MackChapter 11 free porn video

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School and life in general is a routine now: classes, study, exercise, and various fun activities. Mack brought his bow and arrows back from the farm and he uses them at one or more of the local archery clubs each week. He sometimes skips a week due to activities with Tanya.

Exercise Excess

In late April, a couple of weeks after returning from the farm, Mack is out walking around the area because his exercise tonight will be skipped for a planned activity with Tanya’s family so he doesn’t have enough time to go to do his full training plan this afternoon.

Just short of a half hour into his walk Mack is heading down the street on his way back to the house. He’s on the opposite side of the road and a couple of hundred metres from the house when he hears a sound that freezes his blood and makes him dive for the ground: metal snapping under tension. The sound is followed by a clang when a piece of metal hits something, a loud clunk, and a groan. Mack jumps to his feet and races back a few metres to look into the driveway he just passed. He gulps on seeing an old Landcruiser with its front down at an angle and the brake drums sitting on the wheels lying on their side. A man is trapped under the front of the vehicle and two scissor jacks are lying on their sides beside the vehicle with one on each side.

Looking about the street Mack sees a man and a woman standing in the front yard of a house opposite and a bit down the street. He yells out, “He’s hurt, call an ambulance and come help me, please,” before he turns to race up the driveway after the woman waves acknowledgement.

The trapped man’s arms are waving so it’s clear he’s alive and he can’t move his body. Mack gives the vehicle a trial lift while looking at the wheel unit. He can’t budge it. He turns to look in the open garage behind him. On the wall are some thick wide leather furniture straps that won’t take the weight, but there’s also a steel towing cable with D-rings on each end. He grabs the straps and the steel cable before racing back out and around the car to the other side to be closest to where the man is trapped under the car.

The man from across the road is trying to lift the car, and failing. The woman is coming up the drive with two large first aid kits. Mack kneels beside the driver’s side front wheel as he orders, “Get ready to pull him out from under the car when I lift it. Tell me when he’s clear.”

The about two metre tall blond man stares at the much smaller Mack while he wonders how he’ll lift the car. Since he can’t shift it he has little choice except to do as he’s told by Mack. The man picks a spot close to the trapped man where he can grab him and pull him well clear of the car in one go when there’s enough clearance to do so.

Walking up the drive the tall blond woman shakes her head while she listens to Mack’s orders and watches him wrap the steel cable around the axle inside of the brake drum. She wonders what Mack is doing when he doubles the wide leather straps and places them across the top of his shoulders. Next he picks up the double loop of steel cable he’s created and ducks to slip them both over his head, one across his back and over his left shoulder with the other across his back and his right shoulder.

Mack squats down, keeps his back straight, and asks, “Ready?”

Both helpers respond, “Ready when you are.”

For the first half metre Mack rockets up then the slack is out of the cable and he has the weight of the vehicle on his shoulders. He lets out a loud grunt, but he doesn’t stop. He hardly seems to be moving, but he is moving. Very slowly he keeps rising and he’s taking that side of the car with him to slowly lift the heavy car up.

The big blond man watches the gap between the car and the concrete drive widen as he wonders how. When it’s a big enough gap he grabs the man and quickly drags him out from under the car. Seeing the hurt man dragged clear of the car the woman calls out, “He’s clear!” She drops to her knees and starts to check the man out. Both blonds open the first aid kits and grab different things while they work like a well-oiled team in checking the hurt man out while treating his obvious injuries.

Mack stops rising and he starts to lower the car back down. However, he soon learns it’s a lot easier to lift something from the ground than it is to put it down on the ground. He’s about halfway back down when something shifts and he’s pulled off balance. The car drops with a loud thud and he’s pulled down with the car. His head hits the fender hard enough to leave a good sized dent and knock him out.

Both blondes look up at the sound Mack makes when he hits the fender and then the driveway. The woman says, “Triage, one at a time.” So they continue to work to save the man before them.

A moment or so later an ambulance pulls up in the street then backs up the driveway a little. The emergency medical technicians (EMTs) get out and race to the scene with their medical kits. The woman stands and moves away while telling them what she’s done. One of the EMTs takes her place and continues with the treatment while she moves to check Mack with the other EMT helping her.

When the ambulance arrives the sound of its siren causes a woman in the house to look out her window, and to come racing out the back door of the house. She stops to stare at the hurt man. Other watchers soon arrive and look up the driveway as well.

After another few minutes the blond man says, “Stabilised! Let’s get him to the hospital.” They’re careful when they lift the man off the floor trolley he’d been on while working on the car to put him on a gurney and then into the ambulance.

The blond woman says, “The kid’s just knocked out, we’ll take him as well.” She picks him up in her arms and carries him like a baby while she climbs into the back of the ambulance.

Looking at the frightened older lady standing in the driveway one of the EMTs says, “Can you get a lift to the hospital, Ma’am? We’re a bit crowded.” She doesn’t answer while she just stands there and stares.

The blond man says, “I’ll take her, Joe,” while closing the back door of the ambulance. Turning to the other spectators he asks, “Do any of you know who the boy is?”

One woman says, “I think he’s with the new family in number four.”

He smiles when he replies, “Thank you.” Turning to the older lady he says, “Go get your handbag and keys then lock up, Missus Stein. I’ll be back in a few minutes to drive you to the hospital.” She nods yes and goes into the house while he walks down the road.

A few minutes later the blond man is ringing the doorbell at No. 4. Helen comes to the door and he says, “Good afternoon. I’m Hans Olsen from just up the road. I’m trying to identify a boy who was just taken to hospital with concussion. A neighbour said they thought he lived here.”

Helen is stunned, but is quick to reply, “Just a moment!” She turns and calls out, “James, Mack, come here.” James comes to the door and she asks, “Where’s Mack?”

“Out for a walk.”

She turns to Hans, “Just a moment while I get a picture.” She’s soon back with a new photo of the family, and he’s quick to point to Mack as the one on their way to hospital. Turning to James she says, “Call Tanya and tell her Mack is in hospital. I’m going there now.” James nods and he walks away while she grabs her handbag and the keys to the Yukon.

Helen heads to the hospital while Hans goes back to lock up his house and collect Mrs Stein.

Several minutes later Helen is walking to the hospital entrance when she sees Hans park, so she waits for him and the three walk in together.

The Hospital

The blond woman follows the gurney with Mr Stein into the hospital emergency entrance with Mack in her arms. She gently lays him down on a gurney while a nurse takes Mr Stein to a treatment room. Another nurse walks up with a clipboard and asks, “What have we got here?”

She turns to her, “Concussion, possible compression fractures, and sure to be some bad bruising, Mary. I don’t know his name. Hans will be here soon with it, I hope.”

Another nurse walking by looks down and says, “That’s Mack Dean, I see him at the gym all the time.” So the nurse starts filling in the form with his name and what they can from their observations of the injuries.

Mary turns to the blond, “Hildr, I take it you saw what happened?”

“Yeah. Mister Stein was trapped under that tank of a car of his when super-boy here lifted it off him so Hans could pull him out. When he tried to lower the car his foot slipped and it dropped. He had a cable on his shoulders to help take the weight. That pulled him down and he hit his head on the fender, leaving a big dent. It knocked him unconscious. I saw it, but I still don’t believe he was able to lift that weight. He could have fractures and bruises in his shoulders, back, and legs. All but his head and arms were taking the weight.”

The head nurse turns to the other nurse, “Jenny, take him through to radiology for a full set of body x-rays and an MRI. We can do that while we look for a responsible adult for him.” The nurse wheels Mack away as the tall blond woman, Hildr, takes a seat to wait for her ride home.

Some minutes later the nurse is wheeling Mack into a treatment room when Helen, Hans, and Mrs Stein walk in the door. Helen walks over and is told Mack has no serious injuries they can detect but they are concerned he hasn’t regained consciousness yet. The senior nurse asks Helen to complete the paperwork while they give him a close physical examination in the treatment room. The doctor arrives, examines Mack, and sends for the duty physiotherapist. She arrives and gives his back, shoulder, chest, and leg muscles a thorough check out.

Helen is called into the treatment room to discuss the treatment options for Mack. Helen walks into the room and Mack is lying there in just his briefs. She’s not seen him without a shirt on before, so she’s surprised at how well developed his upper arm and chest muscles are. She’s seen him in swimmers and t-shirt in the gym pool so she’s aware his legs are well muscled but she’s not seen the overall effect before. So she’s surprised by how fit he looks, and how sad he looks lying there.

Doctor Lewis says, “Missus Thomas, we’d like to start the treatment of Mack’s muscles straight away. The sooner we start the shorter the period of treatment needed. At this point in time our biggest concerns are the bruises starting to develop on his neck and shoulders, and the fact he’s not yet regained consciousness. Next is concern of overstrained thigh and calf muscles. It appears he didn’t develop any hernias, which is good news. Nor are there any compression fractures showing in the x-rays.” She points to the physiotherapist while adding “Sarah wishes to start treating the muscles right now with a liniment to discourage the development of bruises. Whatever we do he won’t be walking about too well for a while, due to the pain of the strain on his muscles.”

Helen looks at the developing bruises on his chest and shoulders then nods her consent. The physio and the nurse immediately start to rub Mack’s muscles with a strong smelling liniment. The smell is so strong Helen has to leave the room because she can’t stand it.

Soon after she exits the room Helen is joined by Tanya as she’s come to find out why Mack is in the hospital. It’s at this point Helen thinks to ask Hans what happened, so they both learn about the incident and his lifting of the heavy car. Both are stunned by the account. Just when they’re coming to grips with that Mrs Stein arrives to check on how Mack is now she knows her husband will survive. He’s in the theatre to have some minor work done but his major problem is broken ribs which will eventually heal. The four stand around to talk for a few minutes, and then they all follow Mack to the ward he’ll share with Mr Stein when he comes out of the theatre.

Soon after that the three ladies go home for the day. Hans and Hildr have already left for their home.


The next day Helen sends a note to the school advising them Mack is unwell. When she calls in on him at the hospital he’s awake and sitting up talking to Mr Stein. She has to smile while Mack abuses him for not using car stands instead of jacks to sit the car on while working on it.

The physio arrives to start work on Mack’s upper body and legs again. She’s almost finished when Mack asks, “Excuse me, Sarah, but what’s in that gunk you rub on me? It does sting a bit.”

She grins when she replies, “Be thankful of that as it’s the analgesic in it that causes the stinging. It stings only for a little while because it gets in and affects the nervous system to reduce the pain you feel.”

“Ahh, thanks for that.”

Mrs Stein arrives mid-morning and she has a hot apple strudel with her. She soon has it divided into bowls with some ice cream and fresh cream for all except Mr Stein to enjoy a snack. While he watches them eating he asks, “Where’s mine? Why don’t I get a serving of strudel?”

She turns to him, “Stupid old fools who almost get themselves killed because they don’t want to pay for others to do the work or for the right equipment don’t deserve any of my apple strudel!” He blushes in reply. “Anyway, this is for the young man who saved your life. The doctors tell me if you had to wait for a tow truck to lift the car you’d be dead instead of just sore. So you be nice to Mack Dean. If you ask him nicely he may let you have some of his fresh strudel tomorrow.”

Mack smiles at Mrs Stein and asks, “When I’m out of here will you please teach me how to make this delicious strudel?”

She grins and replies, “When you get out of here I’ll teach you how to make all of my desserts, if you want!” He smiles and eagerly nods yes.

For the next few days Mack has liniment applied three times a day, and when he’s allowed to go home late Sunday they give him a couple of tubes of the cream and they tell him to see his doctor on Friday.

Monday morning Mack is slow while he walks to school and around the classes. His first stop is the office to give them a copy of his medical certificate to allow him extra time to move between classes and to give him the option to not participate in any physical activities. A few of his friends ask him what’s wrong and he simply replies, “Hurt myself on the weekend and I’ve a lot of sore muscles. It’ll wear off.”

Most accept his explanation and don’t delve further. Part of this is he said weekend, so they don’t associate his aches with the reports of the incident on Thursday afternoon because the accident made the news that night, but without any names being given.

For the next three weeks Mack is on limited physical activity. Even the gym staff restrict what he can do to what the doctor said he could do, thanks to the nurse from the hospital who knows him telling Merry about his strain injuries. The most exercise he gets each week is walking around the sports oval during the sports afternoon.

In late May the doctor approves Mack to return to his normal fitness regimen. Mack has to get a doctor’s certificate for Merry before he can do his usual routine again.

During this time Mrs Stein enjoys teaching Mack, Tanya, and Diane how to cook her many desserts, and she gives Mack copies of her recipes. The youngsters enjoy learning these new recipes and the related skills.

School work goes as expected and it progresses well too. Mack is in the advanced classes for most subjects, but not right at the top of them. He’s usually either just in or just outside the top ten percentile group.

Mack calls home to speak with Jess and Ann most evenings as well.

June starts like normal with the school work and exercise going well for Mack and family. Merry has some concerns when she signs Mack up for the new city marathon, but does so when he insists he’s fit enough for the run. Both work hard to make sure he’s ready for the race on the third Saturday of the month, just eight weeks after the car lifting event.

The Course

The marathon starts in Campbell Street at the end of George Street by the city’s main park then goes along Campbell Street, left into Crawford Street, up to Uriarra Road, left at Kendall Avenue, left at Canberra Avenue, right into Lanyon Drive, left into Tompsitt Drive, down onto Edwin Land Parkway, left on Cooma Street, down there to turn left on Lowe Street, and up to the finish line beside the park near Morisset Street. Those doing the half marathon do one circuit and stop while the rest go around a second time for the full marathon. The way the course is set out means no part of the city is blocked from access or exit, except for a couple of dead end streets that are controlled while the runners pass by. The rest have small detours to get in or out of their part of Queanbeyan.

The council sets up well for the race by closing off as many affected streets as they can during the race and having traffic control staff on the rest of the intersections. Police manage the intersection of Canberra Avenue and Lanyon Drive. Where possible they have the one lane of the roads used closed to traffic and reserved for use by only the runners. The runners are set to start in five groups fifteen minutes apart, split up by their expected performance times. The intent being to have most of the participants finishing about the same time.

The first group to start will be those who have listed their expected times as being the slowest while the last group will be the professional and semi-professional runners expected to be the fastest over the course, despite starting a full hour after the slowest group. Although the time spent with the start in use is longer it’s not that much longer because the fastest runners will soon catch up with and pass the slowest runners. What this arrangement does is to have the bulk of the runners spread out along the middle of the course at the one time instead of in the first quarter of the course at the start of the race.

Two hundred and fifteen runners register, with most listed for each of the first three time slots, thirty-five in the fourth, and only thirty in the final time slot. The first group will start at 2:00 p.m. The second time slot is for all of the half marathon runners since they should be a bit faster.

Marathon Mack

Not only is Mack the youngest person in his group he’s the only person in these last two groups running in their first marathon. All of the other runners in these last two groups are older regular marathon runners and most are well known to each other from previous races.

Like all runners Mack is required to check in thirty minutes before his scheduled starting time of 2:45 p.m. He’s on hand ready to run a few minutes before 2:15 p.m. so he can double check everything is ready for the event. He’ll be carrying bottles of water and snacks with him, but more bottles of cold water will be ready for him to collect during the course of the race. Merry has people staged along the course to hold them out for him to grab when he passes them.

Mack, Merry, Diane, Tanya, and Helen watch the group before him set off. After wishing Mack a good race the ladies watch him set up at the line. They’ll watch him start then they’ll move off to be ready for him at their set support points because Merry will drop them off by car.

Many of the others lining up and waiting to line up are surprised at one so small and young as Mack being in this group. He just smiles while he gets ready to go when the gun goes off. He checks his pack is secure and well balanced. The two bottles of cool water mixed with one of the approved additives to replenish salt etc. are tight in their holders, so are the bananas in their pouch. All within easy reach while running. Most runners have special running clothes and shoes, Mack tried them and found them too uncomfortable. So he’s running in what’s he’s used to wearing in the forest, loose trousers and shirt in camouflage colours, a giggle hat which is an army cloth hat in jungle green, plus ankle high tan boots with a strong sole and canvas top. Most of the stuff was bought in a local army surplus shop, just as it did at home. His outfit is so different to the rest it gets a lot of attention, more so than his size and age do.

The runners are ready so the starter gets them up and started. A lot take off at a fair jog while Mack starts out at a good walk and increases his speed. He’s a few metres behind the rest when they pass the Lowe Street intersection on the right, but his loping stride has him catching the pack before they make the first left turn into Crawford Street.

Some of those watching don’t realise Mack is slowly working up to the ’race pace’ he wants to run the race at, but they do see he was a bit behind to start with and he’s now catching the pack. Back in the forest he usually went between running and walking, but his planning for this race is to keep up a good mid-speed pace for most of it and to run a few sections to vary the rate and improve his time. He does want to keep all of the uphill bits to the current pace he’s at now. He’ll run on some of the flat areas like the bulk of the stretch along Lanyon Drive.

When Mack takes the curve from Crawford Street into Uriarra Road he’s passed all but five of his starting group and his loping style is very deceptive because it still doesn’t look like he’s running fast, just a quick walk. He’s at his pace for the bulk of the race and he’s chanting when his feet hit the ground; to many it sounds like he’s calling out “Nang” when his left foot hits and “Chow” when his right foot hits. However, what he’s calling out in the tribal tongue is their travel chant which literally translates as ’Walk strong’ and means ’Walk well’ or ’Travel well.’

Mack catches and passes the two leaders of his group before Crest Road, surprising the woman and man concerned because they’re regulars at running marathons and they’ve now reached their main travel pace. They’re smart to stay at their usual regulated pace while they watch Mack slowly pull away at his slightly faster pace.

Approaching the turn into Lanyon Drive Mack is passing the tail of the group before him. A little later he tops a rise and he sees most of this group spread out along Lanyon Drive. He grins as this is an area he plans to run, so he takes a few metres to increase his pace and is soon at his top speed while he goes along Lanyon Drive. Those he passes are surprised he’s running now because they’re all pacing themselves as no one runs full out for a whole marathon. Even running full out his loping stride is deceptive. He slows down for the turn into Tompsitt Drive.

Same as Mack
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****RING RING RING**** Struggling to reach over and grab the phone, I almost fell out of bed as the phone startled me awake. Glancing at the clock through sleepy eyes, I saw that it was 6 AM. Way too fucking early. "Hhhello?" I managed to croak into the phone as I tiredly lifted it to my ear. I was greeted by an overwhelmingly enthusiastic voice on the other end. "Dean! What's happening baby! How's my favorite half-brother!" the voice said. "Jacob, I'm your only fucking...

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InnocentHigh Sofie Reyez Take Home Sex Test

Sofie Reyez is supposed to be going to school, but she is a naughty girl. She strips out of her schoolgirl uniform and hits the streets wearing a super sexy getup. She heads home and all her friends warn her that her teacher is pissed. He sends our stud over to make sure Sofie takes the test she missed at home. But when he arrives, she gets him to help her by helping him first. She rubs his cock through his pants, getting it hard as a rock before whipping it out. Then, she throats it and climbs...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Five

Jamie and I were dragged into the gymnasium by our leashes. I was able to maintain some semblence of movement on all fours, but after the severe buttfucking that Jamie recieved she could barely crawl and was practically being dragged naked across the smooth gymnasium floor by the girls. Even I thought it was a pitiful sight, and I had just moments before been forced to eat another guy's load that had come out of her asshole and landed on the floor!The gym class itself consisted of ample doses...

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Gentlemens Bet

My name is Steve, I’m in my late thirties. I am in realtor. I found myself downtown meeting with some clients. I have a fiancé who was in Mexico on a girl’s vacation. We have dated for 5 years. I have a good group of friends. We mountain bike, kayak and road trips. I knew the Giants had an afternoon game. I decided to stop by a sports bar and watch the game. I had just sat down and ordered my drink. The bar was busy. I had grabbed the last stool. There was a great little play to end the...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 1

After an argument with her mother, Sherri Darnell accepts an offer from her Aunt Lilly of a place to stay where she can complete her art projects. It seemed to be the perfect solution, but a new neighbor presents a whole new challenge. Prelude: For those readers that are familiar with my work, it will come as no surprise that chapter one contains a limited amount of sexual activity, but is essential in setting up my characters and my story. Without it, the story would not make a lot of...

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Educating Sam chapter 1

I was fresh out of my second marriage and was tired of the same old places and faces. At the ripe old age of twenty four, I was bored to tears. My best friend Judy was home from Florida where she had moved with her husband when he joined the Navy a couple years before. We were visiting one night and I was venting to her about how I needed a change of scenery. Everywhere I looked all In saw was reminders of my failed relationships. She suggested that since her husband would be out to sea for...

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Cross Dresser Enslaved

CROSS DRESSER ENSLAVED A Fictional Account Of A Cross Dresser’s FantasiesPROLOGUEI am a cross dresser and a slave to my wife and her friends. Let me tell you how I got this way. Since I was a little boy, I liked being tied up. I had always had a petite, almost feminine body. When I was 15 years old I started dressing in my mother’s lingerie and fucking myself with whatever I could fit inside my ass. I also gave my first blow job to one of my friends. This was my only sexual experience with a...

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The Best SistersChapter 15

On October 4th 1938 Charles May suffered a fatal heart attack at work at the foundry. He was laughing at a joke he just heard about a queer asking a cop where the ferry was and the cop saying in disgust 'You mean you guys got a navy too." At the height of his laughter he felt the muscles tighten in his chest. The pain radiated to his arm as his face cringed in agony. Charles was dead just as he hit the ground. Melissa didn't receive word of her husband's death until the afternoon. She...

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BadDaddyPOV Violet Starr Caught In The Act

One of the worst things you can walk in to is your step daughter being screwed hard by a local fuck boy which is also your friend. The said step daughter, Violet Star, on her back with her legs in the air is not the fairest sight to see. So step dad disciplines her by doing the same thing your friend did to her— fuck her hard. I mean… fuck logic, right? Once Violet is convinced that she needs to get disciplined, Violet just bends her knees and start sucking on step dad’s fat cock. She got so...

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Caught in the Pool

The water in the pool felt good against the warm air of summer, the girls skin sticky from a long days work outside. She had been trying to find a job for months before she finally got one at the local stores gardening center. Because she had to stand in the sun all day long and her pool was out of order, she figured that she could take up her neighbors offer. He knew that her family didnt have the money to fix their empty pool and graciously offered his pool to their service, but only if there...

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Rain Delay

The dark clouds filled the sky and the smell of rain was heavy in the air as the motorcycle pulled into the sixties era motel. On the outside, it looked neat even though it was dated. Any port in a storm as the saying goes. The couple on the bike got off and he headed into the office to check in. They were both in their mid-forties and made for an attractive pair.Beverly pulled off her helmet, her natural red hair pulled into a ponytail allowing her girl next door pretty face to radiate to the...

Wife Lovers
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Cowboy Ch 2

I don’t know what attracted me to ‘cowboy’? Maybe because he was a straight shooting to the point person, with a gentle manner, plus the fact he actually dressed and acted like a cowboy. After our first sexual encounter, we talked by phone many times, about everything from the wild-west, sexual experiences, and fantasies. I felt comfortable with him, and when our conversation took on an intimate nature, it stirred emotions in me I thought were long gone never to arise again. I yearned to meet...

Love Stories
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 4

Chapter Four - I Pay The Price I woke up the next morning, Grace's soiled panties lying on my pillow. The alarm clock! Crap! I'd overslept! I had barely slept in three nights. I had to get it together. But all that I could think about was Grace, and how, when I had my first chance to do so, I'd failed to satisfy her. I hurriedly jumped in the shower, washed, and then practically threw my clothes on. I rushed out the door and caught the King Street Metro into downtown DC and...

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Barrons Ltd Ch 1

“Ouch!!” He said as he reached to the left of the sink and tore off a small piece of toilet paper. “I hate new razors” he muttered as he placed the toilet paper on the newest nick on his chin. “What? Dan, is something wrong?” Heather asked as she turned off the shower. She turned off the shower. She grabbed a towel off the rack and gave her hair a quick drying. After replacing the towel as she stepped out of the shower, she crossed the room and hugged Dan from behind, leaving two wet circles...

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Baseball Season Opening Day Starts With a Bang

My girlfriend Tanya is kind of a Sports nut. She can tell you who plays for almost any team and what their Batting Average is. I used to think it was so funny to see her reading the sports pages every morning. I, on the other hand, am kind of a Baseball dumb blond. No, I am not blond. At least, not right at this moment. My name is Linda. I am almost 20 years old and I go to a State College for a business degree. I am only a freshman because I got a late start. With 4" heels, I stand 5' 10"...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 15 The Ordreg and the Planet Erdmord

The assault frigate with escorts approached the planet Erdmord. The planet was blanketed by clouds as far as the eye could see. Most of the clouds were white and fluffy, however some were dark and foreboding and lightning flashed intermittently. As they descended below the clouds they saw a beautiful patchwork of farms below with tall mountains surrounding the colorful valley. “I wish we could fly,” said Jason to Corvus. “Pilot please inform ground control we are flying in,” said Corvus....

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My first male on male incest

My dad and I had always been close in what some people would call an "odd" way. My mom passed away when I was 3 so dad basically raised me by himself. Growing up we did everything together. Cuddled (sometimes he would be naked) and watched sports, went to games, he would give me baths, and some other stuff. But as I got older I noticed how dad would start to look at me more and more and for longer amounts of time. Well I love sports so when I made my college swim team i was excited. I...

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NeEr Do WellChapter 10

Garrett took off Saturday for the long drive to Ft. Benning, Ga. He would attend OCS there then the Infantry Officer's Basic course before returning home. He was one of the lucky few that got to do his Guard OCS with active army people instead of taking the course on weekends and summers from state instructors. He would complete the course and obtain his commission in a little over 6 months instead of two years by doing that. When Garrett returned he made sure no one knew of his changed...

4 years ago
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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 1

I’ve just come home from work and as I’m walking to the front door, I can hear moaning and it sounds like its coming from our bedroom. I walk around to the side of the house and see our neighbour is standing at our bedroom window in a summer dress. I can see her panties around her ankles, one hand is up her dress and I gather she is playing with herself by the look of ecstasy on her face. One of her big breasts is hanging out of her dress and her other hand is squeezing her erect nipple...

4 years ago
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Kinky reunion between two former lovers

"329, 331, 333..."I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway. I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper. Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it. "335." My eyes moved from the paper up to the door before me....

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Getting To Know My New Friend Becka Chapter Two

Becka The Limousine had taken the M4, freeway leading from Heathrow to the center of London City, then headed to my apartment in the Canary Wharf area, where at Lanterns Court in Trynity Tower was my apartment. It was a simple to me but nice two-bedroom duplex, located on the 16th and 17th floor. It made me so happy that Diana and I were finally together in my apartment. Diana was relieved to be in London with me, and felt safe (or seemed to be) except for her lost bag and stolen...

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Dreams 3 SearchChapter 2

Jake "The Snake" Andrews arrived at the Hilo Airport a few weeks later. He looked like an old homeless man and that suited him just fine. He blended in with the other old bearded men needing a bath. He sat at luggage retrieval of his two beat up dirty bags. He was already booked into a motel that most tourists wouldn't be caught dead in. Jake hailed a cab and checked in. After taking a welcome shower, Jake laid down to take a nap for his body to get used to the jet lag from the...

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Experiencing outdoor Masturbation

HI my name is unni and im going to share some incidents that happened when I went to my friends house in a village which was about 10kms away from my home. When I got there he welcomed me to his home and we chatted some time he was alone that day because his parents went to a marriage. He showed me his porn collection dvds and videos in his laptop then he showed me some pictures of him dressed in his mothers bra and panty and his cut cock which I had seen earlier when we used to go to...

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The Education Of Mrs ConnorsChapter 4

By the time the two women arrived at the pool the next morning, Kenny was already hard at work. The two women were clearly in competition with each other. Peggy had on a white bikini that showed most of her tits, while Donna wore a black bikini which easily got lost in the crack of her ass. Kenny smiled as he walked over at lunch time. "I have to help with the swim club fund-raiser this afternoon and tomorrow," he said, "so I'm going to call it a day." "Oh," both women said...

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A Fool Stumbles Into Love Ch 02

When it came to women Caleb Burkheim was a novice, a true babe in the woods, about as inexperienced as a man could be. Now he liked women, he liked them a lot, it was just that he could never seem to get his ducks in line. He was always on the wrong page, always looking to the left when he should have been looking to the right. His most recent wave of calamities had started with Sandy. Sandy was a real looker, the cat’s meow, the proverbial rose amidst the thorns. In fact those were the very...

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FuckingAwesome Megan Rain Girl Scout Cookies

School girl Megan is out on a beautiful sunny day selling cookies to raise money for a trip when she knocks on the door of J-Mac. After selling 3 boxes to J-Mac Megan is only $700 short to get enough money and it’s the final day. Not wanting to miss out, Megan decides to offer something a little more to get the money she needs. Taking his big dick in her mouth she quickly shows him what a dirty little girl she is before trying to take his big dick in her tight little ass. Will it be enough for...

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the mall restroom

I was visiting the mall one day after work and as I finished my purchases, I headed to the restroom. I entered and turned to the right to head to the urinals. as I walked past the sink, I noticed a young black man washing his hands. He had a bag with him also. I went about my business and as i was peeing, I noticed the young black man take the stall next to me. I will normally check out the person next to me to see if there is anything showing. as I glanced, I saw a hard black cock sticking out...

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Tanks Farewell

[Some of you have never known a man like Tank. I had the privilege. Perhaps this story of fiction mixed with events and feelings quite real will give you a glimpse into what Tank meant to me. I’m putting the story in Romance because from 1968 on it really was love.] * gave me the bad news. The drive to Tank’s funeral wasn’t going to be fun. There was a big storm moving into the area between Salt Lake and the little town in South Dakota where he was being buried. The woman talking...

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Going All In

Note: This is my first story, so any criticism be it negative or positive is appreciated! Please leave a comment and tell me what you think so I can see if I should write a sequel or not! Cheers! It had taken 7 years until Dennis realised how attractive his friend Laura was, but now he could do nothing but stare at her curved, perfect body. They had been friends for years now and no spark was ever felt between them, but now as Dennis watched Laura taking books from her locker before her next...

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My trip to the UAE

Recently I was travelling to the UAE for work.I decided to try Tinder while there.I started talking to a local girl, I introduced her to snapchat,She enjoyed the idea of text, video and pictures dissapearing.I think that made her comfortable chatting openly,she told me she had never kissed a man, held hands with a man let alone been physical with a man.We talked for a few days, exchanged snaps, she was inquisitive about sexual things which I happily tried to explain as well as I could. Few days...

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Elizabeth: A Tale of Owldale Folk.                                  CHAPTER ONE The bed in which Elizabeth’s mother and grand-mother had died, and in which Elizabeth herself had been both conceived and born, was warm and comfortable. The bedroom, however, like the whole of the farmhouse except the kitchen, was icy cold on this February morning before dawn, but Elizabeth was no slug-a-bed and no stranger to cold, and she climbed from under the covers at her usual waking hour. Downstairs in the...

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gangrape I

Sorry m apna naam nahi bta sakti. Meri Umar 27 saal Ki hn aur 2 mahine phele hi meri shaadi hui thi. Mera sasural shuru m tow muje bohot acha laga par kucch time baad muje yaha rehna bilkul pasand nahi aya. M apne pati se bohot Kush thi lekin mere pati aksar office k kaam se bahar hate rehte the. Ese hi ek din jab mere pati Kanpur ja rakhe the ye kahani us din Ki hn. M us din bohot der se uthi thi. Achanak garh Ki ghanti baji aur mene door khola . Mere padosi aye the. Unhone mujse dudh manga ....

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Her name was Camelia. It was such an old fashioned Southern name that fit her perfectly. For most of her adult life, she had taught music at a local school but after her husband passed away, she abruptly quit her job and began teaching piano to students in her home."It's not because of the students," she once told me. "It's the paperwork and the lack of support from the administration. I"m sixty and just can't see myself hanging on there even another week."And why should she? She and her...

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Layla and I

“He dumped me because he found someone else, he said its cause I’m fat and ugly and she’s beautiful” I was shocked at this, Layla wasn’t the skinniest of people, she was curvaceous but nowhere near fat. She was also gorgeous, she had such a cute, innocent face and bright blue eyes that made her look angelic. She had long blonde hair that had a natural wave to it, which was shockingly different to my straight brunette hair and dark eyes. “Hes an idiot, your absolutely gorgeous!” She didn’t...

4 years ago
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Getting Physical

“Oh come on, Mom. Why do I have to do this?” I said defiantly. I was sitting in the passenger seat of my mom’s sedan as we darted down the highway. “You get one every year, Craig. A physical isn’t going to do you any harm! I don’t see the big deal,” said my mother. I could see she was fed up with my behavior and complaining was going to do me no good. I always hated getting physicals. I mean really, some dude gets paid to check me out and see how I’m growing. I don’t need a PhD for that, I...

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Watching my roommate fucking

Watching my room mate fucking!Do you have any idea what it’s like to live in a students dormitory? Lots of sex, fun and sex, so let’s get back to the times when we were students and have fun…It was when I was going to college. I lived in a hostel: it was a big free level building with several sections. Dozens of students from all over the world lived in this place: Indians, Latinos, guys from Saudi Arabia, Russian chicks, several guys from Europe etc. Actually, it was very international...

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Physical Therapy

  A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to the flow of traffic smashed into the rear of my car at a very high rate of speed. The impact was very severe and the paramedics who arrived on the scene suggested that I should go to the hospital and get checked out. There was some stiffness in my back and neck, but I figured it would just go away, and I was really not in the mood...

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The Youth Trap Chapter 3 How his life went on

For the first time since it all happened, John slept well. It must have been the hike. The dinner with Julie, too. And the plan, of course. It was the kind of plan that makes you wake up with a feeling of expectation. The kind that leaves a rush of excitement. It makes you smile the moment you think of it. That is how you know it is a good plan. It should be followed up. Yesterday he saw Frank. He hadn't seen him in a few months and it made him feel a bit guilty to call him now. But Frank...

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The Love Story Of Lakshmi Prasad Part 1

Hi I am Lakshmi, born to a bank employee couple in Delhi. My parents were from Tamilnadu and I grew up in Delhi. This is my first story of love and lust in my teens. I was always in love with men and had my first oral sex in high school with a guy in college in my colony. But about that later.   I completed school and got admission in a college in Bangalore. The college was on the outskirts of Bangalore, I began my life in the hostel there. Initial days were very suffocating as I wanted to meet...

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