BethChapter 107 free porn video

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December 17, 2017

I woke sometime in the middle of the night to Heather moving behind me. I realized that I was on my left side, that Heather was snuggled into my backside with her right arm around my waist, her crotch pressed tightly into my butt. Brett was on his back and ... not snoring, but breathing slightly heavily and regularly, so he had gotten to sleep. The “interesting” part was that my face was against his right shoulder and my right foot was resting on his legs. I remember lying there for a while trying to decide whether to move my foot and/or head, but do not recall deciding.

The next time I woke, I could feel light on my eyelids, but didn’t open my eyes, as I felt so comfortable snuggled between my lovers, lying on my left side, my right arm over one lover, another snuggled tightly into my backside. I could feel the lover behind me had her chin on my right shoulder. That felt a little odd, so I lifted my head a little and turned it toward that lover. I saw Heather’s beautiful blue eyes.

Her face beamed at me as she said, “Look that way,” as her head indicated out in front of me.

Oh, my! I had forgotten that not all occupants of the bed in which I lay were my lovers, despite that the view was very similar to other views I’ve had of the Go5 here in the Monstrosity early in the morning. There was Heather behind me, happy as she virtually always is upon waking with any of us. I could also see Liya on her left side curled into the girl beyond her. However, Brett was between us, and my right arm and leg were both draped over him ... the very same posture and position in which Brett and Liya were all laying. The five of us were a nested set.

I turned my head slightly toward Heather and shrugged my right shoulder, after which she whispered in my ear, “He’s been like that the whole time I’ve been awake, which must be 20 minutes by now. It’s kind of sweet, and I’m sure he’s still asleep, so we wouldn’t take him to task for it, but you know how he’d react. It will scare him if he realizes he’s wrapped around Liya.”

I whispered back, “Liya, if she’s awake, will not move a muscle so that she can enjoy him wrapped around her.”

Heather nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling. The two of us just lay there, watching Brett ... and Liya for, perhaps, ten or 15 minutes. When Brett suddenly lifted his head a bit off his pillow, I slowly let mine dig back into my pillow and Heather lifted her chin off my shoulder, obviously laying her head back. I could feel Brett’s whole body go tense under my arm and leg as he began to move, so I faked a little groan, tightened my arm around Brett, and moved my leg mostly off him. He froze.

After perhaps a half-minute, he became marginally less tense and moved his butt back into me slightly, but there was not much room. It dawned on me that he might have done that to move his penis away from Liya, a penis that I assumed must be at least partially erect. Given that, as Heather said, he might be scared that we’d consider him to have broken the rules, any erection he might have had might be deflating.

I took pity on him, stretching my right arm into the air, rolling my head back, and faked a deep yawn, then leaned up onto my left elbow and looked over Brett’s shoulder. He turned his head to me, his face showing his fear.

“I didn’t do anything! I woke up like this! I...”

I quietly cut him off, saying, “It’s okay. I know. Look at us, all of us.”

He lifted his head and looked over Liya, then turned toward me as I felt Heather lift her head, put her chin on my shoulder, then stretch her right arm into the air and yawned.

She said a sleepy, “G’morning, Brett. Did you get some sleep?”

That reduced the amount of fear in his eyes, and he looked at me.

I told him, “We five occasionally sleep together here in the Monstrosity. We often wake like this, with everyone curled into each other in the same direction. We don’t think you broke the rules, so don’t worry about it. Heather, you and I should probably at least skootch a bit in your direction, because he might be most concerned about ... the part of his body in contact with Liya’s exquisite butt.”

Brett went a bit red, and Heather giggled, but she followed my direction, which allowed me to move a bit away from Brett and turn onto my back, although Heather stayed on her left side facing the others. Brett moved toward me ... or, rather, away from Liya with alacrity, then rolled onto his front, folded his arms onto his pillow under his head, then turned to face me.

“Don’t worry about it, Brett. It’s our understanding that guys don’t have any real control over that, and we’re sure you weren’t taking advantage of the situation. The fear on your face was just too real. I appreciate that you were concerned about our friendship. While we might not value the friendship as much as you do – and I’m not at all certain that we don’t, I can’t believe that we value it all that much less than you do.”

“Beth’s right,” Kim said from the far end as she rolled over onto her right side to face us. “We’ve all come to value your friendship to varying degree, and we would not cavalierly throw it away.” She looked down at Liya who was rolling over a bit, and said, “Liya, I’ve spent the night with a boyfriend a few times, but never woke feeling so comfortable and so ... safe and ... appreciated as I did waking up with you curled into me with your arm around me. I heard Beth tell Brett that you girls occasionally sleep together and wake up like we all did, nested into each other. Is that right?” When Liya nodded, Kim responded, “I find myself a little jealous of you girls. I wouldn’t have thought that I’d feel at all comfortable waking with a girl wrapped around me, but it did feel ... comfortable, cozy, and I’m ... surprised. I might want to be included in a subsequent sleepover here if one comes about.”

Liya stretched as she answered, “We’ll see how it went all around, but I feel well rested and you’re a perfectly reasonable bed partner. You don’t kick or move around all that much. Rhee’s a bit too active on some nights, but she’s warm, so the equation sort of balances.”

Both Heather and Kim snickered, and Brett gave out a single low chuckle.

He turned over and said, “Liya, I really didn’t ... wrap around you ... knowingly. Please, believe me.”

She rolled toward him, replying, “I do. Don’t worry about it. Over the past few months, I’ve probably woken with five different girls wrapped around me from behind. As Kim said, it’s a nice way to wake, given that one probably doesn’t go to bed very often with someone that one doesn’t like. I don’t recall waking like that this morning, but it is comfortable. If you woke wrapped around me because that’s simply how you found yourself, then no foul, as we told you last night. I understand that it could be embarrassing from your end, but none of us will complain if we find ourselves in that situation with you if it was something you didn’t consciously do. There’s no need to feel embarrassed, although I don’t expect my words to cause you not to be embarrassed if you wake like that.”

“I’m so glad I overcame my shyness with girls enough to sit with you girls that first day. My subsequent happiness and friendships with most of the pretty girls in 9th grade ... and some of the prettiest seniors is all due to that. I almost declined Beth’s invitation, but I just couldn’t do that, as I’ve always wanted to be her friend.”

Liya rolled onto her right side, raised her eyebrows at me, then began leaning into Brett. I understood, and the two of us each kissed one of his cheeks.

After the quick kiss, I said, “Thanks for managing that and for your friendship. You, the girls with whom we’ve developed friendships at the lunch table, and the soccer team have made our 9th-grade experience quite enjoyable.”

Kim leaned on and over Liya and kissed him quickly on his left cheek and said, “I thank you, too, particularly for showing me by your example of how you treat us girls that I had settled for less than I think I deserve in a guy.”

She inhaled deeply, then exhaled, as Liya glanced back and forth between Kim’s chest and face only inches in front of her face. I barely kept my laughter to myself.

Kim began, “I wish...” She shook her head rapidly, then leaned back away from Brett and off Liya, but said, “I hope that we’ll have further sleepovers and I hope that you’ll be invited, Brett. From what Beth said last night and this morning, if they do happen, you could sleep with more of the ... what did Victor call us? The ‘Central soccer babes?’ Yeah, that’s it. Maybe you could wind up sleeping with all of us!”

Kim’s slight smile spread into a huge grin, and she giggled, but her mien then moderated to a neutral appearance.

“Thanks, Brett. You’re not directly responsible, but at least partly because of you I am more comfortable, happier with myself than I’ve been in a while. I don’t have a boyfriend anymore, but I certainly don’t need a boyfriend like that. I think I want to remember how to make myself happy, rather than depending upon a boyfriend for happiness which, if I’m honest – and I’m sorry to be so ... direct if you or the girls object, turned out only to be sexual satisfaction, and not even that all that often. That’s going to be my new rule if or when I date again. I have to be happy with and by myself before I can share intimacy with someone else. I think it’s too easy to look for my happiness in someone else. I’m happier lounging in this bed with you ... and these girls than I ever was waking up to my ... ex-boyfriend.”

She giggled again, then looked up at me with a smile, and said, “You freshmen are another cause of change in ... my ego. You five that live here are nearly always happy, and none of you are even dating. If you’re okay with it, I want to spend more time with you girls, the lunch-table girls. Brit’s obviously got something of a problem, but the rest of you are happy, and I’d like to spend time with happy people. You also brought Meka back to all of us. Yes, you didn’t do that on purpose ... or for us, but because Meka spent time with you, you worked your amazing freshmen-girl-soccer-nut magic and even with her massive problem, she’s happier than she’s been in ... a long time, although I was clueless for most of that time why she seemed so unhappy.

“I haven’t really talked to Hope about what’s gotten her to reassess her life, but she came to you girls, too. If you object to us imposing ourselves on you girls, you need to tell us, specifically, because we’re probably going to be spending more time with you for the foreseeable future and screw those bitches of senior girls that we used to think were our friends. Meka and Katie never fell into that ... clique, and Katie never liked them, but she never held that against us, thank goodness. Of course, Rachel hardly talks to anyone, and she’s happy spending time with her boyfriend – who’s a great guy, and us.”

I lay there absolutely stunned by how much I’d learned about the seniors in the past few minutes. While Meka had opened up to us about her dad, little of the rest of the lives of those five seniors had come to light in all the time we’d spent with some or all of them. And Kim kept going in the same, quiet, understated voice.

“For whatever reason or reasons, the junior class never had more than a couple, at most, girl soccer players, and Rose is the only one that stuck with it, until the Brits arrived this year, so we’ve never socialized much with the juniors. And, of course [she rolled her eyes], we couldn’t exactly slum with the girls two years younger.” She shook her head in sarcasm, then added, “Now, of course, we’re latching onto freshmen, and a gob of them at that. How stuck up were we? We never even really talked last year with Jordan or Nicole or any of the other seven current sophomores, girls that we learned this year are perfectly pleasant people because we allowed you freshmen to act as bridges between us. I would change a lot, if I could, to make the past better. I can only make my future better, and I choose to do that by spending more time with Meka, Katie, and the big crop of freshmen girls ... and one boy ... that I find are fun to be around, despite that they’re so much younger than I am ... but seem to have their heads screwed on straighter than mine has been in quite some time. If you’ll put up with a stupid senior, I would like to spend more time with you.”

I stared into Kim’s eyes as I could see and feel Liya, Brett, and Heather look hard at me.

“I think we’d like that. However, I have to ask a question that you could consider insulting.”

She held up her hand to stop me, then said, “I probably know what question. Even if I’m wrong in that, I’ll still answer that question: No. I’m not trying to ingratiate myself with Brett. Yes, he’s very attractive, incredibly nice, very funny, and an all-around nice guy. If I were even a year younger...”

I nodded and responded, “That was the question. Thanks. We would like to get to know all of you seniors better and would like spending more time with you. We’ve spent more time with Meka than the rest of you, combined, but in the couple minutes you were talking, we’ve learned more about Meka than we learned in all the time we’ve spent with her, not counting stuff about her dad and her younger life. You seniors seem to be more private than we understood.”

She nodded at me, saying, “Obviously, Meka should tell you about Meka, but she is, particularly for as outgoing as she is, a private person. You girls had, perhaps, a better prybar to get details of her life out of her, but she does open up to long-term friends. She obviously really likes you girls ... and you, Brett, so be patient. Hope is probably the least private of us, but she’s also been the biggest ... social butterfly. Even though Rachel is a much more intensely private person, we know more important things about her than we do about Hope, who tries to keep most interactions on a superficial level. As I said earlier, we don’t know the cause of her recent apparent reassessment of her life, so don’t know if she’ll be more forthcoming ... with us, with you ... or not. But she is fun.”

“Thanks, Kim. I also wanted to say that, while we’re friends with Brett, he is not ours, and if he wants to date you, that’s his decision. I’ve always considered Brett to be a nice guy and one or more of us may want to date him in the future, but again, his decision is his. I will say that it’s become much more likely some of us would like to date him since he’s pulled himself at least partly out of his shell.” I turned to him, saying, “I don’t mean to talk about you in front of you; I apologize. I will tell you that coming out of your shell will make you more attractive to ... a lot of girls, not just ... Central soccer babes. Brett, I would like to get to know you better. Hell, we all would, even Kim over there. We freshmen are not dating this year and we won’t decide about next year until after school soccer season, as we’re committed to education and soccer. I’m sure that one or more of us might like to try a date with you once we begin dating as we’re all ... interested.”

“I hear more activity, so at least some of the Go6 should probably begin thinking about breakfast.”

“Hey,” Kim said, “That’s another thing. What’s that Go6 thing?”

“Oh, sorry. Dad dubbed Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and me the Gang of Four way back when, borrowing a term from something in China’s history. I keep meaning to look that up; I should really get around to it. Anyway, we changed it to Gang of Five when Heather joined us, then Gang of Six when Civia did,” I finished, then shrugged my shoulders at her. I looked around, then said, “I don’t feel like changing, so I’m heading to the kitchen in my PJs.”

Meka, followed by Civia, beat us to the kitchen by seconds, and the two of them sang out a chorus of, “Morning,” to the five of us.

“What do we want for breakfast?”

Civia asked, “Waffles?”

I scratched my head, thinking, then answered, “We can do that. You know where the irons are. I’ll get dry ingredients.”

Meka said, “Waffles sounds good, but some of you might want to think about getting near a brush sometime soon,” after which she grinned at us.

I felt my head, then rolled my eyes, but came back at her with, “Obviously you’re behind the times. Don’t you know that bedhead is in?”

She grinned at me and riposted, “I’ve never been one to chase after ephemeral styles like a lot of airhead blondes do.”

I shook my head at her, then stepped over and hugged her.

“We’re so glad you’re in our lives!”

She hugged me back and replied, “Ditto, Girl. Ditto.”

Others began showing up and the Go6 and a couple others began dealing with waffles, eggs, and table settings. All sleepover participants were in the kitchen by the time we had started pouring batter onto the irons, with the warming oven heating. Fortunately, everyone dove into the process at one point or another, so Civia and I did not have to make all 30 of the waffles we ate. We had maple and boysenberry syrups and some of Dad’s mango-raspberry compote.

Meka said, “You should all try either or both non-maple options. The boysenberry is great, and Charlie’s compote is to-die-for. We don’t have much of the latter, so don’t take a lot.”

Same as Beth
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True love does not always mean together, just forever. I have been nervous many times in life, whether it be at a job interview or waiting for results to some test, but until today, I feel that I was not truly nervous in those moments. It was a feeling that I did not have a name for, so I called it nervousness. Today I learned the true meaning of the word nervous and it made me sick. For the past five years we had been talking on the internet. We had become great friends, him and I, knowing...

1 year ago
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The Role Exchanger Looking good takes time

A mother and son caught the Role Exchanger's attention. Jayne Grier was a woman in her early forties. She was fighting a constant battle with time and her own genes. She had always been heavy but it had gotten worse as middle aged approached. Still she fought it as best she could. Since dieting hadn't helped she fought it with clothing. Terry was Jayne's son and at fifteen he could eat anything he wanted without gaining much weight. To be honest, both Jayne and Terry weighed pretty...

2 years ago
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Domineacute par Claire fiction part 5

Bonjour à tous, Pour des raisons professionnelles, je passe une nuit par semaine, 1 fois par mois chez ma belle-sœurAprès quelques séjours, elle me domine maintenant complètement, elle est ma princesse et je lui dois donc une obéissance absolue.1er retour chez Claire après la soiréeJe suis impatient de la voir, un peu nerveux aussi, je toque, elle m’ouvre, je la sens un peu nerveuse, il n’y a pas eu de contact depuis qu’elle m’a sodomisé.« Bonjour Princesse Claire »Je la sens se détendre, elle...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Lia Lin Tempting Tigress Lia Lin Bends Over For Doggystyle Pounding During Modelling Shoot

Stunning babe Lia Lin is bodypainted as a tiger for her latest modelling gig and when teamed with Vince Karter who poses as a hunter, Lia can’t resist his charms and asks him to play with her. This tasty tiger touches her juicy pussy and Vince soon takes over, offering a helping hand! He pulls out his massive cock and Lia sucks on his shaft, getting her head pushes down on his dick! She bends over and takes a pussy slamming from behind with Vince spanking her ass at the same time. Lia...

4 years ago
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Adopted FamilyChapter 2

Sand and scouring powder did for the tub. Eventually. The bathroom sink yielded up a porcelain surface. The toilet got a gallon of bleach and a quart of CLR after I plugged the outflow with a bundle of rags with a string around it. While the toilet soaked I scrubbed the outside and attacked the walls. I was soaked with sweat after all that, but it was worth it. It actually looked clean. I wrapped a rag around the tub, bathroom sink and kitchen sink nozzles and soaked all three with CLR. I...

3 years ago
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Happy birthday to her

Like a lot of people, we’re struggling for money these days, and an expensive birthday present for my wife was out of the question this year.That’s why on Saturday night, I found myself stood wearing her black, mesh backed knickers with matching 6 strap suspender belt, her FF seamed stockings, my feet crammed into a pair of stilettos and a black mesh, see through top.I was also strapped into a double dildo gag, on the other end, inches away from my face was Mr X, I had helped him get dressed,...

2 years ago
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Sex Adventure With Working Bhabhi

Hi it’s been my first story . I am 28yrs old ,tall boy with slim physique . My email id is I hope you would like my story. I used to live in delhi on rent, there a beautiful lady of age 37 yrs old used to pass from my street in colorful dresses ,sometime saree and sometime in suit and jeans . Whatever she wore she looked beautiful and younger than her age. I used to watch her from my balcony, but she never looked at me ,initially. I kept on trying on her, and gradually i started noticing some...

3 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 24

Arrian 'awoke' in his inner mind standing a few feet from Kyori; who had a puzzled expression plastered on his face. Arrian noticed a chair materialize before his eyes and looked over to Kyori who was sitting on a chair himself. "I figure something is on your mind," Arrian said with a smile as he took his seat. "Ha ha ha! Very funny... ass. You can't tell me something isn't bothering you after what Larelle just told you, well told us," he said. "A lot is bothering me. Is this...

1 year ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 22 Military Uses

A fortnight after the Emir and his English guests had left the Imperial Voyager the orders were cut for a Military Conference, and this time, Admiral Henry Hargreaves was notified, it would be a full week, as it was a final promotion board for an Army Officer. He, himself, was invited to attend the final session of the promotion board, and it was made clear that this was an invitation, not an order, but that it might interest him to see the final test. Six of the ship's resident concubines...

2 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 39

"Damn it, Amy, I'm going to so kick your ass! You can't do this!" she muttered in frustration. Cindi started glowing with a soft silver-gold hue. She reached out and touched Amy, causing her to glow the same way. They both shimmered and became translucent. Everyone gasped as Cindi simply walked into Amy's body, merged with her, and disappeared into her twin. "Oh my God! That ... that's not possible!" Julie whispered, awestruck. Cindi found herself in a beautiful meadow with...

4 years ago
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Britain under the Nazis Jack Boot Part 2

Smiling as she walked briskly back to her dorm close by the café where she worked, the young girl Mary tired to keep her breasts from slapping against her chest too much, her breasts did not know she was officially off the milk run, the tits continued to produce “Gold Top” as her friends called it. Reaching her dorm and letting herself in she mingled with the 20 or so youngish girls back from work or the fucking the Germans had allocated for them. A number was missing, presumably still on their...

4 years ago
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My Conversation From Gay To Cd

Hello indian sex stories friends, my name is Zeenat. This is the third part of my story. If you didn’t read my first two parts so you have to read that stories “Became gay because of my friend” and “Became a gay whore after a hot threesome gay sex”. So you can understand this story very well because this story is connected with them. So without wasting time lets start the story. So as I told you in my previous story that my friend’s father caught me. Then he fucked me with my friend. He taught...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Pure Lust 8211 We Lost Our Age And Had An Affair 8211 Part 1

First of all, I like to thank and appreciate all the users who have come here to read my loveful neither lustful experience which I experienced. I would be much happier if you come forward to talk to me in person you can connect with me at Without wasting any time, we can straightaway head to the sex story. I come from Chennai and in this story, all the characters and every incident happened in Chennai only. So Chennai ladies who want any casual or secret relationship just hugging kissing etc...

2 years ago
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The LibrarianChapter 25 What Happened to Marvin

Lesa was in her office at the library going over the sizeable dossiers they now had on the physics researchers at MIT. Jake, Toby and Janet had all been interviewed personally by Dr. Grayson. He had claimed that he was retiring at the end of the current academic year and would no longer be doing research of any kind anywhere. This was very disturbing and depressing news to the group, and it had put a damper on pretty much everything. Gloria stuck her head into the room; then entered when she...

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TS Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the hous Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. For the wife and the kids were at mother's you see, So there was nobody home but little ol me. So in silk and in satin, and nylon and lace, I had settled for being my femmy best for a space, When down in the living room there was a loud noise I exclaimed 'Oh my dear, it's the wife and the boys! ...

4 years ago
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Why Feminize

In BDSM fantasies I get to play out the reverse of female objectification and sexism and turn the tables on men. In real life, I am not a sexist. I like men and see them as my equal unless they give me reason to believe otherwise. I am able to separate fantasy role-playing from my real feelings as a person. I know that in my real life I would never make a person into an object, label them or humiliate them as I do when I feminize them, however, in fantasy, feminization and objectification are...

2 years ago
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My Boss In The Stock Room

Let me start by saying all of my stories are fictional but based on true events all characters names and some details have been changed. I do not give anybody permission to copy or use my stories in any way. This is also my first story so I hope u like it and would appreciate all kinds of feedback.My boss in the stock room. Let me start by describing my boss, her name is Claire she is a small woman of 5 foot, mid 30's, average body with a very sexy ass and even sexier 36DD tits. We work in...

3 years ago
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Lust Satisfied In The Theatre

Hi, excuse me for any mistakes as this is my first story. Talking about me I am 5’8, brown-skinned with an athletic body and a lot of stamina.  I go regularly for a workout and have been doing boxing for 4-5 years. I am in college third year now and this story is from 2nd year. The heroine of this story is my then girlfriend Ria (name changed). She was very hot with fat at all the right places. She had a huge ass that I liked to grab tightly very much. Just thinking about grabbing that ass...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Practice

I slammed my locker shut, running a bit late for practice and hussling down the hallway to the gym room. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:53, that meant I had seven minutes to get there and get dressed in my uniform! I heard that there was a secret tunnel that lead straight to the gym or I could go the long way.

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MelissaChapter 4

Frowning, Melissa picked up the envelope, untucked the flap and removed the single sheet of note-paper. "Darling girl. You have been, and are, a far better daughter than I could have hoped or deserve. This is just to say 'I love you'. Dad." 'Oh, Daddy ... what are you doing?' She stood still, looking at the few words. After a while she shrugged. 'Suppose there's not much I can do just now anyway... ' Suddenly uninterested in cooking, she put together a sandwich and clamped it into...

4 years ago
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my first bi experience

i was on a girls nite out with my friends,we went into a bar in the town for a few drinks before we went clubbing,i was at the bar getting the drinks up when i noticed this woman beside me,we started chatting,she said her date had,nt turned up,so i invited her to sit with the girls,we had a good laugh,i asked her to come to the nightclub with us,she said no it was too noisy for her,she asked me to stay with her so i said sure why not,we had another drink after the girls left then she said why...

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A special birthday gift

You hear a sharp load beeping, waking you up from your latest dream. He begin your morning ritual with a groan and turning off your alarm clock, before heading into the bathroom to 'relieve' yourself. After doing that you turn to the mirror and look at your body. You were a slim, 5'6" tall, everyday average gay male. The only only thing that wasn't average was your name, Zaon, which you actually liked cause no one else had it. "Zaon, HURRY UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL," You mother called...

Mind Control
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My Adventure in Babysitting

I recently started baby-sitting in order to help pay for my college expenses and I must say the experience was more than a little exciting. While I was in high school I babysat but I never had any sexual experiences with any of the families I sat for, but now about every third client I have seems to want to bed me and more than a few are single women who want to have a safe no strings attached tryst with another woman. Before I get too far ahead of myself I should tell you about how it all...

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The Adult Baby Diaper School Part 4 Baby Jennifer part 1

Adult Baby Diaper School Part 3 ~~ Sissy Baby Jennifer part 1 By now, everyone knows that after the initial 1st week of training, the 4 students destined for permanent babyfication are headed to their own little domain. The room is one giant nursery with 4 cribs, 4 changing tables and 4 closets each filled to the brim with pretty baby girl dresses and outfits. Trainer F and Trainer B are assigned to sissybaby Jennifer, sissybaby Marie, sissybaby Rikki, and baby Barbi, baby Barbi,...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 31

Steve It was after seven when I woke up to an empty bed. I was still sleepy, but got up to at least start the day with everyone. When I sat down and joined the regulars with a cup of coffee, Sue came over and kissed me good morning, "Morning, Sleepyhead. I know you didn't get back until after four, but it's unusual for you to sleep late." "If there was not so much to do today, I would just go back to sleep for a while," I said, looking around while hugging my wonderful wife. "I see...

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Hole in the Wall extract Straight Version

Harri’s computer time confirmed the hopeful news the office clock had already told her. She put her coffee cup to her lips—her “blowjob lips”, as Patricia often joked—and sank the final grainy dregs. She dared to stare at her computer once more, seeing little more than a vague collection of numbers and graphs that began to blur as they always did at this time in the afternoon. She leaned back in her chair with a sigh, letting her half-closed eyes drift over the office partition. The words...

1 year ago
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The Blue Pill part 1

After a normal long week at work came Friday evening and the enjoyment of a 3 day weekend as Monday was a day as we both took a personal day, it was for all intents and purposes like any other weekend with an added day on the backend, however who would have thought the enjoyment and that we discovered while deciding to try the little Blue Pill, after getting home from your parents house and assisting them getting into bed etc. you arrive to find me laying on the bed upon entering the room we...

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The start of something wonderful

I slowly undress you, trailing my hands with sweet, soft kisses all over your body. I'll start by kissing your lips and moving on to your neck. You feel my breath on your skin as my teeth lightly rake across your neck. I can feel the goose bumps as my hands slide along your arms. I lift your shirt and can see your erect nipples already looking forward to feeling my hands and lips. I kiss them through your bra as I slowly turn you around to unhook your bra. My kisses and nibbles move to the nape...

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The Creators Book Two Chapters 12

DIAMOND The world was darkness, but I had no sight to witness it. The world was small, but no vastness shrank its perspective. The world was warm, and no cold could pierce my comfort. The world was her, and I knew her to be my mother. She was the thumping heart that gave me life, the intimate warmth that embraced me, the encasing walls that protected me. She was the cord that fed me, the womb that molded me, the voice that spoke to me. The voice was a whisper in my mind, a tingling along my...

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My sex starved mami

I am a 23 year old guy. Just completed my graduation in MBBS. I stay in Mumbai. I am a 5’6″ in height and have an average body. I m a regular reader of this site. I enjoy reading these fantastic stories and i usually masturbate every time thinking myself as the central character of that story. But as u all know almost every story posted here is a fictional one. So i want to post here a real life experience that shook my life as never before! I have three uncles from my maternal side. They are...

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Batman Young Lady

Bat Man: Young Lady Note: This is the third part of my Batman series, which begins with Batman: Girlhood, and follows with Batman: Young Miss. You may want to read the first two parts before perusing this chapter, as the story here recalls many events from the previous installments. ----------- Batman had never felt so safe, so protected. When Robin had scooped him up in those powerful arms, Batman had started with surprise and almost jerked free, but instead he'd...

3 years ago
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After the rehearsal, and back at home I quickly stripped down to my boxers and went straight to the spa. Jenn and Izzy were quick to follow. “How did you get in here so fast Michael?” Isabel said. I had forgotten about our guest and wasn’t sure what to say. Jennifer must have seen the look on my face, but still asked, “Are you in here naked?” The titters that followed were immense. “No ... I forgot for a moment about my little sister and came out in just my boxers.” I turned the bubbles...

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