Mister GabeChapter 4 free porn video

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I honestly cannot recall how Sara and I made it back into the house after the scene in Mister Gabe's kitchen, but somehow we did. We entered through the kitchen and made it up the stairs past Molly and Mike who were still watching tv. It wasn't until we were standing in the darkened hallway at the top of the stairs that I realized that my daughter was still topless. Our sense of outrage at what we had witnessed – Mister Gabe driving nails through Jennifer's tits – had us both shaking and holding tightly to each other. We also realized that we had fled the scene leaving Sara's fiancé, Brock, behind.

We stared into each other's eyes, and held each other close for an eternity ... until we heard movement from below and realized that the kids were turning things off downstairs in preparation for heading to their bedrooms. I clutched my daughter's hand, and pulled her into my bedroom and softly closed the door behind us. We waited inside the door, still holding each other, while we heard Molly tell Mike good night, and then their bedroom doors opening and closing.

"Are you ok Sara? I asked softly.

She nodded slowly, pressing herself into me. I could hear her whisper into my chest, "I cannot believe that he did that to mom." A breath, and then she pulled back to look up at me, "I cannot believe that she refused to leave with us. What is wrong with her? Do you really think it is the wine?"

I nodded. "Yes ... or at least that is what started it. Mister Gabe as much as confirmed it for me yesterday. But that underlines what I told you and Erin ... do not drink anything coming from Mister Gabe ... he even spiked the water that I had today. You just cannot trust him ... and you know that he wants you in the worst way." I paused..."I don't know what is going to happen with your mom ... but I do know now that whatever it is, it will never be like it was before." I thought for a moment, "I am not going to do anything rash Sara, and we'll have to keep up pretenses, at least for a while, at least for the kid's sake. Can you do that?"

"Yes. Ok. Dad, don't leave her, please, please. It will be ok ... I just know that it will ... eventually." She breathed deeply, and began to unbutton my shirt. "She knew before the wedding ... she must have ... that is why she made sure that I would take her 'wifely' duties with you," and looking down I could see her face starting to change from the horror of earlier to a tenuous smile. How could this vixen transition so quickly?

I stopped her hands, holding them tightly in mine, "you are sure you are ok?"

She nodded again, "yes, daddy, I am as 'ok' with this as I can be. Besides, for at least as long as this goes on, you are mine." She giggled, "and Erin's, of course."

"What about everything you were made to do tonight? What about Brock?"

She cocked her head to one side, looking at me. "Dad, that is the odd thing ... while I 'was' made to do things tonight ... and while I was certainly surprised and shocked by some of it – like what Mr. MP did to me - really, none of it was something that I didn't 'want' to do. I just admitted that to myself. Do you understand? I think that the feeling of a lack of control just let me be more myself. I don't know how to explain it, but ... I am totally ok with things." She paused, and then confidently said, "yes, the more I think of it, the more that I know that I am totally ok with things. And ... daddy ... I want you to keep 'making' me do things," she pleaded.

Holy shit! A light bulb finally went off in my head. This was Jennifer, telling me that her father had given control to me years ago ... when we were first married. She had also been saying, without using words, that she 'wanted' me to take control ... just like Sara had just done. I just didn't 'get it' then, but I sure as fuck got it now. My eyes widened with the realization and I stood there in shock as my daughter looked, with concern, at me.

"You are a blessing my little girl," I said looking into her upturned face. And then I did a decidedly un-fatherly thing to his little girl. I pinched her two nipples, and twisted them sharply, leaning over into her gasp and pushing my tongue into her mouth. Roughly I frenched her for a moment and then stood up, releasing her. "What about Brock?"

"Oh, daddy ... that was so nice," as she rubbed her nips. "He is fine. We talked a whole bunch this week and we understand each other so much better than we did before Mister Gabe came along. Actually, I think that now that we 'are out in the open' so to speak, we are actually better than before. He understands that I like sex, a lot, and while he still has a few hang ups about you, in particular, porking 'his' girl, in general he is ok with it ... and I understand that he really likes fucking." She paused and looked up at me, "daddy, he really, really, likes fucking mom. Now that he knows the rules, he will probably fuck her as much as he can. The whole 'kink' thing really gets him going." She 'hmmm'd' to herself, "probably the same 'kink' thing that makes me want you to do me every which way from Sunday ... as often, and whenever you want. Probably the same thing that turns Erin's motor on so much with you too," she concluded.

"Now. Are you going to fuck me?"

I thought to myself about the 'rules' ... Jen could not say 'no' to any man ... which was what Sara was referring to. Brock would ask and my wife would do. As simple as that. "No, Sara. You go to bed ... your own bed tonight." I opened the door and pushed her, still topless, out into the hall, and closed it on her astonished face. I was grinning at her as I did so.


The next morning I awoke to the realization that someone was sitting on the bed beside me. I opened my eyes, surprisingly refreshed, to see Jennifer sitting there dressed as usual for a Sunday, in her tight blue jean cut offs and a droopy white t-shirt. She was gazing into my eyes, and reached over to softly brush a lock of my hair from my eyes. "Hello sleepy head," she murmured. Then she bent down and placed her lips close to my ear and whispered, "I love you David Dane. Nothing will ever change that, and don't you forget it." She kissed me softly on the cheek, on the lips and then she sat up again.

"I'm surprised to see you here," I said as I sat up with my back to the headboard.


"Welllll, after last night, I was pretty sure that I wouldn't see you here. I mean, I know that you would 'pass through' here to keep up appearances with the kids, but I didn't expect to see you sitting with me here."

"Hmmm," she murmured, and she glanced around the room, "Mister Gabe won't like this, so it probably won't happen too often." She paused, and looked into my eyes, "but I had to tell you that Dave, especially after last night."

I looked pointedly at her breasts, swinging freely under her top, "how are you?"

She smiled at me, "I'm fine, now." She moved slightly and then used both hands to pull her top up and off, exposing her breasts to me. "See, or ... not much to see." She pointed to two small dots, one on each breast, where I had seen the nails driven into her. "They close up as soon as the nails come out."

I took advantage of the situation and leaned into her and drew my tongue over her nipples to each dot, softly kissing both, "I'm sorry that that happened to you, my love."

"Me too, but please don't do that David. You know the rules and even though I already know that Mister Gabe is going to punish me for being here," and she waved her hand towards the nearly invisible camera, "let's not make it more than it has to be." She took a breath, "besides, I have to tell you something ... something that I want Mister Gabe to hear, that I absolutely know he will punish me for."

Very interested now, I still gently held her naked breasts in my hands, caressing them down to her nipples, "what?"

"We both know that I will do whatever Mister Gabe wants. I know that I will not be able to tell him that I did not like the nails at all last night. I know that I won't be able to tell him 'no' if wants to do that again, or some other form of body mutilation." She drew a breath and took both of my hands in hers, "but, my husband, I want you to promise me that if does try to do anything like that, or even if you find after the fact that he has done so, I want you to promise that you will take me away from him. Use force, and force me to stay away from him, and don't ever let me go back to him." She looked imploringly into my eyes, "I will probably fight you, but you must promise me right now that regardless of anything ... you will get me away from him."

Solemnly I leaned into my wife and kissed her on the lips and then said, "I do solemnly swear to do as you have just requested."

Jennifer stood up and immediately pulled her shirt over herself, "I better get out of here and downstairs with the kids before Mister Gabe comes storming in." She smiled and said to herself as she turned to the door, "although that could be fun." She got to the door and paused again, turning back to me with one hand on the doorknob, "by the way ... where is our daughter? I thought she would be in bed with you?"

"No, not last night Jen."

"She is taking care of you though? Yes?"

I smiled slowly, "just as much as Brock is taking care of you?"

She smiled back, "that boy is very energetic."

"Sara says that he really, really, likes fucking you my dear."

"Well, I won't be able to say this about everybody, I'm sure, but he is, or will be family, so it certainly doesn't bother me." She grinned again, "and what is the truth behind the rumour about Erin? 'C' was saying that you are fucking our daughter's best friend?"

"Yup," now I was grinning broadly. "Actually, she is my sex slut. My very own. I took her cherry too."

We both were smiling, and then at the same time broke out into laughter. "Well, Alice," I said to my wife, "we are both well down the rabbit hole ... but maybe it won't be as bad as it looked." I waved at her and finished, "stay in touch dear."

She turned the knob, opened the door to Molly walking by outside, and headed out into her day.

Well, I thought to myself, this is going to be my life until he gives her back to me. Bad, but perhaps it would not be as bad as I was thinking last night. I could 'live' with this situation ... especially with Sara's and Erin's help. And I could sense that the big fucking black bastard was going to test things ... test me ... every chance he could get.


A bit about work. I had returned to work the Monday after Jen had come to see me ... the Monday immediately following the end of her honeymoon, and tumultuous party at Mister Gabe's wherein I had discovered that my Managing Partner (MP) at work was also part of Mister Gabe's 'family'. At some point in time Mister Gabe had taken Mrs. MP as a wife, and used her like he was now using Jen. MP came to see me to repeat what he had said at the party ... nothing in Mister Gabe's 'world' would affect our working relationship. This is the guy would had told me that he knew, months beforehand, that Mister Gabe had every intention of taking Jennifer. This is the guy who made me, while I was not in full control of my actions, hold Jennifer so that he could fuck her. I had felt every thrust he made in to her. There was absolutely no way that our working relationship could ever be the same.

I vowed that I would start to look for anouther firm to move to. Since I now knew that the black bastard was a client of MP's, I also vowed to figure out a way to hurt him in some way ... some way that would really mean something to him. It was going to take some time, and some work, but I would find it.


Erin's boyfriend – July 2011

It was the middle of summer – long hot days, plenty of time spent by the pool. We had evolved into a routine of sorts. Jen and the kids, including Sara, were on summer break from school. Brock was working full time for his dad's land development company, although he spent most evenings either at our house, or out somewhere with my daughter. I was working normal summer hours which equated to 50 hour weeks instead of the 60 or 70 hours that sometimes happen. "C" was a frequent addition to our family times, at the pool, and even in the house. She seemed to spend more time with us than elsewhere. Sometimes I wondered whether she was keeping an eye on us for the frequently absent Mister Gabe, or just genuinely enjoyed being with us. Her and Jen seemed to be very close, and I could see an older sister kind of relationship developing between her and my kids as well. None of that bothered me as I truly liked "C" as well. In fact I had spent a few evenings with her after Jen had departed our bedroom to be with her 'husband'.

That still bothered me, I cannot deny it. While each day started with Jennifer giving me a platonic kiss, it always ended with her walking through the closet to the other side of the house.

Sara and Brock's wedding was fast approaching. They wanted to get hitched before they started university in the fall, and it had been decided that they would live in the guest suite in our house while they were married and at school. Brock's dad had already said that as soon as Brock graduated (three years), then Mister Gabe would get his notice to depart and Brock and Sara could take ownership of the other side of the house.

Today, Saturday, there were a bunch of people gathered on our patio. The purported reason for the gathering was to work out final details of the wedding. It had already been decided that the wedding would take place at a large downtown church – while there weren't too many folks to invite from Sara's side of the new family, Brock's side seemed to have bred like lemmings and there were a lot of them. For the same reason, even though I had originally thought that the reception afterward would be at our house, the guest list had simply outgrown the space, so Brock's dad had rented the 'Castle' hotel (that I described earlier) for the reception.

I didn't really know what else there was to plan, but regardless, that was the reason for the gathering. Brock and Sara, Brock's best man Tim (he was also eighteen with no girlfriend to speak of), Erin (Sara's Maid of Honour) and her boyfriend Richard, Molly and her girlfriend Tabitha (seventeen) and of course Mike who wanted nothing more than to oogle all of the girls, "C", Jen, and myself were all there. Mister Gabe was off to the west coast this weekend, so I was looking forward, hopefully, to an evening with my wife in my bed.

Jennifer and "C" were sitting side-by-side on one of the patio couches, sipping at cool drinks. They were both wearing colourful, short sundresses, and were chatting amiably. I was sitting across from them in cut-off jeans and an old t-shirt just enjoying the sight of the two lovely ladies in front of me. All of the rest were in bathing suits and cavorting in the pool. The sounds of their laughter and splashing were very 'homey' comforting kinds of sounds to me.

I had been a little surprised at myself earlier when Erin had shown up with a boyfriend that I hadn't heard about. Admittedly, I had not seen much of Erin since that night in our bed during the honeymoon – passing glances as her and Sara came and went from our house. I had been busy, and I thought that maybe she had had some second thoughts about the situation. So I was surprised by my reaction when introduced to the boy – a black'ish cloud had descended on me from nowhere. He was about six feet – just a little shorter than me – and average build. Not too muscular, but still in good shape. I found myself stiffly shaking his hand while Erin gazed up at me, her eyes slightly wide and expectant. I realized now, sitting on the couch, that I was being a bit foolish with my slightly jealous possessiveness of Sara's best friend. Mentally I shrugged and took a swig of the cold beer in my hand.

A thought occurred to me.

"Why don't you two ladies go get into bathing suits and we can take a turn in the pool?"

'C' smirked at me, "you want to see some more of us do you Mister Dane?" Her hands drifted down to the bottom of her sundress and started to slowly pull the hem up her legs. From where we were sitting the couches blocked the view of her lower half from the kid's in the pool.

I smiled until my wife swatted 'C's hands and told her to stop that. Jen looked at me and said, "I am not getting into a bathing suit for you David."

That made me and 'C' both frown. After a pause I had an idea, and, with a return smirk to 'C', I swivelled in my seat so that I could look over to the pool. I caught Brock's eye and motioned him to come over. He obediently got out of the pool and, dripping water, strode over to us. The back of the couch that I was on faced the pool so he was standing behind and slightly to the side of me. I motioned him to lean down a bit so that I could talk to him without the other kids over hearing us. "Brock, I want these two women to change into bathing suits, and Jennifer is refusing. Can you change her mind?"

'C's smirk turned into a radiant smile as Brock stood up and placed his hands on his hips staring at my wife. His lips also quirked up into a smile and, nodding to himself, he walked around the couches and approached Jen from behind her couch. Jennifer was frowning furiously at me. I quickly glanced at the pool and noted that only Sara's eyes were upon us as she wondered what her fiancé was up to, and then I watched as Brock lent down over Jen. "Well, mommy," his hands rested on her shoulders, bare except for the spaghetti straps holding up her sundress, "I understand that you are being bad." Without waiting for a response he lent down further so that his mouth was beside Jen's ear. At the same time, his hands drifted down the front of her dress, easily slipping inside to cup my wife's breasts in his hands. "I would like you to go change into a bathing suit ... something that entices my interest." He squeezed Jen's tits, "do you have a problem with doing as I tell you?"

Again my wife glared at me, then she tilted her head up to Brock and smiling sweetly said, "none what-so-ever. The faster you take your hands off of me, the sooner I can do that for you Brock."

'C' clapped her hands, and both of them stood up as with one final squeeze Brock removed his hands from my wife's dress. 'C' grabbed Jen's hand and dragged her into the house. I mockingly clapped my hands as well and Brock just bowed and said, "your wish is my command, sir." But then he stood and paused, "but seriously Mister Dane ... whatever you want, whenever you want it. Just tell me." He gulped and continued, "this situation with Mister Gabe, and your wife, and Sara, and you ... I don't really know what to say or do, so I'm just 'going with it', if you know what I mean?"

I nodded and then stood as well, "so am I, Brock. Just going with it, I mean. I think I'll go get changed now to."

I went inside and climbed the stairs to my bedroom. The ladies had preceded me and were already in the room, with the door ajar. I pushed it open and stepped inside. 'C' was hugging my wife, and petting her hair, murmuring something to her as she pushed Jen's dress straps down off of her shoulders. I watched as 'C' stood back and let the dress fall, exposing my wife to both of us.

Jen caught sight of me standing there, "Jesus Christ, David!" she exclaimed, "get out of here!"

That caught me by surprise, but my reaction was immediate, "fuck off! This is my room more than it is yours!" I strode in and pulled Jen to me, her nipples pressing into my shirt-clad chest. I planted my lips on hers and drove my tongue into hers. She struggled, striking at my shoulders with her fists, to no avail. Eventually I let her go and stood back to see my wife standing there, nude, panting.

"You cannot do that David."

'C' stepped in between us, looking up at me, "she is right David. You have imposed some unheard of restrictions upon Mister Gabe and his wife, and he is only going to consider abiding by them if you abide by the rest of the rules." She looked over her shoulder at Jennifer who was nodding furiously, "who knows what will happen if you insist on stepping out of the lines drawn." 'C' paused and looked up at me and slowly reached up to push the straps of her own sundress of her own shoulders, "if you really need this right now, then take me David. There are no rules regarding me from Mister Gabe, other than the standard one about me not being able to say 'no' to anyone," and she grinned at me and then glanced up towards the camera that we all knew was recording everything. With that she let her dress fall to the floor, pooling at her feet.

I nodded my head as my gaze switched back and forth from the two naked, beautiful women – both Mister Gabe's wives and property – and I responded, "yes. I'm sorry honey," looking at Jen, "that was foolish. I will not touch you again." I turned from both of them and headed into the closet to change. My earlier ebullient mood had been replaced by a very thoughtful one.

By the time I came out, dressed in boxer-style swim trunks with a towel draped over my shoulders, the women were already gone back outside. Briefly I looked out at the patio from the bedroom balcony. Jen was sitting on the couch beside 'C' again, and they were both talking with Erin who was sitting where I had previously been. The rest of the party was still in the pool though I could see that all of the males were trying to surreptitiously steal glances at the women on the couches. I couldn't blame them, even Mike was looking, given the flesh on display.

Erin was in a teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini – I kid you not – that presented three triangles to view that just barely covered the interesting bits.

'C' and my wife were in identical, crimson red, one piece bathing suits. The legs were cut up to their waists, and the bosom was slashed down to their navels. When 'C' leaned forward, laughing at something Erin said, I could see that the bathing suit did not cover her back at all. All three of those girls were lovely. Suddenly I had an evil thought, and grinning to myself I headed down the stairs and outside to join them.

As I entered the kitchen Sara was entering through the sliding door to the patio. I met her a foot in from the door. She was in full view of the people outside at the pool, but in the relative gloom of the kitchen I was pretty sure that she couldn't be seen. I snaked one hand behind her neck and grasped her hair, pulling her head backwards. The other hand I pushed down into her bikini bottom, digging my fingers into her dry snatch. She 'ohh'd' and I leaned down to passionately kiss my daughter, pushing my tongue into her mouth and licking all around inside. My daughter did not fight me at all, allowing my fingers to swirl around inside her quickly juicing cunt, and my tongue any liberty with her mouth.

Taking the risk, I suddenly pushed her up against the inside of the glass door and with both hands ripped her bikini top from her body, and then harshly pushed her bottoms to her knees. Sara was wide-eyed and starting to pant. I pulled my suit below my ball sac and with one hand squeezing her right tit, I used the other to position myself at her entrance. Bending my knees slightly, I drove up and into my daughter, lifting her off of the ground and up against the glass door. I didn't say anything, just drove up into her until it dawned on me that we might actually push through the door. Just as suddenly as my attack on my daughter started, I stopped. I stood back, panting, and supported her as she also gained her breath. Neither of us had come, so now we were both on edge.

Sara stared wildly at me and then lurched forward into my arms and kissed me again. "Anytime, daddy. Anytime, anything." And then she giggled, "but now I have to go find another bikini" as she picked up the remains of what I had just torn off of her.

"Go" I commanded, and adjusting my stiff prick back into my suit, I stepped around my daughter and hauled the door open. If anyone had been looking, they would have caught a brief glimpse of Sara standing there in the nude.

I stepped out, and then sauntered over towards the couches. I could see Richard watching me as I walked up behind Erin. My body blocked his view, but both 'C' and Jennifer were intently watching me as if they sensed that I was up to something. I bent over the couch back, behind Erin and she bent her head back to look up at me. Her eyes opened wide as she realized it was me, and she started to say, "oh, Mister Dane, I..."

And I cut her off by twining the fingers of my left hand into her hair – much as I had just done to my daughter. I held her in place and bent lower over her face. I placed my right hand on her right shoulder and softly started drawing circles there. "Erin, how are you doing?" I queried. She started to speak but I again hushed her, "it is ok girl," and I moved my fingers slowly drawing the circles on her breast bone above her right breast, "I understand that you have a boyfriend? Richard, is it?" Erin struggled to nod her head at me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I continued in a menacing tone.

This time she squeaked, "Mister Dane, I am sooo sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid. W ... we just started going out this summer."

This shocked me a bit and I released her hair and pulled my hand from her, moving around the couch to sit beside her, "why 'afraid'?"

"Mister Dane, yes I am ... I want to be yours ... but ... and well ... I like Richard."

I swivelled on my seat so that I was facing her. From one side I could see Jen and 'C' watching me intently. From the other corner of my eye I could see Erin's boyfriend still casting glances our way. But he could only see the tops of our heads, with the rest blocked by the back of the couch. I leaned in towards Sara's best friend, "you are mine Erin. You should ask me before you do anything." With that I boldly pulled her right breast from her bathing suit top and pinched the nipple. "Have you let him feel your tits yet little girl?" I asked.

She slowly nodded her head while biting her upper lip. Christ but that looked sexy!

I tweaked her nipple hard and then pushed my finger down into her bikini bottoms. My fingers were still moist with Sara's juices, and it was immediately obvious that Erin was wet as well. I used my index and ring fingers to spread her cunt lips apart and inserted my saluting finger into her. As I started to swirl around inside her, occasionally pausing to rub on her g-spot, I continued, "has Richard been doing this to you already Erin?"

Again, she nodded. Forget about me having my fingers embedded in this girl, her constant chewing on her lip was driving me mad!

"Have you been fucking your new boyfriend Erin?"

She emphatically shook her head 'no'.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, with the volume of my voice pitched so that only we could hear it. I hooked my finger up into her pussy and lifted her lower body from the couch. Erin came on the spot, shoving her hand into her mouth to stifle her groan as her eyes rolled up into her head. I held her there, jigging her body up and down with my finger hold inside her. She kept coming.

'C' sat down beside Erin on the other side, and took a grip on my wrist, catching my eye, "he is getting out of the pool, Mister Dane."

I released Erin and 'C' quickly helped her to adjust her suit as she tried to catch her breath. Jen was looking at me with a thoughtful stare that I couldn't decipher.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Richard drying off. I leaned into Erin again and whispered in her ear, "Erin, you are mine. You are my cunt. You gave yourself to me and unless you insist, I will not let you go. Are you insisting?"

She looked at me, and we could both hear the slap of bare feet approaching. "nnooo, Mister Dane. I am your slut," she firmly stated, nodding her head at me.

She continued to nod at me as I sat back, and her boyfriend sat down on the other side of her in the space that 'C' had vacated when she returned to her seat beside Jen.

We returned to normal for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. All of the boys in the crowd gawked at all of the girls and women, all of the time. I did notice Sara and 'C' talking with my wife at one point in what appeared to be a very serious conversation which ended with 'C' shrugging her shoulders and nodding affirmative to whatever it was.

I also noticed that when Jen went into the house to get some refreshments, 'C' went with her, closely followed by Brock. I couldn't help myself and after a few moments I also slid the door open and stepped into the kitchen. Jennifer was bent over the counter with her breasts hanging feely as her swim suit was hanging on the floor off of one ankle. I noted that this was the position that Mister Gabe had demonstrated to Brock a month earlier. 'C' was standing on the opposite side of the counter from Jen, also naked from the waist up and leaning into my wife. 'C' had one of my wife's tits in each hand, squeezing and pinching them as she had her lips pressed to Jen's lips, sucking on her mouth for all that she was worth. Brock was standing behind my wife pushing his hard cock in and out of her. If 'C' wasn't inhaling all of Jennifer's breath, I'm sure she would have been making enough noise to alert the neighborhood.

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“How many time should I tell you this, you don’t need to gift us Mxyzptlk,” Batman said, getting more than annoyed by the imp’s insistence. “He’s right,” Superman added, “we don’t want your gifts, especially after what you did last time.” “What, what did I do? You never trust me,” the small excentric imp answered with a shocked expression on his face while flying around the two heroes. “First, you almost created an international financial crisis when you caused millions of peoples to win the...

1 year ago
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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue 3 Short and Sweet

Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet Chapter One: Eye Candy After weeks of careful debate, we’d finally gotten her costume sorted out, reaching a compromise we were both comfortable with. The sticking point had been the zipper, of course. She’d stubbornly insisted that it had one, much to my chagrin, and had been taunting me endlessly with its existence ever since. I was begging to feel a kinship with Pavlov’s poor dogs, the sound of the zipper tab parting metal teeth making my...

3 years ago
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Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue 1 Of Bugs and Brawn

Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue #1: Of Bugs and Brawn Chapter One: A Bug in the House She spent a lot of time playing with her zipper. It was either a nervous tic or (and this is the explanation I preferred) an attempt to draw my attention to the fact that she was all woman. Oh, and what a woman. I’d known, even before she walked through the door that she was in heat. Her presence had been announced by what I can only describe as pheromones. Not at all subtle either. I could feel the blood...

2 years ago
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Mister BozoChapter 3 Growing Up

As she walked back to the pod beside her brother, Rachel was silent; she was so distracted that she didn't even notice her own nakedness. She'd made a complete spectacle of herself in front of everyone, and not for the first time. Thinking it best to leave her to her thoughts, David kept quiet also. He remembered his earlier puzzlement, so he took the opportunity to query the AI subvocally, «Is the Fleet Auxiliary about replacing Navy people on colony ships, and getting them onto...

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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue 2 Taking the Bull by the Balls

Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #2: Taking the Bull by the Balls Chapter One: A Bug in Cheap Clothing “What the heck are you wearing, Squirt?” I did my best to keep my voice level as I looked her up and down, not even bothering to hide the stern frown creasing my face. At least she had the good manners to blush before she started playing with her zipper. I made a mental note to take her shopping as soon as possible. Apparently, the girl (not that I would ever call her that to her face unless...

3 years ago
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Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue 1 Of Bugs and Brawn

Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue #1: Of Bugs and Brawn Chapter One: A Bug in the House She spent a lot of time playing with her zipper. It was either a nervous tic or (and this is the explanation I preferred) an attempt to draw my attention to the fact that she was all woman. Oh, and what a woman. I’d known, even before she walked through the door that she was in heat. Her presence had been announced by what I can only describe as pheromones. Not at all subtle either. I could feel the blood...

4 years ago
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mister cockenballs

Fridays can tend to be slow in my business, and sometimes I try to find an opportunity to escape the office early. Sometimes the opportunity to escape finds me...It was mid-morning on Friday when I answered the phone, and was slightly stunned and amused when I thought I heard a woman with an unfamiliar accent ask for "Mister Cockenballs". Thinking that my twisted mind obviously misunderstood her accent, I recovered my composure and replied, "Excuse me ma'am, would you please repeat that name?"...

4 years ago
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Mister Wonderful

Jane Weston impatiently tapped her Gucci clad toe on the marble foyer floor, as the liveried Global Freight workers slowly wheeled in the large crate. Jesus, they were typical men: moving like molasses, devoid of any sense of urgency. Jane had a low opinion of men in general since she had booted her philandering bastard of a husband out two years ago. A good private detective and an even better lawyer had helped her exact her revenge to the tune of forty million dollars. She had used half the...

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Mister Thorntons Dilemma

It all started with a simple Scotch and water on the rocks in a moment of careless relaxation. The big man with the black-framed glasses was unsure about it but the look in the cabin hostess eyes looked at him as if expecting him to order "Ginger Ale" or some such candy-ass drink and he wanted desperately to disappoint her for his own satisfaction. James "Jimmy" Thornton hadn't had a Scotch and water since the old days back in Southeast Asia and the Scotch was mostly the Japanese shit and...

3 years ago
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I am not the author of this story....i just fixed the grammar and spelling mistakes etc!!My name is Loretta and my husband and I own a large Kennel and boarding establishment in San Fernando Valley. We raise Great Danes, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Irish Wolfhound and Anatolian Shepherds. These are special dogs for guarding and hunting. We have 65 dogs at the moment. We do a little cross breeding for ourselves just to see how they turn out. Six of those 65 are cross breeds. Two are half Great Dane...

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Mister Adams May I

Senior year so far has proven to be everything I thought it would be and then some. My classes were easy and fun, and I was getting very good grades. The girls’ volleyball team was undefeated all four years! My Gym teacher, Mr. Adams, helped coach me on the side and was a great help, he has decided to let me pass gym class despite having to take it twice this year. But I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t mind at all. I kind of wanted to fail. It was easy to do, just don’t show up the week...

2 years ago
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Mister Mick Takes Me To New Level

The more we meet the more we learn about each other and things we may be want to try but have been uncomfortable to share with our partners ---- with us there are very few boundaries and trust is implicit ....... Mick tells me he has an adventure planned for me on his next visit --- I think to myself we have done most things already but still I got so excited as to what he had planned --- every time we spoke I asked what he has planned for us -- but each time the answer is the same -- wait and...

4 years ago
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Mister Adams May I

Senior year so far has proven to be everything I thought it would be and then some. My classes were easy and fun, and I was getting very good grades. The girls’ volleyball team was undefeated all four years! My Gym teacher, Mr. Adams, helped coach me on the side and was a great help, he has decided to let me pass gym class despite having to take it twice this year. But I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t mind at all. I kind of wanted to fail. It was easy to do, just don’t show up the week...

Oral Sex
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Mister Boss Man

Chapter One- Boss, are you listening? Hello-o-o!Finger snaps appeared before his face. Light shimmered in his pupils. He grimaced exasperated. Couldn’t people leave him alone to his thoughts just for a few second? It took him a few moments to focus his sight completely. Adam Rich owner of Hot Spot graced him with a look, towards the irritated bartender standing with one foot on the rail on the lower part of the counter, tapping his foot, looking expectant upon him. What?! He wanted to scream...

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Mister Boggles Gets a Cell Phone

For a very long time, Hector Boggles only used the pay phone in the hallway of his apartment building. When he was working, which seems like a long time ago now, he liked to use the phones in the big red booths on street corners. It seemed like those days were disappearing very fast. Nowadays the best way to call people on the phone was to have a cell phone or a "mobile" as young people were fond of saying. Now that he was declared redundant and unemployed, he liked to classify himself as...

3 years ago
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What Did I Do Wrong

What did I do wrong, thought Meghan? She was bound on her back in the playground. Her arms were tied over her head and each of her legs were tied to a swing, high up, forcing them up and spread wide. Her rapist stood over her. It was only an hour ago that Meghan was parking her car in the apartment complex garage. Meghan is 26, brown hair with a very, very, very nice set of breasts. As she exited her car and was about to lock her door, she was grabbed from behind. She felt a gun pointed at her...

3 years ago
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Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...

3 years ago
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My First Experience With Raj

I was 21, 5 foot 8inch, 170 lbs. with brown hair and blue eyes. I was gay but nobody knew. I just left college for the summer and went to stay at my best friend’s house in Bhopal. My friend was 23 and offered to stay at his house for a few weeks in the summer before going home. I arrived in Bhopal on Friday night, he wasn’t going to be home from school until Tuesday and his parents were in Delhi for a week and a half on vacation. So I got to his house at 10pm and only his 18 year old...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Busted Again

Maybe I should explain, Kristy is my best friend. She is 5’7” and has long, blonde hair that goes to her waist. Her body is a nice firm 38 DD-26-36. Me I’m only 5’5” and 36 B-29-38. Next to Kristy I’m plain Jane. Mike always fantasies about her when we have hard core sex. I never thought anything about it. We all fantasize when having sex. But last night when I caught them together, I realized it was more than that. It was so exotic watching my best friend suck my husband’s cock, I had to join...

Group Sex
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Lip and AnnieChapter 8

"You're awake! I thought I could move away from you before you realized what I was doing. I'm more than happy to be here the way we are, if it's okay by you." Robert tried to move forward a little bit to get them even closer than they already were. "I must have slipped my hand into your top during the night. I can't say that I'm entirely unhappy with that, though." He gave her breast a little squeeze before moving his fingers to tweak her nipple. Her sigh of contentment let him know...

4 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 3

After our meal, Joan and Alan left Trish and I to clean up. "That's them for the night, they rarely come out of their apartment unless it's urgent." With the dishes washed and put away we sat back in the lounge room, Alan had set the fire and as it was starting to cool off Trish lit it. She then went behind the bar and came back with a bottle of wine. "Just a little celebration Tony, this last week has been one of the most enjoyable that I can remember and you are the one that made it...

2 years ago
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True Love Never Goes Away Ch 20

-Months later- ‘Leigh, I’m going to take a shower while the kids are napping, do you need anything? Are you doing okay?’ Melanie peered at her sister in concern. The further along Leigh got in her pregnancy, the more anxious she became. ‘I’m okay, I think. I think I’m just going to sit here with my feet up and read this book before all of my personal time vanishes,’ Leigh answered. Melanie laughed and nodded. ‘I have the receiver to the baby monitor in the bathroom and one of the other ones...

1 year ago
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Life with a demon

I walked to the old fashion bookstore that you would see in movies, the building had paint peeling off and was made of wood. I walked into it to hear a chime from the bell above the door and the gentleman at the counter saying, "Welcome, I hope you find whatever you are looking for." I nodded and went more into the store. I was looking at the book until one caught my eye. I pulled it out from the bottom of a stack and looked at it for a few seconds until the stack fell on me. A few minutes...

3 years ago
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Hawaiian Wedding part 2

So my soon to be sister in law Lexy and I had come up with a plan to help my brother Mark become a better lover. He was according to Lex a good man but an average lover only twice has he given her an orgasm. So she asked me as a wedding present the night before to help her teach my brother how to not make love to her but fuck her stupid. I had my doubts it work but I was willing to try to help, personally I felt he would punch my lights out and call off the wedding but she really wanted him...

3 years ago
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Young Tutor Sex With Student8217s Mom

Hello there friends, I am back again with another story. This story is a real incident that happened to me and sadly, I don’t have any important role in this story. But don’t worry, this story has a happy ending. So let me take you to where the story begins with a little introduction. My name is Aravind, I am the only kid to my parents Premila and Manoj (names changed). My father works in Dubai and visits us once a year. Until 10th, I was a great student. After 12th, I took engineering and as...

1 year ago
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Tranquility Part 2

Tranquility—Part 2 “Take me, detective!” As I knelt down before him, I playfully brushed the shaft of his hard cock against my lips and cheek. I tenderly stroked his inner thighs before slowly rubbing his balls. His moans increased as did my arousal and I started sucking him again. He placed his hands on the back of my head as I took the entire length of his cock in my mouth engulfing his hardness. I couldn’t get enough of his body and of him. He thrusted his hips towards my face and fucked...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 5

There were three doors situated at the opposite end of the room. Behind the middle door was the Doctor's office. To the left was the Medical store and drug lock-up. The right hand door led to the committee room. The doctor was standing by her office desk, her body bent to the side like a ballet dancer as she took off her coat. She looked up as the door opened. 'They are ready for you doctor, ' Her secretary looked admiringly at the young doctor as she spoke. Sarah Wallis was twenty...

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 6

PART SIX: THE teacher GANG BANG 100% fiction! That evening we filmed a porno movie called “Teacher Teacher.” Here is a summary of the eventful evening. My mom was dressed in a red sweater, black skirt just long enough to mostly cover the top of her stay-ups when she was standing, but not enough to hide the fact if she sat down. She had on a black thong and 3-inch heels. Her hair was in a ponytail. She looked like a teacher. Mom knew a movie was being filmed tonight, but I think even she was...

3 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 28

I woke early, had a light breakfast, and drove over to the center. I parked toward the back of the lot rear end first. I sat in the car watching people drive in and notice that all the reserved signs were gone. I sat for a half hour before leaving my car and going inside. I noticed that Matt had arrived at the same time as Tracey. They were talking as they entered the center. I followed along leisurely with my travel mug. I refilled it and went to my office and resumed my same chair. Tracey...

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Laylah and DavidChapter 7

The sun rose early the next day. Hazy rays of morning light slowly crept up Laylah's body until it hit her in the face. Laylah squirmed beneath the sheets as she fought the urge to wake up. She turned to see if David was awake, he wasn't. She thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to get some exercise. Getting out of bed, Laylah walked over to David's side of the bed and gently kissed his forehead. She then went to the downstairs bedroom to change into her jog suit. After...

3 years ago
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The Trials of First Love

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet Anna, happy birthday to you,” seeped into my ears as my eyes opened to see my mother knelt beside my bed singing quietly off key. “Happy birthday my baby,” she said as I smiled at her and felt the world was in order. She had woken me like this on my birthday as far back as I could remember. It was her thing and no one else’s, our special moment. When she rubbed my cheek and gave me a kiss as she stood I stretched and tossed my...

First Time
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Her Black Bday Present

It was January 2003 and it was her B'day soon and I had decided that after all the years of fantasizing about her being taken by a black man, watching as she cum so intensely while thinking about it and watching porn movies of big cocked black guys destroying white women's pussies, mouths, and asses with their cocks that I was going to make it happen for her. I knew she didn't believe that I really wanted her to do it down deep but I knew that it made me really hard thinking of her moaning and...

2 years ago
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Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up Ch 07

During the two months before Jane’s mother arrived, the two sets of lovers, Jim and Connie and Jane and Harry learned each others pleasures. Jim and Connie would sleep together every other day, her bed being a little narrow for them to always sleep together. Those sleeping together days they would enjoy each other’s bodies from head to toe. Early on Jim noticed the pattern of fucking was the same as the one he had with Kathleen, the woman who had devirginized him years ago. Similar petite...

1 year ago
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Cucked Bella Rolland Adira Allure Therapist Fulfills Wifes Needs That Husband Greatly Lacks

Adira Allure has had enough of her wimpy husband. All he ever wants is to be fucked in the ass with different strap ons. Adira is the woman here and she needs fucked. Luckily for Adira her therapist Bella knows just the way to show Marcelo how its done. She whips open her jacket standing there with a strap on ready to go and Adira can not wait to get fucked by it. Bella fucks her hard from behind and forces Marcelo to clean up that dildo. Is that all he is good for? Cleaning up after watching...

3 years ago
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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 4 Sherry begins to wonder

When I arrived back home from Chicago things with Cliff had gotten worse between us. He had moved all of his things into the guest bedroom. When I tried to get him to talk about what was going on, he just glared at me and went into his room shutting the door. I stood by the door, "Cliff please talk to me, we can't keep going on like this, it's driving both of us crazy, can't you see that?" "Why don't you go move in with Mullins. I know he's had that big cock of his in you by this...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kaylynn Keys Are You Fucking My Friend

When I moved back home from college, it was a little awkward as my stepmom Kaylynn Keys & my dad were fighting and she had kicked him out. I told her I didn’t want to get involved and just planned to mind my own business. Apparently, she didn’t feel the same way – I caught her sexting with one of my friends. Unbelievable! When I confront her she explains she was feeling lonely & my bro was having gf issues and that it wouldn’t happen again. Whatever, I guess....

2 years ago
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My Journey part 2

My Journey part 2 Up until this point in my life I was quite inexperienced in sex with women and men never even featured in any fantasy let alone real life and at that time I did struggle with guilt and shame but one of the good things about being a young man was that these doubts and guilty feelings were quickly forgotten or justified as soon as we get turned on and or got a hard on, with Matt moving away in a few months for a new job we both had very little time to explore and play so we...

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Slingshot BillChapter 1

My name's Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I'm tellin' you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It's a good thing too or we'd most likely starve to death. I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin' civilized tryin' to scratch out a livin'. My pa failed in everything he tried includin' farmin' an' ranchin' but him an' ma wuz never...

3 years ago
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The Stranger With Pink Top And Black Yoga Pants 8211 Part 1

Hi all, I am Nihath from Bangalore and I am an average looking guy. The sex story started on a Sunday. Myself live with my wife at the outskirts of Bangalore for last 2 years. I am basically from Chennai, Tamil speaking Muslim guy. My house is an independent house and we have an newly built apartment nearby and since it is an outskirt , there are very less shops around and lot of bushes around the area. My wife goes to a school for teaching and mostly sleeps during the weekends. On this...

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Cuckold for the first timepart 2

My wife Karyn has finally fuck Mark. A friene of mine when im away for business trip. It was all my arrangement and my encouragement to Mark to pursue the "married lady". I was very sure that Karyn was the married lady but parr of me needed to confirm it. I was bit jealous that my wife gave in but yet im so aroused by the idea. I was cracking my head how to find out. Been thibking about ways before i return home. When i return from my business trip i met my wife and she was pretty normal...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Waltz 5 Until Death Do Us PartChapter 3

Of course, Steve thought, picking himself up off the minister's carpet. Of course, he thought, wincing at the tender spot on his shoulder that he'd managed to land on yet again. Of course he would trip over the coffee table leg just as he tried to make a graceful exit. Of course. He'd been stumbling for weeks, ever since Paula discovered him in bed with their nanny, naked and fucking up a storm. She had been furious, as she had every right to be. It didn't matter that he'd never...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 23

Our consideration of the future, with the dramatic change in our circumstances was long and we were distracted by 'Uncle Reggie', the businessman I'd been talking to at the wedding. He asked me, very courteously, if I would be willing to travel to London to discuss IT systems with him and some colleagues – his company would, of course pay expenses and a consultancy fee. What did I have to lose? Over several hours, which included a rather good lunch, I ran through what they ought to be...

2 years ago
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Cumming Home Late

I had come home late and the house was dark. I walked down the hallway and from our bedroom there was stream of ambient light flowing from the room. I heard the sounds of a girl on girl porn flick, moan and groaning. Peering into the room I saw my sweet Samantha lying on the bed with her gorgeous legs splayed wide open, her sexy peignoir was open around her on the bed, and she had one hand buried in her pussy, moving it in and out, the other rubbing and stroking her clit. Damn, that was really...

3 years ago
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My New Mistress Ch 1

THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT WRITING A STORY, IF IT GETS POSITIVE COMMENTS I WILL WRITE MORE, ENJOY.It all started after 20 years of happy marriage, my daughter had grown up and left home, leaving just me and my wife. She had become ill over the last few years and pretty much confined to bed, because of this our sex life had become less and less frequent to the point it was almost non existent. She was very understanding about my needs and encouraged me to masturbate as often as I needed to and...

4 years ago
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Single Mom Step Sisters Visit

“Hey, Mr. Cee,” Rochelle answered her phone.“How you doin’, Ro,” her mother’s husband inquired.“I’m doing pretty good. And you?”“Can’t complain.”“What’s up? I know you don’t usually talk on the phone too much.”“Yeah. That’s the thing. You know I speak with my daughter about my financial planning, right?”“I’m with you so far.”“Well, we were talkin’ this mornin’ and she said that her and Kerene are going to Persopolis to watch the Mountain Lions play. They’re takin’ their new exchange student to...

2 years ago
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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 10 Frank arrives

It was about 1:30 when Kristy said Frank had arrived at the airport; I was going to send Jessica down for him but then remembered the sheriff's officers and walked over to the office. I asked the dispatcher if there was a free office near the airport to give someone directions here; she said she would take care of it. So I went back to the porch and my swing until, a half hour or so later, Kristy said he was on his way to the ranch. It was still raining when Frank arrived, so I opened the...

3 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 63

Over the next five days classes were the norm, but everybody seemed genuinely interested. We had some that were kind of skating along. I found other work for them until they begged me to let them go back to class. We had some really outstanding students. Some of them surprised me, like Valkerita and Cherrine, Mundoner, Teront, and Svendson, while others didn’t, like, Joulnar, Olnafot, Teague, Tovar, Tocla, and Outher. They did quite well and it was time for a break. Now the crisis was over...

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French NieceChapter 2 New York Summer 1985

My sister, simply Mary then, was born six years before me, and was probably more surprised by my sudden appearance than my father. Dad was sixty when I was born, and greeted the son he had given up hoping for, a son who could carry on the proud tradition of the New York Browns, with jubilation. In one day Mary went from being the only child of a wealthy family, an always spoiled girl who had been the most important person in the Brown household, into almost an afterthought, the arrival of...

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Spielschulden sind Ehrenschulden

Peter ist ein mittelmäßig erfolgreicher Börsenmakler, der allerdings der spielsüchtig ist. Er versucht sein Glück immer wieder in illegalen Clubs. Mal Roulette, mal Poker, aber meistens versucht er sein Glück beim Black Jack. Immer wieder glaubt er ein System gefunden zu haben, dass es ihm ermöglicht die Summen zurück zu gewinnen, die er in den Wo-chen davor verspielt hat. Peter hat schon mehrere Schuldscheine in Höhe von fast 100.000 € bei Hakim, einem der hiesigen Geld Haie, unterschrieben....

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Ally part 5

Sleep was intermittent. My nerves kept me on edge all night after cumming in Marie. She is the youngest person in my girlfriend’s family and I may have got her pregnant. That would earn total respect and admiration from Janice and everyone else in the family. Visions of a shotgun wedding entered my mind and except for the fact that I really like Janice, I found that I was not disappointed by the idea of being stuck with Marie.By the time I finished my shower, Janice had gone downstairs. I met...

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The Cottage Part Two

The Cottage - Part II By Michele Nylons "Allo! Allo! Allo! What's a nice girl like you doing in place like this?" uncle Steve said in his best cockney accent to the young girl. Steve had silently unlocked the front door of the cottage and carefully removed his shoes before padding over to the bedroom door where Michele was still preoccupied looking at herself in the mirror. She was currently holding up her skirt admiring how good her red satin bikini panties looked over the...

3 years ago
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Finding myself Part 3 The Longest Day

Part 3 - The Longest Day Although I didn't really sleep well as my body was so contorted by the bindings, I was woken by the ring gag being pushed into my mouth and secured while I was still coming round. "There we are!" Allie said breezily, taking the goggles off my eyes, smiling broadly. "A whole weekend to learn more about ourselves, Tina - isn't it wonderful?" She had this really annoying habit of asking me a question when she had made it impossible for me to answer. The...

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