Lamars Spiel free porn video

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Kapitel 1

"Du musst Steve Harris sein. Mein Name ist Lamar DuBois. Ich arbeite in der Computertechnik."

"Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen. Lamar, ich weiß nicht, was passiert ist, dass das verdammte Ding abgestürzt ist und ich es nicht wieder zum laufen bringen kann."

"Kein Problem, Mann, ist das da deine Frau?"


"Sie ist wunderschön, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, wenn ich das sage."

"Nein, das macht mir nichts aus und danke."

Lamar gefiel das Bild. Die Frau auf dem Bild hatte Wanderschuhe, abgeschnittene Jeans und ein Crop Top an. Die Shorts enthüllten eine Reihe langer Beine. Das Crop Top, ein flacher Bauch und schöne Titten. Lamar hatte etwas für weiße Frauen übrig und die auf dem Bild war außergewöhnlich. Die Frau hatte lange braune Haare zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden und sie war wunderschön. Wenn er in sein Büro zurückkehrte, wollte Lamar ein wenig recherchieren.

"Da hast du ihn wieder; es funktioniert jetzt gut, wenn du ein Probleme hast, ruf mich einfach an."

"Danke, Lamar, bis dann."

Als Lamar in sein Büro zurückkehrte, öffnete er sofort Steves Personalakte. Menschen kennenzulernen und Informationen zu seinem Vorteil und Genuss zu nutzen, war sein Spiel. Lamar machte sich Notizen, während er die Akte durchlas. College-Abschluss, 49 Jahre, verheiratet, Ehefrau 32, katholisch, keine Kinder. Dann prüfte Lamar Steves Firmenzugriffscode. Dieser Code ist in der persönlichen Datei des Mitarbeiters enthalten. Wenn dem Mitarbeiter etwas zustößt, kann das Unternehmen auf die Geschäftsdateien zugreifen.

Lamar hatte Steves E-Mail-Adresse und probierte den Buchungskreis. Sicher, Steve benutzte den gleichen Code. Steve du bist ein dummer Esel, dachte Lamar. Nun, da Lamar Zugriff auf Steves E-Mail-Konto hatte, folgte ein wenig Recherche über Internet-Geschichte. Lamar konnte die Fundgrube an Wissen, die er dort fand, nicht glauben.

Kapitel 2

Am nächsten Tag traf Steve Lamar auf dem Parkplatz, es war erst das zweite Mal, dass Steve Lamar getroffen hatte. Steve meinte, dass der Typ ziemlich unscheinbar war. Ein bisschen größer als er selbst, dünn und schwarz. Nett genug, also erinnerte sich Steve an seinen Namen.

"Hey Steve, wie geht es dir?"

"Lamar, mir geht es gut, danke, und dir?"

Steve öffnete den Kofferraum zu seinem Auto, als Lamar nach ihm fragte, ob er Racquetball spielen könne.

"Wo spielst du Steve?"

"In meinem Fitnessstudio haben sie Plätze."

"Ich bin neu hier und brauche einen Platz zum trainieren, ist dein Fitnessstudio in der Nähe."

"Ja, es ist ziemlich nah; ich bin gerade dahin unterwegs."

"Was dagegen, wenn ich dir folge."

"Nein überhaupt nicht."

Steve kam dreimal in der Woche ins Fitnessstudio, wo er mit einem Freund Racquetball spielte.

Steves Frau Cris war eine Fitness-Freak und machte Aerobic und Gewichtheben am gleichen Ort. Als Steve und Lamar ins Fitnessstudio kamen, zeigte ihm Steve alles. Lamar gefiel es und meldete sich sofort an.

Während Lamar mit dem Management sprach, zog Steve zum Training um. Danach ging Steve zum Aerobic-Bereich auf der Suche nach Cris. Chris hatte gerade eine Sitzung beendet und war schweißnass. Cris hatte kurze kurze schwarze Shorts, die ihre langen Beine betonten. Cris Oberteil war ebenfalls schwarz und halb tief geschnitten und zeigte nur wenig von ihrer Brust. Während die Oberseite doppelt gepolstert war, konnte es ihre dicken hervorstehenden Nippel kaum verbergen. Steve hörte nie auf zu staunen, wie schön seine Frau war. Cris 'langes braunes Haar war in einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden.

"Ich mag das Outfit Schatz."

"Steve, ich trage es die ganze Zeit, und jetzt bemerkst du es?"

"Ich habe deine Nippel gesehen, Baby, ist es dir kalt hier?"

"Ich werde dieses Oberteil nie wieder tragen."

"Oh, nein, ich liebe es."

"Du bist unverbesserlich."

In diesem Moment kam eine Trainerin Debbie mit Lamar herein. Lamar hatte sich umgezogen und sah jetzt völlig anders aus. Immer noch dünn, aber unglaublich muskulös. Lamar trug ein T-Shirt, das kurz geschnitten war und die Six Pack Bauchmuskeln zeigte. Lamars Shorts waren Lycra-Strumpfhosen und konnte kaum verbergen, das aussah wie eine dicke Schlange, die an seinem Oberschenkel lag.

"Cris, das ist Lamar, er hat sich gerade angemeldet und rate mal was?" Debbie war ein lebhafter Typ und eindeutig ließ Lamar nicht kalt. Bevor Cris auf Debbies Frage antworten konnte, kommentierte Lamar.

"Steve, mein Freund, du hast nicht gelogen, als du gesagt hast, dass deine Frau wunderschön ist. In der Tat war das stark untertrieben. Ich freue mich, dich kennenzulernen. Cris. Ich verstehe Debbie, dass du dich für Tybo interessierst Als Lehrer und brauche ich keine Gebühren zu zahlen. "Kann ich mich darauf freuen, dass du zu meinen Übungsstunden kommst? Lamar war fasziniert von Cris dunklen Augen und ihrem Lächeln.

Steve erinnerte sich nicht, irgendetwas dergleichen gesagt zu haben, aber er verzichtete auf ein Dementi, er wollte seine Frau nicht beleidigen. "Süße, Lamar arbeitet mit mir in der Firma."

"Nett, dich kennenzulernen. Lamar. Tybo-Workout, großartig. Ich wollte Tybo schon immer machen. Ich habe gehört, dass es ein tolles Training ist. Von dem, was ich hier sehe, ist es ein großartiges Training. Lass mich wissen, wenn du deine erste Stunde gibst." Cris' dunkelbraune Augen musterten Lamar kurz. Cris bewunderte eine Person, die viel trainierte und Lamars Körper machte Eindruck auf sie. Außerdem die Art, dass er sie wie ein Raubtier ansah. Cris wandte ihre Augen ab.

"Danke, ich werde es dich wissen lassen. Steve Ich schätze, ich werde mit den Hanteln üben, während du Racquetball spielst. Braucht eine von euch beiden einen Trainingspartner?"

"Ich wünschte, ich könnte, aber leider muss ich arbeiten, wie wäre es mit später", sagte Debbie, indem sie deutlich auf die Möglichkeit von mehr als einer Trainingseinheit in der Zukunft hinwies.

Debbie ignorierend fragte Lamar Cris. "Nun, Cris, was ist mit dir?"

"Sicher wird es Spaß machen, wir sehen uns zu Hause, Schatz."

"Tschüss", sagte Steve, als er sah, wie Lamar und Cris zum Kraftraum gingen. Steve war nicht der eifersüchtige Typ, könnte man sagen, Steve war einer jener Typen, die es genossen, wenn Männer Cris anstarrten oder anflirteten. Die Tatsache, dass Lamar seine Frau anbaggerte, störte Steve überhaupt nicht. Als Steve den Court betrat, um sein erstes Spiel zu spielen, wurde er sogar bei der Aussicht, dass Lamar Cris treffen würde, erregt.

Lamar folgte Cris in den Kraftraum. Verdammt, dieses Mädchen ist heiß, dachte Lamar. Unverschämtes gutes Aussehen, klug, perfekter Arsch, gute Titten und was für ein Paar Beine. Lamar musste daran denken, ein wenig distanziert und geheimnisvoll zu bleiben. Cris trainierte gern, und er hatte vor, ihr eine gute Lektion zu erteilen.

Sie waren beim dritten Bankdrücken und Lamar hat Cris wirklich hart gefordert. Cris begrüßte die Herausforderung, gleichzeitig gab es etwas an Lamar, an das sie nicht denken konnte. Zuvor hatte er offen mit ihr geflirtet, jetzt, wo sie arbeiteten, verhielt er sich fast distanziert. Was im Augenblick gut war, weil Lamars Genitalien nur wenige Zentimeter von ihrem Gesicht entfernt waren. Lamar drängte sie, das Set zu beenden, aber es fiel schwer sich zu konzentrieren.

Cris war nicht prüde und sie bewunderte einen gutaussehenden Mann genauso wie eine andere Frau. Cris hatte nie Schwarze besonders bewundert, noch hatte sie dazu eine geheime Fantasie. In der Schule waren ein paar ihrer Freunde mit Schwarzen ausgegangen. Tatsächlich war eine ihrer Zimmergenossinnen in einen verheirateten schwarzen Professor verknall gewesen. Cris verbrachte das ganze Semester damit, die Orgasmen ihrer Zimmergenossin mitzukriegen, jedes Mal, wenn der Prof kam. Cris hatte versucht, ihre Freundin aus dieser zum Scheitern verurteilten Beziehung zu lösen, weil der Kerl ja verheiratet war, hatte aber keinen Erfolg.

Im Gegenteil, es war ihre Freundin, die jede Gelegenheit nutzte, um ihr zu sagen, wie gut ihr schwarzer Liebhaber war. Irgendwann hatte sie für Cris sogar ein Date mit einem der Professorenfreunde ausgemacht, aber er hatte sie sitzenlassen. Cris dachte zurück, wie enttäuscht sie gewesen war, als der Typ sich nicht zeigte. Die beiden Liebenden zu hören, die jede Nacht fickten, hatte ihre Neugierde gesteigert. Im nächsten Semester bekam ihre Mitbewohnerin eine eigene Wohnung, so dass der Professor seine Privatsphäre hatte erinnerte sich Cris.

"Komm schon, Cris, du hast noch einen in dir, schieb jetzt."

Cris starrte zu Lamar auf, der sie zur letzten Wiederholung antrieb. Während Lamar half, die Gewichte zu positionieren, warf Cris einen Blick auf seinen Schritt. Zuvor hatte Cris gedacht, dass Lamar vielleicht etwas in seine Shorts gestopft hatte. Nur ein paar Zentimeter von ihrem Gesicht entfernt, konnte Cris die unverwechselbare Kontur von Lamars Eichel erkennen. Cris hatte zwei Liebhaber gehabt, bevor sie heiratete. Jeder Mann in ihrem Leben war ungefähr gleich groß. Lamars Schwanz war mindestens zwei Zoll länger, viel dicker, und bei Gott Lamar war noch nicht einmal erregt.

"Cris, bist du bereit, zu einer anderen Übung überzugehen?"

Cris, die sich in Gedanken über Lamars Schwanz verloren hatten, sah auf und merkte, dass Lamar sie beim Anstarren ertappt hatte. Lamar lächelte nicht, aber Cris fühlte sich erröten. "Ja, ich bin bereit, lass uns etwas für die Schultern machen." Oh Gott, dachte Cris, ich treffe den Kerl und er erwischt mich dabei wie ich auf seinen Schwanz starre.

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4 years ago
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In Lovely Zamobia

IN LOVELY ZAMOBIA by Throne Milton Mulch looked around the ramshakle coastal town with distaste written all over his features. He was a short man with a soft body and bland face. He glanced behind him along the dock, where his wife was stepping nimbly off the seaplane that had brought them to this tropical island. Davina Light (She had insisted on retaining her maiden name. Who would want to be Davina Mulch?) was a tall leggy blond with a beautiful face: wide-set blue eyes, dramatic...

3 years ago
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Carnival Leaving Hyannis

It was still damp and cool when he left his babe trailer; his Heaven on wheels. Weak and still a little hung over, he slogged to his tent and went back to sleep until the fog lifted. It seemed like only minutes had passed, but awakening to the heat and humidity told him it was much later; almost noon. Friday turned into a scorcher. As soon as he had gotten up, Bobby spent most of the day at the small beach he and Andy found earlier in the week. He spent more time in the refreshing...

4 years ago
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Hannah and Sara

My name is Hannah Jensen and I'm a happily married woman. Very happilymarried. I'm thirty-one years old, have a 13 month old daughter named Sarah,and a wonderful husband, Jim, who's a CPA. We've been married for sixyears and it's been wonderful. Jim is the classic `tall, dark and handsome'man that every girl dreams about.Don't get me wrong, we've had our problems, but for the most part it'sbeen wonderfulThe only rough stretch came during the first six months after Sarah'sbirth. I...

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Mothers Day Surprise

Mother's Day Surprise By Princess Pantyboy Today was just like most days I came home from daycare, and I was sitting in my room playing with my toys and stuff. I go to daycare because my mommy works full time, and I am only 5 years old. Usually boys and girls my age would already be in daycare but I have a small issue with potty training. You could say I have accidents once in a while. Okay to be honest I have a lot of accidents and I don't even realize I have to go potty until I am...

2 years ago
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session zing plan b

when Is next vIsIt?FInally meet upon the one who makes you feel most comfortable and you embrace lIke you quench a thIrst. tI'me passes and Its begInnIng to play out lIke one of your fIrst mIstakes and your frIends are gIvIng you the usual " fInd someone new" and after the hope comes the faIth, and you gIve It one last chance and of course, your not satIsfIed. ThIs Is the last tI'me you wIll allow the pleasure, so make sure the evenIng Is gonna be played the way you want It. OutsIde together...

3 years ago
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The agony of Jessie

I woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into Khym International The Agony of Jessie Part 1 Amy woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into the international airport. Seated beside her on the flight was Jessie Gomez. The 18-year-old was still asleep, oblivious to the stares of the male passengers in first class, who could hardly miss the blond teen in her tight blouse and short skirt. Adding to it were her air-conditioned chilled nipples clearly visible...

3 years ago
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ComaChapter 2

Tony took me back to my room. Annie came in and asked how things went. Tony said that I did great and would be on my feet in no time. Shortly after I was settled in, my parents came in to see me. They smiled at Annie as she left to do her rounds and both of them came over and hugged me. Mom was crying and even Dad had tears in his eyes. The last time I talked to Dad, we'd argued. It seemed like it was yesterday. It had something to do with Julie and I coming over for Christmas, but Julie...

3 years ago
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Not Guilty

I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a bowl of Raisin Bran when I was surprised by a hard rap on my kitchen door. Musing over who would be knocking at eight AM Sunday morning, I crossed the tile floor and opened the door. Standing on my stoop was a man in his forties, wearing a cheap, wrinkled suit. Behind him were three uniformed cops. This was definitely not the normal Sunday routine! "Mr. Young?" asked the suit as he briefly held up a badge. "Do you mind if we come in and ask you...

3 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless...

2 years ago
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Daddys Friends Feel Me Up

Daddy’s Friends Feel Me Up By the time that I turned thirteen my mother had been gone for three years and Daddy was my whole life. Reluctantly he stepped up and helped me buy my first bra, he told me about periods, and he introduced me to tampons. He even bought me a vibrator, a big silicone dildo, and a butt plug. Then of course he taught me how to give myself a douche and an enema. Daddy also put a good lock on my door so that I could have my privacy if I wanted it. Things were...

3 years ago
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FrieNdS hOt MoM

It was in spring, the end of May. I woke up feeling bad with my stomach bothering me. After my mom left for work I decided to stay home. I soon realized that Stevie (freshman, his parents and mine are good friends) was probably wondering where I was because I usually pick him up on the way school. I called up Stevie and told him about my problem and he said it was all right and his mom would take him to school. So, I was home alone. I went into the living room couch and laid down for awhile....

1 year ago
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Shower girls

The girls shuffled into the locker room after what had been a brutal hour of gym class. For some unknown reason old lady Stiller had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and taken it out on her third period group of senior girls. "Judas priest," Matti sighed while slumping down on the bench in front of her locker, "what the fuck was that all about!?!" "I dunno," Ricki replied while peeling off her dripping wet shorts and tee shirt, "I don't know if I can make it to my next class!" Everyone in...

3 years ago
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Scent SeductionChapter 3

I was very puzzled by this house. My gut told me that something in the master bedroom / ensuite area of the house caused females to become the instigators of sex. I walked round and round inside the bedroom and ensuite looking for anything that was out of the ordinary. I could see nothing. Retiring to the home office, I sat at the desk and just stared at the walls. After a while I started up my computer and browsed some web sites looking for clues as to the behaviour of these...

4 years ago
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Getting In Trap Of Naughty Sister

I am Rohan (22) and my sister Nisha just turned 18. As most of other Indian guys, I have completed my engineering from a private college. Now, as this was last year of my college, I wanted to live my college life to the fullest and decided to not go for the last semester. In the meantime, my sister was preparing for entrance exams. When I came home after, I was taken aback from the looks of my sister. She had finished her exams a month before and the break from her studies had done magic on...

1 year ago
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Misbehaving Husband punished by wife friends and college coeds

Part 1: Wife punishes husband for first time My Mistress (and wife), Betsy, has dominated me for our entire 30 year relationship. We have both been totally committed to each other our entire lives, and we took away each other's virginity on my 18th birthday. Mistress Betsy and i have been married for over 21 years, and have three adorable daughters, ages 18, 16 and 13. Mistress Betsy is 49 years old, stands 5' 6" tall, weighs 122 pounds and has a 36D-23-34 figure. She has long black silky hair...

2 years ago
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Island Royale The Report Chapter One

____________________________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a reservation for you. On the shelves and kiosks of the World’s travel...

3 years ago
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Having a sexual relationship with family members

Having a sexual relationship with family members can get started in just about any variety of situations, some because one or more member has the definite hots for the other, and some because of circumstances that arise almost out of nowhere. Mine arose simply because of my sister, and what she did with her birthday present. Darla got a small, hand-held video camera for her birthday. It was pretty neat, and she went around videotaping everyone in the house. I didn’t know that she had...

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Krystal Part 2 A Wanton Wife

It was already after nine and Diamond would be here in less than an hour. I remembered what she had said about not getting dressed so I didn't bother. I just kept my black nightie on with a pink robe over it.I washed the breakfast dishes from earlier. I wondered if Diamond would be hungry. I had a few pastries left over. I put on a fresh pot of coffee and looked at the clock. It was ten minutes to ten, so I rushed into the bathroom and peed. I fluffed up my hair, then decided to comb it and...

3 years ago
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Honey, I been having a secret from you for a few years and want to now tell you. Remember I used to chat much on Y Messenger with a lawyer from Chicago? His hair was red and he had nice chubby body and come to Philippines, Korea , Japan and other places sometimes for work. We chat about our lives and he was married and had two teenage k**s. We chat sexy too and see each other body with web cam ; his cock get hard and he cum, and I let him see my pussy too when I play with it for him....

2 years ago
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Moms new Lover

This now brings me to the beginning of my story. I have been lonely for a long time, and I loved my husband Tim. He was a great husband and provider, he also was a stud in the bedroom, and when he died I couldn’t bring myself to really date anyone. So my daughters insisted I get a dog to cheer me up for companionship. “I think this is really the best thing for you right now mom” Amy had said to me. “I just don’t know it’s a lot of responsibility and I don’t know if I’m up for...

4 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part VSpring Break Part 1

Several months after my last story took place my family went on Spring Break to Cancun, and they decided to let Kelly come along. Obviously, we were really excited, even though we knew we were going to have to find more creative ways to have sex, as my little sister was staying in Kelly's room and my 11-year-old twin brothers were in mine. Still, we were excited. On the plane ride down, Kelly sat next to me and rubbed my cock through my athletic shorts. I obviously did not object to this...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Night at the Bar

I had just gotten off from working the second shift at the mill works and decided to drop by a bar close by. I was still pretty dirty from work; my hands and fingernails were lined, callused, and filled with black soot. I'm sure I reeked of sweat and coal fumes thru my leathers, but I figured what the hell, I deserved a drink. I parked my bike and walked into the bar. I've never made a better decision in my life. I was sitting on a stool at the bar nursing a beer and checking out the...

1 year ago
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Slaves Next Door

100% fiction! My name's Tanya and I live by myself in a condo by the beach. I'm an employment attorney and i do well for myself. I'd consider myself attractive: jet black hair, dark eyes, and a curvy but fit frame. However, I don't really date all that much. I find its a total waste of my time. I have a few relationships with men, but none were very satisfying. Really, what I wanted was a long-term female relationship I could dominate in. I never had one before, just a few encounters with some...

1 year ago
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Drunken orgy

It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was coming for a few days. He was accepting the open invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him. My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to drink a bit much for our liking. David and I are involved regularly in Church and are our faith played a major role in our lives. I met David when I was 18 and he was 20. After a year courtship we were married. I lost my virginity to David on my wedding night and he is the only man I...

4 years ago
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An Email To JenniferChapter 3B

Sex between the devoted couple was tentative and performed with extreme, loving care. Mark doted over his precious woman and wanted her to know he was not angry at what had transpired. He approved of the shinny metal inserted into Jenn's nipple and the tattoo was utterly mind-boggling. Much had happened to Jennifer that day and it didn't take long for her to fall into a deep sleep. Her dreams flashed through her mind like a rocky horror picture show and many could be considered...

3 years ago
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Tobias departed from Meg’s little cottage at a more advanced hour than he had anticipated, leaving the luscious Betty sated (at least temporarily) and still a-bed. Aware of the approaching dusk, he hurried towards the main thoroughfare of the town, hastily tucking in his shirttails as he went. Thankfully he met no one he knew who might question why a vicar from another parish might be loitering so late about the street en deshabille.As he reached the coaching inn, he was fortunate enough to...

2 years ago
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Majorette 2 Night of Fire

Majorette 2: Night of Fire By Lynn LeFey Steven Andrews lay on his back, under his covers. In his mind, he was making love to a luscious, graceful majorette. Her blonde hair blew in an unseen wind, and she moaned with pleasure. They lay in each other's arms. He reached up to remove the crimson mask, but her hands stopped him. Who was she? His real-life encounter with this fantasy image last night seemed to be bordering on fascination. He got up, crossed to the computer desk,...

4 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 01

I have been reading the stories of Mystic forest and the legend of the lost princess. It is rumored that she appears during the times of full moons and some have been trying to prove that it is just an old folk tale that started back in the 1800’s. I have been retired for about 7 years and decided that I needed a change in my life. I have always loved mountains and the forests and the beautiful rivers, streams, and lakes. I also have a thing for taking pictures of nature in the wild. So after...

4 years ago
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Studying for Anatomy 2

"Isobel!" Issack shouts after me as he jog to catch up to me. I turn around and smile as I see him jogging towards me. "Did someone die?" I ask, giggling. "What's the rush?" "I had to walk with someone beautiful and funny. And you, my dear ol' Isobel, is absolutely stunning and funny. I couldn't pass up the chance," he says flirtatiously. I blush and stare at people who walks around us in frustration, as we did, only basically stop in the middle of the sidewalk. "Uh, I think we better move," I...


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