War In Two Universes Book 6Chapter 15: The Ordreg And The Planet Erdmord free porn video

The assault frigate with escorts approached the planet Erdmord. The planet was blanketed by clouds as far as the eye could see. Most of the clouds were white and fluffy, however some were dark and foreboding and lightning flashed intermittently.
As they descended below the clouds they saw a beautiful patchwork of farms below with tall mountains surrounding the colorful valley.
“I wish we could fly,” said Jason to Corvus.
“Pilot please inform ground control we are flying in,” said Corvus. “Please tell them the frigate can fly behind us, please inquire if there is enough room for us to land in Dragon form.”
“General Corvus, the Ordreg liked the idea, and they tell us there is ample room for you to fly ten abreast and land. They believe such an approach and landing will have enormous public relations appeal.”
“Pilot, open the large rear door, Jason, hop on my back I’m jumping out.”
Jason saw all his group smiling and the Gromelix looked happy. He and Corvus quickly moved to the front ramp. The frigate was stationary and flanked by two large Ordreg fighters with stubby wings guiding them in. Jason’s fighter escort waited behind them. Corvus leaped out, his armor shimmering in the light. Jason settled in and turned to watch the others following behind. Corvus waggled his wings and the fighters did the same.
It was a glorious day. The threatening storm was distant and to their left. Jason could see sheets of rain heading their way. He linked into Corvus and then into all the others. They were all having a wonderful time. The clouds opened obligingly to show an attractive pale blue sun above. Corvus led all of them into a somersault celebrating the sunshine followed by both fighters. They then speeded up to catch the frigate and head towards the mountains that reached into the clouds.
As they moved lower, Jason could see farmers and vehicles. The Ordreg looked up and watched them. Corvus led his formation into a double somersault. Those on the ground pointed up and waved. Jason and the group waved down at them and the dragons waggled their wings. Ahead of them they could see a jagged rift with interlinking teeth in each side opening in the mountain. The frigate moved further ahead of them, following the lead fighter. The rift was initially dark, but as they drew near bright yellow lights began to flash and invitingly guided them inward. The rift closed behind them with a satisfying clunk. Jason saw a second set of massive reinforced metal doors that slid on railings below. There was a loud satisfying deep boom as the metal doors shut. They landed beside the shuttle in a cavernous hanger surrounded by tens of thousands of fighters and gunships stored on racks one above the other. A transport, floating a yard above the ground came towards them at breakneck speed. Driving the transport was a monstrous creature with legs like tree trunks and taloned feet and six clawed hands with four thick fingers extending from muscular arms. The head look like that of a pterosaur and it was covered by brown plates of chitinous outer covering. It smiled and showed four rows of fearsome teeth.
“Welcome to planet Erdmord, Emperor. Please sit on the transport, Emperor and party,” it spoke telepathically, “and I shall take you to our king.” The driver managed to indicate a great degree of respect as he spoke. He bowed and gestured towards the transport moving his arms on one side simultaneously.
The transport took off at a frightening speed. They rocketed through passageways, leaning as they turned steeply, deeper into the mountain. The passageways were well lighted and were lined with a white shiny covering. They were at least twenty yards wide and ten yards high. On several occasions they came perilously close to the walls as they made turns.
“This is one hell of a ride!” Razza remarked. “My knuckles are white from holding on so tight.”
“Please enter the conference facility, the king and his advisors will be with you shortly. I remember as a child seeing these dragons in flight when we lived in Albos. We went to their planet on holiday. It was a very fond memory,” the guide said opened the door, beckoned them in, then waved and turned and seconds later he was rocketing down the passageway again.
“That was strange!” Corvus noted. “We have not accepted visitors on our planet in my living memory.”
“I loved that ride, it brought back memories of the Kondula Entertainment Park we went to when I was a child,” said Kalalal. “Jason, spending time with you provides a lot of interest as well as entertainment. I love the Lisirra and her ship story. The Gromelix are great. Ships from deep in the ground seek you out to find others in different universes and bizarre creatures recognize you as Emperor. You are finding friends and cutting a swathe through the enemy. You talk to slugs through their hands. I can’t wait to see what will happen next.” Kalalal loudly hummed the theme music of one of the famous Azayal suspense dramas and dramatically waved her arms.
“Kalalal, I think it is all smoke and mirrors. He is all front and not much else. My father will see through him in an instant. My father will not approve of his profligate lifestyle and cavalier ways. Jason, I am onto you. I am watching you. You now are putting our lives at risk deep in the mountain in the hands of our enemies,” said Lisirra.
“You didn’t need to come here with us,” said Sergei. “Who cares if Jason is the one true Emperor or not. He gets the job done. Lisirra you carp and moan about Jason but you stick with us as if you are attached like our wings. What is your problem?”
“Sergei, the King is near, Lisirra we will go and see your father and let him decide for himself what he thinks. We have to go back through your dimension on the way back. If he disapproves of the company you keep, we can drop you off if you like,” said Jason as the king entered the room with his entourage.
The King was in one of the new chassis and was built like a gorilla. He had a refined humanoid face devoid of all hair. He had four arms and looked impressive in golden robes. He had startling blue eyes. He was at least eight feet tall. He smiled broadly and waved the group to sit in the smaller seats. Half of the seats were Ordreg sized, the others were appropriate for Jason’s team. The seats felt like velvet and could be adjusted for height. The chairs like the table floated, unsupported by any visible mechanism. The table was hard and made of smooth black rock, but felt warm. The walls were indigo and projected holograms of family portraits of the Royal Family. They changed every few minutes.
The King introduced himself as King Mechtogt Groffocht and then presented Lachtmort Vomet the Senior Admiral of the armed forces and Greffecht Leptomor Warlord of all forces then Karvosk Nordreg Senior general and his daughter Princess, Admiral Veramacht Groffocht. He then introduced his son Prince Admiral Leftmocht Groffocht. Jason introduced his group.
“Welcome Emperor and all of you. I am delighted to meet all of you. We were once loyal subjects of the Emperor and great friends with the Uzliumbax. We are embarrassed at how we were fooled for so long by those Grork criminals. By the time we realized what was happening we were under telepathic control.
“Princess Chamadar my most abject apologies for waging war on the Zaos.”
Lisirra glowered.

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