Being European Or Being Equal - Chapter XV free porn video

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As Julie was preparing to give Jamie an examination he would never forget, Charlotte was by the pool putting her own plan for seducing Tyler into action, but since she didn’t have the benefit of a using a physical examination as an excuse to get his trunks off, she faced a more daunting challenge.

Now that they were alone, Charlotte tried to strike up a conversation with the handsome teenager. She asked him about his dad, his friends, what he liked about school, all the ‘small talk’ things she could think of. Tyler was polite, but Charlotte could sense he was feeling a bit uncomfortable about being left alone with a woman who he barely knew, especially since she was naked.

She knew she was going to have to be creative to get Tyler involved without scaring him, so she walked to the edge of the pool, spread a towel on the deck and sat down with her feet dangling in the water. Now the teenager was only a few feet from her, and unless he wanted to be rude, which he had been taught to never do, he had to look at her in all her naked glory as they talked.

Once she was in place, Charlotte leaned back on her hands, which drew even more attention to her incredible breasts, and then she said, “So Tyler, are you sure you’re not uncomfortable with me being naked, I mean now that your mom and Jamie aren’t here?”

The question caught Tyler off guard. He didn’t want to say yes because the gorgeous woman might put her bathing suit back on, but he also didn’t want to sound too eager to keep her naked, so he thought back to how his mom had said that nudity shouldn’t be a big deal and said, “I’m not uncomfortable at all Mrs. Bradley, I hardly even noticed.”

Charlotte knew he was lying through his teeth, but she played along and said, “Well I’m glad you don’t mind nudity, because I love how the sun feels, but can I be perfectly honest with you?”

“Sure,” the teenager replied, feeling a little flattered by the fact that was speaking to him as an equal.

Charlotte sighed and said, “I know we’re both okay with it, but since your mom went inside, being the only one naked makes me feel a little uncomfortable.”

“It does?” Tyler asked, genuinely surprised since she seemed very relaxed.

“A little bit,” Charlotte lied, and then she giggled and said, “I feel like I’m having that dream where you’re out in public, and you realized you’re the only one who’s naked.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Bradley,” Tyler said, not wanting to make her feel uneasy, so being a gentleman he said, “If you’d be more comfortable, I can go inside and wait until my mom and Jamie come back.”

“Oh no, Tyler, please don’t, I’m really enjoying your company,” the beautiful brunette answered, and then she smiled and innocently said, “I just felt more comfortable when I wasn’t the only one nude, so I was wondering if you might, well… go European and join me?”

Now it was Tyler who panicked. He knew that if he was naked, there would be no way he could hide an erection, so he said, “Gee, Mrs. Bradley, I’m not sure my mom would be okay with me being naked too.”

“Well, she was the one who said nude sunbathing is perfectly normal, so why would she object to you doing it too?” Charlotte asked, deciding to use some of her own psychology on the teenage boy.

“Ummmm, I guess she wouldn’t,” Tyler replied, seeing her logic.

“And earlier you said that we’re all adults, so you certainly don’t see anything wrong with nudity, do you Tyler?” she asked, trying to gently manipulate him into a corner.

“No ma’am, I guess not,” he replied, his answers getting more sheepish.

“Well if your mom and I don’t object, and you see no problem with us being nude, then I guess there’s nothing stopping you from joining me… right?” Charlotte said, shooting down all of his arguments.

“I guess not,” he replied as all the reasons for keeping his suit on crumbled under the weight of Charlotte’s logic, but he took one last stab at keeping his penis hidden when he said, “But do you think Jamie might be upset if he came out and we were both naked? I mean, he seemed kind of upset when he found out I saw you and mom sunbathing nude yesterday.”

Charlotte laughed and said, “I don’t think he was upset, I think he was a just little jealous that you got to see us naked and he didn’t, but once he did too, he was okay,” she replied, and then she said, “Besides, I’m really enjoying your company, and like you said, ‘we’re all adults’, so nudity shouldn’t be a big deal, I’d just feel less self-conscious if I wasn’t alone in all my naked glory.”

Tyler really liked Mrs. Bradley, and he certainly didn’t want to give the voluptuous woman a reason to put her suit back on. He still wasn’t sure he could be naked in front of her without getting another erection, but then he thought of a solution and said, “Sure, I guess it’s alright.”

Charlotte’s insides quivered with anticipation when he agreed, but she maintained her composure as she said, “Thank you, Tyler, and I’m sure your mom and Jamie won’t mind at all.”

As Mrs. Bradley stood up and walked back to her chaise, Tyler couldn’t help watching her thick ass cheeks bounce, and as he feared, the sight caused his penis to begin swelling again. Like Jamie, he diverted his eyes from the naked woman, thinking he could stop his growing cock from reaching its full breeding potential, and it worked… for the moment.

Charlotte spread her towel over her deck chair and sat down again, and then she watched as Tyler climbed out of the water and began drying himself off.

While his teenage body was still developing, she could see some definition forming in his smooth, hairless chest, and his arms were beginning to show some tone. He was thinner than Jamie, and his stomach looked firmer, and she could also make out the remaining bulge that his semi-hard young penis was causing in the front of his swim trunks.

Once he was dry, Jamie went to bring another deck chair over to where Charlotte was sitting, but she quickly said, “Why don’t you just use your mom’s chair and sit next to me until she comes back?”

“Okay,” Tyler replied, realizing that in a few moments he would be sitting within arms reach of the incredibly sexy, naked woman, and he would be just as naked, and that thought had his penis surging back to full erection. Since he had claimed her nudity was no big deal to him, he didn’t think he could explain why his dick was a hard as steel, so he put his plan into action.

The teenager sat down with his back to Mrs. Bradley, and then he reclined the chaise until it was lying flat. Once the chair was adjusted, he deftly slid his trunks over his butt and down his legs before kicking them off, and then he quickly rolled onto his stomach, without ever turning to face her.

‘That sneaky little shit,’ Charlotte thought to herself, both impressed with and annoyed by the fact that the handsome teen had been resourceful enough to take off his trunks and lay down without giving her so much as a glimpse of his young cock and balls. But at least for now she was able to admire his taut teenage buttocks as they showed pale white against his otherwise tanned skin in the bright sunlight.

The horny mother could feel her pussy twitch as she enjoyed the sight of Tyler’s cute behind. As men grew older, their asses began to flatten and lose their definition, but his was rounded and muscular, with concave dimples on his outer hips, and a perfect tuck where the cheeks met the back of his thighs.

Tyler actually felt kind of sexy to have Mrs. Bradley seeing his naked behind, as long as he didn’t have to turn over. He figured he could stay on his stomach until his mom and Jamie came back, and then he would slink back into the pool before anyone could see his crotch. Until then he decided to be a gracious host and chat with Mrs. Bradley, so he asked, “So what is my mom examining Jamie for?”

The teenager’s innocent question was the opening Charlotte needed to move the conversation to a more intimate nature, but despite her excitement, she maintained her composure and nonchalantly said, “He hurt his groin riding his skateboard, and now he gets erections that won’t go away.”

“Wow,” Tyler said, surprised that Mrs. Bradley had so casually told him about her son’s erections, and as he turned towards her, being careful to not expose his own hard cock, he asked, “What happened?”

Charlotte knew Tyler was a skateboarder like her son, so she said, “He was doing some kind of trick where he slides on a railing, and somehow his board slipped, and he went straight down and the metal railing came straight up and hit him right between the legs.”

“Ouch,” Tyler said as he imagined Jamie’s crotch crashing down on the hard metal railing, and then he asked, “So does my mom think he’ll be okay?”

“Oh he’ll be fine,” Charlotte replied, and then as casually as she would talk about the weather, she added, “Your mom said he has some bruising and swelling behind his testicles, but other than the persistent erections, everything else seems to be working fine. he’s still able to urinate and ejaculate.”

Tyler’s hard cock flexed with excitement when Mrs. Bradley said ‘ejaculate’, and he wondered how she would know that, but he thought it might be inappropriate to ask, so he just said, “Well that’s good, I’m glad everything seems to be working alright.”

Charlotte sensed his hesitation, and decided to answer the question she knew he wanted to ask when she said, “Yes everything seems to be fine, although it was a little awkward when he accidentally ejaculated while your mom was examining him the other day.”

“He did WHAT?” Tyler asked, so shocked that he almost rolled over and exposed his own hard cock, but he regained his composure and said, “You mean it, you know… happened in front of my mom?”

“Well it didn’t so much happen in front of your mom as it did ON your mom,” Charlotte said with a giggle, but when Tyler didn’t laugh too, she said, “I’m sorry Tyler, I thought your mom had told you.”

“No, she didn’t,” Tyler said, and then he asked, “What do you mean it happened ‘on’ her?”

Charlotte knew that Julie hadn’t told him what happened, but this was the opening she needed to move the conversation to sex, so she said, “It was an accident, but while your mom was examining Jamie’s erection, he came, I mean he ‘ejaculated’ on her face, some may have even gotten in her mouth.”

Tyler had a moment of jealousy as he thought about his new friend’s pearly white cum spurting on his mom’s beautiful face, and maybe even in her mouth, but then he imagined doing the same thing to Mrs. Bradley, and that thought caused a new surge of blood to rush to his groin. Without thinking, the handsome teenager humped his pulsing cock against the chaise lounge, trying to relieve the intense ache at the base of the rampant organ.

Charlotte could see Tyler’s muscular teenage ass flex, and she knew he was grinding his hard prick against the cushion to quell the pressure building in his balls. Her goal had been to create the perfect amount of sexual tension in the inexperienced young man, and she could tell it was working.


Back inside the house, Jamie was standing in Doctor Alexander’s office sporting an erection caused by the amazing view of her pussy and ass he had gotten while following her up the stairs. His swim trunks did very little to hide his condition, and he knew it was only a matter of time before she turned around and saw the obvious tent his hard cock had created.

With her back still turned towards the nervous boy, Julie said, “I don’t normally do examinations in here Jamie, so I don’t have a table, but you can just stand while I examine you, it shouldn’t take long.”

“Okay,” Jamie answered sheepishly, knowing that meant she would be kneeling right in front of him, with his rampant cock pointing even more directly at her face than it was in her office two days earlier.

Julie’s own stomach filled with a squadron of butterflies as she finally took a deep breath and turned around, and as she looked down and saw the front of his trunks obscenely bulging towards her, she said, “Oh my goodness Jamie, I thought you said your erection problem had corrected itself.”

“It has Dr. Alexander, I swear” Jamie exclaimed in a panicked tone, worried that she might suggest surgery again, and then he added, “This just happened.”

Jamie hoped his explanation would be sufficient, but Julie wasn’t letting him off the hook, she wanted to hear him admit that she had caused it, so she went into full doctor mode and said, “Jamie, normal erections are caused by some sort of stimuli, so if something caused this one, it is important that you tell me what it was, or otherwise I have to assume the problem isn’t corrected, and you may need surgery.”

The teenager panicked because the last thing he wanted was surgery down there, so as his face flushed bright red with embarrassment, he said, “I’m sorry Dr. Alexander, but I think I got it because of you.”

“Me? I don’t understand, Jamie. When you saw me naked downstairs you didn’t seem to have an erection, and now I actually have something on, so why now,” she asked, pressing him further.

The thought of surgery terrified Jamie, so he swallowed his pride and said, “When we were coming up the stairs, you bent over to pick something up from the carpet, and I could see your… you know, you were really exposed and I was so close, and that’s what gave me this erection, I’m sorry.”

At first, Julie acted confused, and then she feigned embarrassment and exclaimed, “Oh my God Jamie, I am so sorry, I didn’t even realize, I mean when I bent over I must have given you quite a show.”

Jamie quickly said, “I didn’t mean to look, Dr. Alexander, I was even trying to look away, but you were right there and, I’m really sorry ma’am.”

Hearing Jamie admit she had caused his erection made Julie’s pussy quiver, but she could also see he was mortified to the point where his young cock might go soft, so she quickly said, “Jamie, you have nothing to be sorry for,” then she laughed and said, “I’m just glad it was because I was exposing myself like a porn star and not because of your injury.”

“Thanks, Dr. Alexander,” Jamie said laughing at her joke, happy she was being so understanding.

“Not at all Jamie, now why don’t we go ahead and get this examination done?” Julie said as she knelt in front of him, but when she saw his penis had deflated a bit, she decided to raise the temperature of the conversation and asked, “So Jamie, is mine the really the first vagina you’ve seen that close?”

Dr. Alexander’s blunt question about her vagina, combined with her beautiful face being so close to his swimsuit covered dick had him swelling back to full hardness, but he remembered how she stressed the importance of honesty, so he said, “Yes ma’am, I mean I’ve seen pictures, but not a real one.”

When Julie saw her question had him fully erect again, she pulled out all the stops and said, “Well I knew you had seen pictures because your mom told me about that DVD she gave you to help you with your treatments, and you certainly saw a vagina up close on that, didn’t you?”

“What, she, ummm, she told you about the DVD, I mean everything about it?” Jamie asked.

“Yes she did,” Dr. Alexander said with a smile, and then she added, “Your mom and I talk about everything, and I think what she did for you was wonderful, in fact, I’d have done the same for Tyler if he had your injury.” Then she really threw caution to the wind when she added, “And to be honest, I may not be a teenage boy, but I wouldn’t mind seeing that DVD myself… your mom is beautiful.”

Jamie couldn’t believe that Dr. Alexander wasn’t just okay with his mom giving him the DVD, she endorsed it, and then she admitted that she’d enjoy watching it herself. If he’d have known that they were already lovers, he’d have probably cum right then, but Julie wasn’t finished yet.

As Jamie wondered what else his mom might have shared with Dr. Alexander, he felt her grasp the waistband of his swim trunks and start tugging them down. Both of their hearts raced with anticipation as the elastic band pulled his stiff shaft downward, and when the material finally cleared the purple head, it sprung upward and hit Jamie’s belly with a loud ‘thwack’.

Julie’s pussy began to melt into a pool of its own juices as the source of her recent sexual obsession bounced only inches from her face. Her mouth watered as she gazed upon the erect column of flesh as it arched up from his groin. It looked bigger than it did the first time she had seen it, and the head seemed darker and puffier, in short, she thought it was beautiful.

When Jamie looked down to see his hard cock pointing right at his doctor’s face, he could see she seemed to be in a trance as she stared at it, and even though she had already said he didn’t have to apologize, he still said, “I’m sorry Dr. Alexander, I tried to control it.”

The sound of her young patient’s voice broke Julie’s spell. She hadn’t realized she had been focused so intently on his hard dick, but she quickly recovered and said, “It’s alright Jamie, but I do have to examine you for any abnormalities, and we remember what happened in my office… will you be okay?”

“I… I hope so,” Jamie answered, really not knowing if he would be able to control his hair-trigger.

Julie placed her hand on his hip, close to the base of his throbbing cock, she said, “I ’m sorry Jamie, I know this probably doesn’t help your condition, but since I don’t normally do examinations here, I don’t have any gloves, so I’m going to have to just use my bare hands.”

She was right, it didn’t help. The thought of his beautiful doctor holding his hard cock in her bare hand already had it twitching with anticipation, and Julie could actually see it jumping. Then as Jamie watched, she reached towards his erection, and then wrapped her fingers around the rock hard shaft.

“Ohhhh,” Jamie groaned involuntarily as Julie gently gripped his throbbing dick in her warm hand. The sensation almost caused another spontaneous orgasm like the one he had in her office, but he managed to hold back the flood of young spunk.

“I’m sorry Jamie, did I hurt you,” Julie asked, trying to control the orgasmic sensations building in her own groin as her patient’s cock pulsed in her hand.

“No ma’am, I’m fine, I guess I’m a little sensitive down there,” Jamie replied.

“That’s alright,” Julie replied, knowing what he was feeling, and then as she squeezed his cock yet again, she said, “Jamie, your erection is twitching, and your testicles are starting to retract, are you getting ready to ejaculate again?”

The teenager knew there was no sense in lying, since it was a very real possibility, so he said, “I’m sorry Dr. Alexander, but I think so, I’m trying to hold it back.”

“I understand Jamie, so don’t be embarrassed if it happens,” Julie said, and then she added, “But when it happened in my office the other day, you got quite a bit of sperm on my dress, and this beach cover is brand new, so would you mind if I took it off… just in case?”

Jamie knew she was naked underneath her beach shirt, but he figured she was probably going to go put something else on, so he said, “Ummm… sure, Dr. Alexander, that’s fine, and I’m sorry about your dress.”

“I’m sure the dry cleaner can fix it,” she said smiling, and with that she released his throbbing organ and stood up, but instead of going to get something else to put on, she reached down and pulled the hem of her shirt over her head and tossed it aside, leaving her standing naked in front of him.

Once again Jamie tried to keep eye contact with his naked physician, but it was no use. Before he knew it, his eyes traveled down from her face to her perfect tits with their hard nipples, over her tight tummy, past her rounded hips and smooth pussy mound, then all the way down her shapely legs to her painted toes. He could feel the base of his cock cramping as his eyes traveled back up to her beautiful face.

Jamie still thought Dr. Alexander might go put something else on, but instead, she just smiled and said, “Okay, now we can finish the examination,” and then she knelt completely naked in front of him.

If the teenager was worried, he might have another spontaneous orgasm before, he was almost sure of it now that Dr. Alexander was completely nude. Once again, she wrapped her soft, warm hand around his near-bursting cock, and once again he had to fight back the first spasms of an embarrassing climax.

Julie could feel Jamie’s cock pulsing and his body shaking, and she knew she couldn’t tease him any longer, but she wasn’t ready yet, so she said, “Jamie, can you just bear with me a few more minutes?”

Through clenched teeth, Jamie said, “No ma’am, I’m really sorry but I don’t think I can hold it back.”

Jamie’s innocence only turned Julie on more, and she said, “Don’t apologize Jamie, and besides, it’s kind of flattering to know that I can still excite a handsome young man so much, so thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Jamie grunted, not really knowing how to reply, but doing his best to try to keep from housing his beautiful doctor down with another powerful ejaculation.

After a moment of awkward silence, Julie said, “You know Jamie, I can feel you’re ready to release, and it would actually be easier for me to finish the examination if you didn’t have this erection, so relieving your condition might not be a bad idea.”

“If you think that’s best,” Jamie said, thinking ‘relieving his condition’ meant she wanted him to go masturbate, and he was certainly ready to, so he said, “Should I just use the bathroom?”

Julie looked up at him from her kneeling position, smiled and said, “Well you could if you would be more comfortable, but I was thinking that since you’re already so close to ejaculating, and I kind of caused the problem, then maybe I should relieve it for you.”

Jamie thought the pounding in his ears from the blood pumping to his erection may have affected his hearing, so he said, “I, ummm, I’m not sure I understand?”

Julie just looked up at him and smiled, and as she gently cradled his swollen prick in her hand, she said, “I’m saying if it’s alright with you, I’ll just go ahead and masturbate you to relieve your erection.”

Jamie was stunned. His beautiful doctor, a woman who he had jerked off to so many times, was now kneeling naked in front of him and offering to do it for him. Even if it was for medical purposes, it was one of the greatest days of his life, but when he tried to speak, no words came out, so he just nodded.

As Julie wrapped her fist around her patient’s throbbing cock she said, “Now Jamie, I’m doing this to relieve your condition,” and then she smiled and said, “But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.” And with that, she began slowly sliding her soft hand back and forth on his hard shaft.

A low moan escaped Jamie’s lips as Dr. Alexander began stroking his cock. As he looked down, he could see the swollen head only inches from her beautiful face. He was sure she remembered what happened in her office, but she didn’t seem to care that she was about to get another face full of his thick sperm.

The teenager was so aroused that he had given up on pretending he wasn’t staring at Dr. Alexander’s nude body, and the sight, combined with her soft hand stroking his erection had him ready to explode. He was in heaven, and was mentally thanking whoever was responsible for making a dream come true, when suddenly she released his throbbing dick and placed her hands on his hips.

Jamie was crushed, and wondered if he had done something to make her stop before he reached the orgasm he was so close to, but then Dr. Alexander said, “You know, Jamie, I’m seeing some irritation on your penis from you having to masturbate so much, and your mom told me it was that way yesterday morning so she gave you a very special treatment… did it help?”

“She told you THAT,” Jamie asked in shock. He still couldn’t believe his mom had told her about the DVD, but had she actually told Dr. Alexander she had sucked his penis? As he looked down, he saw his hard cock bobbing only inches from her pretty face, but once again he was left speechless.

Julie could sense that he was suddenly confused, so she said, “Jamie, it’s okay, your mom and I have become very close, and we share everything, and I think what she did for you yesterday was wonderful,” and then she added, ”So did her special treatment help you?”

Jamie’s was still surprised that his mom had shared such an intimate detail with Dr. Alexander, but she really didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with it, so he said, “Yes, ma’am.”

Julie’s voice cracked with excitement as she said, “Well, good, because with your penis still being a little red and irritated, I was wondering if you would like me to do the same thing for you?”

Dr. Alexander’s question took Jamie’s shock to the next level, and he said in disbelieve, “Wait, do you mean… did you just ask me if, I mean, do you want to…”

Julie could tell it was time to be direct, and as she looked up at the handsome, stammering boy, she said, “Yes Jamie, I’m asking if you would like me to use my mouth to relieve your erection.”

If it was possible, it seemed that the greatest three days of Jamie’s young life were actually getting better. Dr. Julie Alexander, a woman he had lusted after since he had enteredTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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European Nightmare Part II

Author’s Note: Second chapter of this tale, I heartily recommend you read the first before continuing. Again, I would like to ask for any feedback whatsoever, it would be much appreciated. Whatever it is, be it criticisms, praises, suggestions for the characters or plot, queries or requests I would be delighted to hear them. Enjoy. Find Chapter I here: Chapter II Lucy had been hanging motionless throughout Olivia’s...

2 years ago
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European Vacation

Introduction: Indiscretion in a european hostel First off, I want to tell you that the following story is almost completely true. I have only added a few spicy details where my memory of the actual events was a little hazy. I cant really talk about it to anyone I know, so I decided to type it up and post it here. My name is Serena. Im a married 28 year old woman. I love my husband Derrick dearly, but he has a real problem with jealousy and gets mad at me when other men so much as look at me....

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Real Stories European Madness part 2

(Real Stories) European Madness part 2Of the many free weekends, I had off when I lived in Europe if I ever was horny it wasn't a thing to just hop on the train and head down to the main station. Yes, I could have things in mind that I wanted to do but 9/10 times that was decided for. At times I may have wanted my dick sucked other times I may want to fuck some ass. I am very particular about fucking ass. No disrespect to any bottoms out there but I preferred a curvy ass or thick ass....

4 years ago
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Real Stories European Booth Madness

(Real Stories) European Booth MadnessI used to live in Europe and the culture over there is more open to sexuality hence red light district. In one city they had a huge district and had amazing porn stores. I mean state of the art from porn stores with computers just for viewing porn to high-tech stores and sex booths equipped with stripper poles and viewing rooms. One of the best stores was a couple hundred feet from the nearest train station. The regular booths were upstairs and on the ground...

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European Escape

I meet an older but very attractive woman, Tascha, at a shopping center. Her middle European accent catches my attention, and I do my very best big strong young soldier act on her, helping to reach an item on a top shelf for her. I pull the old gag about being an ignorant bachelor, not knowing what to select for supper. Smiling, she joins me in shopping and helps me fill my cart. We find ourselves getting along very well, and she invites me home for a homecooked meal, I meet her two...

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Jenns European Vacation

"Jenn's European Vacation" By Jenn Hendricks Chapter 1 - The Silver Lining It hit me like a ton of bricks. She was leaving me she said a "real" man. It was July 7th a Friday morning just three weeks before our 5th wedding anniversary and we were supposed to be heading off for a three- month vacation to Europe, the French Riviera, Spain, and Greece, her dream vacation. It was slow season for me; I had passed off most of my important clients to my partner in the firm...

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Jenns European Vacation Part II

For new reader please have a look at Jenn's European Vacation Chapter 3 - Lips, Lips and More Lips At seven o'clock my alarm stirred me out of bed, there was no way I was going to be late. I hopped in the shower on a natural high. I've never been a morning person but today was different, I was happy as a little girl. I relieved my self in shower, it only took a few strokes before I came. I sprayed cum clean across the tub; I was sooo turned on. I'd never seen my seed fly so far. I...

3 years ago
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Fairy III European Adventures

An English Country Garden Carrying gear for Faerie through customs can be... interesting. The Customs agent looked at the small pile of metal sections before him, curious. "What is this?" he asked. "Models of pikes," Lady Penelope told him. "May I?" "Please." She took one of the sets, and assembled it into a 16" pike, long haft, with a wide razor sharp blade on the end. She held it out, and the agent looked at it. "Not really a period piece." "No. But it was made by an...

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European Girls in Tokyo a strange experience

'Can I buy your panties?'I smiled, trying not to appear offended, I would be a liar if I said I did not know what he was on about.We were in Tokyo, down in Ginza, a very upmarket shopping area, with wealthy Japanese men, and a seedy little nightclub. There were a group of us girls, all stewardesses, and to be honest, we came here for sex, and any gifts, yes I enjoyed whoring myself, and why not, I was tall, beautiful, statuesque, a healthy need for sex, and fucking horny, sitting with theses...

4 years ago
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Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities by Paul1954 William Trent III opened his bedroom door and walked out into the corridor, still doing up the buttons on his shirt as the bright Cairo sunlight streamed in through a small aperture on the side of the wall. A similar door to that from which he had just exited also opened, just ten feet further on in front of him, and he saw his long time best friend, Carl Shoemaker emerge looking slightly dishevelled and wincing as his eyes caught the...

2 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 50

It was a beautiful afternoon in Paris. The autumnal air was still warm enough not to need a coat or anything over the top of his suit jacket, and Stan walked out onto the balcony of the hotel room. He breathed deeply. Life was good. He felt a hand in the small of his back, and another arm draped over his shoulder. He looked to his left, to see Anne, blonde hair up in a complicated looking knot, looking incredible in her ivory, flowing, strapless lace dress with a ribbon belt around her waist....

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Donna and Equality Donnas Friend and Donnas Philosophy

Donna and Equality ‘If,’ said Donna, ‘all men are created equal, what about women?’ She had the ability to raise such matters at moments when I was not entirely able to reply, this time being engaged upon a mission to return a favour she had bestowed upon me earlier. Her thighs were clamped fairly tightly to my ears which made me unsure I had heard her correctly. I raised my head but she tapped it. ‘You concentrate on the task in tongue, College, and let me muse a while longer.’ Her fingers ran...

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EqualizedIt was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that Ifelt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed methe small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, Ijust tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on thedetails of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan.I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get theloan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality Ijust wanted to get him out...

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Equalized By Peg Thebois It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that I felt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed me the small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, I just tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on the details of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan. I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get the loan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in...

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It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that I felt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed me the small pink envelope. I didn’t even need to open it right away, I just tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on the details of Mr. Robinson’s proposed business loan. I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get the loan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality I just wanted to get him out...

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It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that Ifelt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed methe small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, Ijust tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on thedetails of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan.I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get theloan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality Ijust wanted to get him out of my...

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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The European Unity

Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...

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A Walk Amongst Equals

“We’re no threat, people, we’re not dirty, we’re not mean. We love everybody, but we do as we please. When the weather’s fine, we go fishin’ or go swimmin’ in the sea. We’re always happy, life’s for livin’, yeah, that’s our philosophy.” -Mungo Jerry, [i]”In The Summertime”[/i] Troy and Julie Equals joined hands as they crossed the street; a habit born of a shared childhood that, now that they were sharing their lives completely, had grown into a reflex whereby they unconsciously sought out...

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Where do I begin? Hmm. Good question. The beginning? My childhood growing up without my parents? How I went to live with my aunt and uncle and cousin after my folks died? My time in the Army? My time after the Army working for Red River Private Security? Getting married, and my wife telling me she wanted a Divorce a little over a year later? I guess I could start at any of those points in time. Tell ya what. I'll give you a quick little overview of my life before I became an...

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The Medallion of Racial Equality

I actually wrote this story almost a year ago, but in honor of Black History Month I thought I would post it now. This is probably the first and probably the last TG story to ever mention Harriet Tubman. As always, enjoy. Spell R' Us: The Medallion Of Racial Equality By Cabinessence John Robinson was getting restless. He couldn't stay at home any longer, alone with just his thoughts and personal demons. The company that he had worked for the past ten years, U.S. Crane...

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Loves Equal Loss

Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...

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A Morning After Amongst EqualsChapter 2

“I call you on the telephone, my voice too rough with cigarettes. I sometimes feel I should just go home, but I’m dealing with a memory that never forgets. I love to hear you say my name, especially when you say ‘yes.’ I got your body right now on my mind, but I’ve drunk myself blind to the sound of old T-Rex.” -The Who, “You Better, You Bet“ “Hey, Girl.” Troy Equals said into the phone. “Hey, Boy.” Julie Equals replied. “Everything going ok?” “Yeah, it’s...” Other voices and the sounds...

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European Vacation0

We dressed in sweatpants for the 8 hour train ride and got a cab to the station, a pretty angry crowd was gathered round a man in uniform though, we couldn't understand what they were all saying but we found another official who spoke English and asked what was wrong. "We are sorry but the train wheels break at station and cannot go, we give you coach to Madrid and train there to Portugal." He said. "How long is the coach ride?" Said Jenna. "Three hours to Madrid then six hours to...

3 years ago
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European Nightmare Part VII

"Gee," Jeremiah gasped, half on account of his breathlessness and half as he tried to hold back his laughter, "that was fun! Wasn't it Holly? No? Well I certainly enjoyed it. That was quite a performance from you, all that screaming and wailing." Jeremiah looked down at the poor girl bound beneath him, his eyes drinking in the effects of his attentions. Holly's back was shimmering with sweat with the odd angry red marking indicating where he had brought the paddle crashing...

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European Adventure

Here it was different. All men traveled in packs more exclusive than the last. To be considered to talk to a guy or spend an evening with him you first had to meet the approval of his friends whose gazes grew more and more icy as you followed their perfectly combed heads around their table. If you were desperate enough, you could find a greasy guy holed up at a lone bar table eyeing every person around; he would be more than happy to take you home and use you as the body you are, not...

3 years ago
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European Nightmare Part III

Author’s Note: I would like to ask for any feedback whatsoever, it would be much appreciated. Whatever it is, be it criticisms, praises, suggestions for the characters or plot, queries or requests I would be delighted to hear them. Enjoy. Greta’s shoes echoed on the stone floor as she walked slowly and purposefully down the stairs. She had showered, eaten and rested, and now was ready to continue. It had been only a couple of hours since she had been down in the basement, but she was...

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Daughter in law Surprises me on European Trip

" Of course not, What are doing here ?" I replied. " actually, I have missed you. You have been so busy that you have not payed me any attention. So I decided to surprise you on this trip." She replied. She thanked me and sat down next to me. I started some small talk with her. As we kept talking, she turned towards me, pulling her feet from the floor onto her seat in front of her and bending her knees all the way. In doing this, her dress moved up higher on her thighs and I now could see...

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European Vacation1

My name is Serena. I’m a married 28 year old woman. I love my husband Derrick dearly, but he has a real problem with jealousy and gets mad at me when other men so much as look at me. He’s also a bit na? and prudish when it comes to sex. Needless to say, I am feeling sexually unfulfilled lately because there are a lot of things I fantasize about trying but will probably never get to do. I am very happy with my body and love the attention I get from men because of it. I have a close male...

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Coeds european roadtrip horror part3

When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been deafening in the confined space. But without vision none could direct their resistance or escape or know what was happ ening as they listened to the other beg and moan. Diora had being in the position the longest as he knew she was the most resistant. Her body ached her mind...

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Coeds european roadtrip horror part2

Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...

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A European Beauty PT 3

I was on the plane, way above Europe, and already I was thinking about Greta plus her two sisters as well. They are lovelier then ever and those two happen to be incredibly gorgeous sisters as well. In my opinion it just so happens to be that they are soooo much prettier then Greta, the love of my life is, in my opinion. It does not matter. Based on her personality and what I knew of her I knew that I was in love with her shortly after she and I met. When I thought about her in that context,...

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A European Beauty

I’m just a guy who of course like any guy that adores so many parts or things about women that I wouldn’t or don’t know where to begin if I had to describe what it is about a woman that I like most. Okay, yes I do. It’s her smile. A smile lights her up. A heartfelt smile will do so many things to a woman’s “being” that it can tell a story about her in ways a man can not easily describe. However, with that smile a man may not and does not see all the other portions of a woman, excluding the...

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Eastern European Promise Part 2

I had first met Jana in a hotel in East London, she had posed for me and we had enjoyed an interactive oral pleasuring session that had ended with me filling her mouth with my spunk. On that occasion she had swallowed almost my entire load so I had been unable to have pictures of her dribbling my jizz out of her mouth, the second shoot would put that to situation to rights. I pulled up outside her flat in North London, it was in a residential street not far from Hampstead Heath. I pushed the...

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A European Beauty PT 2

Like I said at the very beginning I’m just a guy, like any other guy, who adores so many features, or should I say facets of a woman, but I never know where to begin when I see the woman for me. However, as I grew up or developed what tastes I felt and thought were best for me as far as women were concerned, I’ve learned more about them in life. The first thing about a woman is, I think, her smile. The second most important feature are her eyes. Those two will always get you what you want. Look...

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So 4 weeks ago my Bro called me up with a need of my help. He owns a small limo hire company in England. He has a white Rolls Royce, a stretched Hummer, Stretched Lincoln Town Car, 2 Mercedes mini-busses and a Jaguar XJ. Anyway.... he came off his motorbike and broke his leg and dislocated his collar bone meaning he would be off work for some time. Although he has a good bank of drivers he needed me to cover a trip to Europe driving one of the mini-busses with 13 lads on a long stag weekend in...

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European summer vacation with mom

"C'mere, are you lost?" said a female voice.I looked up from the travel guide on my tablet and smiled sheepishly at a woman about my age. "No. Just overwhelmed. I've been looking forward to vacationing in Europe for months and now that I'm here, I'm trying to decide what to see next.""Well first off, welcome to Cork," she said as she held out her hand for me to shake. As we shook, she continued with, "It's a wonderful city and I'm sure you'll fancy it. Are you a Yank?"Was it that obvious I was...

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An adventure with a European Mature

A few years ago, I was stationed in a remote base in Central Europe. Something that eventually never happened and is best left untold, was the cause for our presence there. Politics came and went, and so did most of the troops in my battalion. But a couple of dozen of us got left behind since the commander in chief did not want the base closed. Our living arrangement was passable, but the kitchen was closed and we got allowance for food. Since we had a fairly small work load, and a very calm...

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Real Stories European Madness part 2

Of the many free weekends I had off when I lived in Europe if I ever was horny it wasn't a thing to just hop on the train and head down to the main station. Yes, I could have things in mind that I wanted to do but 9/10 times that was decided for. At times I may have wanted my dick sucked other times I may want to fuck some ass. I am very particular about fucking ass. No disrespect to any bottoms out there but I preferred a curvy ass or thick ass. Basically I need something visually to get me in...

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Real Stories European Booth Madness

I used to live in Europe and the culture over there is more open to sexuality hence red light district. In one city they had a huge district and had amazing porn stores. I mean state of the art from porn stores with computers just for viewing porn to high tech stores and sex booths equipped with stripper poles and viewing rooms. One of the best stores was a couple hundred feet from the nearest train station. The regular booths were upstairs and on the ground level they had all the dvd's and...

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european toilets for men and MILFS

when we went to Europe, We went to a club and the club had unisex bathrooms. My wife found out first and when she came back to the table, she said this could be a very interesting night. We were at a karaoke bar since I like to sing Karaoke and she is often sitting alone as I am singing. this never goes unnoticed by some of the more horny guys. I was up, singing some Joe Cocker one night and as I was bringing people in from the adjacent restaurant by doing one of my better job as a Joe Cocker...

3 years ago
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A European Beauty PT 3

I was on the plane, way above Europe, and already I was thinking about Greta plus her two sisters as well. They are lovelier then ever and those two happen to be incredibly gorgeous sisters as well. In my opinion it just so happens to be that they are soooo much prettier then Greta, the love of my life is, in my opinion. It does not matter. Based on her personality and what I knew of her I knew that I was in love with her shortly after she and I met. When I thought about her in that context,...

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A European Beauty PT 2

Like I said at the very beginning I’m just a guy, like any other guy, who adores so many features, or should I say facets of a woman, but I never know where to begin when I see the woman for me. However, as I grew up or developed what tastes I felt and thought were best for me as far as women were concerned, I’ve learned more about them in life. The first thing about a woman is, I think, her smile. The second most important feature are her eyes. Those two will always get you what you want. Look...

Love Stories
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A European Beauty

I’m just a guy who of course like any guy that adores so many parts or things about women that I wouldn’t or don’t know where to begin if I had to describe what it is about a woman that I like most. Okay, yes I do. It’s her smile. A smile lights her up. A heartfelt smile will do so many things to a woman’s “being” that it can tell a story about her in ways a man can not easily describe. However, with that smile a man may not and does not see all the other portions of a woman, excluding the...

Love Stories
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Loved A European In India 8211 Part 1

Hi people, this is a true sex story that happened in the month of august where my lovely baby bitch, a foreigner came from Europe. We first met through a social app nearby in windows phone.. Well I don’t use it now! Fuck windows phones but the best thing happened was to meet this lady “Barbara”. She is fairer than any fucking Bollywood bitches. We had a good friendship for around 2 years with video chats, phone sex and cam sex and many more. She used to fuck for me with Deo sprays and we shared...

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Hot Sex With A Hot European Girl

Hi, I am the regular reader of this site and reading from last 7 years. This is the first time I am going to narrate my own experience which happens last year. Any feedback please write me down on So let’s begin with sex story. I am Zee from London. Living and working from last 8 years. I am normal build with good looks and caring features. I never much to these dating sites and all because I never get some free moments to go on websites and dating sites. But with the passage of time and my...

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