Erica Olafson, Adventures Of The Tigershark (Vol 7)Chapter 11: Not A Simple Stop free porn video

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About ten armed Trontigmakader entered the tavern, led by an insectoid in a flashy bright blue and white armor of some kind.

“The four Masters declared martial law until we can determine who released the Cleanser beasts from their hold. This place has been identified as a meeting place of the Discrepant Element. You are all considered potential collaborators, perhaps even supplying weapons to these criminals. You are...”

A high pitched humming voice screamed from somewhere else. “The Four must fall so the Fifth can rise again!”

The voice was immediately followed by a laser blast burning a hole in the head of one of the soldiers.

Again chaos ensued this time with soldier firing at what appeared to be rebels of some kind and the pirates caught in the crossfire.

The Trontigmakader soldiers fired at anything that moved., another group of locals that had suddenly appeared behind the bar returned fire.

The pirates, three of Lia’s and two of Sandovahl’s men had already been hit, and most likely fatal. The rest had scrambled for cover and returned fire.

In all this chaos and confusion, the disguised Union officers and crew members acted according to their training. There was no panic, no erratic behavior.

But it was Har-Hi who was not sure what he should do. In this moment he realized just how much they all, including him, relied on the Captain. He had found cover behind a overturned table and wanted to call her, but he wanted to tell her what he was about to do. The most logical approach was to return to the ship and stay out of whatever local affair this was. However, the spy drone he had launched showed more troops approaching along with alien battle robots and several tanks with large cannons. Erica would risk planetary war and of course, abandon the quest to save them.

Despite being well armed there was no chance they could fight their way through a full infantry assault force. He could, of course, ask Erica to send landing tanks and marines, but that would not only blow their cover but in effect start a war against the Trontigmakader.

He could also fight the rebels or whatever those civilians were, but that too was in effect a declaration of war and there was no guarantee the troops would stop and not arrest or kill them anyway.

The other pirates had not put any restrains on their actions and joined the firefight.

The uniformed troops had been reduced to eight. The pirate weapons were much more powerful then the laser weapons the locals used and easily defeated the troops armor.

Neither the soldiers nor the rebels used shields, but several of the pirates had shield belts, as of course, his disguised marines had. The two Petharians had formed a living cover where the rest of the Tigershark was taking cover.

So far none of his crew had fired, waiting for his commands.

Oh Erica, what should I do and tell you? Every fiber in his body wanted to cut loose and show those two-legged bugs what it meant to stand against a Dai Warrior

Shea rendered with stoic coolness first aid to the wounded, including the Zoran warrior and ignored the laser blasts and chaos around her.

One of the civilian Trontigmakader darted across the room, evading two potshots of the remaining troopers and dove right next to Har Hi and he hummed. “Fight with us if you want to live, there are more many more troops on the way and they will level this place with heavy weapons. They will make no prisoners and do not care who you are.”

The surviving troopers scrambled to the door. Har-Hi was certain there would be a barrage of heavy weapons any moment now.

“So be it, we fight but we need a strategy and I need to inform the captain.”

Derek at one of the windows said. “They are bringing robots and tanks.”

“Come with us and we show you the same way we came in, to escape.”

Har-Hi made up his mind. “Alright!”

He signaled his friends to follow the Insectoid while he and Sandovahl covered their retreat behind the bar.

There was an open trap door.

Har-Hi watched the retina image of his spy drone as the tanks assumed firing position, turrets turning...

He was the last diving head first into the hole as the tavern above them was obliterated by ground shaking explosions.

He caught the foothold of a crude ladder attached to the walls of this deep shaft, as a shower of debris pelted his back and a burning hot wave of air singed his exposed skin.

Ignoring the pain he climbed as fast as he could further down.

Along with more rocks, pieces of concrete he dropped into a narrow and dark corridor.

A Petharian grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him past him as a man-sized piece of debris came crashing down, impacting with a shattering crash into the Petharian.

The massive warrior brushed dust and some dark colored blood from his head. “Sorry for manhandling you like this, but my head had a better chance against that piece of crete than yours.”

“You saved my life.Are you injured?”

“Not much more than as during our last Steel container kick match, Sir. I have a strong feeling our Captain will be very jealous.”

Har-Hi and the Petharian scrambled to catch up with the others and all he could say, “Jealous?”

“She missing all this action, Sir.”

Har-Hi grinned, “You got a point, there. I better call her now.”


It was the first time I was actually angry at Har-Hi. He should have called the ship at the first sign of trouble and let me decide what course of action we are to take. He just finished his report and I was tempted to reprimand him right there and then, but that was not me. He was my first mate and made decisions and I would do my best to help him and deal with the situation. I still planned to talk to him about it in private.

“I send Narth and Ms.Noleii to get you home. The situation smacks just like our last big problem, rebels against the government.”

“We can’t get our right away. We are with other pirates and with the rebels. I try to separate us as soon as possible.”

Red Dragon called next. He was, despite his mask quite obviously agitated and said.”I lost seven of my crew to an attack of vicious beasts and Three were arrested by local authorities. The Celestial Nightmare lost four. I hear Lia, Sandovahl and some of your guys are on the run. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.”

“I am unable to go give you any answers. I haven’t left the ship since we met.”

He grunted something.”Alright, I try to find out what is going on. Stay put!”

“Our mutual support arrangement died a while ago, I am in this now for business reasons alone. Members of my crew are involved and in danger. I am not sitting back and let things happen.”

“I call you back.”

I rushed to the bridge and said.”SHIP, Battlestations. All available senior officers to the bridge.”

“Aye captain.”

As I reached my command seat, Elfi sat down behind her communications console and said.”Captain, I have Lt. Bergdorf standing by.”

“Put him on.”

“Captain, the Red Dragon did not leave his ship, but there is activity underneath the Uhuin. Request permission to investigate.”

“Permission granted but stay at a safe distance, there is a situation here, I need to sort out.”

He acknowledged and I asked.”Anything on the official channels of what is going on?”

Elfi put her headset on and checked her readouts.”TheOther is in the comm-lab right now, to work on a detailed report, Captain. It appears there is a rebel or dissident group advocating the reinstalment of the fifth. It is not clear yet what policy or changes the fifth represents. The officials believe it was the Discrepant Element who released a herd of so-called Cleanser Beasts.”

Narth had taken Shea’s position. “There is no Union reference regarding this life form.”

Sobody said.”It is an extremely dangerous lifeform. It has been breed by the Wutohf as a very bloody means of crowd control and similar situations. The Cleanser Beasts, unfortunately, are a big commercial success for the Wutohf and traded all over the galaxy.”

Elfi nodded and continued. “These Cleanser Beasts tore through a local market and bar district. Other news reports that a tavern in the same district has been destroyed by heavy ordinance. The authorities claim the situation is now under control and the Cleanser Beasts either contained or killed.”

Mao was next.”Captain, there is a considerable force of armed surface ships and fliers approaching from the east and another one from the open sea.”

This was getting more and more convoluted, and I still had no idea what was really going on.

Part of me wanted to have Narth teleport me to Har-Hi, but then the situation was swiftly escalating and my place was on the bridge.

Har-Hi, his shipmates and the other pirates had followed the Trontigmakader of the Discrepant Element, through a labyrinth of reeking sewers and what appeared to be a network of flood control tunnels.

The natives rushed them on and urged them to keep up a fast pace.

One of them hummed.”If the Enforcers of the Four find out we escaped, they open the tide gates and flood the sewers and flood pipes.”

So they slushed through reeking liquids for quite a while and must have covered several clicks before they emerged on the surface. The sewer pipe had become an open runoff. The Trontigmakader leading the sizeable group up the steep sides.

Har-Hi was glad they finally reached fresh air. He looked around to situate himself. Behind them was the tunnel entrance to the sewers and beyond that the skyline of the alien city. The filthy water coming out of that tunnel trickled down the shoreline and into the river delta. From here he could see the watery spaceport and the spaceships in the distance. He instantly recognized the shape of the Silver Streak, even though the local sun was setting and nightfall was fast approaching. He remembered that this world had no moons, so it most likely would be a very dark night.

The spaceport and the ships were the focus of two large military forces. Thousands of fliers, boats with spotlights. His sharp eyes identified infantry troops and robots on barges and boats.

There was no way he could see approaching the ships without being seen. Narth and Brana could teleport them of course, but exposing their psionic talented assets to the other pirates was not something the captain or he wanted to risk at that time. If one of the pirates recognized Brana as a Delicate or the Narth, all pretense was out the door.

The other side of the path they were on became a steep hillside with many primitive houses glued to its side.

That this was the city part of the poorest was glaringly obvious. There weren’t many lights and the businesses here did not cater to foreigners. The places were dirty and in need of much repair.

The path they were on was narrow and meandered between the buildings and the steep hills at one side and the shoreline on the other.

Their guide was still rushing them on.”This is a large group of many non-Trontigmakader, please rush on before they use their tele viewers to scan the coastline.”

It appeared they managed to remain unnoticed by the authorities and they reached what Har-Hi thought of as some sort of abandoned fish processing plant.

It was basically just a big one-room building sitting on stilts on the shore side halfway over the water.

A foul odor of brackish water and rotting fish hung in the thin metal wall building. There were long tables with some kind of conveyor system in the middle. All looked old, very used and now abandoned. The light which had been turned on as they entered had a reddish glow and Har-Hi suspected the light was not only in the visual range but had a strong infrared component.

“I think this is a good place and time for you to explain what is going on and why we are involved and here?” Har-Hi said.

Sandovahl, Lemakr, and Lia agreed and actually placed themselves next to Har-Hi.

Har-Hi could not differentiate the Trontigmakader, there were eighteen of them. To him, they looked as alike as X101s of the same series. Since they did not use their mouths to speak, he wasn’t even sure which one was talking.

“Let us thank you for fighting for and with us at Hugnast’s Welcome. The troops of the Four were winning. Without you, we face the Death-Master either in judgment or in the hereafter.”

Sandovahl actually said what Har-Hi wanted to say.

“We didn’t have much choice, now did we? You started shouting political slogans and killed a soldier. That they started shooting and included us as targets is something I actually understand. Now I think you keep telling us what is going on. I for one like to return to my ship and leave this crap world behind. I rather set up our refinery again then getting fuel here.”

One of the Trontigmakader, most likely the same responded. The humming sound that was part of every word somehow took on a forceful fanatical tone. “The Four masters oppress the people and incarcerated the fifth. The Fifth is our legitime ruler and was always aided by the Four. They disposed him and took over the rule themselves. We fight to restore the rule of the Fifth.”

Derek Simmons actually groaned. “We just came from Itheamh, apparently the same story repeats itself all over again.”

Har-Hi shook his head.”But not with us taking part.”

Lia featured a bandage on her right arm. Har-Hi had not noticed her being wounded but then almost no one got out of that Tavern without an injury so some kind. The Zarin had been carried by crewmates of his was in bad shape and needed real medical attention soon.

Lia was visibly agitated as well and she said.”It all started with those beasts attacking. What was that all about?”

One of the insectlike Trontigmakader stepped a little forward and looked at his associates, also revealing himself as the speaker.”That is something we can not understand either. We stole fifty Cleanser beasts in containment cages from the Four and planned to set them free during the Festival of Hatching tomorrow. None of us can explain how they all got loose. Someone must have opened the cages.”

Har-Hi felt he made the wrong choice, following these rebels. “They just admitted planning a terror act with the aim to cause death and mayhem during some kind of public event. That was one thing the rebels on Itheamh did not do, they only fought the Drak and refrained from Terror acts.

Aloud he said.”What the case might be, we are not going to be involved. Let us find ways to get back to our ships.”

The Trontigmakader made a further step forward and said.”We need you! Your weapons are much more advanced than ours and form what we have seen you command these humongous warriors, able to kill Cleanser Beasts with their bare hands. With you, on our side, we sweep the Four aside and restore the Rule of the Fifth!”

The big Togar captain growled.”You fight on your own. I see no profit in this and no benefit. I am going back to my ship right now and I pity the fools who try to stop me.”

A large roll gate and every other opening in the building opened as if by command and at least fifty Trontigmakader stormed in. More of them remained at hatches and windows aiming shoulder carried weapons at the pirates.

The speaker of the group said.”Then we are those fools. We hoped you would fight for us, but you are not of this world and do not understand. Your weapons and equipment will help our cause. Your ships will send us more in exchange for you.”

Fivcheer came to the bridge.”We all focused on the Red Dragon and overlooked the Puup, Captain. I am terribly sorry.”

I was standing by the Nav Tank, unable to find the state of mind to sit down watching the approach of the two armed forces. “You are sorry for what, Mr. Fivcheer?”

“The Puup, Captain Brathering, Ma’am”

“What about him?”

“He and a group of his crew left the Uhuin underwater and it appears they are the cause for the mayhem. The Puup are declared enemies of the Trontigmakader. The Puup’s ship is a Kermac T cruiser and in terms of Psionics well shielded.”

He got my attention, but I still didn’t see what he was trying to tell me.”This is a fact I have not considered either, but what does this have to do with all of this?”

“The Puup is acting on behalf of his government. He is agitating both sides and is supplying weapons to both sides. His goal is to destabilize Cosporus and prepare the ground for a Puup attack that is planned for years. He is a pirate Upward but loyal to his society.”

The way he pronounced Puup, in all the serious situation made me giggle. “A puup attack, eh? Let’s hope they don’t have diarrhea.”


“Never mind. I should chastise myself for having these childish gutter thoughts and focus on the matter at hand.”

I finally had an idea of what was going on and went to my chair and sat down.”Someone knows who these two groups are that are about to meet with us in the center?”

It was Elfi again.”Yes, captain, TheOther made much progress in analyzing their communications and with SHIPs help decrypted it too.”

She swiped over a lit contact and activated an info bubble. While she was reading the floating texts she said.”The group coming from the city are Troops of the Four and represent the official government. The military forces coming from ocean side are the troops of a powerful landlord or noble. It is not sure how they will react. It appears the guy is on the fence between being loyal to the Four and supporting the Fifth.”

She interrupted her own report.”Captain, we being hailed by the Trontigmakader on official channels.”

I nodded and put on my mask. Not that thought the local insects could tell the difference, but I am sure the pirates and of course the Red Dragon was watching.

One of the insectoids appeared on the screen and in its humming voice it declared.”This is the voice of the Four Masters. Your privileges to visit the city have been revoked, complete your refueling and leave our world. It appears some or all of you are involved with local subversive elements and terrorists!”

He added before any of us could reply.”You have one day. After that, we will seize your ships.”

The Red Dragon responded for us.”Now listen, we came here traveling from the Upward sector of this galaxy and have never been here before. We do not know and we do not care about local politics, but I refuse to be threatened. I am the Red Dragon and once my associates are ready we will leave. You can keep whatever fuel you have for sale. There are other ports of call I am certain.”

The speaker of the Trontigmakader did not respond but cut the transmission.

I called the Red Dragon.”Have you checked on your friend the Puup lately, you know they are enemies of these Insects and basically at war.”

He wanted to dismiss it, I could tell. However, he stopped before he really said something and listened to someone on his bridge. Then he cursed and growled.”That worthless louse! I pluck his teeth...”

He too cut the transmission.

“Elfi get me Har-Hi again. I am sick of this and want them back aboard.”

Narth had retreated in one of his seclusive meditation states right after Fivcheer gave his report and only now raised his head.”Captain, there is more to this planet than the Red Dragon let on. The first clue of our actual quest is hidden here. Where ever he got the information about the Seenian depot, he also received instructions to come here and contact the Anagoge.”

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Chapter 11: Not a Simple Stop Videos

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 13 Seekers Request

Funsecsiev the Command wizard of the large Kermac fleet felt frustrated, a little scared and cheated. Frustrated, because he was not in control of the Celtest depot, nor did he have detailed information as for how it might be reached. Scared because he did not want to return to Kermac prime without a report of success and cheated because this mission if successful could have been the door to the Tower of Wizards and the lead position of a ministry. Without the expected success, his chances...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 25 Before the Storm

TheOther was injured. The wounds he received from the relentless attacks of these smaller Y’All versions were too deep and too severe for his incredible healing abilities to cope with. He regretted the fact that he opted to forego the AutoDoc adjustment, Cateria recommended for months now. The original factory-issued unit, requested a species update because this amazing piece of Union technology was deploying medical nanites and his own bodies defense mechanisms fought the nanites and...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 10 Togr

The former slaves were received like kings. The Golden and their employees went out of their way to accommodate them. Tables and benches were carried out on the big central yard of the Golden enclave. The Golden handed out food, clothing and what surprised the former slaves more than anything, weapons. I jumped on a table and said.”You are free beings now. You can walk out that gate and try to find a new home. I will ask the Golden to give all those who leave 100 polos, so you are not...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 19 Ghosts

“Circuit, are you there?” “Yes, Captain but there are green vapor things in Engineering.These things affecting the injector spear blades of both Chandelier diverters. We can’t tap TransDim energies right now and I switched to secondary power.” “Can we still lift off?” “Not at the moment Captain. Most of my engineering crew is acting weird and two have pulled the auxiliary reactor down into maintenance cycle. I need to contain them and get the reactors back up. We are on battery power...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 3 Smelter Moons

“Well, we are well past GalNet range.” Circuit said sitting behind his console. He had insisted to come along, as this was a real Karthanian freighter and not my own marvelous ship disguised as one. I had contemplated taking the Tigershark, as the Janus mask could have been easily adjusted, but I wanted Har-Hi to have all its resources available, as I was convinced he had to face more than just old-fashioned atomic bombs. “Might be as well, Mr.Circuit. It will prevent me to call back every...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 2 Nexus

Shea tried to catch her breath, her suit was in restore and repair mode and the system assured her that it would be fully functional in less than an hour. Krabbel was not so lucky and her Archa friend was missing a leg. Hans and the Y’All and the marines were unharmed, except for a few bruises. The island was destroyed, and the shaft leading into the deep had collapsed. Hans was sitting by Krabbel who assured her that the Auto-Doc of his suit kept him pain-free and that losing a leg was not...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 12 Arsenal IV

After we had triaged the wounded and contacted the Union Carriers, the news spread fast. There was an intense but very short space battle. The Na tribe and their closest allies had used their ships to bring the non-Dai troops to Thana Shoo, with many Muta-Kerr and Shiruti still in the ships. They were intended to take over the mothers and battleships of the non-compliant tribes. The Dai were fired up with anger and flew their fighters with a merciless vengeance. However, the true difference...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 10 Thana Shoo

Not just a destroyer showed up, but the entire Hi tribe and a substantial part of their allied and associated Tribes. Jarsumat Port was now filled with ships of the Hi tribe, unloading surface tanks and troops. Har-Hi and I had passed the time talking, playing the local game of dice and having a meal of spicy stew. We were a bit surprised seeing surface troops and tanks land instead of the expected destroyer. The Tar himself had come dirtside and greeted us. That the Tar felt embarrassed...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 6 High Father

The Stellaris scientist-led us through several connecting tube tunnels and stopped at another airlock module. Space is limited, unfortunately, and we can’t accommodate Nul or ... is that a Y’All?” I put a firm tone in my voice.”Is there a problem with that?” “Oh no, I voted for their admission. I just noticed the Ensign rank insignia and wondered how it managed to get to be an officer that fast.” “He joined the Union as an individual ahead of his kind. This is Ensign TheOther, a valued...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 16 Gird of Power Incarnate

The thing didn’t move. Narth said. “I am holding it. It is strong but not unmanageable. “SHIP called. “The asteroid has revealed previously unknown weaponry. It is taxing our shields to almost 20 percent. ““Are you in danger?” “Oh, no captain. That tech is quite advanced, and I think it is Orlan but Mao took those weapons out with kilo loads. I was just reporting. “I dialed my TKU to 10 and said. “It’s going to get mighty hot in here. Narth your shields are on, right?” “No, captain. I...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 19 The Cup

The woman that stepped through a shimmering portal of dark red light, had dark grey skin, long white hair and wore a skimpy outfit which was an odd combination of bikini, medieval armor, and wispy veils. Her eyes had no pupils but glowed in the same dark red light as the now dissipating portal. Stahl suddenly remembered Sunday school and stopped himself to actually make the sign of the cross. However, he was never really intimidated, by anyone. The Eternal Warrior got up, like the old...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 11 End of Thana Shoo

The words of the Pale Ones almost seemed to linger as a hushed silence took hold of the assembled Dai. It appeared everyone was waiting for the Cam’s response. Completely out of character for a usual stern and serious Dai Than, Elf-Na grinned. It was an evil smile no doubt. “And I intend to do just that, but not in the arena. The Arena is sacred and for Dai Than only. You question my word calling that traitorous Hi tribe, Okthi and reject it. I reject his declaration that this Union female,...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 18 New Horizons

Lia and her crew of outcasts, dropped out of Quasi-space at a star system eighteen light-years from the trans-spatial gate. According to her admittingly outdated information, this was the homeworld of the Farnok. They were hailed almost immediately and after a few moments, Squack language communications were established, confirming the fact, that this was not the first trans-galactic contact. The being appearing on the viewer was covered with short brown fur and had general similarities...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 16 The Hall of the Fifth

Har-Hi was led to a Wisdom keeper, who was without question an old Dai. The revelation that there was a Dai was quite a surprise for Har-Hi. He had not expected that, but since he had become a Union officer and traveled with Erica, he had met and seen the unthinkable. Living dust clouds, planet surface covering creatures and a planet-bound, desert scavenging Dai. He had met Dai that were born in captivity and knew a Dai tribe leader was engaged in selling Dai Than as slaves. Meeting a Dai...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 3 You Are Laro

The Dai Nest so I learned a week later, was a huge space station in an otherwise empty star system. It was deep in Union space. The star had been named Dai-Core. The station was made of several Gigamon stations, interconnected with girder-like structures that acted as docks and mooring arms for Dai ships and the humongous Dai Mothers. The system and the station were busy. From my visually unaided vista, a simple viewport I counted eleven Dai Mothers, I was sure there were many more outside...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 8 Dust Cloud

The Thauran now known as Red Dragon cursed at the Situation and cursed his Sensor Operator.”You said you detected the Silver Streak in Orbit. Where is it?” “I swear to you it was there one second and now it’s gone. I think she went over the Pole. Adjusting for magnetic interference now.” “What a worthless idiot are you? Is she there or not?” “No Captain I cannot detect her ship anywhere in the system, maybe our Sensors were damaged.” “Of course your sensors are damaged. She can’t simply...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 18 The Cache

I had been in deep space before and knew how cold space was. Yet standing here on that frozen plane with these bizarre tooth or needle-shaped rock formations, with a bright star just over the horizon giving it all a bluish shine, made it look colder than anything I had seen before and I came off a very cold world myself. Not that I felt any of it, I wore a disguised Atas battle suit, made to look like a piece of undefinable alien hardware and I also wore Tyron Suit. While he assured me I...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 27 Cruxor

Har-Hi had finished his report and waited for Stahl’s response. There was none, at least not right away. The Old Admiral was staring at the Dai and then wiped his mouth. “You guys found the source of the Y’All?” “Yes, Sir we are quite confident that the Crucible is indeed that source. Along with my verbal report, I have transmitted all data we were able to gather. “While we are all confident, our Captain will succeed in destroying this source. She felt that this was a number too big for...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 11 Malmoru

Deep in the bowels of Quarva, Meeze reached a rock chamber, no outsider had seen since the Mara had left so long ago, There was very little light, the faint lumination that came from dim glowing mushrooms did little to reveal more than vague shadows. Meeze had little need for light, his species was well adapted to dark places and lightless crevices. There in the darkness, something big lingered, then moved and shifted. A malleable, mass oozing with stringy goo shifted its position and a...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 17 Just a stopedited version

We didn’t have to fight the Merrimac destroyer. The mercenaries immediately signaled surrender. They all were Union citizens, and according to Hans, checking the files. They did have a notice to appear issued, but were still citizens and not yet charged with anything. The ship was bristling with illegal mil-tech, but it was registered to Nick Harlequin and not to any of the surrendering mercenaries. They also reported the demise of Chucky Harlequin and wanted to know if there was any bounty...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 6 Okthi or Than

I knew I should have paid more attention to the Laurin Oghr, especially since I knew about the Bunthik subculture. The only excuse I had was the fact that I was drunk, but then this was no excuse because I should not have left my guard down like that in an environment that was less than familiar to me. I should have suspected the presence of more than one spy. If the situation was as serious as I believed it was, the opposing actors namely this Cam Elf-Na would not give up easily. All this...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 1 Narth Prime

The USS Braddock swung into orbit around one of the most mysterious worlds in the entire Universe, Narth Prime. She was the first Non-Narth vessel ever to do that in over a thousand years. Captain Mike Anderson was very aware of that. No active scanning was done. He gave strict orders not to activate any probing rays or scanners other than the passive ones needed for spaceship operations. The planet was as unusual as its inhabitants and reputation. It had no visible surface features from...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 18 The End

Hans due to his size and strength was often seen as a bruiser with tremendous strength but little else. This was not the case since he was with the Olafson gang. He was asked about his opinion about other things. The woman across him was about as opposite as a being could be to a Saturnian, she was a Delicate. While Brana was certainly not a member of the original gang, she like the rest became like family. She had just stepped into his security office and without any hesitation floated...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 8 Done For

A muscular being covered with a brown shroud came running our way. It had a nonhuman snout sticking out from under his hood. What was exposed of him was covered with a short gray fur. In his right, he held an elegant looking weapon. It appeared to be an energy beamer of sort, he had fired it twice into the direction he was coming from. Now he turned and with it his weapon and he aimed at me. Lucky for me I was close, unfortunate for him, I had already drawn the Dai blade. I moved fast into...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 7 Departure

After I was reunited with my friends and my ship we left Karthanian space and returned to the space dock of Fantlemo Brthail. The Karthanian engineer had returned with us. He told us, that with the First Engineer active, the old Guildmasters would be swept away; and he realized that he no longer wanted to be a Guild leader. He rather returned to Itheamh and helped rebuild it and run his space dock. In order to maintain our cover, he reverted to his alter ego of Fantlemo Brthail and only...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 9 Downward

The incident with the dust cloud was now over six weeks ago. Down here in completely unexplored space, it really hit home how big our galaxy really was. Back home in the Upward sector with Hyper Highways and Space trains; with known planets and systems and of course with everyone connected to GalNet space did not feel as empty and vast. We had crossed the gap and now steadily went further down the Coreward sector. Our sensors picked up some space traffic now and then, but in general, this...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 25 Battle Stations

The Thauran behind the altar thundered with a deep voice.”What is this?” “Itz ze Meeze, stoopiz. Meeze goez now, whenz the Meeze comz backz. Ze girlz Soburz iz bettzer reazy zo goez.” Men drew weapons, none appeared to be of Union origin and aimed it at the Wheeze. One of them said.”I never have seen a creature like that, and I can not identify the hardware it is wearing but it speaks a very garbled version of Union standard.” “Pffz youze triez to doez ze speakiz witz a ringmouz, noz...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 23 Awake

I returned to the table where Har-Hi was talking with the former pirate captains and a former Union fleet petty officer, who had dealt with the Worm and now paid the price. “We need to get back to the ship, right away. “Har-Hi didn’t lose a second and got up, tossed a few Iridium coins on the table and was ready to follow me. Lemakr, the Togar said. “What about us, Black Velvet?” “I have all the crew I need and I am in a hurry, figure it out. “I was torn between showing them some sort of...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 19 Network Active

The disguised Tigershark dropped out of Quasi-Space and as it has become our routine just beyond the utmost Elfi said. “Looks like they had contact with our galaxy before. Communication is now possible. They respond to Squack.” I got up, Har-Hi held my mask. “You should wear it, it is part of your Black Velvet trademark and flair of mystery.” “You think I have that? I mean a flair?” “In spades, Captain and I begin to learn to like this Do suit, complete with mask. It gives me that...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 22 Meeze investigates

He had been here once before, time of other realms had no meaning here. The ground he stood on, was a polished hard surface of highly reflective properties and stretched into every direction and into infinity. The universe with all its clusters and superstrings reflected in it from the infinite sky above this surface. This was the Plane of Eternity, a place beyond the Omniverse itself. Lumis remembered when he was brought here the first time. Then, he did not listen to the name of Lumis....

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 7 Lets Go

This situation reminded me of my first visit to Sin 4. I did not know where I was, brought here against my will. Abducted, stripped of everything I owned. I was once again bare feet, had several blisters and burn wounds. My hair was a mess, at least In didn’t have to go pee. Darn it thinking about it, made realize I actually did. I was still running across that landing field, not knowing where I was going, but I knew I still stuck out like a sore thumb, being the only pin skinned human. The...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 21 Subtle approach

I was sitting on the main diagnostic table of our sickbay. Cateria had taken me out of a regen tank just moments ago and was now examining me. “What did you do, Captain? Fight a blast furnace” I could not find the emotions to smile, Tyron’s demise was heavy on my mind. “What I faced was certainly hot enough to melt metal. “Har-Hi was standing outside the privacy bubble and said. “Whatever you guys did, worked the run-away Orlan equipment is inactive and we can no longer detect any random...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 4 Crusted Complications

The USS Gromsmaro was not a supply transporter and not a unit of the Science Council. She was a full sized, late model Union battleship under the command of Captain Bronbohr, a four meters tall Vvolti. Bronbohr was not the most liked commanding officer in the Union fleet, but there was hardly one more correct or fair. His ship and crew were among the top ten vessels in the entire spatial navy in terms of response to alert times, simulated battle honors, efficiency ratings and so forth. The...

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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 21 The Hearing

The news of Eric Olafson being on trial had reached Nilfeheim. First noticed by Lars Igvarhein the owner and operator of Nilfeheim Radio. That Eric had become Erica was not widely known, but his legend had grown. Isegrim, Siegfrieda, Exa, and Elenna had traveled to Hogun’s Tavern. The place was packed to standing room only. Hogun had his GalNet terminal active on GalNet One and the system displayed the proceedings on the largest field screen setting possible. Aunt Freydis was assisted by...

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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 22 Verdict

The latest development transmitted in the tightly packed guest room of Hogun’s Tavern was greeted with cheers and raised tankards. Gunnar Peerson said. “I guess we only hear now, what a hero our Eric Olafson really is.” “It is the strong arm of an Olafson and the sharp mind of a Ragnarsson paired with the virtues of a true Norse that is at the core of Isegrim’s firstborn that enables such deeds.” Proclaimed another. Isegrim shouted. “Mighty brother Hogun, open barrels and let your kitchen...

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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 15 Ice Demons

Rex Schwartz, now fully aware of his ancient dual personality, known as Invictus Rex had, of course, witnessed the approach and the initial attack of the Tomradi. He was confident, that the latest TransDim shields would hold against anything these aliens could throw at them from surface weapons. The appearance of these huge disc-shaped battleships however caused great concern. He brought along a sizeable army of Seenian Sentmacs. Cloned humans that had been altered to be the perfect...

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