Mister GabeChapter 7 free porn video

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TLC with Erin (December)

Striding to my car, I was in a funk. On the one hand, I was elated at finally getting out from under MP and Mister Gabe. On the other hand, I was sad ... very sad ... about Jennifer, and the constantly mixed signals I was getting from her were tearing me up. I needed a break, a break from everything.

At the car I fished my Bluetooth headset from the glove compartment and fitted it to my ear before settling into the driver's seat. As I pulled away I called a number to ask some questions, and then anouther number, making some arrangements.

That all took time and before I knew it I was home. It was dark and silent as I let myself in – Sara wasn't home yet, and I recalled that 'C' had taken the kids to the hotel. I bounded up the stairs and stripped my suit away, changing into comfortable jeans and hoodie. Then I threw some needful things into an overnight bag and headed back down the stairs. I went into my office to ensure that everything was locked tight, and then wrote a quick note 'Sorry, I had to leave town quickly. Business trip. Promise to be home by Christmas. Dad.' I felt pressure to get out of the house so I trotted the note into the kitchen and folded it up and laid it on the kitchen table. I figured I could call 'C' later and fill her in on details, but in the meantime, I knew that she would look after Molly and Mike if Jennifer didn't. With that done, I ran out of the house, threw myself and the overnight bag into the car and took off.

It was late when I started, and it was a long drive. I was going to where Erin was spending Christmas with her boyfriend and his family. I thought I needed some time with her. I drove through the night and as I drove my sadness deepened. As I pulled into the town where Erin was I began having second thoughts. What was I doing? Erin was with her boyfriend – learning to love someone her own age. How could I just show up and demand her time. I stopped at a Denny's on the edge of town to get some breakfast and coffee. I sat there for a long time with my thoughts swirling. Jennifer – did I love her still? Did I want to continue fighting for her? Was she even interested? Why were we doing what we were doing? Erin – again, why was I here? What did I expect from Sara's best friend? Eventually, after a long while, I resolved to go to the hotel, get some sleep and then head somewhere else just to hole up for a while. I would leave Erin alone.

I got back in the car and drove to the hotel that I had had my travel agent book for me earlier that evening. I pulled up to the Best Western – the best that this little town could offer – and grabbing my overnight bag headed into the lobby.

My eyes were bleary, and I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings as I stepped up to the check-in counter. As I announced that I was checking in and handing over my credit card to the man behind the counter I felt arms steal around my waist and someone lean into my back. Before I could react I heard a low whisper, "oh, David. Thank you for coming ... I've missed you sooooo much!"

I turned in the arms holding me to look down into Erin's face. She looked tired, and I could see tear tracks down her cheeks. "What ... how... ?"

"Shhh, it will be ok David. I'm here. Finish checking in," and she reached up to pull my head down into a soft and loving kiss. I stood there totally dumbfounded, not understanding how she could be there – exactly the person that I needed, at exactly the time that I needed her.

She looked into my eyes for a moment and then gently pulled my credit card from my fingers. Quickly, she completed the check-in process for me, and retrieved the room key. Then, grasping my hand firmly in hers, she pulled me to the elevator. We hugged quietly as it took us up to our floor, and then she led me down the hall to my room. Opening the door, she led me in and tossed my overnight bag to the floor. I started to speak again, but with a finger held to my lips she shushed me. Then she pulled my jacket off, my hoodie and t-shirt over my head and then deftly undid my belt and pulled the rest of my clothes from me. I stared down at her while she was kneeling, undoing and removing my boots. She pulled me naked over to the bed and after pulling the bedspread down, lowered me on to it.

She kissed me ... again, a gentle one. She stood and smiled down at me and then proceeded to pull her own clothes off. The platonic kisses had started me worrying a bit, but as her perfect body was revealed to me that nascent concern faded away. Nude, she climbed up on the bed and settled her body down on top of mine – hips on hips, her breasts pressed into my abdomen, her legs entwining with mine, her head resting on my chest. And she held me.

I couldn't say exactly what it was ... the depression that had been descending upon me since last night, longer than that if I was being honest, or my exhausted state, or simply because this lovely young woman was actually here ... but I cried. Racking sobs that shook my body. And she held me.

Eventually I fell asleep wrapped in Erin's arms.

I awoke, and with my eyes closed I couldn't hear anything, so I opened them. The room was dark, and I was alone. Had I been dreaming?

At that moment the door opened, spilling some light from hallway inside. I saw Erin slip in, carrying something, and then stumble slightly in the darkness as the door shut behind her. "It's ok Erin, I'm awake." I reached over to the bedside table and turned on the lamp there.

"Oh good," she exclaimed. I could see that she was balancing two large paper cups and holding onto a bag. "You were still sound asleep so I went to get some coffee and something to eat. I hope that that was ok?"

"Anything you do is ok Erin," as I shuffled into a sitting position in bed, my back resting against the backboard.

She came over to the side of the bed and handed me one cup, "careful, it is hot," and then placed the other and the bag on the side table. She stood and looked carefully at me. "You are looking much better David." With that she quickly shucked her clothes on to the floor and flipped back the cover so that she could sit on me. I had not been hard last night, but simply watching her strip had me starting to stiffen, so she carefully placed me so that she didn't break anything as she sat down. My hardening cock found a wonderful warm spot in her cleft.

"hmmm ... that feels nice," she said with a grin at me. "Hand me my coffee please, sir." I did. "There are a couple of bagels in the bag. I didn't know what you'd feel like so I grabbed those just to tide us over."

"It's fine Erin. How do you happen to be here? How did you know I would be here?" and she cut me off by jumping off of me and the bed. She put her coffee down and then pulled her phone from her purse before prancing back into bed and settling once again in her former position, motioning with her hand for me to pass her the coffee again.

"I used the app," and held up her phone to me. I looked at it blankly, not really comprehending. "David, I use the phone app to see where you are. Sara put it on all of our phones last summer. See," and she held the phone for me to look again. "Wait," she bent over to put her still untouched coffee on the table and then slid off me to snuggle in under my arm. "See, this app shows where you are – the picture of you – where I am – the picture of me. And if I do this," she tapped the screen changing the view, I can see where Molly, Mike, my mom, Sara, Brock, 'C', and now Christopher," she paused to look at me, "my boyfriend. I can see where all of you are, all of the time. Or at least whenever you have your phone on." She prattled on, "David, I look at you four or five times a day. Sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly lonely, I just leave it on and keeping watching you. I can see where you are and imagine what you are doing. When you are with someone else that I know, like Sara or 'C', I really 'imagine' what the two of you are doing – it makes me hot sometimes. And jealous sometimes. I really don't think that I could have survived without this app ... it makes me feel that I'm with you."

I was now holding her phone while looking at the app. "This is very interesting," I commented quietly, "I'll have to get Sara to put it on my phone too."

With a theatrically explosive sigh, Erin bounced out from under my arm and scrambled off of the bed. She paused for a moment to have a first sip of her coffee and then went over to my clothes which I saw now were folded neatly on a chair, and started to rummage through the pockets. Eventually, with an 'ah hah' she pulled my phone from the inside pocket of my winter jacket. "This explains it," she muttered and then returned to my side clutching my phone.

"Mister Dane, sir," she said sweetly, "let us look at your phone, shall we? Mmmm, look at this ... oh ... sixteen missed calls. Who are they from? Let us see ... three from Sara, and ... three from 'C' ... even one from Jennifer," she paused there to mutter, "sometimes I really loathe that woman," then she continued, "oh ... and nine." She curled around to look closely into my eyes while waving my phone at me, "yes, Mister Dane, nine missed phone calls from somebody named Erin."

She grinned at me, and kissed me, and then settled back under my arm. "David, Sara put the app on your phone too. See, she set it up with Molly, Mike, 'C', herself, Brock, and me. Oh ... she has Jennifer on it too. I wonder how she did that? I'm pretty sure neither Mister Gabe nor Jen know about it." She paused to breathe. "You can see where any of us are whenever we have our phone on. Even your wife."

She put the phone down, and continued, "I look at you all of the time David. I miss you, and it helps to know where you are and imagine what you are doing. Last night, just before I was going to bed in Christopher's parents' spare room I looked. We had been up late playing cards, so it was pretty late. Anyway ... I saw that you were out in the middle of nowhere, on a highway. I called Sara – we talk every couple of days - but it was pretty late so I was surprised that she picked up right away. She read me your note and said she had been trying to get a hold of 'C' but she wasn't picking up. We both got a little panicky. Sara said she would try to find her mother, and I would continue trying to get a hold of 'C'. I also tried phoning you and got no answer," she waved the 'missed calls' in my face again.

"Around three in the morning I talked with Sara again. She had walked into Mister Gabe's side of the house – he never locks his patio door – and eventually found Jennifer in that dungeon you described to us. Sara says that her mom was nude, suspended from the ceiling, with red marks crisscrossed on her body, and that there were at least a dozen men in the room, most of them with no clothes on, including Mister Gabe. Jennifer was barely conscious and some old, fat guy was fucking her ass and anouther was slapping her tits as she hung by her arms. It took a bit for Sara to gain his attention, but Mister Gabe told Sara what had happened at the Christmas party and that that was all that he knew. Her mom was in no condition to talk, so Sara dropped it and ran from the house." Erin was watching me closely as she said all of this, but I guess my 'impassive' face was enough to ward off further worry on her part because she continued, "we still weren't able to get a hold of 'C', but we could both tell that it looked like you were coming here ... I mean where else does that highway go to?"

"Sara knew, we both knew," Erin waved the phone again, "that 'C' and the kids were in the hotel, so at around four in the morning her and Brock drove over there. They woke 'C' up – her and Molly were sleeping in one bed, and Mike was in the other – and explained the situation. Then 'C' did her thing, phoning some lady for information. 'C', Sara, Brock and I conference called and 'C' told us that you had a reservation here, and I decided that I would meet you here. By then it was almost five thirty and we could all see that you were getting close to town so I headed over here right away."

She hugged me and in a little voice said, "when I saw you had stopped at the Denny's and were there for so long, I almost decided to go there. I'm glad I didn't because I would have missed you." She smiled up at me and then kissed me again, "and here I was ... am."

I asked, "everybody else knows where I am now?"

She nodded and hugged me again, "yup. I called everybody after you fell asleep. Well ... not Jennifer, unless Sara made a point of telling her, and I don't think she even wants to look at her mom after what she saw last night, so I doubt it." Erin paused for a moment, "everybody is really concerned about you David. But they left me in charge of making you feel better." Then the young woman bent around to start kissing me. At the same time I felt her tiny hand snake down my abdomen to lightly grasp my semi-flaccid cock. She started to gently pull on me.

The kisses started to turn passionate as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. I started to stiffen. Erin broke the kiss to whisper into my ear, "what do you think, big boy? Can I cheer you up?" She left my ear and bent down, her lips approaching my cock, "just a little bit maybe?"

I groaned as her tongue teased the head. I could hear her murmur, "oh fucking gawd!, I have missed you so fucking much David Dane!" She engulfed me in her mouth. Erin used her talented mouth and hands on me for ten or fifteen minutes, bringing me to the edge and holding me back. I was groaning with desire, my hands stroking her back and hair as she sucked.

Finally she raised her face to mine again, kissed me solidly and then throatily stated, "I need you inside of me David."

I rolled her over and lifted her legs up, pressing them back into her, flattening her breasts under her thighs. "Not quite yet my young lover." I lay down so that my nose rested on her pubic bone just above her clit. First a gentle lick there, then I proceeded to bathe her legs with my tongue from the knee to the apex of her legs ... first one leg and then the other, spending extra time just behind her knees which elicited some interesting responses.

Eventually, and I took my time, I was at the gate to heaven. I paused to observe the flower opening for me, and there I stayed for a long time, gently licking her and pulling on her lips with my teeth. I could feel her building to a climax, her stomach clenching and her body trying to bend up against the pressure of her legs which I was still pressing on. I could hear Erin softly moaning, "please, David ... please Mister Dane..." At the right moment I dropped one hand from her leg, and changed the tempo of my tongue, pushing it rapidly in and out of her. Finally, just as she clenched again, I pressed hard down on her clit with my thumb driving Erin into a screaming orgasm.

I continued to softly lick her, causing repeated aftershocks to run through my young woman, until she pushed my head away from between her legs, and then pulled me up her body, lodging the head of my iron-hard cock at her entrance, groaning, "David, would you please, please, plllleeaassse fuck me now?"

"Gladly," I whispered in to her ear just before covering her mouth with mine, and pushing myself gently in to her. I moved in her, slowly penetrating until I was buried completely in Erin's hot cunt. I pulled back so that only the tip remained in and then began to fuck her ... alternating between short, sharp thrusts and longer slower deeper drives. Erin began mewling her passion, changing to a keening that rose in pitch as she again approached her peak. I knew after ten minutes that I wouldn't be able to last much longer so picked up the pace and depth, bottoming out on each stroke. Erin screamed, clenched and came, which drove me over the edge, emptying my balls in a series of strong spurts deep in to her.

I collapsed upon her and immediately started to roll off of the little woman but she clutched her arms around me holding me tight on top of her. She whispered in my ear, "I love you so much David ... and I have missed you so much. I don't want you to leave me ... roll over so I can lie on top of you with you still in me." I did.

We rested that way for a long while, catching our breath. Initially I had softened, but as we lay there I felt myself stiffening again ... lengthening out inside Erin. She lifted her head to look at me and smiled softly, "I love that David."

"Me too," I grinned back at her. Then a thought occurred to me. As far as I knew, Erin had been with me for almost a full day now. "Erin, what about your boyfr ... Christopher? What does he know about all of this? What is he thinking about you leaving his folks' place? What do his folks think?" I looked at Erin, "why are you here with me when you are supposed to be with your boyfriend and his parents?"

Her face took on a thoughtful expression and she carefully changed positions and helped me to move so that once again I was resting back against the headboard while Erin sat, impaled upon me, in my lap. She began to gently wriggle her bottom on me – sending delicious shots of pleasure throughout my body. "Those are good questions. Can I just think out loud for a bit, and then we can talk about it?"

I nodded, and stilled her wriggling so that I could concentrate on her words. She grinned at that.

"I really like Chris ... Christopher. It is more than 'like', but I don't know for sure 'what' that means yet. The only man I have loved, that I do love, is you David, and the feelings I get with Chris are sort'a similar, but yet not the same. I don't know what that will mean in the future with him, but this I do know," and she grabbed my head between both hands and leaned in so that our noses were touching, "I love you David Dane, yesterday, now, tomorrow and all of our tomorrows in to the future." She kissed me again and then let me go to sit back, "you know that, right?"

I nodded and then spoke quietly, "I feel exactly the same way Erin. It blows me away that I do, but I do. I love Sara, more and differently than a father as you know ... and I love 'C' ... and I love you. I love you all. All in the same, but in subtly different ways."

She nodded at me. "I know. And I know that I am ok with us all loving each other, because I love you and Sarah and 'C', and even Brock. 'Love' in all of its meanings including the biblical one. I love to fuck all of you – although I haven't actually fucked Brock because you haven't given me permission to yet ... but that is because I haven't asked you yet. I will. But I digress. I don't think that any of that diminishes in any way my individual love for any of you. That makes me hopeful for Chris. Actually, the passion that Sara and Brock have really makes me hopeful for Chris." She paused to breath and gather her thoughts some more.

"I've told him about you," she held up her hand at the expression on my face, "no, not everything. But he knows that you are my 'special' friend. He knows that you took my virginity for example," she grinned at the horrified expression on my face. "It is ok David. I told him that I begged you to do it ... which I did. He knows that I love you. He does not know that you own me and own everything that I do," again she held up her hand to shush me. "David, let me be crystal clear on that subject. While, after talking with Sara earlier this week I no longer want to try the SM part of BDSM, I do want to try the BD part ... and I insist that you continue owning me. Chris doesn't know any of that, but you have to." She said that calmly and with feeling.

"Last night he stayed up with me because he could see that I was very stressed. He knows that I am here with you because he knew what was happening and I told him that you needed me. Chris is an intelligent man and I'm sure that he probably believes that I have ... am ... making love with you." She sighed, "I do not know how he feels about that, or what he will say when I get back there, but as I was leaving he was supportive and he did tell me to come back as soon as I could."

"Ok Erin. Thank you for telling me all of that. Now let me be clear about some things. One, I love you, and I do not know what I would do without you in my life. This last twenty-four hours has hammered that truth home to me. Two, I agree that my love for all of you does not diminish, in the least, my love for any one of you, and each of you are special in your own way. Three, I vow to never 'SM' you... 'C' may have told you that I don't really like it even though I've agreed to give her what she needs. Four, and this is critical, if you ever have to choose between me and anouther person, man or woman, Chris or somebody else, I want ... No, I insist, that you choose the other."

She gasped at that and cried out "no!"

"I insist because, whatever you think, I do not own you. At some point you may find someone special that you want to share 100 percent of your life with. If that time comes, then I insist that you go with it." She started to speak, but I covered her mouth with a kiss and then murmured, "that subject is closed Erin."

She looked at me and her face turned from a frown to an impish grin, stating, "I won't argue with you, sir." Then she wriggled herself again and we both noted that I had gone a bit soft during our intense conversation. She frowned again and then grinned again, sliding up and off me to press her breasts into my chest. Softly she said, "my mommy said that she really liked fucking you too, Mister Dane, sir. She wants me to ask you in the nicest way possible if you would please surprise her at her house again and fill her cunt with your fantastic cock." Erin giggled and kissed me, "she really did you know."

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Chapter One- Boss, are you listening? Hello-o-o!Finger snaps appeared before his face. Light shimmered in his pupils. He grimaced exasperated. Couldn’t people leave him alone to his thoughts just for a few second? It took him a few moments to focus his sight completely. Adam Rich owner of Hot Spot graced him with a look, towards the irritated bartender standing with one foot on the rail on the lower part of the counter, tapping his foot, looking expectant upon him. What?! He wanted to scream...

4 years ago
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Mister Boggles Gets a Cell Phone

For a very long time, Hector Boggles only used the pay phone in the hallway of his apartment building. When he was working, which seems like a long time ago now, he liked to use the phones in the big red booths on street corners. It seemed like those days were disappearing very fast. Nowadays the best way to call people on the phone was to have a cell phone or a "mobile" as young people were fond of saying. Now that he was declared redundant and unemployed, he liked to classify himself as...

1 year ago
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Family loveing Sissy 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! O.K. before I begin you should know these stories begin when my half sister and I were 18, actually she had just had her birthday a week before and mine was a month earlier. It actually started 18 years earlier when our father (who is half Irish half Scottish) impregnated two hired lovers. The first woman was an mom) and the second was black (my sisters mom). When we were born legal custody went to our father. At the age of sixteen my sister and I were...

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Kansas City Rendezvous Thursday Treats

When I woke at six in the morning, Barb was still sleeping so I started a pot of coffee for myself, got dressed and left the room to go outside for two cigarettes. When I quietly returned to our suite, she was sleeping so poured a cup of coffee and turned on her laptop computer to check our joint e-mail account for messages.I couldn't believe that we had received almost sixty messages, most of which seemed to be in response to our videos regarding the upcoming trip to Natural Pines Resort and...

Group Sex
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A Good Ride

Introduction: All characters are over 18 years of age. A Good Ride When you drive for a living, and away from your wife for weeks at a time, it can get very stressful. I have been married to my wife, Lisa, for about 15 years now, and yes, she does get lonely when I am out on the road, but she keeps herself occupied with her career as a childrens clothing designer. My name is Richard, and I am a trucker. I met my wife at a truck stop while she was was trying to get away from an abusive...

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Streetfighter Training

The punch came faster then Ken had expected, whizzing towards his head. Quickly jumping back, he gained his balance again and continued the fight. Quickly stepping up, Ryu unleashed a kick directed to his side; however, this strike was much slower. Ken jumped to the right, absorbing the force before returning the favor with a kick of his own to the head. Before his friend could realize, the kick was grabbed, and with its own momentum, used to send the hapless victim onto the ground. Ryu was...

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First time for everything

Let me start off by saying that I have fantasized about alot of things (and tried a number of them); group sex, sex with trans guys, anal, bondage, and the list goes on. I love sex, and I like to get a little adventurous. One thing I never thought I would try would be taking money for sex. It’s not that it offends me, or that I think women demean themselves by doing it. I guess I just never really pictured myself doing it until, well… I found myself on my knees in a very expensive hotel room....

Quickie Sex
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Varanasi Jaakar Choda Bhabhi Ko

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends. Mera nam rocky hai. Bht din baad main fir se apni story lekar aaya hu. Mjhe puri umeed hai aap sab ko meri story pasand aaegi. Aur pichli stories ke response aache the. Thanks for that. Ab main sidha story par aata hu. Ye baat 3month pehle ki hai. Jab main mumbai gaya tha apne cousin ke shaadi mein. Har koi ladka shaadi mein jaata hai ye soch kar ki kisi ko ladki ko pata kar kuch kar ne ka mauka mil jaae. Main b yahi soch kar gaya tha. Vaha bht se...

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Caught looking through my window

Caught looking through my window.My girlfriend caught my little si(st)er looking through my window at us fucking. Hi I'm John average looking, brown hair, eyes average dick?My girlfriend Vanessa is also average looking little bit bigger girl. Brown shoulder length hair, green eyes. Not every girl can be a size four. She's not exactly a PAWG she has a bit of a muffin top and a small roll of belly fat. With that comes some big fuckin' tits, massive nipples that cover the whole front of her tits....

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Collared Leashed

I pick you up and we would go out to eat. You dressed in a short dress so that it showed off your breasts with no underwear on. At the restaurant, we would sit beside each other and I would tease you by having my hand rub your leg up to your pussy but never touch your pussy. I tease you as we talk and after our meal. When we leave, I open the car door for you as my hand runs up your leg and my finger slides inside your juicy, wet pussy and back out again. I get in the car and suck your juices...

1 year ago
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My Adventures Chapter 8211 1

Hey guys this is shubham back again with a new story. First of all thanks for the awesome feedback that you guys have been giving. I hope the responses and feedback keep pouring in at Enjoy the story. It is hard to identify the exact starting point of my peccadillo. It is also hard to put a precise label on it. Exhibitionism comes closest. But it isn’t exactly exhibitionism, at least not the way I generally see the word being used. I don’t think of myself as an exhibitionist because I have...

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Ritualistic Impregnation Of An Indian Wife

Hi am Sandip from kolkata with my wife Arpita married for four long years without any issue, working in a govt sector company, 5’8” healthy man and Arpita being a housewife 5’3” slim fair 28-26-32. We had regular physical intercourse from our wedding night first one year with protection and rest without protective. With a damn curiosity about conceiving any issue, we have undergone medical tests in surveillance of our gyno doctor, reports released to our utter surprise that I count nil whereas...

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Francescas Extreme Anal Diary capt1

This is a story of pure fantasy, any resemblance to any place or any person,living or dead, is purely coincidental.___________________________________________________________________________________________________Let me start at the beginning. My name's Francesca, and I'm an anal slut. I love the feeling of something slipping and sliding and slamming in and out of my ass, the bigger the better.I had the most intense punishment last night; it was so amazing I had to put pen to paper while I let...

3 years ago
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A Midwinter Nights Dream

As usual this work would not be half so good without the intervention and able assistance of the far too modest Steve Zink. Editor, writer, and friend... Steve there are far too few like you in the world. A little something I have been thinking about lately. It was meant to be a comedy but doesn't seem to be developing that way at all. ~SIGH~ The best laid plans I guess. JDG A MIDWINTER NIGHT'S DREAM PART ONE: PUCK-er UP My life began in the year 5559, on January 11. At least if you go...

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HunterChapter 6

At the office, Mike read through the reports picking out items that caught his interest. With what he had learned the previous night, he discovered a whole new interpretation for the information in the reports. Turning to the computer, he started writing an analysis of the four reports that were on his desk. He was actually working on two versions. In the first, he included only facts that were available in the four reports. In the second, the major gaps were filled in with what he had...

4 years ago
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Polly’s hysterical fetish for crossdressing unlocks the instinctive desires of a friend.Since my boyfriend’s grandad was celebrating his birthday at his local, it was suggested by friends that I should do my little routine. I would often perform it at gatherings. It was often fun. So there I was, on a little stage in the corner of the pub, the guests watching me do my comedy tap dance routine to a crude plinky plonk piano to the song Tea for Two. Naturally, I was dressed for the occasion in my...

3 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 16

Melinda wished she hadn't picked this park. It brought back too many memories. It was the same park where she and Jason had talked the first time that they had realized the power the House possessed, when it had allowed Jason to make Melinda masturbate in front of him. They had debated what the House was all about. Failing to find any answers, they had instead debated whether to continuing visiting it. They had decided in favor. Now look where it had gotten her. She was grateful to see...

2 years ago
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Wife wants a young lover

Wife wants a younger lover.My wife Helen passed a bit of a milestone birthday and was a bit down about it. I had been trying to encourage her to fuck a younger man for some time now to no avail so I turned up the pressure again telling her that it would cheer her up and remind her that she’s still attractive to take a young stud and fuck him rigid while I watch and wank. I could see that she was starting to like the idea by the way she frigged herself energetically while I told her a story...

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The Neighbors Daughter III April Needs Someone

Henry’s life had settled down considerably after popping their cherries and initiating sixteen-year-olds, Candy and Tasha, into the world of sex. Even with the little blue pills, those two teenagers along with Tasha's mother, Helen, had nearly worn out his fifty-year-old ass. Helen had become Henry’s girlfriend and a frequent visitor. Henry and Helen enjoyed maintaining the fantasy of her being the student to his sex teacher role. They had a very full sex life. Then, one Saturday morning,...

First Time
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My Lovely Maid Vijji

It was a story of my life some 20yr ago. I was a studying in Engineering college at that time Used to stay in hostel. During summer vacation I came home. On first day I noticed a lovely looking girl doing the chores in our house. She was about my age. My mother told she is Vijaya, niece of our regular servant. Our regular maid is not well so she is coming as replacement. Vijji was her nickname. Vijji was a thin girl but about 5.5 feet tall. She had lovely eyes. During house work she had habit...

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I own your Cock Now Cuckold and Pegged

I met my girlfriend, Wendy a few months ago at the library where she worked while I was doing research with historical primary sources. We hit it off right away. I asked her to coffee and we were thrilled by each other's company. Later that night she invited me back to her place and we began having amazing sex as often as possible from the first exhilarating night. Wendy has dark red hair, dark green eyes, light, creamy skin and an exotically beautiful face, framed by her glasses over a...

3 years ago
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Seduced And Dominated By An Aunt In Gujarat

Hi! This is Vatsal back again from Gujarat with my new experience. It has been days since I last updated my experience. I hope you find this interesting as much. This incident happened with me in the last week of February. I was roaming around in a mall in the afternoon. Being a student, visiting the mall during early warm days was a common thing. I was just loitering around from shop to shop and just enjoying my time. I never knew that someone had a watch on me since long. I went to the food...

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His special secretary Part 6

** Wednesday - Art **Wednesday morning... What do they have in store for me? I had a very bad night thinking at the torment I went through and sadly I'm not expecting it to get any better. I head to the office like a zombie, I change in the car, it's the same sort of uniform as yesterday but this time the skirt is white and the jacket is red, above a white shirt. The lingerie below and the stockings are also bright red! The day will be long I expect, let's start with Sir Vatier's blowjob!Once...

1 year ago
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Day of Destruction AftermathChapter 8

As we went out my parents' drive to the road, Shirley explained to me why we were looking for a house. "We need to start a family eventually and, for that, will need a house of our own. Also, as a matter of policy, our community needs to spread out and grow." "Okay, what are we looking for in a house?" "We need a place big enough for us to have a family, it needs to be off the road a bit, and it would be nice if it were on a hill or close to a hill for the radios." I thought for a...

3 years ago
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Jones Family the Big Move

Jones Family, the Big Move Colleen was excited, they were going to visit her Grandparents whom she hadn't seen in well over a year. Her Momma Stacy had accepted a job teaching at a Girl's Academy, but she couldn't really believe that it was on another planet. Sure she and Tammy had heard all about the exodus, they'd even met some of the supposed aliens. But the ones they'd met so far all looked human. Well, all of them up until this morning anyway. The movers had showed up to...

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I had a very bitchy "dance" teacher in my last year. She was always bitching about something which was annoying and most of the time I didn't even listen to what she said. Sometimes I'd just be thinking about what I would do to her. It was supposed to be a dance class, but everyone knew it was just an excuse to not study for an hour as no one learned anything from it. I always got to class first and she'd have to come in to get changed in the closet of the room we used. I got there sitting on...

2 years ago
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Elder Scrolls The Pillow Book

"Ugh... too much wine..." You stagger to your room wearily, fresh off a victory celebration. Not many people can kill a master vampire. You never thought you were one of those people, but here you are, very much alive. The townsfolk didn't seem to expect you back, either, but were extremely appreciative when you did return. You strip down for bed, taking a moment to admire yourself in the mirror. A little vain, but you think you've earned it.

1 year ago
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Sex with brother

Hi friends i am shalini from bangalore. This is the story of the night when my parents had to go Delhi for sum emergency problem.They leave me n my elder brother at home.At that time i was 19 yrs old n my bro was 24 yrs old.We were slipping in the same room but on separate beds suddenly there was lightning in the sky i got frightened n went to the bed of my bro at that time he was sleeping but i was so frightened and I was onto him in a hurry.on this disturbance he got awake and hugged me to...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Ten Psych Subject

We were paid twenty-five dollars an hour for each session. One Saturday we were told that we would be paid two hundred dollars to take a day-long battery of tests. The results would go into a database where we were identified only by a code number. Only Dr. Wagoner, the head of the Psych Department, had the key to the code. She would give us our results if we wanted them. My first actual job was in some advanced class that was studying motivations. It was all over my head. They were talking in...

4 years ago
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Jack Finds the Golden Necklace

Jack the adventurer was getting bored with the endless talk about ancient Egypt being given by Professor Brown at the class outing. The entire class was standing in the "Pharaoh's Room" of the local Museum of History. Cindy Williams was swinging her silly pony-tail around tempting him to yank it once and for all. Of course, that would mean another trip to the principal's office and he didn't think his parents would be overjoyed by the result. He looked around the walls of the small sized...

4 years ago
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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 7

The morning went fast with Amy wanting to play games the cousins showed her the previous afternoon. Angelo and Eric made the rounds of the self-service laundries to empty the coin collectors and re-charge the change machines. They checked the customer complaint boxes to see if any of the machines weren't working correctly before returning home for lunch. Layla and her mom had fixed meatball sandwiches with homemade sauce for lunch. As soon as Amy went down for her nap, Eric decided to go...

1 year ago
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Sibling reunion leads to new relationship

Introduction: This story is not mine I do not want any credit for it. It was a story from another site that i thought was worth sharing. All Credits for the story goes to Alaska Wild. I will put this up in chapters. Chapter 1 : Introduction Heads up : This chapter is sll about the build up and does not have any sex in it. I cant say I really understand why my parents wanted children, my sister, Jessica, and I spent our childhood being looked after by a continually changing line of baby...

4 years ago
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The Slut MarkedChapter 4

I shifted in the wheelchair, trying to get more comfortable. It was a direct flight from Germany to Fort Benning, Georgia, where the 75th Rangers were headquartered. I was going to muster out from there, 'cause that's where my residence was. It was still a long flight though, and my ass was sore. In the time I'd been in Germany, I'd learned to hobble about on crutches, and I started my therapy with the Mistress of Pain, Captain Marjorie Fletcher. She was the original 'No Pain, No Gain'...

3 years ago
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The entire family was gathered at Gramma's house for Thanksgiving 1995. k**s were running everywhere and the game was on TV. Our team was beating the pants off the other guys and lots of beer and wine was flowing. I had my glass of red and was settled out of the way of the k**s, watching the game and watching all the beautiful young girlfriends that came with the cousins and brothers. One sweet thing came over to introduce her self and we got into a very long conversation about medical school...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Slutty Mother

Hello horny people, this is my first post here and I’m so excited about it. Because this happened few years ago but I never had a chance to share this with anyone through the internet. Yea that means some people know about this thing between me and my mom (and my other family members as well, I’ll tell you those stories later). If you are extremely horny and just want to read the fucking part and jerk off, then please skip this story, because I’m trying to write this with details and also this...

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Brendas PhotographsChapter 5

Gordon was delighted with the clarity of the sound from the listening device he had recently installed in Brenda's bedroom! He had never imagined it would be so sensitive! He could hear every sound as she walked around, as she undressed, sounds from the bathroom next door, and of course above all the sounds of her and Mike making love. It had all been so easy! The idea of a listening device had come to him weeks ago. On Google he had found dozens of sites from which listening devices could...

3 years ago
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Father ne maid ko choda

Hi iss readers ye baat karib jan 2007 end ki hai un dino shaddi ke saye chal rahe the aur har dusre din kahi na kahi jana hi tha, maine pahle apni story bata diya tha ki maine kaise apin maid ko choda tha, par mujhe nahi pata tha ki papa bhi maid ko chodne ke chakar mai rahete hai, lakin maine kai bar dekha ki papa bare gor se meena ki gand aur boobs ko dekhte the sath hi underwear aur baniyan mai uske ass pass ghomte rahete the. Papa ki umar aur uski umar mai karib 22 saal ka antar tha, papa...

1 year ago
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Paying For My Love

Copyright© 2004 He played smooch and stinkfinger with Daisy Till this virgin was gotch-eyed and hazy. Then his gargantuan pole in Her pink, tight, and swollen Young cunt just about drove her crazy. The door to mom's condo flew open, after the fourth knock, and mom was standing before me with a small private smile and looked almost anxious. "Oh Luc honey... your early?" My short voluptuous Asian mother was wearing a knee-length black skirt, white silk blouse, white hose and black...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Three

The test was pretty simple. Not only did I know the subject matter pretty well, I had hours of practice teaching someone else about it, so it wasn’t a shock to see the “100%” on my page. Mrs. Li gave me a congratulatory smile as she gave me the test, and it was clear from the quiet groans that my score wasn’t exactly common in the class.That said, I was still nervous. As Li walked around the room handing out tests, I stared straight at Taylor as Li made her way over to her. I couldn’t see Li’s...


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