The Pink Diva Chronicles Day 100 107
- 3 years ago
- 44
- 0
December 17, 2017
I woke sometime in the middle of the night to Heather moving behind me. I realized that I was on my left side, that Heather was snuggled into my backside with her right arm around my waist, her crotch pressed tightly into my butt. Brett was on his back and ... not snoring, but breathing slightly heavily and regularly, so he had gotten to sleep. The “interesting” part was that my face was against his right shoulder and my right foot was resting on his legs. I remember lying there for a while trying to decide whether to move my foot and/or head, but do not recall deciding.
The next time I woke, I could feel light on my eyelids, but didn’t open my eyes, as I felt so comfortable snuggled between my lovers, lying on my left side, my right arm over one lover, another snuggled tightly into my backside. I could feel the lover behind me had her chin on my right shoulder. That felt a little odd, so I lifted my head a little and turned it toward that lover. I saw Heather’s beautiful blue eyes.
Her face beamed at me as she said, “Look that way,” as her head indicated out in front of me.
Oh, my! I had forgotten that not all occupants of the bed in which I lay were my lovers, despite that the view was very similar to other views I’ve had of the Go5 here in the Monstrosity early in the morning. There was Heather behind me, happy as she virtually always is upon waking with any of us. I could also see Liya on her left side curled into the girl beyond her. However, Brett was between us, and my right arm and leg were both draped over him ... the very same posture and position in which Brett and Liya were all laying. The five of us were a nested set.
I turned my head slightly toward Heather and shrugged my right shoulder, after which she whispered in my ear, “He’s been like that the whole time I’ve been awake, which must be 20 minutes by now. It’s kind of sweet, and I’m sure he’s still asleep, so we wouldn’t take him to task for it, but you know how he’d react. It will scare him if he realizes he’s wrapped around Liya.”
I whispered back, “Liya, if she’s awake, will not move a muscle so that she can enjoy him wrapped around her.”
Heather nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling. The two of us just lay there, watching Brett ... and Liya for, perhaps, ten or 15 minutes. When Brett suddenly lifted his head a bit off his pillow, I slowly let mine dig back into my pillow and Heather lifted her chin off my shoulder, obviously laying her head back. I could feel Brett’s whole body go tense under my arm and leg as he began to move, so I faked a little groan, tightened my arm around Brett, and moved my leg mostly off him. He froze.
After perhaps a half-minute, he became marginally less tense and moved his butt back into me slightly, but there was not much room. It dawned on me that he might have done that to move his penis away from Liya, a penis that I assumed must be at least partially erect. Given that, as Heather said, he might be scared that we’d consider him to have broken the rules, any erection he might have had might be deflating.
I took pity on him, stretching my right arm into the air, rolling my head back, and faked a deep yawn, then leaned up onto my left elbow and looked over Brett’s shoulder. He turned his head to me, his face showing his fear.
“I didn’t do anything! I woke up like this! I...”
I quietly cut him off, saying, “It’s okay. I know. Look at us, all of us.”
He lifted his head and looked over Liya, then turned toward me as I felt Heather lift her head, put her chin on my shoulder, then stretch her right arm into the air and yawned.
She said a sleepy, “G’morning, Brett. Did you get some sleep?”
That reduced the amount of fear in his eyes, and he looked at me.
I told him, “We five occasionally sleep together here in the Monstrosity. We often wake like this, with everyone curled into each other in the same direction. We don’t think you broke the rules, so don’t worry about it. Heather, you and I should probably at least skootch a bit in your direction, because he might be most concerned about ... the part of his body in contact with Liya’s exquisite butt.”
Brett went a bit red, and Heather giggled, but she followed my direction, which allowed me to move a bit away from Brett and turn onto my back, although Heather stayed on her left side facing the others. Brett moved toward me ... or, rather, away from Liya with alacrity, then rolled onto his front, folded his arms onto his pillow under his head, then turned to face me.
“Don’t worry about it, Brett. It’s our understanding that guys don’t have any real control over that, and we’re sure you weren’t taking advantage of the situation. The fear on your face was just too real. I appreciate that you were concerned about our friendship. While we might not value the friendship as much as you do – and I’m not at all certain that we don’t, I can’t believe that we value it all that much less than you do.”
“Beth’s right,” Kim said from the far end as she rolled over onto her right side to face us. “We’ve all come to value your friendship to varying degree, and we would not cavalierly throw it away.” She looked down at Liya who was rolling over a bit, and said, “Liya, I’ve spent the night with a boyfriend a few times, but never woke feeling so comfortable and so ... safe and ... appreciated as I did waking up with you curled into me with your arm around me. I heard Beth tell Brett that you girls occasionally sleep together and wake up like we all did, nested into each other. Is that right?” When Liya nodded, Kim responded, “I find myself a little jealous of you girls. I wouldn’t have thought that I’d feel at all comfortable waking with a girl wrapped around me, but it did feel ... comfortable, cozy, and I’m ... surprised. I might want to be included in a subsequent sleepover here if one comes about.”
Liya stretched as she answered, “We’ll see how it went all around, but I feel well rested and you’re a perfectly reasonable bed partner. You don’t kick or move around all that much. Rhee’s a bit too active on some nights, but she’s warm, so the equation sort of balances.”
Both Heather and Kim snickered, and Brett gave out a single low chuckle.
He turned over and said, “Liya, I really didn’t ... wrap around you ... knowingly. Please, believe me.”
She rolled toward him, replying, “I do. Don’t worry about it. Over the past few months, I’ve probably woken with five different girls wrapped around me from behind. As Kim said, it’s a nice way to wake, given that one probably doesn’t go to bed very often with someone that one doesn’t like. I don’t recall waking like that this morning, but it is comfortable. If you woke wrapped around me because that’s simply how you found yourself, then no foul, as we told you last night. I understand that it could be embarrassing from your end, but none of us will complain if we find ourselves in that situation with you if it was something you didn’t consciously do. There’s no need to feel embarrassed, although I don’t expect my words to cause you not to be embarrassed if you wake like that.”
“I’m so glad I overcame my shyness with girls enough to sit with you girls that first day. My subsequent happiness and friendships with most of the pretty girls in 9th grade ... and some of the prettiest seniors is all due to that. I almost declined Beth’s invitation, but I just couldn’t do that, as I’ve always wanted to be her friend.”
Liya rolled onto her right side, raised her eyebrows at me, then began leaning into Brett. I understood, and the two of us each kissed one of his cheeks.
After the quick kiss, I said, “Thanks for managing that and for your friendship. You, the girls with whom we’ve developed friendships at the lunch table, and the soccer team have made our 9th-grade experience quite enjoyable.”
Kim leaned on and over Liya and kissed him quickly on his left cheek and said, “I thank you, too, particularly for showing me by your example of how you treat us girls that I had settled for less than I think I deserve in a guy.”
She inhaled deeply, then exhaled, as Liya glanced back and forth between Kim’s chest and face only inches in front of her face. I barely kept my laughter to myself.
Kim began, “I wish...” She shook her head rapidly, then leaned back away from Brett and off Liya, but said, “I hope that we’ll have further sleepovers and I hope that you’ll be invited, Brett. From what Beth said last night and this morning, if they do happen, you could sleep with more of the ... what did Victor call us? The ‘Central soccer babes?’ Yeah, that’s it. Maybe you could wind up sleeping with all of us!”
Kim’s slight smile spread into a huge grin, and she giggled, but her mien then moderated to a neutral appearance.
“Thanks, Brett. You’re not directly responsible, but at least partly because of you I am more comfortable, happier with myself than I’ve been in a while. I don’t have a boyfriend anymore, but I certainly don’t need a boyfriend like that. I think I want to remember how to make myself happy, rather than depending upon a boyfriend for happiness which, if I’m honest – and I’m sorry to be so ... direct if you or the girls object, turned out only to be sexual satisfaction, and not even that all that often. That’s going to be my new rule if or when I date again. I have to be happy with and by myself before I can share intimacy with someone else. I think it’s too easy to look for my happiness in someone else. I’m happier lounging in this bed with you ... and these girls than I ever was waking up to my ... ex-boyfriend.”
She giggled again, then looked up at me with a smile, and said, “You freshmen are another cause of change in ... my ego. You five that live here are nearly always happy, and none of you are even dating. If you’re okay with it, I want to spend more time with you girls, the lunch-table girls. Brit’s obviously got something of a problem, but the rest of you are happy, and I’d like to spend time with happy people. You also brought Meka back to all of us. Yes, you didn’t do that on purpose ... or for us, but because Meka spent time with you, you worked your amazing freshmen-girl-soccer-nut magic and even with her massive problem, she’s happier than she’s been in ... a long time, although I was clueless for most of that time why she seemed so unhappy.
“I haven’t really talked to Hope about what’s gotten her to reassess her life, but she came to you girls, too. If you object to us imposing ourselves on you girls, you need to tell us, specifically, because we’re probably going to be spending more time with you for the foreseeable future and screw those bitches of senior girls that we used to think were our friends. Meka and Katie never fell into that ... clique, and Katie never liked them, but she never held that against us, thank goodness. Of course, Rachel hardly talks to anyone, and she’s happy spending time with her boyfriend – who’s a great guy, and us.”
I lay there absolutely stunned by how much I’d learned about the seniors in the past few minutes. While Meka had opened up to us about her dad, little of the rest of the lives of those five seniors had come to light in all the time we’d spent with some or all of them. And Kim kept going in the same, quiet, understated voice.
“For whatever reason or reasons, the junior class never had more than a couple, at most, girl soccer players, and Rose is the only one that stuck with it, until the Brits arrived this year, so we’ve never socialized much with the juniors. And, of course [she rolled her eyes], we couldn’t exactly slum with the girls two years younger.” She shook her head in sarcasm, then added, “Now, of course, we’re latching onto freshmen, and a gob of them at that. How stuck up were we? We never even really talked last year with Jordan or Nicole or any of the other seven current sophomores, girls that we learned this year are perfectly pleasant people because we allowed you freshmen to act as bridges between us. I would change a lot, if I could, to make the past better. I can only make my future better, and I choose to do that by spending more time with Meka, Katie, and the big crop of freshmen girls ... and one boy ... that I find are fun to be around, despite that they’re so much younger than I am ... but seem to have their heads screwed on straighter than mine has been in quite some time. If you’ll put up with a stupid senior, I would like to spend more time with you.”
I stared into Kim’s eyes as I could see and feel Liya, Brett, and Heather look hard at me.
“I think we’d like that. However, I have to ask a question that you could consider insulting.”
She held up her hand to stop me, then said, “I probably know what question. Even if I’m wrong in that, I’ll still answer that question: No. I’m not trying to ingratiate myself with Brett. Yes, he’s very attractive, incredibly nice, very funny, and an all-around nice guy. If I were even a year younger...”
I nodded and responded, “That was the question. Thanks. We would like to get to know all of you seniors better and would like spending more time with you. We’ve spent more time with Meka than the rest of you, combined, but in the couple minutes you were talking, we’ve learned more about Meka than we learned in all the time we’ve spent with her, not counting stuff about her dad and her younger life. You seniors seem to be more private than we understood.”
She nodded at me, saying, “Obviously, Meka should tell you about Meka, but she is, particularly for as outgoing as she is, a private person. You girls had, perhaps, a better prybar to get details of her life out of her, but she does open up to long-term friends. She obviously really likes you girls ... and you, Brett, so be patient. Hope is probably the least private of us, but she’s also been the biggest ... social butterfly. Even though Rachel is a much more intensely private person, we know more important things about her than we do about Hope, who tries to keep most interactions on a superficial level. As I said earlier, we don’t know the cause of her recent apparent reassessment of her life, so don’t know if she’ll be more forthcoming ... with us, with you ... or not. But she is fun.”
“Thanks, Kim. I also wanted to say that, while we’re friends with Brett, he is not ours, and if he wants to date you, that’s his decision. I’ve always considered Brett to be a nice guy and one or more of us may want to date him in the future, but again, his decision is his. I will say that it’s become much more likely some of us would like to date him since he’s pulled himself at least partly out of his shell.” I turned to him, saying, “I don’t mean to talk about you in front of you; I apologize. I will tell you that coming out of your shell will make you more attractive to ... a lot of girls, not just ... Central soccer babes. Brett, I would like to get to know you better. Hell, we all would, even Kim over there. We freshmen are not dating this year and we won’t decide about next year until after school soccer season, as we’re committed to education and soccer. I’m sure that one or more of us might like to try a date with you once we begin dating as we’re all ... interested.”
“I hear more activity, so at least some of the Go6 should probably begin thinking about breakfast.”
“Hey,” Kim said, “That’s another thing. What’s that Go6 thing?”
“Oh, sorry. Dad dubbed Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and me the Gang of Four way back when, borrowing a term from something in China’s history. I keep meaning to look that up; I should really get around to it. Anyway, we changed it to Gang of Five when Heather joined us, then Gang of Six when Civia did,” I finished, then shrugged my shoulders at her. I looked around, then said, “I don’t feel like changing, so I’m heading to the kitchen in my PJs.”
Meka, followed by Civia, beat us to the kitchen by seconds, and the two of them sang out a chorus of, “Morning,” to the five of us.
“What do we want for breakfast?”
Civia asked, “Waffles?”
I scratched my head, thinking, then answered, “We can do that. You know where the irons are. I’ll get dry ingredients.”
Meka said, “Waffles sounds good, but some of you might want to think about getting near a brush sometime soon,” after which she grinned at us.
I felt my head, then rolled my eyes, but came back at her with, “Obviously you’re behind the times. Don’t you know that bedhead is in?”
She grinned at me and riposted, “I’ve never been one to chase after ephemeral styles like a lot of airhead blondes do.”
I shook my head at her, then stepped over and hugged her.
“We’re so glad you’re in our lives!”
She hugged me back and replied, “Ditto, Girl. Ditto.”
Others began showing up and the Go6 and a couple others began dealing with waffles, eggs, and table settings. All sleepover participants were in the kitchen by the time we had started pouring batter onto the irons, with the warming oven heating. Fortunately, everyone dove into the process at one point or another, so Civia and I did not have to make all 30 of the waffles we ate. We had maple and boysenberry syrups and some of Dad’s mango-raspberry compote.
Meka said, “You should all try either or both non-maple options. The boysenberry is great, and Charlie’s compote is to-die-for. We don’t have much of the latter, so don’t take a lot.”
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*** Please read parts The Game ... first time sex: Part 1 - 14 before continuing the story in order to grasp the plots and personalities for Donna, Marcus, Tonya, and me up to this point. As always, thanks for reading! Winter is progressing nicely and the weekends have been great for all of us. Tonya and I continue using the webcam. Once the ice was broken, it wasn't hard to have cyber sex with Tonya as many times a week as she and I wanted. Well, I confess that after the first time, I was so...
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IncestFriday, August 15,2008....9pm....A Change is beginning....Friday night, you are to go to a private party and you are going to be the guest of honor. You will come ready! Shaved. Hole greased. Clean. Arrive at 9pm. Side entrance.These were my instructions....I would get a call and for the address. These bastards really had me over a barrel. No idea what they looked like. No names. Voices...was all. But distinct. They had done their research on me. But why me??? Like they said, a thing. That is...
Amar girlfriend onek sexy shob chelera pagol oer jonno oer dudh onek boro r shundor ..oer ass o onek sexy oer body shape 36-24-36 ...oke dekhle emon kono chele nai je pagol hobe na..ekdin ami amar girlfriend ke nia amar best friend er bashai gesi friend er basha khali chillo er jonno girlfriend ke nia gesi chudte ...amar girlfriend ke sheidin onek sexy lagtisilo ekta tight sleeveless kameez porsilo oer dudh mone hoitesilo je jama chire baire ashbe....r kameez er gola onek boro chillo...
Mary stood up and taking Rosie by the hand said. “Come with me sweetheart, we have a new world to explore.” With that, she led her niece to the bedroom she shared with her husband and stood by the edge of the large double bed.“Time for this to go,” she said and slipped out of her housecoat. Then reaching out to lift Rosie’s nightie off over her head. “Now two women as nature intended. No need to be shy, we both know what we want, and now is our time.”Rosie offered no resistance as the older...
IncestDelilah finds herself in a bit of a pickle. Seems she has been dating two men unbeknownst to each other for the last six months. Feeling guilty over sneaking around and fucking each guy she decides to confront the problem and solve it. So she invites both men over and lets them know she loves them both but only one gets to keep the pussy. That’s the man who fucks her the best. It’s an old fashioned “fuck off” and the loser goes home. Upset at first by this slut they both...
xmoviesforyouI waited at the airport for the attendant to announce we could board the plane. I had a long flight ahead of me, all the way to Italy. After what felt like forever in the waiting area I was finally able to find my seat on the plane. I was unknowingly bumped up to first class for this trip. I usually ride coach so this was a bit different for me. People really took their time to get dressed, wealthy Italian men wearing three piece suits, their trophy wives in sleek designer dresses. This blew my...
Straight SexMy Fantasy WifeI can't find a woman to hold, much less one to marry.Whatever the cause, it is humiliating.So I have a fantasy wife instead:Every day her name and ethnicity change,As well as her whole appearance, But underneath the skin she remains the same:A field scientist for the EPA, local head of the Atheist Alliance,and a professional photographer too.She comes home tonight as a Hindu goddesswith shining brown skin and black hairthat falls to her knees when undone.Her mouth is full and...
His eyes were wide with terror and now a new feeling was coming over him... a feeling of excitement. The man was now pulling the full length out of him. Moments ago, he had been stuffed and stretched and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. But they didn't, and as the man held his massive cock in place, Jamie could feel his ass stretch to accommodate the intruder. Pain slowly turned to an odd pleasure.He yelped uncontrollably when the man made the first painful thrust....
I gasped as he suddenly straddled my waist, pinning my arms painfully to the bed with his knees, increasing the discomfort as he shifted above me. I was trapped. His cock, thick and hard, bobbed above my lips, just out of tongue-reach as I tried to lick the tip. “No,” he said sternly, raising his hand as if to slap my face. I winced, bracing myself for the blow, but when I dared to open my eyes again he stroked my cheek and smiled wickedly. That smile. That face. He was so handsome it...
Carolyn Chase moved easily through the crowd, stopping occasionally stopping to speak with one of the guests attending black tie gala in a downtown Washington, DC hotel! With her mane of long blonde hair, large voluptuous chest, huge fat bottom, and a pretty if not beautiful face, she caused more than one male head to turn that evening, and as usually the case at events like this one, several notes with phone numbers were surreptitiously slipped into her hand accompanied by a wink and a nod!...
FetishThe Encounter This story is written with no names involved so that you, the reader can place you and your lover’s names within the lines. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome! Enjoy! The sexual tension filled the room as she entered. They were always good together whether in work or play, they clicked. But this was different. Would there be time for small talk? Would they talk and make each other laugh as they so often did or would the fact they wanted...
Straight SexA short time later the 'mobile approached a Controlled structure, drew up at a portal where the vehicle was admitted efficiently and the portal closed behind it. A short distance inside, the 'mobile settled in front of an office building that looked rather more like a comfortable residence, with a patio and plenty of large windows. Its relaxed air transmitted itself to Pru, who began to get out then had to unfasten the unfamiliar seat belt then stepped out onto the grassy surface that...
It was a short ride to the Virginia Beach Airport. Jeremy had made it many times when he was still in school because it was a great place to park on a date, and the cops seldom came out to patrol. This was the first time, however, that the car he was in actually drove out onto the ramp, stopping beside an executive jet. The four men, Mr. Cerconi, his two thug pals, and Jeremy, boarded the plane immediately. The door was still closing as the pilots taxied to the runway, and within minutes of...
The next time I woke up, everything seemed a bit different. I looked past the curtains and it seemed like a late afternoon. There were four girls on bed with me, all soundly asleep. Suddenly, I recognized those little guys inside my head trying to get my attention with something like 'took you long enough.' I ignored them, donned my robe, and walked downstairs to get something to eat. I took a quick look to the other bedrooms and surprisingly all the girls - or women - seemed to be asleep....
Our New Daughter Evan I mean Ellen Chapter 1 My first attempt at writing please be aware that this story is complete fiction and did not happen in real life. It heavily focuses on teasing and humiliation so if that's not your thing feel free to skip this story. Thanks. Revised version after receiving some positive feedback from the readers - Thanks Guys I'll start out by giving you a bit of background on my life and who I am. My name is Evan; I am a 12 year old boy living just...
Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...
Helen was enjoying her extended stay with Rachel and her Mum. Helen and Rachel had been friends since they were almost babies. They stayed friends and went to the same school and always sat next to each other. They were more like sisters than friends. They often had these extended stays at the others house. Helen even had her own bedroom at Rachel’s house and Rachel had her own bedroom at Helen’s. On the other hand both Mum’s made it clear that they had disciplinary control over both girl’s...
SpankingAfter school ended, we all piled into my car and I drove us back to my house. I was really excited to see what would happen between me and these gorgeous girls. I pulled into my driveway, and got out of the car. I opened Ella’s door so that she could get out and was rewarded with a kiss. I then went around to the other side and opened Lily’s door, and got another kiss as thanks. I put my arms around their shoulders and we walked to the door. I opened the door and let the girls walk in first,...
Group SexASIAN CAT & WHITE CATIt was just after Christmas when I decided to go to Vietnam. Booked my ticket and got my Visa. I had heart so much about Vietnamese women, from friends, that I had to experience it myself. I put up my profile on Vietnamcupid and started to chat. Now most women want to get married first before intercourse. I talked them out of that and also didn’t want k**s, I have two already. And no condoms no rubber, I just can’t do that. And also I...
Hello Everyone, My name is pyare (Named changed). I am 29 year old from Bangalore working in Dubai for one of the reputed company. I am handsome, tall and fair looking guy. I really don’t know about the size of my penis coz never took a scale to measure it. But girls with whom I had been in relation were happy to hold it and take it inside them. The story which I am going to tell you is 101% genuine and there is nothing which is been copied from other stories apart from motivation. I don’t want...
IncestIntroduction: Just a fantasy of mine, characters based on real people. It was a bright and sunny Saturday evening, Jenna Harper was sitting on her bed talking to her boyfriend, Ryan, on her cell phone about their plans for that night. Since Jenna was 15 and Ryan was 20, they had to sneak around to be together. Jennas parents had a hard time letting her go out with guys her own age, she could only imagine what they would say if she asked them for approval of a guy 5 years older than her. What...
As Mark and Launa’s babysitter I found I wasn’t exactly doing much baby sitting these days! Since losing my virginity to my two very sexy employers they had now found a much more entertaining reason to call me over. I’d been round to spend the evening with them half a dozen times or more after our first encounter when one afternoon I got a text from Mark asking me to pop over. I knew Launa was working that day so assumed Mark needed me to watch their son while he went out or something. I let...
James looked to be the typical mid south gentleman in his mid 50's. He was about 6 feet in height, had a slight beer belly and was balding in back James was divorced for some 6 years and lived alone on the out skirts of town. He worked an 8 to 4 job, and was pretty much a homebody, although he did go out on a date occasionally.To look at James, you would never in a million years guess, but James loved to dress up in women's clothes. One of his bedrooms was completely devoted to Misty, which was...
Not going to lie, when she first approached me about the concept of an open marriage I was intrigued, I was excited, I thought to myself: hell, I get to hook up with whoever I want and not have to feel guilty about it! Granted, I knew I’d have to be comfortable with the idea of knowing that my wife could be potentially fucking another man every time she leaves the house, but that was a risk I was willing to take. I will admit that I took the selfish approach, thinking that I wouldn’t have a...
Wife LoversThe tapping was incessant. Irritating. Ken glanced up from the football game to watch her. Sarah's pink fingernails drummed against the desk. From index to pinky, over and over, as if the typing motion would will her thesis into existence. It had been weeks. The same thing, same routine. Ken woke at 5 am to work out, shower, then head downtown to his job. Sarah usually roused around 6:30 am. She led him in yoga. She'd been a part-time instructor at the studio his girlfriend had dragged him to...
Straight SexThe book of Fiore Dei Liberi: 14th century Master of Defense: Elizabeth said it was in the library, and I knew the library; I knew it wasn’t in the stacks; I’d read them ... all of them. I was a prodigious reader and read our library by the 8th grade. I asked Jane ... the librarian ... if I could go through the basement storage. The basement was where all the copies of the Clinton County Republican News ... the local newspaper ... and every book that had been pulled for damage or no interest...
The days blended together while my body knitted itself back into one piece. True to her word, Fran reported that the prosecutors recommended life without parole for all Outpost members, and the Federal Judges imposed the death penalty across the board. The entire group was moved to Indiana to take up residence on death row, awaiting their mandatory appeals. Included in that group was my attacker, who had an additional death sentenced imposed for the murder of a White House employee and...
I walked out through the front door of my work building, and looked up for a moment to admire the tall skysc****r directly across the road. It was one of many buildings commonly associated with my city. I hailed a cab and, as I told the driver the location of my apartment, scanned the streets to gather in all the people. They were all different, each with different stories, different ideas, different lives. It was part of the grandeur of New York, and the unpredictability was one of the main...
Hi ISS Friends I am Rajesh here from Maharastra I am 32 Years old 5”6” I am into business & doing good. I always used to wonder how a person can write so many interesting stories which should be private, but after going through some of them I myself is tempted to write this coz I thought I myself being so interested in sex & specially in experimenting new ways n means in sex I thought my real life incidence will definitely interest my readers. This story is about my encounter with my Office...