Gotcha free porn video

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?Gotcha!? Jen smiled to herself. Hours of careful research had finally paid off and now it was payback time.

Jen had worked long and hard to get where she was. After graduating with an honours law degree she had been at a loose end when she’d taken the temp job at Amalgamated Holdings. Wendy McCuskell, the CEO had spotted her one day and, impressed with her abilities, promoted her to personal assistant. For three years Jen had worked at making herself indispensable and her temp job had evolved to a permanent one of power and responsibility near the heart of the operation.

But Jen had plans, big plans, and wasn’t prepared to stay as a PA all her life. Through Wendy she’d seen exactly what wealth and influence could buy her and she wasn’t going to let anything or anyone get in her way to the top. Wendy was, in this sense, a good role model for her. She was maybe fifteen years older than Jen and had risen to the point where she was worth millions as CEO and major share holder of Amalgamated Holdings. Ruthless and determined she demolished any opposition and ruled the company with a will of iron. Jen’s view was that if Wendy could make it by the time she was in her forties, then so could she and, in her determination to find out how Wendy had risen from nothing, she spent hours pouring over the books, studying her methods.

It was whilst paging through the endless lines of figures in the company accounts that Jen discovered Wendy’s little secret. At first she thought it must be an error, that her sums must be wrong, but the deeper she looked the clearer it became. Wendy wasn’t just ruthless and determined, she was also a totally unscrupulous crook and, deep within the company’s books, there was clear evidence of a massive fraud. The more Jen studied,

the more she uncovered until it became apparent that Wendy had benefited to the tune of several million from contracts which would never stand investigation from the various regulatory bodies. Piece by piece, file by file, Jen built up a portfolio, a list of dates and amounts, a list which would put Wendy behind bars, or rather?

Once she had discovered just what poweful information she had uncovered it hadn’t taken Jen long to decide what to do with it. She could, of course, do the ‘right’ thing; she could pass all the files to the fraud squad which would lead to Wendy being arrested, the end of Amalgamated Holdings and the end of her job. But then, how would this benefit her? She’d lose her job, she was realistic enough to realise that whistle blowers were effectively unemployable, and she’d still be poor and massively in debt.  On the other hand she could use this as an opportunity to move on into the big time; she could go to Wendy and use this to demand her slice of the cake. If Wendy was ruthless and unscrupulous then she could match her. With something like this to hold over her she could ask for almost anything; cash certainly, and lots of it, but more than that, she wanted power, she wanted a place on the board; not immediately, that would arouse suspicions, but soon.

She looked up at the clock; it was well past eight-o-clock and everyone else would have left hours ago. Even a workaholic like Wendy would be long gone. Carefully she placed the file in her desk draw and locked it away. Her whole body tingled with excitement; she could almost taste the power, the power that would be hers so soon. Tomorrow would be the day, the day she changed her life forever. She got up, fetched her coat, and headed for the door; exhausted from the day’s work but tomorrow, tomorrow it would all be worth it, as from tomorrow she was going to be rich, really rich.

She got in the lift and headed for the underground car park. There in the corner, the last car in the place, was her battered Ford. That was going to be one of the first things to go; she’d always fancied a sports car, a convertible, something with a bit of zip, and, as of tomorrow she could stop dreaming and start buying. Anyway, her current model was so old as to be embarrassing, the remote locking didn’t work anymore and she had to open the doors using the key.

She had just got in and was reaching for the ignition when, out of nowhere, an arm grabbed from behind. She was pinned back in her seat and a pad of cloth reeking of ether was clamped across her mouth. Jen struggled; all the time she had spent in the company gym meant that she was superbly fit, but it was in vain; whoever was holding her was stronger, and had had the advantage of surprise. Desperately Jen tried not to breath, but she couldn’t fight it forever and, unable to hold back any longer, she was sucking air through the cloth. Her head swam, the voice inside her that said keep fighting was getting weaker and weaker, and, at last, she slipped into darkness.


Slowly, very slowly, Jen regained consciousness. It was a while before her eyes would focus, she had a splitting headache, her stomach was churning, her mouth tasted like the cat had slept in it, and she was uncomfortable, so uncomfortable; her whole body felt cold and stiff, a mass of aches and pains. She tried to move but her arms seemed to be locked behind her, her ankles were similarly restrained. Gradually, piece by piece, she came to and realised she was stark naked, hogtied and lying on the hard floor of some sort of cell. Wave after wave of panic threatened to engulf her, this was like something from a  horror novel and God knows what sort of psychopath was waiting for her.

There was the whirr of a small electric motor and Jen twisted her head round to see what had caused it. High up in the corner of the room was a CCTV camera and the red light on the front was blinking, Whoever had done this to her was watching, would have seen her twisting her head  around to look, and would know that she was awake. The camera panned back and forth and the lens turned as it zoomed in. Whoever was watching was obviously studying her carefully. Jen’s heart pounded, it wouldn’t be long now before she discovered who and why and, more importantly, what they were going to do with her.

The light on the cameral went out; there was a short pause and then the sounds of echoing foot steps. The door opened and Jen got a brief glance at a thick set body before a hood was thrust over her head. Without a word her ankles were unchained and she was pulled roughly to her feet. She was far to unsteady to support herself but the grip on her arm was unrelenting and she was half led, half dragged away. They hadn’t gone far when Jen was thrown against some sort of bench; the padded leather top hit her firmly in the stomach winding her and she vomited, filling the hood. A stiff collar was placed round her neck, pulled forward and then down. Jen had no option but to follow and she realised that the ‘bench’ was actually some sort of horse, a horse that she was now lying across, held in place by the collar with her feet off the ground and her butt uppermost.

?Please, please?? Jen began but was caught short as a ribbon of fire erupted across her buttocks. Jen never knew exactly what was being used, a cane or a riding crop maybe, but she’d never felt such pain before. For the first few strokes she screamed No! and Please! but nothing was going to slow or stop the torrent of blows and before long she was simply screaming as she bucked and twisted trying desperately to avoid the pain.

Almost as scary as the whipping was the total silence of her assailant. Since she had been taken from the cell not a word had been spoken, indeed there was a quiet efficiency about the way she was being handled that was deeply chilling. Jen would almost have preferred the hysterical ravings of a madman to the slow, purposeful way that the whip was being applied to her body.

At last it stopped; sobbing, broken and exhausted, Jen collapsed like a rag doll missing it stuffing. Her buttocks and the tops of her thighs were a ball of fire but at least the blows had stopped. She was vaguely aware of her assailant doing something behind her but she couldn’t see what and, as long as she wasn’t being whipped anymore, she didn’t particularly care. Then she felt her legs being pulled apart and something hard pushing against her anus. Brutally it was pressed against the puckered ring of her sphincter and pushed until the resistance was overcome and she was penetrated. Through the agony Jen was aware that the intrusion was artificially hard, it was a dildo that was penetrating her, not a penis. Again and again the dildo was pushed, each time going deeper inside her until it was buried to the hilt. Jen felt as if molten lead had been poured inside her, that her sphincter had been split as it was stretched to the limit and beyond. Even so she was sufficiently aware to realise that the body thrusting against her meant that the dildo was being worn as a strap-on implying that her violator was a woman, not a man.

Woman or not, the difference was immaterial; the perpetrator was going to have her way and nothing, least of all Jen’s renewed screams and pleading, was going to stop her. The steady rhythm built and built, and the depth of the thrusts increased. Jen was having problems breathing, each thrust pushed her stomach against the horse crushing her against it and, as she gasped for breath inside the hot and stinking hood, the material and lumps of vomit were sucked into her mouth, half choking her. But there was nothing she could do to fight it, she’d been beaten, broken by the whipping, and, even if she’d wanted to struggle, firm hands gripping her hips and the collar around her neck meant she was going nowhere. At last the thrusts reached their crescendo, and Jen felt the woman behind her tense as once, twice, three times, the dildo was buried as deep as it would go and, with an unfeminine grunt, the woman let go of her hips and leant forward on top of her. Jen lay there crushed beneath the woman’s bulk, as she got her breath back, until, at last, the woman withdrew and Jen was left, as limp as a used dishcloth, draped over the horse.

For a few minutes nothing seemed to happen. There were various noises in the background but nothing specific until?

?Yes, Madam, she’s awake.? The woman was  on the phone to someone, someone who she called ‘Madam’. Whoever her assailant was they were not the one in command. Who was she, who was this 'Madam' and what did she want with Jen?

?Yes, I think she’s ready for you.? The woman continued. ?I’ll clean her up and bring her upstairs.?

Jen felt the tension on the chain holding her collar being released and she slid from the horse to the floor. The hood was removed and she was just about to look up when, splash, a bucket of cold water was emptied over her. She was pulled to her knees and her head pushed to the floor. With her hands still chained behind her back there was nothing she could do to protect herself as two more buckets followed the first. She was bemused to see that the water which ran down her thighs was running red; evidently the feeling that her sphincter had split had been true and she was bleeding from her anus.

Still dripping wet she was pulled to her feet and led away by the chain attached to her collar. Although she was no longer wearing the hood she was so beaten, so battered that she could hardly raise the energy to stand, let alone lift her head and could only follow the bullish androgynous figure before her. She was led up a short staircase, through a door and out into a well appointed hallway. The plush furnishings and soft carpet underfoot contrasted strongly with the bare walls and concrete floors of the cellar she had been held in. They went down a corridor and into a spacious room with dim lighting and vast panoramic windows which gave a perfect view out over the city. Wherever she was it was somewhere posh, a big house in the best part of town. She was led to the centre of the room, pushed to her knees and the collar was removed from around her neck. Jen realised it would be best to keep her head down so it was in her peripheral vision that she saw a figure, a slim female figure, get up out of an armchair to come and stand before her. Still keeping her head down all she could see were two feet encased in immaculate Prada high heeled shoes. Surely she recognised those shoes?

?Ah, my little Iago.? Wendy McCuskell purred. ?Did you really think it was going to be that easy? Did you really think I didn’t know what you were up to, snooping away, day after day? Did you think for one moment that I would be beaten by a tramp, a dirtbag, a nothing like you? Did you think you were going to blackmail me with this??

Wendy tossed the file she was holding and it landed at Jen’s knees. With a sinking heart she realised it was the file she had locked away in her desk earlier that evening.

?Wendy, please?? Jen began.

?Silence!? Wendy snarled back. ?You will speak only when spoken to and only in response to a direct question. Is that clear??

?Yes.? Jen replied.

?Yes, what?? Wendy’s voice was icy steel.

?Yes, err? Miss.? Jen tried.

?That’s better. I prefer ‘Mistress’ but we’ll work on that later. Now, you’ve left me with a bit of a problem; what am I going to do with you? Normally I’d just hand you over to Fran. She’s my head of security and you’ve already seen that she’s quite capable of dealing with a silly little tramp like you. I tend not to ask exactly what she does with her, err.., guests but I know something of her little peccadilloes and I guess she’d have lots of fun with you before your body was found, washed up by the incoming tide. You wouldn’t be the first little obstacle that just disappeared.  The violence in town is so bad nowadays, so many senseless killings, and who would miss a silly little secretary like you?

?However, what with the McAlistair deal coming to a head next week, and the west coast trip to plan, the last thing I need right now is to have to train up a new PA. You may be the lowest, most treacherous little worm I’ve ever met, but you might just get lucky; I might just let you live after all.

?So, here’s the deal. From now on you’re mine, you’re my pet, you’re my slave, I own your body and I own your soul; you do everything I ask, and you do it willingly. I will demand total obedience and, believe me, I’ll put it to the test in ways you couldn’t even dream of. Because, from now on, I’ll control your life, I tell you what to do and how to do it, all day and every day; you will do nothing without my express permission. You’ll have to move in here; I’ve got just the room for you in the cellar. Then, if you behave, if you can prove that you can do it, if I get one hundred percent obedience from you, then, maybe, I’ll let you live.

?But what’s to stop you running away? Here you will be suitably restrained but whilst we’re at work I can’t keep my eyes on you all the time; the first time my back is turned you’d be off, wouldn’t you? Well, there are two reasons you might want to think twice. Firstly Fran is not just hired muscle, she’s far, far more than that. She put her many computer skills to work and both your laptop and desktop are full of child pornography and, if I need to, they’ll be just the things to make sure that it’s you that goes to prison, not me, and, if you try to tell people that it wasn’t you that put it there, that it wasn’t you that downloaded the filth the police will find there, then our IT team will discover that someone using your user name and password has been accessing porn sites and we’ll have the server logs to prove it.

?Secondly, if you run, Fran will find you. That’s what she does. She was a bounty hunter before I recruited her and a pretty good one. There’s nowhere you could run that would be far enough, I couldn’t afford to have you out there, she’ll track you down to the ends of the earth and, when she finds you the love taps you’ve had so far will seem like nothing compared to what she’d make you suffer.

?So, it’s up to you. I can hand you back to Fran and we’ll see how long it takes before she gets bored with playing with you, you can spend a very long time in prison for child abuse and discover what gentle souls the other inmates are and how kindly they treat perverts, or you can move in with me and be my little pet. It’s your choice, do you understand me??

?Yes, Mistress.? Jen replied shakily. The full impact of what Wendy had just said was only just beginning to sink in. Just a few hours ago she was convinced she was on the verge of success, on the verge of climbing to the top; now the options seemed to be death, imprisonment for child abuse, or serving Wendy as some sort of slave. None of these were particularly appealing but the thought of prison, or, far worse, being back in the hands of Fran, were too dreadful to contemplate. There was only one possible answer, Jen knew it and, as sure as eggs are eggs, Wendy knew it.

?Please, Mistress, let me be your pet.? The words were winched from Jen, naked, still dripping gently, her backside and anus still throbbing with pain, her dignity and pride shattered, there was no other option, no other answer.

?Pet? Not ‘pet’, not yet, maybe if your good. Now try again.?

?Please, Mistress, let me be your slave. Please don’t hurt me any more.?

?That’s better, Good, girl. I knew you’d see sense. As for the hurting bit, well, I can’t promise that. Now wait there.? Wendy left her and went over to talk to Fran. Jen sneaked a quick glance out of the corner of her eye. What with the hood and the rough treatment this was the first time she had the chance to really look at Fran and what she saw did nothing to reduce her fear. A thick set woman with the build and looks of a Russian shot putter, obviously strong, with short cropped hair and dressed in a dark trouser suit she was a formidable figure. She also hadn’t relaxed her vigilance and as her eyes darted around the room they locked momentarily on Jen’s. How much of what had happened in the cellar had been work, and how much pleasure, was not something Jen wished to find out and she dropped her gaze to the floor.

Their business concluded Fran left and Wendy came back into the room and lay back on a sofa, kicking off her shoes.

?Come here, no, stay on your knees, come and kneel next to me.? Wendy’s voice was soft, almost seductive. Jen shuffled across, grateful that the soft carpet was saving her knees from rug burn.

?Look, my pretty, I’ve got a collar, just for you.? Jen looked up. Wendy was holding out a collar made of five parallel silver chains held by two solid bars at each end. Although it was a fine piece of jewellery, and obviously very expensive, it was also well made and strong enough to do it’s job. It was pretty, very pretty, but still a fully functional collar; its form and function in stark contrast. Attached to one end was a matching silver padlock, about an inch in diameter, equally ornate but no doubt just as strong.

?Look, it’s got your name on it.? Wendy said.

Jen looked closer; the padlock was heavily engraved and set with jewels and, worked into the whorls and patterns, was the word ‘Piglet’.

?Yes, I thought ‘Piglet’ most appropriate because it describes what you are: greedy. You were set to be my right hand, I was grooming you for the top, but you got greedy, you thought you could do it without me. What are you??

?Greedy, Mistress.?

?Yes, my little Piglet, you are. And greedy little piglets deserve to be punished, don’t they??

?Please, Mistress.? Jen replied horrified at the thought of further beatings. ?I can’t take any more. Mistress Fran, she??

?Oh, I know what Fran did, your poor bruised little piggy bottom tells its own story. Don’t worry; I’m not going to smack you, well, not right now anyway, though I dare say it will need plenty of smacking before we’re done. No, your punishment is to serve me, knowing that if you hadn’t been greedy you could have been my partner instead of my slave. I had such high hopes of you and you had to go and let me down.? Wendy reached down and chucked Jen under the chin. ?Come along now; let’s get this collar on you.?

Jen was surprised with the tenderness with which Wendy fastened the collar. Part of her disorientation was the way in which Wendy’s mood seemed to swing between vicious brutality and gentle concern. Once the padlock had clicked into place Wendy slipped her fingers beneath the collar, pulled Jen’s face up to hers and kissed her long and hard.

?God, you taste disgusting!? Wendy pushed Jen away. ?There, you look so much better with your collar on; aren’t you grateful that your allowed to wear my collar, allowed to be my slave??

?Yes, Mistress.? Jen thought it best to reply in the affirmative.

?Liar, liar, pants on fire!? Wendy laughed. ?You hate my guts at the moment, this wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t, but, one day, you’ll thank me; one day you’ll grovel at my feet and worship, and be grateful for being allowed to do so, do you know that??

Never Jen thought to herself but, wisely, she kept her mouth shut.

?If you’re as grateful as you say you are? Wendy continued ?you can demonstrate it by kissing my feet. Let’s see how good you are at that.?

As Jen shuffled down and bent over to kiss Wendy’s feet Wendy picked up a file from an occasional table and started reading. It was almost as if she were oblivious to Jen’s ministrations and, after some considerable time, Jen, feeling that she was being ignored, slackened off.

?Did I say you could stop?? Wendy lowered the file she was reading and glowered at Jen.

?No, Mistress.?

?Well, get on with it then, and try to be a little sensuous, you’re supposed to be gratefully worshiping, not pecking away like some sort of demented bird.?

As Jen settled back to work she realized that this was going to be harder than she had thought; she couldn’t just go through the motions, Wendy was far too astute for that; if she were to survive, literally survive, she would need to throw herself into this body and soul. And what had Wendy meant about some day she’d be grateful for being allowed to worship? Surely no one could want to do this; Her body was a mass of hurts and pains, her backside and anal tract in particular felt as if they would never recover, her arms ached from being locked behind her, she had lost her freedom and was being forced to perform degrading acts; how could anyone want this?

Eventually Wendy put down the file she was reading, stretched and pushed Jen away with her foot. She must have rung some sort of concealed bell because, within moments, a maid appeared.

?Ah, Juanita, piglet here will be staying in the special guest room until further notice. Will you take her down for me, please? We’ll want a six-o-clock start tomorrow.?

Juanita took Jen by the arm and led her away back down the steps into the cellar as if this were a normal, everyday occurrence in the McCuskell household. Who knows? Maybe it was. Whilst she wasn’t harsh or brutal her whole demeanor countered any thoughts Jen might have had about striking up a conversation. Juanita opened the door to a small, white painted room , led Jen inside, undid her wrist cuffs and, before Jen could react, left closing the door behind her.

Jen rubbed some feeling back into her aching shoulders and looked around her cell. There was a bed, a shower, basic toilet facilities and not much more. In particular there wasn’t a light switch. Jen sat on the bed, only to get up again. Her poor bruised backside wasn’t going to allow any comfortable sitting for a while. She went over to the toilet facilities. Above the sink was a mirror and her battered reflection stared back at her. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were red, and she looked awful. Around her neck  was the collar, sparkling in the bright light, but, pretty or not, it was surely the symbol of what she had become. Her spirits fell, how could she go on when all the options in her life were so awful.

Without warning the light went out and the room was plunged into darkness; the only glimmer was the dim red glow from the light on the inevitable CCTV camera, presumably working in infra red mode. Jen felt her way back to the bed and lay down carefully on her front. Sobbing gently she lay there in the darkness until, finally, sleep came.

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r/DirtyPenPals, aka Dirty Pen Pals Reddit! Have you ever wanted to talk to somebody about your sexual desires? Share your deepest secrets and other similar crap? Well, DirtyPenPals is a subreddit that allows you to do just that. Of course, Reddit on its own is fantastic, and you should visit it regardless, but if you are feeling like reading some filthy Pen Pals stories, you can check out /r/ DirtyPenPals.Now, is it safe for me to assume that you all have heard about pen-pals and Reddit? I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Warsaw Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. One of my encounters went like this. I had been in Warsaw a number of times. I had set up a company there and as I always do, had changed hotels on each trip. I want to get the feel of a city, especially important in a city like Warsaw as there is no real city center. The Old City, or Stare Miasto in Polish, was totally...

Straight Sex
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Three

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Author's Foreword: This is a unauthorized "part two" to Tiffani Andrews' excellent The Lesson Plan Part One: Endless Summer ( =1431653814505060881). The characters, the setting and the setup were so wonderful, I felt inspired to continue in my own way. Thanks to Tiffani for setting the scene so well. I hope you don't mind. Wednesday: Shakespeare for beginners Chapter...

2 years ago
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When in RomeChapter 8

Day 115 I was antsy all morning, wondering what Lucius would decide to do about my challenge. I wasn’t worried about the fight if it even came to that. I was pissed off at Lucius and his sniping at me as he tried to assuage his wounded ego. I needed to embarrass him so badly today that he’d either accept the challenge or he’d quit challenging me, worried that I’d embarrass him even worse than what he might hope to gain from any petty victory. I was also pissed off because playing childish...

3 years ago
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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT - 4THE PARTYMy knees were a little wobbly as I was gaining my balance I saw that we were surrounded by a group of sexy people. The lights in the room changed and I noticed that the dance floor was empty and in it center was a well-padded breeding bench with a light shining down upon it. The bench itself was raised just high enough that a man could stand and fucked his woman.I was not ashamed and in my soul I wanted more orgasms. Looking at the people who...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 36 The Return

For days after the dehorning the heifers with their blackened cotton swabs were scratching and banging their heads on any post or obstruction that would allow them to try to alleviate itch and pain. It recreated in my mind the whole awful torturous affair. I also remembered how, as a kid, I’d witnessed the castration of calves at a branding work party in Montana where I went to stay with my aunt and uncle. I remembered how I’d tried to help herd the calves, the naive city kid walking in...

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Lesson Time EDIT

What follows happened - about three hours ago. I have changed the lady's name, but should anyone who knows either of us read this, the game - as they say - is probably up.I teach EFL at a number of companies here ('here' will be obvious if you've read "Oh, Canada!") - have been doing so for thirteen years - and have had several hundred students in that time. Until today I have never had anything more than fantasies about a few of them......... At the turn of the year I started a...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Ryan Keely Bathing My Stepmom

Bigtit babe Ryan Keely has hurt her knee, and she needs a lot of help doing basic things. Her stepson, Nick Strokes, is doing his best to be a good boy. He helps wheel Ryan around the house in her wheelchair and then assists her getting into bed. Ryan tells Nick that he’ll have to do things like help her bathe. She requests that he give her a hand taking a bath. Although Nick is uncomfortable, he does as his busty stemommy asks. Helping Ryan into the bathtub is Nick’s first task....

1 year ago
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Gurl Story ndash The New Tenantrsquos Secret

Occasionally in passing you have seen a few different women go in and out my apartment. Today, you had to sign for a FedEx delivery for apartment A12; addressed to Allison. A few minutes ago, you saw a girl bounce up the stairs and enter the apartment, so being a good landlord, you thought you would just go up and drop off the package. You knocked on the door, I forgot to close it all the way, and it slowly creeks open on the first knock. You creep in holding the package asking if there is...

2 years ago
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My Naughty Neighbor

I hear a knock on my door and I open the door to a beautiful woman. She had perky b cup sized breasts nice small round ass. Long tan legs that went on for days. She had beautiful blond hair that dance ever so blissfully in the wind. “Hello, my name in Jennifer, and I’m your new neighbor and I thought I introduce myself..” Well, hello Jennifer my name is DJ it’s nice to make acquaintance. why don;t you come in and sit down. “Thank you for inviting me in. How old are...

3 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 15

My flight to Montgomery was made at night, more for my peace of mind than for anything else. The main reason that I did not want to be spotted was because I was afraid of looking foolish. I still made mistakes while flying and had to make adjustments on the fly, so to speak. I found these to be embarrassing, and I figured that flying at night would make them less visible. Oh, well, just chalk it up to the insecurities of a teen male. I arrived in Montgomery while it was still dark. The...

4 years ago
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The Seas GiftChapter 2

The next morning when the young couple came out of the bedroom, they found the two young dragons watching television. The local morning news was on before the gaudy network morning show came on. One of the features of the local morning show was a short segment showing a cat or dog from the humane society. They were begging for people to adopt a pet. While Chuck and Fun were fixing a breakfast of oatmeal and toast, their pets were bombarding the two with thoughts. Fun said, "Do you hear...

3 years ago
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A Day on the Dunes

My name is Samantha. I’m 41 years old. My story begins one afternoon this last July. My son Steven asked me if I would take him to the sand Dunes to do some dirt-bike riding.This was something his father used to do with him ever since Steve was eleven. Now, since his father {My ex.} had married his twenty two-year-old secretary, three days after our divorce was finalized, he hasn’t had time for his son.Steve is fifteen now, almost sixteen, and loves to ride that dirt bike. I don’t ride with him...

3 years ago
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Sex with a hot aunty

Hello allI am going to narrate the best sexual experience i had with an aunty. She is the most sexiest woman in our area and most guys of my age around 20 had the hots for her. literally everyone wanted to fuck and lick her pussy and ass. Let me first describe her. She as a 40 year old tamil aunt in locality, with great sexy and inviting face with pouting lips. sexy figure and an out of the world ASS and great boobs. Put all of these assets in an indian saree and you have a voluptuous woman a...

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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 28 Strange Bedfellows

Lucy was done for the day, and once her make-up had been removed and she was back in street clothes, they climbed into the Mustang and drove back to Glendale. They made a stop at a strip mall to buy the makings of the planned barbecue and had a sandwich lunch at a coffee shop, before driving to Lucy’s house to unload. It was three o’clock by then but since Early would not arrive before five-thirty, they decided to make the four-mile trip to Wildwood Canyon. After parking the car, they hiked...

2 years ago
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A Descent Into Slavery

I?ve been aroused by the idea of wearing panties for a good few years now, and it was my first fetish I can remember (although it?s sparked plenty of others along the way); it started when I was fifteen I?ve been aroused by the idea of wearing panties for a good few years now, and it was my first fetish I can remember (although it?s sparked plenty of others along the way); it started when I was fifteen. My mom and my sister had gone to the mall together, and my mom had asked me to get...

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Reginas First

I told my mom I was taking Boots, my beagle out for some training. Boots is my rabbit dog and everything else he could chase. As I was walking out the door, Regina’s my t****e year old sister asked if she could go. I told her sure but she’d have to be quiet.We walked the long road up to the big fields, that had lots of brush and hedge rows along the edges, perfect rabbit hide outs.We just at the edge of the big field and Regina said look at Boots. I asked what? She said look at his “thing”. I...

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VacationChapter 8

Day Eight - Monday Waking up with Kathy is a dream come true. Once again she was sliding gently up and down my cock. This time I was on my back and she was sitting astride me slowly going up and down with her head back, her mouth open, breathing slowly. Her pussy was getting tighter and tighter until she doubled over putting her hand on either side of my head, panting, looking into my eyes. "Finish me, get on top and finish me," Kathy demanded. I rolled us over then with Kathy's feet on...

1 year ago
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The Innocent Classmate Part 1

Hi. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jake Whittaker. I'm 19 and half British and half Indian. Luckily, I've got the best of both worlds in terms of looks. I'm 5'11 tall, I have deep set brown eyes and wavy black hair thanks to my Indian lineage. Talking about my skin, I'm a light shade of brown, coincidentally the kind of skin tones English people want to achieve. I'm kind of good looking and I've a fairly decent body, thanks to football which I play nearly everyday.Coming to the story, this was my...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. “I didn't get a good night sleep,” Stan would...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Wife

As I rounded the corner to turn on Maple street, on route to Shane's house, I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of Brad Paisley's "Alcohol". Here I am on my way to a party and this song comes on the radio. Of course it alters the minds of us poor college kids. How else are we supposed to suffer through four years of college? If it weren't for a weekend full of nothing but alcohol, sluts and escaping reality, we would all lose our minds. It's a nice balance before we jump head first into...

2 years ago
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Realising Im A Lesbian Part Four Interuptions and Intimacy

This is part three. Please comment on if youd like a part four and what you think I could do better, thank you for all your votes and all your advice and comments, its greatly appreciated ALSO note that most of this is true. I and Nikkie are in love with each over greatly. Please dont steal this story and say it was your own. Thank you. ************************************** As soon as we heard the knock we both jumped off each over. I stood beside Nikkie, as she walked to open her door. Oh my...

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Me and my mum part 2

Me and my mum. Part 2.So it was Saturday morning and as u read in part 1, my mum had come down to the kitchen fully dressed, with a look of disappointment and kind of happy.Her friend and her husband came down and my mum carried on like normal. We all sat around eating breakfast and talking about what we should do, as my mums friend and her husband have never been to our town we decided to take them out and show them around. My mum decided to go get changed as she wasn't dressed for going...

4 years ago
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Sexy Ash BBW Ch 02

When our alarm clock rang at 7 AM, I woke up immediately but didn’t feel like getting out of bed. Ash and I had a major sex binge the night before and didn’t fall asleep until about 2:30. I was still very tired and I was spooning her, so I didn’t feel like doing anything but continuing to lie there with her in my arms. I pressed the snooze button three times. Then, at 7:27, I knew that I better get out of bed very soon. I still had to shower, get dressed, and take a 20 minute drive to get to...

1 year ago
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sex with teacher

when i was in degree first year that is the first day of college me and my friends went to college on time for our welcome all the teachers are at the enterance gate then i suddenly saw a beautiful lady welcoming all the students she was very fair and had a good structure by luck she came to my class and told the she is our class teacher i was very happy that she is my class teacher she ask all the students to tell their names all students told their names along with me as i was a brillient...

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The change

I got up before him and put on his boxers. When he got up he asked, and the demanded his boxers. I threw him a pair of panties, clean white hipsters, which he reluctantly put on. Just seeing him in the hipsters, and thinking about the weeks to come got my juices to flow again. I teased him for a while before we ended up back in the bed again. The panties and boxers were dropped, and I rode him to our common satisfaction. We got out of bed again, and he looked at me almost seeking approval...

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Unsatisfied Reader Ki Gigolo Ne Pyaas Bhujayi

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is Gautam from Jaipur , India. I am 23 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at . So without making you bored. Lets just start the story..! So guys hold...

2 years ago
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Andy 3

Meine f?nfzigste Geschichte. Ich h?tte nie geglaubt, dass es so viele werden k?nnten. ---------- Montagmorgen. Grrr. Muss man noch mehr sagen? Wenigstens hatte ich eine Hose an. Obwohl sie sich merkw?rdig anf?hlte, ohne Haare an den Beinen. Und dieser Pulli kratzte tats?chlich. Oder war zumindest rau. Die Satinbluse von gestern war da etwas v?llig anderes gewesen. So soft. Ich sch?ttelte den Kopf. Ich musste diese Gedanken loswerden. Wie sollte alles je wieder normal werden, w...

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Just Friends

She and i were just friends for a long time but i always wanted more than that and now i know she wanted the same thing one day we were returning from seeing a movie with some other friends all of a sudden it started raining we tried to get a cab but it was too late we were all wet.She was so dripping in wet that her pink colored bra was clearly visible through her white top that she was wearing.Eventually we got a cab we decided to go to my place.I was constantly staring at her bra in the cab...

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My Wifes New Role

I was forty when I got my first kidney stone. I heard a lot of stories about how painful it was to pee out the spiky grain of sand, but I never felt it pass. It did create a blockage for a while, and that really kind of hurt. Tests were inconclusive, and life went on. I was fifty when I had my second kidney stone. CAT scans showed that I only had the one, and it was smaller than a grain of rice. It created a blockage, and it refused to budge. The pain came and went, but I was mostly...

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JENNY‘S SECRET – PART 2 - LihuaA few days after her evening with Nickie, Jenny was back at the factory and went outside as usual for a smoke during her break. It was raining and she ran to a small shed next to the door leading out of the kitchen. The shed was used to store canned goods and anything the rats couldn’t eat. It was of course locked but there was a covered porch which one could use to get out of the rain. Jenny stood smoking and watching the rain when she spotted the Asian girl who...

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Ek raat chudel ke sath

Hi im mehul.froom surat.Ye meripaheli or sachchi kahani he. Aesi kahani pahele kisine nasi likhi. Ye mera pahela chudai anubhav he. Vobhi chudel ke sath.Jub me18 ka us vakat pune me raheta tha.or 1 duin me sutrat aane ke liye car me aaraha tha.rasta sumsan tha.achanak 1 22-23 sal ki ladki meri car kea age se dar gaya.mene gadi site par li or niche utra. Dekha to koi nahi tha. Phir me gadi chalane laga. Thodi aage hi gayahoga ke me dar gaya.vo ladki jo mere car kr aage se...

4 years ago
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Sweet Memories

I am Ahsan again with a new experience. I am at the age of 30, This was happened one month back. Her name is sadia. V r collage mates also. We studied together. We are close friends and nothing else in between us. One year back she got married a software engineer. She is also working women and working in the same field. She is residing with his husband in islamabad. We used to talk over phone regularly and we used to discuss everything. Sadia, at the age of 24 and looks average, but her figure...

1 year ago
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Fucked in the club 2

Fucked in the club part 2If you haven’t read there is a first part to this story. I headed off towards the ladies room and saw that there was about 5 or 6 girls lined up outside. I could feel the freshly deposited cum running out of my pussy and ass and down my legs. As exquisite as it felt I really need to clean up a bit before it started to drip off me. As I got nearer to the ladies I saw a guy who my husband vaguely knew coming out of the men’s room. I stopped him and asked if there was...

3 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 9 The Accidental Menage Part Two

In retrospect, any rational person would have realized that a week-long district attorney conference wouldn't really last an entire week, from Monday to Sunday. If I'd thought about it at all, I would have known that, duh, it was only a work week, and that Mom would be back on Friday night. And I certainly wouldn't have invited the girls over to play on Friday night. They had been "checking in" on me all week. Monday was Natalie, Tuesday was Pam, and Wednesday was Laura. I had Thursday...

1 year ago
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TitsInTops Forum

Do you like Tits In Tops? If you said “yes,” you passed the test: it turns out you’ve got a pulse. It’s hard not to appreciate a nice pair of jugs, no matter who you are. We’re hardwired to see them as a sign of ripeness and fertility, so any straight dude is likely to pop a raging boner. A woman’s appreciation for another’s flawless breasts is perhaps motivated by kinship as well, while the queers just appreciate good symmetry and presentation.No matter why you enjoy gawking at a lady’s pretty...

Porn Forums
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My Unexpected First Time

I am suresh from Tamilnadu now working in Bangalore. I am 24, I was in a relationship with my schoolmate and I got to break up.I was very serious but my girlfriend cheated me. After that, I had great love experiences with cousins, an online friend and also with a married lady.Here now I am sharing my first experience with my cousin at my brother’s marriage.Let’s call her sweety, this happened before 4 years, this is what happened. It was my brother’s wedding, I was 20 and we had all the family...

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Gerry was already 15 minutes late with a 30-minute drive ahead of him, so he decided to take the back roads. His sports coupe could easily take those bends at 70 mph and chances were, no traffic patrol would be around. He could cut his time in half and only be a half-hour late. Gerry made it about 5 miles down local 447 when the blaring siren and flashing lights caught up him and an angry cop ordered him to pull in the next side street over the pa system. Gerry immediately turned in the first...

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York1Chapter 5

The headaches, the nausea, the vomiting just would not go away. No matter how much of the willow bark extract I consumed, the discomfort kept coming back. It had even gotten worse over the last two years. It looked like I would just have to bite the bullet and see those doctors in Minnesota. I planned to write the letter this afternoon, asking them to see me. The best time for me to go looked like in late May or in June, so that I wouldn't miss planting or harvest season. "At last! Daddy...

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Headteachers Punishment

As I lay on the cold hard pale blue tiled floor of the school's store-room, tied up helplessly by Kaylee and her mean little gang, with the humiliating 'Fart in My Face' sign she left by my head, I was visited and farted on by lots of the school teachers. Lucky for me, they were only the female teachers. I smelt lots of flavourful womanly farts that day, and it was finally coming towards the end of the school day.The end of my embarrassing torture, or so I thought...The very last visitor came...

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Swap at the Butterfly Club

"OK Tam, let me get this strait, Butterfly Club is a bar where middleaged women go to meet boys for sex?""Tiffany, it isn't k**dy porn, they have to be twenty-one to get into theplace. Other than that, yes you have it right, its fun and with nocommitments, except for safe sex."When I saw the wispy smile cross Tiffany's face, I knew I hadconvinced her, I told her I would pick her up at ten. I didn'tmention that I needed her to be my wingman but I would find outsoon enough.As for Tom, he was...

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