Detektivin Isabels Auftrag an der Ostsee
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Hallo. Ich würde mir wünschen das alle Leserinnen und Leser sich gern an mich wenden, über Kommentare oder direkte Nachrichten, was ihr euch in die Geschichte wünscht oder welche alternative Wege es geben soll. Auch wenn ich einen der Fälle weiter ausbauen soll. Wer selber Kapitel schreiben will kann es sehr gerne machen und sich im Zweifelsfall an mich wenden. Ich wünsche viel Spaß.
Vorerst zu mir. Mein Name ist Helene Watson. Mein Studium der Medizin habe ich in München abgeschlossen. Ich bin 1,65 m groß, habe sehr lange blonde Haare und blaue Augen. Durch meinen Fechtunterricht bin ich schlank und schnell. Ich habe ein B Körbchen, allerdings einen üppigen Po. Dies hier ist mein Tagebuch, aus denen ich ein paar Ausschnitte vorstellen will.
Es war in meinen 5 Semester meines Medizinstudiums. In München war es seit jeher schwer eine günstige und geeignete Unterkunft zu finden. Nachdem meine vorherige WG mit meinen 4 anderen Mitbewohnern aufgelöst wurde, begab ich mich auf die Suche nach einer neuen günstigen Alternative. Glücklicherweise wohnten meine Eltern ebenfalls in München, wodurch ich vorübergehend ein Dach über den Kopf hatte. Auch finanziell sorgten sie sich um mich.
Die Freiheiten, die man allerdings als junger Mensch nicht missen wollte, drängten mich wie bereits zu Beginn meines Studiums auf Wohnungssuche zu gehen. Es ergab sich, dass ich auf einer Studentenfeier einer Freundin und Kommilitonin mein Leid klagte. Sie wusste das ich mich sehr in meinen Studium vertiefen konnte und somit eine eher ruhige Wohnung suchte, und eine ebenso ruhige Person. Gelegentlich überkam allerdings auch mir das Gefühl nach Abenteuer und nach Feiern, sowie exzessiven Alkoholgenuss. Ich sagte ihr es sei schwierig eine geeignete Wohnung zu finden und noch schwieriger eine Person mit der sich das zusammenleben aushalten lässt.
"Weißt du Helene, heute hat mich eine andere Bekannte genau das Gleiche gefragt" Ich schaute verblüfft Rebekka an. "Wirklich? Und diese Person sucht wohl ebenso eine Wohnung?"
"Nein, Nein. Sie hat bereits eine Wohnung, was sie sucht ist eine Mitbewohnerin. Die Wohnung hat sie, nur hält es niemand mit ihr aus....egal ob Mann oder Frau, alle verlassen nach ein paar Tagen schon wieder die Wohnung. Der Großteil wird auch sofort von ihr abgewiesen, bevor sie überhaupt die Wohnung gesehen haben."
"Klingt ja nach einer sehr sympathischen Zeitgenossin" gab ich sarkastisch von mir "wäre es trotzdem möglich ein Treffen zu vereinbaren?" fragte ich, da ich es dennoch ausprobieren wollte.
"Natürlich, geh morgen einfach in das Chemielabore von den Naturwissenschaftlern, wo wir mal ein Praktikum hatten, dort sollte sie sich aktuell aufhalten." gab Rebekka von sich.
Am nächsten Tag begab ich mich ins Labor, dort angekommen sah ich eine große langhaarige Brünette in einen chemischen Experiment vertieft. Sie war in etwa 1,80 m groß. Ihre Harre waren zu einen Zopf gebunden, man sah aber dennoch das sie leicht gewellt waren. Ihre Brüste würde ich auf ein D Körbchen schätzen. Sie sah schlank und drahtig aus, obwohl ihr Körper stark und kraftvoll aussah. Ihr Po dellte den Labormantel etwas nach hinten.
Vor der Tür wartete bereits Rebekka und wir gingen hinein. Bevor Rebekka mich vorstellen konnte, kam von der Dame lediglich “Reichen sie mir bitte die SemSpy-Lösung“. Mit einen Blick über die verschiedenen chemischen Behälter fande ich eine gelbliche Lösung ohne Beschriftung. Da mir diese Flüssigkeit durch mein Studium erst vor kurzen über den Weg gekommen war, reichte ich selbstsicher das Glas herüber.
Die Frau gab mit einer Pipette einen Tropfen der Lösung auf ein Kleidungsstück, das aussah wie ein Tanga. "Das ist übrigens Sabine Holmes in dem Chemiekittel" sagte Rebekka zu mir, und dann zu Sabine gewand "Die Frau ist Helene Watson."
Die Stellen auf die Holmes die Lösung getropft hatte färbten sich weiß, worauf sie den Tanga hochhob und zu sich selbst sagte "höchst interessant" und grinste. Anschließend schweifte ihr Blick zu mir. Die Frau musterte mich. “Sie suchen also eine Wohnung?“ sagte sie.
“Hat Rebekka bereits was gesagt?“ fragte ich neugierig.
“Im Gegenteil, aber das Rebekka mit einer fremden Person in meinen Labor auftaucht, und diese Person zufällig Medizinstudentin im höheren Semester ist, lässt mich erahnen das sie wegen meinen freien Zimmer hier sind.“
Irritiert wande ich mich Rebekka zu, sie sagte lediglich “Ich lass euch mal alleine“ mit einen Lächeln verschwand sie.
“Das Sie Medizin studieren schließe ich aus der Lösung. Nur ein chemienahes Studium kommt damit in Kontakt, da sie aber in keinen der chemisches Studiengänge sind, da ich alle Leute darin kenne, ist Medizin das naheliegenste.“ sagte Sabine selbstverständlich.
Ein paar Minuten in einer Unterhaltung und Rebekkas Aussagen wurden von mir bestätigt. Sie war eine sehr ungewöhnliche Person, allerdings war ich auf ein Zusammenleben sehr gespannt.
"Ich neige dazu mich in mein Studium oder meine Aufträge sehr stark zu vertiefen und oft wenig zu reden. An anderen Tage belästige ich sie wahrscheinlich, da ich meine Gedanken dann offen vor mir hersage, könnte Sie das stören?" fragte Holmes mich.
"Nunja bisher kam ich in einer 5er WG sehr gut klar. So hatte ich oft wenig Ruhe, also denke, dass ich mit einer Person schon auskomme." sagte ich und versuchte zu lächeln. "Was meinen sie denn für Aufträge?" gab ich neugierig von mir.
"Ein paar Kommilitonen, oder Bekannte, kommen ab und zu mit einigen Ihrer Probleme auf mich zu, diese sind oft sehr persönlich und verlangen daher äußerste Diskretition....wenn ich weiß, dass ich Ihnen vertrauen kann, so könnte ich Sie gerne als Helfer mitnehmen, oft sind die Aufträge sehr schlüpfriger Natur." Holmes lehnte mit den Hintern an einen Tisch, und verschränkte die Arme, ihr Gesicht hatte immernoch das Lächeln aufgesetzt.
"Haha das klingt äußerst spektakulär, ich denke wir sollten diese WG ausprobieren, vielleicht könnte ich Ihnen behilflich sein"
Journal of an Agent: Chapter 2 – Katie Holmes "Dean, call on line 3," buzzed in Julie. Her call had awoken me from my day dreaming. "Take a message. I’m…busy," I replied. "That’s bullshit and you know it. It’s pretty important, you should take it. It’s Katie Holmes," she replied, hanging up the phone. Sometimes I swear the only reasons I keep Julie around is because she looks so good and that she knows what the hell she is doing when I don’t. Today I had to restrain myself again...
"Dean, call on line 3," buzzed in Julie. Her call had awoken me from my day dreaming. "Take a message. I'm... busy," I replied. "That's bullshit and you know it. It's pretty important, you should take it. It's Katie Holmes," she replied, hanging up the phone. Sometimes I swear the only reasons I keep Julie around is because she looks so good and that she knows what the hell she is doing when I don't. Today I had to restrain myself again from asking her out, for she looked...
Looking for Holmes By Miss Anonna I was looking into buying a new house and had a few in mind so I called a realtor and asked him to show me a few. He sounded young on the phone and I had asked him how much experience he had. He told me he had just received his license and I would be his first sale if he made one to me. He had asked me if I wanted a more experienced realtor that his colleague would step in but I assured him he would do just fine as I knew what I wanted. He agreed to meet me...
Looking for HolmesBy Miss AnonnaI was looking into buying a new house and had a few in mind so I called a realtor and asked him to show me a few. He sounded young on the phone and I had asked him how much experience he had. He told me he had just received his license and I would be his first sale if he made one to me. He had asked me if I wanted a more experienced realtor that his colleague would step in but I assured him he would do just fine as I knew what I wanted. He agreed to meet me that...
MILFSo It is the year 2020 and things are going fine. On the run-up to this year, everyone was joking about a new flue like a virus in China that shared its name with a make of Beer. The Coronavirus or COVID 19. It was all fun and games until it started spreading out of China as tourists brought it back to countries such as Italy. You were concerned but hoped it would all blow over. You laughed at people panic buying: toilet roll, pasta and hand sanitiser. The good weather was finally here and it...
FantasyYES! It has finally happened. You have finally received the call that you have been waiting over two years for. For the last two years you have been a super hero in the sprawling metropolis of ‘the city’. You have patrolled the streets stopped crimes, helped people, thwarted super criminals , rescued kittens from trees and you have done it all with your customary boat load of style. It is the hope of every super hero to get the call you just did, you have finally been given the opportunity to...
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Escort SitesRick Peterson and Amanda King were a couple of second-year college kids on Spring Break in Cancun, Mexico. They decided to go there this year instead of dealing with the mobs and hassles of Spring Break in Palm Beach, Florida they had experienced the previous year. On this particular day, though the pair decided to check out this quaint little lake he had heard about from some of his friends who had been there before. So packing up a rented Jeep with a picnic lunch Rick and Amanda headed to the...
Monster SexThis is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is the fifth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...
“Really, Xavier, I don’t understand,” Lucas commented, looking somewhat vexed with his friend’s determination. “You usually get bored rather fast with them. Please at least promise me he can be mine once you are done with him.” They were talking over dinner, while Cory was tending the table quietly, trying hard to ignore the butterflies in his stomach upon hearing the masters’ conversation. “I believe that it would be no issue for a repeat performance if you come visit us,” Xavier sipped...
A fine time In Singapore part one I had accepted a 1 year exchange to teach at a school in Singapore, the school arranged for me to have a one bedroom apartment in the center of Singapore.On my first day l decided to dress to impress by wearing a grey lightweight suit with a short skirt, white silk blouse and black stockings with knee high black leather boots and as always l was wearing black leather gloves which were skin tight and reached up to mid arm and several rings and a watch over the...
Hello all, This is Ritish 25yr old from Hyderabad currently working in a MNC. Going back to my story it all happened from the 2014, so let’s get ready folks for the excitement. I with my family have recently moved into a new building in a gated community no strangers are allowed into it, after a few days around 3pm I went on to terrace of my building don’t know that’s a god’s grace or a sex grace, to my opposite building I saw a hot women changing her dress through the window,( a married women...
This is a story about someone I had an encounter with many years ago. I was 16 at the time and always horny. It was not very often that I did not have a hard on. I have always had opportunities such as this thrust upon me, and in most cases took full advantage of them. This particular day will always be remembered as one of the best of my life. It was summer, hotter than hell, and I was home alone as both my parents were at work and wouldn't be home for quite sometime. Even though it was still...
MasturbationBy: AWC Chad lived on the 2nd floor of an apartment building located at the Melony Avenue and 11th Street crossing. The bus stop was only a couple of steps, as you came out from the building. On weekdays, he would stand with my coffee mug in the balcony to watch the bus coming from at least 8 – 9 blocks away with a stop in between. This would give him enough time to go leave his mug in the kitchen sink, pick his bag, walk down the 16 stairs from the 2nd floor and come out to walk to the bus...
Real or imagined, conspiracies have been around for about as long as people have been gathering. I know. I've put a lot of thought into this, and lately I've done a tremendous amount of reading on the subject. It seems that every generation has had their conspiracy theories, most of which involved the government (people's favorite entity to blame conspiracies on). For instance, did you know that President Lincoln conspired to place himself as king over the United States? Oh yes. And it was...
Elizabeth was aware of my thoughts on not wanting to get married or have kids and she stayed true and never mentioned it even though it crossed her mind. Before our first full year was up, we had done close to every foreplay, experimented with ecstasy, even made up our own game. Before me she claimed to be very innocent and it showed but my dark sexual fantasies pulled the freak right out of her. One night on ecstasy she admitted that she had a lesbian experience and that her choice...
When I was younger, I spent a few summers at an all-boys summer camp. I hated it there, but my parents made me go. The other boys would pick on me because I was so much smaller than them. They also picked on me because they caught me masturbating in bed one night and told the other counselors. I had recently started getting regular erections and had discovered masturbation within the past few weeks, and was just coming to terms with sexual thoughts. They called me a pervert and told the other...
At Mindy's suggestion I will try to add on, to, or embellish this story. (Prom.txt) Janet Stickney [email protected] The Prom Queen My name is Tim Grant, I'm 17. I live with my Grandmother now because my parents wanted to retire to another state, and since I still had my Senior year to go in high school, I wanted to stay here. Without my knowledge it was arranged that I would stay with my Grandmother. She is in her fifties, a slender, beautiful woman with blond hair...
Ten minutes later Claire snuggled up in bed beside Karl. Cleaned and refreshed, she lay with him. She was relaxed and at ease; Neil had texted her to tell her that he was at home, all was well in her world. She pushed her groin against Karl’s thigh so that he could feel her sex. “Everything has happened so quickly,” she said to him. “I feel like pinching myself to see if it’s all real.” Karl put his arm around her. “It’s real alright,” he told her. “It can happen this way. Most times it’s a...
CuckoldAs I walked into the bathroom, I immediately took note of its strange cleanliness, considering its location off of a highway. I sat down in one of the stalls and closed the door. As I finished my business, I turned around to flush the toilet, and noticed a hole in the wall, about 3 inches in diameter. Inspecting it more closely, I began to notice a variety of vulgar slurs along the edges of the hole, all alluding to oral sex and times to meet. I notice one was 3pm as I looked at my watch it was...
Sunday, June 23, 1996, Sanford Maine “Someone’s at the door, can you get that, David?” our Mom yelled at me from the kitchen where she was baking her famous chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. “Yeah, of course,” I answered from the couch where I was cuddling with CC. Amber was cuddling up on the other side of her. It was endearing to see their growing closeness. I opened the door and was nearly bowled over by a tall blonde, blue-eyed girl, who shrieked in my ears as she almost hugged me to...
Christine had spent several days preparing for this moment. It had taken time to find just the right cheerleader outfit, for example. And digging up that old copy of Playboy featuring "The Girls of the Big Ten" had meant rooting through the stacks in some used-book stores, enduring the leers of the men around her in the dirty-magazine sections. And she had to pick just the right day, when the team didn't have a practice so there'd be no one around to bother them. With a trench coat wrapped...
The sun was up when Lori jumped on the bed and threw off the covers. "Time to get up, big brother, I'm making pancakes for breakfast. Get up. Oh, and let's get my 'big buddy' up too", as she bent down and gave my hardening cock as few nice pulls. "More of that later," and she runs back downstairs naked as the day she was born. What have I ever done to deserve such a sister. A real sex machine and cute about it, too. As I come into the kitchen, she says, "Please take a seat, I'm...
A Care Givers Company story The Best and the Brightest Part I BY Maggie Finson I came awake slowly, my consciousness swimming up from the darkness and gradually, reluctantly acknowledging my surroundings. Various twinges, and dull pains announced themselves almost gleefully, letting me know that things weren't right in the body I had kept in such superb condition...
After breakfast, Beverly and Amber followed Jorge through a rear door to a massive garden, where plants of all sorts, most of which Amber had never seen before, grew in great abundance. Jorge said, “Welcome to my home, my true home, where I serve the Goddess of the Earth in all her glory. Here is where our food is grown, where the Lady gives to us that which nourishes us in body and spirit!” He held up a handful of dark, rich earth and presented it to Amber, “This is the womb of the Lady....
It was another boring day in the land of Bloz which is what I called my high school it didn't help that I had scored big on my SAT's or that I had gotten felt up in the hallway by some big black dude that was fun but he didn't try as hard as I felt he could have he had me pinned against the locker and there was no one else around he could have fucked me or something cool like have me blow him in the bathroom but no I just got a quick feel up which just left me feeling horny and frustrated see...
Author’s note: I am a new writer. Comments/Feedback will be appreciated as well as responded to. Also, please take a moment to vote. ———————————————- A week had gone by since Karen’s punishment in front of her daughter, Nikita and Dave made no mention of that evening in front of Nikita. Nikita however, had quizzed her mother about her domestic discipline sessions, much to her mother’s embarrassment. ‘One day, you too may do things to spice up your sex life,’ said Karen, trying to make...
hello dosto mera nam ravi hai or me mumbai ka rahne vala hu.meri umar 23 sal hai.aaj me aap ko meri or meri chachi ki kahani batane ja raha hu.meri chachi ka nam reena hai or unki umar 39 sal hai. meri chachi gav me hi rehti hai.mere chacha mumbai me kam karte the is vaj se wo do teen mahi ne me das din ke liye hi chachi ko milan jate the.un hai ladke ki umid thi par har bar unhai ladki he hoti thi is vajse unke ghar 6 ladki ho chuki sal pahle me collage ki chuti yo me akela apne gav gya...
SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER TWELVE: NOW A SLUT?I found out, though, that the night on the golf course wasn’t the last of the manipulations by Abby, Sarah, and Ben. Undoubtedly encouraged by Nick. Nick and I had talked about that event several times. He came to believe me that it was like something flipping a switch inside me. I had been made to do a lot of things in my past, a lot that I wasn’t proud of, but what was happening now was completely different. Now, I was told to mate with two dogs...
Monica looked up and saw Pete come out of his office and joke with Sandra before turning back and asking for coffee. Monica had high hopes for Sandra, as she seemed to have brought Pete out of his depression. Monica wanted Pete to find someone and Sandra was pretty enough with her hair pulled back in a severe style and light make up, but her clothing was just a disaster and no one could tell her body shape or size. Sandra stood up to Pete that was a good and her height helped as she knew he...
Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...
Hello friends. I’m 25yo male. This is my close friend story plz. Read. In 2001 i was transferred to my company’s Nepal office in from Delhi. I had been working for the same company for two years and jumped at the offer to head up the newest regional office. I had lived in Katmandu for over five years and was just a bit apprehensive about moving to a bigger city. When the ceo told me that i would make twice my current salary plus many other substantial perks, i knew i could get used to it again....
(Author's note: All people are fictional characters and actions in this story are completely fictitious, they do not really exist and have never happened.) More 120's Mentor: Part I By Verna Benson I'll never forget the first time I met the woman who changed my life. I was a paperboy and frequently I would stop at a liquor store on my route to get change and a soda. One of the first times I went in, I noticed an ashtray next to the register containing a smoldering More 120...
April 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “«Ты говоришь по-русски?»” I asked when I recovered from the double shock. “«Удивлены»?” “I don’t think surprised even scratches the surface!” I replied in English, not wanting to give up any nuances of my speech. “What’s your full name?” “Larissa Sergeyevna Federova. I was named for ‘Lara’ in Doctor Zhivago, but I go by Laura Sera Bragg. My parents divorced when I was little and both remarried. My mom changed her and my legal name to Bragg, which is my...
It was dark. She could hear the steady breathing of her brother, as she lay there, contemplating the rapid changes in how she was behaving towards him. Two weeks ago, the last thing in the world she could have imagined was spending time with Alex. Now ... well, now it was getting a bit complicated. She knew that her body felt good, and some part of her soul seemed to crave his commanding way that he had. But he was her brother. This could never ‘be’. Realizing that being found in his bed when...
Charity. I am married 5 yrs. to my wife who is a fitness fanatic and goes to gym 3 times a week. She has a very nice figure and I am just a tad taller than her. I when she wears high heels we are the same height. I work in admin and can work from home a lot. She came home the other day very excited about a charity event her woman's group was going to hold and that the husbands would be the waitresses and kooks. It was going to be an evening event with a small dance area and guests...
FCE Internal Memo: Confidential: Elly to Larry Freddie and I have just discussed the team's views after the Inward Bound event. We are all very impressed with what has been achieved. The infrastructure and investment are both very much in order, but the crucial issue is the quality and (in this case) the originality of the staff and that's excellent. All in all, our visit confirms the feelings expressed at the Board Meeting: this is a very important initiative and we are happy to do what...
I had been on the sex site for a few weeks (myfunbuddy) when I found wendys profile she was a single mum just looking for a little fun, so we started to message each other having little chats about what we were doing on the site and how things were going, talking about the nice people we had talked to and about the total creeps that were just weird, we were getting on well so decided to swap mobile numbers so we could chat more easily.We would text each other and flirt getting each other worked...
Another month passed and it was now March. The evenings in New York were still cold. Downtown the lights of the shop windows caused a glow in the faces of the pedestrians on the sidewalks. On the corner of 34th Street and Seventh Avenue a woman in a red hat pulled the collar of her coat closed to cover her throat. The women were now wearing tight-fitting hats, the front part of the brims turned up. The men wore fedoras and bowlers, the hats sometimes tilted at a jaunty angle to give a bit of...
After the elevator stopped descending and the doors opened, we were unloaded like nothing more than cargo. I stared into my little girl's eyes, red from crying. After Alex had turned thirteen, she became much more private about her personal space and no longer allowed me in her room when she dressed. She had developed from a child to a young lady, but up until the horror of our abduction, I hadn't realized just how much she had matured physically. Now, against my will I had been forced to...
I met Savannah Casey when she moved into the apartment down the hall from mine. She was moving things in by herself and, out of the goodness of my heart, decided to help. During the period of the first few weeks we began to talk more and more. From this I learned that she had no present relationship, virtually no family in the city and she wanted to start out fresh on everything. We continued to spend time together for the following month when I decided to ask her out. I expected a slap in the...
The “Fulge”,--------------------------------------------------Her knee-high translucent skirt was oscillating at the cadence of her purposely slow pace set by the sharp sounds of her high heels. The sweet movements of her model like hips, up and down the popular Madrid street was generating the desired effect on the now transfixed set of on-lookers. Helena’s long wavy hair were almost indistinguishable from the tight, black, interweaved top that was meant to show more of her beautiful olive-tan...
MILFThe weather was changing, typical almost tropical damp mists of June Gloom, warm but often not sunny until late afternoon or evening. I was going to be spending time watching those temporary fences, the battery powered electric charged wire to hold wild heifers along with a big mean bull on leased grassland. It was at the same site Denny had taught me how to string electric fence wire through the woods, to be on guard watching for shorts in the fencing, hoping the big bull stayed happy in...
The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the inn. If he inched any closer to it, he'd probably set his motley on fire. He called out to the tapster for another mulled wine. "After you earn your keep you old trickster. Tell us a tale to gladden our faces and warm our frostbitten hearts." He bellowed back in return, followed by the murmur of much agreement by my fellow trapped passengers. I had been on my way home from the Christmas Court...
Toh doston mera naam Nimku hai aur main bihar se hun. Lund ka size hai 7-inch. Toh jaisa ki main apne last story mein bata raha tha ki kaise main ek bujurg mahila ki or akarshit hua aur unke ghar party mein unke sath maze karne laga. Toh story pe aate hai. Jaise ki apko pata hai unki choti bahu ne hume pakad liya tha. Main iss story ki heroine Manyata ki chuchi chus raha tha and woh mera lund masal rahi thi. Woh humdono ko aise dekh kafi hairan thi. Aur sath hi sath gussa bhi hone lagi kehe...
Warmer than I remembered, the brilliant sun reflected off a handful of tall crystal spires creating prisms of light on the carpet of virgin forests below. The small glass bubble I was surrounded with floated lazily on the thermals as several Sea Terns circled blissfully overhead. As I turned to face the sun, a calm silvery sea stretched endlessly to the horizon, dotted with several small volcanic islands covered with lush tropical foliage. A gentle warm sensation was stirring my loins, and...
Celeste said “Is he hard baby? I’m right, aren’t I? He's got a big dick!” Ray said “Oh yeah, he’s big like you said! Okay honey, you win, I'll let you have your fun alone . . . I’ll just go out back and relax while you enjoy your new boy toy!” He stepped back and to the side, walked towards Celeste, gave her a little kiss on the cheek while he stuck two of his fingers into her and said “Have fun!” I watched him as he walked out of the back door and descended the stairs to the back...
They're at it again. They're like rabbits. Fucking away like crazy. Every afternoon. My seventeen-year old brother and his girlfriend. In the next room to mine. Boy is she a screamer. Not just loud, she's pretty slutty when she gets laid. "Fuck me, Justin, fuck me, harder," I hear through the wall. "Cum in me, Justin, I want your cum," she yells. "Suck my pussy, Justin, harder, harder," it echos. I live in a porn flick every afternoon. Justin and his girlfriend, Kayla, are already...
Do you really mean to seduce her, bunch? hed whispered after shed confessed her letch. His pet name for her was short forHoneybunch. I want to make her dizzy with pleasure, shed breathed back and nipped his nipple lightly with her teeth. I crave her, darling. Im sorry — are you jealous? Shed felt his shrug. I should be, but Im not. If you were talking about a man, Id be in a rage, but since its a woman, it — it doesnt threaten me. Or turn you on? Is she sexy and sassy like you? Not at all...
It was a very quiet night as I walked the sidewalk of downtown Mohinta. The laser sign still blaring brightly, ‘open’ made me stop. I never could pass up the opportunity to go into an adult store when I saw one, so this one was no different. I always just wanted to look around. Sometimes I saw things I should not see. Other times, I saw the same things. But it never failed for there to be at least one guy standing with his hard cock sticking out of his pants getting ready to cum on the floor. ...
Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then his girlfriend at his worksite 200 miles north becomes pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Gloria agrees to a divorce and Mike’s reunion with his girlfriend Nancy ends in disappointment so he’s back playing the field. THIRTEEN I arrived...
She had long dark hair, a pretty face and a lithe young body with developing curves that she was proud of. Her name was Lorlei, she was 14 and was supposedly some kind of cousin of mine. I was also 14 and like her, was well on my way through puberty. Somewhat embarrassed by my own frequent and carnal thoughts and my bodies responses to girls, I was shy around her and her friends. Having had numerous visits with Lorlei, many of them overnight or longer, we became pretty close and in some cases...
When Sumathi gives the cup of tea to his son, Ajit sees no unusual sings at her eyes. He is relieved. When Sumathi is giving her the cup, her saree’s pallu fell from her breast, revealing the big mounds of her pair of tits to her son. Sumathi instantly gathered the saree to its right place, but the glimpse was enough for Ajit to guess how big his mom’s tits really are. Even under the blouse and tight nylon bra, they are trying to come out of the confinement. Ajit hard-on just intensified at...
IncestElla I pulled off my helmet as I parked in my driveway. I could smell the human across the street, although he was far away from my vision. I breathed in carefully or else I might just run after him and take him then and there. My blood was boiling, but a smaller part of me knew that doing that wouldn’t fix anything. Who was ‘blue eyes’? Hell. Why did I even leave? I didn’t understand why I had receded to my hiding place. Going through my liquor cabinet, I found a bottle of wine. Taking a...
"im sorry its just your mom almost saw us!!" i reply, we continue our way towards the next left and if sneaking in to your house isn't crazy enough, we even move in to the bath room together. Now trying to be quiet but failing a little miserably, you laugh a hushed cute high pitched laugh and shut the door trying not to cause any creaks. Soon as its shut you gracefully twirl around and find my arms around your hips and we are locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues twisting over each others...
It's dark and I am closing up the theater tonight. I love the smells, the silence, the ghosts, the echoes of shows past and the anticipation of shows to come. I make one last pass through the building to make sure all the lights are off. I grab my bag, my coat, and fish out my keys so I can lock the door and get into my car. I step out the door, lock it and start across the parking lot. It's late, it's dark, and per Washington weather it's drizzling a fine mist on my head. I reach my car,...
LesbianWhen we entered the bedroom we found Alex, Susan and James in the middle of the king size bed hooked up in a daisy chain. Susan was sucking Alex’s cock, he was sucking James’ cock while James was eating his Mother’s pussy. From the sounds they were making, I would say they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.“Just find a spot and jump in” Susan told us while she continued to stroke Alex’s cock. I looked around at the action and knew exactly what I wanted to do. I whispered to Kay, telling her...