Being European Or Being Equal - Chapter XV (Continue) free porn video

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Tyler was still trying to hide his erect cock from the beautiful, naked brunette sitting next to him as she told him about how her son had ejaculated on his mom while she was giving him an examination in her office. Mrs. Bradley had just told him that not only had Jamie shot his sperm in his mom’s face, but he may have actually gotten some in her mouth.

At first, the thought of Jamie ejaculating on his mom made Tyler a little mad, but the more he thought about his new friend’s cum shooting on his mother’s face and in her mouth, the more excited he seemed to get.  He imagined doing something like that himself, and the thought caused him to grind his hard young cock into the chaise lounge cushion yet again.

Tyler’s embarrassment over being naked in front Mrs. Bradley was beginning to fade as his desire to hear more about Jamie’s spontaneous ejaculation on his mom increased, so he said, “So what happened after Jamie, you know, did that on my mom?”

Charlotte maintained her nonchalance, but her insides were churning as she told the handsome teenager about her son’s erection issues. She knew she was moving in the right direction as she said, “Well, after your mom cleaned herself up, she told us that his injury had probably caused the erections, and she wanted to see if the problem would heal itself. In the meantime, she recommended that Jamie relieve his erections manually, and that I keep track of things to see if it was working.”

Now Tyler was intrigued, and asked, “What did my mom mean by relieving his erections manually?”

“By masturbating,” Charlotte said without a moment’s hesitation.

Once again Tyler was surprised at how casually Mrs. Bradley was discussing erections and masturbation with him, but he also found it very exciting that this naked goddess as talking to him about sex, so he said, “I guess it must have been embarrassing for Jamie to have to tell you when he masturbated.”

“Well, it’s not like it’s big news when a guy his age masturbates,” Charlotte said with a laugh, and then she added, “I mean he probably does it once a day, don’t you?”

Almost immediately, Charlotte could see Tyler’s handsome face turn bright red with embarrassment. She had manipulated him into taking off his trunks, but she worried she may have gotten too aggressive by asking him how often he masturbated, so she tried to regain his confidence by saying, “I’m sorry Tyler, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just think you’re mature enough for adult conversations.”

Charlotte’s comment really gave Tyler’s ego a boost, and he didn’t want to say anything that might make her think he wasn’t mature, so he said, “It’s okay Mrs. Bradley, I feel comfortable talking to you too.”

“Well I’m glad we’re both so comfortable, especially since we’re both sitting here naked,” Charlotte said with a laugh, and then she asked, “So do you?”

“Do I what,” Tyler asked.

“Do you masturbate every day like Jamie?” she asked bluntly.

Once again the teenager felt the color rising in his cheeks, but he was also aroused by the fact that Mrs. Bradley was talking so openly about sex with him, so he took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know about every day, but I mean, yeah, I guess pretty close.”

Now it was Charlotte who was getting more aroused as she imagined Tyler with his hand wrapped around his hard cock, which she had yet to see, jerking the erect shaft until gobs of pearly white cum exploded from the tip, but she managed to remain nonchalant as she said, “Well, I actually knew that you masturbated a lot, but thank you for trusting me enough to admit it.”

Tyler still couldn’t roll over as he continued to hide his burgeoning erection, but he looked over his shoulder at the beautiful, naked woman and said, “How did you know?”

Charlotte laughed and said, “Well, first of all, it was common sense, I mean you’re a healthy teenage boy, so it only stands to reason that you masturbate a lot,” and then she said, “And your mom told me.”

“My MOM told you,” Tyler exclaimed, and then he asked, “How does she know?”

“Tyler, we’re mothers, do you really think we wouldn’t know what’s on the dirty towels and underwear we find,” Charlotte replied, and then she added, “We just don’t say anything because we don’t want to embarrass you, and besides, your mom is a doctor so I’m sure she’s told you that masturbation is perfectly normal and healthy, I mean, she and I both do it.”

Tyler’s cock throbbed as the beautiful woman lying next to him admitted that she masturbated, and as his mind flashed back to earlier when he had walked in on his mom playing with her pussy, he suddenly imagined Mrs. Bradley doing the same, and he almost shot his load onto the chaise, but he quickly calmed himself and said, “You two talked about that? Wow, you really are best friends.”

“We sure did, I think your mom is one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met,” Charlotte said with a big smile, and then she added, “And we do talk about everything, I mean everything.”

“Everything?” Tyler asked, thinking about the blowjob his mom had given him that morning.

“EVERYTHING,” Charlotte said with even greater emphasis, and then she gave Tyler a wink and a smile.

Was Mrs. Bradley saying what he thought, that she knew he had watched his mom masturbating, or even crazier, that she had given him a blowjob? And what did her smile and wink mean, did she really think it was not a big deal?

Tyler’s head was spinning and his cock throbbing, and he thought about bluntly asking Mrs. Bradley if she knew his mom had given him a blowjob, but he worried that if he was wrong, and he revealed something so private, it could be devastating to his mom, both personally and professionally, so instead, he went back to their previous conversation and said, “Gee, I guess if I had to, you know, masturbate for medical reasons, that would take all the fun out of it, did it for Jamie?”

“Not at first, but then it started to get more and more tedious,” Charlotte explained, and then she said, “But your mom figured it might, so she gave me some ideas to help him if it did.”

“Help him, you mean my mom told you to help Jamie masturbate?” Tyler asked with a look of both confusion and astonishment on his face.

Charlotte laughed and said, “Well she didn’t exactly tell me to physically help him masturbate, but she told me HOW I could help him by doing things like letting him watch adult videos, and giving him lubricant so he could finish faster and his penis wouldn’t get irritated, things like that.”

“Oh, so she just gave you ideas to help him do it faster,” Tyler said.

“Yes, but your mom also made it very clear that there should be no limits on what I should do to help him,” Charlotte said, and then she added, “I mean, I think you know by now that if you had similar problem, there is nothing she wouldn’t do to help you.”

When Mrs. Bradley told him that, Tyler was almost certain she knew everything that had happened that morning, but he still couldn’t take the chance to ask her for fear he might be wrong, and he certainly didn’t want to shock Mrs. Bradley, or cause an uncomfortable situation for his mom.

As the teenager was contemplating everything Mrs. Bradley had told him, she suddenly said, “Uh oh Tyler, I think we may have a problem?”

“What… what’s wrong Mrs. Bradley?” he asked in total confusion.

“You’ve never sunbathed in the nude, have you,” she asked with a knowing smile.

“No ma’am, I never have. Why?” he asked, still not knowing what she was getting at.

“Well, because your butt is starting to turn bright red,” Charlotte replied.

“Oh shit,” Tyler exclaimed as he looked back over his shoulder and saw his usually pale white buttocks starting to turn pink, and then he added, “I’m sorry Mrs. Bradley, I didn’t mean to curse.”

“No apology necessary, Tyler. I remind Jamie of his language too, but you guys are young men now, and sometimes, ‘oh shit’ is the most appropriate phrase for the situation,” she said, and then he added, “And I think I caught the redness in time, so a little sunscreen should do the trick.”

Charlotte reached into her bag and pulled out a strong SPF sunscreen to stop his behind from burning any more, but as he reached to take the bottle from her, she said, “It’s okay, Tyler, I’ll put it on you.”

Tyler did a quick double-take, not certain if he heard Mrs. Bradley correctly, but when he saw her rubbing the lotion into her palms he knew she was planning on spreading it on his naked butt and said, “You don’t have to do that Mrs. Bradley, I can reach.”

“Oh c’mon Tyler, you and Jamie are growing up so fast, and your mom and I miss when we used to do stuff like putting sunscreen on you when you were little,” Charlotte said in a mock-sad tone, and then she added, “Your mom is taking such good care of Jamie, so please let me do this for you.”

“Gee, I mean I guess it’s okay if you really want to,” Tyler said, still a bit confused by what was going on.

Charlotte was actually being very honest, it was hard for both women to watch their little boys grow into young men, but that was only the part of the truth she was sharing with the naked teenage boy lying next to her. What really wanted to do was run her hands over his firm young buttocks, and feel them ripple under her touch.

Charlotte spread an ample amount of the slippery lotion onto her palms, and as she reached towards Tyler, her hands were actually shaking. When her palms landed on the small of his back, his body tightened, causing his gluteal muscles to flex, and making his ass look even cuter. Charlotte’s mouth watered as she thought of leaning over and playfully kissing his behind, but instead, she just rubbed the lotion into the small of his back and then down over his hips and the backs of his thighs, purposely leaving his taut buttocks for last.

After spreading the rest of the sunscreen over the backs of his legs, she squirted a more lotion into her hand. She noticed how ironic it was that the opaque liquid looked like a pool of fresh young cum in her palm, and that thought made her aching cunt twitch again. Then she rubbed her hands together, reached out, and began spreading the slippery fluid all over the teen’s firm young ass.

The entire length of Tyler’s rock hard prick was pulsing against the chaise lounge as Charlotte massaged the sunscreen into his taught teenage buttocks. He thought about looking over his shoulder at her, but he worried that one look at her magnificent tits, combined with the feel of her soft hands rubbing his ass might cause him to shoot his load right onto the cushion.

Now Charlotte was certain that Tyler was sporting a raging erection, and she began kneading his ass cheeks harder, rhythmically pressing down again and again as she dug her fingers into his firm glutes. She figured that with each downward press, she was grinding his young cock into the deck chair cushion, and she was right. She didn’t want to make him cum, but she wanted him on the very brink.

Mrs. Bradley’s hands felt amazing as they massaged his naked rear, and the teenager knew he wouldn’t be able to take much more teasing, and that was when he felt her fingertips slip down into the crack of his ass and brush against his sensitive ass hole. He let out an involuntary groan, followed by another as her fingers slid lower, and brushed against his smooth ball sack.

Tyler had been trying to keep his legs together, but Charlotte’s hands had parted them to the point where she could actually see his tiny pink anus, his hairless scrotum, and his ‘taint’, the small patch of skin that separated the two. This gave her an idea, and as she said, “By the way Tyler, this is where Jamie hurt himself,” she pressed her fingertips against the spot.

“Ohhhh,” Tyler moaned as his hands gripped the sides of the deck chair. Mrs. Bradley was massaging the area where is erection started, and she could feel the origin of his hard, thick stalk under her fingertips. She also knew that if she kept rubbing that spot, she would make him cum, and she still had other plans, so she disengaged her fingers from the sensitive area and finished spreading the lotion.

Tyler’s body was trembling, and his cock felt like it was ready to explode as Mrs. Bradley rubbed the last of the lotion onto his ass cheeks. And when he felt her hands leave his body, he let out a sigh of relief that somehow he hadn’t lost control and ejaculated. But his relief was abruptly cut short when she said, “Okay Tyler, roll over.”

“What,” asked Tyler in a panic, “You want me to roll over?”

“Wel,l of course, I have to get your front too,” Charlotte replied, acting like all she was concerned with was getting him proper sun protection.

“Ummm, that’s okay Mrs. Bradley, I think I’ll just stay on my stomach,” Tyler replied, knowing that there was no way he could hide his arousal if he rolled over.

“Now Tyler, you can’t stay on your stomach all day,” Charlotte said, and then she added, “And besides, I’ve seen more than one penis before, and you’ve seen me naked all afternoon.”

Once again, Tyler couldn’t argue with her logic, so with a final sigh of surrender, he groaned, “Okay Mrs. Bradley,” and then he rolled onto his back, and his hard young cock sprung up from his groin.

“Oh, my,” Charlotte said in genuine surprise at the beautiful sight. Tyler’s erection was a bit larger than her own son’s, and it was shaped a little different. Jamie’s was about six inches, and had the same girth from his pubic bone to the spongy pink head. But Tyler’s was closer to seven inches, and started thicker at the base, and then tapered slightly up to the mushroom-shaped cap at the tip.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Bradley,” Tyler apologized as he saw her beautiful brown eyes focused directly on his hard cock as it bounced gently with the beat of his pulse.

“You don’t have to be sorry,” Charlotte said, still visually inspecting his erect organ, and then she said, “Did I cause that?”

Tyler didn’t know what to say at first, but then he figured honesty was the best policy and he said, “Well, I guess, I mean, when you were putting the sunscreen on me, it kind of happened.”

“Well Tyler, giving a handsome young man an erection is about as nice a compliment a woman can receive,” Charlotte said sweetly, and then she added, “But I’m sorry if I embarrassed you in any way.”

“It’s okay, Mrs. Bradley. It just kind of happened,” Tyler said.

Of course, Charlotte wasn’t really sorry at all, Tyler’s hard cock was exactly what she was hoping for. She and Julie both knew that no amount of willpower was going to stop an inexperienced teenage boy from getting an erection while being touched by a naked woman, whether she looked like a Victoria’s Secret model or a Russian weightlifter. Still, she didn’t want her teenage companion to think that she was purposely trying to arouse him quite yet, since her seduction was not yet complete.

After they exchanged apologies, Charlotte squirted some fresh sunblock onto her hands, and without saying a word, began spreading it on his lower abdomen, just above where the head of his erect prick was bobbing up and down. She could feel his breathing getting shallow as her hands moved down until her fingers slipped into the small patch of fine blonde hair just above the base of his erect prick.

Tyler wasn’t even trying to avert his eyes from her breasts anymore, and he openly watched them swaying back and forth as her hands massaged the sunscreen onto his upper thighs. The teenager had never seen tits as magnificent as Mrs. Bradley’s, and as his embarrassment disappeared, the familiar ache began building behind his balls again.

Charlotte was purposely avoiding his cock, for now, wanting to keep him at a heightened state of arousal. Occasionally, her fingertips would graze his scrotum, or the back of her hand would brush against the head of his prick as it hung down over his belly, but she was careful to avoid any direct contact with his hard shaft or swollen testicles for fear it might set him off like a machine gun.

Tiny beads of sweat were beginning to form on Tyler’s forehead, and Charlotte could tell he was beginning to lose control, so she pulled her slippery hands from his body to let him calm down a bit. The teenager let out a sigh, disappointed that the gorgeous, naked woman was no longer touching him, but glad that he had been able to avoid a similar accident to the one Jamie had with his mom.

But just as he thought he was out of the woods, Mrs. Bradley squirted some more sunscreen onto her hands, and as she rubbed them together she said, “I’d better not forget your penis and testicles, I’m sure having those sunburned would be pretty painful.”

“What?” Tyler said in a panicked tone. He knew that if Mrs. Bradley started rubbing lotion on his dick and balls, there was no way he could keep the dam of young semen at the base of his shaft from bursting. So he quickly said, “You don’t need to do that Mrs. Bradley. I can just roll onto my stomach, or I can put the sunscreen on myself.”

Charlotte just smiled and leaned over until Tyler actually felt her soft breasts pressing against his arm, and then she softly said, “Tyler, I was married, so yours won’t be the first penis I’ve ever touched,” and then she added, “In fact, yours won’t even be the first one I’ve touched in the last couple of days.”

That statement sent Tyler’s emotions into complete disarray. What did she mean when she said his wasn’t the first penis she would have touched in the last couple of days? Was she talking about Jamie? She said she had helped him with his erection problem, had she really ‘helped him’? And did she realize her soft round breasts were rubbing against him?

Tyler’s mind was racing until Mrs. Bradley broke his train of thought when she said, “Okay Tyler, let’s get you fixed up here.” Then as the teenager watched, Charlotte wrapped her slippery hand around his hard shaft, and then began spreading the sunscreen in a slow, up and down motion.

“Ohhhhh,” Tyler groaned involuntarily as he did everything in his power to hold back the torrent of young sperm threatening to explode from his throbbing prick.

Charlotte’s experienced hands told her that the teenager was ready to ejaculate, so she released his rock hard penis for a moment, and then took his nearly hairless scrotum in her slippery hand and massaged the lotion into his young balls. Tyler was squirming under her touch now, and as she continued to roll his testicles in one hand, she wrapped the other around his painfully erect shaft again.

Immediately, the pressure at the base of Tyler’s cock built to the boiling point again, and the teenager said, “M… Mrs. Bradley… I think… I think you’d better stop putting the sunscreen on me there.”

“Why?” Charlotte asked, still cradling his penis and balls in her soft hands.

“Because it, ummm… I’m sorry Mrs. Bradley, but it feels too good,” the teenager answered sheepishly.

“Tyler, are you getting ready to ejaculate?” Charlotte asked in a mock-surprised tone, knowing perfectly well that she had the babbling boy on the verge of cumming.

“Yes, ma’am… I’m so sorry,” Tyler reluctantly admitted.

Charlotte’s pussy was on fire as the handsome teenager admitted he was ready to cum. But she maintained her composure, and as she released his aching prick she said, “Tyler, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to tease you. I just figured that after what your mom did for you this morning, rubbing sunscreen on your penis wouldn’t be that big a deal.”

“What?” Tyler said in a shocked tone, and then he said, “You mean my mom told you that she… I mean, she told you what she did?”

Charlotte knew it was time to close the deal, and as she smiled at the teenager she said, “Tyler, your mom and I have no secrets, and we’ve become closer than you or Jamie could imagine,” and then she added, “And besides, I’ve done the same thing for Jamie to help him with his erection problem.”

Tyler could hardly believe his ears, and he said, “You mean you’ve… done that to Jamie?”

“Yes, I have,” Charlotte answered very comfortably.

Tyler was being overwhelmed by a wave of different emotions, from confusion, to excitement, to desire. One of the most beautiful women he ever met was next to him, naked, rubbing sunscreen on his cock and balls, and he was pretty sure she had just told him that she knew his mom had given him a blowjob, and that she had done the same to her own son. It seemed like the day couldn’t get any more bizarre, until Mrs. Bradley picked up a damp towel and began cleaning his dick.

The teenager sucked in his breath when she began wiping away the sunscreen she had just applied to his hard prick, and he asked, “Mrs. Bradley, why are you wiping the sunscreen off, you just put it on?”

Charlotte smiled down at him, and as she wiped away the film of lotion covering his cock, she said, “Well Tyler, I don’t know about you but I don’t want sunscreen in my mouth, because it tastes terrible.”

“What… I mean, how would it get in your mouth?” Tyler asked, completely shocked.

“When I’m sucking your penis of course,” Charlotte said as she finished wiping off the rest of the residue, and then as she held his twitching organ in her hand, she smiled and said, “That is, if you’d like me to suck your penis?”

Tyler almost exploded in Mrs. Bradley’s hand. He couldn’t believe this beautiful, naked woman with big tits and an amazing ass had just asked him if she could suck his dick. But just as Tyler was about to say yes, he realized something and said, “But what happens if mom and Jamie come out and catch us?”

Charlotte just smiled and said, “Tyler, let’s just say your mom is going to be busy with Jamie for quite a while, and besides, even if they do come down, I don’t think they’ll be surprised… or mind.”

At that moment, Tyler guessed there was probably something more than just an examination going on between his mom and Jamie, but he didn’t care, all he wanted was to feel Mrs. Bradley’s soft lips wrapped around his aching penis, so he said, “Well, ifTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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I meet an older but very attractive woman, Tascha, at a shopping center. Her middle European accent catches my attention, and I do my very best big strong young soldier act on her, helping to reach an item on a top shelf for her. I pull the old gag about being an ignorant bachelor, not knowing what to select for supper. Smiling, she joins me in shopping and helps me fill my cart. We find ourselves getting along very well, and she invites me home for a homecooked meal, I meet her two...

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Jenns European Vacation

"Jenn's European Vacation" By Jenn Hendricks Chapter 1 - The Silver Lining It hit me like a ton of bricks. She was leaving me she said a "real" man. It was July 7th a Friday morning just three weeks before our 5th wedding anniversary and we were supposed to be heading off for a three- month vacation to Europe, the French Riviera, Spain, and Greece, her dream vacation. It was slow season for me; I had passed off most of my important clients to my partner in the firm...

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Jenns European Vacation Part II

For new reader please have a look at Jenn's European Vacation Chapter 3 - Lips, Lips and More Lips At seven o'clock my alarm stirred me out of bed, there was no way I was going to be late. I hopped in the shower on a natural high. I've never been a morning person but today was different, I was happy as a little girl. I relieved my self in shower, it only took a few strokes before I came. I sprayed cum clean across the tub; I was sooo turned on. I'd never seen my seed fly so far. I...

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Fairy III European Adventures

An English Country Garden Carrying gear for Faerie through customs can be... interesting. The Customs agent looked at the small pile of metal sections before him, curious. "What is this?" he asked. "Models of pikes," Lady Penelope told him. "May I?" "Please." She took one of the sets, and assembled it into a 16" pike, long haft, with a wide razor sharp blade on the end. She held it out, and the agent looked at it. "Not really a period piece." "No. But it was made by an...

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European Girls in Tokyo a strange experience

'Can I buy your panties?'I smiled, trying not to appear offended, I would be a liar if I said I did not know what he was on about.We were in Tokyo, down in Ginza, a very upmarket shopping area, with wealthy Japanese men, and a seedy little nightclub. There were a group of us girls, all stewardesses, and to be honest, we came here for sex, and any gifts, yes I enjoyed whoring myself, and why not, I was tall, beautiful, statuesque, a healthy need for sex, and fucking horny, sitting with theses...

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Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities by Paul1954 William Trent III opened his bedroom door and walked out into the corridor, still doing up the buttons on his shirt as the bright Cairo sunlight streamed in through a small aperture on the side of the wall. A similar door to that from which he had just exited also opened, just ten feet further on in front of him, and he saw his long time best friend, Carl Shoemaker emerge looking slightly dishevelled and wincing as his eyes caught the...

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A Morning After Amongst EqualsChapter 2

“I call you on the telephone, my voice too rough with cigarettes. I sometimes feel I should just go home, but I’m dealing with a memory that never forgets. I love to hear you say my name, especially when you say ‘yes.’ I got your body right now on my mind, but I’ve drunk myself blind to the sound of old T-Rex.” -The Who, “You Better, You Bet“ “Hey, Girl.” Troy Equals said into the phone. “Hey, Boy.” Julie Equals replied. “Everything going ok?” “Yeah, it’s...” Other voices and the sounds...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 69 European Vacation

July 14, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Do we have everything?” Elyse asked. I chuckled, “Seven kids, five adults, passports, tickets, credit cards, traveler’s checks, and luggage. What am I missing?” “Nothing!” Jessica and Kara both exclaimed. “Let’s go, Dad!” Jesse said impatiently. “The plane will leave the airport at the scheduled time even if we’re early!” “Whatever! Let’s GO!” he demanded. “Hold your horses, Little Duck! We’re just making sure we have everything!” “We’ll start getting...

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Under Her Skirt European VacationChapter 2

When we entered their apartment I had finally calmed down enough to look at what they were wearing. They both had stylish pencil skirts that were molded to their asses and ended an inch above the knee. Angela's was a pale grey with a six inch slit on the right side, while Bella's was cream colored and buttoned up the front, with the bottom three undone. Angela had on a wine colored man-tailored fitted blouse, open enough to show more cleavage than I remembered. Bella's blouse was a...

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Under Her Skirt European VacationChapter 3

Angela sat down on the edge of the king size bed. She dropped my hand and looked into my eyes. It was my turn to have weak knees. "It's time you took your clothes off, Kevin. I know that Bella has been dying to see that wonderful cock of yours. I've told her so many times how wonderful it looked that I hope I haven't set her or you up for disappointment." I released Bella's hand and undressed quickly, teasing them at the end by leaving my briefs on, my cock rock hard and bulging. Bella...

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The Life of RyanChapter 3 The History of Ryan Part II European Escapades

It was a blissful escape, and with a healthy $20,000+ monthly stipend being deposited in his account, Ryan cavorted around Europe for most of the next two years. Chad accompanied him for the first 6 months, and the two young bucks planned to ride trains, stay in hostels, and live as simply as possible. Chad wanted to absorb culture and experience adventure, taking a calm and laid back path, staying in one town for awhile and moving on to the next. Ryan didn’t care and thought that was okay;...

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Coeds European Roadtrip NightmareChapter 2

Deep into Eastern Europe on the plains of Poland an adventurous road trip by 3 college babes had quickly turned into a pit of humiliation and despair. Thinking they were helping a stranded local their hitchhiker was in fact a dominating kidnapper. Cleverly restraining all of them they had been forced to drive off the beaten track to a remote collection of ram shackle buildings. Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to...

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Coeds European Roadtrip NightmareChapter 3

Inside the stifling cellar the afternoon heat had nowhere to go so the walls seemed to perspire the syrup air thick and stale. The undertaker had hooded all three women desensitising them; allowing him time to manipulate each of their sweaty bodies into the positions he like. When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 30 Some More Equal Than Others

Gwen disengaged her mouth from my flaccid penis. "It's no good babe ... it's like flogging a dead horse." Earlier that evening I had lost wood during a session of rumpty pumpty, and Gwen had been forced to give mouth to groin resuscitation to restore my libido, which unfortunately was a wasted effort. This wasn't the first time over the last few days I had failed to give Gwen the shagging she deserved; the shagging she expected and, quite rightly, she got bloody angry when I didn't...

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Equal SharesChapter 19

Stan first had to take Anne back to her house so that she could change for work. Stan, in any case, normally arrived earlier than Anne, so they arranged to drive their own cars, for the time being at least. The first thing that happened to Stan as he walked into The Firm was a surprise. Elaine came from behind the reception desk and hugged him. "Thank you, Stan," she told him, "thank you for being so kind and understanding yesterday." Stan protested, "But I didn't do anything!" But...

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A Remembrance Amongst EqualsChapter 2

“Ooh, I’ve been wandering round. But I still come back to you. (Still come back to you.) In rain or shine, you’ve stood by me, girl. I’m happy at home. (Happy at home.) You’re my best friend.” -Queen, “You’re My Best Friend” (This chapter takes place in the morning hours on the day of “A Conversation Amongst Equals.”) “TROY!” Julie shouted as she emerged out of the gantry from the plane and into the terminal of Ted Stevens International Airport. The bleariness of the redeye flight cleared...

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A Remembrance Amongst EqualsChapter 3

“I was born to love you with every single beat of my heart. Yes, I was born to take care of you every single day of my life.” -Queen, “I Was Born to Love You” (This chapter takes place the afternoon and evening leading up to “A Conversation Amongst Equals.”) A few hours later, Troy and Julie sat on Propappou’s bed, going through almost a century’s worth of clothing and tossing it into one of four boxes marked “keep,” “donate,” “trash,” and “Helen.” Troy picked up a bright red smoking jacket...

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Equal Shares Ch 50

It was a beautiful afternoon in Paris. The autumnal air was still warm enough not to need a coat or anything over the top of his suit jacket, and Stan walked out onto the balcony of the hotel room. He breathed deeply. Life was good. He felt a hand in the small of his back, and another arm draped over his shoulder. He looked to his left, to see Anne, blonde hair up in a complicated looking knot, looking incredible in her ivory, flowing, strapless lace dress with a ribbon belt around her waist....

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Donna and Equality Donnas Friend and Donnas Philosophy

Donna and Equality ‘If,’ said Donna, ‘all men are created equal, what about women?’ She had the ability to raise such matters at moments when I was not entirely able to reply, this time being engaged upon a mission to return a favour she had bestowed upon me earlier. Her thighs were clamped fairly tightly to my ears which made me unsure I had heard her correctly. I raised my head but she tapped it. ‘You concentrate on the task in tongue, College, and let me muse a while longer.’ Her fingers ran...

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EqualizedIt was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that Ifelt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed methe small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, Ijust tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on thedetails of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan.I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get theloan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality Ijust wanted to get him out...

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Equalized By Peg Thebois It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that I felt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed me the small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, I just tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on the details of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan. I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get the loan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in...

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It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that I felt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed me the small pink envelope. I didn’t even need to open it right away, I just tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on the details of Mr. Robinson’s proposed business loan. I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get the loan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality I just wanted to get him out...

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It was hard not to let the client see the nausea inducing fear that Ifelt at that moment as the courier interrupted our meeting to handed methe small pink envelope. I didn't even need to open it right away, Ijust tucked it into my desk drawer and tried to keep my focus on thedetails of Mr. Robinson's proposed business loan.I told him we would need to review his proposition in order to get theloan approved and would get in touch with him soon, but in reality Ijust wanted to get him out of my...

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A Morning After Amongst EqualsChapter 3

“Here’s to the babies in a brand-new world, here’s to the beauty of the stars. Here’s to the travelers on the open road, here’s to the dreamers in the bars. Here’s to the teachers in the crowded rooms, here’s to the workers in the fields. Here’s to the preachers of the sacred words, here’s to the drivers at the wheel. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Let the day...

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A Walk Amongst Equals

“We’re no threat, people, we’re not dirty, we’re not mean. We love everybody, but we do as we please. When the weather’s fine, we go fishin’ or go swimmin’ in the sea. We’re always happy, life’s for livin’, yeah, that’s our philosophy.” -Mungo Jerry, [i]”In The Summertime”[/i] Troy and Julie Equals joined hands as they crossed the street; a habit born of a shared childhood that, now that they were sharing their lives completely, had grown into a reflex whereby they unconsciously sought out...

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Where do I begin? Hmm. Good question. The beginning? My childhood growing up without my parents? How I went to live with my aunt and uncle and cousin after my folks died? My time in the Army? My time after the Army working for Red River Private Security? Getting married, and my wife telling me she wanted a Divorce a little over a year later? I guess I could start at any of those points in time. Tell ya what. I'll give you a quick little overview of my life before I became an...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Equal SharesChapter 15

It was Friday. Denise was waiting by the phone. She'd been there all day, with only short trips into the kitchen to grab snacks. Jim had promised to ring her today. Ibiza was an hour ahead, so when it was ten o'clock in the morning here, it was eleven a.m. over there. Surely Jim would have woken early today, he was going to ring her. While she waited, she ran back over her holiday in Ibiza in her mind, savouring the memories... On that second day of her break, she had sunbathed near...

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Equal SharesChapter 31

Anne said nothing about her new personal insight that night. She still wanted to allow time to pass to make sure that it wasn't just the heat of the moment. For heat there was, undoubtedly. Stan dropped Denise off at her house and waited to be sure she got indoors safely, and then he drove on. As soon as Denise was out of sight he felt Anne's hand on his thigh, heightening his own response. It was difficult to drive with her hand there and a burgeoning erection, plus whenever he had to...

1 year ago
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Equal SharesChapter 39

"Where, Anne?" asked Stan, mildly. But he was anxious, twisted up inside. "Is it far?" "No, Stan, not far. I'll commute. It's about an hour each way, about sixty miles or so up the motorway." "So you're going to stay with us?" asked Denise, looking and sounding troubled. "Yes, of course!" Anne answered, sitting up straight. "Thank God!" muttered Stan, and Anne took his hand in both of hers. "I wouldn't leave you, silly!" she told him. "Good! 'Cuz we're not planning...

2 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 50

It was a beautiful afternoon in Paris. The autumnal air was still warm enough not to need a coat or anything over the top of his suit jacket, and Stan walked out onto the balcony of the hotel room. He breathed deeply. Life was good. He felt a hand in the small of his back, and another arm draped over his shoulder. He looked to his left, to see Anne, blonde hair up in a complicated looking knot, looking incredible in her ivory, flowing, strapless lace dress with a ribbon belt around her...

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The Medallion of Racial Equality

I actually wrote this story almost a year ago, but in honor of Black History Month I thought I would post it now. This is probably the first and probably the last TG story to ever mention Harriet Tubman. As always, enjoy. Spell R' Us: The Medallion Of Racial Equality By Cabinessence John Robinson was getting restless. He couldn't stay at home any longer, alone with just his thoughts and personal demons. The company that he had worked for the past ten years, U.S. Crane...

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Loves Equal Loss

Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...

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Delta OriginalChapter 14 Not all holes are equal

Lee turned up for her shift on time. She checked that her crew had work and allocated storage areas to check first. She had to go to the drive room first to make sure the drive maintenance was complete. It had the highest priority. It was nice coming on for a shift and finding the log filled out correctly. The jobs that Isha wanted her to do were on the maintenance pad. As she had thought, he hadn’t had time to complete the FID’s checks. Lee had been surprised that Ben had put Isha in...

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RunChapter 2 Separate But Equal

Gene was gone by the time Tamara awoke the next day. She stretched and rolled, felt a small drop of semen slide out of her vagina. Her husband had filled her twice the night before, and she loved that a small part of him had remained inside of her after he left. Tamara threw her feet over the edge of the bed, found the nightshirt that Gene had ripped off her after he got home, searched for the panties she'd worn, wanting to shower later that morning before putting on clean clothes. The...

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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 8 Equal Rights

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Tonto's voice rolled the 'A' sound in Ladies and the 'N' in Gentlemen, just like an old time circus pitch man. "I am honored to present Doctor Horace Hamilton, veterinary surgeon and the newest member of the extended Tufts Family. He will be out of the med-tube in 20 minutes and we should all be on hand to greet him. He is now fully incorporated in the intelligence you so kindly refer to as Tonto." Sandra asked aloud, "Is he OK?" "Yes, Sandra," Tonto...

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Equal SharesChapter 2

Stan woke up, and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, love, what was I thinking?" he softly told the beautiful dark eyes that only he could see. Arriving at work, he said "Hi!" to Elaine, who replied, "Good morning! Did you enjoy yourself last night?" Stan walked almost to the door from reception to his office area, stopped, half turned to Elaine and said quietly, "Yes, thank you, Elaine." Before she could ask any more he opened the door and walked...

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Equal SharesChapter 3

It was a month later. Denise and Stan had been on six dates now and were firmly established as real friends and not just as work colleagues. Denise chuckled in her mind about being 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend', but they both didn't really think of it that way. At least, Stan didn't. Denise found that she was thinking more and more about the way Stan held his chin in his hand sometimes, or his strange habit of whistling some unknown tune, often out of key, when he was thinking. Her own...

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Equal SharesChapter 4

The notice had gone on the board weeks ago — the company barbeque would be held on the grounds on Friday, the 21st of July in the afternoon. The Firm had a long-standing tradition of a 'summer do.' It had varied in the past from boat trips to a picnic in a park with a jazz band playing, but for the past several years it had been a barbeque, complete with spit-roast pig etc. Also laid on was entertainment — this year there was a live band — and drinks. Taxis would be available to take...

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