Bimbo Ch. 05 free porn video

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Wednesday evening. She’s sitting next to Sam in his big white sofa, watching the news, waiting for the latest update on the economy news. The table in front of them are covered in newspapers, notes, and, on top of it all, Sam’s laptop. They are eagerly waiting to see if their stock has gone up over the weekend. After Ellenor’s stockbroker / one night stand had left, she told Sam about what she had heard. At first, he was hesitating a little.

“It’s risky, Ellenor,” he told her. “Okapi hasn’t even been let out on the market yet. This is inside information, it’s illegal. I’d hate to end up like Martha Stewart, wouldn’t you?”

“It’s nothing illegal about it!” Ellenor assured him. “Okapi’s going to be on the market on Thursday. It will be free for anyone who’s willing to take a risk. And the fact that I happened to overhear someone guessing that it’s going to be successful… I could just as easily have overheard it passing the guy in the street, couldn’t I? It’s not like I went to bed with him IN ORDER TO get this information!”

“If Okapi’s going to be as successful as you say it will, those stocks are gonna be very expensive,” Sam whined. “I don’t have very much money to spend these days.”

“Neither do I, but that’s the thing – Okapi’s not gonna be all that expensive at first, not until they’ve proven to be solid. All we need is a small sum, and then invest that in a little stack, and then we’ll get our money back as soon as the stocks go up!”

“Just how much is `a small sum´?”


“Forget it!”

“Sam, please! Listen to me! For $10,000, we should be able to get at least??? Okapi-shares, and if they äll go up with as little as 2%, they’ll be worth??? in just one week!”

Sam had paced in front of the window, pulled his hand through his hair, and bit his lip.

“I don’t have more than $4,000,” he said.

“I’ve got $3,000,” said Ellenor, her heart beating hard. “I’ll make you a deal, Sam: we go together over this, and get as much shares of Natora as we can. If those stocks haven’t gone up – no, even better – if we’ve lost ANYTHING by Wednesday, we forget about Okapi, and I’ll pay you back your $4,000. But if we’ve got $10,000 by Wednesday night, we invest all of it in Okapi. Deal?”

“You’re really sure about this, aren’t you?” Sam looked at her as if he had never seen her before.

“Dead sure, Sam!”

He sighed, as if he still wasn’t convinced.

“OK,” he said, finally. “I trust you.”

And that was why they were now watching the financial news, waiting for the official declaration that Okapi would go on the market, at the same time as Sam was logging in to check the results on the stock market.

“Over to our financial section…”

“Here it is!” Ellenor grabbed hold of Sam’s arm.

“Two corporations declared today that they’re going on the common market, Visual Support Ltd., and last year’s new-comer, Okapi Inc. Shares will be available from tomorrow. Visual Support’s vice president, Desmond Bell, stated in a press conference yesterday…”

“Oh, my god…”


“Natora… The stocks have gone up by 12%.”

Ellenor grabs a pen and pencil, and starts to count.

“Fuck!” she says, throwing the pad away. “It’s not enough!”

“Yes, it is.”

“No, it’s not. It’s not $10,000.”

“Close enough,” says Sam. “I’m sorry, Ellenor. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Must be that Bimbo Experiment that’s getting to my head. You, my dear, are a financial genius!”

“You mean… you want to buy Okapi shares?”

Sam pulls her close and kisses her cheek.

“Damned right I want!” he says. “First thing tomorrow, I’m selling all our stocks in Natora, and buying Okapi shares for the money! Hell, I’ll even throw in my advance for next week’s article!”

Okapi’s a big success. Within two weeks, the price on the stocks have skyrocketed, making small fortunes for both Ellenor and Sam. And that, Sam explains, when he shows up at her door one Wednesday night with a bottle of apple cider, is why they need to celebrate. Ellenor gets her finest glasses out, and they toast in apple cider, toast for their success, and for similar success stories in the future.

“You should do this for a living,” Sam says.

“What?” Ellenor chuckles. “Pick up and fuck stock brokers for investment tips?”

“Don’t be silly! He may have put you up to the idea, but it was you alone who trusted your instinct and made me buy shares as well. Don’t sell your talent short, girl, that’ll never do you any good!”

“But I’m not sure if I could do it on my own! When I heard that guy talk about it over the phone, I just KNEW they were going to go up – but how do I know what other stocks are good or bad? It was just intuition with these.”

“So use that intuition with all shares you see! Playing the stock market really isn’t that hard. You just have to tune in to what people want, and then buy shares in the company that will give it to them. And if there are more than one company in the field, then that’s where your wonderful intuition comes in!”

Ellenor refills her glass, smiling. The idea is tempting…

“You know, Ellenor… I wanted to ask you for a favor.”

“What is it?”

“You speak Spanish, right?”

“French, Spanish, German… why do you ask?”

“I’ve been offered a new job,” Sam explains. “A full-time job for a Spanish magazine, `¡Dígame!´. They want me to work for them and write my articles in English, and then they’ll have them translated before printing.”

“That’s great!”

Sam makes a face.

“It’s not as independent as working as a freelance reporter, like I’m doing now,” he says. “As it is today, if I don’t like an assignment, I just take my business elsewhere. But working for this magazine… the pay is higher. Much higher. I’m meeting them for dinner on Friday night, to discuss the details. I’d like your help.”

“With what?”

“I don’t speak a word of Spanish, but you do. You can listen to what they’re saying, and then tell me, so I’ll know what their plans are.”

“You want me to SPY on them for you?”


She giggles. The idea is crazy. Crazy – and funny.

“Don’t you think they’re gonna wonder if you show up with me on your shoulder?”

“Not if you giggle like that. They’ll just think I’ve brought a date who’s a real bimbo.”

“And they won’t be suspicious when you bring a WOMAN as your date?”

“Of course they will. But they will think that I’m trying to distract them with your beauty in order to get a better deal. They won’t expect a bimbo to be a linguistic genius. We’re talking double-cross and triple-cross, honey!”

“What do you want me to wear?”

Ellenor has already accepted his proposal.

“Something strict yet sexy. A short skirt. A buttoned-up blouse. And… yes! BRAIDS!”

Sam’s eyes have a mock-mad glimpse in them, and his voice is a deep base that sends chills down Ellenor’s spine. She laughs. Now, THIS will be a challenge!

Friday night, they meet up with Eduardo Lobito, owner of `¡Dígame!´, and possibly Sam’s future boss. Lobito has brought with him his chief editor, Enrico Navarra. They are having dinner at a Mexican restaurant called `El Gordo´, The Fat Guy, a name that must originate from the owner himself, Ellenor concludes, as the fat man greets them heartily before waddling out into the kitchen. She can only hope that his food won’t have the same effect on his customers as it has had on him. Lob
ito and Navarra are two handsome Latin men in their late 40’s. They are polite to Ellenor, but it’s also clear that they don’t understand why Sam has brought her along as his date. Especially Navarra, whose voice and manners are even more feminine than Sam’s, seem confused. Has he been dragged along to be a temptation for Sam? She wonders. `¡Dígame!´ must be really desperate to get him. But is that the best they could do? A 40+ man in a buttoned-up silk shirt, with his curly hair glittering of gel, and a thick gold chain hanging around his neck, disappearing in the fur on his chest. Who does he think he is, Julio Iglesisas? She throws a glance at Sam, and finds to her surprise that Sam’s paying very close attention to Navarra, who’s trying to persuade him to try out a plate of Ropa Vieja, which is `El Gordo´’s specialty. Seriously, Sam can’t be attracted to that man, can he? It occurs to her that she really doesn’t know what type of men Sam prefers. But she just can’t imagine that he would actually fall for a sleazeball like Navarra…!

“Señorita, may I recommend the bean casserole?”

Lobito is focusing as much attention on her as Navarra is on Sam. Like they were on a double date, she thinks to herself.

“It’s not too spicy, is it?” she asks, putting on her squeaky voice.” My tummy doesn’t like spicy food!”

“Well, let’s see what we can find for a sensitive tummy, then,” he says, and turns the page over to the children’s menu. “What do you think of paella?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever thought of that,” says Ellenor.

Hey, if she’s going to play the part, she might as well do it well! Lobito gives her a weak smile.

“It’s rice and chicken and vegetables,” he explains. “Not too spicy.”

“OK,” says Ellenor. “That sounds yummy!”

The waiter takes their orders and disappears out into the kitchen.

“Well…” says Lobito, and manages to take his eyes off Ellenor’s deep cleavage. “Business…”

That wonderbra is every bit as good as Alicia told her. Sam discusses salary figures and benefits with Lobito, while Navarra tries to keep up a conversation with Ellenor. She’s rather interested in hearing what Lobito has to say, but Navarra’s constant yapping is drowning out most of the other men’s conversation. She listens with only one ear to Navarra, and her little squeaks of “oh?”, “uh-huh?”, and “no way!” are even more lofty than usual. There’s an alarm bell ringing in the back of her head. There’s something fishy going on with this deal, she can feel it. Lobito’s hiding something, she’s sure of it. They get through dinner, and the waiter asks if they want some coffee and dessert.

“Not for me, thanks!” she says. “I gotta watch my weight!”

An utter lie, as her metabolism can digest a freight train, but she wants to get out of there. She can only hope that Sam will pick up on her little hint. He knows that she’s crazy about desserts.

“Surely you don’t have to worry, señorita,” says Navarra. “You’re very beautiful.”

“You think it’s easy to stay slim?” she says. “I do a LOT of exercise, and I never eat white bread, and I usually don’t eat anything after 6pm, I just made an exception tonight, because Sam invited me to this dinner…”

“I like women with a little… volume,” Lobito interrupts her babbling, and looks at her cleavage. “I assure you, you’d be beautiful even with a little more weight!”

“You’re CRAZY!”

Ellenor laughs, loud and shrilling.

“I’ll have a caffe latte, please,” says Sam. “Ellie, señores… if you’ll just excuse me, I need to visit the little boys’ room…”

He gives Ellenor a piercing look before he leaves, a look which could be interpreted as “get a grip on yourself”, but she understands that what Sam’s really trying to say is “stay alert”. The real spying is about to begin!

“If you’ll excuse me, señorita, I’ll just have a quick word with my editor…” says Lobito, and turns to Navarra. “Qué piensas de lo?”

”¡El tiene un culo que me gustaría comer…!”

Ellenor quickly takes a mouthful of her soda to hide her grin, when Navarra tells his friend that he finds Sam’s ass sexy enough to eat. She can’t wait to tell Sam about that! Or should she? She would certainly hate to see Sam together with that old egomaniac! Lobito and Navarra discuss Sam’s demands, quickly and quietly. The fact that they’re talking Spanish in order to shut her out only strengthens Ellenor’s suspicions that there’s something wrong. She memorizes everything they say, while looking around the restaurant, pretending to admire the decorations.

“Well,” says Lobito, as he and Navarra has come to a mutual agreement. “I think we’ve been neglecting the young lady long enough.”

“Oh, that’s alright,” she says. “I’ve been looking at all the pretty leaves in the ceiling. But you know, I think I have to do the same thing as Sam…”

“Go to the little boys’ room?” Lobito grins, showing that one of his front teeth is made out of gold. “I think that would cause quite a scandal, señorita!”

“Oh, you’re so BAD, Mr. Lobito!” Ellenor shrieks, and slaps his arm.

She leaves the table giggling, and walks around the corner to the restrooms. Sam waits for her there.

“Finally!” he says. “I though you’d never show up! Did they say anything?”

“They are VERY keen on hiring you,” she says. “Lobito was prepared to pay a lot more to get you.”

“What else?”

“They said something about the contract binding you to them. I can’t be sure without actually looking at the contract, but I think it means that you’d agree to give them the ownership of everything you write – and I mean EVERYTHING!”

“Those little snakes! Are you sure about this?”

“Pretty much. But if you want to be on the safe side, I think you should bring the subject up and see how they react.”

“I will. Thanks, Ellenor!”

He goes back to the table. Ellenor freshens up her make-up before she joins them.

“Señor Lobito, there is ONE detail we haven’t discussed,” Sam says, as she sits down.

She’s grateful that he has waited for her, she doesn’t want to miss this.

“What do you mean, Sam?”

Lobito puts on a mask of politeness.

“If I were to sign up for `¡Dígame!´, I’d also like my freedom to continue freelancing for other newspapers and magazines,” says Sam.

“That’s not how we do things, Sam.”

Lobito’s voice is still polite, but his face is darkening.

“I’ve studied `¡Dígame!´, senor Lobito,” says Sam, tasting his caffe latte. “Your magazine directs itself mainly to the Hispanic audience. My work is more general. If I come up with an article that doesn’t fit with your readers, I want the freedom to sell that article to a paper with a broader audience.”

“Now look here, Sam! If you work for us, we don’t want to pay for the hours that you spend working on a story for another paper! If you work for us, you write for us only!”

“That’s not how I do things.”

Sam finishes his coffee.

“Is this a money issue?” Lobito’s sweating. “We could… increase our offer.”

“It’s not a money issue,” says Sam. “It’s a freedom issue. An independency issue.”

He stands up.

“Thank you for your time, Mr. Lobito,” he says. “But I can see that I wouldn’t fit in with your policy. Independence is very important to me. Ellie..!”

She gets up, and straightens her clothes, smiling sweetly at the two older men.

“Buenas noches, señores. Y muchas gracias para una comida muy agreable y interesante.“

They leave Lobito and Navarra s
itting like frozen in their chairs. Sam helps Ellenor with her coat, and they walk out into the night. It’s a little chilly.

“Sorry about the job,” she says.

“No problem,” says Sam, and waves at a cab. “I didn’t really like them, anyway. They’re too narrow-minded.”

The taxi takes them home safely. Sam pays the fare, and escorts her up.

“You did a great job,” he says. “I just LOVED your little speech at the end. They looked like you had hit them or something!”

“I just thanked them for a nice dinner,” Ellenor smiles.

“Thank you, Ellenor.”

Sam takes her hand and kisses it.

“My pleasure,” she smiles. “I had fun.”

“What are you doing next weekend?” Sam asks. “I was thinking I could thank you properly by taking you to see that new romantic comedy.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Sam!” says Ellenor, and makes a face. “The company I’m working for is having a party. I don’t really feel like going, it’s usually very strict and boring, but I have to go, if I want to get that raise. I need to show them that I’m a team-player.”

Sam giggles.

“Oh, get your mind out of the gutter!” she scolds him.

“No thanks,” he answers. “It’s very comfortable down here.”

“Sorry,” says Ellenor. “I’d rather go out with you, but…”

“No problem,” says Sam. “I’ll give you a rain check on that! Goodnight, Ellenor!”

“Night, Sam!”

She watches him go into his own apartment. Navarra’s right. Sam DOES have a cute butt.

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The Teachers Pet

Holly stood at the front of the room. She was naked, except for her collar, standing ramrod straight, with her hands behind her head, elbows back, feet shoulder-width apart. She was somewhat petite at 5 foot 4 inches, 110 pounds. She had long, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, and no hair at all below her neck. She stared straight ahead, trying to keep her expression as neutral as possible. Trying not to move. She was nervous - but she was always nervous when she was in this position. She...

4 years ago
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The Desires of the Goddess Adelaide Part 3

Angel had dressed as smartly as she could to answer the call of the Goddess Adelaide. Now as she stood before the door of what she knew to be the Goddess’ special chamber, she wondered if a fitted black silk blouse, a tight black leather mini skirt and high heeled leather boots struck the right note. Perhaps she should have searched for something more humble. Her outfit might suggest she saw herself on an equal level to the Goddess, rather than as her possession, her slave. She bit her lower...

3 years ago
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Gay Meets Bisexual Man

By: AWC Chad lived on the 2nd floor of an apartment building located at the Melony Avenue and 11th Street crossing. The bus stop was only a couple of steps, as you came out from the building. On weekdays, he would stand with my coffee mug in the balcony to watch the bus coming from at least 8 – 9 blocks away with a stop in between. This would give him enough time to go leave his mug in the kitchen sink, pick his bag, walk down the 16 stairs from the 2nd floor and come out to walk to the bus...

4 years ago
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My Wife was Set Up pt2

She was still gripping the table when he finished and adjusted the sheet to cover her so she could turn over. The sheet was so small that Chris had an awkward time wiggling to turn without exposing herself. When she was over, David positioned the cover so that it covered her feet but left the top of her breasts exposed. He began working her neck and shoulders and I was expecting at any time for a sudden movement to knock the sheet off one of her breasts.When he was finished, he bent down again...

3 years ago
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To Bi or not to Bi

Well, as you can tell from my favorites I have very varied taste. Everyone loves college aged girls, but being over 40 I don't have a line of them knocking at my door wanting to screw me silly. So I started looking at older women, and actually this began as a rare but enjoyable sideline for sex that I started around age 30. Now, the women I chase are almost always 50 -69. yeah, I know, some of you may think that's great because you're into GILFs, and others may wonder how someone can screw...

2 years ago
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2nd gay experiance

I was 18 and still not been with a girl and I decided it was time to have some more fun with another guy.I put an add on a website looking for a top for some fun and within to time atall I had a message from an older guy saying that I was just what he was looking for.I gave him my details and the next thing I new he was on his was and after I had a quick shower and got my bed ready there was a knock on the door and when I answered it there stood a 48 year old 6ft tall bloke.We shook hands and...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart VIII 1 Life After Camp

The bad karma between my father and I only lasted for two days after I got home. My mother sat us both down and we talked things out. My father had been so taken in by Penny's looks that he hadn't checked her mind out. He apologized for his mistake, and almost begged for my forgiveness. We more or less patched things up with the understanding we would take every care not to meddle in the other's business or friends from now on. Later that evening, my mother told me she was going to sell...

4 years ago
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Long day part 2

Part 2She reaches for a drink, she rises from the bed, her breasts feel heavy and her nipples hard, she drinks from a bottle of water, he runs his finger down her spine and circles the top of her bum, then he leans over and kisses her cheek. He stands, his cock still firm, his balls empty. He goes to the bathroom. She replaces the water on the cabinet and lay on the bed, a smile covers her faces as she relives every moment of the few hours so far. The sound of water splashing in the bath fills...

3 years ago
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BlackmailedChapter 5

After Jay had dressed and left her apartment, Carla did some fast, serious thinking. The longer she stayed where she was the greater her danger, for she was sure that the detective's visit and the information he had tortured out of her could very well be her death warrant. Throwing on a robe, she raced into the living room, picked up the phone and dialed a local travel agency. Quickly, it was settled. She could pick up her airline ticket within the hour and catch her flight to Chicago at...

3 years ago
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Seven Year Itch

So I have been married for a little more than seven years. My wife is great and we have great sex together. But before I met her I was a slut, fucked anything I could stick my dick in. So for me to go this long without strange I thought was really good. Being that I just turned 35 I was feeling kind of old and really needed a pick me up. So I started working out and doing some hobbies and shit. The wife and I went on a trip to this small town up in the mountains. We were having fun shopping...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the Neighborhood Part I

About six or seven years into our marriage, my wife Sydney and I hit a rough patch in our relationship. With both of us trying to build careers, we let our personal relationship deteriorate, to the point of looking elsewhere for what we should have been looking for at home. But before either of us pulled the trigger on an extra-marital affair, we moved into a corner house in a new neighborhood. After the moving truck had departed and the furniture placed where we wanted it, we took to...

2 years ago
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Learning How to Talk and Act Dirty On Board

Sadly, days before they were scheduled to leave, Kim (his wife) found out some bad news from work. She was new at her firm, and was told she must take over a senior member’s cases due to his illness, or lose her job. Fighting back tears, she begged her husband to go ahead anyway, since they were long past the time when they could get a refund. Amy was bummed as well, but since lately she and her Mom didn’t always get along so well (those early teen years . . . yikes!), she was secretly...

2 years ago
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Sex with my girlfriend

Hi, this is rahul I’m dng bba from Delhi n I am 21 fair, tall, muscular mostly I draw many girls attention, I live with my brother who is doing msc and due to its marriageable age he is mostly out of the house to our native place, that leaves me all alone. This story is abt my gf her name is nidhi she is 20 fair, medium in height n curvy body she just look like preity zinta. Her ass n boobs are 2 good, all the guys in our college were after her. After around 3 month of relation with her, I...

3 years ago
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Country BoyChapter 17

Five weeks after the Enterprise departed it returned. Once again no effort was made to prevent the ship from being detected. This time it was attacked while still in the upper atmosphere using a nuclear missile. Once again, the shield prevented damage to the ship. Unfortunately, the shield did not prevent damage to many pieces of delicate electronic equipment on the ground from the EMP. Neither did it prevent the fallout from contaminating many square miles of land. Thankfully, most of the...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Gabbie Carter Teen Gabbie Carter Catches Her Step Brother Jerking Off

Busty teen Gabbie Carter loves doing yoga outside in the beautiful California weather. She’s wearing a tight white unitard with rainbow knee-high socks as she bends her body and contorts into different positions until her step-brother barges in and tells her to get ready since they’re meeting their father at dinner. Gabbie heads in to take a shower after working up a sweat and cleans off her sensual curves with lathery soap. Her step-brother goes in to rush her again but stops when he sees her...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror first time

My wife Michelle had booked two tickets for Rocky horror show, I knew what she was up to ,last 6 months I was constantly dressing up for her not that I really minded but I guess I could maybe get away with a public display as a lot of guys get into the spirit of the show ,just didn't want to embarrass myself. She had been buying a lot of clothes lately & had become a bit more forceful & had taken a more dominant role & I had become a lot more submissive ,to tell the truth I had...

1 year ago
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Coffee Voyeurism

Ava was an intensely grounded woman for being so beautiful. Her allure never siphoned her charm, never left her hollow. Piercing blue eyes told you she was constantly thinking a million things but wouldn’t dare say what. On the occasions she did, pleasure was far too tame a word to say what it gave me.On that particular Thursday, her long, mahogany curls draped the shoulders of her thigh-length coat, full skirt complemented by lace, black tights silhouetting her curvy legs. As she entered the...

1 year ago
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The Minstrels Tale Part 1

The tired old horse plodded up the street towards the castle. In the saddle sat a man dressed in garish green, hunched over with fatigue to almost match the horse. Street vendors and passers-by turned to look as he passed, their eyes drawn to his bright clothing and the polished wooden case that shone proudly in the early morning sun. Many gave him a smile and a wave, recognizing him as an entertainer, a minstrel. A few, though, noticed the grim, determined set of his jaw and a strange fire in...

4 years ago
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More The Better

More, The BetterBy: Londebaaz ChohanNobody had invited him but the offer of getting 2 videos free with every 3 rentals for a week pulled Aslam Masih to get into the store.He was horny and had not fucked for some time. He could not figure out why but he was in a dry spell. He knew, getting a faggot boy at the gay bar was no problem but no. His rules were solid and he thought, his standard was high. He needed to fuck pussy only. Last night he had enjoyed plenty, while watching the ‘Fucking...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 9

Jessica had seen the look on her mother's face. The first thing she did was rush out of the house, with my clothes in the laundry basket. Theresa had been too stunned to stop her. "Bathing is one thing that could be adjusted to when I was home," Theresa said with a frown. "You needing to relieve yourself isn't exactly the same. I might expect you could hold it for six hours if you tried, but when I work a twelve-hour shift ... John..." "Let's think about the mechanics. You're a...

1 year ago
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Hot Hot Date

"So tell me, dear, how was your date? Tell me every delicious, naughty moment. Knowing you so well, I'm sure you were very, ummm, juicy!" I dropped my purse and four small boxes on the table, slowly model-walked over to him with the tiniest hint of a smile, and dropped onto the armless sofa next to him. The hip-high slit on my wrinkled, knee-high, blue skirt split open and draped around my left thigh to his obvious delight. "Well, as you saw from the window, he pulled up in his flashy Jag...

3 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 13

Rockie waited until she heard JR’s garage door close, and then waited another ten minutes before deciding that he wasn’t coming back. She felt no guilt about spending a few minutes roaming around his condo before going back to her own to prepare for the wedding. She considered her research as constructive to their relationship since her intent was to gain greater insight into her partner. She even justified it by saying to herself that JR would have let her do it if she has asked him. She...

4 years ago
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Boundless Energy

Tyler and Amber pulled up to the club, a big sign said 'Couple's Night'. Tyler tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, hoping Amber wouldn't notice how nervous he was. The flashing neon lights of Vegas filled their car with a pool of orange and red light. "I hope they're are not like the last couple." She whispered, her voice wavering. "Me too." He replied. Their last attempt at meeting with another couple failed spectacularly when the other couple was busted by the police just as...

2 years ago
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Buddy fuckers

Christian and I had been fucking in the barracks for two weeks straight, and while we thought we were being discreet, it seems that someone noticed and this is the story.Sixteen hundred hours and ready to get rid of the day with a shower and some fucking, Christian and I retire to our room.  After we walk in, and the door closes behind us, and we start to undress each other.  We kiss as we help each other shed our uniforms.  I guide Chris to the bed and we fall into a passionate embrace as we...

Gay Male
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choice of a step mother Introduction part1

I went in the house to ask what had happened to the car. But Barry wasn’t there. My phone rang. “Hey honey, listen, I’m gonna tell you something, don’t freak out” “Depends, did you crash the car or something? Where are you? Don’t worry, I’ll come to the hospital right away.” It’s weird how our brains go directly to death when someone is about to say something bad. “Okay, calm down. Nothing that bad, just that my son is coming and he’s gonna stay for the summer. I didn’t tell...

3 years ago
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So much more than a set up

So I'm sat at work thinking about a the evening ahead, my friends have invited me over for a few drinks to take my mind off being newly single, and to meet their friend who according to them I'll get on really well with, yes it's a set up but I think what the hell,I've got nothing to loseSo I go home, shower & start getting ready, smart clothes but not too much, same goes with make up, I don't want to scare him off! Just then my door bell rings, it's Martin, thought you might want a lift?...

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Truth or Dare 69 Dares

01: Give another player a sensual foot rub for 1 minute.02: Show your nipples.03: Strip naked and get dressed again as fast as you can.04: Demonstrate how to properly give oral sex. Be very detailed and use props if available.05: Fake an orgasm. Be realistic. 06: Tell a sexy story about how you lost your virginity.07: Show your pubic hair.08: Try to lick your exposed nipple, if you can't do it then take another Dare09: Boys Only: Show your dick.10: Show your butt-hole.11: Tell a sexy story...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hello everyone. I’m back with another real life experience where I got extremely, extremely lucky. By the time you finish reading this, I bet your dick would blast open from you pants. Without further ado, here is my experience. This is an actual incident that took place between me and my friend’s hot mom. It was a saturday after, and I was visiting my friend abhi so we could watch a movie together at his house. His mom opened the door. Before I go further, let me describe his mom. Her name’s...

4 years ago
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The true king of the hill

She left the bathroom and looked at her house, it was so empty. Hank was at work and wouldn't be back until the evening, Bobby was on school trip and wouldn't be back until the end of the weekend and Luanne was on a hot date all night. She would have the house to herself for at least a couple of hours. She sat in Hanks recliner and turned on the tv but there wasn't anything on. She sighed, she had never been this bored before. The heat continued and a bead of sweat traveled slowly down her...

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Pegging my ass

One afternoon while surfing porn and jacking off I came across a "Pegging" video, I clicked it an watched in amazement as a petite redhead babe slammed a strapon in and out of a mans asshole until he shot his load, she then made him lick it all up, I found a few more pegging clips and jerked off blowing a huge load.Sex with my wife had been getting boring, always the same routine, she'd suck me, I would eat her pussy and then we'd fuck for a few minutes until we came, or atleast I did.Don't get...

3 years ago
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A Family or Sex Slaves Part 2

A tall, solid looking, younger man…much more handsome and in shape than the two older men before them walked in. He was about 6 ft. or so tall, clad in jeans, boots, and a red flannel shirt. He had deep black hair and brown eyes. He was most likely in his mid thirties, and carried with him a serious demeanor. He addressed the men in the basement with a deep, frightening tone…. “Caught you some company pa?”…. Jeb responded with a smile, “Yeppers…me and yer uncle seem to be enjoyin these two...

2 years ago
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My Hot Filipina sister A True Story

It's a story about me and my sister, (we are both Filipinos) check her photo at the end of the story.I remember that night in August like it was yesterday. My older sister and her husband had separated a few months ago and I had been helping her with projects around the house like mowing the yard, painting and general household maintenance. Cindy was a 10 years older than me and I was 19. Our mother and father had passed away last year in a car accident so I lived alone in what had been their...

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Fucked Sister8217s Friend After Seducing Her

Hi, my name is Mikel (fake), and I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. Today I am going to tell you about how I fucked my sister’s friend by seducing her. I live with my Mom, Dad, and a younger sister (Radhika). My sister has a lot of friends. Some of them used to come to our house sometimes. Out of them, I was attracted a little with a friend of hers named Riya. Riya used to visit our house a lot more than Radhika’s other friends. She was beautiful and had the most amazing body figure a man could...

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