Gang of FiveChapter 13
- 3 years ago
- 28
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RAF Valley, Anglesey, North Wales. November.
Flight Lieutenant Mark Hobson ran his hand over the sleek skin of the gate guardian Harrier at RAF Valley. “This,” he told the two younger men with him, “is my favourite plane. I never got to fly a real one sadly. Those new ceremonial versions that got foisted on us, weaponless, tiny fuel tanks so they can’t do much or travel far, are a poor substitute, but at least they do fly.”
“Still feel good though,” one of his companions said. “And those knobs out there,” he indicated behind him, “wouldn’t ever know anything as exhilarating as flying a fast combat aircraft.”
Outside the barbed-wire topped chain-link fence a couple of dozen Safety Patrollers stood around, blocking anyone from getting in or out. In practice it wasn’t actually difficult to get on or off the base, and they all knew it, so it was a symbolic presence, no more than that. Provided the servicemen weren’t blatant about it, they were ignored. Oddly, here on Anglesey, most of the Safety Patrol were sympathetic to the local military. Mostly.
Hobson turned, and with his two companions following him, strolled slowly back towards the mess.
“Another drill on the toy Harriers this afternoon,” grumbled Flying Officer Barry Todd. “I’d far rather be out in a Typhoon, it’s what I was originally training on. Now that’s a real plane.”
Pilot Officer Andy Chisholm, the third, youngest and the most junior rank of the trio, nodded slowly. “To be honest I always wanted to fly a Tornado, but the last ones were retired just months before I joined up.” He shrugged. “That wasn’t that long ago either.”
Hobson frowned. “The Tornado fleet was supposed to have retired some years ago, but that got delayed and delayed because the early F35’s just weren’t up to scratch. The last I heard was that they were supposed to have been having another mid-life refit, and life extension while we waited for the F35’s to become about half as good as they were originally touted as being. That all got scrapped two years ago and we lost both the Tornados and half of the few F35’s we did get. I think that Sheard traitor arranged it for Thorn. Apparently they are all up at Leuchars, waiting to be sold or broken up.”
Chisholm shook his head vehemently. “There’s at least one Tornado on this base. I saw it in number seven hangar last week. They haven’t been transported off, nor flown off, so they must be still there. There was a really old wreck of a Buccaneer next to it that some airman was banging bits off, as well as other stuff I didn’t recognise. I thought I saw a Typhoon in there as well right at the back, but I was really looking at the Tornado. Until some jobsworth security sergeant told me to scoot. I couldn’t be bothered to pull rank, so I didn’t really see much.” The others smiled slightly: a Pilot Officer was the most junior officer rank in the RAF, and ‘pulling rank’ on a senior sergeant wouldn’t have got him anywhere, and they all knew it.
“Hmm,” muttered Todd, “I’m pretty certain there’s still a couple of squadrons of Typhoons. I think.”
Hobson shook his head. “Just one now. Number three squadron got disbanded a few months ago. I think, depending on what you define as front line, there’s just six front line squadrons. Number one on Typhoons, 617 on F35’s, number 27 on Chinooks and some other bits and bobs, the transport squadron, 47?” He paused in thought. “I’m sure it’s 47. They’ve got Airbus A400’s, C17’s and some C130’s that should have left service a few years ago. Number 10 went recently so there’s no air to air refuelling anymore, but the last I heard the Voyagers were still sitting on the apron at Brize.” He paused in thought for a moment. “Number eight squadron is still manning the two operational AEW planes we still have, along with some other stuff, but they’re all due to be merged in with 47 early next year. As is 27.” He frowned. “How many is that? Five? I’m sure there’s another.”
“Isn’t there one flying Reapers out of the USA somewhere? And what about the squadron based in Akrotiri?” Asked Todd.
Hobson’s face cleared. “The Reapers were er, 39 squadron? They got merged with, ah 5 squadron, I forgot about them. Yeah, 39 squadron got merged in with 5 this time last year. No idea where they are now. I know 5 squadron flew recon planes. What’re they called? Sentinel?”
Both the others shrugged and shook their heads.
“Hmm. If 8 and the AEW guys are merging with 47, then maybe 5 with the Sentinels and Reapers as well.” He shrugged. “I dunno.” He gave a great sigh. “I forgot about the guys in Cyprus. They were flying choppers, not sure what though. Not Merlins. Or Chinooks. If they’re still around, then there’s seven front line squadrons, shortly to be six and maybe even five.” He grumped. “And then there’s us. 9 Squadron. In theory a front line squadron on Typhoons, but in reality a waste-of-space pseudo OCU squadron on toy Harriers. I mean, what the hell’s the point in converting to planes we don’t use anymore, and even if we could, have no range anyway? If any squadron needs to be got rid of, it’s this one. What a waste of money, talent,...” he tailed off in frustration. “Bah. We should do what the Chinese still do. Execute Thorn and Evans and Sheard with a bullet to the back of the head, then charge their families for the cost of the bullet.”
There was a slight raise in noise and the three turned to watch a Hawk T1 come in to land. “25 Squadron. Initial fast jet training. They do more real work then we do,” murmured Todd. Hobson and Chisholm just nodded in agreement and the three men turned back the way they had been heading. All of them with long faces. There were five squadrons based at RAF Valley. Number 9, which was, on paper, a front line squadron but had recently been relegated to an Operational Conversion Unit, converting to, it seemed, old, out of date and useless aircraft. 25 squadron did fast jet training on Hawks, with 29 squadron as the OCU for Typhoons. Then there was an RAF Regiment squadron, along with elements of a number of RAF Police and RAF medical units, as well as aircraft engineering training units. To pilots who all believed they should have been flying Typhoons, it was a very demoralising place to be.
As the three junior officers vanished into the mess hall, a long serving and highly experienced Flight Sergeant who had been walking quietly not far from them, and had heard almost everything they had said, smiled slightly to himself. One day soon, he hoped, they would learn that things were not quite as they appeared. He wished that the Tornado and Typhoon hadn’t been seen though. That was carelessness somewhere.
Flight Sergeant Gareth Barnes turned off the path to the mess hall, and carried on towards hangar 7. As he entered, he spotted a Chief Technician in earnest conversation with the base commander, Group Captain Peter Leach.
He hesitated for a moment, then turned and approached them. Leach saw him coming and broke off his conversation as Barnes approached. Salutes exchanged, Barnes spoke.
“Sir, I think we need to be more cautious about access to this building. In particular, we need to keep the main doors closed as much as possible.” Leach just raised his eyebrows questioningly, but did not interrupt his most experienced sergeant. “One of the younger pilots has seen we have Tornados and Typhoons in here, and has mentioned it to a couple of colleagues. He saw the Bucc, as well as the others. If that news gets around, it might also get out.”
Leach nodded. “Agreed. I’ll pass the word around. Again. This and eight are out of bounds to all except specially cleared personnel. Thank you Flight.”
Barnes nodded and left, heading to the back of the hangar. Here, as Andy Chisholm had said, was indeed a very old Blackburn Buccaneer. In fact there were three, though Chisholm would not have been able to see the others. However the three aircraftmen, and one woman, around them, were not just ‘banging bits off’, they were working to take the old planes to pieces in a safe and efficient manner.
At the back of the hangar was a replicator about the size of a standard British fridge/freezer, about six foot three high, two foot wide, and three deep. Indeed it was disguised as just such a device. Each piece coming off the old Buccaneers were being fed into the replicator in turn, not to produce a copy of the Buccaneer: lovely planes though they had been in their time, they were far too outmoded for today’s world. Instead, the individual components were being converted into raw metals and plastics, and other bits and bobs which were then piled into separate bins and pallets.
Walking into the small office at the back of the hangar, he picked up a phone and pressed one of the quick-dial buttons.
“Wharton. Security,” came the response just three seconds later.
“Bill? It’s Garry.” Bill Wharton, another Flight Sergeant, and head of security for hangars 7 and 8, was an old friend of Barnes’.
“Hello mate, what can I do you for?” Garry smiled briefly at the old joke.
“We need to keep the hangar doors closed rather more than we are doing. I believe you managed to turn away a sprog of a pilot last week who was getting a bit nosy? Well he’s already passed on what he saw, not that’s it much, to his colleagues.”
“Oh bugger. Yeah, I remember that. Okay. I’ll keep one of my corporals out there whenever the main doors are not fully closed. Just to steer people clear earlier and faster.”
“Cheers mate, see you in the bar tonight?”
“You know it.”
The two men smiled and hung up.
Squadron Leader Charles Hamilton, who was in the office and frantically typing into an old and battered computer, looked up as Barnes hung up. “One of my chaps, Flight?”
“No sir, one of the Harrier boys.”
Hamilton smiled slightly. “Bitching about flying a toy?”
“Yes sir.”
Hamilton nodded. “They’ll probably find out the truth sooner than they want.” He turned back to his work.
“Yes sir.”
Hamilton was easy enough to get along with, and very competent at his job, but Barnes was irritated by the younger man’s ‘just one of the boys’ attitude. It grated on someone who had been inculcated into an RAF that did not encourage an easy familiarisation between officers and other ranks. On the other hand, with the rather furtive nature of their current work, it did make things a lot easier.
He sat at his own desk and began to look through the reports and memos that had appeared since the previous afternoon. The third or fourth one he picked up made his heart sink. “Two thousand?” he muttered in despair. “Where? How? When?”
He sat in thought for a moment, looking at the thin sheet, then grabbed a notepad and pen. Looking up some data on his own computer terminal, he began scribbling figures and calculations, eventually coming up with some totals which he stared at in disbelief.
On another sheet he began scribbling a few more calculations, but these weren’t any better than the first set. ‘Bugger,’ he thought. Putting the flimsy and his scribbled notes onto his pending tray, he picked up the next memo.
This one was a far longer document that in turns had him frowning then smiling, and finally shaking his head in wry disbelief. He read through the summary again quickly, then put the rest of his in-pile back in the in-tray and stood up. He hated just sitting anyway, so rather than pass this information on by ‘phone, he’d pass on the ‘glad’ tidings in person.
Leaving the office, he walked over to the replicator. “What’s the status on the box?” Barnes asked a Senior Aircraftman Technician who was currently slowly feeding some old integrated circuit boards into the replicator’s intake slot.
“Er. Okay at the moment.” The young technician didn’t look up for a couple of moments until he had finished his immediate task. When he did so his eyes widened for a moment as he recognised the senior NCO on base. “Oh. Sorry Sergeant.” Barnes just nodded. The boy had been working, so his distraction was perfectly acceptable. “The replicator is in fully working order. We’ve got most of the internals of the second Bucc through now, just a few more boxes to go. Should be finished by the end of the day.”
“And the upgrade?”
“We reckon that’s about eighty odd percent complete. Still best part of three weeks to go at the current rate.” The replicator was currently the smallest size available, normally used as a catering rig. However, while fully in use during the day to convert the materials in it to their constituent parts, whenever there was a down period, overnight or slow days, it was working to upgrade itself to the next size up. Once complete, it would be able to convert over twenty times as much in the same time. There was already a large box outside the hangar that four months earlier hadn’t been there.
Barnes nodded, smiling slightly. He would be so pleased when the upgrade was finished, their task would be made so much easier. “Okay. After today, the priority is on getting the upgrade finished. Make sure it has all the materials it needs for that before anything else.”
“Yes Sergeant. Er, what do we do about all the stuff coming off the Buccs then?”
“I’ll let you know in due course, just don’t slow down the work. For now just pile it up tidily and securely.”
Leaving the hangar through a rear door, Barnes walked across the small gap and into the back of hangar eight.
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Group SexDoc stared down at the girl on his table. He was beginning to be concerned. She'd been out for a long time. She was very pale, and that didn't bode well. He picked up the needle he'd used to stitch up her wound and began prodding various places on her body, looking for reaction. He got normal pain reflexes from her body, suggesting the nerves were working, but she didn't wake up. Next he pressed his ear to her chest, listening to her heart. It was strong, but seemed slower than normal....
Hey, this is Vishnu (name changed). I am back after a long gap, in my last story I had told you all how I started to have sex with my mom. Thank you for all those comments and feedbacks. If you have not ready my last post then visit ().Any girl, aunt, widows interested can mail me at I am back with a new post for you guys. This may be a long story but I promise you will cum in your pants. This time it’s one of my readers story I’m posting it on behalf of her . One more request dear readers...
IncestHi, dosto main Aryan from Gorakhpur.Aap logo ko preety ki pahli chudai ki kahani pasand aayi aur uska reply bhi mila. Aap logo ka thanks you.Ye ek real story hai. Meri aur meri gf preety maurya ki hai jo abhi St. Andrew gorakhpur me Bsc 3rd year mai hai. Pahli story me preety kaise chudi thi mere hi ghar mai, uske bad mere family valo ko uske upper sak hone laga to vo muskan naam ki ladki ke sath room mate bangayi. Lakin hum hamesha bahar milte the aur SRS Mall me movie dekhte the. Now coming...
Hi……………..All…….Ladies and girls……..Myself love , fair person from mumbai…..I am 6 ft and have nice dick enough to satisfy a woman…. So coming to the story.. This is about my maami and me which happened around 2 months ago….I used to live at their house due to my studies ..Firstly i had no bad feelings towards her in early days but as the days passed i started to like her boobs…. They were making me crazy……As she had given birth to son just 6 months ago.. So i was too much attracted towards...
Standing outside the door to the Matriarchs chamber were a pair of porcine orcish slave guards, tall and bulky compared to drow the guards were there to impress visitors. At the approach of a hooded stranger they crossed their glaives across the door to bar passage. Stopping before them, Iliafray pulled her hood aside letting them see her face, with a grunt of laughter the orc’s pulled their blades aside and pushed the door open. Stepping through the door she heard it slam shut behind her,...
2nd storyIt was on a surfing holiday in Thailand that a hot Italian woman enticed me into a very sexy 3sum with a horny young bi Thai guy (see First Try of Bi). After that exciting sex experience as I continued my holiday in Thailand going back to Bangkok where I enjoyed Thai gals – all from bars or escorts from ads or the telephone book called to my room.Lurking in the back of my mind was the possibility of repeating my first bi experience. I was not into anal but I did find it very very hot...
A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 5, A Twisted Fairy Tale "So how much are your vouchers worth then?" an excited Monique asked me when we got on the bus into town. "We got ?100 each" I replied. "I can't wait to see what clothes you pick out for yourself." "What do you mean? And who says that I'm going to spend them on clothes?" I asked. "Come on" she said "You are the girliest girl I have ever met, including the snobby clique from school. Of course you're going to spend them...
When Peter Pan and Wendy meet for the first time, Peter was attempting to reattach his shadow to himself. Since soap failed to glue his shadow back onto himself, Wendy offers to sew his shadow onto Peter with a needle and thread. Peter crows at his reunion with his shadow and Wendy sulks as Peter acts as if she had nothing to do with it. But when Peter tells her that “one girl is more use than twenty boys,” Wendy is so excited by his compliment that she offers to give him a kiss. So Wendy...
Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...
449 [Cb36] Stacey....your valentines story! My mate who I`ve known on here for a while , he tells me he has a wife with a lovely nature and a nice enough figure, me I have never met her, but I`ve offered to write this story for him as a valentines gift. Only for them, I and they know who they really are, though now we thousands can share it! All I really know of the lady is she`s a 5ft 9 inch, brunette, and that they have been married 30 years, and she met him (or he her dependent on your...
A little background: In my college English Composition class our teacher gave us the task of writing an essay on a true event that changed our lives. The following is the essay I wanted to write, but could never hand into my teacher. Until the night in question, I was by most definitions a good girl. I’d slept with only two guys and compared to some of my friends that was on the low side. One of them was a guy that I should’ve known better about. It lasted just two weeks after he took my...
Group SexMy Name’s Amy Webber, I’m 19 Years Old and Studying Musical Theatre at University, I’m a little petite at 5’’4 My Boobs are 34 DD’s, I Have Blonde Hair Down To my shoulders and I Keep Myself Neat and shaved, and I’m Bisexual I was in secondary school when I first realised I had This special power, I Was Young And infatuated With This Popular Guy Called Dave, every girl fancied Dave and one night at this party he chose me, I Was dancing and he came up behind me and danced with me, rubbing...
Miranda clutched at her chest for hundredth time that day. It was becoming an all too familiar habit since her boyfriend had walked out on her. Lewis had left without any real reason. One day he was there and they were in love: the next he was gone. She begged him to stay, begged him to just talk it out, but it fell on deaf ears. Lewis refused to talk. So for weeks now Miranda would feel the pangs of missing him and clutch her chest in an attempt to hold it together, as if the gaping hole left...
Quickie SexWas in Europe on a trip. Stayed with family.I will keep it shortI was 17, she was 21 (moms brothers wife)I was alone, in shower, she came in without my knowledge, cupped my balls, and took hold of my cockInstantly I was scared, turned water off without rinsing, and asked her this isn't rightShe sensed I was a virgin, and proceeded to seduce me, it took about half hour of talking, trying to get out of it. But I finally caved in. Once she grabbed my cock, led me to bedroom.started to unbuttoned...
After Robin stowed her emergency stash in my closet, we had a surprisingly good time swimming. I found Brenda to be a pleasant and intelligent girl. We were eating lunch when Don showed up with the beer, and he seemed to be pleased that Brenda was there. A brief discussion when the girls were in the kitchen, disclosed that he was in no hurry to move on from Brenda. He said that she was not clingy like other girls, and that he had fun with her. I didn’t want to tell him that it was probably...
My name is Ruby, I am eighteen, and a sexy redhead with a body made for sin. Although I haven't always been a sinful person engaging in risking sexual activity with multiple partners of both sexes, I used to be a sweet innocent girl. There was a time when I would daydream about a guy's dreamy eyes, but now all I fantasize about is sex.Miss Davis was one of my favorite teachers in high school, not because she was a good teacher, but she had a lovely ass. The woman was gorgeous and was one of...
LesbianI work all over the world on a security consultancy basis but choose to live on the south coast of England. Jules works locally and specializes in getting people into work. Not employment recruitment, but more holistic and motivational, but then she’s very, very different and unconventional in just about everything she does, from her ink to her previously strong bi-sexual relationships. Well, let’s be honest, lesbian relationships of a few years ago. Her biker chick side surfaces occasionally...
Carter stepped into a lab in the Engineering building. He spotted Valerie and headed toward her. “So this is where you’ve been spending all your spare time,” he remarked. “Yes — we’ve made good progress on my synesthesia virtual reality project.” She led him to a raven-haired young woman working at a computer. “This is Ceci Long. Her field is digital signal processing and she’s been working on the transforms and filters that let us map sounds onto images.” Ceci turned toward him. “Carter...
Hello guys this is Sana from Mumbai sharing sex experience with you guys please give your valuable feedback …. That was end of month Ramzaan still I hadn’t taken my dressing or many thing which I had to wear on coming eid so I took money from dad stating roaming in market with friends my all friends were fast in taking decision so picked up whatever they wanted to buy but I was still confused slowly girls coming with me was diminishing finally I left alone in my friends circle who hadn’t taken...