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No fair reading this if you lack an 18 year old's ability to read about sex and yet remain virtuous. Or whatever the age, if the law requires it. Correspondent By Vickie Tern It worked out beautifully. Better than we'd hoped, better than we'd planned, way better than we'd imagined. Jeffrey was easy, just as Janice said he'd be. And the rest was easier still! I mean, I do love Ron, very dearly, he's my husband and my whole life I hope forever. I want everything he wants, and I know he feels the same about me. And he's fully accepted the fact that no matter how much we love each other and no matter how satisfying our lovemaking -- and it is, don't mistake me -- he can't ever fully meet my needs. I'll always need more. He knows that's a fact, the poor dear. I've tried to provide him with all sorts of compensations, because I do care, deeply. But that's how we are. We both accept what can't be changed. He wanted an utterly undemanding marriage, one he can collapse into, and that's what he's got. At work he's hard-driving, a tough, decisive administrator with a huge staff and enormous responsibilities, a strong man who gets things done and solves impossible problems. So of course when he gets home he's exhausted, he needs to unwind utterly from the day's tensions. So he decided very early that when he arrives home he wants to walk into another world. One where everything is decided for him, where he can completely surrender his mind and will and heart and soul and feel altogether cared for. A world where he's never consulted and has no voice, where he's informed of little and chooses nothing. He told me he wanted to leave all those decisions to me, so he promised to agree with every one of them and do everything I tell him to do. "Everything?" I asked him when he first proposed this arrangement. When he pleaded for it in fact. "Whatever I decide for either of us, you'll accept it? No questions, even?" And he'd nodded solemnly. "Yes, Pam, I need exactly that," he added. And for Ron, a nod is an unbreakable contract. That was that. This was an incredible gift! I couldn't hold back my tears! Because from the moment he first hinted at a need to submit himself altogether to my desires, I'd had more sex in mind as the thing I most desired. Not from Ron, that couldn't happen. You see, Ron is an extraordinary lover, but even during our honeymoon, when his prick was striving heroically to satisfy me, pushing in and out day after day, I was feeling certain stirrings and yearnings in my loins that told me I needed more. That more would be better still. More sex than Ron even at his horniest could provide. That's how I am. I stared at Ron disbelieving, so he added, "You do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. Whatever pleases you. I'll accept it. I don't even have to know what it is." I put it to him bluntly. Looking him straight in the eye, I asked, "If I want to spend time with other men now and then, you won't mind?" He looked away for a moment, then back. and he swallowed hard. His voice quavered. But his words were clear. "Pam, whether I mind or not doesn't matter. At work I decide everything, and what I decide is what happens. Here I want you to decide everything, and that'll be what happens. I'll accept whatever you decide as for the best." I wanted to be absolutely clear about this. "Even if I use those men sexually?" He swallowed again. "If you do, then that's something I'll just have to live with, won't I?" "Yes, you will. Because that's what I'll do," I told him, still studying him closely. "I love you, and I don't want to betray you. So I want you to know that I intend to have sex with other men now and then." "I don't need to know it," was all he replied. "You do what you do, and I'll try to be glad of it and happy for you." He looked solemnly into the middle distance, absorbed, reconciling some uncertainty in his own head. Then his face cleared and he shook himself and looked about for the evening newspaper. He's that decisive! So I did do what I did, and that very night. I inaugurated this new phase of my marriage with a phone call to Kevin, the most heavily hung of all my old boy friends. He was glad to hear from me. And when I came home from Kevin's apartment at three a.m., my hair all tumbled and mussed, spraddle-legged, still leaking, Ron was still waiting up for me. He asked only if I'd had a good time. I told him teasingly that he didn't need to know. He bowed his head and said nothing more. Yet despite my stretched, gaping pussy, that night I gave him more loving than you can believe anyone has in them, in sheer gratitude for the tremendous gift he'd given me. I hugged him tight with every part of me except my pussy -- Kevin had stretched its opening and walls too loose for that. But whether he felt himself in me or not, whether or not all he felt on his cock was warm humidity and the slickness of Kevin's cum, he understood I was grateful to him, and that part of him felt pleased, and the rest went along. So here's what happens nowadays. I love dancing, so we'll go out to different clubs with different couples where the other man may not feel committed to his wife or girlfriend, they're swingers maybe, and he'll ask me out onto the floor, and then things happen. Or I'll accept invitations from unknown men who come by our table to try their luck, and I'll kiss Ron goodbye when I leave the club with them. Sometimes I'll just go out alone dressed like a single woman in need of a night's fuck. Whichever, sooner or later I'll see an attractive man who moves just so, I don't know exactly how so, but I'll feel a marvelous tension build in me as I watch his shoulders turn, or the angle of his head shift. Maybe he'll only be sitting, or listening to someone, or lifting a glass. I can tell. I'll invite him out onto the floor so I can feel his moves as well as look at them. I'll press myself against him just so. He'll usually get all excited, what with a gorgeous woman like me dancing so close, and he'll get an erection. It never fails. Then when I feel that engorged prick pressing against my belly, if I'm impressed I'll lose all pretense of respectability. I've got to feel its soft head press against my cleft and then breach me, penetrate me, I've got to feel his cock slide long and luxurious in and out of me, pound me. I've got to see which of us can wear the other out first. That's how I am. Not that Ron's not marvelous in bed. He's still the best, a stallion, well-hung, with lots of stamina, that's a main reason why I married him. He's utterly devoted to satisfying me. But even a beefy hunk like Ron can't perform all the time, not the way I like it. If he does somehow manage, he's never any good the next day, maybe even not the next night. So that's when I'll begin thinking again about trying my luck somewhere else. It's wicked of me, I know, but sometimes I begin making plans for later on even while he's still plowing me. Why not? I love it! So we've worked it all out, and to his enormous credit he accepts it all. I go roaming whenever the spirit moves me, as it often does. Even if it happens that he's ready and eager but I can't stay, I've already made other arrangements, he has to accept that too. We are married and devoted to each other, and Ron knows that he's permanently number one in my affections, make no mistake about that. But if he gets horny and I have a prior engagement Ron knows that he simply has to be patient and wait his turn. The poor man said he didn't want to know, so he never does know exactly when I've got a date. He'll be sitting there after dinner, maybe watching television or reading his sports pages, maybe doing household accounts, still feeling washed out from work but partially restored by the great dinner I've cooked for him. And I'll come downstairs looking provocative, maybe wearing a satin draped blouse, braless, nipples poking out, heavy on the eye make-up, you know. Dressed to go out. I love teasing him, getting him really hot, so times like that I'll bend over and give him an affectionate kiss and promise not to be too late, maybe even tell him to wait up for me. Or tell him I'll be really late, not to bother waiting up. Either way it starts his imagination running wild and then I know he can't possibly get to sleep. I'll disappear out the door while he looks after me wistfully, his cock straining in his pants, trying to rise up and follow me. Even if it's only been an hour or two since his cock finally fell out of me exhausted, unable to move. Even if it's still exhausted and stays soft, it yearns after me as I go out the door, he's told me so, my sweet hubby. And my heart's goes out to him every time -- it's so sad. But it can't be helped. I know Ron envies whoever I'm off to meet if only because he knows the other man can get it up and at the moment he can't, or because the other man is a rare treat I mean to enjoy and Ron isn't, and that's why the other man can have me and Ron can't. It's so sad, but it's delicious too! I love knowing that while I'm writhing my cunt over or under that other man Ron's whole body is writhing at home in a jealous agony roused just by the fact that he knows what I'm doing and there's nothing he can do about it. When I tell Ron that, he looks at me wistfully but only smiles. Does he get off on it? Oh, if only! I never know. Though when I return he's never neglected. I have to make it up to him, my poor Ron. I want him to be a part of everything I've been doing. So it's now a routine, I require it and he expects it. For a few hours I'll heat up and gobble down another man's meat and potatoes, and then when I get home Ron gets to gobble the gravy. He burrows his head between my legs and wriggles his tongue across my clit and between my labia, and he sucks all that juice out of me. And it feels so marvelous, knowing he's there for me too! So utterly satisfying! Why does he do it? He has to is why. Not that I need to order him to do it, not any more. These days he's always eager to clean that other guy out of me, because only then does he get to fuck me himself. It happened like this. He broke the rules once. He objected once when I came home with another man's cum dripping down my thighs. My cum mixed in of course -- sometimes I soak my panties even before I've left the house just thinking about what's coming. Well, I crooked my finger for him to follow me to the bedroom and screw me again, to re-plant his flag in me as always, to make me his all over again. But he just sat there. I raised one eyebrow as if to say, 'Is there a problem?' And he burst out with it. "You say you need other men sometimes. Well, OK! I don't like it, but I love you, so ... well, OK! But Pamela, it's humiliating, having to take sloppy seconds from my own wife!" That's what Ron actually said, can you imagine? 'Sloppy seconds,' that's what he called my allowing him to slide his cock into the passion juice other men have squirted into me when I've made them as ecstatic as they've made me, letting my stay-at-home hubby mix in and be part of it. And using my whole first name, so formal, not just "Pam"? Talk about lack of respect? Then he went even further. "Sometimes when you come home you're so gloppy, you're soaked in so much slop I can't even feel I'm inside you!" That's what he actually said! Can you imagine? Oh ho, big mistake! To call that sweet syrup in my pussy 'glop'? And 'slop'? I've gotten myself nicely lubricated for him, and he complains? He should be grateful to those other men for preparing me! He should be grateful I've come back at all -- maybe I've been with better men -- there aren't many but I do attract my share! He should be grateful that better men have warmed me up for him. He should be grateful that ... well, never mind, I was mad, so I decided really to rub his nose in the 'glop' whenever I got home, coat his face and fill his belly with the 'slop' so he'd count his blessings and learn to love it. So afterward he'd sleep next to me feeling well-nursed, a comforted, contented baby with that other man's warm cum snug in his tummy. So I told him then and there that if he wants me to feel pristine when we make love after I've been with another man, well, he'll just have to kiss away all that cum himself, make me as clean as if I'd never left home. That I expect him to do just that from now on. That I insist on it. That from now on his loving mouth will have to re-sanctify my lower parts before I'll be willing to renew our marital fidelity. That when it's only my own juices and his saliva in me, and the other men have been sluiced out of me altogether by his tongue, only then will he get his turn. Well, of course Ron balked, at first. For a few nights he couldn't do it, so my legs stayed clamped tight shut when he tried to poke into me. I really felt bad about it, but it was important -- one of us has to maintain discipline. There he was, walking around mournful and hard-up the next few days, his cock erect or at half-mast and obviously starved for attention, and I admit I was tempted to relieve him a few times, the poor dear. For a while I thought he was going to violate our prime directive and actually masturbate himself, jerk off when I wasn't looking, but his respect for my orders did hold. I'd forbidden him to touch himself ever, and that was enough, he never did. Ron is so wonderful! Sometimes I feel I can't do enough for him, though I do my very best. Finally he gave in and tried to give me the oral sex I demanded. I came home early from a date and just looked at him, and he came upstairs with me and pushed his face into my disheveled and tacky groin. He wasn't bad at it, I've been eaten out a lot worse, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it. He just didn't want to slather his face in other men's cum. Some men are like that I suppose. But eventually he did get used to it, and after a while he was licking and sucking me with such gusto, savoring my different lovers with such pleasure, such a refined palate, that he could always tell who I'd been with, sometimes even whether that person preferred garlic or onions on his salads. While he did it, I always made sure I was making loud moans I told him were only for him. So the end result now is, Ron still gets sloppy seconds, only it's with his mouth not his cock. If 'seconds' is the right word -- sometimes they're thirds or fourths or fifths. I never tell him how many men may have left themselves in me on any particular night, or how many times. I have my fun. He swallows his pride like a man and then swallows every other man's. Then he gets his fun, and his cock gives my pussy even more pleasure. My beautiful Ron! I owe him the world! And he's grateful! He knows it could be a lot worse, because it once was. Maybe a year or so after he'd first agreed to let me fill my time and pussy with little extras, I came down wearing one of my slut-in-a-sleazy-bar outfits and he actually asked me where I was going and with whom. With an accusing edge in his voice, as if he were somehow the injured party! Trying to make me feel guilty! Maybe that particular night he suspected that the guy I was seeing was a monster down below, way better endowed than he was, and his jealousy carried him over the edge? Big as Ron is, some men are bigger, you know, and it happens that this one was, I confess it. Maybe I'd given Ron that impression without realizing it? All afternoon I'd been looking forward to that huge prick stretching my vagina open wide enough to accommodate a baby's head almost -- it would be like giving birth in reverse I was thinking. Maybe that made Ron feel inadequate? Or envious? I don't know. But I didn't much care. His tone of voice made me so resentful that the monster prick I then galloped on for hours gave me only a few orgasms. If you want to know, when push comes to shove it was hardly worth working it into me! So when I got back I put Ron through hell. For two months! Here's how. I'd double-date with Bernice sometimes, and we'd talk about jealous husbands and how to deal with them and things. She had her ways. So I stopped at her place and borrowed a chastity device I knew she wasn't using on her husband any more. Then as soon as I got home I clamped it on Ron and then just left it there. For two whole months. Just a simple plastic tube locked to his cock. I could see it dangling and bobbling whenever he walked naked from the shower and whenever he undressed for bed. Pink, with teeny yellow flowers painted on it along with a slogan in delicate script reading "Remember, mine, not yours!" and my initials in magic marker. He couldn't help but read more and more meaning into that mantra every time he glanced down, every time he tried to urinate by straddling the toilet instead of sitting to pee like a woman the way the tube required. He got the message. Worse, he couldn't get hard at all while it was on him. No erections. Worse still, what really stressed him out was he had no idea how long I meant to keep it there! Maybe forever? What I intended of course was for it to stay there until he finally accepted that the way things were was the way they'd be. He had my undying love, he knew that, but he'd agreed, he'd even proposed it nearly. He had no special claim on my body, only the ready access guaranteed by our marriage certificate, so he had no business resenting anything else I did with it no matter who I did it with. When I'd first told him that I meant to use other men sexually I'd felt a little sorry for him, he'd looked so helpless. So very early on I'd told him he could jerk off while imagining me fucking those other men, especially when he was waiting for me to come home and was pretty sure that's what I was doing that very minute. I know he abused himself a lot that way, because sometimes when I came home there was nothing I could do to get him going, his cock just dangled there limp and apologetic. I'd be thinking, poor man, I've got to do something for him so he can enjoy himself more, and me too, but I couldn't ever think of what. Sad. Then again there were other times when the idea of me with other men would so hyper-excite him that he'd hold off, he'd be stiff from the moment I got back home to the moment he pulled out of me several hours and countless climaxes later, both of us exhausted. But during those two months in his chastity device he couldn't masturbate at all, even when he knew for certain that I was with other men. That really drove him crazy. He couldn't even get hard much less cum inside that plastic tube, not by his own hand and not by my mouth or cunt! At most, dribble, the way I do sometimes. And that wound him up tight as a clock! He took to doing crazy things with me! Sucking cum out of me was nothing compared to other ways he tried to eat me when he couldn't get into me! Men can be such perverts! I'd let him, of course. He was learning his lesson. One time he was so desperate to cut that plastic tube off and liberate his cock that I had to tell him if he ever succeeded I'd cut his cock off too, right at the root, and then I'd divorce him. Even though I'd never harm him, not down there anyhow, and the fact remains that I do love him and I would never leave him, not for any reason. I knew that. But he didn't know it, the poor dear! He told me when I finally relented and eased it off him that he'd wanted to leave me many times but he just couldn't. That he'd found he loves me despite everything. I melted into a puddle when he said that! And also, he said, get this, even if he did leave me he said, he couldn't stand the thought of walking into some hospital emergency room to have the plastic tube removed by professionals. It would be too humiliating. Isn't that funny? My tough, hard-driving but much-cuckolded businessman husband defeated by a plastic tube? There's a lesson there. Take charge of a man's cock and you've taken charge of the whole man, everything he thinks is his manliness. It's all vested in his cock. Take charge of his cock and he's yours for life! When the two months were up, when for a few weeks there'd been no complaints at all, not even regretful glances, when I finally unlocked him, he burst out crying. His relief and his gratitude that I'd forgiven him were that strong! That was so sweet! I gave his penis a tug or two of forgiveness and told him that if he wanted he could go right now and pull himself off into the toilet, then flush it away, but to hurry back because I'd just returned from a Men's Club Social and was dripping and sore and I wanted him to comfort me. That night he didn't hesitate. He was so grateful he sucked all that juice out of me like a bilge pump! Bernice was right about how chastity belts force husbands to think they're being noble, spiritually pure, like all the great ascetics. There was not a word of complaint! The next night when I let him fuck me, he was so incredibly grateful he was tireless! Other men may have other distinctions, but I've got to say it, for all-round everything Ron is the very best! The very best! Make no mistake! So I took more of Bernice's advice and trained him carefully, very gradually conditioning him to limit his expectations, by letting him fuck me only after I've been with other men. Never before and never when he just happens to want to. It was hard on him, on both of us, but necessary, and he now knows that's how it is. That's why now he doesn't mind my going out at all. The reverse. Now, some days he's eager for me to go get laid, so he can get his afterward. He even tried not long ago to set me up with a work associate of his, and I would have done it too, even let Ron watch, except that months earlier I'd been with that guy already, and I knew I'd pretty much used him up. Ron got to know the routine. Whenever I'd come home from a date he'd eagerly clean out my cunt and only then climb into me, no more sloppy seconds but instead refreshed firsts, or whatever he thinks they are. He tried not to masturbate much any more while waiting for my return and thinking about the cocks that were slipping in and out of me at that very moment. Maybe he'd jerk off other times, but not when he was waiting for me to come home from a date. He didn't want to ruin his big moment! So you can understand, he had no complaints. But I've always been sure that he gets lonely, sitting at home by himself. I've often felt sorry for him when I've been out partying. A lot of the time. I've wished I could do something about it, take him with me maybe. But none of the men I go with ever want to know there's a husband hanging around nearby looking mournful. And no way would I ever want to let him get near another woman, let him pass the time with her while I'm with my date. No way! Are you kidding? So he'd watch me trip out the door without saying a word, and he'd welcome me back eagerly when I returned, no matter when or in what condition. And he knew what he'd then get to do, how he'd be rewarded for his patience. That was the best I could do. The poor dear. He really is so very dear! Sometimes I'd feel just heartbroken for him. Though all in all he seemed satisfied. Well, this particular night he wasn't at all surprised when I came down wearing heavy makeup as usual, in heels, but wearing only tight jeans and a white silk shirt loose at the neck and knotted just above my navel, no bra, nipples rampant, geared for heavy-duty seduction. "Don't wait up this time," I said. "There's no need, no worry, I'm only going next door. I told Janice I'd look in on Jeffrey while she's away. I figure I'll spend the night with him, and I may not be back before you leave for work." He stared at me, but he only nodded. He said absolutely nothing. I knew what he was thinking. Next door lives Mr. Dork, that's how he usually referred to Jeffrey. What does she want with him? He always called Jeffrey a "pussywhipped wimp," though that always sounded odd to me because Ron was certainly a world champion pussywhipped wimp where I'm concerned, maybe tough and relentless with everyone else but always happily submissive to my least whim. He knew that Jeffrey was nobody, a man who couldn't possibly be anyone I really wanted. It had to be a favor for a friend, something Janice had asked me to do, who knows why. So he felt baffled, but he only nodded. He didn't dare even to raise his eyebrows. He's perfect, I thought, watching his carefully composed impassivity. I do so love him! To reward him I gave him a grateful little wriggle of my rear end as I left, something he could remember when I was gone and his fist felt free to delve into his crotch. No use saving it if I'd be out all night. Then I was out the door, and crossing our lawn and driveway, and then standing next to Janice's door. Janice was supposedly gone for the weekend visiting her mother in Peoria. She had to seem safely away while I tended to her husband, or he'd be too nervous about her walking in on us once I had him well-compromised. In fact that was her plan. She wasn't in Peoria, only downtown in a hotel room with a guy from her office, I forget his name, a tall thin one with a cock to match, she said. I prefer thick cocks myself, but you never know, we take what we can get, and it takes all kinds. Anyhow, there she was already shacked up with him at this very moment, passing the time. If her plan worked she'd return some time later on tonight and catch us in flagrante, as the lawyers say. She'd make outraged noises, leave indignant, head straight for the divorce courts, name me in a sealed proceeding as the correspondent, the 'other woman' who had alienated her husband's affections, and then she'd strip Jeffrey bare of all his assets. "When I catch the two of you together, I guarantee he'll turn to jelly," she assured me. "I tell you what. Don't just fuck him, humiliate him too. Utterly! Dress him up girly and sexy, the way you sometimes do with your lovers when you're about to dump them and want to change the way you think about them. I've seen it. You even dumped one of those sissyboys onto another man once, I remember, that sales rep from ... well, never mind where. He was dressed up like a prom queen, and you got the two of them blind drunk, and then they went off together. You spent the rest of the night laughing and laughing about how they'd untangle themselves when they got sober enough and then each would realize what it was they'd just fucked. Well, make Jeffrey look like a girl, it shouldn't be too hard, he's not much of a man to begin with. I bet he'd be better-looking as a girl. Then when I discover the two of you he'll never be able to locate even a shred of whatever he calls his manhood. He'll sign anything." So that was the plan. Anyhow, Jeffrey let me in, and looking at him in a new way I saw immediately what Janice meant. As a man he was a wimp, no question, but still, he was cute! Not massive like Ron but slender, graceful, with soft features. Almost pretty, he had the makings of a quite passable babe. His hair should be lightened several shades to bring out his eyes, I was thinking -- but then that wasn't in the works for tonight. Dress size maybe a 10, could even be an 8 if not too clingy, not that he knows it yet. But I didn't need to think about that either -- Janice had already laid out his outfit for the evening upstairs. Whore gear, leather mini skirt, net stockings, strappy five inch heels and all. "Not that it's all work and no play for you," Janice had told me. "He has a respectable pecker, nothing exceptional but enough to give satisfaction." I saw right away that I was going to enjoy the evening even while only doing Janice a favor. Maybe I'd even owe her one? We'd see. "Hi!" I said, looking straight across at him -- he was about my height and build. From my own angle of vision, without lowering my eyes I could see that my nipples were poking out at him. He sure saw them, he couldn't lift his eyes up to meet mine! "Janice asked me to come over to see if you're properly taken care of while she's away. Getting enough to eat. Is there anything I can do for you?" And of course as I thrust my chest up at him, his eyes locked onto each breast tip. One on each. "Ahhh, that's very nice of you," he finally said. "I mean that's very considerate." He was flustered utterly. Mr. Dork indeed. No wonder Janice wanted to divorce him. A polite man isn't being polite at all if he just stands there and does nothing when a girl's obviously offering herself to be leaped and fucked. But Jeffrey was nothing if not polite, and only polite. My two nipples held him like a deer in headlights. I stood there in the doorway, waiting for him to take what would be his only initiative of the evening. "Err, won't you come in?" he said hesitantly. Finally he had arrived back in this world. I did, and preceded him into their living room, and stood alongside the couch, and looked up at him with the most outrageous bedroom eyes I could muster, eyelids drooping as if I already had his cock tucked way inside me and it felt real gooooood. Then I sat down and stared up at him wide eyed. "Shouldn't you sit too?" I asked. "It's your house, you know." Though not for long -- Janice intended to keep it as part of the divorce settlement. "You're too good a neighbor to lose," she'd said. "So I'll stay. Jeffrey can leave with the clothes on his back, I'll allow him that much. Maybe some of my last year's dresses too if you're as good at what you do as I suspect. I'll have to see." "Janice, is all this necessary?" I'd asked her. "Why don't you just train him to obey you without daring to ask why, the way I've trained Ron. Then you can keep him for life and he'll be no trouble. A guy in the house can be handy for fixing the plumbing or running errands, opening cans, you know, stuff like that. So can two incomes." "Oh, I don't intend to do without two incomes," she'd said. "It's just that Jeffrey isn't the kind of man I care to live with any more, and his income isn't the only one I intend to live on anyhow. There are bigger and better of both in this world. I envy what you've got with Ron, but I don't have your patience and finesse. And anyhow Jeffrey will never have Ron's masculine drive, nor his business sense. Compared to Ron Jeffrey's no prize at all. If he hadn't inherited his money we'd probably be living on an assistant supermarket manager's salary. That's what he'll end up as once I'm rid of him, I expect." She'd grinned. "If not a checkout girl." "I see," I'd replied. I was making a mental note -- if she envies me Ron, I'd better watch Ron closely until Janice finds a wealthy hunk of her own to occupy her. From now on, whenever I go out and I know that Janice is home, I've got to deplete Ron utterly. Take no chances. Even if it limits his performance afterward. But how? I gave it a little thought. I won't be able to fuck him myself those times, I was thinking, because my men always complain when they find my pussy's been used recently. That guy thing -- they don't like to slosh around in each other's goop any more than Ron does. Maybe they think that's faggotty? Who knows? So I'll have to see to it that Ron spends at least an hour jerking himself off before each of my dates, till there's nothing left to jerk. I'll help by describing the guy I'm dating and what we intend to do, and meanwhile tell him to keep pulling on his thing until it squirts. And then pull on it some more until it squirts again. And then again -- Ron can sometimes pitch triple headers, and he'd masturbate the thing raw if I told him to. Maybe I can get him to prefer that kind of sex to the real thing, pulling himself off while imagining me getting fucked by someone else? So he can think he's fucking me at one remove, in a way, and then can't do it at all at first hand, so to speak? I should try it, I was thinking. I do so love to mess his mind! But now here I was alone with Janice's husband, doing her a favor by seducing him into divorce court. "Come sit next to me," I said, stroking the couch cushions next to me as if they were the cheeks of his ass. "And tell me if you want anything. Maybe I can help." He did. He sat stiffly alongside me, close enough so I knew he could feel the warmth of my thighs through our pants legs, his hands planted firmly on his knees. Uneasy, silent. Boring. I decided to cut to the chase, no matter how abrupt it might seem. He'd never make his own moves. Janet had told me that he never made the first move sexually anyhow. "Too shy, I suppose," she'd said indifferently. Well, we'd see if he's shy once he's been set in motion. What was it that high school Quarterback told me when he took my cherry and I was marveling out loud at the way our hips moved, how they'd just kept pumping and wriggling on their own? Newton's Law he'd called it, "Bodies in motion tend to remain in motion," he'd said. Newton sure got that right! I placed my palms under each breast and lifted them up and held them as if offering them to him, and stared at him until he finally turned his head and stared back at me. At them. Then he couldn't take his eyes off them. "If this isn't too intimate a topic for you, I've been thinking lately about this odd habit women have, wearing brassieres," I said. "Even though we like to feel free to do whatever we choose to do, we bind ourselves into them anyhow. What do you think? Should I have put one on before coming over?" He gazed down at my proffered boobs, suddenly frightened. But unable to take his eyes off them. My nipples were distended now, anticipating his mouth. "I wonder why women wear brassieres when they don't need them," I added earnestly, as if seeking his counsel. "And not men too. Have you thought about that, ever? Wearing brassieres? Wondered what it's like?" I paused. Plant the seed of an unthinkable thought and it sprouts out not at all unthinkable. And eventually grows lots of interesting little thoughtlets. He swallowed and seemed to choke. I bet he's tried it, one time or another! Janice's bras, or his mother's when he was little. Good enough. At least he hasn't bolted off this couch and locked himself in the bathroom. "Let me show you what I mean," I said. I released my breasts, which descended and bobbled once under their silken draperies before resuming their usual rightful up thrust. Then I quickly unbuttoned my blouse. In a moment my chest was altogether naked and those pink, protrusive nipples were fully exposed to his eyes. They stared at each other. He didn't know what to do. He looked terrified! "What do you think?" I asked him. "I ... I don't know," he said. "I don't think they ..." "Hush!" I said, reaching over and placing a finger across his now-hardened cock as if it were his mouth, swearing it to secrecy. "Look, let's just find out. Why don't you look in Janice's undies drawer and bring me the largest bra you can find there. You already know where she keeps things like that, I suppose?" That traps him into a confession of sorts, I thought. He nodded. This would be so easy! To make it easier still, before she'd left supposedly to visit her mother Janice had bought a bright red bra in exactly Jeffrey's chest size, all satin and elastic lace, strong enough to gather up his loose skin and slack chest muscles and shape them into breasts, and she'd spread it out across her top drawer above all the others, where he couldn't possibly miss it. Anxious to escape my threatening naked boobs, Jeffrey did my bidding. I saw with satisfaction that as he left the room he was bent way forward and glancing worriedly back at me to see if I saw his shame. I smiled. In three minutes more that hard cock will be inside me, I told myself as I stripped off my pants and panties and arranged myself luxuriously along the length of the couch. I was now as altogether bare as that painting, Goya's "Nude Maja," though like her I was still wearing my heels. One leg stretched ahead with the toes pointed as if already orgasmic, one leg was languidly draped down on the floor, my pussy slit peeking out, altogether accessible. My boobs were still exposed, though now sagging softly. He returned with the red bra and then stood transfixed, this time staring at my exposed, moist, pink crack. Maybe he'd never seen one quite this open? Not even Janice's? "Jeffrey, don't just stand there holding it in your hand! Bring it here. We need to try it on to see how it fits?" But as soon as he came within range I reached behind his neck and pulled him down on me with one arm, while with the other arm I reached for his belt buckle and zipper. I had to slide his thing into position and then push myself onto it if his hips hesitated to do the deed. But no sweat, a moment later he was inside me. This was the easiest lay I had ever seduced. And a pretty fair size, too, for a boy-man like Jeffrey. It felt good as I closed my thighs over his back and thereby closed off his only escape route. Mission accomplished! Jeffrey was now officially an adulterer. Here come the judge! The rest would be fun. "Oh, that cock!" I cried out in ecstasy! "How could you do this to me, Jeffrey? I'm so ashamed! More, more!" And I lunged my pelvis at him. He actually began to move, even to rotate! And then to plunge. And it was true, then there was no stopping him! He rolled in and out and around and around me as I lubricated, then turned dripping wet. My juices quickly coated both our groins and bellies and started to leak onto the couch -- Janice's problem now, I thought vaguely as my pleasure mounted. "Suck me!" I commanded in a tense whisper. "Suck my nipples! You know you want to! Do it!" "Yes!" he squealed in a high-pitched voice, one I realized would do very well. Maybe I really should make him a girl long term? It would take a certain amount of work. But what for? An idea began to dawn -- I could knock down two birds with one stone! But it depended on Janice. Meanwhile he sucked my nipples like a starved baby! Sheer heaven. I reached a marvelous orgasm, then another, crying out joyously each time to encourage him. The third came slower, giving me time to wonder whether he'd ever reach a peak himself --I had other things to do with him before Janice returned, So I concentrated, and slid my pussy up and down and around him with a little extra corkscrew lunge on each upstroke. Finally, "Ahhhhhhh!" he cried out, muffled by his mouthful of titty. That meat inside me began to leap about in my cunt like a frightened colt. "Ahhhh! Ohhhh!" he grunted with each spurt, and the spurts kept coming. He was a fountain! Finally it ended, and he collapsed on me. He'd now groaned more syllables in heat than he'd uttered as conversation since I entered the house. I wrapped my legs around him even more tightly, and locked my heels against the small of his back so he couldn't possibly escape, and clamped my vulva tight against his crotch as if to preserve all of his sperm inside me, and waited. He pulsed once or twice more. But all good things end, and as his prick shrank our mingled cum leaked out into the slick mess now soaking irretrievably into the couch cushions. No way to hide what we'd done now! He was hopelessly compromised! "Just wonderful, you're a darling," I crooned. "Really great! Wherever did you learn to make love like that?" In fact he was pretty good once he got under way. Size not half bad, impassioned moves, and incredible staying power. A natural. I still didn't know why Janice wanted to divorce him when she could just as easily keep him on at home and fill out her sex life with add-ons, the way I did. She could have her cake and he could eat it, the way Ron did mine. I wouldn't mind keeping him conveniently nearby for my own casual add-ons, I realized. A man like this has his uses. Which reminded me. He wasn't supposed to be a man when Janice arrived. "Mmmmm, lick me, sweetheart," I said to him affectionately. He obliged, his tongue lapping at my nearest nipple. "No," I said gently, releasing his hips from the grip of my thighs and slowly pressing his head down toward that oozing place between my legs. "I mean here. I just can't go home with you dripping out of me. I can't take the chance I'll be discovered! Help me!" And with that, I pushed him to the floor, his shoulders below my crotch, then threw my legs high in the air and took his head tightly between my thighs. I squeezed, and pulled his face into me. "Yes!" I cried. He had no chance to escape at all, on his knees and weighted down by the legs I'd wrapped about his head. But he cooperated voluntarily! I felt his tongue slowly emerge as if from a cocoon and then burrow about in my slit. Slowly good feelings began to rise up in me again, and soon his face was all over my pussy while my ass was writhing and slithering all over the soaked couch cushion. Then as I orgasmed yet one more time and my cunt pulsed, the rest of our blended glop pushed, practically squirted into his mouth. "Swallow it!" I hissed intensely. "Don't let it drip onto the sofa!" Swallow he did! As if it mattered, what else happened to the sofa! Mostly it was his cum -- mine was squishing in the couch cushion beneath me. This man was a prize! What was wrong with Janice? But now it was time to perform the rest of the scenario, R&R, regret and remorse! I began it as abruptly as I'd begun my seduction. "Oh, I do so want to see lots more of you, Jeff honey. You're so lovely! Your passion overwhelms me. But I feel so terribly guilty that I allowed you to do this to me. And now I'm terribly afraid! Not just for me, for you too! My husband Ron, you've seen him, he's so strong, and he has such a violent temper. He can be insanely jealous! I don't know what came over me! If the least breath of this gets out we'll both regret it for the rest of our lives. Or I will for the rest of mine -- you're not likely to survive after Ron finds out." His face looked up at me, wide-eyed with surprise and gleaming with cum and saliva. My thighs were now loosely draped across his shoulders, quite comfortable. I could do this for as long as it took. I threw an arm across my eyes and began to sob as if overcome by shame and humiliation. Gradually his breathing returned to normal, and his customary timidity returned too. He was rather sweet -- the man had no bravado at all. He really was a dork. A pussy. "My God!" he said. "You're right! He could kill me, and even if he doesn't, if Janice finds out she'll divorce me! No doubt of it! We can't let anyone suspect! What have I done?" He hadn't, I'd done it, and in record time, too, but this was not the moment to correct the books on that score. I tried to look as pale and wan and desperate as I needed to sound. "Oh!" I began to sob. "Everyone will know soon enough! You'll talk! I know it! Men always boast about their conquests! The gossip will spread everywhere! My life is over! Yours too! And Ron will spend the rest of his life in jail for your murder! Oh, God, how awful!" "No," he exclaimed, his voice strained, but trying like a gentleman to reassure me though as fearful for his own life as for mine or Ron's. "No, no, don't worry, I'll never say anything! It never happened! Nothing happened!" He didn't sound persuasive, especially with his face suspended over my quim and his chin still dripping his own cum. "But it did! We're lost! How else can we explain this?" With both hands I rubbed the huge, sticky stain on the couch cushion now spread out on both sides of my butt. It actually did squish! Had I pissed into it unawares at the height of my throes? That'd happened once or twice before. "Can we deny what this is? Janice will know in a heartbeat! Or she'll ask you what it is, and you'll break down and confess everything, and then to avenge herself on me she'll tell Ron! Then we're both dead!" "No," he said again with much less assurance. "I'll scrub it and say I spilled something there. Janice will be furious, but she won't imagine that it's anything ... sexual." "Oh, Jeffrey, you're dreaming! Feel it! Sniff it!" He hardly could, but he took the musky odor wafting up from my pussy as its equivalent. "She'll know exactly what it is! I'm a woman, with my reputation ruined I'm nothing! You're a man, you're under enormous peer pressure to boast! I need better than assurances. I need to know there's no way you'll ever hint this to anyone. That if you do, no one can believe you. I need to know that your risk of exposure is as great as mine! That's my only insurance." "How can that be?" he asked, no doubt thinking I was asking the impossible. "Who could ever arrange that?" "I know how," I said in a hushed voice. "But you'll never be willing to do it!" "Do what?" "Do something that's so shameful you'd never breathe a word of it to anyone. As shameful as anything we've just done." I decided not to add, "so far" -- he was too spooked to be moved by promises of more. "Something that disgraces your manliness so thoroughly you'll never ever want to spread rumors about us to anyone. So it'll be impossible for you to say anything!" I paused. "So it'll seem impossible that it ever happened. So people will think that you aren't even interested in girls. Not sexually interested anyhow. So no one'll believe the rumors if word ever does get out about us." Jeffrey lowered his head and looked as baffled as an ox being led into a slaughtering pen. "Yes, of course!" I said, as if the idea had just occurred to me. "There's a way! That's how it can be! There's a camera in my purse, we'll take pictures! Then we can both feel sure that we'll each keep each other's secrets, and we'll both be safe even if word should get out, because no one will believe we'd do such a thing if we have the pictures to prove we wouldn't!" Another pause. "Not only our reputations but our marriages are at stake, Jeffrey." That seemed heavy enough. But I added, "Your life too, it could be!" I gazed at him earnestly, and said no more. He just looked at me, altogether baffled... "There's a way?" he asked vaguely. "Pictures? Pictures of what?" I'd gotten way too far ahead of him. Which is where I wanted to be, so he'd be too busy running to catch up to think about where he was going. "Yes! Here! This! This pretty brassiere!" I gestured at the lacy red confection he'd brought down from Janice's bureau supposedly to see if my breasts needed more support, dropped unnoticed on the floor during my flurry to debauch him. I picked it up now and dangled it, a feminine noose about to be hung around his neck, Then I broke it to him. "You'll wear it. Not me. That's all it'll take!" "That's all what'll take?" Stolid and stunned, he understood nothing. I rolled on enthusiastically as if I didn't notice. "You'll wear it with some of the things that go with it! Of course! Then I'll take pictures of you and then if word ever got out about us, I could show them around, and then who'd ever believe that we'd had sex? That I'd ever be the slightest bit interested in you? Or you in me!" "What?" "Honey, concentrate. Here's my plan. We'll dress you up to look like a girl, and take a few pictures of you looking really cute! I bet you would be, too, though that won't matter, chances are those pictures won't ever be seen by anyone. They'll just assure me that you'll never say anything about this, because if you did, I'd be forced to show them around, and then you'd be disgraced. Right?" "I guess," he said. He was following me now, all right. There was now genuine fear in his eyes. "Who'd see you dressed that way and believe for a moment that you're man enough for me? I'm married to a guy who's all guy. Ron would never believe I could feel attracted to an effeminate pussy, a man who wears women's clothes! I mean, someone who looks as if he actually wants a pussy of his own, not the cock he's got. Or maybe wants someone else's cock for the sucking. A crossdressing sissy girl. As gay as they come!" "Gay?" He was catching on. I think. "Actually, transgendered. But most people don't know the difference. Most people think that men who want to look like women are gay, that they want to look like women so they can attract men. As if gay men, men who are attracted by other men, can be attracted by someone who looks like a woman! But no matter, people think gays are sissies and sissies are gay, so most people would assume you're queer! Ron would, and that's what's important! I'd feel safer if I had pictures of you pretending to be a woman. And if you did, you'd feel safer too, because Ron can be ... terrible in his wrath!" Strike while the iron is hot. Make hay while the sun shines. A penny saved is a penny earned, I suppose. Time to earn the penny. "Here," I said, holding the bra out to him. "Put this on. Let's see if it fits!" I knew it would of course. Then next stop, up to Jeffrey and Janice's bedroom to get the rest of the gear Janice had set aside for him. Soon to be Janice's bedroom exclusively. "Do it!" "I don't know how," he said in a low voice, looking down. Not 'whether' but 'how'! Miraculously, he'd bought in! My argument had worked! I hooked that bra behind his back while he looked on dazed, and I pulled his flesh into the cups while he watched bewildered, and there they were, a quite respectable set of titties, not large, but noticeable. I then took him by the hand and led him upstairs into the bedroom he still shared with his wife, as far as he knew. His thin shoulders looked quite feminine under the bra straps -- he'd really look lovely in a spaghetti strap or halter top, I was thinking, I'd love to get him dressed up properly! Full head of hair, not much anywhere else. He wasn't much of a man except when his cock was pre-heated, but he'd make a fine girl! This was such fun! An hour later my camera was filled with shot after shot of Jeffrey posing in high heels, garter belt and net stockings, then in his leather miniskirt and a decollete blouse. Finally, in one of Janice's long brunette wigs while wearing full facial make-up. He actually did look pretty! He's been wasted, all these years as a man, I kept thinking as I added garment after garment to his body and snapped picture after picture. There are surely better uses for him than this, than merely humiliating him so Janice can intimidate him into a bigger divorce settlement. I was still ahead of schedule. Janice wasn't due to break in on our debauchery for a bit longer. There was still time for me to give my budding thoughts further consideration. "Have you ever sucked a cock, honey?" I asked him suddenly, girl to girl, as it were. "It's so nice, pleasing a man orally. They're always so grateful. Here, sit down and lean back, let me show you how we girls do it." And before he could say anything or even back away, I lifted up his skirt and pulled down his panties, just enough for his quite respectable cock to pop out. Then I enclosed it in my mouth. It grew to its full extended size almost immediately. "Mmmmm, you like taking cocksucking lessons, don't you," I said. "Well, let's see if we can teach you how to be the best cocksucker in the world." And for ten minutes I licked, sucked, and stroked his penis with my tongue and lips, now and then enclosing it tightly, as if my upper lips were the lips of my vagina and I was spasming in orgasm, a few times taking it deep into my throat. Each time he seemed close to cumming I stopped and delivered a little lecture about whatever I had just done, then briefly demonstrated it again. I simply wouldn't let him cum. He was soon whimpering with frustration. "Now you," I said. "Doesn't your wife keep a dildo or vibrator somewhere here? Let's see what you've learned. Let's see if you can please me the same way." I knew she had to have one -- Jeffrey's cock was adequate or better, but the men we'd shared had told me that Janice was like me, insatiable. Sure enough, there it was, a monster-sized two-sided rubber cock lying in her bedside drawer along with a tube of KY Jelly. Two-sided? KY? Was this for her pussy and Jeffrey's ass? "Why you rascal, Janice makes love to you with this prick, doesn't she?" I said on a sudden inspiration. "Oh no," he said. But I could tell that under his foundation make-up he'd turned bright red! There was a truth here to be told! "Not exactly. She ... ahhh ... supplements what we do together sometimes, if I haven't managed to satisfy her. And braces it against me." "Against your asshole? She fucks you with it, doesn't she? Doesn't she insert it?" "Once when she was mad at me for some reason, yes, she ... ah ... pushed it into me and ... ah fucked me. She did. It hurt. She wanted it to hurt." "Once? That was the first time? The only time" He didn't answer at first. Then, "She ... ahh ... has condoms with some kind of lubricant in them. She turns them inside out and puts them on this ... ahhh ... penis and puts the other end into her own place, her vagina, and then she pushes this end in and out of me." "Often?" He nodded. "How often? Usually?" He nodded. So Janice did fuck him, and repeatedly. He was already accustomed. Moreover, condoms don't come with lubricants inside, they'd slip off if they did. They come with their lubricants outside for use where needed. What Janice did was save up her lovers' condoms so she could fuck her own husband with them and lubricate his ass with their sperm! She'd been pushing other men's cum up into his belly without him even knowing it! Was that out of resentment that she was married to such a wimp? Or was it a noble impulse, a desire to share her pleasure with her husband? Knowing Janice, it had to be resentment. "Did it feel good, Jeffrey?" I asked in a very quiet, gentle voice, as if inviting a confidence he might not want to admit otherwise. Girl to girl. "She liked doing it." He was glum, just staring at the dildo as I turned it over in my hand and idly traced its veins with a fingertip, wondering whether to continue our cocksucking lessons or to get right down to it and bugger him. "She'd get off on it." I bet. "And you?" "Sometimes I would too. When she wasn't mad at me, being rough on me, when it didn't hurt me, it could feel good." "Very good?" He nodded, and looked away, ashamed. Good enough for now. Sp having a cock up his ass wasn't altogether foreign to him. But he'd never sucked on a cock. I fitted the small end into my own cunt and sat down on the side of the bed. The main part of the dildo stuck up between my legs. "Now on your knees, honey," I said as gently as I could. "Show me what you can do. If you're real good at it, you'll get a lovely reward." And Jeffrey actually did what I'd asked! He knelt between my knees and took that rubber tube into his mouth and as I suggested different things to do with his mouth and tongue, he did them. Devotedly, too. I could feel it in my pussy as the dildo pushed and rocked back and forth, especially when he took its whole length into his throat. I kept him at it for almost a half-hour, long enough to bring off any male no matter how grave his attention-deficit syndrome. And I myself grew warmer and warmer, my belly's tensions growing sweeter and sweeter as the dildo repeatedly nudged my clit up and down. I began to breathe hard. Time for the last act! "Fix your lipstick and let's go downstairs now," I finally suggested. "I want you to make love to me again while we still have our panties off. You're quite properly dressed now, believe me, but my clothes are below and I'll need to get dressed again afterward." "Why not stay up here?" he asked. His first question! Was he taking some kind of initiative after all? "On your marital bed?" I pretended to be shocked. Janice had had a few men up here while Jeffrey was at work, I knew. But we needed to seem to respect something, especially the Institution of Marriage we were so blithely violating! He nodded understanding, as if he understood. So we went downstairs, me still mostly naked and unbuttoned, and Jeff now in his high heels, his mini, his sleeveless blouse, and his full make-up. Looking cute as a button! He has such pretty bedroom eyes, I was thinking, now that they're properly made up. As they should be from now on. He could be really gorgeous, done up right! No, we won't waste this! I lay down again on Janice's cum-soaked sofa, and this time gently, sweetly, considerately, affectionately, slowly, we fucked until we both came yet again. I once again leaked copiously into the sticky puddle left from our previous encounters. That cushion was now stained well beyond recovery. Squeezing Jeffrey between my legs felt just lovely! It was like making love to another woman, but one with advantages. The scheme that had been forming in my head came to full maturity. I only hoped Janice would have the good sense to pick up on it when she returned "unexpectedly" from her tryst downtown. We lay locked together dozing, Jeffrey wrapped up in my arms and legs and unable to escape, until finally I heard a car door slam in the driveway. I then pushed him to his knees with his head down in my crotch once again, and clamped my thighs tight around his head so he couldn't possibly hear or see anything. Since he was dressed as a woman, I wanted Janice to discover him having sex as women do, sucking my cum from my pussy, his own cum inside it as an added attraction. That perversity might double her zeal for a divorce by instant decree. Or, I hoped, it might make an extra added attraction that Jeffrey could offer and she could consider keeping. The cum already soaked into the cushion serve as all the evidence of infidelity she needed, though I was sure that in his embarrassment Jeffrey's apologetic babblings would confess all immediately after she 'discovered' us. And I loved it, what he was doing! His tongue was so much more delicate than Ron's, the way it licked me, taking tentative nibbles or teeny sips like a kitten lapping milk, sometimes an assured broad swipe like a cat licking her kittens clean. Whenever I spread wide for Ron and he pushes his face into my crotch, he'll suck and wallow with his nose and tongue like a bull in heat. Both men gave me delicious feelings, but each felt different, as if I possessed two different kinds of cunt. This was so nice! Meanwhile, I'd succeeded beyond Janet's expectations. As she walked into the room and stood surveying the scene, there we were! There was Jeffrey! Quite a sight! Done up like a tart, utterly feminized, his bewigged head bobbing between my legs, completing his second thorough betrayal of his marriage vows round the world by sucking his own cum out of my pussy a second time. Down below, I knew, his prick was drained, soft, useless for male purposes, and that itself felt satisfying. Janet looked wordlessly at me for a moment. I looked back at her with a comfortable smile, near but not quite near enough to an orgasm. She saw and indicated she'd wait. I closed my eyes and surrendered to that dainty tongue. My joy rose, peaked, consumed me, and then subsided. When I opened my eyes again, Janice was looking at me questioningly. She sensed from my relaxed acceptance of Jeffrey between my legs that something new had occurred, that I might now think that her original scenario -- discover her husband in the act, shout furiously, stamp out of the house, return after it's been decreed hers -- should be put on hold. Clamping Jeff's head beneath me tightly between my thighs, holding him incommunicado, I stroked the top of his head and smiled, then glanced up to be sure Janice saw. She did. She was thinking. She realized that I liked having him there, that this might be a talent of his she'd not previously explored. With raised eyebrows and a tilt of her head she asked if he was really good at it, and I nodded dreamily, already beginning another ascent to heaven on the wings of his tongue. "The best," I mouthed at her silently, holding up both hands, their thumbs and forefingers touching. "You'd like me to keep him this way?" she asked aloud, realizing that she at least could talk while his eyes and ears were sealed by the thick flesh of my thighs. "Mmmmmmm," I said affirmatively. My responses had to be limited -- her voice might be inaudible to Jeffrey but he could feel mine. My responses would need to be variations on moans. That was fine by me. She grinned, rather maliciously. "Get him a pussy too? Cut off his balls, if you've left him with any?" I shook my head no. Better to keep him desiring pussies, worshipping other women's. And castration would diminish the uses of his cock, maybe even diminish the zest he was dedicating to my own pussy at this very moment. But that would have to be his decision. "You do know I want nothing further to do with him. At least as a man. But you're right, this way he may have his uses." I nodded assurance. I also prefer to bed down with macho men like my Ron, but this wimp-turned-woman had certain advantages. As a lesbian with a pre-warmed dildo, as a delicate cunt-lapper, he could serve very well indeed any woman's desire for certain kinds of casual recreation. And so convenient, right next door! "Then I don't get his inheritance during the divorce settlement?" I twisted my hand at the wrist several times to indicate that there were other ways to get control over his inheritance. She nodded, then amused, asked me, "Is he that good down there? I never tried him!" and I replied by leaning back luxuriously, sighing aloud, and surrendering myself to the most delicate yet intense orgasm I'd ever had. Finally, reluctantly, it was time for us to unveil his situation to Jeffrey. I opened my legs and sat up. Jeffrey was now on his own, kneeling in front of me face down in the sticky puddle of cum we'd made together. Janice saw the shiny dark stain on her couch for the first time and shook her head -- she was dismayed, resigned, and amused all at once. We then both waited for Jeff to lift his head and discover that there were three of us in the room. When he did, his double-take was hilarious. His mascara'd eyes were smeared black and the lids were glued together with cum, at first sealed closed, then opened only a slit. He stared at me through the crust below his eyelids, noticed that I was looking away from him at something else, looked there and saw Janice, looked toward me without recognizing her, then looked back at her. Then pawed at his eyes to open them wide and witness the awful truth of his situation. "Well, Jeffrey," Janice said to him. "If you're going to do this at all frequently we'll need to get your basic make-up tattoo'd on. You're a mess now, you do know that, don't you?" Shocked, he could only stare at her. To her credit, Janice adopted exactly the right strategy. "So. That's been the problem all along? I've wanted you to be a man, and you haven't had the talent. But neither of us realized that you're much better suited to be a woman. A sexually submissive woman at that! That would explain why you've been such a sorry excuse for a man. And now that you've found your true self, you want to live as a woman? For maybe for the rest of your life?" Her voice was kindly, as if she'd just been relieved of a difficult problem. I suppose she had been. No divorce was necessary or desirable now. She'd have it all and she'd save on legal fees. "You'd better be telling me that this is the real you. That you want to live as a woman who dedicates her life to pleasing other women. Because if you're still a man you're dead meat. If you're still a man, then you're the effeminate freak who's just seduced my best friend and has been cruelly unfaithful to me with her. And that's intolerable, and I'm heading for a lawyer first thing in the morning, and I'll take you for everything you've got. But if you're really a woman underneath, with a woman's desires, then you'll need and deserve all the help I can give you to fulfill yourself. Is that what I've just walked in on? Pam is helping you become what you truly are? I understand how embarrassed you must feel now that the truth has finally emerged, but also how

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Adventures of a High School Exhibitionist 1

Introduction: Some of this shit is actually true…more on the wlay Hi Im Lex short for Alexis. Yes I know Lex rhymes with sex, my favorite thing. I met Julie in my sophomore year. She was a new girl in the school and to my eyes had a style all her own. We were total opposites in some ways. Julie was a brunette and had a sculpted athletic body and was on both the swim team and the volleyball team. I on the other hand was a petite blonde who was president of the drama club and one of the leaders...

1 year ago
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Baby Girls Family Reunion Part 1

Baby Girl shifted around nervously in the passengers seat as Daddy drove up the long cobblestone driveway, framed by a perfectly manicured lawn. Prim and proper just like her parents. Her stomach churned with dread, her folks could be so judgmental. She had convinced Daddy to play the part, he wore khaki pants and a neat polo shirt, but could he contain his dominant side for a whole weekend. She smoothed her dress on her legs nervously. as they pulled in front of the house she sighed, Daddy...

1 year ago
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Group Study Fucking

Hello friends I am back again with another little story. I did not know under which topic I should have put this story couple incest or group since I like incest I will put it in that. Also I would like to thank ISS for providing such a beautiful platform that makes people share their sexual fantasies. I would request all my dear readers to please rate his story 5 or 1 and if you don’t like it so that next time I can narrate my sexual experiences better. I will try to keep the language simple...

1 year ago
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English Girl Goes to Brighton Part 3

Still blindfolded, still bent over and bound to the leather chair, Hayley waited for him.  The taste of his come was still there, still strong, on her tongue and in the back of her throat.  She savored it, just as she did the wet feel of his come in her tender asshole.  The cheeks of her bottom were sore, both from his hand and her wicked, wooden hairbrush.  Her nipples were so damn tender she could feel the air move when the central heat kicked on.  She’d wanted to feel completely owned, to be...

2 years ago
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Jamaica Ritual

I passed by my father’s bedroom to tell him I was going down to the river to meet my friend Sydney from the neighboring Sheldon Grove sugar cane plantation to fish for mangrove snapper for cook’s special fish stew, but I could see he was busy. Jimar, the uppity house slave—well beyond his station since childbirth took my mother and the baby away three years earlier, in 1822, when I was but eleven—naked, on his back on my father’s bed. My father held, ramrod straight, above the boy of fourteen,...

3 years ago
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Well Do It

My best friend, Sara, and I were sitting out front and we were talking about what I always talk about. "I just want to fuck a guy, not just any guy, but I want a guy and I'm tired of waiting." "Well, we could just make a sign and put it up on a telephone pole like, 'Lost Dog, Call Owner.'" "Ha, ha. I'm serious. I wonder if my sister is fucking her boyfriend, Russell. Knowing my uptight older sister, she's probably not even giving the poor bastard handjobs." "What brings him...

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New Inhome Nurse

The young lady is coy and quite introverted. She was called in to do one of her first jobs as an In-home nurse. “Yes mam” she told the supervising nurse through a phone call as she nodded her head. “Yes mam, I understand” this 26 year old quiet and quite bashful long haired but curvaceous girl added. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.” “That’s great. You know where the address is” the supervisor said. Olivia said she did. “That’s great. And listen up” she went on to tell Olivia. “This man...

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Lusty forced spinster 3

I collapsed limply across her wet sweating body, feeling her insides still gushing forth around my rapidly deflating cock. It seemed to go on forever until, atlast, she too sighed and quivered to limp stillness. Her legs fell lifelessly out on either side of my semen-drained body and one arm dangled wearily over the edge of the bed. Her still warmly contracting belly was filled to the point of bursting with the obscene mixture of our hot sticky cum. I lay panting for a moment to recover my...

2 years ago
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Lotus And The Flame Part Three

The following day, Anderson handed Farida the mock-up weekend retreat letter. Farida slipped it into her bag. That evening she showed it to Naeem and, thankfully, he didn’t question it. How could he when he had always encouraged and supported her Islamic studies? All Farida could think about was that, hopefully, the upcoming weekend would finally satisfy whatever Anderson wanted from her, and she could seal the arrangement as quickly as possible. On Anderson's part, once he had handed the...

Oral Sex
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I met Leah when my friend invited her to a . She was 17 then, cute, sweet and friendly. What I like more about her is her sweet smile and the curve of her body. She had a soft skin and small tits. I always have a hard on everytime I saw her and I think she's noticing it. By the way.......she is my friend's girlfriend. This is what happened next....... It was a relaxing saturday afternoon then, and i am doing nothing inside our dorm when the phone rang. "Hey it's me, Leah, just asking if you're...

1 year ago
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What Happens In VegasChapter 3

"Shelley ... Shelley, wake up." It took her a minute to recognise Rick's voice. He was shaking her gently. "Honey, you're hot." "So are you," she mumbled through the haze. "No, really," Rick said, brushing her hands away. "You're burning up. How do you feel?" "Like shit." Her head was still pounding. She felt cold even though her body was covered in sweat. Everything from head to toe ached. Rick's hands put his hands on her forehead. They were cool to the touch. Opening...

3 years ago
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Pour Hlne

This is my first story. I hope that it will please many of you! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Ceci est ma premi?re histoire. J'esp?re qu'elle plaira ? beaucoup d'entre vous! Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Pour H?l?ne Avez-vous d?j? connu le coup de foudre? Je parle d'un amour si fort et inconditionnel qu'il vous pousse ? faire des choses compl?tement folles... Simplement pour voir un ...

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Hazing for Victor and VictoriaChapter 11

Cheryl and Carl took the twins aside as the assembly broke up and kids filed into the school halls. "The theme for tonight's final community project session," said Cheryl " and of your last day of Pledge Week will be 'Let's Switch'." "And by that," added Carl, " we mean switching in three ways. Gather up your clothes, both of you. Don't put them on yet, but walk with us to the gym so you can see what we're getting at." So the four of them, the twins buck naked, and Cheryl and...

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Waiting for daddy got real exciting

so over the next hour I got dressed in everything he wanted (I actually had everything he wanted). I put on black silk panties and black elbow length silk gloves as well. I drove to the parking lot around 9:15 and waited for "daddy" to arrive While listening to music. While waiting I rubbed my dick through my soft silk panties. Wal mart was closed at this so very little cars were around. a few cars drove by but none were daddy. 9:45 rolled around and still no daddy. at this point I was so...

1 year ago
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Best friends forever

Amy & I were the best friends ever. We used to share each and everything starting from trifle matters to important discussions. We were both fun loving & loved to enjoy life to the fullest. We never hid our sexual encounters from each other. But it had been a long time since we both slept with a guy and it was driving us crazy. So we decided to go to a bar and enjoy a strip tease. That might help to relieve our sexual tension. We both arrived at the club and were surprised to see lots of people...

1 year ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 6

I walked back into the dining room with a massive smile on my face, most of it genuine too. Even the conceited comments from Jason, just minutes earlier, didn’t bother me. If anything, I was more horny than angry; my pussy still on fire from the little exhibition I just put in front of my husband. “Help yourself to cream and sugar” I said, placing a cup of coffee in front of each person. “Oh, you’re not staying to have some?” Gary asked, seeing me make no indication to return to my...

2 years ago
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NobleChapter 6

These men were all very well connected and anyone of them was more than capable of carrying out the attack and to think that they all might be working together was very unsettling. Jen noticed the time and asked if we should call for room service or go out for a late lunch. “Let’s go out to eat. We can pick up a couple of laptops and bring them back using the hotel internet service we can try and look up information on these men. I think we might be able to find out more using the World...

1 year ago
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Tinas Play DayParty Girl Journals 2

Tina’s Play Day-Party girl Journal # 5 As Tina settled back in her big comfy chair and closed her eyes in pleasant tiredness, she grinned. Running through her mind were images of the last couple of weeks. She laughed out loud in her apartment as she listened to the song “My Baby’s got a secret. “ Something’s coming over me, My Baby’s got a secret with me. Happiness lies in your own hand, and it took me much too long to understand, until you shared your secret with me.” Just a short time back...

2 years ago
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Modern Day Which Hunt Over with we Hope Chapter 3

Early in a mid-week afternoon in late July 2015 Ernest was seated at his computer when there was a loud banging on his front door. When he opened the door he was confronted by a group of several Police officers. One in plain clothes flashed an ID and half mumbled his name. The cop’s voice was much clearer when he got to the part about exercising a search warrant on the premises. The warrant authorised them to take: - Personal or laptop computers, - Peripheral devices, - Mobile telephones,...

3 years ago
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Summer of Cougars 1

I grew up in a small town. Raised by a single mother I always appreciated older women. Especially my moms best friend Judy. Judy and my mom were the same age but vastly different body types. I always called her Aunt Judy. She was widowed early. Now in her mid fifties she was still a beautiful woman. She worked for a local finance company and did very well for herself. I dated her daughter Sasha for a while in high school.She was about 5‘5, a slimmer body type but more toned. She did a...

4 years ago
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HouseChapter 11 Alarm Alarm Alarm

He never did cuff me, or search me. He took me out in the country and leaned over the seat with his service revolver in his hand ... not necessarily pointed in my direction. "You got proof, boy?" "Not on me, Sheriff. It's registered at the courthouse, though. I paid cash, in gold." "I'm unsure what to do with you, boy." "Sheriff, you better make up your mind pretty quick. The Marines are on the way." I grinned, "Oops. They're here." A silenced SIG touched his ear. "Turn...

1 year ago
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the movie with threesom

hi its me swapnil narrting my first story to u and many more to go …!!if i got sum responces on so lets start …my self swapnil studding in one of most recocnized medical college PUNE i have a GF named SWAPNA age 23,34-26-36 very fair and sexy with athletic features i will narrate u other story afterwards how we got crushed first time back on the story ..since she is in her first year of MBBS and am in final she is living with her friend and classmate named SHEETAL at a 3 room apartment...

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The Pirate Nicolette

I know what you’re thinking. What happened to Earth? Was it blown up by aliens, you’re thinking. Nope. Hell, after the few humans that managed to escape and found other suitable planets to live on only a few had aliens AND they called the humans aliens, most were hostile, some nice, and only two races annihilated everyone. But that was decades ago. Now just about everything is half or part human or has some sort of connection with the human race. Not only because humans fall in love with...

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BILLY HAD IT SO GOOD CHAPTER 1 "I don't want anything bad to happen to him. But I want to kill the little bastard," James said in agonizing frustration. "I know how you feel. Billy glued all my bra closures shut at the tightest eyelet. Now I walk around with my breasts pressed up because of the brat," Denise chimed in. "My friends thought I was doing it to get attention. It almost caused a riff between Gwen and me when her boyfriend could not stop staring," she added. "We are...

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Friend8217s Gf Becoming A Slut Gf

Hi, my name is James and I live in Pune with 2 other guys named Chris and Brant. All of us have our corporate jobs and had studied together during our MBA education. Brant was a typical guy, who was very modest and simple in life and was one of the most disciplined guys with girls. This always got him into trouble and lead to him never getting a girlfriend yet. He even came to me once and said in frustration that it seems like the next girl which he is going to a fuck would only be after his...

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Private School for Lesbians PART 1

PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS- PART 1WELCOMING THE NEW SCHOOL YEARNote: Of course, no such school restricted only to lesbians exists. I think that it will one day, and I am trying to imagine what would be going on in those schools. The Mary Doherty private school for women- college level- was founded some 10 years ago and catered only to lesbians with the proper academic standing. The tuition fees were astronomical. Located in southern California, it could only be reached from the main highway by...

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What happens on the island stays on the island

One summer many years ago, when I was 18 and had just moved out on my own, I decided to take a two week long canoeing/camping trip with a buddy and his girlfriend. We loaded up my canoe and our camping gear, and drove up to the land of 1000 lakes on the Canadian border. We drove straight through, taking turns driving and sleeping, and by the time we got there we were all so tired and loopy that we were acting like fools. We joked about how close we were all going to get, camping together...

2 years ago
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From Heaven Ch 01

As I came in to land, I folded my wings, settling lightly on the balls of my feet. The path was rough, small stones and twigs pressing through my thin soles. I looked around. It was getting dark, and I could feel that the breeze was cooling. I gave the little shrug that I’d been taught, and my wings vanished, leaving me with only a slight tingling between my shoulder blades. I started to walk toward the lights in the distance, remembering the instructions I’d been given: Find him, help him. ...

1 year ago
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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 2 Mud Bowl Offside Tackle

That night, Emma Watson and her parents watched the news excitedly. Normally Emma didn't care much for the news, but normally Emma's own class wasn't a part of the leading domestic news story. Billy and Emma's families got together for a dinner of barbecued burgers in the back yard. Taking advantage of the new bylaw, Billy's parents escorted him to Emma's in the nude. After dinner, the two 11-year-olds played catch until sundown, with Billy trying to imitate the pitchers he...

4 years ago
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It was a usual summer day and there was not much to do in the office, Alexander was not thinking about the assignment he had, his mind was set on the vacation he was going to have, he was tired of sitting in the office all day, what the hell! It was summer, it was hot and he definitely needed a vacation, he thought about going to the sea, he wanted to take a break from work and spend days lazily lying on the beach with plenty of tallboys by him, he just wanted to relax, bathe, drink beer and...

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Just Another Mapping Mission

By Jax_Teller It was Aglom 32.870 and I was just getting underway with the retrofitted space craft Deflax. As a corporation Morox had spent a lot of money to repair this old ship, bringing her up to date and they had done some inventive upgrades. I took the job as Captain because this ship had a better than not chance of completing its mission. Often these journeys lost crews along the way and continued on remote for years before a new crew caught up with the ship. Often during...

1 year ago
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Kerris Ultimate Blowjob Challenge

Beautiful blonde Kerri was disgruntled, disheartened and disappointed. She’d made it onto a big reality T.V. show with a chance to make millions… tried her hardest… was willing to do ANYTHING to sell herself and be selected… only to be sent home in disgrace. The guys on the show thought she was beautiful. They liked her. They said only wonderful things about her. But then they told her how hard it was for them… and sent her packing. “What could I have done differently?” she asked the microphone...

2 years ago
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Bing dominated at the gym

This is my first story. Any comments would be greatly appreciated."I'm going to tell you about the time I went to the gym and I havent been the same since.It was a Thursday back in Februrary. It was a cold day out so I put on my gym shorts and threw my jeans on over them. Grabbed my coat and car keys and was out the door. I arrived at the gym a little earlier than I planned so I went to the locker room to put my stuff away. I took my jeans off and realized I didnt have any underwear under my...

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The party

This is a true story about an experience I had when I met a boy his name was Jake. Me and Jake had been talking for about a week when he asked me to go to a party but it was 3 hours away. He said it was the biggest party of the year. He told me to wear a a skin tight dresses that barely covered my ass and I wasnt allowed to wear a bra or underwear. So I thought I liked where this was going. So I went out and bought a skin tight red leather dress that you could just see the bottom of my ass...

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NubileFilms Katy Rose Fit For Love

Katy Rose knows that if she wants to keep her lovers interested she needs to remain nice and fit. She achieves her goals alone, and with the help of her workout partner Stanley Johnson. Katy periodically grinds her ass and pussy with its camel toe against Stanley’s hardon as they work out, but that’s okay because Stanley can’t stop himself from groping her. As soon as their reps are finished, Katy and Stanley go ahead and get busy! Taking a seat on the exercise ball, Stanley...

3 years ago
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344 Part 3 bdsm and the neighbours

Part 3 bdsm and the neighbour`s 3It was a week before Olive could really walk well again , her mind though was bright enough, so on the Wednesday evening while they all ate together at no7, with Olive perched on a stack of cushions the subject was raised! Come the sweet, Mark, champing at the bit asked her rather directly about `The Master`s comment, as reported by Gethin “if you do choose the ultimate path!” could she please explain, was she thinking of…well being bumped off?” she smiled, “I...

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Pauls Road

The road Paul took isn't unlike many of ours ? by: Debbie Shaw OK, to start, let me say that this is a true story. Only the names and cities have been changed. I have been interested in girl's clothes almost as long as I can remember, but it started to take shape around 9 or ten. I don't remember why, but I started to put my mom's stuff on. We weren't supposed to use Mom and Dad's bathroom, but with three other brothers and sisters, it happened. I had to go one day and while I was...

4 years ago
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Club Antics

I come home tired and exhausted. You are waiting in the doorway for me. You notice my tiredness and offer me a massage. I follow you to our room, and lay down on the bed. You say to me Come and sit on my lap, it will more comfortable. I get up from the bed and sit on your lap. You kiss me with passion, and begin to massage me. I say Let me get these pesky clothes off first. I take off my shirt and bra. I then take off my pants and underwear, and sit back on your lap. I can feel you growing hard...

2 years ago
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A Past Life Revisited

Archiving rights granted to Fictionmania, and Crystal's Storysite. All others by permission only. A Past Life Revisited By: Donna Allyson (c) 2001 Prologue: To many in the ancient world and to some extent even in today's enlightened society, the belief that we have been here on Earth before is deeply rooted in tradition and religion. Most however have come to believe that we are here once and will reap some reward or punishment in the afterlife based on the life that we live now....

4 years ago
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Freds Day in Petticoats

Hello, my name is Fred. First let me describe me as I was when I was 14. This is of course biased since it is both from my perspective and written over 40 years after I was 14. I lived in a small town, it was summer, and I was an outdoor kid. I often slept in a tent in the back yard or up on the hill, always with my dog, Scamp. I spent six hours a day swimming in the town pool. I wore only a bathing suit all day long, even on cool days, unless my activities specifically required...

3 years ago
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True bottom

1st Commandment: Always BarebackBottoms not only love being fucked Bareback, they need to be fucked Bareback. You don’t want anything between you and the Cock fucking you. The Top must never be denied the pleasure of fucking Raw, and the you should never be denied the reward of having Cum pumped into your ass.2nd Commandment: Always SwallowWhen a Bottom sucks Cock he does so to please and serve the Top, but also because he longs for the perfect reward of Man-Cum flooding his mouth. Yes, as a...

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Mama Papa und das Sissy Baby

Ich lebe noch immer mit meiner Stiefmutter in einem Haus. F?r mich war sie immer die Mama. Mama weckte mich und mein Bett war klatsch nass. Ich kann nicht sagen ob es daran lag das wir erst vor ein paar Monaten umgezogen sind oder an was auch immer aber es war mir mehr wie peinlich, denn ich war schon 22 Jahre alt. Mama zog das Bett ab. Am Abend setzten wir uns dann zusammen aufs Sofa. Sie sagte: Also ich finde wir m?ssen was ?ndern. Dann zeigte sie mir eine Windel und legte sie auf den T...

2 years ago
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College Student

Author's notes: This is a follow up to my story "artist in residence" that got good reviews. Several people had asked for me to expand that story. Here's the compromise: a new story based on similar (related) people and events, which follows in order. I plan to do a couple more stories featuring this group of people! While it can be read stand alone-the plot is different-I suggest you read artist in residence first. With the discovery of unauthorized reposts of some of my other works, I...

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Michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 4

Michelle’s plane was scheduled to leave on a Friday afternoon, shortly after lunch, so I asked her to take Thursday and Friday off from work to get ready for the trip. By the week of Michelle’s date with Mike, she was more than a little nervous and my scheme of withholding sex was definitely working, as we were both getting hornier and hornier. Either Michelle was doing her best to seduce me or I would seduce her into making love, right up to the point of impaling her, where I’d tell her, “No,...

Wife Lovers
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The Boy Who Wasnt Seen and The Girl Who Couldnt Speak Part 2

Chapter 2: Boys don't wear skirts Jack gave careful thought as to what he was about to do. If his plan worked, he could be going home by the next afternoon. If it didn't, everyone in his known universe would think he was gay and his parents would most likely send him to psychotherapy. Clearly, the odds were against dressing up. After all, boys don't wear skirts. Somewhere inside him, an insatiable curiosity built up. Just how would it feel like to be a...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Fairy

Lessons learned Another Way or The Making of a Fairy by: Donna Allyson - Prologue: Jane Ashley was a kind, considerate and very devout woman. She had tried constantly to infuse those same values into her two children. With Janet, the older of her two children, she had succeeded admirably, not so with Jake. Her younger child. Jane had married her husband Sam some twenty years earlier. Their son Jake had been born near the end of the third year of their marriage....

1 year ago
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Seeing a Great CountryChapter 2

Matt's children were shocked by the divorce and were questioning him as to the reasons why. All he would tell them was to talk to their mother. Eventually they stopped asking him and suspected that Lisa had done something which was the reason for the divorce. Matt didn't know if Lisa had told them what had happen and thought that she wouldn't but the kids who were now adults could put two and two together. As the farm fields passed by, this was the last time Matt thought that he would be...

3 years ago
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The Introduction to SeductionChapter 2 The Breakout

Rick gave a groan as his wife informed him that her sister in law had rung while he was down at the hardware store and asked if she could stay with them while she attended a gathering of her senior's club. "How long?" he asked as he emptied the tea pot. "At least three days", he wife replied. He was silent for her sister in law was so stone faced; a person that never smiled, that was why he called her 'stone-faced Mary'. "I do question the three days", he said with a sigh. "A...

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Stacia by loyalsock

It was a chilly night in November, the football team sucked a big one but Mike just went to hang out with his friends, and watch Stacia cheer in front of the stands. She was beautiful. They had known each other for as long as they both could remember. High School had been harsh on both of them. Stacia had just got out of a long term relationship and Mike had just had a few short-timers.Stacia was still a virgin, an extremely sexy one. She was about 5’6” tall and probably about 105 lbs, and just...

2 years ago
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All inklusive Hotel

Du bist ein Student der mit seinen Eltern nach Griechenland für eine Woche verreist, da deine Eltern die Reise bezahlen sagst du natürlich nicht nein. Ihr habt zwei Zimmer gebucht, eins für deine Eltern und eins für dich alleine. Doch bei der Ankunft im Hotel wartet eine Böse Überraschung auf euch. Beim Buchen ist dem Hotel ein Fehler unterlaufen, dein zimmer wurde doppelt gebucht. Da die Rezeption keine weiteren Zimmer mehr frei hat bietet sie euch an die kosten zu übernehmen wenn du dir das...

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I wasnt adopted My parents just tell peopl

I was named after my natural father Jonathan. My parents have been married for 19 years. I turned 18 just last week, the same day my mother turned 37. My parents have often told me I look almost exactly like my father except for the blue eyes my Mom gave me. I am taller than the man I call Dad (Charles) who is 6 feet tall while I am 6 feet four. He has very red wavy hair. Mine is curly enough to wear in a modified Afro I have had all my life. His pale skin is a sharp contrast to very pale...

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Let’s start off by saying that I’m an average guy, 19 years old, living in a suburban home in Ohio. I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life and I’m now in college, but living at home, for now. A extremely hot MILF moved in across the street from me and I always find myself staring at her. She hasn’t lived there very long, only a few months. I met her when she first moved in and got to know a little a bit about her. Her name is Kim and she has three k**s, all of which are under the age of 12. She’s...

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Jessicas Fun

Jessica starts her day by taking a long hot shower. She shaves her legs and her pink pussy lips. She then washes her long dark brown hair and pins it up before she moves to washing the rest of her body. She slowly lathers up her body from her head to painted red toes making sure to wash every inch of her body along the way. Slowly she brushes against her soft pink nipples with the sponge and rubs them softly.Once Jessica finishes in the shower she leans over and grabs a towel off the rack to...

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Sex with my cousin

Dear friends, I dont want 2 reveal ma identity.let ma name b “A”.dis is a true incident dat happnd btw me & ma cousin.let her name b simran(fake).her age is 24 & married.she got 2 children.due 2 sum prob they had 2 she is living with her parents.they got breaked b4 2 years.i dont know how 2 explain da size of her body,but its da same size of aishwarya rai.the only difference btw they both is in dere faces. she used to come 2 my house and stay with us wen her parents are out of...

1 year ago
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If you like feet

Well I love feet, sexy, stinky, smelly feet. I love girls that wear flip flops because I love to check out their feet. I want almost nothing more than to put those smelly bad boys in my mouth, around my nose, to just rub my face all around their steaming stinky feet. Gosh..just thinking about it gets me hard..ugh..Anyway..Today was a normal day. One of my classes has this girl named Courtney. She's good looking, you know, she's thin but she's got nice curves, gorgeous eyes, smells great,...

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Risky is better and Kimmy is oblivious

My friend Kimmy came over to pick some stuff up. She's got a great ass: Big but shapely, soft yet firm. The kind of ass made for butt-fucking. Any other time (as anyone that has read my other stories can tell you) that's exactly where this story would be going, but not this time. Trust me, you DON'T want to fuck her. She is crazy, needy, and is still stalking her ex like two years after they broke up. I usually beat my dick dry before I see just on the off-chance my brain stops functioning I...

3 years ago
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Roommate ShiftChapter 3

“Aaah!” Cynthia nearly screamed. Her body bucked as the hot wax strip was pulled away from her crotch. “Don’t worry. I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Estley assured her. Robert had mentioned that he liked a well shaved woman. Cynthia eagerly wanted to please him. So she had asked her older Asian friend for help. The burning sensation in her crotch was more than she had bargained for though. “I should have asked what Hannah does.” The redhead moaned. “Just a few more strips.” Estley said...

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