Lamars Spiel free porn video

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Kapitel 1

"Du musst Steve Harris sein. Mein Name ist Lamar DuBois. Ich arbeite in der Computertechnik."

"Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen. Lamar, ich weiß nicht, was passiert ist, dass das verdammte Ding abgestürzt ist und ich es nicht wieder zum laufen bringen kann."

"Kein Problem, Mann, ist das da deine Frau?"


"Sie ist wunderschön, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, wenn ich das sage."

"Nein, das macht mir nichts aus und danke."

Lamar gefiel das Bild. Die Frau auf dem Bild hatte Wanderschuhe, abgeschnittene Jeans und ein Crop Top an. Die Shorts enthüllten eine Reihe langer Beine. Das Crop Top, ein flacher Bauch und schöne Titten. Lamar hatte etwas für weiße Frauen übrig und die auf dem Bild war außergewöhnlich. Die Frau hatte lange braune Haare zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden und sie war wunderschön. Wenn er in sein Büro zurückkehrte, wollte Lamar ein wenig recherchieren.

"Da hast du ihn wieder; es funktioniert jetzt gut, wenn du ein Probleme hast, ruf mich einfach an."

"Danke, Lamar, bis dann."

Als Lamar in sein Büro zurückkehrte, öffnete er sofort Steves Personalakte. Menschen kennenzulernen und Informationen zu seinem Vorteil und Genuss zu nutzen, war sein Spiel. Lamar machte sich Notizen, während er die Akte durchlas. College-Abschluss, 49 Jahre, verheiratet, Ehefrau 32, katholisch, keine Kinder. Dann prüfte Lamar Steves Firmenzugriffscode. Dieser Code ist in der persönlichen Datei des Mitarbeiters enthalten. Wenn dem Mitarbeiter etwas zustößt, kann das Unternehmen auf die Geschäftsdateien zugreifen.

Lamar hatte Steves E-Mail-Adresse und probierte den Buchungskreis. Sicher, Steve benutzte den gleichen Code. Steve du bist ein dummer Esel, dachte Lamar. Nun, da Lamar Zugriff auf Steves E-Mail-Konto hatte, folgte ein wenig Recherche über Internet-Geschichte. Lamar konnte die Fundgrube an Wissen, die er dort fand, nicht glauben.

Kapitel 2

Am nächsten Tag traf Steve Lamar auf dem Parkplatz, es war erst das zweite Mal, dass Steve Lamar getroffen hatte. Steve meinte, dass der Typ ziemlich unscheinbar war. Ein bisschen größer als er selbst, dünn und schwarz. Nett genug, also erinnerte sich Steve an seinen Namen.

"Hey Steve, wie geht es dir?"

"Lamar, mir geht es gut, danke, und dir?"

Steve öffnete den Kofferraum zu seinem Auto, als Lamar nach ihm fragte, ob er Racquetball spielen könne.

"Wo spielst du Steve?"

"In meinem Fitnessstudio haben sie Plätze."

"Ich bin neu hier und brauche einen Platz zum trainieren, ist dein Fitnessstudio in der Nähe."

"Ja, es ist ziemlich nah; ich bin gerade dahin unterwegs."

"Was dagegen, wenn ich dir folge."

"Nein überhaupt nicht."

Steve kam dreimal in der Woche ins Fitnessstudio, wo er mit einem Freund Racquetball spielte.

Steves Frau Cris war eine Fitness-Freak und machte Aerobic und Gewichtheben am gleichen Ort. Als Steve und Lamar ins Fitnessstudio kamen, zeigte ihm Steve alles. Lamar gefiel es und meldete sich sofort an.

Während Lamar mit dem Management sprach, zog Steve zum Training um. Danach ging Steve zum Aerobic-Bereich auf der Suche nach Cris. Chris hatte gerade eine Sitzung beendet und war schweißnass. Cris hatte kurze kurze schwarze Shorts, die ihre langen Beine betonten. Cris Oberteil war ebenfalls schwarz und halb tief geschnitten und zeigte nur wenig von ihrer Brust. Während die Oberseite doppelt gepolstert war, konnte es ihre dicken hervorstehenden Nippel kaum verbergen. Steve hörte nie auf zu staunen, wie schön seine Frau war. Cris 'langes braunes Haar war in einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden.

"Ich mag das Outfit Schatz."

"Steve, ich trage es die ganze Zeit, und jetzt bemerkst du es?"

"Ich habe deine Nippel gesehen, Baby, ist es dir kalt hier?"

"Ich werde dieses Oberteil nie wieder tragen."

"Oh, nein, ich liebe es."

"Du bist unverbesserlich."

In diesem Moment kam eine Trainerin Debbie mit Lamar herein. Lamar hatte sich umgezogen und sah jetzt völlig anders aus. Immer noch dünn, aber unglaublich muskulös. Lamar trug ein T-Shirt, das kurz geschnitten war und die Six Pack Bauchmuskeln zeigte. Lamars Shorts waren Lycra-Strumpfhosen und konnte kaum verbergen, das aussah wie eine dicke Schlange, die an seinem Oberschenkel lag.

"Cris, das ist Lamar, er hat sich gerade angemeldet und rate mal was?" Debbie war ein lebhafter Typ und eindeutig ließ Lamar nicht kalt. Bevor Cris auf Debbies Frage antworten konnte, kommentierte Lamar.

"Steve, mein Freund, du hast nicht gelogen, als du gesagt hast, dass deine Frau wunderschön ist. In der Tat war das stark untertrieben. Ich freue mich, dich kennenzulernen. Cris. Ich verstehe Debbie, dass du dich für Tybo interessierst Als Lehrer und brauche ich keine Gebühren zu zahlen. "Kann ich mich darauf freuen, dass du zu meinen Übungsstunden kommst? Lamar war fasziniert von Cris dunklen Augen und ihrem Lächeln.

Steve erinnerte sich nicht, irgendetwas dergleichen gesagt zu haben, aber er verzichtete auf ein Dementi, er wollte seine Frau nicht beleidigen. "Süße, Lamar arbeitet mit mir in der Firma."

"Nett, dich kennenzulernen. Lamar. Tybo-Workout, großartig. Ich wollte Tybo schon immer machen. Ich habe gehört, dass es ein tolles Training ist. Von dem, was ich hier sehe, ist es ein großartiges Training. Lass mich wissen, wenn du deine erste Stunde gibst." Cris' dunkelbraune Augen musterten Lamar kurz. Cris bewunderte eine Person, die viel trainierte und Lamars Körper machte Eindruck auf sie. Außerdem die Art, dass er sie wie ein Raubtier ansah. Cris wandte ihre Augen ab.

"Danke, ich werde es dich wissen lassen. Steve Ich schätze, ich werde mit den Hanteln üben, während du Racquetball spielst. Braucht eine von euch beiden einen Trainingspartner?"

"Ich wünschte, ich könnte, aber leider muss ich arbeiten, wie wäre es mit später", sagte Debbie, indem sie deutlich auf die Möglichkeit von mehr als einer Trainingseinheit in der Zukunft hinwies.

Debbie ignorierend fragte Lamar Cris. "Nun, Cris, was ist mit dir?"

"Sicher wird es Spaß machen, wir sehen uns zu Hause, Schatz."

"Tschüss", sagte Steve, als er sah, wie Lamar und Cris zum Kraftraum gingen. Steve war nicht der eifersüchtige Typ, könnte man sagen, Steve war einer jener Typen, die es genossen, wenn Männer Cris anstarrten oder anflirteten. Die Tatsache, dass Lamar seine Frau anbaggerte, störte Steve überhaupt nicht. Als Steve den Court betrat, um sein erstes Spiel zu spielen, wurde er sogar bei der Aussicht, dass Lamar Cris treffen würde, erregt.

Lamar folgte Cris in den Kraftraum. Verdammt, dieses Mädchen ist heiß, dachte Lamar. Unverschämtes gutes Aussehen, klug, perfekter Arsch, gute Titten und was für ein Paar Beine. Lamar musste daran denken, ein wenig distanziert und geheimnisvoll zu bleiben. Cris trainierte gern, und er hatte vor, ihr eine gute Lektion zu erteilen.

Sie waren beim dritten Bankdrücken und Lamar hat Cris wirklich hart gefordert. Cris begrüßte die Herausforderung, gleichzeitig gab es etwas an Lamar, an das sie nicht denken konnte. Zuvor hatte er offen mit ihr geflirtet, jetzt, wo sie arbeiteten, verhielt er sich fast distanziert. Was im Augenblick gut war, weil Lamars Genitalien nur wenige Zentimeter von ihrem Gesicht entfernt waren. Lamar drängte sie, das Set zu beenden, aber es fiel schwer sich zu konzentrieren.

Cris war nicht prüde und sie bewunderte einen gutaussehenden Mann genauso wie eine andere Frau. Cris hatte nie Schwarze besonders bewundert, noch hatte sie dazu eine geheime Fantasie. In der Schule waren ein paar ihrer Freunde mit Schwarzen ausgegangen. Tatsächlich war eine ihrer Zimmergenossinnen in einen verheirateten schwarzen Professor verknall gewesen. Cris verbrachte das ganze Semester damit, die Orgasmen ihrer Zimmergenossin mitzukriegen, jedes Mal, wenn der Prof kam. Cris hatte versucht, ihre Freundin aus dieser zum Scheitern verurteilten Beziehung zu lösen, weil der Kerl ja verheiratet war, hatte aber keinen Erfolg.

Im Gegenteil, es war ihre Freundin, die jede Gelegenheit nutzte, um ihr zu sagen, wie gut ihr schwarzer Liebhaber war. Irgendwann hatte sie für Cris sogar ein Date mit einem der Professorenfreunde ausgemacht, aber er hatte sie sitzenlassen. Cris dachte zurück, wie enttäuscht sie gewesen war, als der Typ sich nicht zeigte. Die beiden Liebenden zu hören, die jede Nacht fickten, hatte ihre Neugierde gesteigert. Im nächsten Semester bekam ihre Mitbewohnerin eine eigene Wohnung, so dass der Professor seine Privatsphäre hatte erinnerte sich Cris.

"Komm schon, Cris, du hast noch einen in dir, schieb jetzt."

Cris starrte zu Lamar auf, der sie zur letzten Wiederholung antrieb. Während Lamar half, die Gewichte zu positionieren, warf Cris einen Blick auf seinen Schritt. Zuvor hatte Cris gedacht, dass Lamar vielleicht etwas in seine Shorts gestopft hatte. Nur ein paar Zentimeter von ihrem Gesicht entfernt, konnte Cris die unverwechselbare Kontur von Lamars Eichel erkennen. Cris hatte zwei Liebhaber gehabt, bevor sie heiratete. Jeder Mann in ihrem Leben war ungefähr gleich groß. Lamars Schwanz war mindestens zwei Zoll länger, viel dicker, und bei Gott Lamar war noch nicht einmal erregt.

"Cris, bist du bereit, zu einer anderen Übung überzugehen?"

Cris, die sich in Gedanken über Lamars Schwanz verloren hatten, sah auf und merkte, dass Lamar sie beim Anstarren ertappt hatte. Lamar lächelte nicht, aber Cris fühlte sich erröten. "Ja, ich bin bereit, lass uns etwas für die Schultern machen." Oh Gott, dachte Cris, ich treffe den Kerl und er erwischt mich dabei wie ich auf seinen Schwanz starre.

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She would never admit it to anyone but Tracy had a naughty fantasy, one that did not involve her husband. She loved Tony, but ever since she’d heard the saying “Once you go black you never go back,” she’d always wanted to try. After falling desperately in love with Tony and marrying him however, she’d written off her erotic fantasy as just that, a fantasy. She never expected herself to fulfil it. She also never expected her straight-as-an-arrow husband to join in. It all started three months...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife

I never wanted another man other than my husband, but he's long had the fantasy of me being a little slut. It started as role playing at home and while we were fucking I'd make up stories about pretend encounters, both singular and gang bangs and what we found is we both got off on it. I never realized it until the day he pointed out that when I was talking about fucking other men, I came often and I came hard... and I mean HARD. I never failed to have 3 or 4 multiples with my husband, but...

3 years ago
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DP me please

Being bi my whole life I never have experienced a girl quite like Rachael. She is everything a girl could ask for in someone. Sexy, sweet, kind and fun. She shares the details of her sex life with me and I can feel my panties get all wet. I have never pushed the subject with her. She knows I love women as well as my husband. She has heard my sex stories that go along with my swinging lifestyle but she never asked too many questions about it. Tonight was girls night out we were headed for...

4 years ago
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A Moment That Changed My Life Part 2

Firstly, a warm welcome back to the nice people who managed to make it through the first part of my story. For anyone who didn’t, the following part may seem a bit weird as it’s totally out of context. This final part to my story is all about Harry’s birthday treat. It had been a few days since my adventure with Mary. There was a small amount of time where quite a lot happened. It revolved around a conversation I had with Mary. A conversation which changed the final outcome.Mary was at my house...

3 years ago
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Soldier Homecoming

The lights on the Christmas tree sparkled and dance among the green branches and colorful ornaments. Presents were piled beneath the limbs, spilling off of the red skirt and into the floor, testifying to the good year they had. The children would be thrilled tomorrow morning when they emerged sleepy-eyed from their bedrooms to see the wealth of gifts Santa had brought. Santa had not answered Jane’s Christmas wish, though. She had put together the presents alone. It was creeping onto 3 o’clock...

4 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 11

Reluctantly, I moved back to London, and tried to resume some kind of life. I became seriously depressed. Ed had gone for good, and now I had lost Tori and David too. I really didn't want to go back to my old groupie life, so, ironically, considering my deeply ambivalent feelings, it looked like Margaret was all I had left. The thought of that scared me deeply, so for a while, for as long as I could hold out, which was just a few weeks but felt like months, I avoided her. Instead, and...

1 year ago
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Never Too Late

  It was the beginning of the year, and I was looking forward to my last class of the day. Theater class. I knew that I was at least going to shine in that class. I walked in, and there she was. Crossing the barrier between jocks and art She was talking to someone when I came into the room, and I must have caught her eye in her peripheral, because she turned and smiled and said hi. I said hi to her and smiled back, and she told me that there was a seat close to her, so I went and sat...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 14

My two mistresses went with me, we walked to the front meeting up with Mistress Pam and the other Mistresses. They all burst out in laughter when they saw me, Mistress Pam said, "We like it whore, I think it will be something new for school on some Friday." Then she shocked me when she said, "OK girls, let's gather around. We will walk back to the mall, but I want the whore surrounded by us. I don't want anyone to see her just yet, especially the cops. I've heard they are around...

2 years ago
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It was that great summer between school and the rest of our lives. Linda, my best friend, was the smart one. She'd been awarded a scholarship to a top university. As for me, I was just hanging around, figuring that I'd decide what to do eventually. My parents had told me that they expected me to either get a job or start training for a profession come September, but it was June and we were 18 years old and free.I spent most days at Linda's. They had a pool and her dad was a workaholic, a fact...

4 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 61

Forty-eight hours later, Julia was in the master bedroom of the house, packing a suitcase ready for Quentin’s fishing trip. She knew what her Master would require. She knelt, naked as always, before a large leather case, checking through the items. Her curvaceous hindquarters were again without a blemish ... light honey-coloured gleaming softly. For, after her strapping and light caning she had undergone Healing Treatment. Quentin, who had been lying in bed reading the New York Herald Tribune,...

3 years ago
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Magics Returnthe WizardChapter 3

I felt very uncomfortable. I had just finished an interview with a local newscast, and had basically lied through my teeth about Mathew Spath. The lies had been designed to draw him out, though. I was still unsure of how dangerous a group could be, that preached purity of magic. I mean, come on! A terrorist group dedicated to keeping magic and technology separate? Still, there had been acts of terrorism over some of the stupidest things in the past, or at least criminal acts. As I was...

4 years ago
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She had been working for the Smiths for more than two years. They were a nice enough couple who always paid her on time and didn't give her too much extra work. There was laundry and dusting and polishing, sweeping and mopping, vacuuming. Occasionally they would have company over the night before and on those days there was always some extra work to do. Still, she had heard so many complaints from the other girls she worked with about the horrible, nasty homes they had to look after and she...

2 years ago
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Mel stands for Melissa

'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...

4 years ago
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My Man Percival

Percival Hedgespeth came into my life at a time when I was at a low ebb in affairs of a carnal nature. I had been an early bloomer safely ensconced in the family estate near Cornwall and managed to remain a sort of capricious creature with plenty of available cock to choose from whenever the need arose. Of course, my traditional-minded parents were convinced I was a virgin long after the dirty deed was actually accomplished late one night by a drunken house guest with no idea whose snatch he...

2 years ago
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Alone Confused A Gay Mans Story

Chapter One My name is Dominic Jones and my story begins a few weeks after my twenty-first birthday. Looking back, I think I first realised I was gay when I was thirteen years old, but I don’t think I fully understood what that meant until I was about sixteen. During the last five years, or so, I’ve done a lot of soul searching, but have yet to accept being gay and I still haven’t told anybody about it. I haven’t even met another gay man that I am aware of. I have decided to write about my...

4 years ago
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Cheating wife i met jogging story pics and 3 vids

So I have been at the Atlanta office for the last 3 weeks. I am staying out in the suburbs looking at new office space for our office to move into. There is a park near my hotel which I I have jogged in every day for the last week. I have gone at the same time 8-9est and notice some of the same people. Here is a recounting of a episode I had with a regular married milf who jogs there every day. Monday: I pull in and park and notice a woman with the same truck as me. I tell her jokingly "you...

4 years ago
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Joke for today

Signs That You Might Need A New Lawyer* During the trial, you catch him playing his Gameboy. * Every couple of minutes he yells, "I call Jack Daniel's to the stand!" and proceeds to drink a shot. * He places a large "No Refunds" sign on the defense table. * He begins closing arguments with, "As Ally McBeal once said ..." * Just before trial starts he whispers, "The judge is the one with the little hammer, right?" * Just before he says "Your Honor," he makes those little quotation marks in the...

4 years ago
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My Friend Sally Part 2

Fun with dogging.After our cuckold fun Sally asked about dogging and was it for real? I really had no idea but thought it would be fun to try it out and see what happened. We both needed to be careful as we did not want to be found out. So we looked around the internet for information as to where we could go fairly close to are usual motel base.We found information about a bit of woodland not too far away where you could park up and wander in to the woods to find some fun. All seemed fine with...

3 years ago
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Lust Or Love After Losing Virginity

Hi everyone, thank you for your wonderful responses to my previous story. Please read to know whether this is lust or love. We reached Hyderabad at 7 am in the morning. Neha and I were body locked in the bus’s upper berth, fully dressed after the first sex of our lives. The way we looked at each other’s eyes had completely changed. Her eyes had an expression of satisfaction and love. The lust in each other’s eyes the previous night is still in front of my eyes. As the bus entered the city, she...

2 years ago
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Anita takes a wild black gangbang

During the week end Ana and I had gone to attend a good rock concert out of town. We had got a nice comfortable hotel room downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white pearl dress that really showed off her tits and curvaceous body. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our...

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Angel Eyes

Jill closed the door behind her carefully, not wanting to disturb the unexpected stillness of the house. ‘Miles?’ she called out softly, her voice breaking the silence almost reluctantly. ‘Miles, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the bedroom, honey,’ she heard from down the hall. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you…’ Jill rolled her eyes. He’d called her home from work for that? Not that it hadn’t been easy to wrap things up a little early, and not that it wasn’t kind of romantic, but that was probably a...

1 year ago
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Jenna sophisticarted lady has an affair

Where should I begin ?? This is my first post and I am not sure how I should go about it but I feel like sharing some recent events that occurred in the past few months. A little bit about myself. My name is Jenna, I am 40, married with 2 kids. I am 5’6” tall and weigh 130lbs. Brown hair in a bob haircut and brown eyes. Good curves where they are needed if I may say so. My main assets would be Long legs and larger breast than the natural average. Still attractive but not a knockout, let’s not...

Cheating Wifes
4 years ago
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How Did That Get There

HOW DID THAT GET THERE? By O2BeLisa We were both on the edge of having it made. Big time. Of course it was a sharp edge, one which could cut either way, but nonetheless we had hope, and some reason, to believe that we both would succeed. By "we" I mean Betty Clark, my wife of three years, and I, born Thomas Clark, called by my nickname Tommy by the time Betty and I met. We were both in our early twenties, young to be on the edge of big time, but too...

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Mommy mommy mommy Chapter 3

Mommy, mommy, mommy, Chapter 3 I went over to short-term housing and luckily there was an available room. While waiting for them to finish my paperwork I saw my reflection and was horrified to see that the pretty lipstick I was wearing was now smeared all around my mouth from Duane's assault. I forgot I was even wearing lipstick! The housing clerk must have noticed but she just handed me the key and pointed me down the hallway. I was so tired I just fell on the bed and cried myself to...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 56

We sailed the next day from Oak Hall with a full crew of a hundred and sixty men and women that included me and my party. The Sea Nymph was provisioned for the trip and fitted out to deal with anything we might run into along the way. While I had been off gallivanting about Temasek and the waters surrounding it, Tagus had seen to it that ballistae were mounted on the main deck. The Sea Nymph now carried two ballistae in the bow and two on each side of the ship, stationed just about amidships....

2 years ago
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HotwifeXXX Clara Trinity Sexy Asian Wife Clara Meets Her Man

Beautiful Asian wife Clara is awaiting the arrival of her new stud Michael, her husband set up for her and a special gift. Michael is astounded by her beauty and perfect body but first presents her with her hotwife anklet as he kisses her perfect little feet. Now Clara is ready to show him the way upstairs and tongue deep into her sweet hot pussy. Clara also loving his cock as she sucked it deep and squeezing in his balls before he slipped his throbbing cock into her tight little wet hole for a...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Nikole Nash Fucking The Fitness Instructor

Short and spunky Nikole Nash wants to be a fitness instructor. She applied for a job with Jason’s gym and landed an in-home interview to show Jason why she’s the right fit for the job. Nikole arrives ready to impress with plenty of ways to show off her flexibility. When it seems like Jason is hesitating, Nikole makes it clear that she really needs this job and she will do anything, anything at all to get it. When she sees Jason’s interest after she flashes her ass and titties,...

2 years ago
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Meri choti virgin cousine

Hi i m vicky..frm sialkoat(pak) ye meri 2nd story hay,meri 1st story isect me “meri 19 saal ki behan ki seal”or desi me “my 19year old sis” k name say hay app log usay b zrur perna or mje mail kra ager koi anti,behan ,bhabi chudna chahti ho wo b mail kr skti hay;) Me apni story ki terf ata mri real story hay jo k 1 mnth pehlay meray sath paish ayi mere mamoo ki 3 baitiya hay sub say beri 20 saal ki maria hve beautiful figure us say choti 19 saal ki ainey or us say choti noor 18 saal ki...

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SoI heard you likes cock

I was smoking weed in the back Alley, around midnight when i ear the neighbor backyard fence open''sooo Alex , I heard you like cocks?''my older neighbor Mike , pulling me hard in his backyard , threw me on the grass as he close his fencequick to my feet he grab me again and put me down his bbc pull out from his pantstaking my head with both hands''wait wait Miiikkeee ''''mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm''''shhhhh you stay right here little cock sucker, right there , suck it''''open little fag ''''oh...

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BraceFaced Luna Bright The Virgin Braceface Diaries

Come on, silly! What are you waiting for? Luna Bright has the perfect idea. She knows exactly what she wants out of this wimpy young stud. Her parents have some wine in the kitchen that they can drink, and she wants to loosen him up. While she is looking for a bottle, he finds her diary. He finds out that she hates her braces, and more importantly, that she is ready to lose her V card to him! Hes not sure, but Luna has never been more sure about anything. She pulls out his fatty cock and starts...


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