Mack's ProgressChapter 11 free porn video

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"See, told you. I'll bet she is!" I heard Millie exclaim to Billie when they met us at the airport arrivals gate."

"Is what?" Francis - who'd brought the terrible two along with him for the ride - asked.

"Preggers, dummy," Billie retorted. "Millie reckons that she's got a sixth sense when it comes to spotting pregnancies.

"Jesus wept already?" Francis retorted.

"Well, you should know how easily these things can happen, Luvver," Billie told him, giving him a hug. "Anyway, we got the wedding timed dead right for Lindsey's fertile time of the month."

"Umm," I said, looking from one to the other of the three women and the bemused looking Francis.

"Well, Millie's probably being a bit premature, but you always said that you wanted children. I came off the pill the day you asked me to marry you." Lindsey smiled at me. "Not angry I hope?"

"Making sure that I wasn't going to get away again, were you?" I said as I kissed her. I'm not quite as daft as I sometimes look; I had noted that I hadn't seen Lindsey taking any birth control pills during the honeymoon.

"Yeah, I should have done that several years ago. I would have saved myself a lot of heartache."

"Both of us." I replied, "But do you really think you could be pregnant already?"

"I doubt it, Mack. Getting pregnant isn't that easy. Jeff and Rachael tried for three years before..." Lindsey broke off in mid sentence and started laughing quietly to herself.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I was just thinking that it was Rachael's pregnancy that started everything off, wasn't it. If she hadn't been pregnant, then I'd have been at home that night, wouldn't I?" Lindsey kissed me. "Have you ever wondered where we'd have been now, if I had been home that evening, Mack?"

"I'm not with you, Lindsey; I suppose we would have been married a couple of years ago."

"You think. I'm not so sure. God moves in mysterious ways sometimes," she said, giving a Millie a hug.

"I'm not following you, Lindsey."

"Never mind, Mack. It doesn't really matter now. We'll just have to wait and see what happens in the next week or so, to see whether he's decided that it's the right time for me to have a baby."

As it turned out Lindsey was pregnant and she delivered me of our first daughter late that autumn, and to cap that the following autumn, Lindsey added a second daughter. Then the following year, James Ellery Mackenzie was to join the family.

Well, why did you think everybody called me Mack? Can I help it if my mother was into crime stories? The point is anyone with their head screwed on right didn't go through a city school with a name like Ellery; well, they didn't when I was a lad.

After James came along, Lindsey and I were to figure that three children were enough, so she went back onto the pill permanently. Did something for her general demeanour at times as well. Not that her tantrums ever bothered me much; if you know the root cause of someone's odd fits of temper then they are pretty easy to overlook.

Both Millie and Billie had a son each in the same period of time, Millie dropping another (unplanned) daughter about five years later.

Bugger, I've got ahead of myself a little. Michelle came home from College that first year with Quinn in tow. Tarquin to be precise, but he probably suffered from the same sort of problems that I'd had at school; anyway he went by the name of Quinn. Quinn was studying to become a chef, curiously handy that was to turn out to be in the long term. Whatever, Michelle was in love with him and he followed her around like a lost puppy.

When I met Quinn, my first impression was that he was a pleasant enough guy, but a real wanker. Christ, the guy was clumsy and appeared to be totally inept at just about anything. That was, until he stepped into a kitchen, where you could only describe him as a bleeding genius. Knowing Michelle's appetite for sex, I can only assume that he must have cut the mustard in the bedroom as well; I never heard Michelle complain anyway.

They were married right after their final exams and returned to the Willows, where Quinn's skills in the kitchen soon became famous far and wide. Michelle, who - it became obvious to everyone - wore the trousers in that relationship eventually bore him four children.

Beverley's plans for both pubs came to fruition a lot quicker than I had imagined they would. In the year following my marriage to Lindsey, major structural changes were made during the winter months to both pubs, to accommodate their intended new roles.

At the Wherry, we had local bands in several nights a week that kept the place fairly crowded most of the year round. And after a year or so, tables had to be reserved at the Willow's most nights during the summer months and every Friday and Saturday night throughout the year.

The years seemed to race passed. Our three children grew into fine teenagers and seemed to enjoy village life and living in a public house. As they matured, Louise and Natalie were drawing far too much attention from the boys for my liking. And James - who everyone insisted was his father's son; whatever that's supposed to mean — was growing into a handsome young man, who had quite a few of the young girls in the village hanging on his every word. I thought he was a great kid, even if he did tend to jump to conclusions a little too quickly for my liking; and he could be damned stubborn on occasions as well.

Louise - Lindsey and my eldest — had been about ten when my brother Brian moved up to Broad land. Brian had quietly bought into the local holiday boat hire company and eventually took it over completely. Very soon after he moved into the district Julia and her brood moved into the village as well.

Julia worked for Brian part time, and the rest of the time with her husband in the art gallery that he had opened in the village. That was the first inclination that I'd got that Julia's husband was quite an artist on the quiet. Julia swears blind that she was never the model for any of his popular and very erotic nude studies. But I don't believe her, and I doubt anyone else in the village does either.

Lindsey and I had been married for about twelve years, when Beverley formed the company. Michelle, Lindsey and I were called together at Beverley's house for a meeting one day. She and George had moved out of the Willows and it had become — in all but name — Michelle's pub by then; besides being her, Quinn and their children's home.

Anyway that day Beverley informed us all that she was setting up a private limited company that would run the two pubs and the micro brewery that John had set up with Bev and George's financial backing. We had all been aware that Beverley and George had financed John's venture.

Shares in the new company were distributed equally between Beverley, George, Michelle, Patricia and myself. Before I had a chance to say anything, Bev told me that she and the twins considered that I was part of their family, and the twins adopted brother, and that I was not to argue. I've told you before that it wasn't wise to argue with Beverley, especially when she had the twins behind her.

Louise must have been nineteen ... yeah, it was just before she got engaged, that I got a completely unexpected visitor whose arrival gave me the biggest shock of my life.

It was a fairly quiet morning in early June; James and I were down in the cellar sorting the place out after the delivery dray had made an early call.

As we climbed the stairs back into the bar, I picked up on the end of a conversation that Lindsey was having on the telephone.

"Are you sure?" she asked. Then she listened for a few seconds. "Oh, bugger, how long do you think it will be before they get here?" There was another pause. "No, I'm fine and I agree with you, Bev; I'll say nothing and thanks for the heads up ... Oh, hi, Mack!"

I'm not that dumb, the "Hi, Mack" comment was said very loud, so that Beverley would know that I'd entered the bar. Lindsey looked guilty about something as well. She rapidly ended her conversation with Bev and hung up the telephone.

I stood there with what I hoped was an expectant look on my face. But Lindsey didn't bite. Considering that I'd just heard her tell Bev that she was going to say nothing, I wasn't at all surprised when she made some lame excuse and headed for the kitchen.

"Are you expecting anyone, dad?" James asked. He'd obviously overheard the end of Lindsey's conversation as well.

"Not that I'm aware of, son. But I know better than to ask your mother about it, if it's supposed to be a surprise."

James didn't reply but went over to the window that overlooked the car park. Apparently seeing nothing he shrugged and then went out into the garden by the river. I presumed he was on a glass hunt from the previous evening. It was still well before opening time so there were no bar customers around yet.

Although I must add, James had been eyeing up a young teenager from one of the holiday boats the evening before, so he might have gone prowling. Turning out to be a real a chip of the old block was my son.

Shortly Millie arrived for work in her launch. Millie had her eldest daughter with her and I was already aware that she, Louise and my other daughter Natalie were planning on going off to town in the launch that morning. The point was that a little later I noted that all three girls were still kicking around out in the garden chatting with James.

It fell to Millie to take the towels off the pumps at opening time. She and Lindsey were on duty so I went upstairs to change and have a break before I joined them later when the bar got busy. I suppose I'd only been up there for about ten or twenty minutes when the assistance light started flashing.

We have a button by the till that, when pushed, flashed lamps up in Lindsey and my private quarters to warn us that the bar staff were busy and/or needed assistance.

A glimpse out of the window of our private lounge told me that the gardens weren't very full, so I thought that the bar couldn't be that busy yet. As I headed down the stairs - through another window - I noted that there were only a few cars in the car park, one of them Julia's. So by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs, I was well aware that it was more likely that whoever Lindsey and Bev had been discussing on the telephone earlier had finally arrived.

The main bar was very quiet when I stepped in to it. Lindsey was behind the bar and I noted that she gestured in my direction to a young man she was in conversation with.

He must have stood about six feet tall and despite the warm weather that day, was wearing a formal and rather smart dark grey whistle. As he turned to look in my direction, I noted his very close cropped hair and that for an instant he looked down to check out his appearance, before he took a couple of smart paces in my direction.

"Mr Mackenzie, sir?" he asked, his right arm beginning to make a movement that he quickly checked, and changed to offering his hand for me to shake.

An American, from his accent, about twenty-five years old and in the forces from his body language, I quickly deduced. He'd actually gone to give me a salute, before he had realised what he was doing and from that I guessed that he was nervous about something, but I couldn't figure out what.

Come on, I had two very good-looking teenage daughters and I also had the reputation as a tough pub landlord and father, who didn't suffer fools lightly; so I'd seen quite a few nervous young suitors by then. But both my daughters had steady — thoroughly vetted and suitably terrified - boyfriends at the time, so I couldn't figure out why this young Yank looked so worried.

"That's right, and what can I do for you, young man?" I replied, surprised that the young man seemed to shrink, the moment I opened my mouth.

"Joseph Conrad Junior, sir," he replied pulling himself to his full height again.

"Well, Joseph, what can I do for you?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted that Lindsey had stepped out from behind the bar and was making her way slowly in our direction. And that Millie, the three girls and James were all stood in the doorway to the garden, watching the proceedings.

"Well, sir ... Um, it's like this..." Joseph had a quick look around the bar, then took a deep breath. "It's my girl, sir. She says that I've got to ask her father's permission before she'll agree to marry me."

"So, what's that got to do with me, son?" I asked.

But it was Lindsey who I suppose had taken pity on the guy who replied. "Quite a lot, Mack." Both Joseph and I turned to look at her. "Codi had trouble with a tooth when you were together in France, didn't she?"

"Yes," I said remembering having to take Codi to the local dentist. But wondering how Lindsey had known that and just what kind of tangent my loving wife was going off on this time.

Lindsey does have a talent for going all around the world before she gets to the point.

"Well, my guess is that the dentist prescribed Codi some antibiotics or something. Can you remember?"

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Antibiotics interfere with birth control pills, Mack," Lindsey said matter-of-factly. "Actually they can often negate the pills effects completely. It appears that our children have a half-sister, Mack. Her name's Mackenzie and I assume that she's out in the car park with her mother."

I looked at the young man again.

"I ... I'm afraid that's correct, sir," he said, looking even more nervous than he had before. "Mackenzie insisted that I ask you for your consent to marry her."

I looked back at Lindsey, probably with questioning eyes.

"Today was the first I knew about it honestly!" she replied, to my unasked question. Then added, "Beverley called and told me earlier."

I'm not sure how long I stood there looking from Lindsey to Joseph and back again, and quite honestly, wondering what I was supposed to do next. I had another daughter that for some reason Codi had never told me about. I think I was angry and inexplicably happy at the same time. Angry that Codi had never told me about the child, but then pleased that I had another offspring. A drink was called for, a strong one!

I headed for the bar only to find that Millie, in her usual mind reading way, had beaten me to it and she handed me a large straight rum when I got there. "Another, Millie," I said, knocking it back in one and sagging down onto my usual stool.

Lindsey had followed me over and gave me a quick hug. "You'd better go bring her in, Joseph. Oh, and Codi too, whilst he's still in shock and lost for words," she told the young man.

But before Joe made it to the door, Louise and Natalie came through it dragging a young woman who had to be Mackenzie along between them.

Obviously the thought had crossed my mind that she might not be mine, but those thoughts were quickly dispelled the moment I clapped eyes on her. It could have been a young Julia standing there.

Disengaging herself from my two daughters, Mackenzie took Joseph's hand and he led her over to me. I could see that she looked even more nervous than poor Joe had done.

"I'm sure your half-sisters have told you that I don't bite," I said, smiling and holding my arms out to her. Well, what else could I do?

Mackenzie let go of Joe's hand, stepped into my outstretched arms and we hugged each other.

"Hello, father. I've been waiting all my life to meet you," she whispered into my ear. "But, I didn't know how to approach you. We ... I didn't know how you'd react when you heard that I'd been born."

"Silly girl, how could anyone not be overjoyed to know that they had a beautiful daughter like you? Now where's you mother? I think I've got a bone to pick with her." I was trying to inject as much humour into the situation as I could muster with my voice.

"I think she's gone back to the Willows with Aunt Julia, dad," Louise informed everyone. "She seemed worried about meeting you and mum."

I looked over at Lindsey, who had a big grin on her face. It wasn't necessary to say anything; we'd been married long enough to know each other's mind. Lindsey picked up the telephone and began to call the Willows. I knocked back my second rum then got to my feet.

A few short minutes were spent formally introducing Mackenzie and Joe to her half-siblings and Lindsey, although Lindsey was talking to Beverley or George on the phone at the time. Eventually Lindsey gave me the nod that told me Julia and Codi had arrived back at the Willows.

Wrapping my new daughter's hand around my arm, I asked everyone to please excuse us, then, with another look and gesturing nod of the head to Lindsey that she returned, led Mackenzie out into the garden and down to our launch. I wanted to get to know Mackenzie in private for a little while. She asked Joe to get her purse from the car as we went and he delivered it to us at the launch.

I pulled the launch out into the current then throttled back so we were only just maintaining steerage way and headed towards the Willows. At that speed Mackenzie and I would have a good half an hour or so to talk. I knew that Beverley would bring Joe along in the car.

"Your intended seems like quite a nice lad," I commented, using Joe to break the ice.

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The feeding of sissy

I hold a prominent position in a world wide business firm and make a six figure salary and had been divorced for several years. I met Wendy through a newspaper add in the singles columns, she was a knockout looking gal. We dated for some time and she moved in with me. One night when we were out having drinks she ask what my deepest secrets were. She would share hers with me in return if I told her mine. This took a lot of convincing and a lot of drinks. She went first telling me she prostituted...

1 year ago
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My BBW SisterinLaw Passed Out Spread Nude on the Couch

I am living at my brother's place right now, and him and his wife love to drink. I admit I love to drink as well but they drink to get wasted. My brother left town for business and when he leaves he's away for a while. My sister-in-law is a short BBW with long wavy brunette hair, glasses and big 38DD tits (I knew that having looked at her bra on the towel rack after she took a shower) and thick muscular legs and calves that she loves to show off by wearing short shorts. One night my...

2 years ago
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Fun at Sturgis

Fun at Strugis My wife (Mary) and Me had alway to go to Strugis Bike Rally , so got the money to go and took our friend Dawn with us.We had just arrived and checking at hotel, just got lugage to the room. When Mary say " Let go out see the sights and see what is going right now at Rally". So We'll head out of hotel an start walking down the way, when Mary run into a c***dhood friend. We stop Mary say"How are Joann"? Joann say" I...

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An Evening For Two

They laid in each others arms so effortlessly. He moved his hands from atop her stomach and started to unbutton her shirt. She sighed in comfort and laid her head back, giving him access to her neck. He took advantage of her move and kissed and nibbled it with pleasure. He pulled her shirt apart and she helped to take it off. She turned to face him. She looked into his eyes and smiled. They leaned in and quickly gave each other a peck on the lips. Each time they did this, the kiss lasted...

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Sex Is Best When She Is Your Ex 8211 Part 1

Hello all. Maxx here from Pune. 34 years old, 6′ tall regularly-ish workout at the ‘office gym’. Hence, not ripped and all, but got something close to a good physique. I work in a big IT company. Married to a very loving wife with a kid. This is a story about how I ‘accidentally’ got to fuck my ex just a few months before my marriage. About my Ex: We started dating a few months after I started my first job in Kolkata, back in 2010. She was studying BCA in a well-known college in Bhubaneswar. We...

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My secret Passion

Hy there im New in here so im just going to share a litle bit of a secret.since nobody really knows me im ok to share, i guess....i am a very young sex addict and my most secret fantasy is to have sex with a overaged couple man and wife!i can´t stop thinking about pleasuring a chunky granny with saggy boobs, while her hubby feeds her lustfull mouth with his cock!then we take turns on her mouth, letting her suck and gumfuck our cocks! i can feel her nipples sticking tall as nails, of pleasure...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e15 Kimberly

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 14: Kimberly” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 14: KIMBERLY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking down on a busy motorway – cars flying by at 70-80-90mph ... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old-fashioned English resort town ... Finally, we’re in a quiet, narrow residential street, late at night, outside a traditional English pub. White walls and black...

4 years ago
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American Gothic

 “True love is like a ghost: Everyone talks of it, but few have met it face to face.”-Francois de La Rochefoucauld*"I should warn you about my family. You may be in for a bit of a shock."They were driving with the top down. It was damn hot. Devanie fixed a scarf around her head to keep her hair from blowing. "You'll have to take them as they come,” she continued. “And you need to be on your best behavior."Charles winked. "Yes, ma'am. Shall I keep after class and write it out a hundred times on...

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You Said it Was OK

Remember back to our friend who came to Seattle and ass fucked your cock and then jerked off onto the floor in front of me while watching me ride you? You said you wanted to know what would happen if you said “Yes, fuck him.” Well here is how I see it:(Try to remember the hotel in Seattle with the chair at the desk and the big window and the chair in the corner but somewhat near the bed. For the sake of this story and because I really don’t remember the chair in the comer, assume it has legs...

1 year ago
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He had the face of an Angel Part 1

He came running up the stairs, taking two steps at the time, stood still, breathless and then he looked around. Only one minute till the train would leave. I waved my hands so that he could see me behind the window of my compartment. And then he smiled. I sighed and sat down. I was relieved, first because he had found me and second ‘cause I could have him this day. His smile still drove me , like the first time I saw it and that was only a few days ago. I took the train for a couple of weeks...

2 years ago
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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 8 Good Girlrsquos Naughty Task

I wanted to scream and shout and moan as loud as I could as Daddy rammed his huge cock into my fourteen-year-old cunt. He had me pinned against the shower wall, the spray crashing into his back, a steamy mist wafting over me as I humped and wiggled and enjoyed every second of his dick slamming into my underage depths. My daddy fucked me. I was his good girl. His sex slave. My choker lay on the bathroom counter. The only time I could take it off was in the shower. He gave it to me Saturday...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 18 CES Las Vegas

One of largest trade shows in the United States takes place each January in Las Vegas – the Consumer Electronics Show. Any innovation or upgrade to a product line that can remotely be called ‘electronic’ is often introduced at the show: computers, televisions, cellphones, speakers, headphones, ear buds, electronic assistants, computers and accessories, drones, robotics, autos loaded with electronics, and more. Even sex dolls with some modest artificial intelligence have been touted there....

2 years ago
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Twins Enter High School

Madison sat on her bed, naked, cross-legged Indian style, looking at the small student handbook, her free hand twiddling with her left nipple, stretching it out and letting it spring back. “This stupid dress code stinks,” she said to her sister who lay on her back on the bed beside her with her battery-powered vibrator deep in her tireless snatch and its attachment tickling her clitoris. She alternately tensed and relaxed her PC muscles, eyes closed and forehead furrowed, concentrating on her...

4 years ago
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Welcome back Fred

This story is a continuation of Fred and Mitzi. This story is fresh in my mind as i have just seen Fred for the first time in nearly forty years. I was at the local supermarket when i heard a voice call out hey Jamie how the hell are you!! I quickly turned my head as no one calls me Jamie any more i am usually called James. I knew the voice and well he really didn't change all that much still mangy looking now very gray as far as hair color goes. I just said Fred what the hell !! Yeah Fred said...

3 years ago
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Leonaacutes landlord 1

“So,” Mark said,” I guess that you could use a glass of wine..?”He didn´t even wait for her reply. Her name was Leona and she was 20 or 21. She had moved in a few months before. When the wife had moved out, the house was too big for him, but in stead of selling, he had rented her the two small rooms above the garage. It even had its own tiny bathroom and it had been easy to install a fridge and an electric stove too in the largest room. Campus was just 15 minutes away, even on bicycle. And Mark...

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Housewife Fucked By A Salesman

By : Rrahulraj10 Dear All, This is my first story for this site. My name is Rahul. I am a software engineer working in a very reputed company. I am very fond of sex and sex stories. I really like this site and it’s my turn now to contribute to the site. This is a true incident happened to my wife. My wife is very loyal to me. She used to say me each and every small thing that she experiences. This was one of incidents encountered by her. In fact it was her first sexual experience that she...

1 year ago
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A Girls Fantasy Wish

I’m feeling really horny and wild today. I know this is wrong, but I'm so attracted to my girlfriend’s father. I just think he's so sexy. I've never told this to my friend, but I really want to fuck her father. Often, when I’m home, I love to masturbate with thoughts of me doing all sorts of naughty things to him. My name is Gina and I’m seventeen. I'm just crazy about Mr. Foley. He's just the most amazing man. He really treats my friend Megan so good. He's always buying her anything she wants...

3 years ago
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Going Black

Once a white female goes black she never goes back equals BS or so I thought, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m a forty-year old single man who has always been successful with the ladies, successful enough that I bagged the hottest lady in the firm of Sterns, Sterns and Schwartz (SSS) a top Law Firm in Minneapolis. The lady in question was the beautiful and sexy Mrs. Gloria Finch. Soon after Gloria and I became lovers, she left her husband of ten years and moved in with me. Luckily there...

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Carolyn her dad and me

Several years ago, when I was 18, I started dating a beautiful young 16 year old girl named Carolyn. I had met her during the fall marching band season as she was a member of the drum & bugle corp and I played trumpet in the band. Carolyn was a petite young thing, about 5'-3" and around 100 lbs, with blondish hair, pert breasts, tight ass, and gorgeous dimples when she smiled. Everything about her was perfect, in my opinion, from her head down to her toes and everywhere in between. We...

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Pendulum By Argus A note from the author I actually wrote this before I began writing the "Rise of Miss. Hyde" stories, so chronologically it's my first piece of fiction. I was of two minds whether to submit it though, because I felt it was very rough round the edges. I'll freely admit that some of the prose is less than perfect and it feels a bit awkward in places, but I'm still happy with the basic idea. Having nearly completed the final part of my Miss. Hyde story,...

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The Brain Bugs Correct Feast

Behind him, a low sucking noise gradually becomes louder. Jonothon’s eyes widen. He tries to escape. His penis wanks gently as Jonothon twitches forwards, futilely trying to free himself of the slime. It becomes stiff with sexual excitement, hard and slimy. Gently, spunk pumps from the stiff, horny penis. But Jonothon does not notice his orgasm as the jism sticks to his shirt. His brain is soft and prepared. He thinks only fear. The brain bug slowly approaches behind him. Jonothon watches in...

2 years ago
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Movie Gals Revised

Part 1: Male instinct I decided to go home sick from school today. I had a Chemistry test, and I was nowhere near ready for it. I was able to convince the nurse I had a stomach flu. She seemed so innocent but my desires were met after dropping my books on the ground. I was able to see her black thong as she bent forward. I decided to use my time to go see Rise of the Planet of Apes with my friend Jamie. I was extra friendly to one of the workers there, she looked gorgeous but the uniform...

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My friend8217s nymphomaniac sister

Hi friends..this s a true story of mine.. I was doin my 2nd year engg,my best friend took me to his home town.we had a great time there.later he introduced me to all of his school i’m a cool as a cucumber type every one liked me and one his friends invited me to his house and there i met my angel. Tat friend had two sisters and two years elder than me named lakshmi and another one year elder than me.this lakshmi became fond of me and talked wit me a lot.she invited to me to every...

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Brandy 2 Chapter 1

Four Years LaterBrandy graduated from college, moving into the city, away from home, hoping to start a new life. Her parents still looked at her differently since they found out about her and Michael, not even him moving could changed anything. She had found a good job as an advertising assistant, able to afford an apartment by herself. She enjoyed her privacy. She dated on and off, but nothing steady, most men her age interested in partying and getting her into the sack and then they moved...

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OHGIRLs First Time Our Perspectives

Everything in this world is seen and described differently from each person’s point of view. This story is told from the perspective of the two people that experienced the event.Our Perspectives: We had discussed the idea of swinging and swapping partners in the past. Neither of us really wanted to commit to such a radical idea though, whether it was our moral values of sticking to our wedding vows, our fear of something new and different, or just because we are both picky. If we were...

3 years ago
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Princi Ko Bina Pataye Chod Dala

Hello dosto kaise ho aap sab? Ummid karta hu ki thik hi honge isi liye iss padh rahe hai mai is site per perday story padhta hu aur muth marta hu ab mai thoda aapko apne bare me bat du mera name sumit hai, aur mai kolkata (barasat)me rahta hu. meri age 22 sal hai body slim looking average hai. 6.5 inches lamba aur 3.5 inch mota kolkata barasat ki koi bhi ladki agar mujhse sex ya sex chat karna chati hai to mail kare mera email hai Story tabhi padhe agar aapke pas time ho padhne ke bad aap khud...

2 years ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Two

Susan scurried across the van floor to the rear door as fast as she could. She knew she was to be punished and had no interest in making him any angrier then he already was. Once her feet hit the ground, Bill took her right arm and attached the cuff to the top of the open door. Someone else attached the left one to the other door. The doors were locked open and spreaded her arms out in a spread eagle position. The only light Susan could see was the bright glare of headlights. She was in a...

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Last one to know chapter 14

While I was getting myself together Sue cranked the car and pulled to a parking spot closer to the Mall Entrance. I made my way to the men‘s restroom and the girls went to the ladies restroom. From there we made our way to the second level and V.C. There were two young ladies working in the store, both looked to be early to mid twenties, slender, shapely and just what you would expect to see working at Victory Secrets. Both smiled at us when we walked in. The more shapely of the two...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 13

"Paris!" Sarah shrieked, setting down her drawing pad and embracing Elliot. "Yes of course," said an embarrassed Elliot. Henri looked surprisingly amused when he glanced at him. Henri had been full of surprises lately. Magic happened to Henri, Marjorie magic. The first couple weeks had been as hellish as expected. The first day he met Marjorie, Henri had threatened to leave for Paris and tromped out the studio door. Sophie took care of that, catching him outside her office and...

1 year ago
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CarleyChapter 6 Venice and Marja Again

On Wednesday morning, we checked out of the hotel and took a taxi to the train station. I had pre-paid tickets on the high-speed train to Venice. We had a private compartment, but the door was clear glass, so we couldn’t do any serious fooling around. The countryside zipped by and, as usual, I was amazed at the amount of farmland and just plain wilderness that covers large parts of northern Italy. We pulled into the Santa Lucia train station on the Grand Canal in Venice. A water taxi took us...

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