Riskantes Spiel free porn video

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Anna Lena Meyers: Jung, erfolgreich, arrogant. All dies trifft sicher auf Anna Lena zu. Allerdings nur in ihrem Beruflichen und öffentlichen Leben. Die 25 Jährige Schönheit ist Chefin ihres eigenen Startups in der Medienbranche. Sie Arbeitet praktisch rund im die Uhr und muss als Chefin oft unbeliebte Entscheidungen treffen. Sie ist unnahbar und hatte schon seit dem sie 18 ist keinen festen Freund mehr.

Das liegt allerdings keineswegs an ihrem aussehen, sie ist mit 1.78m nicht gerade die kleinste, ihre perfekten Wasserstoffblonden Haare fallen lang bis zu ihrem, meist in Business Outfits gezwengten Prachtarsch. Dieser geht direkt in ihre ewig langen Beine über. Die natürlichen 70D Brüste runden ihren Anblick ab und lassen jeden Mann der sie sieht schwach werden.

Sie anzusprechen traut sich allerdings niemand, erst recht niemand der Geschäftlich mit ihr zutun hat.

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Der Club Das Spiel

Seit vielen Jahren existiert ein exklusiver Club, zu dem nur wenige reiche Zugang haben. Da du inzwischen in einer hohen Managementposition arbeitest und Geld keine Rolle für dich spielt bekommst du eines Tages von Anonym nach einer Geschäftsreise die Einladung, dir den Club mal anzuschauen, mit dem Hinweis es sei für dich unverbindlich und man sei sich sicher, dass es dir gefallen könnte. Als einziger Hinweis wird dir gesagt, der Club ist geheim und exclusiv für sehr wohlhabende Herren, die...

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Petra Gefhrliches Spiel

Petra, Mitte 30, war Lehrerin an einem Gymnasium. Sie war schlank und hatte kinnlange braune Haare. Auffällig war ihre Oberweite mit einer BH-Größe von 75 DD. Speziell im Sommer, wenn sie ein enges T-Shirt trug blickten ihr die Jungs der Abschlussklasse gaffend hinterher. In der Liebe hatte Petra wenige Glück. Ihr Jugendfreund verließ sie für eine andere. Seitdem hatte sie keine feste Beziehung mehr. Kurz vor den Sommerferien kam Luca neu in ihre Klasse. Er hatte gerade seinen 18. Geburtstag...

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Unfall Schloss und Spiel

Dies war sein erster echter Urlaub seit drei Jahren und Bernhard Szalik wollte ihn so richtig geniessen. Darum hatte er alles sorgfältig geplant und wie es schien funktionierte auch alles so wie es vorgesehen war. Bernhard war Programmierer bei einer Softwarefirma die Kundenspezifische Lager- und Verwaltungssoftware entwickelte. Seine Arbeit war eigentlich die Unkritischte, weil sein Spezialgebiet die Module für das erfassen und verwalten grosser Datenmengen waren sowie die angepassten Such-...

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Das unertrgliche Spiel

Schreckschusswaffe? Check. Kabelbinder? Check. Sturmmaske? Check. Du hast deine wichtigsten Utensilien vorbereitet. Mit zitternden Händen schaltest du den PC aus. Das Bild der Dokumente scheint sich in den Desktop hineingebrannt zu haben, dann verschwindet es und lässt dich mit deinem Spiegelbild zurück. Es wird Zeit. Entweder jetzt oder nie, du kannst die ganze Vorbereitung nicht wegschmeißen. Du schnappst dir deinen Rucksack mit dem Sammelsurium an Gerätschaften und trittst ans Fenster. Deine...

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Anale Spiele

Das letzte an das du dich erinnern kannst, ist der große blaue LKW der auf dich zuraste. Mit deinen Eltern und deiner älteren Schwester Anni warst du gerade auf dem Weg zu einem Urlaub in Frankreich. Drei Wochen Strand, Meer und Mädels in knappen Bikinis, der Traum eines 14-jährigen pubertierenden Jugendlichen! Ihr wart gerade mal etwas über eine Stunde unterwegs, kurz vor der französischen Grenze, als es passierte. Der Fahrer des 7,5-Tonners übersah euren Audi und nahm euch die Vorfahrt. Dein...

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Ich bin dein Spielzeug

Ich komme gerade von der Arbeit nach Hause und öffne die Türe, da steht Anna im Negligee vor mir. Kaum ist die Türe geschlossen, öffnet sie schon meine Hose und beginnt mit Küssen über meinen Schwanz zu wandern bis dieser schön hart wird. Kein Hallo, kein Küsschen, nur ein breites Lächeln und “Lass mich heute Abend dein Spielzeug sein, du darfst mich wie ein notgeiles Flittchen behandeln was du gerade erst in der Disco abgeschleppt hast”.Ich schiebe ihre Träger zur Seite, so dass ich ihre...

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Der Überfall Eine Gruppe amerikanischer Soldaten bringen eine Offizierin nach Bagdad und werden von Milizen überfallen. Die Frauen erleiden schreckliche Schicksale. #### #### Ich stelle gerade die Geschichte um, so dass sie besser zu lesen ist und führe sie zu Ende.

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Ein kleines Partyspiel

Anmerkung des Autors: Ich habe ein ungefähres Ziel zu dass ich mit dieser Geschichte erreichen will. Aber es gibt noch viele andere Möglichkeiten wie sich die Geschichte entwickeln kann. Also ist jeder herzlich eingeladen Kapitel hinzu zu fügen und ich bin dankbar für Kritik und Ratschläge für meine Art die Geschichte zu schreiben. Diese Geschichte ereignete sich eine Woche nach dem Ich mich von meinem Exfreund John getrennt hatte. Er hatte mich mehrmals betrogen. Als ich das erste mal Gerüchte...

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"Nächster Halt: Friedrichstraße", ertönte es aus dem kleinen Lautsprecher neben der Tür. Das war meine Haltestelle, eine Strasse weiter war die Party - Nadines Party. Ich hatte die Blondine vor drei Wochen bei einer Geburtstagsfeier einer guten Freundin kennengelernt. Wir waren uns gleich sympathisch und so lud sich mich zu ihrer Party in dem großen Stadthaus am Rande des Parks ein. Der Bus kam mit kreischenden Bremsen an einem kleinen Unterstand aus Glas zum Stehen. Außer mir stieg nur ein...

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Türkenspielplatz Arkan und seine beiden Kumpel saßen auf einer Bank am Kinderspielplatz und tranken Bier aus Dosen. Um sie herum hatte sich ein ansehnlicher Haufen von leeren Dosen und Zigarettenkippen aufgehäuft. Obwohl es erst 17 Uhr am Nachmittag war, waren die Drei schon völlig dicht. "Alkohol, Zigaretten, jetzt bräuchten wir nur noch was zum ficken!", lallte Hassan, der in der Mitte auf der Bank saß. "Ja, das wäre jetzt dringend nötig!", pflichtete ihm Murat der dritte im Bunde bei. Die...

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Wie üblich am Sonntag morgen stand ich mit einer Tasse Kaffee am offenen Fenster. Es war warm und die Sonne schien mir ins Gesicht. Unten auf dem kleinen Fussballplatz waren zwei junge Männer mit nackten Oberkörpern am Spielen, ich schaute Ihnen bereits eine Weile zu. Nach seinen Muskeln zu urteilen, ging der schwarzhaarige Lockenkopf - Typ Latin Lover - regelmässig ins Fitness, während der Blonde - Typ nordischer Naturbursche - zwar grösser, aber auch deutlich schmaler war. Eher noch mit einer...

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Jeff tippe zweimal kurz auf die Hupe, nachdem er neben dem Mehrfamilienhaus geparkt hatte. Er war an diesem Montagmorgen pünktlich auf die Minute bei seiner Arbeitskollegin vorgefahren, um sie mit zur Arbeit zu nehmen, da ihr Wagen kaputt war. Er wartete mit laufendem Motor auf die hübsche Blondine, die seit einigen Monaten auf der gleichen Büroetage arbeitete wie er. Verlegen wischte er noch mal über die Sitzfläche des Beifahrersitzes. Sein Auto war nicht ungepflegt, aber er wollte nicht...

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Wie das Leben doch so spielt

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Ich stehe in der Dusche. Heißes Wasser prasselt ruhig auf mich ein und wischt den Tag von mir. Immer wieder drehe ich mich und seufze. Wie gut das tut. Als der Strahl meinen Rücken zum dritten oder vierten Mal trifft, streife ich mit meiner Brust die Tür der Duschkabine. Ich halte inne, ein Kribbeln zwischen meinen Schenkeln. Langsam platziere ich mich parallel zur Tür, beuge mich etwas vor, noch ein Stück, bis mein Hintern schön rausgestreckt ist - auch wenn hinter mir keiner steht - und meine...

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Des Knigs Spielzeug

Es war ein ruhiger Sommertag. Seit ich vor 3 Jahren den Thron nach dem Ableben meines Vaters bestiegen hatte, war nichts Erwähnenswertes geschehen. Mittlerweile war ich 24 Jahre alt. Ein normales Alter um König zu werden. Die üblichen Probleme und Streitigkeiten meiner Bürger mussten seither von mir entschieden werden. So auch heute. Ich saß auf meinem verzierten Stuhl aus poliertem Ahornholz am Ende meiner Empfangshalle. Die Bezeichnung „Halle“ ist vielleicht etwas irreführend. Eigentlich war...

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Das neue Spielzeug

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Close to my Aunt

“Sam still has 3 lives!” Brandon yelled out after realizing my advantage over them. “Shut up,” I responded briskly, before dexterously commanding my Zero-Suit Samus to smash Brandon’s Luigi off the map and knocking him out of the match. George and Caroline quickly turned on me. George was close to being out but Caroline still having 2 lives was a bigger problem. Caroline’s Byleth came at me, I ducked down through the platform, only to fall victim to an expertly timed Falcon Punch. George sent...

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One of my friend first time

I wanted to start writing by speaking about of my friend first time. She and I spoke a great deal about it at the time :)Sadly I havn't seen her in a while (in fact since beginning college) and I figured out I wanted to write something before I forgot most of it.It was obviously something important for her and we often spoke about it long before it happens, and also after.She is just a little older than me and it happenned to her two years ago when she just turned 18. As for me, I was already...

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Hindi Hotel Hooking

Meena was at her wits end. She worked hard as a hotel maid in one of the upscale ones near where she lived but just didn’t make enough money to help her husband go to university and get a job with a good income. He had looked and looked for work but none was to be found so he stayed home with their two-year-old girl child while she made what income she could. When a client at the hotel offered her money for sex, she was seriously tempted. She liked sex and got it frequently from her husband....

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TheLesbianExperience Caitlin Bell Coco Lovelock Caitlin Earns Coco8217s 5 Star Rating

Big tit masseuse Caitlin keeps her cool as spoiled bratty client Coco demands she rub her harder, as in the deep tissue massage her mom paid for. A bit underwhelmed Coco has Caitlin lay on the bed and take her top off showing her luscious breast, as Coco switches roles and is now massaging Caitlin. Immediate sparks take hold of Coco as she begins to kiss and suck on Caitlin’s big tits and hot milf pussy bringing her to climax. But now experienced Caitlin digs down deep inside tiny tit...

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NubileFilms Lexi Luna Molly Little Naughty But Nice

Lexi Luna and Will Pounder can’t help but watch in delight as their new neighbors Molly Little and Leo Vice make out at a Christmas gift swap. After the elder couple reminisces for a bit about young love while Molly grinds on Leo’s lap, Lexi tells them to quit it until they’ve opened presents. She goes to grab gift bags so they can get moving with it. Molly unwraps a gift that turns out to be a cum cookbook. Intrigued, she asks if the older couple has made anything from it....

3 years ago
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Group Sex

Hi all, I am Samit and I am doing my college. I am basically from Karnataka and I live with my aunty. My uncle is working as a software engg in London. He comes home in 5 yrs or so. My mom is working in a company. She is all the time busy with her company tours and programmes. To be frank she was a very horny woman and was like a sex goddess. My aunty is just 42. I was very much interested in my aunty but she never paid me any attention. I never knew the reason. I tried to seduce her in all the...

3 years ago
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Dan The New Girl

Dan often felt uneasy. He would nod and smile and try to get along with the lads, but they just weren’t his scene. Not really. He always felt more comfortable around girls. Girls were smarter, more fun to go out with, and they looked so much better too. Such beautiful faces, bodies, clothes - everything about girls seemed better than boys.When he started seeing Lucy, it was more admiration than love. She had a beautifully soft, calming voice. A petite girl - flowing dark hair, pretty hourglass...

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 7

I am not about to give an opinion as to the propriety or impropriety of capital punishment. On this point good men have differed, and will differ, I dare say, for some time to come. What I wish to impress upon the reader is the horrible nature and atrocious effect of a public execution. Dolly and I were passing by Newgate a few weeks later. Twas a Sunday and outside the formidable prison a considerable crowd was gathering. There were respectable men with their wives and children staring at...

3 years ago
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Dick Dick and more Dick

Bordom on a friday night is a bitch. After a hard week at work of paper pushing a girl needs to unwine. Some weed, wine: perfect way to unwine.....It was a holiday weekend so i can afford to kick back, let loose and enjoy the night. After a glass of white wine and a soak in the tub I got dressed in a short black dress, black clutch and a pair of guess black and white pumps with five inch heels..damn i was on. Got in my BMW coupe ride about eleven pm and headed up the coast the the happening...

2 years ago
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Me for Dessert

Tonight I prepared for what I thought would be just a normal evening on a double date with me boyfriend, his best friend and his date.   Little did I know I was walking right into a yummy situation.   I dressed in black stockings, garter belt and panties black bra and a slinky black dress.   My boyfriend really liked this outfit and I liked wearing it knowing it turned him on.             I showed up at the appointed time at my boyfriend’s best friend’s house.   They answered the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Cheating with Cathy

Cathy the 40 year old blondHere’s a story about the first time I cheated on my future X. The future X and I were going through a rough patch, the usual stuff that all couples go to war over;Money and sex.Sex and money. Like I said the usual stuff that couples fight over and it’s funny that money goes with sex as sex goes with money. If you don’t have one you won’t get the other.Well here I was working at a big box hardware store chain as a sales clerk, low pay as low as the sex drive of the...

1 year ago
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sex on the side of the road

so... one day years ago walking down the street on the way to drop my gf at the time at home i notice a little hint of lust in her eyes towards me but i say nothing about it. not even even a couple minutes after i notice that look in her eye and knowing what was on her mind she leans in a kisses my sweet spot (which I'm not telling you where it is) by surprise and stop and say you know we cant do it at my place or yours right now so don't start something we cant finish, of course this doesn't...

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House PerksChapter 2

"I know that this is unusual, but there have been complaints recently in the news about partisan meetings like this being held in the Capitol itself. I am Rep. Kara Peters of Oklahoma, the Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Sean Murphy of New York, the House Minority Whip, is here with me. He has an announcement of a serious matter for this Caucus, which is better not overhead by Republicans yet anyway. Congressman Murphy, you have the floor," the Minority Leader...

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The Shopping Trip

Hi, this piece is true fiction, but I wouldn't be disappointed if it became a reality :)A little background before we begin, my name is Alexis and I'm a 33-year-old transgender male, while in a less than supportive relationship I try to dress as much as possible. But purging and self-doubt have caused me to throw away all my pretty things :( Starting a new, and with no funds, I've explored alternate means to meet my needs, almost like having a habit I can't shake.It all started when I casually...

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Trying to Be Normal12 An Interesting Second Date

I was anxious the next day, Friday, both because of my upcoming second date with Chalise, and also because I was curious how they’d both take what they’d experienced yesterday. I wondered whether it may just have been enough to push them over the edge, going from ‘interesting’ to ‘scary’. Allison informed me that she and Shani would be working on preparing and sending their resumes to Ryan for his consideration. I asked if she was possibly putting him into an uncomfortable area, essentially...

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Kat the Thief Part 1

Kat the Thief: How "Fate" Messes with You by Danielle Keptres Chapter 1 The last screw dropped away from the grate, and the grate slid slowly down, held by a gloved hand, to the top of a stack of boxes. A head popped out of the vent opening now, and slowly looked around. Sliding from the vent, which was just above head level from the floor, the thief got down to the floor with a slick maneuver. The thief flipped forward, similar to doing a somersault, but out of a one and a...

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The Bet Ch 4 Dining on the Oyster

This story is based upon a photo series, “The Bet”, by Italian photographer, Andrea James Bramley, who started a photo series under this same name at https://bramleyappletheforbiddenfruit.blogspot.com. I write this with the permission of both he and the model featured in “The Bet”, and with his collaboration. He especially helps with some of the Italian phrasing, which I don’t speak. I present to you this tale of a bet gone wrong. You will also find links to his other photographic works. Please...

Wife Lovers
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When Millicent Met Maria One Wednesday

When Millicent Met Maria One Wednesday. By Maria Ski Author's Note: This is not an autobiographical tale but a work of fiction. It was a Wednesday afternoon in March and like most Wednesday afternoons I was off. For some strange reason the college gave us Wednesday afternoons off. And I took advantage of it. As I lived at home it gave me the chance to indulge in my little hobby of cross-dressing. With the full knowledge that my mother was at home and that she approved. Well it...

1 year ago
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GF Dumps Me Gay

It was 10am, I just woke up alone in a hotel room with an angry hard-on. The night before had been spent buying dinner for and then eating out my now ex-girlfriend. She made sure to ride my face for an hour, during which time she came three times. I didn't get to cum at all because after her third orgasm she said she wanted to breakup with me for another guy she had met someplace or other, who had a bigger cock, who really cares? All I knew was I had a case of blue-balls which needed attention....

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I Lost My Job What Will I do Part Six

“Ellen, come downstairs. I have something exciting to share with you.” “Coming, Peter.” My stepfather was yelling up the stairs for me to come down and talk to him. I couldn’t imagine what he wanted. I had just woken up from my nap. I was just wearing my white tank top and my white panties. I walked down the stairs. “Ellen, I have thought of another hot fantasy I want us to do tonight. I know you'll love this one. Want to know what it is?” “I can’t even imagine. What is it?” “You know how...

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GirlsWay Cadence Lux Lilly Lit Big Sis Takes A Squirt

Lilly Lit cautiously peeks her head in through a bedroom door. She glances around the room, then is satisfied that the room is empty. She hurries inside, looking pleased with herself, though still looks back at the door once or twice to check that she is indeed alone. ‘I always wondered what Cadence keeps stashed around here… I always hear her moaning through the walls at night, so I bet she’s got some REALLY naughty stuff hidden around here!’ she giggles to herself. She...

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Fucked my neighbour in nagpur

One month before 3girls had come 2 stay in a flat beside mine .i live in a joint family and i use 2 get up early for my college and 1 morning at about 8o clock i heard d door bell and i went 2 open d door i was in my shorts and penis was hard and it had created a mountain in my shorts i opened d door and saw 1 of d girls who had come 2 stay was standing she said hi am neha and i live beside ur flat wid 2 of my frndz (now about dis girl she is slim and has blue eyez and she was very fair she had...

1 year ago
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My Helpful Landlady

This happened over 50 years ago but I still recall every moment. It is still my favourite wanking fantasy.I was sharing bed and breakfast accommodation in London with three other students. Our landlady, Julie, was the object of all our desires and in the local pub we would often discuss what we would like to do to her, knowing of course that we would never get the chance. She had a superb figure which was just slightly on the “fuller” side, but certainly not fat. I absolutely adored her breasts...

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Through the YearsChapter 14 More of the Cruise

We showered and got ready to go to the pool to eat and lay in the sun. I was enjoying the view of my girls and their gorgeous bald pussies, noticing that we were all rather red in our private areas. I especially noticed Tam looking at her pussy in the full length mirror. “Oh my God, I was going to go nude to the pool but now I’m going to have to wear my bottoms. My pussy is so red that it would be too embarrassing for anyone to see it.” Tam said. “I think maybe we all ought to just go...

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Romy Arora Anal With Tanya

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you a different chain of stories. These are my stories, and most of it is real. As with the earlier stories, I will be spicing them up, but that usually makes the stories read better. I am a 27 year old guy working as a lawyer in Delhi. I did my LLM from the states and well grew way too open minded sexually for this country and now sadly, I am being punished for being so expressive. Thankfully, writing stories on ISS has given me good feedback so it is...

3 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 18 Wednesday

The Wednesday Ladies Lunch met as usual. “How did Vern like his dessert on Monday?” Alice asked. Maria giggled. “Loved it. Always does, ‘specially since we’ve been ... You know. “I like his choice of sandwiches, too.” Susan said. “What do you mean?” Maria responded. “Well, you know we got together on Tuesday?” Maria nodded. “Well...” Susan described her lunch with Vern and Alice said, “Well, I’ll have to try that next week.” She frowned. “Or whenever.” “Yeah, we’ll be out of action for...

3 years ago
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First Gay Sex Experience Double Penetrated

Hi this is Punit. My age is 21 years and weighing about 54kg my mail id is .I am sharing my real life happening. For a time i was shifted to hostel near Guindy for my schooling (by the way i was nineteen at that time) there i met a friend Girish. Girish was a handsome and athletic guy weighing about 65 kg. We were casual friends and roommate as well we became close friends and used to share each other lappy and all……………… One day it so happened i saw some hidden folder in his lappy which he has...

Gay Male
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What an aunt

My marriage wasn't much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much time together. Then the unthinkable happened. While traveling through Kansas toward a South Carolina destination, I got a call from my sister that no sister should have to make. My wife and daughter perished in a car...

4 years ago
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Chemistry Wali Ki Farewell Pe Chudai

Hii friends, me fir se hazir haazir hu apni nyi story lekr. Jo mujhe nhi jaante me unhe bta du ke me hu raajveer, 22 years old, 5’-11’’ tall and strong from Punjab. Mujhe dirty sex bht pasnd hai and I know jyadatar ladies ko bhi yeh pasnd hota hai. By the way I am ready to serve any bhabhi/aunty/girl to the fullest and assure full satisfaction and privacy. I know boht si women apni sex life se satisfied nhi hoti but society ke dar vo kuch nhi kr pati. So U can contact me – Baat 3 saal purani...

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Whos next

"Hellllooooo?" That brought a smile to his face as Gina was home. Coming through the screen door, she looked as fresh as a spring flower bending over to kiss Ron. "How was your day my love?" What a dynamite smile she had. "Now that your here, everything is perfect" smiling at her "You always look so fresh, like you just stepped out of the shower and smell so good too" now laughing. "It's my Italian background, you know that...let me freshen your drink" Walking away, Ron...

1 year ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For Part 1

My name is Celia, but most who know me call me Miss C or Mistress C. I own a bar, but it is not just any bar, and I am not just any bar owner. A lot of the patrons of my bar don't know me, or my name; to them, I am just a stranger that occasionally sits alone at a small table in a dark corner of the bar. The bar is, in part, a Leather Bar and caters to the culture around that. Many people have dark desires or secret sexual fantasies they generally don't share with family or friends for fear...

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The Story of Zacharyy Alexander Part 2

I felt his fingers sliding along my jaw before he plunged them into the warm cavern of my mouth. His thick fingers sliding in and out in and out all the way to the back of my throat instantly making me gag. But he wouldnt quit. Id get a breathe if I was lucky. In and out they kepy going. And still I was hard. He took his fingers out and slowly dragged them down my neck to my nipples, instantly getting them hard with just the slightest touch. Then he continued dragging them down down down to my...

1 year ago
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MomsOnMoms Sovereign Syre Marie Mccray An Affair To Confess

Sovereign Syre is surprised one day when her friend, Marie McCray, shows up unannounced. Marie looks stressed, so Sovereign is quick to invite her in to figure out what’s wrong. When Marie admits that she has something to confess, Sovereign’s heart skips a beat. Could her secret wish finally be coming true?? When Marie blurts out that she had an affair with Sovereign’s husband, Sovereign is disappointed instead of angry, which confuses Marie. Sovereign hesitates but then...

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The night Jodie rocked my world x

She was my best friend, Jodie was her name and she was a regular in the bar where I worked. I never would of guessed that she was interested in girls, she always told me she loved me and that I was her baby but I guessed that to be affection.Then one night after she had been drinking in the club where I worked, I invited her to follow the night through at my flat which I shared with a friend, my friend was out for the night looking after her mum. Jodie, Isobel and Darren came back to my flat,...

3 years ago
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My Sex Diary Part 3 Learning New Things

So, where were we? Right, in Kate's bedroom. I just licked my first pussy. Then I fucked my cousin with her vibrator. And before that, Kate ate me out, and gave me a mind – blowing orgasm. Afterwards we were just lying in her bed, naked, sweaty and happy. We were silent, just enjoying the moment. Were we done? Nah. After a really long while Kate said, that we should probably take a shower. Together. And we took Mr. Vibrator with us. I felt thrilled. She definitely had something very specific...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 28

Elspeth sat, nerously, picking at the fabric of her skirt as the group of patients around them slowly whittled down and down. "Did you want drink?" she turned to Brianna, seeing the slight grin there. "What?" "You've only asked me that about once every five minutes... relax, it'll be fine." "You can look smug now, you were the one that wasn't talking to me over this, remember." She pointed out, returning to gnawing gently at her cheek. "I know... I'm sorry." "You said."...

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More Than a Massage

Sara had been saying she needed a massage for ages and she was looking forward to the full body she had booked for after work. As she entered the salon, it was pretty late and she was the only customer. She was greeted by a young woman with short hair who smiled and made small talk. Sara learned that the girl’s name was Alicia although she preferred Ally. Like Sara, she was also in her early twenties. The girls chatted for quite a while and when Sara made a joke Ally brushed her arm, making...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Sister At Computer Shop

I am Abhinay name changed from Kerala living in the US. I’m going to narrate a real incident happened to my life around 10 years back when I was in Bangalore for a Training please send feedback to Since I was the only man who knows computer, in the training centre they appointed me for preparing technical documents which will be used for training the next batch. There was one girl who also came with us for training and her name is Uma name changed. She was an average beautiful girl around 20...

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The Interloper Chapter 5

Greg and Jessica (aka Jess, as relabeled by her lover) accepted Larry’s invitation of a weekend at The Royal, a posh hotel an hour’s drive away. After arrival and a few drinks in the lounge, Larry went first.Greg flinched when Larry said, “Look at my beautiful date for the weekend!”Greg settled back when Jessica reminded her husband that all three knew what they were there for. Larry had artfully arranged a carriage ride touring of the grounds and handed Greg a few joints to tide him over.Larry...

Wife Lovers
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GirlsWay Gia Paige Lena Paul Jade Baker Wedding PlanDemonium

Jade Baker and Lena Paul are a young engaged couple planning their big day. Since they are starting to feel overwhelmed, they hire a professional wedding planner, Gia Paige, to help make everything runs smoothly. When Gia arrives, she sits the girls down to find out exactly what they both want. However, it quickly becomes obvious that SHE wants a little something, too, as she starts fooling around with both brides-to-be. Both Jade and Lena guiltily enjoy the attention from Gia without letting...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 32

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time I was in Rose’s room. There she is, she seems sad. Me: Hey Rose. Rose: Oh! Hey Aafi. I think she was crying. She looks so upset. Me: What’s up? Are you ok? Rose: No. I hate that Chloe left. Me: Well....

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