey bit her lip and glanced from my eyes down to the pile of things I intended to buy and back up again. I thought I saw her shiver. She whispered, "I think you could handle anything you put your mind to, Sir."

"Thank you for saying so, Stacey. That's very reassuring." I looked at my watch. "And thank you for your help, but it's now time I headed to my appointment."

"If you'd like to follow me, Sir, I'll ring these up for you." Stacey packed the plastic carry basket and turned on her heels, heading for the cashier. I took one last look around and winked at the customer who was still standing there, enthralled by the whole exchange. I didn't know what he had or hadn't heard, but I hoped he learned something.

"Thank you for allowing me to serve you, Sir," Stacey said, looking up at me and holding out my bags.

I was excited about my new purchases, and thankful for her help. "Thank you again, Stacey. I know where to come for the best service now." She bowed her head and blushed. "C'mon. Look me in the eyes. Be proud."

She looked up at me and grinned hugely. "Be well, Sir. And good luck!"

"And you, Stacey." I bowed and slipped out the door.

I hailed a taxi and hopped in, telling the driver the destination. Children played hopscotch in an alley while we were stuck in a hold-up, but I wasn't worried. I was right on time. Leave nothing to chance. I wondered what my father would say if he could see me now. Before I'd turned eighteen, he'd passed away. He was a cop and always hoped I'd follow him into the job. My mother, being the protective soul she was, vetoed the idea as soon as she found herself alone. Still, I was left with a lasting impression of a father intent on providing and being involved. I would have liked to have been those things to my own children, but I never had the chance. Suddenly Chantelle's words held new meaning. Sometimes circumstances are at fault Roger. That's all you can blame. Just circumstances. I preferred to think of 'circumstances' as 'opportunities', rather than something to blame. As I was mulling over that thought, we pulled to a sudden stop.

I climbed out of the taxi and paid the driver. Walking briskly, I headed into the dry cleaners to pick up my suit, then across the road and up to my apartment. Dumping everything I'd bought on the bed, I sat down on the edge of it and picked up the 'Remote Control Egg'. I was chuckling to myself while taking it out of the box. "Whoa!" I cried when I tested it, almost dropping it. "This is great!" It was doubtful whether I'd get the chance to have Annie at my mercy with this thing, but I slipped it in the pants pocket of my suit, just in case. Leave nothing to chance!

Shucking my jeans and leather jacket, I suited up. I wanted to dress to impress. Minutes later I was hopping into another taxi downstairs and asking the driver to take me to the Marketown area. I still had forty-five minutes and wanted to see if I could find some things to make my apartment more interesting.

Half an hour later I was sitting comfortably in a booth in the coffee shop. While I waited for Annie's arrival, a waiter had felt sorry for me and offered me a drink. I was sipping from a cold glass of water when Annie bounced in and almost ran over to where I was seated.

"Hello, Sir!" she gasped, standing before me and catching her breath. "Am I late?"

"You're right on time, Annie," I said, standing and taking her jacket. "Sit. Relax."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, taking deep breaths.

"Can I get you two anything?" asked the waiter who had duly arrived. He took Annie's jacket from my hands and hung it on a hook right beside the booth.

"I'll have a cappuccino," I replied, then looked into Annie's eyes and nodded.

"I'll have the same, thank you," she responded, gazing into my eyes. The waiter nodded before scurrying off.

I sat down next to her on the bench seat and slid up close. Our knees were about an inch apart. We both started to speak at the same time, and Annie's cheeks coloured as she deferred to me. "Sorry, Sir. Please go on."

I was fit to burst with pleasure just being in her presence. She was so genuine and real. Like an open book. I smiled at her and thought, I'm going to have sore cheeks today. "I was just going to say, I am very pleased to be here with you, Annie."

She was glowing. "I'm so glad you are pleased, Sir. I've been nervous all morning."

I admired her slightly wind-blown, sandy blonde hair, and picked a wavy lock from in front of her eyes. "You've had a haircut," I said softly.

Her face fell. "Is it all right? It's not too short?" she asked, fussing with it.

"Stop," was all I said. She dropped her hands to her lap and looked at me with a forced but hopeful smile. I had the feeling she thought she'd disappointed me. Focused my eyes on her left temple, I slid the fingers of my right hand into her hair. I slowly drew my fingers away from her head and found her hair smooth and well conditioned. "You look beautiful," I whispered. I made a light fist in her hair and pulled gently down on the side of her head. She slowly tipped her head about an inch to the left, following my hand. When she crossed her legs under the table, I smiled to myself and winked at her. "I can still make a fist in it," I said softly. "So no, it's not too short."

I was delighted by her blushing response and released her hair. She sighed, righted her head and bit her lip delightfully. At that moment, our waiter returned with our coffees and I thanked him. We sat and sipped, staring at each other for a few moments before I spoke. "I spoke with Sylvia earlier. She's fine, just a head cold. Maybe a big night too."

"I thought that might have been the explanation, Sir. The big night, I mean."

Nodding and holding my coffee in my left hand, I sat back with my right arm outstretched across the top of the curved bench seat. My hand was close to the back of her head, but I didn't want to invade her space again so soon. I wanted her to feel as comfortable as I did. "I have other news."

Annie listened intently, sipping her coffee and occasionally covering her open mouth in shock as I related the events of the past morning. "I can hardly believe it, Sir," she said when I was done. "I never knew Josephine was that bad."

"Me either."

"Do you think she had Adrian steal the envelope?"

"I'm not sure how, but yes, that seems likely."

"Yes, Sir. It does make sense. Um, just as a matter of interest, when did you speak with Sylvia, Sir?"

I thought back. "About nine forty-five? Maybe a little earlier."


"What are you thinking, Annie?" I asked.

"Well, Sir, I rang at ten-thirty and there was no answer."

"Maybe she went back to bed."

"That's probably it," she said, sounding unconvinced.

"Apart from a head cold, she sounded fine to me."

"Thanks, Sir. I'll try not to worry about it," she added.

I sipped my coffee. "Tell me about Claudio."

"Okay." Annie proceeded to explain to me the nature of their relationship; how he helped her find her feet and understand the needs she had, and how to express them. While she spoke I came to the conclusion that he had been very good for her. She was honest and open like a spring flower. A pleasure to be around. She told me they tried taking their relationship to the next level, but it didn't work. I asked if that was a regret she had and she assured me they were better off as friends. "He's been a really good mentor, Sir. I'll always be thankful to him."

"I like him too, even if I don't know him really well. I hope we all become good friends."

"Me too, Sir."

"I want to ask you some questions, Annie. Then I promise I'll give all this business a break, deal?"

"Yes, Sir," she said, sitting up straighter, recognising my tone.

"You said before that Claudio told you he gave me the photo because he didn't want to get involved..."

"Yes, Sir. That's what he said. He said, 'at least that way I can wash my hands of the whole business', or something to that effect."

"Hmmm... interesting. I wonder why."

"He didn't tell me, Sir. You might have to ask him yourself."

"Okay. Did he tell you how he ended up with it?"

"Yes, he did this morning, Sir. He said he snuck it from Josephine a few days ago when he realised its importance."

"Did he ever tell you what was in the picture?"

"No, Sir. He said it would be better if I didn't know."

I nodded. "After the other evening, Chantelle isn't going to be pleased that you didn't tell the whole truth, Annie."

"You know, Sir, I really don't know Chantelle that well. I would have told you everything if it was just us."

Her honesty delighted me. I felt like whatever the future might hold, we were going to be on the same side. We sipped our coffees, and I returned her gaze, admiring the small smile playing on her lips. I whispered, "You like me, don't you, Annie?"

"Oh, yes, Sir," she breathed, blushing.

"You didn't before though, did you?"

"I thought you were just another guy, Sir."

"But I'm not just another guy. Am I, Annie?"

"N... No, Sir," she stammered, biting her lip again. I put down my coffee and rested one forearm on the table, leaning a little towards her in the booth. Reaching between us, I took the locket she had around her neck in my fingers. In doing so, I grazed her collarbone and electricity flowed between us.

"Memories fade, new ones made," I said softly, repeating one of my mother's sayings.

She smiled and looked down, opening the locket for me. "It was a present from my mother. It's still empty, Sir," she said, showing me. I nodded and looked up into her eyes. There was a touch of sadness there. I reached up and ran my fingertip along her bottom lip and it trembled. I could hear her breathing quicken.

"Do you like it when I touch you, Annie?"

She swallowed and looked down. "God... Yes, Sir." Her light blush was giving way to a creeping scarlet, surreptitiously making its way up her neck.

I leaned into her ear. "I'm going to kiss your neck," I murmured.

"Ohhh..." she moaned, before I'd even touched her. I bent lower and brushed my lips across the warm skin below her ear, barely touching. "Oh, fuckkk," she gasped under her breath.

I leaned up to her ear again. "Did you masturbate before you came here?" I asked, blowing warm air gently into her ear

"H... How did you know?"

"Because, I can smell... your... cunt... Annie."

"Ohhhh..." She groaned, squirming.

Reaching up, I touched her just under her jaw. She was almost hyperventilating. "Are you all right, Annie?" I asked, leaning back and sipping my coffee, smiling into her eyes.

"Y... Yes, Sir."

"You're trembling," I said, taking her hand in mine.

"I am..."

"We should talk." She looked up into my eyes, biting her lip, waiting. I mulled over what I wanted to say, then launched into it. "I don't know that much about the lifestyle, Annie. But I know I have a very strong interest that is not going to wane. My guess is it will become stronger and stronger with time... But what I do know is that I have a strong connection with you. I want to be with you, Annie..."

"Oh, Sir," she said, gripping my hand tighter.

"Let me finish," I winked, forging onward. "What I mean is, I've always had the desire to get to know you, and now we have this interest in common, I think it's something we should seriously investigate, together. Are we on the same page so far?"

"God yes, Sir."

"I love how keen you are."

"I really want to be with you, Sir. I think we could learn so much together. I'm very excited about it."

"Will you be by my side at the party tonight?"

Her eyes widened and she broke into a breathless smile. With small nods, she said, "I'd be honoured, Sir."

"And you'll give 'us' a chance?"

"I... I... Yes, Sir. Yes!"

"Then you'd better hug me." I grinned. She threw her arms around me and buried her face in my neck. I could feel tears against my skin. I leaned her back, holding her shoulders and looked into her eyes softly. "Are you sure?"

She sniffled and nodded, searching for a tissue in her handbag. Reaching into my pants pocket for my handkerchief, I pulled it out and accidentally pulled out the egg as well. It fell on the bench seat between us and almost rolled away. Annie was quick and covered it with her hand, then picked it up and held it in her fingers, remarking, "This is an egg."

"So it is," I said, feeling a blush of my own. She giggled and passed it to me, putting it in my open palm.

"I've had fantasies about those," she said quietly, glancing at it.

"Have you?" I asked, rotating it in my fingers before her eyes. She watched it for a moment as though mesmerised, then turned her gaze to mine. She nodded and blushed all over again. God, I thought. She's fucking adorable.

Even though I could tell she was wearing a bra, her nipples had become quite prominent. It was time to have some fun. "Your nipples are hard. You must like me playing with you like this, don't you? Teasing you, turning you on?" She closed her eyes and her head dropped a little, almost like I'd discovered her secret. After a tiny hesitation, she nodded. I lifted her chin with my finger. For a moment I admired the blueness of her eyes, before smiling a little and whispering. "Do you want me to keep playing with you?"

"Y... Yes, Sir," she stuttered again, betraying her passion.

"It might get a bit crazy," I said.

She bit her lip. "I... I would do anything for you, Sir."

"Anything? That's a broad statement, Annie."

"I know a fair bit about you, Sir. I... I trust you to look after me."

"Well, I'm glad, but I want you to know that no matter what, our enjoyment is my greatest pleasure. I might be pretty new to this, but that's what I want most out of it. I want to be able to give you pleasure, whenever and wherever I choose, and I want to be pleased by your eagerness for me to do it."

"T... That's what I want. I want to be told how to please you. I want to be t... told what to do. God, I just want your smile on me."

"I have no idea where I'll end up, Annie. This lifestyle might take me anywhere."

"I want to go with you, Sir," she said simply.

I smiled and nodded. "Okay."

She swallowed. "Yes, Sir."

"Finish your coffee. Let's have some fun." She lifted her cup and finished what remained while I sipped mine more slowly. I looked over to the hallway that led to the bathrooms and gauged it to be no more than ten feet from where we sat. "Put out your hand." She did and I placed the egg in it. "When I tell you to, I want you to go into the ladies room and slide this deeply inside yourself. Are you wearing underwear?" She nodded, blushing anew. "Put your panties back on after you are done. Then take off your bra and bring it to me in your hand."

"Yes, Sir. I... I can do it," she whispered. I wondered whether she was trying to convince herself.

"Have you ever done anything like this before?" She shook her head and I smiled. "Good. Okay, you can go now." She slid her ass across the bench seat and stood, straightening her skirt and looking around. I knew exactly what she was thinking. She was trying to figure out who might see her with her bra in her hand. "Hurry up or I'll smack your ass right here," I said, grinning. Taking a deep breath, she walked slowly toward the hallway, then out of my line of sight. After finishing my coffee, I called the waiter over and fixed the check.

Annie returned after a few short minutes with her bra tightly balled in her hand. Her head was lowered, apparently trying not to draw attention to herself. Her prominent chest swayed delightfully. She was biting her bottom lip again. She stood before me and placed her bra on the table, gasping as it sprang open. Clasping her shaking hands behind her back, she blushed furiously and watched me through her lashes.

"Good girl." She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Are you having fun, Annie?"

"Y... Yes!" she whispered, finding her voice. She looked from me, to her bra, and back again.

"You better put that in your handbag," I said, indicating the bra with a nod.

"Yes, S... Sir," she managed, her voice catching. She quickly stowed her bra and I stood up, taking her coat from the hook. I helped her put it on and pulled it together in front of her.

"Put your hands in your coat pockets." She did. "Can you feel this?" I pressed the left button on the remote I held in my hand.

"Ye... yes, Sir."

"And this?" I pressed the centre button.

"Oh... mmmmmm..." Her eyelashes fluttered.

"I guess so," I chuckled. "And what about this?" I pressed the right button and her knees almost buckled. Her eyes closed and her hand captured my arm in an iron grip.

"Oohh... Oooohhhh... shhhh... nnnngggggggg..." She was biting her lip, trying not to moan.

I took my thumb off the button and spoke with a straight face. "Put your hand back in your pocket. I won't tell you again." She shoved her hand deep in her pocket and looked up at me. I saw her tremble then blink, trying to compose herself.

"I... I'll do better. I'm sorry, S... Sir."

I narrowed my eyes a little, then grinned and kissed her nose. "Good girl." Her smile was captivating. "What a wonderful little device this is," I said, pressing the left button and holding it down for a second.

"Oh, yes Sir!" she gushed, turning red all over again and pulling her coat tightly closed.

With her eyes wide and a smile plastered across her face, I took her elbow in my hand to guide her. "Come on, let's go." I picked up the bag of things I'd bought at the market and steered her out the door of the coffee shop. It was only three blocks to my apartment. I was going to enjoy a slow leisurely walk. I was sure Annie was going to enjoy it too.

Stepping outside the coffee shop, I slipped my arm around Annie's shoulder. I wasn't sure if she noticed the remote in my hand as we strolled in the general direction of my apartment. "Would you like to see where I live, and ah, help me with a bit of redecorating?"

She giggled before replying. "I'd love to, Sir."

"Wonderful," I said, holding her close and pressing the left button on the remote. I decided to use the egg for just a few seconds at a time. She melted into me and slowed down a little. "Is it anything like your fantasy?" I asked.

"Way better, Sir. It's surreal."


"Being here. Outside. Walking... or trying to... ohhh..." Middle button. "... with you, Sir... people... " Left button. "Mmmmm... people w... walking by... it's... it's amazing... I can't believe I'm here..."

I leaned down and kissed her temple. "It's a beautiful day, Annie."

She looked up at me and smiled. "It's already unforgettable, Sir."

We turned the corner and were slowly strolling up Angel Boulevard while turned leaves swirled softly around our feet. Annie looked around, recognition dawning. "My family's church is up here."

"Is it really?"

She giggled. "I don't know why I told you that, Sir." Soon enough the towering spinnerets of St. Stephens blocked out the sun and I held Annie close to warm her as we walked. Just then, people began filing out of the front doors of the church. Quite a few rushed off to other engagements, but many of the worshippers hung about and mingled out the front. People were dressed in their 'Saturday Best'. Children played tag and were being told to calm down by staid parents.

An elderly priest shook hands and chatted with those he knew. He was a short, stout man who wore glasses and had a shock of thick, white hair. When he wasn't shaking hands, he clasped his own together over his broad belly. "Oh, dear," said Annie.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Father Flanagan, Sir. He married my mother and father. He's a friend of the family."

"I see." Father Flanagan waved and looked right at us through the people gathered around him. Then he beckoned us over.

Annie looked up at me. "Is it okay, Sir?" I didn't answer. I just steered us up the steps in the direction of this priest, with Annie under my arm. I released the button on the remote and slipped it into my pocket. As we approached, he looked back and forth between the two of us, finally settling on Annie.

"Annie, so good to see you." He took Annie's hand in his and shook it gently.

"And you, Father," she replied.

"And who might this fine gentleman be?" he asked, turning to me.

"This is Roger Moore, Father. Um, Roger this is Father Flanagan."

"Hello Roger, very nice to meet you." He held out his hand and I shook it firmly.

"Indeed, Father Flanagan," I replied, "Annie has told me so much about you." He released my hand and looked back to Annie. I shoved my hand back in my pocket, grasping the remote.

"Has she also told you she hasn't been to confession in three weeks?" he asked, waggling his finger in her face. I pressed down the left button on the remote and Annie drew her coat closer around herself.

"Confession is good for the soul," I said, smiling to myself. Father Flanagan turned to me and I winked at him. We both turned back to Annie. She had a good blush going.

"Aye, that's correct. Are you all right, my child?"

"Yes, Father. Just a... aaaooohh..." Middle button, but just for a moment. "... aahhaaachooo!!" Annie sneezed. It sounded so fake I almost broke out laughing.

"Bless you, my child."

"Th... Thank you, Father. Um. Tomorrow then?"

"I'll see you then, Annie Wilkinson." Then to me, "Nice to meet you Mr. Moore." I shook his offered hand and looked him in the eyes as Annie threaded her arm through mine, stuffing her hand deep in her pocket again.

"The pleasure is all mine, Father, I assure you." He nodded with a funny look on his face, and I led Annie back down the steps, holding down the left button firmly. "What fun that was."

"Oh, Sir! I don't believe it! You are so mean!" Annie giggled, punching my shoulder. I zapped her with the middle button and she slumped against me as we set off up the Boulevard. "Mmmmmmm..."

"I bet you are so wet."

She bit her lip in the adorable way she did, looking like the cat that caught the canary, before whispering, "Drenched, Sir."

An hour and a half later I was sitting on the edge of my bed thinking the place was looking pretty good.

I'd told Annie she could do whatever she wanted with all the stuff I bought. She squealed with glee and set about doing exactly that. Between the oriental wall hangings and all the black tulle and the few items I painted, I thought the place was looking pretty good. I'd been busy too. There were now a number of strategic eyebolts around my apartment and a basic pulley system bolted into the beams over the bed. What I liked best though, was what I'd done with the lighting. Gone were the kitsch hanging lanterns and replacing them were mini spotlights and adjustable wall lighting. We moved some of the furniture around and Annie found some nice big cushions in the linen closet. We talked and talked about our limits and dislikes. As far as 'likes' go, she was curious about lots of things, just like I was. We decided to talk about anything that came into our minds, at any time. It would be us first, and everyone else second.

Of course, from time to time I reminded Annie of the egg inside her by zapping her. If I pressed the 'High' button, she would jump and tremble, clenching her fists and leaning on something. It was way too much fun.

I'd also been thinking about Josephine's letter. I wondered what kind of game she thought she was playing. Sylvia was fine, so I figured it didn't involve her. I tossed up whether to show Annie the note Josephine left in my toy box. I decided to leave it til after the party. Surely Josephine wouldn't try anything with all those people around.

It was almost four P.M. and we were sitting on the bed surveying the place and congratulating each other. "It looks so different. I'm really pleased. You did a great job."

"I like it too, Sir. It's your own little den of iniquity," she said, grinning at me.

"Thanks for your help, Annie."

"It's my pleasure, Sir. I'm so glad I could help."

I nodded slowly. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel... good, Sir. My cheeks are sore from smiling so much, and my jaw aches from clenching it now and again. But other than that, I'm just horny." She giggled, biting her lip as I showed her the remote.

"From when I do this?" I asked, pressing the middle button for a moment.

"Ohhh..." she gasped, gripping my arm.

We looked into each other's eyes and I smiled as she breathed. Placing the remote in her hand, I said, "Hold this for me."

"Y... Yes, Sir."

"Stand up and face me." She did and with my hands on her hips, I brought her a little closer. I looked up into her eyes. "I'm going to ask you to take your clothes off now. Is this what you want, Annie?" She opened her mouth to say something, but again no words came out. I swore to myself that I would never grow tired of the way she reacted to me. "C'mon," I whispered. "You can do it."

She smiled a tiny smile down at me almost apologetically. Then she took a deep shuddering breath. Her hands were shaking. "P... p... please... I... I just want t... to please you, Sir..."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just d... dying here S... Sir... This... This whole situation... You... Me... I'm trembling with n... need, Sir. I'm so w... wet... it's ridiculous," she said, blushing crimson.

"You please me a great deal, Annie."

"Oh, Sir... thank you... thank you so much... I just... I just don't want to come off as some kind of... slut... oh... I'm babbling... I'm s... sorry, Sir..."

"Hush, Annie," I said firmly. "Press down the left button on the remote and take off your sweater using only your other hand." I still held her hips lightly while I watched her fumble with the remote. She started shaking a little as she hooked her fingers under the edge of her sweater, then struggled as she slowly slid it upward.

First the smooth whiteness of her curved stomach, then her ribs were revealed. Higher and higher she tugged at her sweater until the lower curves of her breasts were uncovered. I caught my breath and abruptly stopped her. "Be still. Release the button." She made like a statue with her sweater only half removed. It was over her head in a tangle and she couldn't see anything. "Hold down the middle button until I say 'release'." She instantly began moaning and her thighs started to tremble. Still she held her arms aloft with the sweater half off. I reached up with both hands and trailed my fingernails along the underneath of each breast from the outside inward. "Release," I said softly.

"Ohhh..." I flattened my palms and slid them under her sweater, caressing the warm skin of her sides. She gasped as my trembling hands smoothed over the soft skin of her full breasts. Her nipples were thick and hard and I grazed my thumbs over them, feeling my cock come to life.

"Middle button again." She groaned as she pressed the button, then moaned louder as I gripped her nipples between fingers and thumbs and pinched them gently. "Release."

"Oh, Goddd..." She sighed and her arms trembled overhead.

"Take your sweater the rest of the way off."

"Y... Yes, Sir," she said, muffled from behind the fabric. She slipped the sweater the rest of the way off and tossed it by her feet. I scanned her body then drew my eyes back to hers.

"Mmmmm..." I said, murmuring my approval. I couldn't wait to see her naked. She was blushing again and biting her lip. I really liked how she did that. "Now the skirt."

"Y... Yes, Sir." She took another deep breath and reached behind herself to unzip.

"Hand me the remote." She did and went back to unzipping. I pressed the middle button and held it down. She started moaning and whimpering, losing her grasp on the zip. "Hurry up, Annie. We don't have all day." I grinned up at her and she gritted her teeth in determination. I released the button in sympathy and watched as she successfully slid the garment over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of the pool of material and kicked it aside.

I put my hands on her hips again and slowly turned her all the way around. She was wearing a pure white g-string and I could smell the sweet scent of her. When she was facing me again, I smiled up at her. "Hands behind your head. Lace your fingers together and stand still." She couldn't. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably and her breasts swayed. "You can't do it, can you?"

"N... No, Sir. I'm sorry."

"I'll have to punish you then, won't I?"


I pressed down the middle button again. "Won't I?" I insisted, smiling up at her.

"Y... yes, Sir."

I stood and leaned into her ear, sliding my fingers over her pubic bone and lower, over the smooth fabric tightly outlining her mound. I released the button. "Move your legs apart," I whispered. She shuffled her feet apart a little. As she did she lowered her pussy further onto my caressing fingers. "Further." She did and the friction was increased. "That's better," I said.

Rising to my full height, I withdrew my hand and leaned down, pulling my toy box out from under the bed. I retrieved my crop without thinking. Still holding the remote in my left hand, I turned back to Annie. She was now breathing hard and I pressed the left button and held it down. "Now is it 'surreal', Annie?" I asked teasingly. I chuckled and zapped her with the middle button before she could respond.

"Ooohhhhh..." I released it and touched her swollen pussy with the tip of the crop, brushing over the lips, so prominent through the wet fabric. She shuddered and moaned all over again as I pressed and held the left button down.

Tap. Tap. Tap. I tapped the tip of the crop against her pretty cunt. "Ooo... ooo... Ooohhhh..."

I admired her beauty as she stood trembling before me. Her wide-eyed innocence had me wanting to look after her, to make sure she was never hurt. I'd never felt like this about anyone.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


I stood up, appraising her and telling her how beautiful I thought she was. I walked around her slowly, tapping her lightly here and there with the crop, keeping her on edge. I loved how the slightest tap brought a pink mark to her ivory skin. She looked so pure. But we both knew she wasn't. "You said before you didn't want me to think of you as a slut." I zapped her with the middle button for a second.

"Oohhhh! N... No, Sir."

I chuckled. "What about my slut?"

Tap. Tap. Tap. On her ass cheek as I held down the left button for a while.

"Ohh... that's... that's d... different, S... Sir... Goddd..."

I'd almost circled her, and was coming back into her view. "Yes it is, isn't it, Annie?" Pressing the middle button again, I buzzed her in short bursts.

"Oooooo... Y... Yes, S... Sir," she replied breathlessly.

"I think it excites you, thinking of yourself as my slut. Doesn't it, Annie?"

"I feel... very n... naughty... Ooooo thinking of m... myself like that, S... Sir."

Tap. Tap. Tap. On her clit, right through her g-string. "You are naughty. Your cunt is wet and you can't keep still. Can you?" My eyes burned into hers.


I struck the crop on her right hip. "Ohhh... N... No, Sir."


Right thigh. "No, 'what'?" I asked. She hesitated.


Right thigh again. "No, Sir! No, I can't help it, Sir. I can't help being n... naughty. Oooooo!!" Middle button.

"Mmmmmm..." I smiled. "See, that wasn't so hard. I'll expect full sentences and full confessions from you, Annie."

"Y... Yes, Sir."

"Good girl." I pressed down the left button and held it on for a few moments while I spoke softly, standing in front of her. "What I want is a girl who feels confident enough to admit her nature, who feels safe enough to be who she is, and who is strong enough to stand up to me when I am wrong." I released the button but she continued trembling. "Can you be her?"

"It... It sounds like what I al... always wanted, S... Sir." I brought the tip of the crop up between her legs again, caressing her clit.

"I'm pleased to hear that, Annie."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Oohhh Goddd..."

"You want to ask me something, don't you, Annie?"

"S... Sir?"

"You want to cum, don't you?"

"Yes!... God, oh yes... please... " She blushed scarlet for the fifth or sixth time that afternoon.

"Beg me, Annie. Show me how much you want it, and I'll consider it." I held down the middle button and she shuddered.

Tap! Tap!

Harder on her clit. I released the button. "Oohhhh... Oooooooo..."

"What, Annie?"

"Please... p... please..."

"Hold on, Annie. Don't cum, I'm not done with you yet."


"Stand up straight."

"Y... yes, S... Sir. Ooohhh fucckkkk..." Middle button again.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Oohhhh... S... Sir... please! P... Please let me c... cum! I... I need it s... so bad!" she pleaded.

"Yes, Annie," I whispered, dropping my crop on the bed and taking her into my arms. "That's what I wanted to hear." I slipped the arm with the remote in my hand around her waist, and I pressed down the right button. I started furiously rubbing her clit through her g-string and all hell broke loose.

"Ooooo... ooohhhhhh Godddddd... uhhh uhhhhhh..." Her body shook and I caught her as her knees collapsed. Her hands gripped my arm in a useless attempt to support herself as she began to thrash and dig in her nails. I held her tightly to me, my cock between us, aching with hardness and desperate to take her.

"Cum for me, pet," I gasped hoarsely into her hair, "cum hard for me." Wave after wave threw her battered body against me. Fits and spasms rocked her, and with her eyes closed and my fingers flying, her moans built to a screaming crescendo before she finally exploded in ecstasy.

"OooooooOOOOHHHHEEEEE AAAAHHHHHHFUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!" Her hips bucked uncontrollably against my fingers. She was gasping and for a moment I wondered if she could breathe. She suddenly slumped in my arms, semi-conscious. Stunned by the intensity of her orgasm, I picked her up in my arms and laid her gently on my bed as she continued to twitch and moan softly. I rolled her onto her side and spooned in behind her. "Mmmmmm, Sirrr..." she whispered as my hands caressed her smooth, warm skin, "you feel so hard against my ass."

I looked up at the ceiling at the pulley system and smiled to myself. "You'll be feeling more, soon enough, Annie."

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Hayden Panettieres Hero

16th January, 2007 I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...

4 years ago
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Hayden Panettieres Hero

16th January, 2007I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...

3 years ago
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Den of Iniquity Ch 02

What the fuck was I doing? I liked my life. Simple, straightforward. No mess, no fuss. "Work hard, keep your nose clean," my Dad always said. God rest his soul. I hadn't been out at night in months. Work, study, work, study. Get the job done. Prove my ex-wife wrong. I towelled off my hair and flossed. I shaved. It was unlike me to be doing something like this. Who was I kidding? The place I lived in looked like a motel. Half my clothes were still in a suitcase for God's sake. It was actually a...

2 years ago
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Den of DebaucheryChapter 9

Few days before Seema's birthday Mala, Sudha, Reema, Arti and me sat discussing how to achieve our goal of deflowering Seema on her birthday. We all agreed that the MD would be on his guard this time and would never agree to us throwing Seema's birthday party. 'Sudha do you think we have to be careful about Kala also?' Arti asked. 'No not in my opinion. Kala is very pragmatic about this. She knows that one day her daughters are going to be fucked. It hardly matters to her if it is...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere wants Kristen Bell NOW

It had been a successful season for Heroes, and the series had been renewed for the next season, so Kristen Bell couldn’t figure out why she was so depressed. She watched from the far end of the room as the rest of the cast and crew drank and caroused, or split into small, intimate groups, bragging about past conquests and future plans. Kristen pulled her arm around herself more tightly. She excused the action by telling herself that she was cold, which might have been only a slight...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere Wants Kristen Bell Now

It had been a successful season for Heroes, and the series had been renewed for the next season, so Kristen Bell couldn’t figure out why she was so depressed. She watched from the far end of the room as the rest of the cast and crew drank and caroused, or split into small, intimate groups, bragging about past conquests and future plans. Kristen pulled her arm around herself more tightly. She excused the action by telling herself that she was cold, which might have been only a slight...

2 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere wants Kristen Bell NOW

It had been a successful season for Heroes, and the series had been renewed for the next season, so Kristen Bell couldn’t figure out why she was so depressed. She watched from the far end of the room as the rest of the cast and crew drank and caroused, or split into small, intimate groups, bragging about past conquests and future plans. Kristen pulled her arm around herself more tightly. She excused the action by telling herself that she was cold, which might have been only a slight...

4 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere And Megan Fox With Count Dracula

“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...

2 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere and Megan Fox With Count Dracula

“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...

3 years ago
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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 2

Wednesday The next morning Amy insisted that Gloria do pottery with her, and then laughed when clay got all over both of them. Amy secretly made the rough likeness of an erect penis, and laughed as she showed the slick, wet thing to Gloria. "That's terrible!" squealed Gloria. "They're not terrible at all," said Amy, her voice low. "You should try it. It's fantastic." "Not on your life!" yipped Gloria. "You shouldn't be doing it either, you slut!" "I'm not a slut," said...

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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 3

Judy caught Amy and Mike, sneaking off after another campfire. Thankfully, she caught them before they were naked, and fucking like crazy. She threatened to send them home if it happened again. Amy sulked, and, for some reason, took it out on Gloria. But that only lasted a couple of days, and then she was herself again. Gloria wondered if she'd found some other way to risk getting pregnant. There were two dances, during camp. One was the second Wednesday night, and the other was the last...

2 years ago
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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 4

2nd Saturday At breakfast, Gloria happened to sit at the same table with Judy again. That wasn’t unusual. She liked her counselor a lot, and being both excited and worried about what might happen with Arden may have nudged her toward sitting with someone she felt comfortable with. It was for that reason that she happened to be there when the camp director came to the table to talk to Judy. “I’ve got the shopping list for the supplies we’re running low on,” said the director. “It’s not too...

2 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere Learning a Lesson

Walking into the bedroom of his place, Hayden thought about what had just taken place, the role play they’d indulged in, him really taking control and dominating her, spanking and screwing her hard. As she contemplated it, she realised just how much she’d enjoyed it, so turned on her pussy was deliciously slippery for him to enjoy along with her youthful tightness. He followed closely behind her, focussing his gaze on her tightly toned arse as she swayed into the room, stopping to undress,...

1 year ago
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Fanden Hus Fuck House

Part One: The Arrival Gillian stopped at the counter inside the small, dark adult novelty store and presented the shiny access card to the woman attending the register. Wordlessly, the clerk nodded and held up a finger indicating to wait a moment. She opened the register and, from the back of the cash box removed a key before closing the drawer and motioning Gillian to follow her. Gillian picked up her small gym bag, tossed her brown hair over one shoulder sneaking a glance around the...

3 years ago
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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettieres Big Mistake

Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought. She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...

2 years ago
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Hayden Panettieres Big Mistake

Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought.She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...

2 years ago
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Hayden Panettieres Big Mistake

Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought.She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...

4 years ago
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Prudence House

Brownie, Coop and I met in fourth grade and had been friends ever since. Ms. Zimmerman was unconventional and arranged the students alphabetically by first name instead of last name like all the other teachers, so we three boys named Matthew got put at the same table. For a while, we tried calling ourselves "Matt," "Matty" and "Matthew," but that didn't stick. For the most part we were "Matt B.," "Matt C." and "Matt R." I kind of liked that, because my name came out sounding like...

3 years ago
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Denny and I

"Finally another boring school day is over!" Natalie Morton exclaimed as we walked home together after school that one afternoon. I normally wouldn't talk around her. She was always so pretty tossing her beautiful long dark silky hair back and decorating it with shiny barrettes. I guess in a way you could say I wanted to be like her. Almost all the boys in seventh grade would be drooling over her and the short little dresses she wore. As for me, I was the total opposite. Always wore my...

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Prudence@Wolf Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Wolf, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure...

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Denny and Ella

Ella sat around at the party, examining the many people that came in through the doors. There was only one reason she was at the party, and that was to see Denny Olvarios. She had loved him since she was in eighth grade, when she was more awkward. Ella had sat next to Denny for a few months in her English and Reading class, but her teacher had moved her to the back. Since then they had grown disnant, unless you counted the occasional texting for class work. But today was the day when he would...

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Denises Summer of Slavery

Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...

3 years ago
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The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. Posting this story transfers no license or property. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this material. I had a very vivid dream about this one last night. It...

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Hayden Mansion aka Dungeon

Why had I ever thought that I could borrow money from the petty cash fund and not get caught? I sat at my desk and wondered what he would do for the umpteenth time! I needed this job and couldn?t afford to lose it. Damn, I was in big trouble! Would he call the police? ?Miss Stone, come in here NOW!? His voice, booming over the speaker, made me jump ten feet in the air. I didn?t bother to respond, but ran into his office instead. There was no need to delay it and anger him more. I knew,...

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Decadence Population 74

Decadence, Population 74by [email protected] 1This had been the best idea she had in quite a while.  She had been going crazy.  It was almost like cabin fever.  While she loved New York and felt herself very fortunate for finding a job there right out of college, there was only so much of the Big Apple that she could take.  It was time for a break.Sophie had taken Friday off and rented a car.  Then she drove to her parents’ house in New Jersey to pick up her dog.  Duke was a...

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Aiden Moore Bukkake

Info: Aiden Moore, 18, of Daytona Beach Florida stars in his first of three gay bukkake films "50 Dicks, 1 Boy". Filming takes place at a privately owned Denny's restaurant in Tampa Bay Florida, with casting having taken nearly 3 months to complete due to strict STD testing. While the title claims to have 50 participants for the bukkake, only 48 arrived for the filming. A secret spilled by one of the participants was that even with 48 men, the producer did not feel there was enough semen in the...

2 years ago
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Dennis the Menace 2 The Other Girl

Dennis the Menace Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 02) The Other Girl ?You?re back sooner than I expected,? Alice Mitchell said to her little boy, as she browned the meat for that evening?s stew. She blond hair was in a somewhat short perm around the sides; she wore a lavender shirt with the first buttons unbuttoned, and women?s jeans. ?I didn?t want to play with Margaret any more. And Joey?s taking a nap. He? s still a little kid,? Dennis said, closing, rather...

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Dennis The Menace 1 Margarets Magic Words

Dennis the Menace I Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 Margaret?s Magic Words In the part of a once small town that was now a part of suburbia, a small boy in a purple shirt (with a blue O) and black shorts, baggy socks and sneakers ran to play with his friend. "What have you got, Dennis?"Joey MacDonald asked the blonde with the cowlick in the blue-and-black striped shirt, red overalls, and running-and-jumping shoes coming out of his walkway to the...

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Dennis The Menace Part 5

Dennis The Menace: Part 5 - The sleep Overby Sniper32One Thursday evening, Alice was in her bedroom getting ready for bed, she had just got out of the shower and was sitting naked at her make up table putting on moisturizer, when her son Dennis walked into the room and sat on the end of her bed. He watched her apply the lotion to her elbows and knees. "Mom come over here and lay down and let me do that for you" he said.So she got up and went over to the bed an laid down on it. Dennis took the...

4 years ago
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No fair reading this if you lack an 18 year old's ability to read about sex and yet remain virtuous. Or whatever the age, if the law requires it. Correspondent By Vickie Tern It worked out beautifully. Better than we'd hoped, better than we'd planned, way better than we'd imagined. Jeffrey was easy, just as Janice said he'd be. And the rest was easier still! I mean, I do love Ron, very dearly, he's my husband and my whole life I hope forever. I want everything he wants, and I...

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Eden Misbehaving Ch 01

Eden turned the faucet knob, and the water from the showerhead came to an abrupt stop. The last splash drizzled down the creamy skin of her neck, gliding between ample breasts, and snaking down long taut legs to the drain where it gurgled away into the pipes below. The last of the sweat and cum lingering on her body went along with it. She sighed as large hands slid around her tiny waist from behind and pinched her supple flesh, warm fingers digging into her skin seething with burning lust....

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Dennis The Menace Part 1 A Mothers Love

the characters in this story are copyrighted but the story is mine. depending on the responce to this story i have 5 more parts i will post.Dennis The Menace: Part 1 - A Mother's Love by Sniper32Dennis was in his bedroom one afternoon, doing what young men do, when hismother Alice stuck her head in and told him that she was going to the storeand would be back in about an hour. Now Dennis was home alone and being thecurious type decided to snoop around in his mom and dads room and see whathe...

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Dennis The Menace Part 2 A Mothers Love

Dennis The Menace: Part 2 - A Mother's Love by Sniper32A couple of days after Dennis and his mother had sex for the first time,Alice was laying in her bed pondering her current situation. She couldn'tbelieve what was happening between her and her son. She could not get thepicture of her son with his huge cock plunging in and out of her orthe thought of her on her knees with his cock lodged down her throat shootingloads of his hot warm jism in her mouth."God this is turning me on," she said to...

1 year ago
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Hayden Mansion AKA Dungeon

Why had I ever thought that I could borrow money from the petty cash fund and not get caught? I sat at my desk and wondered what he would do for the umpteenth time! I needed this job and couldn't afford to lose it. Damn, I was in big trouble! Would he call the police? "Miss Stone, come in here NOW!" His voice, booming over the speaker, made me jump ten feet in the air. I didn't bother to respond, but ran into his office instead. There was no need to delay it and anger him more. I knew, by...

1 year ago
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Dennis April Lorraine Chapter 2

When Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt that...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Dennis April Lorraine

Dennis Peck was absolutely livid as he looked at his watch. Sarah, his new girlfriend, was 45 minutes late! That does it, he thought. I am dumping her sorry ass today! He walked out of the bookstore, got into his pickup, and drove back to his apartment, quite ready to dump his detestable girlfriend. When he got there, he saw Sarah, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. "Where the hell were you, Sarah?", Dennis asked her. "Not at that stupid bookstore of yours, that's for sure! I'm sick and...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Dennis the gas man

TheGasman came yesterday to mend a fault with the boiler. I showed himto the utility room where the boiler is and he noticed my cask ofhome brew beer. He said he brewed his own as well. I offered him aglass and he said he shouldn’t because he is working but we werehis last job so it should be ok. I poured a couple of glasses and hesaid, “Isn’t your wife having any, I don’t feel right if...

1 year ago
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Dennis April and LorraineChapter 3

The next week found Dennis and the others busy with classes, of course. Final exams were up soon, so they had to study as hard as ever. They had a few quickies, but nothing serious until after finals were over. Thankfully, they were all likely to pass, although Jake would have a C average overall. There was also the matter of finding jobs after they graduated. However, when Friday night arrived and the finals were completed, the four of them were quite prepared for some extracurricular fun...

3 years ago
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Dennis The Menace Part 3 Joeys Mom

Dennis The Menace: Part 3 - Joey's Mom by Sniper32One morning at Dennis's friend Joey's house, Joey woke up and went downstairs to make some breakfast for himself. He then went into the living roomto watch his Saturday morning cartoons and to eat his cereal. He found hismother Rita passed out on the couch. This was quite common as Rita was theneighborhood drunk. Joey found her passed out some where in the house 2-3times a week, so this did not surprise him. What did surprise him was thismorning...

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Eden Valley

Until I graduated from college, my life was pretty normal, maybe even a little dull. I did fairly well in school, was athletically competent, and had my fair share of sexual encounters with coeds. I had planned to graduate with my degree in architectural engineering and get a job at a firm in the city like just about everyone else. Those were my plans… until I got the news that my aunt had died. My Aunt Emily was my mother’s younger sister and being beautiful, funny, and exciting, she was...

3 years ago
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Dennis and Janelle

Dennis came back to his room after breakfast to find Janelle still lying in his bed. She had put on her bra by now but her dark legs were still bare. They were crossed over each other as she lay on top of his mattress with the sheets thrown on the side. She looked at him like she’d expected him to bring back food. “I should really leave soon,” she said. “Whatever,” said Dennis. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer. He opened up World of Warcraft. “Um, Dennis? Did anybody ever teach you...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Dennis and friends

I was weeks away from my first teen birthday and Dennis had promised me something special before my celebration, I visited him on a Saturday morning and was shaking with anticipation. He led me into the living room where he'd previously fucked me and I was greeted by two middle aged men. Dennis introduced them as Guy and Tom, He said they'd been told all about me and couldn't wait to meet.Dennis switched on the TV and put some porno on, a woman on her knees three men around her with stiff cocks...

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Edens Apple

Amy nervously twirled her hair in the back of lecture hall. Though she was typically an attentive student, her mind was consumed by the head full of auburn hair in front of her. She had had her eyes on Blake for the last few weeks, though they were little more than casual acquaintances at this point. But she had finally made up her mind that she was going to put herself out there and ask him out on a date. She knew it wasn't going to work. In her mind she was fat and generally unattractive, as...

3 years ago
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Dennis April and LorraineChapter 2

When Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt...

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Denises Promotion

Denise’s Promotion Denise & her immediate bosses. Our story begins in Birmingham UK at a large public transport organisation, Denise was part of the Project Support for the teams. In her late twenties she was petite with a hint of Amber Rayne or Riley Reid the well known adult stars. She would normally wear trousers around the office and had an excellent pert tight bum and small breasts almost teenager like. Her dress would change to varying circumstances and a shortish skirt would appear...

4 years ago
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Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...

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Denise and her family Part 1 The Funeral

Part 1 The Funeral By Docker5000 Introductory. A Mother and her two drunk son’s bond in a Hotel room after a family funeral. Denise huddled closer to her husband Tony she was trying to keep under his umbrella as the rain was now coming down hard. Her two sons Gary 15 and James 17 both shared an umbrella. However, even this did not stop them both from getting wet-through. Everyone at the grave side was now wet-through the vicar was trying his best to read the funeral service, but the...

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Denise and her family Part 2 The Long Drive Home By Docker5000

Part 2 The Long Drive Home By Docker5000 Introductory. It’s the next day after Denise and her two teen son’s had sex in the Pub bedroom. And Denise is filled with anger and shame over her actions. Denise takes Gary home and James goes with his dad to help his widow auntie. The next morning Denise awoke to the full horror of what she and her two son’s had done last night. She couldn’t believe she had allowed them to have sex with her and she was so ashamed that she had really enjoyed...

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