MackChapter 07 free porn video

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The first Tuesday in February is the first day of school so Mack and the Thomas kids walk over to the school. They were all at the school some time during the previous week to make sure the paperwork was all done and correct for them to start, as well as getting class timetables and the school issued textbooks. Mack is in Year Nine with his cousin James, Diane is in Year Ten, while Mary is in Year Eight. All of his cousins were born early in the year about a year apart while Mack was born late in the year. So James is starting Year Nine as a fifteen year old as are many others in that Year, which makes Mack one of the oldest in the Year Nine group. He’s also one of the shortest for his year group, so few realise he’s sixteen. Most of the kids of the tribal families in the Queanbeyan area are also at the high school and the rest are at the primary school next door to the high school.

When Mack nears the gate closest to their house he sees Dave Burns being confronted by five other students and Dave doesn’t look too happy about the situation. Mack walks up while asking, “What’s up, Dave?”

“Hi, Mack. This is Tim Hamilton. He’s upset about something.”

Tim snarls, “You put my uncle in to the cops!”

Mack asks, “He did? When? How? What could he know about your uncle and any criminal behaviour by him?” Tim turns to stare at Mack. “Some weeks back Dave was silly enough to do as you asked him to and he removed a valuable item of stock from the shelf at Target. In his nervous haste he didn’t realise you had him take it instead of doing it yourself because there’s a video camera at that counter and a live guard watches its monitor during the day. Dave put the item down in the store so he had nothing on him when the security grabbed him outside the store. But I’m sure you knew that and were probably stealing something else while they were distracted with Dave.” A lot of other kids gather round and are listening to this with great interest. It’s also obvious Tim doesn’t like having it made public. “I’ve an authority from Dave’s tribe to see to the welfare of the tribe and its members. So when the police couldn’t find his parents they asked me to act for his parents while they interviewed him. All he told them was about how he picked up the item and later put it down again inside the store. He didn’t even say where he put it down. After hearing this several times I convinced the police to let him go for lack of evidence. Which they did. How all this relates to your uncle is beyond me! Did you tell Dave anything about your uncle and how he steals things or has them stolen for him by you and those you dupe into doing it? I doubt it, but did you?”

Tim snarls, “I’m not stupid enough to tell him or anyone else how we work! What do you take me for?”

“I take you for what you are - a lying thief who works to have others blamed while you take the cash. You admit Dave knew nothing about your uncle. So how could he have told the police? They probably knew your uncle was a thief and watched him or were told by someone else or they may have watched you and were led to your uncle by you.” Tim snarls a curse and stomps away.

Dave gives Mack a weak grin, “That’s the first time I’ve seen him since that day. I gather, from what he said, the police have arrested his uncle for some reason. I’ve not seen any of his usual crowd since then, either. I’ve got a whole new group of friends now.” His smile widens a lot when Fiona and four of her friends move over to speak to them. They chat while they enter the school together. The crowd that had gathered during the talk with Tim breaks up while they enter the school as well.

The first day of school goes as such days do: in utter chaos with some periods of mere mayhem while everyone gets sorted out and settled in.

Secrets Revealed

Things go as well as can be expected over the next several days and Mack settles into the new school environment. It’s a lot more hustle and bustle than his last school as it has many times the students and staff. He makes friends with some classmates and he has a number of different students he sits with during lunch and the mid-morning break. Some of the teachers are surprised at his level of skills in their subjects.

One lunchtime he’s walking to a table with some friends when he passes a table where two of the girls from the tribe are sitting with some other students. One turns to the other and says, in the tribal tongue, “I wish I knew why the Council set Mack on us as a boss?”

He stops and says, “It’s rude to speak a language others don’t know while with them. They chose me as they know I won’t take shit from anyone; not you, not the teachers, not the police, not the government. Got it?” She looks scared while she nods yes because she’d no idea he knew the tribe’s language. He adds, in the tribal tongue, “You’ve no idea of what I know or why.” The members of the tribe who hear him are stunned as he’s got a better command of their language than most of them do.

The teacher on duty is his language teacher who’s teaching Japanese to him. He hadn’t studied it before so he has some out of class work to catch up to the rest of class, but he’s very fast in learning Japanese. Hearing him speak this other language helps her to know why he’s so good at learning Japanese. Being used to studying another language the previous experience makes adding new ones easier.

Mack reaches the table he’s heading for and he sits down with Dave, Fiona, her friends Marion and Belinda, and Marion’s older sister, Alice. They all greet him. Fiona says, “I didn’t know you spoke our tongue!”

“There’s a lot you don’t know. That reminds me.” He pulls out his phone, turns it on, and hits speed dial one. Students aren’t allowed to have phones on during class but they can turn them on during breaks.

The phone rings and is answered, he says, “Ma, please. It’s Mack.” They know he’s an orphan so they all wonder about who he’s calling ’Ma’ on the phone.

Jedda smiles as she replies, “I know the voice, Mack. Here she is.”

Ma Hanson takes over, “Hi, Mack, what’s up?”

“I bet you know about my last emails with Hammer!” This lets some of the others at the table know who he’s talking to, and they tell the rest.

“Yes, I am. I bet you want me to tell you how much he’s dug out.”

“As long as he does no digging with a shovel anywhere other than in the vegetable plot, until I tell him where to dig, I don’t mind. But I do want to know what he’s worked out for himself because it helps me to understand how close he is to other things.”

“Would those other things include how a certain Irishman would say his name’s Jim Kelly in a brogue that makes it sound like Jemkala?”

“Yes, amongst others. I’m sure you worked that one out.”

“After watching a program on family history and how names sound different with different accents I spoke with Paddy Murphy and found out the truth of that old legend. Anything else I should know about?”

“Well, since you know the truth about Jemkala and now know, for sure, it’s true and he existed you can read his journal and the others to put many ghosts to rest.” This gets the tribal members’ attention since he’s talking about an old tribal legend. How does he know it’s true?

“That’ll keep me busy for a while.” She smiles, then a thought hits her, hard. “Ghosts, you said ghosts. Do you mean the Gift Ghost, is that all in there too?” Jedda looks up at this since the Gift Ghost is what the tribal members started calling the events where gifts of food, medicines, and clothes started appearing on porches out of nowhere. They were said to be left by the Gift Ghost because no one saw anyone drop them off or in the area. Even bought items that couldn’t be traced in the shops.

“Yes. James kept the first journal and his son, Martin, started the next one but he handed it over to his wife, Mary, to keep. Since then the women of the farm have kept the journals. Everything that happens at the farm or happens to the family or the family does is in there.”

“Yeah, that fits in with what we’ve worked out. You’ve got my sons busy trying to work out what you and Jim did with millions of dollars of harvested exotic and native hardwood trees. It’s sending them mad.”

“I see they found Camp Cream. Mum wouldn’t let me harvest there after Dad died, so they need to clean it up a bit to get a lot out. We sold that to the sawmill in the city as we didn’t want Parks to know any of the good woods were still available in the area.” The other students at the table find this a hard conversation to follow but do find it interesting to hear. They’re busy trying to make sense of his side while they eat.

“Well, the Elders have started to think about businesses properly. So when Parks put the Ryan’s Ridge Sawmill up for sale they borrowed some more money and bought it. We’re taking it in there and selling the cut wood to city based buyers. So it’s generating a lot of good income for the tribe. That’s why the Elders want to put up more houses, that and the fools who are upping the rents in Wood Valley.”

“OK. Let me know if anyone here should move back due to the tribe needing their special skills. Please tell Jedda I now agree and she should lift the veil as she has knowledge you should now know.”

Ma looks at her daughter-in-law, “So Jedda should lift the veil and tell me something, should she? I’ll ask her!” Jedda smiles and nods yes as she’s happy she can finally let this secret out. “Mack, can you get back for a weekend soon? We’ve got a big problem with Jess and Ann as they’re in the middle of a big fight. They won’t tell us about what. However, we’ve heard your name mentioned a few times and you were always able to get those two to see reason. The way things are going one’s going to kill the other before too long.” Mack takes a moment to think on what could be causing this trouble. He soon comes up with one possible reason for this behaviour, and it makes him angry, very angry.

“Damn. Look, it’d take the full weekend to travel there and back. Ma, you need to get them aside with their mothers and yourself. Kick everyone else out of the house and sit them down in a formal council type way. Then tell them to remember, as I remember, one Saturday afternoon in the forest on the last one before the Christmas just before Dad died. I remember a small fire at Alpha Two. If that doesn’t get them thinking and crying call me straight away. Those two have forgotten some very important promises they made to me and each other.”

“Mack, I trust you with a lot of things, but you’re asking for a formal Women’s Meeting to resolve this. If I do this it must be resolved and I may have to punish one of my granddaughters. I’ve got to have a more concrete reason before I’ll go that far.” She glances at Jedda and sees she’s worried about what she can hear of this development.

“Hold on a moment.” Mack stands up while asking, “Dave, watch my lunch, please?” He walks to a corner of the lunch room where he won’t be overheard. “Ma, I was ten when they took me into the forest for a special meeting on the last Saturday before Christmas, just us three. They were perfect while they did the ceremony. They know I speak the tongue because they found out when they asked and I replied in it. They told me they had Chosen. I accepted them on the condition we wait until I was eighteen. They accepted and acknowledged the delay. It seems they’ve forgotten that. I want you to remind them of it and to tell them I’m not impressed with them forgetting that day and those promises.”

Ma’s face goes white, which worries Jedda. “Mack, I don’t think you could’ve told me anything to have shocked and surprised me as much as that does. How do you know the ceremony was correct?”

“I can move through that forest without being seen, when I want to. I once saw a lot of tribal women walking through the forest so I went to see what they were doing. I watched and listened while they taught the girls various things. That happened a number of times.”

“Damn, and we work so hard to see we aren’t followed when we do those teachings. You must be very good to have not been seen by us at all. OK, I think you may be right and they’ve forgotten. I’ll deal with it now that I know how to deal with it. I’ll see you at the break.”


“Not so fast. You’ve not yet told me what Hammer knows.”

“Well, he found where you landscaped gullies to help with hunting rabbits and breeding them. He knows the pump and sewerage works are designed for a small to medium sized village. He’s had people in diving gear in the dam getting actual measurements to confirm it’s a lot bigger than you told us and a great deal bigger than it appears. He thinks he knows where the storage tank for the excess treated sewerage is until it’s used. He wants to know where you hid the cistern and how big it is. He’s remembered how your father was at school and he thinks your mother trained him, he also figures she trained you too. He also thinks the name Kelly is a good replacement for the word deception, as they’ve spent generations at being deceptive in how things are here at the farm. I think that’s as far as he got, at least as far as he’s prepared to say.”

Time’s passing and the real confidential stuff is done with so Mack goes back to the table and he has some lunch while Ma talks. Mack replies, “He’s right, there’s a lot more money in the farm than has previously been said. We buried it, literally. The five hundred thousand litre cistern was a problem to build. We wanted it in the dam wall, but to put it in would make the dam very weak until it was built. In the end we dug a trench across the dam behind the crest and drilled down into the bedrock. We put some one metre diameter reinforced concrete pillars down into the bedrock and then dug out space just in front of them to take interlocked reinforced concrete barricades half a metre thick. That strengthened the wall to the point we could dig out most of the area behind it to build the cistern with its base in the bedrock. Put the pipes in then cover it all up again. The road along the top of the dam sits on the pillars and barricade. All of the water pipes are high quality steel and they’re designed to last for centuries. All buried a metre or more down. The power and phone cables are done the same way. Dad talked the people putting in the fibre optic trunk cable between Wood Valley and Ryan’s Ridge to run it along our road so he could have them put in one of our own into each town. The farm is set out for a small village of over a hundred houses. All of the pipes and utilities are in place, so are the footings and foundations for some houses. You have to know where to do it, but when you scrape off about two hundred millimetres of dirt you’ve got the concrete floors to build on for many of the houses.”

Ma is stunned, “Mack, you and Jim must have been very busy to do all that by yourselves.”

“Oh, we had a bit of help, here and there, from a couple of people. There’s always been two of the Women’s Council and two Elders who knew the truth about the Jemkala and what we were up to, but they were sworn to secrecy until such time as we said for them to lift the veil to let the rest know. Ma, think about it! How would some of the locals and some of the authorities have reacted if they learned any member of the tribe had freehold title to such a prime piece of local real estate? Or if we told them what we were up to? We now own the land, our land, and by the laws the authorities respect. We’re reaching the fruition of plans made almost two hundred years ago. Please, don’t let them screw it up now!” Those at the table are now very interested.

“OK, Mack. I’ll put all of my support behind making them wait until you can front them on this. Even if it means we take days off work to come down there. They can either do that or wait for the holidays.”

“Thanks, Ma. I had hoped we had a few more years before we went public. Our original plans were for all this to happen after I turned eighteen. But other events have interfered.” They say their goodbyes.

Dave says, “Well, you can’t leave it at that, Mack!” Mack starts to eat his lunch again while he explains to them all that’s been revealed about the farm and the Jemkala. They’re very surprised to learn it. Dave and Fiona are surprised to learn Mack is a member of the tribe, twice, both through his ancestor and by his recent adoption.

Sandy Knoll Farm

After hanging up the phone Ma Hanson turns to Jedda and says, “I wish to see all. Lift the veil for me, daughter.” Jedda grins and starts to tell her the long tale she was told when she turned twenty-five, told to her by her grandmother, a senior member of the Women’s Council.

The story told of the truth of Jim Kelly, the Jemkala - The White Elder, and his joining forces with the tribe to preserve what they could of the tribe, the land, and the tribe’s culture. How Jim’s family have worked with selected tribal leaders for hundreds of years to fulfil those goals. As whites the Kelly family had access to things the government wouldn’t let the tribe or its members have access to, so they kept the links secret. The secrecy has often proven helpful because it made it impossible for some people taking deliberate actions against the tribe to know anyone was helping the tribe while allowing the Kelly family and the tribe to act against those people. Only two Elders and two of the Women’s Council were taken into this circle of secrets at any one time, each new one was selected with great care by those already in the secret circle. One of the tasks of those in the know is to pass on the tribe’s heritage and legends to the children of the Kelly family so they know of their dual heritage and to also be a secret repository of the tribe’s culture. The farm and its forest area has always been a safe refuge for the tribe’s members when danger threatened. The Kelly family would turn away anyone who’d threaten them, a thing the tribal members couldn’t do for almost two hundred years. The Kelly family often stood between the tribe and troublesome government bodies. When the Dean family moved into the area in the late 1800s they became good friends of the Kelly family and also became unknowing helpers in the tribe’s fight with the government agencies. This brought the families closer together until they became one with the marriage of Jim and Irene. Two long lines of stubborn Irish set on preserving the land they lived on for future generations.

Same as Mack
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Never told anyone this before, but here goes. When I was young I was goofing around the house one day and decided to go out to the roof to find something to play with because I was bored. When I went into the room I heard a noise from the tack room (a small room we had in our roof) so I went back there and peeked through the slat walls. My older sister is 7 years than me. Anyway, she was lying on the wooden bench top and my dad was bent over licking her pussy. I guess I must have made a noise...

1 year ago
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I Might As Well Ch 02

[11:00am] ‘Sun Salutation again, slave. You look particularly sexy doing that one. But continue kissing my feet a few seconds longer, first.’ ‘It would be my honor, Master.’ Krystal’s lips resumed her (forced) passion along my toes and the tops of my feet, as the rest of her remained in the Child’s Pose she had maintained for the last 15 minutes. I often did not see her face, as her long, black hair would sometimes cover what she was doing. But, I could always feel it, I made sure she...

3 years ago
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How about a massage baby

This is a story when my husband gave me a little treat one morning. It’s always nice to be delighted in lots of little ways. The hum drum of life can get rather boring. It’s always nice to feel loved. This is what happened. It was early morning and I had just woke up and went to brush my teeth and wash my face. I was still tired and went back to the bed, but was just resting and not sleeping. My husband was downstairs and then came into our room. “How about a massage?” “Sure, that sounds...

Love Stories
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After Hours

They snake through the silent corridors in the maze of the 18th floor, and he unlocks the door to his workplace. All is dark and he leads her by the hand through the outer office to his room. She flicks her lighter so he can see the keyhole to unlock the door. With mounting anticipation, they slip into his office and it is transformed into their own private space...just the two of them play and enjoy the moment. He switches on the light under the counter, which adds a soft glow. He...

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Banding Together

You are 17 years old. You have dark brown hair, blue eyes, and about 6'0. Since you were about 12, you have wanted to start your own band. You've spent the past 5 years learning how to play your instrument of choice.

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Tonight was the worst night of my life

But if you're going to start bitching at me then whatever. Feel however you want." He hangs up the phone. At that moment I started sobbing. I was so heartbroken. I was hoping this was some kind of bad dream but it wasn't. Nope, it's just reality fucked-up reality. Natalie was overthinking things and thinking that it was her fault that for some reason or another the reason he broke up with her was that she wasn't pleasing him or she wasn't good in the bed. She didn't know what else to do...

2 years ago
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Daddy Marks His Property Part 4

I just sat in my chair and watched the two young fillies make out. They were reaching a fever pitch. Shawna was running her hands all over Stephanie’s lithe, naked body, taking in everything. She was squeezing Stephie’s tiny, pert breasts, tweaking her already womanly nipples, cupping her ass and squeezing it as well. Their mouths were busy lustily kissing, still tasting the remnants of my copious load. Their tongues were darting back and forth exploring every inch of each other’s mouths....

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The Haunting of Palmer MansionChapter 9

Julie watched her daughter-in-law and son closely at breakfast. She had to hand it to them, they didn’t act like anything out of the ordinary had happened. Sure, Daniel was quiet as he munched his cereal. And, yes, Penelope was a bit taciturn. But if Julie hadn’t seen them rutting like animals with her own eyes, she would never have known. Brad, George, and Brittney certainly seemed none the wiser. Julie excused herself from the table and went into the kitchen to pour herself another mug...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part 8211 7

Hello dosto.Kaise ho aaplog. Abhi tak aapne pada hoga ki kaise suresh meri mallu mummy leela ko raju se chudwane ke liye mana leta hai. To ab aage. To dosto ab work din aa gaya that jab meri mallu mummy mere do dosto se ek saath chudne wali thii. To suresh apni bike le ke aaya meri mummy ko hotel lejane ke liye. Suresh ne raju ko saari tayaari karke direct hotel pahuchne ke liye kaha. Raju ne aate hue condoms ka packet liya aur sex badhane ki goliya bhi le li. Ab mummy aur suresh pahunchke...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 484 A Tale Of Three Sisters

Sadie hugged her sisters, pulled the hood and face-covering back into place, and went with her sisters. Before they got to where I saw the woman who had to be Sadie’s mom, she said, “So you know, the only good thing that came out of her blinding me is David. He is why I didn’t kill myself during the darkest times. I’ve heard everyone talking about him. I knew him before any of them, and David hasn’t changed the least bit since then, except for getting bigger all over.” That caused all three...

3 years ago
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Bike Break Down

I was on a run across the country when I had some bike problems and I had to wheel into this little town. As I pulled up at the local bar and backed my bike to the curb I could see that I was definitely the stranger in town and everyone on the street was looking. I wondered into the bar and sat at the bar the bartender was a fucking hottie if I ever saw one. I was really stunned at her fucking good looks and she was rocking a solid fucking body also. She was blond and blue eyed. Huge set of...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Dream Aunty

Hi people I’m Sanjay from Bangalore the Silicon City of India. This is my first story in ISS and I hope all the readers with like and enjoy this story. To tell you about myself, I’m married for 2.5 yrs now with an average built guy with an athletic body as I play regularly and about my stats I’m fair in complexion, 5’ 8” in height with a tool of 6.5 inches long and 2.5 inches in thickness. This story doesn’t include my wife as this incident happened 3 yrs before my marriage. Now let me come to...

1 year ago
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The return of Gina part 2

Gina and I talked about our unplanned stop on the way to her home, but admitted it was hot and that we will have to meet with them again. Gina says she would love to eat Sharon cunt. We arrive at her home and tell her that being a doctor must be going well for her, this is one hell of a house. She has to roommates also doctors. She notices me looking in awe and says in a k**ding way, please tell me you are not going to look at me as a sugar mamma because I have a nice house. I told her that...

2 years ago
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Taylor Made

My first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 87

"Boy, these eggs are good, Girls. Did you make them all by yourselves?" Jack said to Laurie and Annette. "Almost," Laurie answered. "Maybe we should hire them to make all our meals, Jill. How's a nickel a day sound?" Annette said "Uh uhhh." "OK. Two nickels." Laurie said, "No way." Myra said she'd do it for three nickels, then Eric and Julie complained that they put all that work in and didn't get any nickels. I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye and looked...

4 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 21

The good Reverend Gibson wasn't as contented as Joan but he made up for it with the conscience-comfort he gleaned from his newfound fidelity to his marriage vows. And his 'little mouse of a wife', as Joan had characterized her when he strayed from the marital bed with that buxom beauty, was turning out to be something else. Rachael Gibson didn't know what had got into her husband since about three months ago but, whatever it was, she was happy about it. Fourteen years ago she'd been...

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Catherine Kidnapped

Catherine was terrified. She’d been on her regular morning run when a city maintenance van blocked part of the street and most of the running path ahead of her. Catherine swung to the right, intending to run past. Too late, she saw the open door on the side of the van and the two men in stocking masks. One of them jumped in front of her and pinned her arms while the second man slapped a cloth over her face. Within seconds, she was unconscious. Now, Catherine was in a chair with her eyes...

2 years ago
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The Powerful Black man

When it has began to take over small rural community’s such as mine, It will only be a matter of time before Black men become knowingly as powerful as they are. a few years ago, we never really knew the cultural of African Americans, only what we have learned in schools, or taught by our peers. but now in 2010, many of our top rated corporations are being managed, and run by black men. they have become some of the wealthiest in town, and the neighboring towns, making many of our...

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Greg wasn't sure how it happened. One minute he'd been sitting in his dad's study, idly surfing the net for porn and the next, he'd found her. It was one of those sites that showed old photographs - daguerreotypes and the like. It was weird, he couldn't really remember clicking on the link. Among the pictures of the Union soldiers from the Civil War, staring, glassy eyed, at the camera and the frozen pictures of Victorian families, he'd come across the girl. There was something about her...

1 year ago
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You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...

Sex With Stranger
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Hijabi arab muslim seduced by white stranger

As I entered my one bedroom apartment, it was a relief to be back at university. I spent the break at my parents in New York and I had found the whole experience frustrating.My name is Sania. I was born in New York but you would not think so from looking at me. I dress very conservatively in full islamic clothing. I wear a niqab and jilbab. My family is a traditional muslim family and originally came from India, long before I was born. I never had any freedom at my parents home. From the age of...

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Two Moms Two Sons 12 Second Half It Is Gutsy Fuck Time

POV: London We all quickly got dressed as we heard footsteps approach."We're back," Will announced."Hey babe," Josh greeted me before pecking my cheek. "We never heard from you two, so we're hoping this wine is alright," he said as they put it on the counter."And we got some more beer too," Will added before he opened the fridge and they both filled it up.I couldn't resist, but to come to Joe, grab his hands, and kiss him. "Holy shit, that was close, what a rush, son. Can you feel...

4 years ago
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Cheating With the NeighborChapter 2

The next day was difficult. After a late-night sexual marathon with Anne, my older married neighbor, I was torn. I was feeling guilty because I had cheated on my wife, Molly. That had never happened before, and I was struggling with my guilt. On the other hand, I found Anne to be too sexual to resist. She did things in bed that I had only fantasized about before, and I had to have her again. Molly was going to be out of town for several more days, so I decided to make the most of my time with...

1 year ago
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Feeding an Addiction Part 3 Ch 7

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 22nd September 2018How had it come to this? Just a few hours ago I’d been spooning and making love to my wonderful wife. Declaring my love to her as she told me she’d always love me. And now, just a few hours later, she was gone. Nowhere to be seen in the house. Replaced instead by an envelope on her pillow, on a pristine and perfectly made bed.Back in 2015, we’d pulled the plug after a weekend of fun with Francis, thinking better of it. We’d survived the horror...

Wife Lovers
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Barebacked CD

I was facing backward on the couch, with my face toward the wall. My knees were on the edge of the pillows and my legs were spread wide. With a quick motion, he flicked my school gurl skirt up on to my back, exposing my ass, framed by the black leather garter which held up my seamed stockings. My stilettos were pointing out, horizontal to the floor.He pushed his dick up my crack as he pressed in closer and slid it up and down. With one hand, he reached around and firmly grabbed my cock and...

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B6 Chapter 3 Accusations

Chapter 3: Accusations Jordan and Jeanne had just finished their session in the Milking devices. Because of the extra help that Dee Dee had given Jordan's balls, Jordan was the clear winner in this event. Both Barocca and Jeanne had finished viciously insulting and accusing Dee Dee and Tiffany of cheating of some sort. At this point, Rhiannon and the Vectran girls entered the auditorium from the side. Rhiannon decided to make a bold entrance, and called out, "Well, well! Is this a private...

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The Old Fort

Another story told by a friend.This happened in the early eighties. My friend and I would go for walks thru the woods. It was nice to get away from the k**s and husbands. We did this once a week. One day on our walk we got off the path and found a small shallow pool, the water was like bathwater and it was very secluded. We took our clothes off and sat in the water. It was no more than a foot deep but it felt so good. A week later we went back to this pool and this time we had brought some...

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New town

We moved to a town back in the 60s when I was just a boy. I was to young to remember my father when he died and it was just mom and me. Mom was pregnant with her ex bosses c***d which is why we had to move. Instead of leaving his wife for mom, he fired her. To avoid a scandal of a single mother, and pregnant she chose to leave rather than hear the gossip.We moved into a small house on the outside of town, and mom took a job as a telephone operator working mid shift which was 2-10 at night, most...

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Amandas Enslavement Part 2

Amanda's Enslavement part 2 Chapter 1 "You girls clean the office and patio, then head upstairs and get ready for dinner. I have business to attend to, before we'll leave. Jennifer, I expect Amanda to be 100% ready in ninety minutes." Susan leaves us alone and we gather up the cocktail and wine glasses. We bring them into the kitchen, and load them into the dishwasher. Jennifer looks quite pleased, and is humming a tune as we work, so I remain quiet. We go outside and...

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Bad Dreams

I never told anyone about it, never discussed it, not even with my ther****t, it's something no one knows but me. Hell I had a hard time discussing it with me, myself, and I. There were many nights I lay awake remembering, the things he did, and the feelings, the ones I didn't want to admit that I harbored, in the recesses of my mind. I would have these dreams of the man standing over me that evil grin on his face as he sought to humiliate and denigrate me, and make me his Bitch. On more than...

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Wealthy Sissy Surrender Station

Fire immediately engulfed the house just next door after an earth shaking explosion rocked the neighborhood. Fear was setting in. The rebels were getting closer and closer, Inch by inch. Relentlessly. Terror crept in as silhouettes and shadows extended deeper into the darkness with sudden flashes of light exposing their footsteps. I held my breath and cowered in the corner of the room. Shock waves riddled the streets. Please, let this end. Another bombardment shook the ground pushing me around...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Skye Blue October 2021 Flavor Of The Month

Skye Blue has accepted a job as a bartender for Oktoberfest. With her big tits, she looks hot as hell in the required costume. There’s just one problem: She needs to practice all the various aspects of bartending in such a high pressure environment. She’s doing her best when her stepbrother, Codey Steele, joins her in the kitchen and asks what she’s doing. By this point, Skye has mastered just about everything besides sliding the filled glasses. She asks Codey for help, and...

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Parent Trouble 3

I had to go about this very carefully. One wrong step and I could ruin what I had built up. The plan was to keep spying on her in her bedroom as much as possible. This would be easier now that dad was sleeping on the couch. Since he'd been fucking me, he didn't want to be anywhere near her. Anyway, she wasn't exactly complaining, they were pretty much estranged at this point. My idea was to catch her masturbating. I knew she had to be, cause she wasn't fucking anybody. She's human; she'd have...

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