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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2016 by The Technician .

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Donna Spaulding sat in the back of her limo with a bluetooth earpiece in her left ear, an audio feed from her secretary in her right ear, and a laptop-notepad combo computer on her lap. She was on her way to the airport to begin a short “vacation” in Scotland, or at least that is what the press releases said.

In reality, she was checking out some possible locations for a new assembly plant. With Britain out of the EU, and Scotland most likely leaving the UK in order to stay with the EU, it was an ideal location to maintain connections on both sides of the Atlantic.

No one knew for sure how all of this would shake out, but Donna Spaulding didn’t become one of the most powerful women in the world of high-finance business by playing it safe and waiting. When she saw an opening, she moved immediately, and her instincts were almost always right.

The press liked to portray her as the female heir to Spaulding Industries who had been carefully groomed by her powerful father to continue his successful leadership. But the reality was that her father’s business was imploding when she took it over at the age of seventeen. The press releases had said that James Spaulding had suffered a mild, but physically debilitating stroke. The reality was that with his fortune crumbling around him, he had attempted to take his own life– only he couldn’t even do that right.

He held the gun behind his ear, but the barrel was pointed so far upward, that all he did was crease his skull and give himself a very severe concussion. He recovered physically from the gunshot, but mentally he was never the same. The few who were ever allowed to see him called him, “an empty shell of his former self.”

Donna kept her father’s collapse secret, and began quietly running the company in his name. Her mother had been out of the picture for a long time, so it was simple enough to create the myth that James Spaulding had become a rich hermit recluse ala Howard Hughes.

The turnaround of Spaulding Industries made headlines worldwide. Six years later, James came out of the shadows very briefly to officially step down “for health reasons.” In his short, but halting speech, he appointed his daughter to succeed him.

That was eleven long years ago. Since coming out of the shadows and publicly taking control Donna Spaulding showed herself to be a masterful businesswoman. She doubled Spaulding Industries size and profit in four years and doubled it again and then again until she now controlled a billion-dollar industry.

At thirty-four years of age, she now had everything a woman could desire. There was only one thing missing in her life... love.

No, that isn’t right. She didn’t miss love. She had never felt it and never given it. The closest she ever came to love was a hamster she kept in her bedroom when she was five. She cried when it died. Her eyes were clear when she buried her father. She didn’t miss love. What she missed was sex.

She was still in high school when she was forced to take the reins of Spaulding Industries. While she governed from the behind the throne, she educated herself with business courses from this or that university, but she never went to college. Having to stay in the shadows, she never dated and never had a boyfriend. Still, she had all the needs of any healthy young woman.

She learned early that it was easy for a beautiful woman such as herself to lure a young man into her bed. The problem was that there were always strings. No matter how casual the sex was supposed to be, the men wanted more. They wanted “a relationship”– or maybe they just wanted a slice of the Spaulding fortune. For Donna it worked out the same. They wanted to be a part of her life.

Once, when she was a little further into her wine than normal, she confessed to her personal secretary that what she really wished for was someone who would fuck her senseless each night and leave her alone the rest of the time.

After several tempestuous, one-sided relationships, she followed the course her father had charted many years before and turned to paid companions. Whether it was someone to accompany her to various social functions or someone to share a bed with her for a few hours, it was strictly an employer-employee relationship.

The young men didn’t complain. The pay was very good and the severance package when she tired of them would fully fund most retirement accounts– providing that they kept absolutely silent about what had happened in her bedroom.

Unfortunately, she had just cycled out her most recent companion and was having to resort to less satisfying alternatives– which usually meant a hired female with a strap-on. Donna very carefully vetted her gigolo bed mates, and they were checked regularly for disease. They knew for certain– because it had been clearly explained to them– that if they ever carried a disease to Donna’s bed or disclosed what happened there, they would disappear forever. And when a billionaire makes that kind of promise, you know that it can be kept.

A casual hook-up, or even a one time professional escort, carried too much risk of disease or other problems. A female professional with a strap-on was much safer. The strap-ons were always new and the females were carefully instructed as to what was allowed and what wasn’t. Anything that could transmit disease was forbidden, but at the same time they were to provide Donna the necessary sexual relief.

Her secretary had once volunteered to help out, if necessary, but that would mix sex and business and that would be too close to “a relationship.” Sex was something Donna did with strangers. Even if the stranger was in a long-term contract, she never remembered– or even learned– his name.

Trips such as this often caused sexual tension to build up in the CEO of Spaulding Industries. For this trip, her staff would have to make sure that after inspecting the possible plant locations and doing the necessary small talk with the local government people throughout the day, each evening there would be sufficient, discreet, relief arranged for her.


The flight was long and boring. Donna spent much of it asleep in her cabin at the back of the Boeing 737 which had been customized for her use. Her staff slept in the regular airplane seats up front, or on the couches in the lounge area.

There were four possible locations on the short list. That necessitated a four-day trip. The schedule for each day was basically the same. The day would begin with a long drive to the area in question. At noon, there would be a working lunch involving discussion with the local government, civic, and labor leaders. After a short break in the afternoon for private talks with local movers and shakers, there would be a detailed tour of the area. Then it was back to a local eating establishment to give the leaders a chance to make a “personal connection,” and present their pitch for why their location should be chosen. After that, it was a trip to a neutral city to spend the night.

The first three days went exactly as scheduled. On the fourth day, they had seen all that was needed of the local area and were returning to the small village when a boulder suddenly broke loose from the hillside above their column of vehicles. It bounced quickly onto the road and slammed into the front of the car carrying Donna and a few local leaders. Everything happened so quickly that the driver barely had time to react before the front of the Range Rover was pushed out over the edge of the road. There was a quick drop... and then nothing.

Donna struggled to open her eyes against the darkness. “What happened?” she said sluggishly. “Is everyone all right?”

As her vision cleared it appeared that she was lying on a bed of some sort in what looked like a cave. Three beautiful women were standing in front of her. They were dressed in what appeared to be Gucci gowns. Each was holding a martini in her hand as if they were at some fine social event. The one on the left, a blonde, was also holding a phone to her ear. The one on the right, a brunette, was holding a notepad of some sort. The redhead in the middle held up her glass and spoke. “Welcome, Thane of Wall Street,” she said as she swept her other hand downward as if in a bow.

“What? What is going on?” Donna sputtered. “Who are you?”

“We have been called many things through the ages,” the blonde said as she set her phone on the table in front of them.

“We prefer,” said the brunette, “to be called ‘The Three Sisters.’”

“There was an accident,” Donna said slowly. “The car went off the road.”

“Everyone is fine,” said the redhead cheerfully. “You are fine. We just needed an excuse to borrow you for a few minutes to give you our reasons for locating your facility in this area.”

“And that is?..” Donna said warily.

“We have watched out over this land for many ages,” the three sisters said in unison. The sound of their combined voices had an eerie quality to it. “The people in the villages around here,” they continued, “respect us, even if they are no longer willing to mention us to outsiders.”

The chorus ended and the redhead stepped forward. “We will give you whatever it is you want most in your life,” she said slowly, “if you will give us what we want– which is that which is currently best for our people.”

“In other words,” Donna chuckled, “you will give me whatever I want most in life if I will locate my plant here?”

The blonde laughed and said, “I like the modern world where a woman can speak her mind clearly without having to hide things in riddles and puzzles.”

“What do you think you can give me that would be worth my locating here?” Donna said with some amusement in her voice.

“You will know by morning,” the three sisters said, once again in unison. “Until then, we return to the mists of the hills.”

“Wait!” Donna yelled.

“She’s awake!” another voice yelled.

Donna looked around her. She was in the back seat of the Range Rover. The car was laying on its side at the bottom of a gully. An EMT of some sort was alongside her.

“Are you all right?” the young man asked.

“Aren’t you the one who is supposed to know that?” she answered.

“Yes,” he replied, “I am. And everything about you checks out fine... except you weren’t with it for a while. You weren’t quite conscious and you were mumbling like you were talking to someone. You wouldn’t respond to me no matter how loud I yelled.”

“I’m fine now,” she said emphatically. “What about everyone else?”

“A couple of cuts and scratches,” he replied. As he helped her out of the car through the open back cargo door, he added, “It looks like everyone is very lucky. Big Sister could have crushed you all.”

“What?” Donna almost yelled. Then she said more quietly, “Sorry. What do you mean, Big Sister?”

“The rock formation up there,” he said, pointing toward the top of the hill. “It is called The Three Sisters.” He laughed lightly and continued, “I guess they will have to call it something else now that the biggest of the rocks has broken loose and rolled down the hill.”

“Are you sure you are all right?” he asked as he helped her stand next to the Rover.

A moment later he asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to go to hospital?” as they walked up the path back to the road.

“No,” she replied. “I am fine. I will rest at the local inn tonight and if there are any problems when I get back to the US, I will see my own doctor.”

A whole delegation of very worried people awaited her when she reached the road. Her staff was worried she was injured. The townspeople were worried she would have a negative impression of the area. And her personal secretary was worried that the whole carefully-arranged schedule for the rest of the day would be totally upset.

“We will be staying at the village inn this evening,” Donna said calmly as the crowd gathered around her. Looking at her secretary she said, “Make the arrangements.”

“No problem, Ma’am,” her secretary replied, “... but there won’t be time for any ‘special’ arrangements.”

“I know,” Donna said quietly. “I will be able to go without for one night.” Looking out over the collection of people, she added brightly, “Besides, staying here in town will allow me to get a better flavor of the community.”

The meal that evening had a slightly different tone to it than the previous days. Partly that was because everyone was concerned whether Donna had suffered any ill effects from the accident. But also it was because as they were eating, she asked for a better explanation of The Three Sisters. “I understand,” she said, “that they are actually part of the local mythology or something.”

It was very, very quiet around the table for a long while. Then one of the local women spoke up. She was a representative of the local historical and cultural society. “I think if you want the best explanation of the myth behind The Three Sisters,” she said carefully, “you should read Macbeth.”

“Ah,” said Donna. “They’re witches.”

The Mayor startled and looked around the room quickly before saying, “It’s best to always call them ‘The Three Sisters.’” He then laughed nervously and said, “No use accidentally irritating anyone.”

“I agree,” Donna said flatly. “It is always best to call people what they prefer.”

The mayor’s eyes widened slightly, but he said nothing.

The meal ended with Donna’s usual promises that a decision would be made shortly and that her people would contact their people, etc. etc. etc. As everyone walked out of the dining room, she said to her staff, “It has been a very long and tiring day. I am going up to my room and going to bed. I will see everyone at breakfast. Then it’s a long drive back to the airport.”

Her suitcase was sitting open at the end of the bed when she entered her room. A bath had been drawn and her favorite lavender bubble bath had been added to the water. It was a large, deep tub and the water felt luxurious. Any other day, she might have fallen asleep in the warm grasp of the scented waters. But tonight there was too much on her mind. And she had not had her much-needed sexual relief after the tensions of the day. Still, it was a very pleasurable bath and she lingered for nearly an hour before getting out and drying herself in preparation for going to bed.

She paused as she stepped out of the bathroom door. The bed had been turned down while she was in the tub. She had locked the door when she entered the room and had heard no one enter while she was soaking in the tub. Her suitcase had also been moved away from the foot of the bed.

The suitcase having been moved was no great problem. She usually slept nude, so there was nothing she needed from within it. What bothered her was that the covers had been pulled down so that they were totally removed from the bed. It was now just a bare sheet.

“Why would they do that?” she said aloud.

“You will soon see,” a male voice replied and something grabbed her wrist. It wasn’t totally dark in the room, but she still could not see what was gripping her.

Whoever it was dragged her across the room and onto the bed. Her arm was pulled up toward the corner of the bed. She could feel a soft rope of some sort being wound around her wrist.

She tried to lash out with her other arm, but it was pulled just as strongly toward the other corner of the bed. Soft rope soon enclosed that wrist as well.

She tried to call out, but was unable to speak in more than a soft whisper. “Help, help,” she heard herself say softly and knew immediately the futility of such a cry.

Another rope was wound around her left ankle. Whoever it was acted very quickly. Several winds of rope were around her before she could react at all. Before she could attempt to twist her body, the other leg was equally bound. Her legs were not pulled as tightly as her arms, but still the ropes were tight enough to spread her legs obscenely.

She lay panting on the bed, pulling at the ropes which held her in a giant, naked, X. Then she felt a hand upon her thigh. She still could not see who they were, but someone was rubbing the inside of her thigh very lightly with the tips of all the fingers on one hand.

A soft voice said, “Relax, I am not going to hurt you. The Sisters have sent me to give you what you have always wanted.”

Part of Donna’s mind wanted her to scream. But another part of her mind, the part which was so tense from the actions of the day, wanted her to sigh. The sigh won out and a soft “Ahhhhh,” escaped her lips.

“You once told your secretary,” the voice said softly, “that you wished for someone who would fuck you senseless each night and leave you alone the rest of the time.” He laughed softly and said, “You were describing me.”

Smoke seemed to swirl and shimmer in front of her eyes. With each shimmer the vapors seemed to get a little denser. With each swirl they seemed to get a little more defined in form. This continued, until with a faint tinkling sound, the dense smoke became the solid shape of a well-muscled male. His coloring was still slightly smokey, and his shape somehow lacked the absolute crispness of reality, but his flaccid sex twitched realistically as he knelt on the bed between her legs. And the touch of his hands was solid– but so very soft– on the flesh of her abdomen.

“There was something else you didn’t say,” he continued softly. “Perhaps you didn’t even know it yourself.” His hands moved up and cupped her breasts and another “Ahhhh” escaped her lips. This time it was less of a sigh and more of a cry of need.

“Deep within your heart and soul,” he said smoothly, “you want someone else to be in control once in a while.” His fingers circled her nipples, causing them to go from engorged to painfully stiff.

“You want to be bound and helpless,” he said as his fingers began to tweak and pinch her now very sensitive nipples. “You want to be forced higher than you have ever gone before.”

He laughed as he leaned in and kissed her just below the navel. “And then you want to be fucked senseless.”

Donna gasped once again as his lips began to move slowly up her stomach. “Ahhh, ahhh, Who, ahhh, are, ahhh, you?” she gasped out.

“I have many names,” he said quietly. “The Sisters know my true name. Most call me ‘Incubus’.”

Her gasp now became a scream. She could feel herself screaming with all her might. Her throat was vibrating with the force of the “Aaiiiieeeeeee” which was coming out of her lips. But the sound within the room barely carried past the edge of the bed.

“You need not hold back like you often do,” Incubus said with a soft chuckle as he lifted his mouth from her breast. “No can hear you. No one will hear your cries of passion.”

He again gave a soft laugh. “And no one will hear your cries for help.”

He returned to suckling her right breast. The turgid nipple began to weep traces of milk into his mouth and Donna’s scream broke up into yelps of “Aiie, Aiie, Aiie, Aiie,” with each suckle of her breast.

He lifted his mouth and blew softly on the wet nipple. Then he let his tongue trail across her right mound as he moved to the left breast, whose nipple was twitching, eagerly awaiting his mouth.

His lips descended loosely on that stiff nub, but he did not suckle. Instead, his tongue curled and enveloped her solid nipple and began massaging it. The nipple slid in and out of the tunnel formed by his tongue as if it were a miniature penis fucking his mouth.

Intense waves of pleasure radiated out from Donna’s left nipple to her entire body. She began bucking on the bed, pulling tightly against the soft ropes which held her arms and legs. Cries of “Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,” accompanied each motion of Incubus’ tongue as he slid it up and down her over-stimulated nipple. The cries changed to “Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh,” and then to “Aiie, Aiie, Aiie, Aiie,” as Incubus continued to slide his tongue tunnel up and down her nipple. It wasn’t until her screams began to merge together that he moved his face slightly closer to her breast and pulled the entire nipple into his mouth.

He did not truly suckle. Instead he pulled at the nipple with a continuous, tremendously hard suction.

Donna’s body came up off the bed. Her head was thrown back and her back was arched so that nothing was touching the bed except her head, her feet, and her forearms. She shook and quaked in the air as the first orgasm of the evening was drawn from her body.

Incubus laughed softly. Donna could vaguely hear the “Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm...” of his muffled laughter as his mouth was replaced once again by his hands.

“That’s one,” he said as he squeezed her breasts tightly. He held her in his iron grip as she gasped and panted and slowly came down from her explosion of passion.

Then the pressure on her breasts was gone and his touch moved out softly to the sides and began to slide up and down her body. She could feel each of his eight fingers slide against her skin all of the way from her elbows, which were held above her head, down to her ankles, which were still spread wide on the bed. Occasionally, his thumbs would join the other digits and slide lightly against the sides of her breasts or the curve of her hip bones.

His hands went one last time up beneath her arms. This time they did not stop at her elbows, but continued on up her arms until his hands intertwined with hers. As his fingers slid between her own, he grasped her hand as firmly as she was grasping his.

She felt him move on the bed. His knees brushed against her own knees and moved downward as he lowered his body slightly over her own. He was much taller than she, so his feet had to be sticking off the end of the bed.

Then she felt it. It was just the lightest brush at first, but it was definitely there. It was so light, she wasn’t sure what it was– but she knew what it had to be. As he tightly gripped her hands and pulled himself up on the bed it would slide from her pubic bone up over her stomach to the ridge created by her ribcage. Then it would continue up to slide along the bony space between her breasts.

There was a slight shifting of the mattress as the tops of his feet pressed against it and he pulled himself back down with his legs. As his body moved down, it reversed its path and trailed down her stomach to her pubic bone and then a little beyond, stopping just short of her clit.

An “Uhhh,” of disappointment came from her lips as the tip of his penis fell just short of touching her sex. It paused there for a moment and again began its slow journey back up the center of her body.

With each trip from her pubic bone to her breasts and back, the Incubus’ warm member seemed to press just a little more firmly against her skin. Or was it just that she was becoming more sensitive to its touch and more aware of the warmth which seemed to flow out of it into her skin.

She was starting to moan softly. It was a keening wail that came from the pit of her stomach and escaped her lips without vibrating her throat. Within her mind, her keen was as loud as she could possibly cry, but what came out of her lips was just a soft, wailing, “A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a,” which slowly changed through the entire mezzo-soprano range of her voice.

“Please,” she heard herself saying as the now flaming rod moved downward once again along her body, “put it inside me. Put it inside me.”

The only response from the Incubus was his muffled laugh and the words, “Not yet. You haven’t earned it yet.”

He stopped for just a second as the tip of his massive member touched the top of her clit. She bucked her hips wildly trying to reach up and capture that elusive promise of bliss.

Her bucking and grinding continued on its own as he moved his staff once again up her body. “Please, please,” she was screaming in her mind, “put it inside me. Put it inside me. Put it inside me!” The yell was thunderous in her mind. She could feel her chest and throat vibrating with the intensity of the sound, but all her ears– or anyone nearby– could hear was a soft whisper crying out her need.

“You can have this every night,” the Incubus said softly. He chuckled and added, “and I know many other positions and many other ways to take you beyond where you are even now.”

He once again paused with his prick touching her clit. Then it moved slightly further down. It was now the lowest it had traveled. The tip was resting lightly against the opening of her sex. It was just parting the edges of her labia.

She thrust violently upward, but somehow Incubus was able to ride up with her thrust so that she could not drive his manhood within her. Instead, it remained excruciatingly close, teasing just at the entrance to her aching and empty cunt.

“I am yours for as long as you desire me,” he said softly. “The Three Sisters, my masters, have given me to you.” He drew back very, very slightly and his prick slid away from the open touch of her labia.

Donna writhed and cried out in disappointment as the Incubus’ shaft moved away from her warm opening.

“I am yours if you bring jobs to the people of this glen,” he continued in his soft, almost hypnotic voice. “You must also guarantee that you will protect the local environment and that you will make provisions against the day when the factory becomes obsolete. It must not be left to rust and fall into ruin when its useful days are gone.”

Donna’s keening wail was growing louder in her head, if not in the room. The wail was now interspersed with frantic cries of, “Please, please, please, put it INSIDE me!”

The Three Sisters were suddenly standing alongside the bed. They were dressed as before, but none of them was holding anything in her hands. Again it was the tall redhead standing in the middle who spoke, “Do we have an agreement?” she said loudly.

Confused at first by the additional voices in the room, Donna turned her head to see who was there.

“I said,” the tallest of the three sisters repeated, “Do we have an agreement?”

“Yes,” Donna panted out. “Yes... we have an agreement.”

The three sisters disappeared as Donna’s silent scream echoed through her mind. The Incubus was pushing himself slowly into the depths of her aching cunt. Again she thrust herself toward him, but again he matched her movements so that he, not her, controlled the speed at which he entered.

Her whispered yell became more resonant as he bottomed out against her cervix and she pulled against the ropes trying to wrap her arms and legs around his massive body.

Her cries of “Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh,” actually rose above a whisper as he began to thrust within her. Inside her mind, her cries were deafening, but in the room they were not even loud enough to be heard through the thin walls by her secretary in the adjacent room.

The Incubus was now allowing her to match his movements and she was slamming herself, almost violently, against him as she arched to meet his thrusts. She could feel herself approaching that blessed point of orgasm. But then she reached that point and continued even farther without release.

Her cry with each thrust of her hips was now, “Please, please, please.” She alternated that with a plaintive, “Let me cum, let me cum, let me cum.”

Her body was drenched in sweat. Her muscles were at the point of tearing within her body. Her desperation was beyond anything she had ever felt before in her life. And then he thrust against her with one powerful push that drove her back against the mattress. Each stroke had been deep within her, but this time, somehow, he was even deeper.

An intense fire erupted from his penis and entered her body. It quickly spread from the core of her being outward, overwhelming bone... and muscle... and mind. She felt her arms and legs somehow wrapping around his hard body. And then her world exploded.

An intense orgasm overtook her. She felt herself shaking uncontrollably. She could hear herself crying out, “No, no, no, I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it.” And then there was darkness.


A strange ringing sound filled her ears. Her eyes fluttered open. The phone beside the bed was ringing. She lifted it and a pleasant male voice said, “This is the desk. You requested a seven thirty wake up call.”

“Yes,” she answered sleepily. “Thank you.”

A few moments later there was a gentle knocking on the connecting door. Her secretary called out softly, “Are you up?”

When she answered that she was, she was told, “The Mayor will be joining us for breakfast at eight, so hurry to get dressed and packed. We will be leaving for the airport right afterward.”

Donna looked around the room trying to understand the strange dream of the previous night. It had to have been a dream. She was, after all, now lying under the beautiful spread and comforter that she had admired when she had first entered the room.

Her suitcase was sitting at the end of the bed. As usual, the clothing she would be wearing today was laid out carefully across it.

She showered quickly. Her body felt slightly sticky, as if she had been exercising heavily. Her sex was also slightly tender and swollen as she carefully soaped it in the shower.

Right on time, as usual, she walked into the small café on the ground floor of the inn. The Mayor and her secretary were waiting at a table. A steaming cup of coffee sat waiting for her at the empty chair.

After the typical greetings and other morning chit-chat, the Mayor said softly, “I hope that the little incident on the road does not bias you against our village. The Three Sisters have been sitting on that hillside for centuries. I have no idea what could have caused one of them to suddenly roll free.”

Donna merely smiled back and said, “Why don’t we order breakfast.”

The Mayor returned to small talk and comments about local sites and attractions. Throughout the meal, Donna remained mostly silent. She seemed to be wrapped up in her own inner thoughts.

When the meal was over, she spoke. “There are many details which have to be worked out,” she began. “No official announcement can be made until all of the proper people have signed all of the proper papers.”

The Mayor looked crestfallen. “But let me assure you,” she continued, “that the facility will be located here, near your village.”

She looked across the table at the now amazed Mayor. “My engineers will be here within the week. As a test of local capabilities, they will supervise returning Big Sister back to the hillside where she belongs. They will then stabilize the ground so that The Three Sisters may watch over this glen for many centuries to come.”

The Mayor tried to speak several times, but nothing came out. Finally he sputtered out, “I don’t know what to say except thank you.” He took a deep breath and added, “This is very unexpected. With the events of yesterday, we were expecting the worst because we weren’t really able to present our case.” He smiled broadly and said, “And yet you have decided on this location.”

Donna took a sip of her coffee. “Let us just say,” she said with a smile, “that there were some very powerful negotiators working on your behalf behind the scenes.”

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Katie and her mother had spent the afternoon shopping. It was Katie's first trip home from college since her mother's divorce. Tess Markowitz was 36 years old, she'd gotten pregnant at 16, and as a result she looked more than Katie's older sister than her mother. Both had short blonde hair, light skin and deep blue eyes. Katie was 5' 6", just a fraction shorter than her mother's 5' 7", The most obvious difference between the two was breast size. While Katie was a respectable 34c, Tess...

1 year ago
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Introduction: A lesbian story about two young women who met each other in a train from los angeles to chicago Two young women were riding on a train from Los Angeles to Chicago. One had olive skin so perfect, jet black hair and a beautiful figure. Sarah was a gorgeous girl. She was dreading this long train ride and just knew it was going to be boring. One evening as she lay in her sleeper listening to the rails clack as they moved along she slowly ran her hands over her small perfect breasts....

2 years ago
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The Summer Visit 1

I wasn’t too surprised the first time I saw Jimmy with his head between his sister Jane’s legs. In the three days they had been here it had become obvious that he was completely besotted by her. From what I had worked out, she used him as her personal slave, making him not only fetch and carry for her, but using him to satisfy her sexual needs. Which did not include fucking her ‘as she wished to keep her virginity for Mr Right’. In return she would occasionally suck his cock or allow him to...

2 years ago
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My Neighborhood LANDSCAPER

It was summer and i was home all day unless I was to go to swimming lessons at the city center. So daily i had chores to do before i was allowed to go anywhere. Already a few days into Summer and i had perfected and mastered my chores and knew how to knock them out early so i would have the whole rest of the day to do what i wanted which was ride my bike around and scope out the Hottest smoking studs possible and then hope that i would be able to somehow speak or talk to him and from there...

2 years ago
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Crazy One Night Stand On New Year8217s Night

She caught my eyes when she walked past me and went on to sit with a group of girls a few tables across mine. She was wearing a Prussian blue floral tank top and a white mini skirt which enhanced her light complexion and flattered her tall hourglass figure. Her straightened hair was done well, but it was her rocking red lipsticks that I was drooling over. She noticed my gaze and smiled back at me. That was it. The sign! I was in Goa on 2015 New Year’s Eve. I and my friends decided to hit the...

3 years ago
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A Morning with Lilly part 2

Okay, so this is part 2. Which means there is a part 1. Which means if you have not read part 1, go find it and read it first.I am hoping to convince Lilly to allow me to use a couple of pictures of her to illustrate my next story.... Very intimate pictures of her ... But I will only do so with her permission. For those of you that she is not as intimate with.... sorry. She is incredible!!! And what she did next.....**************************************I started to reach for my pants, but...

2 years ago
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Megan And John

Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates.  John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...

1 year ago
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GSP Chapter 513 Trying to Fit in

G.S.P. Chapter 5 Trying to Fit in "Only 32 seconds!" Eagle growled as he landed. Jennifer kept silent as she shook her head to clear it from dizziness from a sudden impact. The sensation that the floor of the training hall was moving slowly faded. "Sorry for colliding with you," Thundercloud said as he cleared himself from the debris from the objects he had smashed into during the training exercise. "I did not expect you to be so close," he added embarrassed. "No problem,"...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 31

We had spent so much time talking about what was going on and deciding what to do immediately, that by the time we were ready to discuss Magic, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I went to answer it, but Dalton quickly pulled me back. “We don’t know who it is,” she said. Jordan went to the window and looked out without moving the drapes. “It looks like the police. There are two uniforms and a pair of men in suits.” Dalton waved me away from the door. “Let me answer. The Syndicate...

1 year ago
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Kaitlins Revenge

It was supposed to be the most special day of her life, she looked beautiful in her dress even with the extra size incurred from being seven months pregnant. She had stood there throughout the beginning of the ceremony, all smiles and glowing the way only a pregnant woman can. That was before the dreaded actions occurred, before he ran back down the isle and out of her life. No-one knows for sure what was going through Richards head at that very moment least of all your baby sister Kaitlin. Now...

1 year ago
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Stolen Moments

She rocked back and forth, awash in the inexorable pleasure of the moment, impaled on his thick cock, running her slender hands over his impressive torso. His chest hair tickled her fingers, a stark contract to the muscles of his chest and stomach, like down-covered steel. Touching him pleased her, it added sensations to her fingertips that drove her further towards orgasm. The journey her fingers took only intensified the way her sex felt, wrapped around him, stretching her as she rode him. He...

2 years ago
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Seduced A Girl On A Train

My name is Raj. I am now married. I live in Pune. This true story dates back to my college days. I was studying my masters at Bangalore. Those days I used to travel by train. I was casually visiting home. I boarded a night train from Bangalore. Since I had no reservation, I took an unreserved compartment. There were very few people. In fact none when I boarded. After some time a girl and her father boarded the train. The girl occupied the window side of the seat while her father sat on the...

4 years ago
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  ?? My Life as a Dog By Cager  i am a dogslave., sold to a young skinhead Master who is heavily into humiliating guys by collaring and chaining them, and training them as dogs.  How then are you reading this? As a dogslave, forced into the behaviour of a dog, with the risk of punishment hanging over my head for any show of human behaviour, how can I communicate to you my story? What were hands are now paws, encased in leather mitts, padlocked, unopenable, rendering my hands useless.? I...

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sandis world of fashion

PART 1 For quite some time, I’d yearned to try my hand at modeling, but every shoot I checked into wanted someone younger than my twenty-two years or taller than my five-seven or thinner than I’d ever been in my life. In the meantime, I had to work, or move back home and accept the negative comments from my folks, something I was not about to do. I took jobs that were way below my skill level for a while but one Saturday, while having lunch with a friend, she remembered a classified ad...

4 years ago
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Ass Slap

Imagine I am wearing something sexy, maybe a red dress, buttons down the front. The hem sits right below the line of my ass cheek so that if I bent over, you would catch a glimpse of my g-string running along my ass. You approach me and as I reach out for you, you grab my wrist firmly. You pull me close to u still holding my wrist, you can smell my perfume, my skin. I reach for you with my other hand but you grab that one too. I look into your eyes, knowing the dirty thoughts that hide in your...

3 years ago
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My husbands parking

One night on my way home from a meeting I pulled into a local beauty spot, very shortly after I had arrived a sports car pulled up along side me, I looked across and saw a young couple who started kissing and stripping each other off, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was sitting watching their every move.As I watched the front seats went back and the guy put his head between the girls legs, she moved forward in her seat and spread her legs then looked over at me and smiled, put her hands...

4 years ago
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Sissy made in the forest

It was 1998 I’m 36 now you do the math.We were at a bonfire me and my friends, I drank way to much and passed out. I woke up naked in the woods. My soft cock smushed in the mud . It was damp and clammy the side of my face held down into the wet leaves. It smelled of old forest. I’ll never forget that smell. In the distance I could see the barely lit fire. It was quiet. Except for the sound of mikes balls slapping my taint. My asshole had a burning pain. With each thrust my body went deeper in...

1 year ago
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Joan David Ch 02

Authors note: This is a very long chapter, and because of that I have decided to split this chapter into two and will come on it’s own as chapter 2a, or combined with chapter three. The phone rang, I glanced up from my paperwork and over to the caller display, it was only then that I realized just how late it was. Before I picked up the phone I glanced outside through my office window, the sun started to set leaving streaks of reddish-gold light through the sky. I reached out and picked the...

2 years ago
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Church Basement

I was driving through a small town in Oregon early one summer morning on my way to Portland. I had been out of work for a week and I was getting real low on cash and the fuel gauge was close to empty. I checked out a gas station that was still closed but it became obvious that it had burglar alarms as I cruised past the pumps. I was getting desperate but I wasn’t going to take the risk of going to jail over a few dollars and a tank full of gas. I gunned the engine and cursed my luck as I...

4 years ago
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The Story of Ashley Davis part 1

I opened my locker to find that it had been ravaged and my diary had gone, but whoever took it would have to break the lock in order to look inside. I know, it’s weird to keep a diary in your school locker, but if I kept it at home my nosy step brother, Thomas, always looks at it. I mean, he should get a life, he already ruined mine and Dad’s life by barging in with his mom. His Mom is actually very nice and in really good shape. So let me tell you more about myself. Well, I am half Indian...

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Georges House

George called me Saturday and told me to be at his house no later than 9:07PM. I said yes George I’ll be there. He said you’d better be or I’ll have something waiting for you. I had time to soak in the tub and shave my legs and trim my pussy. I love being immersed in hot water . After trimming my pussy my fingers lingered on my clit and one ventured inside me. I closed my eyes and began to dream away and reached up with one hand and cupped my breast and playfully pinched and pulled at my...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 16

I checked the local events and found something I knew he would like: a concert called ‘The Fifths.’ Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony for the first half, and Tchaikovsky’s Fifth for the second. He hadn’t seemed all that enthused when I suggested we get together on Friday, but when I told him about the tickets he sounded like a little boy going to the circus. He stopped by for me after dinner. We shared a lovely kiss. ‘Thank you so much for finding this concert. I know everybody knows Beethoven’s...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 20

The pills Carl had given her had left her in a very deep sleep, so deep in fact that Olivia thought she was dreaming she was having sex. It wasn't until the cock in her cunt hit bottom that the searing pain she felt wrenched her from her deep sleep. She started to scream and a hand covered her mouth in an instant. "Olivia, it's me!" Steve whispered into her ear, "Relax!" He was almost all the way into her pussy, and although it felt a little looser than normal, it still felt amazing....

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The CurseChapter 6

Michelle was a sweaty, energetic and passionate ball of fire. The game excited Mick, even though he was worried the noise of their lovemaking would be heard next door. Only later, when she was satisfied, and lying soft and contentedly in his arms, could he tell her of the startling news. She told him 'it would be good for him, because he'd always wanted to be a father.' "But I was never any father in the real sense," he tried to explain, "so it hardly counts. I just feel cheated of...

1 year ago
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Student slut likes to open spread her legs

Whilst I am usually attracted to MILFs, the following story is based on true events of a horny sexual encounter with a cum luving student slut who was a few years younger than myself. This happened during my time studying at Newcastle University in 2006. Cat and I were not studying on the same Uni course but we met up in a bar early in the October semester as various circles of friends were mingling. I was always popular but not loud and neither did I like being the centre of attention, I...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 17 Performing

They arrived at noon. I was shocked when I went outside. Beth was driving my car. She insisted on taking pictures of me posing across the front of the car. I was forced to smile and spread my legs wide. She was enjoying herself. We eventually left with me in the back seat. When we got out off town I was ordered to take the dress off. As we approached a truck I had to open the window and stick my head and breasts out giving the driver a big smile and shaking my breasts at him. I had to do this...

3 years ago
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Lost Wife 8

I had one more day off and then it was back to work and sometime soon after that I was flying off to Spain with Mr Johnson for some fun in the sun. I lay in bed thinking about what I was going to do today. I didn't feel energetic so I just lay there. After awhile I ran my hands up over my tits and gave them a good squeeze. Yesterday was fun with that young kid, I've forgotten his name already. Never mind he had a nice hard cock, perhaps he'll came over later with some of his friends. God you...

2 years ago
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Help from my sister 13

"No, that's OK. I know I'm pregnant with Gil's baby, but you two are in love with each other. It's really nice of you to invite me in, but really I'm OK out there. I'll sleep on the couch or maybe I can get a cot or something to use. But I'm already in pretty deep with you two. But thanks for the offer," Connie said."OK aunt Connie. Thanks for your honesty. See you tomorrow," I replied."Goodnight you kids. I love you both," Connie said."We love you too, and goodnight," Judy replied.Then she...

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Naturist Fun 2

The night before it was Nick and his girlfriend Fiona, (naturist fun). The following morning I was about to have breakfast, pondering what might happen in the day when a knock came to the door. It was Nick, with a smile on his face and nothing else on his body. "Fiona's dad, Steven thought you might like to join us for breakfast." "Sure," I replied. My first thought was this could turn into a family gang bang so who was I to refuse. I followed Nick to their apartment next door and when inside,...

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SophomoreChapter 12 Shirley teaches Sammy a new language

Shirley fell asleep only minutes after the small plane left the ground. I closed the book I had started to read and watched her sleep, recalling the night before. She looked sweet and innocent, wearing jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt with a sweater over it. The sweater was thin and tight fitting, outlining the same breasts she had pushed together to hold my cock. Her lips, the same lips that had sucked my cock were devoid of the dark lip gloss she had worn the night before. The blowjob had...

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Sweet Dreams

“Are you sure this is what you want? Once you take it, things are never going to go back to how they were. This is the end for you, you are going to suck this toy and get it nice and wet before it fucks you. You asked for this, you even begged for this. This is your last chance, but I know you aren’t going to back away! It’s decision time, you are going to take it in your mouth and suck it!”“You haven’t even touched it yet and look at how hard you are. I don’t think I’ve seen your dick this...

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If you go down to the Woods today youre in for a

This is a true story that happened recently- Summer 2013This summer I had been looking online for places where one could go nude sunbathing near or around the city where I live. Luckily there was plenty of advice online and I soon found a destination which ticked all my boxes. I had never done this before but the thought of lying naked in the sun aroused me in an unusual way. I`m in my forties and am a part time Crossdresser, possibly more of a Transvestite as I`m told I look quite good dressed...

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BEHANCHOD KI KAHANI Hi I am Mridula wity a new story, sent to me by one of my readers Kishna,” NAME CHANGED) who accidentally fucked his sister an they became lovers since then. Series of this story shall follow id the readers like it. It is a hot incest series of story. You may email me your comments at Thankx for your encouraging response to my earlier stories. Main Banglore ke nazdeek ek chhotey se kasbe mein rehta hoo. Naam hai Kishna, umar 20saal aur main apni ek medicine ki dukan karta...

1 year ago
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No Game No Sex

Welcome to the world of Disboard, a fantasy realm governed by the God of games: Tet. Here, there is no violence and all conflicts are resolved via the more peaceful means of games, whether that be noughts and crosses or chess. Any agreement made for the game must be upheld and can be anything, from falling in love with the winner, to acting like a dog for the day. The ten pledges that govern this world are as follows: All murder, war, and robbery are forbidden in this world. All conflict in...

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Katies begining 5

Having arrived at school he was suddenly very aware of how vulnerable he felt to exposure. He realised that even going to the toilet was going to be a problem for him. He was mulling over the options of standing to wee or going into a cubicle but either way had its risks, standing may expose his underwear as could using a cubicle was equally fraught with the gap underneath the door, He checked his image in a window as he walked past and ruffled his hair once more to try to lose the slight...

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Apni Gf Ko Choda

By : Sambadboy Hi guys, gals andaunty, I’m Sam and this is my first story. I’m a big fan of the site. Ye mera or mera ek gf ki he. Please comment vejna my email add. me Hindi me thora weak hu. Please koi galti ho to apne hi correck kar lena. Mera ghar Assam k Jorhat me he. Me ek middle class family me belong karta hu. Mere ghar me Me, Papa our Ma rehte he. Papa ek company me job karti he. Ma ek beautician he uski ek parler v he ghar se aprox 5 km dur ek town me. Me gharka ek lota beta tha 2 me...

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My first time with a woman

I have always been attracted to women but it wasn't until my freshman year of college that I acted on it. I had been with a few guys but had always fantasized about what it would be like to be with a woman. One night at a party I was playing a drinking game with a bunch of other people. I don't remember the full details but I had to kiss another girl as part of the game. At first it was just a quick peck on the cheek but the crowd wanted a bit more. We gave a quick kiss on the lips. Even though...

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Black List I GhostsChapter 14

“Where the fuck is Erika?” Hanson yells. “I don’t know,” Rudolph answers. “We haven’t been able to contact her.” “Have you sent anyone to Yonovich’s warehouse?” the terrorist asks, pacing through the small office. “Of course, the moment she didn’t return on time.” Rudolph is sitting watch the man pacing angrily. “At least I can count on you, Rudy,” he says, stopping his pace. “Erika always has her own agenda. The bitch is just using me.” He knows his words are false, but it’s the only way...

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Vilaiyaatu Maithanathil Sexy Pennai Usar Seithen

Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 25 aagugirathu naan oru athlete, kaal panthu veeram. Naan adikadi viladiyaatu maithaanathirku sendru angu vilaiyadubavargalai paarpen. Naan atharkaaga matum pola maten ingu irukum pengal avargal mulaiyai azhagaga kanbithu shall aniyaamal tshit aninthu vilaiyaaduvaargal. Sila pengal matrum auntygal runnig and walking seluvaargal. Naan jollyaaga avargalai rasithu kondu irupen, unmaiyil pengal mulai matrum sturcturai paarthu rasipathe oru thani vitamaana...

2 years ago
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836 kay and the dungeon 2

Kay and the dungeon 2I will continue in her own words, me not having been there: Prompt at 7'30pm on that Friday , we met at the coffee shop, as arranged. I instantly recognised Jack from the pics he had sent me. he said, “you’ve come then? I am so glad,” and he seemed genuinely to be relieved I had arrived. He bought coffees and I soon sat drinking as he gazed over me, I was wearing stay black seamed stockings, 4" heels, and my little black dress. black cotton lace panties, but no bra, heavy...

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A Picnic to Remember

This happened about 4 months ago when Deb and I decided to go on a picnic at a local state park about 30 miles from our house. We go on several picnics each year and we always have fun. We usually take along luncheon meats, crackers, cheese, pickles and some sort of drinks. Deb usually tries to indulge my request about how she should dress when we go on these picnics. On this trip to the park, I had asked Deb to wear a loose fitting blouse and her short jean skirt that buttoned down the front...

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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 12

Within only a few days, Miranda's business was thriving. The first night, Ellen had "entertained" only four customers, but the word soon spread and now from sundown until the early morning hours, Ellen virtually never left the bed, as an endless parade of cowboys, vagrants, and, not a few, "respectable" businessmen partook of her pleasures. Even Ellen's cousin with whom she had gown up, had paid his money for a tumble with what was being billed as the tightest little piece in...

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Rachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I'll be eating it until New Years, though. As if the economy wasn't tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn't given in to her ex-husband's near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home. Rachel tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from...

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AF Variations

I really like Jennifer Adams' Altered Fates universe. I particularly like the stories in which a loving couple find the medallion and have fun with it. In addition, I have seen many TG transformation situations in which a transformed male gets stuck as a female because he gets pregnant. I thought that there had to be another way, so I wrote this one. Altered Fates: Variations By Mr. Ram Colin pushed open the back door and called into the house, "Gina, we're havin'...

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A Gangbang with the Surgical Team

I always enjoyed being seen too, being a little dangerous. When i went swimming I'd always happily wander around naked, noticing those who noticed me. It was exciting to have someone stare at my bare little ass in the changing rooms, sometimes I'd walk right past them to make sure they looked and watched me dry myself off. I wanted to be hunted. So, when i turned 16 i had already been playing with myself, especially with the sex toy I'd swiped from an adult store i had sneaked into. It was...

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When somebody says that they prefer to watch animated pornography instead of actual pornstars I completely understand them. Everything is possible in a hentai world, not to mention that all the chicks who are animated are just fucking perfect. If you are looking for such a naughty site, I suggest that you take your time and explore the beauties has to offer.At the beginning of such reviews, I always wonder if I should explain what ‘hentai’ even means since I am sure there are...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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After the Reception

“Man, that is nice,” Todd muttered to his cousin Steve as they watched the bridesmaid bend down to set the armload of presents she was carrying in the trunk of Brad’s car. Todd had been paired with her in the wedding party, and had danced with her quite a bit. As the evening wore on, with each dance his hand rode lower and lower, and she repeatedly pulled it back up to her waist. But after a while, when she was turned away from the guest tables, she let it rest low on her hip, fingers caressing...

Group Sex
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Singala Nattukattai Auntyai Ootha Kathai 8211 Part 2

Nattukatti aunty karupu kuthiyil kanjai irakiyathum en nanban vanthu kural koduthaan, udane aunty sunniyai pundaiyil irunthu veliyil eduthu vitu aval nightai keezhe irakinaal, naanum en sunniyai jattikul vitu pantai pottukonden. Udane naan paduthu thunguvathu pola nadithen, en nanban vanthu en arugil paduthaan. Aunty meenavan nanban vanthathum naan ungalai ezhupugiren neengal paduthu urangungal endru solinaal. En nanbanum sari akka endru soli paduthu uranga aarambithan, aunty light off seithu...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess10e02 Hiruni Jayasinghe 41 from West Bromwich

We’re back on our Stage 1 at our studio ‘complex’. The room is dark, but in the middle of the floor there’s a single steel-framed bed in a pool of light from a couple of spotlights. The bed is as basic as it gets – a steel frame, old bedstead. It looks vaguely rusty and pretty dirty (as it should – two weeks ago it was on a scrapheap in Rochdale). An old mattress sits on of the frame, the mattress looks soft and lumpy, and its cover is bordering on threadbare. We move around the bed, looking...

3 years ago
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Setting up Lucy2

Introduction: Shes still fucking Come on sugar, let me feel your tongue on my clit. The woman squirmed as Lucys tongue inched its way toward her pulsating love button. Lucys head was spinning at the suddenness of her latest encounter. She glanced at the stock room door, it was slightly ajar, and she could hear other customers just outside. The woman, a salesperson at the shoe store had no trouble talking Lucy to the back of the store while she took her break. They had no sooner gotten through...

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BreederChapter 13 Once More Into The Ring Dear Breeder

Rick slowly pulled his slowly softening cock from Diane Keegan's trembling body. For the first time since he awoke Rick felt his overriding desire begin to abate. Diane reached between her thighs, bringing Rick's cum from her dripping pussy to her mouth. Jesse kneeled before him and began licking his cock clean. Dr. Curtis, who had just been serviced again by the Breeder, was checking her computer. "It looks like the entire floor has been effected. Security cams show people fucking on the...

1 year ago
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Tumblr MILFChapter 2

Now, if you're a guy, then I don't have to explain what happens when a guy in high school meets a beautiful woman who is only four or five years older than him, which means he could think of her as a girl, instead of a woman. But I'm not sure women understand that. Actually, I have very plain evidence to suggest women don't understand it. That is, in fact, what this story is about. It's a lot like fishing. I know that might seem odd, but again, if you're a fisherman, you probably...

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Daddy Catches His Little Slut

Christy rolled her eyes as the boy on top of her struggled to figure out what to do next. Her legs were opened wide beneath him, but he just couldn’t seem to make things work. She reached down and moved his cock until it was just in front of her pussy.“Now, just slide it in!” she said with a frustrated sigh.For all the wonderful things she heard about sex, so far, her experience with it had been less than stellar. At first, she had thought it was her lack of practice, but that problem had an...

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