Being Coerced free porn video

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I was sitting on my bed on Sunday afternoon reading the Book of Mormon while the rest of my family was off visiting a family friend. I didn’t hear anyone enter the house but there you were, knocking on my open bedroom door. I recognized you from church. “Hey Lucy! Is your father home? He told me to stop by and drop this off for him.” You held up an envelope you were holding.

“No, sorry he isn’t here.” I said as I looked up from my reading. You seemed disappointed but you just continued to talk to me.

You came over and sat on my bed and asked me about what I was reading. You nodded your head and asked me how much I knew about the commandments. I was eager to show off my knowledge so I started naming all of them that I could. When I got to the law of chastity (that there should be no sexual contact outside of marriage) you stopped me. You asked how I expected us to keep that commandment when we were also told to “multiply and replenish the Earth” and have lots of children. I said that we are just supposed to be married first.

You looked at me and said, “But, how are you supposed to know how to make babies if neither you or your husband have done it before? Do you know how Lucy? You have to be able to do it just right to be able to make a baby.” I just looked down and shook my head. You put your hand on my knee and asked, “Do you want to be a good wife? Do you want to follow all of God’s commandments?”

I looked up at you, “Yes. I do.”

“Well, then you need to learn how to make a baby if you really want to be a good disciple of Jesus Christ.” You said. I looked back at you. I was sad, thinking that there was no way I was going to make a good wife if I didn’t know the right way to make a baby. I was confused. I understood what you had told me but I didn’t know how or where to learn and no one had ever told me before.

“How am I supposed to learn?” I asked innocently.

You smiled at me. “I would be willing to teach you sweetheart. I can show you how God likes women to make babies. Now that I have children of my own, it is my calling to make sure the women of the church know how.” I nodded my head.

“Okay, so tell me how then.” I said as I leaned over and grabbed my notebook and pen to take notes. I didn’t want to forget anything when the time came.

“It isn’t something I can just tell you; I have to show you.” You said as you chuckled a little. My eyes grew wide and suddenly I was very nervous. You could tell that I was scared so you put your hand on my cheek. “Lucy, you can trust me. You know I would never do anything to hurt you right?” I nodded slowly. “You are very beautiful daughter of God and someday you’ll find a man to marry and I just want to make sure that you are prepared for that.” I continued nodding, growing more comfortable with the situation although I was still hesitant and nervous. “Lucy, have you ever kissed a boy?”

I instantly blushed and stuttered a no while avoiding eye contact. “Don’t worry. I can show you that too.” You reached over and gently grabbed my chin and brought your face to mine until our lips met. I froze, not sure what to do. You back away just slightly, “Just relax Lucy, it’s okay.” You reassured me as you kissed me again.

I slowly started to relax and pressed my lips against yours. I felt your lips part and the tip of your tongue reach into my mouth. I mimicked you and parted my lips, letting your tongue brush mine. We continued kissing for a few minutes, slowly, so that I could get the hang of it.

You broke the kiss and said, "See, you are already past step one. You have to let your husband know you're ready to make a baby with him by kissing him just like I showed you."

"I can do that!" I smiled back at you, proud that I already learned the first step.

"Step Two. You have to get your husband ready to make a baby with you. Stand up Lucy." You reached for my hand and I stood up next to you. "So, when you're trying to make a baby, both you and your husband will need to be naked." You put your hand on my shoulder and I was suddenly very scared. "No need to be nervous, Lucy. God made our bodies perfect and there is nothing to be ashamed of. God made these bodies so you don't need to be embarrassed to be naked or to see someone else naked. You should admire the creations of God."

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. "Oh, okay." I said nervously. You grabbed my hands and guided them to your waist.

"Grab my shirt Lucy and lift it over my head." I did as you said and laid your shirt on the bed.

I admired your bare chest as you stood before me. You took a step towards me. "Okay, now it is your turn." I was still wearing my church clothes. I had on a white button down shirt and a floral skirt that went down below my knees. I just nodded as your fingers started to undo the buttons of my shirt. Soon, you were sliding the top off of my shoulders. Then your hands reached for my tank top and you lifted it over my head. I looked at you as you reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I was nervous that my C cup breasts wouldn't be enough for you.

When you had taken it off, I attempted to cover myself, embarrassed by my nakedness, but you reached for my hands and brought them back down to my sides. "Please don't be embarrassed." You said. "Your body is beautiful. Now, we are almost done with this step. I just need you to take off my pants now sweetheart." I reached for the button on your pants. I fumbled a little because my hands were shaking so badly. I slid your pants off your body and you stepped out of them.

You reached around me and unzipped the back of my skirt and it fell around my feet. You looked me in my eyes as your thumbs looped around the waistband of my cotton panties and I didn't resist you pulling them off of me. And this time I didn't try and cover myself. Slowly I reached for your boxers and pulled them down. I stared at your semi-hard cock. I hadn't ever seen one before. "See, that wasn't so hard, right?" You said as you smiled at me.

I laughed nervously, "I guess not."

"Okay, so you've let your husband know that you want to make a baby and you've started getting him ready to do so. Now, Step 3, your husband needs to get your body ready to make a baby with him."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you need to make sure that your body gets ready for the baby making process. Otherwise it might not work or it could be painful for you." You explained as you took a step towards me. "First, you need to have him touch your breasts." You bring both hands up and cup my tits and begin massaging them. "This should start to make your body feel good." You take your fingertips and start to roll my nipples between them.

I gasp a little. "Yeah, that does feel good, a little bit."

"You also should have him use his mouth and suck on your nipples." You say as you bend down and latch on to my right tit as your fingers keep playing with my left.

"Oohhh... That does feel good." I say as you continue to flick your tongue across my nipple.

You move your mouth to my left nipple and suck on it until I am breathing heavily. I have never felt this way before. I was always taught that sex was something you only did when you wanted a child and I never thought it would feel good too. The few times I heard women at church or my mom mention it, they made it sound like a chore.

You stand back up. "Can you feel your body getting ready?" You smile at me.

"Yeah, I think so." I say. "I am starting to feel tingly all over, especially my, uhm, you know." I blush and get really embarrassed. You laugh a little.

"You can call it your vagina, or your pussy sweetheart. Don't be ashamed of saying it. See how your nipples have gotten hard and pointy? That is one sign that your body is ready? Now we just have to make sure your pussy is wet so that it is easier for your husband to slide into you. How about you lay back down on the bed?" I follow your instructions and lay back down and you sit next to me.

"How do you make it wet?" I ask.

"You or your husband need to touch it in the right places to make your pussy wet and ready to make a baby. Here, let me show you. Spread your legs a little bit." I move my legs apart and you reach for my pussy.

Your fingers graze the inside of my leg and suddenly I have goose bumps all over. I have never even touched my pussy so the feeling of having you get so close to it is electrifying. We are both quiet as you run your middle finger along my slit and I gasp when you start adding a little pressure against my clit, running circles against it.

"Lucy, this spot I am rubbing right now is your clit. It is one of the best spots for you to touch to get your pussy wet." You grab my hand and pull it down. "Here, you trying touching it." You put my fingers directly on top of my clit and then place yours on top of them. You use your fingers to guide mine. "Does that feel good to you?"

"Uh, yeah, it does feel pretty good I guess." I close my eyes as we keep touching my clit together. It is starting to feel a lot better than I thought that it ever could and I am scared to admit it to you.

"Okay, you keep rubbing your clit like that. I am going to show you another way to get your pussy ready." You say as your hand leaves mine and then I feel your finger pressed against my pussy. Slowly, you gently slide one into me.

I gasp audibly as my pussy is being penetrated for the first time. You keep sliding your finger into me, being careful to go slow so that it doesn't hurt me. Once you finger is all the way in, you draw it back out before inserting it back in again. Soon you are slowly finger fucking my virgin pussy. You keep going and started moving my finger against my clit in pace with yours.

After a few minutes of this, I have started moaning breathily with my eyes closed and my head back, and I am starting to enjoy the feeling of you touching me. "Lucy, can you feel how wet your pussy has gotten?" You ask as you continue to finger fuck me.

"Yes, I can. It is really wet." I say as I continue to rub my clit.

"You are right about that. Your body is ready to start making a baby now. But, I do want to show you one more way to make your pussy wet. You can have your husband lick your pussy for you."

"Lick it?? That's gross!" I look at you like you're crazy.

"Just let me show you before you decide that you don't like it." You say as you smile and move your head closer to my wet pussy.

I watch you as you stick out your tongue and run it up my pussy. "Ohhhh." I can't help but moan as your tongue finds my clit. You look me in the eyes and smirk as you start to dart your tongue across it, running it in little circles. Instinctively, my hips start to move around, bucking against your face as. I try to add more friction.

You reach and grab my hand, guiding it to the back of your head. I rest my hand there and start to run my fingers through your hair. You start licking me faster and I grip onto the back of your head. My body has never felt like this before. I feel like I am suddenly losing control of myself. My hips move against your mouth as you start sucking on my clit. By now, I am moaning, mouth open and my eyes in the back of my head.

Suddenly, my pussy starts to get really tingly and warm. It almost feels like I need to go to the bathroom, but a lot better. You lick faster and faster as my moans get louder. Then my body loses control. My legs grip your head as they shake uncontrollably and I throw my shoulders back as my back arches. I am shaking all over and my body is covered in goose bumps and my pussy is convulsing. It feels beyond good, better than I have ever felt before.

I start to calm down and you sit back up. "Lucy, I think you just had your first orgasm. It is God's way of telling you that you are doing a really good job. It is your reward for making a baby the way that you are supposed to."

"That felt really good." I manage to say as I start to catch my breath and smile back at you. "What's next?" I ask as I sit up next to you.

"Now that your body is ready to make a baby, you need to make sure your husband's is too. That is Step 4." You explain.

"Okay, what do I need to do for that?"

"Well, Lucy, you need to make sure that your husband's penis or dick is really hard so that he can make a baby with you." You stand up in front of me. With your crotch now at my eye level, I see your hard dick (or any hard dick for that matter) for the first time. My eyes get really big.

"What.... your... uhm... your penis... it has gotten really big." I stutter as I just shamelessly stare at your dick.

"You're right, Lucy. When a man is ready to make a baby, his penis/dick/cock, whatever you want to call it, will get hard like this. Let me show you how you can make it ready." You grab my hand and use your hand to guide it so that I am gripping the shaft of your cock.

You use your hand to start moving mine up and down your hardening cock. I watch with my mouth open, fascinated. It feels a lot different than I thought it would. The skin on your penis is so soft, a stark contrast to how hard the shaft feels. You start breathing a little harder and I can tell that you like the way I am touching you. You grab my other hand and you show me how to cup and massage your balls while I continue to stroke you.

You start moaning a little as you watch my touch a man for the first time. You take your hands away from mine as I continue and you start to run your fingers through my hair. "You are doing so well, Lucy. I am almost ready. I want you to try licking me the way that I licked you." I stop stroking and look up at you with a nervous look in my eyes. "It's okay, I will tell you how to do. Don't worry." I just nod my head.

"Now, stick out your tongue and just lick it like a popsicle first." I do as you say and run my tongue along the underside of your dick. "You're doing great sweetie." I start to lick all over. It tastes better than I expected, a little salty but not bad. "Okay, now open your mouth a little and put it inside of your mouth." I take a deep breath and then wrap my lips around the head of your cock. I put it about an inch inside of my mouth and then just stop there.

"Oh, Lucy, please keep going sweetheart." You say with a little moan and I feel you pull against my head a little, pushing my mouth further onto your cock. I am only able to make it just over halfway down. "Okay, now suck on it like you would a straw and move your head up and down." I start sucking on your dick and doing my best to move my head like you said. When I can't find a good rhythm, you help by pushing and pulling gently on my head.

Soon I am getting the hang of it and I am able to get more and more of your hard cock into my mouth. You are moaning steadily by now, muttering about how good it feels. I love making you feel good like you made me feel so I am doing my best to please you. "Okay Lucy, I am going to need you to really relax your throat now. Remember to breathe through your nose." You grab the back of my head with both of your hands and hold it steady as you slowly start to slide your cock down my throat.

I start gagging a little but I regain control and soon I have fit your entire cock in my mouth. I look up at you and your eyes are barely open. "Lucy, you make me feel so good." It makes me happy to hear that you like what I am doing. "I think my body is ready to make a baby with you now." You moan as you slide your cock back out of my throat.

"Okay Lucy, sweetheart, lay back down on the bed and spread your legs for me." I put my head back on my pillow and pull my knees apart. "Are you ready to learn the final step for making a baby?" You say as you climb between my legs, spreading them a little further.

I clear my throat, "Yes... yes I am." I am nervous but I look at you and you calm me down.

"This might hurt a little bit. I am sorry baby but you have to get through it and it will start to feel good right after that." You say as you lean over me, putting one hand next to my head to hold yourself up as the other points your hard cock at my virgin pussy. Slowly, you thrust forward and your dick starts to slide into me.

"OH! Owww..." I grimace as you sink deeper into me but you use one hand to stroke my face and you tell me that the pain will be over soon. Once you are fully inside me, you pause, letting my tight, tight pussy get used to feeling of being stretched around your cock. Then, slowly you start pulling out of me again.

After a few slow thrusts into me, I started to be able to relax as the pain from being penetrated for he first time subsides. You start to pick up speed a little as you can tell that I am no longer twisting my face in pain. "How does that feel Lucy? Are you okay?" You ask.

"Yeah, it is starting to feel good now." I mutter as waves of pleasure start coursing through my body.

"Good baby. I want you to enjoy this." You whisper as you lean your head down flick your tongue over one of my nipples. "Your pussy is so tight. It feels really good Lucy." I run my fingers up your chest as you keep pumping into me, getting faster and faster. Both of us are moaning and you drop onto your elbows on either side of my head and our faces are side by side. "Lucy -remember the orgasm that you had earlier?" I reply with a breathy "Mmhmm". "Well, when a man has one while he is inside a woman's pussy, that is how you make a baby." I release another grunt of understanding as I focus mainly on how good it feels to have a dick inside of me. "Lucy -I am going to orgasm soon and we are going to make a baby, okay?"


It takes me a second to process what you've said. "No, we can't actually make a baby. You said that you would show me how. I can't have a baby with you. You aren't my husband!" I look you in the eyes, worried.

"Don't worry.. sweetheart. God will.. only give you.. a baby if it is.. what He wants..Ohhh" You say in between breaths and moans as you continue thrusting into me hard and fast.

"It feels good... mmm. But.. but I can't get pregnant with you. Oh, oh but please don't stop." I moan and writhe underneath you, grabbing the back of your neck with both hands and I look you in the eye. "Just please don't orgasm inside of me." Then I throw my head back and groan. The feeling of your cock fucking me is overwhelming.

"Baby... Oh you feel so good. Mmm, so, so tight. Oh yes, oh hell yes!!" You are fucking me with abandon and suddenly your pressing your mouth hard against mine. Our lips vibrate together as we moan with every thrust. You lift yourself back up onto your hands and watch my tits bounce as you shove your cock into me. Not even a minute later, your eyes roll back in your head as you groan loudly. "Lucy, I am cumming. Oh God... Oh God!" You yell out as you thrust into me hard as your body convulses a little and you collapse on me.

"No! No, no. You can't!" I try pushing you off of me but your too much for me.

You moan in my ear. "It is too late now sweetheart. I had to show you how." I lay underneath you and the feeling of your cock twitching in my pussy, filling me up, feels amazing. You kiss me gently. "There is so much for you to learn baby. I can't wait to teach you."

Then we hear the garage door opening and you jump off me and are throwing your clothes on and throwing mine at me. We dress just in time for the family to come in and we pretend like you just barely dropped by but I can't forget what happened when I start to feel you cum dripping down my thighs as I remember that I never put my panties back on.


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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt4

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Being More Social Chapters 1620

When I got to the student council meeting, it was as if the negativity that was coursing throughout my body was some kind of atmospheric event that plagued the entire school. Even in my state of shakiness and numbness over what I had done, I couldn’t avoid noticing that the mood of the entire council had gone down. Nevertheless, instead of asking around before the council began, all I could do was find a seat and slump into it. “You okay?” the concerned voice of Megan asked. I looked over to...

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Being More Social Chapters 1115

Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn’t exactly horrific. If it wasn’t Nicole, I might have even labeled it ‘teen drama.’ Nevertheless I still mirrored her sad expression. “Is it that bad?” I asked her. She nodded as she drove, then sighed. “I didn’t wanna tell you because I figure it would put a rain cloud over our hanging out time.” She paused, then spoke with an uncharacteristically small voice. “Want me to just drop you off at home?” “No!” I all...

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Being Heidi

No copyright infringement intended. The characters are the property of Tim Allen and ABC. This is a variation of our earlier, longer story 'Body Improvement'. Being Heidi Plot and Writing by Eric Writing and Editing by Caleb Jones Invention Week on the home improvement TV series Tool Time was just a few weeks away and the star of the show Tim Taylor was working on one of his wacky high-powered inventions...

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Being Caught

Being Caught by Lorraine Simmons My wife Diana found out that I was a cross dresser two years ago when she inadvertently found my secret wardrobe of female clothing hidden in our attic. I tried to explain my feelings but without any acceptance for over a year, during this period our sex life eroded to almost nothing and I felt truly worthless. The only relief for me was the rare opportunities to cross dress when she was away on business. I always wondered what...

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Being Me

The following tale is adapted from a story started be SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing. I hope you enjoy reading it and get as much fun out of it as we did writing it. Being ME Part 1 - Out of The Closet Kind of a waste, I thought as I took...

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Being Cruel To Be Kind

100% fiction! Note: The following contribution(s) were inspired by "Nasti4unow's" 9-part serial titled, 'Cassie Hole.' But this story explores Michael's sexual life primer beginning with the transformation of his mother from dour to power. Cru-el To Be Kind : Chapter 1 It's hard to answer even for yourself how a person is drawn to certain activities above and beyond reason. Of course there are the physical timeline of events and moments of indiscretion but answering how one becomes soiled and...

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Being Troy Jennifer

Being Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...

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Being Found Out

BEING FOUND OUT BY STATS CHAPTER 1: Friday Afternoon I am a crossdresser. Have been since age eight when I found a pile of discarded female clothes in the attic. Now, at age 28, I shave my legs and arms, wear nail polish on my toes and female undergarments to work. I have a particular fetish for women's shoes and will occasionally slip a pair on while working at my desk in my office. I have grown a respectable ponytail over the years but there are three other guys in the...

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Being Bimbo

Being Bimbo ? ? ?????Introduction ? ? Before allowing Brandi to begin this narrative of her life I feel I should inform those who failed to read her previous narrative how she came to be?who?and what she is. Those who have read her previous book may wish to skip forward. Though there are a few things I may reveal that her fans do not already know. ?????My name is John. I own a rather large marketing firm well-known across three continents. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, a skill I learned...

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Being Trust Worthy part IV

Being Trustworthy part IV By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Cindy, now remember everything I taught you. I want you to impress Brad when he gets here, do you understand?" "Yes Ms. Karen, I understand you want me to impress Brad... Ma'am?" "Yes, Cindy what is it?" "How exactly am I supposed to impress Brad?" "By pretending to be a real girl. If you can impress him that you are a girl by acting and thinking like a girl then I will be very pleased...if not...well, it won't be pretty for...

2 years ago
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Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife

"Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife" by Lorraine Simmons I have fantasized about being transformed into a woman and have constantly demanded that my wife participate more and take a dominant role in my fantasy. She always failed to approach the ultimate level I desire since she has felt repulsed with the idea of me pretending to be a woman. I now wish that maybe she remained at that former stage than the present state I find myself, slowing becoming...

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Being More Social Chapters 610

“I don’t care.” Nicole told me bitterly as we neared room 203. “The cold sucks. It hurts my face to go outside. You’re defending a thing that hurts my face.” I grinned at her. “Now you’re just thinking up my reasons for me to love winter!” She punched me playfully in the arm as we took our seats, joining the rest of Student Council. Shortly after, Phil entered the room and cleared his throat. “Great, everyone’s here!” He commented happily. “Alright guys, listen up…” That was my cue to stop...

1 year ago
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Being Disciplined

I was standing at the window holding my wife Susie close to me as the clock ticked. The alarm went off at exactly the right time, but to our horror the world didn’t end. We held each other for a full five minutes but still life went on. We had to accept the truth of it. The world was still here, our world. Susie looked at me and spoke first. “Shit,” she said. “Crap,” I replied. We both pondered what was now going to happen. What our situation was going to become. The one of our own making. It...

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Being Twins

Being Twins - Rachael Free I knew something wasn't quite right but I couldn't be sure. My life for the past 10 years with my wife Jane was great. My name is Richard. Jane was 5'8", 120 pounds, lean trim body, 38D breasts, beautiful blonde hair and stunning features. I was 5'9", 148 pounds, and little chest or body hair. We got along like real friends and were great lovers, up until recently that is. In the past six months our relationship seemed to be going in opposite directions....

4 years ago
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Being Me

BEING ME (FOLLOWING YOUR BLISS, BEING HAPPY WITH THE WOMAN IN YOU) MYSELF TODAY Today, I'm an executive of my own company and recognized in the field under my true self, a woman. It is a great joy to interact with others, no more hiding or living two lives. The most important part is that even those who knew me, in my previous gender accept me and I accept myself. I have found that most important part is making yourself happy, as opposed what others want you to be. It is...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt5

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

3 years ago
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Being Human part 1

He shook his head. "Nude is artistic. Naked is defenseless." ― Larry Niven Chapter One Pixel drummed her fingers on her laptop in an absent minded cadence. She sat on a park bench, her bicycle propped up next to her. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, and she scowled at the computer code in front of her. The white text on the screen was almost fuzzy against the black background of the terminal window. The moment had come to execute her code, which would perform a buffer overflow....

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Being Trustworthy part III

Being Trustworthy part III By Sissie Maid Cuckold Cindy enjoyed the weekend as Ms. Karen's maid. She had a lot to learn and was coached the entire time. The funny thing was that Cindy really got into being the maid and found herself anxious to learn and to improve her skills. It was not a game to her but rather the real thing. She learned to scrub floors and toilets. How to do laundry and vacuum. Even though Cindy realized this was menial work, there was something about the maid's...

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Being More Social Chapters 15

All throughout middle school, I had hated the name Adam Watson. It was a name the school bullies had become all too familiar with, and it became a name I figured was cursed, and I too for having it. They always liked to give me increasingly bizarre reasons for their bullying – “Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially...

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Being European or Being Equal Chapter XV

As Julie was preparing to give Jamie an examination he would never forget, Charlotte was by the pool putting her own plan for seducing Tyler into action, but since she didn’t have the benefit of a using a physical examination as an excuse to get his trunks off, she faced a more daunting challenge.Now that they were alone, Charlotte tried to strike up a conversation with the handsome teenager. She asked him about his dad, his friends, what he liked about school, all the ‘small talk’ things she...

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BEING NAUHTY AGAIN 2MOM DAD AND MEIt was two days after my first night with my mom, our night of reconciliation was loving, beautiful, passionate and very erotica, it was a night that I surly will remember for the rest of my live. However, there was a new problem that I had to face; how to tell daddy. Waking up next to mom was one of the happiest mornings of my life. I never thought that I missed having my mother in my life, but that night with mom proved how much I longed for a relationship...

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Being Bad

I found out early that being bad was more fun than being good. I also discovered that you kept your mouth shut about all the naughty things and shout from the rooftops about all the good things. A lot of my early naughtiness was, looking back on it, very silly; breaking windows, tying things to next door cat's tail. But I believe I have moved on since those days. Being good was volunteering to do the washing up, mowing the lawn and such. Being bad would often involve some degree of sexual...

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Being Me Part 2 Voyage of Discovery

Being Me Part 2 The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery Cruise Diary - Day 1 I woke up early to the sound of a low hum, most probably the ship's engines. I stayed in bed for the first ten minutes of my morning watching the TV and looking for news about my dad's case. Finding nothing of interest, I got out of bed and took a shower. The warm water felt nice as I lathered up with the complimentary shampoo. As my hands worked their way across my body, I thought about shaving. The...

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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

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Being Joanne

Being Joanne by Meryl Davids "Hi", "Hi back", I said, I'd just got back from work, I hated office work, but we needed the money, for when we got married. Jane was a Nurse. I worked at a bank. I used to work as a Nurse, and loved every minute of it, Jane was just about burned out and wanted to get a Nurse managers job, to get her away from direct patient care. I had joked with her that we should swop jobs, "yeah sure", was all she said. I couldn't help the clearly...

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Being Happy

Being Happy I've always found it pretty easy to be happy. Of course, it didn't hurt that I had gotten a good job right out of college or that I had the sort of body that drew girls like flies to honey (and they were always willing to eat my honey). But then one day, everything changed, and it threatened to take away all that happiness I had gotten used to. It started when I stepped out of my apartment building and found myself staring at a tight, round ass. A girl in tight...

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Being a helpful Brother

Introduction: Being a brother means its your job to be helpful to your sister at all times. Although what happens when being helpful goes to far? Jason Lee and Kimmy Lee are the only Asian kids in there whole school. That ment they are more then just brother and sister they were also best friends. Jason was a year older then Kimmy so it wasnt uncommon for him to only see his sister after school. That made him lonely during school. Not only was he awkwardly tall having a growth spurt every few...

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Being A Complete Slut For Hubby Part 2

I had such a lot to tell Gary when I got home. But he had to be patient. I was tired and hungry.After a delicious curry cooked by Gary, I actually fell asleep in my armchair, and only woke up just before bedtime.A coffee refreshed me, and we retired to bed immediately afterwards. Recalling everything and telling hubby all about it had the dual effect of making us both very randy, and we had a lovely marital session before both dozing off again.In the morning, Gary was still very randy. I found...

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Being a Submissive Sissy

I grew up in Pennsylvania. By the time I was eleven and twelve, I knew that adults were punished. Not only had I heard conversations about it but had heard or watched (by accident) my mother being punished. Of course, when I was about five, I’d had a ring side seat for one of hers. That was the first time I’d seen anyone else given a spanking and, my father could spank! She had bitched and cut my spanking short then, taken my place across my dad’s lap to take the rest of mine. I watched her...

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Being Andrea

Being Andrea I was finished with school. Now the only problem was to find a job. That was going to be a problem. I hadn't exactly excelled at school, in fact I had pretty much hated it. The result of that was that I didn't have much in the way of qualifications. I had been told all that - many times - and that just made me even madder. Whose fault did they think it was? I know, I know, I was quick-tempered and apt to say things that I shouldn't, but the school was what our dear...

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Being More SocialChapter 14

“If you ask me, May did it.” I snarled to myself. “That’s what I think.” “And do you always have this hunch, or do you go back and forth?” Salvador asked me. I grunted annoyedly. “Yeah, okay, but I think May did it the most.” “The most?” Salvador asked me. “That creates a bit of a victim-blaming atmosphere, don’t you think?” “How do you figure?” I asked him. “If May is innocent, she came up to you telling you about a personal violation, that she was sexually assaulted. And you...

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Being Bisexual

I'm attracted to both men and women. I've always known that. I mean, how can anyone not be? There is a certain amount of truth in the old cliché, 'it's the best of both worlds'. My preference doesn't lean toward men, particularly. I actually haven't a real preference based on something as minor as my lovers’ gender.That was a problem in my younger days. I was, and still am, as easily aroused by the flash of a woman's thigh as I am by the way a man's jeans frame his butt. Same sex...

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Being A Naughty But Good StepMom Part II

We all stood up together still in Ryan's bedroom, but Christina needed to peek at Ryan first. "I guess we're going into serious territory now, Ryan," she said, before getting on the bed with me.Both Christina and I got on our knees and got close. "I could--" Christina was about to talk, but I put my pointer finger on her lips and leaned towards her. I kissed slowly, but hardly for a moment with my palms on her cheeks.I had never been with another woman before, but she proved to be unique, and...


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