Detektiv indian porn

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

4 years ago
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Von der Detektivin Isabel wird viel verlangt

Die 25-jährige Isabella, arbeitet schon seit zwei Jahren bei der Detektei Brant in Düsseldorf. Von ihren Kollegen wird sie nur Isabel genannt, was sie nicht weiter stört. Sie kommt mit ihrer aufgestellten Art sehr gut bei den Kunden wie auch bei ihren Kollegen an. Nicht zuletzt auch wegen ihres Aussehens. Sie ist 1.70 groß, 55-60 Kilo. Sie hat schwarze schulterlange Haare, ein sympathisches Gesicht. Ihr Hintern ist etwas zu groß geraten, was für einige ein Hingucker ist. Ihre C-Titten hängen...

2 years ago
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Detektivin Isabels Auftrag an der Ostsee

(Hallo zusammen. Ich habe mich entschieden, eine neue Geschichte von der Detektivin Isabel zu schreiben. Falls Ihr den alten Teil nicht gelesen habt, ist es kein Problem. Es werden zwar einzelne Themen besprochen, die Geschichte selber ist komplett neu. Ich hoffe, euch gefällt euch.) 17. Oktober, Schleswig-Holstein Das ist doch verrückt! Geht es durch Isabels Kopf, als sie durch den nassen Rasen Richtung Werft läuft. Weiter vorne hat es einige Bäume, die dicht beieinanderstehen. Dahinter geht...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Dedektives

Auf meinem Schreibtisch türmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehlergewesen, in dieses Büro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zuteuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Aufträge von einer besserenKlientel.Und ich wollte diese Überwachung von Ehemännern loswerden, denn das warfast ausschließlich mein täglich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang voreiner Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir alsDetektiv erträumt hatte.Meine Sekretärin war ich mittlerweile los, weil...

3 years ago
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Yvonne by PonytailGirl This is a translation into German language based on the original "Cammy" by Guy Faux. Pictures by DovSherman. Gespr?che mit anderen Leuten waren f?r mich nie einfach. Selbst in Unterhaltungen mit Freunden und der Familie stotterte ich fast durchgehend. Die Leute meinten, ich sei bescheuert und lie?en mich "links liegen". Dieser Umstand machte mich ungl?cklich. Die Wahrheit ist, dass ich ein gemeinschaftlich denkender Mensch bin und echte Freunde haben wollte ...

3 years ago
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Die weisse Massai German

Die weisse Massaivon blumchen100Kapitel 1?Meine Herren, Sie erlauben, dass ich Ihnen dies naeher erlaeutere!? Dr. Claudia von Bergfeld strich eine Straehne ihres langen blonden Haars aus dem Gesicht und erhob sich mit einer eleganten Bewegung aus dem ledernen Sessel. Sie schritt mit grazilem Hueftschwung zum Kopfende des langen Besprechungstisches. Die Pfennigabsaetze ihrer teuren Pumps bohrten sich in den weichen Teppich. Selbstbewusst klappte die schlanke grossgewachsene Blondine ihren Laptop...

1 year ago
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Mias Welt

Dumm gelaufen .Ich hatte mal wieder voll den Blödsinn gemacht . Mich so dumm angestellt . Jetzt saß ich hier in einem kleinen Büro und gleichzeitig tief in der Scheiße . So ein blöder Kaufhausdetektiv hatte mich erwischt . Mich , verdammt . Ich war früher mal toll gewesen im Klauen . Jetzt nicht mehr , ganz klar . Wahrscheinlich war ich aus der Übung . Hatte es ja nicht mehr nötig . Fuck .Oh Mann , wie konnte ich so dumm sein . Ich zerdrückte fast meine Tasche die ich auf dem Schoß hatte ,...

1 year ago
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Mias Welt 03

Der Besuch .Ich lag noch im Bett . Benny war schon unterwegs . Arbeiten . Ich lag nur da , schlürfte den Kaffee den er mir gebracht hatte . Und versuchte den gestrigen Tag zu verarbeiten . War nicht leicht . Ich wusste immer noch nicht was dieser Detektiv mit mir gemacht hatte . Sollte ich es als Vergewaltigung sehen ?Doch ich kam immer mehr auf den Schluss dass es keine war . Er hatte keinerlei Gewalt angewendet . Mir nicht damit gedroht . Gar nichts . Sicherlich war die Androhung die Bullen...

2 years ago
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Eine Serie von falschen Entscheidungen

Es begann am Ende unseres letzten Jahres in der High School. Wir waren zwei Mädchen, die gerade 18 geworden sind und so stolz darauf, erwachsen zu sein (ohne alle Folgen dieses Begriffs zu verstehen), und wir stehen vor dem Eintritt ins College. Wir waren zwei naive weiße Mädchen, die in sicheren Vorstadtvierteln, in gut situierten Häusern aufwuchsen. Wir hatten ein Leben, auf das wir uns freuen konnten, das erste College, und wer weiß was? Warum wir die dummen Sachen gemacht haben, verstehe...

4 years ago
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B ses Spiel mit Jessica Rabbit

Diese Geschichte habe ich als Thread bei "MACC'S Celebrity Fun und Disneys Prinzessinnen" begonnen. Irgendwann hat mir der Text nicht mehr gefallen und ich habe ihn überarbeitet und stelle ihn nun als neue Geschichte hier ein. Ich habe versucht das ganze als wirkliche Fortsetzung von „Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit“ zu gestalten, wobei ich auf Ideen des Films zurückgreife, aber auch neue Ideen hinzugefügt habe. Ich hoffe das die Geschichte bei den Lesern gut ankommt und auch echte Roger Rabbit...

3 years ago
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New York

New York (Escordgirl findet ihre wahre Bestimmung) Die Straße war menschenleer. Jill klemmte ihre Handtasche fester unter den Arm, während sie in die enge Gasse bog. Vor einem Schaufenster, das ihre Aufmerksamkeit erregt hatte, blieb sie einen Moment stehen. Sie bewunderte die filigranen handgefertigten Figürchen aus Glas und bemerkte nicht, das sie selbst mit interessiertem Auge gemustert wurde. „Wunderschön“, die raue männliche Stimme ließ Jill erschauern. Nervös drehte sie ihren Kopf und...

4 years ago
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Jona 1

Prolog Eine Nebenstra?e f?hrte aus Hoyt, einer Kleinstadt in Kansas, schnurgerade hinaus durch flaches Land nach Norden, bis sie an einer Schranke an der Grenze zu einer Reservation versperrt wurde. Etwa auf halber Strecke zwischen dieser Kleinstadt und der Reservation stand auf einer Stra?enseite ein einsames Haus. Es war ein ganz gew?hnliches, etwas ?lteres eingeschossiges Einfamilienhaus. Es war dennoch nicht gerade klein, hatte eine Doppelgarage und Veranda vor dem Eingang. All...

1 year ago
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Batman ist ein willenloser Sklave

Eine neue Geschichte, vor allem aber eine neue Art des Geschichtenerzählens. Zumindest für mich. Die Leute die meine Geschichten bisher verfolgt haben wissen das ich dazu tendiere lange Chapter zu schreiben und darauf zu achten das die Leute und die Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar sind. Das führt zu sehr langen Geschichten. Ich möchte allerdings in dieser Geschichte den Ablauf ein wenig ändern. In dieser Geschichte wird es, wie fast immer bei mir, um Gedankenkontrolle gehen und das Verderben von...

Mind Control
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Mias Welt 02

Das schlechte Gewissen Nachdem ich mich übergeben hatte ging es mir kaum besser , aber immerhin konnte ich wieder denken . Auch wenn es schlimm gewesen war , ich hatte es überstanden . Ich band mein langes Haar zum Pferdeschwanz zusammen . so fielen die verräterischen und schmierigen Flecken nicht so auf . Ich schaffte es nach Hause zu kommen , egal wie wacklig meine Beine waren . Zum Glück war Benny noch arbeiten . Als erstes trank ich zwei schnelle Wodka . Sie beruhigten meine Nerven etwas ....

2 years ago
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Tanja Teil 1

Tanja - Ankunft in Toronto Mein Name ist Franz. Ich habe vor zwei Wochen meinen Master in Computer Science gemacht. Einen Arbeitsvertrag habe ich auch schon. Allerdings will ich noch einmal vier Monate nach Neuseeland reisen. Eigentlich war geplant, dass mich meine Freundin begleitet. Leider haben wir uns vor vier Wochen getrennt. Egal, dann fahre ich alleine, dachte ich. Eigentlich ein guter Plan. Nur habe ich ziemliche Flugangst und nach Neuseeland fliegt man eine Weile. Von...

4 years ago
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Bestellt und Geliefert

Diese Geschichte handelt von einen jungen Mann, der von seiner Schwester in die weibliche Rolle gedr?ngt wird, weil er als IT Spezialist keinen Job hatte. Sein Lebensweg f?hrt ?ber Liberec nach Budapest, und dann passiert etwas in seinen Leben, was theoretisch m?glich ist, in Europa, er wird entf?hrt von skrupellosen Verbrechern... Stichw?rter: TV, gro?e Liebe, unfreiwillige GaOP, Versklavt als Zofe und... Bestellt und Geliefert ( Katrin*2012) Teil1 Einleitung War es wi...

4 years ago
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Detektivin Holmes

Hallo. Ich würde mir wünschen das alle Leserinnen und Leser sich gern an mich wenden, über Kommentare oder direkte Nachrichten, was ihr euch in die Geschichte wünscht oder welche alternative Wege es geben soll. Auch wenn ich einen der Fälle weiter ausbauen soll. Wer selber Kapitel schreiben will kann es sehr gerne machen und sich im Zweifelsfall an mich wenden. Ich wünsche viel Spaß. Vorerst zu mir. Mein Name ist Helene Watson. Mein Studium der Medizin habe ich in München abgeschlossen. Ich...

2 years ago
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Perverser Kaufhausdetektiv

Es war ein warmer Sommertag im Juli und ich saß in meinem Kaufhausbüro und starrte abwechselnd auf die 16 Monitore die die Einkaufzonen dieser Etage überwachten. Gelangweilt zündete ich mir eine Zigarette an, zog tief an ihr und schaute beim Ausatmen der blauen Wolke nach die träge in der schwülen Luft sich langsam auflöste? Ich schaute auf die Uhr; 19.36??noch 24min und ich wir hatten endlich Feierabend. Mein Freund und Kollege Paul war in unserer Etage unterwegs, damit ich ihm wenn nötig per...

3 years ago
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Rennen! Das war momentan Noras einziger Gedanke. Möglichst schnell, möglichst weit weg. Die Rufe hinter ihr nahm sie genauso wenig wahr, wie die Leute, welche ihr auf dem Bürgersteig erschrocken auswichen. Die Ampel vor ihr war auf rot, doch sie achtete gar nicht darauf. Sie rannte über die Strasse, sprang über die Motorhaube eines Volvos, welcher erschrocken abbremste. Sie warf einen Blick über die Schulter. Entsetzt merkte sie, dass der Mann, von dem sie seit dem Einkaufszentrum verfolgt...

2 years ago
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Im Kaufhaus

Karin eine junge Ehefrau von 26 jahrenzog sich gerade den Slip über die Hüfte, als es heftig an der Tür klopfte. Moment, bitte. Ich bin gleich fertig. Machen sie bitte auf hörte sie eine fordernde männliche Stimme. Sie stand in der Toilette bei Karstadt und streifte sich ihren Rock zurecht. Mist, dachte sie. Hat sie jemand gesehen? Sie hängte den BH wieder auf den Bügel, nahm ihre Tasche und atmete tief durch. Sie wurde nervös. Ihre Hände und Knie begannen leicht zu zittern. Erlauben Sie mal!...

3 years ago
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Meine Frau und ich Die asiatische Kellnerin

Meine Frau und ich hatten eine Zugbegleiterin vergewaltigt. Mehr dazu unter: "Meine Frau und ich" Als meine Frau beschlossen hatte, der kleinen Zugbegleiterin einen weiteren "Besuch" abzustatten, gingen wir zur Einstimmung in ein chinesisches Restaurant. Dort wollten wir den Umschlag mit den Fotos öffnen, die die Detektei von dem vergewaltigten Mädchen gemacht hatte. Doch vorher gönnte meine Frau sich zur Einstimmung noch einen kleinen Spaß der besonderen Art. "Hey", fuhr sie die zierliche...

2 years ago
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Mias Welt 06

Ich saß in seinem Wagen . Ein dicker BMW . Ledersitze mit Heizung . All der Scheiß . Weinberg fuhr , keine Ahnung wohin . Nur raus aus Hannover . Ich achtete nicht wirklich darauf , ich war völlig neben mir . Ich konnte nicht begreifen was mit mir passierte . Vorhin , in seinem Büro , ich hatte gewollt das er mir in den Mund spritzt . Ich wollte ihn schmecken , ihn schlucken . Und danach hatte er mich geküsst , seinen eigenen Samen an meinen Lippen geschmeckt . Dann war ich regelrecht zusammen...

1 year ago
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L auml szlig t sie sich auf die Spiele

Da ich zur Zeit keine Geschichte fertig kriege, mal wieder eine alte. Diese ist von 2004. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich sie schon mal veröffentlicht hatte, aber wenn, dann im Greyarchive.Mit der Kategorie bin ich mir nicht so sicher, es will eigentlich keine so recht passen, aber nach dem englischen „NonConsent/Reluctance" scheint mir „nicht festgelegt" am Besten.Wer keine Beschreibungen von Sex oder moderate Gewalt mag, bitte doch woanders hingehen, das www ist schließlich groß genug.An einem...

4 years ago
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Claudia 3

Vorwort Dieser Teil hat etwas auf sich warten lassen. Es waren schon ?ber 80kB geschrieben, da ging es auf einmal nicht mehr weiter. Ich dachte mir, warte ein wenig, dir wird schon eine Idee kommen. So verging schnell viel Zeit, und die Geschichte kam durch andere Ereignisse in den Hintergrund. Aber einige nette Leser lie?en nicht locker. Nichtsdestotrotz fand ich immer noch keine Fortsetzung. Dann habe ich alles weggeworfen und von vorne angefangen. Wegen des schlechten Wetters ...

3 years ago
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Andy 7

"Uiii, du riechst aber nach Knoblauch", begr??te mich Mom, als ich nach Hause kam. "Ich habe Spaghetti Aglio Olio gemacht." "Hat es gut geschmeckt?" "Hervorragend. Beste Zutaten, frisch gekauft. Ich glaube, Frau Weber wird morgen ein Problem haben. Willst du probieren?" Damit hielt ich ihr ein Glas vor die Nase. Sie ?ffnete und schnupperte. "Hmmm, und ich habe noch nicht gegessen." "Ok, ich stelle das Wasser auf." "Morgen werden sie mich auf der Arbeit umbringen." "Aber ...

1 year ago
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Magische Reise

Die Wirtschaftskrise war schuld. Gerade hatte ich es in den Nachrichten geh?rt, was meine eigenen Erfahrungen best?tigte: "... sind dieses Jahr kaum Ferienjobs f?r Sch?ler und Studenten vorhanden ..." In den Firmen herrschte Kurzarbeit, kein Platz f?r einen Studenten. Deshalb las ich erneut eine Anzeige, die ich sonst ignoriert h?tte: Reisef?hrer gesucht. Keine Erfahrung erforderlich, aber Aufgeschlossenheit f?r etwas Besonderes. Auf den ersten Blick sah das nach einer zwi...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 13

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Story f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 16

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 17

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Sabina und ihr neues Leben german

Sabina und ihr neues Leben (german)Kapitel 1: WutSabina ist eine gelangweilte Ehefrau, die seit sieben Jahren mit Sven verheiratet ist. Da ihr Mann als selbstst?ndiger Anlageberater sehr gut verdient, musste sie seit der Heirat nicht mehr arbeiten.Mit ihren 31 Jahren k?nnte Sie sehr gut aussehen, doch da Sie merkte, dass ihr Mann Wachs in ihren H?nden war, gab Sie sich keine M?he mehr. Ihr rotblondes Haar hatte sie sich aus Bequemlichkeit ziemlich kurz schneiden lassen, w?hrend ihre Fotze, die fr?he...

3 years ago
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Die N rtings German

Die N?rtings Die N?rtings 1.   Immer diese Kinder Hermann N?rting und seine Frau Elene waren vor allem zwei Dinge. Zum einen waren sie beide ziemliche Sadisten, zum anderen unversch?mt reich. Hermann seine Mutter stammte aus einer der reichsten deutschen Unternehmerfamilien und als sie heiratete wurde sie aus dem Familienunternehmen ausbezahlt, mit Geldsummen, die ihr und ihren Nachkommen auf viele Generationen ein vollkommen sorgenfreies Leben in extremen Luxus bieten w?rde.Schon Hermanns M...

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My Sons Friends Part 2

Introduction: Nikki Comes to Dinner My Sons Friends Part 2 Nikki Comes to Dinner This is a continuation of my story Part 1 (I get to know my sons girlfriend better). If you havent read it, you might want to, it makes sense of whats going on here. Nikki comes to dinner Everything at home was as normal as you could expect. Thats if normal includes your 38 year old wife constantly asking you when youre going to fuck your sons 18 year old girlfriend. Even though our sex life was already amazing,...

3 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 3

Simon looked up from the couch to see a black pair of fishnet stockings and matching suspenders. He passed over a small bundle of notes and the almost naked prostitute counted them before smiling at him. She left the room briefly and then held out her hand to him sat on the leather couch in her room. "I'll make all your dreams come true," the 27-year-old whore promised. He had already instructed Holly exactly what he wanted, and paid for the services he desired. When he rang the agency...

4 years ago
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Warhammer 40 000 Take as PrizeChapter 2

“I am afraid I do not quite follow. I know that navigators are queerly helpful aboard ships – they cannot seem to sail without them. Further, I know that the navigator families own quite a deal of wealth. Navis Nobiline, the saying goes, never a day without a golden throne for the pocket and for the loo. But, well, I don’t see the connection between them and your cruise and the sailing and such.” Jon paused in his conversation to move a piece on the Regicide board set between him and Vynn....

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 20

Mary and Rachelle, independently and together, had come to a couple of decisions about their futures in the preceding days. In separate venues miles apart, they were putting them into play. Both had watched their guys actions and reactions to the addition of a couple of pretty girls to the group – pretty girls with great bodies who had sex on video for a living. Neither expected the reaction she saw. Walt and Sean were typical males. They appreciated beauty and they noticed beauty. They...

1 year ago
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Cathy the Dockside Cocksucker

Halifax, Nova Scotia is a gorgeous city. Right on the harbour, there is a long boardwalk along the wharf, called the Historic Properties, where summer is a particularly vibrant and magical time. All along the boardwalk, there are shops, food stands, restaurants with outdoor patios, buskers playing music, dancers, jugglers, and so on. And, of course, there is the water and all the ships that are docked at the many peers, many of which are floating museums you can board and look around. You can...

Group Sex
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Do it in Mexico

I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public ,...

1 year ago
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A Fist Full of Dollars

It was well past sunset when the train pulled into the Turkish town of Arbad. It had been a long trip and a good night's sleep would not have been unwelcome. "Well according to the brochure and the 'let's go' book there are hotel representatives at these stations. They welcome tourists and if they haven't booked anywhere, will recommend accommodation", the woman said as she picked up her bag. Her husband gave a grunt. For his part he didn't even want to be here, a Muslim country was not...

2 years ago
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Late Night Fun

We haven’t had much time to ourselves the past couple weeks. Being a younger couple with a kid made that hard. My wife walks in from work late and I greet her from the couch. She looked tired, I probably wasn’t getting any tonight. Her hair is up off she neck but she pulled it out of her bun and her curls fell to her shoulders. She pours herself a glass of wine, our son was asleep so who could blame her.“Long day?” I ask glancing at her.She nods walking over to me, she plops down and rests her...

Straight Sex
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All About Simon

It began one early June. The girl hung upside down on the monkey bars. Her long brown hair flowing everywhere, covering her dark brown eyes. She laughed heartily showing off for her mom. Her mother, a single mother, smiled and took a picture of her beautiful daughter. "Try to move your hair out of your face silly girl. I want a good picture of you," said her mom. The child looked up and brushed her hair away from her face. She gave her mom a big smile, making it obvious that she was missing...

1 year ago
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My Wife worked late

My wife Sue was very over sexed and can never say no to a man. She had been helping an older manager who was trying to spice up his non sex life at home by loaning him some of our romantic porn DVDs and I suspected more. One day she said they had staff training after work so she would be late and I left it at that. However I suspected she was up to no could by the sexy way she dressed when leaving for work in morning. After I had my dinner I decided to go up to DIY store and then on my way back...

Cheating Wifes
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Back Home from The Farm

My sister Beth and I grew up on a farm in Indiana. Living out in the country was pretty much a dull and restricted sort of life for teenagers. Since we had to ride the school bus, we had no opportunity to participate in extracurricular school activities--it was off to school in the morning and back home right school was out. This schedule cut down on our opportunities for dating, too, since it gave neither of us much chance to develop any kind of serious friendships or romantic relations with...

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Her Pleasure

She’s not sure how to take this new man. He only does things to make her happy. The finger fucking, the oral sex, the licking of her nipples, and soft gentle touching and kissing. He seeks out every part of her body with his tongue and fingers. Licking at every sensitive spot. She tries to give him pleasure but it’s all about her. She loves all the attention even when he has his face buried between her legs and is licking and sucking at her clit. She feels orgasm after orgasm as he relentlessly...

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A New Dawn Arises

A New Dawn Arises - Chapter 1The ArisingTo celebrate my transformation and to increase the effect of myfeminization, Mistress Lynn decided a name change was in order."What's a good name for a useless, slut French Maid," she asked herselfaloud. "I shall call you Dawn. I think it's appropriate because you are at the dawn of a new way of life."Another belt was strapped around my waist. It had a number of loops. Mymistress attached my wrist...

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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 26

Niles adjusted his cufflinks as he left the counsellor’s room. It had been empty, of course. It was after school hours - why had he expected the counsellor to be there? Why had he gone to see the counsellor at all? He shook his head, dismissing the strange thoughts. It was hardly the time to get distracted by whatever side-errand had brought him to the counsellor’s office - he had more important things to focus on. He had to find out what was messing with the Protector and her friends, what...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Mother in Law Wendy

"Damn, the in-laws are coming over tonight," I thought to myself as I was driving home from work. I really didn't want to have to entertain them tonight. I just wanted to go home and get some rest, It was a warm evening, and when I got home, my wife, Arielle, wanted to bbq out on the deck, so I got the bbq fired up and awaited my in-laws, Jim and Wendy. As I waited, Arielle opened the door from the living room and told me that Jim and Wendy had called, and that they would be spending the night....

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Fantasies or Reality

(This is my first attempt at writing anything, I hope its OK. I’d really appreciate some -friendly- feedback and no suggestion will be taken offensively) Sara had seen him in the rehearsal space the first day he’d be drafted in from out of town to work on the new show, and hadn’t stopped thinking of him since. His dark hair, worn slightly long, his olive skin and his chocolate eyes had been the focus of her fantasies for weeks, as she’d laid in bed alone at nights, her mind – and hands –...

3 years ago
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we meet with a friend

My girlfriend is much younger than I am and we like to go out and find older men for her to have fun with sometimes, this is about one of the better nights we had. Rebecca & I met a guy recently online and set up a meeting with him, I will call him Tony.We all met at a local coffee/donut shop first for a meet and greet, we had previously talked about any off limits and set up a safe word, just in case.I had reserved a hotel room already, so we headed over there. Tony did express that he was...

3 years ago
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Things Happen For A Reason Ch 01

Special thanks go to Kanga40 and Writingdragon for their editing efforts on this one. ‘All settled in?’ Luke blinked himself out of the daze he was in and placed the framed wedding photo back on the table in the hallway. He turned toward his beautiful wife and forced a smile as he shrugged and answered, ‘As settled in as I’m gonna get, probably.’ Her happy smile dimmed, and he realized that probably hadn’t been the most diplomatic thing to say in the circumstances, at least not with the tone...

3 years ago
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DoceoChapter 8 Strengthening the Bond

The next morning Emily still wasn't feeling well and we spent most of the day in bed watching selections from the resort's collection of movies-on-demand. As Emily cuddled next to me, I could feel the sexual tension building. Aside from an occasional lingering touch and a little extra pampering, I doubt Emily noticed I was slowly building up her arousal. Her mildly queasy stomach and swollen arm were very distracting. One of the recommendations for stingray stings is to soak them in hot...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Melody Ch 02

Buy Me a Boat (Chris Janson) The Devil Went Down to Georgia (The Charlie Daniels Band) When I Fall in Love (Chris Botti) An Unforgettable Melody: Ch. 02 Mike awoke on the sofa, Melody still wrapped in his arms. Stroking her deep red hair lightly, he recalled the events of the last twenty-four hours. The art sale, that mysterious locket, the puzzle opening it, all of it had led to this girl currently lying on his chest. She was apparently a genie, bound to be a sexual servant to...

1 year ago
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Circle of love from slavery to family

I was born in Louisiana, my family were one of the first families here and I inherited the family plantation. Yes my family were slave owners. One day while rummaging around the attic I found my great great grandfather’s journal. He described life with slaves. He of course called them negros. The rest of my family were blatantly racist, my mother and father called all blacks niggers. While I was raised that way I didn’t think the same. Most of the men I met were definitely niggers but the women...

1 year ago
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Hentai xxx

When it comes to cartoon porno, it’s hard to imagine that there are professional companies dedicated to drawing, animating, and voicing full-length movies and shows. But in Japan, this shit is super common, with literally hundreds of studios dedicated to making hentai jerkoff is here to provide you with the latest hentai videos straight from Japan for your stroking pleasure. This includes episodes and movies from studios such as Milky, Sakura Films, Discovery, and Bootleg...

Premium Hentai Sites
1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Judy Jolie Scarlett Johnson Riley Reyes Truth Or Dare Massage

Three teenage girls, Riley Reyes, Scarlett Johnson, and Judy Jolie, are having a playful pillow fight in their underwear, giggling and enjoying themselves. It’s all fun and games between the girlfriends, although a truce is called once they’re worn out. As they settle, Riley suggests that they play a game of Truth Or Dare since that’s always a party classic. The three friends warm each other up by giving each other simpler truths and dares centered around their crushes on...

2 years ago
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Mommies little sissy slut

I have been crossdressing for years now not known to my mother (or so I thought). she is the only person I live with at the moment. when she was going to be out for a few hours I went to her underwear drawer and inside was the most sexy, silky, feminine underwear set I had ever seen complete with calf length stockings and a garter belt. I wasted no time stripping off and sliding on the sexy underwear, next I found her makeup bag and applied some red lipstick and black mascara. that was when I...

3 years ago
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A Well Lived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 20 A Bit of Clarity Part II

July 1981, Milford, Ohio “If she told you that Joyce and I were the ones to decide if what you had done was ‘misbehaving’,” she made air quotes when she said that, “then she’s basically told you that it’s OK. Neither Joyce nor I would consider that a bad thing.” “But she said something specific about that.” “Did she tell you not to?” “No, it was more like a statement that I was going to do it, and she sounded sad when she said it.” “Then, that fits. She knows it has to happen, just like...

2 years ago
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Nelson rsquo s hot mom

Your friend’s hot mom is driving you crazy and you’re thinking of her hot, wet pussy, you’ve got to use every chance to stuff it with your cock…This happened few years ago, when I and my friend were 20 years old and his hot mom was 36. Is it hard to believe or not, but she got pregnant with my friend while in high school. My uncle almost got in trouble, since she was a minor, but anyway they got married and their marriage worked out. Janette’s parents were rich. She is a very beautiful blonde...

1 year ago
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Notification Service 2 M C E

Notification Service 2 - M.C.E. In every age, in every city, there has been the risk of disaster - fire, flood, or plague, there has always been a chance that many could be injured, killed, or have their lives changed forever. In recent times, there has been an attempt to make plans for such disasters, to cope with them, or even to prevent them if possible. So it is with a new disaster looming, a trio of experts from the group called notification service have been called in to prevent...

4 years ago
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My Cuckold Experience Date Preparations

(Part 1)"How do I look?" My gorgeous wife asks, patting her small little red dress down at her hips, showing off her sexy shapely curves."You look stunning, my love." I reply with a smile, admiring her goddess-like beauty."You sure? I want to make a good impression for my date tonight." She returned thoughtfully, eyeing herself up in the tall mirror on the inside door of our open wardrobe. She stroked her smooth dark wavy hair, and puckered her ruby red lips up as though she's kissing the...

3 years ago
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Main Aur Boroda Ki Chut 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Babu again with the next part of my story. For new readers, I am Babu who has completed by be few months back. I have a sexy aunty boroda whose staying near to my house. And I was doing sex with her when her beti caught us naked. Unki beti ka naam hai misti. Woh bhi bari cute thi. Woh tight fitting wale kapre pahanti thi.Uski choochiya bhi mote mote gol matol ho gye thi. Uski gaand bhi baare the. Sayad usne apne gaand mein maarwa chuki thi. Tight fitting hone ke karn uska body pura...

4 years ago
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The Blue Crystal

The Blue Crystal ___________________ This is my first story, so please be gentle. This is the story of a blue crystal that grants 2 wishes that can be undone if you do not like the results. Sounds perfect, right? Not so fast... ___________________ I loved my former girlfriend. Well, I guess I still do, but she just isn't my girlfriend anymore. Now, we're just really good friends, and I guess I am okay with that, all things considered. On a scale of 1-10 Missy would have been...

3 years ago
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In Your Dreams

“I had a dream about you last night” I looked up and across the table into her spectacle framed green eyes. “Really?” She had slightly, although somewhat pleasantly, surprised me with her declaration as she sat down to drink her coffee and light a cigarette. “I hope you enjoyed it” Her eyes twinkled and a lascivious grin spread across her slightly chubby face. “Oh I did, I enjoyed it very much, but I’m not sure about you.” I had not imagined myself being propositioned in such a way...

3 years ago
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Memories Revisited Closing Up Shop

Memories Revisited: Closing Up Shop? By Heather St. Claire Most people like to think they live well-ordered lives, that they are the masters of their destiny, rather than victims of random fate. Try telling that to Alexis and Charles Boyd?not that they would have any idea of what you were talking about. On the surface, they look to be a perfectly ordinary young couple; as far as they know, that's exactly what they are. Two young teachers at the same high school who fell in love...

1 year ago
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My Life is Yours

My name is Frank, I'm 35, and this is my story. Before we get in to the juicy stuff, I feel that a little background information might be useful, if only for context, so... I first met Chloé on facespace, *the* social media site for anybody who's anybody. At first, it was just a casual friendship - shared interests in offensive humour, total disdain for SJW's and "snowflakes", we lived in the same city and occasionally drank at the same bar, that kind of thing, but as we grew to know each other...

4 years ago
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My First Black Cock

For the longest time one of my biggest fantasies was to hook up with a black guy. I had chatted with a few online but nothing ever materialized. I did not expect anything to happen when I logged onto to my computer this particular Saturday night and started browsing. I had not been online long when I received a message from this guy and we started chatting. I told him that I hadn't been with a black guy before but really wanted to. He then sent me a photo of his nice penis. I instantly started...

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Corona HeightsChapter 4

There were two other boys in the van when it picked up Chad Monday morning. He was still a little hard when he got into the van. As he was waiting to be picked up, he had gotten the random thought that he was glad he did not have to go through the same naked pickup that his parents had done. Thinking about that made him think of standing naked in front of Candy, Cassie, and his mom. There was no way of telling which thought affected him more, but the result was predictable. Sean was the...

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The Cavern

It was the war to end all war, a mad man who ruled a small mid east nation, decided that it was the will of God that he launch his small arsenal of nuclear weapons. The retaliation that followed was devastating, every nation that had nukes launched within minutes; nobody wanted to be the ones who did not get their shots in. Civilization disappeared in a matter of minutes, no country was spared, and when all was said and done over ninety percent of human life was gone. The few that...

3 years ago
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Padosan Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhai

Hi friends mera name guddu hai mai lagbhag daily is site par story padhta hu. To socha kyu na apni v 1 story aapke sath sare ki jaye.Mai 28sal ka bihar ka rehnewala hu. Abhi punjab me hu meri email id hai koi girl ya lady secret sex karna chahe to wo mujhe mail kar sakti hai. Ab story par aate hai bat 4sal purani hai mai apne gav gaya tha holi ka time tha to sabi masti me the. Holi ke kuch din bad mere ghar me function tha to bahot ristedar aaye the. Mai sabko lane aur unkhe adjust karne me...

4 years ago
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The Transsexual Rapist

Let me explain myself, as my mom and I seem to be the only normal people in this god-forsaken town. My name is Nicole, but I usually go by Nyx (you know? The goddess of night), I'm 16, Black hair, half White and half Hispanic, blue-grey eyes. I would say my ass is my best asset, just the right size and firmness, I'm skinny, and according to my (almost obese) physical education teacher, on the verge of anorexic. I have a D-cup breast's, with pink, velvet like nipples. My mom is a single...

4 years ago
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True Cuckold Evening

My husband and I were in that 10 year itch, or at least I was for a long time. I had been checking out two new guys at work and chatting with them but just didn't have the nerve to talk about fooling around there. Sometimes I would come home from work after being with them and lay on the bed with a wine and just fantasize about them both One evening my husband and I went out for dinner and I wore a small little dress with cowboy boots and a sexy top. My husband didn't seem to notice or say...

3 years ago
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Coach John

This is a story I have had in my head for a while and decided to act on it, please let me know where I can improve as I am not a writer by trade. Thank you The story is going to be a long story with multiple parts in the end with each part adding to Tori's sexual experiences. It's starting with an older guy and Tori at age 16 so if that is not your thing don't bother. She may get to be 20+ in the story when all is said and done. The story is not a 3 paragraph nonstop sex text fap story...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 11 part 1 an unlikely last hope

Chapter 11 part 1 Though there were only a few weeks to go before the summer exams, Hermione decided that she, Harry and Ron needed a break from revision; something that Harry and Ron quickly agreed with her on. It was a fine afternoon and so they made their way down to the Lake to relax in the Sun. Each of them rolled their jeans up to their knees as they let their feet dangle in the cool waters of the Lake, whilst they sat on the bank and talked. ‘I had another private lesson with...

2 years ago
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Daddy s little helper

Everybody was surprised that at the age of eighteen I was still a virgin. I wasn't all prim and proper, I'd sucked a few boys off, wanked quite a few more and let them get their hands all over my body, but I'd never thought of any of them as the someone special I was going to give my precious gift to. Nor was I one of these girls who was determined to save myself for marriage, I'm a firm believer in the old idea that you don't buy a car without taking it for a test drive. What I had never...

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Michael Learns of Carol s Desires

The following story took place a number of years ago. At the time, Carol and I were in our early thirties. We had an exciting and fun sex life. Even with the stress of family and jobs, Carol and I found time for each other. Carol is five-foot four inches tall. She weighs around 120 pounds with lovely 34-C breasts. Carol has the type of breasts that are full and perky all the time. Carol’s nipples become erect with the slightest stimulation. Carol has dirty-blonde shoulder length hair with light...

Wife Lovers
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Daddy Kidnapper or Both

"Over here!" I look towards the noise and grin, seeing my best friends Lily and Lucas under a giant, tacky neon sign flashing "The Bird". Affectionately nicknamed "Shifties" after all the oddities you normally meet here on a Friday night it has been my friends and I's favorite spot to drink ourselves to regret almost every Friday and sometimes Saturday night since I turned the legal age to drink. I had yet another birthday here last week so I've been here well over my fair share of times....

3 years ago
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The Beginning

I hear a car pull up in the driveway and my stomach instantly starts to flutter. He's here and I find I am nervous for tonight's date. Tonight's date feels different then any of the other dates we've had. I'm glad we decided to just stay in at my place. I place my hand on my stomach trying to stop the butterflies. Does he like me? Does he like how I kiss? Am I coming on too strong? Or not enough? Does he know how I am beginning to feel about him?I hear the doorbell ring. I take a deep breath...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Farm FamilyChapter 5

Jerry was enthusiastic about taking a bath with his sexy mother and hurriedly filled the big tub with hot water, steaming up the bathroom. "Gotta take a leak, first," he said, walking to the toilet. "No, wait!" Beth said. "Hold it." Her mind suddenly flashed a scene from one of Jack's porno books, a scene which had, at the time, both disgusted and strangely disturbed her. She didn't understand why people did such things, but it was so thrillingly obscene she decided to try...

3 years ago
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Love For Sale

Darius had heard about a cruising area that was located next to a well-known river. It was a very popular weekend location for families and therefore, no action took place on Saturdays and Sundays. During the week, however, from noon till three p.m., it was could be a rather fruitful location. After three o’clock, older teenagers frequented the place to fornicate and smoke dope.There was a massive lawn where people could relax on weekends with numerous well-constructed barbeques and wooden...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sex 8211 My First Experience

Hey guys and girls.. I’m Pooja. You can call me Pooh.. I live in Bangalore.. I’m a sex addict and I’m very very proud of it… Till now I’ve slept with 2 women and 4 men which includes my sweet daddy too.. ;) Now coming to my stats, my height is 5’5″ and I’m fair in colour.. my size is 32-26-32… I keep myself fit so that I can get more and more sex and more and more often.. ;) well , I’m just 19 and I love to flirt.. my pride are my firm boobs and I’ve been able satify all the people completely...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Ron s Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 14

Don't you know ... there was nothing for it but Lucile Louise Austin simply had to have a test ride. Not a test sail ... a ride. There is a lot more to this test ride with Lucy Lou than the mere words would suggest. To me, a test ride is a trip around the block ... the block in this case is Pentwater Lake. We don't have a dock ... the boat is on a big rubber ball that has a huge concrete block led to a chain. that is attached to the inflated rubber ball. The boat is out 'there' tethered...

2 years ago
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How I Made My Maid My Sex Slave

Hi everyone. My name Kabir (name changed for obvious reason). Today I am going to tell you guys how I fucked my maid. 1st thing let me describe myself I m 19yrs old. Slim tall and good shape. I don’t have six pack abs but I look really handsome. My tool is 7 inch long and 3 inch thick. At my home we are family of 4. Dad, mom,sis and me. I belong to a well to do middle class family. We live in a 3bhk bungalow. 1 bedroom for mom dad, one for my sis and 1 for me. So things went like this. I was...

1 year ago
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Side Ghara Nani

Hello to all the ISS readers. I am full moon (name changed). I am a regular reader of this ISS. I am continuing reader of this site from last 5 years. Specially, I like the desi story with regional language. Because of I am Oriya boy I want to write my story in Odia language. Here is the story began:- Moon jete bele 10std re padhu thili sete bele aama ghare site re jane nani rahu thile. Tanka ra na heuu chhi lilly (name changed). Dekhibaku bahut sexy aau tankara doodha samastankara aakarshanara...

1 year ago
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Mack s ProgressChapter 11

"See, told you. I'll bet she is!" I heard Millie exclaim to Billie when they met us at the airport arrivals gate." "Is what?" Francis - who'd brought the terrible two along with him for the ride - asked. "Preggers, dummy," Billie retorted. "Millie reckons that she's got a sixth sense when it comes to spotting pregnancies. "Jesus wept already?" Francis retorted. "Well, you should know how easily these things can happen, Luvver," Billie told him, giving him a hug. "Anyway,...

3 years ago
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Liz and Jim

Liz and Jim?Well, this certainly is an unusual welcome. ?Jim froze. Liz wasn’t due to be back for another 2 weeks. But now she was standing in the doorway right behind him with a big smirk on her beautiful face and a camera in her hand. The self-perceived color of Jim’s face changed from its slightly flushed red of sexual arousal to all the whiter shades of pale and finally dark crimson within seconds because of the unexpected predicament he found himself in. ?What a nice view. I would never...

1 year ago
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Double TearsChapter 144

“Tornadoes are so unpredictable that you never know what’s going to happen. From the distance they are an amazing piece of nature. Up close they are deadly.” —Jessica Madden, Chasing the Storm EM CALLED ABOUT EIGHT Sunday night to let us all know she’d arrived safely. I spent a few minutes reminding her again how much I loved her and looked forward to her being home for good in just fourteen weeks. And yes, that I’d bring Pey and maybe Beca out with me the week before she finished to...

3 years ago
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I Was a Teenage SuccubusChapter 7

Tanya was more careful after the adventure in the morning. She had to promise Shirley that she would call her later, by the weekend at the latest. Tanya realized that something had happened with Shirley and she definitely wanted to speak with her mother about it. Tanya was lost in thought on the way home and didn’t notice that William had tried to start a conversation, twice, but her one word replies killed that effort. She could still feel the bubbling desire from William, she was surprised...

3 years ago
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Sapna Sagi Behen Ko Chodna

Mera name rahul h,m 24 saal ka hu.M agra ka rehne wala hu.Meri behen ka name bhawana h or 30 saal ki h uska fig lajawab h rang goora h or uske bade boobs h or gand to aise h ki dekhte hu muthh marne ka mann kar jay. Ab m apni real story par ata hu.Baat un dino ki h jab m b.Tech 2 year m tha .Maine apni b.Tech noida k clg ki h.Paper khatam hone k baad m chhutio par ghar aya hua tha.Meri behen ki sadi ho chuki h or uska talak bhi ho chuka h or 4 saal se wo ghar par hi h or job krti .Chhutio k...

4 years ago
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I love my own sister

First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading some mails and some people were asking for the email id of the gal and telephone number. Infact to be honest, i did not realize, that there were lot of sex starved women in India, especially in Hyderabad also, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id i am a regular reader of erotic stories so i thought to share...

1 year ago
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An evening out

I've been a particularly horny little girl for a few weeks now. When trying to just score a quick hook-up I have went all the ways of our wonderful age of civilization. Everything from dating sites, hook-up sites, and even craig's list. After a few weeks of just not being able to set anything up I decided to go hit up a club and see if i could find someone fun that might want to play. I got dressed up in a sexy little outfit (fishnet thigh highs, black cheeky panties, black bra, fishnet shirt,...

4 years ago
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Lost Virginity

I was raised by my mother in a very disciplined household in Scotland in the U.K., and as far back as I can remember being spanked was quite common. As a result I think that played a big part in my ‘development’ by being too strict, as I became very shy and introverted, and believe I developed a high pain threshold as a result. There were times when I would do things deliberately in anger that would result in my being punished and sent to my room. I was never made to feel adequate, in fact the...

3 years ago
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The Secret is out part 2

After I served Mistress Sarah her drink, she took a sip and just looked at me. Instantly, for some reason, I knew what to do next. Sitting on the sofa, I began to massage her feet, when she quickly saidl ‘erm, little one, on your knees on the floor, I didn’t say you could sit there!’. ‘I’m sorry, Mistress’, I replied apologetically not making eye contact. ‘Graham, I do believe this is going to work out nicely. By the looks of your little erection, so far so good baby’, she teased while I...

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Katie Beth

Katie knocked on the door of her best friend Beth's dorm room. Katie heard bare feet walking across the floor towards the door and then the door creaked open just a few inches. Beth peeked her head through and then seeing her friend swung it open and allowed her in. Katie watched her naked friends ass sway as she walked to her bed and laid down. Katie immediately felt the sweltering heat as she entered the room as she closed the door behind her. "How the fuck did you get the only dorm without...

1 year ago
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Sex which I like

Hi, I’m Rohan Sen this is the first time I’m writing in this site and in fact feels awesome. Well I’m doing MBA 22yrs live in Kolkata. I don’t talk to girl’s that often, it’s not that I’m introvert or anything of that kind but I get bugged listing to the stupid common stories. Anyway I am about to narrate an incident that happened in my life few months ago. It changed my life. So my 2nd SEM exams got over by the end of July I didn’t have anything to do at home apart from hanging around with...

Erotic Fiction
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Two Moms Two Sons 23 The Husbands Get Some Sweet And Sour Eye Candy

POV: Will I walked up to the door and strolled in the house with Josh. "Crap, dude, I have to take a leak," I whined, before making my way to the bathroom. I ambled in there and immediately used the toilet. I failed even to close the door, but I didn't see anyone else in the hallway then. "Damn, it almost feels like an orgasm, so there is a good thing about consuming a lot of alcohol. My liver may not like it, but I did get a nice after effect from needing to piss," I muttered, before...

2 years ago
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Holiday of a lifetime

I'd finally done it. I'd saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I'd always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...


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