Contemplations On A Train free porn video

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She pulls back hard on her cigarette, the smoky tendrils gently fill her lungs. Her cheeks pull in while her full red lips pucker around the soft orange of the filter. Her nostrils flare, her eyes close. Pure bliss washes over her face as she sucks back the nicotine of her first smoke that day. Her index and middle fingers holding that precious stick.

Her chest heaves while she inhales, her aching breasts push against the confines of her bra, her nipples painful, they still have the bite marks and the bruises; old and new, from the previous few nights. Her body screams in its aches and pains, she leans back against the connective joint of the trains.

Wincing when the cheeks of her ass touch the cold metal of the wall, then relaxing when the coldness passes through her jeans to the brilliant red hand prints that mark her creamy white flesh.

Her eyes, they water, the smoke wanting to find its way out, she lets it pass through her nose. Finally opening her eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet from screaming children, the twittering of voices in her cabin.

She continues to pull back on her cigarette, loving the freedom of no one around, just the occasional disturbance of the trolley passing by. She stands there, smoke curling round her long auburn hair, her green eyes intent on the sights that whiz by. The long stretches of snow sprinkled on the desert, its vastness open and quiet. The gentle sway of the train, the rocking soothing her. She is once again lost in her own thoughts of the night before….

His hand comes flying down spanking her already angry red ass cheek, her whimpers sound out through their bedroom. His other hand wraps around her waist pulling her harder to him while his cock plunges deeper into her. The backs of her thighs slap against the front of his, her juices seep out around his cock and coat her thighs. Her shoulders on the floor, her hands tied to her ankles, she can’t do anything but moan with her ass high in the air.

She tries to push her body back harder onto him wanting him deeper, wanting him harder, wanting him. Her gasps of, “Fuck me…. yes…. harder… harder.” pass her lips, till she finally screams, her pussy clamping painfully hard around his cock. His grunts mix with her moans, her cum coats his cock, her body hot to the touch, on fire with sweat. He thrusts deeper and harder than before, grunting as his cum fills her. Her pussy swollen, wet, her tunnel like a cage around him wanting to hold him there. She feels him throb, his cum erupting.

Closing her eyes, she grunts, willing herself tighter around him while she slowly rocks her hips. His hands slide down her back, around her sides to her breasts to pinch and roll her nipples. Whimpering, her body still in that blissful state just after a hard climax. Her nails dig into her ankles not wanting to cum so soon after that last one. His fingers work their magic over her, his hands engulfing her breasts, squeezing hard. Her eyes spring open, seeing nothing, moaning while her hips buck.

He chuckles, his sweat dripping from his body onto hers. He continues to maul her breasts, letting her hips jerk under him. He pulls, he kneads them, he twists and yanks at her soft nipples. She screams again, her words contradictory, her yes’s mixed with her no’s, but her body yelling at his to give her more.

Breathing in deep, he pulls his hips back, and thrusts. His body slams into hers, his hand on her breasts, pulling her savagely to him. Reaching down, undoing the knots that bind her, her hand flies to her clit, attacking it. His hand reaches for her pony tail and yanking her head back. Hands now on the floor, she pushes back harder, while her head is pulled back.

At each of his trusts, her breasts swing free. Her nipples so painfully hard and erect, her juices mix with his and cover her thighs. Over and over he drills into her. His free hand comes down again on her ass, she knows she is going to have problems sitting down tomorrow. Her body begins to shudder again, hardening around him, his hands move to her hips, gripping her his hands rough, his fingers digging into her soft hot flesh, pulling her back harder, the sound of their voices ringing through the room, the scent of their cum hangs heavy in the air.

His cock, impressive, thick and rock hard, slides over her g-spot, his ass cheeks tightening, the muscles defining as he thrusts, she gushes. With each outwards thrust, her juices escaping. Her orgasm so powerful, her screams so loud, her vision just fireworks on her eye lids. Her body weak, the only thing holding her back from falling face first onto the floor is his hands still tightly digging into her sides. He thrusts, once, twice more, without cumming before letting her go.

Gently he pushes her down to the floor, sliding his hands up the backs of her thighs, over her cheeks, her lower back and up to her shoulders, he turns her. Kneeling between her knees, his eyes roam the front of her body. She lays there weak, her body spent. He kneels, smiling at his handiwork, stroking his cock, the faint bruises on her breasts from the other night, his hand comes up to touch the bite marks on his shoulder where she bite him to stifle her screams while they fucked in the bathroom of the restaurant. He grunts hard, his hand still pumping at his cock. His cum exploding over her. He covers her tits with his creamy white cum, a perfect contrast to her milky white flesh, watching the creamy liquid trickle down the swell of her breast, over a purple finger print like bruise and pool between her orbs. Grinning still, his hands slide up her inner thighs parting them wider. Lowering his face, letting his nose just barely touch her, he inhales deeply, enjoying the scent of their combined pleasures.

Tenderly, letting his tongue slide up her slit, his hands gentle, massing her inner thighs. She smiles at the feel, too weak to really do more than just lay there, spent. They have been going at each other like two virgins just discovering the others bodies. Pounding each other hard, using the other to satisfy their own cravings, needing the others closeness, their time short before holidays separate them on opposite ends of the country. Not taking more than an hour or so long nap at a time, the first one up doing all they can to wake the other in yet another orgasm.

His tongue gentle but a firm reminder that he is in control, swirls around her clit, rolling his tongue, sliding it up and down over her. Each move he makes deliberate, slow, tender. She continues to lay there, her body hardly responding to the amazing feel. Too weak to do much more than just whimper. Taking her lip between his, he gently sucks in her cum soaked lip and nibbles. She squirms slightly in delight.

His cock still hard, he grins. Pulling her legs up over his shoulders. Her hips up off the floor, he shoves some pillows beneath her. Kissing her shin, his hands slide up over her belly, barely touching her skin.

Reaching down, stroking his cock, he bites her inner thigh once more. Licking her skin, tasting her juices, he reaches for that vibrating anal plug on the floor. Looking down at her, her eyelids half open half closed in exhaustion. He smiles wickedly, gazing upon her, knowing that she will come too, and love this. Turning on the vibe, letting it lightly touch her chest playing in his cooling pool of cum, lubing the tip of it, down over her mound. Parting her lips with his fingers, he slides the plug into her drenched cunt. Slowly removing it, letting more of her juices leak down over her ass.

Positioning his cock at her very tight and now very wet ass, slowly he enters her. The anal plug still pulsating on low within her pussy. She moans slightly before biting her lower lip. Inhaling sharply, her hips squirm.

“I’m going to fuck you harder than I’ve ever fucked you woman.” He growls at her while taking her ass. “I’m going to pound you till you can’t walk.”

Weakly she moves, accommodating him, clamping down hard over his cock. He groans and can’t control himself; thrusting, he takes her ass. His eyes close as her breasts bounce with each thrust. Her ass tight around his cock, the feel of her sphincter around him, he pounds her, her juices trickling down, lubing her as he thrusts. His fingers reach for the plug buried deep within her, turning it on high, turbo speed, her eyes fly open, and she screams again. He shouts “Fuck yes!” with each of his thrusts, he feels the vibe pulsating over his cock through that thin hot piece of skin separating him from her deep wetness

He watches her toes curl in delight as yet another orgasm washes over her already exhausted, sweat soaked body. His fingers find her clit and pinch it slightly, the result of this new attack sends her into convulsions. Her hands find his fingers, pressing them harder over that swollen nub. Grunting he thrusts harder while her body tightens, watching her belly, her breasts, her thighs spasm. He cums again deep inside her ass before her legs drop beside him and he falls heavy, like a dead weight upon her.

Both gasping, she lays there spent. He lays on her smiling, his cock now limp, but still within her, the vibe still on high, every so often a mini orgasm quakes through her, she squirms under him. Her pussy, hot, soaked, vibrating, his cock still able to feel the vibrations. He jerks every so often…

She drops her smoke into the ash tray and lights another, her swollen lips smiling, into her reflection in the window. Wincing slightly, she reaches to her pocket to pull out another and lights up. The peace and quiet still surrounds her. Looking for her phone, holding her smoke between her lips, she puts her earphones into her ears. Looking for the video file, clicking on it, the sounds of her moans fill her ears. The sound of his voice calling her his fucking whore, his personal submissive slut. Listening to him tell her that he loves the way she craves his cum on her body, and the sound of his hand spanking her ass and her sharp yelp of surprise sends spasms through her already aching body, wanting more of him.

Her pussy now drenched, her panties soaked, her jeans feeling unusually tight and constricting, her nipples hard pushing up against her bra, she wants out of her clothes, and wants out of them now.

Making her way back to her cabin, that baby still crying. She groans, wanting solitude to watch the video of them fucking. She wants to watch his black curly head fall back on his final thrust before hearing him grunt and cum. She wants to watch herself crawl to his cock covered with their glistening cum. She licks her lips in memory. She wants to watch herself lick him clean then swallow him whole. She wants to watch this, she wants to hear this, and bury her fingers into her pussy and relieve this tension that has been building within her again.

Annoyance washes over her face, looking in at the baby and family. She growls and spins out of the cabin and down the hall to another cabin she hopes is empty. Seeing two semi attractive men in there, she smiles knowing that she can charm her way to borrow a top bunk to ‘nap’.

The two men playing cards, look up as she enters their cabin. She explains about the baby and the noise in her cabin, and how she just wants to take a nap. They smile knowingly at her and chuckle giving her their consent to borrow their bunk. Scrambling up the ladder, the two men watch her ass in her tight jeans, her shapely thighs with each rung of the ladder she climbs up.

Nodding at each other, grinning, the tall one strokes his cock through his trousers watching her ass. The other inhales sharply, and cocks a brow at his friend. He swears he can smell the scent of a woman, her arousal unmistakable. Licking his lips he watches her shirt move up slightly, her pants slide lower, exposing the small of her back and the finger print bruises, and the still somewhat fresh red bite mark. His hand covers his mouth to stifle a moan, his cock now hard in his pants.

Shaking his head, smiling, curious about this woman.

Climbing up, she swings her leg over the top of the bunk and feeling their eyes upon her, she moves even slower than she was because of the aches and pains from the past few days, but also wanting them to notice her. Facing the wall, on her knees, wide apart, she stretches and yawns. Her arms pushed out to her sides, up over her head, loudly yawning, her shirt sneaks up showing her mid-drift, the purple of her shirt, rising just below her bra line.

The men beneath her looking up as her shirt rises higher and her pants lower, the top of her ass for them to see. They sit there, their cocks hard as rocks, watching this woman just yawn. Her hands slide up to her neck, into her hair and down over her face. They cannot see, but know she is sliding her hands over her breasts. In her ears the sound of her and her man fucking, still loud. Not caring if they can hear it or not, she turns it up a little louder to take away the sounds of the train. The sound of metal on metal, the creaks and grinding while the train twists and turns.

Still kneeling, her hands slide over her aching breasts, down over her belly, and then over the button of her jeans. Sliding a hand between her legs, she feels through her jeans her wetness and she shivers. Their eyes on her fingers, watching them dance over that thick seam. Sitting on her ass, gently wincing, she begins to undo the lacing of her shoes. The tall man jumps up, and takes her foot in his hands. Smiling up at her, his nimble fingers undoing the lacings.

Smiling at him, she leans back onto her hands, breathing deep.

The short man looks shocked before scrambling up to grab her right foot and removing her shoe. Their fingers hook into her socks and slide them down. Hands sliding up inside her pants, hot hands against hot legs. She parts her them slightly, before reaching for the button on her pants.

Stopping in the middle of pulling down her zipper, she points at the cabin door. The tall man puts the “Do not disturb” sign on the outside of the door, slams it shut and locks it. Smiling coyly at both of them, curling her toes watching her purple toe nail polish and her feet tattoos move, the dragons on her feet looking like they are flying.

The two men stand there in awe of this woman, her chest heaving, her body on fire, her fingers aching to bury themselves deep within her, wanting to feel her warm folds, her wetness, to feel her hard nub, to feel her body tighten as her cold fingers toy with it. Pulling her zipper down, she nods her consent to the men in the cabin. Sliding their hands up her legs, their desire written plainly on their faces, their hands grab her pants round the waist and pull them down. She lays there in just her tight, long sleeved purple shirt, its neck line low, her electric blue push up bra working wonders, her hot pink lacey boy briefs revealing a shaved mound. Her long legs parted, her knees bent on the bunk.

They stand there and watch her, a hand on her ankle, and their other hand on their cocks just watching. Amazed at their luck, at finding a great way to break the boredom of their long train ride.

She smiles at them, and moves her body closer to the edge of the bunk, her legs hanging over the end, she unplugs the earphones of her phone, and the men jump hearing her screams echo suddenly off the walls of the cabin as she and her man both cum in the video. A pair of eyes lock onto her pussy, admiring the bite marks, the bruises of hand prints on her flesh. The other pair of eyes watch the tall man undo the button of his trousers and push them down over his hips, down around his ankles, watching as he steps out of them.

She reaches for her panties, thrusting her hand below the waist band, the men can watch her finger move slowly down along her slit. They watch her finger disappear and hear her sighs mix with her moans from the phone.

Grinning from ear to ear, her hands on the bunk, her legs swinging free, she finally speaks. “Here is the question of the evening boys. Should I? Or shouldn’t I?” Looking from one to the other, the one slowly stroking his cock, his jeans and boxers round his ankles. The other standing there with a raging hard-on, his hard cock tenting his trousers.

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Fucked My Hot Senior Colleague In Moving Train

Hello Friends. This is Kannan. I’m 32 years old. I’m here to share with you my real-life sexual experience with my senior colleague, Shashikumari. This happened in February 2021. Shashikumari is 39 years old with fair and beautiful. She has big plumy cylindrical-shaped arms with a curvy body. I Just love her big boobs and fat ass. It’s been 3.5 years for me in the current company. From my first day at the office when I saw Shashi, I longed to fuck her. Almost daily, the moment I see her at the...

1 year ago
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Cock on the Train

Cock on the TrainI took a train to work all the time, every day. I loved riding the train. It was inexpensive, not nearly as bad as driving to work and fighting traffic and the wear and what have you on your nerves, the car, and all that.I also discovered a few things about the people who took the train. I also discovered the best way to flash people on the train.I had to drive to work on weekends, but, I got up every Monday and Tuesday, my days off, just to ride the train around to town and...

4 years ago
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The Nostalgia Train

The Nostalgia Train by Maggie O Malley and shalimar After we tried some of the normal rides in the amusement park Eric and I saw a ride called the Nostalgia Train and were curious what it was all about, so we went to the information booth connected to it and found out. "You actually go back in time," the youth at the desk said. "You can even go to a different place. For example if you wanted to see one of the Black Sox games in 1919 we could have you ride the train to...

4 years ago
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Fuck Buddy Match In Local Train

Its great to have to meet strangers and convert them to fuck buddies. Meeting such people on train journeys is really a wish come true. however this happened after a long wish. This was the best day of my life. I had sex with an attractive guy for the first time recently. And i am sharing this story to encourage people to share such incidences online. I have always been fascinated by men traveling in trains. I have hit on a few of them indirectly as well but it is risky obviously. Of course it...

Gay Male
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Strangers from the Train

Travelling on the tube can be a right pain, but, it’s the best way to get to work. To make it more enjoyable I like to watch people, their mannerisms, and invent little fantasies about them. If you get the tube the same time every day you tend to see the same people so, it’s quite fun. There’s one bloke who I imagine as a very passive person, being dominated by a butch dominatrix. There’s an older woman, who I think of as the Madam of a posh brothel, catering for the Gentry and M.P.s. You get...

Straight Sex
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ArabicMuslim woman on train

I’ve always been turned on by curvy women – even as a teenager.I was 18 years old and took the train to High School in Boston. I’d come across all different types of people, everyday – all ages, shapes, ethnicities, etc.One day, as I was walking towards the train station I noticed a woman in front of me pushing a baby carriage. She was Arabic/middle eastern/Muslim and wore a head scarf; she was wearing one of those full dresses that I often saw women of this ethnicity wearing. I instantly...

3 years ago
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Teen gropes ArabMuslim woman on train

I’ve always been turned on by curvy women – even as a teenager.I was 18 years old and took the train to High School in Boston. I’d come across all different types of people, everyday – all ages, shapes, ethnicities, etc.One day, as I was walking towards the train station I noticed a woman in front of me pushing a baby carriage. She was Arabic/middle eastern/Muslim and wore a head scarf; she was wearing one of those full dresses that I often saw women of this ethnicity wearing. I instantly...

2 years ago
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I remember it was late April and spring was in the air! Everything was turning green after a long cold winter and I had plans to do some work around the house that weekend you know plant some flowers rake up the lawn theres always tons of work to do but when the weather's sweet it hardly seems like work at all! Friday night came and I was sitting there making a list of what I was going to do when the phone rang I could hear it ringing but something didn't feel right I could smell a problem in...

3 years ago
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NonStrangers On A Train

Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be occupied. I watched the light fade from our 2nd class train car. I glanced at my companion, who was curled up beside me...

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NonFiction Train

I should be ashamed. But I’m not. It’s been six months since it happened; and up until now, I’ve kept my mouth shut. Now, I’ve chosen to be bold. Why? Well, it’s my resolution for 2015: to hell with what people think. I resolved to chase my worries with an imaginary lick of salt and a virtual shot of Patron, throwing all inhibitions over my shoulder. (Yes, I’m still trying to convince myself; it’s a work in progress.) By the way, this is a true story – hence the declarations. Some may condemn...

2 years ago
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by All These Roadworks Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon. They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner. "So when are we taking...

1 year ago
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The Revenge In A Train

Hi…. This is south Indian fucker back with another story…. I hope you All enjoyed my previous all stories and thank you all for the huge support The story bully degraded my family part 5 is in progress Am writing this story for one of my readers who have asked me to write a story for him If you want stories written. For you feel free to ask me My email is So the story begins……. Hi, I am shiva… This incident happened when I was 19 My family consists of my mother, my elder sister a Sudha,...

2 years ago
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Seducing An Innocent Aunt In Train

Hi guys am vinay back with another story. Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments for my previous stories. I got many friends through ISS, it was great pleasure. I hope you like this one also. .Any aunties and married women who needs pleasure contact me. Send your comments to I have got a better part of my life through ISS. Thanks to ISS for full filling my dreams and needs. Let me tell about myself am a software engineering, I was interested in the world of seduction’s. Iss has an...

4 years ago
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My First Experience In The Train

Hi all the readers, mera naam rajat hai and main chandigarh se belong karta hun, meri age 24yrs hai and main currently job karta hun, mere cock ka size maine aaj tak measure nahi kiya kyunki aaj tak mujhe gigolo banne ke zarrurat nahi padi but haan kuch selective ladies ke saath maine kafi acha bed time spend kiya hai. Khair yeh un dino ki baat hai ja main apni studies ke chakkar mein bombay mein rehta tha family meri aaj bhi chandigarh mein hi rehti hai aur main apni classes ki wajah se month...

3 years ago
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Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon.They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner."So when are we taking it to the next level?" Eric asked.Kitka...

4 years ago
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Chubby muslim slut groped on the train

I was on the 17:22 subway from Manhattan to Brooklyn. The train was busy. I squeezed between an old lady and my back was to a man dressed in a sharp navy blue business suit. I only managed to glance at him. He was dressed as a typical Wall Streeter. He looked to be in his 40's with a big build. The train was filled to the brim and all those bodies in a confined space caused the heat to rise. I was wearing a knee length loose skirt and a tight white blouse. I am a strict muslim but I have to...

3 years ago
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Mom Got Groped In The Train

Hi all, this is vinay. I am talking about a real incident which happened few months ago. Yes my mom was enjoyed by few low class men in a general compartment. My mom valli, a 42 year old lady who maintains herself very well. As she does yoga daily, which helped her maintain her body well with a figure of 38-28-36. Any day she looks hardly 30 and can give run for money to those college going girls, but she not such kind of lady who would be carving for extra marital affairs. She is not...

1 year ago
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Plumpy Mulgoba Mango Aunty In Mysore Train

Hi all Indian hot story readers, this is Madhan here. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . This story was very much appreciated by mainly male readers and lots have requested me to write the continuation, which is in the process of ISS validation and will be published soon. Please share your views and corrections if any. About me: I am a Madhan, 27 years old, 6 feet tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulders, and a well-built body. I...

1 year ago
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Mom Got Groped In The Train

I’m not a regular writer, just sharing my experience. Hi all, this is vinay. I am talking about a real incident which happened few months ago. Yes my mom was enjoyed by few low class men in a general compartment. My mom valli, a 42 year old lady who maintains herself very well. As she does yoga daily, which helped her maintain her body well with a figure of 38-28-36. Any day she looks hardly 30 and can give run for money to those college going girls, but she not such kind of lady who would be...

4 years ago
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Valley Train

I was on the last train back from the city centre after yet another crap girls' night out.    Sophie and Zoe were happy enough.   Sophie's boyfriend had met up with us, kissing her goodnight at the Central Station in a really soppy way.  While Zoe wasn't even on the train back with us;  she had been picked up by a gorgeous boy and stayed on to go clubbing with him,  not caring how,  or whether,  she would get home.The last train was filled with the usual revolting collection of drunks, some...

1 year ago
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The Commuter Train

Chapter I?The Commuter Train  (Note: If you would like to read and view this story as fully illustratedby a very talented artist friend of mine, please go to the following link: Thisis a 'free' and 'safe' link. You are invited to 'look' around. As usual, feedback is always deeply apppreciated). (Dedicated to my most wonderful sweetheart Deni, my honey, my darling,my mentor, my inspiration! And to Penny, my 'precious' Penny,...

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Head on a Train

I had just turned 21 and spent a week with my cousins. They had driven me the 300 miles to their house, but when it was time to go home, I decided to book a ride on the train.I had ridden the train a few times with my family as a kid, and I was looking forward to having time to read and rest and gaze out the window with a pensive look.I ended up doing less of those things than I anticipated.I boarded as the sun was setting and proceeded through the cars to my seat. I passed a few reading or...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The Love ExpressChapter 12 Death Train

March 15th, 1995, 4:30 PM CT; Mile 90; 14 miles east of Princeton, IL Jillian was amazed by the Sightseer lounge and its incredible view of everything around it. The floor-to-ceiling windows and curved roof skylights were what George had described, but they were absolutely breathtaking in person. These cars were, truly, the crowning jewel of not just the Superliners, but Amtrak’s fleet in general. They almost made up for the spartan nature of the rest of the train! In addition to being...

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Gone With the WindCh 4 Death Train

March 15th, 4:30 PM CT, Mile 90, 14 miles east of Princeton, IL Jillian was amazed by the Sightseer lounge and its incredible view of everything around it. The floor-to-ceiling windows and curved roof skylights were what George had described, but they were absolutely breathtaking in person. These cars were, truly, the crowning jewel of not just the Superliners, but Amtrak's fleet in general. In addition to being unabashed luxury conveyances on which to tour and sightsee the beautiful...

3 years ago
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Whored in Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

2 years ago
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Whored in Local Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

2 years ago
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Daydreams on a Train

Chapter 1: Exeter As I boarded the train at Exeter station, I realised this is the first time I'd been home to see my family since the term started in September. Now it was the Christmas holidays and my life seemed empty. The previous two years at university had been blessed with a great lesbian love affair that had lasted most of the time here. But it had all gone wrong this term. I was depressed although I had tried hard not to let it affect my course work. The train, bound for London, was...

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The guy on the train

Homeward bound  Melissa enjoyed commuting by train to her job in the city, because it allowed her to prepare for her day or unwind at its end. Her job in tech support meant she was talking to people on the phone all day, so she appreciated this time to herself. In the mornings she caught up on social media or email, and on the return trip she liked to read erotic fiction. Melissa was between relationships, so these stories were a source of titillation as well as relaxation.One day in early...


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