Erica Olafson, Voyages Of The Tigershark (Vol 8)Chapter 8: Done For free porn video

A muscular being covered with a brown shroud came running our way. It had a nonhuman snout sticking out from under his hood. What was exposed of him was covered with a short gray fur. In his right, he held an elegant looking weapon. It appeared to be an energy beamer of sort, he had fired it twice into the direction he was coming from. Now he turned and with it his weapon and he aimed at me. Lucky for me I was close, unfortunate for him, I had already drawn the Dai blade.
I moved fast into the shadows of a tent wall, ignoring the still standing but headless gray pelted assassin steps behind me.
I glanced around the corner and the first thing I saw was chaos. Two of the brutish Toemps lay on the ground, riddled with blaster holes, there were two Dai females, both wearing skimpy outfits they also were shot, one was beyond all help. Much of her abdomen was missing, to my utter shock, I noticed she was a blonde. The other was red skinned and raven-haired like all the ones I had seen so far.
Another gray pelted shrouded being was crawling right before me from underneath a tent wall, obviously trying to escape the scene.
While I had no idea who’s side he was on. I had a distinct feeling he was involved and didn’t want to stick around to clear things up.
“Checking for leaks or lost something?”
He was fast, but even the best assassin or whatever he was, needed to crawl all the way through something before he could jump up. The result of his fast action was actually quite funny. I didn’t laugh because if there were two, there might be more. With a kick under his chin that would have lifted Mao of the ground, I made his attempts futile.
Pander-Go caught up with me.
“You just earned your trip to Paktaru.”
We joined the scene, Pander-Go dragged the being I had kicked unconscious along.
There were about thirty or forty people. Several Toemps, a number of Lelemonfre and non-Tribe Dai had gathered by the three bodies, the fourth victim was wounded but alive.
One of the Dai recalled what happened, apparently for the second time as he was asked to tell everyone again.
“Wukii and Qurai, those are the Daiyee were on their way back to Panculag’s tent. Dancing and providing entertainment to Zublin who celebrated a good business deal, when these Irekies demanded Wukii to go with them. Babluu and Efgon who had been along for guides and safety wanted to know what it was all about. The Irekies opened fire, killed Wukii and both Toemps.”
Pander-Go held up the leg of the assassin he had dragged from between the tents into the open.
“This Ireki is still alive. The Irwam will ask the right questions.”
The Dai who had apparently seen it all and Pander-Go were elected on the spot to take the surviving assassin to that local authority.
To me Pander-Go said.
“Go back to my tent and wait for me. I take care of this business.”
“Does this happen often?”
“Such things do happen on the road, but never at the camp and gathering site.”
I think I recognize, the dead girl. She was one of the female groomers that helped me to blend in.”
He nodded with pressed lips.
“Apparently she liked your hair and emulated it. I share your unspoken concerns. I think she died because the Irekies think she was you.
“He added.
“I go to the Irwam, I think it is better you don’t go there because his chambers might be under surveillance.”
The Ireki groaned and was coming around.
A big Toemp growled.
“I come too, if that coward tries to move, I will tear him apart.”
Pander-Go said.
“Wait for me, and shoot or kill anyone who comes into my tent that isn’t me.”
“Alright, but I think this is my mess and I should be the one taking care of it.”
“Just go to the tent. You don’t know this place, but I do.”
Pander-Go and half a dozen Pan-Pans went to Place of Jarsumat. One of the hulking Toemp carried the surviving Ireki assassin. They had simply rolled him in a sturdy Wikti Pads and tightly secured it with lots of tent rope.
The Ireki was fully awake now and he begged and pleaded not to be brought before the Irwam.
“I pay you thousand Gold Shac each if you let me go.”
“Ten thousand Gold Shac or a million of them do not bring my brother back.
“The Toemp carrying the assassin said.
“You only live because the Arukiten will kill you in much more satisfying ways than I can. His brood will then devour you.”
Pander-Go poked the bundled up Ireki.
“You Ireki getting bold, wandering into the Gathering camp and killing Pan-Pans. Never happened as far as I know. Who paid you?”
“It was a mistake. We were good on Fufi, lots of strong Fufi and a blaster malfunctioned. Not even mine.”
“You aren’t a good liar,” Pander-Go said.
“I am not.
“The Ireki confessed.
“Lying is not taught by our masters, but being a good Ireki is.”
A muffled popping sound could be heard. The Toemp tossed the now smoking roll off his shoulder with a painful yelp.
They watched in horror as the body and the Wikti pad was dissolving into a greenish soup, its fumes caused a Lelemonfre drop to the ground making chocking rattling sounds. Fast medical help might have been able to save the semi insectoid, but such help was sparse and not as easily accessible as it was on many other developed worlds. Pander-Go never could identify an individual of the Lelemonfre species by sight alone, but he was almost certain he had seen this one before. The Lelemonfre died, while the rest of them stayed as far away of the now almost completely consumed body of the Ireki.
The greenish fumes wafted downwind and towards the Pan-Pan area. Diluted and dissipated by the wind it still caused loud coughing and cursing.
The Pan-Pan vendors and merchants went on and climbed the stairs to the Irwam’s chamber. While it was late, and night had advanced across the land, the Arukiten was known to receive visitors and petitioners at all times.
It appeared the Jakonen guards already knew something was going on. There were four instead of two and they all wore combat armor, holding their weapons at the ready.
A pair of silent Truntuns guided them to the Irwam’s chamber.
Even after seeing the Arukiten many times before, Pander-Go could not dismiss his feeling of uneasiness. The towering being appeared to have expected them. The Toemp seemed less inhibited by the Irwam and recalled the events with great detail. He also added the violent suicide of the Ireki assassin and concluded.
“The Ireki have never sent Assassins between the tents of the gathering area. They also do not act randomly but have been paid.”
The Irwam’s singing voice sounded as ever, but Pander-Go was convinced that Arukiten expressed their emotions some other way anyway.
“What occurred is tragic and troublesome. The culprits have paid the price for their actions. It is as you say, Ireki do not act on their own. One must agree with you, an entity with ulterior motives has retained the services of these Assassins. However one can not act without evidence pointing out this entity. Investigations will be conducted. Once the guilty are identified, substantial compensation will be awarded.”
Pander-Go who was only a secondary witness and could not claim any damages remained silent. Pandulag the owner of the Dancing girls was not even here, the only one with a personal loss was the Toemp. The pelted brute made a gesture of agreement.
“I accept the words of the Irwam. I will travel to Paktaru and sent a message to the Vexpar tribunal, by the time I have returned, I am certain these investigations have been successfully concluded.”
The Toemp turned with a grunt and stormed out.
The Arukiten’s tentacles had tensed but relaxed.
“One of the victims was humanoid with head fur that is not black?”
Pander-Go declined his head.
“The Irwam is dedicated to the contracts.”
The Pal-Pals and Pander-Go shuffled to the exit.
As the last one had left, the Irwam said.
“This is the end. The Na’s men will hear of the Daiyee demise, I will levy a heavy fine and compensate the victims.”
One of the half-naked Truntuns whispered to a friend of his.
“The Arukiten, as potent it thinks it is, closes all its eyes. It knows the Cam of the Na tribe might come back, being the Cam no more but the Patr-Tar of all Dai and in command of the Infarx. Not the Irwam nor all the ones united under the Vexpar Cooperation want to face an angry Patr-Tar Elf-Na.”
“Neither do we. It does make one think about the Daiyee, none has ever escaped before.”
“And no Daiyee’s fate ever was the focus of a Cam. She must be very important.”
“Important things are always very valuable.”
“You are as wise as the Irwam, we will investigate indeed.”
While the planet had two suns, it had no moons making the night quite dark. I learned that Jarsumat port was made up of three communities. There was the Han-Man colony, on the opposite side of the landing field. It was the largest one in terms of population. It maintained the spaceport facilities. It was where many Dai clans came to buy and trade plundered resources, fighters, and items the individual tribes manufactured and were famous for. I had learned first hand that the Dai considered females wares and tradeable property too. Then there were the community of the Vespar Cooperation, the oldest part of this community. It was according to my new mentor, the core community and called the Place of Jarsumat included the chambers of the Irwam. This section of the settlement was the place of the Pan-Pan community. I knew next to nothing about the place, but I saw people striking tents and packing things. Others seem to have just arrived and did the same things but in an opposite way.
I heard muffled footsteps and sneaked behind the inwardly curled tent flap.
Pander-Go swallowed audible as he noticed the razor edge of my sword at his throat. I sheathed the blade and said.
“Sorry about that, I just heard food steps and with all this darkness.”
“By the spirits. I should rent you out to Vaktan, the Gem dealer.”
Pander-Go swiped his hand over a dimly glowing strip attached to a tent pole and several lights came on.
“We better get some sleep. Tomorrow we break camp and head for Paktaru and if the spirits are our friends we will reach the shores of Paksea and the city of Paktaru on seven days and nine hours.”
“Seven ... Days?”
“Important things can be express rushed, by stage couriers. They can make it in four days, but that is incredibly expensive and attracts much attention. I hope poor Wukii died with a purpose, making them think they killed you.”
I frowned.
“I was thinking along the same lines when I saw her killed having her hair dyed blonde.”
“They just want you bad.”
“That is one thing I can’t figure out. I should be only a troublesome Daiyee to the Hi clan because they have to explain my absence to a certain man and in extend to the Union, but I shouldn’t be worth that much to a bunch of slave peddlers.”
“On my way back, I heard there is a bounty on your head, 20,000 Gold Shac. That is the highest bounty I ever heard off and they say it is offered by the Na tribe, not the Man.”
“I sure appreciate you coming back instead of sending some strong arms trying to earn that bounty.”
“You don’t understand Erica, you are a Pan-Pan now. We are fierce competitors and not always friends, but there is not enough money or gold in the Universe for one of us selling out another Pan-Pan.”
“If anything, this is what I would call Than and not that stylized, codified thing the Tribes think it is.”
He sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
I then realized what he just had said.
“Did you say Na tribe? The one led by a crook named Cam Elf-Na?”
He nodded.
“Now this makes even less sense. I actually never met the Cam and I thought he would not even know about me.
“I shook my head.
“Makes no sense at all, even if he knew of me. I am not Dai and whatever symbolism the Hi clan attached to me should have no bearing on his affairs.”
“Tell me about the Hi clan and why you ended up here in more detail.”
I did. I told the old Dai how I met Har-Hi, how we became friends. How he showed up on Nilfeheim and taking me to his father. I told him about the Kai-Do, the space fight and the decision of the Tar to make me a Than and a Hi.
He had sat down on his pillow and served himself a hot drink in a small narrow glass. Only after I was finished he filled another glass and handed it to me.
“This may not be to your liking but try it. It is made by the Olcir, a very primitive and small tribe you can find deep in the forests away from the road. I am not sure what they put in it, or how they make it. They call it Fufi and it is strong.”
“I better not. I need all my senses.”
He seemed to agree and retracted the offered glass. His face was thoughtful, and then he said.
“I have no doubt this Har-Hi is your friend and from the sound of it he grew into adulthood, away from his tribe.
“He sighed, but the Tar of the Hi tribe was less than forthcoming to you and perhaps kept his declared Vanth-Ka in the dark.
Being the Tar is more important than everything.”
I actually recalled Har-Hi saying the very same words.
Maybe he saw what I was just remembering in my face.
“Outsiders do not understand just how all-surpassing important that is to a Dai-Than.”
“I can’t claim to fathom the extent, but I think I might begin to understand. What do you mean by not forthcoming?”
“A woman fighting on the same level as a Juthi and the Kai-Do declaring you Laro-Gy.”
“The Do tribe was declared Okthi, but only Than can become Okthi. The Do trib once was the biggest of them all. The Kai-Do made you his Vanth-Ka.”
Absentmindedly I played with the black tresses cascading from under the hood.
“I trained with the guy on our long trip back. he didn’t say much. If I understand it correctly, the Vanth is some sort of successor, and the Ka is a number, one I think.”
“There you have it. You are the number one successor of the Do tribe. With you as the Tar of the tribe, the Do are not Okthi. You step before the Pale Ones, they will recognize you as the Tar of the Do. Four thousand tribes have sworn to the Do and their old pledges will be just as binding today.
With six thousand tribes under your name and will, you not only jeopardize the Na’s chances to become Patri, you are a valid contender.”
My jaw dropped.
“I am a Union Officer, a human and female. Why hasn’t no one told me?”
“You think the Tar of the Hi tribe would summon you like this, for a lesser reason?” The old man took a sip of the second glass.
“Maybe he did not share this with his Son, but he too has aspirations to become the Patri. He has a significant number of clans united under his leadership. He heard the call, thus he is certain he is not Okthi. He prepares to go to Thana Shoo and hears about you and the Kar-Do. He knows the significance of the Do declaring you Laro. You became a contender and a problem.”
“But without him calling me, I never would have gone to Thana Shoo. I did not hear any calls.”
He tossed the rest of the second glasses content past the open tent flaps.
“You promised Har-Hi to go to Thana Shoo and rectify the Cam Elf-Na problem, did you not?”
With a spinning mind, I nodded.
“I did.”
The old tribes are huge, with millions of individuals on many ships. There are eyes and ears of other tribes mixed in every layer. I am certain the Tar of the Hi clan has spies right on the Herexe. They are not Than mind you and thus not worth mentioned.”
“The more you tell me, the more the differences between Elf-Na and Kar-Hi seem to fade and blur. I am afraid the more I learn, the less I am certain who is the villain.”
“Oh don’t you worry about that one, Elf-Na is the greatest villain and bane to all that is Dai since Ort Har-Okth. I have a distinct feeling he has different motivations to become Patri, than the Tar of the Hi. I think he bows to a higher power.
“He gave me a strange look.
“You told me about the Wisdom Hall and the tomb of the Fifth. These entities fight a bigger conflict, on bigger stages and their fights last many eons. Maybe the Cam listens to one of them. If there is a Fifth, there are bound to be at least four more.
“He sighed and got up.
“Remember one thing Union Erica, the Tar of the Hi tribe is the Tar before he is anything else and he is a man in a position of power. Power is addictive like nothing else and once you are addicted nothing will satisfy you, like the quest for more. The power and influence of the Patri is many magnitudes above anything they are now.”
He picked up his seating pillow.
“Why do you think there hasn’t been a Patri for so long?”
“I don’t know.”
“Because the last one had to be disposed, he was insane. The process to get rid of him was a costly one and took decades of fighting.”
“For a Surface Dai you know a lot about Dai Than history.”
“Oh but I told you I was brought here like you, I was not born a Pan-Pan. I am Pander-Go now, but once I have been Pan-Go.”
“A Dai Than?”
“Yes, but it is getting late and the story of the Go tribe is no longer relevant. We have plenty of time for stories on the road. We better get some sleep, we must rise early and pack.”
“How do we travel?”
“We have hired a wagon, you’ll see. It isn’t flying but beats walking.”
Pander did not have to wake me, I hadn’t really slept, despite the insurances of my host.
“It is time, Erica. We must break camp, the convoy will leave soon.”
It was cold enough to see my breath. The sky was still dark, but one could almost see the light of the soon to be rising suns. I had glimpsed the first activities that precluded that anticipated trip, last night, it had increased to a strangely organized chaos. There was hectic activity everywhere.
Pander-Go was well organized and it took me little to understand what he was doing. I helped him pack his things and stack them on an aluminum pallet. The last steps were to secure the load with a tarp and a cargo net with ratchet type straps. He glanced around the now empty square of hard packed dirt, he had occupied with his tent and nodded satisfied.
“I have never done it this fast, you are quite handy and pick things up fast.”
“When Longnight comes to my homeworld, many clans pack things for the long trip to Isen Landsby, to bring back animals tended for sale and slaughter. We also pack things on boats and sleds. The details are different, the idea and the involved labor seems quite the same.”
“But are you not the commanding officer of a spaceship? Manual labor should be beneath you.”
“Would such an attitude help me now?”
He shook his head and waved for a forklift like vehicle.
“No, probably not.”
To the operator of the cargo handled he said.
“Take it to Rutavince’s train, Waggon five.”
He gave me a sign to follow.
Two Truntun had stepped out on the balcony of the elevated chamber of the Irwam’s chambers and used high powered teleoptics to watch the breaking of the camp. A monthly repeating occurrence and local spectacle.
The Pan-Pan of Jarsumat gathered to migrate east to the coast, while the Pan-Pan of Paktaru arrived.
Over the scene illuminated by countless lights, hung a visible cloud of dust.
“It is traditional and well organized.
“The one standing to the right of the door said.
“If the Dai chose to have a Patri once again, this might be one of the last such trips. A flier can make the trip in a few hours.
“His colleague standing to the left added.
“A ballistic ship can make it in minutes.”
“The mystery is not entirely solved, but it appears more than one party is expected to ask the Pale Ones for that decision.”
“One such party might just be running among the Pan-Pan.
“The Truntun to the left speculated.
“The one with yellow hair has been killed.”
“Indeed but there are sisters and a mother. There is Panculag who claims damages and has the documents to prove it. He has purchased the killed Daiyee several periods prior to the escape of the one they hunt.”
“Documents are not always what they supposed to be, Pan-Pan’s are clever that way.”
The Truntun to the left raised his Televiewer.
“It might be of interest, lonely Pander-Go is not traveling alone anymore. Rumors of the camp came to my attention that it was his new companion dispatched the Ireki assassins with great skill and swift action.”
“He is very rich, not many Pan-Pan trade Gawan pottery. They say he knows where they are and even traded genuine First Age Saresii pottery. He can afford and buy any slave they bring.”

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