Pictures In Your Mind free porn video

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Hi folks I've fixed the problem with 3rd and first person, sorry for the error and someone also pointed out that there is a mass to weight ratio that is unexplained, so I've tried to explain that away as well... Hope you like this version. Looking forward to some considered criticism and responses. Hugs Tanya xxxxxx This work is a work of fiction and is the copyright and property of Tanya Grant. Any similarities to persons or organisations is purely unintended. No unauthorised use, copying, publication or plagiarism is allowed. If you should see this being used by any other person, please contact the author. 09.03.07 Author: Tanya Grant - [email protected] PICTURES IN THE MIND It had started out as a very simple idea, but now, almost twenty years on, the idea had crystallised into an actuality Looking back it's hard to imagine life as it was before my machines, but in just a scant few years everything has changed, and everyone....? I certainly couldn't foresee the eventual outcome, but I had a belief in the good I was doing and others believed in me, so the opportunity was there. I suppose as I sit and write these notes that will form the basis of my autobiography, I should start from the beginning. Born in 2000, I was a millennium baby, my parents had tried for the 1st January 2000, there was a substantial cash prize being offered for the 1st baby born in the new millennium and not just cash, but and ongoing source of income as the inevitable documentaries would follow the "millennium babies" It's not that my parents were money grabbing blood suckers, its just they were poor and saw this as an opportunity to have the baby they want and make some money. However, I was to disappoint them, not for the first time, and certainly not the last, I arrived, almost a week late, being born 6th January 2000, with over 1000 other babies born before me, no newspaper or TV station was interested in my birth and my parents had to just get on with raising me the hard way.? In 2002, I had a baby brother, and by 2006, twin boys joined us. A house full of boys, somewhat ironic you might think, given my current state. Still it was a good childhood, if not a particularly happy one.? I was an average achiever at school, it wasn't until I took my high levels at 18 that my skills began to shine and was wooed to a number of universities to study micro technology. Eventually I choose Cambridge, it coupled the old world charm with an amazing lab, a first rate professor and an eclectic nightlife, something that suited me down to the ground. I should have guessed the outcome before the event, given my unusual mind set. It was an inevitable outcome you would say, but I was focussed on my work and my play did not enter into my professional life. By 2020, nanotechnology was dream yet to happen, science fiction writers had been imagining the benefits for years, but although preceding technologists had gotten so far, development had stalled due to an inability to programme the ever decreasing machines. I changed all that. For my final year I postulated the theory of self replicating machines that imparted ever simpler operating codes, as a machine built it's progeny, it passed on a simpler instruction set from its original code structure. I reasoned that it would be possible for a machine to build an ever decreasing version of itself, with a final simple instruction to build a specific type of cell. The thesis gained me a First, from Cambridge and the University decided that my ideas had commercial merit. The entrepreneur board formed our company "Geneditor," Gene editor, get it... I was proud of that name! Funny how things come back to haunt you. Anyway, we were formed, and I was given he money to develop my ideas. That's all I was interested in. But others would take my ideas and develop them further and after a few years the company was successfully developing gene therapies for medical use. We were also producing machines of ever decreasing size to allow medics to probe further and further into the body. But I was interested in just one thing, micro machines, or real nanotechnology, I was convinced that I could get machines small enough to live in a host body to repair damaged cells. The machines would be programmed by their earlier generation to carry the simple message of regeneration. By 2028, I had machines reduced in size to less than the width of a human hair, but I needed to be much smaller, I need the machines to be molecular or even sub molecular in size, otherwise the bodies defences would hunt them down and destroy them.? Two years later, I had my first success. I managed to get a clutch of machines small enough to live in the body of a mouse for 4 days before the defensive organisms destroyed them. Over the next two years I worked on synthesizing protein cells that could disguise the nanobots. And in 2032 I successfully implanted a group of 50 nanobots into a mouse without any rejection or destruction. These machines were about the size of four blood cells melded together. Still too big but a success all the same.? Unfortunately, the machines carried no programming, they were simply inert objects riding undetected in the blood stream of the mouse. I carried on, by now the company was a multi-million pond concern, I was worth millions of pounds, but consumed by my two passions I saw very little use for the money, I had no social life, I spent most of my time either at the lab or working from home. Of course at home I did indulge in my other passion, but I didn't ever let it affect my work, usually carrying on working at the same time. By 2035, I had cracked it, I had managed to create molecule-sized nanobots that carried the build instruction. They would recognize their environment and convert unused material into building new material. A general switch off system was built in that responded to specific sound frequencies, so the machine wouldn't act like cancerous growths, uncontrollably replicating cells causing tumours and similar. I had been working secretly for months as the project neared completion, but now I need help to test that it worked. I persuaded two colleagues to help me with the testing and one night at the lab, after everyone had left, we tested the machines. We anaesthetised a mouse and amputated a leg. Then, we injected the nanobots into the area around the severed limb, turned on the recorders and watched. It was some akin to watching stop motion photography when I was younger, over the period of two hours, we watched bone, muscles, tissues, skin and fur be replicated and appear in place. The leg simply grew back. It was quite staggering and to be honest somewhat unbelievable. But we had the video to prove it... although nowadays of course you can do anything with computers, so it wasn't that much proof. We decided we need to repeat the procedure and then if it goes to plan, we would demonstrate live in front of a chosen audience. So, we repeated it, this time we amputated the tail and an ear from the mouse and watched as the nanobots selectively rebuilt the correct anatomy in the right place. At the time I didn't question this, I should have done so, things might not have turned out as they did, had I done so, but would that have been such a bad thing! Success.... Clive suggested we celebrate, this was after all one hell of a break through, medicine will never be that same, had we just invented the elixir of youth, immortality. So, drunk on our success, we wandered into the Centre of Cambridge looking for a pub. By this time, the pubs were shut, but undeterred, Clive ushered us into a nightclub he knew and for the next 2 hours we stood at the bar drinking to our success.? I had never been much of a drinker and as I hadn't had a touch of alcohol pass my lips in over two years, it wasn't going to take much to get me drunk. Plus, being a slight guy, my propensity for alcohol was never going to be as high as my fellow drinkers, both Clive and Paul being six foot strapping guys, both former Cambridge blues at Rugby and still keeping fit now. At two in the morning we stumbled out of the closing club, I could barely walk, and Paul and Clive although in better shape than I was, they two were pretty unsteady. We looked around for a taxi, but there were very few vehicles.? I decided to hail one and stepped into the road... MISTAKE I don't remember much about what happened, I remember, a blow and I remember Paul looking down at me, I remember turning my head and seeing my leg on the road, but as it was some feet away from me, I thought it can't be mine. Then I was unconscious. Of course the rest is well known history now, but I'll recount it if you aren't aware of your modern history. My leg had been severed, taken cleanly off at the knee, my vein was pumping blood out of my body, every beat of my heart resulted in a lessening of my life. Paul realised what was happening and even in his drunken state knew I was in a bad way. Luckily, he's a bit of a collector and as such seemed to have a capricious amount of junk in his pocket, including some surgical gut from our experiments earlier.? He rolled me over onto my back and under the streetlights he tied off the pumping vein. Then using his coat, he wrapped my stump and tied that off as well. That bought some time. And that's where the alcohol came into play. Clive made the suggestion and that was it. Grabbing my limp body, the two of them pounded up the road back to the lab. It was only a short distance, probably less than a mile, but they knew they didn't have a lot of time. They got me into the lab, strapped me onto a gurney and took up the additional vial of nanobots suspended in saline and injected them into my thigh muscle on my injured leg. I know what they expected to happen, they expected the nanobots to rebuild my leg. But that's wasn't all they did. You see we'd made a fundamental miscalculation. As each robot built a smaller and smaller version of itself, it had to reduce it's programming, but it needed information in order to know what to do. The information it sought was in the brain, the mind to be more specific. We discovered, the hard way I might add, that the nanobots interrogated the subjects mind to find its body image, then it used that as the template to rebuild. Of course in a simple animal such as a mouse, the body image is a simple carbon copy of itself. The mouse has no imagination and therefore carries only a mental picture of itself as it actually is. When we injected the nanobots into the mouse earlier that evening, they interrogated the mind and derived the exact image of the creature from itself. It then went on to rebuild the body exactly as the mouse knew it to be. And therein lay the problem. The human mind is far more complex than a mouse, the human mind is capable of imagination and self-delusion. The human mind carries a picture of their body that differs in almost everyway to its actuality.? In my case, the image was spectacularly different to the actuality... The first thing that happened was the nanobots stabilised the wound, saving my life in the process, then they got to work re-building me.? While this was going on, the rush of adrenalin that had hit Clive and Paul left them, and they collapsed into a drunken stupor. But our CCTV captured the entire transformation.? Watching it later on video I saw my life change, over a period of hours my body took on the image my mind had always carried of me. And that wasn't all, it also changed my neural pathways to suit my body image, I became exactly what I had always imagined myself to be. The nanobots could only use up the tissues to hand already in my body, so cannibalising cells they rebuilt my leg, I shrunk from 5'10" tall and 165lbs to around 5'4" tall and 100lbs. The fat cells were redistributed around my body, plumping up my buttocks in round globes. My chest was enhanced and I grew breasts to a C cup, my waist was reduced to a tiny 24". My hair grew rapidly out of my head, changing colour as it grew from mousy brown to a strawberry blonde. My whole body flowed and changed as it assumed the image I held of myself.? Now what happened to the rest of my mass, I'm not sure, further research seemed to imply that the mass was given off as heat and light, the greater the mass loss, the greater the burn-off. Subsequent tests on those subjects that gained mass, seemed to show that the mass was extracted from the materials around them, as shown in heat loss and etc. As a lifelong transvestite I'd always seen myself as a wanton blonde buxom babe, looking like a 21 year old tramp, with a body to capture any males lust. But I also had the mind image of this tramp, a nymphomaniac whore who lived to suck cock and get right royally fucked. And that's what I became, within a few short hours I had been changed from a pencil pushing 35 year old geek, with no personality or real friends to a nymphomaniac sex bomb. I woke with a start, I couldn't see much, I was still strapped to the table and during my restoration I had obviously thrashed around.? A curtain of hair obscured my vision, I didn't know it was hair just then, but when I shock my head, the hair was tossed out of my eyes and I could see properly. As I focussed my sight I realised I now had perfect 20:20 vision, I could see my two colleagues still sprawled on the floor, I could read the posters on the walls and the notations scribbled on the white boards. I tried to stand, but I hadn't realised I was bound, I struggled to free myself and felt the weight on my chest. I felt different. I glanced down my body, but I couldn't see past my chest. I was still wearing my shirt from before, which was now baggy on my arms, but tight across my chest, it was tight because I now had 2 large breasts. Lifted my head to see better, I could see my arms were strapped down and I had a strap running under my breasts holding me down. As I had shrunk in height the waist strap had ended up around my chest. The single leg was still strapped at the ankle, with my new leg free, but I was still unable to move. "HEY" I shouted, "Wake up," my voice sounded loud and shrill. I tried again,?"Please wake up Paul, Clive, I'm stuck." I saw Paul move and Clive groaned. "Whatttt... whoossee there?" Paul muttered. Paul looked over and saw Clive, he pushed him with his foot...? "Come on you drunken bastard, get up... gotta see what's happened to Tom." I watched both of them stagger to their feet and then try to focus on the body on the gurney. Both of them looked shocked and surprised, they saw I was awake, but they were so confused with the drink and what they saw they couldn't take it in.? "OK missy... joke over, where's Tom... TOM!"? "It's me, Paul, I'm Tom, get me out of here." "Don't play jokes lady, Toms, badly hurt, we need to see how he is... TOM!" "Honestly it's me, TOM, the process worked, you saved my life." Clive was slightly quicker on the up-take and he started to undo the straps. Paul started to help him, but was muttering something about a big joke. Finally they freed me, and Clive helped me of the gurney, I felt his big strong arms around me as he helped me down. My new body betrayed me, I was instantly turned on by him, my nipples grew hard and my manhood grew in my pants.? Yeah that bit came as both a shock and surprise. I realised what had happened, but was amazed to discover that my body image although one of absolute femininity, still retained my maleness. I was now a fully- fledged Shemale. A horny one at that. "Thanks Clive," and reaching up I kissed him gently on the lips. Next thing I knew Clive's thin lips were mashing against mine and his tongue was pushing into my mouth. I responded hungrily, sucking his tongue as though it was a lollipop. "What's going on?" Paul asked... "Just what the FUCK is going on?" I reluctantly broke from my kiss... "It's ok Paul, it's me Tom, the nanobots worked, you, Clive and they saved my life. But there have been some unexpected complications." "I'll say, if that's really you Tom." Clive laughed... "You didn't know about Tom's alternate life did you Paul?" "I didn't know you knew about it Clive," I said. "I stumbled across it a few months ago, when I came round one evening, you'd left your lights on and curtains opened. I knocked at the door, but you didn't hear me as you had the music playing loud. So I wandered around to your living room windows at the back of the house, intending to knock on them and get you to let me in. At first I thought you had a girl friend, as I saw this tall, willowy attractive girl swaying to the music, with her eyes shut, Then I looked closer and realised it was you. I stood and watched you for almost an hour, I enjoyed the fashion show... you kept disappearing upstairs and reappearing in a new outfit, I particularly liked the leather mini-skirt, thigh high stiletto boots and boob tube. I almost came in my pants when I saw you in that outfit. I was going to knock and "discover you," but I decided against it. "I never realised you knew," I said... I might have let you in... but more likely I would have simply pretended not to be there." "But I still don't understand," said Paul. "What has Tom dragging up got to do with this girl here?" "This girl here," Clive said indicating me "is Tom. The nanobots have taken their rebuilding instructions from Toms' mental image of himself, and using that have rebuilt his body to suit" "So, what you are saying," said Paul, slowly "is that the nanobots have programmed their re-building on an image Tom had of himself as a sexy twenty something girl and not that of a 35 year old, prematurely balding, somewhat overweight geek. I can dig that" "And that's not all," I said, "Not only have they reprogrammed my body, but they seem to have reprogrammed my mind. I'm pretty sure I'm still as intelligent as I was, I don't seem to have lost any reasoning faculties, although, looking at the body I imagined for myself, I could have expected to become a dumb blonde. But I do have a sex drive that accompanies this body.? I finished that last sentence with a grin and reached forward to stroke Clive's cock through his trousers. "I want... no need sex now... I need to feel a hard cock in me and I hope one if not both of you will satisfy my needs." And with that I threw myself in to Clive's arms, I wrestled with his belt, zip and button and wrenched his trousers to the ground. I reached into his pants and wrapped my fingers around his hardening cock, He moaned with pleasure as he kissed me hard and passionately. Then I felt more arms come around me, Paul's hands had come from behind and he was caressing my new breasts and tweaking my nipples. It was my turn to moan in pleasure. Paul's fingers moved down my body and pulled at my trousers, they were now so loose around my waist I thought they'd come straight off, but my arse had grown so much, that they caught on that. Frustrated, Paul continued to yank at my trousers, eventually, the button snapped of and the flies broke, my trousers slid down my legs. Paul's hand slipped under the waistband of my boxers and snaked across to my groin, but stopped... instead of encountering a soft wet pussy, he found a throbbing solid shaft of meat. My cock was straining at the front of shorts. Meanwhile, my fingers were rubbing Clives cock to its full potential. I broke my kiss with him and tried to manoeuvre my head down to his waist. Paul had stopped exploring, so I bent forward, pushing my globes of arse flesh onto Paul's rampant erection and I began to kiss and lick Clives own cock. In my years of crossdressing I had never touched someone else's cock, let alone kissed or licked one, yet now, not only was I bent of double sucking a huge great member into my mouth, I also had an another tumescent cock pushing against my rosebud through my pants.? I wished I was dressed in some of my lingerie, but then realised that most of my feminine clothes probably wouldn't fit my new shemale figure. As I sucked Clive deeper into my willing mouth, running my tongue over and under his cock, I felt Paul tug at my boxers. His lust must have overridden any homophobic urges he may have held. He pulled my shorts down and pushed his cock against my hole. I spread my legs so he had easier access and just waited. His cock nudged against me, I was wet with anticipation, I shouldn't have been able to produce any natural lubricant, but I felt slick as Paul positioned himself to enter me. Then he pushed, slowly. His bell end pushed against my virgin bud. At first there was resistance, but he continued to push, then with an almost audible pop, he slipped in, past my defences. My sphincter opened to welcome this intrusion, as though it was meant to and the cock slipped deeper into me. I moaned with pleasure, no pain, just pleasure. Some part of my mind worked out that the nanobots were continuing to rewrite my internal tissues. They were repairing any damage done by the intrusion of the foreign object, but more than that they were re-writing my cell structure within my bowels to act more like a vagina, that was why I was producing natural juices. Paul had stopped pushing and started to withdraw, I whimpered with pleasure, then he drove further, slipping almost his entire 7" on solid meat deep into me. As he impaled me from behind I leant deep onto Clives member, allowing it to slide down my throat. Then with Paul behind, working the rhythm, they began to fuck me from both ends. As Paul pushed into me deeply, I was pushed onto Clives cock, as Paul withdrew, so my lips slid along Clives meat until his tip was resting against them. I was just their fuck tool, but I was enjoying this more than anything I had ever done before. It didn't take long, I felt Clive tighten first, that telltale clinch of the muscles and squeezing of the balls that men know so well, then he exploded, a glob of cum disappeared straight down my throat, then as he withdrew it, the cock exploded more cum into my willing mouth. I swallowed it hungrily, unable to savour the taste at this time, just trying to take it all in without drowning on the spewing liquid. No sooner had Clive finished his orgasm, I felt Paul clench his muscles and his hold on me tightened. Then he too was exploding his juices into me. But his had a different effect, as the juices splashed against my prostrate I came with a shuddering orgasm of my own, my cock, without anyone touching it exploded, almost in time with Paul's own eruptions, my own cock spat out a stream of semen, more than I'd ever produced before and a mind shattering orgasm, that had started within my arse, spread to my groin and erupted through my cock. At first we just stayed in the position we had been, Paul's' cock slowly deflated within me and Clives cock was still resting against my lips. Then somewhat self consciously, Paul pulled himself out of me and Clive pulled himself away. We looked at one another somewhat sheepishly. Paul and Clive straightened their clothing, but I didn't have anything appropriate to straighten. So I pulled up my boxers, rearranging my now flaccid cock so it was between my legs and then pulled up my trousers. I couldn't fasten them though, so Clive pulled his belt out and handed it to me. I threaded it through the belt loops in the trousers and pulled it tight. I couldn't use a hole to fasten it, as the belt hadn't been cut to handle a 24" waist. "Now what?" Clive asked. "Well we could go back to my place and do it all over again," I said with a smile. "Nice as that sounds, I think we need to work this out," Clive retorted. "You do know you've radically altered medical science... what came before was nothing compared to this." "You have to tell someone and you have to do it now," Paul interrupted. "Oh and can I have some of that serum?"? "Do you really want to risk that, having watched what became of me?" I asked. "Are you kidding, the chance for immortality, of course I'm not kidding." "Immortality, what are you talking about?" I responded. "Your immortal and probably indestructible, and anyone with those nanobots will be the same." "No that can't be right" I said "Of course it is... watch." And with that he grabbed my arm and stabbed it with a scalpel.? "Aggghhhhhhhhhhhh," I shrieked, but then watched as the deep stab wound closed over in less than a second. There was no sign of a wound, just milky white perfect skin. "My god, you're right, I am indestructible, but why immortal?" "Why, because those nanobots will now work to keep you as you are now, your minds image, you'll never age as long as you continue to think of yourself the way you do now and the nanobots will repair any changes that age or disease may bring to the body, you'll never age, never change and never die." With that he grabbed the last vial of serum, filled the syringe and injected it straight into his arm. Clive and I watched as Paul changed. The effect wasn't as dramatic as mine had been. He remained much as he had before, although he grew a couple of inches in height, but his chest filled out, his muscles expanded around his body. It was a bit like watching the old 1980's TV re-runs of the Incredible Hulk. As his body expanded, his clothes ripped around him. His shirt was left in tatters, his trousers ripped around his thighs and his waistband snapped (unlike in the TV show). The rags of his trousers fell of him along with his boxer shorts and he stood there in all his glory. And what glory, his cock previously and impressive 7" of throbbing meat that had filled my arse so neatly was now at least 11" flaccid.? I felt my mouth watering with desire, my body respond to this Adonis stood in front of me. I wanted him, needed him, I had to have him. Clive just stood and watched as Tom, his former male boss, now a transformed nymphomania slut first sucked his best friends new gigantic cock to hardness, then removing his/her clothes she straddled his body and lowered herself onto his mighty member. We fucked each other for hours and Clive sat and watched it all. Paul took me in every position imaginable and I just seemed to take it come back for more. Paul never wavered in his erection, he maintained a tight love muscle throughout. And then finally, he came, filling me with gallons of seed from his huge ball sacks. With that final effort we fell asleep in each others arms. I found out later that Clive, although fascinated by the spectacle in front of him had been deciding what to do and when we finally fell asleep. He downloaded the recordings and went to see the CEO of the company. Well the rest is history, and many books, films, news stories. The film of that lovemaking was the number one downloaded file on the interweb for almost a year. But that was nothing compared to the clamour for the serum.? Within two years over 20 million people had made the change. Of course there were the inevitable horror stories, men and women changed into abominations, they didn't heed the warnings, but despite many attempts to sue us, nothing ever stuck. We had made the risks clear and people took the serum at their own choice. Sure there were a few more serial killers in the world now, and some very strange beasts, all living behind bars and staying that way for all eternity. The State had even tried to execute one guy, who after killing 17 people with his own hands had only been stopped by the police forces own hyped guys. Everything the state tried to do to kill him had failed, even decapitation had failed, the nanobots simply rebuilt the head and refreshed the memories and skills. It was as if the execution had never happened. So he would stay incarcerated for ever.? The worst results were those people with bad body images, such as anorexics, or bulimia sufferers Unfortunately for them, they became what they most feared, and they couldn't even starve themselves to death. Still for most it was a journey of delight. And what of me, well as you know I became Jenny Ditor, there's the joke, eh! I live life to the full, I have lovers, male and female, I've even fathered some children, interesting to see that the nanobots didn't travel with the sperm. So we remain an engineered race. Humans have the choice now, and many have taken it.? In the last 100 years, gene enhanced humans have left the planet and travelled to the stars. No word has come back yet on what they have found, but the people of Earth sit and wait to hear. In the meantime, life on the planet improves daily. War has been eradicated; poverty has gone, although now space is at a premium, so we've populated the planets.? We live life and enjoy it. I occasionally meet Paul, we enjoy each others company. Last time we got together was at Clives funeral. He never took the serum, he didn't fancy his chances. He was never sure what the pesky little bots would make of his body image.? ?

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I’d been friends with Molly for a couple of years at least, mainly because our desks were situated close to each other at work.   We got along very well, but that was it really.   Despite my finding her incredibly attractive, she never really showed any interest in me, so we stayed “just friends”. Once we’d gotten to know each other about as well as platonic friends can, we started to discuss ourselves in a little more intimate detail.   It was nothing more than exciting conversations...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Neighbors Mindy

If somebody had ever suggested to me that, at the age of 55, I would belong to a group of sexual hedonists I would have laughed. Nevertheless, here I am, in a room full of naked, horny people, some of whom are almost young enough to be my kids. Life leads us down paths we never expect, though. Growing up in the Midwest I always sort of accepted that my life would follow the pattern: high school, some college, marriage and kids. That idea was pretty much unquestioned until they shot the...

3 years ago
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Pictures of parents

When my in-laws Reg and Vera got to their seventies they decided to downsize from a large terraced house to a two bedroomed ground floor flat. Through wise investment in the past they were able to buy the flat before selling the house and had to leave a lot of things behind to make the move.A couple of months after moving and when they had settled into their new home they left it to me and my wife Jean to clear the house and put it on the market. All of the furniture, bed linen and kitchen...

4 years ago
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Pictures of Lily Part 2 of 2

When the early morning light crept in through the windows, Jeremy was the first to wake. His dick was long and hard. He molded his body behind Lily and held her. She woke and felt his hardness against the crack of her ass.“Good morning,” she said.“Good morning,” he said.“No regrets?”“Nope.”Lily spun her body to face him and they kissed. She rubbed her pussy against his cock.“I can’t believe I’m in bed with you, waking up with you, I know I’m too old, and you’re too young, but…”“But, what?”“But,...

3 years ago
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Pictures. Old pictures. Some of them photographs, some of them memories in Annie's brain. Flash, click: Lil'Annie, braids, bows, checkered apron. Flash, click: Annie, summer dress, budding tits, long legs, wicked smile. Flash, click: Annie, summer dress, tits still budding, long legs, left hip forward, wicked smile. Flash, click: Annie, in bed, naked, pinching budding tits and rubbing naked pussy. Flash, click: Annie, in front of mirror, naked, admiring growing tits and sparse...

4 years ago
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Aunt Mindy

Aunt Mindy, pt. 1 "Hey Ray!!! It's aunt Mindy.... she says you can borrow her house for a couple of days. Interested?" "Yeah! Great, tell her I would love to!" It was mommy on the phone with auntie. Auntie is about 25 and SO cool! I really get along great with her. I am 18 myself. Quit school cause I didn't like it. I still live at home but I do some PC and web consulting and stuff so I make some money. Mommy makes me pay my share of the rent, but I am saving for my own...

2 years ago
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Pictures of Mother Part 3

A few days later I came home from school and mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She was dressed in her silk dressing gown, wearing black stockings, black stilettos and I'm sure, something delicious underneath!I sat at the table and got started on my homework as she obviously wanted to do a shoot tonight. She told me about her busy day as she was cooking. The sound of her heels on the tile floor and her nylon legs rubbing against the silk gave me an erection and I had a hard time paying...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 63 Mindfulness

March 8, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Michelle and I were sitting in the steam-filled sauna with sweat pouring from our bodies. I had been surprised by her request, but honored it, and as she’d asked, we’d just sat quietly for the first ten minutes. Eventually she broke the silence. “Did you think about what I asked you to?” “Yes. And I think I’ve solved the question of hugs. I don’t hug my guy friends. I don’t hug my parents. Other than my kids, I only hug women who have been, are, or are...

3 years ago
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Pictures Just For You

Pictures – Just For You! I had never considered posting any pictures of myself on my profile page, just because I didn’t want to. I like the thought of being anonymous, mysterious if you like, hence the profile picture of a dark character. I have nothing to hide, I mean I’m not hideous or anything like that, just a normal bloke. You could say I never considered striking up a conversation with anyone either, but that seemed to be the first rule that I broke. Pictures of me, ended up as the...

3 years ago
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Pictures of Mommy Part 4

On Saturday morning, I was mowing the lawn and mom was preparing lunch, we had not decided what to shoot that day, we had to do a hardcore movie and we were out of ideas. I mean I was clueless about sex and mom was hardly a wealth of knowledge either. Suddenly the kitchen window flew open and mom shouted, "I bet the guys would like to see me fuck a carrot!"I will let that sentence hang in the air a moment...... Savor it.... "I bet the guys would like to see me fuck a carrot!"...Truer words were...

3 years ago
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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 5 The Two Lovers Talk

I would have contacted Janet bright and early the next day. But, I had gotten the sense that Murphy had a few more bombshells tucked up his sleeve. And I was afraid that those might turn out to be even nastier than fucking my wife. So before I got around to dealing with my marriage issues, I wanted to first reassure myself that all of Murphy’s latent mischief had been identified and handled. Thus, my first visit on Monday morning was to my system manager. He had his team working all night to...

3 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part Two

Introduction: The nightmare continues as Adam tries to break lesbian Lila. Will she submit? Lila squirmed in her confines as Adam approached her, his demeanor hadnt exactly been sunshine and cuddles before, but now it seemed to grow even darker. His bright blue eyes had lost their humor and light, and instead had become filled with angry determination. Adam, please stop, She begged him. He said nothing and didnt even acknowledge that she had spoken. He crawled into the bed towards her and she...

1 year ago
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The first time my husband mentioned it, I was shocked, but I always said I would go along with anything to please him, as long as it was between us. So he calmed me down and I got dressed up in lingerie and make up for him. I did my hair and when I came out, I looked pretty good I would say for what he called a ‘BBW’ because I had recently had a baby and had put on quite a few pounds since we met. He had me pose in different poses and move freely as I chose as he clicked away with my digital...

2 years ago
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Pictures of Mother Part 5

Friday morning I was the first one up so I brewed a pot of tea and took a cup up to Cindy. I knocked on her bedroom door. There was no answer, so I opened the door and found that her bed had not been slept in.I knocked on mum's door and went in. They were asleep in bed together. There was mom's white vibrator on the floor and a half smoked hand-rolled cigarette on the night stand. The room smelt of burnt rope. I turned around and went back to the kitchen.Fifteen minutes later they both came...

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The first time my husband mentioned it, I was shocked, but I always said I would go along with anything to please him, as long as it was between us. So he calmed me down and I got dressed up in lingerie and make up for him. I did my hair and when I came out, I looked pretty good I would say for what he called a "BBW" because I had recently had a baby and had put on quite a few pounds since we met. He had me pose in different poses and move freely as I chose as he clicked away with my digital...

2 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part Four

Introduction: Lila and Luke get Adam thrown in jail, Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0. Happily Ever After! Or is it . . . The semen inside of Lila was indeed Adams, the police confirmed. They made the arrest the next morning, he was less than happy. You bitch, He hissed at Lila. She watched them drag him into the police department, it took three officers to do it. Adam continued, You fucking whore. Youre lying! You fucked me and you know it! Lilas heart fluttered with fear. Luke sensed it and held her...

2 years ago
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Pictures of MommyPart 6

So Woody, his dad and his granddad gave Cindy a real good rogering. There was no professionalism here it was a straight gang bang and I had to film what I could when I could. Cindy was great she urged the men to fuck her harder and harder. The film ended with her wanting more as her cum soaked body lay on the floor.Hot stuff. She was insatiable!That night Cindy was supposed to go home. She called her sister to have her pick her up at the station. Mom had not been able to get the cum completely...

2 years ago
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 1 The Mindfuck

The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the bucket? Does the pain go away, what if my body gets burnt to ash and I feel it for the rest of forever? “Oh good, you're awake, I was getting bored waiting for you to finish napping.” The warm honey of the girl in the red dress voice filled the...

4 years ago
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As he lay his tired body to rest. His weak and pale body, so drained for energy. So damaged from endless painful years of sickness. He is so tired of the reality of pain. So much he wish he could leave reality to itself. Wish he could escape into his own private world. A world were he would not be sick. A place were his appearance is not regarded as repulsive. A place of love instead of pity. He tries to turn to his side but his damaged lungs can not conjure the air for him to do so. Even as...

3 years ago
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Yuletide Mindfuck

Bleak midwinters. Shane Houston supposed they didn’t get a whole lot bleaker than working Christmas Eve late shift in Cinemagic Video, frosty winds or otherwise. He glanced up from his paperback at the garishly-lit dreariness to check for customers. The drab horror of the place was only emphasised by the few decorations Arlo had cared to string casually about the shelf-tops. God, you’d think the guy might put in a little effort if he wanted to keep his business solvent. Shane had been short on...

4 years ago
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Fun with Mindcontrol

You are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what

2 years ago
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Jack stared at his phone in confusion, but decided to tap on the mysterious app that had appeared. A screen is displayed. M - Mind B - Body R - Reality There's then a ToS section.

Mind Control
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The Mindbender

Dave Morgan was the first of a new breed, better than any ever seen before. He was born with the potential to do anything he wanted, but without knowledge of his greatness his abilities stayed latent for most of his life. For 18 years it was just a spark at the back of his brain. There was no great event that caused the spark to ignite, it had just had enough of not being used and broke free from its prison. And so, at 9:00 am on a chilly autumn Sunday Dave woke up to discover the amazing...

Mind Control
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Club Gomorrah Part 2 The Mindfuck

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter One: Day One.Black, cold, painful and wet. The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the bucket? Does the pain go away, what if my body gets burnt to ash and I feel it for the rest of forever?“Oh good, you're awake, I was getting bored waiting...

3 years ago
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The zamindari system was introduced by british in India. A certain area will be governed by zamindars and they are the owners of the land. They set own rules. When the British were paid with taxes they don’t mind about any despot behaviours. The Raj Thakur is one of the richest zamindar. He pays tax in advance and he is friend for most of the British generals. Their family is ruling our area generation by generation. He has taken charge at the age of 26 and now he is 32. I am Sindhu, born in...

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Good Clean Fun by Outofmind

This is a story about the things you admire, but consider unobtainable. Sometimes, those things just fade away and you remember them only in fantasies and dreams. Sometimes, though, fortune smiles and a beautiful thing falls right into your lap and your dream comes true. Life is about opportunities, and I try never to miss one. This one changed my life.There are plenty of down sides to having your c***dren associate with older k**s… not the least of which is the worry about what they’re getting...

4 years ago
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An April Evening ndash by Outofmind

I’ll tell you about the first time I cheated on my wife. Please read my profile for some context for my views on love and sex. I loved my wife then and, fifteen years later, I love her still. I’ve never wanted to spend my life with anyone else. That doesn’t mean I haven’t taken opportunities or shared moments with other people, though…. On with the story.I spent some time in the military, just after my wife and I had our first c***d and were married. My first duty station was overseas,...

2 years ago
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The Classic Zamindar

The zamindari system was introduced by British in India. A certain area will be governed by zamindars and they are the owners of the land. They set own rules. When the British were paid with taxes they don’t mind about any despot behaviors. The Raj Thakur is one of the richest zamindar. He pays tax in advance and he is friend for most of the British generals. Their family is ruling our area generation by generation. He has taken charge at the age of 26 and now he is 32. I am Sindhu, born in the...

3 years ago
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Yuletide Mindfuck

Shane's Christmas gets wayyyyy better, courtesy of a sexy Santa-girl.Bleak midwinters. Shane Houston supposed they didn't get a whole lot bleaker than working Christmas Eve late shift in Cinemagic Video, frosty winds or otherwise. He glanced up from his paperback at the garishly-lit dreariness to check for customers. The drab horror of the place was only emphasised by the few decorations Arlo had cared to string casually about the shelf-tops. God, you'd think the guy might put in a little...

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MINDBOMB by BobH (c) 2012 - Prologue - HEATHER CONNOR: "Look, Mommy, it's Santa Claus" said Lily, tugging on my sleeve excitedly. I looked in the direction my daughter was pointing and had to smile. With his white beard, his round face and rounder stomach, the elderly man standing near the main entrance to the mall certainly looked the part. He had to be in his seventies or even his early eighties, and had obviously stepped outside to...

1 year ago
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Yuletide Mindfuck

Bleak midwinters. Shane Houston supposed they didn't get a whole lot bleaker than working Christmas Eve late shift in Cinemagic Video, frosty winds or otherwise. He glanced up from his paperback at the garishly-lit dreariness to check for customers. The drab horror of the place was only emphasised by the few decorations Arlo had cared to string casually about the shelf-tops. God, you'd think the guy might put in a little effort if he wanted to keep his business solvent. Shane had been short on...

Oral Sex
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The Mindbreakers

Ingrid knew that she might have ruined her chances of a job, an opportunity to get out of the squalor and misery of the last six months, in that fit of temper that afternoon. The miraculous letter had arrived in the morning and introduced a Mrs Petrak who wished to interview Ingrid about a job opportunity. But then she had to go to work and that bloody woman Rene just would have found an old newspaper at home ? Under the Lino?? and in it details and pictures of Ingrid at the trial two years...

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MindFucker By Dorothy StrangeloveHe was my ultimate fantasy. That's a strange statement considering I'd never seen his face, but as soon as I heard his voice, that was it. I wanted him. His name was Jay Lucas, he worked on the top floor in the office, at least there was a door with his name on but he was never there. He was always calling in by phone and email, and as company secetary I often found myself taking his calls. He had the sexiest voice I'd ever heard. And one day when I took his...

2 years ago
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Incident in Mindanao

INCIDENT IN MINDANAO By Shabbadew2002 Email me at [email protected] Item in a Manila newspaper (March 27, 2007) Professor, writer and peace advocate, Maricel Castaneda, 41, filed a formal complaint today alleging the military illegally arrested her during the Women’s Day on March 8, 2007 and subjected her to molestation and torture.  She claims her 17-year-old son was detained, bound and forced to witness her interrogation. ?I pleaded for mercy for me and my son,? Castaneda said in her...

1 year ago
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Sexy Svelt and Singleminded

SEXY, SVELT, AND SINGLE MINDED Suzy is a killer; good looks and a good body. I?ve told her she is sexy, svelte, and single minded and that she makes me crazy. She tells me she will do anything for me and is submissive by nature. In many respects that?s true but she does have a way of submitting on her terms. I can be quite dominate and she loves me for that. Also she seems to like the size and taste of my cock. We will get married maybe as early as next year. But now we just live together...

4 years ago
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Trousers on Sunday Skirt on Minday

Trousers on Sunday, Skirt on Monday: I was, in my girlfriend Yasmeena's view, something of a hypocrite when it came to my faith and we were having an argument about feminism and her faith and mine following Yasmeena catching me looking at the display of the local lingerie shop window. I remember her saying to me, "Dominic, you are a trousers on Sunday, skirt on Monday, type of Christian." "What do you mean by that, Yasmeena?" I asked looking at her beautiful face and the purple...

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Here I sat, at my computer doing nothing that could be considered constructive towards wider society. On my computer were at least 25 windows open, some were about various animes and mangas, others were Youtube videos I had yet to finish watching, various porn sites sprinkled here and there, and of course a few pages of this site I found not too long ago, containing lots of stories, many of which I took a liking to. Overall, absolutely nothing was going on, whatsoever. Nothing interesting would...

Mind Control
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Women say that men 'have their brains in their balls and think with their dicks' and if there's a grain of truth in that (let's face it guys - there probably is) then Tracy blew my mind regularly! At home and alfresco - in the back of a black cab going home after a night out; in the cubicle of a public restroom; in the park, in the woods and on the beach - anywhere, anytime. In privacy or for an audience; although my personal favourite was after enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast...

4 years ago
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Homosexual Indoctrination Liberty Man Versus Lady Mindtaker

The drone formerly known as robby lined up in three columns with 29 other drones. Some drones were left with, or had programmed into them, some kind of personality, but these were not only docile and willess, but their minds were empty, blank, slates remotely controlled by a surgically implanted chip in their brains. The drones began marching behind their handler, who had taken them off campus in a train that had now arrived at a military base of some sorts. The chip controlling them kept each...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 31 Mindblow

Taylor went off with Ross after the last round on the big bed. Scarlett arrived and took Athena’s place next to Dave so the nanny could head off to her own bed. Cricket returned, too; freshly showered and smelling of jasmine. Alice spooned in behind Cricket. Julie snuggled in behind Scarlett. In the middle of the night, Dave and Cricket and Scarlett made love. He surprised himself coming in each of the women in back-to-back lovemaking sessions that tried to be quiet and not disruptive of the...

1 year ago
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*Before you start reading and just to clarify: All characters in this story are of course at least 18 years old.* *Oh, and if you like, what you read, don't forget to like;) * I was a normal boy, living a normal life, in a small village in a completely unimportant rural area somewhere in western europe. There was really nothing special about me. I wasn't particularly strong or tall. I wasn't the smallest kid in class either, though always somewhat below-average. I was fairly thin too making it...

Mind Control
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Chloe Youre The One I Want

Introduction: Who Says Senior Cant Fall In Love With A Freshman? One fine day a girl named Chloe, a Freshman at Dessen High School, was hanging out in Spanish class with her friends when the new Senior, Kyle, walked into class. Hes only been at Dessen for about a month and hes already made a bunch of friends from the Cheer Squad and the entire Football Team. Hes tall, muscular, has sandy blonde hair, an eight pack, and biceps to match. He has aqua blue eyes and all the girls go crazy for him....

4 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part One

Introduction: A girl in a small town comes out as a lesbian, but her happiness it not long lived. A long time admirer soon seeks to show her what shes missing. It felt amazing, it felt . . . freeing. To be out, out at last! All those years, all those casual dates with boys, all those lies to her parents, and now she was out of the closet. She was a lesbian, and everybody knew. It felt fantastic. She had never liked boys. She didnt know why, exactly, but something about them repulsed her. They...

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Pictures at an Exhibition

Pictures at an Exhibition by Bailey Thayer Life had always come easy for me. I didn't really ever have to apply myself to achieve an acceptable level of success, though I also never truly excelled at anything either. I just took things as they came. I was a "B" student, and I guess you could rate my athletic ability at that level too. Take football, for instance. I had carved out a rather casual high school career as a punter and place kicker. It didn't take extensive workouts for me...

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If Yourre 18 Lovea Father

Life can be utterly confusing, especially if you are an 18 year old hottie, in love with a man of the clothe. Read on!!! Rachel volunteered for a priest – a man of God. His name was Father David and he was a magnificent man, whose gigantic compassion for others was only equaled by the size of his cock. He was her mentor, and she was his Mary Magdeleine. Many months before when Rachel was only 18, she had met the Father late one night, while he was preparing for his Easter speech. She stayed...

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His is bigger than yours

I’m walking along Waikiki Beach down by the park, south of the hotels. It’s late, I’m a little d***k, and I’m trying to catch the last bus back to Pearl Harbor. If I miss it, I’ll have to walk back to my ship to get there before morning quarters, because the first bus doesn’t arrive in time. I’ve got a boner for no apparent reason (unfortunately), and it’s getting sore from rubbing on the inside of my jeans. I’ve recently lost my virginity to a B-Girl in the Philippines, where I also found out...

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**[Sorry for publishing the story without an ending, but I will try to do a chapter every day :)]- - - - - - ** Im a young boy, im 22 years old, i start living by myself and because of that im feeling lonely :( Im new in this town, and i have no friends here, my job suck (it's a callcenter) i need to meet new people fast because im going crazy. I found this dating site MarryYourFuta, i will register here, and maybe il meet a nice and kind woman or maybe the love of my dreams, who know :) This...

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Voyourism 101

I received an education when my husband and I began dating that has taken me and our sexual relationship to a different level and knocked out some old myths for me. I enjoyed watching X-rated movies with him and thoroughly enjoyed the rewards afterwards and I have a few toys in my collection that get occasional use, but had no idea of the adventure I was about to encounter. I had always thought of myself as being a little on the wild side, but I have since figured out my idea of wild was really...

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