Mister BozoChapter 4: Shaping Up free porn video

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When David and his sister returned to the living room, Sylvia was sitting, reading quietly. "David," she asked, "when are we going to get our new bodies?"

"I don't know, Sylvia." He looked up at the ceiling, "AI, when are the med-tubes going to be free for changes to concubines?"

"Some tubes are available currently, sir. Changes can be scheduled for any time during the remainder of the journey, subject to tube availability and concubine training requirements. All initial checks and necessary medical work on sponsors have been completed."

"So once we've decided on the changes we want, they can be done pretty much straight away?" David confirmed.

"Affirmative, sir."

"So, Sylvia," David said, "since you asked, you can go first. AI, show us a hologram of Sylvia as she is at the moment." The AI responded with a life size display of a naked Sylvia in the middle of the room. She jumped a little when it first appeared; she hadn't realised that the AI could show something like that. The hologram was rotating slowly, so all three of them could see every side of it.

"Keep the original there please, AI, and show us a second copy for the modifications."

The AI showed another hologram of Sylvia, next to the first.

"Well, what would you like to look like, Sylvia?"

"Umm... , well, I'm not really sure. It's all up to you really, isn't it, David?"

"It's your body, Sylvia, and I'd rather have you happy with the way you look. I think that will be better for all of us in the long term." Remembering what the ensign had said about altering mothers, he continued, "There was some advice they gave us. We shouldn't change you so much that we upset Pat and Mary. They need to be able to recognise you after you come out of the tube."

"That seems sensible," Sylvia agreed. "AI, can you roll me back to age twenty one, before Pat was born, without the jelly-belly."

The second hologram changed to show a younger, slimmer, Sylvia. The pooch in her stomach was gone and her breasts had shrunk a little, standing higher on her chest. Her hips and thighs were carrying less fat, though they weren't as slim as Rachel's.

"Oh my! I can see why Des fancied me." Thinking of her husband, left behind on Earth, Sylvia started to cry quietly. Rachel immediately got up from where she was sitting and moved over to comfort the older woman.

David thought it would be better if he left the two of them to it for the moment, it seemed to be women's business. He examined the changed display. He knew that Rachel would want to grow up, and he wanted to keep Sylvia as his senior concubine, so he had the AI advance her to twenty five, but without the effects of her pregnancies. He liked her breasts as they currently were, so he compromised by having them half-way between the younger version and their current size, though still sitting higher. He did the same with her hips, changing them to half-way between. He liked the contrast between Rachel's narrower shape and Sylvia's more rounded curves. Those changes also had the advantage of producing a new look closer to her current appearance, and so less likely to cause problems with Pat or Mary. He took the opportunity to clean up a scar on her knee that looked like it had resulted from a childhood injury.

"I'm sorry about that," Sylvia said, interrupting David's thoughts. "Seeing myself looking young again brought back a lot of memories. I'm all right now." The older woman had collected herself again, though Rachel still had an arm round her for reassurance.

"Not to worry, Sylvia," David told her. He was slightly shocked at her crying. Up to now he had thought that, of the three of them, she was coping the best with the changes in their lives. Perhaps she was actually feeling it more than appeared on the surface?

"You made me look older again," Sylvia complained, looking at the modified hologram.

"I wanted to keep you at about your current age," David explained. "If you look too young then I'd have to keep Rachel looking fourteen and I know she'd hate that."

Rachel was indignant. "Don't you dare David! I want to grow up. I don't want to stay like this forever." His sister was eager to acquire a more feminine figure.

"I suppose it's not too bad," Sylvia said eventually. "I'll probably be spending a lot of the time pregnant anyway, so I'll only look like that between babies."

"That is correct, Concubine Sylvia Harlow," the AI interjected. "You will be returned to this appearance after each pregnancy."

David was getting irritated by the AI's habit of using full names and titles when they weren't necessary. "AI, please call us by just our first names when no other people are present."

"Yes, David," the AI responded.

"What about hair, Sylvia?" David suggested. "No need to shave if you don't want to."

"Good, I hate shaving. No hair please, AI."

As the hologram changed, all three of them burst out laughing. Sylvia buried her face in her hands.

"The Bald Prima Donna!" David exclaimed.

Instantly, Rachel responded, "She always wears her hair in the same style."

Sylvia lifted her head and looked at Rachel, puzzled.

"Ionesco," Rachel told her quietly.

Sylvia was none the wiser, but decided to check on it later. The AI should know what it was all about. Turning to her sponsor, she said, "I hope that doesn't give you any ideas, David."

David did an exaggerated Fu Manchu impersonation, stroking an imaginary moustache, "Now I know how to punish you if you're naughty. You'd better be a good concubine, Sylvia. No more cheekiness, or I'll have you looking like that." Sylvia blushed, while Rachel giggled at the thought.

David took pity on her. "AI, just remove visible hair below Sylvia's neck, leave the hair on her head as it is."

The hologram changed again, and Sylvia relaxed, "That's what I meant. The AI can be much too literal sometimes."

David smiled. She was right about the AI. "While we're on hair, how long do you want it, Sylvia? The AI can fix it so it won't need trimming."

"Can I change it when I want to?"

Again the AI interrupted, "Small changes like that can be done easily with your sponsor's permission."

"You have your answer, Sylvia," David said.

"OK, keep it the length it is for the moment, I only had it done a couple of weeks ago. I can always change it later." By now she knew enough about David to trust him not to be petty about small things, like a new hairstyle.

"Any other changes, Sylvia?"

"Could you take away that mole on my cheek and make my nose a little smaller please. I think it's too big for my face."

David was puzzled, he couldn't see anything wrong with Sylvia's nose. "Your nose looks fine to me as it is, Sylvia."

"Please, David. Only a small reduction."

"If you insist?" Sylvia nodded vehemently in response. "AI, please reduce Sylvia's nose slightly, say five percent. And remove the mole as well."

Sylvia smiled at the result. "Yes, that's a lot better."

David couldn't see any real difference. "That seemed important to you," he asked.

"It was. I was teased about my nose at school. I've always wanted to change it a little. I know it's silly but..." She shrugged with a wry grin.

"If it makes you happier, then it's worth doing. Any other changes you want? I cleaned up the scar on your knee."

"Oh yes, so you did." She paused, considering her new image as it turned in front of her. "No, I don't think there's anything else. Can I have another look at me in the morning please, David? I might think of something overnight."

"Of course. AI, please save that version of Sylvia, and let her see it when she wants tomorrow morning. She can make changes, but I want to OK them before they are implemented."

"Confirmed, David."

David turned to his sister, "Now for you, Rache. Two holograms of Rachel please, AI."

"Can I be twenty please?" Rachel asked. The AI changed the second hologram to show a much more feminine Rachel, with all her curves fully in place. Not as many as Sylvia, but unquestionably more than the current version. She wasn't any taller, having already reached her full height, but her shape had definitely caught up with her height.

"I'd rather you grew up as naturally as possible, Rache," David said. "I want to do the least possible in the tubes, and let the rest develop normally. AI, roll her back to eighteen."

The hologram changed slightly. "That still looks pretty good, Sis."

"I s'pose so." Rachel couldn't see any real difference, but she wasn't going to let her brother know that.

"Back to sixteen, AI."

"Ugh! I'm still a stick insect," Rachel burst out.

"The prettiest stick insect ever I think," her brother told her. At sixteen she was thinner, though still more rounded than currently. The promise of her final shape was definitely there to see.

"Keep the sixteen and show us a fifteen," David ordered.

The two holograms moved further apart, and a third image of Rachel appeared between them. "That's horrible," she said. "It's just like I am now."

"Well, it is less than a year away," he pointed out, "and you have put on some weight. There's more shape to your waist and hips by then."

"Please, David. I don't want to spend years 'til I look nice."

David considered the problem. His sister wanted to grow up quickly, while he wanted her to grow more slowly and naturally. He thought it would be better if her age and her appearance were more in step. Obviously he could impose his will, but he also wanted Rachel to be happy with her look. Then he thought of the way his Marine upgrade was being done, both in the med-tube and more slowly later. Perhaps he could do something similar with Rachel. Silently he questioned the AI, «Can I spread Rachel's changes over time, like with my own enhancements?»

«Yes, David.»

«Could it be over months, rather than a few weeks?»

«Yes, David. It would be better if any changes were completed before she became pregnant, but other than that there are no issues with extending the time taken.»

«I want to wait a bit before her first pregnancy, as I'll have Sylvia going first. I've got six months to get Rachel pregnant, haven't I?»

«Correct, David. Female concubines should be pregnant within six months of being extracted from Earth.»

He turned to his sister, who had begun to look anxious. "Rachel, I think we can compromise. You know that my changes are coming on slowly?"

Rachel nodded, "You mean I'll get mine slowly too?"

"A bit of both. I'll advance you to fifteen in the tube, and then have you grow up to sixteen in the next four months. How would that be?"

"Can't I go straight to sixteen, and then slowly to seventeen or eighteen?" she asked.

"Sorry, Sis, I don't want to speed you up too much. We can think about it again in four months time. You look hot at sweet sixteen." He smiled at her, while Sylvia nodded her agreement. The older woman thought it was sensible for David to allow time for his sister to have her personality catch up with her appearance. A fourteen year old mind in a twenty year old body would be strange.

"What about my boobs? Please can I have bigger boobs, David?"

David knew his sister was worried about her breasts being too small, so he allowed a small boost, "Add six months growth to her breasts on the fifteen year old image please, AI." The image showed a somewhat increased bust. "How about that, Sis?"

Rachel grudgingly accepted her brother's decision. "As long as we can talk about it again in four months."

"Yes, Rache, of course. Now, are there any other things you want done? Hair?"

"Can you take away my armpit hair, but leave the other. I only just got it, and I don't want to lose it yet."

"As she asks, AI," David said. Seeing the result he continued, "Trim back her pubic hair a bit, and tidy up the edges." Turning questioningly to his sister he saw her nod in return. "Anything else, Sis?"

"Can you fix my teeth, AI. Straighten them and whiten them."

"Some straightening can be done, Rachel," the AI told her, "but your third molars are not fully developed yet, so it would be advisable to restrict changes to the front teeth only for the moment."

"Just the front teeth is fine."

The middle hologram stopped rotating and grimaced, showing an even set of white teeth. Sylvia made a mental note to get the AI do her teeth, she hadn't considered having it do that for her. Just as well that Rachel had thought of it.

"Too white," David said, "they look artificial." Tone down the colour a bit."

He looked at his sister, who nodded her acceptance, "They did look a bit weird, all perfect white like that." She continued, talking to the AI, "Can you do something about my face, it's all lop-sided."

Three life-size disembodied heads appeared floating in the air in front of them. The AI explained, "All three heads are exactly symmetrical. The left hand head is the left hand side of Rachel's face mirrored to make a whole face. Similarly for the right hand head and the right hand side of her face. The middle head is the average of the left and right sides, also mirrored."

The three of them looked at the heads. David thought that they made his sister look unreal, almost like a robot. Real people's faces weren't that precisely symmetrical to the nearest millimetre.

"They look too perfect," Rachel said. "I prefer the right version, but I don't really want to look like any of them. I'd feel like a Barbie Doll."

"As opposed to a Bratz Doll?" David joked. He was glad she agreed with him about the artificial appearance of the displayed heads. "AI, change the middle head. Add in one third of the left side and two thirds of the right side so it's no longer perfectly symmetrical." He had noticed his sister's preference for the right hand head, so biased the changes that way.

"Ah, that's better," Rachel agreed.

Sylvia did as well, though she kept silent. She made another mental note to try the same thing with her own appearance.

"It looks more like me and it isn't so lop sided," Rachel continued. "Can we try different proportions of left and right?"

After a few minutes experimenting Rachel settled on a new look that she was happy with, and that David was glad to confirm. "You can have another go tomorrow morning, Rache, like Sylvia." His sister nodded her acknowledgement.

When David stood up to go to bed, Rachel was initially both eager and nervous. She ended up disappointed when her brother told her that she would be on first call for babysitting overnight. She would be sleeping on her own, while Sylvia shared his bed again.

While they were both getting ready for bed, Sylvia told David that his sister had been asking questions about sex. "She's worried about anal, and puzzled how some women can deepthroat."

"Anal?" David was surprised. "Wherever did she get that from? Dad would never ever have said anything to her about that."

"It was in this morning's concubine training fillum." Sylvia's Irish accent was coming out with the word 'film'.

"Ah, that explains it then. I've never tried anal, so I can certainly hold off doing it with Rachel. Have you done that, Sylvia?" She blushed and nodded. "Good, you can teach me first." Noticing her mild embarrassment, he moved on to Rachel's second query. "What did Sis want to know about deepthroat?"

"She was just surprised that anyone could do it at all. She thought it would make them throw up."

"Concubines get some help from the nanites for that, they reduce your gag reflex. That makes it a lot easier."

"Will I get that with my new body, tomorrow?" she asked.

"No," he told her. "You got it yesterday, at your initial medical check. Want to try it?" Naked, he sat on the edge the bed and spread his legs.

Sylvia knelt in front of David, jacking him lightly. As soon as he started stiffening, she moved in to lick his shaft from balls to tip. When he was ready, she bent forward to take the tip into her mouth, licking round the top, adding her saliva to the pre-cum he was already beginning to produce. She took him into her mouth, letting him penetrate as far as she was used to. Pulling back, she repeated the move a few times to get him well oiled with her saliva. Then she drew a deep breath and gingerly engulfed him further, and further, and further! When her nose reached his pubic hair she pulled back, an expression of surprise on her face, "Bloody hell!"

David grinned down at her as she dove back down onto his cock, eagerly trying out her new skill.

In her small bedroom, Rachel lay awake, thinking. Yesterday, the lieutenant had said she was a sex slave. Back then the idea had frightened her, even terrified her. She was still a bit nervous about the sex part, losing one's virginity was meant to hurt a bit. But the 'stuff' she'd been doing with David was sex as well, and she'd certainly enjoyed what they'd done so far. Perhaps the sex wouldn't all be as bad as her worst fears. And the fact that it would be with David helped. She knew he would do his best to make it good for her.

She thought about the slave part as well. Dad had gone on and on about the proper Biblical role for women. They had to obey their fathers and, once they were married, they had to obey their husbands. Well, concubines had to obey their sponsors, so there wasn't really a lot of difference. Obedience was always required. A husband was meant to love his wife, which didn't necessarily apply to sponsors, but surely applied to some. She could think of a few married couples from church who didn't seem to love each other. David was her brother, so, in her case, she definitely had a sponsor who loved her. Obeying David had, so far, been a lot more enjoyable than obeying Dad. Although he probably didn't realise it, her father had actually been training her to be a good, obedient, Confederacy concubine. That thought amused her; it certainly would have horrified Dad!

She was woken from her sleep by the AI, "Rachel, Mary is awake and crying. She appears to need comforting." Blearily she got out of bed. As she was crossing the main room to the lift, she noticed Mister B. lying face-down on a chair where he'd been left. Thinking that he might help with Mary, she grabbed him and went up to see what the problem was.

Mary was awake and sniffling. Luckily she was doing it reasonably quietly, so she hadn't woken Pat. "I miss my Da," she told Rachel between sniffles.

The teenager couldn't produce Mary's father, but she did have Mister B. "Here, you have a good cuddle with Mister Bozo, Mary. I'll sit here for a bit and things will be better in the morning."

"Can I keep Mister Bozo please, Rachel?"

That shook Rachel. Was she quite ready to give up that much? She knew she was a bit old for toys, and in the final analysis her teddy bear was just a toy. He did represent a lot of her past, but all that past was now back on Earth. She had grown up a lot in the last couple of days; had she outgrown Mister Bozo and all he symbolised? She made her decision, "Yes Mary, you can keep Mister Bozo. But I might want to borrow him back for a little bit when I'm feeling miserable."

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Let me tell you about something that's happened several years ago. It's an i****tuous story.I was a 20 year old college student at the time living at home with my parents. My dad worked long hours as lawyer, and my mother was a math teacher at the same university that I attended. She's basically the type of mother you would see on a television sitcom with her 'soccer mom' attire, stylish personality, and a charming attitude. Sure, she could be a little feisty at times, but that's also what made...

3 years ago
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Great Four Way To Stay In Shape

I've been an avid jogger since I was young. Was just always my preferred way to keep body and mind healthy; And it served me well during my years in high school track. I'm not some kind of buff studmuffin or such; But I have tried to stay in decent shape, So the miles that are starting to add up don't show. Just celebrated my 39th birthday in December; And, of course, everyone says it - But I feel a young 39. In fact; I've never felt better since my wife and I recently moved, And I made some...

2 years ago
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The Boss Part 6 Heartshaped

Part 6 - “Heart-shaped” If you want more chapters, vote and comment. I’m heavily influenced by what readers think of my stories and how they should follow. This is a fictional dark fantasy story that will contain romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, and violence. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. This is for people like me, guys and girls, who like this kind of harsh stuff with a good story. For those of you out there,...

2 years ago
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Joanns Big Dream Is Taking Shape

My dream was beginning to take shape. Joe, from the bank, called and wanted us to come down to meet with him to discuss the finances of the vacant motel. I called Chrissy to see if she wanted to join us. She was excited and volunteered her SUV, again. I arranged a meeting for the following Monday so we could drive down on a Sunday. I began to print my calculations and drawings of my proposed “Joann’s Club Paradise” in preparation for our meeting. That Friday, the four of us sat to discuss the...

4 years ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter One Kays Demons take Shape

Introduction: The first chapter will be Kays story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. The Judgment of Sgt. J Chapter One: Kays Demons take Shape I am re-posting my story as it seemed not to have loaded the first time. The first chapter will be Kays story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies...

1 year ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 37 A Puzzle Takes Shape

Joseph could still picture Julia’s pale behind in his mind when he walked into the room and sat down at the head of the table. His cabinet was assembled for the final time before Court. Jonathan and Elena were departing with Alexander for a visit to Westmont. They would return just before Court opened. “Before we begin, I would like to discuss something that has come to my attention,” Joseph began. “I would rather we not keep a record of this discussion so let us keep the meeting informal...

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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter One Kays Demons take Shape

I am re-posting my story as it seemed not to have loaded the first time. The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my...

4 years ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter One Kays Demons Take Shape

The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my side of the story only in hopes of getting back the man I love so...

1 year ago
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Twisted Sister Vl Plans take shape

Jen is at her computer with Kerri and I at her side watching after a couple of hours she has printed about twelve photos. Most every thing but Robin is blurred. You can not tell who we are except for Robin or where it took place. She has two short videos too with the blurring. Two full length videos with no blurring one is hers the other is mine.Kerri asked when she is going to present them? Jen's reply is we need her back over her for more footage first. Kerri not happy with this asks why? Jen...

2 years ago
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No Matter What Shape

LA was a way different town back in '70. You could walk the streets at night in most neighborhoods and the gangs hadn't taken over yet. There was still a trace of that heady excitement, that bubbling sense of unlimited possibilities that was the short-lived legacy of the Sixties. Jamie was fresh off the bus. Not quite as clueless as fresh off the boat, but close. He had walked out of the Greyhound terminal with suitcase in hand, seventy dollars and change in his pocket, and no place to stay....

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 7 The New Album Takes Shape

After the New Year’s Eve gig, we had a very lazy New Year’s Day. I think I slept in until close to noon; and did nothing that afternoon until Janelle came around just before dinner time. Or breakfast time for her ... stupid shift hours. We had time for a quickie, before she had to eat, and get ready for work. She promised that she would spend more time with me over the weekend. With the New Year’s gig out of the way, it was time to concentrate on the extensive schedule that Fifa had for us...

2 years ago
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Saali Ki Chudayi Din Me

Hi, mera naam Prashant hai aur mai Pune se hu. Meri shadi ho chuki hai. Aaj jo kahani sunane jaa raha hu vo real hai. Mumbai me meri ek saali rehati hai (meri biwi ki mausi ki ladki) jo graduation kar rahi thi, uska naam Rohini hai. Vo pehale se muzse kafi close thi aur hamesh mere paas baithane ki mere saath ghoomane ka mauka dhoondhate rehati.Vo ek normal ladaki thi thodi si moti. Meri biwi delivery keilye uske mayake gayi huyi thi. To mai ghar me akele rehata tha. Ek din Rohini ne muze phone...

1 year ago
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Stop to Conquer

Note : This story is completely fictional! Having a married and happy sex life is not the end for everybody. There is always an itch to explore the unknown and have variety as spice of life, so to say. I probably belong to this category very strongly. I am married and have a great wife as partner. We have very satisfactory sex life and love each other dearly. Inspite of this, I find a strong urge to fantasize about other ladies with whom I come in contact. Just fantasy is all right, but as my...

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Aunty Ki Kitchen Me Jam Kar Chudai

Hi ISS readers.Ye meri 1st Story hai ummid karta hu aap logo ko jrur psand aayege.mera naam kanik hai mai 22 years ka hu or delhi ke patel nagar me rhta hu.jis aunty,girl,widow ko mere 8″ lambe or 2.5″mote ka mja lena ho wo mujhe mail kar skti hai ye bilkul secreat rakha jayega () Ab mai story par aata hu ye ghatna 6 month purani hai,mai jahan rhta hu usi floor par 35 saal ki aunty rhti naam unka naam simran hai,wo punjabi hai.unka figure 36 30 34 hai dekhe me itni khubsurat hai ki kisi ka v...

1 year ago
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Making a deal with a demon part2

(Strip, Watch & Wait) I got very nerves, but when I looked up I saw that all the pets where already naked and each one standing at a point of the star. They acted like I was not even there. So I did as I was told. I striped, waited & watched. Lucas picked up the knife and chalice. He held the chalice in front of him self right over the candle there and said “Corvendom Levintoria” then let it go. But it did not fall. Instead it floated there. He took the knife and said “I give of my self...

2 years ago
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Hi I am rajan ,this is my second experience which I am narrating to you .Thanks for your response for my first experience posting. My mami’s name is Kavitha,She lives in Mumbai. she is very sexy and is 45, beautiful even at this age, and has nice body 36D-29-38. She loves wearing silk saris and sleeveless blouse. She wraps the sari tightly around her body showing her solid 38 ass and 36D boobs prominently. She wears sleeveless blouse showing her armpits when she raises her hand. I really love...

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Car Ride Home part 2

I look out the window and see a cop. He told us to get dressed and get out of the car. I put my clothes on and nervously got out of the car. I looked at Kayla and she seemed pretty comfortable, no worry on her face. The cop says, "I could give you a ticket or even take you downtown with me. But since I'm in a good mood, I'll give you a chance to get out of this situation you're in." I don't know what the hell he's talking about and it makes me nervous.He walks over to us. He a pretty tall guy,...

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My NEW Boy Friend

I put an advert on a adult personals website along with my number, a few texts came through, but one stood out so I replied and set up a meet.Jumped in my car a bag of nerves, and headed down the M4 from Cardiff to Swansea. My satnav wasnt charged up enough and I got lost navigating my way around, so I had to give the guy a ring, when he answered I though 'hey, he sounds familier'Got to his place and he opened the door, it was someone I already knew!, he closed the door behind me and I gave him...

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Birthday Part 2

Birthday Part 2 How could I feel secure in my masculinity dressed like this? I had never thought that the night before my birthday I would be standing here in front of my wife Elizabeth, dressed like her, wearing a black lace babydoll top and panties, standing in pumps with a six inch heel. I had never thought I would be wearing lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, false lashes and a ribbon in my hair either. I was excited by the feeling of my first lace underwear and I felt warmer than I...

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Barging into the room, were Stu, Princess and Jennifer, seeing us dressed with me on my phone in the wheelchair, packed and ready to go. Peter sent me a text. I let Honey ‘man’ my wheelchair as the ladies all giggled at the look on her face. Stuart understood what had happened and I saw him shaking his head in deference to me. My lap held my, Honora’s, and Jennifer’s bags as we all got to the bus together. Stu handed me a piece of paper, which I put in my shirt pocket because Peter had come...

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Cinema Then Home

The best time I ever had sex was definitely my first. I was with my girlfriend on a date to see Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Nice long movie and it was a horror, so I could start by holding her hand. I figured it wouldn’t be good for in the cinema, but, you know…We went home, and we fucked each other. Hard. Anyway, everything went as planned. We made out in the parking lot for a few minutes, we watched the movie, I held her hand, and at least I got turned on in anxiety. When I drove home I...

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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 21

The summer ended as they all do. Fall came and I was back in school. When the leaves started to fall I had to buy a back pack blower to handle all the leaves my customers wanted cleaned up. Business was so good that I had to hire Larry a big blond kid from down the block to help me out. We worked after school until it got too dark to see and every Saturday and Sunday for a while. As you can imagine this put a serious dent in my sexual activities. Between working my small landscaping business...

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Agent Baker A Homecoming Of Sorts Chapters 14

Chapter OneThe ruggedly handsome and physically fit six-foot-four man was celebrating a little too much at the bar. Really, he had been drinking since three that afternoon. Between the misery and the birthday, he had enough reasons that night. He met a little red-haired gal with a nice pair of tits and a curvy ass. They had been dancing and rubbing on each other for about an hour, her nipples pushing through her tee shirt and his hard dick pressing against his jeans.He whispered, “Let’s get out...

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Heading to LA Clay Cole and I continue

Clay and I rode together in his car, while Clay dropped Nate off at home, proudly displaying phone numbers for Marko, Matt, Jessie, and Mike. Clay showed me he got Brian’s number and a few others. Cole didn’t share with the young guys that he too got Marko and Matt’s numbers. Clay and Cole sat in the pool house for a while and talked while Nate and I cleaned up, made some dinner, and chatted about new swim and under gear styles coming out. Cole motioned for us to come over and all was well....

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Speed Humps Ahead

. . . There were long cocks; short cocks . . . fat cocks and skinny cocks. Some were straight as an arrow while others were bent or curved; one was so pronounced that you might have even called it “hooked”. They came in more than one color and many varying shades. There was a delectable assortment of clipped rods, each with its own distinct character as far as size and shape as far as knobs; and there was an equally varied array of penises that I choose to refer to as “au naturel” with...

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Helping A Stranded Motorist

The doors unlocked as we approached, and I popped the tailgate. The older girls got our little one into her car seat and then clambered into their own seats, while Katie, Reagan, and I loaded our groceries and other purchases into the back. As a blended family of seven, there was quite a bit to pack in to the cargo area. The girls impatiently urged us to hurry up as they wanted to get home and play Minecraft or something. As I hit the cargo button, Katie pointed out a car parked in the...

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SuperBowl with Stepdad

This is my first post here, just wrote this story this morning. Hope you guys like it, I welcome all feedback. ThanksDear Diary, Today I finally did it... I finally got to ride my step dad’s big long dick. It’s been two years now since I have had to listen to mom moan loudly and the headboard of her bed hitting against my wall. You know I have often masturbated to the sound and always wished he would just look at me one day and fuck the shit out of me but for those two years, I am glad I...

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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 11

The room was dark and hot. The air was thick with vapor and scent of sulfur. The heat was so intense, even for the Dwarves. The cavern was located deep inside the bowels of the earth. It was a home of no one, for nothing could survive in these unfriendly environment, not even monsters or subterraneous beasts. A lone man walked along the cavern, his long dark cape flowing freely behind him. Around him the air crackled continuously from contact of the intense heat with his invisible force...

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Five PennsylsChapter 4

“I really am afraid of the answer to this question, but have you two...” “All the time, and it gets better every time,” I said to her. “So the rings are for keeping other suiters at bay?” mom speculatively asked. “And to show everyone our love for each other,” my Annie said. “Are you being safe?” was her next question. “No, we expect that I am already pregnant,” her youngest daughter responded glibly. “Can I ask you a question, Mom?” I asked. “Go ahead,” she said as our food...

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The Swing Series 3

After my wife and I experienced our first foursome with her sister and boyfriend, we had planned to get together with a couple of Pat's friends from work who were interested in trying out a little group sex. They were really curious but very apprehensive about actually going through with it. Our plans were canceled several times, to my DISMAY! I had obviously been looking forward to an experience with having four women to myself. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go all night with them without...

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Forward to the Stars Ch 04

Okay this is the chapter that gets closer to Mr. Marvels’ story ‘Genesis Project’ in that I get into the psyonic weapons. All mind-to-mind or mind-to-machine communications are Italics. Also to try to be a little more distintual between time gaps *** and location transfers ==== I’ll go with these and and add as necessary. Hopefully I have gotten all unintentional misspellings and discovered all incorrect though correctly spelled words. And I’ll try to catch the astronomy screw ups but as it has...

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Slut Side Of Me 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone. This is my second story. I hope everyone has read my previous story. Thanks for the feedback. In this story I will explain about how he took my virginity off. I am skipping my intro part. After that anal fuck we both were exhausted. I am still feeling his cum in my asshole. I fell on my stomach and he also fell on me. He started giving kisses in my back. Slowly he went to my ass cheeks and started kissing. Aaaaah he is arousing me again. Then he gave a spank on my ass. Ouch it...

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XRares.com aka RareScandels.xyz is a funny beast. X Rares aka Rare Scandals is a place that markets itself as a dark and exclusive place to watch “scandalous” and other fucked up videos. However, when you really think about it, it really just indexes videos from around the web that fit these certain categories with made-up titles. If you’re into this fucked up kind of shit, this is a convenient place to find both videos and photos, but it’s certainly not the “raw, unadulterated reality in its...

Extreme Porn Websites
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My wife wanted to fuck again and again

My wife is normally pretty shy. From time to time she gets VERY horny and cannot get enough. One afternoon she came home from a ball game. I sensed right aways that she was in that mood.We immediately went upstairs. She remove her clothes tight away. She started to remove my pants. When she got to my underwear, she only used her mouth! She carefully remove the underpants. My cock was fully erected and ready. She bended over and wanted me to fuck her from behind. I quickly rammed her hard. We...

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Secret Lives Part 2

Secret Lives - Part 2 Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Forward Welcome to part 2 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first part (chapters 1 - 7) then you probably should or none of this will make a lot of sense! This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it....

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