Chris And Nena's Big Day Chapter 11 free porn video

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Chapter 11 Day 9 Monday. Down in London the defence department are getting worried. In London the Defence department minister of defence was a very worried man. The minister of Defence was scared by the build up of navy ships on the east coast of Britain. There had not been such a build up of naval ships since the end of the Second World War. He had messages sent to the British fleet already there to find out what was going on. At the same time he decided it might be advisable to order the fleet from their normal bases in Portsmouth, Devonport and Scotland to sail to Yorkshire just in case they were needed. "Sir we have a message from the Invincible. Apparently they are all coming from far and wide to greet their Queen. Their ships are at anchor with their guns covered. Their helicopters have landed on the St Petersburg in the harbour. As we speak they are all ashore celebrating. At the moment both British and German ships are at full crew. The Germans though have just given permission for their crews to go ashore and join the celebrations." "I have ordered the fleet to join you. In the meantime you can allow one third of your crew ashore. Once the others join you the remainder of your crew may go ashore." In Russia premier Putain was in a meeting with the parliament. He was having to explain the recent deception to the parliament concerning the Tsar and family. One of the members spoke, "We all accept we have been deceived or at least not told the whole truth regarding that issue. My people are clamouring for me to ensure we accept Queen Gabriel. We have all seen the results of the DNA tests done by the British. They also sent the same results to Germany and Austria. Both those countries recognised the rings the child wore and Bavaria and Hanover recognised the child immediately. The rest of Germany followed quickly. Ukraine when she heard told the fleet to set sail. She has already accepted Gabriel." After further discussion the members took a vote. All they had to do was press a button for yes or another one for no. The results were displayed immediately a member had voted. It soon became obvious virtually all the representatives had voted to accept Gaby as Queen of Russia. One representative spoke, "We have to think of a suitable present for the Queen. I understand she has been given the St Petersburg as her personal heliport. We could provide her with a fleet of helicopters for it." "Sorry others have already done that. I have an idea though. Currently the harbour in Scarborough cannot accommodate all our ships. It is obvious to me the Queen has decided to make it her base. Considering what happened in the past it is not surprising. Well there is one thing we can give her. The British used floating harbours in the Second World War to get their transport ashore. We already have some in stock in case they were ever needed. We will also need ships to carry lots of stone and quick setting cement. We can give our Queen a harbour that will take all her ships regardless of what country they come from. In Scarborough the town hall got a shock when they got a phone call from Russia checking if a new harbour would be acceptable to the new Queen. The clerk thought it was a joke and said, "Sure just make sure it is big enough as there are a lot of ships out there." He went and reported the call to his superior. "You told who ever was at the other end of the line to make sure it was big enough. Have you the number?" "Yes sir I did not recognise it though." The superior looked at the number and double-checked the code. He then rang the number and got the office of Premier Putain. "I was just telephoning to double check a telephone call received at my office about a new harbour." "Yes sir your colleagues words were noted and we have increased the size of the harbour. The harbour will be with you in a few days along with the ships and barges that are transporting it. They have already set sail with it." He put the telephone down and then decided to telephone London for advice. "Thank you for informing us. At least we know now the Russians are accepting her. It appears you have just accepted the gift of a new harbour on behalf of Queen Gabriel of Northumbria. Our sources have informed us that a massive fleet of ships is heading your way with the harbour and protective breakwater of stone. Virtually every ship in their merchant or navy has been brought into service. Currently we are monitoring them but believe this is a friendly gesture." The Mayor called a meeting of the council. "Apparently we as the representatives of Queen Gabriel are being given a new harbour or at least an extended one." The representative for Scalby spoke, "Do the people who are giving us this gift realise how stormy we can have the sea in Scarborough? On the other hand I would welcome an enlarged harbour if it would allow large ships to come in." As luck would have it nobody objected. The mayor had brought a man with him who remained quiet during the discussion. "Ladies and Gentlemen I have brought Ivan Brekova with me he is going to show us plans of the new harbour." Ivan brought out a computer connected it up and projected an image of the proposed new harbour. After watching it the Representative for Cayton spoke, "This looks very similar to one that was proposed a year or two ago. Then it was decided while the idea was good we had not the required money to do it. How much is this gift going to cost us?" Ivan spoke, "Like the St Petersburg that is being used as a heliport the harbour is a gift from the people of Russia for their Queen. It will in future allow cruise ships to dock here in Scarborough. It will also provide protection from the winter storms for all shipping. I do realise how wild and rough the sea can get here that is why one side is considerably higher than the other. The harbour comes in sections with hydraulic legs that will screw into the seabed and then we fill them with concrete. The seaward side we protect with massive stones that will protect it from the waves." The representatives all voted to accept the gift of the harbour. They also could see the benefits of increased shipping coming to the town. Cruise ships stopping would put money into the local economy. Back at the Royal Nena went to see Renate. "I was wanting to know if we still are sticking to the list you gave me? Some of the younger ones want to go to Peasholm Park and the Sea life centre. I also know some of the senior ladies would like to do some shopping. Do we have a free day today and let everybody do their own thing?" Gaby and the girls go to Peasholme Park. "Nena after a hectic few days I for one would like to relax. I and some of the senior ladies intend to go down to the Spa and listen to the Band concert. If the younger ones wish to do that then that is ok with me." "It might be a good idea to take them in a coach though to Peasholme park and then it can go and park up at the Sea life centre." Den brought the coach round and the girls all boarded it. Then they set off for the short journey to the park. At the park the first thing they did was to go on the Swan and dragon boats. Those that got them found they were pedal powered. Others had to make do with the rowing boats. For most of them it took about a half an hour to 45 minutes to get round the island. After that they went on the putting green and the crazy golf. Soon it was lunchtime and they decided to stay and have lunch at the caf? just above the seating. Gaby noticed that some barriers were going up in the park and asked the man what was going on. "Three times a week we have a naval battle here in the park and we are getting ready for it. I can sell you tickets now if you wish. The show starts at 2.00pm but people come and get their seats long before that." Gaby and friends decided to sit outside at the caf? and watch the battle from there. She also noticed some of the disabled children she had given rides to on the previous day was there also. They had a good view. One child propelled himself across to the table Gaby was sat at. "Hi I am Michael Baxter. I thought it was you and your friends we rode with you at the weekend." "Tell your friends to come here and join us they will have a better view." "We would but other than me none of the others can cope with the slope so we are stuck. I was wondering if I could get to the caf? and order some food for them." Nena and several of the others went and collected the children. Nena spoke, "Is there not an adult with you?" "Yes and no she has had to go back to the Cumberland Hotel where we are staying. One of the group forgot something." "In that case we need an extra chair for when she returns. Now we had intended to order some food ourselves. Would you like us to order yours or would you rather wait?" One of the children brought out a lot of vouchers. "We bought a paper and it had all these in. They allow you to buy one meal and get another free. We also have ones for the sea life centre that will allow us in with a friend." Nena went and placed the order and asked, "Would the vouchers would be accepted here?" "Yes it is a promotion by the council. If you wish I can give you a stack of them for your friends." Before long the entire group was eating chicken and chips followed by ice cream and cola. Soon the seating was taken and the battle started. There was a commentator's voice. Planes screeched down on wires dropping bombs on some of the shipping. Then a submarine opened fire on a ship and it was left sinking. Then the navy came and took out the submarine and fired on the naval base. One flag was taken down and another was put up." Michael spoke again, "We wanted to go on the island and look round but we need somebody to push us there. Most of us are ok on the flat but cannot cope with steep hills." A woman joined them. "I will get you all lunch now I have the rest of the money." Gaby spoke, "They have eaten and paid with these tickets. At least we paid and they got a meal free. After you have eaten we intend to push them round the island and then go to the Sea life centre. If we still have time then we will go on the beach and play with the children. " The woman had her lunch and then they all set off for the island. They had to cross a wooden bridge and then they were on the island. Some of the slopes were steep and others gentle. There were Chinese lanterns all the way round the island. While on their way round the island they also spotted the men getting out of the model ships. Eventually they got to the top of the island. There was a massive waterfall and a Chinese pagoda at the top of the island. The woman told the children it looked fantastic at night when it was lit up. After that Gaby and friends pushed the children to the sea life centre. The woman at the counter was rather stuck up and said, "Oh we can not possibly allow so many children in with only one Adult." Nena spoke, "There is more than one adult here and I would like to speak to the manager." The woman called the manager, "It will not do you any good." The man smiled and said, "Well ladies what can I go for you? Gaby who was fuming blurted out, "She will not let us in and says we need more adults than we have. I have a good mind to say you cannot have the submarine and ship after all. I understood this was a child friendly place. It does not appear so to me." The manager motioned to the security guard not to let any more people in. "There is no need for that. We would welcome a visit by you and your friends. I will personally give you a tour of our facilities." Gaby and friends followed the man while the woman was still sat at the till fuming. "I am going to have words with him later. He has just let that group in for free when I told them they could not come in." The security guard spoke, "Obviously you did not hear what the younger one said to the Manager. If you had you would be in the toilet by now with a bad case of tummy ache. Of all the people to refuse admission to it had to be her. You did not bother the other week when those thugs that are friends with your son turned up. You should have refused them but you did not and what a lot of trouble that caused. Then you go and refuse teenage girls who are pushing disabled children. You will be lucky if you still have a job by the end of the day. Certainly if the papers get hold of the story you refused disabled children entry they would make the most of it." As they were speaking Gunther turned up in uniform along with his son. "Hi we got told to come to the side door as we are to talk about the trawler and Submarine." "Oh you need the manager. He is with some young tarts through there." The security guard cringed, "Do you have a death wish? what is wrong with you today? If he reports what you said then you can kiss your job goodbye." Gunther noticed the girls, "Hi we are looking for the manager, and the dragon out front said he was this way with some tarts." "That will be us Gunther. She took an instant dislike to us and refused us admission." "I will be back in a minute Gabriel. First there is a little job I to do." Gunther went back to the desk. "Have you not found him? I told you he was with those tarts." Gunther spoke to the security man. "Sorry I have just been instructed you are to be sent home with immediate effect. I tried to warn you but you had to go and open your big mouth with all that rubbish. Now you are suspended and will be facing a disciplinary hearing. I hope you have got a good excuse this time. The woman slammed the door behind her breaking some of the glass panels in the process. The manager came looking for Gunther. "Sorry about that I have important guests to see round. Why is Martha not at her desk? Gunther spoke, "I do not know the reason, but she was in a foul mood so I instructed the guard to send her home. It is not good for trade so I thought a spell at home might make her think twice about what she says and does. I for one object most strongly when my Queen and friends are referred to as tarts." "Yes perhaps it was for the best. No doubt it will be to do with her son. He is a constant worry to her." The manager and Gunther went back to the group of girls. Gunther followed them round till they got to the two ships. Gunther spoke, "Both are still drying out and so it would not be a good idea to look round them now. However I will give you all a tour when they are ready. If possible I would like to borrow some of the boys to help clean them up. I can tell you about the submarine and my son will talk about the trawler." After their talk the girls went to the toilet and then to the beach. They laid towels on the beach. Julia joined them and said, "I need to go back to the shop for a few things." The sand at the top of the beach was very soft and dusty while lower down it was quite firm. The disabled children squealed with delight as Julia came back with some buckets and spades. Together the girls and their friends built sand castles and had a good time. However the tide started to come in and lapped at the first castles. The girls took this as a sign to pack up. They then watched as the tide came in quite fast. They looked across at the Royal Albert drive and the sea was fairly smashing at the sea wall. Then they took their friends to their mini coach. The woman spoke, "Thank you for being their friends and pushing them around." Nena spoke, "We understand you are at the Cumberland Hotel. Tonight we will take you all into town. I hope you all have saved your 2 pence pieces as we intend going to Oasis and some of the other arcades along the front. Michael grinned and spoke, "Thanks we would like that. We wanted to go and see the fun last night but we could not get the van down as the police blocks off the area. Now we can go and look at the tents if we have somebody to push us." The children were excited and told everyone back at the hotel what they had been doing. The reporter from the Evening News ears picked up. He went across to talk to the children. Michael spoke to him; "They bought us a meal and took us to the Pagoda and Sea life centre and then played with us on the beach. I have some photos if you wish to see them. We are meeting them tonight as they promised they would take us to the tents." That evening as promised the group of children came across the Valley Bridge and they waited by the sealift to go down to the front. This time Gaby and the others were in formal attire. Princess Alice shook her head. "Renate that is one young woman who knows her mind. She does not mind being seen pushing a wheelchair. Queen or not she will continue to ride." Gaby and her friends took turns in pushing the children. Isolde spoke, "Gaby if these are willing we could have a full able-bodied-disabled team for the disabled races." They entered the first tent pushing the wheelchairs. Nena noticed the small girl from the other evening. "You and your Mum were instructed to follow us and you did not." "Sorry but Mummy thought you would not want the likes of us. We are not royal like you. We are just normal." Nena thought for a moment. "When we came here both Gabriel and myself did not know we were Royal. I was a courier for a tour firm and Gabriel was a teenager who also happened to like riding her bike and had a mother who was a champion. If Gabriel walks up to you and taps you on the shoulder then she wants you to follow her. In your case she carried your child on her shoulder. Presumably she recognise something in you others did not. Currently Gabriel and her friends are taking disabled children around the tents and then we are going to the arcades to play on some of the machines." "I do not think we can afford to do that. We only have a limited amount of money and do not have cash for slot machines." "You are not listening to me. True the children all have some money of their own but they have each been given a bag of 2 pence pieces so they can play the machines." The child tugs on Nena's dress and said, "Please can you lift Tiny so I can see where Queen Gabriel is? "Come on you have been on a Queen's shoulders so there is no reason why you could not go on a princess's shoulder. You Mum will come this time and no arguing. Tiny we are going to the other tents." Tiny spoke, "I can see Baby on somebody's shoulders. They are over there." The mother picked up a bag and walked with Nena. Baby was on Sonja's shoulders. Sonja looked at the woman and said, "So we now have two babies. Has Gabriel seen you?" Nena spoke, "Princess Sonja this is Tiny and her mother. They met Gabriel yesterday and could not believe what they were told. I have just collected them. They are worried though about spending money on the machines." Baby spoke, "Tiny you can share with me we are both Tiny sisters. Aunt Sonja can we take Tiny home with us I then have a small friend to play with?" "Sorry I do not know your name and Nena has not told me it." "I am Lucinda I came from Talin to be here. I was brought up in a children's home when I was found wandering about as a child. I do not know my parents or even if I have siblings. I do have an old photo that was found with me. I got raped as a teenager and Tiny was the result. I work in a government office in Talin and that is why I am here. I was hoping to take Tiny on a holiday and I was one of the lucky ones who got selected to come here with the fleet." Sonja spoke, "Then you are doubly lucky if Gabriel has selected you. Her mama is my team captain. I am assistant captain as well as been a princess. Baby is mascot for the junior team. Will you be mascot for the senior team? It will mean your Mummy giving up her current job. I doubt though that will be a problem." They wandered round the remaining tents and then went to the arcades. Jenny turned up and noticed Tiny. "I see we have a spare Baby now. Would you like to go on my shoulders? Nena found a stand each the girls could stand on. They both started winning lots of prizes. The girl in the kiosk noticed and said, "You can swap 5 of those for one of these." Both Baby and Tiny agreed to the swap and got a princess doll each. Baby said, "Oh dear my money is now all gone." Jenny and Sonja handed them a bag of coins each. When those bags were empty they walked across to the caf?. Lucinda looked at the prices. "I think I will have to go back to the tents. It will not cost me anything there." "My daughter told you yesterday to come with us. I understand my vice captain has appointed Tiny as mascot to the senior team and you will be her official carer. Now Tiny what would you like to eat? Baby spoke, "Tiny and I will share a plate of fish and chips and we will have a cola each please." Jenny ordered what the girls wanted and asked for an extra knife and fork. She then ordered Fish and chips with peas for the rest and a latte. The girl brought the meal across and said, "Would you all like your ice-cream now or when you are finish." Baby said, "When we have finished please." Tiny started to squirm and said, "mummy I need the toilet." "So do I", said Baby. Jenny and Sonja took the girls to the toilet and waited for them. "Thank you for the meal Queen Mummy? My Mummy gets quite scared and was afraid of what might happen. Can we go back now for our ice cream?" Once they got back the waitress brought them all one each and Baby's and Tiny's ice cream was covered in chocolate and sprinkles. As they were finishing off Markus and his brother arrived. "Hi we were looking for the girls to take them to the slot machines." "Well you have found two tiny ones who would love to help spend your money Markus. Take good care of them as they are our team mascots." Markus and his brother both saluted Jenny. Tiny held her hands up and Marcus put her on his shoulders. His brother did the same with Baby. Baby said, "We got these with our allowance." Markus looked at the dolls. "We had intended going to the slot machines. Would you like to go on the dodgems with us?" As they were about to get into the dodgem cars Jools and Maria turned up. Baby put her arm up and said, "Mummy, Daddy was just about to take us on the dodgem car are you going to join us?" Jools got into one car and Maria the other. Soon their time was up. Baby still continued with the masquerade and said, "Daddy promised to win us a teddy bear on the shooting range." After winning four teddy bears they returned to the caf?. Jenny spoke, "Well did you two enjoy yourselves?" Tiny spoke, "We have been pretending these are our Mummies and Daddies. We kept getting presents off everybody. I for one though need to go again." Jools spoke, "In that case your Mummies better take you." She picked up Tiny and Maria followed with Baby. Are you two enjoying pretending to be our babies?" "Princess thank you for sharing Markus with me. I saw your engagement on the television to Prince Markus. I have enjoyed myself with you both. Perhaps we can pretend again another time." Sonja spoke, "Well I think your Mummy and Daddy should take you to the slot machines and you should spend their money." This brought a giggle from both Baby and Tiny. "Now Lucinda what are we going to do with you? Obviously you are finding it hard to cope with Tiny. I think somebody should take you in hand." Lucinda's mouth was opening and shutting like a goldfish. She then burst into tears. "My boss has been good to me. I can not just abandon my work." Jenny spoke, "I take it your boss is here. I will speak with him or her." "Mr Pertova has been good to me and yes he is here. He is in the Estonian tent." "In that case we will go there and find him. Jools and Marie will you bring your husbands and children? The Daddies can carry them. We are going to the Estonian tent." When they got there they found Princess Alice chatting to Mr Petrova. "Alice and Mr Petrova, we have come to inform you that Lucinda has been transferred to our department with immediate effect. Will you arrange for her belongings to be sent to me Jenny Bond? "I expected that last night when I saw Tiny on Queen Gabriel's shoulders. I was very surprised to see Lucinda still taking breakfast with us in the morning." Princess Alice spoke, "If you are desperate for a job I need somebody to push me around. You also look as if you need a good feed. I am going to have to take you into hand young lady. Thank you Mr Petrova for looking after this child. I will now sort her out. Now you Lucinda will stop crying and push me around. I want to look around the rest of the tents and you will accompany me. When we get back we will see if we can sort you out a few more dresses." Tiny spoke, "I know mum has not been eating properly so that I could. Thank you for the meal that you bought us earlier. I liked being with these two and pretending to be their baby. Mum the old lady is correct. You are as much a child as I am. You need somebody to tell you what to do. Mr Petrova told you to come and you did. Granny Jenny told you to eat and you did. Now Granny Alice has told you to push her around and you will. Mr Petrova thank you for looking after my Mum. She will be safe now Granny Alice is looking after her. I have to look after Prince Markus and Princess Jools. They need my help just as Marie and her prince need the help of Baby." Princess Alice said, "You are the other baby who sat at Gabriel's feet last night." "That's me and since then the Queens mother, sister and future brother in law have carried me around along with Nena and Sonja. Prince Markus as we did not get to go on the slot machines perhaps you could take me another evening." Markus said, "I and Jools will if Baby will do the same for my brother. If nothing else it might prepare us for the day we have our own children. Jenny I take it you do not mind being a granny or at least part time." As they were speaking Gaby turned up. Jools spoke, "Tiny this is your Aunt Gabriel." Princess Alice spoke, "I think Lucinda it is time you knelt down in front of me and show me your hands." "My real Mummy used to make me do that to check to see if I had been nibbling my nails and I have not done that for years." "Well yes your hands are clean and your nails are nice, but what is this? I think we had better see what you are hiding." Tiny spoke, "Mummy has a strange birthmark on her wrist. She always keeps it covered with a plaster as somebody once told her she was cursed if she had that mark. All we own is in that black bag mummy carries." Princess Alice whipped the plaster off. "Surprise, Surprise! Gabriel strikes again. At least we now know who your mother was. Tiny I am afraid I will have to mark you like your mother is." Baby spoke, "It does not hurt they did me yesterday along with lots of others. It is cold and tickles a little. Welcome to the club. Now whose mark do you have? Oh you have the same as me. My mum must be your real aunt. So I must be your cousin. Well you will have to share our room and you can share my bed. Nana Alice, Aunt Lucinda needs lots of dresses, can we take her to the garage and see what fits her?" Gaby opened the bag there was some documentation it was in Russian. Nena translated it. This says the doctor covered the birthmark with a plaster and told Lucinda she must always keep it covered. She was found as a child about three years old and it looked like she had been hit with a car. According to this Lucinda will only ever have the mental capacity of a child and would only be suitable for menial jobs. When she was found in Estonia it was under Russian control. The doctor had an idea where the child had come from but could do nothing without endangering his and her life. There is an address here to contact the doctor if he is still alive." Among the artefacts there was a faded photograph of a woman with two babies and an older lady. Alice just smiled and said, "Lucinda that mark means you will now have to stay and look after me. I think you are suited to pushing me around." Tiny spoke, "There should be a magic ring in there. Mummy would not sell it and told me it was magic and if I got lost it would get me home. I did not want to lose it so I put it in the bag." Gaby soon found it and passed it to Alice. "My Mum has gone into a trance again. If you speak she will answer yes Mum." Alice stroked her hair. "Lucinda Alice get up off your knees and straighten your dress up. I did not bring you up to be sloppy. Now Sonja here is taking you to your sister. Do not come back till you are dressed alike. That is an order." "Yes Mum." With that Sonja took Lucinda up in the sealift. Tiny spoke, "Are you my real Grandma?" "No I am not but like Baby I am your great grandma. Your real grandma is about town with some of the others. She will be pleased to discover Lucinda Alice has turned up." "In that case I will call you Nana Alice like Baby." Kim came in with her cousins. "Is it true we have another baby in the family?" "Sure that is me but I am called Tiny and Nana Alice is my great granny. So if you wish to come and play with my Princess doll or my teddy then you are welcome." Kim and her cousins burst out laughing. "We also heard Jools and Marie both were going around with a child each who was calling them Mummy. I did not realise Jenny had become a granny." "Well she has but only on a part-time basis." "We found a horse racing game that gives presents if you win." Alice said, "Well I intend to go on the bingo. Anybody want to come with me?" Kim spoke, "We all will Nana Alice as we will have to teach Tiny what to do. They put some money in the machine and the game started. Alice was the first to win with a line and she got her money back. Kim then got all four corners and got her money back. After watching for a while Tiny wanted her own card. Markus put the money in. Tiny won five full houses in a row. The man handed her a ticket each time. At the end of the game Tiny looked at the tickets. "What do I do with these?" A female assistant totted the tickets up and said, "My you have been lucky you have won lots of prizes. Come with me and I will show you what you can have." Tiny looked at the prizes most of the items were no use to her. She spotted some soft cuddly toys. "Can I have as many of those as these will allow please"? The woman came back, "They are all slightly different and there was only one more left and I have put that in as well." Tiny then handed them out, "Jools and Markus this is for your baby in the meantime I expect you to take good care of it. Nana Alice this is for sorting Mummy out thank you. Queen Gabriel this is to remind you that in each of us there is a little girl. I am keeping this one for myself. There is one for Baby. Marie like Jools this is for your baby. Kim this is for you and that leaves oh, I have miscounted." "No you did not I still have to get the one out of the cabinet." "Thank you I thought my last two would have to share." Alice looked at her watch and said, "It is time we went outside and on to the sea front. Lucinda appeared holding the hand of another woman and Sonja. Markus and his brother picked up Tiny and Baby and placed them on their shoulders. "You should get a good view from there girls." A firework display was been set off from the St Petersburg. Rockets got launched and a myriad of lights appeared. After an hour the display stopped with a massive boom and the whole light lit up the night sky. After the display finished Baby's mother spoke, "Jools and Marie I have a favour to ask you two. Would you both mind looking after Tiny and Baby? I will need the time to sort my sister out." Markus spoke, "We have been looking after them most of the evening and we have been enjoying it. My brother and I consider it an honour to help look after them. This one is nearly asleep on my shoulders. I think it is time she went to bed." Maria and Jools helped to put Tiny and Baby to bed. Then they bid the sisters goodnight. An older lady appeared, "I have just been informed Lucinda Alice has turned up with a child. Oh my another Baby." "Actually Mum the child is called Tiny. I though would appreciate some help with Lucinda. She keeps going into trances." Between them they noticed the scarring on Lucinda's back. There was a lot of bruising on her as well. "It looks as if somebody has been hurting Lucinda quite a lot. I think we had better call the team doctor now." Dr Helga Goodchild came to the room. "My daughter and child have just returned to us doctor after a long absence. We were getting her ready for bed when we noticed all this scaring and bruising. Tiny popped her head up and spoke, "Hello is there anybody there who can take me to the toilet?" Tiny found it was her aunt who took her. Meanwhile the doctor was giving Lucinda a check over. Tiny came back and got some cream out of the bag. "It looks like he has been beating Mummy again. I was told to inform Mr Petrova if he hurt her again. I must go and find Mr Petrova he will be in the Estonian tent." The doctor called for security and asked them to go and bring back Mr Petrova to the hotel. A short while later he entered the room with the guard. "You may go now," said the doctor. Tiny spoke, "He has done it again. I will have to put on this cream again. You promised you would sort it out and apparently it is still going on." "Ladies that letter that was found was wrote by my late father. He knew Lucinda was the nearest thing to a queen we would have and resolved to help her as much as he could. He asked me and my sons to watch out for Lucinda. We did the best we could. The person who did this is back in Estonia and they will pay for what has been done. I need to speak to my sons to get this resolved. Do you mind if I take photographs to show my sons what has been happening when we were not there?" "I will have some of them off you Mr Petrova to go in my file." Mr Pertova left the room and was very angry. He called his sons. The eldest spoke, "Father this time we have to inform Diablo Draconaris. We will have to show him the photographs of the princess. We will have to leave the retribution to him." "Yes you are correct. I hope he understands we tried to protect her."

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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 4

Chapter 4. Later that same evening in their bedroom at the Royal Hotel Julia noticed Chris was apparently in a trance. Julia watched him for a few minutes and then spoke "Chris are you OK?" There was no reply. She went and waved her hand in front of Chris. It was several more minutes before Chris came out of the trance. Julia again spoke, "Chris what happened as you apparently went into a trance. Do you feel ok?" "Sorry Julia I have just realised something and I need to...

2 years ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Jools came up to them and said, "The others are all on their respective coaches. Mandy is the third courier that is with us. Bill never said anything about her joining us" "Ok Jools tell the George & Arthur we will stop at the caf? by the Humber Bridge for a breakfast break and then go on via Bridlington to Scarborough we have about a total distance of 79 miles to cover." The convoy of three coaches set off. No sooner than they set off Den got a message would he s...

3 years ago
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New Kid He would play his favorite sport basketball with his buddies. Sometimes he would be on the team that would have to be shirtless and he enjoyed these times, he enjoyed the sun warming his bare back and chest. Chris was new to the neighborhood last year moving in just as summer vacation started. He quickly made friends as he was able to just walk up to a pick up basketball game and ask to play. The other boys at first thought that Chris was to small to play with them but after a...

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Chris And Lucie Pt2 Lucie Meets Lena

Chris was driving home, followed by Lena in her car. Chris and Lena worked at the same company and a few weeks ago, at a company event, after some flirting and a few drinks, they ended up kissing at a parking lot, making sure that nobody saw them. Although Chris had a more senior position, they did not work in the same team, neither was Chris in any way her superior.Chris was sure that even if something went public it could not be classified as a mobbing or anything similar. Two days ago, they...

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CHRIS-CROSSED! By C.C. I have heard about the problems that racially mixed marriages can bring, and I've also heard about the difficulties that sometimes arise from marrying twins who have a close affinity for one another - a sort of psychic bond stronger than the ties of matrimony. But I never dreamed that they would lead to the situation I eventually ended up in! Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Norman Drake and I have for most of my life been a man of considerable...

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ChrisCrossed conclusion

"Chris..." I started, "did you..." I looked at her. There was the usual trace of amusement on her lovely black face, but her eyes were as wide and surprised as my own. "What the bloody...?" She suddenly rolled over and picked up the bell from the nightstand. "Chris!" she called her brother, "get in here!" A very sheepish transvestite-Chris, not quite hiding a guilty grin, slowly opened the door and peeked in. "Yes, darling?" he asked. "Don't 'yes darling' me!" his sister...

1 year ago
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Chris takes control

“Oh fuck Mrs. Hanson,” he grunted as he thrust his hips. “So tight… I’m going to cum,” he moaned looking down at her. He thrust his hips forward and shot ropes and ropes of cum… all over his bedroom window. Chris was standing at his full height bedroom window, looking down at his next door neighbor, Mrs. Hanson. She was bending over, weeding her garden. “Grrr…” he growled in frustration. He was tired of jerking off alone in his room to the sight of her, he wanted more. * Chris was nineteen,...

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Chriss hard Choices Index1

Chris was a strapping young man having just turned 19, a 'two sports' star in high school; he had a scholarship to play tailback at the University of Alabama. He had the world where he wanted it, or so he thought. The most beautiful girl in school was his girlfriend; she was the head cheerleader and valedictorian of her class. They had been inseparable since junior high. If you ever saw one of them, the other was sure to be close.With only two days until graduation, Chris and some of his...

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Chriss hard Choices Index2

Chris awoke the next morning thinking he had had the most wonderful dream. It didn't take long before he realized last night was not a dream and it was real, his mother had actually jacked him off. He did not remember when she left but he knew she would be back because today he started physical therapy. Yet, he wondered how she would act towards him after last night. What would he say to her? He knew things would be different now but he wanted more, he just hoped his mother would to.Carolyn...

4 years ago
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Chris and Anne Fall under his Spell

Chris came home from work one day to find his wife aroused and ready for sex. He found this quite unusual as Anne, a shy person by nature never initiated their lovemaking. Once in their bed Chris found his wife almost insatiable and she orgasmed at least twice before Chris came as well. They lay there together both out of breath yet when he simply kissed Anne’s nipple she became aroused again. ‘Anne what in the world has got into you today, I’ve never seen you this horny.’ Her face turned red...

2 years ago
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Chriss hard Choices Index3

Prologue; for those who have not read the first two chapters I will give you a quick synopsis. Chris is a young man who was injured in a car accident and while at the hospital he has many sexual adventures with the hospital staff, his girlfriend, and his mom.This story is purely fictional. It is just a fantasy story not to be a realistic in any form.The rest of Chris's stay in the hospital was normal aside from the daily blowjob or quick fuck from one of the nurse's or his girlfriend. If not...

2 years ago
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Chris Loves Mark

Chris Loves Mark by DKB It was a gloriously sunny day at the beginning of the summer holidays and Chris Burns had arranged with his friend Mark Halford to meet up in the woods that day. There was a favourite spot where they had hung out a lot when they were younger and Chris knew that Mark often went walking there still, so he suggested they could go walking together for old time's sake, maybe to celebrate the end of school for another year. What Chris hadn't said was that there was...

3 years ago
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Chris Carters Luck Ch 02

Before they pulled out of the rest area, Chris consulted his notes and confirmed the address they needed in Hartford. Katy noted it on her driving pad, then consulted the on-board computer for driving directions. She started the car and they were again on their way. The directions were accurate and at 10:15, Katy pulled up at the curb of the building. She found a metered parking space and they exited the car. When they walked into the building, Nick spotted a coffee shop in the lobby. ‘Ok,...

1 year ago
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Chriss hard Choices Index4

Chris awoke early the next morning with his lovely mother and aunt lying on each side of him. He lay there replaying the events of the previous night over in his mind. He never realized how wild his mom could be. He knew his Aunt Leah was a little wild but never in a million years would he have guessed his mom was too.He started thinking back to last night when suddenly he was startled back to reality. The doorbell was ringing. Gently shaking his mother he told her. "Mom, wake up. Someone is at...

4 years ago
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Chriss Night

I stood in the shower basking in the hot water rinsing the sweat and smell of sex off of me. I quickly ran a razor over my legs making sure they were nice and soft. I thought to myself as I washed my hair if I had been smart in inviting Chris back to my bedroom.I felt my pussy and decided one more slow sweet fuck wouldn’t kill me. I rinsed my hair and stepped out of the shower. I looked in the mirror and scrubbed my face, brushed my teeth and grabbed an island scent douche and cleaned myself.I...

4 years ago
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Chris and Mary First Connect Chapter 1

Chris and Mary First Connect. Chapter 1 Chris looked himself over carefully in the full length mirror. Feeling a mix of apprehension and sexual excitement, he could not help but smile at his reflection. Show-time in front of the sorority girls! The knee- length, white, femininely cut apron, contrasting with the naked skin of his youthful frame, screamed cute, femmy, and sexy at a quick glance. A closer look showed the apparently female maid to really be a boy in white boxer shorts...

4 years ago
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Chris And Lucie Pt1 Coming home

Chris was driving home from work, with a smile on his face. He had to stay a few minutes longer and there was a bit of traffic, so it was already 17.35 and he still needed another ten to fifteen minutes to get home. Today`s session with Lucie has started already, he was sure, punctually at 17.30.Last night he instructed her to wait for him from 17.30 onwards in the living room, on her knees, with her hands behind her neck and with her mouth open. She was not allowed to move or close her mouth...

2 years ago
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Chriss Revenge on Frankie

Frankie having now had quite a few different experiences with woman, with her exploits with the couple, the amazon in the pub toilets, Kelly and her enormous black vibrator and a couple of sessions with Chris as part of a group.Chris rang her and asked if she fancied a girly night at hers while the men went out to play snooker, she had invited Cathy too and got in plenty of wine and nibbles.Ian had agreed to go with Dave and Danny to snooker so it made sense for her to go. Plus she didn’t know...

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Chris and John and Beth part 1

It all started one Friday evening at 6:00pm I was sitting at home checking messages after I got home from work and spending time with the girlfriend she knows I'm bisexual so I'm checking messages and I get one from my hometown friend Chris so the message said are you free to grab some drinks tonight at the bar I look at my girlfriend and she goes message him back and say yea we can both go she has meet chris a couple times but never seen his cock or anything like I have from his profile pics...

4 years ago
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Chris and Cock

About 2 months ago I and my wife, Kat, joined an adult dating website; initially it was because we had developed an interest in swinging and we had some successful meetings with other couples that we met through the site. I found myself being more and more turned on at the sight of Kat being fucked by someone else and whilst I enjoyed having sex with other women, started to wish it was just me, Kat and the other guy. I told Kat about this fantasy and she suggested that maybe I wasn't just into...

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Chris Carters Luck Ch 03

Jerry looked like a sad puppy. When Katy asked him what was wrong, he started talking about the lack of activity on the dance floor when his band was playing. It wasn’t really unusual for a week night but he was worried because his band was being scouted for next year’s tour and an empty dance floor wasn’t a good thing. Chris handed him a glass of champagne and stared into space for awhile. Suddenly, he looked at Katy and smiled. Then he began speaking rapidly to both of them as he explained...

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Chris and Sarah Part 1

Sarah pulled up to Chris's house, smiling as she saw him race out of the house towards her. She shut off her car and giggle happily, squealing as he yanked her car door open and snatced her out of her Cirrus, lifting her in the air for a great big bear hug. "I'm so glad you're finally here!" He exclaimed, burying his nise into her rose scented hair, breathing deeply. Sarah, still suspended up in his arms, blushed lightly, feeling his well muscled body held tightly against her own softer, supple...

1 year ago
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Chris and Aunty Renee

Note : This story is completely fictional! For a long time Chris has had a secret crush on his Aunt Renee. She was a lot older than he was, he had just turned 18 and she was 35 years old, and on top of that she was his mom's sister, but that didn't stop horny Chris from wanting to fuck her. Almost every night Chris would imagine cumming on his Aunty. One evening Chris couldn't stand it any longer and sneaked to her home. Renee lived about half an hour away from his house and she lived alone. It...

2 years ago
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Keep a copy if you want. Distribute to FREE sites only, and may not be used in a publication that is sold. ====================================================================================== He was born a six weeks premature to John and April McSweeney. They called him Christopher Allen. All through his younger years he was the smallest kid in the neighborhood, and then in school. His mother said that he’d grow, and he did. Mostly. But he was always behind the other boys in...

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Chriss hard Choices Index5

Chris's first weekend at home was great, his mom and Lea made sure his cock stayed wet, either with their mouth, or with their cunts. Today was Monday and they both had to work, and for once his life, he was glad to have the day to rest from sex.His life was looking up, he had movement in his legs but needed help in strengthening them. He decided to call Maria (his physical ther****t) and see if she could give him a helping hand. Once he had her on the phone, he began explaining to her what he...

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Chris Carters Luck Ch 01

Chris Carter was thoroughly convinced that his luck had finally run out. He was here in western Connecticut at the request of an old friend who needed some help. Although he was very good at his job, which was fixing companies that were in trouble, the hours he kept didn’t leave any time for socializing. In addition, his semi-retired status didn’t afford him the luxury of having a vehicle at hand as he had just completed a very expensive divorce. He was therefore without ready transportation...

4 years ago
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Chris comforts Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston stretched her lithe body when she woke. She gave a little sigh, life turns out strange sometimes but she shouldn't have been too surprised. She got up to head to the bathroom stopping in front of the full length mirror, she stopped to see if she could see if something was the matter with her appearance. What she saw was a 5' 6" 34C-23-35 1⁄2 gorgeous body encased in a light sleeping shirt that clung to every curve, coming down to about midthigh and revealing long shapely...

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Chris and Elin part 1

My name is Joanna; I’m twenty five years old, five feet six inches tall, with long dark hair, hazel/blue eyes, slim build with 34 B cup and run an accountancy business. It had been a long hard day, up early, a two hour drive to South Wales, then stuck in an office trawling over a client’s accounts with nothing to distract me but eventually I finished and as I reached upwards to stretch my tired body, realised there was a decision to be made. Should I get back in my car and make the two hour...

3 years ago
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Chris Evans The Meet And Greet

Title: The Meet And GreetRating: NC17Summary: A lucky fan wins a meet and greet with Chris Evans. I had been trying to get a meet and greet with Chris Evans for months now.Such a hot man.It would be unthinkable NOT to have wild passionate sexy dreams about him.Imagine my yell of victory when I finally scored that meet and greet.I would get a set visit on Captain America 2.And of course I would see Him.I wondered if I had the nerve to tell him that I make manipped pictures of him.That and that I...

1 year ago
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Chris and Mr Lucas

Chris, a 19 year old who has a crush on his , walks in his college room and sees Mr. Lucas. He just stares at him with a nervous look on his face. Lucas notices Chris standing at the other side of the classroom and smiles while waving. Chris waves back and doesn’t stop staring at his beautiful face. “Is there something I can help you with?” Asked Lucas with his deep, sexy, and alluring voice. Chris tried to stay back on planet Earth and walks over to Lucas revealing that he has beautiful green...

4 years ago
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Chris Marrs All For Bet

Chris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...

2 years ago
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My friend, I’ll call him “Chris,” followed me outside. It was summertime. The afternoon was turning into early evening, but it was still quite warm. We sat in the deck chairs and put our feet up on the railing. Below us, the yard fell away towards the fence line. My wife was down in the garden. She was naked except for garden clogs, gloves, sunglasses and a big straw hat. Her back was to us.We sipped our beers in silence, watching my wife.After several long moments Chris said, “Should we tell...

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Chris Evans 2Story Special

Main Title: Chris Evans 2-Story Special.Title: Elevator LoveRating: NC17Summary: two males get cozy in the elevator.It was a hot Sunday and I had just returned from grabbing a cup o' joe at my Starbucks across the street. Since it was the weekend I had slept in till late. Now I was getting ready to go back to my apartment and do whatever was the first thing that would come to mind.So far I hadn't made any plans. I would see to it as soon as the elevator would get up on my floor. As I pressed...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

3 years ago
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Chris and Dave

Chris and Dave Long lost loveChris stood in the gardens waiting for David, the contractor who was going to re-construct the home that had been left to her by her Grandparents. She intended to oversee the whole project from start to finish. David had been recommended by a good friend and she liked his ideas and quotes. There had been a lot of correspondence between the two parties over the last few months but she had yet to meet him personally.A truck turned into the driveway and pulled up a few...

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Chris and Kim pt 03

Saturday: After Friday morning Kim was very distracted. He had spent the whole day half naked, never managing to get on more than a camisole and panties before his hands kept finding their way back to his body. All he could think about was the feel of Chris' strong hands on his ass, and how desperately he wanted to feel them again. And so much more. How to get Chris' hands on him again was the big question. Getting out of bed he slipped into a pair of little panties and a long sleeve shirt...

1 year ago
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Chris and Vinny

It was a hot summer night and two young 18 year old boys were having yet another sleepover. One of the young boys mother (Joanne) could hear screams coming from the basement, she figured she wouldn't go check on them because they were probaly just playing. Little did she know that Chris was actually jamming his long hard 9 inch cock into Vinnys small firm white ass. Chris and Vinny had started becoming friends since around the summer of sixth grade. They hung out at lot doing the usual little...

3 years ago
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Chriss StepdadPart 4

Bear in mind the usual disclaimers.And thanks for the feedback to the story so far,I appreciate it.I should point out that whilst much of what's written is true,there will be embelishments & outright fiction included from here-on-in.As lunchtime approached I found myself thinking over the last 24 hours or so,to the point where Mr.Whitehead threw a piece of chalk at my head and told me to,"STOP daydreamning,Dixon".Now seriously,just how many k**s are actually interested in some old king...

2 years ago
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Chris and Christie

I had known Christie my whole life, and to hear our folks tell it, I had been in love with her too. They say that I used to follow her around like a little puppy dog. Whenever mom couldn’t find me, she’d go next door to their house, and sure enough, I’d be wherever Christie was, just watching her. They once found me curled up under her bed while she napped. They would tell these stories to anyone, while I would blush madly and stare at my shoes, but who could really blame me? Blue...

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Chris and Sarah Part 2

Sarah waited patiently as Chris locked up the house, and she put her hands in her pocket, walking side by side with him. They talked about a ton of subjects from what was going on in the country and how it was affecting his job, to the classes she was gonna be taking in school. After about an hour of walking they turned and headed back home. "Well, the move was a hard one." She said, looking up at the sky, which was a hue of pick and orange, blue and purple. It was getting darker, and colder....

1 year ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 13

Chapter 13. Day 11 Wednesday 10th July 2008. Visit to Escape and Junction 32 at the former Glasshoughton site. During the night the construction of the harbour was completed by the Russians and all the services connected up by the local utilities. The mayor of Scarborough had gone to inspect the new installation and make preparations for a party in the evening. The oldies who wanted to go shopping had boarded the coaches driven by John and Arthur. Den had taken his coach to Paxton's...

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Chris and Matts Camping Fun Part I

Based on 2 guys' REAL activities! By: Rick Green Well here is a little background for you. These two guys needed a totally SAFE place to fuck around without worry of getting thats when they planned their trip to the woods. It was the start of summer. Chris and Matt decided they were going to take a little trip to the woods. Chris, the older of the two men was determined to get some sexual release somehow. The two men were not gay, but they aren't closed-minded! They...

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Chriss StepdadPart 7

Disclaimers apply etc.By the time me and Chris reached his house we were both out of breath and as he put the key in the door lock I was bent over,hands on knees panting for breath.I heard the door open and looked up to see Chris's daddy stood in the doorway.He was wearing white shorts,the kind which were split up the side seam(,runners shorts I think they were),and that was it,no vest,no t-shirt."Hi daddy,I've got Paul with me like I promised I would.Guess what? Paul's done something twice...

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Chris and Alex the beginning

The family had moved in about a year before anything in the story happened. I was a horny thirteen year old 8th grader who lived alone with his widowed mother. We got along fairly well with our next door neighbors but never spent a lot of time with them. There was Jimmy and his wife Kelly who were in their early forties plus their 3 boys Jon, Chris and Alex. Ages sixteen, eleven and seven respectively. All in this modest 3 bedroom home. The boys never really spent much time outside, but they...

4 years ago
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Chris and Kim pt 01

So this is the first part of a story, hopefully it is readable! It starts off slow but everything starts small ;) Monday: "Hey man, I havn't heard from you in a while" Kim said as he answered his phone, adding with a laugh with, "I was wondering if you got hit by a car!" "After my week, I really wish I had been. Some days, man some days. So what have you been up to? He replied. They talked for a half hour catching up on the last few months before it became pretty clear from his tone of voice,...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Chris 8

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.'Ouuuuu you hot little bitch.... suck my fucking clitty, honey!' Gene groaned, feeling Ty's lips wrap around his throbbing cock while Ty ground his into Gene's face. Gene tugged on Ty's panties, working them down, and first sucked each of his balls into his mouth, then tongued his asshole, before licking, then sucking, Ty's cock for...

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Chriss StepDadPart 3

You should know the 'usual disclaimers' so you make up your own mind about whether it's legal to read this where you are.I'm not advocating sex between minors and adults,or i****t.What I got up to in my youth was entirely consensual.Read on and hopefully enjoy.After dad had visited me in my bedroom I'd dreamt of him and how he'd made his chat with me sex based.So when I woke the next morning I wasn't really surprised to find my knoblet was rigid with my little hand wrapped round it! I lay there...

2 years ago
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Chris cums home last week 182016

Hello everyone – a mostly true story that just happened!!!Today my Bi- friend Chris arrived back from a few months in Malaysia. He said he had been reading my stories and wanted to be part of them. So we decided to act one out and he would a Sissy (well I always thought he was one anyway!!)Firstly I fitted him with a pair of Niplettes which he wore all day. He loved the way his nipples doubled in size. When I took them off and rubbed oil on them he started fondling mine through my silky blouse....

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Chriss StepdadPart 5

Don't forget the warnings/disclaimers.After we'd finished our lunch Chris and me headed out to the school yard.A few of my mates were kicking a ball around but Chris said we should go and sit on our own.We wandered over to the big old chestnut tree away from everyone else.I noticed he had his hand in his shorts pocket and he had like a dreamy look on his face.I nudged him and asked him what he was thinking about.He smile,almost to himself,like he wasn't listening to me.So I nudged him again,a...

1 year ago
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Chris becomes a party girl Part 1

It was a few weeks before graduation and hard to believe that Chris who only last summer was a virgin wanted to be tonights party girl. Since last year we had expanded our party group to include 9 guys and a number of girls. Not all the girls had become what we called a party girl. Chris would be our 5th. Unlike a most tradition gangbangs were a girl takes on all the guys in the room our version had the girl in a bedroom and guys would take turns one by one with her. Our rules are simple to be...

Group Sex
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Chris and Kayla secrets finally merge

I've been fantasizing about doing stuff with my brother's for a long time. Since we went on vacation, he's been on my mind a lot. he's a little bit older than me and i would love to do many things with him. This story is based on a dream i had, it also takes place when we were both younger. so please enjoy. Chris would come home to see mom and dad almost every day, just to say hi and we always wrestled, beat each other up, chased each other around the house, and were acting like...

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Chris and Kim pt 05

This had to be heaven, Kim thought to herself. Her she was in her favorite white lingerie, spread across the bed half naked. And Chris was fucking her with every last ounce of his energy. Each thrust of his cock sent ripples through her body, it was like she was having an orgasm every time he buried himself deep inside her. Before long she couldnt even hold back, her ass was throbbing with need and her body was lost in her desire. She had never felt as complete before as she felt now with...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Chris and Kim pt 02

Friday: When Kim got up it was already late, but his head was pounding, and as much as he wanted to get back to sleep, he had to deal with that first. Throwing on a silk robe he headed out to the kitchen to get some juice. It wasn't until he got to the kitchen that he remembered that Chris had passed out on the couch the night before. He quickly belted up his robe to hide his nudity. "Hey is that you? I'm dead, don't mind me" Chris croaked from the living room. Giggling and pouring a glass...

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Chriss StepdadPart 1

So,you all know the routine by now.Don't read if it's gonna get the police where you live crashing thtough your door.I have never,and will never advocate abuse of k**s in any way,shape or form.My experiences were all CONSENSUAL,no-one 'groomed' me or forced me.Some of the language I use is exaggerated so don't go all puritan on me.It is what it is! Enjoy!Chris was probably my closest mate.We'd first met when we were both around 7 years old and he and his family had moved into the avenue where I...

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