Mister GabeChapter 3 free porn video

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The Honeymoon – Sunday

The next morning, Sunday, I woke to an aching head, a mild hangover from all of that wine "C" had forced on me yesterday. I looked over at the empty bed beside me. Sara had left me at the top of the stairs and gone to her own room last night, murmuring something about being sore from all the pounding that Drew had given her. I hadn't been in any state to really understand what she was talking about at the time, but as I lay there I came to realize that not only had my wife been raped and taken from me yesterday, my own eighteen year old daughter had also been fucked. Mister Gabe and his son-in-law had double teamed her. Mister Gabe had also predicted that he was going to fuck my daughter when he got back from the honeymoon. Silently I resolved to myself that I may have given him my wife, but I was not going to give him my daughter too.

The house was eerily silent with Jen and the kids gone.

I got up and did my bathroom stuff, including taking a couple of aspirin for the headache. Then, pulling on my robe I headed downstairs. After a stop at the coffee maker, I opened the patio door to head out and view the scene of the crime. Now, after the fact, I didn't have the relatively easy acceptance of what had happened that had overpowered my objections yesterday. Why had I accepted it? I could feel jealousy, anger, hurt and depression taking turns at me. I had given my wife away to our black neighbor. How could I ever reconcile that? Yes, Jen had been very clear that it was what she wanted to happen, although I couldn't understand that either. But still, why hadn't I just refused?

While I waited for the coffee to be ready I had seen a folded note left on the table so I picked it up. Stepping outside with the coffee, I paused to read it. Sara had written that she really needed to be with Brock today and hoped that I didn't mind – she would be home later this evening. Fine. Brock had been ambushed by events over the last week as well, and as Sara's fiancé I'm sure that he couldn't have been happy seeing Mister G's son-in-law pound her as he had during the "dancing" after the ceremony. Yes, my daughter needed to spend some time with her man. Her 'other' man I thought to myself.

I put the note into my robe pocket and then observed that the patio had already been largely put back to its normal state. A movement to my right caught my eye and I saw "C" emerging from Mister Gabe's patio door. She was wearing a dressing gown as well. It was a long flowing white cotton garment, tied at the waist, that hid the charms that I knew she had, but only in such a way as to tempt the imagination. It was "long" in comparison to the diaphanous gown that I had seen her in a few times before, but still only came down to her knees exposing her very well formed calves. The brisk morning air quickly turned on her headlights as well, her nipples creating perfectly tantalizing tents as she strode out into the patio.

I cleared my throat and rasped "hello" to her. She stopped and turned to me. "C"'s expression caught me by surprise – a kind of wistful, sympathetic look – as she hesitatingly approached me. "How are you doing Mister Dane?" she asked.

"Call me Dave, "C"," I responded while pulling my eyes up to hers. "I don't know how to answer that."

She arrived right in front of me, and placing her hands on my upper arms leaned up and brushed her lips across mine. It was a friendly kiss, followed by a sad smile. "Alright Dave, but only when Mister Gabe and his wife are not around." I blinked at that... 'his' wife? She took a deep breath, "it will be alright. Eventually. For now you just have to accept things, and remember what you agreed to."

This caused me to frown, "agreed to? You mean in addition to letting Jennifer go to him?"

"Yes," "C" responded, "the list that I gave you two days ago ... that you agreed to." I could see her remembering yesterday as she said, "don't tell me that you didn't read that either? Oh, Dave! Do you know where it is?"

I thought for a moment. "Yup, follow me," and I turned back into my house. "C" followed as I made the trek through the kitchen and dining room to my office at the front of the house. We entered, and there, right where I had left them, were the two documents that "C" had given me. She scooted in front of me and grabbed them. She quickly discarded one murmuring "we won't need that one any longer", obviously referring to the ceremony instructions that I had not read, and then handed me the other.

It was a single sheet of expensive, letter-sized vellum with a watermark embedded that I could see said "Gabriel". I read...

Terms of Agreement

Gabriel Black and David Dane

June 17, 2011, continuing to a date to be determined later by Gabriel Black.

David Dane has released his wife, Jennifer Dane, from her marriage vows to him, and voluntarily given Jennifer Dane to Gabriel Black. Gabriel Black has taken ownership of Jennifer Dane, as his own wife, and will retain ownership until such time as he, and he alone, determines to alter this agreement.

During the tenure of Jennifer Dane's ownership by and marriage to Gabriel Black she will:

- Retain the use of her existing name for public consumption (at work, with her family, and during those occasions in which she publicly continues the pretense of remaining married to David Dane).

- Continue to officially reside in the residence owned by David Dane

- Continue to be supported, as necessary, financially, socially, and emotionally by David Dane

- Substantively continue her role as mother to her children

- Publically support David Dane's employment

- Otherwise do exactly as her new owner and husband, Gabriel Black, demands of her. Whatever, whenever, with whomever.

- Accept training from Gabriel Black, and others that he may designate from time to time, in the activities and expertise expected of a slut whore wife, and further, accept fully any and all forms of punishment deemed necessary from time to time by Gabriel Black, or others that he may designate from time to time, for failure to adequately:

o Respond to instruction

o Learn skills

o For any other reason whatsoever as determined by Gabriel Black

- Jennifer Dane will immediately comply with any request put to her by a male. To be clear, Jennifer Dane will say "yes", always, and then act upon her concurrence to any request.

- Actively work to enable Gabriel Black's eventual ownership of her daughter, Sara Dane.

- Actively work to enable Gabriel Black's eventual ownership of her daughter, Molly Dane, when Molly Dane becomes eighteen years of age.

- Become impregnated with Gabriel Black's child as soon as possible, and if that child (or children) is (are) female, actively work to enable their eventual ownership by Gabriel Black when they become eighteen years of age.

During the tenure of Jennifer Dane's ownership by and marriage to Gabriel Black she will not:

- In any way, shape, form, or intent, allow sexual contact with David Dane. To be clear, David Dane is the only person that Jennifer Dane must say "no" to with regards to any form of sexual contact. Any other requests of her by David Dane must be approved by Gabriel Black prior to her consent.

- Disclose to any one, or any entity, the nature of her new relationship with Gabriel Black and David Dane, except as required by Gabriel Black.

- Put anyone's needs of her before those of Gabriel Black's. The only exceptions to this requirement are the needs incumbent upon her as the mother of Mike and Molly Dane. Children come first. To be clear, her daughter Sara Dane is not considered a child.

Further David Dane consents to:

- the installation, at Gabriel Black's expense, of a secure, discreet, interior door connecting Gabriel Black's and Jennifer Dane's bedrooms

- the modification, at Gabriel Black's expense and direction, of furniture and fixtures in Jennifer Dane's bedroom

- the installation, at Gabriel Black's expense, of discreet audio/video monitoring equipment throughout David Dane's house and grounds, the only exceptions being the childrens' bedrooms and bathroom.

David Dane agrees fully to the requirements of this agreement, as set out above, by the act of giving Jennifer Dane to Gabriel Black on June 18, 2011.

No signature is required.

I read it again. And then I read it again. I was stunned. Sara, and Molly too? A baby, or more than one? All the rest of it? My eyes lifted from the paper to "C"'s, "Jennifer agreed to all of this?" I whispered.

"C" actually stuttered, "she ... she didn't have to. You did. You had her and you took your wedding ring off of her finger, and then she threw it away. You rejected Mrs. Dane, gave her away." She again grasped my arms and moaned, "oh David, how could you not have read this?"

My stunned state was quickly evaporating in an overpowering rage, "this is fucking bullshit!" I exploded as I threw the offending paper back onto my desk. I grabbed "C" by the shoulders and shook her, hard. Even in my state I noticed her robe come open. Just as suddenly I stopped and after a moment whispered, "Jen's wedding ring! I have to go find it." I roughly pushed "C" to the side and ran for the patio door. The last I had seen of the ring was it being thrown out onto the patio.

"Wait," cried "C" from behind me, and I could hear her feet slapping on the tile as she ran through the kitchen behind me.

Outside I went to the spot where I had given Jen away and then turned in the direction that I thought that she had thrown the ring. My mind had been fogged yesterday, and my senses had been overwhelmed, but I was pretty sure it had been cast into the shrubs near the pool. I scrambled that way and dropped to my knees to start looking. Behind me I was aware that "C" had gone to the patio bar, and was now approaching me. "David. Mister Dane, here, please have a drink of this and try to calm down." I ignored her as I pawed under the shrubbery. I felt her hand grip my shoulder and pull me around to face her. She thrust one of those oversized wine glasses in at me, full of Mister Gabe's vintage. "Drink this!" she demanded.

"Fuck!" I exploded once again, "I'm not drinking any of your fucking wine!" and I smashed the glass from her hand causing it to shatter against the patio blocks, casting wine over everything. "C" backed away from my violence, grasping her robe closed in front of her, her eyes wide as she contemplated the rage on my face. I turned back to my search but was aware that "C" was running back into Mister Gabe's side of the house.

It was ten minutes ... I don't know for sure. I had searched the shrubs and couldn't find the ring and now found myself standing, staring into the pool. Wondering if it had gone in there and what I would have to do to drag the bottom to find it. My emotions were on a roller coaster now diving into depression again as I contemplated the loss of my wife. I heard the patio door open and then "C" approaching. I turned to look at her and noted that she had a cup of something in her hand. Tentatively she asked, "Mister Dane, I made some tea for you. Would you please drink it? It is made from Mister Gabe's special herbs and will calm you."

I shook my head, "no. Thanks "C", but I don't want anything from Mister Gabe." My lips twisted to a lopsided grin and I said, "it seems that when I drink his stuff I lose all control." I paused as my statement sunk in. I was just on the edge of a thought, but couldn't quite grasp it as "C" stepped closer.

"C" held the tea up to me, "drink it. You'll feel better."

I took the tea and then immediately set it down on the table, "no" as I again thought about all of Mister Gabe's wine that I had been drinking.

"C" stepped in close, undoing her robe as she did. She pulled the sides apart, exposing her breasts, belly and shaven pussy to me. "I can make you feel better Dave." She pulled me into an embrace against her nakedness, and grasping my ears, pulled my lips down to hers. Our lips parted and she thrust her tongue into my mouth. After a moment I found myself responding, and returning the kiss. She pulled back slightly, and whispered, "you needn't worry about the ring, Dave. I picked it up last night."

Startled, with my hands again on her shoulders I pushed her back and excitedly asked, "where is it?" Then I demanded, "give it to me!"

Her face altered from the wistful expression of a moment before as her eyes widened, "I can't do that Dave. Mister Gabe ... I mean ... I put it in a safe place."

Again, instantly and uncontrollably, my rage took over and I grabbed her hair with one hand and slapped her across the face violently. "I don't give a fuck about 'Mister Gabe'," I sneered, "give me my wife's ring."

"C" was sobbing now, the imprint of my slap on her cheek as she shook her head, "I ... I ... I can't". And I hit her again, twice, back and forth across the face. Suddenly she twisted in my grip, breaking loose, and turned to run towards the house. She caught me off guard so had a bit of a lead, but I started to sprint after her. "C" flung open the patio door to Mister Gabe's side of the house, and ran inside with me right behind her. I could hear her sobs as she ran. Mister Gabe's house was a mirror of mine and so as "C" ran through the kitchen I knew she was heading for the stairs. She tipped a dining room chair in front of me causing me to slow going around it. She was half way up the stairs before I got to the bottom. At the top "C" turned towards what, in our house, would be the kid's rooms, and with a burst of speed ran to a doorway down the hall. That is where I caught her, for a moment. I grabbed at her long raven-coloured hair and missed, coming up with a fistful of her robe. I ripped at it as she spun to enter the room that she had just arrived at. As she spun in my grip, the robe came off of her shoulder. "C" threw a punch at me which I avoided and she jumped into the room. I still had a hold of the robe which was now being pulled wide open exposing her flushed and beautiful body to my maddened eyes. With a violent twist she pulled free of the robe and spun to close the door in my face, but, without thinking about it, I punched at her, hitting her squarely in the left tit ... smack dead center on her nipple ... causing her to cry out and fall back into the room, clutching at the wounded tit.

I stepped menacingly into the room, staring at her and growling, "where the fuck is the ring?" "C" scrambled back into the room, on her back, whimpering as I towered over her.

... and I paused, looking slowly around the room that I had just stepped into. In our house this would be Molly's room, situated next to Mike's, separated by a shared bathroom. Mister Gabe had obviously converted the space into something totally different, using up the space for both bedrooms and the bath in the process. I've been around for a while, and seen some movies, and read some books, so I knew what I was looking at. I was now standing in Mister Gabe's dungeon! The walls were extraordinarily thick – the cork board that Mike had told me about. Spaced around the walls were whips and paddles, canes, and chains. Along one side was a huge X made of timbers with manacles on each end point. There was what appeared to be a hangman's post with a rope gibbet suspended below it, ready for use. Attached to the ceiling was a grid work of metal rods with various restraints hanging from it. There was a saw horse, and a padded bench, and various sizes of wooden chests scattered about. In the middle of the room was a huge four post bed covered in what looked like leather.

My brain tried to assimilate what my eyes were observing. Finally I looked down on the raven-haired beauty lying whimpering on the ground at my feet. "What the fuck is this place?" I demanded.

"C" slowly gained control of her breathing, "this is Master's personal room."

Not to be distracted from my purpose, I crouched down over "C" and grabbed two fistfuls of her hair, shaking her head, and then slamming it into the floor which I noted was also covered in the same cork that was all over the walls. A distant part of me observed that with the door closed very little sound would escape this room. "Where is my wife's ring?" I demanded again. She simply shook her head from side to side, noiselessly mouthing 'no'. My rage flared and I slapped her again across the face. Then I used her hair to drag her across to the X. One hand still in her hair, I dug three fingers from my other hand into her cunt to gain a purchase and lifted her up bodily. "C" shrieked. I held her in the air a moment, and then brutally slammed her against the X. Quickly I shackled her arms above her head, in the conveniently placed manacles, and then forced her legs apart and secured her ankles to the manacles below. "C" was screaming "no". I turned and went back to the door which still hung open behind us, and slammed it shut. Turning menacingly back to "C" I growled, "I suspect that with that closed, no one will hear you, so until you tell me what I want to know, you can go ahead and scream your lungs out."

Now I am your average, normal law abiding man, a father and a husband. I had never struck a woman before in my life, and I certainly had never contemplated what I was contemplating now. But during this last couple of weeks I had been turned on my head. I had fucked my daughter, and watched my prospective son-in-law slam his cock into my wife's mouth. Yesterday I had held my Jennifer's head as our black neighbor had pounded his massive meat into her mouth, and watched as he then forcefully took her bound form in front of me while I fucked his pregnant daughter – pregnant with his own child. I was totally messed up, and totally beyond any 'normal' boundaries.

I gazed around the room, taking in the instruments of torment hanging on the walls until my eyes stopped at a whip. Quickly I strode to it and picking it up, swished it through the air as I returned to stand in front of "C". "Where is the ring?" I demanded once more. She continued to cry and shake her head in denial.

Without further thought I swung the whip at her striking her across the belly, immediately raising a cruel looking red mark. She screamed. Again I hit her, across the thighs. She screamed. Again and again, and again I hit her with that whip. When I connected with her nipples her screams turned blood curdling and I realized that my cock had become an iron hard rod that my own robe was no longer containing – standing proudly out in front of me and swinging in time with my arm as I struck the woman in front of me. I dropped the whip and tore my robe off, stepping up to "C". First I slammed my right fist into her belly, forcing all breath from her body. Then, in quick progression I rabbit punched her with both fists, pounding into her belly, her tits, her belly. Over and over. I didn't let her catch her breath and her screams died to whimpers. Then I cruelly twisted a length of her hair in my left hand and used my right to line my prick up to her gapping cunt lips. Amazingly I could see a trail of "C"'s own juices running down her legs. Without thought I rammed myself into her sinking all eight inches to the hilt in one mindless thrust.

Her head was still shaking wildly in denial to my repeated demands about the location of Jen's ring. In time with my violent thrusts into her body, I continued to punch her body and slap her face. My closed fist slammed into her tits, and her belly. My violence seemed to know no bounds. My rage was enormous and could not be controlled. After an eternity of beating this women, while madly fucking her at the same time, I moved both hands up to grasp her wrists where they were manacled above her head and then just proceeded to drive myself into her. Finally I sensed that she had been cumming, repeatedly, and that her moans of denial had turned to screams of passion and affirmation. Her 'no's' had changed to something else.

"Yes!" she cried over and over, "yes, master, fuck your slave. Beat me. Use me. Fuck me. I'll do whatever you want!"

I became a piston, slamming into her, again and again until finally I was driven over the edge. As she screamed in my ear, I erupted into her cunt, cumming in endless ropes of semen driven deep into the woman.

Finally I was done. I let my hands trail down her bound arms to her shoulders and then to take a grip in her hair, twisting her face up to mine, forcing her to look into my eyes. I hadn't forgotten what this was about. "Where is Jennifer's wedding ring."

I was almost surprised by her quiet answer, spoken through the sobs that still came from her lovely abused mouth. I could see the split lip and blood trickling slowly from her nose. She whispered, "I will show you Master."

I nodded and quickly undid her restraints. She fell into my arms and picking her up I carried her to the padded bench at the foot of the bed. Placing her there I stood and waited. "C" groaned as she looked up at me. I could see the whip marks across her body, and there was already evidence of bruising along her ribs and belly from where I had punched her. Tentatively, she reached slowly for my spent penis and pulled me closer. Leaning forward, she took me into her mouth and twirling her tongue she expertly cleaned all of the juices. Next she used her hair to dry me, and settled back onto the bench. As she did this the enormity of what I had just done to her slowly replaced my rage. I sank to me knees in front of her, ""C", I am sorry."

But she hushed me, "David, it is ok. We didn't think you could do this. I am used to it. You see, I am Mister Gabe's slave, and whenever he feels the need, he uses me like this," and she slowly swept her arm about, encompassing the room. "I don't think there is any permanent damage, and you didn't approach my safe word limits." Again she paused to draw a deep breath and hugging herself she continued, "Mister Dane, if you look behind you to the left of the doorway you will see a plaque. Go there."

I rose, turned and slowly walked over to where she had directed. On the wall I could see a two foot by two foot plaque of darkly stained wood. On it, arranged in five columns were five rows of silver nails. Upon the first sixteen were rings. They were wedding bands. Some were simple gold bands, while others ran the spectrum from tiny stones to large diamonds. Below each ring was a small nameplate – Alicia, Debra, Antonia, and others. Beside most of the carved names were embedded one or more small gems. I could see that most of the nameplates were a green stone into which the name had been carved, but I could see that there were three names carved into a red stone. The third ring, under which was a red stone said "Alicia". Farther down, and I counted, number twelve, was a nameplate on red stone that said "Cynthia", which did not have a gemstone embedded. Finally, at the bottom, I read "Jennifer", also on a red stone nameplate without a gemstone. As I plucked Jen's wedding ring from the plaque I called over my shoulder, "why are all of these here?" I turned and looked across the room at Cynthia, "C", and continued, "and why the different colours?"

"C" scooted herself back from the bench onto the bed until she was sitting in the middle of it, and then patted the space beside her indicating that I was to join her there. I wrapped my fist tightly around Jen's ring, and strolled back to "C", crawling up onto the bed beside her. She reclined back, groaning slightly as she did, and pulled me down to lie beside her. "Dave, I will tell you." She began, "Mister Gabe has been taking wives for a long time – more than twenty years. Each of those wedding bands belonged to a woman whose husband gave her to Mister Gabe. While he owns the lady, he also determines whether the husband deserves to get her back eventually. Most do. Some do not," and her mouth turned downward into a sad up-side-down smile.

She continued, "the green stones indicate that the woman was returned to her previous husband. The red stones indicate those that remain wives of Mister Gabe. The gemstones on the nameplates indicate the number of girls that Mister Gabe has fathered on them."

"uhh," I started, "are you the Cynthia? And Alicia, she is still Mister Gabe's wife as well? What do you mean that he didn't 'return' them?"

"Yes, I am 'the' Cynthia. Alicia's ex-husband was the first that didn't get her back. I've never met him, but Alicia has told me that he became more of a submissive to Mister Gabe's direction than anyone expected and that Mister Gabe just felt Alicia could no longer live with him. She is in her fifties now and lives at Mister Gabe's estate in California. We see her whenever we go out there, or whenever Mister Gabe has her come to us. She is a lovely woman." "C" paused to breathe, and leaned over on her elbow to kiss me softly. At the same time her left hand descended between us to grasp my deflated prick, to start to gently tug on it. "My ex, Jerry, turned out to be like Alicia's ex. He just kept drinking the tea, and doing whatever Mister Gabe told him. It has been a couple of years since I've seen him now."

"Don't you miss him?" I asked, "and you don't have a gemstone. That means he hasn't fathered a child on you Cynthia?"

"Sometimes I do, yes. He was the love of my life, tender and sweet. But Mister Gabe has replaced him in my heart, and filled needs that I didn't know that I had with Jerry. And no, we found out that I could not have children – much to both of our dismay. But Mister Gabe has been very sweet about it, and we've both come to terms with it."

"Now David, you have to put the ring back on the plaque. You shouldn't be in this room, and I know that I shouldn't have told you all that I have. I'll have to tell Mister Gabe about today and he will not be happy. I know he will punish me, and he will probably punish Jen as well."

I started to growl but "C" deflected me by bending at the waist and leaning down to take my now stiff prick into her warm mouth. "Cynthia, I will not give this ring back. And you have to know that Jennifer is not going to allow Black to father a child on her. That was part of my agreement with her when I allowed all of this to happen."

She abruptly stopped sucking on me and levered herself up to look intently into my eyes. "That will cause problems Dave. Big problems. Fuck!" I was surprised to hear come from her mouth. She stood from the bed, "Mister Dane, I think we better get out of here. You go home now." And we were done. I got out of bed, grabbed my robe, and headed home. Just like that we went from me beating her, to a soft conversation, to me getting kicked out.

As I was leaving "C" called to me, "the workmen will be here tomorrow for the door and the AV." I just nodded and left.

The Honeymoon – Monday

Sara hadn't come home last night, but she had called to let me know that both she and Brock were coming to terms with things, and that they were 'ok'. She said that she'd be home Monday or Tuesday.

I had spent the rest of Sunday moping around the house.

This morning I had been awoken by "C", dressed in her business suit, pushing me to get out of bed saying the workers had arrived and I needed to get out of the bedroom. I went downstairs to find that she had made me some breakfast, so after eating that I headed out for a day lounging by the pool.

Through the day I could hear thumps and bangs emanating from my bedroom, and from time to time I could see "C", or workmen, or both moving with a purpose through my house – often times on the balcony that comes off of my bedroom and looks over the patio.

Lunchtime came and went with the morning coffee turning into afternoon beer, but no food as I just didn't have the urge to get anything to eat. I snoozed, and I drank more beer as my mind continued to turn over and over about the events of the last few days, and the information that "C" had imparted to me. Late in the afternoon I was awoken, again by "C", who was now in her diaphanous robe, cinched at the waist. "David, you have to eat. I have some food over here on the table. But first you need to come with me," and she turned away, swaying her delectable derriere in my face as she strolled to the patio door. "Sara called, and said she would be home tomorrow and that she is bringing a friend over for some time in the pool. Somebody named Erin?" "C" then led the way into my house. She paused in each room pointing out the very discreet cameras mounted in the ceiling or on walls. I surmised, as I saw them all, that they must cover every room, from every angle.

"C" continued the tour upstairs, still showing me the cameras and noting that there were also microphones hidden as well – and pointed a couple out to me. She showed me the cameras in Sara's room and affirmed that there were not any in either Mike's or Molly's rooms. She explained that all cameras were connected to a 'system' in Mister Gabe's 'control room'. They were all motion activated and everything was continually recorded for Mister Gabe's viewing pleasure whenever he wanted to.

I nodded thoughtfully as "C" finally led me into my bedroom. Instantly I could see the changes in here. Our four poster bed had hooks attached at about the seven foot level of each post. There were additional mirrors attached to the 'roof' of the bed, the middle of which also contained a sturdy looking hook arrangement. "C" assured me that my bedroom was also fully wired. She pulled me down into the middle of my bed, and pushed me to lie on my back. She pulled her robe off and lay on her back. Looking up I could clearly see us, lying beside each other, in the new mirror above. I could see her perfect nude body – perfect except for the welts and bruises that I had placed there yesterday. I could feel myself hardening as I watched her tiny hand reach over to my shorts and slowly pull the zipper down. I watched as she delicately freed my cock from its restraint and then slowly started to jack me. Reluctantly I raised my eyes to the reflection of hers in the mirror and caught her grinning broadly at me. "See, David. Can you imagine watching yourself as you plow into your daughter's tight cunt, or watch your cock sink deep into her throat? Or, maybe, fuck her virginal ass?"

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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet Chapter One: Eye Candy After weeks of careful debate, we’d finally gotten her costume sorted out, reaching a compromise we were both comfortable with. The sticking point had been the zipper, of course. She’d stubbornly insisted that it had one, much to my chagrin, and had been taunting me endlessly with its existence ever since. I was begging to feel a kinship with Pavlov’s poor dogs, the sound of the zipper tab parting metal teeth making my...

3 years ago
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Mister Mxyzptlks gifts

“How many time should I tell you this, you don’t need to gift us Mxyzptlk,” Batman said, getting more than annoyed by the imp’s insistence. “He’s right,” Superman added, “we don’t want your gifts, especially after what you did last time.” “What, what did I do? You never trust me,” the small excentric imp answered with a shocked expression on his face while flying around the two heroes. “First, you almost created an international financial crisis when you caused millions of peoples to win the...

1 year ago
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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue 3 Short and Sweet

Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet Chapter One: Eye Candy After weeks of careful debate, we’d finally gotten her costume sorted out, reaching a compromise we were both comfortable with. The sticking point had been the zipper, of course. She’d stubbornly insisted that it had one, much to my chagrin, and had been taunting me endlessly with its existence ever since. I was begging to feel a kinship with Pavlov’s poor dogs, the sound of the zipper tab parting metal teeth making my...

3 years ago
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Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue 1 Of Bugs and Brawn

Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue #1: Of Bugs and Brawn Chapter One: A Bug in the House She spent a lot of time playing with her zipper. It was either a nervous tic or (and this is the explanation I preferred) an attempt to draw my attention to the fact that she was all woman. Oh, and what a woman. I’d known, even before she walked through the door that she was in heat. Her presence had been announced by what I can only describe as pheromones. Not at all subtle either. I could feel the blood...

2 years ago
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Mister BozoChapter 3 Growing Up

As she walked back to the pod beside her brother, Rachel was silent; she was so distracted that she didn't even notice her own nakedness. She'd made a complete spectacle of herself in front of everyone, and not for the first time. Thinking it best to leave her to her thoughts, David kept quiet also. He remembered his earlier puzzlement, so he took the opportunity to query the AI subvocally, «Is the Fleet Auxiliary about replacing Navy people on colony ships, and getting them onto...

4 years ago
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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue 2 Taking the Bull by the Balls

Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #2: Taking the Bull by the Balls Chapter One: A Bug in Cheap Clothing “What the heck are you wearing, Squirt?” I did my best to keep my voice level as I looked her up and down, not even bothering to hide the stern frown creasing my face. At least she had the good manners to blush before she started playing with her zipper. I made a mental note to take her shopping as soon as possible. Apparently, the girl (not that I would ever call her that to her face unless...

3 years ago
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Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue 1 Of Bugs and Brawn

Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue #1: Of Bugs and Brawn Chapter One: A Bug in the House She spent a lot of time playing with her zipper. It was either a nervous tic or (and this is the explanation I preferred) an attempt to draw my attention to the fact that she was all woman. Oh, and what a woman. I’d known, even before she walked through the door that she was in heat. Her presence had been announced by what I can only describe as pheromones. Not at all subtle either. I could feel the blood...

4 years ago
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mister cockenballs

Fridays can tend to be slow in my business, and sometimes I try to find an opportunity to escape the office early. Sometimes the opportunity to escape finds me...It was mid-morning on Friday when I answered the phone, and was slightly stunned and amused when I thought I heard a woman with an unfamiliar accent ask for "Mister Cockenballs". Thinking that my twisted mind obviously misunderstood her accent, I recovered my composure and replied, "Excuse me ma'am, would you please repeat that name?"...

4 years ago
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Mister Wonderful

Jane Weston impatiently tapped her Gucci clad toe on the marble foyer floor, as the liveried Global Freight workers slowly wheeled in the large crate. Jesus, they were typical men: moving like molasses, devoid of any sense of urgency. Jane had a low opinion of men in general since she had booted her philandering bastard of a husband out two years ago. A good private detective and an even better lawyer had helped her exact her revenge to the tune of forty million dollars. She had used half the...

4 years ago
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Mister Thorntons Dilemma

It all started with a simple Scotch and water on the rocks in a moment of careless relaxation. The big man with the black-framed glasses was unsure about it but the look in the cabin hostess eyes looked at him as if expecting him to order "Ginger Ale" or some such candy-ass drink and he wanted desperately to disappoint her for his own satisfaction. James "Jimmy" Thornton hadn't had a Scotch and water since the old days back in Southeast Asia and the Scotch was mostly the Japanese shit and...

3 years ago
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I am not the author of this story....i just fixed the grammar and spelling mistakes etc!!My name is Loretta and my husband and I own a large Kennel and boarding establishment in San Fernando Valley. We raise Great Danes, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Irish Wolfhound and Anatolian Shepherds. These are special dogs for guarding and hunting. We have 65 dogs at the moment. We do a little cross breeding for ourselves just to see how they turn out. Six of those 65 are cross breeds. Two are half Great Dane...

4 years ago
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Mister Adams May I

Senior year so far has proven to be everything I thought it would be and then some. My classes were easy and fun, and I was getting very good grades. The girls’ volleyball team was undefeated all four years! My Gym teacher, Mr. Adams, helped coach me on the side and was a great help, he has decided to let me pass gym class despite having to take it twice this year. But I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t mind at all. I kind of wanted to fail. It was easy to do, just don’t show up the week...

2 years ago
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Mister Mick Takes Me To New Level

The more we meet the more we learn about each other and things we may be want to try but have been uncomfortable to share with our partners ---- with us there are very few boundaries and trust is implicit ....... Mick tells me he has an adventure planned for me on his next visit --- I think to myself we have done most things already but still I got so excited as to what he had planned --- every time we spoke I asked what he has planned for us -- but each time the answer is the same -- wait and...

4 years ago
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Mister Adams May I

Senior year so far has proven to be everything I thought it would be and then some. My classes were easy and fun, and I was getting very good grades. The girls’ volleyball team was undefeated all four years! My Gym teacher, Mr. Adams, helped coach me on the side and was a great help, he has decided to let me pass gym class despite having to take it twice this year. But I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t mind at all. I kind of wanted to fail. It was easy to do, just don’t show up the week...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Mister Boss Man

Chapter One- Boss, are you listening? Hello-o-o!Finger snaps appeared before his face. Light shimmered in his pupils. He grimaced exasperated. Couldn’t people leave him alone to his thoughts just for a few second? It took him a few moments to focus his sight completely. Adam Rich owner of Hot Spot graced him with a look, towards the irritated bartender standing with one foot on the rail on the lower part of the counter, tapping his foot, looking expectant upon him. What?! He wanted to scream...

4 years ago
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Mister Boggles Gets a Cell Phone

For a very long time, Hector Boggles only used the pay phone in the hallway of his apartment building. When he was working, which seems like a long time ago now, he liked to use the phones in the big red booths on street corners. It seemed like those days were disappearing very fast. Nowadays the best way to call people on the phone was to have a cell phone or a "mobile" as young people were fond of saying. Now that he was declared redundant and unemployed, he liked to classify himself as...

3 years ago
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John and Jenny

John and Jenny had been my best friends for years. We went on outings and frequently exchanged visits for evenings of drinks and company. Then nearly a year ago, Jenny suddenly passed away. Naturally these visits continued - John was evidently lonely and depressed over his wife's passing, and I missed her too as a good friend. They had always known I was a bisexual transvestite (it is no secret) but had only once seen me dressed. This was at a fancy dress party when I had gone as a Goth...

2 years ago
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The Hunters SurpriseChapter 2

The company had scheduled a quarterly safety meeting at the main office for those of us working in the area. Usually I'm up and gone by 7:00 am. This Monday the scheduled safety meeting was at 8:00 am. So I left the house thirty minutes later than normal at 7:30 am. I got into my truck and left the garage. When I pulled out, I noticed the neighbors had their trash out. Damn I almost forgot to put our trash out. I stopped my truck and went back into the garage. I grabbed the two trash...

3 years ago
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Dear Grandpa, it’s been a week since I have last seen you, and I can’t tell you how much I miss you. Our long walks in the woods, and talking about our wonderful loving family. But more then missing see your handsome face each day, I miss waking up in your arms every morning after a night of wonderful love making.I now know why mom send me to you, she wanted me to have the same kind of love that you give her, when she was my age. A man that would show me how to love. I will always hold the time...

2 years ago
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Working Over

I was bent over Andre Beasley's desk, my panties hanging on one ankle, my slacks off, holding onto the edge and moaning with pleasure as Bernie Graham's stiff throbbing cock drove deeply in and out of me. We were working late for the third time that week, and with the weekend coming up and no excuse to get away from our spouses we were making the most of Friday afternoon. Getting that last minute work done that couldn't be finished over the weekend. Katelyn Boyer didn't have a key to the...

3 years ago
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Ashleys Creation Part 2

I awoke the following morning, right off I knew this was not my bed as it was quite larger then mine, also the sheets were satin and pink in colour, not even close to what I was used to. I reached out to pull the sheets back and I saw my fingernails, they were long and red in colour, I was also wearing satin pyjamas and when I stepped down I saw that my toes to were painted red, I knew this was not right but I also could not remember a lot from the night before. Hurrying now I found...

1 year ago
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Perfect girlfriend has a big sex drive

Apart from this, the perfect girlfriend is a career-minded woman who earns more than their partner but at the same time wants to stay at home and bring up the c***dren. The clue to these seemingly contradictory demands lies in the men polled, 3,000 bachelors. Near the top of their girlfriend checklist is the requirement that she should have a "pert bottom" – which may explain why they are still single. And while three-quarters of the men polled said their ideal woman would keep her weight in...

2 years ago
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The Madness of Maddie

Maddie, as Madeleine was known to all her friends, walked down the street brooding. She was a feisty little thing and she had had a bad day. She was in a bad mood; and only one thing cheered her up when she was in a bad mood. Cock. Nothing cheered up a girl, she thought, like the sight of a good cock. She was a girl; she was in a bad mood; and she wanted a cock to play with. A pair of nice firm round balls would be nice too, but what she mainly wanted was a cock; and what Maddie wanted,...

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my brothers join in part 5

Introduction: This is part FIVE of the my brothers join in series but there is also a prelude to the stories called I fucked my dad because my boyfriend cheated All of these stories can be read from my profile. I would love for the readers to rate and comment on my stories but please rate accordingly. Thank you for reading and enjoy My mother stood beside the chair dad was in with eyes bulging from her brown face tented red with anger. She was pissed to say the least. My little brother, Justin...

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 39 SM03Pi Day 0 through Day 6

There were more hugs, and a lot more congratulations, before everyone decided it was time to get some rest. No one had any idea what 'time' it was, but everyone felt exhausted. There was a brief attempt by the girls to let Steve and Anna have a night alone together, but Anna managed to convince them that they wouldn't mind splitting up that night to let more of the girls cuddle with Steve. They went ahead with the draw, using playing cards; five hearts for Steve's bed, two diamonds for...

4 years ago
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Twins Cabin

NOTE: Just another quick story.Twin's Cabin.Hannah got into her car and picked her sister up. When Hannah saw her she was kinda surprised. Samantha was wearing a sexy plaid mini skirt and a white button-up blouse and she hadn't buttoned it up all the way, showing lots of cleavage. In her golden blond hair she had pink streaks. She got into the car and immediately hugged Hannah, pushing her tits onto Hannah's. Hannah felt a horny feeling through her body when that happened but after that it...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Avi Love Make A Move

Married to a man who is away on business more often than not, Avi finds herself kind of bored with her life. She’s not unhappy, but she’s unsure of how and when her life became so…dull. When she learns that her best friend from high school, Ricky, is back in town, she feels the first inkling of a thrill that she’s felt in ages. He was the one that got away. Or rather, the one she let get away. There had always been something between them, though never acknowledged or addressed by either...

3 years ago
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Rachels Shaved Pussy chapter 1

I think it was largely due to my pubic hair. Thick and dark, it covered almost my entire pubic region, and I struggled to cover it all when I wore a swimsuit. It seemed to retain moisture like nothing else, and felt cold and dank to me, and totally unsexy. If I ever started to get aroused, the liquid seeping from my vagina would quickly soak into my bush, and make me feel disgusting, putting a quick dampener (excuse the pun) on any feelings I had. I am not sure if it smelt bad afterwards too,...

2 years ago
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Loyal Student

Schools are fun for most of the students. They study together, play together, eat together and learn all kind of things in school. And for some of them, the school become there unforgettable memory. The memory they would cherish forever. My memories of school are also unforgettable... but in a painful way. I was the an earnest student. 'Good in everything' this is what my teachers used to say. Academics, sports, curriculums, I was good in every field. Always the center of attraction. Always the...

1 year ago
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Consequenses of Embezzlement

The Consequences of Embezzlement Synopsis ? Rather than taking his and his friend’s wife to court for embezzling a considerable sum of money, Alan hands them over to ‘The Organisation’ for punishment and disposal. ? ? The Consequences of Embezzlement ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

3 years ago
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Caught in My Office Cubicle

I know that as a lady, I’m not supposed to tell these things, but I can’t resist. I am twenty-five and a happily single woman, by choice. I was a cheerleader in college, so I have managed to maintain a pretty healthy lifestyle and a what I would consider, a reasonable great physique. I have dated quite a few guys – and only once experimented with another girl. I am enjoying the single life and the freedom I have to choose who I want to spend my time with. A few weeks back, I was sitting at my...

Office Sex
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This is a work of fiction, sad to say... That an opportunity for the two of us to be together, face to face, seemed to me to be nothing short of a miracle. For months we had been chatting, teasing, learning, sharing and loving. I had resigned myself to never being able to actually meet her. After all, we lived in different countries, lived completely different life-styles, had no reason whatsoever to think that we would ever meet. Yet here we were – together, alone. Not just alone, but alone on...

Straight Sex
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Russian Roulette

I sat in the dark shadow of the Victorian mansion, with the engine idling.At 6.00pm sharp they appeared in the doorway. He, portly - leaning heavily on his stick for support; she, wraith-slim, clad in a sleeveless silver evening gown that went down to touch a pair of silver satin stilettos. Her slender, porcelain-white arms were clad with elbow-length silver snakeskin gloves and her diamond choker sparkled in the light of the crescent moon. The old man grasped her arm tightly as they cautiously...

4 years ago
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In the mall sissy femdom story Part 10

Part 10I was still standing there, half in shock when I felt a slim finger lightlyslide up the crack of my ass. Turning I was surprised to see that Rose stoodbehind me and was the one lightly caressing the same butt she had enjoyedspanking so much just a short while before. Looking me directly in the eye asshe ran her finger around the edge of my tightly pucker ass she asked "So howabout if my little cross dressing slut maid, are you a virgin?"Hopefully, I didn't take too long to answer. I...

2 years ago
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You Must Remember ThisChapter 14 Parting London January 1942

Elspeth Grant sat at her dressing table, staring into the mirror. It had been a busy few weeks. She looked out through her bedroom window and across Kensington Gardens on a cold crisp morning. It was time to go. Behind her, the woman in Elly's bed stretched with a contented sigh. Elly looked across at Angela Parsons and then at the telegram delivered the previous evening that meant it was time to bring their short but mutually enjoyable relationship to a close. Angela had proved a far more...

2 years ago
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My Date With the Prom QueenChapter 6

It was finally Friday and I had been so excited since I got out of school, that I was having a hard time doing anything except playing with my little cock. Johnny, my biology lab partner told me that he had seen Jackie topless at a party and sucking several guys. I hoped that I would be that lucky but I had no idea where I could take her after the movie to have sex. Johnny had suggested parking behind the football stadium where he said he had gone before. As I knocked on Jackie’s door, my...

3 years ago
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Valkyrie Dont CryChapter 12

Do Androids Dream of Robotics Sheep Before They Go To Sleep? “I think we’ve pretty well established that the Agency are robots, impersonating people. They might be androids, or even some kind of alien cyborg devices, but I personally doubt it. As it is they have left nothing behind to identify them with.” Max stated the obvious to his audience before sitting back down. Several weeks had gone by and we were no closer to locating the Agency than before. They had simply vanished as far as...

2 years ago
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Meri First Chudai Auto Wale Ke Sath

Hi Friends, How Are You, I am Sakshi Chauhan, From Delhi Meri Age 21 Years Hai, Aaj Main Pehli Baar Apni Real Story Aap sabhi Ko Sunane Jaa Rahi hoon, Its my True and Real Story, Aap mujh Se Contact Bhi Kar Sakte ho, Meri Id hai , Ab Pehle main apna parichay karati hu main ek acche ghar ki ladki hoon Mere boobs bhi 34 size ke hai, meri kamar 28 aur meri Ass 36 ki hai, Ab mein apni First Sex kahani batane jaa rahi hoon, yeh 2 saal pehle ki baat hai jab mein 19 saal ki thi aur maine First year...

1 year ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 07

Faith’s eyes popped open when male laughter rumbled up from downstairs and woke her. Searching for Bill, she rolled over and found the bed empty. The blanket and sheet seemed to have fallen off. A chill shivered through her, as she turned on the bedside lamp. ‘Bill,’ she hissed, thinking maybe he was in the bathroom, and then realized the laughter from sounded like his. ‘Where are the sheets?’ she wondered, kneeling on a bare mattress. ‘How could they be stripped off without waking me up?’ ...

2 years ago
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From Office Worker to Dominated Slut 3

Chapter 3 The following morning, Eveline went about her normal routine for getting herself ready for work, today was going to be a work hard day, and the clothes she chose to wear today reflected more on her as a manager than on the sexually charged clothes of the previous day. That said, the heels were maybe an inch too high for the effect she wanted from the outfit, but knowing Gerry's particular kink, she decided to leave them on, after all, today was the day she was going to get...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 30

Main Processing Thread This waiting thing is for the birds! I'm impatient. It's been more than a full day since Zeus, Artemis and Zhengfu were taken aboard that submarine; 28.24793 hours to be exact. At the Missouri's maximum speed of 25 knots, or 28 standard miles per hour, it should have taken them 18.2524 hours to cover the 510.8721726 standard miles distance from their last known position at 31.3952617, 121.5592786 to Nago, Okinawa, Japan. I've made an error in stating my...

3 years ago
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Choti Behen Se Cooswaya

Mera naam amit hai aur main faridabad haryana mein rehta hu.meine iss padh kar khoob mutthi maari hai. Lekin behan bhai sex stories se main bahut inspire hua.main socta tha ye sab galat hai aur dharm ke virudh hai. Kyoki mere ko meri behan bahut aachi lagti hai.uski umar18 saal hai.hum ek middle class family se sambandh rakhtein hai. Aur middle class mein izzat,behan bhai,rishteydaari in sab ki bahut value hoti hai. In sab chizo ki vajah se main bahut padesaan rehta tha.Kyoki main apni behan ki...

2 years ago
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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 16

Several weeks passed and Tom and Lynette found themselves drawn into more and more school social and extra-curricular events. Tom was running with the cross-country team and their first race date was approaching. Their chorus class was rehearsing for a concert and Lynette had a brief solo in one of the numbers. Their friendship with Roberta and Simon was burgeoning and one day at lunch Roberta asked Lynette about dating. “Lynette, Simon and I’ve noticed that you don’t seem interested in...

3 years ago
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when i was very horny

Introduction: when i was very horny and my boyfreind it was gone. hello, My name it is Ana,i am a girl from Roumania so,please excuse my english.i dont know well this language but I want to tell you my last game without my boyfriend. I work in a call center type department.Last week I was at work and surfing the internet.the clik clik inve got a porn site.there I kept looking at the various videos and a colleague of mine saw what I was watching.it is also a good friend to me.she came to me and...

3 years ago
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As a young man I fell under the spell of a mature lady who enjoyed having me call at her cottage to satisfy her desires.She was in her early forties with a well rounded figure beautiful dark eyes a smiling mouth and thick dark hair which she always had up in a big teased style .On this occasion I had a call from her to say she wanted me to call at 10 am on the Sunday and to be prepared to spend the night.She opened her front door dressed in a thick white dressing gown with her hair up in the...

2 years ago
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Sex With Dream Girl

She was the most sought after girl in my office, though she was engaged I did my best to get her. I have to tell you how she looks, she is dusky aged 25, small boobs about 32 and small hip about 26. Through the months we got to be very good friends and then were like a couple in the office, though we did not have any relationship. But slowly I go to like her the most and we started going out together. Once a while her fiancé would come down from Bangalore and he would take her out and drop her...

4 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 38

The winter weeks passed and I continued to rotate my bed partners, always wondering how this was even possible. The women had spats over things but never over me. It just wasn't normal that never a word was lifted in true anger over my actions. "Just think of their normal raging hormones, " I thought. Other men were not so lucky. It was not uncommon for me to pass a couple having some sort of unpleasant words or dispute. The wonder of the deferential nature of my women confused me but I...

2 years ago
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My wife and I

I'd had a pretty tiring week, running my own business was hard work. My secretary, who happened to be my wife as well, had gone home at dinner. She'd said that she wasn't feeling very well, and though I didn’t believe her, I didn’t see any reason to keep her around, seen as the phones were dead. A few hours later I got a text from her. "Are you alone? I love you xo" Well, I was, but this text baffled me. I didn’t understand what she was getting at. ...

Straight Sex
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long time coming pt 2 the action begins here

As she kissed me my hands worked under her lingerie and found her nipples already rock hard. I played with them teasing them by making circular motions around the areole and occassionally pinching the perky tips and gliding my fingers over the sensetive ends. She softly took hold of my left wrist and pulling a silk scarf out from under the pillow tied it in a knot around my wrist and then pushing my arm above my head tied it in another knot securing my wrist to the headborad. Continuing...

2 years ago
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The Outdoor Wedding

I recently had the opportunity to attend a rather unique wedding. This was at a grassy outdoor venue overlooking a green valley. The wedding began as most weddings with the bridesmaids, attired in pastel colored gowns, entering down the aisle to stand to the left of the aisle at the altar. The Groom, Best Man, and Groomsmen were waiting on the right side of the altar. The maid-of-honor, also wearing a pastel gown, entered and stood at the left of the altar. The music began and the bride,...

3 years ago
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The sexy lady

I have always loved big tits. I was blessed with DD tits and so any one with nice round tits catches my attention. I was at the mall the other day when a woman came over to me and said,"you have a great body." I laughed and thanked her, then noticed her nice huge tits without a bra and the nipples poking against her shirt. She had to be over 40 and was extremely sexy. She looked at my big tits as she talked to me. I knew she wanted to see and feel my tits and this excited me. We talked for a...

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